ATTENTION DEALERS! lima 2, AK XOVNCng to all who trado in Punbury, that he bar just purchased a l-lItCU K'l'OC'K of well Holeclctl NEW GOOD S, Which he offers at hl old stand, near Covert's Unle . wt end of Market Square, vcrjr cheap von CASH Cr if that will not rlo. jnsl n. cheap fof r or t k v i st o i r :;. His Block consists of a largo avortu-ttit of ItAT.S. BOOT.'?. CAPS. HHtff. COATS. HALT. I'ANTf5. fiUAP; VffTK. nitrsiiKfl. HAKIiV. A11E. yi-KKNSWAniJ. Hod other articles altogether too numerous to men tion. d!A.t,X. AND SEE. Sunbury, January I ftt.T. ' JOH.V"iW MIS'' A: C O., JIA.1t FAI'Tl lU'.lIS f S -A. I- E R -A. T T.T f3 , MITH-IAUB. OK .SODA. Ac., Ami Pole Agents in tho City of New York for CRJTAM OF TAKTAR SUBSTITUTE. Jrfentcct he Trnf. Kbcn X. Hond'ord, of Harvard Xnivcrsi'y. Office. 11 Old liii, llnnorer Square, up stairs,) NEW VOUK. rpHE high price which Cream of Taller commanded 1 in 1854. together with the extent to tvhicli its dangcroup adulterntinu had been carried, with other cnii.ideration. induced th dfstiagui.-heil Chemist, whose name is given strove, to commence what proved to bo a long and lnborious scientific re search, to discover a di'irnldo tuhsiitnte therefor. His eftorts were crowned witli ahundant .tieee!, and lmndred of thousands of ponndi-nf the Substitute have leen solfl and used during llic Inst five years, throughout the Lnited Sttite. and tho Canada. The following true comparison of its nature nnd . flic results of its use. witii the of Cream id' 'Turlnr, will convince the most incredulous of its value. Creain of Tartar is a hi-tartrnte of l'nta.h. 1 his Substitute is a simple Phosphate, and contains nothing but what is foitnu in beef-Monk, and in corn, wheat and other cerenls, nnd i therefore highly Tiuti itious. It also has a health-giving influence, and supplies that for which there is a constant do maud iu tho system. I if It is sold for a much less price than Cream of Tartar. March 21. isr.1. 1y Economy is Wealth 4'1'lti; VOI R "OI"II B'OIS 1 . Tho BEST and CHEAPEST Household REMEDY in tho World, tndtime X.llkOC lMmTI'IC'tt GREAT COUCH REMEDY mapamr zadoc ron. TEK'S Curative Unlearn is warranted if used ac cording to tho directions, to cure in all cases Coughs, Colds. Whooping Cough, Asthmn. and all aflections of the Throat and Lungs Madniue Zadco Porter s lialsnm is prepared with all the requisite care and skill, from a combination of the best remedies the vegetable kingdom affords its .cmedinl qualities arc based on its power to assist the healthy and vigorious circulation of the blood, blood, thro' tho Lungs. It is not a violent remedy, but emoliciit warming, searching and ctlective ; can be taken by the oldest person or youngest child. Madame Zadoc Porter's Ilalsam has been in use by the public for over IS years and lias acquired it lire- sent sale simply by being recommended lyr those who hnvo used it to their ufllicted friends and others Mout Important. Madame Zadoc Porter's Cura tive Ilnlsttinis sold at n price which brings it in the reach of every one to lecop it convenient lor use. liie timely use of a single bottle will prove to La worth lull tiroxa itscusr. NOTICE Save yovtr Money ! Do not be persua ded to purchase, articles ut Is to .SI which do not con tain tho virtues of a i;t cent liottie of Madame Por ter's Curative Balsam, tho cost of manufacturing which is as great as that of almost any other medi cine ; nnd ihu very low prico at which it is sold, inakesthc profit to the seller apparently small, and unprincipled dealers will sometimes "recommend other medicines en which their profit are larger, un less the customers insist upon having Madame Por ter's and none other. Ask tor Mu.iiimu Portor's Cu rative Ilalsai::, price Li cents, and in largo bottles at 2j cents, and take no other. It you cannot get it at one store vouean at another. Cold by all Druggists and Storekeepers at 13 cts., and hi larger bottles at 2.) cts. H ALL A KL'CKEL. Proprietors. January SI. 1W:I. ly New York. SSt'txliiiK' Elitilrond. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. GI1EAT TRUXK LINK from tho North nnd North-West for Philadelphia. New York, Read ing. Pottsville. Lebanon. Allentown. Ea-ton. Ac. Trains leave JIitrri:burg for Philadelphia. New York, Rending, Pottsville. ami all Intermediate htalious. at h A. M.. nnd 2 nil P. M. New York Exprossleavcs linrrisburg at 2 15 A. 51., arriving at New York at 9 l.r the saino morning. Fares from Hurrisburg : To New York Jo I j ; to Philadelphia, f.'l .'ii and S2 ISO. Uaggago cheeked through. Returning, leave Xew Toik at C A. M.. 12 Xo"n, and 7 P M. (I'itls'migh Express Leave Philadel phia at H 15 A -M. and 3 l P M. Sleeping cars in tho New York Express Trains, through to ami from Pittsburgh without change. Passcngcs by the Callow is-s Hail Road leave Ta maoua at H .Ml A. .M., and '1 15 P. M., for Philadel phia., New-ioik. ami all Wav Points. Train leave Pottsville at ii li A. M.. nnd 2. .tfl P. M.. for Phibulelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An aei'oiiiiuodetion Passenger train leaves Reading at t! uU A. M., and returns from Pliiladelohiit ut 5 (U P. M. I if ' All tho above train run daily, Sundays c.T Ceplnl. A Sunday train leaves Poltsvillo at 7.30 A.M., and Philadelphia at ;;.l i P. M. Ccmi'-iitaiion. Mileage, Season, nnd Excursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and from ail points. 0. A. X J Ci ILLS. Jlay 2, lSoo. General Superintendent. 't'o 'rvusi ssi tlVi-crst riiolIi N'v. A 1! EVER END CEXTI.EMAN havini been re i stored to health in a few days, after undergoing j 1.11 the usual routine und irregular expensive modes cf treatment, without gucccsg. considers it his saeied duty to eomuiuiiieate to his aillicted lell .w creatures', tbo means of el Hi:. Hence, ontbo ns'eipt of an iidJie.x-ed ei.,eo,o. ho w ill send (tree) a copy of the prctcrptiou ucd. Direct to j i'lt. JolIX M. D.MiNALL. j Is'' Fulion Street. lirooklvn, N. Y" I January 21, 1.-63. ' ni: .iv iioi si:. C'i.c- ul' Sliile owl 'J'i.iri ,s';wM, J I A Itl: IKIIIRCi, Pa. j IMfS IKr.-E. iii of Its convenience 1 and ne'-r lo-oiiiioi to tho Cnpi'r.l, has made it a d. .-iral le suii,iijg j l.ic.j, for tltoso having business at the .-.u of tioveinnaut, but tor others vl.-iling Jh.inrl.ot'i'. i M.uvh :"J, IM'.J. ' r iiiLV titan i:uv )iiti:7 ! WILLIAM I.. MAM'iK K A CO., 115 S.111S ' Tl i. I .-: till. 1'liiludclphta. woul 1 offer to Ibeinhabi- ! t'll'tj ol ,-ui.l,uiv jut vi'-iiiitv, a flesh stock , of : ( Ib'lrF."t'Lli!L.', i thrift ii I ir titr I. I'imi'if trie. A- 0'e.v huve everytti'iig in their line ImiIi Aoieri rue sod I on 11, h hi. .. -! be i-:illcd t r, it is un- I. c cary lo give a M't of t! t arli ! tl.ev ha e to 1 tier. I I; 1110 , II. bo 1 vt-r. to say. thM every ur'iclo II. cy dlsp "' oi llicv Mairnnl ol III" hot ijn ..lily' anil ).c!ici.ii I 1 etui io-1 at ibvevp-ose ol the store, rb' iild it pr' e othcrw i-e . i-briin lo.l. - 't'i ' I RMNDS AN!) SHADES. I II .1 MILIUM'' No 1 1 NoiiU Sih Mtl Phil a i l.'.ui M io.ii.. :irt r 1 f ; tew Hum IIIhIsi I j imlott M;it'. j Ti lo'c' k I tit c-t .rin 1 1 to ih" I'itv l lh I .!)! 1. Hi 1 I. Pmni I hi I Ii.o.iuo.1 iqu.l I . l.i H M.r k:iM dc bl) 1 lelti led .'.p it I i .' II ' l' ....1. ill! IIUIIH)-, (!.! I HI IM rU'll.M-lil l I r II nl j 1 ei. 1 J 1 o 01 r 1 ' I- s.ju .r .1 il.u , .. I.. 1, I'.oii.i H II'. p. i,'ilM' I t V 1 1 a 1 n a l' ' 0 LUH SUlS'i. I f ii..'e ByB THE ALL SUFFICIENT THREE. TU.3 GREAT AMERICAN EEMEDIES. Knmtn at "UdmMr$" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ. IIIXMBOLD S EXTRACT "nfCIIC," . BARSArARILLA o IMTROVrD ROSE WASH. IIEI;MBOLD'S OJ!NTJIN;E preparations "IIIUHLY COX( EXTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU, A Positive nnd Specific Remedy For Diseases of the RLAUPEU, KIDNEYS. GRAVEL, AXD PROPSI- CAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine increases the power of Tigetinn, and excite, the Absorbents into healthy action, bv which the Watery or Cnleerous deKisitions. and all j Inmitnrnt I-.iiliirireinents arc. rciluecil. as well as pain nnd inflammation, and is good for uien, women, or Children. T til 4 III FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from E.vcesscs. Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion, or Abuse. Attended with the follow ins symtoms : Indisposition to Exertion, Joss of power. Lows of Memory. l'illirtilly of Breathing 'eak Nerves. Horror ot Discuss, Dimness ot ision. Vnivcisal Latitude of tho Miieculnr Svstcm, II, .1 Hands, Trembling Wiikcfulnes?, 11110 in the back, riuehing of the Body Eruptions on tho Face, l'aliid Countenance, Drvncss of the Skin. 'i liese SMiitoms. if nllnwe 1 to go on, which this niedieino invariatdy renioves, srmn follow IMPOTEN-CY. FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can snvthnt they arc not frequently followed by those "direful diseases, ' . INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION, Many are nwaro of the catiseof their "iifl'ering. but none u. ill confess. The records of the insane Asy lums and tho melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear aiuplo witness to tho truth of the assertion. The Constitution, once AtXocted with Organic Wetiknes, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen nnd in vigorate tho system, which "HMinbold's Extract lhiehuT' invariably docs. A trial will convineo the most skeptical. FEMALES. FEMALES, FEMALES, Old or young, single, married, or contemplating marriage. In niaiiv afTetioiis peculiar to Females theExtraet Riichit is unequalled by any other remedy, as in ! Chlorosis or lteieiition. Irregularity. Piiinfiiincs?. or So) prossionof the Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Sehirrous state of the Uterus. Leucorrhea, or Whiter Sterility, ami for all complaints incident to the sex. whether arising liom ludiseretiou, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CIIAXOEOE LIFE. See symptoms above. NO FAMILY SHOULD HE WITHOUT IT. Tako no Ralsam, Mercurr. or Unpleasant Medicine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. I53:iIltOB.l'S HXTKAt'l" III tl Cures SECRET DISEASES . In all their stages ; at little expenso ; littlo or no change in diet ; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. It causes frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing Sd'ures of the Urethra, allaying pain and iiitlamuiatioii. so frequent inthis classof diseases and expelling Poisonous. Diseased, und Worn-out Matter. Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE REEX THE VICTIMS OF f J .14 liS, And who have paid Heavy Fes to be cured in a short time, have found they were deceived, and that the 'Poifon': has, by the use of "Powerful Astrin gent". :: been flried up in the system, to break out iu an aggravated form, and Perhaps after Marriage. USE lU:i,tti:oi.B-s i:xtkat in 4 m For all Affections nnd Diseases of THE URINARY OIltiANS. Whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter OF HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of Dll IlKTIC. HEXMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU Is tho tireat Diuretic, And it is certain to have the desired effect in nil lieuM-tf. for which it is reeoiu mended. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! Jleliubold's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla Syphilis. This is nn affection of the P'ood. and attacks tho Sexual Orgigis. Lining" ol the Nose. Ears. Throat, Windpipe, and other Mucus Surfaces, making its appearance in the form of Ulcers. Heimlsild's Ex tract Sarsaparilln purifies the lilood. nnd removes all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, giving to tho Complex ion u Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepared 'xnrc!-ly for this class of complaints, its Rlood-Puri-fviug Proprietors are preserved to a greater extent than any other preparation of Sitr-'nprf ilia. Ili'lniltolri'st ItoiM- lYusii, An cce'I 'lit Lotion for Diseases of n Syphilitic N'e. tore. and as an injection in Di-eases of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipaticn. used ill c ni.eetioii iih llic Extracts liuchu and Sarsapiiri!lu in .eicli diseas-s as reeaiinmeiidcd. Evidence ol !iicnio-t res)Kuisiblu and rclialilc char r.ter will accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES OK CURES, Font tight to twenty years rtandins, with numes known to Science and Fame. J'nr Mi-ilieal Properiiet of lluehu, see Dispensatory the United Stales. Seo Profeivor Dewccs' valuable works on the Practi- e 01' l'iivie. See remarks iniido by the Into celebrated Dr. Pbvsi.'k. i'iiilude'.phia. See remarks ii.a.le by Dr. Ij hraiin M -Donell, a celebrated Physician, and Member of iho lloynl 1 '..liege of Surgeons. Ireland, and published 111 iho Tran.-a, -lions of the King and Oticcn Journal. See Medic-ot irni gi. ul licviuw, by Heii 'j ravt is. Ft-llosf of the lloyul College of ivltl gi-ol'. See most of the Into Standard Works on Medi cine. L nt act 111 1 hi-, $1 do p,.r boitle, or six, $5 (at S.VI1SA1 Altll.LA 1 00 a mi III-OVK) KiihK WamI, 50 " ' Jill Or ball adoseiii.r each for f 12 00. which will bo sumciciit to cure Die u.o-t ol..tiualo ca. if direction are adberci to. I'elmrd to any address, securely ptickej roiu id-si rvarioii. J If D ribc sriiiplonit In all communications. Cuies Ki.araiitecd. Ad . too grulis. AIKIDANIT. I 1 .nally appeared before me an Ableruianof the ot Philadelphia, II. i lii-lail.ld alio, Uvlut liuly .mill, doth .y, Lit ei-i.i.ini no iidu ..tic. 1, u iorcur , or oilier injurioua i1uk, but aru purely vegetable. II T. HEL.UUol.D. Svr .rn and de.iTihvl before uie. tin. '.'''I .j uf Xuveuiber, sl MM P. II I IU! A It I'. Alderman, Ninthlreet, lwte Itacs, I'tnla. Addrc. Ictlclft f T il folliitttlol) in .iilifl.rue. II i III LMUol I'i t b.iu..l I'ijsji II I South Teulh tlecl, below OlMldul PhlU. PI VAHE0FlurXTLRFHl.S Ad I'upriucipliU J'talcrs M hi rn l.uiror to di" . - of ll.i ir ou ' and '-olhr' Slll.'l,. 1. 1, it,,, 1, ,,'l. II (Il 11. i- I by H--I;l I ..I 1 li.-i p,, j 4 1 al 1, , t t lloebii, " ' " li oaritla, lm...ti. liw Hull S. ' I t.f all 1' nn ytaturr A-b i'll LI I. Mill 'ID n- I AKt .NiM.IHKH t ill ool ll. adtirt;.. u.ant od ,,1,4 f.,( ji 4u A 1 1 lu.. iiii.u ,. i t i-. jis 1 t-J - v iir tV DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, GREAT REMEDY For nir'imntmm, Ooitt, jY tvipVt, html'ifjo, 1 Sit iff jVtck awl .hint, .v7'i, Jtrurnr, Cut Woinxlit, J'ilm, JmilncIir, und all Hieuntntic mid Xcrvvu Dinnrilcrt. For all of which II is a speedy and certain remedy, nnd never fails. This Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous hone setter, and has been used in his prnctieo lor more than twenty years with tho most astouishing success. .... As an Alleviator of Tain. It Is unrivaled by any preparation beforo tho public. f which tho most skeptical niav be convinced by a single trial. This Liniment will cure rapidly nnd radically. Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thou sands of cases where it has been used it has nevur been known to fail. . For Neuralgia, it will nfford immediate relief in every case, however distressing. It' will relieve the worst eases of Headache In three minutes, and is warranted to do it. Toothache also will it cure instantly. For Nervous Debility and Uetieral Lassitude, ari sing from imprudence "or excess, this Liniment is a ino'ii happy aud unfailing remedy. Acting direcsly upon the nervous lis-iios. it strengthens and revivifies the system, ami restores it lo elasticity ami vigor. For Piles, as an external remedy, we claim that it is the best known, and we chnllcngo the world to produce an equal. Every victim of this distressing complnint should give it a trial, for it will not lad to afford immediate relief, nnd in a majority ol cases will eflect a rndieal cure. Vuinev and Sore Throat are sometimes extremely mnlittiia'nl and dangerous, but a timely application ol ibis Liniment will never fail to cure. Sprains are sometimes very obstinate, and enlarge ment of the joints is liable to occur if llegleelcd. The worst eife may be conquered by ibis Liniment in two or tin ee days. llruises. Cuts. Wounds. Sores. I leers. Riirns and Scalds, yield readily to the wonderful healing pro perties of Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, when used according to directions. Also. Chilblains, Frosted Feet, and Insect Rites and Stiuc: DTi. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, tlie dreat Natural ISoiie Setter. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, is known all over the United Slates. pa, STEPHEN SWEET, of Connocticut, is the author of "Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liiduunt.'' Dr. Sweet's Infallible- Liniment Cures Rheumatism, and never fails. Dr. Sweefs Infallible Lin:mrii Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Rums and Scalds immediately. Dr. SweeCs Infallible Liniment Is the best known remedy for Sprains and Itruiscs. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Headache immediately, and was never known to fail. Dr. Bwoet'a Infallible Liniment Affords immediate relief for Piles, aud seldom fails to cure. Dr. Su eot'a Infallible Liniment Cures Toothache in oue minute. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and leaves no scar. Dr. Ewoet's Infallible Liniment Is the be:d remedy for Sojes iu the knowu world. Dr. Swoet's Infallible Liniment Ha" been used by more than a million 1 pie. and all praise it. Dr. S-.veet's Infallible Liniment Taken internally cures Colic and Cholera Morbus. Dr. iiweet'a Infallible Liniment I- truly a "friend iu need," and every family should have It ut liainl. Dr. Sweet's Infalliale Liniment Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. DR. SWEET'S IN FALL1 ULE LINIMENT, as an external remedy, is without a rival, aud will alleviate pain more speedily than any other prepa rnison. l or all lihcumatic and Nervous Disorders it is truly it. lull. Lie. and as a curative for Sires, Wounds. Spruius. llruises. Ac. its sooihing. healing and powerful strengthening properties, exeito the just wonder and a-toiiibment of all who have ever given it a trial. Over one thousand certificates of remarkable cures, performed by it withiu the Iil-1 two years, attest the fact. TO HORSE OWNERS DP. SWEET S IXFAI.LI11LE LINIMENT FOR IliiitSES is unrivaled by any. and in all eases of Lameness, arising from Sprains, Rruiscs or Wrench ing, its elleet is magical and certain. Harness or Saddle tinll". Scratches. Mange. Ac. it will also cure slilr- Spavin and Kinglione may be easily pre vented "and cured In their incipient stages, but eon firmed eae are beyond the isibility of a radical cure. No case of the kind, however, is so desperate or hopeless but il may be alleviated by this Lini ment, and iis faiihtul'upplieutiou willalnays remove the Lameness, aud enable the horses to liuv el with comparative ease. i:-ekv liuKPi: ovsi:n should hnvo IhiM-emedy at hand, for l' timely ue .it the tirsl appearance of Lameness will eflectually prevent those formidable diseases, to which all hor ses are liable, and which render many otherwise valuable Purses nearly worthier. DR. SWEET'S Infallible Liniment u tttt: SOLDIER'S miEKB, And 1'iiousau.ui kava found il truly jv yitiEND xrr need j aulltu Toaruid lo.r.. J.ti.-n. 1U111 the Signature and l.ikiu-aif Di pu plus frwei-t mi (Amy Ul.. aad u "Mi 1 lira t li.lallibl . ' LIuku In lb glut o tack bullU, about aka k U. I. ! g.auiau. ItHIUItl'-i'N A CO, Sola i'iu iu-Ujis, Nofo h CI J!"I.IAN A Al l t S O.Lrf.l Af fi t-.'d ttr .!' ...(,.L,. MiL VI t- . - ly ' MAYORS OF THE . Great Cities. Wo, tho nndoralgnrd Mayors, hei'eby eor tlfy that the Drugtrlsta, Apothooarios, and rtiyslolans of our several cities hare slimed a document ot assurance to US that ATEIR'3 SAB8APARILLA has been found to be a remedy of (rroat exoollenoe, and worthy the eonfidenoe of the community. HON. JAMES COOK, Mayor of LOWELL, MASS. HON. ALBIW BEARD, Mayor of NASHUA, N. H. HON. E. W. HARRINOTON", Mayor of MANCHESTER, N. XL. nON. JOHN ABBOTT, Mayor of CONCOED, N. H. HON. A. H. BULLOCK, Mayor of WORCESTEH, MASS. HON. NATITIi SILSBEE, Mayor of SALEM, MASS. HON. P. W. LINCOLN", Jr., Mayor of BOSTON, MASS. HON. WM. M. RODMAN, Mayor of PROVIDENCE, R. I. HON. AMOS W. PRENTICE, Mayor of NORWICH, CONN. HON. J. N. HARRIS, Mayor of NEW LONDON, CONN. HON. CHAS. S. RODIER, Mayor of MONTREAL, C. E. HON. D. T. TIEMANN, Mayor of NEW YORK CITY. HON. II. M. KINSTREY, Mayor of HAMILTON, C. W. HON. ADAM WILSON, Mayor of TORONTO, 0. W. HON. R. M. BISHOP, Mayor of CINCINNATI, OHIO. HON. I. H. CRAWFORD, Mayor of LOUISVILLE, KY. HON. JOHN SLOAN, Mayor of LYONS, IOWA. HON. JAMES McFEETERS, Mayor of BOWMANVILLE, 0. W. HON. JAMES W. NORTH, Mayor of AUGUSTA, ME. HON. HENRY COOPER, Jr., Mayor of HALLO WELL, ME. HON. JAMES S. BEEK, . Mayor of FREDERICTON, N. D. n6N. WILLARD NYE, Mayor or NEW BEDFORD, MASS. ' HON. J. BLAISDELL, Mayor of FALL RIVER, MASS. HON. W. n. CRANSTON, Mayor of NEWPORT, B. I. HON. FRED STAHL, Mayor of GALENA, ILL. HON. JOHN HODGDEN, Mayor of DUBUQUE, IOWA. HON. THOMAS CRUTCHFIELD, Mayor of CHATTANOOGA, TENN. HON. ROBERT BLAIR, Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. HON. R. D. BAUGH, Mayor of MEMPHIS, TENN. HON. GERARD STITH, Mayor of NEW ORLEANS, LA. HON. H. D. SCRANTON, Mayor of ROCHESTER, N. Y. HON. DE WITT C. GROVE, Mayor of UTICA, N. Y. HON. GEO. WILSON, - Mayor of PITTSBURG, PA. HON. C. H. BUnL, Mayor of DETROIT, MICH. HON. HEMAN L. PAGE, Mayor of MILWAUKIE, WIS. HON. W. W. VAUCtHN, Mayor of RACINE, WIS. HON. A. FARR, Mayor of KENOSHA, WIS. HON. JOHN C? HAINES, Mayor of CHICAGO, ILL. HON. M. J. A. nEATH, Mayor of SELMA, ALA. HON. A. J. NOBLE, Mayor or MONTGOMERY, ALA. HON. W. S. HOLYBAD, , Mayor of COLUMBUS, GA. DON ESPARTERO MANUEL, Mayor or VERA CRUZ. DON PIETRE DE CABALLO, Mayor of MEXICO. DON ESTEFHANIE RODRIGUES, Mayor of HAVANA. DON ANTONIO ECHEVERA, Mayor of LIMA, PERU. DON M. G. MILANGNO, Mayor of VALPARAISO, CHILL DON MARO SESQUIPEDALIA, Mayor of RIO JANEIRO, BRAZIL. Certify that the resident Druggists have assured thorn Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is an ezcellont remedy, and worthy the coo,, fldenco of the community. For Spring Diseases. For Purifying the Ulooil. For Scrofula or KIuk's Evil. For Tumors, fleers, aud Bores. For F.ruptlAns and Pimples. For Blotches, Ulalus, and Bolls. For St. Autuouy's Fire, ltosr, or Fry For Tetter or Salt II tie 11 111. cliitlas. For Scald Head and lllngworm. For Caneer and Cancerous Sores. For Sore Eyes, Sore Kara, and Humors. For Female Diseases. For Suppression aud Irregularity. For Syphilis or Venereal Diseases. For Liver Complaints. For Diseases of the Heart. The Mayors of the chief cities of the Uni ted States, Canadas, and British Provinoes, Chili, Peru, Brand, Mexico, and in fact al most all the cities on this continent, have aignod this document, to assure their people what remeuios they amy use with safety aud confidence. Bu( our tpaoe will only admit portion of them. Ayor's Sarsaparilla, Ayer's Cherry Poctoral, Ayor's Tills, nnd Ayor's Ague Curo, fKirAhio tr lr. J. V. Ayrr tV Co., LOWELL. MASS., A ad suld br Iru-fUu twy nlwn. K.ldby ('filial 4, ml 11 A I user, la Suafcury, lr It II JJeC.y ,V,,. J f 1', and I' li..a MiIImu J t liii.uiaa. 'I uil uli ilU ller.h A t . , Ml (',. I t ll.rt.urxer, t.ljibuif M M y tor A M H illisb.t, r'sliiM, Ai sli ttii)kis t aej I; JUST RECEIVED! I JrT. ENQEL lias jnrt roturned from I'hlUdeli.hla with a 3FLE1TDID jT0C7a OF Spring & Summer Goods. I'or .ta'n' Wrnr. Cloth, Cnssimcre, Vesting, Italian Cloth, Linen Coaling, Litien Check and Cottonade. I.hiI1-n' Wear, A Inrge nwnrttnenl nf DrewJOoodf, lllaeh and Fancy Silks, Silk Tissues, Fancy Ucrngcs, Shalley, all Wool Itelanec. Musainhiqiie Woods at low frieel j Silk Levellas. llelatiea, Lawns, Ginghams ami Trints, A full line of Irifli Linen ami White floods. Stella border and Fnncy Suuinicr Shawls, Silk and Lace Mantillas, Ac. lteady Mado Clothing, A good assortment "f Hals and Caps, A large assortment of Hoots and Shoes. A full slock of OrncericsMuIasscs and Sugar,"! Hardware and lliiilding Material, A full stock of Queen and Glassware, A full slock of Fifh, Salt, oils and White Lend, A large stock of Xew Wall I'ar(-r. A new stock of Stenc ami Earthenware, Ami thousand of articles not enumerated. All the bIkjvs will be s.ild cheap for Cnrh or Country Produce. J. II. L'NUF.L. Sunbury, May 17, IMI2. i it 1 1 1 y 1 ! k 'V S !:. M C. til-AUIlAItT Has IU-.ti 11vf.11 w itr a Xrw Stock or 'ltr- ltoilill-i M, I'l'liil llil.l '1'oytv. IT seems ns if'h new age. n new lifo was opening 1 ilium it, animating every heart to tiohlcr deeiN I : and higher ainw! ' Art, Literature and lieieAee will j glow anew, and seek todevelupu auhliuier beauties j an. I gramler eoneeplion. 'J he l.u-inefs world, too. iniul f.-el the new iunueneo I and every p:irt he quickened ami strengthened by an j ! increased vitality, which .-hull urge us on with elee- I i trie speed to the Ciiii.-uninialii. 11 of greater lliingsihau j 1 w as eer dreamed of in the riiiloaophy ot the past. I Animate. 1 l.v the enthusiasm which pervades all I classes, and desirous of doing hi share towards -The I great events of the Aire.-' the suhsei iber wotihl rc- , j-ectrullv inr..nn the g""'l peo.icoi ;-i .ni 1. 1 at.. 1 ! the public generally, thai lie has just returned from I the eilv of Philadelphia with the largest and choicest 1 'lock of (yn'cctii.ia''i . Fruit and Toy, that has ever been bmught to this section nt country, lie is , also uialiiit'neliiring all kinds of t'olil'ectionaries. Ac, j to till up orders. i hotenle or retail, at short notice, j Among h',s slock of L'uM'l-X'HU.NAKIi.S may be ; found . 1 l-'reiii-h Secrets. Hiinii-.l Alnionds, Cream V bite. Lemon, ' Hose. ' Vanilla, t'olillliou Seerals, Liquorice, I'ulu I'rops. till kimlssceut. ; Love ll.ops; j .1 Milt Iiropt. .''eu and white, i Jelly Cakes. j Fruit Drop. 1 Stick Candies. of all scents, I ltock Candy. j A 1 111.. ml Candy. 1 nil it. ! t Prune,, 1'iR". t l'.nisens, Nut of all kinds. . Ibinanas, Hates. Currants, dried. LF..MOX SYUFP ; of n superior ijualily. by the single or dozen. A ; superior quality of Tobacco and Scgnrs. and a variele 1 ol Voritectionarii-s. l rui't. Toy. Ac. oil of which is otl'erod cheap at wholesale and retail. j t ' tf Kciiienibcr the name and place ..-""1 I k M. C. liFAltllAKT, I Market -'.reel, 3 doors west of E. Y. Hiiht A Son's j store. " t Sunbtry. April 11. 1-i'd. ly j lu:t. . rvjii".-.iii,.ittn ivort. ! t" 1 urU Linos. I T1IK CAMUF.X AN.'i A.MIloY AND PllILAlU'L- . piiiA axi Ti:r:-TN it. n. co. s link. j l'rnm Vliihuh lyhiu lo .Yile Variant Win I'hin'. rum W'.ihinl ul ml Win nii'l lrmi ileum Jiffnt. trill li irr 1" fulluii . 1 : iai:k. At (1 A. M . via Ctiiuden and Aniboy. ;(' and I A. Ai inuiodiitioii.) ( 2.' All'iA. M.. via t'aliiden and Jersey City, .'. J., 1 A'voiiiuto.liiiioii. I 2.) ( At s A. M.. via Camden and Jersey Ciu. j (Morning .Mail.) Co 1 At MA. .M.. via Camden and Jersey iy!y 2d - I Class 'J n ket - -j ! At II A. M. via Kensintrton and Jersey city. i:v;.ress " .1 00 At 11 M. via Camden end Auiboy. C and A. (A uiiimid-ition.l 2 2j At 2 P. M.. via Camden and Aniboy, (C. and ! A. Lspress.) 3 00 j At .1 P.M.. via Ken-iiigton and Jciscy City, j Wa-h. and N. Y. K.pre 3 00 . At li! P. M .. via Ken-':ngtoii und Jersey City, (Ki cuing Mail.) 3 00 1 Al 1 1 J P. M . via Kensington and Jersey city. Southern Mail. " 3 Oil Al li (night) via Kensington and Jersey city Southern Kxpres 3 Oil ' At b P. M.. via Camden and Aniimy. (Aceotn- loodation. Freight aud l'aseiigir, First . Class Tioket." 2 'H Second Class Ticket. 1 60 j For Water liap. Suoud-burg. Scranton, Wilkes- 1 bane. .Montrose, tireat lleinl. Ac at 6 A. M.. from Kcnsiutoii. via Helaware, Lackawanna and . West.-rn Itaiirvad. For M.i.ich Chunk. AH.ntown. nethlubem, llelvi- i dcre. Fa-ion. Lainberlville. Fleiiiitigioti, Ac. at C . A. M . from Keiisingioii Depot, and at 21 P. M , Ironi w nriiTit street liart. (The t A. M. Line connect with Trains leaving Kaston for Man. h I huiik. hi ;t-U 1. M.) l-nr Mount li.-llv. nt ii A. M-, 2 ami I V. .M. For 1-rteholtl. ut H A. M. and 2 V. M. I WAV L INKS. j For Itri.-tol. Trenton, Ac., nt 11 A. M. and 1!J and j b IV. M. from K iiMntuti, Kor I'ulmyrn, Kivert.n. iKdanco, Beverly. Hur- linlun, Kluienee, Uurdci.luwii, Ac., ut 12. 1. 2, 4 : nnd 0 I'. M. i i V New York, nnd Way l.ine leaving Ken- I xiuion lepot. t.iku tlie Cans on t ilth itrc-t. uU-ve j W alnut, half nn hour before departure, 'i he I'ttiii ; run into the l'et. aud uu the uirivul uf each brain. run from the lepot. Filly l'uundx uf lnrnpo only, allowed rnch . ptisftener. I'tt-eiigerii lire prohibited from takinjf , uuythiiig tu bHUirage but their wearing apparel. All j Itnnje oer titty muiiiU tu be paid for extra. The I nmpHiiy limit their reai-onsibihifl for bHjiane to Oiif Jtollur per t -on i ul. and will uitTbe liuldu tor any amount beyond JlOO. except bv pecial tnutract. WM. JI- ViATZMFU, Aeut. January I, Ivi.'l. SIMON T. VVOLVEIl'l ON. Alloi'iit-y ii ml 4'oiinot'lt'i' ill l.nw, Otliee, Market street, 2 doon went of l)e.ot, HUNliUHY, P A.. 117 1 LL attend .ron,.lt v to the colleclion ofclaiiiis 11 and all oilier iTot'evioiwd bui-incon inlrui'ted lo Li" care iu Northumberland and adjoining counties. FMinburr, May 3, lo2. S-T-18C0-X. Irtil.' llanlullwu lililfrit. Tliev . 1 1 r i f v . utrenglhen. and luvigorats. Tlit cnate ln-ali h y ..etllo. They are an sniidoie lo change of water slid diet Tli,yo,ereoiiiei-tlectordiMiiNtion and latvliours 1 hey ktreiigtlit-n Ihv.vttetn and enliven the nimd lliey iie, cut uinwinaiie and uileruiitiviii feter. Ihey j urilylhe breath and aciduy ot ilm slouiaeb They curs l.vciii and l'oisnittion. Ihey eurs 1'iarrhta, Cbolcra, and 1 bolera Mor bus. They ears Liver I'oiardaint and Nervous lleaj ache. They arslhe lst Hitters la lbs aool.l. Thrymsks ths weak mau tiritng, and ars sshsukie.! aaturs s great rrMorrr They are lusds i( ur M t loin Ituiu. thee. Ubraied I alMa Ifaik, louts sa l bdU, 1 aud ais lakru wilb lbs I'leaure u s lM-.nage, with i aul irgaid to ega or tiius ul day. I'ailiealulr re. eolnuitudl'd delicstil .t'l.w iciulilng a seutU . iiiuulaitl h. by sll iiriH'rit I'rairitt.fs, lli.U , sua bslo.4is 1 a I'KAkK i'U , lii lW4.j, , NcaVoik i lubrf Ji, V,J liuwrluM its .strr !' I.wotl I ru, Hl.lwlir 't tk.ns siLim. a it iks.f ru.k ,( I'l. IKS ! ssd I'lS k It I CkSlviy .'mi i 1K.I A NEW AND USEFUL ARTICLE, j IX ALE IT, MORSE A BOTSEN'H 1'ntfht Wolf-AIns.lnK lothr-H IVi-lnftrr Simple, Economical, Durable, and is not Liable to got out of Order. The Pelf-Adjnsting Clothes Wringer, Is one of the treatest Improvement of the nineteenth century, and hssonly to be known and tried, to eome Into general use. The saving of clothes, in pressing out the wster between two rubber rolls, instead of wringing or twisting, will amount to enough in a short time, to pay for a machine. F.very one is sw are, that the twisting or wriniflns of clothes, stretches and breaks tho fibres; but this machine presses them so evenly, that a newspaper thoroughly soaked, can be wrung, without breaking it in the lent, and it works so easily, that a child tVelve years old canoperste it without trouble. Hot water does nut Injure tho rolls, and woollen good, can be wrung out of boiling water to prevent fulling, which cannot be done by hand. In Starching, it is invaluable e;peoiallv on large article, such as Ladies' Skirts. Ac, as it leave; the starch in tho clothes perfectly even. It will wring tho largest bed quilt or the smallest pocket hand kerchief, drier than can possiblv be dono by hand, without alteration, in loss than one.eiirth the time. The machine is so simple that it is not liable to gut out of repair. The great improvement in l!il. e-e'y every other Wringing Machine yet invented, is. its Self-Adjiist-ing arrangement, requiring no alteralion, to wring a handkerchief or bed quilt consequently, the moat ig. nornnt servant can odirule it. The machine is made ofw.vid.and so arranged, that no iron can posi-ibly come ill coiilS"t v-jtj the clothes, thereby avoiding all danger of injury to me clothes, by iron rust. 'J hi is the most simple nnd effective Clothes Wring er yet invented. Those purchasing can use them two weeks, and if they arc not perfectly satisfied, re turn them, and their monev will be refunded. Address L. K' SNOW. Philadclpha. Or 11. 11. MASSl.Tt, Agent for Northumberland co. July 6, I):.'. t".KI ItV PTIM.U 1 11,1.. 11.01 i:ia TPIIK sub.cribers having taken posses!on of this 1 fust elii.-s 1'I.OVK IMr MIl.l..ntn prepare,!! to receive grain of all kinds, aud to do eutiuii im k at the shortest notice. Customers will have their I grist ground immediately upon their being left at I the Mill. -As il is the intention of the linn to Mock j the Mill, a large supply of grain will be comtantly , kept on hand, and tlocr by the quantity can always I be obtained. The groutc-t care will be taken to turn ' out a superior quality of (lour, for which the mill is j admirably ndapteil. ' .-"trict all. ntion will be pi, hi to 1 the wants of customer, ami the palienngc of the 1 piionc generativ i" respeettutty rcquc-tc.i. Sunbury. Julie 2-t, If'iU. MnKtlAX A CO. lli:iCI'N IfOai.i., Jftr: i. 1 irrr. Pa. TJK liinnngeinei.t ,.f tiiis well-knen-n Hotel Yiv ing been icsiiuicd by Mors. COYLK A 1IF.HK, present t.roiirietors. Iiei leave lo inform the tuihlie tl, that the hou-e is now being thoroughly renovated, refitted. and improved, with a view to the proper and nilorlalile ncoolillt:oMnli..l ot those w ho tnav levor the establishment will, their custom, tiuests will reeen-e ifne atieiiltoii ami eonrtesv. mill no will be -'pared that may conduce to maintain 0 j hotel iii a first-elas style. i Families and others desirine to sejnurn in Harris i burg during the summer month, will find pleasant lamrding and large aud weil-ventilated rooms ulour establisiitncnt. upon moderate term. St'ofT COYLF. March 20. IS'-.?. ,1. tilLliKUT IlLLT.. MIIIKV As-VJUIY. j a Mir. SlWni'liY ACALLMY will be epencd on j the fust Monday of November. 102. Tl'IHON-l'LL yl AKTK P.. I Juvenile seholin. $2 00 Fnglish branches, 4 I'O Sciences and higher Mathematics, i Oil 1 Language, t'i 00 I M. LIIOIii:s, j i'nncipal. ' Sunbury, Nor. I. I F02 M liile's !ew Void. 'I'j r" t'niili-j . ' hook. AA'ir.s'.tv;,. .inn ami or.. MUXTAL TV. linvo tho fiilkst j'r:rnciit nf tin nnwt netful Kitil of riain unl Ot iminoiitnl I'vit. ninini- f.u'turotl from tin1 nifi iluriiliU iu tal. fiti-hr w ! the crrntcel ciiri ninl ta-cuim-v, ccurinjr 'crftct ju.-ti- i fiCHtit.ll. i Spffiin'-n Iii)uJ;s ami I'.tinniir.s fi;rni.-jlii(l iin )tj- j rlicatiiwi, uInj. 1 ritlMINU lMtKPSKS, ! w ith tlii'ir ni-j urtrnniHM - nf nil tlie nprrivi-I uir.l t-r , u 0 it 11 j r 1. . nf nil tin n(c.l "tvlr. cf tul r.- Vftnl Vuri.itisrr l.iil'fir-.jivin Ji 11 Irs, Ciim's Cuhinct. i iiritittirt, Printing Ink. nril rvcry Jirtii-Iy the IM inter rt'f(iiir Trrii liinriil. rimtii't ftiinitin. 1-Aii.Mi.K. i.vnu: x co.. A" ntl Gj Iltx'tiimin t-iict-t, Xew ik Mmv .1. Ku. StITH'i:! 1 'l'l .I:u!i"t E'.tr 4'iiit:iiiy, (IIYK NOTHK that liny lmvi- e,.m!il,..i ar JI raiigenients wilh the Nortliern t'ential l',aitr"iel Couipany to run trains from Itiiltimorc tor Yot k. Ilnrrisburir. lau.liiu. llalitax. '1 iw.rt..i Sunbcv. Northuniticrliind. LeHil.urir. Miit.-n. Mm rr. V t!- jj misin.rt. and all inlet tiiettin'e ':i'i..t s. e.m 'ii: ' at llnrri-buri with the til'.FAT UI'S'ILKN l'- PUliS. lor l'itl.-furg, Si. Leui? and the Vt-.-t. AImi with Huwnnl I ('n. !. r - rf J!:!t..u or Iiiiivi!li'. 1 ilHimhii r-r. M'ilkfhiim'. Titt-tnt-. .t'liin tvti, htmI hitfi'iui'iliiiK 'i.ti"h' on tin (.'itMinv'-'ri. f.u!;ii a ju 1 mi A lili-niu'ur ll;iilttiml-. At W i I -lininsMrt. hy Hhvip, A Co.'.- i:.j ri t. .lir-ry Shore iiinl lsuck Jlii n. ANi, y UxwuvA ('., ini'l thi'ir cnnni'ii..iH. fir Cutitnii. Tn-y. l.imiiH, Km-ar-iVr. llniTilii. Ninpirn. nnd to all Hf.- il.!c (1'iiiit- in Vc--ifrn Nt w irk nnd i'an:id. ly which thi-y will fnrwHrd .Mi'iv'inndi.'t'. SpM-. Knnk Nntr, sJi-wt-lry, nr.d Valml'k' riKkir"-'' of every dt-i-rip-tinli. Aim 1. Noto-. 1-rnft: nnd ;ilU for Colltvtiu'n. Kxpi-rit-iiri'd mill ift.cicnt liifcnfis hiyid. und t cry flioil will be n.:idt t.i ri ndir fnt'-l.M!i..t joiix i;.!n;m SiiptTintnitli'iit IN-iiii h I'iviMnn. I'liilitiivlphia. It. A. riSi'UKK, Agfiil for 5uubury. April .r, I Mil. a. your I'niif, BY li-iit Musuii'a TuU-ut Sheet M .u. .Vm Jup IVumtvi Jar. J.J'O.V.b' VA TKXT SIIICICT MLTA h cui:v Tor All that i.- nccsiiry hctn,? t'i "t'rrw the t'np down ipou the Kul'liir tiji-ktt. which i plm't-d nul.-i-ii' ipoti the elioiildcr of I in Jtir, j of nn inch di-twul .roin the to ; previ ut th .n-.-i)tilily nf tin Hinr o fruit be 111 ii juitd by coming in cnniucl with the libber. PerHHirt dciriiij; these .Jar enn b j-up plied by 1 ienvim; their order w iili II. lb .MA.-S1.K. Aonl. j cuooiii v. it 1:11c NOUTUrMliKUIsAMb I'KNNSYLYAMA, (Xttir thf Jiiit'c.) 1HK fubscriher bavin.' leaded tin 11 known Jiiveru Stand- lately kept hy Mr-, t'. S limwii. re.-pcetlally utt.-rm- the puHic ttiat he i- reiitim-: him! repiarint the preiiibe-i. and will be jarj-ured tu en tertain, in a com hrt a hlc muitio-r, hi liunirn us fiieiulti thrnuirhnul the cuiuly, ami all who may patronize hi eialdi-thtuciit April iJ lso2. .rosKI'Il VAXKUtK I I. A X K (ralehinent Paper.) lKed4 htiA blank .Mnrt'arefi, 1'oiidn. Fxeeutiunx. Siimmuiiff, Ac Sr unle at the office uf the '-.Sunbury Auieriean," llEIMSTREtT'S In! iill- llitir Itflus-alii r, IT IS NOT A I'VK, Hut r-torcii gray hair to iu original color, by fepjily ing the eaiiillary luben wilti natural .ui-icuanee, im- i . aired by age or ditcMMV All iniitniitaiuiiiK v,s are j coiniHwcd ul' lunar euu.tic, dctroymg the vitality j ; and beauty of the hair, and atlord of lheuikele no dreeing, llcimtitreet'k luiinilablc Coloring iiul only j ' retoret haij to iu iiVlural cdor by au eay froceka, ! ! but gives the hair a j ! LI M HUNT LK.Vl'TY. i ).r..u..le it. grow III. .revent. H- falling , fT. ! caies, dandrnll. and io-alth and leanautiie j j tollie head. It has !... I the te.l of Hint., being Ihu ! ' erigiiial Hair Colorini;. and it coii.tsntly incrvaitng 1 , iu favor. I M-d by U.thgelilletlivu aud ladies. Il it ', told by all ricciable deulnt. or eau bo rocurv, ' bv them ol the roiiiiuereial s rent, I'. H. ISA H . t.j. ' "n'i llrosdwsv, N. V. Iwusises, iu eeuls and l. i ttctober S'.' iNti i ssull ltir IOOU ricirt, j OF H.U.L I'AI'Ml UF KVKUV lllUAlil.L MiLl-S A.U l-AlTtllNS. 1I HT received direct trolu liufclurf . IhsMAMMiililAliiltr.f l , HiILl.,l I lillANT unburr, March li, -l IKMV III It s04 I I'll I LAl'Kl.l-li I For Iks Itrlirf of t lis Kn k and Mitrrwid. aftlict. I ilk trutrul snd ( bioiiin liLcstw. sud r. .vlly for the cure ol lwt-a-a ul lbs fi sual Klgans Ml I'll A L Al. KT itiii grutw, lv tUc tot!i i euiu.u. Ai r uu i: KU'oKTs nr Briii iii t Mvakutasf, and uihr lieM- nf ih fHitu-a 'ih-sua iu4 lb lll.W 1. bM I I'l 1 t i iu pl-lfrd IU lit lM.p-uJ, fMl.t t lb- altlktld IM wlid ell rreli'pr lire ul i-hi;i 1 j uf Iftrrv Mnii4 h r l-arfe ill ! AddiM. I'M J MxllblH U"lullT" ..-! Jiutsfvw lluaud A-i'..,a, i'U tti It N.ik J,,,, l'l.l! i. it.. r -I, A 1 .11 Trrn At.nrlmi.n ..CD vn I IIP"! TT'AXI Jt VATCOV'H :fS I'iDiEm safes. OLEAT FIHU AT 111-AMXO, PA. February 12, 162. nEn.tMES It 'gives mo mnch sntKnctlon ii Inform you that In the severe tiro which, on the morning of the 4th lust., entirely destroyed all tnf tuek and materials, 1 had one of your Salamander rire Proof Safes. After enduring 'nn Intense red beat for seven boors, the Bale was opened, and the liooks nnd Papers wcro preserved In nn nmblemished oonditinn. 1 shall need another Safe as noon na I o-ol iu order. Yours mo-jt resrw-thillv. W P DICKINSON, Ilca.ling, Ta. VI HE AT UllLLN CASTLK. CBAascnaci rta, Fratiklin enimty, Pa., I ,, Au(,itt :Ul. lsi-,! i Mrwrs. i Waiaox. I'hi a lelj-hin (lentlo. men: On the morning of tho 2il or Angivt. lsrtl our Storehouse at lreencnllc wa. detroved bv fire' Tho Salamander Stir..- we purchased limn you' soma few years since wa in tho alivo iiientihned store house, and contained all onr book-, piper, ensh Ae which were preserved in a p-rlVet 1 . i. lition, 'nrt,.r living exposed ton most iiiti-n-.-lii-nt forseventl hours Pli;ae inlorni it" 111,011 what terms you will s"ll us auother larger Safe. Yours truly. OAK? ft Al'STIN Snlainaniler Sa'i'cs, fir Hanks. Sores. Piiiiti. Families. le Ac. Also. Lvans ,V W.-i:,-s pint Alphabetical Hank Locks and llenk Vault li.,,,r... e.iiiil to any made In the ei.nni.-,-. and sold on ai gooil tei-ins. K A- W. would respectfully refer to Iha following Hanks ami other parlies, having their Safe and Locks now in use. to their entire saiisfac t'on, and many nther given al their More. I Mini Si ati.s .Mint, Urnneh liiink, .-bclbwiils Philadelphia. Tenoes-ie. I .iiti:i.mati:s A! itv 1!,1( f Philadvlnhin ''iriifornia Coii .iiiatiiin Il k of Piiila. Coin'tli Ihiiik of I'l, i in. t'liatiiuoopi Ihink. T nn. l're'm Loiin As'on. 4th si It-ink of Northumberland, liimk of North 11 Libenio. l'liiliiil.-loliin Pottstown Lank. Pa. t.'olttes ille IIiiiiK. I'll. Strottd-biirir Lnuk. Pa. Jersey shore Itiink, Pa. Lock Haven Hank. I'n. I nion Hank. lltimorc. S..iiihe.-ieri I an o n. Paul and Swift. Hanker' Fulton Dunk. .,iuta,iin. Alal.n1.1a Newark Punk. IM W. t. .Sterling, WilkesbV Ptink of N. ('.. Hub i;.h. l.ewisbin-i liimk. I'n Olhcr ref'ereueis uiv-ll i; mllil g c' - 'tr Store, No. Ill S. 1'oultii Street, f-.'-i I -.Ina Mnr.-h 20. IM'.L'. y .11 iT i ia:;tv A. VUX, No. li;o Cor. Fiilt.,0 I 1fri:yt ill l.!M, iinn-l liroa.liiny, . t- i itir.K. ill carel'iilh attend to Collections and all other mutters intrusted lo their crire. .May :'!, 1-:.?. ClCViTl.,!. Ltrt'E: I KiiiiStm-.v. rilnn.;.-fl-t.i, Co., j rillllS la,-Ke and eommodiuu' Hotel, now minmgc.l I J by .1 A .'w K V AM' V K K. i -itimtc at the : road Hi-pot, North Last eoincrnf .Minkei S.jioiie ! Sunbury. Pa., mid at the I. rtnii I the Sunbury A ' I'rie and Northern Ci ntii l linilroad-. ami is oi.i-i'i ti , " "'"" iravciers amt 111c piti.Hc 111 Ihf .rri.ri.-. r v,i!l civo hi c i.-lu-iP nit.i;iin t. tlir t-oinlnrt ni-1 .,. vrnii-ii;-i nf hi,f ui's'y. mil tlffrvniiiH'd tn ihitk.' ilj ;p efi.iUi.-!.mr.:t r;ink iiti.tir--iUf firfi in the Stalf. His liil.lf v iil l.r .- i.; iiti tht-hf tin T!i:u'k"t cm pnlite'. h in;' Hit- Hilvniitnv nt il.tilv r, liit-ntii-n 1-y tvn- Jin-.-t trotii I'lilniiinn. nn i trm.i thi'.-o liiiiii,- j-niMU'-e fi, ,1,1 1 li .-iirmun.liij-o;untry. Hip imr will fiipj lii-l i.h tin- j ur-t !;.nior nmrkft run pr-.-luci. i'uri'ful mi I ithli-'Ir.-' tv:hiN uU r- in 11 tt tt .- Ni'W iuil '"it'iiK 'li'ti;.- -Uii to t!ii n-iiii' J. A -Ivirc uf Iii. !.!' iut n'.-prftj'ull.x -'.lit i:.-.!. ."Miiihurv. tl:t:iinirv 11.'. I Iifi jll-'t h. il tf.:i-i-iuir 'oi:;-1 E.;;-i, 05 flllti ,li, Lnail't V"lt. f'i'.l.7 l'V'lii,'l , Nl.W YOKK. rnnrs nr-t (' h..i:v !i.eU.,.t ni.-t. , I and pi. asm. t Hotel in the eitv ol'.i r : "Tni'!ik nj.-r.t.i lieliieemonl.- lo those vi-iliie' New Y-.rk l-.r In or pl'-ui-uro. it i- i-entral ii, its lo.-Miion. and kej.t 0:1 the Li unfit i Pun. in .c'l ceti..;. niili T.u t,..:', S.u.oov. .bire reli,lnneni c..n be hint at all hour-, or serve 1 iu tlo ir -.n iiNiiL-. The einiY' - .'.r.- 110. derate, the umi auen..,t 1 the tit-t nr.lnr ha!.-, and !'! tiii- r!l col, eliteli-'es titta. l.eil Mar.di J'J. l-i.J. UAI.I. V" ! .Jor A 1.1. I'll l it, e T. -i-lll;;; i-r n.i: ami Sity-uiiii c 1)'fi:iii:n r Stvi 1:1. III.-. wt.n Pit- AN M.1-. tkhs. vnrviij ;n i-rice tioiu tieerit up all rf lit till- KI,. Iwiiieh n ill l.e -obi at the lo.11 it prie.-. II FN 1 , cheap -tore of ,1 , i Mnibiirv, .March 2-', SEVtNO MACHINE OO- e.".s LKOADU'AY. NKU '"l;K. 1,., . v,.h S' m,-:i yv, . II (Mil . AYINt !' MII.Y nr. 1.1 ,isbi I Mid lb. iI'tiialion. 1 cl. tlieom I" l iiii; 't' ail lliil-'iiiucs J t't ::il;'. l ipi- d .0 Al t. Kim.- i J" du. nnd 1m in; mot w 11 h n hi lit ,;! I... Vi I..1 1 i;r :M -; rinticii':!'.! n 'Ii.k'i mi. thM ! h ttur ;lr-. iiii'.i' ee:i niiea I .-njipiy. we A'f.iili! n :iiiii.tin:ci' t : it v i-ii fntr ui'ii.u i riii ii.L Ifcilitifc. m i!i, 1 ,e t r:!i. .-lnni be cn.ibici to .-u; ; Mill d. r.i, -- 1 . -i.iil.t :;!k.mi bv lb, v. nr. t:- (' t'.rci- i, "H . r.p:iciy ! 1 11 c iiii're? !i mi I Pi.- (! I:. thin; h:i- plriVed a iimt.- im . rtnin pdii tlim ( r.ttiM. Mi i:isr. ' i;!...i:t It tbre. -i'.-uit!" onr M.!dict i'fii!ii li - iny t e . l.tJu -t :n rn :h:i!'' 1 "MiiHury ('..-tn: '.' All p-t tlx bind :n my ' thilli In - lice;; tlie wirk rcpiii t -1 nj our pan iti women. nt:l in.i.! h-ietjev i e;'t(ibd . .V;.; i-nuit to tiink"' only -f" i.riny . i hm ?j !i,en i, :-.i- .-n, iifc-'iniil'-h. tin y I w c c'-pi-i lb,- Sewip'j Mnchi:; tn their nid. nnd by U 1: e i lie ! . ,t ih. lie '.T-. I' ivr; run ! Miii:r, al a rale im-hi r ibfinwlvf. K'rmwin-.' that ihi" w-rk .-nnbl lei I C'Mit irue. in any ih'-uirhiti'l, prudht linn-,--a . w careful Iu M'lvct lln- 111'.. I i! " i if i.H o'.b'.T-.. . -uld d't the luiuy :n h: y u .. U. an 1 ben hm . thai, iln-n tn be u ,- .s .!:eir '.V!U .V i'NK. ; ill M-e,t'n: i,;ie o( tlit; . liHi.t! i 1 - . s S:;ui-. Matium; C.tVi'.iv J'.iMii.r M .' msy," tin Hincii V"U n;;iv -a-w trnm the nniv mri-v-n ibr hem uni cl 'iii . wit ut ciu.ini l 1. m edb- inied. ::al'i!iy nf vc MMtde at; '-Itaii t T) -H'li tl'c l:a . e i Tliu h;u im dt min-hi'i' ft r nil kimi t ne, n 'li..ip 1 lied llu- lit! ot mirk, ne I .! p in ad aii' i-. mii J . our .n. .t iit m M 'I AIl 'MMMi Mil MlvC. Jo bo the -;l..-T 'I A M. iiili. dtieid. Sfwin)- iht- e ml iiii i:;m:-, prt..ti.t hii li c entiti'lentlv cl KIN(J MA I'll INK" ' arrt linen t;nd w i' iiineii eit.e uie eollili oll coll:il. anil wnell re.j.' may be ll-ed '.i do liie vry lili.t e ie Hurl;. I jit or I'm' ci ilon .ho-- combining in one c. i. form, cerv iiiiilit e r. iuii i d in either a LAM uii MAM T.U H'lilNii -MAt'll I N V.. We hii,e had our M I'-hine b.-i'.,!,- the i.i:LI enough to i.-la'.li-h i!,eir re utatioii. I',..-! otl.i r- wit.. tnrlt-d wi.h l! ing clots ! nve l'.i;. the wayside;' and --.ii tlie d'ieeJ ihtit knew will know tl.ein ! more. ' Stcii by Mei hi Iim.i i: i Lo. .NIa.iiim: w,,u iti' ev t.i . I'm or ; it- -lu-cesj. is m,,i ltd. ,!..! i: aim ball be. a.- il lots in (lie at b,eu. to -nil t'i. ilnprois. .iui(!:IV ami i .-. I i.c- t!.e .-..-t of i t; chiiK.". We .tin!!, in a i'.-,v da, t. iouc a new lift. Kor further oiirtieuliir n.i.lii.., r INhl.l. A LMi.V MAtlMi MAflilXL' n. it'.'. lii,a.K,tiv. New t'i'H. L. M.issitn, Au'ent, .-'m.l.iu v. l'.i March I .'..' lIHIll';iflll-ffM oI'Sioik- in- COWDEN Si WILCOX. J:iAllKISDTJltG. 1A. 1!L .Stone Wale l.o H Ilia le lit ll.i.- i :.'. i' t-iiual to unv mud, iu ibi ...uiiti , l'i. noiy ot min k, u-uullv n.u.l,,, uhn.v.iu h;i lieriisl.ury. M:.y :i,'mi.' - J A M L's I) a 11 ii j; n ' miul.Ke'Ai.K sxn ri:t:i. CLOCK EX TJ li L IS 11 Mi: S. I'. Cvrnrr Snwu! anl Cl.rsl iLt n l'lilla(!ililila. CKNfV toill.. I'A'I'l'N I' Lijt AI.I.INi. Tl V I L" hS. a vrl, iV.,il,ir mil, l I,, i , e, llolrl., H.iliht. I'ounlns II. .11., I'm or..Ar. 4Jto. .Miii.uliieliliet ol I ; lni.h l'l'. ilMeka revuirj v. uir-inl. .1. I. Ik-S I'lonii.i. ii. ul cv.-iy .t,-wu(.lio I'anii.tcltiiiM, Jmomi 111, -tll-.:ly II. II. 'ItSMlii, liut ill 4I1, HMUI.Y t'iillr.'lloiu Hi ll tl I lo iu the c. i.litn . HiuuilKilaiid, I uiuii, en, ih r,, i aud LyeoH.iiig atri ar. i s II. 41 J .1.1. M. Ile.d, 1'b.lM.UIlil.iS, A. ti. "uii. ll A t o , ll. ii Wui I'oil.r M-iou M. Mi, ..i y , . I. k.l.Ut. 1 I',. I'-l Ne John W Adimrt l .Vll..n.i' t !., MnhrM. A ll. A 1 1 oi tie, ai La, MuuLu.i , M.i b ."' l-oj ' l.uiMlttrl I.mhiIm'1'I I llll.ll' ll IV U. II..I I . .a.iiK -..a IM'l'HMt k.. In-.. ! ...I ks j.l.t II. s tk. J..i.u, s..l tli -t ' I I .l.i.. U wit la k tl td i ut I ... , t ktiA : "t f i kl.41