Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 16, 1863, Image 4

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    E TR Y.
I the Atlantic Monthly for March.
y '
" ,rkMlcrp, Roger mid T.
ty dog, Come here, yu scamp 1
e gentleman mind your eye !
table look ont lor the lamp !
Is growing a little old.;
ears we've trsmptd through wiud and
"t oiil-'lonrrlitn nlu'lita were enM,
itc and drank ami starvedtogether.
Isamed what comfort Ik. I telt Jrou !
I nn the floor. R hit of rosin,
'o thaw our thumbs, (poor fellow !
paw he hold." up there's been froi"n,)
of catgitLfor toy fiddle,
out-dncrliiinrn In bad for strings.)
few nice huckwheats hot from the griddic,
Rogur end I tot up for king.
k ye. Sir, I nover drink ;
j " r and 1 arc exceedingly moral
Ari-ff i wo. Roger See him wink !
, W ell, something hot. then, wo won't quoircl.
lie's thirsty, too. we hna nod his head ?
What a pity. Sir, that dug c.m't lalk !
lie understand? every word thai said
And he knows good milk from watcr-and-ehalk.
The truth is. Sir, now I reflect,
I've ben so sadly given to grog,
I wonder I've not lost the respect
(Here's to you. Sir !) even of ruy dog.
l'ut he sticks by. through thick mid thin :
And this old coat, with it empty pocket,
And raps tliat smell of tobacco and tin,
lie 11 follow w hile be hit eyes in nis sockets.
There isn't another crcrduro living
Would do it. and prove, through every disaster,
So fond, so faithful. nnl so forgiving.
To such a miserable, thankless muster !
2'o. Sir ! see him wng his tail and grin !
By Ucorgo ! it inekis nty obi eyes water !
Thai is. there's something in this gin
That chokes a fellow, lint uo matter !
We'll have some music, if you're willing,
And Roger (hem ! what a plague a cough is, Sir !)
Shall march a little. Start, you villain !
Stand strnight ! 'Bout thro! Sulutc your officer !
I'ut up that paw ! Dress! Take your ritlo !
(.Some dogs have arms, you see !) Now hold your
Cap while tho gentleman gives n tritle,
To aid ft pour old patriot soldier!
March ! Unit ! Now show how the rebel shakes,
When he stands up to hear his sentence.
Now tell us how many drums it takes
To honor a jolly new acquaintance.
Five yelps. thai's rive ; he's mighty knowing !
The night Is before us, till the glasses !
Quick, Sir! I'm til. my brain is going
Some brandy, thank yuu, there ! it passes !
Why not reform ? That's easily said ;
But I've gone through such wretched treatment,
Sometimes forgetting the taste of bread,
And scarce remembering what meat meant,
That my poor stomach's past reform ;
And there are times when, mad with thinking,
I'd sell out heaven for something wnrui
To prop a horrible inward sinking.
Is there a way to forget to think ?
At your age, Sir, home, fortune, friend?,
A dear girl's love, but I took to drink ;
The same old story ! you know how it ends.
If you could have seen theso classic features.
You needn't laugh. Sir ; they were not then
Such a burning libel on Clod's creatures:
I was one of your handaonio men !
If you had seen linn, so fair and youn,
Whose head was happy on this breast !
If von eonld have heard the stmcrs that fann
When the wine went round, you wouldn't have
That ever I, Sir, Bhould bo straying
From door to door, with fiddle and dog,
Bagged und penniless, and playing
To you to-night for a glum oi grog !
Hie's married siace. a parsons wife ;
!Twas better for her that we should part
Setter tho soberest, prosiest lifo
Than a blasted home and broken henrt
1 have seen her? Onco : I was weak tmd spent
On the dusty road : a carriage stopped :
Hut little did she d renin, as on she went,
Who kUeed tho coin that her fingers dropped !
You'vo sot mo talking, Sir ; I'm sorrv;
It makes mo wild to think of tho change!
What do you oare for a beggar's story ?
Is it amusing ? Vou find it strange I
I had a mother so proud of mc !
'Twas well she died biToro Do yon know
If the happy spirits in heiiven can see
The ruin and wretchedness here below ?
And glass, and strong, to deaden
This pain ; then llogcr and will start.
I wer.dor. has he such a lmn,,ish, leaden,
Aching thing, in place of a heart ?
lie is sad sometimes, w ould weep, if he could,
No doubt, remembering things that were,
A virtuous kennel, with plenty of food,
And himielf a sober, respectable cur.
I'm better now ; that glass was warming,
You rascal ! limber your !i?y feet !
We mu3t bo fiddling and performing
For supper and bed, or starve in the street.
Not a very gay life to lend, you think !
But soon we shall go where lodgings are free,
And the sleepers need tkither victuals or drink ;
The sooner the better for Roger and me!
What Grapes to Pi akt. "The Hart
ford Prolific, tlio best early grape ripens ltere
tho 10th of Angust fruit of large sir.e
bundles medium, flavor rich, sweet, musky
vine htirtly, strong "rower, uud enonnorw
ly productive. The lnrge size of tho fruit,
earlincss and productivewss, will always
make it a favorite, and they will always
command a good price it! tho market.
"The Delaware. This is a small, pule red
t;rape, of most delicious lluvor, pronounced
ty many, the best of all pripes ripens here
from the first to the middle of September.
Tho vino is of slow but healthy growth,
and bo fur, has proven perfectly hardy and
healthy, nnd w ill grow and do" well on any
good dry soil. No homo bhould be with
out ft Delaware grapevine.
"Tho Concord, 'l itis w ill prove the most
popular of all grapes in this section of the
country its large hi.e, both in bunch and
berry, rich, sweet lluvor its sttirdincss of
growth, perfect hardiness and adaptation
to our soil and climate, are qualities, which,
combined must have weight. We have
seen good three year old vines produce
from twenty-five to fifty pounds of this
magnificent fruit without extra care. The
last season was one that tried the grape
to the utmost, on account of its wetness,
but the Concord, iu low and verv rich soil,
ripened its fruit perfectly; which shows
that it may always be relied upon."
A Tl.riEiinY Wp.inki.k. According to
a correspondent of the London Cottage (Sar
dener, the raspberry can bo successfully
transplanted when tho succors are from
twelve to sixteen inches high. Ho selects
the strongest succors, of course, takes them
up carefully, and like a sensible man en
deavors to get a portion of fibrous roots
with them; plants them together triangular,
ly nine inches opart, spreading the roots
out nicely, as every decent cultivator would
do, waters them, and they pet along swim
mingly. We think it probable that this
procedure will give them a little better
start than if allowed to stand until fall or
spring and then transplanted, Oermuntown
fri" The weight of a pig iu tho various
forms which it goes through after killing
n etgni alter death,
" " taking off hair
Not weight,
278 pounds.
. 2S
Ac. 6i
. manlou-a Telegraph
n Housekeeping, by
hio :
'ako a fjtitirt pitcher
icm thoroughly till
. boiling water from
ts been drawn fresh
' the water cool to
tiiah-w titer ; strf in
them as thick as
mrth teaspoouful
over thciucloely
ep quite warn) ;
rh in five or
SJ ' ' ' eL.8,
For nhfimatnm. Govt, Xeirralffia, Lumbago,
MifT Xei-l- nnd Joint, Sprain, firttw,
Cut nml Wound, Pilr, Ihadarhf,
and all lh,-imatic and Xerwu
For all of which it is a speedy and certain remedy,
ami never fails. This Liniment Is prepared from
the recipe or Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connect lent, the
fnmons setter, and has been used in his practice
tor more tlnui twenty years with tho most astonishing
As an All violor of Fain. It Is nnnvaled by any
preparation before the pnblio, of which tho most
skeptical mav bo convinced by a single trial.
This Liniment will cure rapidly and radically,
Fhenmatic Disorders of every kind. Bnd In thou
sands of cases where it.has been used it has never
been known to fail. .
For Neuralgia, It will nflbrd Immediate relief in
every case, however distressing.
It. will relieve tho worst eases of Headache in
throe minutes, and is warranted to do it.
Toothache also will it euro instantly.
For Nervous Debility nnd lieneral Lassitude, ari
sing from imprudence or excess, this Liniment is a
niosi hi.ppy aud unfailing remedy. Acting dircra-ly
upon th ) nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivifies
tho system, and restores it to elasticity and vigor.
l',,'r Piles. n. nn external remedy, wo claim that it
is tho b.wt known, nnd wo challenge tho world to
produc) anoqual. Every victim of this distros?ing
complaint should give it a trial, for it will not fail
to ntl'o-il immediate relief, nnd in a majority of cases
will efl'jut n radical euro.
t)uim r and iore Throat nro somelimes extremely
malignr. it and dangerous, l ot a timely application
of this Liniment will never fail to cure.
Sprains arc sometimes very obstinate, and enlarge
ment of tho joints is liable to occur if neglected.
The worst case may bo conquered by this Liniment
in two or three diivs.
llrnises. Cuts, Wounds. Sores, Fleers, Hums and
Scalds, yield readily to tho wonderful hcnling pro
perties of Dr. Sweet's lnfalliblo Liniment, when
used according to directions. Also, Chilblains,
Frosted Feet, aud Insect Uitcs and Stings.
DH. STEPHEN SWEET, Of Connecticut,
the Ureal Nutural Bone Setter.
DK. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut,
is kuonn all over the VniUd States.
DH. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut,
ii tho author of '-Dr. Swott's Infallible Liniiuont."
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Cures Rheumatism, nnd never fails.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Cures Burns aud Scalds immediately.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Is the best known remedy for Sprains and Bruises.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Cures Headache immediately, and was never known
to fail.
Dr. Sweet'a Infallible Liniment
Affords immediate relief for Tiles, and seldom fails
to cure.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Cures Toothache in one minute.
Dr. Sweet'a Infallible Liniment
Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and leaves no
Dr. Bweet'i Infallible Liniment
Is the best remedy for Sojos in the known world.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Has been ued Ay moro than a million pcoplo, and
all praise it.
DrJSwoet's Infallible Liniment
Taken internally euros Colic aud Cholera Morbus.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Is truly a '-friend in need," and every family should
Lave it at hand.
Dr. Sweet's Infnlliale Liniment
Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 25 and iu cents.
rn external remedy, is without a rival, and will
alleviate pain more speedily than any other prepa
ration. For all Kheuiuutio and Nervous Disorders
it is truly infallible, and as a curative for Sores.
Wounds, Sprains. Uruises, , t o., its sootliiug, healing
and powerful strenirtheniiiB" nronerties. excite the
just wonder and astonishment of all who have ever
given It a trial. Over ono thousand cert ideates of
remarkable cures, performed by it wilhiu the lust
two years, attest the fact.
HOKSFS is unrivaled by uuy, and in all cases of
Lameness, arising from Sprains, liruisr or Wrcueh
ing, its cfl'ect is niagicul and certain, llaruees or
Saddle 11 alls, Serat - lies. Mange, Ae., it will also cure
speedily. Spavin and hingbuno may be easily pre
vented and cured in their incipient stuges, but con
firmed cases arc beyond tho possibility of a radical
cure. No case of the kind, however, is so desperate
or hopeless but it may bo alleviated by this Lini
ment, and its faithful application will always remove
the Lameness, and unable tho horses to travel with
comparative easu.
r.viaty house owxmi
should have this remedy at hand, for its timely use
at the tiit appearance of Luuieuess will effectually
prevent those fornddablo diseases, to which all hor
bes are liable, aud which render so many olherwiso
valuable horses nearly wurthlcss.
Infallible Liniment
13 TUB
And thousands have found it truly
Cum Hon.
Til KVfiM bnrM.itinn nlu.,.. 41. Ct . 1
w.-., , v uia cignaiuru aim
UkeuoNiof Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and
also "Stenhen Sweet's hifHllihla 1 1.,,
inthegluMof each holds, without uhi.-h ,...,,
Sola Proprietors, Norwich, Ct.
MORGAN A ALLEN. General Agents,
.44 CI18 BUeet, hew iork.
Sold by all dealers everywhere.
March 21, lo63.-ly
New Stock of Goods!!
and although prevailing report may induce the
belief that
are advancing, yet a single visit to that "attractive
will convince any candid man or woman that, bo the
report aa it may, yet tho propoictora of that ''institu
tion" havo the facilities for furnishing
which thofo who buy and sell on Long Credits
not, and cannot poiseBS.
Eunbury, May 17, 1SC2.
Paid Mrs. Smith to Mrs. Brown, .
As they were walking through the town,
" Where do you do your shopping ?
That dress you re in, so neat and line,
That when I sec it, really mine
Looks positively shocking."
"I'm sure your husband, Mrs. Brown
Now don't be angry, pout and frown
Is not so rich us mine,
And yet you can ullord to buy
Just twice as much, or more than I,
And how, I cannot divino."
Fays Mrs. Drown to Mrs. Smith :
" 'j'bo reason you'll be startled with,
It is so simple, clear
You buy on credit, I for cash,
I buy bargains, you buy tra.-h,
I cheap, while you pay dear.
'Whono'er you want a dress or shawl,
A colb'.r, hose, or what-not, call
At tho cheap .Mammoth Stohk,
They'll sell you goods so very low
That you will eease to wonder so,
II o w much rich goods 1 ve woro.
''My husband, as you truly say.
Is poorer, fur, than yours to-day,
And yet 1 can buy more,
Becauso each dollar of his few
Is. to mc. just us good as two.
At the cheap .Mammoth Stoiie."
So satisfied w as Mrs. Smith
With Mrs. Frown's new arith
metic, which did convince
The first, and orciied so her eves,
She hasn't ceased to patrouizo
The Mammoth ever since.
And now, w hen you t hauce to nieet
ller husband, Smith, upon tho street,
Around tho corner eouiing,
His luce is lighted w ith a suiilo,
ilis step elastic all lite while
A pleasant tunc he's bumming.
Ladies, if liko e ffect you'd see
In your deur siu?c, which you and he,
Ferehanee, nee'r saw belore,
Just Airs'. Brown's prescription try,
Aud all your list of lry tioods buy
At thu cheap Mammoth Stouk.
S T 1800 X.
Iraksi lMnululiuii ItlllorM.
They purify, strengthen, and invigoruto.
They create a healthy appetite.
They are an antidote to change of water and diet
They overcome effect ofdissipation nnd latehours
They strengthen the system and enliven the mind
Tbey prevent miasuiatic and intermittent fevers.
They purify the breath mid acidity ol tho stomach
1 hey cure I'vpcpsiu and Constipation.
They cure liiarrhea, Cholera, and Cholera Mor
bus. Tbey cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Ilead-
, ache.
They arc thu best Fillers in the woold. They make
tho weak man strong, aud are exhausted nature's
great restorer. They ure made of pure St. Croix
Hum, thecelvbrated Culi.t.iva Baik, nxits and herbs,
and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, with
out regard to age or time of day. Particularly re
commended to delicate persons requiring a gentle
stiuiuluut. fcwld by all Grocers, l)ruggistj, flotels
and Saloons. 1. 11. PRAKU & CO., 2u Broudwuy,
tober 25, 1863.
Jutl Tullishtd, in a Heaktl Envcloite. Prxet
Six Coils.
ALocture on the Nature, treatment and Radical
ot Spermatorrhea or Sciniual W eaknoss, Invol
uulary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments
to Marriage generally, Norvousuoss, Consumption,
Epilepsy aud Fits : Meutul and l'hvsiciil lnrH,.u..ii
resulting from Self-Abuse, 4o fly ROBERT j.
Cl'LN LRW ELL, 41. 1., Author of the Oreen Book.
The world-renowned author, in this admirable Leo-
.urn, cicariy proves iroin ms own experience that
awful conscquoni'ci ol helf.abuse may ha effectually
removed without medicine, aud without dangerous
surgical operations, bougies, Instruments, rings, or
coimals, iM.iutmg out a mode of euro at ouee ecrtain
knd etleclual, by which every sufferer, no matter
what hi condition may be, may cure himself cheaply
privately, aud radically. Xhi lecture will nrovi a
boon to thousands and thousands.
Sent under seal, in a ulain mv.Ln. ..
drew, on the receipt of six cents, or Iwo pusUxe
stamps, by addressing.
Feb IS, liSS ly Jo '
r it j iiKwi t bfivs'a iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii iiiTrrmii m imnmv
OPERATE by their powerful influence nn the
internal viscera to purify the blood and stimu
late it into healthy action. They remove th
obstructions of the stomach, bowel, liver, and other
organa of the body, and, by restoring thou- irregular
action to health, correct, wherever they exist, such
derangement a are the first eauaea of disease.
An extensive trial of their virtue, by Professor,
Physician, and Patient, has shown cure of dan
gerous diseaae almost beyond belief, were they not
substantiated by person of such exalted position
and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth.
Their certificate are published in my American
Almanac, which the Agents below named are
pleased to furnish free to all inquiring.
Annexed we give Direction for their use in the
complaints which they have been found to cure.
For Costivbn ess. Take one or two Tills, or
inch quantity as to gently movo the bowel. Cos
tiveness is frequently the aggravating cause of
Pilr. and the cure of one complaint is the cure
of both. No person can feel well while under a
costive habit of body. Hence it should be, a it
can be, promptly relieved.
For Dtsi'Rpsia, which ia sometimes the cause
of Coilirenrjs, and always uncomfortable, take mild
doses from one to four to stimulate the stomach
and liver into healthy action. They will do it, and
the heartburn, bodyburn, and toulburn of dyspepsia
will rapidly disappear. When it ha gone, don't
forget what cured you.
For a Foul Stomach, or Morbid Inaction of thi
Botcch, which produce general depression of tho
spirit and bad health, take from four to eight Pill
at first, and smaller dose afterwards, until activity
and strength is restored to the system.
For Nervousness, Sick Hkadache, Napsra,
Pain in the Stomach, Back, or Side, take from four
to eight pills on going to bed. If thev do not oper
ate sufficiently, take more tho next day until they
do. These complaints will be swept out from the
system. Don't wear these and their kindred dis
orders because your stomach is foul.
For Srupfula, Erysipxlar, and all Disease
of the Skin, take tho Pills freely and frequently, to
keep the bowels open. Tho eruptions will gener
ally soon begin to diminish and disappear. Many
dreadful ulcers and soros have been healed up by
tho purging and purifying cried of these Pills, and
some disgusting diseases which seemed to saturate
the whole system havo completely yielded to their
influence! leaving the sufferer in perfect health.
Patients! your duty to society forbids that you
should parade yourself around the world covered
with pimples, blotches, ulcers, sores, and all or any
of the unecan diseases of the skin, because your
system wants cleansing.
' To Puiufy tub Blood, they are the best medi
cine ever discovered. They should bo taken freely
and. frequently, and the impurities which sow the
seeds of incurable diseases w ill be swept out of the
svstcm like chaff before the wind. By this property
they uo as mucn goou m preventing sicxncss as uy
the remarkable cuics which they are making every
Liver Complaint, Jaundice, nnrl all Biliotu
Affetlinn arise from some derangement either
torpidity, congestion, or obstructions of the Liver.
Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and render
it unfit for digestion. This is disastrous to the
health, and the constitution is frequently under
mined by no other cause. Indigestion is the symp
tom. Obstruction of the duct which empties the
bile into the stomach causes the bile to overBow
into the blood. Tins produces Jaundice, with
long and dangerous train of evils. Costivencss, or
alternately costivencss and diarrhoea, prevails.
Feverish symptoms, languor, low spirits, weariness,
restlessness, and melancholy, with sometimes in
ability to sleep, and sometimes great drowsiness ;
sometimes there is severe puin in the side ; the skin
and the white of the eyes become a greenish yellow ;
the stomach acid; the bowels sore to the touch;
the whole system irritable, with a tendency to fever,
which may turn to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious
diarrhoea, dysentery, Ac. A medium dose of three
or four Pills' tnken at night, followed by two or three
in the morning, and repeated a few days, will remove
the cause of all these troubles. It is wicked to suffer
uch pains when you can cure them for 25 cent.
ltHBf uatihm, Gout, onrf all Inflammatory Fe
ver are rapidly cured by the purifying ctfocts of
these Pills upon the blood and the stimulus which
they afford to the vital principle of Life. For these
and all kindred complaints they should be taken in
mild doses to move the bowels gently, but freely.
As a Dinner Pii.l, this is both agreeable and
useful. No Pill can be made more pleasant to take,
and certainly none has been made more ell'ectuul to
the purpose for which a dinner pill is employed
Practical and Analytical Chemists,
Sold by I'riling Grant, and XI. A. Fisher, in
Dr. 11. B. McCoy, Northumberland.
J. F. Caslow, and C. Brown, Milton.
J. Chrisman, Turbutville.
Hcrsh t Co., Mt. Carmcl.
S. Bcrgstrcsser, Elysburg.
W'iest. Mahonoy.
Weaver A McW illiams. I'axinos,
And Dealers Everywhere
Aii gust2, 1 KS2 1 y
NXOl'XCES to all who trado in Suubury, that
JiX. ho has just iuruhascd a
well S'Ietlfd
Which he offers at his old stand, near Covert's Uote
west end of Market Square, very
Or if that will not do, just as cheap 'jt
v o i: r it v ritwi v v i-y.
II is stock consists of a largo assortment of
CAPS. fciltJKS.
and other articles altogether too numerous to men
r-unnury, January 3, lSti.t.
l.;ii'kav uunu Jt 1UoomiImii-; Kail
ON and after November 17, 1S02, Pauongcr
Trains will run as 1'ultuws :
Freight Sr
Passenger. Vas.senzer.
Leave Scranton, 8.00 A.M. 10.15 A. M
" Kingston, 8.20 11.10 P.M.
" Rupert, 11. SO
" Dauville. 12.05
Arrive at Northumberland, 12.45 P. M.
Leave Northumberland. &.20 P. M.
" Danville,- 6.00
" Ruiert, 6.35
" Kingston, 8.45 Leave, 1.45 P.M.
Arrive at Scranton, 10.00 P. M. 3.40
A l'ussenger Train also leuves Kiugstou at 8.00
A. M., for Scranton, to couuect with a train for
New York It.. I, ,';. I,.......- c ..... ... .. .
..... -, Duinnwu vu arrival
of lrain from New York, at 4.15 P. M.
Tho Lackawanna A Bloouisburg Railroad oonnoets
with the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail
road at Scranton, for New York uud intermediate
points east.
At Rupert It connect with tho Cattawissa Rail
road, for DOlntS both eiuit nn.l nrri, in .t 1, ;i
adelphia at A 15 P, M.
At Knrtillinihrtrlun.l tt jan..A.,l. lit. 1L TiL'i . t
pbia trio KiuIjuhJ aud Northern Cent nil Kail
rimd, fur point wvtt nnd south l'tuueunuri nrrivinif
at JlRrrilmrir 1 hi P 1 Pl.i1u.lul..t,:.. ia n n .
and Baltimore 10.20 P. M.
Ihe freight and Passenger Train north, Inave
Nnrlhiimt.Mrlun.l A Ah k u 1 : ... . ....
. . .n.,.im.rrouiu v.jir
M., pusaiug Danville at H.20 P. M.
, j uii a r. xi&uux, Bup't,
J. C. Weli, General Tickot Agent.
Nov. 29, 1W0X
sua HrvHdwii), .ewVvrk,
"CARTES DE VISfTK." ri,..i,.l,. r
uww uj'IIVj "K lVt7
reotypoa, 4c, taken in tho bent style otha Art?
To Scn ous NuU'ercrs ol'boll Mcxes,
AitfcVEUKNU GENTLEMAN having been re
stored to health in a few dun. aiW i,,.,l..r.,;,,
all ih usual routiue aud irregular expensive mode
of treutniont, without suoccss, considers it h's sacred
duty to communicate to bis atnioted fellow creature
the vaixi or ( t an. Hence, on th roeeipt of an
addressed envelope, he will tend (free) oopy of th
prescription used. Direct to
, IM Tultoa tiut, Brooiljp, V. y
January 21, 1603.
Ha just returned from Philadelphia with
Spring & Summer Goods.
For MrnV Wear.
Cloth, Comlmere, Vesting, Italian Cloth, Linen
Coating, Linen Chock and Cottonade.
Indicts Wcnr.
A large assortment of Dress JOoods, kBlack and
Fancy Bilks, Silk Tissues, Fancy Berages, Shallcy,
all Wool Delanes, Moeambique Goods at low price
Silk Levollas, Dolancs, Lawns, Ginghams and
Prints. A full line of Irish Linen and Whit Good.
Stella border and Fancy Summer Shawls, Bilk and
Lace Mantillas, Ac.
Ready Mad Clothing,
A good assortment f Hat and Caps,
A largo assortment of Boot and Shoes,
A full stock of Groceries, Molasses and Sugar,
Hardwaro and Building Material,
A full stock of Queen and Glassware,
A full stock of FLdi, Salt, Oils and White Lead,
A largo stock of Now Wall Taper,
A new stock of Stone and Earthenware,
And thousands of articles not enumerated.
Uf All tho above will bo sold cheap for Cash or
Country Produce .
Sunbury, May 17, 1SK2.
it H,; ii i, v lJiiMurrAivr i:iv
Has llETtRSEn with a New Stocx or
'on lV'lloiuir !(, I'm it mid 1'ojsi
nT seems as if a new age, a new life was opening
upon us, animating every heart to nobler deeds
uuu liiL'ticr aims'. Art, Literature una science will
glow anew, nnd sock to dcvclopu sublimer beauties
and grander conception.
The business world, too. must feel tbencwinflttenoo
and every part be quickened and strengthened by an
increased vitality, which shall urge us on with elec
tric speed to the consummation of greater things than
was ever (Ire.inieil ot in ttie riniosopny 01 tno past
Animated bv the enthusiasm which pervades all
classic, ami desirous of doing his share towards '-The
Treat event of the Asc." tho subscriber would re
speetfully inform the good people of SUNBURY nnd
the ruhlic generallv. that ne nas Just rcturneil rrom
the city of Philadelphia with the largest and choicest
slock of Conf'octioniiries, Fruit anil Toys, that has
ever been brought to this section ot country. Jlo i
also manufacturing nil kinds of Coufcctionuries, tc
usAll un orders, wholesale or retail, at short notice,
inong bis stock of CONFECTION ARIES may be
found :
French Secrets,
Burned Almonds,
Crcnni White,
" Lemon,
" Vanilla,
Common Secrets,
Gum Drops, all kiudssccnt,
1ove Drops,
Mint Drnjis, red and white
Jelly Cakes,
Fruit Drops,
Stick Cundics, of all scents,
Rock Candy.
Almond Candy.
Currants, dried,
Raisens, Nuts of all kinds.
of a superior qualitv, by tbo single or dor. en. A
superior quality of Tobacco and Scgars. nnd a variety
of ConfectionaricB. Fruit, Tovs, Ac, all uf which u
otfered cheap at wholesalo uud retail.
ft- Remember tho name and place .rA1
Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright & Sou
Sunbury, April 14, 1801. ly
IHU3. Arrnnjeoiiif-nt IM.
ol" nv York Unea,
From Philadelphia to Xeir York and Way Places.
from Walnut street Wharf ami Keusingtun
Depot, will leave as follows, viz: raKE.
At 6 A. M., via Cumden and Ainboy, (C. and
A. Accommodation.) $2 25
At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, X.J. ,
Accommodation. 2 25
At 8 A. M.. via Camden and Jersey City,
(Morning Mail,) 3 00
At H A.M.. via Camden and Jersey city 2d
Class Ticket 2 25
At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city,
Express 3 00
At 12 M. via Camden and Awboy, C and A.
(Accommodation.) 2 25
At 2 P. M.. via Camden and Auibov, (C. and
A. Express,) f 3 00
At 3 P.M., via Kensington aud Jersey City,
Wacli. and X. Y. E.prc-s 3 00
At t!J P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey Citv,
(Evening Mail.) 3 00
At 11 ) P. M. via Kensington and Jersey city,
Southern Mail. 3 00
At Ii (night) via Kensington and Jcrtcy city
Soutuern Express 3 00
At 4 P. M., via Cumden and Amboy, (Accom
modation, Freight und Passenger, First
Class Ticket. 2 25
Second Clam Ticket, 1 50
For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkos
barre, Montrose, Greut Bond, Ac., at 6 A. M.,
from Kensington, via Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western Railroad.
For Maucb Chunk, Allentown, Bethluhem, Belvi
dere, Easton, Lambcrtvillo, Flemiuglou, Ac. at 4
A. M.. from Kensington Depot, and at 21 P. M.,
from Waluut street W harf.
(The 6 A. M. Line connects with Trains leaving
Easton for Maueh Chunk, at 3-20 P. M.)
For Mount llollv. at 6 A. M., 2 and 4 P. M.
Fur Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P.M.
For Bristol, Trenton, Ac, at 11 A. M. and 21 and
i P. M. from KenaingUin,
For Palmyra, Kiverlon, Delanco, Beverly, Bur
lington. Florence, Bordentown, Ac, at 12, 1, 2, 4j
aud 6 P.M.
tir" For New York, and Wy Lines leaving Ken
sington Depot, take the Cars on Fifth street, above
Walnut, half an hour before departure. Tho Cars
rnu into the Depot, and on the arrival of each Train,
run from the Depot.
Fifty Pounds of Baggage only, allowed each
passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking
anything as baggage but their wearing aparel. All
baggage over fitly pounds to be paid for extra. The
Company limit their responsibility for baggage to
une iKiuar per pound, ana will not ue liable lor any
aiuuum ueyonu ?iiju. except Dy special contract.
v)Ji. 11.
January 17, 186.1.
Attorney nnd l ouiuelvr lit Lutr,
Office, Market street, 2 doors west of Depot,
J ILL attend prouiptley to the collection of claims
1 1 ana alt oilier pruluasioual Dusiuetw intrusted to
bis care in isoriiiumbertana and oujoiuing counties.
Sunbury, May 3, 1802.
IlltAUY lIOl'Si:.
Corner of Stat and Third Street,
Uahrisbi-ro, Pa.
THIS HOUSE, in consequence of it convenience
aud near location to the Capitol, has made it a
desirable stopping place, not only for those having
business at the seat of Government, but fur other
visiting Harrisbiirg.
March 2i, HW.
Inlxuiutltle Ilulr ltestt orulire.
But restore gray hair to It original color, by supply
ing the capillary tube with natural utenanee, im
paired by age or disease. All instantaneous dyes are
composed of lunar eaustio, destroying the vitality
and beauty of the hair, and afford of thenuolve no
dressing, lluimstreet' Inimitable Coloring not only
restore haii to it natural color by aa easy process,
but give the hair a
promote it growth, prevent iu falling- off, eradi
cate dandruff aud Impart health and pleasantries
to th head. It has stood lb Ut of tins, being th
original Hair Coloring, and is constantly Increasing
in favor. Used by both gentlemen and ladie. It is
sold by all respectable dealer, or ean be proenred
by them of the commercial agent, D. 8. BAKNEH,
J03 Broadway, N. Y. Twouies, M cent and f 1.
October 25, t bJ.
Putent . .
Nftr-ArtJiiMlnar (lolhru tVrlnifrr
Simple, Economical, Durable, and to not Liable to
get out oi umer.
The Relf-Adlusting Clothes Wringer, is one of the
greatest improvement of the nineteenth century, and
baa only to be known and tried, to com into general
use. The saving of clothes, In pressing out the water
between two rubber rolls, instead uf wringing or
twisting, will amount to enough ink short time, to
pay lor amacmne.
Every on is aware, that Ui twistlni or wringing
of clothes, stretches and breaks the fibre; but thi
machine presses Iticm so evenly, that a newspaper
thoroughly soaked, can be wrung, without breaking
it in the least, and It works so easily, that a child
twelve years old ean operate it without trouble. Hot
water does not injure the rolls, and woollen goods
ean be wrung out of boiling water to provent fulling,
which cannot be done by hand.
In Starching, it Is Invaluable, especially on large
artieles, such as Ladies' Skirts, Ac, a it leaves the
starch in the clothe perfectly even. It will wring
the largest bed quilt or the smallest pocket hand
kerchief, drier than ean possibly be done by hand,
without alteration. In less than one-einth tho time.
Tho machine is so simple that it is not liable to get
ont of repair.
The great improvement in this, every every other
Wringing Machine yet invented, is, its Self-Adjusting
arrangement, requiring no alteration, u wring a
1 ii ,l.:r ................... 1.. .1.- T .
unuuKviuiuui or uv iiuji.vitim-uvuujii uiu uiuafc ig
norant servant can ode-rale it.
The machino is made of wood, and so arranged
that no iron ean possibly eonie in uontnet with the
clothes, thereby avoiding all danger of injury to the
clonics. Dy iron rust.
This is the most simpleand effective Clothes Wrihir
er yet invented. Thoso purchasing can use them
two weeks, and Iftlicy are not perfectly satisfied, re
turn them, and their money will be refunded.
Address L. E. SNOW, Philadelpba,
Or II. B. MASSER, Agent for Northumberland co,
July 6, 1802.
t ItllE subscribers having taken possession of this
X first class FhOtriilNG MILL, mo prepared
to receivo grain of all kinds, and to do custom work
at the shortest, notice. Customers will have their
grists ground immediately npon their being left at
the Mill. As it is the intention of tho firm to stock
, 1. .. Milt - 1 i e : - . ,i i - .i ..
iitv win, inii nuoi'ij' ui jiinui nui un uoiisiuiili y
kept on hand, and Hour by the quantity can ulways
oe ootaiuca. mo greatest care will te taken to turn
out a superior quality of flour, for which the mill is
admirably adapted. Strict attention will be paid to
the wants of customers, and the patronugo of the
puolic generally mrespectlully requested.
Suubury, June 23, 1800. MORGAN A CO,
iii:kicm lio'i'Ki,
Ilnrrisburg, Pa.
rPIIIE manogementof this well-known Hotel liav
X ing been resumed by Messrs. COYLE A IIERR,
the present proprietors, beg leave to inform the public
that the houso is now being thoroughly renovated,
refilled, and improved, Willi a view to the proper and
comfortable acomnniodation of those who may favor
tho establishment with their custom.' Guest will
receive due attention and courtesy, and no expense
win oc that may conduce to maintain
hotel in a first-class stvlo.
Fainiliis and others desirintr. to soioum In Harris
buric d urine the summer months, will find pleasant
boarding and large and well-ventilated rooms at our
establishment, upon moderate terms.
March 29. 1R2. J. GILBERT IIERR.
s r:iiritv a'aii:.tiv.
milE SUNBURY ACADEMY will bo- opened on
I uie nrst .Monday ot Aovciuuer, jew:.
Juvenile scholars, f2 00
English branches. 4 00
Sciences and higher Mathematics, i 00
Languages, 6 00
Sunbury, Xov. 1. 1SB2
IVlsitr'M Xew York Tjpc Foundry.
21 EXT A L
TC"5r JS." JBE3
JT. have the fullest assortment of tho most useful
kinds of Plain and Ornamental Tvne, mnnu-
factored from the most durablo metals, finished witli
the greatest care and accuracy, securing perfect justi
fication. Specimen Books and estimates furnished upon ap
plication, also,
with their appurtenances of all the approved uiakers-
or nil the latest styles, of nil sizes. Metal Furniture
Labor-Saving Rules, Cases, Cabinets, Furniture,
Printing Ink, and every article the Printer requires.
Terms liberal. Prompt nt'ention.
rVt and 65 Bcckman street, New Y'ork.
May 3, 1S02.
'I'lio Atlnm'H i;.vHM's,i t'oiiipitiiy ,
IVE NOTICE that they have concluded nr
I rangenients witli the Northern Central liuilroad
Company lo run trains from .Baltimore for York.
Harrisburg. Dauphin. Halifax. Trevortnn, Sunbury,
Northumberland. Lewisburg. Milton, Muucy, W'il
liauisjiort, and all intermediate stations, connecting
at Harrisburg with the GREAT WESTERN EX
PRESS for Pitteburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and the
Also with Howard A Co. 's Express nt Milton or
Danville, Bloomshurg, Wilkesbarre, Pittslon. Scran
ton, and intermediate stations on the Caltawissa,
Lackawanna A Bloomshurg Railroads. At Wil
liamsport, by Howard A Co.' Expn-ss to Jersey
Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Co.,
and their connections, for Canton, Troy, Elmira,
Rochester, Bitflalo, Niagara, and to all accessible
jMiints iu Western New 7,"rK and Canada, by which
they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Notes.
Jewelry, and Valuublo Packages of every doscrifv
Also, Notes, Drafts and Bills for CoIIcctin
lOxperiene.ed and efficient messengers employed
..... ..IT. ...Ml 1. 1.. ... i..
uuu uioi i-uuii mil uu ujuui" in rcuucr sit- -i,ici ion
Superintendent Penn'a Division, Philadelphia.
R. A. FISCHER, Ageut for Sunbury.
April 5, 1SG2.
Xnrflippri l"!Mif litiSlu-nv ( ti.iii: tai;i.i:.
TWO TRAIN'S DALY to aud from the North and
W est Branch Siirquehunuu, Elmira, and all of North
ern New York.
'AN and after MONDAY, November 17th, 1S62,
U the Passeiijrcr Trains of tho Northern Central
Railway will arrive at and depart from Suubury,
Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, vu :
B U V T 11 W A K 1) .
Mail Train leaves Sunbury duily (except
Sundav). 1 45 P. M
" leave Harrisburg, 5 20 "
" arrives at Baltimore, lu 20 "
Express Train leaves Sunbury daily
(except Sunday.) 11 20 P. M.
" leave llurrisburg (except
Monday.) 2 45 A. M.
" arrive at Baltimore daily
(except Monday). 7 30 A. M
Mail Train leaves Baltimore daily (ex
cept Sunday) 8 30 A. M
" leave Harrisburg 1 45 P. M
" arrives at Sunbury, 4 50 '
Express Traiu leaves Baltimore daily 8 40 P. M
" arrives at Harrisburg, 1 50 A M.
leaves Harrisburg (except
Monday), S 20 A. M
" arrives at Suubury. 6 20 "
For further information apply at the Office.
I. IS. DlBAKRY. Supt.
Nov. 29, 1862.
Mull Paper-lOOO 1ocpm.
TUST received direct from the Manufacturer, at
j mo jja.u.uoia oiunr. oi
unhnry, March 15, 1862
Nuve your l'rnll.
Y using Mason'' Patent Sheet Metal Screw Top
rrwrm o nr.
All that is necessary being to screw th Cap down
jpou the Rubber Gasket, which is planed oulsida
pun the shoulder of the Jar, Jof an inch distant
join the kip ; prevent the possibility of the flavor of
ne fruit being injured by coming in oontaet with th
Persons desiring these Jar ean be supplied by
leaving their order with H. B. MASSER, Agent.
Suubury, June 2, 1860.
MaailxlUKtOB llouae,
(Near th Bridge.)
FTUIE subscriber having leased thi well known
X Tavern Stand, lately kept by Mrs. C. 6. Brown,
respectfully informs th public that he Is refitting and
repairing tho promises, and will b prepared to en
tertain, in a comfortable manner, hi numerous
friend throughout th county, and all who may
patrouise hi establishment.
April 12, 182 JOSEPn VAN'KIRK
BLANK (Parehment Paper.) Deed and blank
Mortgages, Bond, Execution, Summon, Ac
fur al X Ui eflio of th "Sunbury American. "
ImporluRt to Lovrra ol Uood Tcu,
BRIGHT BON leviu attention t their ock of
Prim Greea aud Btaek Tea.
Eunbury, June !. 1861.
A jLarffe Annortmcnt or
February 12, IS62.
OUTLXMr It irlve me much satisfaction to
Inform you that in the severe fire which, on the
morning of th 4th Inst., entirely destroyed all my
stock and material, I had ono of your Salamander
nre i roui suies. Alter enduring an Intense red
heat for seven hoars, th Safe was opened, and th
Books and Papers woro preserved in an nnibleiuished
condition. 1 shall need another Safe as soon aa I get,
in order. Yours, most respectfully,
W. P. DICKINSON, Reading, Pa.
CnAMBrnsBiiio, Franklin county, Pa., I
August Hist. 1WJ1. j
Messrs. Evaxs A Watson. Philadelphia Gentle.
men: On the inornine of the 22d of Aurust. lKfll.
our Storehouse at Greoncastle destroyed by fire.
nn. c. , i r i . j r -
inm naianianuer i?aie wo puroasaea irom you some
few years since was In the above mentihued store
house, and oontained all our books, papers, cash, Ac,
which were preserved In a perfect condition, alter
being exposed to a most intense heat for several hours.
J'lease liilorui us upon what terms you will sell us
another larger Safe.
Yours truly, OAKS A AUSTIN.
Sulaninndpr Safes, for Banks. Stores, Privato
Families, Ac, Ac. Also, Evans t Watson' Patent
Alphabetical Bank Locks and Bank Vault Doors,
equal to any mudn in the country, and sold on as
good terms. E A W. would respectfully refer to
tho following Banks and other panics, having their
Safes and Lucks now in use, to their entire satisfac
tion, and many others given at their Store.
UsiTun States Mint, Branch Bank, Shclbyvillo
Philadelphia. Tennessee.
Umtkr States Arsexa L,City Bank of Philadelphia.
California. Consolidation B'k of Phila.
Pottstown Bank. Pn. Coni'th Bank of Phila.
Coatcsvillo Bank. Pa. ChatanoogaBank, Tenu.
fetroudi-bnrg Bank, Pa. Pre in Loan Ass on, 4th st.
Jersey Shore Bank, Pa.
Lock llnven Bank, Pa.
Hank ol Northumberland.
Bonk'of XorlVn. Libcttvs,
1'hiladeli. ii!.-..
union Bank, Baltimore.
Southwestern Bank of Va. Paul nnd Sw ill, Bankers,
Fulton Bank, Atlanta, (fa. Alabama.
Newark Bank, Del W. G . Sterling. Wilkcsb'c.
Bank of N. C, Raleigh, Lewishitrg Bank. Pa.
Other references given upon culling at our Store,
No. lrt S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia.
March 23. 1802 ly
raA'l'TllliWM A'X,
Vltoriirysi fit Ijiw, No. 160 Cor. Fullon
and Broadway, NEW YORK. Will carefully
attend to Colloctious and all other mutters iutrustvd'
to aacir care.
May 21, 1858.
'i;.WRAi. iioti:i.,
Nuitbiiry, rlliniiibri-lanl CoPn.'
TIHIS large aud commodious Hotel, now managed
1. by JASiES VANDYKE, is situate at the Rail
road Depot, North East corner of Market Square,
Sunbury, Pa., and at the terminus of tho Suubury A
Erio and Northern Central Railroads, and is open for
the accommodation of Travelers and tho public in
The proprietor will givo his exclusive attention to
the comfort and convenience of his guests, and is.
def .mined to make this establishment rauk among
tho first iu the Slate.
His table will be supplied with the best the market
can produce, having the advantage of daily commu
nication by cars direct from Baltimore, and also from
these bringing produce from the surrounding
His bar will he supplied with the purest liquors tho
market can produce.
Careful aud obligingservnutsalnarsinattendamre--
New aud commodious stabling has just been added
to the premises.
A share of tho local and traveling community is
most respectfully solicited.
Suubury, January 12, 1861.
' li'ternnf ionnl Ilolt-I,
65 and 307 Broattuuty, Corner Franilirt Street.
riAHIS first class House the most quiet, homelike,
JL and pleasant Hotel in the city offers superior
iuducemcnt to those visiting New York for business,
or pleasure. It is central in its location, and kept on
the Eriioi-KAX Plan, iu connection with Tavlok'
Saloon, where refreshments can be had at all hours,
or served in their ow n rooms. The charge are mo-
(Jlerate, the rnuxnt anil attendance of the first order
baths, und all The modern conveniences attached.
larch 20. IStiS.
,va iJij i a i ii tti
JUST received from New York a large assortmrnr
of WALL PAPER, consisting nC One Hi snnrti
tt'tvn, varying in price from 6 cents upwards, all of
whfh will be sold at th lowest cash prices, at the
chp store of J. H. EXGEL.
Suubury, March 22, JR62.
riMii.i: a i.Y
Dtscriflirt Circulars, with Samples uf Wurt
will be tent Mail Fire.
A VINO attained a well established mid Haltering
reputation, us being of all machines yet intro
duced, the one best adapted to All Kindn of Famii r
Sewinii. and having met with a success in its sain
beyond our greatest auticipatiou. so much so. that for
three mouths our orders have been uhead of our
capacity to supply, we would now announco that we
have increased our manufacturing facilities, so that
from this time forth, we shull be enabled to supply'
orders on demand.
In the changes brought nl"ut by the war. no one'
thing has played a more important part than the
'Sewino Mai iiink." Without it three-fourths of
our soldiers would to-dav bo clothed in anything d'.
Military Costume." All over the land army clo
thing has been the work required of our patriotic
women, and nobly have they responded . Not coutent
to make only so many garments as their hands could
accomplish, they havj? called tho "Sowing Machine"
to their aid, and by it havo rolled out the soldier-
Coats, Pants and Shiiits. at a rule astonishing to
themselves. Knowing that this work could not lung
continue, many thoughtful, prudent hoiin-nives. era
careful to select the machine of all others, which
would do the heavy army work, and when done with
that, then to be used as their Family Mai hint, uud
in selecting ono of tho
Finkle X Lvox Sewing M.vrntxi Company s
Family Machines,"
w ith which you may sew from the finest cambric to
ihu heai iest cloth, without change of feed, needle, or
tension they have not been disappointed.
Thus having developed tho adaptability of our
machine for all kinds of work, we have madcauothcr
stop in advance, aud by several important changes in
our -No. 3 Mkdu m Machines," have produced a,
TaII.ouinu Mai'hkk." which we confidently claim
introduced, sewing the coarsi-st linen thread with as
much ease as the common cotton and when required
may bo used to do the very finest cambric work, with
150 or 200 cotton thus combining in one compact
form, evory qualitv required in either a FAMILY
Oil MAX I. FACTLR I . ti MAI 11 IX E.
We have bad our Machines bef'ure the publie long
enough to cslablish their reputation. Doieps of
others who started with living colors -have fullen by
the wayside ;' and "soon the places that knew them
will know them no more." Step by step has tho
Finklk A Lyon .Maiiiink won ita way to public
favor ; its success is established, and henceforth our
aim shall be, as it has in the past been, to still further
improve; simplify aud reduce tho cost of our ma
chine. We shall, iu a few da vs. issue a new price
list. F'or further particulars address.
No. 538 Broudwav, New Yolk,
lyll. B. Masker, Agent. Suubury, Pa.
Murch 29, 1SG2.
Manului-turcrai of Nloiic M ure.
f"l"VlE Stone W are now made at this esluldishmuut
X is equal to any made iu this couutrv. FWcry va
riety of articlo usuullv made, always on band.
Harriabury, May 3, 1862 '
S. E. Corner Second and Chestnut U.,
DAY CIAJCKS. a varv dnaiiahln .,i,..l. t...
es, Hotels, Bants, Counting Houses, Parlors, Ac.
also, Manufacturer or FINK UOLD PENS.
Clocks repaired aial warranted.
Clock Tniiiiuiiuu of every description.
I'tulul:hia, January 19, 3y
Attornt-y at Iaw. SUSBVRY, TA.-,
Colleotions attended
thumUrland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia
and Lyoomiug.
Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia.
A. U. Oattell A Co., "
Hon. Wm. A. Porter.
Morton McMichael, Esq.,
E. Kelcham A Co., 2nJ Pearl Street,
John W. Asbuiead, Attorney at Law.
Matthew A Cox, Attorneys at Law.
Sunbury, March 29, 1662.
N.w York.
I.uiabrr I Lumber f
PHILIP SHAY, Money, Lycoming eouuty, Pa.,
N FORMS hi friend and the nublie iu Kenera'.
1 that h aousUully Weon baud Boards, bbiuglc
a th. Joins, aud all kinds of Lumber aud saiildiuir
LaUTials, which he kill Sell at the low at liners.
mMariih 3V, IN)1.