AGRICULTURAL. trfi" Flax CcLTunK. From nil parts of tbo Union we co the statement tliut the far mers intend to iRy more tlinn usunl atten tion this year to the cultivation of flux. The high price ot cotton anil woolen fubrics are leading the people to talk of the older style cf domestic ninimfncturc ; ancj the brake and the swindle, and tlio hatchel and wheel will he heard on many farm' and in many homes where such sounds have for rnauy years been cilrnt. I'lunllii-; "iif tingM. "We are constantly hearing people fty that they lim e no lw-l in making grape or other cutting: grow jw.t in if "luck" had anything to do with it. They ftiil in not giving clue attention to the matter; in other words, the causa is neglect and indiflcrcuce. The old intake should never bo forgotten, apply it wheresoever we may "A thing that is worth doing at all is worth doin well." There should be properly three eyes to everv cutting then dig a trench set tlw cuttings at an angle of 43 degrees, (at leiw-t six inches npnrt) so that the njiper eye sha il be an inch above the ground and prf ss the earth around the wood firmly with the foot. It is well to mulch them with g rass or stra, and if need be water theiu oc casionally in the dryest weather. Some varieties of'the grape are propagated much more freely than others. For instance the Concord. Miixntawny, Isabella. Hartford Prolific, Telegraph, Clinton. Vassidiiy, ice, take root readily ; while the Dclnw me mid Diana are dillioult to rrormL'nto in open culture unless great care U paid to tUoni, and a good portion of wood is used. We believe all the raspberry family can be propagated in tho same way. We have now finely "rowing under glass, cuttings of the Catawba, many of them in leaf 1 The mulberry cr.n be grown in the same way. We all know how easily currants and gooseberries are thus grown. AVe have hud both the hitter to bcur the rear after setting .out. Currants and gooseberries should be set out just where they are wished to stand permanently. If you prefer a tree, cut out all the eyes beneath the surface of the ground; if a bush", let t he eyes remain. These tut ting ought to lie planted nt least eiht inches deep, and the earth pressed firmly around tkem. A large proportion of flouring shrubs can also be nrouasatcd bv cuttinirs and tins should be known by all who have "luck"' in multiplying their stock in this way. 6'tr- 7naiti'ir i Tth-graph. TuitEUY H.MMxn, First, I never allow a turkey to set until about the Ttliddln ol Hay. Tliev will commence to lav carlv in April, but I take their eggs away as last as laid, and keep them until they lay their sccood batch, which will be finished ! about the second or third week in May. I then givn her some eighteen or twenty of the egg and let her set. Along the middle of June she will bo off. I then put Iter mid lief young on an old barn floor, or other outbuilding, that is dry. and feed on curd aud on cracked corn. Curd is the best for a continual feed when the f irmer has plenty, but cracked corn or coarse meal mixed wiili lobbered milk, will answer just as well. After they have been in-doors for two or three days, or long enough to get fairly on their legs for the turkey is ihe weakest of all fowls when yet young I lot them out. providing the wciither is lino and there is no clew on the grass. Tim great reson whv penplo csrnrt or tta not raise turkeys, i3 because they turn them out as soon as hutched, and about the first wetting they get they keel over m.d die. To succeed in raising turkeys, there fore, you must keep them dry until at least ten weeks old, when they will stand nbout As much water as any fowls, geese and ducks excepted. Of course they timet be driven iu every night, and on all occasions when u (torm is threatening. ExrEi.i.r.xT WnnnwAsn As the ho mo cleaning time will soon b here, it may not be amiss to say a few words in n-gard to white washing. There are tunny recipes Eublishcd, but we believe the following to o the best that can be used : White chalk is the best substitute for lime as a while wash. A very fine and brilliant white wash preparation of chalk is called "Piris 17i'rV This we buy at the paint stores for three cents a pound, relnil. For each six teen pounds of Paris While, we procure toll' a pound of the white transparent glue, costing tweutv-tive cents (fifty cents a uounu. 1 lie Sixteen poiltius oi I'nns lillc j IS about Its much Its n licr.-iin will liso in a day. It is prepared as follows : The lttc is covered with cold w ater nt night and in the tiiorniii is carefully licnted, withemt BcorcUin;:, until dissolved. The I'm is AYhile ii stirred in with hot water enough to f;ivo it the proper milky ctmsistr-tie;,- f:r ti!y inp; to the walls, ami the dissolved glue is then added and thoroughly mixed. It is then applied with ft brush like the common lime whitewash. Except on very chirk mid smoky walls and ceilings, a fcinulc. oat U sutlieient. It is to "zinc white. nearly Cijttal in brillianey I signal overthrew of it" plollcri. vml the linn esiuli a fiir more expensive ar- ' l'iiniei.l t.f e-.inl ri;;lir.- mol eiiiMl l;,u Ihruiihout ttele. We tind t lie irnovc primed anony mously, and ffive it a placu because it looks as if there was something in it. .. m-m Bi.tsTi'.iiKi) Hands .mi As a remedy ayaiiii-t blUlerinjr: of lmmlsin rowing or tithin-r. &c., or cf feet in wnlUiny, the quickest is, 1 5 fjrlit inp: a tnibnv ct'ndle mid letting the tallow drop into cold water, (to purity it, it is baid, from suit.) then rubbin; the tallow on the. hands or feet mixed with brandy or any other fctronr; spirits. For mere tenderness, nothini; is better than the above, or vinegar a little diluted with water. vjiiIt. fupplv iui. ' arc :ty JUST OPENED! E. Y. BRIGHT & SON, INVITE tho early attention of cash pur chasers to their choice, varied and exten sive assortment of FRESH WINTER UOODS which" they offer at reasonable prices. Our stock embraces A full line of Ilundnomc Dress' Goods, A nice lot of Domestic Dry Goods, A choice supply of fine White Goods, A great variety of Boots and Shoes, . A large stock of Queens and Glassware, A very extensive 1 ,t of Hardware, Hats and Cups ar. tl Ready Jtade Clothing Croceries of all kbjds, fresh and pure, Drugs Paints Cllass and Oils. WE INVITE particular attention to the following line of Goods, suitable for, Holiday Presents. Real Heavy Blanket Shawls, French Blanket and Broche Shawls, Hooscry for Ladies, Gents and Children, Ladies Gloves in great abundance, A complete stock of Gnts Gloves, Fancy Shirting and Opera Flannels, Assorted colors Balmoral Skirts, Skeleton Skirts in great Variety, Zephyr Opera Caps and Xubias, Fine Sable Furs and Muffs, Fine White Linen Handkerchiefs, Colored border Cambric Handkerchiefs, Real Bandanna Silk Handkerchiefs, Gents Silk Neck Ties and Cravatts, Fine needle worked Collars, Super Black Love Veils, Silk Tissues of assorted Shades, Ribbons, Laces, Edgings and Rufilings, Fine Black Mohair Caps, Sliawl Pins and Scarf Pins, Perfumery, Pomades-and Soaps, Buck Purses and fancy Fort Monaics, First rate. Skates, ready strapped, Nice Hair Brushes and rocket Combs, Extra good Penknives and Scissors, Childrens Gum Gilded Combs, etc., ic, SLc Sunbury, Pec. 20, 1902. ATTENTION DEALERS ! XXOfXCFS to nil who tnide ia Sunbury, that lie Ins just purchased u I,)K(i: STOCK or well Selected N E W GOOD S, Which he offers nt hi ohl stnml. near Covert s Hotel vest end ul'.Murkct fsjuiirc, very cheap fur cash Or if thai will not do. just as cheap fur : i'xtk v p a o s u v r.;. His stock consists of a largo Assortment (if HAT. HOOTS. CAPS, fciRiES. COAT?. (SALT. PANTS, S'AP. vest, nm-sires. ( fiDVAKE, QlriEiWAXj:, nr.d other article altogether too numerous lo men tion. CALL A.TTID SEE. Sunbury, Jnnunry 3, lii.'l. 1863. Tkr Nrw-YoitK Tr.inrxK. firct issnfJ in 1S41, now in its' tvciiy-peconl yir. hus oUtttiiii',1 limn a lnrjier i nmt a moru Kiucly Ui!lu.-t'tl cireuiHtion tli;in imy 1 other ne'iiiier e '.r pulilielini in Au criea. 'J I:ouii it hn '.iflereii. in common with o'her jonrnnls. from i the volunteering mt'l lopnvlul', o tens of ilionfials j of its pnlrons to m-rvb in tho Witr for tlie I ninn. its i ciri'iilatioii oil this (lib. uf lcecuiber, lSol', id u fol 1 low : ! IiAII.Y j Sm:iii-W'.i:i:lv 50.1 25 17.2iO 1 ls.uiirt Ajreeiito 21.i Prceniiiieiit-y h iourniil ofXewp nmt of The 'fitiui .NK hiu volition! con i'-tion. whiih are -..ll,.; 1.., ,l,n .innl. W . . .. . . . It j llenuhlii iin in its heart v mUn i-ion to the tiulh l!n t (Jil him mn'lo of one hlond ull muioiisof men'- Repul.lkim in its nirtion M'the npiul inel imilieniiltle ri-'hts of nil men to "Hit! lihertv, and tlie pur uit til' hiippmems"' Huulilienn in ils fte.oll'.i-t. eiirnei-t. ileiiitni hostility lo every khen:e nnl rtt.rt if the Iri.-ive PoHer. from the Annexarion of Tex h to tho jrrent itebellion. to pn'sji Ihe einpiro of tho Xew W i.rici nrel wiehl iho reio;iree fif our e4iiiniry for its own ntfrrrnmlizement tlepulilieiin in ii uittii jfoni"Tn to the lirt'i(KT!llt mill iti-nyoU of Iho 4.11,1 VoiM. who fnn.lly in ti e perils mi l c.ilnmities yinlileiily thi it-t i.j.ii ii.j try llu ir Amerienn rounler pnrt Ihe ovovthrow inul ruin of the .Voilel Ue)iullie HepuMi-'im in il lioye bih! trust, its faith noil ef fort, lhnt llii Htr;eiou lifhellion inii.-t result in the t i;ioii fli.ill inlet J to "one nnJ il..-ti .uuble'' lienec fonh an-1 fortvt-r. 'J 1:1: '1 ui ui xi: tle otes ultention in calmer limes, nr. I to wine extent in these, to lvlutulion, 'i t in; e riinee. Arienluirii!, Invenliers. tin.l vluiteev el.-o inev to the r.iiritiial itiiii ioiiIi itet pri'irrefs I iitni i.ell-l'tii. of n:Hi,kir..l ; hut for the pitsent its i iiierj-lts m:i iis coltn: us iiro mainly tlevoietl to the i inv i jorntton kiA ituct rsol Ihe ar for Iho t'nion. ! Its speeinl eoriI-on.ienU aecolop.tny every etiii.i'l j erithle nruiy autl re;tort every iutporiiiut i'.eitleiit of I tlmt 'i-eiLi simple Hhieh we trusi is goon iti loult in ' tiie anil eoitelusivo lriuuili of ihe Natit.iuil j wrniff nii'l iu tl.e re-toriiliontif t'eaee inul 'i'iirifi piour tlislrtlete.1, lleetlioii: eouutry. W'ts belieo thai 1;0 ! can a toiler or inore neeim-ie iew of Hie i.rMixre' UU'1 Iho eloiri-'ler ol tlii. uourit'llltttis eol.tliet e ubtiiiueil thiui thrtiiii;h tl-.e regular persunl of our citlutnns. Anil wo earnestly solieil the oo-operatioli of all frientls tif I ho National ei.ue, whit-1: wo re;tuil mnl u j hoU as ll.ut of I niveual lluluuliity,o aitl u in cxieutliii j iin ciroulntioU. ' Tho rnormoui iu lite prieeof printing pie per an. i outer luaicriuly useu in pruillu itvwspapi rs, eompels us. to inerea.-u tho juieeot 'in liuuixt. Our new term, are : DAILY ThlElNE. Single Copy 3 oentn. Mail SuUeriliers. one year (.111 issued j;s. si.M i-w i;i:K i.y t k i it i sc. ne Copy, one jear (104 uu) fl. wo Copies, ono yoeur, Sa. iti.s. one year, $12. 'pits, one year. CO. opy wili be Dent to clubtj of tweuly ttu.l ""VEKLY TItlBLXE. year (52 uauea) $2. one year j j. eur H. year $j. r, atltrrrj to iinmei uf Ktii Au txtia Cony will he teut lo tie mMren, cue year, ?2j. an 1 am price. An extra copy To elul of thinv Y 'itUUl.Nt will be Ml TIIK TKICSNK, ne Iluibl iiis. .er York, cured it ia uiufh (iifer Iban e name of the Pott-Otlice i bo plainly written, nev by ji. must pre. aai it will be tietluettj Hon i 11 ALU U, w.Pui.bury, Nortluu.fce lvunin. urir KiiviImv Mumt. ' v ' roet, oue eaft of Frillng y opimaue inn uu'jrtllouw 1UM, UlitM, I , m ro MAYORS OF THE Great Cities. XV c. th iinlo'stnned Mayors, hereby Oor tlry that His Druggists, Apcthooaries, and Fhyaisicns of our several oities have signed a doetitrtsjnt of assuranoe to us that AYEB'3 8AR3APAMLI.A has been found to t a remedy of great oxoolloneo, and worthy the oonlldenoe of the eomrnuaity. noij. JAMES COOK, Mayor of LOWELL, XIA39. HON. ALBIN BEARD, Mayor cf NASITOA, N. H. HOIT. E. W. HARRrNGTON", Mayor or MANCHESTER, N. H. HOST. JOHN" ABBOTT, Mayor of CONCORD, H". H. HON. A. H. BULLOCK, Mayor of WOBCESTEIt, MA33. HON. KATITIi SILS3EE, Mayor of SALEM, MASS. HON. P. W. LINCOLN, Jr., Mayor of BO3T0IT, MASS. HON. WT.I. M. RODMAN, Mayor of FKOVIDEIJCE, B. I. HON. AM03 W. TRENTICS, Mayor of NORWICH, COSTT. nON. J. N. HARRIS, Mayor of NEW LODOSf, CONN. HON. CU.AS. S. EODIER, Mayor of MONTREAL, C. E. HON. D. F. TIEIVTANN, Mayor of NEW YORK CITY. HON. H. M..KIN3TR23Y,- Mayor of HAMILTON, C. 7. HON. ADAH WILSON", Mayor cf TORONTO, C. W. HON. R. M. BISnOP, Mayor of CINCINNATI, OHIO. HON. I. II. CRAWFORD, Mayor of LOUISVILLE, KY. HON. JOHN SLOAN, Mfiyor of LYONS, IOT7A. HON. JAMES McFEETERS, Mayor cf BO WilANVILLE, O. W. HON. JALIE3 W. NORTH, Mayor of AUGUSTA, ME. HON. HENRY COOPER, Jr., Mayor of HALLOWELL, ME. HON. JAME3 S. BEEX, Mayor of FRED 3RICTOIT, IT. B. HON. WILI ARD NYE, Mayor of ATSW BEDFORD, SIA33. HON. J. ELAI3DELL, Mayor of FALL RIVER, SIAS3. HON. W. II. CRANSTON, Mayor cf KEWFOHT, R. I. HON. FRED STAHL, Mayor of GALENA, ILL. HON. JOHN nODGDEN, Mayor of DUBUQUE, IOWA. HOIT. THOMAS CEUTCIiriELI), llsyor of CHATTAIfOOGA, TEI.If. HOIT. ROBEIIT ELAIR, Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. non. n. d. baugh, Mayor cf IXEMPH13, TE2JK. HON". GERARD STITII, Mayor cf NEW ORLI5AS3, LA. ncir. n. u. ccraittoit, Mayor of KOCHESTDIt, II. T. HON- DE WITT C. GROVE, tluyor of UTICA, N. Y. HOII. GEO. VILSOIT, Ilr.yor of PITTSEUEO, PA. HOST. c. n. EUHL, Mayor of DETI50IT, JJICTI. n02T. HEMAN L. PAGE, Kayop of KILWAUKIE, WI3. nOIT. V. "V7. VAUGOTT, Mayor of JiACIKE. v7I3. nOX A. FARR. Mayor of KEICOSUA, WI3. now. JOHN c. iiAinv.r,, Mayor of CHICAGO, ILL. HOW. II. J. A. nEATII, Mayor of SELMA, ALA. HOW. A. J. NOBLE, Mayor of MONTGOMERY, ALA. HOW. "W. S. nOLYBAD, Mayor of COLUMI3U3, OA. DOW ESPARTERO KAWUEE, Muyor of VEHA CXIC3. DOW PIETR3 DE CAEALLO, Mayer of MEXICO. DOW ESTErHANIE RODRIGUES, Mayor cf HAVANA. DOW AWTOWIO ECHEVERA, Mayor of LIMA, rEKT7. DOW M. G. MIEAWGWO, Mayer cf VALPAItAISO, CHILL DOW KAEO SESQUIPEDAEIA, Mayor of 1UO JAi-EIKO, B3AZIL. Certify thtt tho rp.-idont Drueeiata have) assured thorn Ayer's Sarsaparilla la an exoellont remedy, end wort'iy tho con fiucnoo cf tlia coiumuuit7. For Bprlnp; DUntea. Tor Pnrlfj Inn; the Blood. For Scrofula or King's I'.vil. For Tnnion, T'letm, and Korea. For F.ruitZuua antl rimjilce. For Slotchea, Ulalnt, and Ilolli. For St. Anthony! Flrr, ICowr, or Fry For Tetter or Salt Ithcum. WnUuii. For Scald Head and Itlnf;worin. For Canrrr an d Taurcroua f-oi tu. For Gore E) ti, Sore Ilnrs, nud Ihimnri, For Female Dtaeacee. For Snpi-cilon anil Irrepnli-I j-. For Eyplillla or Venereal Dliitui, For Liver Complalnta. For Diaeaaca of the Heart. The Mayors of the chinf eitlon ef ths Tni ted Statoa, Canadaa, and BritUta Provinces, Chili, Peru, Brazil, Mexioo, and in fact n. moat ell tho cities on this oontinant, have aisned thia dooumont, to assure their popln what remedioa they mty uao with eafuty and oonlldenoo. But our space will only admit portiou of them. Ayor's Sarsaparilla, Aycr'a Clien-y Pectoral, Ayer'a Pills, nn.i Aycr'a Ague Cure, riiKfAiiKD tir Tfl. T. ' ' A ... Jt, i a LOWF.I.L, MASS., And told bjr Drugglsti every where. Sold by 1-riling 4 tiraut, anil 11. A. Fiiher, in buubury, Dr. K. D. MfCoy, Korthumberlnnd. J. F. Onflow, and C. Ilrttwn, Milton. J. Clniruian, lurbutville, Ilfith Co., Mt. Cariitbl. H. Beryttlreaaer, tlynburg. Wicat, Uahonoy. M'eavttr A MoWilliauia, Paxinos,' And liealera voryher AngTHllSOI.-ly NOTICE I The Ailnrn' i:spreii Cowpnny, GIVE NOTICE that they bar oonolinted ar rnngomenta with the Northern Central Railroad Company to run train from Ualllmort for York, lnrrirburH, Daophln, Halifax. Trernrton, Bunbnry, Nnrtbumberlnnd, Lewlabnrir, Milton, Munoy, Wil linmsport, and all intvrmemate loUon. eonnectinc at Ilarrisburft with the GREAT WESTERN EX VRKN3 for I'itUburs, Ciiieinnati, 6t. Louii and the Went. Also with Howard A Co.'e Exr t Milton or llauville, IllonniKhurg;, Wilkcnharre, Pittaton, Hcrnn ton. and liitermetliul etationa on the Cattawion, baekawnnna A lllonmnburc Railroada. At WIN linmsport, by Howard A Co.'a Expreaa to Joiwy Shore and Lock Haven, Also, by Howard A Co., and their connection, for Canton, Troy, Elmira, Rochester, lluffiilo, Niagara, and to all accewihle points in Wcatorn New York and Canada, by which they will forward Mero'.aiKlice. Specie. Bank Note, Jewelry, and Valuable Package! of every descrip tion. Also, Nntm. Draft and Kill for Collection. Experienced and efficient nioflacnKorii employed, and every eflbrt will be made to render iatistaclion. JOHN III XO HAM, Puperintenilont Penn'a Division, Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER,. Agent for Sunbury. April 5, 1802. le. Arriinerinrnlaj 1SG3 ol ov York I.I no. TIIK CAMDKX AXD AMMOY AND rillLADEL- THIA AND TRENTON It. U. CO.'S LINES. From rhihitiflyltia to Amp Yort aiirl Il'y Plaefs, Jrom Walnut street Wharf and Kensington Depot, trill Irate as follows, viz i rAiiit. At A A. XI.. via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. Accommodation.) $2 25 At (1 A. M., via Caiudcnand Jorsey City.Jf. J., Accommodation. 2 25 At B A. M.. via Cuimlen and Jersey City, (Morning Mail.) 3 00 AlSA. .M..via Camden and Jcrey city 2d Claw. Ticket 2 25 At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Exprw 3 HO At 'i M. via Camden and Amboy, C and A. (Aeeotnuioilalion.) 2 25 At 2 I'. M . via Camden and Amlnv, (0. and A. Kxprc.) 3 00 At 3 1. SI., via Kensington and JcraoyCitr, Wasli. and N. Y. EspreM " 3 00 At 111 1. SI., via Kensington and Jersey City, (KvcniiiK Mail.) - 3 00 At 111 P. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Southern Mail. 3 00 At li (nighl) via Kensington and Jersey city Siiulnern Express 3 00 At 5 1'. M., via Camden and Amboy, (Accom modation. Freight und Pttusenger, l-'irst Class Ticket. 2 25 Second Class Ticket. 1 00 For titer tiap. Stroiulsbur. fieranton, AVilltes- I itnrrc, .tuiniro.-e, ureal, nenti, ac., ai u j. .!., frtitu Kensington, viu Deluwni-c, Eaekawaiiita uud Western Itailrttatl. For Maueh C'hunk. Allcntmvn. nelhlehcm, Belvi. ilere. Eirton. I.nmhei tville. Fleuiingttm, Ac. ut 8 A. .M.. lioiu Kensiiiglon Ueitot, and at 2i 1. M., froin Wtilnnt street Vhurf. ( llicG A. M. Line connects with Trains leaving Knslon fur Maueh Chunk, nt H-20 1'. M.) For Jlttunt llollv, at li A. M.. 2and 4 I'. M. For Freehold, ui H A. M. ami 2 l M. WAV LINKS. For Tiristol. Trenton. Ac, at 11 A. M. and 2 nnd j 1. M. from Kensington. Fur l'uliiivrii. lliverlon. llelaneo, Ileverlv, rtur- linttin. Florence, Uordoutown, Ac, ut li', 1, 2, 4i and II P. M. t J' For New York, and Way Lines leaving Ken siiigittn liepttt. take llie Cars tin Fifth street, above WuIihiI, bull' an hour before departure. The Cars run into the licpnt. and on the arrivul of each Trniu. i tin tr im Ihe lk-ptit. Filly rounds of Bnirffage only, allowed each pn.-.-encr. I'assengeis arc prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All b igage oi er fitly Hiiuitls to be paid extra. Tiic i'fiiij.iuiy limit ilieir resttnsiltilily htr baggage to Due llollnr ter pound, und wilt not he liable lor any niuouut beyond flUO. except bv speeinl contrnet. WM. H. U.ViZ.MKlt, Agent. Januarv 17. 1SC. Northern Central iiP.ilv.nV ! e VJ ITi:it TIME TAItl.S". TWO TRAINS DALY to nnd from tne North nnd West Uriiiieh .Susquehanna. Elmirii, and ull uf North ern New York. ON ami after MONDAY. November Kill. Istl2. the Passenger Trains of Ibn Northern Central r.ailway will arrive at and depart from .Sunbury. lit;rrishurg and ll'iltiiimro as follows, vis : SO I T 11 W A K I . Mail Truin leaves Sunbury dt.iiy ii-xcclt Sunilavl. 1 4i P. M. " leaves litrrWuri. - i r arrives iu aii-.i.- iU '.ltl Express Train leaves Sunb. ry daily (except .Sunday. i " 11 20 P. M. leaves llarripburg (exeett Monday.) 2 45 A. M. " arrives at Ilnlliinoro daily (except Monday). 7 SO A. M. Mail Train leaves daily (ex. cept Suittlay) 8 SO A. M. " le.ives liarrUburs - 1 4 P. -M arrives at "'iinbury. 4 in ' Express Train leavin Ilalliniore daily t 4n P. M ;l arrives at llarrisburg. 1 60 A M. leaves llarritiburg texceitt Monday). 3 20 A. M. " arrives at Sunbury. C -0 " For further information applv at the (itliee. I. X. liiliAlUlY. funt. Nov. 29. mi. Heading liullroad. WINTE& AKRAKGEMENT. ItEA X Nt it MEAT TRUNK LINE from Iho Xt.rtK nni th-Wc,t fr Philatleliiliia, New Yolk. Itead- . Ptiltsvillv. Lebanon. Allenttiwn, EttMon, Ac. 'J rain? leave llarrittbiirg for Philadelphia, Ncw Yttik. lteuding. Pottttvillc, and nil lntennetliate Siiitioi.s. at 8 A. M ontt 2 HO P. M. New York Express leuves llarriifhurg nt 3 15 A. M., arriving at New Y'ork ut 10 30 the smite morning. Fares fiom llarrisburg: To New Y'ork 16; to Philadelphia $3 Si and $2 bO. Daggnge cheeked throufb. ltetuiiiing. leave New York at 0 A. M.. 12 Xonn, and ! P M. (Pittsburgh Express). Leave Philatlel- hia nt M 15 A M. and 3 P M. .Sleeping cars in tbo New York Express Trains, through to a nil' from Pittsburgh without change. Piif.-'-iigcrs by the Caltan it-sa Hail K"ad leave Port Cliiititu ut a. Id .' M . fur I'hila. anil all inlt rine.liiite Siiiliiins ; and at 3.25 P. M., for l'hiladelphiu, Ncw Yui'Ii. uml all W ay Points. Trains leave Pt.llsvillu nt 9 15 A. M.. and 2.30 P. M.. for I'hiladelpbia and New York ; and ut .V.lll P. M .. fr Auburn untl Port Clinton only, connecting for Pine tirove nntl with Iho Catlawiha Hail Itoatl ; re luming fiom Heading ut S 15 A. M.. fur Ptnlsville. An acctimmo-lulitin Patenger train leaves. Kettiling at II ?iil A. .VI., untl returns from Phil'.delpliiu at 4 oU P.M. C v All tho ubove tr.tiua run daily, Suuiluys ex cepted. A Sunday train leaves Puitmtle at 7.30 A.M., untl Pitilatleliihiu at :i 15 P. M. Coiiimutatittu. Mileage. Season, and Excursion Tickets, al reducid rales lo and from all points. U. A. MCOLLS. Ilec 13, 1802. General Superintendent. I.iX'Uii wuiiiiu Ik. Itlvoiiikbui'j ami after November 17, 1802. I'usjcucer mini will run us folluws : MOYINU sunn. Pre iff lit V in ia a:m 11.40 P.M. Ptissencer. I.eavo Seranton, 8.110 A. M. Kingston, S.20 " Hupert, II. .'Ill ' llimville, 12.05 Arrive ut Northumberland, 12 45 P. M. MOVING MUtTII. Leave Northumberland, 5.20 P. M. Dauvillu, SHU u ltuitert, 6o!5 " Kingston, 8.45 Leave, 1.45 P.M. Arrive at Serauton, 10.110 1'. M. 3.40 A Piifcnger Train also leaves Kingston at 8.00 A. M.. fir Seranlun, to eoiiuect wilh a train for New Yol k. Returning, loaves Scruutuu un arrival of Ir.ttn from New York, at 4. 15 P. M. Tho Lackawanna t llloouiburg ltnilroatl connects with the lielnware, Lackawanna and VV ostern Hail ro.i.l at S ranton, fur New York and Intermediate T-oiiits eit. At Hupert il connects with Iho Callawissa Rail road lor points both east and wentarriving at Phil adelphia at 0.15 P, M. Al Northumberland it connects with the Philadel phia i Erie ltailroad and Northern Central Hail. road, for Hjints west and south Passengers arriving at llarrisburg 4.50 P. M; Philadelphia 10 P.M.; uml lliilliiiioro 10.20 P. M. The Freight and Passcnu-nrs Train north, leaves Northumberland at (.45 A M., aud arrival at 11,20 P M., puwiug Llauville at 8.2o P. M. -r JOHN P. ILSLEY, Bun't. J. C. Wells, General Ticket AgcuL Xov. 2J, IboJ 'I'es rnaua MutlVrrra of both Hrxrei. AEEYEBFND GENTLEMAN having been re. stored to health iu a few days, alter uudergoiug all the usual routine and irregular expcsisiWuiudus of treatment, without suoooss, uonsidera k his sacred duty to uumuiuuieuu to bis ahliolud fulluw crealuraa thouEAaaurccBK. llcnes, on Ihe rocelpt of an adtlresHid ostrulope, he will send (free) a copy of the presur ipuua used. Direct to . Da. JOHN M. DAON'ALL, 16 Fallow btteet, Brockh-a, N Y Jasiary ti. 13 JUST RECEIVED ! ! A XltM Jaat retornod from rhiladelphla with ft 3FLE1TDID STOCK OP Spring & Summer Goods. 1'or 9Ien, IVonr, Cloth. Cassimere, Vesting, Italian Cloth, Linen Coating, Linen Check and Cottonade. 1.41 1 1 est Wenr. A large assortment of Dress Goods, Jilack and fancy Silks. Silk Tissues, Fancy Ucrngcs, Phnllcy, all Wool Dolancs, Mosaiubiquc Uoods nt low prices Silk Lcvclliu. Delanes, Lawns, Uinghams and Prints. A full line of Irish Linen and White Goods. Htolla border and Fancy Summer Shawls, Silk and Lace Mantillas, Ac Ready Made Clothing, A good assortment ef lints and Caps, A Urge assortment of Boots and Shoes. A full stock of Groceries, Molasses and Sugar, Hardware and P.uilding Mntcriul, A full stock of Queen and Glassware, A full stock of Fiah, Salt, Oils and White Lead, A largo stock of New Wall Taper, A new stock of Stone and Earthenware, And thousands of articles not enumerated. ti' All Ihe above will be soli cheap for or Country PrwUice. J. II. ENGEL. Sunlmrv. May 17, 1B02. UOW O 3? IE XT. MAMMOTH FUKNITUKE WARE HOUSE. H9 Si 611 Chcainut Street, IMiil'n. (Late LEVY A CO'S Dry Good Store,) c;s:o. j. nn:.Mii:i., Formerly 521 Wulnut Street. Philadelphia. August .".0. lSo2. 1m iiKaiai.v ijipoK'i'.ivr .s:4. M C. GEAHIIAIIT Has Uktiiimiii with a Nkw Stock or 4'oti!'tioii:ci-i-H, I'riiil nud '8"j. IT seems us if a new age, a new life was opening itti'.n us. animal ing every heart to nobler devils autl iiiglier uims' Art, Literature and Science will glow nnew, untl sock to devebtpe subliuier beauties ami grantler conception. The business world, too, must feel the new influence and every part be quickened ami strengthened bvim increased vitality, which shall urge us on with tlui tric speed lo Ihe consummation of greater thii'gallinu was ever dreamed of in tho Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which pervades all classes, and desirous uf doing his share towards The great events of the Ago." the subscriber would re spectfully inform the gitod people of SI NUl 11Y nntl the public g-nerally. that ho Ilis just returned from Ihe eity of Philadelphia with Ihe largest nntl choicest sltak of Confeclit'ii.irifs, Fruit and Toys, that has ever been broii)tht to Ibis section of country. Ho is Iso manufacturing all Kinds of Confectionnrics. Ac, to till up orders, wholesale or retail, nt short notice. Among hi. .lock ol CON F1.CTI0X ARIES may be found : French Secrets. Hurued Almonds, Cream While, " Lemon, Hose. ' Vanilla, Common Secrets, Liquorico, Thtnanus, i'att.s. Gum Drops, all kinds scent, l.tu e llrow, MTnt HroM, red und white, Jally Cakes, Fruit Dro, Slick Candies, of all scents, llttck Candy, Aluionu L unity. FRUIT. Prunes, Fig', Ralsens, Nuts of all kinds. LEMON SYP.UP CurruuU, dried, of a superior quality, by the single or doion. A superior quality of Tobacco and Sears. and a vartetv of Confectionnrics. Fruit. Toys. Ac, allot' which Is ottered cheap at wholesale autl retail. i r" Hciueuibcr the name nud place .."1 M. C. GEAlillAKT. Mtukct street, 3 doors west of E. X. Hiighl A Sou's store. Suubury, April 14, lSrtl. ly THK A'U.t'M' ttO.Vr.lI.Y. I!EG INNING OF A NEW VOLI ME. The number for January. 1S03. begins the Eleventh Volume ol the Allan tic Monthly. F"M10M Ihe commencement, in 1S57, the Atlantic ' has rapidly increased in circulation, anil it now litis Iho largest class of readers since its beginning, five years ago. Its prosperity steadily augments, and it continues, nini.l all the Htictuations aiul dun. gets incident lo our national crisis, to gain ground ill the estimation of the public. At a time so pregnant wilh events which touch Ihe future ilestiires of Amer ica in every vital particular, the Publishers and Edi tors do not deem it necessary to promise that its page will never swerve for the honest paths of loyal patriotism and universal freedom. It opinions huve always beeu on Iho side of Liberty, Progress ami Highl, and the course it lirvt nil. .pled in its early career, will ever be faithfully maintained! The Sia.fl' of Writers, regularly contrtbulios; to the Atlantic Muiilhly, et. braces ull Iho best known au thor, in American liie. ature. and warrants the Pub lishers iu proiuibing to its 1'uudcrs, THE BEST ESSAYS, THE L'EST STOr.IES, THE HEST T0EMS, Which Anfnican talent can furnish. .List or Ueoi lau Conthihttors. In Trnke and Poetry the 'Atlantic" Stuff of Wri ters is unequalled. The folloniug uulhors argstill among me regular contributors : James Httssell Lewoll, Oliver W. Holmes, Henry W. Longtuilow, Louis Agassis, lttilnh Wablo Emerson, Nathaniel HawLhoruo, C. C. llascwcll, John ti. VV hitlicr, K. P. Whipple, Hayartl Taylor, Charles E. Norton, Georue S. liillurd, T. W. Higginaon. llcnrv titles. Author -.Margrct llowth," W alter Milehell Mrs. Julia VV . Howe Henry T. Tuckcrnian, Mrs. A. 11 T Whitney, Mrs. 11. U. Stuwe, Charles lleade, Hose Terrv, ItoU-rl T.'Lowcll, Edward Everett, John Weiss, Harriet Marlineau, 'The Country Parson, " Harriet E. Prescott, J. 1 . Trowbritlge, Professor ADM bite. The furogolng list of Contributors includes. l.jr. The Leading Writers of America TlRXS Tlie Athititie is for sale by all Hook and Periodical Dealers. Price Shi eeula a number. Sub scriptions fur the year. $3.05, postage paid. Yearly subscriptions received, or single numbers supplied by anv dealer, or by the publishers. Specimen uuuiborssout gratison application to Tin Publishers. Inducements for subscribing. Lists of premiums, sYo., furnished ou application lo the Publisher. T1CKNOK A FIELDS. . 1.15 Washington buest, Hitou, Mast. Ko. 19, im - iiitAitv iioisi:. Coruei of Ftaf h4 TnrJ Slrt4tt, IUbhissibo, Pa. THIS HOUSE, in eoiuioquonoe of ila aonveniens and near location to the Capitol, has made it a desirable sitppiug place, not only for those bsviug business a', the teat of Uoveraonutt, tut for others nailing UuTisburg. March W, lWs" NEW ASD USEFUL ARTICLE. HALEY, MORSE ft BOTDEN'8 Patent HtC-ftnn ( lotliosi Trinfrfr Simple, Eoonomloal, Durable, and ia not Liable to got out of Order. The Pelf-Adjusting Clothes Wringer, It one of the erentest Improvement of the nineteenth ecntury. and baa only to be known and tried, to come into general use, The saving of clothes. In pressiug out the water between two rubber rolls, instead of wringing or twisting, will amount to enough In a short time, to pay for a machine. Everv one is nware, that the twistinz or wringing of clothes, stretches and breaks the fibres j but this machine presses Ihem so evenly, thnt a newspaper thoroughly soaked, can be wrung, without breaking It in the least, and il Works so easily, thnt a child twelve years ohl enn operate II without trouble. Hut water does not injure the rolls, and woollen goods can be wrung out of boiling water tu prevent fulling, which cannot be done by blind. InHtarching, It is Invaluable, especially on largo articles, such as Ladles' Skirls, Ac, as it leaves the starch in the clothes perfectly even. Il will wring tho largest bed quilt or Ihe smallest pocket hand kerchief, drier thnii ean possibly be dune by hand, without alteration in loss than mie-eiglh the time. The machine is so simple that it is not liable to get out of repair. The great improvement in this, every every other Wrinirinir Machine vet invented, is. its bell-Adjust. Ing arrangement, requiring no alteration, to wring a handkerchief or bed quilt consequently, the most ig. nornnt servant can ouerato it. The machine is nintlo of wood, and so arranged, lhnt no iron can pos-ihly come in contact wilh the clothes, thereby avoiding all danger of injury to the clot lies, by iron rtift. This is the most simplcand effective Clothes Wring, or yet invented Those purchasing can use them two weeks, and if they are not pei fccily satisfied, re turn them, and their money will be refunded. "Address L. E. SNOW. Pliilatlelphn, Or II. 11. MASSER, Agent for Northumberland co. July 5, ls62. s vxt 1 1 it v " nt i: A rio i it is 3111.1,. MIIE subscribers having taken possesion of this J first class FI.UVHhU MILL, oro prepared Iu receive gruiu uf all kinds, and to do custom work nt tho shortest notice. Customers will have their grists ground immediately upon their being left at the Mill. As it is the intention of tho firm to stock (he Mill, a large supply of grain will bo constantly kept on hand, and Hour by the qonnlity cun always b obtained. The greatest care will be taken tti turn out a superior quality of Hour, for which the mill is admirably adapted." Strict attention will be paid lo the wants of customers, nntl tho patronage of tho public generally is respectfully renuesleil. Sunbury, Juno 2.1, lbliO. MOlUlAN CO. geovFr &3AKtR'S First Premium SEWING MACHINES FOR FAMILY CPF. AND .Tin n ii I'sK't ui-i n K' ' ro. Willi lli-mtncrs, Fetters, Tuckers, Corners, Hinders, Ar rRIC2S $40 UPWARDS nrfl'E.'HiJ SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, Mnkf tin- Ix-rt nr Shntttf Slitrh MncliitifH vf ih wm iitiTi8. niwi ni the mtni- prti h 'ht-ir erlrhialed i)JL lii.i; isUCKMi'iruu maciiim:. Thia in lb only Cmnpnuy -hut m.-ikci b"th kit f'n. itirrp fore tlie onl) tine that cun uly all llr wuiita of the pub lit. C P'trriVtFrm fnn tnk llieir rfw ire T,( either Stile WHi) tin privi'v-n if rXcliMncitijr f'T llii -t t-r A itr-w s'x'f't Stmiils' .Mti'Iihi- miis lurt oud quirt, foi Yrkt .Muketti Tnil'i n, he .timlfii, A c. At the UiC Prl c ,, $ ;o. IV i icy tiik . B VKKICS.fl M Co. T:lll tdit'Stuilt Streel. Philadelphia. I!. Masskh, Sunbtirv, Pa., Agent lor tho Al i. u f:i o t urtT. D.eeinlter 41, IPfil- 1v 11 uses !2ie:i.. lliirri illirg, l',i. riIIE mnnagenient of this well-known Hotel bar I ing been resumed by Messrs. COY l.E A HEH li. the present proprietors, beg leave lo inform the public that the house is now being thoroughly rniovatetl. rciiiieu. ami iir.provcu. wi.n u view to ine proper ami cotnl'orlal'le iieootnino ltdion of tboso who may favor receive l tin attention ami courtesy, and no oxpen.-e will be spared thut may conduce to maintain e hotel in n first -eh. ss style. Families nnd others desirins lo sojourn in Harris bin g during the summer month, will find pleasant hoarding and large and w ell-ventilated rooms ut our establishment, upon moderate terms. . SCOTT COY1.E. March 20. isr.?. J. tl I LHEIt f HERP. si'.Viii'itV T is: v. aIIE ST NIil'l'.Y" ACADEMY' will ho opened on . the first .Monday of November. lNi'J TUITl'.'N-PEH QUAKTKP.. Juvenile scholars, l-'nglish branches. Sciences and higher Mathematics, f 2 on 4 on 5 on 6 00 languages, M. RHODES. Principal. Snnbury, Nov. 1. 1Pi'2 look; si: wsi-a pi:u mi: si 'l'j ! l'oini5i-y. JUBASD OHSA: IA TE have the fullest of the ii:r-st useful IT kinds ot 1 lam and Ornamental Jype. manu factured from the most dtirahlu metals, liui-hi tl with the greuleal care and uucuiucy, securing perfect justi fication. Specimen Hooks and estimates fumtahed upon lip plication, also. PIUNT1NO PKESSEP. wilh their appurtenances of all the approved maker?- W O O D T Y 1 E . of nil the latest style, of all sUs. Metal furniture l.alsir-Saving Kules. Cases. Cabineis. Furuilurc. Printing ink, nnd every article Ihe Piiuter risuiies Terms libcrul. l'romid attention. It A KM Ell. LITTLE & CO.. C.I nnd 05 Heckuiuu street, New York. May .1, Wr. IollorkM laiid-liou 4'ofl', ri"VJIIS preparatiion. matle from the best .hiva J Coffee, is recttiiiiuenttcil bv phvsieians us n sup. lior Nl Til 1 1 lot S l!h EHAii K "for tieneral Dclul ity, I'vspep-ia. aiot all Hiilious liisortlcrs. Tliounaiids who have been compelled to abandon Iho uso of cotfec, will use this without injurious eflects. One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary cotfec. Price 25 cculs. KOLLOCK S LEVA IN, The purest and best HAKlN'tl PllWDER known, for leaking light, sweet uud uutritious lircud and Cukos Price 15 cents. MAMTirTinr.D BV" M. li. KoLLOCK," Chemist, Corner of llroad and Clicsnut Streets, l-ll 1 1. l r: l. I'll i A , And sold by all Druggists nud Uiocen. March I. IK0J. J A M Ii 6 1 A It 1) E It ' S V. AND RKTAII. CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. Corner Second anil Chestnut (., . riiliarielplila. AGENCY forlhr PATI'N T I'.tJI'AI.IZIVG TII1WTV HAY Cl.tirKH a vriv ilrsiralile atllele lor Cnurch es, HoUIn. Hanks. Couitllns H'-usrs, Parlors. Ate, Also. Mitnuliicturerof I'INK ItlU.D I'KNS. Clt.'k, rt'stir,'d aiat wairaaletl, Cttak 'riioiuiiKgs ttf evry rieMriptital. I'tiiltttiel:diia, January 10, lMil.-.'ly II. li. M ikm:u. Allonw y tit Iji, FI NHI RY', PA Collcclions attended to iu the counties of Nur. tbombcrlunil, l nion, Snyder, Moutour, Ctluiubia aud Lycoming. BErKntNTEI. linn. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. U. Oiiueil A Co., " Hon. Wm. A. Porter, Morion McMichael, F'so,., " E Kctchaui A Co., 2w Pearl Street, New Tork. John W. Ashmead. Attorney at Law, " Muttheas A Cox, Alltirneys at Law, " Suubury, Mtrch 2V, lsOJ. ihn iu tin iti:. NOW 13 THK TIME TO FILL YOIU ALBUMS. IN consequence of the scarcity ofchsnge, I will sell my elegant FLNOCiHAPH CAHDE DJi VLS1TK POhTllAFlS. rVlilffii Tortue Dollar. Bent by mail Postage paid. These eardes are best published aril ar rernta ncut. 1 hey embrace all lha larineiial UeneFnlso tb Army, President, Cabinet, lo. Also two of Ihe greatust villiausuubung JEFF and BEAlRKUAhD. Catalogues sent ua applieatioB. Sample copies sent on receipt of Ten Cents. JOHN DAINTY, T2 Sansoin M., Puiladelphia. September 6, 1301. TJLANK (Parchment Paper,) Deeds and blank I I jMortgairtsj, bonds, lliveauoca, rVumuotis, Am nt salt at tba offioa of use "Sauoury Aoiarteaa " A Ijirg-e AftsKirtmot ' ol4 EVANS A WATSON'S ' f3At.A3Vr 6 A'rES.' GREAT FIHL AT READING, PA. rehrunry i2, W'2. OrsTLrvrw It give me much satis faction to' Inform you that In the revere fire whicl V on the morning of the 4th inst., entirely destroy, s'all my stock and materials, 1 bad one of your Sal V render Fire Proof Safes. After enduring an int, rod heat for seven hours, the Safe was opened. i d the Hooks and Papers wero preserved iu an uuihh tv'shed ' condition. I shall need another Safe as soon . U Fgct ' in order. Y'ours. most respectfultv. W P. DICKINSON", "Heading, TV FIUE AT Gil KEN CASTLE. CilAUBtHsiiCRo. Franklin county, Pa.. I August XI st. 1K01. I Messrs. Etas Watson. Philadelphia Gentl men: On tho morning of Ihe 22d of August. 1K61, our Storehouse at Oreencasllo was destroyed by fire. The Salamander Safe we purchased from you" some few years since was In the above lneiilihiied store, house, nntl continued all our books, papers, cash. Ac, which were preserved in a perfect condition, after being exposed toa most interne hcitt for several hours. Please inlorin us upon what terms you will sell us another larger Safe. Yours truly. OAK? AUSTIN. Salamander Safes, for Ranks. Stores, Piivn'e Families, Ac , Ac. Also. Eians A Wit'sor'a Patent Alphabetical Bank Locks and Hank Vault Doors, equal to any made iu the country, and sold on as good terms F. A W. would respeelfnllv refer to thfi following Hanks ami other parlies, having their Safes and Locks now in use, to their entile pali.-Xu-tion, ami many others given at tl.eir S'ore. I" si iti; ii Stiti.s Mimt, Drnncii Hank, Shclhyville Philadelphia. Tcnnesle. t'.MTKii States AnsEXAL.Cily Hank of Philadelphia. California. Consolidation II k of I'hila. Pottstown Hank. Pa. Coin lb Hunk of I'hila. Conlesville Unnk, Ps. Cliatauooga li .i.k. Tcnn. Stroudshnrg Hank. Pa. Pre'ni Loan Ass'on. I that. Jersey Shore Hank. Pa. llank of iirihiiti.b. rhind. Lock Haven Hnnk. Pa. liank of North n Lihertit, Lnion Hank. Ualtiniorc. Philatli li hia. Southwestern Hunk of Vn. Paul and Swill, Hankers, Fulton Hank. Atlanta, Ua. Aliihutna. Newark Hank. Del W.G. Ste. lintr.V.'ilktsb'e. Hank of N. C. llaleigh, Lcvtislmr..' liank. Pa. Oiher references gien upon eaHir ? at our Sttre, No. 10 ,s. Fourth Slrei t, I biliitleiphia. Mnre'h 29, 1S02. ly .1111 lilEIVS .V No. A Hornoisi nt l.t-M. H".n Cor. Fulton attend to Collections and nil other matters, intrusted to their care. May 21, 1S53. s:.TKiir ijis:i.. fUnnliury, Xorllinnilx-rJ.-trnl '., Fn. riHIS large and commodious Hotel, now managed .1 by JAMES VANDYKF.. is sif"ate at tbo l.'ail roati Dep'd, North East corner of .Marltet Square, Sunbury. Pa., ami at the terminus rf the Sunbury A Erio ami Northern Central Knihoaih. arid, is opciifor the accommodation of Travelers and tit v public iu general. The jirnnrlelir will give his ex, Hnico attention to the comfort nnd i-nien"c of Ids quests, and is determined to nvVe this establ'-huient rank among the first in the State. His table will he supplied witii the "ct the market can produce, having the advantage of daily commu nication by cars direct from 11-iliiinoro, and nlto from tbeso bringing produce fror.i tho surround. rg country. His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors tho market can produce. Ca reful ui.d oliig:ngSfrv.'ints r.hvttys in sttniiranes. New nii'l comiiLodiotts s'ldoing hat-just been added . to the premises. A share of the" local and tr.tvi ilt: c?u-.nuuiity is most respeetl'ully viln-it-.l . Sutiltiiry. January 12, Int-rnatr::l ttotr-J. TC5 and 267 Vroaihnn:. Corner Fraiillm Street, NEW YOllK. TITHIS first class House the most quiet, homelike 1 and pleasant Hotel In the city oficrs superior iiidiiccments to those visiting New Y'oi k hr bu-inoss or pleasure. It is centra! iu its local ion. ard kept on the El ttol'KAN Pl.A. in cotjiiectioii with Ta vi.or's S.M.tniN', where refreshipctils cs.n be h-el at all hours, or served in their own rocu.s. , he eVirt'S are roo dcrate, the rooms aud ntti-n larco of the lirst oidcr bulbs, and all Ihe modcru c.iitTcij:ei:ces atiached. March 2$. lSi-2. ! w"ii'. i. i;api:k! t 'PT rceoiveil freni j f J 0" VLL l'API'Il, VST received freni Ntit York fl l'ir,re hj.tortrnent eoi.yi.-iii.g of Osk lir.vniiKD ASK SlXTY-THKKB Dlll'KllKVT MVI.Ct AND Fat- tkhxs, varying in price from ticciu tipwnrds. all of which will be sold at Iho lowist v'i.-li prices, ar iho cheap storo of J. 11. ENtiFL Sunbury, March 22, 1S02 nKI.K A I.VO.Tf " SEV7"T3SrC3- 3vryVCT-IIIJB CO-, 51S BROAD WA Y, NFW YOl'.K. Descriptive Circulars, ic.'j F.tmple of Wort, rill le unit jit'i! -Vtr. OUR "FAMILY SEWlMi MA' HINE." A VINO attained a well t s'a'.li.-iifl and tlatterips; ir reputation. s being of ull miic'nincs vet intro duced. Ihe one best adapted to Am. Kin ok Famii.v Srwixn, and having metwitli a suci''- iu i.s sale beyond our gTcatest at.tifipation. so much so. thai lor three months our ciders have been ahead of our cut aeitv to supply, we would now announce that wo have In Tease-1 our nianiif-ieturieg firlilics, so thnt from this lime forth, we shall bo uiiablcd to supply orders on demand. In Ilia changes brnn,ht about l y the war. no one Ihiiur lias played a more important piy t than the "Srwivr. Mai iwk.'! Without it threi-fourtbs of our soldiers would to-day be cl. thed in anything but ' Mililarv r,.iunie." All over 'lie laiei nreiy clo thing has been tlie voik rt quirt .1 of our put'riMie woineii, ami nobly huvv they reton-icd. Nut content to make only so many garuii.tit.-i as their hands coul-1 ncconiilifh, llo-v have called the Sewing Machine"', lo their aid. nnd by it have relied out the soldiers' i'oats, Pants an. I Stums, at a rale astonishing to tin niselves. Kiionim; lhnt il,: vnrk could lint long eouliniif. niary tlionirtitfu). .ru lent lo-u-t-i ives. wera carctul lo select Ihe machine i f a'l oilieis. which would do the heavy ermv wrl. ar.ii wl cn done wilh that, then lo be Usui us their 1'amu.v M u mt. alii in selecting one i f the "Finkie A Lyon Seisc. M.'c:t!a Comtant' Family Maciiinks."' with which you may sew from the finest ramr:;c to the heaviest cloth, without cl, nige "I Iced, needle, cr tension they have not been ti.t.q. pointed. 'Jhus having tlevelopctl tho adaptability of our maeliiiie for ail kimlsof work, we have male another step in advance, and by severnl in: chaiigt in our "No. :i Mkiui u Mai iii-.ks.'' have prtaluccd a TAtl.oltiNn M.o iiisk," which we e. i lidenllv claim to bo ihe lilT TAILOlU.Mi MACIIIXt"' yet introtluced, sewing the eoars' -t lim-i. thread with ss much case as Ihe common colior. m, 1 vt hen required may be used lo do the very tint e-tiniuie work, with loll or 2ilt cotton thus condoning in one compact form, every quality reouired in ehher a FA.MlLi" OH .MA X I F.VI Tl 1! IX 0 M At II IX E. We huve hud our -Miicliinc. befote the public Ion enough to their reputation. lamns of others who started with Hying colors .have (alien by the naysitie;' uud soou the piin-ts that knew Ihciii will know Ihem no inure.'' Step ly step ba3 tho Fi!Ki.K A Lyom Mai mink won its' way to publio favor; its success is established, and hencciorth our aim shall be. as it has in the past I. ecu. tu still further improve, simplify uud reduce the ism of our ma chines. We shall, in a few davs. issue a new pnea list. For further p-irticulars ini.h ess, FINKLE 4 LYON sl.WlXti MACHINE CO., No. 5.'ta ilro.itlnav. New York (V"D. B. Masskk, Agent, Sunbury, 1'u. Murch 2H, I0.'. lIiirtlMiiiM-, yl liiui ry , ylct bunU'tt '1'wolst. V-. HENKY till.HEi.T, starlet Strut, Ojiposiit the Court IIoun, IlARRisnrRC, Pa., DEALER in all kinds of Uuilders and Manufae. tureis' llardwuru, Iron, Steel, Coil Chain, Hopes, Pulley Hloeks, an. l.l.NSKKU, lil llMSQ ASD MaCIIINL'RY OlLS. The I.ul ricttliiiir Oils are adapted to every variety of Machinery. Also, at mat ut.i Hirers prices, WooU WunaiNil Mai HiMUY,'" vit : Planinj, Sush. Minicin j and Sawing Ma chines. Ac. Machinists' Tools, vis Planers, Eugiuc and Hand Lathes, Bolt Cutters, c. Ac, Machine Belling, of Rubber and Leather, constantly on baud. Herring's File Proof Safes, rii tform Scales. Tin Plate. Sheet Iron, llba k Tin and Trimmers' Tools. lir' Purchasers will liud it to their interest to give us u call. llarrisburg, March 29, lSt!3. 31uuiifiM'liir-ri ol'Ntour vVnre. COWDEN & WILCOX, HAItRISBUHQ, PA. rpUE Slone Waro now trade ut this cstublishinent J is eipual to any made in this eounlry. Every r. tiety of j nolo usuully mado, always nii huLd. ilurrisbury, My ii, lso2. Lniubort l.iimlK'r! PHILIP SHAY', Muncy, Lycoming county. Pa., INFORMS his friends and the public iu trenernl, Ibal he vonslsully keewou hand bii.u'ds.SbiiiaTles a th, Joists, aud all kind- of Lumber ami buildiui Latcriuls. which he will sell at the lonost prices. BiMaroh 30, 1 at) I. Iiupoi tnut ia Lotrrsi f UoodTea, BKIOIIT SON invita aMouoa to tbelr 6totk ef Prima Crcea and Hlscs Tea. runbary. Jests 15. lt