Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 18, 1863, Image 3

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    H. B. It ABSSn, Editor ft Proprietor.
Hli.MllfKY, PA.
" i. mT pettenqilIi ft co.
Ho. 3T Park Row, New York, and 6 Slate Street,
Cotton, tirt our agent for lb Bi'kscbt Amikican
In tbo ciliea, ami a-rt authoritod to take Advorti
monU and BubMriptlom fur ua at our loweat rate.
lT Considerate. "Confoieratt prison
ers" in tho term used instctui of "rebel pri
soners" ly oomeof our "Peace pnrty" pfipera.
How considerate.
tW The SelinsRrove Pnt sny Hint men
are publicly solicited in Clinpmnn and Perry
townships lo icconie members of the Euighta
of the Golden Circle.
33" Seed Potatoes. Those in wnnt of
new varieties of seed potatoes, are referred
to the advertisement of Mr. P. butten, of
Luzerne county.
I3f Rats. The advertisement of Mr.
Costar's relebrutcd rnt and roach extermina
tor, will be found in unothur column.
The Selinngrove Time is down on
all clcri'Vincn except a few of the coppir
liend order. The clergy of the Revolution
were equally unpopular with the tories of
that day.
f-ff Neighbor Punly, of the A'o-rthitndvr'
land Coviiti Demvcnh. calls the Union
League of this place "The Dollar League"
and stigmatises the war as one of "robbery
and ruin."' That is also the opinion of Jeff.
Davis and Mr. Purdy's friend Floyd, who
robbed the Government of nearly a million,
while Secretary of War, under Mr. Buchun
au. CorrEiiiTAEMsM. We have been
asked the meaning of this term. We reply
generally, that it means opposition to the
government in the suppression of the Re
bellion. Sympathy for rebels and traitors,
find general fault finding and misrepresenta
tion in everything flint is done by the go
vernment iu the prosecution of the war.
During the Revolution these men were cull
ed turits. A true democrat can never be a
copperh 'fid, and the term is never applied
to such, but only to those who jwis-i demo
cracy whilst in their actions, they violate
very principle of the democracy inculcated
by such men as Jefferson, Madison and Jack
son. Copperhead papers may be easily desig
nated from truly democratic journals, by
their views. Tin y generally contain small
treasonable paragraphs counselling opposi
tion to the laws, and ilio action of the go
vernment. Take, f r instance, the following
from the Lewisbuig Argus of last week :
"The cuVy salvation for the Country w ill
be when the va npyrcs who I.ini on to the
government, get a ImllotiW g' JJultcrnut
Jl'iHi administered to them.''
"Any white slave may buy his free paper.
of Lincoln if h rau raise three hundred
"Under the conscript law, all preachers
christians are iiablu to be drafted what a
drift upon their conscience there will be !"
It' the cor.cript law, kc.
Every jutulligcut man knows that the
above is a miserable falsehood and perver
sion of the truth.
The rebels, it is weli known, arc di i.ignat
td as ButU-rnult lV.iu. the fact that their
uniforms are of that color, and, of course,
the on'y pid they c:.n administer to our nor
thern soldiers, lire lead n bullets. .Such ex
tract, or porsgruphs i f a similar character,
arc frequently sc-.-m in such papers as the
Lewisburg Ar;;us, Xort'iumhrlnml County
Democrat, Seiingrove Time, CuluiMu De
mocrat, and others, who profess to be demo
crats and especial supporters of the Consti
tution and the laws. However, much fault
they find with our government, not a word
have thtv to bfiv mruinst JeiT. Davis nnd his
minions. The rct-ilsus? just auclt argument,
Bnd if those papers were published in Rich
mond, (jr Charleston, they would be looked
upon and acknowledged as out anil out re
bel journal.
J37Gi;x. Patti it-os at llii.l. Ri v.
Acording to the (Vn'.mii lee's report on the
first battle of Ji 'T IT Run. It would appear
that Guieral Patteron had strict orders to
keep General Johnston engaged and prevent
him from reinfoieiuif Beauregard or if he
did, then lie wi'jtj follow hini to Manassn.
Instead of this, it is shown that at the
very time when, as lie knew, .McDowell was
to movo forward, Patterson removed tira
'point lrom which he rouid, on his own ad
mission, neither eilectively watch Johnston
nor rtuitkly follow him. The rebel general
sent his troops to Rcatnvg.ird and enabled
him to beat McDowell.
General Patterson'.' evidence discloses an
interesting fact ; he s-ccms to have levn the
inventor of that method of war which
General MeClellan afterwards made but too
Hell known, according to which a general,
when ordered to attack, replies that he is
too weak, ami reports that the enemv has
been reinforced and greatly outnumbers
Tho report on the slaughter of Rail's Bluff
is hot very clear. The only men who
deserve credit in this affair, it seems, are
those who died 1 rave'.y on the field. So
far as the report describes the preliminary
orders and operations which resulted in
the battle, they appear "ull a muddle."
General MeClellan ordered a reconnoissancc
by General Mct'all from Draines ill j then
suggested to General Stone that, perhaps,
tliis would "drive them (the rebels) away"
from Leesburg ; and that, "perhaps a slight
demonstration on your part will move
them." Ou this Stone ordered a force across
to make a demontrution. lie says that
he expected if attacked, to be supported
by McCall ; McC'ull appears to have known
nothing of Stone's movement ; Stone wus
told nothing of McCall'g operations; and
as for General MeClellan, having sent two
independent Detachments ncro-s the liver.
nnd left tho commanders ignorant each of
the other's orders or place, he appears to
have dropped the wlmlo matter there, and
turned his attention to something else; for
General Stonu deposes that he "made dem
onstrations both at Edwards's Ferrv and at
Rail's Bluff, and promptly notified General
MeClellan of what he had done. Ho tent
that information ou Sunday night, and he
testifies that he received no intimation from
General MeClellan us to what he should do,
whether to continue the demonstration or
not ; and received no intimation that Gen.
Mct'all wa not close at hand to come to
his assistance, until about eleven o'clock on
Monday night."
Concerning affair in the West, the report
cives Gcu. Premout credit for beginning the
building of guuboats, for great activity and
teal in all the operations he hud in hand,
ami his administration of military affairs
"was eminently cl-iucterUt4 ly tarceatucM
ability, and the most unquestionable loyalty.
In the exercise of theulmostuulimited power
. delegated to htm there was no evidence of
any Hmrerness towards treason, or any fail
urc to fully assert lh dignity and power of
the (tnvernmeul ul wnie n was the rvrre-
r.tii'itu r.
13" The BelinsgTOvo lht pMlabo a.
letter from one of the coppcthoadsof 8njdcr
county, to one of his fdrtnor ooinpanions now
In the army, in which the traitor not only
avows himself frieudly to the South, but
boldly proclaims himself a aeoassionist.
This l a necessary result of the teachings
of such papers as the Selinsgrovo Time end
tho Xorthnmberland County Democrat v;ho
shamefully inculcate ffuch'tloctrincs under
the guise of democracy, an'd who recog
nize such stupid scoundrels as true members
of a party, once headed by such men as Jef
ferson and Jackson. How long w ill true
democrats be humbugged by such leaders ?
Wo have room only for tho following ex
tract of the letter referred to :
".1 Coppcrbciitl lettrv ThclVrltcr
Itcbnkcd by tho Noldier.
"We have recently received a letter from
a metnlxT of ('apt. Davis' company, written
at Dumfries, from which we make tho fol
lowing extract :
" 'You ought to see some of tho letters
that, come to our company. It is really sur
prising. Eutlosed vou will find one written
by ."to Peter Hoffer. You
can read it, nnd after you have perused it we
want you to publish it, to let the people
know'what kind of men there arc in Chap
man township among the copperheads :' "
"MuICtES i Palls, March the Sd.
"Mr. Peter I received your letter Rnt
wos Horry, soiry to hear that yon intend to
spend your life" and freeze your shins for the
uccomtiKidation of those big speculators I
mean those rich men you wrote that should
Weep and Itofil for my Peter you need not
to kill any of my poor southern Rrothers I
am not afraid of them they have never de
stroyed anything for Vj und never will I
would rather sec tlirni come than any of old
nbes soldiers well Pete I would like very
much to kn.ow how you arc getting along
what are you Adoing'you'talk about punish
ing the rebels why are you not at it I think
you ought to be well drilled By this time if
you intend to tight them into the union it is
soon time to begin for I am thinking it will
be A tough breakfast you must not blame
any person for making mc a secesh I am man
ennongh to take care of my self I was A good
democrat before I was married and will re
main so I do not care if that, party goes with
the South I will be one to go with it you
spoke of lighting your enemies who are your
enemies the South never disturbed any in i
the north nor never ilid intend but I do not
say what they will do all I have to say I
hope they will succeed and make pence, for
old abe never can with nil ids white aud
Uhick slaves.
"iloral Sffairs. Our citizens were generally
cnguged iu gardetiiiiB during '.ho late wea
therbut were stopped on Wednesday ULd Ihursdiiy
by a Cold ruin.
' Fur it. Wc notice that .ian of our exchang
es stule that the perm of tho peach has been k!lk"l
by the frosts of February. Wo find notliiiar of this
kind nith the peoch iu this neighborhood. The fruit
en p. thus far, proruisoa well.
'J? Ui tiKl. Pat'ONKtis. Within ft week pr.M four
loii tiains, containing it'out I'OOO rebels, pusscd
through this place, nn liicir wr.yto Fortnva Monro"
to be exchanged. The train on Saturday urrived
here almt noon alul rcmuimd r.lioiit nu hour. Tha
prisoners o uiostly from Arkniia Fot, iiurfrees"
horo', Tcrnessee ninl Murgantown. Amoug them
were nine apparently good met, but n.ost of thcia
were haril-lookiiig characters, aud all nppeared care
worn. As u general tliin;?, they defiant und
iinpmlent, occasionally cheering fjr Jefl'llavis.
poor fellow was laid cut cold and stifT, covered with
a blanket, having died the night previous. In a
conversation with on employee of this office, one of
Ilium reuiiuked, that '-01 1 Abo" would not lo able
to raise another urny that the poorc men North and
Wet, would resist the Conscription A?t, and ho
would b compelled to lu::ke peaco with them on
their own ternis.
On Monday noon another train containing fr.nie
600 rebel prisoners arrive 1. but as they were report,
ed to have some thirty-nine cases of small pox among
them, the officers ol" the Kiclwsy at this plucc. very
properly stopped the truin nho e town and sort up
the cngino which waa to convey them to lialtimorc.
The train passe 1 through our llorough at n
speed that would have natonished our citizens, had
they not boon innde acquainted with tho causo of
their r.ipitl transit. Their eo-tuai') wrs not unilorm,
but the "buttcruut" was the ilominuul color
ShrunoUiii Valls-y I HIozi Mr-tlngr.
At a meeting of cMizvrt of Riir.n oV:in Valley,
friendly to the causo uf the tjovermoeiit in its a't
tcmpttio crush the present rebellion, held on the tih
of April, ISiiS. Amos astisk, was culled to the
chair ; Jonus Ilcrnin;;er. Jacob Reed, sen.. Snhanon
Martz. .lesgo Kced. David lleed and Eli Ueed. ici
Presidents; ami Piujaniu Bahner and Jacob K.
Mueni'h. Seciciains.
The follow ing preamble and resolutions wero unan
imously adopted :
w iikiikas. our governvieni is row engaged ma
struggle for the perpetuation of every right dear lo
us as American citizens, and requires the united ef
fortrof all good, true and loval men in ils behalf;
und WnttfcgAS. we behold tlio hitter purtisan spirit
thut is becomintr dangerous iu our Stale, the tend
ency of which is lo paralyze aud frustrato the plans
ol tlio Federal und State authorities iu their cllorls to
suppress this infamous Uebellioii ; therefore,
iLtfulrtU. 1st. That we will unite ourselves and
sumini l ilie t.luveriiment, in this hour of national pe
ril, we therefore ask our friends and neighbors to lav
aside ull petty jealousies und parly animosities, ami,
as one man stand bv us iu upholding tho President
in his war measures, in maintaining the authority
and the dignity of the tioveriiment. and in unfurling
again the glorious emblem ot our Nationality over
every city und towji of Iteheldoui.
a. tlial wo nukl iu ileiestntien ana will execrate
any man who iu this struggle for our national life,
ufl'er fuelious opposition to either Ihe Federal or Stale
uuthurities, in their etiorts or measures for the vigo
rous prosecution of tho var for the uupprcaoiou of
this Ojodlcs Rebellion.
2d. '1 hut we aro opposed to all propositions for a
cessation of hostilities, or a compromise, olher than
those propositions which Ihelfoveruiuent has constant
ly offered ; Ucluru to loyalty and obedience to Ihe
laws, oua common level wilh other States of the
Union, under the constitution as our fathers made it.
4th. That wo hereby pledge our heart t aud undi
vided support to the legully constituted authorities
of our ouce happy country, iu their tfl'rti to crush
tho foulest conspiracy aud rebellion ever Inaugura
ted against the government in any age. ACiotcru
ment, lhat has enriched and favored those detestable
traitor, who are cow with bloody bands, aiming their
blows to destroy that Government, and erect in its
stead, ono of (he most duteaiubie oligarchies known
to the world.
6i!i. That the Constitutionally elected Chief Ma
gistrate of tho Cnion ia clothed wilh powers by and
with the consent of the Ccneressof the United Slutos.
to put dow n rebellion, quell insurrection, and repel
foreign invasion, it therefore become, the duly of
every loyal oilizeu, to support to hui utmost ability
the "powers tbat be," aud iu the present oomast
every act calculated aud intended to embarrass and
weaken the guvvrumcut In the performance of iu
worn duty mutt encourage and atrengthea the re
bel i ion.
6th That we behold with ainoere regret certain
purty-leadcr, professing to be loyal to the L nion, yet
witball their powers ot rloqueuce and fursuaion,
endeavoring to embarrass the government, create
distrust, instigate the north to opou ruaistano to Ihe
necessary and constitutional set of the government,
thereby creating a diversion iu lavor or tue nebeilion,
prolonging the war, euoouragiug reaisUuio aud Du
ally It auccowful in their disloyal auheuies, bringing
about a recognition of the Kubel Confederacy aud a
duvulutiuu ol tha Union.
7ib. That a disolution of the Uuion would be na
tional dealb. Iho rich Inheritance bequeathed to ul
our fore fathers aud purchased by tha blood uf
our Revolutionary anccstori, would be torn asunder
and trampled upon. Our grant national reputation
gone, our nag would b insulted with iufpuuity by
the nations of the world, our power gone, and tho
honored name of a euiiuo of trie luitouf Stale would
be a by-word and reproach, iu all foreign lauds. - The
hope of freedom for the human race forever destroy.
M, ana atonarcnical despotiaiu would auou a,iu
wuibraoe witb it tvrauuical arm lb autir globe.
11 b. That our Lrur cBicer tad soldier in lb
lM, who u lttlirg In cor aountry'i eaute, -
freely aiieddini; Uielr Hood fur Ui priwrvatlon of
our Culon Willi armed and deOiuit Irallora in Iron I,
and diaorffstiialtiK armaUiiei wlih U-piiann In tli
rear, thejr are nobl j Uuuji; tbeir duly, and a'emlily
driving rebellion bafora tiiem. Huoli iiobla anil de
voted patrioUam inoeiva our Warmest aoninifrotiiiiiniii.
1'lin Damn and deedaof avoh bernat idmll live nhon
treason and itaabattora will harorecoivadllie merited
aoorn and oontompt of tho world.
Vib. Tbat waaollftbt to honor such noble and do
voted patriot! aa Caaa, Johnaon, Wright, Holt, Stan
ton, I'll, bioklnaon, Butler, Van lluren and ollior
dt'iuoorau, not only In name, but alio in principle,
who bate nobly arrayed themaelrea on the aide of
tha goTernincnt and country in tliit crUia, ignoring
party Uea, and nobly devoting their powers towards
crushing the rebellion, and bringing aguin the whole
Union under the glorious banner of our country.
lOih. Tbat ainoa the fnot ia etablihed. that this
rebellion has been inaugurated, controlled and led
by Houlhern rJInvoholdera, who hare iinco tho com.
lueuconient of tins atruggle derived Immense benellt
and atrongth from tnoir human chattels. And aa the
great art of war eonaisla In weakening your enemy,
we conceive tho Kniuncipalion Proclnmnliun to have
been a military necessity. Warranted by the usages
of war, warranted by the example of our fore-futhera
in the revolutionary wars who confiscated the pro
perty of Tories. War ran led by the dictates of com
mon senso and humanity, and warranted under the
oircunistBncee aa tho must (.ficctivo means of. crushing
the rebellion.
Resolved. That these rewilutiom bo puhlishod in
the '.Stixuunr Amkrican," the "SrsBi Rr (!
ikTts" and other loyal paera friendly to tho cause
Signal iy iht OJIictrt.
I'nlon League in Lower A hr until.
Mb.. Editor : A number of tho loyal cititonsof
Lower Augusta met at Uie homo of Eliaa Kuicrick,
ou Saturday evening. 11th lust., at 7 o'clock, for tho
purpose of forming a "Union Lenguo."
Itciug called to order by J. K. Clark, on riot ion'
JOHN F. Sill V, was choaon President; Tctrr K.
Fisher, Charles Oosslcr, llonry Brown and Andrew
Oouscrt, Vice President ; and J. R. Clark and Jacob
Leek, Secretaries
On motion, it waa unanimously Rtsotrtd, That
those only who giro a hearty support to the eforts.
ol the tiuvemment to put down this unholy rebellion,
ly vigorou tnergrlie action, be invited to unite
with us.
On motion, a committee of seven wcro appointed
to draft a Cunstituliun and liy-Lans lor ho regula
tion of our League, to report at our next meelin;
viz : Klius Kinerick, James K. Low. llavid Keiuhei,
Amns lleed, John bhipmau, .Suiuiiul L. 'i'ueker and
lsnno Funnau. '
On niuliun litsi'tvril. That Mrs. Mnascr nnd
Vounman. be requited to puhlinh our pruoeedinga
in their luyul pupers.
On motion, adjourned to meet again on tho 23d at 7 o'cloeK P. M.. at Lmcrick'a Hotel.
All luval uiliieus arc invited to attend.
f-'ifrntJ tg the OJicers.
I'or the Suubury American.
The ISitd ;; Mil cut K'runs, 1 auiu
rnrsup.nt to call, the offioera pf the 1.12d Rcgimeut
Pi iin.vlviiiiiu Volunteers, assembled at Headquarters
of the regiment, on Tucsilay mornini;, April 7th. for
the purpose of givitig ixi imiou of their eteactfet
loyally to tl.e cause of their country, and their de.
teiii iuatiou to v a continued and vigorous prose
ci:iion of the war unvit the moijs'rous rebellion ia
completely crushed, aud u!l the country's euemffs,
Noiih and i"0:h, "hall have felt tho power of our
liovernuiint to .suslaiu itself, an I the nupmnacv of
the Constitution bo acknowledged iu every ritalc
Vth'ie it is now dehd.
On n.otion. tho maetin'? was orginized by tho
eb.ctior. ol Ihc following olliocra: President, Colonel
CHAKLLS ALr.ltlUHT; Vice l'residents. Lieut.
Col. Jos. K. SmtKVi:, 'i!i.ot:itic'K Hih ikoi k; .Sec
retaries. Capt. Jae.ob Laeiar, Atljutnut A. F. t'btpp.
On motion, tlie following otuoers here ajtpoinlea n
Coicir.ittee lo draft rtdlulious exprcsivo of tho
sentiment of tho Kepimcnt.
Cel. Charles Albright, .Surjeon J. W Ar.r.walt,
Major F. L. lliluhcock. Captain Charles Mcbuugul
and Cuptiin II. Carnochttn.
Afti ra bri' f uLiemie the committee reported tho
i'i'.r.MriLi: axo itEsorxnoxs.
"WiirfflS : In tlio imperiled condiiion of the
country it behoorri ill true hcerted and loyal men j
to spetik and detino their position0, ftnd Ul the wo: Id
know whether thev arc lor or against Ihn Ooveru- :
! incut of the Fathers of tho Republic, born of tho i
! puro and pi'ri.'ti,' b,0d of '7 j, baptized by too
i blood of Freedom's fwi,s iu the war of 1512 and j
; coU:ea.tted by the blood ct' tl.e Nation's manhood iu
j tl.e tntr wiiii .Mexico. " 'Ihcrefote.
o'vf'i, luat wc. lac oitiecrs ana men oi ttie Ilegiintiil l'eniisvlviuiiu 'oluntecrs. are t?r
Ihn ll.'t f.rjl iuul oil tl.n tl..... c.l i
the language of ihe iimuortal Decatur, we oro for !
"our oouu'.i v. rn:bt or wroi
Ufol ceil . wc u!ov the first duty of every
American citizen is to assist the Admiui.-.tratton ul
WushiugUju in maintaining Constitutional suprema
cy over every rood and inch of National Territoiy,
and we justify the Administrniiou in every
step yet taken to secure this cud.
Kcsolvrd. That we regard the present rebellion a
crime again, t luw, Christianity and civilization, und
tho conception of wicked and evil designing men
without a shadow of cause. That wo owe it to the
memory of our Revolutionary sire, and to future
protpority, lo maintain the National Government at
all hazards, and at all costs. The pledged blood of
our comrade who have fallen wiili their faces to
the foe, demands tbat ihii war shall goon. Their
widows und orphans call upon us nol to yield to
traitors in this grand and sitllimo contest for consti
tutional liberty aud human freedom, until 111 ir
siurilices have been avenged, and until the lust
armed foe is extinguished or surrounded at discretion.
We are in favor of this war; let it go ou until every
Mato now in i-eoetlioti ac Know ledges tho Constitu
tion llit- supremo law of the tund.
Jxrxjvr.t. 'i hfttwciire here lo fight armed traitors,
itSj'l thut we hav e u sympathy lor those at home
who ore forever finding t'uuli with the Governmunt
and who aro never kuowu to utter a word of coudem
nation against the conspirators of tho tiovuruiuent,
lhat now protects and shclts rs them. We despisu
' Coi rtKiiLAiis," and but tor them believe the war
might now bo ended. U c rcgaid thcui as luuic
deuerous than those iu open rebellion.
Ar.'oTc. That wc aro here iu tho field not as
pnrliziii.s. but iu soldiers and defcuJeis of the Union
aud Constitution. Although having foimerly been
connected wilh the various political organization of
the day, wc believe thut tho Adminieiraliou ot Mr.
Lincoln should receive the support of all loyal men,
nut because he was elected km the candidate of a
party, but because be represents the Nation in the
presieiil perilous and dangerous limes. We believe
ILut his hands should be strengthened, aud uot
weakened by the people at home. Ho ia tho head
nol of a piuty. but of a great nation. We hail with
pleasure aud gruiitudo tho evidence of increasing
loyalty aud pii.liotiein in the North. May Clod
spued the good cause and conlbuud all trt.ito.-s, their
aiders and abettor.
litwlvril, Thut we aro heartily in favor of tho
Conscription Law. uud that we are ready lo assist iu
its enforcement upon Iho expiration of "our preseut
term of military service, and we do therefore oiler
our services to tho Government for said purMjae.
.I'Mi'rrit. that luesu Kc&olutious be published in
the local papers of the different counties from which
ihe regiment hails.
Ou motion, tho resolution were unanimously
adopted with three hearty cheers.
On motion, the regiment was formed in front of
the Headquarter and the resolution read to the
men, ut the conclusion of which they were unani
mously and enthusiastically endorsed as a true ex
pression of the feelings aud suutimcnts of the cntiro
Captain J. D. LACIAR,
Adjutant A. F. CLAPP,
KnulTX Tobiiceo Jlaiiufaflurer
(Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New York.
Would call the attention of Dealers to tho article
of hi manufacture, vit :
Macaboy, Demigros,
l ine Rappee, Pure Virginia,
Coarse ltappee, Kachitocbes,
American Gentleman, Copenhagen.
Scotch, Honey Dew Scotch,
High Toast Scotch, Fresh Honey Dew Scotch
Irish High Toast, I rch Scotch,
or Lundyfdot,
t"5"Altontion i called to th large reduction in
pricesof Fine-Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobuooos,
which will be found ol a euperior Uuatity.
Smoking. Fine Cut Chewing. 'Smoking.
Long, P. A. L., or plain, 6. Jago,
No. I, Cavendish, or Sweet, Spanish,
. No. 2, Sweet Scented Oronoco, Canaster
No. 14 2 mixed, liu Foil Cavendish, Turkish.
. N. II. A circular of price will be soot oa applioa-
AprU i, 1863. 1
B J. WILLIAMS, No. 1 North Sixth SUeet, Thil
adulphia, Mauufuoturar of
Tcuetlau Ullud and
Hlndovr Kbadra..
Th Urged and finest awortmant In th elty, at tb
luwwt prioe. Blind Painted and Trimmod eqaal
tooew. piore ebasle mad ana lenr
April 4, IMS.- im
1H6B. s " " Wo3.'
lMillnOrlrMn A. Krla Elnjlronsl.
rpiItS great line trnvcrsua (he Northern Bnd
J Northwest onuntlo of fetinaylvanla 10 the city
ol f.rle, on Lake Krie.
It baa been loosed by the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, and under their ansidoos is being rapidly
opened throughout ill entire h-ngfh.
It ia now In use for rasaenger and Freight buai
ness from liarriiburg to TWfiwood. 2nd fork. (177
milus) on tho Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to
Erie, (78 miles,) on the Western Division. ,
Tims or rAssExor.n trains . st Nnrnr.
Arrirt Katlward. '1 'jAnv Weitifarrt.
Mail Train, 1.36 P M. Mail Train, (..aft P. M.
Kxproaa Train, 11.20 P.M ta presa Train, 0 20 A.M.
Cara run through without change, both ways, on
theso trains hotneen IMiiladelphia and Lock Haven,
and between Baltimore and Lock Haven.
Elegant Sleeping oars on Express Trains hoth
ways between Williamsimrt and Italtiiuoro, and
W iiliamsport and l'hiladolphis.
For information respecting Passenger business
apply at the S. K. I'or. 11th and Market Sts.
And for Freight business of the Company's A;ente :
H. It. Kingston, Jr.,- Cor. Mth and Market Kts.,
.1. W. Reynolds, Eric.
J. M. Dri'll, Agent NCR. R., Rallimoro.
II. 11. Hlll'STOS,
(len'l Freight Agt. Thilada.
Lewis L. Hoi i't.
tlen'l Ticket Ag't., I'hilada.
Jukpii I. Potts,
Uua'l Jlajiatrer, V.'illiau.'ii.ort.
March 51, 1803.
8 A L E H A T U 8 ,
And Sole Agents in tho City of Kcw York for
Invented by Prof. Ebon N. Hovsford, of Harvard
University. Office, 11 Old Slip, ntinovcr Square,
(upstairs.) NEW YORK.
rPHli hitrh price which Cream of Tartar commanded
J in ly.'4. together wiili the alarming extent to
which its dangerous adulteration had b"cn carried,
wilh olher considerations, indaeed ihe distiuguihlied
Chemist, whoio lmmn is given above, to commence
what proved to be n h": and laborious scientific, re
search, to discover n desirable subslitute Iheretor.
(lis etiorts were crowned with abundant sueees. and
hundreds of thoitsandf of pounds of the Substitute;
have been sold and usnd during the last fivo years,
throughout the t oiled Males und the Canada.
The following true comparison of its nature and
the results of its use. wilh tus"c of Cream ol Tartar,
will convince the most incredulous of'ils value.
Cream of laitarisa lii-tnrtnilu of Potash.
This Substitute is a simple Phosphate, anil contains
nothing but what is found in beet-steak, and in corn,
wheat and olher cereals, and is therefore highly
nutritious. It also has a health-giving iuliueuee.
and supplies that for which there is a constant do-'
maud in the system.
ly It ii eoid for a much less prico thau Crcnm of !
March 21. ISGJi.y-ly
r.oiToa op AitrnrAN
Jikaii Sia :
Wilh your permission 1 wiidi to say to tho readers
of your ptipcr thai I w ill rend by return ni.iil to all
who wi-li it, (free) a Recipe, with loll directions f r
making and uin u simple Vegetable IJaltr.. I lint
will etleetually remove, iiiiddays. Pinipb s. lilotehc-i
Tasi. Freckl"?. rail nil ruipuritiesnt 'the Skin, leav
ing Ihe aino Stilt, clear, smooth and le-autiliil.
t will also trail fn to those I aving llald Heads or I
flare Feces, simple ilir'.viions and inl'ormat iou th;:t J
w ill enable them to li I a lull grow lh of I.uxuriet.t
Hair. Vhi-l;crs. or a Moustache, in les- thau oO days I
All applications unswered by rcturu mail wi.houl
Ro0i'eetrul3v von;-s ;
'Jil.. F. CHAPMAN.
No. SM Eroa l.vuy, -New York
rVli. IStl.".. ."imo.
.1 l mi i i i t r:i I o " .t !
ATOriCEis hereby given tin
letters of ii'hnini.s-
i. tration hiO HU' be.;n ttrante
1 to Ibc suhvM'ihcr,
on the c-tato of c-ariili It.-n.lersbot. lute ot Lower
Augu.-ta town-hip. Northiiuib'-rland county. Pu..
deceased. AM perins indebted to said estele arc
rcitucrtcd to make immediate payment, und those
having claims to preaciitfhrin fir settlement.
I'll A.Mf l !:.-- S. WV.NN.Ad: ,-!-.
Lower Auusia tv .. A'ti r. li 7. I"'';. '
I'ylntrc.f V. Jill A VTICAM,
"VTOTICE it qrerr-l.y i-;ren that Letters Trs'amen-
Xx tarv lieve iieen issueil to the suiiscrihcrs on the
late -f Daniel Lrautiain
dce'd.. late of Iho
Horo,i;;h of Northumberland. Pit. All tier8 nn in
debted to said e-tatc arc requested lo ire-Re immi ..i
ate payment, und those hav ing claims will prctent
thou, I't'oiioriy attested. 1'r pavmcni.
li. M'ltilAI Tin AM,
Lxc 'itl',rs.
Northumberland, March II, lxM.-Gt
VN opportunity rot to bo lost siht of. r.ara
chance for Agents. Ladies as well as Itent.s can
aci us Agents. Apply early and secure the agency
for your locality.
1 00,000
j;;y;s. t;uu vnss aj i'i:.rii.s,
av.m (.';. .". frrns, urr ro.xs,
alcjc ciurx.-,xi:Ts ot'JJur.
lihKY, Vc
To bn sold for fit cte h, and not to be paid for
until you know w hat you are ti got. Send j cents
for Certitieiile. telling you what you can have, with
a circular, giving full psrticulars to Aleuts. Perfect
Buliifictinu guaranteed in all eases.
Address, S..M. WARD k CO..
r'os Ilioadway. Hex 47d.
March II.'IMM . ly
TL have Ihe ileasure nf intorming you that we
r are now urenaied to otl r, at our Obi Stand,
Nos. lu.l. luj and lo" North .Second Street, l'HILA-
DKLPHIA, a well selected stock uf
.Tiilliuci-y mill Mravv iioolr,,
in every variety, of tl.e latest imi-hhtatioss. and
of the newest and most I'a-hiouuble stylis.
will comprise every variety of ll uinet". Hats and
Trimmings lo lie found in that line, of the latest and
most approved shapes and stylt. Soliititin uu
eiu'tv call. 1 remain
'Yours. Respectfully, II. WARD.
March 21, lsOil 4t
Appointed this day sole Arjent at SUNIll RY, for tho
aaie oi
iat:Yiviois (ji it.i rr.stcic a
These PENS are Warranted not to Coro le. and are
siipcricr lo uuy olher Pen ever before of.i red, will
last equal to gold, and will convince the best judges
of penuiunsbip. Price 37) cr dozen. If:t per cross.
J i IS. SA.VSON. Agent for Hrvwoop.
2ilt Coatcs street, Philadelphia.
January 31, ISM. :hn
AtiiikiiilrtilorM ol !'.
"VOHC.E ishcreby givcn;that letters uf ajminis
Irat ion having been granted In the sulw-iibi-r.
on the estate of NiuhntaK Lumbcrsou. late of Rush
township, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased.
All persons indebted to said estate' tiro requested to
make immediate puyuicnt, aud those hav lug eltiiius
10 preseiii mem uuir aiitnenneateii lor settlement.
fKA.M'ri;-!!;;, Aim lux.
Rush twp., Feb. 14, iMio - lit
i: i c i, ho i l'Oic nam:.
rpiUS well known Hotel, located in Siinburv. at Ihe
1 juueiiou ol the Northern Ceutrnl witii the Suul u-
ry liuilroaus. is ottered at pnvnto sale.
lauii umue wiiioo uiuuevney, i :or luriucr iu
formation, enquire ut this ollioo.
Augusi iaot.
NOTICE hercbv given to all person knowing
tbeuisclvca indebted to the firm of C. D. 4 J.
lUhrbach, nn Book Accouut or otherwise, to make
paymeut ot Ihe s.une before iho Ut ot April next, at
which lime tho books of aid linn will be left in Ihe
hand of proper ofiicer for collection.
V. u. J. llOIIUliAV 11.
Suubury, Feb. 21, lSti.'l.
rjvMii.v it'i:i;v ioiti:.
Si id stioet, Philadelphia, would o9ur lo thoiuhabi
it ol Suubury aud vicluity, a fresh stock
Stlteltd for Ilk trit Pa mily u u.
A they lav everything in their line both Ameri
can and I'oretgu, vhlch can ba culled fur, it i un
necessary to give a liu, of tho article they bav to
It Is a well, however, to aav, that every article
they dispone of thee warrant of Ui bed qualitr' and
which oan ba returned at thexpou of the toi
annuid u prove otnerwtie.
Fobruary 2S, li3. 3wo.
. ' ... " Addreai "PROBLEM."
. ' .ii ni p. o., rhuadirhi, r
For Ttlit'iinntnm, flout, Xrurnlgin, I.umlago,
Stiff' 2'ci Je anil JnMt, Sprain, limine,
Cut nml M'outnh, Vi', Ifriulitc,
and ail Rheumatic nnd Aereoua
' For all of which it is a speedy and ocrtnin remedy,
and never fails. This Liniment is prepared from
tho recipe of l)r. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the
fainons hone setter, and has been used iu his practice
lor moro thau tw enty years w ith the must astonishing
As nn Alleviator of Pain, it Is unrivaled by any
preparation before the public, of which Iho most
skeptical may be convinced by a single trial.
This Liniment will cure rapidly an 1 radically.
Hhenmatie Disorders of every kind, nnd in thou
sands of visos whom it has been used it has never
been known to fail.
For Neuralgia, it will sFord immediate relief in
every case, however distressing.
It will relieve the worst cases of Hcadncho In
three minutes, and is warranted to do it.
Toothache also will it cure instantly.
For Nervous Kelitlily and Ucncrul Lsitnile. ari
ing from imprudence or excess, this Liniment is a
inns, happy aud unfailing remedy. Acting direesly
iiHn the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivifies
tiie system, and restores it to ele.nicity and vigor.
For Piles, as an external remedy, we claim lhat it
is tho la st known, and we ehallengo the world to
pro lnce nn e.ui.l. Every victim 'if this
complaint should givn it a trial, fur it will in t tail
lo iHiord immediate relief, and in a majority o east s
will efisct a radical cure.
Qnincy and Soru 1 hroat aro sometime cxtretm ly
malign nit ma! dangerous, but a timely application
of this Liniment w ill never fail to cere.
Sprains are oiiictin:cs Vcry obstinate, and enlarge.
I ment of the joints is liable lo occur if niylcetod.
I The worst case may bo coiHiucrc 1 by this Liniment
! in two or three days.
! llruisos. Cuts. Wounds. Sores', Ulcers, Hums and
Scalds, yield readily to the w Icifal healing pro
perties of Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniimnl. when
used a"eording to directiouB. Aleo, Chilblains,
l rusted Feet, ajul Insert liite an 1 .Stings.
PR. BTSPHETi SWEET, of Connecticut,
the Uront Natural Houe Setter.
DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut,
is known all over tho United States.
DE. STEPHEN SWEET, ot Connecticut,
is the author of "Dr. Sw cct's Infallible"
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Cures Lheiiiuatuai. and never fails.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Cuica llurns and Scalds immediately.
Dr. S-.cct's Infaiiibie Liniment
; bent kuunii remedy fur Spraius and Bruises.
Is lb
Dr. Sveeot'a Infallible Liniment
Cures Headache imniolltiiely, and wo.- never kien
to fail. '
Dr. fwr-ot' Infallible Linimortt
Afurds imuicdiuto relief fur Piles, aud tuldoui fulls
to cure.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Cures Toolhucho in one minute
Dr. Sweet' Infallible Liniment
Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and leaves no
Dr. BvreM's Infallible Liniment
Is the lust remedy for Soj.-e in the know n world.
Dr. Sweet's Infr.Uiblo Liniment
Has been used by mure tliau a million people, and
ull praise it.
Dr.Swert'K Infallible Linimrnt
Taken intcruully cures Colic aud Cholciu Morbus.
Dr. Sweet'd Infallible Liniment
Is truly u 'friend in need," uud every family should
have it ut band.
Dr. Sweet's Infallinlo Liniment
Is for sale by nil iJruggi-U- Price iii aud id ccut.
an extiiniil remedy, is without n rival, and will
alleviate pain more 'speedily than any other prepn
ratson. For nil Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders
it is Irulv infallible, nnd as a curative for Sores.
Wour d-'. Sprains, llruises. Ac., ils sisithing. healing
and lMiweiful strengihening properties, excite Ihe
just v'vnnder and astonishment of all who havo ever
given it n trial, tiver one ihou.-and eertilicntes of
remarkable cures, performed by it vviihin the last
two years, uticst tho fact.
It'lKhlS U iimivalod by any. and iu ull eases of
I.biU'-im-s. urising Horn Spraiiu, llruises or rench
imr. itsetfecl is Iniigical and certain. Harness or
Saddle Galls. Scratches. .Manite. Ac. it will also euro
speedilv. Spavin and itiitgl-ne lnuy bu easily pre
vented 'and cured in their im-ipi-nt stages, but eon
tinned cases are bevon I the possibility of a radii ul
euro. No ease of tho kind, however, is so desperate
or hopeless but ii may be alleviate I by Ibis Lini
ment, and its fuilhlul upplicali 'ii will alwavs rcmov e
I lie Lumeuess. and cuahle Iho horse to Iruvel with
comiiariitivo ease.
VtZiir m ins i; owxEit
should have this remedy at hand, for its timely uo
at ihe first appearance of Lameness will erlccinally
prevent those formidable diseases, lo which ull hor
se are liable, aud which render so many otherwise
valuable horse nearly worthies.
Infallible Liniment
And thousand have found U truly
To avoid Imposition, observe tb Signature and
I.ikuuoatof Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and
alto "Slonhen Sweet Infallible Liuiuo nl ' blown
in the gluaaof each bottla, without which none are
bole Proprietor, Norwich, Ct
MORGAN ALLEN. Oeneral Agent, '
id Cliffbuoel, New York
fold It all dealer everywhere.
March II, 1S63Iy
just tulluhtd, im a $t!e4 Envelop. Fric
A Lecture on the Nature, treatment and -Radical
of Spermatorrhoea or Ht oilnal Weakness, Invol
nnlary Emissions, ScJuul Debility, end fmnediment
to Marriage (rrnerallv. Nrvoiirw. Cnnsnmptioii,
L'pllepsy and Fits; Mental and Pbvsical fncapacity.
resulting from Self-Ahuse; Ac liv RORl.ltT J.
CL LVLRW J.I.L, M. D , Author of the Ore. n Book,
The world-renowned nnthnr. in this admirable Lee
lure, clearly proves from his own experience that
awful eonseniicnros of Holf-abusc may be effectually
removed without medicine, uud without dangerous
surgical operations, bought, iiittrutncnt, ring-, or
cordials, pointing nut a mods of cure at once certuiu
and ellectiial, by which cvfry suflircr. nn matter
what his condition mnv be, may cure hiui'clf cheaply
Erivatcly, and radically. 1 his lecture w ill prove a
oon to thousands and thoiwiiid?.
Sent under aeul( in a pblin envelope, to ny ad
dress, on tho receipt of six cents, or two postage
lamps, by addressing.
127 Bowerr, Now York, I t Ollicc Lux, te)6.
Fob. lis, lHG.'t. ly 3o
The undendgned woul l respect
fully invito your attention to his
well selected Kork of Fineliold and
Silver W ATI Ili:S. Fine Hold .1 KW.
KLRV. of evioy kind nnd variety
of styles comnri'ing all of tho
"VI fisfv.v, and rt hrtrtttii'itldnirv.
Also, rhl)Lli Vi, rui,al toCvin
and the best make of Firrr I'lpted Ware Lach
article is wirranted to be aa tctirfxrntrd .
if- W ill' bos and Jewelry carefully repaired nnd
satisiactiun guaranteed .
(Swrcrswr ti inj)rr iV Ilmn.)
N. 022MARKF.T Street, f HILAD'A.
Mnroh 7, lSfi3. S mo.
rillLADKLPIl I..
For tho Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted
with iriilrnt and (T-.ronie Diseases, and espcciully
for the euro of Disocscs of the Sexual Organs
MKDICAL ADV1CF givcu gratis, by the acting
VALI'ArLK RF.Pdr.TS on rpermntorrhoea
or Srtniirinl IVcakrtet and other Dioaes of the
Sexual Organs, and on tlio MLW RK.V1CD1KS em
ployid in tlio Dispoiisary, sent lo tho uiiiieted in
se:...d letter envelopes, fi ec of charge. Two or three
stamps for postatio will be acceptable.
Address. Jill. J. r-KILI.IN HiJL'tjHTON. Actinr;
Sui-gcon. Howard Association, No. U South Ninth
Mre-t. Pliilc leljibla. I'll.
Jaliuary lic,. ly
Surlfict S.rMvt, nonrlv oiiwitc tlio
K&ttil ICoiuI l-pt,
nUHBUHV, I3 .A. - ,
IXFOIaVSlhi (siiixcn4 r-f SimVnrv mil vicinity,
thut lie luif ju"t rt'turucl from rhiladulbiu williu
full assort tin r.i. i-f
e aij. b ivi ri:n ;oois
or j;vi;uv incurvTiox am (uamty.
IIi ttck i-f C!ithH, FmtH'h rioi';?. Illn'k
!.- M-Jti nii-i l-'mu'V Ja.-.-imcre!s. Sutin. Vinrvl
Sits. 1'lniii iwA r.iiiry (Jn-inu'r.' ViTI'IS. whii-li
l.u w ill nu.kt up to order in Ft vie to vti ti e l!it uf
pu.- i'rmrr, on short not hi?, and thi? uiot ren.-onahlo
A av (Iim.' rd op hnnd. tvi II ho Cirni.-'u d fr-i:i
rhiluth-'iihin, iy riviut; two dtiys notice.
juot.! ftiriii.dn'il hy uufluincrs will ho nnulo up to
vn r n.4 lii-n toinrc.
A.- he will i'h: phy none hut PXpiTif-nccd wnrkwn,
pt-r.'iis u;uy rvly on gi tting their woik well d.-no nt
Timnkfiti far tho ptrnn;o hrroNfnTn hot(.iv(J,
ho rt'.-prciftillv oliv.:ir-u cnntinu-'inecuf the tiume.
Sm:irry,Ocluhvr I, 1r.o2.
Economy is Wealth '.
i isi! vn i r: -oi c.Ei i on i.k'i.
The LLST and CHEAl'FST Household Ul'.MKDY
i.. ,)- vv.;.'
.llaihtnir i-.Ai; S'-OllMi.lii-S
M.vnutr. ZAPOC I'lp.
Ti;ii S dilative Jiaisam
i3 warranted if ied nj
crdinr? to the direction .
to rnre in t.l! cases t'ou'.in.
Colds. 'W'liii j inp Co.o.'h!
Astitina. ni.d ull ar'ccTii.iis
ol lhc'lhioal and I.ui:.s
Madame Zadoc Porter'
lliiliuiui Is prepared with
all tiic rcqiiisiie care and
tkill. from n combination
of tlm last rcuiedieit the
vcrituble kin;fi"m ufi'.inb?
ils .eiiicdt il uutditiei lire
l.ared on its owerto asyi't
the healthy and viorioit"
circelatioli of the blood,
blood. thru' the Luns. li
is rot ii viob-nt rrt.iedy,
bur emolienl warioiiiir.
?itirchin and etVectivc ;
can be taken bv theoMest
( sWV person or joimcet child.
SiX Madame Zadoc P.'iiei 's
XriKi lialsnin been ui use I y
the p''- tor ever 1st j ears,
iu: j has ac quired it pre
sent sale Mioply by belti; recommended by those
wiiohavc usi'.l it to tii'.'tr afilicte I friends and otln rs
M..ST Ivu-or.r v r. Madame Zadoe porter's t'ur.'i
tiee JtaUai'.iis s-ld at a pi i c v. iii -h bri::;f; it in the
'h i.l v. ory o :e to keep it ci nvecietit for use. 'liu
liiuely U'c of ti siej!'. bottle will prove to be worth
IU0 li'mcs. itsco-t.
N'lTU'l.. Sa e ynir Jloiicy ' Poj:ot be pi rs.ia
ded to pillebase nrlicles, at 4s to SI vvYodl do la.t con
tain the virtues of a l.'lecnl Pottle of Mtobime Por
ter's t iirutive Labatu. tho cost of luiviiut'ucitiriii
which is as j;rc:it a, llial of any other medi
cine ; at.d the vcry low price at whieh it U K-ld.
iniihcs. the profit lo the seiier lippan ul!y aniall, and
unprincipled dealers wit) iioi.ietiiius recommend
ot'.er medicines en which their profits arc larger, un
!l the customers iu.-ist itpoti having Madame Pi.r-ti-rV
an I none oilier. As.' l"r .Madaino Porter t'u
rtoivc Jlalsiiin, piiee 1.1 ceiui, and iu l.irc ImiiIos ut
Jo cents, and t'.K" no tth"r. li you eiu.iiot get il ut
one lore youenu at nioth.-r.
Nibl by all liitn;t;isi4 and Storckccp.sra ut 13 els.,
and iu iurijer bottles ut "." els.
HALL i LI CKh'L, Proprietor?.
Jiinunry ."!. li. t !y ew York.
I !.
purLAiaLPiUA p.vpnii haxiiimls.
i34yvi:i is .s. tun niii:.
Cor. I'our.h A Market Street, Philadelphia, Im o
now iu ,'.ock, B tine variety of
Wutl la;M'i-!i,
f;ot up expressly for their Sprin;; Trade.
VI X LOW PAPKli V'F 1.1111V tirtADi:,
p which they invite the altentior, i f Stonkccpt"".
I xr In their' ltotail Jleparinicr.i, will ho louud Iho
cle'icesl ntvlen ol' tl-e tttw n,
PhiladeijibiaJl'VliMo;!.--''!'! w
HriNEWrf ! NEWS f XLVS !
11E sow lnanirfactored order by the suberibi r
at t'HLAl'iat It A 1 l.S than at aty otb.r ci
li.-lnocut in Mini-wry. J iio war tax is r.ol tal en in' i
con. ideration. and il work will twd-t-c-at fl.1 '.' .'
llavii.ii ist revived uu eulirt nt..' etocU of K-tuiu-r
and Moroccos;, for '
;-it!l-iu-"! itots nnd Sliocs.
I.ali'' KIkii'"- mitt J.iif 'i'i,
4'!iUlr'u .oi(it'K, V'. Ac,
which will ho mad to ordi r at short notice, in the
heat workmanlil-.e lenimur ai d ol the best material
l eeliiof thankful tor tlio patKuiaj'e exleiidcd hur
toiv Im bot es in continue Ilie aainc.
All who desire wovK done eiieup nun uura i
invited to call at hi- shop nearly oppn-ito tl
lloiiso iu Miiikct Simile, !
Miiiuurr. rt.
February 2, IM. Om
Suilablo for llrnpef. Peuc'
Straw berrie, Ulackberriea.
6. It) or 20 acre each, ut tin
present, vi.: 2it acre for
I acre for J1'"". 21 a rt
Payable by one dollar a w
Alo ftiKul Craiibtarv
CHLTWtXJlJ. 2a by lut'
by oue dollar a week. 'J
aro ituatid at Chctw.
Jlurliuittou Couuty, Ni
furiuauou. apply, with .
No. (if) Ce
January 21, ifc'".
Yi..titi4i:'N i .
rbotnpraph. Iaffurrrtyt
rbI atiantionof
Jwiiuary 3, 183
l. .A'l
i ll
m uwmwrmrnrmyi ij
Known o "ITJnlnUV
iMi'P.ovr.n hose vasu.
Ii J!rsTv(1 23 O LID'S
A rosiliva and Specific Remedy
Ptvr lliseaaca of tha
Thi' Medicine increiiyoa tho power of Difreation,
and excilea Ihe Absorbent into healthy action, by
which Iho Watery vr .'alrcroun depoaitiona, and all
L iinatiiriil rnlarRomentt om reduced, aa well aa pain
and inflammation, nndiaftood for men, women, or
ltl Itfi
Arisinj from l'xccKe, Habits of t'iwipatlon, Early
Jndis'Tetion. nr Alue,
Attended with tho following t-yintnia :
inuispoHTion in .xernon, . Lonso ower.
I.OSJI ot .leinorv.
Iblliciilty of LrcaUiiDt
V nkeriihiesa.
Pain in the banp,
Klushine of tho hody
Eruption on the Kaoa,
Pallid Coi.utcnajico,
i eak ervcs.
Horror of J isi n-e.
iimnc.s of rision.
Lnivrrsiil Livsitndc of th
Mnc'ular Svstcni,
Hot Han i'.
llrvncss of tho Skin.
Theso HVinti'in-. if nllowad to on. hieh till
m4icinc invariably remove, aoon follow
In one of which he patient may expire. Who cm
sa that they are not frc'iuonlly followed by tho
'direful ilisctises,''
Many are aware of the eauseof 'heir suffering, but
none w ill eonlVfsi. The record of the insane Asy
lums and tho niclcnelioly d.-r:thi hy Consumption,
benr ample witness to the truth of thi a?crtion.
Tho Constitution, once Affected wj.h Organio
Ilciuirc8 (ho aid of mc Koine to strengthen end in
vigorate the svvtei.i. which "H 'Inibof I'a Extrael
I'.uelm" invanal ly d?t. A trial wiil eonvino
the most hkepti-ul.
Old or young, finglc, married, or conn.nplating
J:i many ufTeet'iim; peculiar to Females tli. Extract
I'nchii i.s. utiet-inallci bv any othi-r re!uel, a iu
Chlorosi or llelention. frretxiilarity. Piiinfulicw, or
Snppri'ssionot the t.'ustoniary l.vacoationi!. I'loeratcd
or Schirnus state of the I. terns. Leucorrbi-a, or
W hiles Sterility, and tor all coinplaint? incident to
the sex. w het'uer oi i.-in from Indiscretion, Halite of
liiBsip:ition. or in the
See syiiiptorn ul ovc.
Tuke no Eabant, Mercurr, or Unpleasant Mediotc
for UcpU'tisuut und Dnugeroua liseasea.
Ill'.lsJf IlI.I E.VI H.UT
In all their tii",cs ; at little expense ; litUa or no
change in diet ; no iucouvenienci!,
It CRt;"'"!i f-eiTjent desire, and ptvcfl strerth tn
Urinate, tlur-by ri'ni"','iu obpiriictiou.-. preventinsf
an I eurinir Strtciurcj .f the Urethra. nUiiyirj paiu
i iul inlb.mnintii n. so t'rcrtui ttt inlhi-clx-.-nf discaso
and c-xpoiUnj; Poisonous, Iliscas'itd, and oru-out
Thou'r.xio3 np'Vi Thousand!
An t v.ho liavopa' i Heavy Fee to be cured in a
s'lOit time, have found tloy were diveived. and tbat
the "l'oion" has. b.v ihcu:cof "Powerful Astrin
(Tent."' bevii drii'd up in Ihe system, to break out ia
un afrravated form, and
Perhaps, ufl it Marriage.
ut t in
For nil Affections and I'i'etisi of
THE UiilNAKY 01t(;AN.,
Whether exisiimr in M ile or Female, from ha'.Tf
cause originating, and no mu'.icr
CFlKlW LONti ."-T.-'.NDINO.
risea'CK rf l!ac! Organ re pi ire the aid of
PlI'HXTir. ,
1 tlie tlroat,
An! it is cf-rlain to line tho desire 1 effect in all, for which it is reeommendod.
ITcluibold's Highly Concentrated CompouniJ
Fluid Estrnct Savsaparilla Byphili.
This is an a!T cti ui of the lib od, and attack Ilia
Sexual Orsrw. Li iii-sol the Nose, Ears. Throat,
Wii'.dpij e, ir. i ether .Slucus Surfaces, makiiitr it
appeariince in the form of 1 leers. Helmbobl's Ex
tract Surnnp.irilla t nrilicn Ihe lilmnl. mi l removed all
culy Eruptions ot the .kin. trivin? lo the Complex
ion a Clear and Healthy Color. It bt imr preparod
eprcs-! v t' .r thic cius? vf complaints, ps lipoid-Puri-tyius
proprietor! arc preserved to a frrealor extent
than any other preparation of sarsaparilla.
An ercclkiit Lotion f T 1 tseas-a of a Syj hilitio Xi
lore, and t'.s an injiHtion iu lii-e-isei of the Urinary
tri;ai:.s. arisii ; 1'ioto habits of dis.-ipaticn. used ia
coiini'i-iion v.'itii the Extracts Etiehu Sursuparilla
in sio'h ilisejisesas r 'comiueiidi-1.
Evbleiii -Jof ihe niot risnibl and rcliabla char
acter will liceolupany the llledtciucs.
From eiht to twcnly year s'an lin,, w itli ctitcM
klenvn to .soicnee iiu.l lame
I'or Meuii al I'ropcriies oi'Huclui, see Disponsatory
till I'niled Sl.'ltiS.
see l'.'ut'i-svi' IBwees' v:.!uahla works on tha
Piaetui of 1 livi-. '
Sic riTvarks made by the late Celebrated lr.
riiV-:-U. Philadelphia.
ec reinarl.s, n.u le 1 y I'r. Ep. .mini McDowell.
, IcbrM.
1 Pin-
iali. Mi l V
l ,
. f
tile Koral
t .
f Sir
u tl.