MISCELLANEOUS. AHIIqamrfun IMnrorcrlon In I era- ICIcli t.'t.ltl nincn. Tho Sun Franc idci Bulletin puMinhca tlc following ink-resting nccount vi rcct-nt tin tiquurku tU.seot erica in lVru ; 'From C'Hptnin Morehouse, wlio arrived at this port from Tnmbcx, I'tTii.ii few flays iiince, wc learn that extensive iHsr-overies linvc been miule there of the ruins of ft tcm jk' of nni'icnt Pitu. On the CoithIIm river, uluuit four miles from CumU n continiiii '.ion of n spur of the mountain rnnge lin long heen KU)ioseti to cover the ruins of ml nncitut tt.iniile, popular tradition iisi'iling that one luul existed tit that place on n liitrli nionn'jl, w hieft mound t us exeavaled under the foundation at the temple. 'When the Spaniards under 1'iznri-o took the ndjaeent towu, the wooden supports underneath were cct on fire, and were eousunii d, when tin; vliule fahric fell in ti muss of nnifislinjruinh uhle ruins. "Simi! years ago u Freii'-h nut ! juary trav elling in Peru, hearing of these traditions, made mi examination of the locality, after w hich he went to France. Aliout eighteen months since, this person havinjr procured means returned to Peru ami obtained from that government permission to excavate imii aeurch near theC'orriilis river for antiquarian purposes, the searcher to be protected by government mid to take for his own uses w hatever of such nnthiiinriiin character us might be found. An excavation or tunnel was made in this supposed mound, and alter months of labor the exploring party was re warded for his efforts by lining the remains f a Tcry large building, the wall of which Lad been built of adobes, inside of which a great ninny articles of gold and silver w ork were found, many being small golden images unknown implements, ami articles of orna ment. The natives employed were thieves, mid mow being stolen than was received, the Frenchman discharged his laborers and had the tunnel closed up while he went to Lima to get workmen in whose honesty he could confide. Matters were in this state when Captain Jloorehouse sailed for San Francisco. ' "Captain Morehouse also reports that rich gold discoveries hail been reported made nt u place called Santa Itosa, about forty miles from Tumbez. Two sailors who had deserted from a whaling vessel at Tumbez reported that while skuling in the interior until their vessel should depart they made the dis covery of good diggings on the bankf of a binall mountain stream. Kneouraged by this success they made research in the bed of the rjver or creek and got good prospects, but hearing of their vessel's departure anil the season being unfavorable, they returned to Tumbez. with what gold they had got (about titty dollars), which they boid at the rate of eighteen dollars per ounce. A large number of person were intending to visit the mines in-the proper season, the Peruvian govern ment, however, being unfavorable to their further development through fear of a large emigration of foreigners, who have generally created trouble." lOligiiuiM liittlUf'.ciiet'. At a late meeting of the Managers of the American Bible Society, the Christian Com mission received a donation of the Scriptures to supply Clencral liosecra'ns' nrmv with 50,000 English and 10,000 German" Testa ments; Ceneicl Grant's 50,000 F.nglish und 10,000 German Testaments; General JJurnsiilc's, 23.000 English and 5,000 Ger man Testaments ; also," to the three armies, ,000 Elsies und Testaments,, in various languages, such us French, Italian, Spanish, vv.'e. There 5s a Congregational Church at Kludge, K. II., which for orly-tirv years has paid the pastor's salary in one sum on the very same day it became due, and nearly nt the auie hour of the day, except w hen pay d.iv came on the Sabbath, and then the money was paid the d.iy befjre. 'An Anxious Inquirer" has the following query in the Pittsburgh Chit'stitni AdrociitT : "It ha all along been assumed, and perhaps never been disputed, that John baptized Christ with water, and yet to me the proof is, to say the least, by no means clear. On the contrary, very strong presumption may be raised against the prevalent idea, and unless I have overlooked some passage bearing upon the subject, it will be im possible for any man to furnish absolutely incontrovertible proof of the baptism of Christ." The following from the Washington Cirori-U-lt, shows what a brave Pennsylvania woman accomplished at Chansellerville : During '.he buttle of Chanecllorville, while everybody wus lighting ami many were fall ing we noticed one in their midst, who. although she was uot lighting, was slill en gaged in a noble w ork. This one is "Mary," tliij vivandiere of the One Hundred and Fourteenth Pemis-yhania volunteers. (Col lis's Zouaves.) She was to be seen in the thickest of the right, binding up the wounds of the fallen, regardless of her own safety. When the wounded were removed to u house on the Cold, she was there, and whin that house was shelled and burnt by the rebels, she w as there carrying out the w ound ed. Her tires is pierced by several bullets. All the wounded of our brigade look anx iously for her e very morning at the hospital, for she makes daily i-its there. . On that bloody lie'.d she was often to be wen with n crowd ol Zouaves around her, while she was engaged in binding up their wounds. Mary will never be forgotten by the First llrigadc of iiirney's division. A .Nkw Invi:N"iios. The Paris corres pondent of the Loudon Times says that a ekillf'ul engineer residing in Paris has in vented a machine by w liit-li ci '.fan r.r.:s of every description may be rendered tit for spinning, liy this means rugs, such as old fhcets, shirts an. I pocket handkerchiefs, worth not moiv than SOf. the Will, weight, t-in be converted iiitoblu; r red toltoa C'I'.ia! to that imported I'-uu Eg) pi, w hich. Il'"l;rh inferior '. l.tcr!e:,n collou. brings a hi-li price in the l! in nuiLft. h i i. pule. i thai thii intention w ill i.; tract the MtYi.u m of eoiton spin m rs throuhou' 1 -'lance. O n- in intil'iitiui-l of pud-hog Urlt-.m.. and n ml ioi, ..pinm r at M. Ibuis. have al.-i- i.i..'. the new m i. nine, and hint I'-.-i mI i;. siun eil pi-rfnil). Other i-iigiiircr-.Ji.ivt .liicctc.J their Mti iiiion to I'm subji . i, an i iti is not iiiipo-.ilile that, throiijii the power id' tiiurliini n , European lii.oii!l..etuicr-i liny, I. it certain i-Mi ni, In come in l (..-ii. It-lit of America. T'uW inven tion, tvi.il l u n , II 11 know II U J'eW Wi l l. tilifc. is one of lii.i i- tt liirli etlrrt n r volution in industry i.ud increase public wealth to an immense iU i,t, Wlim it is i-un-Miiid how imtiiy million, ma ex mbd in the iiih ii.t-e ol r.iw coiion, ,oii I In- -lout t.mi-i Hie ni.oiiil'.ii lur .-. u rl it le .i-t ., :uiv inn hint that t an i.i.il.c worn out cot I on iloili at.iili j l.l.i f.r t're-li spiiiiiiiio, lioi-t iiii.hr retil t,i rti'-i- ! tile lnaiiut.il Inrer, Tut: liti.ijMix .tr W tiiiv.iu.--A otiiuil' t tin Itji.l'u.u i,i jn ii ur ilic ( .mil 4U l.1l I ' HI l in I t. III, H. iiuiui itu! A-; n.i'L In t'niiiii.ilii l,. i -' 1 nl Ml A rl-ii 1 .1 ,. hi I,. 1 l aii.l nl I iiii in ll..' i'-iii. , 1.1' IImViii,- In ir j l .' , I .' I .ic i 11 ! r ii .in" 11 im It 1. 1 1 1 mi hi . I .il t 11 I In. 1. Hi. I U'ii "I .ii at 1 I . I In- lit-it in In V lull I n lan I ia.li in llil In. i.lir to il It I 11.(1 1 . - - - Vl I nl. .11 '.iir In Mi., !.i . I. r, Vi Jl in. j' Inn I ul Vi-i lut 1 '1. 11 1 1 lif , IMI'J k. a, J r . f 1. .- .1 I ATTENTION DEALERS 1 um uwwi9 NX0rNCE9toall who trade In Sunbury, that ha bnsjli.it purchased a I..ilt-ii: NTOfK or wt-II 'st-leclod N E W GOOD S, Which he offer M 1 f olii ntnnd, near Coverl'a wrsl t'nii of Mitrkct (junro, vcrjf CHEAP FOU CASH Or if lluit will not do, just in clicnp fur v o t: " t it v i ii o i i: v kj. Ills stuck consi'lii of n irgp moiurtiri'iit of HATrf. BOOTS. CAPS. S1IOKS. COATS, BAbT. PANTS, SOAP. VKSTS. liHfPIIKS, IIAHDW AltE, (JlKK-NiiWARK, nml other ortlcliw nltogctlicr too miincrou to nieu. tiuu. CALL AND SEE. Siuiliui'V. .Iitnniirv ;t. I SUM. Economy is Wealth i its: vol st 4'i ;m vn i3 it. Thu HKST nud CIITAl'l-ST Ilmimhold KEMKDV in the World. 3iliiIaiiH' KA(MK' POHTKU'd GREAT COUGH REMEDY M. wash 2 A POO VOR 'J'KK'tf Cunitivo llMlMim is wnminteil if w-'l nc cttniinjj to (he dirt'ctiuns, U euro in nil cult's ( oulis, C'olils, lVhiKiping Oculi, A-ihiiui. nnd all tiffoftiun ul Hit' 'J brunt mid Lung Mmlumc ZikIoc Portrr' Iiilum is pumml with nil the n-fjHiie'itu cure unit tkill. from n coiiitiinnlton nt tlit hi-Ht runictlifji tlio vcm tnblu kitiilin uflonls ite .iMiiftliiil quul it ioH uru bnvi on itRowtrto nxnti the hen i thy mul vigoriotis citciihition of Hie hlooil. bltKul, thro Ihc Lunn. It is not n violent reiiitMly, but cuioticnt wnrniing, Hcurchiii mul tflV-etive ; can ho tiiftt'ii by the oldest person or ounjrt!t child. Mi.dninL' Ztidoc Portfr's litilsnni lm boon in ufc Viy tho public for over IS y wire itnd has flciiuircd it pro- ponl cnle efftiply hy hidn rt'coinincndod by thofo who btivo u-etf it to thoir ulltictcd friends mid utlion Most Imimhitam. Mndiune Zndoc J'orter'g Cura tive Ifiil-nin U stld nt a jirice whitdi brings it in the reach of every one to keep it convenient for use. The tiniclv use of a single buttle will prove to bo w orth UK) times itstiont. NOTI'.'K. Save yonr Money ! Ponnt he pomin ded t purchase nrticlei at 4 to ?1 which do not con tain ti e virtue nfn l'iecnt Hottloof Mud.imc Por ter's L'rative iiulnii, tho cwt of manufacturini; which o Krvnt an that of almost any other medi cine ; and the very low price at which it if nuld. makes the profit to tlio Heller apparently small, find unprincipled dealer will Fomclimed recommend other medicine.-? on which their profits are larger, un leNi the cuftumeru inwit uion having Madamo IVr ter'a and uoue other. A-k for Madame Porter Cu rative lialtmi, price cent, and in laro lottle nt li; centK. and take uo other. It you cannot get it at one store you can nt nuother. Sold by nil Prujx'W aud .Storekeepers at 13 ct.., and in lurger bottic.tat ?J et. HALL A Ul'CKI-L, Proprietors. Jauuary SI. lStSL ly Xew York. WAMl'ACTI HIMIS OP S-A.X.EK,A.TX7S, f ITKn-CAliU. 01' SODA, ic, Aud Solo Agrntf In tho City of Xcw Yiirk for CBEAM OP TARTAR SUBSTITUTE, Invfiitcd hy l'rof. Kbt-u N. Ilorsford, uf ltinvnrd t'liivuisity. Offieo. 11 Old Flip, Hanover Sijuurtv (up ittnirs.j NEW YORK. rPJIIC hijth pi iff which C renin uf Titrliir eoiiiitiBiiiU'ii J in isit. liiKillicr with tho nlnriiiin cxlint to nliiih iis diuiKiTous nilultiTiiliiin hint licen curried, with other coiiKidci'iitinnx. indtieed tlio dinlingituhed, ('heniift. whiwe iiiiino in iven nbnrc, to coinineneo lint piuved to he n long unit liilinrinu nci'iititio re fi'iiiuli. to diwover a tlwirnble muntituto therefor. lliefUii t" were crowned w ith nhunilnnt nipi-ew. nnd hundred of thousunds of ioiiiuta of tho fntlistiltito luive heen mild nnd uud dui inj; the lii't fn o years, throuj'.iniiit the l'r.i!ct Sinter nnd thuimudim." ' lie fuliowinj; trite eonipnrion of its liitluro nnd llm remtlls ofiln use, willi thine of Creniii of Turitir, w ill convince the ini'.t inci eituliiuii of its vuluo. ('renin of Tnrtnr is it lji-liirlnitu of I'uln.-li. This Snlwlitute is n simple ritojilinle. nnd i-nnlnins nnthiu but whnl is fmind iu bccl'-slcuk. nnd hi com. whi-iil iiial oilier ci-reuls, nnd is lln-rtlore highly mi 1 1 u i. .us ll nlso Iiiih n licnllh-niviii iiilttience. nnd supplies tlint for which there in u eonslunt de initnd in the system. i - It is sold tor a much less price than Cream uf Tai-tnr. . .Miirch 21. ltiii.1. y iioh .i s: Z A STl'vi'I4.7 I'lUI.AHKl.l'lllA. For the Itelief ol the .Siek nnd Distressed, nfliieted with X iiiili'iit mid Chronic Discuses, mid t-pceiully for the cure of Jiisi uses of the isexuul Urjiuns Ml-WUCAL ADVICF given gratis, by the acting Surgeon. Al.l'AlM.K Itl-I'OIITS on spermiitorrhocB or Snuiniil WeuUiicss. nnd other Di-enses of thu .seunl t'l irnt.s. nnd on the -MKW 111-:.MKJ) V.A em ployetl in the Dispensiii-y. sent to Ihe nlllicled in scnlcd lutiur envelopes, lnc of ehnrirc. Two or Ihree .Mtinips for postnue will he nveiinhle. Address. DK. j. SKI hi, IX 1KH UllTUX. Aeliii Sitr-j;eoii. lownrd As.-oL-iu.iou. Xo. 2 South 'Uitli Mi.-ct. IMiilndcliihiu. I'u. Juiuiury 3, Jfcli.'l. Jy I.it'U:utuiiiiii A. ltlooiiisltiu-g lt;iil I'Olttl. 0 X mul after November I", 1S52, I'lisjcniier A i ulna n in mi ns I'll inn i ; MOVING SOVTII. Frn ',M, Leave rerauton, S.iHI A. M. Kingston, 11.211 liupcrt. 11.111 J'untille. I2.11.1 HI. 1 A A 11.10 1" Atricut Noitliiinilicrlau.l. 12 t."i P. M. -MuVIXti NniiTII. Leave Niii-tliunibirlaiid. 2U 1'. M Danville, 0 till ' Itiipcrt. O.-'Ij " Kingston, H . I Leave. 1.1.'. P.M. Arrive nt .N'i'miii'ii. Ill till 1". Al. :!. In A I'a-sengir Train also Laves liiiiL'st.ui al H.lul A. Al.. t.r Seraiitnii, lo eouueet with u train lor .... York. Iti-iiiiiiing. Icaes Srntitoti otiariiibl of I m u In. to .New in k. al i Ii P. Al. 'I tic l.ii.'knuntiiiii ,v llba.iusliurg Kailioad enlinects w iih the Deiiiwiiro. LackiiHiinuu and t'isleru Itail rond nl Si rnnli.ii, lor New Voik and ii.lenncdiiile puiiits ea-t. Al itoperl il ei.lllH with the Cnllaw iwii Hail. niad lor s.iuis I. 1 1 1 eni and west unit iog ul I'liil. ilill'l pilIU 111 o 1 .i 1 , .11. Al .Vortliiiiiilieilau.l il eiuiticols wiihlhe l'hil i 1.-1 . ' pi. in A I'.rie Itailioad and Noi lin t 11 ( eiilrul lit- j roie I. .-r M.inis west an. I miiih I'tissi'if.'t.rs arming ! 111 Il11110i1111g l .ini'. Al ; I'nilu.lilpliiu In 1. Al ; I mi. I C.illnnoii In 'Jo p. A. j 1 be Fi. i.hl 111.. I Pii-ei.gei-s Tr.ilu north, leaves I Noi : ii uii.l.ii land nl li i.i A Al . and uirii is ul O.Jul' I Al pa-i-iiv Duiiiillo ul K.Jtt I' M 1 JoilN 1' IL.-I.KV, t-up t .1. IV V. in s. (iiin ri.1 iul.cl Aa.iil. - ! Ni v 2n. IsiiJ I S-T-1S00-X. "ll.e. IMiiiiliul.iii lllliiTM, Tin purilr. .Iiiidh. n. mul iuigorate. Tiley i reule 11 bi iillhy upu iile. 'I In v are an nnti loie lo 1 ami-jo of w ater si . I did 'i !ov olire..tlll.el1..rl..l . l pill lull Illld ill I Li.ors 'I In .1'. ii .-I lii 11 1 l.c.i .,.,a ,., ,i,i, , u il,,. mini 1 iiey pri'teiii uiiasiouiie nud iiilirioii u lit fi t trs. '1 111 puiilv I lie I.i .-..Hi 1111. 1 a. i.lity ,. i,o ilmua. k 'll.i 1 utc l.pi . ia no. I t'..lulip.ili.. 'llii-v cure Diiirilieu, l b. iter 11, and ( lioleia Slor. bll. H.i j euiv l.inr Ci.u: l.ili.i anj Xein.u. Ili ad- a.-I.e. TIk-.V ale ll..' I" lliiler. ill llio ,,,!. I Mi,i,r ibe e..k h.sti iioog, and uru nbuilii iiiii , i-i 1 ul r. -li.ii r 'linn an- ma la M I ui lluiu. 111. 1. 1. U1.1. J IjiliHita IUi i.xl. and lull-, ai.d u. l.k-11 ui lb, 1 Iviuuia ul a Uirni.. auti ml iigrfid in ji. m lii.. o day I'aiii. uluilj iv. -oii.ii.t'oiii i lo i. Iii-aiu w..m iuui!'m4 tt at iiUii "' I wi I' all lir.011 I'iukhI.i. Il.uk 1 "'.'I .s.i.'w. r 11. 111. tit r. 4 1 11 , JV4 lituadaav Nia.i.oa WU-i ij, nlj Tw -rtuua tuUi-t--f. UuiU arm, .i w- u m' t- 1 i-r 11 a .1 na'- hi iivia la- j a t Mm 1 1 biMim im a ita a)t, alui aa liiii4 all iba u.ui.1 1.1,111.11 an t im g.. i.i ii.us Ur.sJ.a . I1.4iu.m1 a.rii.ai .a. m ol 1. 11 b. mhwI lui; la. . u.o. um. i la. au aiMivU-l Mlua irvaiuix Ilia 14 . i.i, 1 at 1Um mi Ika iuri4 ul aa a.nlia t I mul. k a ul mu4 lll a tvy; v Ut itmi 1 i.a ta4 I'uiii in I'u J US M IKliV tlL I I I .Mi'mii fis. .'.. f V . :i i" ' DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, GREAT REMEDY Fur Uhevmntinm. C'mit, Xrurnlijla, hinihiipo, Miff fork owl Joint. Siirttin, Jlvuitt, Cut) tint M'txiwh, 1'iliK, frndiirhi; and all Iticiiiiiiitie and Serrvtit Unorder. Tor all of which ll li a upcody nnd cerlnin remedy, and never fnils. This Liniment is prepnred from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the fninons bone sutler, nnd has been used iu bin prnetico tor more than twenty years w ith the most astonishing success. ... i As nn Alleviator of Tain, ll is iinrivnlc.l by nny preparation before the publie, of which the most skeptical ninv lie convinced by a single trial. This Liniment wilt cure rapidly and radically, ltheuinatie Disorders of every kind, nnd in thou winds of cases w here it litis been used it has never been known to fail. For N'cuiuliiiit. it ill iiflVid Immediate relief in every enso. however distressing. It' will relieve the worst enaoj of lleiidncho In three minutes, nnd is warranted to do it. Toothache also will it cure lusUuitly. For Nervous Debility and (ieneml Lassitude, nri sing front imprudence or excess, this Liniment is n uiosj hnppv nud unfailing remedy. Acting dircesly nin the nervous tissues, itslrciudlicus and revivifies the system, nud restores ft to etnst icily and vigor. l or Piles, as an external remedy, wo claim that It is the best known, nnd wc challenge the world to produce an cmml. F.vcry victim of this distressing complaint should give it a trial, for il will not fail to nllonl iiiiitycdiatc relief, and in a mnju ity of cases w ill effect a radical cure. (uiney and Sore Throat are sometimes extremely malignant nnd dangerous, hut n timely application ol this Liniment ill never fail to cure. Sprains are sometimes very oMiiinte. and enlarge ment of the joints is I. able in occur if neglected. The worst ease may bo conrttiered by litis. Liniment in two or three dnvs. llritises. Cuts. Wounds. Sores. 1'leers. Bums and Scalds, vield readily lo Ihe wonderful healing pro porlies of Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liiiiineiil. when used according to directions. Also. Chilblains, Frosted Feet, and Insect Dites nnd Stings. BH. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, the (jicut Natural Hone Setter. DR. STEPHEN BWEST, of Connecticut, is known nil over the Vnited States. DE. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, is the author of - Dr. Sweet s Infallible Linimoiit." Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Rheumatism, and never fails. Dr. Bweet'a Infallible Liniment Ii a ccrtnfn remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures liiinu aud Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet's Infnllible Liniment Is the best known remedy lor Spruius mid lirtiises. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Headache immediately, and was never known to fail. Dr. Sweet's Infnlliblo Liniment Affords imiuedinte rditf fur Files, nnd seldom fails to cure. Dr. Swoct's Infallible Liniment Cures Toothache iu one iniuute. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Cut3 and ouiuls immediately and leaves no scar. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Linimout Is the besl remedy for Sojcs iu the known world. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment I!:is been used by iihou t'jaa a million people, it I praise it. Illld Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment nteii internally cures Colic und Cholera Morbus. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment i Is Ir-ily a friend iu need," and every tuuiily should nave it al liana.. Dr. Sweet's InftilHale Liniment Isfol aulebv all Druggists. 1'rice 2i and .''0 cents A FRIEND IX KEED. TEY IT. Lit. SWKLTS lNFAI.I.IIII.i: LIMMFST, 1111 e.Mern.il reiiicily. is w illmiit a 1 ivul. 11ml will: alleviatenill uiurc -pee.tity tlnni liny other prcpn. j rat-on. For nil b hcuiniitie and Nervous Disorders it is truly inlnllilile. and as a curative for Sires. ; Wounds, Sprains. Ilruises. Ac, il soothing, healing j and powerful strengthening propeilies, excite the just wonder aiid astonishment of all who have rvcr ! giicuita trial. Hn-r one Ibousand cvrli Ileal es of remarkable cures. pciTociucd by il within the lust two tears, uttisl ilic f.ict. ! TO HORSE OWNERS Mt. svi:i:t s im alkium-: i.tmmkxt r-'u llilt.-i:S Is iiitiivj.lcd I'V ti 1 iv. Hit't ill hII nii- nl l.Hiiit-ntjMt. iti iin tiiHii ii i ii-. l!i ii.H or W ri-iK'li- j in -f , im U iimicnl tnut rt-rliiiii. 1 1 unit ur .stil'llo 4 i til N, Snitttir. .liii L't'. Ac. ii nil) itlfii i-tirt-iiHHMlil v. itnin mul Kiil-'i.t iw-y v t-aily : MMiUii Hinl i tuv.l in ihrir im ii i'M -hi Iui n- j tiruirti i'ii si n Mil Ih vuiid iliu jHttviltitii y u' n rutlii nl ' I'll li'. i i-HM' i ill' ktll'l, lieu rr. If m icm nili- cr f t.u! il iiitiv v uHi i.tU'd tliitt l.ini- J incut, it in I ila litiililcl iuij.li'ttiitu u ill nt n iivn r - in o I'j' i.uin.'iiew. Mill 1 it.tiMi- Ila licfc- U tru I Hilh ct'Ui'iirutivi' i-a-i'. j litill tiuvi' Ihi.- n uit-ily ul Iwunl. fur tin linu ly int j ut tho tirl iif'f:iniin't' n l.ium nt will i-ttis liiiilly ' prvM-ut lln t'iiiitliillc tltfvit' .. whi. lt nil hi i if me liitlili', uifl mIui'Ii ri n 1 r muu) ultciHic ' Vuht.ltil.' LUjm. llt'UliV uurli U . DR. SWEET'S Infallible liniment .1 Tif:: j 1 SOLDIER'S FRIEND, Aud tliuuu U tata aaiid ll lul i MMllMM. I'.atutl liapuaiti..M. vkarfta laa litual ata aad l lk.nrauif i Mi 1 1.aoi at witlil. lalal. aud - i 4im a ii 1 luul! I.l I. iii.i... 01 1 kU.au im ilia ,nMa u aat.1! Ui.la. aui.uut lUlituM tttuuibt Hit It kltltMiH s t'n , .L 'i..auta .uiaua. I I )l'liiiA a al I I H . limoa 4i.u 14 I tit llvt S, ak f. 1 1 a? all 4al.M !) Wilt .. ;i 1 ' i MAYORS OF THE Great Cities. We, the undersigned Mityora, hereby cer tify that the Drugglatii, Apotheoitries, and Phyaioiitna of our aerertxl oitiea bnre aigned a dooument of Rsnumnoe to til that AYEB'S 8 AB3 AFARItiliA hail been found to b a remedy of great exoellenoe. and worthy the confidence of the oommunity. HON. JAMES COOK, Mayor of LOWELL, MA.B3. HON. ALBIN BEARD, Mayor of NASHUA, IT. H. HON. E. VT. HARRIWOTOM", Mayor of MANCHESTER, Xt. H. HON. JOHN ABBOTT, Mayor of CONCORD, N. H. HON. A. IL, BULLOCK, Mayor or WORCESTER, MASS. HON. NATH'L SILSBEE, Mayor of BALEM, MASS. HON. P. W. LINCOLN, Jr., Mayor of BOSTON, MASS. HON. WM. M. RODMAN, Mayor of PROVIDENCE, R. X. HON. AMOS W. PRENTICE, Mayor of NORWICH, CONN. HON. J. N. HARRIS, Mayor of NEW LONDON, CONN. HON. CHAS. S. RODIER, Mayor of MONTREAL, C. E. HON. D. F. TIEMANN, Mayor of NEW YORK CITY. HON. H. M. KINSTREY, Mayor of HAMILTON, C. W. HON. ADAM WILSON, Mayor of TORONTO, C. W. HON. R. M. BISHOP, Mayor of CINCINNATI, OHIO. HON. I. H. CRAWFORD, Mayor of LOUISVILLE, KY. HON. JOHN SLOAN, Mayor of LYONS, IOWA. HON. JAMES McFEETERS, Mayor of BO WM AN VILLE, C. W. HON. JAMES W. NORTH, Mayor of AUGUSTA, ME. HON. HENRY COOPER, Jr., Mayor of HALLO WELL, ME. HON. JAMES S. BEEK, Mayor of FREDERICTON, N. B, HON. WILLARD NYE, Mayor of NEW BEDFORD, MASS. HON. J. BLAISDELL, Mayor of FALL RIVER, MASS. HON. W. H. CRANSTON, Mayor of NEWPORT, R. I. HON. FRED STAHL, Mayor of GALENA, ILL. HON. JOHN HODGDEN, Mayor- of DUBUQUE, IOWA. HON. THOMAS CRUTCHFIELD, Mayor of CHATTANOOGA, TENN. HON. ROBERT BLAIR, Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. HON. R. D. BATJGH, Mayor of MEMPHIS, TENN. HON. GERARD STITH, Mayor f NEW ORLBANS, LA. HON. H. D. SCRANTON, Mayor of ROCHESTER, N. Y. HON. DE WITT C. GROVE, Mayor of UTICA, N. Y. HON. GEO. WILSON, Mayor of PITTSBURG, PA i HON. C. n. BUHL, Mayor of DETROIT, MICIT. HON. HEMAN L. PAGE, Mayor of MILWAUKIE, WIS. HON. W. W. VAUGHN, Mayor Of RACINE, WI3. HON. A. FARR, Mayor of KENOSHA, WIS. HON. JOHN C. HAINES, Mayor of CHICAGO, ILL. HON. M. J. A. nEATH, Mayor of SELMA, ALA. HON. A. J. NOBLE, Mayor of MONTGOMERY, ALA. HON. W. S. HOLYBAD, Mayor or COLUMBUS, GA. DON ESPARTERO MANUEL, Mayor of VERA CRUZ. DON PIETRE DE CABALLO, Mayor of MEXICO. DON ESTEPHANIE RODRIGUES, Mayor of HAVANA. DON ANTONIO E CHE VERA, Mayor of LIMA, PERU. DON M. G. MTLANGNO, Mayor of VALPARAISO, CHILI. DON MARO SESQUIPEDALIA, Mayor of RIO JANEIRO, BRAZIL Certify that the resident Druggists have assured them Ayer's Sarsaparilla ! Ia aa excellent remedy, and worthy the eoo I fldenoe of the community. j For Spring Dlitiin. , For Purifying the lllood. For Scrofula or Klua's F.r II. For Tumors, l iters, and Sorts. 1 For F.rujitious and Plmulrs. ! For llloKlirs, lllaius, aud Holts. j For St. Aut liouy's Flrr, Itosr, or Kry For Trttcr or Halt Ithruui. a(slitlaa. ' For Scald llt-ad aud It lif worm. For Canter and (aarrrout orrs.. 1'or flora Ee, tor Mara, aud Humors. . For Femala Ulsrassa. l-'or Kniiresslva ami Irregnlarlly. Fo tiyitiilU or Vruertal Uliitiu. l-'or Llvtr Comiilaluls. " Dlicttti r tit UiaiC. Tha Mayors of th ohiof cltlea of tha Unt tad Statu, C.itmdaa, and Ufitiata. Jovinoo, CttiU, rru, JJraail, Meiioo, and In fact al moat alt tha eitiea on thi ounlinenl, hart la-naU this doouuiaul, to aaaur Ibair paopla what rantadia they mity tii with aufuty aud ooitdono. Uut our apuct will vuly aduut portion of lUaui. Aycr'a Sarsaparilla, Ayor'u Cliorry Toctoral, Aycr'i Tills, mul Ayer's Aguo Cure, lr. j. v, Ayrr ton I OH H I, NIH , A4 avid tf Ifttais IH a.rt. K ll by i.lia A Uiaul, ib4 K 4 I.A.i Ui uli!u; , l 11 II M.C. i. .iya.a,,l..4 J tf I as'ua, uA I' llo aa, M H J U1S414. Iabiil ll.i.b Cm . Ml !'.... I r tM4is.. I.I)mi - M U U.I .., Viv,i a MtMiiiMu Cutrf Aim) lis !; kn ; If JU ST RECEIVED! ! Itas ju.it roturneJ from Fliilack-li.lila with a 3FLE1TDID STOCK Spring & Summer Goods. I-'or Jlt-ita' AVfiir. Cloth, Ctisnimero, Vesting, Itnlinn Cloth, Linen C outing, LIuud Chock ami Cottonailo. llitM, Mur. A largs assortment nf tlrimJUiKHls, ilnoK nnil Fancy Bilks, Silk Tisnucs, Foncy Ucran, Slialluy, all Wool lluliini'a, Miwambiquc (Jowls at low (iricci Silk Lcvtillns, Dvlanes, l.nwim, (litii;lims and Prints. A full lino of Irifll Linen nnd M liitu Gnoils. Ktolla border ami Fancy Kuiumor Slinwlc, Filk and Lace Mantillas, Ac. ltcndy 5Iad Clothing, A good assortment f Hats nu.lCn.u A Inrgc nmortment of lloots end Sliw,. A full stock uf Groceries, Mulfif.'O nud Sugar, Hiiriiwurc and liuildiug Mutviuil, A full stock of Queen nnd (ilnwtvnre, A full stock of l'ifh, .Suit, Oils and White Lend, A lnrpe stock of New Villi l'uper, A new stoek ef Ptoiie nnd riirtlieiinnrc, And thuiisund; of articles not enumerated. tip All (lie nlBive will he sold cliettp for Cimli or Country Product). J. II. KXHKL. FnnluiM-, Miiy 1". 1WS.. ilM.lll.V iMroititvr .i:n. l C. II KAl! ll.UlT Has I'iKti iinkii with A Xkw tock or 4'oiilV-i-lioaiii'ii'H. I'l-nit nud '1'o.ysi. IT seems as if n new ngc. a new life was opening Hi n us. iiniiiiiiling every betirt to liuliler deeds and higher uims! Ail. Literature nml Science will glow iinew, und seek lodevclupe ublilllel buiiuties nnd griiiuler coiit'eilii.ii. 'l ite Itusiitess w iirld. tun. must feel the new influence 1111. 1 every purl be iiiii-keiieil und strengthened byiin incrciiscii vitality, which i-litill urge us-wi aitli elec tric speed lo the I'.iiisiiiiiniulion of greater lliiiigsthun wus ever ilreiinied nf in the Pliilnnipliv of the past. .Viiiiiinted liy tliu ciilhiisiasiii which pervades nil classes, and desiriuiitnt 'lining his share Inwards Tlio gn at evenls ol the Age." the subscriber would re. speetfnlly inform Ihe good people nf SIMIl liV and the public generally. Iiial lie bus just returned frmn the city of I'hilndc Iphia wiiU Ihe largest nml choicest sinek nf t'oufectiouiiries. Fruit nnd Toys, that has ever been brought to this seetion of country, lie is also iiiaiiiilneliiring ull kinds of Cniilictiniiaries. Ac. to till up orders, wholesale or retail, a' short notice. Among bis slock oi t'liM-'lXTHJ.N'AltlKS limy be found . French Secrets, Hlll'lnsl Alntnuds, Cream bile, " Leluoll, Hose. Y'anilla, C0111111011 Secrets, Liquorice, Hananiis, ll.-ites. Currants, dried, tittiii limps, all UlllllSSCCtlt. Love n-iiis, Mint irnM. red and while, Jellv Cakes, Fruit limps, Stick Caii.lies. of all scents, ltoek Cnmly. Altiiniid Caiidy. VIM" IT. Prunes, Figs, ltaisens. Nuts of nil kind. LF..MHN SVUl l of nsiinerii.rniialilv. bv tlie single ar dmen. A lipoma- quality ol loiuiceo nun .-cgars. nun a varn-iv ol t'oiileelionarie I'rMII. lovs. ivc. nil 111 which is otl'ered elieitn at wholesale and retail f ltcinember Ihe inline nud plneo M. C. tiKAUIIAIIT. Market street,. U.dwurs west of K. Y". Hi ighl A Son's si i.re . Sunbury. April ft. IStil.. ty Ai-rni'iii-iiH Is:t. ol" At-vv 1 rl l.liifM. TIIK CAMHLX AMI A.MIloY AND PIULAHLL PllIA ANI TliKXToN It. It. C'o. S LINKS. I'rnm Vhrlfiilflfliio In ."YVw Vorl: mul HVy I'lmr. Ifiim Wiihiitt .tfent Wltin-f mul Kn..iiurto-t DiiiiI. iril Imrr i boie., ri : ! aiii:. At t) A. AL. via Caiinleii and Anilsiy, (C. and A. Ai iiiuioibitinii.) t-2 J-i ' Al It A. AL. via Ciiindcn and Jersey City, X. J., .-tcvtoaiaiMliittiiu. 1 At A. AL. via Ciimdcn and Jersey CTty, . (.Morning .Mail.) i3 Oil j At H A. AL. tin Canideii and Jersey eilv 2d Class Ticket 2 2.'i I At 11 A. Ai. tin Kensington and Jersey oily. Fxprc-s 3 til) At 12 Al. via Cuimlcn ami Atulaiy, C and A. (Aeenuiuiiiilalinu.) 2 2ti Al 2 P. M via Camden and Aiubuy, (C. und A. Lxpress.) 3 00 Al.;i P. AL. via Kensington und Jersey Cilv. Wash, and X. Y. Lxpress .1 00 ; Al li! P. AL. via Kensington and Jersey City, ' (livening .Mail.) 3 V0 I At II 1 P. Al. t in Keiisiuglvii aad Jirrsey cily. ! Soiilheiu .Mail. 3 I" Al 15 '.night) iu Keusingluu and Jersey city I Soiitiieru Lxpress 3 00 Al ii P. AL. t in Caiuden and AlutMiy. (Acconi- modal ion. Freight und Piisscnger, First Class Ticket. 2 2J j Sis-mid Clnss Ticket, I ill ! ror Mater Imp. Mniud-burg, Serautn. w iIkim baire. Aluiilrnse, limit Heiul. Ac. al li A. AL. fi-niii Keiisiiigtiui, tin lieluware, Luck iiwauiia and We-I.rn liiiiliiiad. For Alniieh Chouk. Alleulown. Itethluheni. llelvl dere. La-lnii. Laaibcrlville. Fletniiigloii, Ae.. ut It A.AL. friuii Keusiiitjliiu IchiI, iid at 2i P. AL, flnni H 11I1111I slreel lilllf. (The ll A. Al Line eonuecls with Trains lent ing Fasloii I'. Alniieh (. hunk, nt .1-211 P. Al.) For Mount llnllv. al li A. AL. 2aud I 1. Al. For Freehold, ai tl A. Al. and 2 P. Al. WAY LINKS. For distill. Tri llion. Ac., at II A. 31. and 21 ami 'o P. Al. Ii-niii Kensington, For Palmyra, liitciloii, !clai lleverly, Ittir- liiiitlnii. Florence, Uurdviiluwn. Ac , nl i I. 2, I) und U P. Al (. . tin New York, and Way l.mcs lvaving Keii kinifloii Jiiqsit. lake ihe Cars 011 Killh sin-el ah..,,. Walnut, half mi hour betore dcmturc. The Cms run into tin In ml. aud 011 the airhal of eui-h l luiu, run I'm in rt.e Hi .l. Fitly P..11111U uf llaggngv t.ily. allowed eaik pu-sener. Passengers are prohibiled float Inking autihiutf as baggage but their aeuriiiif upimrcl- All btiif iii;,' uter liny Miuud. to be paid for evtra. .Tlie rnmi'.uiv limit iheir resiMin.ibiliiv tor ba'aire lo '"""'ir r .inid. and will not be liul.le lorauy aiuuuul bet olid siloti. etci-iit bv sM't iiil niuirail WA1. II. li t I7.MI.K, Ajrcul Jatiuaiy 17, Isil.l. KIMON p. WOLVEKION. tlluriicy und 4'oniiai'liir nl Ijivt, OlHi-c, Alaikel slreel. J doors el uf lK ls4, BUNHUKY, VA.. ? 1 LL alii-int ptuuiptley lo Iht collect tun of eluiius II and ail ulhrr iiulesi..ual Iiu-iium (uliuist In bis vara in Xui ihuinlierluud and adjoining vuualits . I Suul.uiv, Aluy A, Ii2 I lllllt IIOI Ml' , Cut a, 1 ul t,iH uuj '11,1 lU Fluff, II IliklaSI uu. I'l 'I'llM lnK, Iu v.iiusueut'v of lis mm i.i. ecu j I aad Hear lm alluu lu Ibe i'udlul. li" made il a I lit si noli .l.. 1 11.4 pls.-e. a. I w.l) l"f IbuM- liatiui biulliew al Ibe aval uf liul.luu.clil, but lu vlhris tuning lliilltihulig. Mul.il ."J, l-l.J 11EIM8TUKKT 8 ImIhIuII llulr llralwritlUr, ir nr k iiiti Hul intuSMaial feat WaU wisai) suk. by Mpply- lu llta saJUsy laaws tana ttaiiiMtl sststaautava, im miiw. ts as us duaa All ifaiaataMiwm dtas aia Mssla.4 ul lui.al saiullc. Ji-.lin 11.4 lis tilallly ad Lsauly of ll ksir and aa.i.4 ul la.smwltvs lisuaa- 1IwImiii lunwiiai'l iuiutuij aut uul 1 tMvi, hai,k Ms aaluial auiul bj aa io., , bitl SUM I Us kau a I I I l KIIM bKtl TV. atuaMtrs iu i, .wuts iu laii.baj ua i4i ss ussliaa. a4 iu.ii. asaiife ai-4 r! wo Iba U, Iks l.4 II kas -mt la ls4 ul llb.11 k.lbS Mia'bal II. I I "lvi4 a4 I s.M.ll lH.iM.u.4 us la.uf I s4 t bMtk ibil.ib.a au4 iiu Ils mA4 If all lrUU. d.alss u a ib.m i ibs H.iisiiti 11 a ataxa.,, i, I t I Jl Itiw4s k 1 la.wsos isl t4 a4 Ik -u.t.i : ll A HEW AND USETtJL ARTICtE. HALET, MORSE BOfflKN'S' Vuti-ht Wir.tIJiiHllnir lollies) HrlnKrf Pimple, Kcunoniiciil, llurnl.le. and is not LiaUs to gel out oi Order. The 8elf-Ailjntins: Clothes Wringer. Is one of the rreatest linrirovciueiit of Hie nlnoleenth century, and as onlT t e known nnd tried, 1o come Into general use. Ihe fc.Tiiigof ctiilhes, in (irestlnB oil! tho w ater between two rubber rolls, instead of wringing or twisting, will amount to enough lu a short time, to pnv for a mnehine. F.verv one is aware. Hint the twUtlnr or wringing of clothes, stretches and breaks tho .Wires : but this ! machine prers tllem so cvertly, tifiit a newspnper thoroughly sonked, can be sTrutig. without brcakiui! it in the least, nnd it works so easily, that a child twelve years old canopvrnto it without trouble. II.. I water dues not injure the rolls, and woollen goods can be wrung out of boiling lraior t? -prevent fulling, whick onnmt u done by bund. In Stnrchmg, it I insaliiiiijle. especially on largo articles, such as Ladies' Skirts. Ac, tc, as It 11 aves the stnrch in Ihe clotlics perfectly even. It will wring tlio inrgi-st bod quilt or the amal4sr.it pocket blind kerchief, drier thon can possibly be done rly hand, without alteration. Ill less than onceiglh the time. The machine is spsimple '.hut it is not liable to gel out of repair. ' The grent improvement, in this, every every oilier Wringing Machine yet invented, Is. ils Pelf-Adjusting arrangement, requiring no alteration, to wring a handkerchief or bed quilt consequently, the must ig uornnt servant can oitcrntc it. The machine is ninde of wood, and so arranged, thai no iron can possibly eniiic in contact with the clothes, thereby iivoiding nil danger of injury to the clothes, by iron rust. 'ikia is the most simple mid effective Chillies Wring er yet invented. Tlioso purchasing can use thcin two w eeks, and if they are not perfectly satisfied, rc turn them, and their money w ill tic refunded. Address L. L. SNOW, PUilndelvha. Or II. II. MASSL'R, Agent iur Norlhuuioerluur co. July 0, 18(12. I .Ml I It V K'l'llA n II .O I K I ii rpilK subscribers having taken tKjssrsiiin of this J tirst clnss FJ.Oi' JA(r jMJI.Ij, me prepared to receive graiu of nil kinds, and to do custom wotk at tho iist-test notice. Customers will ftatif their grists ground imniedintely iikiii tltcir being left nt Hie Mill. As it is the intention of the linn lo stock the Mill, a large supply of grain w ill be constantly kept on hnnd, and flour by the quantity can ulnays be obtuiued.. The greatest care w ill be taken as turn aat a superior quality of flour, for which the mill is tnliiiiriiiily adapted. Strict attention will be paid to tin- wants of customers, nnd the patronage ul the public generally is respectfully requested. Sunbury. June ii, ISCiU. MollUAX A CO. lli:i:iC!4 Il01i:i., Jfurri.thrtix. Va rpilK innnngeaient of this well-known Hotel hav L ing been rewimed liy .Messrs. COYLF. A HKItlt. tlie present prnprictiirs. tieg leave to inform the politic that the houic is now being thoroughly renovated. remreit. ami improved, with n view to Hie proper and eoitiforliilile neoomiuoilaliiin of those who may fnvnr the establishment will) their custom, tiucsts will receive due attention and courtesy, and no expen-e will lie spared that 111113 conduce to maintain 0 hotel in a tirsl-elass style. Families and others' desiring to sojourn in Harris burg during the summer iimuihs. will find pleaianl Imanliug and large and well-ventilated rooms at our establishment, uihiii uioderale terms. SCI ITT I'OYLF. March 20. ISfii. .f. Ul I.P.fn f k'UH. Ml IIV U .IIH'.MV. nillK SIMU'ltV ACAHF.MY will be opemd -a X the first Monday of Novemlier. ISH2. Ti rnoX-PFlt 0.CAUTLI;. .luvenile schulnrs. ?2 00 Fnglish branches, 4 m Sciences nnd higher Mulhcinutics, 6 nil Languages, ti 31. litioM-:s. Priiicipul-.. Sunbury. X'ov. I. fNfiJ liilo'si Inrl. hook. y:r s: :;, I'j f I'otliull-t . IV;WlH' l . in ,jr mesial lK linvo tin fiillil nssitrtiin'itt nf tin" tmnt um-FiiI kiuds of Plain and Oi-naiiiciilal liianu- facliired from Ihc most durable nielnls auMied willi the greatest care and iieearaey. si-eurin; tV-ulinn. pel feci justi- Speeiineii Hunks nnd estimiitcs fnruirlu-d ujniii ap plication, ulso. PlllXTl.Mi PltKSSKS. ' w ith their niqiurteuaiiees of all Ihc approved innKers : O o jl llli., I of nil the latest styles, of till sizes. Aletal Furiiitiiru Lnlwr-Snx ing ltulrs. 1'ases, t'abiuets, Fiirnilure. Priuting Ink, and every arliele Iliu Printer requires, i Terms liberal. Prompt attention. I I'AH.MLIt. LITTLE A CO., f." und flj iieckiiiau street, New Y'nrlt. Mnv .;, 112 j .aoiui:: j 'l'ln .tl:iiii l'.i-'s.s I'ttiiipiiiij , ; 1IY1-: XOTH'K that Ihey luv.i iiuielrtdVif ar- I rniigeinenls willi tlie .Northern t'eulral ttnilroad ! rompniiy to run trains from Haiiiumre li.r York, i Hurt ishtirg. Iiaiipliiii. Halifiix. TrevnrlMii. Sunbury. ' uvtliuailiclauil. Lewisluirg. Aiiltmi. Aluiiey. M il ! hanisriort. nud all intermediate stations, eonni'tiug al Harrisbui-i with Ihe ll It FAT WKSTLHX ! PlILSSfnr Pittsburg. Citiciunuli. St. Louis und the West. Aisowilii Howard A t'o.'s Lxj.ress at Milton nr Jliiuville. Hlimiiisliui-i;. M'ilke.barre. Piltstnn. .S'ran I.sji.- linn iiiternieiiinte Matrons on Ihe t'ullaw issa. I.tu-k'tiw'niiiiu A Hloiiiiisburg Itnilrnads. At Wil-liamsfiin-t. by ilnwiiril A Co.'s l-ixpress lo Jersey Slinrc and Luck liateii. Also, t.y Jlownid A I'n.. and their cnitiui'lions. for Cuiilnii. Tmy, Llinii-ii. ltiN-lieslcr. Hiitfiiln. Niairaru. aud tn all accessible jNiinis in "Vecru Neir Y'jri iud Canada, by which Ihey w ill forward Alerehaiidise. Specie. Hunk Noles. Jeuclry, and N'ulutiblu Puckugesut etery desi-rip-linn. AIhi. Xoli-s. Hrnfl- nml Hills for riilb-eli'Tn. Lxperieuciit nnd etlicient InessA'llgels elnplnycl, and eterv eflurl will be ninde to render siiiisfai linii. JoIlN III Mi II M. Superiuteiideiit Penn'a liivision. Philadelphia. It. A. VI SI IIKU. Agvut tor Sunbury. Ajiril i. 1SU2. Noi thcrn Central Jlnilftav !: ti i:it "i i 111: l Aiii.i:. TWO TltAIN. liALY to mul from tne Xoiih and West llraiii-li SirsijuehauuN, Llaiiru, and ull 01 Xoi th em New York. OX and tiller AloNHAY. Novemlier 17th. Isil2. Ihe Pa-.-u'iigei- Trains of Ihe Northern Central liailnay will arrive nt and depart fiom Suiihury. Uuirisitarg autl Baltimore ns Pillows. 111: S II I T 11 W A ll Ii . .Mail Trniii leaves Sunbury dully (excel I Suiidav) u leaves liarribiirg. iirritcs at Halliiuure. Iti r . 20 211 Lxpress Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday.) o leates Hurt il.urg (exci pt .Mnuiluy.) arriies at Halliiuure daily (i-teipl Aloiiday). 11 In p. Al. li A. M. . 31. M A. Mail 1'ruiu lentil fluliiuiuie unity (ex. eipl Sunday) ' fi 'M A. u K-utii lliiiiisliiiig I 4a P.. " unite al Siiiibtuy, 4 .'ul ' Lxpress Train Wases t's.lliiiinse uaiiy h 41) p. anitt al lliiiii.buig. 1 jtl A ' leate, llalilsbuig (except Ati'iidayl. 3 111 A. ' an it vm al Sunbury. 0 ill For further tuluruiatiou applv al the I 'Ilic. 1 x. in lanuv. supi XuV. J. IM'.J iVnh i'n 1 utt i'ii. j WAI.I. PtPl.lt UK I.YI ItY Instil AIM.r. , H I. ! .I.M I'AIILII.Vv 1 UK J1 1ST rii-eiii-l dinvl lluiu ihe AlsuufUeluri r, al ' tlie Al tM H 'ill M 'lit: .1 Hill.lMl a v.ll tr anbiirr, Mnreli I A. IsiiJ Nuts uur I'riill, I nt a-ing Msas Paleui rliiKi M1I4I Svisa Tup I'rt'H-rte Jur f .w.ixi.v.s j'ir:vr siikkt vtrr.iL m .'Lii' nn" 1 All thai I, sniW) Iwiiiji In am Ike Cap d .aa j l)s.u Ilia Itulita l lia-kii, bkb la pla. ed uul.l lu l-.U lbs alioublrc al IKs Jal. lei aa Inch distant lulu llii- li p , pit it-Hi Ills ll.lily i. lbs tat. 4 i. Mi dull U1114 11. Jul id if uuilli4 lb ublat.'l allklbs rVuais ileiiilig ihi-.'s, .la's rau be t spplltil iy lis, 11.4 Unit uidiis anli 11 U sl H, Xml Sabbui), Juu I. Itti. ttMbklHIilWM llMMbC, .01n11t AuiiiiLAMb ri Nm ash. (As las tl, 1 J ft ) fMIIK ml'viiU'S feaiibi UsMt.t 1 ha asll tuuua I latesaMsud lJsl tiH ! Uit I lliuaa luw iull, lull., lbs l-ablsv lliat bs u nailiuj au. HUaiiiba iba biAtnSMM aaft aill tss 4iiais4 It. tb liltttiu bs a 4iil4bJe ibsutsstf. feu buutsiwas IllMSMls lfclwbabuwl lbs IM.Mt.1 ; ts4 all alsw IbsS blfMSlV feu wstaMubiMtMl Api.ll4.is-1 JiMill'll tSfelUK IH tlk ,Pss.lia..i.l l'-l) ISf-is a bias I stoslj-aais lnMi, I.,, aios. suhh,.m 4a i-si salt as is us ut ib r44miij 4at,is sMMssrtMl l of Is'tsaisl 'I r. I trili. si I 4 tsi iuius atliaiba la lb. ; I I Piim ttiaMt aa4 li.t la 1 l,svy l I ssi I A Inrgo Aamorttnrat-ori EVAX! A WATSON BALAMANDEH SAFES. OHLAT UltF. AT ItKAMMJ, I'A. February 12. IKt. llr.TtTLrtirr-Il gires me much satisfaction to inform yon t'int in the severe fire which, on tha morning of llir llli in-t . inlirely destmyed all nif stock and mnleriiils, 1 hnd one'nf your SnlninnnileV Fire Proof Hafes. After enduring' nn Intense red heat fur seven hours, the Sale wn opened, and tho I look" and Paneri were nreserved in 1111 iniilili iiii'lieil eoinliliuii. 1 shall need another Sale as soon as 1 et.-t In order Vours. IIIO-I respecltllllv. W P. MCKINSiiN. Pending, Pi. FrilE AT till LUX CA.STLF.. CnAMiir.usiu nn. Franklin eonntv, P.. I ' Aogu-t Iil-t. 1 mil" I Mestrs. KvamA WtTsov. Phi'a li-lplila fienlle men: On ihe morning of I lie ''. of Aiiuiort. mill. our .-lorcuouse at iireencusiie was iiestroveil liv tire The Siilnmnnder Safe we pnrebiised liom veu'soiiin few yenrs stnee was in the nlsivo mentihiieil stmo. house, nud contained all our hunks, papery, i-nnh. Ae. . wliich SMiro preserved in a perfeel condition, nfter being rxsiseil'to a inosl inleiiM- lu st for several bcii Please inform us upon what terms you will sell us uiiother larger Safe. Yours truly. OAKS A- AI'STIX. Snliiniuiiiler Sales, for l'.iinhs. Si. ires. Privnti Fninilii. Ac. Ac. Alio. Lmiu- A Wiiismi's Putent Alphabetical Hank Lock mid Dunk Vault hours, equal to any iiiaile iu the eoiiuti v. nnd sold on as gisnl terms. K A W. would res Ifnlly rcter lo th.v following Hunks am) other pnriii 1. hating ttu-ir Safes and L.s'ks now in use. to iheir entire satisfuc tion. and many others given at their Shire. I'mtkii Status Mi.nt, liraneh Hank, Shcllijvil A Philadelpliia. T eiim-ssee. VmtkuSt ati:s AitsKV.t L.Ciiv Hunk ,,f IMiilndelphia Californin. Con .,.i.:iiioo ! k of Philn W-.II.sIohii Ihiiik.Pn. t'om'th Hank of Philn. Coalesvillc Hunk. Pa. ChalauiHiga Hank. Teon. Slromlslnirg Itank. Pa. I're m l.nati .s'nii lib l ilersev Shore Hank. Pi Hank nf N'nrlhiiiiilierlan.i Hank of Nnrih'n Liberties I'liila.l.'h.liia. Lis k Haven Hunk. Pa. 1 111011 Hank. Ititllimitro. Siulliwesiern Hank of Va. Fulton Hunk. .Viunla tin . Newark Hunk, liel Hunk of X. C. Italei.di. Paul nud Sw ill. lliuil.ei Alalia 111 ti . W. II. :-i .Vk '"'I'l.-il, ,. Lew i-bor-j lli.uk. Pit. Oilier references then Uhiii eallii'.r at our Store No. Hi.. Fourth Street. 1'liiliidcliihin. March 2'.i. 1SH2 Iv i llornevs ill I.IIM . No. inn Cor. Full.., ' iV 1 iiiid Hr.i.nluiiy. XKW YO(K. Will enrefnll-.- attend to Collodions mid nil other matters inlrj-li.f to Iheir euro. May 21, IM,. ciivi Kii, ii ri:i.. " r-iiiii.in-s . lll-liBiMIM-l-l:illal f .. Mill bilge and li'liiliioiliiois lintel, now llllllill'-."! by .I.V.MLS VAMlVKi:. is situate nt the Hail. road liep.it. Xiu-ili Fast coi ner of .Mniket Square. Sunbury. Pa., and al Hie tcrminii nf Ihe Siinl.nry A Krie mul Nui iliein l euinil liiiilri.aib. and is npeiifm tlie nceoiniiiodatinii of Trutolcts nnd the public in general. 'ihe preprielnr will give his ex. loMve alti iilinn I., tht- enifi.rt an. I i".ti"nieo.-e i.f hi- ,;ut-. and i. dctciinined lo niiike this e-iebli-liuient rank niimiig Hie fust in the Male. His table will be supplied saiih thebe-l theinaiket can produce, hai iiii the a.li ;ii,ia je i.i dnily enniiiin niealion by ears direct frmn Hiilliuioi e. and' al-n I1..111 these bringing product) finui the surrouii'liiig CMiintrv. His imr v. ill be sniplied willi I tic- purest liquors tin aiarknt sun prndoee. . Careful and ol.tiging secvnnls ulwa vs in altrn.l.iinT Ni-w and i'.iii:uii.,li..ii- singling lui- jn-t been inbb d to the premises. A share uf ihe local and Iran-ling c niuiiiiy is lliosl 1 espi'e! I ul I -s.lii'ite.l Sutiliu.-y. Januiirv I'J. M',, In I -!; Co nml 307 dm, w,t r'nnur 1'muVtn Stifi, NKW Yoll v. , rPlll? first class II.. use Hie 1,111st quiet. I10111 dikn I'lensnol l.ln..l ill III., eilv nlVer- sup, rinr 1 iiidueeiiieiils lo tln.se ti-iling Ni-w Yoik f. r busin.... or pleti.-ure. ll i - -'( ml in its Ini atimi. and kept on the Kiitni'iiw 1'i.iN. in clinch. hi willi Tivi.iiii v Sai.iiov, where refn-liuieliis can be hud lit till hours, or .erti d iu tl.i ir nwii rooms. The i-harges are um- dernle. the roiiins 1111. 1 alletiilaiu'e of the lisi order biiilis. su.i all the modern coin eniences nllaclied March 211. M12. iv a i.e. 1 . it 1 1 ST receit.d fmiu New York a b.rge assortiueiu Jof WALL PAI'Lii. enii'i-ting ol ii.m: i Mm,,, AMI SlTV-Tlllli:i: Ultlllll.M SlVI.KI. AMI pAf. tiiins. Minim; in pi ice from tj cents upwards, all ,, which w ill be s.ld al Ihe lowest cn-li pri.-es. at Iho cheap slori of J. il. LNiiLl, Sunbury. Alarc-h 22. l-'"2. B'lXal.t". .V I.I SEWINO I.IA.ClillSflT, CO-, ::;: i:H'i.nu ay, nlw vmiK. Ufjcriplirt f 'in-ill, ir', n!h 'i- .1,..', . i f Vl.'l h ft ill .l.l',' -';,,. nlH ll FAMILY SLWINii MACIIIXE."' A V I Nil ul I., in. .1 a well 1 - iil.ii-lo-.l ami hVicriug repuliilinii. a- being nf all iiiaeliinct yel inln,- illlee.l. tliculie be.; ailaple'l lii l.l. KlMis n- F vmii v Si;wiu. and Inning met villi 11 success in ils salo biiyoinl inn- irreni.--t .111; iri..ii i..n. s. i.uieh that lm three inoi.iiis our order. Iiaxc lieen nhead of nor e.-ipaeilv tostipilv, we wmild now ann-iunc.. iln.t w hat e iuereaii .1 our liiiiliiitaetiiriii' laeililies, so tli.-it from llii.- lime im-th, wc shall be eiialilcd tn 'apply orders uu deniaii 1. Ill llli- cl.JMgei l.r. I thiiur bus l:i e.l a l-.'l.t nbou! by the wnr. 110 1100 mine iioM.i taul part liilill the -m:w iMj AIm i.i tn," V. Ill I il lliiee-foiinlis i.f blier. wnul.l lo-.l I"' .-loll. i d in ai, lllini! I. ut .tliliiiii.vto.ini.il-. All uter lin- ! t nnny el... ; tiling h.is been the wink t e. 11 i red ot our .aiii".iij j Wonieli. nud nobly llli 1 1: ll.ey i iv..n.iei No! cnnti nl to niiike only si, ninny gur ul.- a- iheir hands ei.ul.l I lierolllj.!i.i. ll.e.V hill'.- culled the "Sewihtf Alucliini ' to Iheir iil.l. iin, l.v il have rolled out Ihe snMii'l's' I ''oats. P.tsrs and Siiiiits. ai 11 rule a.-oni-'iii.. 1. : Ctciiisclns. Lnowiui: lie. I this wink could iml lung ; continue, numv 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 ; I u I . piudeiit liousewii es, w 1 nv enreful to seteet il,r 11. 11, -hi f all nilieis. wlii. b. ; would do Ihe hi-iivy ai'iiiy work. tin. I when donewiil. '. Hiut. then lo I.e use. I a tl:eir 1 IMII V Al.ti him:, and j ill seleeliiig one nl Ihc "1'lNKI.B it LtnN Si:vlii MtillINK I'u-!'IM'.( J I'.i.M't. N.'.l'.IIMIS-, ' 1 with Which you miiy sea frmn the finest cumin ie in ' the heatiesi cl..-,, ui: . ul , !u.i,..,. nl ti ed, uee Pi . or ' lellsiou Ihey lone Hot been .1 is.i ptsiiuled . Thus lull in.. , let eloped the udnplnhilily of mil , miiehiii.' loralt Liu. I-,. i u. . 1 1., we lii.v,- ui... I. nn.. lo i ! Step ill mh ance. unit l.v -elelal iniN,l '.'tlil ell-llle- ill I our No. Ail nn u Al n iiims." hoc nsluccd n "'1'tii.ouiMi AliruivK. a hieh wet li.h-ntlv claim ; t" II Hl.-T. i.MM'UINti AlAi'ltlM'.' t.l itillmiuce.l. ew ill the ei.aisesl liui il llilead will. .i. 1 Biilcli ease as the tnumioii coil. in no I win li icpiii , d I Way be used In .1.. I In , rv l,lo-l eiiiiiluic wui k Mil. i lallnr it'll cotlon thus i i.li.'.inii.g in one ciep .1 j I-Tin. eterv ii u .1 1 ii v ii.iiiire.i ,n enlu r a I'AAIll Y i nit .MAN I LAI it IHNii Al Mlll.M: He linie had our AI u hines licl .ie the public ,mg eimligh Iu eslabli-h tlieu lepoi.tijoii. Ji,,., ii. ,. i oiher ho laiu .l mill lii ing , .,li, i , ,. ,H, i, I,, the wuy.i.l,, ; nnd msui the l.i.'i . lluil knew lin lii kllow I !l ll I. o III, .!'.'' Step by step ll.l- I ho llNkll. A l.i.i Mt.iuvi: n,,i, n. wn lopiilli j la tur, ii.-tie e i i-l.e.li-li, ,1 . met h. i,. , .., ,, ,,i,, aim shall be. a, ii li.i. iii ih, i ,. i, ., ,, ),, .ml luul, i r , iniprote, siuiplil'v and reduce lb,- i,.-t of ..i no, clillies He sl,i,. In a I. w il.n ., l-uu a Ilea li-t ll-l. Lor liirlhel pal li. lili.l. ml li, ... 1 ISKl.t X LYiiN M tl AIM tlK I " . No. .'i s. Hi. ,i,v, v. Niw V. ik ft' ll H Mltilll, Agent Suiil.uVi.ps March 2ti, I Mi 2. .tliiiMiriii'iiii-i-i-a ol'ssioiif Huri-. COWDEN & WIl.COX. IIAIUHUauilQ, I'A. f PHI. Mi.ne tl are now mu.le at thu t '.iMi.lnu"i.l J is iipial Iu ui,, iuu.lt- 1.1 ibis i ouiili t rtei)ti ru-iy ul aiiule ii.i, ull, uiaut, uu h.iud Jl..rii.l.urj , ,Uv .1, Is,.' - J A M K S 1! A U II K U ' tS . Ho, isti.ic axi ktrtll. CLOCK L'STA 11 L ISUMIWT, S. I-'., (oiiitf Seen.id und t'hettm,! til , IMlllMlfllllM, u k:CY In ii.. rtllA I- f ijl VI lISil t lllli f ! V I I.IK K-t, a i 4.x. ...K Sllkla .. iy,,, ss, HoUU, Ikui.s touuli.-s II na.., I'.,ti, As. sn, Usuuias-lum .J IXS. I, l I'J.Na i'1-S. ir,iiitj sial aiuiawlitl I'tsi ISoi.o.1. v. ol t,w, ,.. n,.ii.a flnUisI .ki, l..,,ui) a, I ol . i. U. II. t llMi'itr) m I i tsxa.rn. I 41 t , si M.I II V ll,s ei ui.llts It 1 t uliiwiuawi aii.-ii ! -I I I X ... iLusuUriUi..! lu.,, i.)i . Ui'Wiuai, tvluu.Ua aa4 lss.iwii.4 ittk t i 1 H.-U J 4. M It. i. I b.ul. . t ti ii.il.ll U. i "i ; .. i, il t. t. i, fc.l l .... 4 I ., .- , p. J ha It I ' .. . I tu .,. , si . I . I .4 Ual'lisai ll.l til it,. at.bisi) V.i. a ij, l . MMtltrr I l llll If ail 1 1 Mm.. 1fiiHMt feu l.o.i, Ibat fes -4t"tt . . ( Ife. 4wM . sal sil ti, 4. Usi, iii t t I I .t B dassfe H I. 'I I ukiIi. r I I -IU ... t u." I I ll.. ., I,. I., ft .1. I... 1. I 111 HI ,l I, , '.I I 1,1,. I