Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 30, 1863, Image 3

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    'I1'-!! L 1
H. B. MA8SEH, Editor Proprietor.
Kl Alllltl, I'A.
SATURDAY, MAY 80, 1843.
27 Wkaveh's Hotel. Tlrir hotel Iihr
rlinngcd liniiiis and is riovv ocenpiod liy
Michncl YVilvert, well knows s nn old botel
keeper. .
tW The June number of Godcy'a Lady's
Book, nn elegunt fliimbi'.J, hi? bn received.
Like its predecessors, it contains ihuch
is vuluaMo nnd interesting in patterns and
rending miV'tcr to tlio ladies.
&ocal Affairs.
Cp The peach crop, wc regret to say. from present
appearances, i. uot very promising. The leaves of
moat of the trees are curled up ami have not Hint
belli thy green nnd vigortas appearance which they
should exhibit nt this season.
fjjp CorsTFiiPKiT on tub Baxk or XoATirrvi
BKiiLANn. Within a few days past a number of
counterfeit five dollar notes on the Hank of Northum
berland, wrro put into circulation In this place.
Tbey were ilnled Februnry 1KS6, and signed by J.
K. Priestly, Cashier, aud Jolm TinKarl, President.
Jt is well to observe tliat Mr. Tajrart signed no notes
since December 18if. ami retired from office In 1855.
These notes arc circulated to deceive inexperienced
persons. The paper is rather light, and the shading
over tho vignette, under tho words '-Bunk of Nor
thumberland" is too heat y. The paper in tho spuri
ous note is white, not the colored paper now used
These counterfoils were detected iu Philadelphia'
but by some mistake were n-ioribi J to the Xorll,i!ni-V'.-'.a.Vl
CoiYntv Hank.
tjp Colonel Thomas A. Scott, Vice PretfJvnt of
the Pennsylvania Railroad, and Joseph 1). Potts'
General Mutiager of tiic Philadelphia and Kric rnnJ,
mot at this place en Monday Ia.4 and made sonic
examinations the ground offered and designed fur
fie erection of Machine Shops ami Kuginc House to
accommodate tlie Northern Central,' l'hihulclphiii
A Erin and Sbainokiu Valley & l'ott.-villo railroads,
ll of which tfrminato at Sunbiiry. After rei lowing
the ground below towu, In the neighborhood of Ihe
Norllern t.Vnliul railroad shops, they proceeded a
short on tho iShainnkin Valley rend, and
from iLoiice up the lino to the Philadelphia and
Erie Engine limine, above town. From thence they
proeeded to pay a short visit lo ourXorlbiitiiberhni'l
neighbors, who imagine they havo some gi ootid that
might be made available for tri'e Sane purpose.
They remained hero asvot tite after their return
wheu Col. H'.vtt left H a'pocjal train forlIurrisbur;r,
and Mr. Polls in a similar Iraiu fur V illiunifport.
These pentlcmen a.e "yruclicnl and scientific men
thoroughly posted in tho muingoment of railroads
They seen t"l well pleased with the. aTipoaranee ff
things ntiot here, and will, no doubt, give ii fui.hful
and impartial report of their views and ibserva. ions.
Colonel Scott ntuted that this was his first visit U this
neighborhood but we trust it will rut be his
t2, F.r.Ti i: of the Noi.tiiCmiikih asp Coi srv
TioLRs.''--Thc Northumberland County '-Tigers,"
Company C, 151st Keginient of Pennsylvania Vol
iiulefTS, relumed honic on Monday last, Rud receiv
(d aweleom from Uio citizens ol S.inhuryiind vicini
. tv, which lhy will long remember. About 1 o'clock
in tho afternoon the ringing of the bells nnd the fir
ing of the caunon announced the arrival oi'lbe train.
A vasl crowd was assembled on the platform of tho
depot, and in the streets in fact every IrxW seemed
til participate in thereception of the brave bo i. who
had tendered their sen ices fur the suppression of this
ile, wicked, and unprovoked rebellion. The Slurs
and Stripe were displayed at a number of pjiulB. As
the train approached, a procession was formed under
the of Den. John K. Clement, Provost Mar
shall of this district, who acted as Chief Marshall on
this occasion, assisted by Capt.-C' J. Hrunerand W.
K. Marts. The procession was f. rmed and niirched
through the jirincipnl streets in the loiloniug o-der .
Urant's Cornet Hand
Committee of ITec'opiion, vis :
.1. H. Packer, lisq.. Chairman, Charles Pleasants
P. M. Sbimllo. John Haas, 8 D Buyer, 6. M Keun,
J. ltourue, J. Younguian, l'r. I. W. Shindel, It W
l'avis, l. Vagonseller, W. I Oreei'oiigh, 6. Hen
dricks and II. U. MiLsscr.
Soldiers of the lyir ol IS! 2
Iteturned Koldiers.
Ihe Nnrthumberlaud County Tigers
Chief llurgess and Council.
Her. Clergy.
Citizens and Scx'ieties.
Tho Fire Departing nt.
At tl.o ctoe of the parade the procession wiif
rnarehed to tho public squaro in front of tlie Court
House, where tho returning soldiers were welcomed
home in a well timed and appoprialo address bj- J.
li. Packer, Ksq., who coiupliinouled tho company
fnr its promptness irt ofTeriug their services, and their
conduct in the 'eld of buttle. Mr. Packer's re
mnr):s were highly applauded by the soldiers and all
present, Lieut Price, of the Tigers, responded.
lln apol g?ii"1 for the absence of Capt. Jones, who
w as unexpectedly called away to visit his mother,
then sick, at Heading, lie returned the thanks of
the ,fr th warm and splendid reception
that had been given them.
Tho r-t trnid sohliers were then marched to the
Central Hotel, where Mr Vandyke, under Ihe auspi
ces and the -imnug-vueit uf the ladies, had prejmrud
an excellent eitertnia.-iiiiit of which they parcook
with evident atisfaeliu wl duliglit. The holdiers
l xiked well aVid ap'pea-e j mtisficd that their service"
wc.-o appreciated We Sea-d no murmuring mal
contents among them, whose idew of patriotism as
pired no higher than the worship f a leader. They
were willing to fight t"io rebels tm;) aiy eouipetent
leader and expressed great eonlidiuee W Uencrul
Hooker. A number of them will, no douKt. return
to ihe army again af.or a brief sojourn among their
For the Sunbury A:brioan
Tho women of tho Pennsylvania Iiraucb of the I'.
S. taniiary Commission, appeal to tho women of
Pennsylvania, mid tho neighboring eouuties of ad
joining States, for assistance in their new enteri'iizc
not as to thoso who have been unmindful of oirr
sick and wounded soldiers but fully cognizant of
the great inuoniit of supplies which llieir Lidustry
lias jin-parid and sent for Uutribution to various aid
Our appeal Uj based U)mu the knowledge that this
Comii.isaiou has greater lacilities for doing this work,
than anv isiatu or Local Agency, Ibat out of tho
thousands of boxes distributed by them, but one bus
been la-l ; that their agents are notiiied uf the tiuie
of au army's adv aueu aud penuiiled to trunsiir Iheir
a'ores lo as near tho froutaa po-ssihle ; and that they
are tlie only orgtiuizaliou aulborizcd by Ooreruuieut
M - uliiii the lines, and adminislcr llieir supplies
on ihe In-1 1 of lallle lor the saving of lilo and the
relief ot tuft'cring, kuowiug no ditl'ereuce betweuu
in-'j froio any seoiivu, who are nobly Ashling lor tlie
pr s, rvateoi of the L iw.n.
'I hi. iv oik luuai be left undone, if "Tue IVosm"
of the land do not keep J lie riauilary Comuiisaion
plied w ilh the inaaus ol doing it. For this pur
i somu oI the woueu of i'biludalpbia bve orgaii
l;ed under Ihe name of the --Women ' Pennsylvania
UiHin-h oi the I idled hlislcs riauitary Conimissiou '
uud we iimicevury LoVal woman izi the eily and
iu.te, and riirmuudiug couutie of oilier btalua, to
CJ-.'pcratc mtu us. A small sssoiuAof soil denial,
ur ol exeiiioj on thu part of saedi, wuuld insula to
ti ilia touiiuLsskMi an esliauktless supply uf thuae
luedLd stores, 'fbere is no tiuie tobe losl. Leteery
county, every town organize and put themselves Ui
e 'iiiiiiuuicauon wiib us, without dulay. M e know
not how many livasdepeud upou our sssuliaii-Uow
in ii -h sullering re ts ith us to relieve. Let ue as
sume IhcMi, duties sideuiiijy. wilh thu dcleruiiualioii,
that while the war lusl we wili deV4.teour ttsergies
lo ihis suored eause.
J The weuita sud young girls of this plaus avsd
the surrouuduif coi.utry, are inviied to meet at Mrs
Woj. Wilson s,on tialutday iho.'Ujih Ma) si 4 o'elock
V. M , to form sueiuty te uous with lbs above as-
toiailou Id seuliug supplies t eur sickasd wvsude4
i ddie.s. It is Loh.J ibsre will be ginirsj allead
auce, sad thkt ull will mills ia this paUloUS tssit bl
lusas a ("un-i.i
letter Trom llio Wnnlmr-.T tianrda.
Kbt West, Fla., Mnf t 184J.
lEAk IVilvert : A fow ilas ago Briiadior Oou.
cral Woodbury, with his staff, arrNcd. Rt this plaoo,
and Immediately assumod eoiuinarid of tho forces at
Kct Wostaad Tortiiuns. The Ueeeral isafiue look'
fng officer 6t the. regular school, and 1 have so doubt
Is a most eicciunt one, out mo novi ocing so wrap
ped up in their "little Uoncral llranniui," it will
take nme linio till Ihtilt aifootions san bo tranalorrcd
to anollior officer.
An order came by the steamer Mayflower, yostor
rlny, from General 'Banks for one of tho regiments
stationed hero, to embark immediately and join him
on tho Mississippi. Ours being the only regiment
here, thnt is a lull one, we were certain of hearing
tho welcome command to Move, but were disappoint
ed tho VUtb. N. . ii. Vols., wcro the lucky ones..
The Ueneral saying tho 00! li was too small In nam
beis to garrison this plnce nnd Torttigas, consequent'
fy, we w ill bavo to abido on this island for a while,
probably until our "three years'' aro up, and take
our chances with tho natives, Conks and Spaniards,
in being worsted by "yellow Jack." Tho members
of our company aud regiment aro raiherdown in the
mouth on account of a longer sojoui'si on a barren
islo, and that we cannot sliuro in Ihe victories now
in progress on the Mississippi; but like good soldiers
they submit to tho "powers that be," and content
themselves to wuit for tho "gottl time coining."
The I'Uth start this afternoon. This regiment, like
most uf the New York regiments, number just live
hundred nnd one men, half the number of the 47th
Pennsylvania Volunteers.
A ete fronts gcfttleniaTi f?) of Kest West, writ
ton to a New York paper, has been extensively copied
iu the county papers of Pennsylvania, which is in
tended to do the 47th liegimeiit a great injury. The
leitr Is a criticism on tlie notions of both officers and
ieifng to Iheir injury, and throwing n dnrk
cloud over ull that wc have done to establish a name
for our regiment. The author, because ho could not
t fl'cel his own nppf-inlnient lo Collector of Ihe Port,
resorts to lies, and for fear of being caught. scrHls his
learned epistle to a New York paper for publication.
The 47th stands on her own bottom, and the pood
name she has earned the boys arc determined to keep
up, even though lliey are deprived of wiuning luoro
laurels by the enemy face to face. Colonel
liood stands loo high for the calumny of a sneaking
peimy-n-liner to reach him, and none but a fitnyw
fi'ior foyiii rhtnH would copy such f-lnndcroiis
articles, or tiy to tarnish tho fair tamo of ono who is
using his best endeavors to keep together he legacy
left us by our forefathers. It is "nil very well Mr.
Furgersoii," but the inspector of Customs at Key
West, should recollect that there lire stories atlout
of a man who secretly sold powder (by packing it in
tlour. c .) to the Indians (luring the Florida war,
aud that it ho must stretch his oouscienee in eonlii
buting to a newspaper, the injured party will givo
hin homo thrnt ot'triitH end in tho end ho Jiuiy
lose his tWo d'Tar atl'iiy.'
I am sorry, tor Ibe credil of I'nele Pant's s-liMerJ,
to inl'oiiu you of Ihe bad com! net of some f the men
of the (Hull rugiuient, N. Y. Vols., on thcirdepiii lure
from Key West. On ihe eve of their einbai kalioli
they displayed all kinds of riotous demonstrations.
oca'iia ttt liquor was more plenty than water iu this
dry season, which gave lo some of them spirits of
tiends. An half hour before leaving, a privatu attack
ed the colored servant of the f-iirgeon of their regi
Uient, running his bayonet through him, besides,
w lien a citizen interfered, he w as hit wilh stones,
cutting him so severely that it will eause him to
"think of his head in I tic morning," for aoinc time,
to come The colored initrr lies m a very precarious
initiation, and doubts ale enter la ined of hU recoveiy.
Tlie gunboats nro doing n tine business in the way
of taking prizes. A few mornings siiicconcol' tlieui
brought iu live before breakfast. Tue steamer Me
Clcllan took wilh her yesterday a Iiiiih; quantity of
cotton to New York, being part of five hundred bales
that has been stored in tlie tiov eminent wnrehouse,
e.'tplured trom Ihe ltlockade runners. Keeping count
of prizes and a lookout troui ihcramparls for a mail
or stray sail, is Ihe only excitement Unit we liuvc,-for
lighting now is uot iu our line, and something, you
know; must lie done. or else the uiotmiony id' this ione
smiic place would kill us. lly the way" the McCb I
lan ori her trips from .New York to New Orleans nnd
back to Ihis place, captured two prizes ladcned with
cott.n. 1 notice this as it is out of the line of trans
lolls. The Captain of the boat deserves a premium.
To rear a "ln of marble in respect to the memory
of ad-cpsM'tcd frieud is always, the tirsl care at home
so wi;h Capt. O'rtSin iu tlie ease of one of our com
rades who ilied here, last suuuucrof yellow fever. Jt
is gratifying to the friends lo know that the last rest
ing place oi'a biother or relativ e is marked; sol
will give il to you the fact of a monument being
ereoted ?r Ihe grave ol tieorge C. atson, of Wat
sontown. Pa., that his friends may know it. Tlie
monument is of Italian muiblc, set iu u Granite base,
aud team the inscription
in memory cf
Cko. C. Watson,
Co. C, 47th lieg't.. l'u. Vols,
a resident of North d. County, Pa.
Jiied, Aug. 2'i, 1S02. ' .
It is rUmored in our company that tleii. John K.
Clkmkxt.' of .vmStr'y. ii to bo, appointed Provost
Marshal for Northumberland couuiy. All of our
fellows aro delighted wilh llio ticyys and hope tho
appointment w ill certainly be made They all say
the tieueral iu that position would be Ihe right man
iu the i iht place, knowing full well he would do
his duty wuhnut fear or tavor. nnd trntt ho would
make sympathizers aud copperheads march to the
'-music the Union,' a.i well as attend to the con
scripts who would cuuie under his charge.
1 am very well, so are all the "buys. Wilh respects
to all in the otiico and friends gen-rutty,
I remain. Yours, l'ratciuatly, H I). W.
I.'(l-r front tht- Ari-i-?.-
Caj! nkau Kkllt's Folio, May llih, 1 SiJ".
MyJjkak Fiii km d Y'oit have, I supposo ere this
heard uf tieneral Hooker's tcmjiorHry repulsu. i
shall now endeavor to give you the particulars of
1'iencrul S'.oneHiun's briiliaul cavalry raid, which 1
hopo will be both interesting and eddying. We
forded thu Kappatmiiuock at Kelly's Ford ou Ihe
2'Jlh of April. The cavalry force that made the raid
was composed of General lleaulbrd's Brigade of Jie
giilurs. und General Gregg's idvision Volunteers.
'Hie former was composed of the 1st. ud. 5th and tith
t,:.'-S.-Cavalry. After crossing we felt our way to
wards Kapid Ann, II can ford s Biigado in tho van;
1st I.'. S. Cavalry in llio extreme advance. At III
o'elock our column was fired into, we charged and
drove the rebels, took pOfvsesion of llraudreih cross.
r-'Hdt, then hailed lor the balance of the night, w iiilsl
the rain fell in torrents, "n tlie morning n.' ihe ,'Juih
weai:ain moved, the 5th i'. r. t'avnlrv in advance
We lorded the Uapid A-rtii at MorlenV Ford, it was
over five feet deep ; at Ihu point Ibe "Ire toox "'110
20 rebel prisoners. On ihe uiornin' of the 1st May
we again moved forward rVpidly li.h V . h. Cavalry
in advance. 0;r cnluom ii: a.ta'u lired- into, near
tho Fredericksburg and Orangevillc plank road We
soon dispersed the euciny, and took siinu prisouers,
fiiiioug whom were two otiicers. Af 10 P. M., we
foidi d ihe South Ann l'.iver and halted. J hie Gregg's
liv isiuu oumc up w ilh us, and in tlio morning of the
2nd Ihe eelu'nn was- agaiu in motion, moving in di
rection of Loui.u C. 11.. a point on ihe Virginia Cen
tral llailroad. fifteen miles east of Gordousville.
Geu. Gregg took tiic ad"aucc. Wc look Louisa C.
H. utl2 M., destioyid the rail load and telegraph
at this point, lien. Gregg !tow tul v'niiced in dircctiou
of Hanover C. 11 uu ihe Kichiuoud and Fredericks
burg llailroad. The 1st V . (S. Cavalry wits detailed
to destroy rebel public uropcrly ou tlio iailr"ud iu
far us Frederick Hall Staiitui. a dUtaueu i.f liueen
milts. M'e di'-lroycl three watcrstalioiis.nne beidgc.
two depots, niauy commissary stores 'and took some
twenty prisoners. l.wiih my tompany captured
rebel Geu. Trimble's privule horse, saddle aid 1 1 idle,
ulsu his servant (a slave! ami his orderly (a rebel sol
dier.) both mounted. His servant, a line young ne
gro i! now waiting on me. Ihe horses 1 turned into
the company, und on his saddle i inn now riding.
ln tho mean time a column was detailed under com
mand of Col. Windham, to cro?s tho Juiues river at
Columbia. de::troy thu canal and some important
bridges. He relopied wilh a few hundred captured
horses but failed t" cuwyom bit orders. The 5th
V. 8. Cavalry, wasiuiaicdiivMy delailc I to pi'orui
this duly, w liieh delayed tho main columu lil hours
and fruslruted the original plan of our whole uoluiun
connecting; ou the Pminsulu wltH Oca Keys'. The
!Vt C. 15. Cavalry aaiu joined the main column near
yiinceyville on llio eve of the "Id. On lliudih a por
tion of 'tho 5th I', fs. Cuvulry was altrekeirly a fcfctl
brigade of cavalry under Gi n Win. Lev. U'o ba-1
some nisai und Ivvouiiiccrs, Ciijd. Owens and Lieut
Bcaujoid captured. Our command moved up rapid
ly, tuvud the 5th. drove tlie rebels. wouu led fourteen
of the enemy and captured a number, among which
was one Major. M e then tunned a line of battle at
)av is' Cross-loud.), whi le we remained till the uioiu.
ing of liic olh. Wo had now cut oil' all oouiuiuuica-.
tiou wilh Ihu rebel army of Va , by raihoud, tele
graph and turnpike. We ats9 capiurcd upwards of
I'niill horses, all ol u bich we required al'lerwurds to
mount those of our men whose horses gave out. All
Ihlsliuie lioth uieu aud boisca lived' oil Ihe eueiuy
Meat Irish, bacon und bam, cuuiiocd ihe lueu's
diet, much of which was eals'n raw, as we were iiol
allowed to build fires. Ou the luoruin j of the 5ih
the reliegrailc uioveuieut commenced, llKM) of tlie
freshest uieu and horses weredeluiled as an advance
guard under Ucn. Bcaul'oid. 1 was of the uuiuber.
We were also to make a feint on Gordousville, in or
der to have tho rebels concentrate Iheir forces there,
then move north via Louisa C. H. We arrived with
in two inilvsof Gotdoiisvillu at dusk iu Ihe evening,
luuud the enemy tkesu draw up iu force, wbcu we
wheeled about and n.ofed ropldly iu thu oiqiosile
direetiou. Ibe feiul woikrd ad m ii ably. J I was
now dink and II raiued lapidly ; still we urged our
jailed forward through uiud and nd al
day -bicak iu the morning we forded ihe - - Ann
Itiver, which was an much swollen that llio water sail
over the homes back, many of Ulcus had to .aim
Luckily it was only about 5U yards wide. After erod
ing. Ibe column balled, aud my squadron was iw
uiudieudv deluded lo reeoiiiire Ibe road lo havcoua
f .id m lie llap.d Aau l'.iver. a disunite ol It) 11.111.
Ou we dashed Uirous,h ram, loud a.d waler Oti
in jr way 1 eaplnrud too reU-ls iliire wcrs uo foreee
holdilis; the lord. As suuu n 1 reluiued with ibe iu
loiuialioa, Ibe whole ooluinu luoi't-d toiwerd, we
again marched all nighl whilst a dmichiog ram was
ruuilnually full ins), and Ihe eoanlry res! ueean
ol otwit and water Hub Ir.'de uf hers. onqTed
dues Ut Ibe road, ilia Ml aslowp ou thiir li -s s
aud souiu fell oil, tiuawUvd Slid wert iu a'!
iob.ullly csp't.rl:
We ei'sjese eso.a F 1 1 MdsyUght lnhs r -.'t
lag. Here first luarnnd that Oew. noker wsr
ntismwsft'ul. Imnlneoiir disnpi.oin'inem after all
our suffering. Had be been ei cee-lul llio whole of
Uio rebel arms Would hnvo Iveen dostrovc.l. as Ihev
oould not havo rutreilof. Wcweresillf yi danger
Of bolng out olf. Wo kept nn the line of 1 in'ch and
arrived on tho south hsnk of tho liiippnhanuock al
Kelly's Fotd at t P. M. of tlio 7th, but round tho
river so high, trrat It vrm utterly Impossible to cross
It after dark. We halted for the night w ilh saddle
aud bridlo on our horses. On thenjorning of the 8th
we swam the river, -'ihni endod the greatest raid of
this or any other war, the wholoof which was a bril
liant success. I cannot give you the particulars of
the two 'regiments that connected with Gen. Keys
under Col. Kilpntrick.
I havo had plenty rest, feel much better now than
I did one month ago.
I remain, sir, very respectfully your obedient ser
vant. I. It. 1).
1SG3; 18G3.
"OULI) re;pctfully announce that they have
just received and opened a fcry largo and Well eolec
ted Stock of
which they are willing to dispose of at a VF.B.Y
I'irst 1'OMl.
Give tjq a. call.
Thankful for past fa-'ors wo hopo 11 ict R tm
tinuancc of Ui-i same by still selling Goods as olioap
if not t'Hi;.VEl".S tlan can bo purchased else
where. . . ?.1LIXU 4 GRANT. '
Sunbury, May 23, 1SG3.
riTtS nnilersijriied 'ITits tsrll at private sale, his
L valuable larm. situat" ni vrlie tovviisltip. North
uiiibeilanil county, Pp., nr-nt one mile west of the
town of Trevorton. conlaining 1 H U lIl'MHtLII
ACItKS. more or less; ulnut sixty acres of which
arc cleared mid in a p-d slate of eultivn'ion. an I
the balanco well tiiulie.-'d with pine and oak. Tho
improvements are a Log-Hou, lain and other out
buildings. Terms F.av. For particulars inquire of
1 11 A T.'T.
Punbiiry, May 2". lSf,,"..
.Ktui-ist-y isjiil 'miii.x'I2i- ut B,av,
OCicc on south side of Market street, font doors west
of F.. Y. Bright A Sou's Sioio,
Wi'l attend promptly to all professional business
entrusted to his care, tlio collection 01 claims in
.Northumberland and the adjoining eouuties.
rnmbury. May 2.1, lsoy. y
Published for the benefit, and as 11 warning and
who surfer from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay
of Manhood, etc , supplying ut Ihe same time.
Tf-i: mi:an.s of t-uuv clkk.
By ono who bus cured himself after being put to
great expense and UiUrry through . medical humbug
and ouackery.
By enclosing n po.,t paid addressed envelope, sin
gle copies mav be had of the author.
'N A 1 1 1 A N 1Kb MAY' FA I It, . .
Jiedloid. Kings Co int-", N. Y.
May 21, 1S32. lyc
'l ln- Ii.'iiso of t'rror.
jl.S ifaLAUIKS lt'L'llll lit II .)
f. Join B Cgi'ei, M D., author and publisher o
tlie alsive work, do hereby promise aud airree to send
(free of charge) to any young man who will wrile foe
it. a sample copy for perusal. The proper study of
mankind is M This valuable work is i-.-uc. mill
sent forth for tlie bcr.ctU of sutlei ing Humaniiv. It
treats iu simple rangnao r.n ell t'.edise.i.sesof Krror.
including Seminal V c:d;ness. Ncrv-ois 'lobiliiy. In
digesiioii, Melancholy, lcsauil-s. Waiting jiccav.
Ilupoleney. Ac. Ac giving safe, speedy, aud ef
fectual prescriptions, lor tho perii.uiieut cure. to.
gether wilh much valuable iivloi uiation. All who
lavor me with a desire to ready my work shell re
cii'.'ea -.implc copv l-v relurii mail, free of eiiarge.
Address ' JelIX B. OGDLN. M. !..
No. tij Nassau iStrect, New York.
May 2.1, lAlX ,".m
'I'lte (si'eul 'n ue of
uxt Fu'dcihref, i'l.a Scahtl iifcoyif . Price
A Lecture by Dr. Cl'LVLUWF.I.L. on tho cnu.-e
uud cure of .periuatonliu.'ti. Consumpliou, Mental
aii'l Plieical Debility, Nervi.usuess, F.pilesy ; Im
pairecr 'l':-itIoi of the "V ly , I lusittide ; Wealincss
id the Liinbs and Ihe Back , liiilisisiioi, uud Iitca
paciiy lor Study and Lab ir ; Dullness of Appreueu
sion : Lois ol' Memory ; Aversion to Society ; lve
of Soliiudu; Tiniidiiy : Self Dislm-t; iiizzim-.-e ;
llcnduche; .Vl'.eciieiis of Ihe Kyea , Piniidcs on tile
Face;' Involuiuaiy Liuissiooj and Sexual inoiip.icity
thc Coi sisuence-" of Youthful iumscietioii, Ac, Ac.
tj' This admirable .Lecture clearly proves that
the above enumerated, often self attiicied evils, may
be rc'uov'cd without medicine and without dimgirms
surgicul operations, aud should bo lead by every
man ia th land.
Sent uialer seal, iu a piniu envwlopo, t ) any ad
dress, on Ihe receipt of .-ix cenu, or ivvu posiago
sluuitis, by addressing.
127 Bowerv, New York, Post OUice Box, 4;si).
Muy 211, ltiiid. Feb. ly :iu
01' THE LFG, AC;
Ia-'Uuuieuts for all deformities.
'j'w Ist-trr 'l'riisiis
has taken the place of olher Trusses for the retention
und cure uf Hernia or lluuiuie. Acting uj-eii Ibe
principle ofa lever, it never loses ll streiiglh. it ii
coated to prevent rust, it has UJ pud ou ihe back,
wliieh is so liable to injure the spine und annoy and
eiiufe thu wearer. It is sure to retain the liuphue,
giv ing ease and euu.furt, and 1 reeling radiuai euics.
It i. warranted to give sulisfuction.
'J he improved Shoulder-Bruce expands the chert
and prcicula Ihu weuier flout becoming rouud
Ladies' Bells and Abdoininul Supporters, lluud
ages, and Belts uf all kiuJe, aud iusliuiuents lor all
Lit. on. 11ns of Ihe Body
ilt. GKuVi.ll si OiiiceUN'o. 4 Aim Street, two
doois from Bioadway. New York.
Siraug'irs rhvuld particularly note the mini and
April 11, 151.,
uuw 1:1. i. a iiouiui:.
Cur. Foul lb A Maiket S'rseu, i'hiln J.lpUie, hac
uow in stuck, a Due variety of
Willi lusri'M,
fid up espreesly for thnr Si 1 lug Trade,
to which they invite the attention ol Ku,r-kc rr.
( v" Iheir Ketkll, will be f uud the
ihoiciisl slvlra el Ibe s mm.
1'hiladefpuia, Feb. II. InOS Siu w
(Vulre '1'ui i.plLp Koud.
A JJ Eloellntl (hf t tTerrs for the ritpulnf veer
U held al Ibe put l:e bouse .if dlirr.l'JI VAN.
klllK. Ill Ibe Uoilh n Norltiuitibrrlsnd, nn Jjoci
day Ihe 1st dsv at June but keiwi en the hour, wf
lu e'ulwk A. ii Mhi Ju'.i.h Ii M
J K r-KllfTltr, TltlUH
NertkuchtfUbd Msy i lA
WELt'. 11. lklL2i'5ll
I I 8 has just relumed home from Philadelphia,
J J wilh me Stock ol Boo'J' andSHUL.?, sub'et
cd w illi great caro lo suit ull pursues
Vug your llocla ami Mints vhert yon run get Ihr
AcjI quality, und iritcre Ihr kct utfortmmt is in Fnnlurif.
He has CuKBoots from J.1) 7a to 7 00.
He has Boy's Calf Bents from ?! to $4 00.
He lias Ladies' Gaiters from fleets, to $1 Ml.
He has Misses and Children's Gaiters of all styles
and fashions, and prieos. Hi short everything iu' his
line of Business. -
lie nl6 ?ta.on finnd s full assortment of Mnrrocoes
and CuTf fkins of Ihe best quality, which ho will
mnke up to order at the shortest notieo. hnving sup
plied himself with tho most fashionnhlu Lnsls.
KISWAt.D'S Pntent Metallie Holes and Heel.',
one pair of which will wear as long as five pah- of
Leather Soles, kopt on hand.
Mending done as usunl.
Call and cxamino for yoursolvos and leant my
prices bcloro purchasing elsewhere.
Piinbnry, Muy 10, 1S03. lych
IiNeviutiit ol l"sirtii-ri.Iiii. .
"7 OTICK Is hereby given thai tlio partnership
1 heru'ol'ore existing iictweeh C. D. HOlllilt ACH
and J ACOIUtoIIKBACir. tinder tho firm of C. D.
A J. ltolnbacb, in tho Foundry Businessi, was dis-se!-!0
ry riiutnnl eoiisent on Ihe 1st day of April,
lm .1, . Irie- Hooks end i;.ipeni are left in' tlie b ,n l
of .Incob llohrbiich, at the old stand, for speedy set
tlement. All persons interested will pleaso Inke notii e.
('. D. BOHHflACH.
Sur.bnry, April 1C, 1SC3 - rt
3? O U ItT ID
t3XJisr33XJi?i yr, i-bintim '.a..
rpilE undersigned respectfully inform, tlmpublio
1. generally, tlint tiiey have entered into t'o-Pnrt-ucisliip
in Ihe I'tH'NDKY JH'SINESS. and are now
prepared to manufacture at the llolubach Foundry,'
ail kinds of
?l;i-liiiior', Stovi'si, 11uiisl1si 'iI
ii,m,m, 4V0.. ill isitort r s ;-.
Repairing nil kinds of Agricultural Implements
done in a good workmanlike manner and at tho
Shortest notice.
All articles shipped as ordered. Orders. respect
fully solicited uud promptly ulicuded lo.
, T. U. COOl'EU.
I f Old Iron, mid- nil kine of Produce laUen in
Excliange for woik
Sunbiiry, May 10, lSC:b tf
' j . , .
'lior Aitns-tii 'oiiiiion StOiooi
Keccipts nnd creiidiliire from .Tune 1st 18(12 lo
date.---Tax rate 11 mills on Ihe dollar of
f'r ;. nmount ii lax duplicate,
Tlciluct '''Couerutions, $?l
Collectors' Coiniul-"!ion, 2i Hi
Net 'f tar reeei-ed, $17 41
A id Stu'.e' appropriation recei .vd, ' Id
Supp'ised luilunee oil hand from l.ial year. 01! .'IS
Total of reccipl.'.
i:i-iitin -.
Paid to teachers $2') per month for 4
months each. if lyo 00
for fuel and contingencies. lliil'U
to Treasurer's percentage us
per Auditors rcpoil, 12 1.1
lo Secret-lev for services, 7 nti
m'.ii 22
Total 1 xi enditiircs,
S'i2u 15
Balance ou hand. 21 l
.1 AMES BATCHLOll. President.
Wii,i.iv IU:i:. S-. ictarv. '
l'pper Augusta twp.. .May Id. ln. .It.
j o I r y l i u m tis,
H02 Cliesnut Street, l'liihilolpnis.
H AVE always on bund a targe stock of Iiol. I and
Siiv or Watches, suitable f ,r Ladies, (lent Ionian
or Boys Wi;:r. Some orViiroviu iinjKirfitth i,, ex
tra tine ijiudity.
I'nr ii.-'.-ortiiu ut of Jeweby ctiei.ds of tiic
fashi. -liable and i li designs . a.;' alio l.e aine. .ind
les-e-ii iii''e
SiKi r sh,i,s. Forks. Pi,, t'al.e and Fri it Kni -e-.
ab. 1 a laree variety of Fancy Silver 111c suitable
for Bi idal Prcscnis.
We have also on hand a mot splendid assortment
el Diamond Jewelry, of all kinds. 1.1 which w e invite
cpnclal attention. Our prices will lie found couside.
raldy les.- than Ihe same urticliscic 11-uaiiy sold tor.
All bin is ofWjiieln s lenaired .in the ' very Ivst
ui.Tuvr. end v-11rv1r.1t." 1 to give i-.t '''a, i',.n
UKDDl.Nii KINGS on hand mid bade 15 erd-r.'
Cull or iiiidtxsK
S )2 Chcsiiiil Street. I'liiladclihin.
P. S. 'flic highest cash prices paid for. oid Gold
and Siiv er.
Alloideis from the country wiil receive e-pecial
ntieu: ion.
May 2. UU!.!. ,'iuw
:STAa3,l13t- I7tft.
!iiitH"A: 'Jo1:i't Mlriiiitrns inr'i-
lii A 1H CHAMBEliS ST.,
(Formerly 12 Clialliaui Street, Now Yorlr
A'oitbl call tlie attention of Dealer to tlio uiticlcs
of his maiiutiicLui'e, viz -
DllO'.V'X ENfi'E.
Muc.ibi.y. . . Dciniros.
Fine Uapprc Pure Virginia." ,
Coaise Huipee. Naeluirti-ii,
Auiciicau tienllemaii. Copenhagen.
rVolcii, Honey Dew Scot-h.
lligli T-Gi-t "cotcli. X 1. h Honey Dew Scotch
ii i-Ji High 'I mH, Fresh Sec Ud.
lo' f.uodyfoot,
C'v'Attention is eallc'l l.i t'.id largo redtictioii -u
pi icesol'Fiiie-Cul Cliowiiig uud Smoking lobaccis.
Hiieh w ill be fnuudof a Mipenor I'ualiiy.
TXll'Al CO.
Sticking Fiuo Cut Chewir'g. Smo'.'iu.
Long, P. A. L.. or plain. 3 Mi.y.'
No. 1. Cav eiidi.-h. or Sweet, Spanish.
No. 2, Sw eet Sci nted eo. Canister
Nos. I A 2 mixed, 'I in Foil 1 avendUh, Turkish.
X. B. A circular of pi ices will bo sent oil applica
tion April I l i.'. 1
8 A V 0 N I F f E II , "
'I'hii f iiniily &oits .tiislss-r.
Tlie PI'BLIC are eauiioned ugi.inst Uu, SPMil
Ol S arti.-le of LYE for making SOAP. Ac . i.ow i f.
b red lurtwle The only G k'M'l N E i.u I P. VI EM'
ED 11 thai mad,- bv ihu l'ESNS L .MA
SALT' MAM I'AC'l I BiN'G Co.MP.N. Iheir
trademark ,.r it l.ciinr "SAI'o.VUl lt. oil fnx.
I LS I KA l l.D l.YI'." The great St ( t'E.-Soiihi.
article hie. h-d I N I'll 1 XC I I'l.i.D i'AKTIES u en
d, a v or in IMITATE it in v U latiou ot lliu Company s
All M.M'I'A "M It EES. Bl M.llSorSEI I. EES
ol ihe.oSI'l UiOl Lyes, hereby N'O'IT I I ED
Ihul the t'ompjiiy have, .employed us Iheir Attorneys.
GEoKGE HAKDlMi, Ehi . of I'hiiada., and
WILLIAM BAkEWEI.l., E- . of Pitl.ourg.
And that ull Muuulacllll'eis, I -rs, or tiollcisof ill violulioii uf the lights uf the Company, will
be I'KOSI CI 'I I D al ouce.
The S.VP'iNF'l It. or CON (EMI!. VI I'D LYE,
1. lor silo by all Diugsts, Grocers and 'ountiy
hi -ies
'IHU . !.
Tlie Tnitid Stan, rir.' Court, We.1,111 JisIricT
uf Peuuslvenla. No. I of -May TYtiu. In lart '. lu -oil
of toe i'vun.y iv aula all ItiuuMctui iar t'eiopuuy
vs. 'iboiuaii. Cliu. deeretd to the Cuuipai.v.ow
Aeieu-h. r li. I jo J, the Lsclu.ite rbi s..i.iij bv
a 1 ad ni own. d I ) lb. li lor tie S AP11M II I! pa
tent i.h d O' loher .'!, sjd. Pirvselusi li.juuctiuii
llm li d
THE 1'I.NNrY L AXl.i
I j; V sloat t"iil, l'hibutclpbl.1,
I'iII Viol, and Dusiui.ue W s), I UU'.urg
M..y i. D'H-uj!
0:i llrtstitlts uj , .s-irls,
( AUIrHl.t thllr," Plwt-itrai k, Dlur
!, 1 es. . Isksa ia ; is U les AH
n-u-ry V It-si
. John as. fcivrxoit,
Fawn S' lect, opposite Weaver's lfel,
BVArnUHY', Nprtliunitofls'td C.-s Ta
"INI OHMS his friends and tho public generally,
.1 tliat ho has taken l-o Snoi. ol .lacob S. Bake,
dee d , nnd is irepared to dn all kinds of TAII.OIt.'
lN'tl in a oihI wot kmanlike manner. The patron
age of the pi.M'e i - re;Polfttlly solicited.
Sunbiiry, sMay 10, 1811.1. ly
In every variety,
ffcicr solicited Jund lillej with promptness nnd
dc patch
S'llihury, May 1(1. Ifdili ly
ViAlt'iii:!. .is;tvi:i,t!Y eY: mii.
Tiie unkr. igiicd wiubl respnd
fully invite votir attention to Ids
well selected stock of I'ineGobl nnd
Silver W Al Cll ES. Fine Gold Jh W
l.LHY, of every kind and vniiety
of styles eonijiiising nil of the
;( f'c vf and "Hist hcniiti i'iI ili T.r.v.
Also, solid SJLVElt -VA1',;. ., Vniu
nndlhebc.U make id: lililri l'hhil fi' -ro Each
article is wu miutrit to be as rrprt srnhtt.
I v' ntehes ami Jewelry cai clully riittirril nnd
salisfuetivn iriiiiraiiteed
(.'scrc.v.vo- in Strifff'rr A li-trh 1 )
, No. (; MAEKET Street, PH1LAD A
S;arch 7. 1ft!',.'!.- -3 iio
Vflorix-y tit l.n, Sunbiiry, Nurthuiii bo
land county, l'cnnsyivn'iia.
(l'otinci ly Frei burg. Snyder eoimfy.1
(ll'Flt'E. Miirkel sireet. one'door east of l'riling
Grant's Store, nnd nearly opposite tho Court House.
All professional business, collections, Ac , will re
ceive piompi tuiemnia.
A, !l 1 Hi',0
J. E. Ii 5 iiLER,
Office, on south side of Market S'piarc. near the Court
M ill ntt ml promptly to nil professional Icisitos
entrusted to bis care, the e-iileelio of claims in
Northuiubt iland and lite adjoining counties.
Snnbury, May 2d, lssijo. ly
ln Oil or Ami iiii .vN
Dkaii Sir :
Wilh vn rr n mission 1 wi-h lo say to the readers
of your linger t'let J will send by return mail lo all
win. wish il, (iiecj a I'.c ipe, wil'i lull dire-lions lor
making und using a simple Vegetable Baini. t.ia.
will etlecluiilly rem 1 'e. in lildays. Pimples. Illotehi.i
'fun. Freckles, and i'1!' I.npuritics of tin Skin, leuv
ing the same soft, clear .-oiooib and beautiful.
1 will also mail free to I'lo." hifing Itald llcadsor
Bare Eaees. sinipbi direction -tA intiii mat ion tliat
will enable them to siait a lull ";wlh of l.uxurieut
Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in .'."r;' than :',n days
All npplicatiuus nnswered by ritusTi ill e51 wiihoiii
Hcspcctfullv vmirs ;
No. 831 Broaduav, New Yor!t.
Feb. isc.:!. ."ono.
4 IlK tiow inntnifn.'tui rtl to r tvr hv Ihv Milisrrilior
jL ui I I.KAI'KK i;.J KS thii.n ul tmr ollivr tvtnl.-
U-htiH'iii mi uiilniry, J h wnr tux i$ not titkt'n into )
-h-nlv.'tttit'Tl. mi"! till wurk w ill In- l rn-iit ni l ri ifrri. j
I'ls.t ....1 .i. ......... 1,..., S.....L ..1- 1. ...ii.. .- 1
Mi' litt'-JCCnSj fur
i 'iiitrviit Mum s, A
wliicli will I e niftiK' iu ditlcr tit fliin-t i.t(ici in l!to
host (iKiintiilike iiinmin- ami t tin- Ijtt iiialcriuU.
Ft'i'liii' tlumklul i..r tlie I'litn-iihire CAUh-icU IhTl'-
iul'tii-i' In- hoju-si tiu-cntii.tii' tli" hiiiiiv.
All wlio (lsiri- ork dnw :hvn) ut invnhTi i.rr
invited to mil at hU rh"1)) uru'-ly opf-.Vuu Oie Court
lLuuiu 111 im ktt iuio. liuiiturv. l'u.
Ji'il-N WILVLU 2, IsW.-Cm
auikn ;; FiiLii' iai::.!s.
.wtri.ln'nh'!, I-lkt-K1 r-1v. irrniilf. Ac. t.t 1.
if. li' or I'm iut.'; cut'l:. ul t'l. fnllmrii!; tri ( ffirtlit:
rt'Sfiit. b. . .-") ii-ri-y lii .-tiU. 1()tK-n !.r-;il".
hutiv fur i'A 2 iirrco fur tie. i ncro lr fr'Ju.
l'tiv.-il.I" v ono dollar ti Bi t'!;,
Al- .?o-d 'i-;i?iUirv Imi'l-. enl vill;o in
CHI.'! 'MH.1, ,y 1IMI kU, Ul i'.U'il.' VJlidl
l.y nt;' n vifl. 'J liu i. T m c liuiil t:mi lunu.-.
iul' ituuiv.l nt liii'twooit. Wii-liinirtt'ii 'luwnviiii,
I.urliiiLloii County. .K-r-'-y. l'r f nrttt r in-
toiiuiiuoii ui l'l,v, with ti 1 U. iSUiiiiji, t'iT a circulur,
vt Vvihtv irut-t. N-w urk, N. Y
January -i. lMi:t. ly
A f Ins I.. 4'iii1--. hnviiiir la!en ri;n
J 1 pains to visit per.-ooiilly tlie a'iiicipal Halts of
1 asidoii in the i ity, is now prcpm-cii to make, trito
or lelrioi. lioiiueis and Hats, iu liic late.-t S; ii:;;' ai.,1
.'sinnloer styles.
ahc has ou hund a lnrge slock of
flowkks, innnoxs, lacks,
ami all articles in her line, selected with th gri'ati-. t
cine i'loio lare wholesale liou-es. uiitl can, mil vv.U
sell Wto k or (ioods at prices to suit all customers.
1. AMI'S l)lii:ss CAPS. HtismiY. (-I.OVF.S,
Mli'S, tOI.LAi:-. iiAMUCKliClllLFS. COM as.
and liuir.cioiis othci- articles lor Ladies wear, to
which she invites ihe ladierto call ar.d o-tv.uiiie. he
fo.'c nirc'ii.sinr el-evheio
Thanl.liil n r lac pi'ti' ioit'i extended t ' her hereto,
lore, she h.ip.'s l.y kce in j ihe be; i i.s.-or-nit ut ut
reasouah'.e prices, toeontiniu- the same.
Sic in.! dm r soiitiiotl.aiuokin Yall-v.fc Pot'.,
villi-' lie.ilioa l. west s.dc Fawn street, SI NIHUY.
April ISi .'! .'Jul
i . X't:x.
I'UiliiJi f I'.Ci.a Ai sins- BStiMi-oni.
rpillS "feat lit tiaver-es the N'oiihirn and
I Northtri of l'enii yl iriia t' tlto
of laS . on fake Lrio
1." I
I. I n- l-ecu lea ed hy l'ie !Viiti- !.-,iida llailroad
C,-iip:,nv. mid iin lee th. tr auspices is being rap-dly
Ooened lill'oilcholll its entile leiilh.
1 1 i-row in u.-e fir l'as.-ein." r ami Fveiirht I u-i-Lc-.s
trout liaui-olil lo JlnllviiNid. I'ud tork. (ti7
miles j on liis Ka.sieui ld"ision. from Sheiheld lo
Kric. miles.) oil ihe W'e;tern fiivision.
iot: ok i-As.sKt,i:ii r i: a I -s at -i'aivv fi'.'-lJV ,. I ..'-,( Y,.I:.,,I.
Mail drain. tu. In A M. Mail 'Lain. -I In I. M.
l.. i. 1 niin 1 1 07 '... I K.o-cs.- iiiiiii. j. I.! A M
Lars n n tint. u'ti wi.houi i listige. lioth ways, uu
these rums i-e('eii i'hdadclphiii and Lock Haven,
and ! Iiai:i:iuie aud Lock Haven.
l'.lcjoiut Sli cpiiijr t'ais i u l.'vpriss Trains U,th
wavs Leiweeii W illiait, spoil and Hal. lucre, and
illiaii. spoil and l'hihitlcl hia.
For iolt l louliou re-peeling l'a.-si Hirer liusillt-ss
apply at the :-'. li. I,r. Illli aud Maikei .-i..
And lor f reight l'i,iia ol the Company s Agenls;
S. I', h illusion. Jr., tor. I! h ui.d .M.u k 1 1 t Is ,
i'hd itlel: hia.
J. W. Ileviiolds. Frie.
J. M. l'rill, AaM X. C. U. U . r.altiiiiore.
li II. II. . M..N,
lieii l Fniu'lit A gi. I'luU.Li
I I is 1. Hoi i i,
lieu I Ti. k-t -V'l , r!.'.! i! i.
Jnsci ii i. poi r-,
iicu 1 .Malinger, V'itlia-ii.i, ,,-.
April Jj, 1.-,',,;.
ICril.liiix Kolli-oiu; .
(1 1'.KAT Tlil.Ni; 1.1 XL from He S,h en.i
1 North W cl lor l'liila b I I. la. New York, KiaJ-
il-. I'ollsv die, l.t o.inoli. Al'inn an 1 a. lell, ,le
'frail., li a-o !Im.-ii tui ler i'i.ilii.1, Ipl.ia. w-
Volk IteatllO. I'oll-tlltc. MO I tilt lu,m!l.;IO
Mali,..s al A M . a.i-!' :' ll I- M
Ne ol U .V'o-s,' 1 1. oil'.-..-.; it I ! ' A V, ,
; an iv oi,; nt Nc oil. ai II I i I lie uu.- m no,.
1 l ines Irotu Hairisian l .. 1.' i ,,i li: lu
I riuludeilhU d Kj and r'2 ;u.-,-i.'e vhe.-k.l
Ihr. .msIi.
I Il.o.u.'.u,' Nee Yoifc t d A M I-! No n.
(aul 1' M. I'ltuournU t .r.-i l.isie t'hiladil
I liiu al a la A M. and 3 .. I' M
.-' Ci I IS- IMMS iu lh New Yu.k L'spL-M Tiulus,
ll.ioa.h I , sod IVom i'lit-l -urtl iih"u' I'laii-.'.-
I'u.iilic. is lijr Ihe Cull.iv.W4 Its. I "ail. o1
U.u.uakl 'U M . an I I i' U , I f 1'hlUdvl
lb. .V Yolk and ad Hay I' . i.t.
'1 rain. le.. I . ',,li., ilie . ill M end 2 '.Il ',
M , lr Hi.'sdt 'lO.ts n-ns. 1,tr( sud N. i'sk .
Au acoiuiuoda. eel VuMiistf liaiuivv li.-4lo
ai li oe A ai t aud film us 1.1.1 1 ,iL.a al ou i
I' M
I jf All Uie (us, daily, .tuul-ys t-
S.plil I
A eudsy Irsiu l.asse I'.ll.vilk l T ''I A 11,
lei I'SlULdphiu -l .1 U I' M
I "H.U4UUIIU.I, MiUee, las..u, i.. FrsouisuM
I'll ksta, at ledvuid Ue .4 tfc I oUl ad I-....S
i A Mi "iLI f. j
M.jllW) fi.a.isl ., aiieliai '
aew TAiioniNa establisment
J f tl 3' V. 31 A It T I x
Afrlt:i (iuarc, on d.'ot vutif tht Pott
1 r-pocftiilly liiforins his old friends and the pnb
IV lie generally that he has again returned to
boiihtiry aud re-oioued a
pier 'I'ii11i-1iir IsiitiitUfilintrsil.
lit': is preparer lo mako up new garments as well
a .iiieiulinir old ones, and lo do walk neatly, fi.sli
ioiuiMy and euhalantiully, in (fact w.H warrant all
work lenvini the shop, and fry so d'jiiij;, h'ipes to
receive a duo phare of patroeiii-p.
Fersotis desiring to have elotliiuir made up to order
in the latent style, will please give him a call.
tinnhnry,SApril II, iMi::. (1 m.
t3?iAr.HET SIliLLT. 1IAKK1SUVRU, 1'A.,
Healer in
t1W Hosenood 1'ianos, linio tho It't tuukrrs
rroni l:'tHI upwnrdi.
" iMFI.OIHioNS. 'I ho tt iiianrtfuelurcl Instru
incuts, frott ?iitn?M(l.
(itiiliirs. Violins. Accnrdevi t. Flutes,
i if'-', l:n-i Hanjos, Tnnihoiirincrt,
A'iolid and (jiiiiitrslrings mil nmsiirul Dier
ellaiidizo in general.
H1LLT ill SIC.
The lutes! puldicaiions always on hand. Music sent
fv mail to anv purl of the eountrv.
OVAL, rigl' Alii;, tlll.'l' AN 0 l'.O.SI'.WOOH
''nitalde for looking lii-tcs, uid nil kirvs A i't-;t'.irei
ulwuys on hi..d
fl ie a-s.rln.cid of host plated
LOOKINH ;LA,.-i:.S from smallest tu luijresl siif,
Any style of frame n ude toer-ler ut llio r honest
notice. U.M. KXOCIIL,
April II, 1SC1. a:; Market st.. Hurrisbiir.
VN opportunity wA to ,, lost fipht of. llari
ehfiicc for A-reiits. laolies r'.we'.lt.s ticntsea'i
net as Agents. Apply early u:d secure ihe
lor your locality .
V'ATVTI.'ifi, ri"f I i.-1.V.V, LOC KICl'S,
ya-Vf.s-. cold yy;.v,s amu i-k.xcil,
A'L'cA' cjfA t. .j-riv oi'j:: ii
j:u;y, Ac
To he .old for KB each, nud not to he paid o-r
until you know What you are to pet. Vnd '2j ccntj
liir Certilieati . tellinn' you what you can have, w ith
u circular. yr.i iitpr, full pariiculars to Agents, i'crfect
satisfaction ifuttrun'ccd in all eases.
Address, -'. Al WAV'.H i CO .
2'.i llroadvvav. UoX lo0.
Alarch 21. IStlll. ly
JACOI5 0.32CI2,
.l!;ii-I.-l yii-'-f. iie.trlv cusiic Iho
Usui ItosiU lr ii,
B TJ 3ST B TJ 3rC "ST , rA.,
f N"!"'iHMS Iho citi.ens of Siinl uiy and vicinity.
I t'le.t h has just returned from I'hiludclphia w ilh a
full a si't'taf.t of
I'.lMi AHX M'tATS:S5 4IS,
of i:vi:i'7 i''Ci;ii,Ti : ash (.u ality.
His itoek ron-e;-ts if Clollis. 1 rencii ( IMiis lilaek
ll;f Shin and I'a.H T Casstliieies. ItlaeK .'-alio. I- inured
Silks. I'lain nnd Fancy i'as.-iniere f ST1 Ni.S. whi.-h
ho will mako ut to i-rdi- nt Etvles to suit t':c i,u-te of
cu-ioiniis. oii sitori n"tice. and the nivA rcusona lo
Any tioo,lA not on hand, will ho furnished from
Philadelphia. t,y itivin Ivvo days' notice
tiooils Jllllli-iied I'V I'Usti-IUCIs will he made up lo
older as. herelol're.
As he w ill employ none hut experienced workmen,
iM-rsous may reiv oil getting their work well donu ut
ins shoi.
'i'haiihf'ti for Ihe patrona'c hcretif,re hsatovrcd.
he respectfully solicits a c;r::uiiiu;col: t!'o same.
Sui.hury, October J, WS
!'o? CL:1S s,! !5is-3: -., Ants I'cH
fssi-s.. .Voi!i. l:i in s., IVuolieun, Ac
Ssisn-r tn -i1a!.si, t-ViM l-i, AsusiiaiM,
I'ut up in i.-c. ftiic. aid Jl 00 ro.c. Hc'.tlcMiii l
l'la-ki, -'dulld $J.-iie.- (jt 11 :t'd. l'uliic Icalituluvta,
Only infallible remedies known
Free from Poi.-'or.s.
Not dan'Tous to the Family
Hals eoineonl of their holes todic. m
S..M Wlioles'ile in all 1m re cities.
Sold l.y all llruuzists und II taili is i-vcry vviioie.
! :!IJeivaro :. ofa!! vvorlhless'ition?.
See limt Costaii's- name ii on e.i h V.jx, Hottlo
a:.d Hash, before von hitv
Ad-iress Bs-.'i;V ir. 'tvr.i:,
I'rin. 'ip.'tl Depot Y'-', X.
S.dd l,v l-'riluig .V liiai.t, Suni nr., !'a.
April IS. ISd.;. (',oi '
ffiA S ta. .AD'l'iCCj
ON and ufter July 1.-.. ISd.'i, the privileo of con
vertinc; ihe t ie-'cut i.ue rf J.Ki-A'. J LN I ' K II
(I.OAX ecnun .lily ctilled ' l ive Twenties") wiil
. All wlir wi.-'a In invesl iu tho Five-Twertv T.oan
must, tl.ciolure, apply before tlio l.-t of .11 next
Pi ItS'KN'TIOV .", , , r N T ,
No 111S. Ti.Ud S.rcct, l'hi.uu-li l.ia
April 11, W.). i'.ui
'!' 'itHii:.i;"i -s'.
riAUK Advert i.-vr lia-'intr i-ciit restored to health in
I a loiv weeks. v,y n v ry simple rcic.i.iv. ...iir
l.av ing sulWcl s - end v.aicvvi.h asevcre lui. i.f.
fcc.ioll. nod that tit esa .Li-.-a-e. t'on.-ulilpl ioll i-' i.nx
i u.- to hake l.oovia to K:1' v.-julic.2 thclneal:-' uf
Toidl w'toilt-iiu it. ho send a c-o? y of ih?
1 re,:-r ptioll II-" d Iu ee of l'lt.1 . '.) V.ilil liic d.rc.'i,,rs
In' p. e .u iin; and ii.-in the s.uuc. v. hi. h theywi.l
t:-. ! :, .-are cure lor V. ..ii.-ui;.p:i.,u. A '.'i. t'.. .o..i A.-, 'i he only ohjeo: e. ,1., lidv ci li.-"t in i..l
in ihe 1're-r'.;i.,ii is in h.-utlil toe nt.iietc I. and
spread inlorui'.riou vv hiei. lie i on . ' , to hj ievaiu
ahle, and he ho('is ev cry s;i!'.. "er vv :.l ti y l.i- l. lee ly,
es it will c,..-; tin -ii i. .liua;. und n.ay u blcs.
"'a ".r.ev LHWAUH v. ii.snN. v. ;',!;.,i ...i iir-.:!i,
King.- L'jj.:i;-, Nci. ioik.
April 11. 1 .'.';. 'im
W Ft'Slll.l.S ,.t' i,tii'l.i;ii (I'S-e. ;.iu0seou..
l)U" pri-.i. Ihe Idioivii.j van. lie-:
(i.llliet Chili. 1.11 ity. C .!! ail j:l..
I'il'kev c !i lu-- V t! ,
Al-i .ill I ti-hel-o L M Iv dl'lle '. I'ri.'C !l Mr
I.1'!. Delivered c ,'i.- i'iin. n drpi.i . 'I ue 0ol lo con
tain a. n.uiiy . i ii - r i a ' v ,oi cic -".
I'm ka-ws ot each s-ri I vy 'nad posi pe' 1 at
e-l, li
t if Cash I.I accoiup.iliy l.ll old. IS. 1',. 1 I '.-.'
g'nu ii tlcsin-d.
1'. SI t).N, I'.uns iu. Lu Co . l'u
A. lil IS. ISOo. Jl.l
t'i:- r:r . i.or:.i. voit s ,:.
rpl I IS well kii.ivni Hotel, l a ated iv, Sii.T y :, I-,.
1 June' ioli ot' Ihe . ,.i ll.eiti ( d . tS ths S,:i'b.i
I'V A f-i i llalil.iii Is, i.i.lj. ud at p..,r:.. sa'.e
'Ii nus ol s.te willl... loiid.-eiu-y -.r fjiiinr in
f'.rtiiaiioti. at Uii. i
Auusi I1-, '.'
I'.tina.v :: i.ic :v:;i:i'.
WII.l.IW I.. MMHiiiCK A CO. ! 1 '. . , .i,
J l.ird sirs. t Ph.Ud li' vv.,.,1 1 ,,1'ei i . ,
tliU ut tfuLb'Jiy ...I li.l.t, ',..-'. r. .'
I f
iii.ii i; ii:. en 11(11',
.', ItJ J Ihi I,.. I ' I i.l
As they have e . I V I hll. lo lu ir III." l..c!i A fie. '
C.1U and K ireiu, W llo'li I .11 lit iwlirl " i. Is l.i .
t.vis'U i lonv a list el Hie a. .i Its ihsy Ii . 1
3. r
ll Is as Will. I.owrv.r. lo say. ikal eltl l' lu
tie V il i.j ol thr v vast rani ol Ihs b. -t . i ' si I
Win heart he I el unit 1 al lufsvci' t Ite st
slooil I 11 piov t.lloial-e
I ilium V I'-. I -I' ' -'i.u.1
iiMims AM) siiAin:s.
Il I Wllt!sl 'u la Niiu tf'h .'liv-l, lid
a.lli., Haiiuls. laivi .4
..IM Mluilsul
t letsluM li,t e.
Ilie rlii. .ill.s,ll SI lie
iSimIii-vs I'iiiSs r. i.t.4 aus li.e-uscl e-psl
lei.ts I ts r. . I. it, I. s I I-" l. i
t levi - ..
Knuxn a "ILlmMXt
Ill.L.MnOLllS EXTKACT "liL'CnC."
" iMruovi.nnoj'KAYAsU
1-3 2X-tsl Xi CrO'lT
G i 11 VI K E IP T, EP A E, A I I 0 11 !
"IllfillW CONCLNiliATTH'-COMroiM;'
LUIl')' i:.TX.s'.'T BUC1IU,
A 1'. sJtive and S"4i::c'ii"(! Ilemcdy
For li.-ea.M i of llio
This Medicine iii'-reascs IV.o i-ower of TiirestKn.
1 in d ejr .'ite.s the At.-'ori.eida into heattliy in'u.ii.. 1,
vhieii ihe '.'a'ery or (.'ulcerous dejwu.ii ions. i.ird,a!
rnr.atoral Lnim-jrcmciils ore reduced, as will i,' p-. n.
and 'iitiaiiiniation. n:id if good for uieu, women, ot
I Children.
Arising from lAcesscs. Ilr.ljilo of Ilissipalion, L"f.r7
1 iidi.n'i ction. or Ahu-c.
AtlHideil with thu lVllovv In sytutnnis :
Indi.-pofili"ii to Ljir'iin, la,--of ).--,. r
L.t-s of .dc.iio.y ltio'e'iiiiv f.f sJrt-iiUS.Ssi
'Veirk Xer e-'.' e
lliirot'ot iie:o'e, VU'-fulne-s.
Idi-iri s- ol i-io:), I'ain in tlie luick,'
I'nivi I'sa! La.-.-ltiu:o of tue 1 lushing of tlie bo ly
Minvidav System, Krur'tioni on the lace,'
Hot Uriels. I'uliid Countenance'
i'n e.c.-. of tin S'I:io.
'Huso svintoiiif. if allowed to ro on, rvlilia liia
medicine m removes, fo"ifl Kdlo-
mi'OTLXcv. rA ii irv. i.i iLi:ivijc rrr.?.
Ilioninf which tiic patient mi'V expire. V'l.o cs;i
sav' t'o-y aro not ff.y.t.eraly lollowtj' Ir tfc d'j'
"diim'ul uiicase.,''
Many arr a-.vnvc of (lie c-'i' " cf thi ir tiiffcrip,.'. tui,
none w ill en!.-?-. Tint record.-of ih; i.rsi.i.0 A-v-Hms
ami ih? ineoncli ily deallis l.y Cji,siiniplioa.
lei' i ample w it in to i he Irulli if the iiasirlioii.
i'h? toiiciitutio!:, onec Ad'ccud Willi Organis
, Yj'ea'.ii'e.-.s,
Re'liiire.- tic n.d of luedieine tv strcntfiSoii arid Ir!
vijorioe Co systtin. which -Helinhohl's Fxiract'
lluehu'' ii. vai i.ihly docs. A trial wili conviuce
the most skeptical.
l n.MAi.ts, i F iAi.Ks, miAW-:.?,
Old or joung, single, luurncJ, or cuuteuipLitins
; mari'ii'c.
In many afl'eotioiis p'-cidiar to riiir.!ej. thellxh-iM-t'
lluehu is i!iietuailed ly anv oth"r reniedr, as ic
(. iiixio-'ls or lleieutiou, Irrt ''tlai 'dy. l'niiduincss, o
Sui pre .si-aiot' ilie Co :o..uai;.- Lv,icua'.i.:L.-'. Ulcerated
or Sehhriuis staio of tlie lierus. J.eiieorrhea, r
While.' Sterility, and f r a'l oorm.luint- im iilent to
i the v., v licUicr arisirig tVom luliscret'un, Habits of
, l'i-ipation, or in t to
1 See ftynipti.nn aoove.
! Take no l'.alsairi, Mcrcurr. or Fnolea-ai.t Medicine
Ibr C: j.leaaant and Dangerous l'itea.toi.
Eir:n..'riiff.x's irT8:A;x
In ill their F'aces; at Lille expose ; litCo or
chiiugo in diet 'f no iuenvenicuce,
AN1) SO L.VP0,si,T;n.
It cantos fieoitt'Tit. iVs-lrc, li ;.,l Livci f'.r- n'i t'i'
' t'ri-in.e.. i-jei. r."v. in 0-: t.'-.::-: ic-;., j .,-v,-ntii:'
an 1 u: ..1:- :m. t l . , t- tiic 1 tethra, nil iyni pain
j Kiel in.''- V, -r, lYc -si'-,,' ini-'i clas-o, ,n.-cas,
! and erpcli-i-i ' i M.onoiu-. Hi. c.ed. i.n.l Vi ora-out
I MuLcr.
) l- ...poll T!iou.s.ti;1
1 V.'JIO H.Vv ti L'iJ'.N XiLK iCU.'L? 0?
J ;5'."a'l,
j And vio l ave pai l Hi--iTy Fees t'jhecr.nd In el
j slrt time, have Ian!:-.', lliey were .'..; .-ed. and ilal
: ll.u !'. !.-. n ' t .-l.-. !' i:.e Use of --l'. -.verl'ul As:r';,'
re-t.." lo '. -,'.e I in tl.o . ; -tcii:, lo breuk (iul ia
! tin aggravate-' firm, f.i 1
PciUnf i r.fier Maril.gc
E!::.(i!iti.i-rt F,.vi'::.itT
t F r nil Aiiections ti'd M-;i"i of
int l'kina;:y oi'.ii.ans.
Vrhttthrr exi-'iin in Male or from vliavef
can-'.- o: iiiiatiiiL". i n I no natter;
CF HC'W l.'"0 ST'.NMNI.
ri"!.-i.t c-f ih'.-.u Crgnnr. reo'.iirc iV.e ii"F of
I iiriliLOX-D'CJ rCT.7i.YC'T u'v-'CIIlf
L lae fcror.l l'Uir-lie,
'And it i.s cc-it.-n tol'!i.c the desired iJict Iu rl!
I Ji:i-a.i;, fvr vvbic'u it i. rec iiiiiKi-Ui. J.
Ile.''s Jiig'.iy Ceiice:;:iutcJ Cciiii uii
! Vivid rvti-nc: S.vsa?trHla Ej-philU
I T!.i' is :.n iii'Vci-.-! rf Ihul::.. -L mil .iti(.-li3 the'
S" U .'. 1 Ci;.-!'!!.'.'.iUj-Set ii;.; Ne.o. L'al s. Th I lint,
i Wit. Ipipc, jiiid i.'.h-i-Vi:t t ::i,rta.----. i. oil. in i;i
j iij.; enraoce in 'he f"i in of VI. it, .1lel!ii'-,l i's Cv
. li-:-. '. 1 ."-ai'.-aie rillii i-uritj.'s Ihe J'.!-"d. a-: reuo.vestill
.s.-uly l .n:;:- iei ! 't. . liit!. civii to t;:i; Conipie. Fi .il.l.y t'oi .r it 1 .'iu; :e;
! i x;r .'-'; f .r this cia-.-- ot'.'oioph.'nt . i-.- p!, d-'lVii-ly
ii r I'l'..; rieloi - i:rc 1 ". .-e:-i i d ' . a ei eater tx'.cut
than any olior .i.-p'ir:-.-.ii'i! of: -i-ajcirilia.
! Ii :.ti::s.!.rt. n,: Via-h,
i A- e-.-l.. .it l.oii.'ii t't Hi-fis' .-if a Syi hi:',:- Na
t;:i. . and a' an injee' i .1' i-i 1.- is, lot' toe I fi"try
I o at i-io-T :'. a i h-ibii ! lis-!; i;i. -:. i.-.-i in
' connection v.i.h the Cxtreet. Hu. hu a.: i .-..r. iviliA
' ill -uch di-. a.-es :.- r.'C.iillllel.d. d.
i l.vnl-t.. I ihe mo-t --ss.i.-i and rill: Mc i-lurS
aeter wiil ac.'o lap. my- 111;- t:.' li.i.i-.-.
! cLiiT'i icATiy.-r 1 1 ::".-,
r.v. !.'. 1 to :w niy ,
k:..''.Mi lo r ''lelle ' ..Il l I' .
For Med - al 1 r t r.n
the I , i cd
:i li.;i iiii -, -aiiii l.siuCi
. i..iu:", e :
I-,, .'... .,- 1. iv ' I.l'. .1
Uvi I' --', s on 2,i,
Pia. i,. . .
m.- iei'ii.1.- i - ' ' c l.y tl. f.te celkhVaii-J l'r.
pi . I'i.i .'i.i ;, i.ii.
s. i i. l.i.'lk. I:. ',.')') I':. Fl, M- T. well,
..:,l:u,d f.-v .'. Ji.'.'r ..;' II .. si
Cll. t (' r.'.- 4 -. i"- : ,'. . i.l ., i 14 li,'
'iM.I.,!lell'.n- . t I f lll. e;: I e'n .1. s .1 lil ,i.i I .
,' I. ,-t'il
.il ltiV.tH
i I !
... r.
vi i-r ti.i
.'. -lies', -f ik l '.lf S i .Vrd V'vtal t 'i MjvU'
I . il.e.
I. ii. vit l'nuP. f! ' I'd' ! atle r. i., f j ft
-lll.lil I' II. I A I l"J -t II
lui ! v i i. l.o.r Vi a nt. ; . u
1 'i hall (: ii , f . . . h I : 1.' 1 l i h v :.l ba
oP'.. o '..; I . i li J ll.U lb. t ob..lli-i' '-."'s. I.'iiil.'iiloi
el. a ill. I.- 1 I.'
lull,..- i I . ny a '.'.iei-. r -I'm :,v J rem
.. I '. l v .1 lol.
, ' j l e'i A. -it-p'on.s in a:i cou.n iu.!. a -
I l.lT. gUui-o i.ii .VJVK'.t ,-KlUI.
I'.- i ii ,'! 1 1 ' - I 1 1 ' i im li A! Iciti .1. - f 'I
! :
' v !,.., i ... K
.' ' t i :li, i, .
,'i-t . ui ii - ;s t k
U. I II."! "! " I 'J
r'u -i i . I I ..'.1 .
... I. , . i -1.- vi v r l.i i.l. i
.'. l N a j .Vi . I...I, II:".
,.'. I. .'. !V I., i . o- !. .
!i ':' il. . ..!"i.. . ...
I'.j .'. !.'! .In "le- 'h-: ''. ' t.wi'e.l iTde'
'! '.. T.i. ' ,'i" I'NIl.M I
A.i 4'ni I - ,M TV-lvis
v I . . i.t ' k-'r . k' sail -4. ''
s.l' ...... , . . .. s I. t. I i f
I ... ' i !U s . .' ,. ' .
lis i I a
"v i iii'e.'
r . II . . . . t.
r .: I. . . ii i . . i. . ...
A I. I I.' ' V- U' 1 ... Ku'fl II'
I l .al US s t,ii.s. W-l I. I 1.4 Ul II Aixl I 'I- .1
'.a ;s i-