H. BASSER, Edltoir At Proprietor. Bt&iinir, a. bATUHDAY, MAY 10, 1803. 8. M. PETTKNGILL CO., If t. 37 Park Row, Nsw York, ud SUM Strset, Beaton, art our agent for tht Si-itiunr Amenlciit n those olties, and art authorised to take Advortlsa BiMita and 6ubsoriptiona for ua at our lowoit rates. ITTlto death of "Stonewall" Jackson U fully confirmed. His loss is a heavy fcne for the Rebels. lie Wos, in fact, tho leading spirit in the rcCcl rJ-, and in almost every respect, excepfc'tis treason, a, better man than either of thelirttfcr.'eaduig generals. - fFThe Atlantic Monthly for May, is filled with matter useful as well as interest ing which we will mention more fully in our next issue. fgf WltKCK of the BniTisn Stkauek Asolo-Saxon. She was bound tcQucbec, from Liverpool and Londonderry, from which latter port she sailed on the 17th ult., was wrecked in a dense fog four -miles off Cape Race on Monday last, at noon. Sue had four hundred and forty-four persons on board, of whom tlijpe hundred end sixty were passengers, and of whom two hundred nnd thirty-seven are suppqsed to have been lost. The Anglo-Saxon is the twentieth vessel Wrecked since the establishment of steam navigation on the Atlantic, and it is some what remarkable that the line to w hich she belonged has lost no less than six steamers since 1857. ftocat Affairs. .:. tSTho river is itlll in good rafting orJer A ITnion League will be organised at Sclinsgrovs. on Saturday the 23d inrt. j-Ih Borough authorities of Selinsgrove im pose a fine of five dollar on all persona having small. pox found outside their premises. Schools are Uucontinued fur two weeks. 3?-We are plonsed to loaru that Joseph H. Mc Carty of this place, who waa among the missing after the lata bottle at Fredericksburg, ha! turned up safe and aound and ia roady for another fight. Orlando Kricgbauui from thia place i reported aaiorg the missing. ' hi ii i tp-The Borough Council have adopted the re port of the committee autboruing the construction of a culvert and filling up tho apace now oeeupied by iht old lock, above the Steam Saw Mill. ty-Tljo road-way on the embankment between thia place and Northumberland, ought to be attendod to by those who hav o the supervision of those mattery. fy Among the killed tho lato battles near Fredericksburg, on Suodny last, waa Lieut. George Good, brother of Mr. John Good of thia place. He waa an active and energetic young man, aud highly esteemed by all who knew him. j.-yEKTi'BHiNO Soldibiis,. Three regiments of the New York Volunteers, whoso term of service . 1 1 ...A mMul tUt-stiitr!, IhtllilfiAA. itwo yearsj ua cunvu, t. r :lj the oast week. On Sunday morning Uie 21st renir uient and on Sunday evening mo oiu turn vu. t wo together iiumberiug about 750 men. Almut an hour before tho arrival of the last rogiuiont, adispateli was received from Milleraburg saying the soldiers, were hungry and epcctcA svmethibg at"SuubuW, On their arrbval at about (f P, M., the ladies werellt the depot with their baskets and Hie aoldiers were supplied with more than enough. They expressed their thanks by three rousing cheers as they left. Ou Wednesday the 23d New York, Col. Hofliuun, passod through, uumboriug ubout !0I) man. II ! li I II J3P"Potatoks. Two or three ark-loads of pota toes or soinothingover 3U00 bushels, from the interior of Now York, have been sold out at thia plnco. Many of them were sent to the mines at Shainokin. The potatoes were of an excellent quality and sold at from CO to OS cents per bushel. Our Yankee rrioudi had also soma very tiue Greeniugs, Spitxon berg and other apples, which they disposed of at one dollar per bushel. In 1861, two bills were made in Northumber land, amounting to $22 OU fir flannel, Ac., for the me of the soldiers. Withiu the last few weeks some of the ladies f this place huve taken the matter iu liand, and for tho honor of Sunbury, we are glad to shy, collected tho amount and paid the bills. Somo rix dollars still remaining, will be used for tho bene fit of the soldiers. Vr'e are requested to state that the receipts are iu the bauds of Miss Lizzie Donncl. ryA Omi'SR Killed ox hie Railhoad Captain Clark of the 23d regiment of New York Volunteers was suddenly killed on tho Northern Central Railroad on Wednesday morning. Tho re giment was on its way homo and when near at Halifax, Capt. Clark attempted to get on the top of tie lost car just about the time the train tu passing over a small bridgo and was struck on the buck of his head by the timbers of the bridge. He was not immediately missed, and the train ran back a mile to recover his body, when life was found to be entirely extinct. Capt. Clark was a rosident of Courtland county, about 28 years old and without a family. While here ice waa placed around his body. One of bis brother officers informed us, that only a few minutes previous bo expressed to hiuuhis happiness as he upproached his home, aud the pros. pect of meeting his friends beforo many hours had elapsed., llut it was ordered otherwise. Tho bruve soldier who had escaped the missiles of death in battle, was suddenly cut off w hen no danger w as ap parent. a y ' ' fp-The nows by telegraph of the capture of Rich mond, on Saturday night waa pretty generally be lieved, and caused considerable excitement in this placo, wbieb whs manifested in various ways. One party in the basement Saloon of tho Central -Hotel, Laving mingled too much whisky aud politics with the news, got into a row when something waa said about Copperheads. The result was some blows were exchanged, and several persona were somewhat hurt. We understand our neighbors of the Northumber land County Democrat, wero up all uighl, fearful that the "sacred preeincta" of that sanctum of pa triotism and loyalty, might possibly be visited by the ' outride barbarians." There were, however, no indications of the kind. Sbalupeara must havs re ferred to a ease of thia kind when be said : 'Wheuce ia that knocking?" 'How ia't with me, when every noise appals ma?" "J We copy the (ollowing'iteins from the Shamo kin Hikalu of Thursday last : "llniTAL Am u it and Mmur.R. On the even ing of the .'tOth ult., George Madox, while on his way home, waa waylaid by soma person or persons, and so badly beaten upon the bead and person that he aurvived but a few daya. The parties suspected and under arrest, are Michael Boyle, Patrick Boyle and Thomas Boyle two brothers and an uuole. An in quest waa held by D. N. Lake, J. P., and a verdict rendered in accordance with the facta above. Tins suspected parties are now confined ia jail at Sunbury, where they will be kept until August Court." Bi itSKD To Pcatu. On last Thursday renin. a young child daughter of Albert Nolter while ulnvin-' near a bake-oven. which iust had the ooals taken out of it, weut too near, caught fire, and before assistance eauie to hand, area so badly burned that although medical aasiaiaoee waa immediately aunt ruoned, the child died about 10 o'clock that earns avemog, At Hons Lieut. Jaoob B. Getter la again at Lome, haviug been somewhat injured by the explo sion of a shell during th late fighting at Fredericks, burg. He looks well w usual, and hope juay soon recover from Hi injury. tyCooscit PaociiDiaQS. Coonoil met an Monday evening, the 11th fast., pursuant to noUoej Chief Burgees 8r B. Boyer in the ehalr, members preaont Meeara. WlWert, Preaaanti, Packer, Bourns, Wants, Bright, HeadriokJ aftfl Friling. Minn tee of last nesting read and approved. Committee to examine Look, mads the following report : ; To the Burgesttt and Common. Vettneil of the Borough of Sunburf, The committee appointed to examine the Lock at the Northwestern end of the Borough, to consult with the contractor, 4c, hag. leave to submit the following as their report : The Contractor is not required to put in a Culvert. Me ia required to put a Log Crib, twelve feet wide, filled with earth and atone, scran the Lock. Thia ths committee deem unsafe and of a perishable nature. They, after hearing many views upon the subjoot, have come to the' conclusion that it would be advi sable, Tor the health of the North-eastern and Eastern portion of the Borough, to put in a culvert twenty inches or two feet square, with s wicket with rod at the western end of it. Paid culvert to be laid upon the Tock, and to be properly secured against danger from leakage. They also suggest that in place of a orib, that there be an earthen embankment at least twenfyfeot wide on ths top. of the height of the road on either aido and the sides to have an angle of not lesa than 40 degrees. The western aide of enid - embankment to be Kip-Rapped with stone, tbe thick ness ot wnicn snail be sot leas tnan is tncbes at tne top. r Accompanying the report Is a proposition of Mr. Socsholts, the Contractor. The said work to be sub ject to the approval of a committee to be appointed by tho Council. All of which is respectfully sumit. ted with an affirmative recommendation. J. BOURNE, J. F, KOHRBACn, J. W. UULINvJ, Committee. Hon. Alex. Jordan, H. B. Maascr, Esq., and others wore present, and on motion,. the Council granted them the privilege of giving their Views, Ac, on the report. ' Tbe gomlcmen gave their opinions and views of the matter, and concurred inHths report of the com. mlltoe. ' , Report read seegpd time and on a vote being taken passed unanimously. vf W " ' On motion of Mr. Wilvert, U was, RrsolvrH, That the committee on Lock, are hereby authorised to en ter into a contract with Mr. Jaeob Seosliolts, to fill up and erect a culvert according to the report Just adopted, and that said work be done under the su perintendence of said committee. .. Committoe on Highways and Sidewalks reported the bridge over tho C ut opposite or hear Jonathan Bostian, to be in a bad condition sUlao foot-bridge opposite P. W. Gray, and roooromend tho repairing of the same ; also, all other bridge within the limits of tho bdrough that need repairing. On motion, adopted. K On motion of.Mr. Tacker, it waa Rcsolvnl, That the committee on Highways and Sidewalks, arc hereby requested to examine that part of Pokoberry street, from Broadway to the first alley i and make report to next meeting, whether it ia necessary to fill the same up, what it will cost to fill it up properly, and whether it ia tho duty of the Borough or the Sha mokin Valley & Pottsvillo Railroad Company to do the work. Ou motion of Mr. Wilvert, RetolrrJ, That ths wagea of at reot laborers be raked to $1 2b per day, from this date. Jirsolved, That tho Borough Anditorabefcqaeetod to audit the accounts of the borough as soon as possi ble, and toroport the financial condition of the Bo rough at n special meeting of Council, to be called by the Chief Burgesa whenever such report ia made out by said committee. Bill of E. Wilvert for one day's auditing, $1 60, presented, aud on motion, an order was granted for the same. On motion, adjourned. J. W. Bccaaa, Clk. PROCLAMATION. BY THE PHES- IDENT. tbutOLl.JIE.Vr OF THE HI If. I. By, sla lrcidMit of Use lulled - mute) vl Jkuierlva. A mocI.fMATIO,V. "IVmira, Tho 'Congress of the United States, at ij lust sossJpAactcd a law enti tled '"An act for cu roiling aud calling out the tmtiqnul forces, aud for other purposes," which" was approved on the id day of March jastjj , . .' . And whereas, it Is ruoitud in the said act that there now exists in the United Slates anitisutrcction nnd rebellion ugainst tho authority thereof, and it is, under tho Con stitution of the United Stutcs. the duly of the Government tosupprcss insuircction and rebellion, to guarantee Vrt each State a re publican lonn of government, and to prc prcscrvc the public tranquility ; And tclieeit.i, for these high purposes, a military force is indispensable, to raise atxl support which all persons ought willingly to contribute ; And whereas, no service can be more praiseworthy and honorable than thut which ) rendered for the maintenance ot the Con stitution nnd the Union, nnd the consequent preservation of free government ; ichercit, for the reasons thus recited, it was enacted by the said statute tlitit all able-bodied male citizens of the United States, and persons of foreign birth who shall have declared on oath their intention to become citizens under und in pursuance of the laws thereof, between the ages of twenty and forty-fist years (with certain exusjjtions not necessary to .be mentioned), tire declared to constitute tile national forces, and shall be liable to per'orm military 'duty in the service of tho United States when called out by the President for that pur pose ; And wherens. It is claimed by and in be half of persons of foreign birth", within the ages specified in the said act, who have heretofore declared on oath their intentions to become (citizens, under and in pursuance of the laws of the United States, mid who have nut exercised the right of suffrage or any other political franchise under the laws of the United States or of the Stutcs thereof, arcjiot absolutely included by their afore said declaration of intention Jj-om renoun cing their purpose to become citizens, and that on the contrary "such persons, under the treaties of law of nations, retain a right to renounce that purpose and to forego the r ..:.! ..l . : ... .,.:.!. .. privileges ui Liii.eusiuj niui iiruicnee w iiuju tho United States undcf the obligations im posed by the aforesaid act of Congress ; Kow, thercsore, to avoid any tnisappre heiibiou concerning the liability of persons concerned to perform the service required by such enactment, ana to give it lull ullect, I do hereby order and proclaim that no pica of alienage will be received or allowed to exempt irom the obligations imposed by the aforesaid act of Congress, any person of foreign birth who shall have declared on oath his intention to become a citizen of tho United States, under the laws thereof, and who shall be found within the United States at any timo during the continuance of the present insurrection anu reiieiuon, at or alter the expiration of the period of sixty -five days from the date of this proclamation. Nor shall any such plea of alienage be al lowed in favor of auy such person who hut i-i ,1. i i i.:.. . SO, as aiorcBiuu, uuemiuu me mieuuuu iu become a citizen of tho United States, and shall have exercised at any time tho right of suffrage, or any other political franchise within the United States, under the laws thereof, -or under tbe law of any of the several States. In wituess whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. l)one at the city of Washington, this, the 8th day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Independence of the United States the eighty-seventh. Abraham Lincoln. Py the "President Wm. II. Skwakb. Richmond, May 6. An official account pf the destruction of tho barges and tugs at Vicksburg, says, tweuty-four prisoners were taken, including the correspondent of t)jo New York J'inut, two correspondents of the JS'ew York TriLutt, oi one of tbe Cincinnati Tim-. . ' I'ROrtl WrAIII."TO:. ' . WasniNOTO-, Kay 10, 1803. The amount of Rebel property destroyed will reach several million dollars. All the railroad connection bdtwocn Lec'a army and Richmond have been destroyed so effect nal ly, that it would take the undivided labor of a great number of men several weeks to ropair the dam ago done to the railroad alono.. . Tho only 6ghting that occurred during tho continuance of the expedition wai near Louisa Court House, where a squadron of the First Maino Cavalry, who were posted on picket duty at this point, were charged upon bv a body of rebels. Twcrot our men were killed during tho scrimmngo, and fifteen were taken prisoners. A number of Rebel prisoners were taken during the skirmish. - At Thompson's Four Corners the Rebels who wero in tho neighborhood made, nn at tack on our pickets while they were station ed there. . ' " No one was' killed : but a few prisoners was taken on cither side, and some few ' of our men were wounded. , The nearest point reached to Richmond by any portion ot the expedition was about two miles from the city. About four hundred of the cavnlry approached within tli&above distance of the city ; but aotne few of tho scouts pressed on still nearer. The negroes in all sections of, the country through which the expedition passed, be trayed tho greatest friendship for the Union troops. They acted as guides, and furnished all the information that lay in their power to the eoinmandlngotlicefs. On being ques tioned concerning Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, they seemed to have' a very vague realization of its tmo import. Of one fact they arc confident ' iW their belief, and that is, thnt tjie Uuiotr -'forces are their friends. . They had hvea told thut they were free, but their masters lind used every means in their power to make them believe other Wise. ' '" ' . The present feeling of tho negroes in Southern Virginia, regarding their true con dition"authe destiny that ultimately awaits tltcm, is extremely perplexing to them. They scarely Know what to think " between the conflicting tales that are told them. Pnrties who accompanied Stoneman's expe dition, Say that one great point gained by it, is the fact that the "negroes Alive been fully informed of the nature of the-proclainntiou J ana tnat tne miormatiou win spread wan rapidity throughout the length and breadth of the Sottfk. . ; The residents of tho country through which 'the expedition passed were- taken completely ,byv . surprise, and in many in stances 'thsy utmost, astonishment was ex pressed by the people on being informed of the proximity Of the Union troops. Occa sionally a Union family would lie met with, who imparted "aid and comfort to the ene my" without stint. No difficulty was ex perienced, as a general thing, by the troops in obtaiuing necessaries from the residents of the section of country visitod by the ex pedition, as fir as their ability to furnish the same went, although it was evident that a great scarcity of most needed articles was felt everywhere. Many of tho inhabitants, on being made acquainted with the fact that Union cavalry were running the conufry, were sanguine iaj tho belief that the fact was T.ell known the ''powers that be" at Richmond, and that they were permitted to have their way for a brief spoil, prior to being caged and trans-, ported to the prisons in Richmond, pr tmit to their final account by the bullets of . the Rebel muskets. Very few rei.lized the fact; that their country was being ovcrrup snd devastated by nu enemy, aud that the Rebel Government was powerless to stop their de vastations. . V - 1' ' ' Tho expedition was uccompanied from the start by two batteries of .artillery, -but their "service's were not needed in any one instance. - About two thousand horses were enpturvd by the. expedition, nearly nil of whom were brought safely to liead-qiiurters. The time that elapsed from the time the expedition started until it return' to Kelly's Ford was nine days, in which time several hundred miles of ground were traveled over; property of the Rebel Government ,Jo the amount of several million dollars were de stroyed : the transit of Rebel troops to nnd from Fredericksburg and Richmond has been destroyed, and Rebeldoin hits been treated to the most brilliant 'and successful cavalry raid of the war. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WATCHES, Jewelry & IU u mouds, LE7I3 LADOMTJS & CO. 802 Cbesuut Street, Philadcliitiia, HAVE always on hand a Itrge atoek of Gold und ilvufctWuti hes, tuilubio Tor Ltulies, Gentleman ur Hoys' Wir. Some of our own importation, ex tra Alio quality. Our iissoriinc-iit of Jewelry consists of the niost fisliiouable and rich designs ; us aUo the pluiiR-r and less cxpensivo. Silver Spoons. Forks, Tie, Cako and Fruit Knives ; also a large variety of Funcy Hilver 'urc suitable for Bridal" I'rvaunts. We bare also on hand a most splendid assortment of Diuuioml Jewelry, of nil kinds, to which we invito esni-cial attention. Our prices will bo found conside rably less (ban the same Hrticleanrc usually sold lor. All kinds of Watches repuirrd iu the very best manlier, aim warranted lu give satisfaction. WKDDIXU KINGS on bund and made to order. Cull or address LEWIS LADOJirS & CO., 602 Chesuut (Street. Philadelphia. P. S. Tbe highest cash prices paid lor old Gold and Silver. Allorders from tbe country will reocive especial attention. May 2, 1863. 3tno SAP0NIFIER, on CONCENTRATED LYE, The I'uniily Koui Maker. The PUBLIC are cautioned against the SPURI OUS urtiole of LYE for making SOAP, Ac, now of fered forsale. The only GENUINE and PATENT ED Lye is that mude by the PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, their trade-mark for it being "SAPONFIER, OR CON CENTRATED LYE." Tbe great SUCCESS of this article has led UNPRINCIPLED PARTIES to en deavor to IMITATE it, iu violation of tho Company 's PATENTS. All MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS or SELLE1IR of these SPURIOUS Lyes, are hereby NOTIFIED that the Company have employed as their Attorneys. GEORGE HARDING, Esq., 'of Philada., and WILLIAM BAKEWELL, Esq., of Pittsburg. Aud that all Manufacturers, Users, or Sellers of Lye, in violution of the rights of the Compuny, will be PROSECUTED at once. The SAPONFIER, or CONCENTRATED LYE, is for sale by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. Take INolice. Tbe United Bute Circuit Court, Western District of Pennsvlvauia, No. 1 of May Term, iu 1S62, in suit of tbe "Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company vs. Thomas G. Chase, decreed to tho Company, ou November 15. lM'i. the Exclusive riiiht grunted by a patent owned by them for the SAPONFIER. Pu teut dated October 21, 1868. Perpetual injunction awarded. THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO. OFFICE8: 127 Walnut Strtet, Philadelphia, Pitt Street, and Duqutsas Way, Pittsburg. May 1, 1863. 3m J. Z. HELLER, OfEoe, oa south aide of Market Square, near lbs Court Douse, Will attend oromntlT to all crofeasional business entrusted to bis care, tbe eollaottoa of claims ia , Northumberland and the adjoining eouatias. ' tunuury, May :, 1353 -ly ... rAiii.iviir.o is. - - -. F T EH L 0 H.I t L A It D , Knnflfc 1'oImmm-o Mniitintcturcr 10 A 18 C1IAMCKHS ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New York. Would eall the attention of Dealers to the articles of his manufacture, via : . . ... BROWN BKUFE. . Maoeboy, . Deuil(rros, Fine Rflppea, . I'ure Virginia, Coarse lUppee, Nachitoohos, American wentleman, Copenhagen. ; , YU.LOW fiSCFF. Bootcli,. Honey "Dew Pcotcb. Hitrh Toast Kenteh, - Fresh llunry IW Scotch Irish lliirh Tornrt, ' Fresh Scotch. ' . or Lundyfoot,-. , . ry-Attention is called to, lbs larpro reduction In pricoeof Fine-Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, which will bo found of a Superior Quality. . . - TOBACCO. ' , Sniok ng. . Fino Cut Chewing. Smoking. Long, P. A. L.,of plain, . S. Jago, Jio. I, Cavendish, or Sweet, Spanish, No. 2, Sweet Scented Oronooo. Canaster Nos. 1 A 2 mixed, Tin Foil Cavendish, Turkish1. Granulated. Jf . ft A circular of prices will bo acut on applica tion. April 4, 1803. 1 - Klate ot'lhc Itunl ol'iortliumber ' land, 91 ny ?(, C3. ASSETS. - Loans nnd llilla di'eountcd. - , . Fll'7,r(2 18 Certificate l.'nilnd States Mint . 2"li.uil) 110 Cmted States 620 Loun, .- . U'l.tUiti 00 Pennsylvania, ' . 2-. Ji'tt 00 Northumberland Ilank Stock, - 6,Mn (if) Other Slocks, ..,-. . I, Kit) (in Real Estate,- - . 8.ti7i) J Due by other Hunks. . . . 17l',t27 86 Notes and Chcrka of other Banks, aud , Loul Tender .... 22,115 17 Specie in Vault including Commonwealth Specie Certificates, . SO.&'tS 16 ' ' " S744,BU 23 - LIABILITIES. Notes in circulation, , . . fliUO.Ofifl 57 Due. othor Ranks, . . 23,b27 11 't Commonwealth, Currelloy for Speoio Certificate, R.000 00 " Depositors, - - . 1 7(,;!(i.'t 37 ' J . $!)14,2S7 i)5 1 certify tho nhnvo statement to he just and true to tbe best of my know ledge and belief. J. H. PR 1E3TLEY, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed, before rno. I S. J. PacKEn. Notary Public, i May 6, 1803. J ' TRTJSSESS, SHOULDER BRACES, ELA3J1C STOCKINGS FOR ENLARGED VEINS OF TnK LEW, AC; ' 5, ; . Instruments fur all deformities, ..i.-'-v I'H- GLOVER'S Tw I."ior '1'riiKN has taken the place of other Trusses for tho retention and cure of llonito or Rupture. Acting upon the prinqiplo of a lever, it never loses its strength. It is coated to prevent rust. It has no pail on the buck, w hich is so liable to injure the spino nnd annoy and ohufc the wourcr. It is sure to retain the Rupture, giving case and comfort, and efleeting radical cures. It is wurrcnted to give satisfaction. The improved SlmulUer-Rrsco expands tho chest and prevents tho wearer from becoming round shouldered. LudioB' lie-Its and Abdominal Supporters. Rand ages, und Rolls of all kinds, and instrument fur nil Deformities of the Bodv. DR. GROVER S Olio is No. 4 Ann Street, two doors from Broadway. New York. Strangers should particularly noto fho tinmo and No. ; April II, 1S03 . .-' ttvsidiug- Kuilroud. " - SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. GBET'TRLNK J .fNE from tho North ana North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing. PoUsjvHle, Lebanon. Alleutown, Etiston, Ac. , Trains lvo llinrisluirg for Philadelphia, Nuw-York-iUading, Pottsvillo. and all Intermediate Shtfiooa. Rl 8 A. il.. and 2 00 P. M. " c) York Kxprosslcutvs liatrritburg at 2 15 A. M., tntajteg-at New York at 0 15 tbe mine morning. Fares from llarrisburg ; To New York 5 15 ; to PhiVUlpuia $3 35 and $2 tju. Eainge ebooked tbrouJV'- ':-, . Kbtmifiug; leave Now York at J -A". M..12 N.n, o4.7 P JL iPiysburgh Eurewl.- Leave Philadil pbiantil AJVljuiii J M ,M..y Sleepine; ciira ! tiro-NenJork -Impress TTnina, Uiroii!lrtd jVoin-Pidtsburgb witbaSt change. ."tlffillitU'i Cttaisa.i'.!tH.4iia leave Ta uiuqiiinrtB 51l ATH.. and 2 lo if, M.j for Philadel phia, New-York, and all, Way Points. Trains leave i'oltsvill at II 15 A. M., aud 2JW P. M., for Philadelphia, ilitrriiburg and New York. An aecomn:odal!ou Pusoiigf-r train leaves Reading at 6 00 A. M., aud return! from Philadelphia at"4)0 I jf' All tho above trains run daily, Sundays ex cepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsvillo at 7.30 A. M., und Philadelphia at 3.L.1 P. M. ' Conimutaliun. Milengv, Season, and Excursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and from all points. G. A. NICOLI.S, May 2, 1SSS. General Superintendent. SOMETHING NEW FOR YOU LADIES 1 Mix 31, 1.. a-iislcr. luiviug taken t-x'rn p.-iins to visit personally tbe principal Hulls of Fusliiou in t lie city, is now prepared to make, trim or retritn, bonnets and Uuts, in the latest Spring and Summer styles. She has ou band a large stock of BONNETS. HATS. SHAKERS. FLOWERS, RIBBONS, LACES, and nil articles in her line, selected with the grcutcst care from largo wholesale houses, nntl oan. and will sell Work or Goods at prices to suit all customers. LADIES' DRESS CAPS, HOSIERY. GLOVES, MITS, COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS. COMBS, nnd uiimeious other articles for Laities' wear, to v.hich she invites tho ladies to call and examine be fore purehu.-ing elsewhere. Thankful tur the patinuuge extended to her hereto, fore, she hopes by keeping the best assortment at reasonable prices, tocoiuiiuie the same. I Second door southuf .-bauiokiu Valley A- Pott, villo Railroad, west side lawn street, SLNBLRV. April 25, lSuu. .'tin IMKI. . - 1M!3. lliilad-li1i!a & i:ric- Itnilroad. rrWIS great lino traverses the Northern and X Not (invest counties if. Pennsylvania to tho city of Eric, on Lake Erie. It bus been leased by tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and under their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout ils entire length. It is now iu use for J'utfseiigt r and Freight busi ness from llarrisburg lo Driftwood, 2nd fork. (177 miles) ou tho Eastern Division, and from SheUiutd to Erie, (Tri miles,) ou the Wutcrn Division. T1MK Of r-ASSEXUFR fllAliS AT Sl'Slimy. Arrive VaAiinnl . J . i-s U'estimri. Muil Train, 110.111 A M. Mail Train, i Hi P. M. Express Train, 11.117 P.M j Express Train, 5.1:1 A.M. Cars run through wifhout chnnire. both wavs. on these trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, aud between Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cor on Express Trains both ways between illituusisirt and liultiuiure, und Williiimsport aud Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business apply at tho S. E. for. 11th ami Market Sta. And for Freight business of tbe Company's Agents: S. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. loth and Market Sis., Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie, J. M. Diill, AgentN. C. R. H., Baltimore. II. II. Ildl'STON, Gen'l Freight Agt. Philada. Lewis L. Huupt, Gt-liT Ticket Ag't., Philada. JOSBI H D. PoTTfl, . Ueu'l Mauagcr, Williamsport. April 25, 1803. ' , . SEED POTATOES FOR SALE. PAA BUSHELS of GOODRICH'S seedlings com Uuv prising tbe Mlo.wing varieties : Garnet Chill, Cutco, Central City. Callao and I'lllKeyo uusiyeoat. Also 50 bushels of Early Junes. Price f2 50 per bbl. delivered at the Pillslon depot. Tbe bbl to con. turn as mauyot the sorts as you choose. Packages of each sort sent by mail post paid ut 25 eta. each. Ij Cash to accompany all orders. Reference given if desired. P. SUTTON, Ransom, Lus Co., Pa. April 18, 16o3.2w 'i: THAI. 1101i:i. I'Olt KlLiD, THIS well known Hotel, located is Sunbury, at the junction of the Northern Central with the Sunbu ry A Erio Railroads, is offered at private sale. Terms of aala will ba. made easy. For further in formation, enquire at tbis office. August i, 1802. 8 HORSES FOR SALlT THE subscriber will sell at private sale EIGHT DRAFT HORSES. Six mouths credit will ba givee. Apply to IRA T CLEMENT binbvy, r'l U, 1MJ - PENSIONS, BOUKTIES AND WAfc " ' ' CLAIMS. " 'J ' OP ALL KINDS COLLECTEl. minuter HoIIn, I'ny Itollst nod ICm criiltlng- j.Vc'oiitita), ' Made ont promptly by SULLIVAN 8. CHILD, Late Clerk In Office Pupt. Recruiting Service Pa. Office in Telegraph Building, Third near Walnut, llarrisburg, P. April 18, 18(13. ' itliinTiidSiT lis''11 ' nil i is Li i" l'ov ltntw, .TII-c, ltoii-hfH, Autre Iteil Itii'iK, (ollis isi B'ih-x, WoolOnit, &.e InaerlHOR I'IiiuIn, i'ovt la, AnSmulM, Put up in 25-. 50c. and SI 00 Boxes. Bottles, and Flasks, t-'lund $5 sizes ftir Hotels, Public Institutions, Ao. Only infallible remedies known. Free from Poisons. Not dangerous to tho lluninn Family. ftnts comcout of their hole" todio. Sold YVhoU'u!c iu all large cities. Sold by nil Itruggisls and Uct;'ili-rs everywhere. !!!I!eare!!! of all worthless imitations. See that Costau'r" name is on each lies, Bottle and Flask, before von bnv. A.bircsi isr:s:v ie. i ontai:, Principal I pot 482 llroa lwnv. N. V. Sold by Friling A Grunt, Suuburv, Pit. ' Ajiril IU, lSii.l. Bin ON nnd nflcr July 1st. liM, the privilege of con verting the present Issue of LEG A I. 'I UNDER NOTE INTO TIIK NATIONAL SIN, PER CENT. (LOAN commonly called '-Five Twenties") will cease. All who wish to invest in the Five'Twonty Loan must, therefore, apply beforo the 1-t of JULY next. JAY COOKE, Si'Uhohii-thin Aukst. No. 114 S. Third Street, Philadelphia. April 11, 1803. 3m NEW TAILORING ESTABLISMENT J o sa .-X V. 11 A IE 'i' I Market Fqurtrf, one dour west of the 2W Oijkf, GTJTI-TBXJR-S-, -PENN'-A.. r ospeclfully informs his old friends nnd the put-1- lie generally that he has again returned to Sunbury and re-opouod a Iw 'I'niloi-iii ii'.f :)l.Ui;)M-rif . Ho is prepared to make up new garments as well as mending old ones, and to do work neatly, fash ionably nnd substantially, in fact will warrant nil work leaving the shop, and by so doing, hopes to receive a due share of patronage. Persons desiring to have clothing made up to order in the latest style, will please give him a cull. Snubury, April 11, 1803. 0 m. TO KNOCHE, 03 MARKET STREET, IIARRISBURG, PA., Dealer in PIANOS. "VTLAV Rosewood Pianos, from the best makers from 2tio upwards. MELODEONS. The best manufactured Instru menu:, from S15 to SluO. Guitars, Violins. Accordeons, Flutes, Fife-. Drums, llanjo.-:, Tambourines, Violin and Guilarstrings and musical mer chandize in general. SHEET MUSIC. Tho latest publications always oa bund. Music sent bv mail to anv part of tho country. OVAL, SCJLAliE, GILT AND ROSEWOOD THAMES. Suitable for looking glusM-s, and ull kinds of pictures always ou Land. A fine aiiorttociil of best plated LOOKING GLASSES from smallest to largest sizes Any style of frame made to order ut the shortest uolieo. WM. KNOCili-:, April 11, 1863. 03 Murket at., Ifarrisburg. JUST READY, . NEW STYLES OF JEWELRY. AN opportunity not to be loat sight of. Rare chance for Agents,, - Ladies as well as Gents can act as Agents. Apply oarlj and secure the agency for your locality. . lOO.OOO Watches, vest cmz-vs, Lockets, m MIXOS, GOLlltEXS AND .PENCILS, Ii HAVE LETS, STUDS, BUTTONS, hTitA' CHA 1 NS. SE TS UFJE IP El.KV, dc To.be sold for I eu'-h. and not to bo paid fr until ymi l;now what you are to get. Send 25 cents for Certificate, telling" you what you can have, with a circular, giving full pm tieulars to Agents. Perfect satisfaction guaruntoed in all cases. Address, S. M. WARD Si CO., 208 Broadway. Box 4,870. March 21, 1S03. ly JACOB O. BECKZ, MERCHANT TAILOR, V2iirU- salrt'el. nonrl.v epixtsile Hit' Stsiil Stal l0swl, 3TjraNri3ir3?t."r, ij -A. . , INFtiRMS the citixens of Sunbury and vicinity, thai ho bus just returned from Philadelphia w ith a full usdortuici.t of t t i.i. am viTi:ie ;oss, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND QUALITY, stock consists of Cloths. French Cloths. Black Doe Skin nod Fancy CnsMiucrcs, Black Satin. Figured Silks. Plain and Fancy Cashmere VEST1NGS, which he will make up to order in styles to suit the taste of customers, on short notice, uud the must reasonable terms. Any Gmids not on hand, will be furniied from Philadelphia, by giving two days' notice. Goods furnished by customers will bo madr Hp to order as heretofore." As ho will employ none but experienced workmen, persons may rely on getting their work well done at Lis shoo. Tliuiiui'ui for the pulronago heretofore bestowed, he respectfully solicits a couliuuaiiccof the same Siiul ury, October 4, 1802. To CoilKIISIIlis -m. f"l"NIE Advertiser having beeu restored to health in J a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after buying suffered several years with a severe lung af fection, and that dress disease. Consumption is anx ious to make known lo his fcllow-sutfcrs the means of cure. To nil who desire il, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with tho directions for preparing and using the same, which they will hud a stiro cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bron chitis, ie. Tho only object of the advertiser in send ing the Prescription is to benetit the ullticted, and spread information which he conceives to be invalu able, una he hopes every suttorer w ill try ins remedy, as it will cost them nothing, aud may prove a bless ing. Rev. EDWARD WILSON, Williuuuburgh, Kings County, New York. April 11,1863. 3m l'A.im.v jiico'i;it v s'i'oit WILLIAM L. MADDOCK A CO., 115 South Third street, Philadelphia, would offer to Iheiu'hubi tanta ol Sunbury and vicinity, a fresh stock of CHOICE GROCERIES, SelertfJ for the bait Family use. As tlmy have everything in tbeir line both Ameri can and Foreign, which eun be called for, it is un necessary to give a list of the articles they have to otter. It is as woll, however, to say. that every article tbey dispose ol they warrant of tbe best quality' aud which cuu be returned at the expense of thu store should it prove otherwise. February 2s, 1803. Siuo. KOi'lCIl, "VTOTICE hereby given to all persons knowing iN themselves indebted to tbe firm of C. 1. 4 J. Robrbach, on Book Account or otherwise, to make payment of tbe same before the 1st of April next, at which time tbe bonks of said firm will be left in the hands cf proper officers fir collection. C. D. A 1. ROI1RBACU. Snubury, Feb. 21, 1863. BLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 10 North Sixth Stjest, Phil udulpkla, Manufacturer of Veuetluu Illludai aud ,. Uindow Siliudf-si. Tbs largest and finest assortment In the city, at ths lowest prices. Blinds Paiuted and Trim mod equal ro new . 6tcre Shades mads and letter . April 4, ie5 -ta Economy is Wealth ! cminoi it c ot nn rou ia 1 1. the BEST and CHEAPEST Household REMEDY in the World. Madame Z.1IKK' IOIlTEKS ' GREAT .COUGH REMEDY MaPAM zadoc por- TER'S Curative Balsam Is warranted if used ac cording to the directions, to cure iu all cases Coughs, Colds, Whooping Conuh, Asthma, and all af notions of the Throat und Lungs Madamo ZadoG Porter's Balsam is prepared with ell tbe roijuisito cure nnd skill, from a combination of tho best remedies the vegetable kingdom affords It .omodiiil qualities arc based on its power to assist tho healthy and vigot-ious circulation of the blood, blood, thro' tbe Lungs. It is not a violent remedy, but cnioiicnt wanning, searching and effective ; can be taken bv the oldest ssV person or yonni'et child. raJw&S Madame Zadoc Porter's MM Balsam bus been in iimj by tno puniic tor over i vcars und has acquired it pre sent solo eimply by being recommended by those who have used it to their uliliclcd friends and others Most lMi'onTANT. Madame Zndoc Porter's Cura tive lialianiis sold at a pt i-. u which brings it in the reach of every one lo kuep it convenient for use. Tho timely use of a single bottle will prove to be worth 100 timos itsoost. NOTICE. Savo your Money ! Do not be persua ded to purchase si-tic lea at 4s toc which do not con tain the virtues of a 13 cent Bottle ot Madamo Por ter's Curative Dalram, tho cost of luiimimetiiring which is as great as that of almost any other medi cine ; and the very low prico tit which it is sold, makes the profit to the seller apparently small, and unprincipled dcub-ra-' will sometimes recommend oilier medicines on which their profits ave larger, un less the customers insirt upon having Madamo Por ter s and none other. Ask for Madamo Porter's Cu rative Bnlsnm, prico 13 cents, and in largo bottles nt 2i cents, ami take no other. Il you cannot get it nt one store yon can at another. Sold by all DruggMs nnd Storekeepers at 13 cts., and in lurgcr bottles at ii els. HALL A RUCKEL, Proprietors, January 31, 1803. Iy New York. H1V JKItSH-V MAi roie WALK, ALSO, GARDEN OU IT. LIT FARMS. Suitable for Grapes, Peaches. Pears. Rnspberrirs, SlrnwbciTic,B4ckberrics, currants, Ac, of I, 24, 6, 10 or HO neres each, at the following prices for the present, via.: 20 acres for $200, lj u.-rcs for St It), b acres for 800. 21 acres for $i0, i aero for i'20. Payable by one dollar a week. Also good Crunbcirv binds, and villago lots in CHETYt OOll, 23 by 100 fuel, ut $01 each, payable by one dollar a week. Tho above land and limns, arc situated at Chetwood, Washington Township, Burlington County, New Jersey. For further in' formation, apply, with a P. O. Stamp, fur acirculur, to B. FRANKLIN CLARK, No. (fit Cedar Street, New York, N. Y January 21, 180J. ly i&oivAieis Akmm i.vtbo.', PHILADELPHIA. For the Relief of the SickV and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Chronic Discuses, nnd especially for the euro of Diseases of the Sexual Organs MEDICAL ADVICF givcu gratif, by tho acting Surgeon. VALUABLE REPORTS on srermntorrhiiea or Seminal Weakness, and other 3'icases of the Sexual Organs, and ou the MEW REMEDIES em ployed in the Di.-pcuaary, sent to the afflicted in scaled letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stumps for sistago will be acceptable-. Address, DR. .1. SKILLIN' HOUGHTON. Acting Surgeon. Howard Association, No. 2 SouiU Nintii 6'lrect, Philadelphia, Pa. January 3. 1S0j ly iva'1'4.'iih-;s. .J?:wi:i2:v tt "njbZ E-.ii- ' 4 ii i .. Tho undersigned would respect fully invite your attention to hi well st-licf-il Mfoclr of Finol)o1,l niol rvi i :.. ......... ... -v....... f.j tijl riivcr n jmuw, J-ineuota Ji.v ftvlSc, l l-RY.Of every kind und variety ')tXtAtSK of stvles cciuprising nil of tli'o .-. t . . in t'rt tiiei inoM ut a tin r ai ii t .i frits. Also, SOLID SILVER WARE, riiiu to Coin arid the best make of Sitrer l'tuted lim Luib urticle is warranted to be as r yrrti iteil. .V"- Watches nnd Jewelry carefully n jvurrd and satisfaction guaranteed JACItlS I1AKJ.I.Y, (Snrrfiticr to Strilllittr i- Uitrti V-) No. 022 MARKET Street, i HILAD'A. March 7, 3 tno. "4 ftoi'iiry nt I.jivv, Sunbury, Nortum' o loud county, Pennsylvania. (Formerly Frceburg. Snyder county.) OFFICE, .Marker street, one door ea.-t of Friling Grant's Store, and nearly opposite tho Court IJou;r. Ail professional busiucsa, colltctior.s, iij , will re ccive pronipt nttonti-'U. ' - April 12, IS82. - JOII. VI7!l'i' V if'O. VAM'i'ACTtriii:ns m ' GALEBATtTS, SUPER-CARD. OF SODA, Ac. And Solo Agents in the City of New York for CItEAM OF, TUtTAXt SUBSTITUTE, Invented by Prof. Ebcn N. Hor.fiird, of Harvard University. Office, 11 Old Slip, llunovcr Sqro," (up stairs.) NEW YORK. " rpiIE high price which Cream of Tartar commanded 1 in lSj-t, together with the alarming extent to which ils dangerous adulteration had heen carried, with other considerations, induced the di'iiiii'rui-lied Chemist, whose uume is given above, to commence what proved to be a long and lalsirious scientific re search, lo discover a desirable substitute then-tor. His efforts wero crowned with abundant rucccss, and hundreds of thousands of pounds of the Substitute have been sold and used during tho lnft fivo years, throughout the United Slates and tho Canadns. The following true comparison of its nature nnd the results of its use, with those of Cream of Tartur, will convince the most incredulous of iu value. Cream of Tartur is a bi-turtruto of Potash. This Substitute is a simple Phosphate, ami contains nothing but what is lotinil iu ocet-steuk, und in com, wheat and other cci-culs, nnd is therefore highly nutritious, It also has a health-giving influence, and supplies that for which there is a constant de mand in the system. tT It is sold for a much less price than Cream of Tartar. March 21, 1803. ly EuiTott or Amkmoak DpakSiii: Willi your permission I w ish to say to the readers of your pancr that 1 will send by return mail to all who wish it, (free) a Rocipc, with full directions for making and using a siuiplu Vegetable Balm, thut will eH'ei-tunHy remove, in 10 days. Pimples. Blotches Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leav ing tiie same soft. ' clear, smooth and beautiful. 1 will also muil free to those having Bald Heads or Bnrc Faces, simple directions and information that will enable tbein to stm t a lull grow th of Luxurient Jlair, Whiskers, or a Moiiatechc, in less than ,'M days All applications answered by return uiuil witliuut churge. Respectfully yours : THOS. F. CHATMAN. Chemist. No. 831 Broadway, New York. Feb. I8.Ro3. 3iuo. NEWS ! NEWS ! NEWS ! NEWS ! BOOTS AND SHOES, VRE now manufactured to order bv the subscriber at CHEAPER RATES than at any other club lishuient iu Sunbury. The war tax is not takcu into consideration, and ull work will be done at old prices. Having Just received an entire new stock of leather and Moroccos, for 4-ii1-iii-ii'm ttwol nnd Mtoes, I.Jtli'N' NIioc-hsisisI 4Ull'-H, 4'liillr-si' Klioeo, i',Vr., which will be made to order at short notice. In tho best workmanlike manner and of the best nuitLrii'.ls. Feeling thankful for the putrobuge extended here tofore he hopes Oj continue the same. All who desire work done cheap und durable, are invited to call at his shop nearly opposite the Court Housu in Market Souare. Suuburv. Pa. JOHN WILVtR. February 23, le-03. m i Mia. - i.. PHILADELPHIA rATER HANGINGS. liou i'.i.Kstv oi Etiii:, Cor. Fourth X Market Streets, Philadelphia, Lave now in stock, a fins variuty of V VnIl Iais'r, put up txpressl) for their Spring Trade. WINDOW'PAPKR OF EVERY GRADE, to which they invite ths attention of Storekeepers. In their Retail Department, will ba found the choicest styles of the season, Filled his, TVb 1, liS Si w - v. 73 . is TUB ALL SUFFICIENT TIUIE:!. THE GB.E AT I MEEX0 .S.XIJtlfo8, QENTJINE PHEPAHATIOrS IIKLMEOLD 3 EXTRACT 'BCCIIU," ' SARSAPARILf.A IMPROVED ROSE WASH HBLMBOLD'a GENUINE ,rHEPAEATT 01; . IIIOI1LY CONCENT RATED" COSIPOUN KLriC KXTKACT BUCHf A rcsi.ive and Specific l'.eincd'y For Dl vases o'f tho BLADDER., KIliNEYS, GRAVEL, AND DUOrSl- CAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine IncrociM tho power of Pifytttor, an-V exciter the Ahsorbeuts into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calecrons dcp-isitions. mid all Unnatural Ei.liirgemrnt' nre reduced, as well a." pain and inflammation, and is good for men, women, or Children, BIi:i.lIOI.I'M EXXB.tCf in ii i; TOR WEAKN'EFSES Arising from fCxccsscs, Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion, or Abure. Attended villi tho following symtoms : Inili'poiition to Excrliou, Loai of 'power. Loss of Memory, I'ii'iieulty of UroalhitiJ Weak Nerve". Trein'oimg Horror of Discsse, Wakefulness. IHmncos ol vision. Pain in tlm bacfr, Universal Lassitude of ths Flushing of flir Hor!r Mttcculnr System, Eruptions on tho Fiice, Hot Hands. Pallid Countenance, Dryness of the) Skin. Thco svnitoin. if allowed n go on, which this mcdicino invariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of Vbich tho patient may expire.. Who can say thirt they are not frequently followed by thus "direful diseases' INSANITY ANl) CONSUMPTION", Many nre aware cf tho cmueof Uielr suffering, but none will confess. 1 iie records of (lie insnne Asy lums and tho melancholy denlits by Consumption, bc-ir ample witness to the truth of tho assertion. Tho Constitution, once Affected with Org.-T.io Weakm-sr, Requires the a'd cf ncdicinc to strengthen nnd in vigorate tho system, which HclinLiold's Extract Biichu' invariably docs. A trial will convincs tho most skeptical. FEMALES, TEMALES, TEMALES, Old or young, single, married, or contemplating marriage, In many affections peculiar to Females tlieExIract Ruclm if uneiiiall-.-d by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity. Piiiii'nlurss, or Suppress-ionof tho Customary Evacuations. Ulcerated nr Schirruus state of the I'lurus, Lcuvorrhua, or Whites Sterility, aud for nil Complaints iuciduit to the sex. whether ariuug from Iudiscrction, ilabi of Dissipation, or i.. t'oo DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. Sec symptoms a!cve. ' NOTAMILV SHOULD BE WITHOUT "IT. Tnlio no llnlmm, Mcrcurr. or Unplcnaot Mrdisuis for Ur.idcasunt and Daugorous Diseases, SSKE..'?I3M5.B'H KIXTMJLCT Cures EECP.ET DISEASES In all their stages ; ut little cttcuso; LtUo or ut change iu diet j no Uic nvcnlcncc, AND NO EXPOSURE. Il causes frequent dcslro, and gives strength t-j Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing' Strictures of tho Urethra, ailnyiii pain and inrbunmntion. rj frequent inthis classoY diseases ' and c.-vpeiling Pobionous, Diseased, and i"oru-out Matter. Thousands upon TJ'.on'uaJi WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIMS 0? ?a'At'IK, And bo bave pai-1 Heavy Feci to be pared Id a won tiim, have found thvy wero dee-eivt-l. sua Hut tiie '-i'-ii 'i!i'" lia-. l y the use of "Powerful Astriin gonis. " been dried up in the system, to break out iu ua aggravated form, uud - j, Perhaps lifter Jfarrfago. " - trgv" '"' ' - . . .siL-ciii; . for all Affections and Dhioascs of '. ' " THE URINAllV ORGANS,- ' ' . .: Whothcr existing in Male or Female from w hater e"r , cause origiuuiirg. aud no malier - . OF,1IOW LONG STANDTNO. PiseasV s of t!jesa OrgaitJ requiro thu aid of DllltKTlC. ' IIELUBOIVD'S EXTRACT EUCHTJ Ts the Great Diuretic, And it is certain to haro the dc'irej effect ia all- DLocmeSj for which it is rccummcudcd. BIjOOD! BLOOD I ELOOD! .' Ifelmbo'lJ 's Highly Concentrated Coinpoua J - Fluid Extract Snrsapnrilla Bypbilis. Tills is an aflTcctinn of ths Blood, and attacks tti Sexual Organs, Linings oi the Nco, Lars. Throat, Windpipe, uud other Mucns Surfaces, making its appeaianco in tho form of Ulcers, llclmbold's Ex truet Snrsaparilla p-.irilies Hie Liood. und -removes all Scaly Eruption" of tho.Skiu, giving to tho Complex ion a Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepwed expressly for this class of complaints, its ilood-Puri-fving Proprietors nro preserved to a greater cxtobt thou any other preparation of Sursupurilla. IIclmlolcri Itotfc JlVna-h, An excellent Lotion for Disoas cf a Svphllitie Na ture, and us an injection in Diseases of the Uriuuiy Organs, arising from habits of di-ipuiaui, usod in euunection w ith the Extracts Huclm and fcursaparilla iu such dieea-cs as rcommcujed. Evidence of tho most responsible' and reliable char acter w ill accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, From eight to twenty years sluudiug. with pames kuonn to Soienee and Fame. For Medieul l'ropirtii'S of Rucbu, see Dispx-nsatory tiie United States. See Professor Dcnets' valuable works on ths Pra -tice of Physic. See remarks made by the L.to ccL-bntu'l Dr. Phvuick, Pliiladcl -hi -u !eu remarks made by Dr. Fi brillin JIcDonidt, a celebrated Physician, an i Meuiber of -tiie Royal College of Surii-ons. Ireland, and published iu lb Transactions of liio King und Queen's Jouruul. - See Medicii-Cirvrgicnl P.niuw, published ' by Bcnjiimiu Travels, Fellow of the ltyat Collcgo of Surgeons. See iuo4 of (lie lute Stundard Yr'urks oa iic-ti cine. ExriiAcr Richu, SI 00 por bottle, or six, 5 00 ' Saksai-a rilla 1 00 ". ' i OU lui'ltoXKIiliosu Wisu. 60 " " 2 59 Or half adoicuof each for $12 00. which vili be sufficient to euro tbs mc.-t oUtiuuto cases, if direction ure adhuied Vj. Dulivcrei lo ai,y address, rceurely packed roui. ubservarion. J'V l'cscri'-e svniploms in all eouuuuuicailons Cures gt;u.antccd. Advice gra:u. AFFIDAVIT. Peninlly appeared before mean Alderman of tie citr of I'biladt-lphia, U. T. lielinbold, who, being duly sworn, Uoth suy, hit preparutions contain no UMicoti", no uicrcuiy, or other injurious drugs, but art purely vugcl-ible. v ' . T. UELMBOLD. Sworn and descriUJ Ufire wstf-'sSV ' v . of N umber. 14. WM. P 1 Aldermau, Niuth strc a' Add uu Utters for infi 11. T. 1- Depot 104 South Tcutli-sU iiViTALECFC And runrtui Who endeavor to dispels i arthrlvs on the- reputullv Helmbvld (Jcuuiue P Sold by all Pruggls ASK FOR HEL-Mr Cat oat tbaadveil IntiMiitwa aur liri C W