gTtjc unuuv ft mrriran. IT. D.MABBEIt, Editor A Proprietor. SOIIlllY, PA. SATURDAY, JUKE l8, 1B03. 8. M. PETTENOILL A CO., No. 87 Turk Row, New York, mid 0 Btnto Sited, tonlcr, nro our ogenli fur tlio PnNucnr Amkiiicak E those cities, and are authurited to Ink Advertieos tutnta and Subset ijitloua for us at our low eel rate. . Vi'no Got cp the Rebellion t We siiLiiiit thu following fact, by Elating that during tlic nilmimstrrtlKm of Jnmet Buclian nn the following fcventa occurred ; Deo. 10, 1800; Carolina ar-ceilcd. Jan. 8, 1801, Mississippi scceileil. Kloriilii Bccctlet). Georgia setcilrd. l,titii;iiiim f-erolted. Texas revolted: Arkansas revolted. Jeflersnn Darin was elect Jan. 16, 1801. Jmi. 19, 1801. Jan. 31, 1801. Feb. 1, 1801. Feb. Fob. fl, 1801. 9, 1801. ed President of the Southern Criilfederacy. Feb. 19, 18C1. Jeff Davw was inaugura ted. Now who got up the rebellion ? 'Under which King ?" Jri" Tub Luthf.han Synod op pESHm vama, which met at Reading, closed il sessions on Thursday night, at ono o'clock, after four days of careful deliberation. The synod was organized by tho election of Dr. C. W. Hchacfrcr, of Gorniantown, as Presi dent ; Rev. . M. Simirker and S. R. Rrobst, Secretaries, and Rev. Mulenburg Keller as Treasurer. The union of the Old Mother Synod of Pennsylvania with the East Penn sylvania into one body, was not fully consu hiated, but after a long and fraternal discus sion, a series of resolutions was adopted enniifiating some general and fundamental principles as a basis of negotiation between the two bodies in reference to such n union. 3Loral Affairs. J3k"MpnuvKMI;.iTS. obscrvo ft number of our odium re puirinK and improving their property. The Lmcuh authorities havo directed tlic paving of tho sidewalk.", and aro about commencing to inncademito the atreeta, which is a InudiiUe enterpriie, nnd which lias long since been needed. We aro liappy to note these improvements us it shows enterprize nnd pride in our cititens to brirp our town on a level, if tint paramount to any other iu tho Slate, for beauty and comfort. - t'fr'WKkvii. This insect litis visited some (raiu fields in some of our neighlKring counties. So fur wo have nut heard uf ahy in this vicinity nnd the fnrtners express, tlic hope, that tho Rroin crop will be very (food, ii wo are not visited by heavy rains or strong Kinds, which will have the lO'oct of litying the graiii and iujuriug tho coming harvest. tjF" Impoiitat to JrsTK Ks or Tn b Thai's. liv the list of stamp duties imposed by the aniotid luent art. all transcripts of Judgments from dockets of Justices of tho l'ciice, will require a five cent mil in p attached, which it will bo the duty uflho Justice to cancel. The person ordering the trans, dipt will of course be bound to pay for lliuin , but In order In stivo time and trouble, it will bo well for justices to supply themselves with the stamps, in order that they may be affixed tiheu required. A neglect to comply with the provisions of this act renders tho transcript worthless. JLnroi.lmknt. Capt. Cluirlcs J. llruncr, of this place, has been appointed Assistant l'rovost .Mar shal tor this end of tho Hislrict. The following per sons huvu been appointed enrolling officers fur this county : --Sunbury. Juincs Heard; Vpper Augusta, Lemuel fiimpbell ; Hush. It. V. t'olkel ; Shnuiokin. Li-njainiu Luhncr ; Coal. J. J. Jolin ; Alt. funnel, ii J. Lewis ; Zcrbe, I. Koiser; Cfliiierun, J. Wagner ; .Ionian. Julin 1). lllosscr ; Jackson, lieiij. .Strickler ; Noi-lhumherland nod Point, I. Caster Paul ; Chillis miaque, John l'ruy ; Milton, I'. L. lluckenburg : 'i urljit Jacob At. Fullmer ; Lewis mid Tuibutvillo, John I'hristmau ; Delaware and AlcKwcnsville, Win. M AriiistroiiK ; Upper Mukutiny, John J. Sminkey ; Little, Mrdionoy uud Washington. AI. J'. Uuhucr ; Lower AJahonoy, L'lwilcr. The jliinisliurg 'J'trgmtih of the Hth inst.,snys: "'1'ho Heard of knrolliueiit unauthorized to exnmiuo applicants tor uxoinplioii, as soon as the men arc. en rol led : although the! act is purely voluntary on the pah of the board, it "ill greatly facilitalo tho lubor and tune reo'uired in funking the draft. Iu these lis the surgeon will be able to uiuko them inure thorough und siitLfu-.te'ry than hp would be ublu to do, were the examination i-'cferrid until after thodruVt. t i In nti-wtr tn tho many inquiries cf ln. se llitefestcd we Hill stale that, ar soon, an a 'nnu is enrolled und a claim of any d'.crintbn ho ';isiie3 to present for ex emption on I iit- g'u.ind if physical d.isuliil'ly. will bo heard by the examining board, iu the order on which the applications arc entered by them. , i t i , - ; . I ' , J"'As a number of counterfe't n e dollar bills upon the Hank of S'orthuiubcrlund. havo been put in circulation lutely iu this vicinity, i: would be well for tho public to remember that tho Central As?o eiation of Iianks tut the sMppres ion of Counterfeit -,ng. of which the Bunk of Northumberland is a uicui 'er. fter the follow tng hands', me rewards : $.101) to the person who nhall furnlrh l"fonnatioi which shall lead to tliu conviction and sentence of me or more persons convicted and sentenced for en. ruviug a complete plute or plates for counterfuitiug tinnk bills. JUKI for one or more, persona convicted and scn enced for engraving a die orilies for altering Uauk .ills, and Ji loreucii porspu couvicted and seutenccd or uttering or passing Bank bills ; pro ided said plates or counterfeits are ou tht.liuuk bc ongiug to said ONiocialioii.' t, , . , t .. Suitable rewards will also be paid for tho convic. iun and sentence of the for?i;r of Checks or lirafis ii said llauks, uud of tho muktirs uud uttcreis of otiiitrrlcit coin or dies for luukiug the satua K. DaI.lktt, President of Uuuk of I'oun Township, biladvlphia. is Ihe Secretary ot the Associutiou. j? On the Soih ult , a rueeting of Hie ladies of lis place was held at the residence of Airs. W'lllam I'ilsou, to organise a siwlaty o wJrk for the I'. S. unitary Commission. Oflicert wcro elected and luiiultters appointed. Air. Pleasauta kindly gave iu tacant rooms adjoining his residence for the use ' the Commission Thursday, from two until Ave clock P. AI., was appointed the lime of meeting for ink. Ihe meeting last Thursday, showed what illiug hands and I'oeral hearts the ladies of riuubury ite to devote to the service of their country. A itmiiouuf twenty yards of muslin was received ui Mars. Johu Alarkle and Aulhouy Kluker, and io piece of calico for wrappers, from a lady . It Is to bo hoped the people, from lbs adjoining Diiships Mill lake eu interest iuthis guod work and urn their loyally to their country by Ibeir liberality her tick Itud'Wflef ing s-ddlfis. The follow lug isa. I of oflicnrs end eouuuitteisi that have accupiest rir apsjiutiueuui : Priidejil Airs b'MAMl,a I'Lliitsra Vh-e I'rwidents- Mrs Win, J, Orcrnuiigb, Mrs. JurdiMi. Wie J W. 'vyf, .Mm Wilsou, Airs, iiiee lluyd, Trrurer- Miss Hil)i I'l'iuci'l H.rtry Alias I. ..i-(jt) I'oiuiuiitre ou suppliiw ia lowu Mia ione Teas, rs Ali-nltlius, Mil tiobiu, eln tl Itrnu, Aire H iinpUll, Airs H M Skliidel, im It Alct'arly. Alias mv AUsms. Alisa Alaltii.u eUer Mu H huiile, L tiu-Ur, Abss A fcl' hl end Alue I. Weaver I inujiili ou eupplira Iiomi the l uuiilijr Airs m. . jrt, ilis I U Ursal, lis VI ui Kutke l rr. Alias Uiy l.aswus aud AIim C lialiua I .,ii'ii n. tt uis - Aits II, ury Itilliugtoa. Airs i. bl, All lieu Ihll. Airs tint W slkr, Alias Alan uUm , Aiise l.l.l.e l.ewuua, d Ails. M Cl.ui.m t ii,1iil !'. ewt. - AlrsttiUuei Alis J lUvke ur. Alii A Ai iiiee, Alias Alariude to,i, .Miat .ud Ail- i wily i ui(le M. iJ ii.uiu.iiUe bat I'uii le.-ae - Mis II. n " a at, ) t-- " I ' tilow a CirrTTr i tim to liats a f.or At. Towm The Oerhiah Reformesl Siwd met at l'niontown, Dauphin comity, laat Week. A number of Clorgymen and deicgiitce .from ,tba, different ekvrhca of tho adjoining oountfee were in aUend anoo. The dologate from ,the .Congregation of Uiia plae, who Ii a oooidldate fur the Legislature, no doubt thinking It a good opportunity to display bis tnlrnU, had apolitical meeting called at a tavern iu tLcloWcr cud of this county, a few miles from Knion- town, cn Friday evening. Bomo of tho clergy and cititens desirous of being onlightoned prepared to tbn place appointed to hear him. ' To their astonishment they found him to bo a oopporhoad, denouncing tho administration in the most bitter torma. The oitiioni of that vicinity boing loyal to tho government, de termined upon iuforulug the honornble delegate Hint ho was not far enough south to utter such treasonable language The next morning, after the oltizuna henrd of a copperhead being iu tboir midst, an unusual ex citement prevailed in that loyal village, the .Stars and Stripes woro displayed from the housea and a large flag stretched across tho main street of the town. A corumtttco win then appointed to udvlse tlio oopper head dclegato of his future course, and requested him to leave the place beforo 10 o'olock A. Af ., or abide tho eonsequencca. Tho tlrtrgajc, believing discretion the hotter part of valor. wa aen at 9 6'clock A. AI.. passing through under the American flngon his way to doubt, considering It au unconstitutional act to be ordered out of a loyal Village for uttering disloyal aentiinenta and urgiug tho citiions to resist the draft. Tho above are the facta as commuuicatcd to ui by a correspondent. ("rHl'8V The copperhead candidates for office have been quite active within the last few weeks, in making themselves agreeable to the farmers so as to get their votes at the primary election. Tho candi date for the ofRde of Sheriff haa not been permanent ly decided yet by the clique, on nc count of solno six or eight of the enndidates and their friends, having become a little stubborn, and do not desire to be laid on the shelf until the next time, no doubt thvy having a presentiment that the soldiers will all have returned home by that time, and, that their chances would then, be slim The successful candi date, will, no doubt, relate to his German friends on his finnl tour for the office, the manner the wires were pulled to plncc him on the ticket, in this witc : 'Well, ich will der now yust exactly fertzehlu wie's war. I'urt war der Alartiu in der front line, donn war noch cn line sell war die tswett em Billy sin line, donu war auch de drit lino sell war ich uud der John. V'n donu fersteh, we sie dno anfangn hen iu schtiiuma douu is ovwa der Martin als turick g'lophu fersteh. Well donn des ding war goot, donu is ev wa der Hilly doiu Martin noeh g'lopha ferstoh. I'n donu des ding war tils goot, ich uud. der John hun des g'arrainged un sin fornnnous g'lopha, der John hut dno der track zu mir gcvwn. Chim niena was bin ich avwer g'lopha. Cui'M'iL Pitoi ekiiimis. Council met on Alondny evening pursuant to adjournment. Chief lturgest S. U. Hover in the chair. Alenibers pre.unt, Alessrs. Oieeiiough, Packer. Pleustints, Wilvert, Hright, Kri ling, ltolirbaeh aud Scesholtr.. Minutes uf bust meeting, and meeting. of May 11th read and approved. The Auditors reported settlement with C. F. Mnr tin. Collector ; P. W. llrny, Treasurer, and lnvid Haupt, Overseer of tho Poor. tin niotiou. the report was adopted and Audilors instructed lo report if uny more orders were cancelled uud nut marked on the order book us such, and if so to report at next meeting. tin motion of Air. tJrecnough. Resolved, That ap peal, from the taxes its levied for 1603. be heard on the 2'Jd dav of June, inst., butweeu Ihe hours of 'J o'ehs-k A. AI. and 4 o'clock P. AI.. and that when : the Council adjourn, it bo to meet tit 9 o'clock A. AI.. ! cfthe L'l'il inst.. us a boiird of appeal in the Grand j Jury room. ! Hill of Mr. Leaker, Street Commissioner, present- ! oil, on motion, un order granted for the same, the wages to be one dollar per dny for this bill. i tin motion of Air. Wilvert. Hesolved, That the ' Chief llurgess employ a Civil Kngiuocr to give the pr lilies uf the ilreets." t'n molion of Air. Pleasants, Hesolved, That the Chief Hurgess be authorized to make a contract with Air. Weiser lor stone for iiincademiziug Alarkct street. On motion an order of $y. ginuied for making out j duplicates of lioiougli, Uoad mid Poor tuxes for tho ensuing year, and lor thu duplicates to put said tuxes , in. On molion. adjourned. JXO W. Hl'CIIEli, Clk. iir An KxTn.ioitiu.NAiiv Si ihih al Fkat. A ! uio.t singular opcrtitiitn was perl'ornied by Ir. Thud. S. I'p lie Umfl the Oculist and Aurist at his surgical j rooms iu this place yesterdny. it consisted in the ' removal from one of the eyes of a Air. ig'cr. of To- I w ui ul u. l'a., of a living iiniiiiul about uu cighlh of an , inch in iliaiueter, ot u globular form, jios-es-ed of a ; head and tail, aiiproximating suiuewhut in the shape and upprurnncu to the ordinary brook turtle. This ' little creature bus been living iu tho iiijtii vits humor (or watery portion of thu eye), for the pnst eight or j teu months, und had grown so rapidly us to have i greatly interfered with tho vision of the patient ' The doctor tolls us that this is. the second case that bus some under his observation, aud but the fourth case ever known to huvo occurred in thu luitcd 1 Suites. This curious little animal is named a ryutirrrrtu trllulosa.ur "worm in the eye,'' aud belongs to that class of animals "mown as ilntutoo or I'urqir.. Ir. V. succeeded in removing the aniuiulnlivo but it died in a few minutes atler being exposed to tho atmosphere. It can yet be seen at the doctor office lClmiru Jfttily Prrss. Kil l. en. We lcurn Unit John I'. Shnuuon, Esq., of Lew is Taiwnship. was killed on Friday of last week by a piece of timber falling on him. lie was engaged in building un addition to his barn.. when the timber fell upou hiiu and instantly killed hiiu. ilewasagood cilizen. au honest and upright mun, and his deiilh is regretted by many friends. At r'ouo of the Vallundighuni sympathy meetings held throughout tho North, have the speakers or resolutions expressed one w ord of con demnation of thu devilish rebellion which is causing murder and every oilier terror "f war to infect the land liko a pestilence! Yet Ihcsu Copperheads oluiui that they ore loyal ! t" The Kight Kev. Dr. S,le ens. assistant Piflio'p Of this diocese, w ill make an Episcopal Yicitntiou and hold service io St. Murk's Church, Northumberland, Saturday evening, July 4lh, and iu St. Matthews' Church, Suubury, Sunday morning, July Ml" I.cllcr Irons Army, Cami' Nkaii's Station, Va., ) May ad, 18GU. Editor Suidntry American : I have this day noticed an article in the " Vaiiitii Fair" commenting rather sarcasti cally upon un extract taken from tin Itich uiond fkiitiml, of May lOlli. Thu whole of which pleuse find enclosed, aud iu 1 have been personally connected with fhe the cir cumstance to which the extract refers, ! ahull statu facts o fur as 1 know, and let rcadeia draw their own inferuueu as to the truth fif the balance. On the afternoon ot May the 3d, whilst on the raid, the Fiiat I'. S. 'hviilry was detailed to destroy thu Virginia Central Kailroad, from l.'i'!'i Oourt House to White Hull, including Wutcr t:i'!i'otis uud lhpot. Tolleraville was un ititer-iiiediatu point aix miles from tho former place: Tron our arrivul there, 1 wua ordered to jiiffref the rouu. leiuliug tiiwurtU bpottsylvuitm l ottrt llouso uiul t reilenekalmig. 1 moved nut through the wood in glit of uud parallel to thu roud, iu order to' sur prise tliu eueinii picket iu case 1 should meet thtiii. When ubout out) liiilu trout Tolleraville,! mw one man uiounted leuding two horns. 1 rode up uud found tln-m to be three of Uentrul Trimblu'a horns, two of whiili Wiro audtlled und bridled. The mounted man was u negro, thu act vulit uud olatvti of lieiieritl Trimble. Jlo was cuptuicd by lliu IfiWil J .ii k win ut llurKr' Ferry J ii li ii ' uud Mild iulu aUviry inline il;alcly ullel. lid is ui(iiu free, and now cooka for iii, lt uUuit tNniiiy vcura of uge, tlliP i)d ol (iilu-iil aervunl. Jwo i f tlic hoi as a UM lion I.Clim ridden In HIV rum p'Oi), cmiipuny I, J-iikI I', h. l'atvi:r, l... oilur died Horn t liuution i.n o,n n in i i"!i tin. Ui I Ii U J loj luri tliv L.ite the colored ninn told me that Ocncral Trimble's servant ccincd with the bcbl mare, thu favorite nninial of Oencnd Trim blB'sslso his ovcrcont sabre anil pistol. I followed him oflef jt.hiid my picket S cstab lishecf, when ho bwninp so hotly pressed lio left the road and tried to escape through a dense wood. Lieutenant Mvcra of tho First U. S. Cavalry, wns stationed soutli of tlio woods, lio captureil the orileriy, out not the horse, tho orderly left tho horse behind In tho thicket, thinking ho could escape on foot, and wt: had no time to seek the horse. On tho morning of tho lit h of May, the orderly was paroled, near North Ann PJvcr. h am ordered on picket must go .jmmtd'iately, snprod-bye for the pre sent. I. R. DLNKEMIKltOKIl. , (From the "Vanity Fair." .ALIKEtY TALE. A coon while ago we ooncoived the idea of studying the progroxsioiial development of the liobcla' talent tn the art of lying. We found It ft heroulancan task, but up to the preeent time, by tho persistent aud unsparing concentration of our Irabiense energies, we have been equal to it. On several occasions we were awed into admiring wonder by the stupendous character of the Lie then before us, and fondly believed the ctininx had buen reached at Inst. l'iut tho grandeur and simplicity of tho'oxaniplo wo here present our readers, seems to us to indioato a stago of progress beyond Ihe power of the most audacious imagination to surpass. The force of lying can no further go ! This rhef tl' treitrrt Is from tho Kielimond Hmtuicl of AIny lUth. Hend and do homage. O disciples of Satan and Mi N iialsks, his aostle. to your new master : "The Yaukee raiders captured an orderly of General Trimble's, neur Tolersvillo, in Louisa county, with his scrvuut and four horses, his pistol, snbie, and overcoat. About right iirix ul'ii'nritrth, tho orderly having been relensed, he repnired to the spot where ho had been captured, and to his surprise as well as pleasure, found the General's favorite mare, Ihe pistol, snbro and overcoat. The nninial was tied tn a tree, on the bark of which she had doubtless subsisted during that length of time.'' What think you of that For our part we are doubtful which is the tougher the '-bark ' of the tree, or the ''bite' of tho mare. We fancy there will bo no further necessity, here after, for her muster to "tun her hide,'' after that "eight days," regimen. If he is sentimental, by the way, he will change her inline, and, in memory of this marvellous episode, cull her henceforth "liarkis." What puzzles us most alter all. however, is the species of tree that could hnvo furnished this nutriti ous bark. Our first idea was that it was probably a btitternul ; but after further retlection, wo incline to think it must have been one of Iho cvcr-grccn variety. Whatever it may be, wo recommend lis exlraor dinnry virtues to tho serious consideration of the mvsterious concoutor of the "S. T. X. 1H0II,'' and "also to that other physician whose "sands of life' hnvo been "nearly run out" ever siuoo wo van ! remember. As Virginia soil, however, grows various sorts of treas-nn, let them tuko cure not to "bark up the wrong tree." They will most surely find the identicnl one. by fi'iuemberiiig that there lire, in all probability, indications ot a "mare's nest" ftilt discernible at its foot. 'l'li- tVtir iu .Moxioo. TI1K KfltltKNllKtt OK 1'1'KllI.A. San Fhancisco, Juue 9. The steamship Constitution has arrived from Panama, bringing, via Acupulco, I'u cblii dates to the lUth, and news from the city of Mexieo to the same day. On the 15th nnd l'.lth of May the French were repulsed before Fortress ('armen, but the garrison and inhabititnts of Ptiebbi were reduced to n state of starvation und their ammunition entirely gone before they would conae'iit to surrender. lien. Oite'ii was. greatly disappointed because (leu. Coinont'ort had not succeeded in cutting his way through with supplies. On the l?th i'en. Forey sent a lliignf! truce to (Jen. Ortega, offering to allow the Mexican otlicers nnd soldiers to match nut of the town, the officers with their side j arms, &c., providing they would give their j parole not to tight against thu French again. 1 lie tiller was relttsetl ly ticn. Ortega. In the meanwhile he spiked his cannon burned his gun carriages, tltstr.iyul the : arms of hit i infantry, and then surrendered j a prisoner of war. I (ien. Rebuls and his aids as well as tlic I ordnance oliicers, preferring death to being , taken prisoners, committed suicide, by shoot- j ini themselves tlead. I The advance of the French ai'inv is tit r'li.tlnln uiv ii.ib.j li..viin.t I'nidilii on tin- i ,'.''-,.' i wav to I lie capital. I i he MeMciiiis are much embittered against . till' French. All the Frenchmen in the ' fit v of Mexico have been ordered to leave ' itliin eight days. Tile Mexicans are determined to defend the approaches to the capital to the lasl, and drive the invaders of their country I ack. titent enthusiasm prevails among them to engage in the coming struggle notwithstanding the disaster which betel the heroic garrison of Puelilu. In San Francisco the houses of the Mexi cans residing there are draped in mourning, while the French residents have their tn colors everywhere Hying. The foregoing news is from Mexican sources. Sin' of Vert lltitlson. "Wasuixoton, June 1). Ueneral Hunks iu his ollicial report, dated before Port Hudson May DOth, gives an account of the attack at that place, similar to the facts already pub lished. In speaking of the negro troops he says they answered every expectation. Their conduct was hcroical. No troops could be more determined or more dating. They made during the day three charges upon the batteries of the enemy, sutl'cring very heavy losses, ami holding their po.-ition at niglitliill, with thu other troops on the right ':( t'nir l.'ue. , Tho highest commenda tion is bestowed upon them by fill the oth ers in command on the right. AVhatecr doubts may have existed heretofore as to the stliciency of organi.atious ot this char acter, the historv of this duV Droves concltt- ' sivelv to those in a condition lo observe the conduct M' tls regiments, that the tiov eminent w ill tind in this class of troops tf fective supporters und defenders. The severe test to which they were sub jected, aud the determined manner in w hich they encountered the enemy, leaves upou my mind no doubt of Jheir ultimate success, they requiring only gooil officers, commands of limited numbers uud careful discipline to make theui excellent soldiers. Our losses from the Siid to this date, in killed wounded und missing, utu nearly one thousand, including. I deeply regret to say, some ofthe ulilest officers of the corps. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PIlESEllVK ytil It LEALTY, SYMMETRY OF RUM, Your Health, and Mental Power. Ilyu-ing that Safe, Pleasant, Popular, and Specific Uemedv known as 'HELM HOLD -H EXTKACT lil'Clir. Head the Ad-crliseiueiit iu another column, and profit by it . . Diseases and Symptoms Enumerated, t ut It out, and Preserve il. You ma uut now re quire it, ; lint mt( ai so)u future Day. 'It gires health and vtitnr tuih frame, Aud libsuu lo the pallid eheek." It Save ljng SutWiiiic and f.SKKur. Jtewar uf Cuuiitui Una ! Cures liuarajitecd mr, ilut , To llsc Iteiuui rtillc T ois-ra of ."orlk u iu Iter luiatl 4'uutsljr, ITtELI.llW t il IKKNrt : I hereby auuttuneo iuy 1 aclf a a candidal lor lb OI'KICE UY HIIKKIll', al III eouiiug Primary Electiuu ajid a th of my r ellua I'ltiseiw. Should 1 be Uoluiualed aud eluded. I piouiia lo fulBll lb dullus of aald olhc With fidelity. CIIAHLLe W. SNYl'l'.H. tp , May 3u, InilJ. fi : ; vi im iT ii i ; irrrri 1 .1 :. ''llll wall known II. .ltd hwelid ia Siioburr al the 1 jun.'tiuu ol lb NiKlbvia l eulral Willi in Suul.u- 1 IJ 4 III llallroaiut, la ukim l pina' mi j Ikflua bl Ml kill U luad y tuf litw IU 4aiaii'.a. ii uiia at ibu iti.e t Au.i': U'J j -j Q'0 j JLoOiJa . 18C3. FPJLINO & GRANT AT illK MAMMOTH STORE, JOL'LU respectfully announce that they havo just received and opened a very largo and well selec ted Slock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they aro willing lo dispose of at a VKP.Y SAtALL ADVANCE ON I'lfKt Oll. OUK STOCK IS COMPLETE AM) EMRRACKS LVERYTIIIXO. GIVE TJS A. CALL. Thankful for pa."t favors We hope to meet a con tinuance of the sumo hy still selling Goods as cheap if not '1II''AKM'K than cm be purchased else where. F1ULINU A UUAJTT. Suubury, May 2."., ISOu. lVyoiiiin--; 1iniiiiiii-o 'iupiisij , WILKESBARKE, PA. 'iiial und !ui'tlUM, l 1M.UOO. D1UECT0H3: M. llollenliaek, L. fl. Shoemaker, John Iteii'liard, 1). G . Iiriesbiuh, it. 0. Smith, t'hus. Llorrtiiice, Wm. S. ltoiis, (i. M. Harding. Samuel W'ttdhiiuis, It. 1. Lacoe. Charles A. Miner, W. W. Kclclinin. tl. M. llfll.I.KMIACK. Pre-ident. L. 1. flklKMAKLK, Vice President. H. C. Smith. Secretary. W G. Stkiili.vo, Treiisurer. This ComrniMy Insures three-feur'h of the ("nsli iiliintion. takes no Premium Notes, make no Assess ments, Policy acknowledges ull moneys paid during the term of your Insnranee. A. CHAWFuIU), Agent. May 50, lsii.'!. ly'r. tt v it 1 1: i i :. UNITED (STATES INTERNAL 11KVKXVE Assessor's Notice. Tho tax payeis of this Distrtet aro hereby notified that, pursuant tothe provisions if the Act ot Congress passed .Inly 1. lsiiii. entitled "An ac t to provide In ternal Hcvemie lo suppori the Government und to pay interest on the Public Iiebt." nnd the net to amend tho siinie, passed Mnreh ., Isii.'l. the second ntinunl assessment will be made on uud after the first Monday (4th day) of .May inst. The assessment w ill embrace the following items : 1. Incomes. All income for the year ending Dec. 31. Hji'J, must be returned to the Assistant As sessors, under oath, in iiceorilancu with the instrue. Hons of the t'oniuiissioner of Internal lteveniie, upon the blank forms provided for that purpose. Kaeli purxou w ill be reouired to return his lotal income, so fur specifying the Miiir;.'e from which it i derived, a.-to enable the A-isistaiit Assessors to de cide whnl deductions -hnli be lilii'lc.tiiercoli. I lH'SIIAND AND WIFE, j Where a husband and wile live together, and their taxable incMiue is iu excess of coW. they will be en I titled to Imt one deduction ot S'tuO. lliiit being thu I average tixed by law as an estimated commutation ; for the expense of inaintaiiiiio- a taniilv W hero they live apart thev will be taxed separately, and be eie-h entitled to a tlcduclii.n ot y'itili. GI.AI11UANS AND Tltt'STEKS. Guiirdiims and trn'u es. whetlier such trustees are so by virtue of their ofiiee ns executor-', ndiiiini-ii a tors. or other tiiluciary capseity. arc retiiiied to make return of the iucouiu belonging to minors or other pers'ins. wliieli may be in-ld in trust, as ntore siiid ; and the incoinc lax will be usses-ed uuou the Min.iunt returned, nlier dcdueiiug sm h sou s as nr. exempted t'rotu the iueonie tax. as alorcsnid ; Pro id- .l. 'Ihni the exemption ofsix hundred dollars, under se, ti,.n un f the ex.-i-.. law, shall not be allowed mi account of nay minor or other heiieliciury of a not. except upoit the statement ofthe guardian or ir'.wees. loii'ie un ier (ain. inaL me minor or nenc- fieiary has no other income from which the said iiuioiiiit of six hundred dollars muy be exempted Uiul deducted. IM I MIII1AM i:s, ltKXTS An IIKI AIIIS. Interest paid by any person on incumbrances upon thu dwelling hoiue or estates on which he reside.-, may be deiiuted lioiu iiieome; nUo his payments tor necessary repairs as' well as Ihe amount actually paid fur rent ol any dwelling house or estate which is the rc.-idonce ofthe person usoes.-t'd. l'eisoiis receiving rents may dud tut therefrom the nmotitit paid for I ess.iry repairs, ir.surunce and hitorect ou ineuiiibrances upon such rented propel ty 'The cost of new structures, or improve ments to buildings, shall not be deducted from iiic'ou'.c. I'AIIMKHS. Every farmer or planter w ill be required lo make return of Ihe value of thu produce of his farm or plantation, w ithout deduction lor the labor or services of himself and his family, or for any portion ol ucli pnslueecouuiiicd by himself nnd family. The aiiiotint puiilj, hy any fanner or planter for hired laber and necessary repairs upon his farm or plantation, including the sub-i.-tencc of the laborers; and the miiiiiiro purchased by farmers lo maintain their lands iu jiMnt productive cuudiliuii will be allowed. I'arui produce, which the producer has on hand ou the .'list day ot December. I So.', must be upprai.-cd at its market value on that day. 2. Ext .Mi:itATi:n Aiitici.ks. All articles named in section 77 ol the law (Schc lule A.) will be nscsed for the t:ixes to. which they are liable, lor the year ending May 1. lsiil. vil : Ciirrjiiges, kept lor use, fur hire, or for pavscngers. Yachts. Ilillianl Tables, Silver Plate. Gold Plate. Wie JiHhtrr ir.v.s'i'vsjiic,, on tin- abCve HimrJ iriltrt. tttfi'tux littti ituiir fur tin yt,ir isti'j. . '1 hese returns must bo ititido lu 'the witiiinteii days from date ot delivery of the blanks. Neglect, or refusal lo comply within the lime mimed, the duly on the Assessor or Assistant Assessor to cstiuiutu the income aud Ihe tax ope n enunieiatcd articles, with an udditioii of jiftt " i' iitnnl. 'ihe entire income tax of every person will be usM-ssod at the residence ofthe putty, uud not ut the place ol'busiuess. I.III.SstS All lioen-cs assessed in accordance with the act of March :i. St;:t. ill continue iu foicc until the tiist day of May. ISni. '''And nil licenses granted lifter the lirst day of May. in any year, will expire on the first day of .Slay follliHiug, and will be issued iik.ii thu payment ol a rnlnble proportion of the whole amount of duly hupm-ed for such licenses ; nnd such licenses m granted w ill be dalej ou the rlrsl day of thu mouth in which it is is.-ued. Provided. That uny per-on. firm, or eorsiralioii that en the first day of May, Isii.'l, held an uuexpiied license, will be nscesncd a ratable iroui lion for the time between the expira tion ofthe licence and the fuat day of may eighteen hundred and sixty lour." All persons doing business wilhiu this district mil I upplv for a new lieen-e to run from the dale their prcM'iit license expires" (which, iu most cases I. -September 1st. ImWI,) to Ihe first of May. I-SI. Whenever, by the aiucudmcun. uew rates uf license are established, Ihe new licinsu w ill be ac,-,d at the new rates, and ia all cases where the preseiii license expire Si ptciiiU-r 11, IhU.'l, the uew licence willeuvera periwl of eight mouths, ami luiul be aMieared to jsiy two llnrdaoi the yearly lax. l-i:SAITIB. When an assi sstuenl lor liueiisa has been made, neglect or relusul lo gite the lil or maxe the applica liou wilhiu the limu required, and the aaaeaaimut ia returned iu the annual It.t, lb filty per centum 'iially preaunbed iu eelum II aau.t Ut added, aud eanuut be reinitud, either by the Amaaor ur If.lleeior. Ily the act. March .1. WI. Iha penally of lu-o SM' laiiuiusuiul la added" I" lb puuistlUirlil pruiided lul.viued acta, lor ihow whoUill" laka out licriiaa when requuid by Ihe clciat Una of the I uiled Slates The loruier annual aa.uu nt mhich Waa eiu lianaaod lor waul of Inloi uialieU au Ihe pail of einteid. with regard In Ilia duliaa liuisatud ou incut by Ibe tioiH lax it la uauileal thai, H the kuoll(" iiuw o.iiurd Mi Ibe pail villi lal-"i, aa iarli Ihu in.dond ty lli.a Cllclul, II. l i.-i ,.rr t..-e ol In !.. eli HI I.Mlir b pleund I l. iu in boiwul ! Iii t 111 J'fIU ,.,u,,a.d DAMH. hkSi'Ht. I . ...L, .1 I.... SCr l'l 'li l'., veu., I bia it i ' -...i 1- O U' IT D Asnj AGUICULTUHAL WOUKS ! H CTNTnXJK."V, PKNN'A. TIlIK undersigned respectfully inforni the inblic X ("notnMy, thnMhev have enterert into t'o-Part-liership iu the r'Oij.NHKY 111 SINKSS. and lire uow prepared lo uinuiifacturuat thu llitubuch Foundry,' nil Kinds of MnoStSncrj-, More, k""loiif;li"i, ut ,itiN, Vr. ul ttliort Aollee. Pu pairing all kinds of Agricultural Implements ilnuo iu a good woikinuuliko munher and ul tho shortest notice. , All articles shibpid as ordered. Orders respect fully solicited und ploniptlv nttendid lo. JAl'Orl'K' -Hat BACH, , ,.T, . C.O0PLK. Old lion, and all kinds of Produce tukeu in Exchnnge for work Sunbiiry, Muy Hi, 1303. If WATCHES, .1 e w e I r y X I I urn on l s. LEWIS LADOMTTS & CO. B02 Chesnut Street, Philadelpnin, HAVE always on hand a large slock ef (Told nnd Silver Wntches. suitable i'or Ladies Gentleman or Hoys' Wear. Some ;f our own importation, ex tra fine quality. Our assortment of .Trclry consists of the most fashionable nnd rich designs : as nlso t!io n'ainer and less e.icnsive. Silver Spoons. Frfks, Pie. Cake nnd Fruit Knii es ; also a large variety uf Fancy Silver Ware suitable for liridal Presents. 'e have nlso ou bund a most splendid assortment of Lininond Jewelry, of all kinds, to w hich we invite especial attention. Our prices w ill be found conside rably less than the same articles are niaHy sold W. Ail kinds of Wntchos repaired in the very ?c.-l ninnner. end w arranted to give satisfaction. WEHDINU KIN US on hniid nnd made to order. Cull or address LEWIS LAliOMI S A CO.., S02 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. P. S. The highest cnsU prices pnid for old tiold and Silver. Allordere from the country will reeivo especial attent ion. May ii 1st",,",. liitio i:sr.vBci.iiii:: i?o. . 1' E T E K 1. 0 11 1 1. L A It ! , StiuU'tV 'l'ftl:ifi- "tliiiiiiiiK'lui'cr IB A IS CIIA M I1EHS ST.. (formerly 42 Chalham Street. New York. Would call the nttentioii of Peelers In the articles of his manufacture, yt. : 11H0WX SM EE. Macalmy, Iletnigros, Kino Itappee, Pure Virginia, Coarse Itappee, Nachiloehe-. American ticntlciuaii, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNI FF. Scotch. Honev liew Seolch. High Toast Scotch, Fresh Honey Hew Scotch Irish High Toast, Fresh Scotch, or I, Attention is called lo the large reduction in pricesof Fine-Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobacco?, which will lie found. if a Superior Quality. TOBACCO. Smoking. l ine Cut Chewing. Stroking. Long, P. A. L.. or pluin, S. Jago. Mo. 1. Cavendish, or Sweet, Spanish, No. 2. Sweet Scented Oronoco. Canaster Nos. 1 St 2 mixed. Tin Foil CuvciidUh, Turkish, liranulated. N. 11. A circular of prices w ill be sent on npplicn- tioll. April I, !(,:!. 1 S APONIFI KUT" COXCKNTllATKl) l.VK, 'i'lie I'sintily Soup -ikr. The 1'1'IILIt' arc eniitione.1 nuiinst Ihe SPl'Ur. Ol S article of LYE for making SOAP. Ac., now of fered lor sale. 'J he onlv i EN II X K and PATENT EH Lye is that made bv the PENNSYLVANIA SALT MAN I FACTE I! i.Mf COMPANY, their trade. murk tor it being "SAPOXFIEIt. o COX CENTKATEll LYE.'' The great Sl'CCESS of this article has li d VM'KIXCI PLED PAlt'l I i.S to en-d.-iivor to I M IT ATE it. in violation of the Company's PATENTS. All MAN I'FAi'Tl i'.EKS. IH'YEI'.Sor SKI.I.KKS ot these SPI'lilol'.s- Lyes, are NOTIFIED that the Company have employed as thir Attorneys. OEOllti E H.X It D I Nil. l'-i . of Phihula.. and WILLIAM I1AKEWKI.L. Esq.. of Pitlsourg And thai all Mar.ut'sc: nr.-i I'sers. or Sellers of L e. iu iolatiun of the rights of the Cotnpaey. w ill be PKnsl'Cl TED nt on- e. The S A POX FIE P.. or I OXCENTP. ATED LYE. is I. -r sale by ull Druggists, tiio'.-ers and Country Stores. 'l':tl- o(i t'. The I'nited States Circuit Court. Western fiistriet of Pennsylvania. No. I of ,lny ' lSi'.J. insult ol" the -'i't-iiltsyK ania Salt Mitmifae luring ('olojiaiiy is. 'J hoiun.- O. l'hn.e. deereed to the Company, on N'oeoibel lo. ls('2. Iho Exclusive light grunted by a patent owned by tloin f.r the SAPOXI J Kit . Pa", lent dated October 21, l6G. Perpetual injunction iiv.arocii. THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO. o 1" F I C E S : 127 Walnut Street. Philadelphia. T'ilt Street, and Iiurpiesiie Wuy. Pittsburg. Mav 2, ISO.i. out tt:s:si.v i,.i.mis aoie kali:. (iAlU)KN' Ol! l-'lii rr l-'AUMis. Suitable f..r Peaches. Pears, ltaspberries, Strawberries, Itlackbcrrics, currants. Ac, of I. 2. j. Ill or 20 acres each, nt the following prices lor Iho present, via.: 20 acres for S200. In acres yrjllu, .ri acres for SWi, 21 acres for "f-10. i acre lor Payable by one dollar a week. Also good Criinbcjrv lands, and village lots iu ClIE'lAYOiiD, 2'i by lull feet, nt ?nl each, payable by one dollar a week. The iibovc land and tin ins, are situated at Chetwood. Washington Township, liurlingtou County. New Jersey. For further in formation, apply, with a P. O. Stamp, for a circular, to I! Fit AN K 1. 1'. CL.V11K, No. nr. Cedar Street, New York, X. -January II. ls'j.l. ly soml;tiiin(J new for you; LADIES 1 ! Ml, .fl. 1.. 4aiiis.l-r, liavinj; taken evira j pains to viit peronallv the priiieipal Halls of t'le-hioti in Ihe eity, is now prepared to make, trim; or retriui. l'mnieta and Hull-, iu the lutckt Spring and Summer styles. She has ou hand a larjro stock oft : ' - BONNETS, HATS. Sit'EFP. F I. OWE HS, HI 11 HONS, I. A IKS, and all articles iu her line, selected with Ihe (Treated care from lare wholoiile houses, and can. and will m'II 'ork ur lioods at prices tu suit all customer. LUUKS' Hltl'SS TAPS. HOSIKHV. lil.nVKS. .MITS. t'OLI.AKS. HAM'KKI'.rillLKS. 1'o.MHS, and iitiiueioita other ariieles for Ladies' wear, to w hich she iu ites the ladies to call and examine be fore purchafiu elretthere. Thankful lor Ihe palronaue extended to her hereto, fore, she hopes by keeping Ihe bel assortment ut reaMimiblu prices, toconlintie the same. I y Second diN.r south otShumok in X'tilleyA I, t ! l ilk- Kailroad. Mist side 1'awu slreel, Si Mil UY. Apiil i';, iMi.'i ;iin TUB CONKIIbSIONH AND EXI'EHI EKC'KOS1 AN INVALID. I'ublLheil for the bem til, aud as a warning aud V CAI TIii.N TO l"I Xii MUX who sutler from Nerioiu liebilil v. rremulitc Hocay ol Manhood, etc , .apply ion al the siustiluv TUL MKANS OK SKI.K t'l'UK. Hy one wliu has cured bio.all' alter brim; put tu expense aud injury through luedicul humbug and qu.iekery. Ily eueloaiiie; a pol pai.l addreMerl n.ialOp" tin- ule eupivs luay lie tis.i ol inu auinor. NATHAMLL .MA'AIH, Ki., Hvdl'oiU, Kioj!' coiiuly, .V l. May ! lSo I to 'lilt. IHai u.eul I'l'i uri ll.ra M iLino-a u ) I, J..I.U II, Ok'I' U. M !' . author an ) publisher o Iha abo.e work, do hutbv pr..un and a.n c lo ai-nd lire uf ebaige) lo any youiiK Uihii alio wiil anlu or II, a aaiupl copy ..rM ru.ul I be p..p. r .ludy of uiankind is M a a . ibia laluablc aoik ul-u,lui. .... .i. .... .i... i a. ... -..m... i . i . Pt Ul I1WIU l 111. ... I.. ... W.....MQ ......... II, . , Uuala lu alinple lauaiuae vu all Uic7m .., Vimr i iucludiun h luinal Mekuvas Nerious Hebiliiy, In- lliaealluu. Mnlauiholy, IlianUll.l. Italluf, I lltilaiUlavy, a0 , A Kiting aale. ett.y. ami ii ' Ictflual prcllplloMl, , III.: -vt Vliat,.l. rare. lo. f yvlbea- llh uiueli valuable I1.I..1 luale a All l.u lator sua onh d..n In my ..ik shall is caitea Muileop t ... I n. , 1 ,l,.r. Adiiaaa Joll.S II "t.14 V Ml' I S' lib ;a ia ' ills. 1 . Wit I May." l 3 . u 1 TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. JOHN 8MIOK, Fawn Strreut, opposite Weaver's Hotel, MtlNHVRY, Nonhiimborland Co., Pa., INFOUMShis frieiidi and the puhllo pefterally, that ho hiif taken tho Shop ot Jacob S Unko, ilee'd., and is ra-epared todo all kinds of TAll.Olt. INOin a good workmanlike maimer. The patron-n.-re ofthn pnblio is reapeel fully aolicited. Sunbury, Mny IS, lsM ly I.OWEH WHAHF, GUNBUHY, PA. WHOLESALE AX1 flETAlL UEALf-HS XV WHITE ASH COAL, In ciery laiiely, , Orders foUeiltd 'and tilled wil'.i nrn;.;f)i- a-ul despnich Sunbury, May It), Jrif.,1. ly vi:it.t .tiiti.. ..... Jhe untler-ngner! a- til.i re perl fully invito your attention to hii well selected stock of KiM-tiob? nu-J Silver WATCHES. Fine Hold JEW. KLHY.of every kind and variety of stylescomprising all of the and most Irttulj t'n I i-.i .',". . Also, SOLID SILVEll WAIIE. ..yW In Cvtn and the best wake of tilvrr J'lutni tl'uri Each article is irarrttntrtl to be as rfprru ntnl '. Watches and Jewelry citrelully rijtmnJ and eatir.l'uction guaruuleed JACOll HAlil.EV. K-'s-f''r In ttl'l'tr A- Jl'irlru.) No f22 MAliKKT Street, J'llll.AD A. March 7. lNS.t. ;i mo LlllTollOF AMtltll AN IU'.aii Sin : ... Willi your permis-ion I wi-h to ray to the readers of your paper that 1 will send by re'lurii mail to all who wish it, (free) a iteeipe, wbh toil dire, lions for mnking and using a simple ere able Lalm. that w ill elb etnally remove, in todays. I'itsples. lilotches 'I an. l-'rcekles. and nil Impurities of the Skin, leuv in ir Ihoeaiue soil, elear. snosiih an I bciiiitiful. I wi: also mail free to those Im vim; Hull Heads or Hare Faces, simple directions and inl'..rmntion that will enable them to stmt a fell growth of Luxiirieut Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in les.- than .'In days All applications answered by return mail wiiiiotit chnrge. liespcetfullv vours ; th'j's."f. chapman, Ci-tnist. Xo. 8,'il Jtrondwnv, New York. Feb. 2S, ISBS ."nw. NEWS! NEWS! NEWS! NEWS ! HOOTS AND SHOES, VI1E now Manufactured to order bv the subscriber at f'HEAPEli HATES than at any ollur estab lisliiiieut iu Sunbury. The war tax is not taken into consideration, nnd nil work w ill he done ut old prices. Haling ju.-t recei cd nn entire new stock of leather and Moroccos, fcr 4n-uf lt-iiM-u'is licxttsa mill SIkm-m, E,:kIm-s Ii-t-s and l-liii t-i-, l'liiirt'itsi Mcss. aV'., Ai-., which w ill he iiuidu lo ;ril i t nt xnH tanice. iu Hie lie-l wiiikuiaulil'.e manner an. I o! the bu-t iiiiilt rials. Feeling th.mktul for the patron-igc o: te'id"d here tofore he. hopes tocoutinuc the same. All win desire work done cheap and durable, are invited to call at his shop nearly opposite thu Court llotisu iu Market Spiuru, Sunburv. I'n. JOHN WlI.VEr.. February 28. ISCi.'l. (im A NEW ARltlVAL 0F BOOTS AND SHOES, WM. H. TVIILLKP S. HI. )uw ju.-t returned homo from lMiiltnU'tphiii. willi uiu'w .Stuck nl lioo'J SHinlMH iriS, avkct-i-d with gn?nt cure to uit all prii-niis your Hoots ami hoe.t where you ?nt tret th best tjuttity, nnd whin- the be.t (tmorlnu-'-it u Itpt hi Suuhurtf. !i liuf Caimi-oN t'roii. : 7. to $7 Oft. He li .a llu c Cult DuutM t'roiji f 1 ,r.utn$4 Oft. lio lin Lntiies' tiaitcrs from lietw. to f-'i Ji- Iih.-. .Mi. vert hiiJ C'hililn n s Unitt in of nl! tyUf nii'l i'aIiitms. mid nrici'i. Iu sliort ;trtbit. iu bi lim ul' Husincfri. Hi- nNo luisciii l.:ind a full noi tinirnt of IMorrocoe and (. all Skinif t l. -t qtmlily. whiuh lio wil iniike ti to on'.tT tit thi fhorh-t imtic, Imv iug uuj) jiiitd liiuiM'lf with tho nu;: fn.hiuuaUe Lust.-. i A (iKKAT SAVING Tn IJOOTS SIIOKS. KISW AI.D'S Vatvnt Mt-tnllif Soli- nu 11 one uir fit which will wcurtts loiij n,-i tl c j-uir ol LratluT Sttk-.-. kept on hand. Minding done a. u.auul. j all atid examine tor your- Ives and liarn ivy i rueii ueiore jmi cnii-inj; eirew in-re. avji. ii. milli:k. ?unl.ury. May Ifl, 1SG:J. lych IIXJ1VXA3ST MISERY. V us I rvliha!i in a Frafai Knvc!o;t. Pru tJ- C'rtiti . l.ecturo hv Dr. i'VIA KK W VAA. on tho rau.- euro of ;i"MriitoTliu-n. t'ftiiMiinjitieii. Mt.-ntn'l and r! y?it ii! Iteiiility. r eiiam y. i:iU i.- ; J?u- pair S utrilion i t liie : Latitude ; Wenkiiev j i'l Iho I.illllw ainl ihe Ihtek ,' 1 1 t i t : l it i 1l,d licit- ' I'tieiiy 1'or Mii'lv and t.:0i ir : Dulliu-;.- o' Appn- u n. 1 .-inn; Isuitl -Meiim-y ; Avmion lo Sei.:e' ; 4u tf S.liuidf; Timiditv . .ell' lM.-Uu-i ; J 'iziue-'?-; i Ileadaehe ; Afteeiii.ns vi tho hye-; rim'les ou Iho I'aeo ; involuntary I m istf ti and SeMial lueajmeily tho L'unroipiL-necs ( Voulhi'ul Jimi-eretinu, Ao., Ao. i1' Thi." aditiirithh' Leolure elt hrly nroen that tho uhovo enumerated, i. tu n judl-alliioicd eil-. may he rfiimved iihout meuieino and with.'.r.t dangerous Miru-al MT.i'ratmuH, laid ll0la bo read by every mun in the laud Sent under seal, i ilreHii. on the reecip sluuip., by addre&iin a plain envelope, to any iul of eenti, or two potajro I HAS. J. ('. KM NX .H'O,, 137 Howerv, New York. Post OHice llox, 40Si. May 2.1. Ist'i.'i: l ib. L' ;ic .tlloriify mill CoiiiiNi'Ilof ill Iixv, Ollice ou south side of Market street, four doors west of L'. Y". Hrijthl A Sou's Store. STJ2STBXJRY, FA.. Wiil attend prmuptly 10 ull iiroft-Jsional bti-in(-s entrusted to his care, the collection m claims in orlhiiiuliei land and the adjoining counties. Sunbury, May M (Sdll. ly TEUfcSESS, SHOXJLCER BRACES, L'LASTIC SfOL'KINiiS 1'Olt I'.XLAltllLD YU.VS 01'TIIK LLtl.itl'.; Iualruiueiiis for ull deformities. I'll liLOYLUS rfw 1 . i- 'I'm. has taken the place of olhcr Trusses for the reUntiou and cure of Hernia or Uupturc. Aeliiij; iiu iho principle of a lever, it never .,.-es its strength. It b, coaled to prevent ru-l. It has no pad on the back, which is so liable lo injure Iho spine und uiu.uv and clinic the wearer Ills sure lo retain tin- Kuptuie, iritinc eiu-e uud cunf irt. and ulleclii.g radical cures, li is wnrreiited lo give salisfaetion. T he improved iioulder-lliaco expands the rhesi an. pretenls the wearer liiun becoii.inir round shouldered Ladies' lielts and AM. .initial ii!is. uud lb-Its i f all kiiiiis. and In lormiiies of the ll.idv Supporters, lliinil iusu unieiils lor ull Ml. liKoYKK'S ntlicei.Xo 4 doois from Lrotuluuv. New oik. Aim Street, two Stiaii(reiT should partictilai It i.ote No. April II. ISfl.l the niuua and 1 rnii.Ai.LM'iiiA r.vrLii HAXfiixui;. 1 DIO 1:1.1. llOI HSiki;, for. loin Ih A Muikcl, rhiladelphla, hate Uoti il stih-k. a line tacitly of Willi I'illM-l-l.. Kul up exprt-sl.t f r tloir Spring Trail. M ixijon I'Ai'i.ii oi' lvluy ouaki', to a bich they invite Ihe atlciill.'ii i t Ston kei 1 1 1 . (if lu Ibeir Kvl.iil, ill be foitud Un) cboiee-l al,tlis ol ibe .ea-s-u. l'hiladtlihia, Feb. II. IMi.'l. ,'tiu w A VALUABLE FAK.M VOW SALE. rpilL un.ler.'iaTiied otters lua. It at privuto sale. hi. 1 Lu in, ailuale In U-li. 11. bip. .Sullb Ullibelbuid eoillilt, I'll , uhi'tll olio lull. w-l ol 0 u ti.nii it 'In tii. '.ii, iviuiaiiiiiia; 'I'M t HI .M'lll 1 Al 111 v iiii.iu or l.aa; alut aiaiy aioa ui ahich ale eleaivd and lu a goiMi alalt-ol i-uluta and IliebaUmi a,l liuiboivd auli ue and 'Iho unpin i uu uu aie a L s It u.i, lli.rn aud vtlur out. build :i.'. iiriua taut . K" lairlieulara luol.lra of ' lit A 1 tL ill: NT. anbury, May Zi. ll TJOmAltUUB1 a-P f- r .rm -rrv r - -,. r Ji IfraaualMWla .. - I'M! II lit 11 It.. ri-Mnii.,.1.. Iau.r , .i j . i' . tain a ii. iat b. I u . I 'a An J.l u.l - I ).' i NEW TAILCCIUa IfTArniillLT j ti n r. a ti 5- ii y, Marktt Sjuarc, ono J w url- . I'., J' il " "' Ojficc, 8UNDTJRV, f rjIJNT'A. RO(.e.:lfi,ljr Informs his r l l fi l, n-ls aiel the pul-h- e.eeernlly that ho loiS aaaiu miuriinl to hunbury und retineil a ctv Tuiloi-iitK ICiaMti-liinoaf . He ia ptepa-id tainiike up new Rarinents as ivelt iif .menrliim dl'l onr-a, ai j lo Uo work noatl.v. fn h ionably anil aubstanli-illy, inllact will ltai'rant all woik leai Ilia; the shop, atul by so deing, Iioiki to receive a due share ot (.ittroTiat;u. l'ei joiis Ji,iiiu4 to have elothinrf ma le f touiil.-r 111 the luteal style, iil please Uim a cell. Stit.buiy, Aj.rii 11, 1-oS. 8 m. w.haj;ki;t ftiijxt. hauuifri iiti, r.t , Iea!er iu P I A NOS. XT KW Hcaewooil IMaiits, from the biwt Trom nti ttparirr5 Mt:i.0II.OXS.TI,.. rr.eui. fiom If to to Sli.l) liA tuunuf.t'!tuiul I'i.-lrtt- (Inline. Violins. Aeeorilnoiic. I'littea, Fit's, trut'is. Liiiijo, 'iainbourine, " , Violin ni,.l (oiti.rclriiif.s auii muticai rici rnuiiui.i' Li ei)..n.l. S1IF.KI .Ml'SIC. Tl. lnte.U piiblieali.nis aluaj.s.ou hand. Muiie fvV by mail to any part i flhe emi-Jtrv . I OVAL, SIAKF., t.n.T. A.VII liOL ifOVt FRAMES..., Suilnble for looking ;;1a?.'et, ami all l.iiuls wf pi-jtutw always on hanj. A fine nf. niliiioiit of best plnle t LOOKING tll.A.-SIOS from --inullist to largest Any style ol l'tatiie miide to ur-ler al lh shortest notiee. 1VM. hVt.'nii:, April 11, 1 sr..1. ii:: Jlurket ft., Jfi'fi:.0inr. JDHT HEADY, NE-77 STYLES OF JIWELRT. AN oppottuiiily not to bo Wl i;rlil .f. Hum I'm- Ajientf . I.rniies a- oi.II Uent.- can act as Arxeiit.-. Aiply taily uiul weuiu tlc ajenfy It voui l.euiily. 10f,;M , H'.vrciif.s, r.-.s-r r ;.'.', t.ockkis, jtixat. Colo vexh ji.XJ) pjcxar.s, liHACEi.ETp. nrcus. ntrrroxa, xeck uiMXF.wrt; ufjew- EMU', Vr. To for till each, and lot to be :i i cl for until ynu know h-il you an- to ;. t. Sen 1 i. conn lor t.'ertilieati-. telling you ivbat you L.-io. with a eireular. Rivini; full parih-ulanl to Agents. 1'o.lVct sutisfaetiou i;uaranteei.l in all e.-e. Aihln,-.-, S. M. WARH X : CO., i SOS DioaJwny. Lex 4.b7C. March 'JI, lsfiS.-'r J" -A. C O. EECK, MERCHANT TAILOR, .liiii-Ui-l 'si-i-i"!, niir?y oinposito. Hip Itiiil kCoiiil tiepul, B TT 3ST J3 TJ R -X" , I3 A. . , INl'OI'MS the eili.ens ef Sunbury anil icinity, that hehasju.l returned from l'hiludelphiii witua lull a.-.iorti:K'Ll ct r.iMi itno ivi ri:R ;kis of i:vi:i:y dlsciui'Tio.v a.u (.h ality. 1 1 i stock ennsis's of t'lotha. French ("bill .-,'k HoeSkin anil fancy rr.v-imeres. lilnea Saiin. l-'inn.l Silk.-, l'lain aiiil l'luicy Cansiiuere YL.?Tli SOS. uhieU be i ill in like up to order in stylen to suit the taste eiutouiei; on short uet'ce, aud tlio rea.-onablo termf. ., . , Any Uoo-1. tiol cn Inimi. will he ftirnl.-Iieil from l'llilailelphia. Iiy pi iur two days' liolice. (ioo.1.' funiUheil by cuftoiueis nili be uiiijo rip to onlef a heretofore. As he will employ none but expt-rieiieed workmen, personi may rely ou yetting their woik well tlou It liU shop. Thuukfui for the pntronara heretofore bellowed, ho respectfully solit its a coiitinuuuceuf ilic same. tull'Uiy. October -1, 1SG2. B'oi- STtitv, y;i-'. itom-ix-x, 1;I SSi-tl i!i!, lt(5is !n fi'it:-.-, "utll'iiii, A v iii-x-i lH n I"!;:iils, few Im, .lui hi ;!-.. Arr. I'ut up In 2;t ,'fe. an.l M Of f!osr, ltofile.-i. and 1 lii-l.s, S.'i uiul l''r'.ic- for LoUL, l'ubli: Ii -.tititlioii.', Ac. Only infulliLL rc -lie? Lr.uiva. I'rce. frein I'.ii..i.s. Not ilaiuri-rntis to tlio Human Liimily. L:il- eonieotit of th'-ir holt, to die. Si 'd Wl.ol. -ule iu nil .,rjo cities. iV'd b; nil li! Mu':i.-l- and Letailers everywliera. '.'MW ware '! ! r.f all worthless imifjitions." Sec that t.'oT .in's" nair.o if on euvb Hex, Iloltlo uiul 1-T.u.k. licliire vou liv. A.i.ires, i kVbv rs. rovna, IVl :p:d lb-p,,. 4-2 looLuway. .N . V. S.ibl bv I'rMii,; . v.. ,.nl, Sunbury. I'a. April :. l.-.ii !f.t ! Kia:- i. .;'s t'i:. OX nn 1 afier July 1st; 1SCH. the pri!li-e of on tertinc the pre.-.tit i.-ue .,f l.KHAL I'KXHKK j XOTLS IX TO IllK NATIONAL SIX I'L It t'L.NT. I (LOAN commonly called "Five Tweuties") will ' cease. , . , All wiin w.'.li to iivril iu tfn- Five 'Xvwiitv Loin ! must, t'lerel-.. o, apply before tho Nt of .11 l.'i lieu, i , , JAY t Oi'Kl-., Sl-f-i. IIII'TIOV Ai.LNT, o. 114 SILlrd Street, I'hila.lelphia April 11, ISM. iini '!' ti'oiiouctipiivcH. T 1HI! Advertiser having been restored to be.tlth in a few weeks, bv a verv simple alter hat iu still'i red several vears with a sev; re l.inj nf- ft .-'.inii. and tiu.l ilrcss itiscuse. L'uii-oinpli..ii is hi.x I ioits to make kuowu t , l.ia IcUou -sulli ia the means of ! nirc. ! To all who ile. ire It, he 1 I prcsoriplii 11 r.M-d , t'rt 0 ol'i-.h: for pn pi.rin,'; ai. 1 u.lni; the tind a sure i;re l-.r I'on.-ii: j chilis. Ac. The ohlv bbjccti ill scr.d tt ee-v of ;ha lc.) 1itl1 l!u iiireetioo-l f.mic. v. h'. h tin y will .ipliiit. A-i!ir,i:i, Kri-ii-t i'.c aiK i rii'cr in clld- lu; Hie I'lesci ipuon is to bin. In Ihu aulut, d, ni.-i spread infoi mutiuu which lie eonecives tj bo i;.talu able. and he hopi. every sulicn r will tiy I.L- riu'-dy, us ii tiiil Cost them iiotkic,,;, and may pieve a l.'.i.u- Lev. LmVALD V!l..-0T. Vil'him,l...r,:,, K11 1 Com:!; , .CM Yl.iL. April 11. l''5.1. .".111 5bET POTATOES" l'OH bAlaU. GOO i;r.-i!i;i.s ,.f tn u iMurii -s a ..cdungi e..w pi i-in iho totlu;. in t a: i.-l iea : l.iunel I11I1. I. luce. Leiitri.l Lily. 1 a.lao und l'llikevc Uii-l-. Alsn.'.il l.u-h.'ls of La'ly ,1 tines. IV'-c ?? .'! . r li.-livi re I al tl..- I' di'i t. 'i'lic lo c' u t.iiu a- mi nt -i the . . iu a- u i: .u.-e. ri'kn;i'. c .t 'lui-.l ii.:l by I1.-1I irit pai l al 2.'et. each i j,' I'asil 1.1 tiiv. nipany :1 eiders. Uvi'ei'eiicu irii en il di .!r. ! r stTTo:r, r.:.aeui, i.u c... r Aj ill l!, iMlo -.'el l.neLati unua ltltiMia.luf?; Hull ronil. AN and af'er X and af'er Xotai.dier 17, lUi.', IWeii'ir J Ttalas will run as li.Moas MoV INU SOl'TJI I'll '-..I Hl'ft . A. M 1.. S. UIOI..U. h A M. LillL' t. ll. V tfl 11.10 r M. liupiri. 11 ;w I'Mitiile. llu'j ' .Imilil Xorthuti berbu4, li t.. 1' M. t M"MN'li M. It I II Lent oilhuudwrlaani, i in J'. M 1 l;uville, I liupeit. 'A 1 KniK-t'iu, S. iJ T.eate Arrite al hiriiiii..n. lu.ial P. M 1 I' A rasawa.r iiaiii al-o lea.ea kuii-atoa al tint A M.. I r h i.uiuiu, t., u. .1,111. 1 wua a lialu I. r ..-t Y Wl II . I'ellllelliir. leatea S.'iai.l.4l Uiailiial ol iruiu 1 1. uu New nik all.NI' M 1 I..- ta' tan hi. Ill 4 I'' ..U.-Lulg llailliM I fv- I. Wi.ll Ihe llelatturi. LHetuMlili,4 i.i,. rtet u lti.1.. l.-ad bl S.IUI.I, 11, I I ,..,!; .l,. sl,t, lll.ta ea I Al Lop. 1 1 It c. nine: 1 ttliu 1I1 t'nltswi 1 I'.a ! loud loi ,i ,.ta Ih.IIi uh.i and 1.1.1 a. ml. 14 at I'l.ii adrlpbia .lull I', ,'., Al .N.-nbai. liiUl II .,, u aiOt il.. I'l .d. I. .i4l.. 11 l'alioal aa N..i.l.-ru '-i.ia u.l. . r p- inl. i 1 i,d .Mi h t'. . ,i. ., al burn 4 -V I' il . I'l.l'! , M . si. I I -all.u.. iv Iii IM I' M ' 'li I'n 11 I ail IW 1 rrt 1, ,la a .1; l . yi.lllitaiule.lal.d 1 6 I I. . i I y , l paaaiug, al , Ul. Ji I.S I- II ! I I. ... 1. .I aim 1, i.. ,u j 1 .j, l . Af.rt