ATTENTION DEALERS! NNQCNCES to all who trade lu Suubury, that 2. V ho hns just purchased a I .A It j II NTOCIC of writ fSilieuH N E AV GOO D S, V'ldch ho offers at his old s land, near Covert's Hole west end of Slurkct S'juare, very tllEAP Foil CASH Or if that will njl do. just ns cheap for c o i ; t u v it o i c :.. Win Mock consists uf a large assortment of JIAiS. ROOTS. caps, hu'es. co atp. salt, pant?, soap, vests, eiushes. 1 1 a is D w a n k. u 1 1 :i : n s w a r. k , snd5 other articles nllogulhrr too numerous to men. t toll . CALL AND SEE. Sunbury, January 3. Uti.'l. K'-rtliili; llliilroilll. SUMMER AKEAITGFMENT (1 HEAT THINK LINE from llic North and I North-West for Philadelphia. Now Y'sik, Head ing. Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown. Kiistnn, Ac. Train leave Hnnishiirg for Philadelphia. New- Ynrk. Rending. Pottsville. and ull Intermediate Stations, at H A. M., and 2 00 P. SI. Now York Express loaves llnrrishurg at 2 l." A. M , iirriv 1115 nt New York nt U 16 tlie same morning. Fares from Hnrrisburg : To New Y'oik $6 1 6 ; to Fhiladel -l.1a S3 Si and 2 SO. Eaggugc cheeked through. Roiiinnntr. lonvc New Y ork nl 0 A.M.. 12 Noon, mi I ? I'M. (I'iit-biirgh Exprcs-1. Leave Philudel 1'litn nt 8 i; A M. and 3 .Hi I Si. Sleeting cars in Hie New York Express Trains, through found from Pittsburgh without cluing". Passengers by the Cattawisa Rnil Knad leave Ta n.aqtia at 8 60 A. M . and 2 16 P. M., for Philadel phia. New-Y'ork. and all YWiv Point?. Train leave Pottsville nt V 16 A. SI., and 2 20 P. M.. for Philadelphia, llamshnrg and New Yoik. An neooicni"'1 a I ion Passenger train leave? Heading r.i n (in A. SI., uud return? from Philudch hia nt 6 00 P. SI. V All the above trains run daily, Sundays ex empted. A Sunday train leave Pottsville nt 7.30 A. SI., itnil Philadelphia at :t.l.i P. SI. Cnitimittalioti. Mileege, Scnsjen. and Excursion Tickets, at lcdjced rates to and i' all lvnints. G.A.NICOLLS, Slay 2, 1 SO-T. (iencrul Superintendent. .iOII.X IVVt l..'ll T .V CO., iiA.vt fArrrnnns or G .V Ij E R A. T XT 3 , SITEE-CARR. 01" SODA. Ac, And Pole Amenta in the City of New Y'nrk for CREAM OF TART All SUBSTITUTE, Invented by l'rof. Ebcn N. Hursford, of Harvard 1'r.ivcrsity. OtTiee, II Old Slip, Hanover Square, up yliiirc) NKW YORK. f PUT hifh price whieh Cronm of Tartar coinninnded 1 in ISM, topelherwilh the nlrnnn( extent to vhieh ii1 d.tnrrerotii n-lulter'Uion had been carried, vith ither eon."idvration. indueed the di.tinpui.-hcd Chrmit. vhoe niuue ivt n ali ive. to commence vhat roved to be n long and ldloou,, fcientifio ie fcnreii, to discover a desirable substitute tlieret'or. If if ejlortp were crowned with abundant FUPce.. and liur.drcils of tlioufnndp of )ound of the ub.titute l.nvc Iiecn Fold nmt u.-ed during the lact fivo jcnin, tiirvb.out ihc United Stale and the f.uundn. The f'.-'lowinj; true eonipai-i.-ou ff its nature and the results of in ne. with thoo of Cream of Tartar, tviff enrviorc the nif.t inoredulon (.f it? value. Cream of Tartar i? a bi-tarlrate of Potash. II: h, .Kb.-titi;te is a simple l'hos diate, nud contain" rothinj; but what is found in beef-steak, and in corn, v heat and other cereals, rud is thereforo highly I'Utritiou3. It uUo ha n heilth-pivinj; inliucuce, i nd pupjilies that for vhiuh there ia n constant de mand in the system. I It is sold fur a much less priec thau Crcnni of Tarbr. Slareh 21 . lC'ly bij7nT)s"Tnd shades. If. J. V II.LIA.MS. No. 10 North Sixth Streot, Phil de1hia, Slanufacturer of Yt'iirlinii IIIIikIm and Wlntlow Slindo. Tie lurjrest and finest assortment in the city.nt the Towest priee. Itlinds Painted and Triiuiuod equal to new. Store Shades mudc and lettered. April 4, 1863. 2in 1'maiKIiii I !'. nriiUILT AND IH-FUltNISIlEn. Cor. Howard and Franklin Street, a few Squares West of the Kortherii Central Ilnilrond Depot, UALTl.MOlij;. fir- Tmtiis, $1 i':n l).v. (. LLISENIIIXU. Proprietor. July 10, lSuO tf 'J'o .crvoiiM !iiir-i'i'N ot'ltolli itioxou. A REYKHENI fi KNTLUSI AN havinc been rc- stored to health in a few davs. alter underitoinu nil the n.-iinl routine and irregular expensive modes ot treatment, without sueL-ess. considers it Ins sucred duty to coniuiuuieaiu to his atllieted fellow creatures the mi:as ok i i itK. Hence, on the roei ii.t of an addressed envelope, he will send (free) a copy of the prcierption uca. J'ircel 1.1 l)n. JOHN SI. HAONAI.L. n Kullon Street, lirooklyu, N. Y Janunry 21. ls'i:i. 0 N and nfter November 17, 1802, iruius will run a- loiiows : MuYXNU SULTil. Prrtzht A Lcftvc Sernntnn. A. SI. III. IS A. SI " KiiiKston, H SU 11. HI P. SI. ltnpert, ii.::u " Hnuville, 1205 Arrive at Northumberland, 12 45 P. SI. SIOVlNi) NOHTM. Leave Noithunibcrland, 5 2il P. SI l'auville, G.u" ltupert, C.';. " Kingston, 8. Ij Leave, 1 )') P. SI Arrive nt Seniiiton, P. SI. ;i.4il A Pa-sener Train nl o leaves Kingston at 8 00 A. SI., lor Seranton, to connect with a train for New Y'ork. lieturnin, leaver !er:iiitou on arrival ol train from New York, nt 4.1 j P. SI. The .1 l;l' ltai'rond rotineet. villi the lJ laware, J.aekawnui.u and Western Hail load a! Keitintoii, fur St Yolk and inteiuicdiute oiuts east. At liupert it eonnc' ts with flic Cuttuni-Fa Pnil Tiad for points hoth east and west arming at Phi! Kdelphia at 0.15 P, SI. At Northumberland it connects with the Phiholel phia .V Erie Ituilroad and Northern t'eutri.l Itail rood. for p,dnH west an l south Pa-.-, i:eiit tin i inr lit llarri.-l.11rn 4.50 P. SI .; Philadelphia 10 1'. SI.: and li-ilt'ipore 111 III P. SI. Ilie l'reiht an.! Pam-iiL'ers Train 10 rlli. b iive. J"i:r! land af 0.45 A SI., arrins at V ..Hi P 4u., pajstny jiimllle at ::! P. Al JOHN p. li.Sl.EY, Sup't. nil 'ii ket Agent. J, . Ki.1.9 General To Coni.iiinptlK.s. rpHE Advertiser Iniviu.j been restored to health in 1 a few weeks, by a very simplu remedv. atn r Laviii.s 1 several years with a .eu ro linig ut J. ctiou. and that drc-s di.-oa-e. '. nsuinpimn u x. jou' to miike knonu to his fcllcn-ruuct. tho means of cure. To all who desire it. h"" will s. ml n copv of the preseiiptioi, ut-ed (free of eha.g".) with tho diieclions Jor preparing and using the same, which lln vwill lind a sine eule for Coiisumpi ion, A-lbma. Rr,tn tliitis te. The only object nl ihe u.lvi I use iu srml ing the IV -riptiuii is to benUil the alllletcd. uud S ; ad intoi'lna'.ioii which hi conceit c lu be iuvulu- 1. ble, ami he hopts c civ sutlerer will try his remedy, it w ill cist llieiu iicthiug, und may prove u bless ing Rev. EDWARD WILSON. Williaiiisbuigh, Ring. County, New Yuik. April 11.IWW.-Sin SEED POTATOES FOR SALE. ' AA RUSHERS, f liOODRICH Sseodlingscom UiM; pri.-ing the following varieties: Garnet Chill, Cui-o, tVutiul City. ChIIuo and Pinkeye Rustyeont. Abttjo bii-bt-U of Early dunes, price fr2 -rfl per l l.l deliveitd al the Plllil. 11 depot. 'J ho bid locoe,. linn as noiuyol the soils as you choose. Package. uf ta. h soil jviit by icsil it i.uJJ ut 2. 'i eu em h. v '"ali I i accompany all oi.l. rs. Itif.rence giuu if d P M'TTON, Itansi.m. Liu Co , P. April lit, InoJ - 2iu iti;ci i, i i 1:. ON ud alter July iJL, i.M.i Ihe priv.le? of iv.n w iiiuji Hie .a. Mtui Ltu A I. I y V 1 1 1- H "'1 1 " 1. I) 1I1L NAll.iN AL M pill t hi.VI' il.'IAN w.iuiuu,iily e.dkd 'Jrnu iwniiius-') will All oho wi !i In ini.u.1 iu the Vivs l eniy J."ii tuu--l, lLitcl.,11,, up : Uiuio the I -I of J IV ual J.W iilkl.. Si llll'llot A. .KM. , V" IHr 'lli 1 uiud.iibia .11.I II Jii -in, THE ALL SUFFICIENT THERE. THE GREAT AMERICAN EIMEDIEF. Know at"IhlmMrt GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ. HlXSinOI.D S EXTRACT "ni ClIV." FATtPAPAHII.T.A IS1PR0YED HOSE WASH. HELMBOLD'S OENUINIE PREPARATIONS HIOIILY CONCENTIIATE1)" COSirOUND FLUID KXTIvACT KUC1IU, A Positive and Ppccifio Remedy For Pi -en-es of the ET.ADlir.n, KIHNEYS. OUAYEI.. AND DROPSI CAL SWELLINGS. This Sli dieine inercne(i the pnwer of Dieestton. and excites the Absorbents, into hetltby action, by which the Waterv or Culeerons duTsisitious. nud all Unnatural Enlargements nrc reduced, ns well n. pain and inthiniiiiMion. and good for men, women, or Children. ll'.I.9IIOI.IN lATItKT ltI'Blt' FOK WEAKNESSl-S Arising from Excesses. Habits of Dissipation, Early indiscretion, or Abuse. Attended w ith the following symtoms : IndispoMti.i to Exertion, Los of power. Loss of Slemoiy. Dinienlly of Breathing Weak Nerves.' Trembling Horror of Disease, Wakefulness. Dimness o( vision. Pain in the back. I niveisal Ln'ssitude of the Flushinz of the Loly SIiki nlar System, Eruptions on the Face, Hot Hands. ' Pallid Countenance, Drvness oi the Skin. These symtoms. if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follow I SI POTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who enn say that they are not frequently followed by those direful dueases," INSANITY AND CONSUSITTION, Slany nrc nwnrc of the cause of their suffering, hut none w'ill confess. The records of the innno Asy lums and tho melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample witness to tho truth ot the assertion. The Constitution, onco Affected with Orgnnic Weakness. Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and in tiuitrnte the system, which "Helmbold's Extract lliiohu" invariably docs. A trial will convince the most skeptical. FEMALES, FEMALES, FESIALES, Old or young, single, married, or contemplating marriage. In many affections peculiar to Females the Extract Ilui liu id unequalled by any other remedy, an in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity. Painfuluess. or Suppression of the Cusiomary Evueualions. Ulcerated or Schirmus state of the Uterus. Leucorrhea. or Whiles Sferility, nnd for nil complaints incident to the sex, w hethcr urising lrom Indiscretion, Habit of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANCE OF LIFE. Sec symptoms above. NO FAMILY SHOULD HE WITHOUT IT. Take no Pnlsnm. Mcrcurr. or Unpleasant Medicine for Unplciioitnt and Dangerous Diseases. IEi:i,.MICOI.IS EMKKT m CU Cures SECRET DISEASES In nil their stages ; nt little expense; little or no change iu diet ; no inconvenience. AND NO EXPOSURE. It ctiuses frequent deire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing nnd curing Strictures of the Urelhra. allaying pain und inflammation, so frequent in this classof diseases and expelling Poisonous, Diseased, nnd Worn-out Slatter. Thousands uin Thousands WHO HAVE P.EEN THE YICTIS1S OF l MCSiS, And who hnvc paid Heavy Fees to be cured in n short time, have found they were deceived, and that the op,, ison'' has, by the use of '-Powerful Astrin gents, been dried up in the system, to break out iu an aggravated fofm, and Perhaps after Mai rlagc. USE U tKI.i: lt01M-S l-.XTKACT 1(1 III For all Affections und Diseases of 1111! URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in Slide or Female, from whatever cause originating, nnd 110 matter OF HOW LONG STANDING. Idsens 'S of theso Organs requiro the uid of Dll IIKTIO. IIELMDOLD'S EXTRACT BUCTIU Is the Great Diuretic, And it is certain to hnvc the desired effect in all Diseases, for which it is recommended. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! Ilelmbold's Highly Conceutiated Compound Fluid Extract Sursapurilla, Syphilis. This is nn affection of the Rlnod. and nttaeks the Sexual Organs, Linings o( the Nose, Ears. Throat. Windpipe, and other Mucus Surfaces, making its appearance in the form of Ulcers. Hclnilild's Ex tract Snrsapariiln purifies the lilood. and removes all Scaly Kruptton of the Skin, giving to the Complex ion a Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepared expressly for this class of complaints, its Hlood-l'uri. Iving Proprietors are preserved to a greater cxtcut than any other preparation of Snrsapariiln. Ht'tmltoltrrt It 04' l An excellent Lotion for Diseases of a Syphilitic Na ture, an 1 as an injection iu Diseases ot the Urinary Organs. ariing from habits of dissipaticn. used in connection w it h the Extracts Ruchu and Sarsiiparilla in such as reomuieuded. Evidciiecoi themost reKponsiblo and reliable chur ncter will accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES oF CURES, From eight to twenty years standing, with names known to Scicrce and Fame. For Medical properties of Ruchu, see Dispensatory the United Slates. See Professor Dcwccs' valuable, works on the Practice of I'by-ic. See remark's 111111)0 by the Into celebrated Dr. l'hvsick. Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. Ephraim McDowell, a celebrated Physician, and .Member of tho Royal College ,.f SureoMins. lr. laud, and lubli.-hed ill the ; Transactions of the King and ijueeu's Journal. 1 See Sl-ilieu-Cirurgieal Revivw. published by ; Rcniuuiii Trai cis, Fellow of the Roval of Surj'.'ons. See must of tho Into Standard Works on SIcdi cine. Eatuact Ri rill', SI 00 per bottle, or six, f a 00 " S IISAI'Altll.I.A 1 00 ' alio lMfitoM:nll,,k.; Wami. 60 ' " 2 Ou Or hi.ll a.biicn.if each for 12 no. which, will be 1 " 1 " " " euro me musi onsiiuaie cil-i, 1! direction lire n lhered to. Deliverei tu any address, securely packed rom uliservanou. I 6'Deseribesvuii,lm, In l coinmunieaiions. I tiles gnaruiilccU. Advice gratis. AFFIDAVIT. .i.IJ,'7'Ml!y r,;TriIl"!P're " Alderman of the city of Philadelphia. JL , jleni,ia, wh ht duly sworn, doll, say, hi. prUwraiiui, contain n" iiareolie. uu mercury, or other injurious drugs but are purely vegetable. "' H T. llELMUOLD. Sworn anil described before me, this 22,1 dav of Novni, I.vi4. WS1. P. llllibARD, Alderman, Ninth-sUcet, above Race, Phila, Addrcw letters for information in confidence. JI. T HEEMROLD, Chiuiut. Dipul lot South Tenth i.eet, l.tluw Chestdul Phila. Jit WARE OF t'OUNTERFFITf) And Uuprincipled Diulets Vliu Cndear Uj .11smso oof (heir own" and ''other' alio le. eu the fupuUtioii attained by JKlinbold (liiiuii.c Preparations, " ' f Hint Rltehu, " " " Si.rarllla, " ' I ui proved huw O'h - S"l I by ull Druggikls irvbere A.-U FoK tlLLUUuLD ATAkE NOOTIiER ul out Ilia adverliseiuei.l. aud tai for it, And Av td uiiii.iii aud I.Aputure t iiuaiji sj 1 f DR! SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, the GREAT REMEDY F'or Kht'iimativn, Cout, Xriirttlgin, Lumtmffo, Miff' Aerk-awl Jouit, t-pratn, Jrumrn, 'Cvt i'vit H''ivH(n, Mi, H mhirltc, and all Jlheiimatie mid Xcrcou D'uorder: For all of which it is a speedy and certain remedy, nnd never fails. This Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, tho famons bone setter, nnd has been used in his practice for more than twenty years w ith the inat astonishing success. As nn Alleviator of Pain, it Is unrivaled by any preparation beforo the puldic, of which tho most skeptical limy be convinced by a single trial. This Liniment will cure rapidly and radically, Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thou sands of eases where it luu been used it has never been knrtwn to fail. For Neuralgia, it will nfford Immediate relief iu every enso, however distressing. It will relievo the worst eases of Ilcndaeho in three minutes, nnd is warranted to do it. Toothache nlso will it cure inslnnlly. F'or Nervous Debility and (Jcncrnl Lassitude, ari sing from imprudence or excess, this Liniment is a mos- happy and unfailing remedy. Acting diroesly uion the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivifies the svstem, nnd restores it to elasticity and vigor. For Piles, ns nn external remedy, we claim that it Is tho best known, nnd wo challenge the world to produco nn equnl. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give it'a trial, for it will not fail to nfford immediate relief, and in a majority of cases will effect a radical cure. yuiney nnd Sore Throat aro sometimes extremely malignant nnd dangerous, but a timely application of this Liniment will never fail to cure. Sprains are sometimes very oleMiiiMto, and enlarge ment of tho joints ts liable to occur if neglected. The worst cso may be conquered by ihis Liniment in two or throe davs. Hruises. Cuts, Wound". Sore". Ulcers. F.iirns nnd Scalds, yield readily to the wonderful healing pro perties of Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, when used according Mo liireetions. Also. Chilblains, Frosted Feet, and Insect Rites nnd Stings. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, the Great Natural Roue Setter. DR. STEPIIEjV SWEET, of Connecticut, is knvnn all over the United States. PR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, is the author of "Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liuiiuont." Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Rheumatism, and never fails. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet's Infnllible Liniment Cures Rums nud Sonld immediately. Dr. Sweet's Infnllible Liniment Is the best known remedy for Sprains and liruises. Dr. Sweot'B Infallible Liniment Cures Headache immediately, and wus never known to fail. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Affords imiucdiutc relief for Piles, and seldom fails to cure. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Toothache in one minute. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and Wound immediately nnd leaesno scar. Dr. Sweet's Infnllible Liniment Is the best remedy for Sojes in the known world. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Has been used by more than a million people, and ull praise it. Dr. Sweet's Infallible) Linimpnt Taken internally cures Colic and Cholera Slurbus. Dr. Sweet's 1 11 full i bin Liniment Is truly a "fiicnj in need," and every family should have il at baud. Dr. Sweet's Infnllinle Liniment Is for mile by all Druggists. Price 25 and 60 cents. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. DR. SWEET'S IXFAI.I.IRI.E LINIMENT, as ail external remedy, is without a rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily than any other prepa ration. For nil Rhcumiitiu and Nervous Disorders it is truly infallible und ns n curative for Sores, Wounds. Sprains, liruises. Ao.. its soothing, healing nnd jKiwerlul strengthening properties, excite the iust wonder uud ustoiiishuient of all wdio have ever given it a trial. Over one thousand certificate of 1 remarkable cures, performed by it within the lust two years, attest the fact. TO HORSE OWNERS ! DR. SWEET'S INFAI.LIRLE LINIMENT FOR HORSES is unrivaled by any, and in all ease of Ltiuieness. arising troin Sprains, liruises or v reneli ing. its cllcct is magical and certain. Harness or Saddle Galls. Scratches. Slungc, Ac, it will also cure speedily. Spavin nnd Ringbone may be easily pre vented and cured in their incipient stage, but con firmed case are beyond tho jtossibility of a radical euro. No case of the kind, however, is so desperate or hopeless but it may be alleviated by this Lini ment, aud it fiiithluf iil'plicalioll will always remove tbe Lameness, and enable the horses to travel with Comparative ease. EVERY HOUSE OlYXEli should havo this remedy nl hand, for its timely use nt the first appearance of Lameness w ill rtleelually prevent those formidable diseases, to which all hor ses arc liable, and which render no many otherwise valuable horses uearly worthless. DR. SWEET'S Infallible Liniment IS THE SOLDIER'S FRIEND, Aud lliousuuds have found it truly A. FRIEND IN WEED I 4uuItu, To avoid iiup..iilu, oUerva the fcigiialure aud i'lL. ,,r "'l'hn Sweet ouer label, and 1 1 '' ? ' lufallibl. Liiiiiueut' blown i",!u.ul "boul,, .iihoul wh,cl. noli, ar. IUCHAKDSOX 4 CO., bole Propilciuct, Nufwick, C. W11UUAX AU.tS, Auu, aoiiisu, N.w Vuik Sold by all ds.Urs ttrvri, M.'h il. lrJ -ly CATIIA11TIC PILLS OPERATE hf their powerful Influence on tht internal viaccra tu purify the blood and stimu late it into healthy artion. They remove the obstruction of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organ of the body, and, by restoring their irregular action to health, correct, wherever they exist, such derangements as are the first ranses of disease. An extensive trial of their virtues, by Professors, Physicians, and Patients, bas shown cures of dan gerous diseases almost beyond belief, were they not substantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. TUeir certificates arc published in my Amerionn Almanac, which the Agents below named aro pleased to furnish free to all inquiring. Annexed we give Direction! for their use In the complaints which they have been found to cure. Fok Costivenkss. Take one or two Pills, or such quantity as to gentlv move the bowels. Cos tiveness is frequently the aggravating cause of, and the cure of one complaint is the cure of both. No pprson can feel well while under a costive habit of body. Uencc it should be, as it can be, promptly relieved. Fob DYsrp.psiA, which is sometimes the cause of Coj.irrncM, and always uncomfortable, take mild doses from one to four to stimulate the stomach and liver into healthy action. They will do it, and the heartburn, body burn, and tmilbimx of dyspepsia will rapidly disappear. When it has gone, don' torgot what cured you. For a F'ovl Stomach, or Morbid Inaction of the Howell, which produces general depression of the spirits and bad health, take from four to eight Pills at first, and smaller doses afterwards, until activity nd strength is restored to the system. Fob Nervousness, Sick IIkahachr, Navsfa, Pain 111 the Stomafh, Back, or Side, take from four to eight pills on going to bed. If thev do not oper ate sufficiently, take more the next day until they do. These complaints will be swept out from the system. Dou't wear these and their kindred dis orders because your stomach is foul. Fob ScncPULA, Khtsivklas, nnif all Diteatet of tht Skin, cake the Pills freely and frequently, to keep the bowels open. The eruptions will gener ally soon begin to diminish and disappear. Many dreadful ulcers nnd sores have been healed up by the purging and purifying clfect of these Pills, and some disgusting diseases which seemed to saturate the whole system have completely yielded to their influence, leaving the sufferer in perfect health. Patients ! your duly to society forbids that you should parade Yourself around the world covered with pimples,, ulcers, sores, nnd all or any tif the unclean diseases of the skin, because Joui system wants cleansing. ' To Pi liti'Y thr Ri.non, they nre the best medi cine ever discovered. Thev should be taken freely and frequently, and the impurities which sow t'ae sccus of incurable diseases will be swept out or the svstem like chntf before the wind. Hy this property they do ns much good in preventing sickness as by the remarkable cures which they arc making every where. I.ivse Complaint, Javnmcf., and all Piliota AJfrrtiant arise from some derangement either torniditv, congestion, or obstructions of the Liver. Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and render it unfit 'for digestion. This is disastrous to the health, and the constitution is frequently under mined hy no other cause. Indigestion is the symp tom, (.instruction nt the duct wlncli empties the bile into the atomnch causes the bile to overflow into the blood. This produces Jaundice, with a long and dangerous train of evils. Costiveness, or alternately costiveness and diarrhoea, prevails. Feverish symptoms, languor, low spirits, weariness, restlessness, and melancholy, with sometimes in ability to sleep, and sometimes great drowsiness ; sometimes there is severe pain in the side ; the Rkin and the white of the eyes become a greenish yellow j the stomach acid ; tlie bowels sore to tho touch j the whole system irritable, with a tendenev to fever. wliich may turn to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious diarrhcra. dvsenterv, Ac. A medium dose of three or four Pills taken at night, followed by two or three in the morning, aud repeated a few days, will remove the cause of ail these troubles. It is wicked to suffer such pains when you can cure them for 2o cents. itllKl MATlsM. Uot'T. and all Inflammatory Fe- vert are rapidly cured by the purifying effects of these Pills 1111011 the blood nnd the stimulus which thev afford to the vital principle of Life. For these and all kindred complaints they should be taken in mild doses, 10 move tlie tiowets gently, nut treeiy. Asa Dinnfk P11.I., this is both agreeable and useful. No Pill can he made more pleasant to take, and certainly none has been made more effectual to the purpose for which a dinner pill is employed ri!KPAi;i:ii nv . Ilt. J. C. AYDIt A CO., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS., AND SOU) nv S.ld by Friling A Grant, ond R. A. Fisher. Sunbury. Dr. R. R. McCoy. Northumberland. ,T. V. Cuslow, end C. Rrown, .Milton. J. Chrismun, Turbutvillo. Hersh t Co.. Sit Tunnel S. Rergstresser, Elysburg. Wiest. Slahonoy, Weaver A SlcWillinms, Paxiifos, Aud Dealer Everywhere August 2. LSf.2 ly Economy is Wealth! C! lii: voi it 01 ;ii I'oit 1 :. The REST and CHEAPEST Household RES1EDY in the World. .iiiifiaiiK- tixtc iosca i:ics CHEAT COUGH REMEDY Maoamf ZADOC POR. '11H .S Curativo Ralsani is warrant eil if used ac cording to the directions, to cure in all cases Coughs. Colds, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all affections td the Throat and Lungs Sliidame Zudoc Porter's Ralsam is prepared with all the requisite care and skill, from a combination of the best remedies the vegetable kingdom aflords its .cmcdinl qualities nre based nn itspuwui'to assist the healthy and vigorioiis circulation of the blood. Mood, thro' tho Lungs. It is not a violent remedy, but euiolient warming, searching und effective ; can be taken bv the olilcsl J person or youngest child. VC Madame Zudoc Porter's bus been in use bv lie for uver IS years and bus acquired it pre sent salo simply by being recommended by those who havo used it to their ulllicted friends and others Most Important. Madame adou Porter's Cura live llnlsum is sold ut a price which brings il in the reucb of every one to keep it convenient for use The timely use of a single botile will prove to be worth 100 times its cost. NOTICE Suve your Money ' Do not be persua ded to purchase articles at Is to I which do not con tain the virtues of u 13 cent Rottleol Aladamu Por ter's Curative HiiImiih, thu cut of niuuiifocturing which is as great as that of almost any other medi cine ; and the very low prieo at which it is sold, makes tho profit to the seller apparently small, and unprincipled deulers will sometimes 'recouimend other medicines on which their profits aro larger, un less the customers iusisl' iihhi having Maduuie Por ter's aud none other. Ask lor Madame Porlcr Cii ratii c RiiImiiu, price I.H cents, and in Urge bottles at 2I cents, and take no other. II you cuuuot get it at one store you con at another. Sold by all DruggisU and Storekeepers at 13 ct., and iu largor bolilesat 2.' ets. HALL A Rl CKEL, Proprietors, January 31, noa ly 'ew york. i t Ji 1 1. v . 11 o 1 :u vst i .ie k. WILLIAM L. MADDOCK CO., IIS South Third street. Philadelphia, would offer to Ih inhabi tant ol Suubury said vicinity, a fiesli stock of CHOICE GROCERIES, Siltttiii fur lilt let! Family vit. As they have everything in their line both Ameri can and Foreign, which can be called for, it is un ueeoasmry tu give it uf (ha arljclas they have to oiler 'It is as wull, however, to sar. that every article thry dispose of they warrant of the best quality' and wlu. hcau la returned al Inn nxpeiuo uf the More should U prove otherwise February 2M, Amu. iiutiiY 1101 C's'Sif tf flan and Third ttrtet, lUauissrao, Pa. 'PIUS HOUSE, ia eoiis.qurnoe of its convenience 1 and near location lu lha Capib l haj u.sda il a drsirauia slopping- plaa, lor those liaiiui kiuiucas at the seal of Go cinuiuul, but l" When il.itiuf llsnnd.uij Msj.b t. le'ij m m I is VII Vj fS,tJf$S Ralsani "sjsB,iinl the pub B I I" I - II just received: i T. H. ENQEIj Has just returned from Philadelphia with a . : 3PLE1TDID STOCK OF Spring & Summer Goods. 'or JIVum' Hftir, Cloth, Cassimere, Vesting, Italian Cloth, Linen Coating, Linen Check and Cottonade. I.ttiliv-' Wrtir. A large assortment of Drcssf Goods, iftlnck and Fancy Silks, Silk Tissues, Fancy Rcragcs, Shallcy, all Wool Dclanes, Slosauibiquo Goods at low prices Silk Lcvellas, Dclanes. Lawns, Ginghams nnd Prints. A full lino of Irish Linen and White Goods. Stella border and Fancy Sunilntr Shawls, Silk nnd Lncc Slantillns, Ac. Ready Slnde Clothing, A good assortment f Huts nnd Cnps, A large assortment of Roots and Sht.iL A full stock of Groceries, Molasses and Sugnr, Hurdwnro and Ruilding .Material, A full siock of Queen and Glaswnrc, A full stock of Fish, Suit, Oils and While Lead, A large stock of New Wall Paper, A new stock of Stone nnd Enrthinwurc, And thousands of articles not enumerated. t"p"' All the above will be sold cheap for Cosh or Country Produce. J. H. ENGEL. Stmbnry, Slay 17, 1SC2. sThTie f.v isfioii T.iVr S i.vs s. SI C. (JEARIIART Has Rr.TfnXKn with a New Stock or 'iir''liiiuri's, S'ruil iintl 'l'oyi. IT seems as if a new age. a new life was opening upon u". nuiiiialing every heart to nobler deeds and higher aims '. Art. Literature and Science w ill glow anew, nnd seek todevelope suhlimer beauties and grander conception. The business world, too. must feel the new influence and everv part be quickened and strengthened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with elec tric speed lo the'eonsumnintion of grenler things than w as ever dreamed of in the Philosophy ol the past. Animated by the enihiisiii.-ni which pervades nil classes, and desirous of doing his share towards opilc great events of the Age." the subscriber would re spectfully inform the good people of SI NIll'RY nnd the public generally, that he has just returned from the city of Philadelphia w ith the largest and choicest stock of Coiifeetionaries. Fruit und Toys, that has ever been brought lo this section of country. He is also manufacturing ull kinds of Coiifeetionaries, Ac, to fill up orders, wholesale or retail, at short notice. Among his stock of CO.M'ECTIONARIES uit.y be found . French Secrets. Outn Drops, all kind.-scent, Ilurned Almonds, Love Drops, Ciciiin White, Slint Drops, redandwhitc, Lemon, Jelly Cukes, Rose. Fruit Drops, " Vanilla. Slick Cnndics, of all scents. Common Secrets, Rook Candy, Liquorice, Almond Candy. FRHT. Rananns, Prunes, Dates. Figs, Currants, tlried, Rniseus. Nuts of nil kinds. LESION SYRI P of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of'lol.ueco and Segurs. and a artety of CoufcetiotiHi ies. Fruit. Toys. Ac., nil of which is offered cheap ut wholesale and retail. I t Remember the nun and place . "J SI. C. GEAHIIAP.T, .Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y'. Rriglu A Soli's store. Sunbury, April II, lstfil ly IMUU. .Vit:ii'Iik-iiIsi IG:T. ol" .ew Vtsrk I.iticu. THE CAMDEN AND A.MROY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON It. R. CO.'S LINES. From Vhiliulrl 'jhia tn iNVic Yorlaiitl H'ii Plan t, mm Wtthuit jttrret "Wharf ttuit Kensi Hgtvn Vryot, will Iriivr in fulowx, viz : I AHK. At 0 A. SI., via Camden nnd Amhov. (C. and A. Accsxiiniolation.) ' $2 26 At ti A. SI., via Camden aud Jersey City, N. J., Accommodation. 2 26 At 8 A. SI., via Camden und Jersey City, (Sloruiii'i .Mail.) ' 3 00 At 8 A. SI . via Cuuiden and Jersey city 21 CIii.ns J icket 2 26 At II A. SI. via Kensington and Jersey city, Express 3 00 At 12 SI. via Cuuiden and Auiboy, C and A. (Accommodation.) 2 26 At 2 P. SI., via Camden nnd Auibov, (C. nnd A. Express.) 3 00 At S P. SI., via Kensington and Jersey City, Wash, and N. Y. Express 3 00 At 0i P. SI., via Keiisiugtou and Jersey City, (Ei t-niug .Mail.) 3 00 At 11) P. SI. via Kensington and Jersey city, Southern Mail. 3 00 At li (night) via Kensington and Jersey city Souiticrn F.vpres 3 00 At 5 P. SI., via Camden and Ainboy. (Accom- m.slutton. Freight aud Passenger, First Class Ticket. 2 26 Second Class Ticket. 1 60 F'or Water Gap, Stroud.-burg. Seruuton. Wilkes burrc, Montrose, Great Rend, Ac. at fl A. SI., from Kensington, via Delaware, Luckawanua and Western Railroud. For Slnitch Chunk. Allentowu, Rethlubem, Gelvi dcre. Etislon, l.aiiibeitville. Flemiugton, Ac, ut ! A. SI., lrom Kensington Depot, und ut 21 F- SI , from Walnut street U barf. (The 0 A. SI. Lino connects with Trains leaving Eastou for Sluinh Chunk, ut 3-20 P. SI.) ForSloitut llcllv. nt 6 A. SI.. 2 ami 4 P. SI. For Freehold, at A. Si. ami 2 P. SI. WAY LINES. For Rristol, Trenton, Ac, at 11 A. SI. and 21 and 6 P. SI. from Kensington, For Palmyra, Riveium, ljclanco, Itcverly, Rur lingloti. Florence, Rordeulowu, Ac, at 12, 'l, 2, 4i and CPU. C if' Eur New Y'ork, aud Way Lines leaving Ken singioa DcHit, take the Curs on Filth street, above Walnut, hull' un hour before departure. The Curs run into the Depot, uud on tho arrival of each Truiu, run from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Raggngo only, allowed each passenger. Pusscngers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty (siunds to be paid for extra. Ihe Couiruuy limit their responsibility lor baggage to One Dollur per pound, and will not bo liable lor any amount bey,.ud 100. except by special contract. WM. H. G ATZS1ER, Ageut. January 17, 1S63. SIMON P. WOLVEIU ON. AttoriM'y 'nu! CoiniM'lor nl l.aiv. OBiec, Slarket street, 2 doors west of Depot, SUNBURY, PA. WILL attend prompt Icy to the collection of claims and all other professional business intrusted lu his care in Northumberland aud adjoining counties, ffunl.ury, May 3, 1N62. S-T-18CO-X. IruKra lMmilullon IIIItri-. They purify, strengthen, and luvigoruie. They create a healthy appetite. They are an aplidote to change of water and diet They p. rcouieutTeoUofdiiiialion and late hours Tliv-y strengthen the system aud enliven lbs mind They preeut uiiiuutalie and intermittent fevers. They jiurifv thu breath aud acidity ot the stomach 'J hey cure )ysHqaiia and l'unslition. Ihoy cura Diarrhea, Cholera, and C bed era Mor bus. They eure Liver Complaint and Nervous Head ache. Tbey are the best Hitters to the would. They snake (be weak man strong, aod are eihausted nature's rrrat restorer. Tbey are mads of pure St. Iron Rum, Ihecelebraled Caluaya Rark, roots and berU, and are Ukeu with the plcasuie of a beverage, wilh out regard lo age or lime of dy Particularly r. eoiuiiicuded to delieala persons requiring renlle stiiuulaul. Sld by all Grocers. lugguU, lluteU aud Salooni. P. if. DRAKE CO , uj Rruadaay, New i oik lobar , IS41 listurMsa I trrs ! 4atod 'I'ru. nhlGUTA fco Intita aiteuliva U Ihclr block ef Puma lusts aud Plssk ls I ji-tulY JatS )) iss) A NEW AND USEFUL ARTICLE. IIALE.r, MORSE ft BOYDEN'S Ni-ifc.ifT.jiiMiiin; Cloltirsi M riiifrrr Simple, Eoonomicnl, Durable, and Is not Liable to get out 01 order. The Sclf-AdJvMhig Clothes' Wringer, Is one of the greatest Improvement of the ninetoonth century, and as only to be known and tried, to come into srenoral use. The saving of clothes, In pressing out the water between two rubber rolls, instead of wringing or twisting, will amount to enough in a short tiinu, to pay for a machine Every one ia aware, that the twisting or wringing of clothes, stretches and breaks the fibres ; but Ibis machine presses them so evenly, that a newspaper thoroughly soaked, can bo wrung, w ithout breaking it in the least, nud it works so essilv. that a child twelve years old conoperuto it wilhout trouble. Hot water dues not injure tho rolls, and woollen goods can be wrung out ot boiling water to prevent fulling, which cannot be done h? bund. is invaluable, especially on largo articles, such as Ladies' Skirts, Ac, as it leavos the starch in the clothes perfectly even. Il will wring the largest bed quilt or the smallest pocket hand kerchief, drier than can possibly bo done by hand, without alteration in less thon one-eigth the time. The machine is so simple that il is not liable to get oui ot repair. The great improvement in this, every every other Wringing Slucliinc yet invented, is. its Self. Adjust ing arrangement, requiring 110 alteration, to wring a handkerchief or bed quilt consequently, the most ig. nornnt servant can oderntojt. The machino is made evwood, and so arranged, that no iron can possibly como in contnet with the clothes, thereby avoiding nil danger of injury to tho clothes, by iron rust. 'ibis in the most simplcand effective Cluthes Wring, cr yet invented. Those purchasing can use them two weeks, and if they urc not perfectly snti.-iivJ,, re turn them, nnd their money will he refunded. Address L. E. SNOW. Philndclpha. Or H. R. SIASSER, Agent for Northumberland co. July 5, 1M2. !f I .-Mil It V M'KIM- IT.O I It I X ' .1111.1.. riMIK subscribers hnving taken possession of this .1 first class Fl.oriilMi MILL, are prepared to receive groin of nil kinds, nud to do custom work at the shortest notice. Customers will have their grists ground immediately upon their being left nt the .Mill. As it is the intention of the linn to stuck the Mill, a large supply of grain w ill be constantly kepton hand, und flour by the quantity can always be obtained. The greatest care will be taken to turn out a superior quality of flour, for w hich the mill is adapted. Strict attention will be paid to the wants of customers, nnd the patronage of the public generally ie respectfully requested. Sunbury, Jiuie 2:t, isi',0. " MORGAN A CO. unties 11011:1., HarritlHrg. Pa. tTMIE management of this well-known Hotel hnv l ing been resumed by Slcs-rs. COYLE A IIERK. the present proprietors, beg leave to inform the public tlint the bouso is now being thoroughly renovated, refitted, nnd improved, with n view to the proper nnd comfortable ncoomiiiodntimi of those who may favor the establishment with their custom. Guests will receive due attention and courtesy, nnd no expense will be spared that may conduce to maintaiu c hotel in n first -class style. Eoinilies and others desiring to sojourn in Harris bur:' during the summer months, will find pleasant Imnrding and large and well-ventilated rooms ut our establishment, upon moderate terms. SCOTT COYLE. Slareh 2!. 1Sn2. .1. li 1 1.111.1(1' II E1!H SI'Sltl 1C V ACtDEMV, rTMIE SENDER Y ACADEMY will be opened on I the first .Monuay ol JSovcinncr. TVITION PER (.TAUTER. Juvenile scholars, $2 00 English branches. 4 00 Sciences ami higher Slatl.i niatic8, 6 00 Languages, t. 00 M. RHODES. Principal. Sunbtirv. Nov. I. ISO! Wliilr'si ."i'W VrK T in" I'oiiikIi-v. nOOK, SEWSPAPEll, .loll AM O.'.Y.I MEXTAL "TTE have the fullest assortment of the most useful 1 kinds of Plain and Ornamental Type, maun fncttrred from the most durable nietiiU. lini-bed with thu greatest cine uud uccurticy, securing pcrtect jttsti ticiitiun. Spcciuicn Rooks nnd estimates furnished upon np plicalion, nlso. PRINTING PRESSES, with their nppitrtenanees of nil the approved makers W O (ID T Y P E . of all the latest styles, of all sizes. Metal Furniture Litlsir-Sttviiig Rules. Cases. Cabinets. Furniture. Printing Ink. nnd every the Printer requires. Terms liberal. Prompt attention. FAllSll.R. LITTLE A CO.. fi" and G6 licckmau street, New Yuik. Slay :T l-v.2. StOTM'E ! 'I'lio 1 11 ill's. Eiii'i ss Cmi:iii,v, rllVEN'oTUE that they have eluded nr If rangemenls with the Northern Centra! Railroad Company to run trains trout Italtiiuore fr York, lltirrishurg. Daupliiii. Halifax. Trevorton. Sunbury. Northumbeilaiifl. I.ewisburg, Slilloii. Sluney. V'il liumsitort. nnd all intermediate stations, connecting at ilarrisbuig villi the GREAT WESTERN EX PRESS br Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and the West. Also with Hon nt d A Co. ' Express at Siiltou or Danville. Rloomshurg. Wilkesbarre. Pittston. Scran ton, and intermediate stations on tbe Cuttawi--it. I.acka .vaiina A Rloopisbtirg Railroads. At il littms,ort, by Howard Co.'s lixpress lo Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also. Ly Howard A Co., and their connect ions, for Canton, Troy. Elmiru. Rochester. Ruffalo. .ingiiru, nnd to all accessible Hiints in Western New York und Canada, by which they will forward .Mercliiindise, Specie. Rank Notes. Jewelry, und Yuluuble Packages of every descrip tion. Also. Notes. Drafts nnd Rills for Collection. Experienced und efficient messengers eiucV'.ved. uud every effort will be uiude to render sati.niciii.n. JOHN RING 1 1 A.M. Superintendent Penn'u Division, Philadelphia. R. A. ITSC1IER, Agent for Sunbury. April 6. lSuJ. Save your 'mil, BY' using MaxouY Patent Sheet Metal S, r. wTop Preserve Jar. MASUXS PA TEXT SHEET METAL tfCUEiV TOP! All that is necessary being to screw the Cap down iM.n the Rubber Gasket, which is pluccd outside iiion the shoulder of the Jar, f of nn inch distant .rein the top ; prevent the jmssihility of the flavor ol ne fruit being injured by coining in contact with Ihc libber. Persons desiring these .Tars can be supplied by leaving their orders with II R. SIASSER, Agent. Suubury. June 2. I M'.o. Wllhtiiiljit"" llolls', NORTH I'SIRER LAND, PENNSYLVANIA, (.Year the Prithr.) frMIE subscriber having leased this well known L Tavern Stand, lately kept by Sirs. C. S. Drown, respectfully informs the public that he is refitting and repairing t'lio premises, und will be prepared lo en tertain, in a comfortable luunner. his numerous friends throughout the county, and all who may patroiiiro his establishment. April 12, iMiJ. JOSJKIMI VANKIRK BLANK (Parchment Paper.) Deeds and blank .Mortgages, Rouds. Executions. Summons, Ac for sale at the office of the "Sunbury American." HEIMSTREJST'S Inliiiilulili' Hair Iti'Mlurallrr. IT IS NOT A DYE, Rut restores gray hair to its original color, by supply ing the capillary tubes with imlurul sustcimnco, im paired by age or disease. All instantaneous dyes aro composed of lunar euustic, destroying Ihe vitality and beauty of the hair, and anord of themselves no dressing, lleimslreet s Coloring not only restores linij to its natural color by uu easy process, but gives Ihe hair a LVXl RIANT RE.U'TY, promotes its growth, prevents its falling off, eradl cat. dandruff, and imparts health and pleasantness tu the head. Jl has stood the test of time, boiug the original Hair Coloring, and is constantly increasing in favor. I'scd by gentlemen aud ladies. Jt is sold by all rosectahlo pealers, or can bo procured by Ibem of the commercial ageut, D. ti. BARNES, 2l2 Hroadway, N. Y. 'i'wusiica, 60 ccuts and 1 1. October 26. iMiJ. Wall Hs?rIVOO it'rs., OF WALL PAPER OF EVERY PESIlt AELR STYLES AND PATTERNS. JEST received direct from Ihe Manufacture!, at 'the MAMMOTH STORE of FRILINO A GRANT. ubry, March IJ, I80I IIOlV iKU ANMM I IT, PHILADELPHIA. For the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted wilb Viruleul and Chronic Diseases, and especially fur the eure of Disease uf Ihe Sexual Organs MEDICAL ADVICE giveu gratis, Ly the acting fcuntoon. AI.I'ARLE REPORTS on i.erm.lorrh.a ftlMI..JIMl U Uu L .. . ...I I.1. . .t .1 Sexual Orgaw, aud oal lha Ml. W REMEDIES .ia. i'...., iu ia.H4r, seui iu me atnieMM in sealed leller, Ii of charge. Twu ur tblea ftlamiai lur wia will be as-eenut.le Addies.. DH J ba.ll.LlN llol UllTOV. A' tiug Suigwun. Howard A elation, No. SouiU Nunli Sii.M, I'bilKtelpbii. Pa ,'si.iiy i ! .J - ly A I.nrixo Asi-uortmrnt of EVANS A WATSON'S BAIsAMANDER R.ATEQ. eH$Al FIRE AT READING, TA. Ecbrunry 12, 1882. OiTt:ir.! It gives mo much satisfaction lo luform yon that in the severe fire which, on the morning of tho 4th lust., entirely destroved all my stock and materials, I had one of your Salamander Fire lroof Safes. After enduring an intense red heat for seven hours, tht Fsfa wss opened, and the Rooks and Papers were preserved in an umhtcmished condition. 1 shnll need another Safe as soon as I get in order. Y ours, most respectfully. W P. DICKlNSON,'Rca.ling, Pa. EIRE AT GREEN CASTLE. CfiAMnr.nsBt na, Franklin county, Pa.., August itlsf. !sjf,p Messrs. Etass I Watsox, Pbiladelidiia Gentle, men: On the morning of the 22.1 of August, Ihoi, our Storehouse at Oreeueastle was destroyed by fire' The Salamander Safe we purchased from you some few years since was in tlie uliovo mcntihiicd store house, and contained all our books, pnpcr. cash. Ac. which were preserved in a perfect condition, after hciii.? exnoseil Ion t,,t !,,l.,.. l...n. r. ... .....1 . , ,1 - " .,,. ,,,, ,1 ,iir,,. Pleaso inform us upon what terms you will sell us another larger Safe. ours iritiv. l." 4 AISTI.N. Ft ,l..i s...r..u c. Tiu. t. u. t, , ", ' .'n.ifts. .-.Mies, ITIVSIfl Families, Ac , -sc. Also. Evans A Wnron's Potent Un.,C. 1 ...,L. I)... I. v. .... t. 1 ......n ,,.(,:, ui,.. J,1,H tlllllt J HS.rS, equal to nny made in the couni v. and sold on .... pood terms. V. W t.l c.n.. .... . . th,i billowing Ranks and other parlies, having their. Safes and Locks now in use, to their cnlire satisfac tion, and lm.uv others given at their Store fh-.-.r. v... . ... . .. . .:,.... 1 j runcn naiiK, Micli.vville Pl.t ndelnbiii 'l'..,......... I'siTEI.STATKsAltsrXAt City Rank oi' Philadelphia u n. .,... 1 oils'. u k of I'titla Pottslown llnnb Pa r.....',.. li...,. . p 1,1.:, . :, " ' o linns 1 nun tonlesville Hank. Pa. Ch.itunongn Hank. Tcnn Stroudshnrg Rank, P. Pre'm Loan .Won. 4th t Jersey Shore Rank, Pn. Rank of Nortbutuberland Lock Huven Rank. Pn. Ritnk ofNi.rih'n Liberties 1 111011 ju.iiK, lotnitnore. 1 hila, i-lru Sottthw(-.tcru EsB ol 'n. Paul and Swift, Ranker" Fulton Rank. Ailaiiln.Gn. Alabama. Newark Rank. Del W.G. Sterling. Wilkesb'e Rank of V C. RuWigh. Lrwislmrg Rank. Pn. Other references given it,ii at our Store. No. 1i Fourth Street. Phila.Ulphin. Starch 29, lni,J. ly M i l I IIEWS A CO, t lloriu-y m nl l.nw. No. Mo Cor. Fullor. i'V nud Rroadway, NEW YORK. Will carefully nttejd to Colleclious nnd nil other mailers ii.trut.l to liieir enre. Slay 21, ci:miii. iiorci., Sunlmrj , i-1miiii1m-I'I:iiI Co., I'a. riMlIS large and conttnodious Hotel, now nianai'cd J by JAMES VANDYKE, is situate at the Rail road Depot, North East corner of .Market Square, Sunbury. Pa., ami at tbe tenniutt. of the Sunliui y ,1 Erie and Northern Central Itailro nls. and is open ii" the accommodation of Travelers nnd the public in general. ' 'Ihc proprietor will give his exclusive attention b. the comfort nud convenience of bis gm-t. and is determined to make this cstubli.-hiucnl rank aiuoi, tlie first in the State. His table will be supplied wilh Ihebe t Ihe market can produce, hnving thu advantage .,f ..;v column. ideation by cars direct from Ralti re. and' r.l-o ft,.n these bringing produce from the unrounding country. His bar will be supplied wilh the purest liquors tin, market can pro,uer.. Careful and obliging servants always in nt tendance. New and eoininndioiis slal.liug ha-ju-t been ad b d to the premises. A share of the local and traveling community is niost respectfully solicited. Mit.bury, Juuuury 12. IV,!. luf rriinllousil CSsrlsI. G. and 3ti liio'itltrnv. fi.rat r y-Vi' n.Utn . t , NEW Yop.K. riMIIS first rlas.-House ti e most quiet, homelike 1 nnd pleasant Hotel in the city offers superior inducements to those visiting New York lor bu-diic.. or pleasure. Il is central in its locution, and kept on' the Ei iioi KAx Plan, in connection with Ta's Sai.oov, where refreshments can be I. id nl all bouts, or served in their awn ps-ms. The chart' s are mo derate. Ihe rooms nnd attendance of the first onl..r baths, and all the modern conveniences attached . .March 2;. ni2. A t.l.' ' f A EE:i I VST received from New York n large ns-nt-ttcci t Jof WALL PAPER, consisting of o.i: Hi n11r.1 ami Si XT v-tiiii k r. Diki'KIikst ani. I'm Truss, varying iu price from ti cents upw-ard''. all of which will be S'dd at Ihc lowest cash prices. ,,t t. cheap store of J. II. E.ViEJ.. Sunbury, .March 22. 1-iU. i'iii.i.i: ,v SEWINQ MACHINK CO-, 6:'.S HROADWAY. NEW YORK. Dcrtijairr ('Vc'',-,-, with Ximji'V. nt li',v,,'- V-ill lr suit Moll V-V,c. iiorn I'ASIII.Y' SEWING MAtlHM:.' i I I AY ING utlained u well cs'ablishcl and ring j reputation, n being of all machine- y,-: in'ro 1 doce-l. the one best adapted to A I.I. Kn 01 I'vvtii i Si:vii;, and having met with tt sui-eess in i:s s-ilo J bi.yotid our greatest anticipation. s, much so. that lor tl'ice months our orders have l.ccn ahead ot our capacity to supply, we would now announce that iu. have increased our manufacturing laeilitivs. s.. that from this time forth, we shall be enabled to mpply orders on denial. d. 1 11 the changes brought rhoitt by the wnr. 110 otic thing has played a more imM,tianf part than tlo i:wtvii Sli.utr." Without it Ihrw-foui our soldiers would lo-dty be clotlud ill any:bii:.' but .Military I'osiiiuic.'' All ov er tbe I. in I army clo thing bus been ihc work riqniledof nor pani-ilie women, and nobly have they re-js.inled. N,,t cmi, i.t to niiik" only so many garments as their hen l eeuid nccoiitdtsh, they have called the Sewing Mat hti.c" lo their uid. nnd by it have rolled on: tin' sot-iter-' Coats. Pants 1.11. i Shi itrs. at a int.- itsn 1. themselves. KiKo.iug that ibis work Coal I ii' b.n cnntiniie. many ll;-""jl.ttul, prudent l;,.t-ei,vcs. e . ., careful to sel.s t ihc luncliine of all otl. a.-. v.l.i ll wt.iibl do tbe heavy army work, aud v. I. cm d .ncwitb that, then to be used as their F.vMn.r .M.vcniv:. ni in selecting one of thu "Fickle A Lvos Skwin.i Muiiim. Cohpavv's F'aiiii.v SIaiiiims," with which you may sew from the finest cambric to the heavi.-t cloth, without change of iced, net lie, or ten-ion thev have not been disappointed. Thus having developed tho adaptability if our machine fi.rall kinds olnork. we have made another step iu advance, and by several impirtaiit change iu our -No. :t SIki.ii m SI vt iitvrs," have produced a ' Taii.ouino .Mi. nisr," which we . ontidcntlv claim to be the -REST TAILORING SIAt'lllNE yet introduced, sewing the coin -est linen thread wii'u us much case ns Ihe common cotton uud when r, .i :: . 1 intiy bo used lo do the very finest cambric with latlor 2i'0 Cotton thus con. bining in one compact form, every quality required in either a l'A.Mll.Y Ut SI ANI'FACTl'K ING MACHINE. We have had our Slaehincs before the public bng enough to establish their reputation. Dozens ol others who started with flying colors have fallen by the wayside ;'' and "soon the plnees thai knew tin in w'ill know th. -in no more" Step by step has the Finklk A Lyo.m SIai iiink wou its' wuy to public fa v or ; its success is estubli.-hed. nud henceiorih our aim shall be. ns it has in the past been, to still fin liter improve, simplify aud reduce the cost of our ma chines. Wo shall. In a few davs. jsuo new price list. For further particulars address, FIXKLE A LYON SEWING MACHINE CO.. No. 6dS Rroadwuv. New Yoik. IT?' II. B. SIassku, Agcut, Sunbury, Pa. March 2'J, Iso2. .lIiiiiiif';i-ui--i-M irioii4 M tirr, COWDEN Si WILCOX. HARBISBUHO, F.A.. rPHK Stone Ware now made at this establi-hnient is eiiiai 10 any uiude in this country rielv of article usually liitido, always on llurriebury, Slay LSi',2 cry m huud JAMES U A 11 15 E 11 ' S ItOI.KSAI.K AKD BFTAH. CLOCK fiSTAKLISUMEXT, 5. 4V. rortif Second and (Vietnut ttt , l'lillatlclplila. ACK.NCV I-. the PATENT EC,l A1.I7.INC. TlllltTV DA CLOCKS. vny drs.lulile ait.ele lot CUurch es, llou-ls, llattka, Ciuiilit.s Mouses, Pwtlo.s. A c. Alan, aU.iuluelurer .4 KINK Ovll.D PENS. TUcks rrMitnl wairu.ilnt. 4'SH.k,rs ,, every Ueseli;vtion. i'iiilaurl4.iw, Juiiuaiy III, lMi.--3y 11. 11. n ii:ic. i lloriM-y n( Ijiw. J V Vollections slunded lo iu I tliumUrlaiid, l uiou, Snyder, 81 NRIRY, r.t the ci.ui.tiea of Nor- Montour. Columbia- aud l ycouiipg airrarscr Hon. John M Reed, Philadelphia, A G Ouiull A Co , Hu. Win. A Porur, Morton McMickacI, Esq , E. Keieham A Co., 2 Pearl Ftreel, New Yolk 4 d,u M'. Ashuivad. Allorn.y at Iji , " Malibaas A Cut, Auoruets al Law, " Suubury, Muck 2V, Inbil. .ssswltrrl .Muslrrt PHILIP kllAVt Mncy Lyeoniiugeouuty, I t , INFORMS his (1 .end) and ll.e jubllc in .nil thai he esiiisiunllr keiqvsoa bsnd II i l 61.1114! js alb. Joists, and all kiinu. Lumber end building ah a ks will a. II al lha el ff.'m i alaicsi