1 ;z Efje &unturg American. H. B. MABBER, Editoi- Proprietor. i m nv, ia. BATt -11DAV, MAY 10, 1803. A Call ron McClei.lah. A member of tlio 93d recently wrote to o friend at Leba non ! "Give us General McClcllnn Mid will fight every battle over again from Williama burp; to Fredericksburg, and do It liettcr than ever we did. Take this army to Pair Oaks and give tig 'Little Mac,' and we w ill ito to Richmond, lie is the man we want and he is the man who will be President of the United States if the soldiers have any thing to aay. Old Abe was down to sec its, but we all would sooner seo General Mc Clcllnn. f-fr VTe find the above going the rounds of the copperhead papers. It shows conclu sively that the whole object these cop perheads have in view, is the election of a partisan President, without any regard to the suppression of the rebellion. If General liooker had been in command of the army instead of McClcllnn, when these buttles were fought, Richmond would have been captured. This fart is gci.srnliy admit ted by competent militury men, as well as by the rebels themselves. AVe have al ways been friendly to Gen. McClcllan, but it is useless to deny the fact that ho has proved himself incompetent to leads large army, and Vita attempt to screen that mill tarv scroundrel. Fit. John Porter, has added nothing to his character. His greatest folly was. perhaps, in sufleri.ur the copperhead, i to environ him with their coils which must result in his destruction. 5?" The President's Proclamation in re ference to tho Couscription or ratltcr, that portion of it notifying all aliens who have declared their intentions to consider them selves subject to the conscription or else leave the country within a specified time meets with the heartiest approval of the great mass of the people It is but right that those who enjoy the protection of the Government should aid in its preservation, when, as now, it is threatened by traitors and Rebels. There is a deal of idol I talk here and there about appealing to for eign consuls and foreign ministers for pro tection, but the sooner that talk is done with the better. Fight, pay, or emigrate. That's what all hands have got to do, and the sooner the better. Elijah F. Purdy, tho "War-Horse" of Old Tammany, in opposing the acceptance by the Board of Supervisors of an invitation to attend a Loyal Meeting on Monday, inti mated his entire lack of sympathy with the objects of the meeting, and his perfect will ingness to be accounted a Copperhead. By the following extract from "Livingston's Royal Gazette," March, 1775 ("the times that tried men's souls') it would seem that this indifference to Human Freedom and tho Na tional peril is hereditary : March 28, 1775. Tliis evening was married, at tho White Plains, Westchester County, New York, Mr. Gabriel Purdy, youngest eon of Mr. Samuel Pur dy to tho agreeable Mis Charity Purdy, daughter of Mr. Jwcph Purdy, both of that loyal town What particularly ia remarkable In the affair, in this, the guests consisted of forty-seven persons ; thirty seven of whom " Purdvs, and sot a sixole WniQ Akonq them. FraiU- Moore's Diary of the He volution, Vol. I. p. 68. Sir. Gabriel Purdy aforesaid was, as we are informed, the grandfather of Elijah F. Purdy. X. 1'. Tribune. Query. Is Purdy of tho Nortliumha-ltnd County Democrat, a descendant of the tory family referred to ubove ? Muncy Luminary t& White Plains, during the Revolu, tiou, was noted for the numerous torics re siding in that neighborhood. It is, however, singular that out of the 37 Purdy's present, not one patriot could be found, and that very mother's son of them was a tory. t" The little States of Massachusetts and Connecticut alone sent more men into the Continental armies than all tho present Slave States and no British force was jer niitted to hold a position on the Now Eng land main. Burgoyne's formidable army was defeated and captured mostly by the Tankeo militia fresh from their plows, while Charleston, S. C, was taken by tho British whenever they choose, her slaveholders re turning meekly and readily to British rule, and the far South was over-run, crushed out, subjugated, until a Yankee General (Grecue) was sent with a few regulars to revive and uphold tho Continental cause. These facts show that tho Independence of America was accomplished by the patriots of tho North, and not by the slaveholders of the South. JST" Hooker asd McClellah. On Sun day last, on the arrival of tho 2Cth regiment of New York Volunteers, on their way homo Mr. S. one of tho rebel Sympathizers of this place approached an officer standing on tho platform, and inqured how they liked nooker as compared with McClcllan. Tho officer replied that McClcllan was uo longer thought of nor heard of in the army. S. wanted to know why t Tho answer was that Hooker was a "fighting mau" and a good officer. That during the last battle Hooker could be seen everywhere ill front encouraging his men. That ho had been at Antictam and a num ber of other battles under IcClcllau, but had never seen hiui once among his men. Tho truth is, there are men amongst us, un fortunately who fuel a deeper interest in the success of their party than their country and if they could only deify and make Mc Gltllan President, they would care but little whether Jeff. Davis and slavery or the Uuion was uppermost. Unforttiuatcly for General McClellan he has been destroyed by being placed in the hands of such men. We wrro told iu Lewitiburg, a few days since, that Mr. D., a wealthy and respectable farmer, about 10 miles above that place, expressed Lis regret at the success of our army in the supposed capture of Richmond, and openly . declared that he would much rather sec Jeff. Davis' army successful thag Lincoln's. These are the fruits of th teachings of newspapers who, under the guise of democracy, are secretly aiding in weakening the govern ment, tnd paralyzing its efforts in the sup pression of this wicked rebellion. . 1-27 Vallandigham has been convicted ' of the charges prefured against him, and sentenced to tile Dry Tortugas, but tho president Las changed it to sending him Couth, to lire under Jeff. Davis. tub TWO ORE AT - KAIIfS. CAVALRY STOSEMAJt IS VIRGIXiA ORtRRSOH W Mtssissiprt. - ICorreapondence of the N York Times ) To sum up General Stoncman movel about within the enemy's lines at villi for nine days, with a force not exceeding five thousand men ; disabled every line oi com' rnunication between tho army of tlto Itappa- Imnnnrlr anil tlin TJpIm-1 "mint ill 2 and the canal through which more than ono-half of their sunn ics are received : so mat, in 1110 nnininn of enmnetent iudecs. neither line, provided tho Rebels havo every facility for the work, can be repaired in less than four weeks ; destroyed millions of dollars' worth nf rnnimiwnrv r tores, and other supplies : obstructed travel upon tho main pikes, by destroying all bridges over large streams ; gave the citizens ot ten counties, viz : vui nrupiT. Soottavlvania. Orange. Hanover, Henrico, Louisa, Goochland, Fluoanna,King William and New Kent, an opportunity to see for themselves that not only are the Yniilcef anlilior pnnfiilnut find in pood spirits, but arc really human beings and not inhuman savasrs. as represented by the Richmond chivalry ; captured hundreds of horses, and above all met the one great oo iection made to the Emancipation Procla mation, so far as the counties visited are concerned, bv lettintr the colored population know that they are free, and weakening the producing class in Rebeldom by the removal of hundreds of able-bodied men, and sowing tho seed of demoralization among the rest, so that the laboring class, in fact, as well as theorv. becomes a dnnircrous element. All this has been accomplished by the raid of General Stoncman, with the loss, probably, of less than 100 men, all told only two of whom were killed. As an offset to this loss ur troops killed a number of Rebels, arid cnPtl,red bctwccn one ttud two hundrc'1 prisoners, THE REBELS AT HOME. Ill the counties visited there were but few Rebels found at home, except the very old and the very young. In nine days' travel I did not see" fifty able-bodied men who were not in some way connected with the army. Nearly every branch of business is at a Btand-still. The shelves in stores arc almost everywhere empty ; the shop of the artisan is abandoned and in ruins. The people who are to be seen passively submit to all that emanates from Richmond without a murmur; they are for the most part simple minded, and ignorant of all that is transpir ing in the great theatre about them. An intelligent looking man in Columbia l"S"ed heartily when told that Union troops occupied New Orleans Jeff. Davis would let them know it were such the fact, and I could not find a mau who would admit that the Confederacy had ever been beaten in a single engagement. These peo ple do not even read the Richmond papers, and about all the information they do ob tain, is what is passed about in the primitive style, from mouth to mouth. Before this raid they believed that the Union soldiers were anything but civilized beings, and were stricken with terror when their approach was heralded. Of sis churches seen in one dav, in onlv one had thero been religious services held within sis months. One-half at least, of the dwelling houses are unoccu pied, and fast going to decay. onrEnsos's raid in Mississippi. Correspondence of the Chicago Tribune. Camp op thk Second, Iowa Cavalry, ) Laorakoe, Tcnn., April 80. J As you are already aware of the great activity prevailing in tins region ot Rebel dom, I will give you a sketch of what our regiment, with others, havo been doing lately. - J On Fridav, the 17th inst., our brigade consisting of the Sixth and Seventh Illinois Cavalry, and the Second Iowa Cavalry, started southward with live days rations, and were to trust to Providence, through Rebel generosity, for ham, which, by the way, was most bountifully supplied. At noon we passed tho well known Dick Smith plantation, at which place one of our Sixth Iowa Infantry boys was most brutally mur dered last oununry, and in retaliation for the murder, General Denver ordered his res idence burned, with all his household effects. He had an excellent library and much valua ble property destroyed. We encamped for the night a few miles west of Ripley. At noon on tho second day we stopped and took dinner with Colonel Joel H. Berry, one of tho Mississippi delegates to the Char leston Convention, who voted the State out of the Union. He had heard that we were coming, and left at midnight tho night be fore. He had been Colonel in tho Rebel army, but resigned, and now enjoys a pri vate lite, liis servants, ot which, we havo several, Bay that tho old fellow has been in tho habit of skedaddling whenever our for ces came anywhere near; but it so happened that we came unexpectedly by his pluce, called, and took him, his horse, revolver, carbine, and several fine mules. Wo took him along, but through some fair promise no was released. Our regiments each take a separate routo and meet at statod points for several reasons. He get all t tic shot-guns, rifles, muskets, mules and horses that we can, break the shooting-irons, and tell the negroes to mount tiie mules and lollow. IJuickly do they go at our bidding. Tho news of our advance went somo six or eight miles ahead of us, and the whole country was panic-stricken. Rich old plant ers would fly aud leave everything except one or two loads of valuable property silver plato, fine clothes, etc. We overhauled quite a number and searched them. Of course they were not harmed, and were advised to return home and take care of their property. One place we stopped at, all was deserted. There was none to ask protection fbr private property or any other kind. There - was plenty of corn. Judder, ham, flour, meal, lard dried apples, peaches, sugar ami molasses, nice cans of butter, honey and preserves. Of course the loys went iu j who wouldn't t A lew miles from this place, a squad of six of our boys stopped at a largo plantation. The old aristocrat had left the night before, taking with him some thirty horses and mule. In the high state of excitement that ho was laboring under before ho started, ho ordered one of his men servants to go along. The servant refused to go, on account of having a wife and a young child, which lie did not wish to leave. Upon the refusal the old chap shot his slave deal upon the spot, and our boys saw the corpse before it was buried next day. Why tho boys did not burn him out I cannot tell. Wo parsed through Pontotoc late on Sun day evening, the Sixth Illinois on the ad vance. They had, on entering the place, shot two Rebels dead. This caused the citizens to be much alarmed. Largo quanti ties of suit had been found aud scattered over the streets, in every direction. The streets were perfectly white. Darkies said, "Suit had coino down to-day. Yesterday it was thirty dollars per bushel." Offices and stores were opened in search of Rebel supplies, papers and books were distributed and the darkies in high glee, gathering boxes of ribbons, lace, and fiuo fixtures generally. From Pontotoo we passed on to Houston, Chickasaw couuty, leaving Okalona some twelve miles to our left or east. Twelve miles southeast of Houston, Col. Grierson left us with the Sixth aud Seventh Illinois and four pieces of light artillery. It is said "That he iutended to go on to Meridian, the great junoturo of tho life-cord of ths existing rebellion, captor tbt place, burn and kick up a dust generally. Then, if ho thought the chance ot getting back to this place harardons, he would striko for the Mississippi River, below Vlcksburg. i ins is a bold stroke, but in perfect keeping with tho man, and we hope hewrill soon turn up all right, after Laving turned Meridian and the railroad in that vicinity wrong sldo up. Yet, up to this date he Las not returned, nor have we any dchnite news irom tuo ex nndition. 1 ... jv , r i iinr rctnmcni. airencnvinK vtricreun, nvui on somo twentv-Ove miles southeast of Houston, were attacked by about eight hun dred shot-gun cavalry, which were soon rpiMilsrrl bv our riflemen and a (little bull dog as the boys call it) two-pound cannon, that Colonel Grierson turned over to Colonel Hatch, for uso on special occasions. At this point we turned directly north, crossed most dismal swamp, swam a deep creek, it is said to avoid a battery in waiting for us, but this dodge deluded them, ana also urew their attention from Colonel Grierson, who was then wending his way southward. At sunset 23d, we went luto Okalona, of course unexpected by all, for onlv tho nay previous Southern cavalry and artillery had passed down South alter us ; but here we are, burning their depots, their barracks, their buildiuas used for hospitals, and shame to tho crazy citizens who Hew in terror and let the fire run along the fences and get to a a number of very tine residences, while ten minutes' labor would havo saved all. So be it : it made a most beautiful blaze. The chivalry through this region are per fectly confounded and horror-st neken. They say the Abolition hordes are turned loose. upon them, and they know not where to find a hiding place. A squad of twenty of our men found near ono hundred horses and mules at one time. Another time we missed our way, and suddenly came upon eight or ten women who had been into a tleep wood out-of-the-way place, where thev hud taken and secreted their most valuablo property aud were returning to their homes. Kioncimtn's C'avnlry Itnitl. I From the Richmond Whig, of Tuosday 1 We have some further accounts of the raid of the Yankee cavalrv upon the Frcdcricks- burcr Railroad at Ashland. The engineer of the ambulance train, which was captured, discovered smoke ahead as he approached Ashland, and suspecting something wrong, slackened the speed of the train. A shower of balls pelting against the side of the loco motive and tender, soon convinced him that the enemy were near. He ensconsed himself in the tender, and thus escaped the bullets aimed at him, but was in a few moments captured by several Yankees, who mounted the engine and compelled him to move the train on the village. Beside the sick and wounded soldiers who were on the train, were Colonel S. Bussett French, Aid to Governor Letcher, Mr. Roy O. Crowley. Government Electrician, and several others whose names we did not loam. There were also two or three ladies. They were all treated kindly by their captors, aud concur in attributing to Colonel Davis, com mander of the raiders, somo gentlemanly and humane qualities not generally mani fested by Yankee officer, r rom ono infor mant we learn that Colonel Davis was com municative, and so far indicated his insensi bility to shame as to boast that he was a native of King George county, Ya., and per fectly familiar with the country through which he conducted his gang of marauders. It must be said to his credit, however, that he did not require the removal of the sick and wounded soldiers from the cars occupied by them, contenting himself with the de struction of the locomotive, "Thomas Sharp" and the tender. The locomotive "Nicholas Mil'.s," with the tender and wood train attached, awaiting at Ashland the passage of the ambulance train, were also destroyed. "When the passengers discovered that they were at tho mercy of the Yankees several of them prudently cast several documents into the stove of the car and applied a match to them. .A package of Confederate treasury notes, amounting to several thousand dol lars, was transferred to the custody of a lady who kindly concealed it in the folds of her skirts until tho Yankees hud disappeared. We have not heard that the passengers were searched. They, together with the soldiers, were all paroled by Col. Davis. Most of the former walked to the city yesterday, on the railroad. The main body of the Yankees remained for some tiime at Ashland, whilst a detach ment proceeded to Hanover Court House, tore up the Central Railroad truck at that point, cut tho telegraph wires, nnd, also, it is stated, burned the Court House. - This was Yankee like. Tho detachment after wards united, if we are correctly informed, at Hungary Station, on the Fredericksburg Railroad, and encamped during the night in that vicinity. They destroyed several small trestle bridges across tho "runs" and guiles this side of Ashland, and also the water tank at Hungary. Already a force is enga ged in repairing the road, and it is hoped that communication will be re-established to-day. From Hungary the raiders proceeded in squads to tho Brooko turnpike, passing along unfrequented roads and bridle paths, evidently guided by some oue familiar with the country. At tho parsonage in the Brooko road this person was recognized by a youth as an individual whom he had fre quently seen iu Richmond, but had never known his name. A squad of them went to Captain John B. Young's, aud despoiled that gentleman of three horses. A larger squad ventured to Mr. John Stewart's furm, four miles distant from the city, and stole several horses. Other citizens in the neigh borhood were doubtless served tho same way. They seem to have remained in this vicinity for some time, long enough for a resolute body of mounted men to havo killed or captured the entire party; but, so tar as we are informed, no demonstration of the kind was made, though any number of arm ed men on horseback were galloping to and fro through the streets of the city, during tncir stay on tno lirooko road. After tho Yankees had cavorted around on the Brooko pike to their hearts' content fed themselves and their horses, exchanged their most jaded auimals for fresh steeds, and waited in vain for somebody to come and take them, they crossed over into tho Meadow Bridge road, and visited the scene rendered memorable by tho opening of the battles around Richmond, on tho 20th of June, last year. They crossed tho historic Chickahominy and prevented pursuit by tearing up the planks of tho short bridge over this sluggish stream, wlihu can be easily replaced. Unluckily, they captured near this point a locomotive aud tender which had been sent out on a reconnoisaoce in the morning. The Central Railroad bridgo or tretle-worl crogac the Chicka homiuy parallel with, aud near the county bridge, or bridges. The Yankees burned one or two sections of this trest'.e-work, and then ran the locomotive into the gap, pre cipitating it, of course, into Hie mud and water ot the Chickahominy. Tlte injury done to the railroad at this point is not so serious that it may not be repaired in a clay. After leaving the shades of the Meadow bridges, the marauders, full of glee, no doubt, trotted on td Mcchuiiicsvillu, and thence towards the York River Railroad. At Tunstall's Station they fortunately en countered a small portion of General Wise's Brigade, who gave-them a volley which emptied several saddles, and sent the rest of the party in the direction of tho Pamunktv River. A messenger has arrived at Salt Lake City with news of the murder of tweuty four white men by the savages. A Urge party have started in pursuit of the Indians. THE ABUT O T THE POTOMAC WAsniRQTOJf. May 12. Several Rcntletnen recently arrived here, and proceed to the Rappahannock to recover tuo bodies oi tncir friends who fell in tho recent battles. One of them, in private note, received in Wash ington to-day, says a communication has 1 - . . j . r i T r. . - ix' ii iransmiiicu mi vruiiKmi jjcu mr pur mission to pass inside of his lines for that purpose. Although on Sunday night no response had been received lrom l.ee. It was understood from the officers receiving tho communication at the river, that there would be no unnecessary obstacles thrown in .tbeir wov. - Subsequently the enemy commenced sending over the river, under flag of truce considerable numbers of our wounded, who have been paroled. For several days . past supplies nnd medicines havo been sent over from our side. A report was current yesterday that tho cnomy had left their innnidabio position along the heights, but a close observation, last evening, disclosed tue tact that tncir Dumbers had not been diminished. They were still at that point yesterday morning At the time ot our recrossing tue river at United States Ford, it is believed that only two divisions of thecnemv's forces remained on our front, near Chanccllorvillc, as a rear guard. The divisions mentioned were commanded by Generals Anderson and Mc Laws. Dr. enster still remains in the enemy s lines, in care of the wounded. Dr. Sukely Medical Director, Eleventh Corps, who was captured at Chancellorvillo, , sends back word that our wounded, generally, are do ing well. Notwithstanding all tho reports that our troops have again crossed the Kappahan nock, it was not the case up too Sunday noon. GENERAL OBDEB3 OF GEN. HOOKER, HuAD-qcAUTKns Ahmy of TnE Potomac May 0, 1803. The following order has been issued : GENERAL OHDKttS, NO. 49. The Major-General Commanding tenders to this army his congratulations on us achievement of the last seven days. If it has not not accomplished all that was ex pected, tho reasons are known to the army It is sutlicicnt to say that tliey were ot character not to be foreseen or prevented by human sairacitv or resources. In withdrawing from the South bank of the Rappahannock, before delivering a gene ral battle to our adversaries, the army has given renewed evidence of its confidence in itself and its fidelity to tho principles it represents. In lighting at a disadvantage., we would have been recreant to our trust to ourselves, our cause and ouf country. Pro, fmindlv loval aud conscious of its strength, the Armv of the Potomac will give or de cline battlo whenever its interest or honor may demand. It will also be the guardian ol its own history and its own arm. By ou celerity and sccresy of movement our ad Vance and passage of the rivers was undis puted, and on our withdrawal, not a Rebel ventured to follow. The events of the last week may swell with pride the hearts o: every olncer and soldier ot this army. havo added new lustre to its tormcr re nown. Wu have made long marches, crossed rivers, surprised the enemy in his entrench ments, and whenever we have fought have inflicted heavier blows thau we have receiv ed. We have taksn from the enemy live thousand prisoners, fifteen colors, captured and brought off seven pieces of artillery, place hondecombat eighteen thousand of his ehoscu trcops, destroyed his depots filled with vast amounts of stores, deranged his communications, captured prisoners within tho fortifications of his capital, and filled his country with fear and consternation. We have no other regret than that caused by the loss of our brave companions, and in this we are consoled by tho conviction that they have fallen in the holiest cause ever submitted to the arbitrament of battle. By command of Maj.-Gcn. Hooker. (Signed) S. Williams, Assistant Adjutant-General. OCR WOUNDED ON TIIK FIELD. nKKD-QCAHTttnS OK TUB AKMY OF TUB Potomac, May 12. Dr. Suckley, Medical Director, in charge of our wounded on the field, reports that they are all comfortable, and about twelve hundred in number. An ambulance train has been sent for them, nnd they are expected to return to camp by to night. "STONEWALL" JACKSON'S DEATH CONFIRMED. HEAiy-OfAItTKItS AltMT OK TnE POTOMAC. May 12. The Richmond papers of yesterday announco the death of "Stonewall ' Jackson on Sunday afternoon, from the effects of amputation and pneumonia. His burial is fixed for to-day. The military band iu Fred ericksburg has been performing dirges a greater portion of the afternoon. A large train of ambulances proceeded to day towards United States Ford for the re mainder of our wouuded within the enemy's line. v Governor Cnrtin, of Pennsylvania, has been in camp for two days past, looking after the welfare and wants of the Pennsylvania troops. LATEST. Hl5 A D-Q CARTERS OP TUB AnilT OF THE Potomac, May 11. A largo amount of blockake goods was sold at Auction, in Richmond, on Thursday. The sale included $30,000 worth of ladies' boots and shoes, fur summer wear. The sale aggregated 100,000. A new Confederate States flag has been adopted. It was raised in Richmond, on Monday. The Examiner prophesies that the Union army has crossed the Rappahannock for tho last time. From ties, I'oster's Ueparlmrnt, Nkwbern, N. C, May 8. A report came inside the lines to-day that North Carolina banks had refused to pay their assessment to the Confederate Government, in which determination they are sustained by Gov. Vance, who reiterates Lis threat to recall the troops from this State in the Jlebel armv. The small-pox has broke out in the con traband camp. No fears are entertaiucd of its reaching tho troops. The Commanding General of this Depart ment haying been officially appriscc'. that Goncral Wild is coming here to raise au African brigade, informs the Secretary of War that he will not only give Gen. Wild all tho assistance iu bis power, but will enter into tho work cheerfully, bclicing that the black troops will fight. A large number of Secession residents of New burn were sent outside of our lines this morning. The ordor for the expulsion of these people will be rigidly enforced through out the Department. A sensation was created here by the mar riage, this morning, of Charles C. Lawrence, of Boston, a member of the Fourty-fourth Massachusetts, to the accomplished daughter of Israel Disoway, a banker, in Newborn. After making a transfer of his property to bridogroom, the father left our linos with other disloyal citizens. Aaotlter Ucbel rata La Western Tlriiiala. PlTTSBLRO, May 11. The Rebels made a raid to Burning Springs Oil wells, and destroyed the wells. Thoy burned the boats and destroyed a large quantity of oil springs ou the Kanawha River, thirty miles from Parkersburg, ia Wirt county, ten miles from the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad,' Pittsburg parties have suffered severely. OEN. OltAJXT CAIMXRKS POUT CANNON, STORES AND ONE THOU SAND PRISONERS TAKEN, General Grant Heads 10OO Prison- era to SllUken'a Ilcnd. BIS KETTSfATKR correspondents REPORTED DROWNED. ARE GEN. STONEMAN'S BRILLIANT HAID ," i INTO VIRGINIA. Iec'a Army Short of I'ood. HOOKER AOAIX ACROSS THE RArTA- ' JIAXXUCK. ADVA.NCK OF OKN. 8UDOWICK. Wasiiisotoji, May 98 o'clock. P. M. Tho steamer John A. Warner arrived here this afternoon from Acquis Creek, which piacc sue icit at v o cioctc tins morning. blie brings special despatches to the Govern ment irom Uen. liooker. , The following are the movements of Gen Hooker s army since the lust advices. The intelligence may be relied on, being receiv ed irom nn intelligent newspaper man, passenger on the boat. At daybreak, on Friday mornimr. Gen. Hooker pushed forward two corps of his army across tho Rappahannock. Thev were under tue command ot General Sedgwick who advanced them over to the south nnd west with caution. They gathered up the wounded that were left on the field of the recent battles (comprising both soldiers of tho Cniou and Rebel armies), and buried tho dead. When they reached tho "Wilderness" tho scene ot the recent severe conflict, they dis covered the woods on fire, and found tho charred remains of a large number of sol diers, mostly Rebels, who had crept to these woods to avoid being trampled upon by tho army in its retreat. At an early hour this morning General Hooker completed the crossing of his entire arinv, together with his artillery, and nn ample supply of ammunition aud stoics, sutlicicnt to last uim eight days. As soon as he w us across, the whole seven corps were placed in motion and deployed right nnd leu in search ot the enemy, who, at the latest dates, had not been found forco. Owing to the terrible condition of th roaas, the movements "of the army must necessarily be slow for a dav or two, but th coming week will probably wituess the greatest conflict on this continent. General Hooker does not desire reinforce ments, but considers that the army he has already under his command is as large as h can muster. It is not believed that Gi n. Ileiiitzelman has gone to ruin force Hooker ; but there is no doubt that his army is in motion. This is the latest information received nt Washington up to this hour. As I am un able to use the telegraph, even to send these good tidings, I send the despatch by a spe cial messenger. You may have no doubt of the fact that Hooker is again across. Sunday Tranvrijif. Yesterday afternoon a flag of truce was scut across the Rappahannock, by Geu. I.ec, with a letter to General Hooker, in which it was stated that Lee's army wus deficient in supplies and their communication cut off, so that it was difficult to reinforce their com missariat, considering it necessary that Gen. Hooker should send over supplies for the wounded soldiers iu the huuds of tlto Con federates. ' Medical and hospital supplies were sent over in responso to this communication, which indicates so plainly tho grent success of General Sloneinau's cavalry expedition. Wathington Jitjiuhlicao, 0M. Cincinnati, May 0. The news from be low is encouraging. The Rebels who escaped from Grand Gulf retreated down the Mississippi, hastily pur sued. They halted at the entrenchments at Bayou Pierre, but were again routed. A flight at Port Gibson, six miles in rear of Grand Gulf, took place Inst week (Fri day). The United States loss was two hun dred. It was this fight that decided Grand Gulf. '4'ho distance from the mouth of Big Black River thebridgeon the Vicksburgand Jack son railroad is thirty-two miles. Tho river is navigable tor the gun-bout?. On Wednesday, Grant's army was pretty well up tho river, and the fate of Vicksburg is probably decided by this time. A few dins ago the steamers Moderation I and llorison. carrying troops across Grand uuii, roiuucu. The Horizon sunk. A sec tion ot the Chicago Battery on board was lost. Rebel reports claim the capture of several hundred prisoners tit Tuscumbia recently, by Forrest. Doubtful. Cincinnati, May 0. Morgan's reported intention to agaiu invade Kentucky creates no alarm. lie will find suitable prepara tions for him when he comes. The work on the Covington and Cincin nati bridge has been commenced. Large contracts for material have bejn closed, nnd tho work will be cnergetieallyursued. Several squads of recruits for the Rebel army have been cuptured near Maysvillo by the Ilomu Guards. DESPATCH FllOM OEX. GRANT. Grand Gci.f, Miss., May 3, via Memphis, Tenn., May 7. Major-General Hai.leck, General-in-Chief : We landed at Boulings burg, April 110, moved immediately on Port Gibson, met the enemy, 11,000 Btrong, four miles South of Port Gibson, at 8 o'clock A. M., on the 1st instant, and engaged him all da A, entirely routing him, with the loss of many killed, and alxmtoOO prisoners liesidcs tho wounded. Our loss is about 100 killed and S00 wounded. The enemy retreated towards Vicks'onrg, destroying tho bridges over the two forks of the Bayou Pierre. These were rebuilt, aud the pursuit has continued until the present time. Besides the heavy artillery at this place, four field pieces wero captured and some stores, and the enemy were driven to destroy many more. The country is the most broken and diffi cult to operate in I ever saw. Our victory has been most complete, and the enemy are thoroughly demoralized. Very respectfully, U.S. Grant, Major-General Commanding. PESPATCn from governor tates. Si'RINci iki d, III., May 0. The follow ing despatch was received late last night : Grand Gci.f, Miss., May 8, 1803. "We gained a glorious victory at Port Gibson on the 1st iust. The enemy is in full retreat. Our forces are in close pursuit. The Illinois troops, as usual, behaved with the greatest gallantry The loss on our side is one hundred and fifty killed and eight hundred wounded. We have taken one thousand prisoners. The loss of the enemy in killed and wound ed was much grester than ours. OR ART MARCHING 0!t YICKSBUltO. Memphis, Tcnn.; May 7, 1808. General Grant' has captured Grand Gulf, Port Gib. on and Willard Valley. Pa Wednesday General Grant's main army waa thirty miles up the Big Black River, marching on the rear of Vicksburg. The army waa enthusiastic at the prospect of speedy victory. Farther Parllcnlarn nbont tho Tat landlshain Arrest. Tho Cincinnati Commercial trivos tho following account of . Vallandigham's ar rest : "A special train left this city at twelve 'clock Monday niirht. with a company of the Thirteenth United States Infantry, sixty- seven men, with directions from General Burnside, commanding the Department of the Ohio, to arrest C. L, Vallandigham, at his residence in Davton. The train reached Dayton at half past two o'clock, and, pro ceeding to Vallandigham's house,- placed guards on the streets in tho vicinity, and the Captain commanding, with a squad of men, surrounded tno house. The doorbell was rung, and Vallan digham appeared at the window and in quired what was wanting I iuo captain told him, but ho was not disposed to go along peaceably. He shouted for the police loudly, and the lemnie meinoers oi tue family joined their cries to his. The captain told him lie might as well stop me rus turbancc, as he hud the force to arrest him, and would certainly do so. 'Vallandigham then said lie was not dressed. Tho captain told hira ho would have time to dress himself, but he redoubled his shouts for the police, when an attempt was made to force the front door. The door resisted tho efforts ot the soldiers, and Yal- landiuham flourished a revolver at tho win dow, und fired two or threo shots without effect. A sido door was then forced, and the squad, finding all tho doors in tho lcbusc fastened, . broke open .four of them before they reached the apartment occupied by tho individual with whom they had business, who was soon taken and escorted to the train, which was in Waiting. "Some of Vallandigham's friends, luibriu what was going on, rung the lire bells, with tho intention ' of gathering a crowd to attempt a rescue. But few persons appeared, and thev cava no trouble. Vallandigham was brought to the city, and lodged iu the prison on Columbia street, between Sycamore and Broadway, where no one was permitted to see him without nn order from General Burnside." The Trlnlot"ViillanU(ihHiii. The trial of Mr. Vallandigham having been concluded, it willtiot be improper now to publish the charges and specifications against him. Tho Court Laving becu or ganized, as published a few days since, the Judgo Advocate read the lollowiug: CHARGE. Publicly expressing, in violation of Gen oral Orders No- 38, trom Head -quarters, Department of the Ohio, his sympathies for those in arms agninst the Government of the United States, declaring disloyal senti ments nnd opinions, with the obje.t and purpose of weakening the power f the Government, in its elloits to supprets an unlawful Rebellion. SPECIFICATION. In thi that the said Clement I.. Vul lnndighuiil, a citizen of tho State of Ohio, on or about the 1st day of May. 1S03, nt Mount Vernon, Knox county, Ohio, did publicly address a largo meeting of citizens and did utter sentiments, iu words or in ell'ect, as follows, declaring the present war "a wicked, cruel and unnecessary war;" "a war not being waged for the preservation of the Uuion ;" "a war for the purpose of crushing out liberty nnd erecting a des potism ;" "a war for the freedom of the blacks and the enslavement of the whites;" stating "that if the Administration had so wished, the war could have been honorably terminated months nijo ;'' that "peace might have been honorably obtained bv listening to the proposed intermediation of France;" that "propositions by which the Southern States could be won back and the South be guaranteed their rights under the Constitu tion, hud been rejected the day before the lute battlo at Fredericksburg, by Lincoln and his minions j" meaning thereby the Pre sident of the United States and those under nim in authority. Charging "that the Government of the United States were about to appoint Military Marshals in every Dis trict to restrain the people of their liberties, to deprive them ot their rights and privi leges. Characterizing General Order o. us. from Head-quarters Department of the Ohio, as "a buse usurpation of arbitrary authority," inviting his hearers to resist the came ly saying, "the sooner the people intorm the minions ot usurped power that tUey Vi lli not submit to such restrictions upon their Illi cit ies, the better;-' declaring "that he was at all times, and upon all occasions resolved to do what ho could to defeat the ntteinpts now being madu to build up n monarchy upon the ruinseyjur free Government :" asserting "that La firmly believed, as he said six months ago, that the men in power aro attempting to establish a despotism in this country more cruel und more oppressive than ever existed before." All of w hich opinions and sentiments lie well knew did aid, comfort aud eucouiage those in arms against the Government and could but induce in bis hearers a distrust of their own Government and sympathy for those in arms aguiust it, and a deposition to resist the laws of the land. J. Jf. CUTTS. AOalrej ill Hcuufort, M. ('. Gcncial Hunter yesterday held a grand review of the troops iu and around Ucuut'ort A .1... .1.. i - wiiu i lie i-Auepuon oi uit) coiorcu reginieiiiH, who are out on picket duty. Our troops presented an excellent appearance, especially the l'euiisylvania regiments, which are models in tlieir discipline aud efficiency. The negroes aro doing good service as pickets around Beaufort, aud the prejudice which at first existed against them Hinong our northern troops is fust weuiing away. They march aud drill excellently, me quirk and vigilant as pickets and sentries, and ambitious to make good soldiers. The' material is good, aud tho white olliccrs will bo to blumo if it is not made very servicea ble to the Government. The rebels still occupy the mainland opposite Tort Hoyal Ferry, though no danger is apprehended from them by the Beaufort residents and troops. Nhuiik6Utn Coul Trade, BuauoKlN, May 9, 1803. Tonf.Cvt. 6.H02 10 81,167 10 b7. It iii.iott 18 Feut for week ending May 9, l'er last report, To wju Urns last year, 8S,$90 13 Ualmbold'iExtraet liuchu, Uelnibold'i Extract liucliu, llcluibold's Extract Duchu, llclnj hold's Extract Duchu, The Great Diuretic , The Oraat Diuretic The Great Piuretie. The Great Diurelie. Auda rosilive and Specific Remedy for l)ieaMof die illadder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dfonsy, Organlo Weakucta, And all disease of the Urinary Organs. See AdverliMineut in another column. Cut It out, aud (end fm the Medicine at once UtWAItK OF COUNTERFEITS. Childreh ova area or tana Sicxhem to I Coldi. Mo matter where the disease may appear lo e aeaiea, its origin way oe u aoeu wauppreasej per spiration, or a Cold. Cramps and Lung Cuwplainia are direct products of Colds. In short Colds are ih harbingers of half the diseases that afflict humanity, fur aa Obey are eauaed by checked perspiration, and as lve.eighihs of the waste mailer of the body escape through th pore, if those pores are oloaed, that proportion of diseases necessarily follows. Keep clear, therefor, of Colds aud Cough, th great pre. ureera of disease, or If eontraetvd. break them ap immediately, by a timely us of Uadam l'oiter't Curauv Italsem. Bold by all the Praggbtial 13 ttttand ZS ceat pet bottle MARHIAUI!K( On the 21st nit., by Rct. M. Rlmcim Mr." Hrmit Fkof.lt to Miss Mart O'EntBff, all of Sun bury. new" advertisements. I'pper Ang-nnta Common Nchool Receipt end expMiriitir from Jane 1st 18S2 to .-! ruts 1 i mills ou the dollar of Taluation. Recelntn. Gross amount of i clut.ii.i n .. " -i M7 M 1 24 25 Lollectors Commission, 2i 05 4a on hi amount or wi received. tiRT 44 Ada Mate apnrotiriat on rrcmr.rl 106 40 62 3$ " oupposeu Balance on Used from last year, Total of receipt, kKsneadlluren. VM 22 Paid to teachers $20 per month for 4 monmseacn, Itso 00 " for fuel and enntinifencics, 125 1)1) " to Trcinurer's percentage as per Auditors report, 12 15 " to Secretary for services, 7 00 Total expenditures, t'2i 15 uuianoe on unmi, JAMES liATCHLOn, WiM.tAM Rekd, Secrctnry. I'pper Augusta twp., May 10, 1863.- $21 07 President. -.It. IiNli!liou of IartnerKhl. NOTICE is hereby (riven that tlio partnership heretofore cxisiin tretwrtl. c. T) unillilt.ci ami JACOlinOIIHUACil, under the firm of C. i), A J . Kuhrbach, in the Foundry llii9iiies, wiw dn. solved hy uutunl consent on the 1st dnv of Anril. 1S0.1. The Books and I'unnr. nr lirt in ,.,. u of Jnoob Kohrhnch, at tho old stand, for spec ly iut. tleineut. All persons interested will plnasc take noliee, C.l). KOIIKIIACII, , . JAOOli HOIIUDACII. Buubnry, April 16, 1SC3 3t , r o it it 'iji'sr j AGRICULTURAL WORKS ! STJNBTJRY, IBIsrN'A. THK undersigned respectfully Inform the pnt.lio generally, that they have entered iuto (Jo-l'art-nership iu the l-'Ol XtlKV UUSIXKSS. and aro now prepared to mauulacluroat the 'HuhrbaeU .Foundrv,'v all kind of .Muchiucry , KlovrM. Plouhx, Cast. Inn, &c, ut Hhorl .'VotU-. Impairing all kinds of Agricultural Implements done in a gooi workmanlike tunnner and at the shortest notice. f i t All articles shipped as ordeif i.'A Orders respect fully solicited and promptly attended lo. JACOH HnHltRACll, T. O. COOl'tR. tt Old Iron, and all kiuda of Troduce taken iu En:baiif;e for work fciunbury, May 18, 1SC3. If " TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT."" JOHN e. eiwiicir. Fawn Strrcet, oppcuite Weaver's Hotel, BCNBURV, Northumberli.nd Co., Pa., TNFOHMShis friends ard tho public pouerally, that he hs taken the Mu). nf .Inoob tf. U-ike, dee'd., and is prcpnrcd to do nil kinds of TAI l.Ok JNU in a good workmanlike inannrr. The p&Uou age ol'lhe public in rupoctfullv solicited, tiuubury, Muy IS, ltG3. ly GcHJJSTT 5c DIETZ, LOWER WHARF, BUNBTJRY, PA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS WHITE ASH COAL, in every variety, Orders solicited aud filled wilh promptness and dikpaieh. Sunbury, May 18, 1R(U ly a" new" ar!Tiyalf ' BOOTS AND SHOES, WIS. K. jfvIILIiSRS. HK hits just returned hoine from rhilndelphia, wilh aijewStookoflHT.SnndSIIO..S,aclect ed with great care to suit all persons Buy your Voots and Shoes when yon cm get ths best quality, aud vrhert the bett assortment is t iept in .s.Kry. Ke has Calf Boots from J:l "5 lo $7 00. He has Hoy's Calf Boats from H M) lo $4 00. He has Ladiiw' Gaiters from C'.'ctr. to :l IH. He has Mi new ami Children's (laili-r of all styles and fu.-hions. arid prices. In shot; everything in hi line of Uu.-ine.n. II? r!fo bason hand a full assortment of Morroeom and Cnlf Skins of the be! quulily. which he will lunke uploordrrat the shortest noiire, having sup plied himself w ilh the most fashionable Last. A GItKAT SAVING TO BOOTS & SHOES. EISWALD'.S Talent Metallio S-des nua Heels one pair of which will wear aa lorg us five pair of Leather .Soles, kept on hand. Mending done as usual. Call and examine fur yourselves and learn my prices befure purchacingelsewhcre. VM. II. MILLER. Sunbury. May 18, lt63. lych BOROUGH ORDINANCE" lit it Ordained liy th I.irjn nnd Cci'mfn. Council the Ilvrvwjh nf Hurdi'try, ''.; in Tvirn Council rrscrnlt?d, anti,ii is Itcrcry En acted ly A uthurity vjthe tame : That they do hereby require and direct the pre ding, macadamizing and ku( I ci hip of the f-il!oiii streets, vil : broadway. Deer and Fawn streets frum Cranberry to Elderberry streets ; River street, froj Cranberry to Blackberry : .Market s;ri-ci and Spmro rom iirowiway to tue eastern line ol U) o oorougn . Illaekberry and Whortleberry streets from Broad way to Fawn street ; that tho Commissioner) ol Streets are hereby authorised, directed and required to pro ceed at one wilh the grading and iuucal-muiu; aud guttering of said streets, under Ihc direction aud control of the Uorough Regulators, commencing with Mnrket street and tHUare, taking aud complrtiug one street at a tint until the wiiolo1 are properly graded, niucadcuiued mid guttered ; that they do hereby require and direct li e grading, paving and curbing ol the side or fool walk? along euid streets herein before mentioned and decribed. ou or before the first day ot July, A. D., I3t3 ; that tho said pave ments and curl shall be luid in a good aud work manlike manner of good and KtibstHntinl sloues or brick, under the superintendence of Ihesaid Uorough Regulators ; that any pavements or curbing now laid with, or which hereafter be laid ilh any other in a teriul, ou said streets, sbull bo taken up aud laid at the proper grade, ukh goud gub-stuutial stone or brick; and that auy puveiuintd uireudy laid ou the above uauied streets, which may be above or below the proper grade, shall be taken up and relaid, at the proper grude. if required by the sniil llorougit Regulators, under their direetiou ; that the owner owners of real-estate upou suid streets above mention, ed, arc hereby directed aud required, ou or before the first day of July, A. D., la'Ki, to cause a good aud substantial stone or brick pavciiu-nt m.i curt, ing to be made, of such breadth as tho liurough Or dinance direct, before aud alon Iheir re.pcclite properties, under Jbc direction and at the grade to be given by the said Doreugh Regulators, aud. uhju the failure of any owner or owners of rci.l estate upon the foregoing mentioned meets, to cauH the side or foot walks and curbing to be uiade as atbrrcaid, wi;U in the lime prescribed by this Ordinance, that, then, Iho Chief Uurgee is hereby aulhurited, directed an t required lo cause said pavemuiits, side or foot walks aud curbs lobe laid ia accordance with the Act of Assembly in such case madeat.d provided, uuder the direction and coutrol of the sail borough Regulator.-. Th abor Ordinance was read, aud ou motion of Mr. Bourne, Meonded by Mr. Wilvert, passed unan imously, JSO. W. DITHER, Clk. guubury, May , 1SS3. ttlierllT'H Nulesj. BY eirtu of certain writ of leet Yen. l'xn. bvued out of th Court oi Common i'leas of Northum berland couuty, l'a., and to ma directed, will be ex posed to public sal, at the Court House, in Suuhuty, OO MONDAY, the 2ith day of MAY. IStiS, at 1 O'clock, P. M., th following described real csiate, to wit : A certain lot or pice of ground, situate in Jordaa township, Northumberland county, l'a., Luuuded aud described as follows, vil : on llie east by laud of Martin Morkel and Ella Rower, on the west by laud of Adam tahrub, and on th north sod south by laud Gabriel Adam, coutauuug one dourih of an acre of limestone, whereon are erected a Lituekilu. Seized takeu in xeotlon and. to b sold as th properly of Abraham Sehweuk DAVID WALl'UON, Sheriff Pherir office, Sunbury, May V, l$6). (.Vistre Turnpike ktouil. AN Eleotlon for Olrieers for th ensuing year wilt be held al th public bouse of JoSU'li VAN. IK, Iu th borough of Northumberland, wu Mon day tb 1st day of Juo next beiweeu iho hours of 10 'clock A. M. and i o'clock I' M. J. R. i'HIEKlLCr, rierUtct. Kcrlhuaibulaad, Miy IfeiJ