FRILING '& GRANT ARE 1IAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEY ARK NOTY RECEIVIMl AN ENTIRE New Stock of Goods!! MAXV OF WHICH ARE REDUCED XN P2UCX3, aud although prevailing reports may Induco the belief that QRY GOODS art nd ancinj, vet singlu visit to that '-attractive resort, THE MAMMOTH, will convince any candid man or woman that, bo the report as il may. yet the propjictors of tliat ''institu tion'1 havo tbo facilities for furnishing CHEAPER GOODS which iliosu who buy and sell cu Long Credits nut, and cannot possess. WE KEEP EVERYTHING, AND ARE DETERMINED TO BLL CIISAPE11 TllAX dt.Y BE PUnciUXED ELlfE- W1IE11E. F1ULINO A GRANT. fcunbury, Slay 17, 162. -o HOW TO PROMOTE HAPPINESS. DOMESTIC HMrt Mr. Smith to Mr. lirown. A they were walking thvouirh tho town, " Where ilo vou Uo yuur ho.iiig ? That li r-rf ynu re in. so neat and fine, That when I sco it, reully ni'mo Look: po.-Uively shocking.' 'T'm Ptiro your bu.4u.Tid, Mrs. IIjowu Now don't ho nnjery. pout ami lruvvu Is not to rich as mint. Ami yet you can h fiord to buy Just twice a- much, or more than I, Aud how, I cannot divine." Savs Mrs. Brown to Mrs. Fiiuth : I ho reason you 11 bo fclurlkd with, It is o siuii-U', cU'f.r You l-uy u credit, 1 fitreuidi, I buy bargain. you buy tra.-h, i client-, tthilo juii nay dear. 'Whene'er you want a tir- or thaul, A collar. hoi, nr hat-n-d. call At th- cheap M immoth Simi:, They'll 811 you pod u ery lov That jou will cew-e to winder i", How much rich good.-, I've war. 'My tan-band. yni truly my, Ik T.rer. far, than yhu in-day, And yet I c:m huy, Jlccauc'o uaeh dollar of hb few Xj, Ik mo, just as od us twit. Atthoclieap Mammoth p-iuiu;, ' Po f.Ui fit'd wai Mrs. Hniitli lYith Mm. Iln wn'n new urith m li', which did convince- Tho lilt. mid opened eo iicrcjf'J, the ha.Mi l erased to putrunizu ihc MAAi;ioiu our eiuce. And now. Iun ynu chance -o utt-M Ucr hu?lMt)d, Uiith, it pun the street, Ar'Un 1 the comer rouiin.f. His I'ih'u i lighted with u itiil, Hi j jp t-liitio all the while A J lcAeHiil lUHC Lb huiuiuio. IivHn. ii' lil.o rtiVrt y.uM jco In y . n r iL'itr ui.-e. which yu and h. ISr- tiiiiici-. iift'r aw IkI iT, Juai Mr. Jliti n f iT'i'ij-t 'uii try, Aad v"ir li-t oi' iMy ti.h. U At the cUcj'.n Mammu'tii Sioui:, B-T-IQflO-X. 'Ihy 'iir;fv. flrriit'lhcn. hud im ir'"ialo. i lu v Cl -;. it ht-fil'liv ill'i'tlilo. t li' v it i c mi Miittd t h:iit' td'widor n"l di-t l hf i ircMii.f i They c.-iT..;'Im-i 1 ia n i i n 'I Ui-y put il v '1 lic cure ' p i hiy euro I !.' j '..-.t''l' i' i.'.'.inh ui ii It.tch nr 'In ; in in 1 llic iniiid tic mi i ititi-i iiiiiti'iu Lii. i v-ih uu l ti' idiiy "I t? c tmnM.'h .;IJt iil.d t't l.-l'J itjt.ll 41. 'i I t...l. iu, i i'l vrn .Mwr- lid" Tht-y cur i.iver Cuii.j.hilni .4i; 1 luKc. J h y "re tli In I '.'tin- in i'." a th i t.k Ui..i p i r. ai.d a. ' ia!. rw.. H. ,1. 1 It. III l led I .tuu- tfrij'i r -i'ii r. '11. ' v i' it ii . in itu J. iin Lhta-v cl.Jir-tt I u! -Hud am iitLt ti ,iti lin 1 1 mi riiid 11 .'u .i i i.a' , 1 . J, M ft i il ..itiiHy, i 1 .t a ' .i..t. r. r.-uu.t ii lcl I ' d itrnU y. i r ftlllilllUltl i'M1 i I V f t .,, t. hi ,-..1- l II Mi '..vt. A l luh'i . 1 ) l.ICUi:'M I .M ii ti l l u , eu l;l;inh,tv, t'...,.., i i i.u, .v..,.,,, NKW YOHIC, '( All T M l Il I s i !;; I'l, .1 .,.,1,, ).uIH. I; p A- I 1 . r I?., 1. 1 11 1. ! I. I M A I . . I J,l.4l a, li t II. !, ;,,t .., . : . I - ""' xi. riHi-r t-vt, A 1 1-.I1 il tliis it) mU Acui i rl M,l II Y, ihs '" Ilia 4ll'ki Ssl'I'll 11 IU II I II. . I ! ' ' .ll4..o.J l,l.,!.,,,lU, .1. , . i . I l- 11 .al. , , ii., t. iiw- ..1. ii.l to ill I. I .. I I . I I al, II , .... I, ... I,,, lu j. i j ...... i..i . I" i. . , , i,t I, s VI -K l.i 4 ... ii , i, I 1- In i ... i. l , -I,, 111. I I'loU lt Iil4 JUST OPENED! E. Y. BRIGHT & SON, INVITE tho enrly 'attention of cnsli pur chnacrs to tlicir clioirp, vnricd nnl exten sive assortment of FHKS1I WINTKlt OOODS which they offer at reasonable prices. Our stock embraces A full lino of Handsome DrC9S Goods, A nice lot of Domestic Pry Goods, A choice supply of fino White Goods, A great variety of Hoots and Shoes, A larc stock of Queens and Glassware, A very extensive lot of Hardware, lints and C ups and Rrudy Made Clothing Groceries of all kinds, fresh and pure, Drugs Paints Glass and Oils. WE INVITE particular attention to the following line o! Goods, suitable for lloliday Presents. Real Heavy Blanket Shawls, French Rhiukct and Rroehe Shawls, Iloosery for Ladies, Gents and Children. Ladies (Tloves in great abundance, A complete slock of Gents Gloves, Fancy Shirting and Opera Flannel.. Assorted colors Hidmora! Skirts, Skeleton Skirts in great Variety, Zephyr Opera Caps and Xubias, Fiue Sable Furs and Muffs, Fino While Linen Handkerchiefs, Colored border Cambric Handkerchiefs, Real Bandanna Silk Handkerchiefs, GcuU Silk Neck Ties and Cravatts, Fine needle worked Collars, Super Black Love Veils, Silk Tissues of assorted Shade', Ribbons, Luces, Edgings and Ruffling., Fine Black Mohair Caps, Shawl Tins and Scarf Pins, Perfumery, Pomades and Soaps, Buck Purses and fancy Port Monuics, First rate Skates, ready strapped, Nice Hair Brushes and Pocket Combs, Extra good Peuknivc3 und Scissors, Childrens Gum Gilded Combs, &.C, &.C., &e. Sunbury, Dec. 20, 1802. attentTon DEALERS ! ANNOUNCED lo nil who triido iu Smibury, that ho bus just purclinscd a i,i:;i: kiock r m-h sriei trd NEW GOODS, Which bo nflVrs at l)!. old stand, ncur Covert's Hotel west end of Market jejuni o, very CHEAP'' FOR CASH Or will nut do. just n. cheap for ; v x t te v i is tt i - v His flock consists of a Inro ntsortnient of HATS. LOOTS. CAl'S. iillOi;S. COATS. SALT. l'ANTS. bOAP. VI1S. lilirSIIKS. ilAUDWARE, ytEKNijWARE, and other articles ultogither too numerous to men tion. CALL A3SXr SEE. Fniil)iiry. .Tunmiry .'1, l.S'J.I. SIMON P. WOLVERTOir. .Vlloviioy iiikI iiii-Ii- nl f.avv. UlScc. Market itrcet, 2 doors wct of leot, STJ3ST33XJRY, FA. A 1 7 H-b alten.l iiromplley to the clUvtimi of claims 11 and all other r(il'i'n-iunul bu-iness intrusted tu bif euro in Xurihumherliind and a-ljoiniiij i.a;itic9. isunlniry, .May , iMiJ. l:i'K:iituiniu Si llloomsbiirp;' Itiii! .ro:i'.l, OX and lifter November 17, Truiiii will run as f ltuw : li&2, 1'usi-cngi.r 3I0VIXU SOL'TH. Pi: f Hirer. p.-rnnlun, K.OU A. M. betivo 10. 1.'. A 11.40 1' ', 1)211 ' lUipert, 11.. -Ill " luiivilii 12.0.1 Arrive at i.iUiiiinlierliid. 12 1.1 P. M. MOVIMi MWTH. beuvo rrf.rtlnmiberhuid, it .2(1 J'. M. ' Uniiville, (i mi ' JlMpiTt. .:t.i Kins-l.w, 8.45 I.rnvc. 1.43 P.M. Arrive ut S.-r:iiitn. Hum 1'. M .1. In A liss(Mi:;rr 'J'riiiti also Kaves Kiiiifi.ii at e. t:o A.M.. tir .-srrimioii. to eoinat willi u tinin dr New Vnrk. 1!. tun. in,, lenvc Senint' ii on univi.1 uf tntiii from New York, at 1.15 IV M. J he Ln-KitMi.nna A llloouisbur ltailrund e. iinei-tii wiih the li.'liiwnre. liurkawaiinu and Wi-stirn Itnil- r I at Hfianuni, fur Hen York and inlenuediiitc points eyst. At Kupert it omineeU with tho t'ni'iiwi a Hiiil ri'ii l. fur points lwi'h eiwt and West aim ing ul l'hil ml.'h'hm at H I.) I', M. At .Voril.iimlii'i land it eontieols with the Phil.i.lcl phiii A loiu ltniroal and N'orilii-ru t'n.trat V.nil roml. for points west and souili t'lissencrs ari-iiii at lliini.-tiurj,' 4 i'l) I. M; l'hiludi Iphiu 10 P.M.; HIM IlltlllUlotu lU.O I . Al. Tlie l'r- i'lit and l'n.-sensers Train north. lei'Vf. Nor'.iiiiiol i-rhiml it t 11.55 A M.. and arrives ul U.20 P .M., rat-ing Danville at s.2o p. J JOHN P. n.Sl.KY, ,up-t. .1. C. Wi:i.i.. tleneial Xiektt Agent. Nov. 2'.'. I '2 iia;ilii- ltaiirotitl. WINTEH ARRANGE?.! CUT. i i IIVAT Till NK 1. INK flout th i-it'.i ami lJI North-Wesi lor phil.-id.-l, hi-i. N.-w V"ik. Uvd in. PoUfi.ille, l.rbunoii. Atl.'nt.oMi, r.iston, A. Trains leave lim ri.-t-uri lor Philadelphia, New Y.ak, K.- l ii. I v.t-v'.ll . m:d ul! lulermediaie htalionf. a. k A. -M . mid 2 in P. M. New York r.xi .re.--h mi ll.irii-lMirjr ut 3 15 A. M., Brriv inc at New York at 10 .in llio sainc iiiorum . l'ur.s I'c'tui Umi-i : To New Yoi k f .1 l- : to Philadelphia .'I ;;j aud ii tO. lilli'ii.JO i-hoeked through. I" ii.iiiiu.'. h-nve New York at fl A. M.. 12 Vih.ii. and R P .l, (l'itl-l.iiii.'h I'xpres-i. Leat 0 Pliiladel- hiu ill S (j A .VI. and J .Ul P M. ems in lim Nm ork Fxpresii Trains, , I nr. -iliilt l.i an! Irolii rcloaireli Wlll.olll ilillll'e. Pii sehifor l v li.' CaiKi iva Kail Itond leave l'olt ! ( linloii hi j l.i A .M . lor 1 'In I an. I all int riunlialu . j S'ul' 'in- ; and hi ;i.2.i I'. AJ , ,,t- PLiludelpiiiu, New- i oi h, uii i an iiv l oinis. t Ti.rn- !:- l'..-,i-ilK. at 13 A M.. and 5 .HI P. 1 M , t..r Phil id -lphi.1 an I Niw York ; and at 5 in P .M . tor Anl.ui ii -.i. l l'ort ( lii.loi, i.i. tv. . i.iie. lini for I'lloi lii,,i: ul- i IMlh thiJ t allawi:s.i hail Kon t ; iu. till oil i lloio li. a l,i,- m m 15 A. .M , '.,r Polt.v ille A ii ,u e .ii , ii l.ii i.,i. 1' ii i v It hiii P ii i - lieu.liu 1 f I 'I hi A. -I , i ... I r.-lun.. I, pl,ili..l..-li .l.m at 4 -o I l I I j All ,!. nlovo iruiui run duilv, .udii) n I c e,., I I - r-.ii, l. 1.1.I11 . uvea p., 1, villa at 7.-0 A.M., Mel I'm:,.. 1. Ipi.iu 1.1 .1 1 , ) i I l . 11, , .., 11. giil P. uriitiU 1 . . l 111 l dui:i 1 lull. Iu ..1 I It ,.lii I -eio ,. ' li A .Mil 11.. s. j I'.-' I I, l-v 2. II. lieia I btip,iiiili-udi lit. MII.OKO HU M li. I 111 I'll! I ..I.. I . ...II, I III I .il , kunhuiy, Nuiiliuiubo V P. lilt, t I V ,,M. iv In-. 1...1.1 ,-.. I.r i-uouiv I 1 I .III I'll II I., I.I .K. . . I I I' . .VI .itel .i. . I .1,1; .., u, ', 1 I nll,, oil. H I 10 -1 1 .1 I-..I. , ('..ul I II ... . oi l. .un.., i-..U- te l.", In , kill li. , 1.1..1 1-1 i.,i 1 .'I, an- u 1 A 1 1 1 I 4, l.-uj 1 u M u Hi ''' fl tiullt Nr ' i I' IV It I Ml ii I N'l I I M t 1... 111 t . m i ' " " ' ' ""li'n.4 I l lilt k.u. . u,li. U.4 unguis, lt-W-lli I. -4. Ul I... I..,.. I .111 . ,e. ,,,.i,. 1.1, U 'tl f . '1.. lUll 1.1 ! I'. Ll. kMfulk.l kill.- au ....... mi niiivriii. II.---. vi, ibs .si4 t,t u .i I.. .a i . L jil mh4 Iik) s ii. ) ul II.. in-i. ii 4, ImihI I.. l a J"IIN It i iH l I. I'4 I ,!., ptiiii Hiu-sa, N If Jik.ij :i i'ji MAYORS OF THE Great Cities. Wo, the undorulRned Mayors, hereby cer tify that the Druggists, Apothoofiries, and Physicians of our several cities have sinned a document of assurance to us that AVER'S BAHSAPARILLA has been found to be a remedy of great excellonoe, and worthy the confidence of the community.. HON. JAMES COOK, Mayor of LOWELL, MASS. HOIT. ALEUT HEARD, Mayor of NASHUA, IT. H. nOW. E. W. nABRINGTON, Mayor of MANCHESTER, Ii. H. HON. JOHIT ABBOTT, Mayor of CONCORD, N. H. HON. A. IT. BULLOCIC, Mayor of WOKCE3TEH, MASS. HON. NATII'L SILSBEE, Mayor of SALEM, MASS. HON-. V. W. LINCOLN, Jr., Mayor of BOSTON, MASS. nOIT. WM. M. RODMAN, Mayor of PROVIDENCE, It. I. nON. AM03 W. PRENTICE, Mayor of NOBWICH, CONN. HON. J. N. HARRIS, Mayor of NEW LONDON, CONN. HON. CHAS. S. RODIER, Mayor of MONTREAL, O. E. HON. D. P. TIEMANN, Mayor of NEW YORK CITY. HON. H. M. KINSTRET, Mayor of HAMILTON, C. W. HON. ADAM WILSON, Mayor of TORONTO, C. W. HON. R. M. BISHOP, Mayor of CINCINNATI, OHIO. HON. I. n. CRAWFORD, Mayor of LOUISVILLE, KT. HON. JOHN SLOAN, Mayor of LYONS, IOWA. HON. JAMES McFEETERS, Mayor of BOWMANVTLLE, C. "W. HON. JAMES W. NORTH, Mayor of AUOU3TA, ME. HON. H3NRY COOPER, Jr., Mayor of HALLO WELL, ME. HON. JAMES S. BEEK, Mayor of FREDERICTON, N. B. HON. WILLARD NYE, Mayor of NEW BEDFORD, MASS. HON. J. ELAISDELL, Mayor of FALL RIVER, MASS. HON. W. H. CRANSTON, Mayor of NEWPORT, R. I. HON. FRED STAHL, Mayor of GALENA, ILL. HON. JOHN HODGDEN, Mayor of DUBUQUE, IOWA. HON. THOMAS CRTJTCHFIELD, Mayor of CHATTANOOGA, TENN. HON. ROBERT BLAIR, Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. HON. R. D. BAUGn, Mayor of MEMPHIS, TENN. HON. CERARD F.TITH, Mayor of NEW ORLEANS, LA. HON. H. D. SCRANTON, Mayor of ROCHESTER, N. Y. HON. DE WITT C. GROVE, Mayor of UTICA, N. Y. HON. GEO. WILSON, Mayor of PITTSBURG, PA. HON. C. H. BUHL, Mayor of DETROIT, MICH. HON. HEMAN L. PAGE, Mayor of MILWAUKIE, WIS. HON. W. W. VAUGnN, Mayor of RACINE, WIS. nON. A. FARR, Mayor of KENOSHA, WIS. HON. JOHN C. HAINES, Mayor of CHICAGO, ILL. HON. M. J. A. HEATH, Mayor cf BELMA, ALA. HON. A. J. NOBLE, Mayor of MONTGOMERY, ALA. noN. W. S. HOLYBAD, Mayor of COLUMBUS, GA. DON ESPARTERO MANUEL, Mayor ef VERA CRUZ. DON PIETRE DE CABALLO, Mayor of MEXICO. DON ESTEPHANIE RODRIGUES, Mayor of HAVANA. DOIT ANTONIO ECnEVEHA, Mayor of LIMA, PERU. DON M. G. MILANGNO, Mayor of VALPARAISO, CHILL DON MARO SESQUIPEDALIA, Mayer of RIO JANEIRO, BRAZIL. Certify that tho rcsldont Druggists havo assured them Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is an excoUont remedy, and worthy tho con fidence of the community. For Spring DUeases. For Purifying the mood. For Scrofula or King's Evil. For Tumors, V'lcers, and Bores. For Frnptloiis nntl IMmples. For Ulotebts, lilnlna, and noils. For fit. Anthony's Flrr, Hose, or J?r)- For Titter or Salt Ithrum. alntlas. Fur Scald Head and Hlngwomt. Fur Cancrr aud Cancerous Wares. For Sore Eyes, Bars Gars, and Humors, For Female Diseases. For Kupurrsklou aud Irregularity, For ft ph 111 or Vcut-rsul Diseases. Fur I-lvtrr rompUliiU. For Diseases uf lu Heart. The Mayors of the chief eltles cf the Uni ted Btatcj, Canados, and British I'rovluces, Chill, Peru, liroil, Moxioo, end In fact al most all the cities on this continent, Imve suaoj this document, tj assure their pei pls what remedies they may use with, ssinty ami onflJuuca. 11 ut our spaoe wiU only adaiut portion of thoui. Ayer's Bar3aparllla, Aycr'a Chorry Poctoral, Ayor'a rills, uul Ayer'a Aguo Curo, l-ut l'a,iu:i nr l)r, J, V. Ayrr & l'o KiWUl., 14 A S., AaJ swld If lwi'glls sry .I I I y I'idiui a Ut-i.l. a4 11 A ult.l4ll IV. H U II .. N.., J I' Is. I. ... ....! lUo.u, Milua J IklM.-ll, lll-wllltU II i ll a i , Hi t ..w. I Uii.,i' .i,a.i - M i. -I iUl...i. .. Hiti t K M iiimhw Puib-S, Au4 Ih1. .i-s1.i S-,1 I 1, lui I, lull. i, in JUST RECEIVED ! 1 ENQEL lias just returned from Philadelphia with 3PLE1TDID STOCK OF Spring & Summer Goods. ror .Mi-iin Wenr, Cloth, Cassimere, Vesting, Itnlian Cloth, I.lncn Coating, Linen Check and Cottonndo. I.llllle, AVenr, A larjje sMmrtmcnt of Dress 'Hoods, Til nek and Fnney f ilkK, Pilk Tissues, Fancy BcriiKen, gliiilley, all Wool llclancs, Monnmbiquc (iixids nt low prices Silk Levellns, Delnncn, ' Lawns, (iinliamu and Prints. A full line of Irish Linen and Whits Goods. .Stella border and Fancy Summer Shawls, Silk and Lace Mantillas, Ac. Ready Mado Clothing, A goi assortment of Unhand Caps, A large assortment of Boots and Shoes. A full stock of Groceries. Molasses and Sugar, Hardware and Puilding Material, A full stock of Queen and Glassirorc, A full stock or Fish, Salt, Oils und White-Lend, A large slock of Jsow Wall Tancr, A new stock of Stone aud Earthenware, And thonssnds of articles not enumerated. ti"" All the above will bo sold cheap for Cash or Country rruducc. J. II. KXGKL. Punliur.v. May 17, IS02. ZLNTOW OPEN-. MAMMOTH FURNITUREIWARE HOUSE. !) .V Ml ( iiisuil IMiiPii. (l.ato LEW A f O S Pry Good Store, I 4; 1:0. j. iii:.ias:t.s, l'iirnierlj.:( Walnut Street. Pliilndelphi.i. August ."111. 1SH2. "m J ii:i. ArrsaiiK'i'iiK'iilH lri:t. Ill- !1V 1 Ol'll l.illl'M. THE CAMDEN AND A.MHOV AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TltEXT'oX R. R. CD. S LINES. Vfoin 77 Afi ". to -.Ye. Yirinntl H'tr Vtrr.-v. Jrutit 'til.iitt .i.vir II',,i-' tuitl KatiiituH J)i wtV.' l- ti t t J'othivi, ri : : f.i:k. Al 1 A. M.. via t' 111 Kn mil,y, (0. 1111 1 A . Aee..iuti:oiiiii..n.l ' ?2 2.', AtliA. -M.. via I'tin.deuatid Jersey t'ity, X. J., Aeeotnli-oo tli,. ,1. 2 2'i At H A. M.. via Camden und Jersey Cite, (.Morning .Mail.) .". DO AtK A. y via Cum U 11 and Jersey city 2d t'la.-s'Jieket ' 2 2i Al 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Express 3 M At 12 M. via Camden and Auibi.yC and A. (Aeeoinnio.i,tion.) 2 2." At 2 P. .M.. via Caiudcii and Autbov. 1C. and A. Express.) 3 DO At .1 P.M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, Wn-h. and N. Y. Express " 3 00 At i'. 1'. M . v. ia Kensington nnd JeiM-y Citv, (Evening .Mail.) ' 3 00 At 111 P. M. v in Kensington und Jersey citv, Southern -Mail. 3 (Ml At Ij ttiijjo'i iu Kensington and Jersey city Solum W Express " 3 00 At 0 I'. Camden and Aiii1h,v. lAeciu- tiifdiitioii, 1-riight and Pimsenir, 1 ir?t I'l.iss Tii'ket. ' 2 2." Second ( Ins- Ticket. I .'ill For Water Gup. St roud-burg. Scrajilon, Wilkes bnire. M011110M, Great Lend. Ac., at li A. M.. IV. in Kciisingtoti. via Delaware, Lnekiiwiuina and esicrn For lauelt Chunk. AUentown. Iicthlebetn. llelvi llerc. lCas:ou, l.atithcrt v illc,, iVe . lit (i A. M.. from Kensington Depot, and nt 21 P. M., from vVttlnui stiect Wharf. ('Iboil A. -M. Kino conneets wilh Trains lea ing EiK-tnn for Man. It Chunk, nt .1-211 P. M l For Mount II, ,11 v. at (1A.M . 2 und 1 P. M. i'orl'rcihil 1, ai 11 A. JI. and 2 P. M. WAY LINES. For lirl.-tol. Trenton. Ac. at 11 A. M. and 21 and 5 P. M. from Keiistnglon. For Palmyra. Kiverton. Pclunen, Poverty. Par tington, Floiei.ce, Hcrdciitowu, Ac, lit 12, I, 2, 4i nnd U P. :,l. f For Xew- Yoik. and Way Lines leaving Ken-sin-rtou Depot, take tho Cars 011 l-'itlli street, abovo Walnut, hull' uu hour before ilepai'turc. The U'ars run ittlo tlie D.-pot. imj on the univiil ut' each Tram, run from the Depot. J-ilty Pounds of P.-iggngo only, allowed each passenger. Pit.- ciigem are pmhihilfd from taking anything as ba-rugc but'tlteir wcuj-iiig apparel. All b.iggugo over lit y iuuds to be paid f..i cxlrn. Tbo Ci'tnptiiiv limit lltetr re.-K.itsiliiliiy lor baggage to One Dollar per oiiiid. and will nut be liable toruny aiimuiit beyond f Hiu, exeepl bv special coiitruet. WM. il. GA 1ZM1.R, Agcut. January 17, lSii.1. ni 111 iivArAii:.uvT a MIL SI .Mil hY At'AHEMY will bo opened on . tlie first -Monday of November, Ik, i. Tl lHOXpLR 0.1'ARTt'R. Juvenile scholars, , $2 1)0 English brunches, 4 Oil N'tiiteis and higher Muiliimuli,-'. & no Lut.iia t, ll no M. Rlliipi:; Piliuipnl Suiibiiry. Nov I. IStiJ uu iiv not i:. Cui.i;. (' ..'(r Ull 't'lnril StrtiH, II vaitisut uu. Pa. rPIIIS llol'SE in eoiise,iii-nci. of lis e,,nvi iiicneu and lii nr locution In llic Ciipilol. has lliadu il a ile.nuOli .1. i ping place, not only or tlio-a liaviun I bil-ilMM, hi llli- Stall of tiuVi-llllltcul, but lor otl.cls j vi.llili l.m 2D, lai.i. 'Xorthera ('cntriil Ituilwny ! sti i i it 'i uu: 'i'aiii.i:. 1 I It VI.Vl DALY lo aial liotu toe North and U c.-t Hnin, U .-iiwuiliaiiiiM, 1-ltiiiiu. mid all o Xorih-i-ri New V oi L. OS and ait.r ii'lMAY, Nov nob. r lTtli. l-ii.', the Pusrvt..r Tmii.s o' Dm Noiilnru Ctuilial llailwi., mi and dipml lioiii huubury. ii ui 1 1. 'mij me, ii it, i mot ii a, ioiii,w, , 14 ; fl O l I II W tl ll . 1 411 1 1 mi ii t uv . . .-uubuiy Jail) i&,-ei I .-l.i. la, I. i I' " li-via llMili.buril, & 20 MIIIVIS Ml l.-lliM.olil, !j M M 41 M tip!1! Ti-lu li'Mies huubury dsily 1 1 i - i auioiay I ll Ml " l-ii lUuului (isiipt Al..i..l,y " Mil. lis Ml llliuio daily (. AS. 1 1 kl'-tula) I. 1 I xW Mail Tl-lu Imil lUlllHiuf dull, e,,. MouU.,1 fl IW A " ium lUfibLui I ii p " aiftiMs mi sumbuiy, , ti I l-1M Tl-lu Umiis lUlllimM ilMlljf a ! I ' (HUM Ml 11-111. kuis I itf .1 ' I'lni llMtitel't.14 llAUSliI M,um k I a A MtlllMS Ml "kUil)r g IU 1I (with. 1 u-li'iiiiMii -a sip!, mi Ik na., I k iikUki 1.11 Ki : ij . r NEW AND USEFUL ARTICLE. HALEY, MORSE A BOYDEN'B Patent 4ir-A1nMlng Ooihois lll-lnprr-r Pimple, Economical, Durable, and is not Liable to get out orurdor. The Felf-Adjiistlnfl Clothes Wrlhgr, Is one of thn reatest improvement of the nineteenth century, and issonW to be known and tried, to come Into general no. The saving of clothes, in pressing out the water between two rubber rolls, instead of wringing or twisting, will antouut to enough in a short time, to pay for s machine. fcvery one is aware, lhat the twisting or wringing of clothes, stretches and breaks the fibres; but this machine presses them so evenly, thnt a newspaper thoroughly soaked, can be wrung, without breaking it in tbe least, and it works so ensily, that a child twelve years old ennoporato it without trouble, lint water does nut injure tho rolls, nnd woollen goods ean bo wrung out of boiling water to prevent fulling, which cannot be done by band. In Starching, it is invaluable, especially on larffo articles, such as Ladies' Skirts, Ac., as ft leaves liio starch in tbo clothes perfectly even. It will wring tho largest bed quilt or the smallest pocket hand kerchief, drier than can possibly ho ilnno by band, without alteration, in less than one-rigth tho time. The machine is so simple !hat it is not liable to get out of repair. Tho great improvement In this, every every other Wringing Machine yet invented, is, its Sell-Adjusting arrangement, requiring no alteration, lo wring a handkerchief or bed quilt consequently, thu mos.t ig norant servant can oilerate it. The luaehino is made of wood, and so arranged, that no iron can possibly come in contact with tho clothes, thereby avoiding all danger of injury to the otlios. by iron rust. This istbe most simple and effective Clothes Wring er yet invented. Those purchasing ean nso two weeks, and if they are Dot perleetly satisfied, re turn them, and their money will bo refunded. Address L. K. SNOW. Philadcli.ha. Or H. II. MASSER, Agent for Northumberland co. July 5, 1SC2. iiKiiiii.v i.uioie TArvr m:vs. M C. UKAK1IAUT Has Reti nxKD v, in a Xkw Stock or Confi'i-tioiiurU-tt, I'ruit nml 'l'oysi. IT seems as if a new age, n new life whs opening . upon us. nuiiuating every heart to nobler deeds and higher ninip! Art. Literature and Seienen will glow anew, anil seek todevelopo vubliuier beauties and grander conception. The business world, too. mtift feel the new influenco nnd every part be quickened and strengthened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with elec tric speed to the consummation of greater things than was ever dreamed of in the Pbilosopltv of tlie pnst. Animuted by the enthusiasm vvbieh pervades all j classes., and di-irous of doing his shin e towards o'j10 j great events of the Ago. M t tic subscriber would re-i spectfully inform the good people of Sl'NlU'KY and j the public generally, that tie lias just returned from ' the city of l'ltiliiileliltiii with the largest mid elmii "st j etoek of Conl'eelion.-iries. Fruit and Toys. Ilinl has ev er been brought to this section of country. He is also manufacturing all kinds of t'onfeetionnries. Ve.. ; to till up orders, wholesale or retail, al -hint notice. Anion;; his stock ofCUSFLCTIOXAKlKS may be found : I French S M-ot. t Itttrned Alntoiiils, Gum Drops, all kindssccnt, l.ov e Props, j Mint i-o,s, redaitdvvliite. ' Jelly t'ukos, I Fruit Props, Stick ('luetics. of iillsccnts. I Hock I'lindy. Almond Cuudy. j FF.riT. Prunes. Pigs, I Iliiisi-ns. Nuts of all kinds. I.I-MOX SU11 P l.'reitin hile. Lemon, ' Hose. " Yiinilla, rotninon Sccrels. Liquorice, Punnnns, IlMles. l ui-rtiiits. dried. uf n fuji.'rkiT nui.lity. Iiy tin finiflc -r 4!i'Zcn. A sut' rn r ifiuiliiy ! "J".s!.-.n itnI Sf-:ii. hiM u v:iriciy I ( 'oiik'i-li-cititi i Fi 'nit. Toy.-. Ac. till i t' wliirh i.-4 ufirrril clirnp at w hi'liiik' itml rrtail. ir Ui-iiiiitib).r tlie iwilm tt 11 I I'liH-i' . 1 M. lil AIMIAIlT. .Miirlxvt jftri'ct, 3 donrs west fl" K. V. J.iiolil A S-u's lt Sunl cry. Ajiril It. I'l. ly 'rUV ATM.Vi K' 114taB3I.V. llKtUNMNU OF A NKW YOLOIK. Tlio nuniiHT fnr .Iiimitiry. Im-lIus llio Klwcndi Voluini' tt tli Athinlii' Mi.ntlity. ItOM tlie oi'inmrncM'PHMit. in l.'iT. tho Atliintic lm r.'ii'i'Hv itu-rnisx'tl in rin nluti n. nicl it now lm-J Ilie Inri'.-! filler nl r'lrr tnco its lit'uinnins, ( livv yNir ii". l-i'V'tiiy slrmlily auirmi'iitf'. I nil it i-i'iiiimuH, aiititi nil (Jic thu'iuatintM titxl ilnn j crTr ti)i'ilxiit to our liiitit-Titil t-rii?i. tn lain ground in lin t.-titmtion of llio pulilii1. At a time sn j'tenaiit willi events wliicli tourh the future tle-tiniesul' Anu-i-ien in every vitiil iartieular. the Pnl.Iiclii anl Ktti j tup do not ileeni it neer-ary to i-nnnie, tlmt its I i':ii will ncwr i-wt rve t-r the l.uiie.-i p.-tlw of loyal ! ii:ui iolir-m und uni ersal Ireeo'tiiii. lis opinions o I nlwiiVM been on tho tiile of I.ihevtv. i'm-rre.-jt ami llihl. nml tho eoui e it fir.- H'l.j'eil in iUeaiiy creert will ever he I'Mithtully inniimtiirci! The SttHTnf Writer.-, regularly eMtiliitaitiii to tlie Atlantic Monthly, emhraee nil the lut known an thois. in Aineih an literature, uinl wr.rrai.ta the Tulj-li-heri in i'niuiin t(i itt readein. Tin: ijkst i:ssavs. Tin-: iii:sT?T0Kii:-5. 'j im; nr:sT roKM.s, Which Atneriean tnleiit can furnili. List of Kt:.ri..wi CiMi:Tr.i Tons. Tn lVoe au.l r.H-ti-y the "Allanlie S'ltft- of Wii tt r is uu timile'l. '1 he folhivt ii. 15 authors are Mtill iiinon the rejrn I nr cot 1 1 tih mors : .Iniues 11 llssell Levvell, Henry W. Loiigtellmv, Louis Agas.-i.. llttlpli Walilo Emerson, Nailiauiel Haw tltorue, '. C. Illlevvill, T. W. ilitrgiiison, Oliver W. Holmes. John (I. Whiuier, E. P. Whipple. Hayiird Taylor. Cltarb-s E. Norton, (ieore Ililltird, llenrv (iib-s. ' Walter Mitchell. Author Mnrgn t Howtli,' iis. Juli.i W . Howe. Hi-iirv T. 'i uekernnin, .Min. A. I T Vi hiiney, ri-is. Alii. II. 1. Stnwe, Jlan h'l Mai tineHii. Charlei Keaile, '! in Country I'ui'mhi,' Knii Terrv, lla:iii-t K. i'i r.-. ot;. ilohorl T-'lsowfll. ... T. TioWhiMu' . Jidwaitl i:erett, roieor A 1 White. Tlie foieoin li-t of C.K.trihuhirs invl iu1 . f " The Lenilin Vriter. of Aim riea l Jkiim.i. The Ail. .nlio i- for rale l y nil Hook ami I'ei it' leiih'is. i'liitfU.i eents a nuiuher. Suh- ; s..'iiliiiiif. for tlie vetir. jtoMae j.iti.l. Yearly - fulsei iptioii. reren el. or -inle iniuihei.. .-iiPi-lied hy ; anyilealer, or by tlie i'uh;i"hi r. ! tSneiineu iiuutlieis sent gralia on uil!eation to the ! Pul)liflitr.s. imlueeinents lr hiihserihiii";. I.i.-ts of nreiiiiuiii, ! Ac., fuviiiilieil 011 111 ili-al oii it the PuMHicrj. TUK.Nttlt A riKLUS. I'S.'i Waaliiutou JSireul, lo.-tou, MaA!. Nov. ,4m( t;: 'I'lio A1iiiki4'MM 4'oinp:iiM, (1 IVK NOTU'K that Ihey lia e eon-lii-le.1 nr- ( I raneinei.trt with the Noithtrn Centra! Knihoiol : Coiiiiiny to run tiahin tioiu Ihilliumre 1 r York, Han i-l. ut v;. IWiui'hin. Halifax. Tn vorioii. uuhury. ' INorthuiiiberlMiitl. if. Alitloii. Aluney. Wil-, linn yjKirt, huI ull iuteruiedi ite !al iot.s. eoiineetin hi UarrlMir with tho ti KKAT W KTKU. 1..V l'ltlS tor ritlrburg. Ciiieinnuti, ft i.uuU aud the j AUo with Howard l Co.VKxprero nt Alitton or ! luiiville, lihiouibiir. Vilkenhnrro. I'ilti-toii. .S-ran j ton, nud interuieduitt Htatiotif on the Cattttwia, i LaeKawHiam A liUnmif l uru; lt:iilroaU. At it ' liauu)Hirt, by ibmard 1 Co.' Kx)'rei to Jcrvey j li.ue au I LiH'k liuveu. AIm, by llowurd A Co., ' ami their ewiiierttoiM f.r Canton. Trov, Klmtta, i HiK'lieMter, llitttalo, Nitt":ar, nnd to all neeeible point 11 in Western New ork aud Cunada. by whieh liny Mill forward Meiehandie, Seeic, Ihuik Mote, Jewelry, and Yaluahlo l'uekae of every tiecrij tioii AImi, Not. lrafu rnd f..r rolleetlon. t-erieneed lilid etlii'lelit liu -eliei a ehi 'hvt'd. Hiid eiery etltut ill bv umde lo r nder atol'ielion. Hiiierlnteti.t nt IVnti'a l'iviitun, I'hilatU lihia. II A. HM iU-lt, Aijeiit for unhuiy. Anl J, poi. IIEIMSTKEKT'S lulmliitMt Iliilr ltitralir. ST IS NT A 1'YK, lltit rtore wuy bair to b uii'uiul clr by iu ly Uirf lln vui'tUut y I ut.rn ttith listtuiul iiteiiaoee, tut Hid by u ur ilit ae. All tU'laiil.uutiuni urv i-tliiiMtd id euutie, deniroun lhait iliiy mid b-auly .f thu bir, m.d urioid ot iht in . , im drt-ftii.)( t itii'Utft t Coloiiii $ to uidy tuioii bwii to tu iiitiu.itl eoli r by wu vit (ioet but gun tin. bair a U l lii VST liK.U TV. I'loiMolt'fi ii4 roMiU it lulu in til I lent off, trull ititi ti. ut hull, mid inMiu hi tilth tin I 1 fiuiiim lulhu bvM. ll h.ta altMt lim Ui it lime, htlitjf IliU I'liyiunl iiuir Coh.nurf. ud u nuuiiI) iihoimiu iu luluf 1 mi b U;h inh u.t u ud Udiv ll u id'l by H rtvtahtu (KmU-ii. uf t'u bv -reurt4 by il.tu oi ib iMuoucf. il ntiii, i t Ut Nr l.itutdwy V iu4iM 6w vvuu nud tl l.uiulsrrl I.MsMli-rl 1 kVHIt.ll' MIYV. Uw;,, I's , IHrHIOdrl Ilia lllsbOsMtid lk I'tlblw IU i.im1i' ItlMl llM v.nAnully MM. wu IimImJ ItaUit. Mlill.lS j I lb. Jutefe, mm4 all ftiioisui I. MM.l-r mmI tsuildiii I.-uhmU miii.Ii a mil .il mi lbs Ivausi unw. I I to-llMita t Ivl isssriMMl ! Istt-ra ' lM. I , I I Klu III a"M imhi. Miiibiiuii tv ikt.u iil l ! I I I'liMIS 1II..M Ski llMi i I '! Jms I' mI 1 A 1 41 r no tlHorlmeiit or EVANS A WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFES. UIIEAT FIRE AT REAMJTCI, Ti February 12, 18C2. (Jr.TLKvux It gives me much satisfaction to Inform you that In the severe fire which, on tho morning of the 4th Inst , entirely destroyed all my stock and materials, I bad one of your Salamnndet Firo Proof Safes. After enduring an Intense red heat for seven hours, the Snfo was opened, and tho Honks and Papers were preserved in an uniblemishcd condition. 1 shall need another Safe as soon as 1 get in order. Yours, most respectfully, W. P. D1CK1XSOX, Heading, Pa. FIKE AT OKEEX CASTLE. CiiAHBEnsnrno. Franklin county, Pa., ) August :ilst. lHol. j Mes-rs. A Watsus, Philadelphia Gentle men : On the morning of tho 22d of Augnst, lHlil. our Storehouse at tlreencastle was destroyed by firo. The Salamander Snfo we purchased from yon some few years since was in tbo abovo nicntibned store house, and contained all our books, papers, cash. Ac, which wcro preserved in a perfect condition, after being exposed to a most intense heat for several hours. Pleaso inform us npon what terms you will sell us another larger Safe. Yours truly. OAKS A Al'STTX. Salamander Safes, for Banks, Stores, Private Families. Ac., Ac. Also, Evans & Watson's Patent Alphabetical Dunk Locks and Hank Vault Door", equal to nny made In tho country, and sold on as good terms. K A W. would respect fully refer to Ilia following Hunks and other parties, having their Safes and Locks now in use, to their entire eutii-ftic-tinn. and ninny otbeis given at their Store. L xitkii Statks Mint, l'raneh linnk, Shclbj villo Philadelphia. Tennessee. PxiTKii Statks AlisF.XAI..rity linnk of Philadelphia. California. Consolidation Il k of Phila. Pottstown Hank. Pa. Com'lh Hank of Phila. Coatesvillc Itttnk. Pa. Chatanooga Punk. Tcnn. Stroudsburg Hank. Pa. Pro'm Loan Ass'on, 4th st. Jersey Shore llnnk. Pa. I.nnk of Aorthuniherland. Hank ofXurth n Liberties, Philadelphia. Look IImtch Punk. Pa. Vnion linnk. Pallitnorc. Siuthwcstcrn llanli of Yn. Paul and Swift, I'ankers, 1-ulton Hank. Atlanta, Ga. Alal.anui. Newark llnnk. Del W. G . Sterling. Wilkesh'c. Dunk of N. C, Raleigh. Lewisbitrg linnk. Pa. Other references given nion calling at our Store, No. Hi S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. March 29, IHiiLV ly M . Mil IIV SIPDI l'l.H B1I.XJ II I I.I- rilTIE subscribers having taken possi-in of this .1 lirst class h'ljtt'lt I .r jMfLL.nrv prepared to receive grain of all kinds, and to do custom work at lb shorl,st notiee. Custouiers will have their ! gri.-ls trroiind immediately upon their being 1, 1't at t lite Mil!. As it is the intention of the firm to stock the Mill, n large supply of grain will be constantly j kept on baud, and Hour by lite calamity can always j be oliiiiiucl. the greatest care will lie taken to turn out n superior quality of flour, for w hich the mill is adiniriibly adapted. Strict attention will be paid to the wants of custouiers. and the patronage of the public generally is respectfully requested. Sunbury. .Iiuic 2.1. isiil). " MORGAN A CO. GItOVER & BAKER'S l'iit Premium S 33 V.' I N G M A CHINES FOR FAMILY t'SK AND 13 ii ci ii I'im-i ai ri ii;". I'ii rxfi'K. Willi Ileiiitneis, Fellers, Tuckers, Conlcrs, Hunters, Ac rmcES rr.0M $40 upwards EASE?. SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, .Make ll.e 1i-k or Pliutlle Htileh Maettines of tlie stun patterns, ait.f nt tl,p siiuie prieesas their eelebrtited DOC HI. F. I.OCK ririll.ll MA CHINKS. This istlteoulv (-otusiay iliat n'-ik-'S liotli kii.ils. ttiere fore the only one llial ciin supply all the wants of tile ptili Itc. txT" P'lrehnsers can take tlicir choice of either Htitc Willi the till', lle'.. of exel.aniiiiia for lite oilier. A new Btylcof ?hnt:l.. Mitehiae runs ttist anil quiet, fol Vest Mtikctd Tnilois. filioe Hunters, Arc. II' fir l.i'ir 1'riir "f s-10. tV Hl'Y TI1F. Illr .ii GriOVFIt ,V HAKI'.ICS.P M Co. 7:til Uhestmit Street, Plillailelpliia. l l; 11. P., Sunbury, Pa., Agent lor the Manufacturer. Ilce.-Ulher SI, Jsflly Hl'.iSIE'X IIO I i.l., riHE nianiigeinent of this well-known Hotel hev I ' ing been resiinud bv Messrs. COY I.E A IIERR. Die present proprietors, l-e. leave to inform tbe publi-.: that the bouse is now being thoroughly renovated, refitted, and improved, with a view to the proper and cointorlaiile aeoomiuoiliii ton ot those win i inny lavor the wilh tlicir eustiuu. liuesls wiil receive Hue uiieiipon ami eoiinesy, aiui no cxpep-c , will be s.i,r,-d tltat uoiv conduce to uiailitain a ' hotel iu a lir-t-elas style. l-'nn.ilics and utlicrs tle-ti ing lo sojourn in Harris ' burg during the M,iiiiin-r nioiillis. will find pleasant I hot, r-ling and large and vv el I-vent i luted rooms at our . establishment, upon mod, rule l.-rms. SCOTT COYI.K March 20. 1Si',2. J. 0 II.PE1IT IIEP.R. I Vlil. 'M' Yerli 'l'j 5.0 I'on nilry . HOOK, XtlWSP.IPKH. JOJlA.XlJ OJxAA. M1CMTAL niair sa."0 tara. rY. have tho fullest ns.-.irtmeiit uf tlie tni.-t us.-ful kinds of 11 i ill und Ornamental I'm inanu- far in red from the most durable im-taN l!i'' iri i ati cl c:ue und aeeuraey, -eeui in( lieatioii. tini'hed v. iih pel feet ju.-ti I'i nut 11 IJtiuk and e.Ttiinates turiiihel uj-on u lieatioii. alni, rillNTlMi TKKSSKS. wiih tluir appurlctiiinci s W OOP fall I'll-apitriived lUiloers T Y P E . of all the latest styles, of all s'.es Metal Vnriiiturc i Rules, Cases. Cnbiiiets. I'lirntl arc. ' Hiinling Ink, and every article the Printer iciiuiu-s. ! Teiiii.s iJ.cral. Prompt attention. ' KAH.Ml-.K. 1.1 11 I.K ,V CO . fi.-. and CO HeeUimiu slrect. New Yoik. May .1. pii.'. ItolliM-U tanl-lioai 4'iUm. ri',lIIS preparMtiiiin. made l'roin the best Java Coffee, is rceollllneuded l,v pliv-sieiulis as a sll)u-- rir Nl I'lilTlol S HEX Kl! AO E for ileiicrul I'di! iiy. lv.-pcp.-i.i. and all Hilltoiis liisorders. T'l.tii.-tiinl. who iiuvc been compelled to abandon tin- u-e l' eotltc, will use this without injurious effects. One cm contains tho strength of two pounds of ordiuary cutlcc. Price -j cents. KOLI.OCKS 1.EVA1N. Tbe purest and best RAIvl N'ii I'uH Pl'.lt known, f r milking light, nwect and nutritious Lrcad tai l Cultcs Pi let 1 j ciiiui. kaxi r vi-Ti n i: j, vv M. II. KOl.l.DCK. Clitinisl. Cm in r of and Chewut .-trects, I'llll.AIIKI.I'lll v, And sold by all Priifi-I. aud iiroccrs. Mniih I," liiJ. JAMES li A It Li K U ' S WIIOI.KlMt.K AND RKTAII. CLOCK' ESTJ 1! L IS II ME XT, S. K. Corner Stcmd ami Otutitut it , IMilluiltlplilii. VC.KNCV for ilie PATENT t-'ljC Al.lINii TlllliTY IA t bia kS. a vi-l y !.,, alar Hitirtc for 1 11,11. I,, cs, liolels, H-inliS, t'ouiilius Houses, I'ailors, Ac. tl.,,.Mili,i,la, iirrrl I INK liUIJJ TENS. fs-k. ,.-i-IIICil MUll H'HIIUIlli-il. Cl k 'I'l tn. II. te's ot I'Vrl) il.m-l i,ll,4l . riiiia.lioiiii, LnibMiy u, l-ii.--Jy II. II. Maseru. luriK-i nl l.ui, MMilID PA -,f .N..r- dull, bin i V . .lie, II. ,11 Ullcllded lo III Hie eouillli s lliuli.l erluial. I llioll,, Xloltl. Ul. I Mud I veouuli Iti 1 ruiv, 1 . lion John M 'Lll:..l,lll... A ti liHtlell t I'll . Ibiii. v in A I'orl. s P.,,ll..l AleXlliliMel E-i . I. k. o I. -1.1 X I n., J P1111I Mrei-I. New York Jolll . A-bliil-M I, AlllU'lll l Ml, ' Mtitiliew A I ov AM'.iin'V, at Law, " hii.ibmy. Munli St. tmj i:i.i:jvm' ' 11 it in: til l i:. MiU 1-i 'HIE TIME I" PH I. l ll AI.III M4 IN euliMiiiiiucv oi lim s-Mreilv of banife. t s ill .oil my el.. 'nil I t.V'i.U AI'll CAllI'l. I'K I'l IE I'vtlill til' tall'rM I'urOwo llwllur, h.nt l- iumiI Pi-su-!, id lU.. Ul l., b.-l I' I Mil. I Mf 'l I IU SH.I 'llill WU.lilM.-M Mil llli I'lllti'lp-i Ili'llilMl. II lli Aiut) I'li.i'lii l, I a'.iu.'i 4... AlwiMuoi Um ip-.-tiv-i tiii-H.tii.ktiUJklrii.d lil.ti.Otli I MUloflln, mut uu ..lnMii.a. hsu-pls . Ue MUl va ell. I'm t'lMl' Ju IMIMV Its 4-lii at , PkilM4il kl K'Ua.Ui I, lx.,i I. I lalt I l'U MSs.Ml fMM! t uv0 aa4 W.m j HIRHEUMATICS! DR. LELAND S ANT I-II II E U M A T I C BAND PLllMAXEXTLY CLUES RHEUMATISM! IN ALL ITS VARIOUS FORMS. Acute or Inflammatory ; Chronic, Lumbago, Sointica, Plcurodyno. Ac. Stiffness of the Joints and Crumps Gouts, Neural gia and all Nervous Affections Erysipelas. Salt Itheuin and Scrofulous Eruptions of the body Neutralises tho Impnrities ef Dm Mood an t Fluids of the whole system, and eltectnally counteracting Mercurial nnd other poisonous influeuces. I It is a convenient arrange Pi:i.T, enntnniifir i P.iletncmra hp wont nrotlint the ts.Oy nlHiut I hp wn ist KlII.'AM.VKVn-.CTIMl ai t t. I'AltTl, wltetevei Hie ililpw ttiiiv tir. It Mil lie M 2 worn Willi,, ut injury to tlta most, tlthci'r Jiernon, CI M ami n.ieliiingc in Hie proper Italnts of ttvniu ia rr. .A qui ted II entirely removes !he ilistioe from IheH Hj s)sicin, wilh lliefiill us use, in such casus, of ij W,,,u ,,tni ,ro,ei,ies, vviiteu veenKen nun ileslroy tlir constitution un, Rjve icmpuniry rc lief only )iy titiit) itn( lh svil. in, an. I tleaileninit M r its vitality. I Ihirimimn-ci. fie rni-lieouil t,ro. r J perlies coiiMinei! ir. t'is ll-oul . lieinu !' n htvlily M Hiiromalie and volntil- n.-,'u,e anil eiqiaht" ot lien,,. 1 1 reailtlv alisorheil. tltroenl, il,.. ,.r... ..r ,t.. .t..: I1 U4 come nttorlireel c-ft with tltp t!l"o,l ninl peiie- m . rtr crcnnrion. L-itnol l,rk, ,.i-. ,.. ... ,i 1 . It,, C -71 1 ine sioiniien, wmeii T"ulil ipiuI n it out)- to tt.-trti'-l irom taeir euraltve powers, l,ui to impair itie in lj lerrmi o-guns an Henna.'- ttip iliesiton tilni Thus LJ aroiiliiif Irre injurious clT'ects, so often itir. rem't ot H intrrnal remedie, suiid ellei'tiie' a peiferl euru l.v M i pnittyin7 sno; the etreiilntton o( the vital L ij Hinds anil r-tir)ri the parts alfccteil t.,a liealtliv J fl eonililion This lim. is nlfo n most power nil "ANTI-SIKKCVrllAI. AHKNT." ITul'.niel I (J JJ ins tl's. primary -an--of n !ar;-e par- of il.c stiff !H m ness, NeiiralfTip Pains nail Hheiitnatu-s, M prev.l- H Uj Irnt mil wil! ,.itii.:y relieve llic Bitlcltl from Its fV mi pernicious etieets. JL Ij" M -iterate crises are rnrso" , ,77 ,'.,ri .1t.,if -e LJ Hare constant! ire-iving m,...c iii,. !,:nn ,n,,;, W to wltieh we Ineitc tasr-e, i.r our i ilie.- of Ll their cilicaey in ngsmvatc!! mien, long stiiinlinj if yy PRICK TWO D.U.t.Ai; M.iv -l.s ,i,lr Prcc- M Cx gists, or Will la Seat l.y mall t,V. r-fsiet ef -s-J. or , Ly express every vvlieie. vviili aM intcemi , .hrilue- M, turns from the piuit-ipal otfiee of Mr G. SMIT1IJ& C0-. Sole Proprietor.;' 401 PiiOAiiWAY, near D100111 street. Nkvv Yoiik. IV Treat i.-c, wi:li Ccriilied T,stitnot;iids. sent free. ADAPTED TO SOLDIER.--. Agents Sui'Vin . Priling A (Irani, r.;e JlriL'bt " Xortliulnlierllind, Mnn h . Ji2. ly .uAirtsiiivs H. li. .MeC. . x. ro?.. A Ilnr5rvi ij V.r-iv. v. 1 ' Cor. Pulton I Hroa.liviv. NEW YORK. Win ..irefoltv iiltind to,JiiS and i-.H other matteis intrusted to I lleir cure. M.iy 21. 't:vi'aj.4e, i!i'S'!-.t.. SmilMtrj. 'loi-CiniistierPiin: t'cr... f;. rpiIIS large and eonnno.linus 11. ,, ), ,, niainge.l .1 by JA.MK V.ANIiYKK. is .iiuaie al tie. Ilai! road I'epol, Norili Ea-t corner of .Market Square, SiiiiUu-y. Pa., ami at tin. ti-riiihuc. of i',,,. Siml.urv , Eric and Norlbern ".-, ( i-;, I Haili ti nt i op, ., for the aecoininodiiiiou of Trav,.i-rs and the public in genettil. 1 lie iifot ri. tor vv ill irive ,'. rxdii.-iv c alt, i,ti..n to (lie coinlort .'inil i v,-ti.-nev gnes,-. jir.,1 is ilelerniiiie.l .. ninl... (,is',;-'iini, lit lank ana ollg lite 111-.-, in t1' His lui, lo w ill he sni plied i;h llicl.esl ilie liltirket can proo'lue. h:iv;ng tin- telva.-i:.-!;-.- of daily eniuii.ti-ni.-niii .i by e-iis iiin-1 from Paliiiitoi-e. unl these bringing pp-die-o Irom Hi.; .-iitroitii.lii.-g country. His liar will be supplied wiih the put,..--; liquors il.c market ,-an proline,-. Careful and oblig'ngserv ant.- always in at ten, lane,.. New met coluuualiiiiis slab ling l.asjtt-: been inl led to the preini-es. A -hare of the Io n! co l Irttv cling cm, imuuitv is most respectfully soii.-ile.l. Suiiburv. Jni.tiarv 12, Isi'.l. lu;-i ri .;i',7 ,'()' lr;i!1 S?is-T. "i'i llroi'iit-. C--.r ".-," .'., NEW rPIirS first class P. .us,. L and pleasant Hotel itnilicelllents to tlioM: v ' ' YoilK. Iise the llio -t qtl'.. I. hollllliku tel in . e eityo'Vers suerior v- i-itig "evv York tor buii-e.-s in its loe.-ition. ami ket.t on pletl.-urc. 1 1 1- ilie r.i miri-iv n..iv. m connection vv,:lt l .vvi.oits 1-AI.O..X. where rcfre-l.nietils cltti be Ittel at till I. tails, ,,r served in tio ir ow n rooms. Tl.e el,.,r,-s are mo- derate, tin-1. ,..!,,. an.! at', n ti;. :t. ,. l baths, iii'd all the, -rn eol.v eliicllccs al.iiellcl. ' M I. 'In ,..l ..I .11 11 I-",... W 1. 1. l A V received from NeVV Y'-lk I i Al.l. PAPER. co!.-;-tii g IXTV-rilltlK I'llUMiliXT .- l v, V: i large assortment -t ll-.K ll' Vlifi n I i.n. A x : Pi - AMI Ti:iis. :iryiii in j.rivc linin "hieh ill b-.-oi I et the li 'Ac i h-:i. -tore of cut- ii pvv aids, ul! , I ea-li pt ii , s. ,;t ;; J. II I-.Xi.EL. if Miiil.iiry. -M;:i"li .'J. no1'. iMs&a.s: a s.vt' SEWiisra nvcvoxxioNrK co-, j UnoAlVAY. Ni.W MtVxK. Dr-m'i't iv i'trrtrn v. S.nt"'t uf "ort wit? In- ,,;, .',' '",. r it ruiii.v M.cnri:' A VI Mi nil. line 1 u .veil e.- ! ar.d 0 itr-T;r.v replltlltl a.- beili l uf ail llnfll'Mis ihflo- dnred. thi' oil.- In :d:;ifed to Al.l. K 'S or r.m. v Si; w is;, and l ;n i,: u.- tiit!i a mi do h.-yoiid our .'i -i auiiei: 'iii- n. --i itiiedi th-t !i.r tltrt-e nioioh.i .nr rrdi-r h; tu been alo ud of our apartly t-i 'tij i'lv, we uinuil i;. nnti'tuu.'.' tout wo Iiav c lit.-1 . fl"l;l this I 1 our ii.jiiiui.i'-!iM l.i 'iiiit.-!. -;i that, vte.-n:iii nc 'Ji;;.ii.vl in .-UJ jiv min t on ueiuun-I. iut ", l.a.iL-c brought about by Pie wit. no ear, taing ti.-.s piaycl a III. 'r' part than tie, -.-i:vii. .M vi'iiim:." V t;la ut it il.ree-I'.iirins ,.f our soi lier- vv. ml. I to-day ,-t,.i!i -,1 in nevt'img but Military Costume." All over 'bo la". I annv c,, tiunj lia I.. -i n tin- work leijiiiii'.l ol ,.ur i airioric. Won, en. mi, la.l.l v hav i tl' .v T' -- "--ll . I -1 , Not c, .1,1,1a I to make 'a !;- -, imitty jftrnicMi- i s '!" :r I - al-ei ni l ! aee..i:pli.-.. 1 1 1 X" have ea'l- .1 tit.' S. 1. lug . aeli ire ' ' 1 to their aid. and by it have 1, ii.-d ,.u: il,.- ...IdUrs' I Coats. P.vxis and uinrs. at a late a, to j llteit.j. lv is. Ivi.oiv iug that ibi- w..ik eon! I 11. a lung . ci I. 111. He. many ti,.nl,!tut la n.l, ut ',, n'ee iv c-. ve, 1 car, fill to seleet the liiaellil'i' of ll ! I olliell. vhh h u MiiM .lo the lo -a v v in my w 01 K . an. I vt ben ,1 .nr with tint, tin ii to I... 11-. I its 1 heir I' v'11 i.v M ,n i.r. 1:. ..i.d in selee, ing til'e of (it . "1'ixM.r. A Lvox muini; Mvinixi: C,,vi:'axv j ! P.vmii.v M.vt llixi.s,'' j xx li w ti'e li v., 11 inny sew from ll.e ftut-t ean.'.irtc lo 1 ll.e lo ai it i l. tli. v. i'lu ut 0:1. it . I '.-.' I. 11. t,!'.e. 1 r te'i-ioll- -liny have Hot e. ,t ..t,t, .1. i 'lim- hi.v-ng ,. v .-I..., .1 tin. i.,,,'.,.,l Mite of ncr , nn.ellilii tor all kill, Is ,. w.. I k. tve l.-.'t e 11:11 lc. -I lii.t li-r j Slip iu 'l-ii :n . an I I v M-veral ia:p.M-"ii c),. lg,--in i o,.r "V... .; Mi 1. :i 11 M v, ,(li, v. ' 'l,.,ve pi. ,'ia-.. a j T.VII.ol:lx.l Mi. itivi " we i-.uli.i -u:lv eluiiii ; to be tl,.. - HI ST TAIl.oHlMi X A 1 llE ' y. t ! ililr.'.iltee I. sewing llic ct,test lii,, 11 llm-iel with as uii.-!t 1 may I., l.iiii.r a- s the e.enu.. 11 c. :i i -:.! I iv i. n l'. ui re.l ry lillest tan. I. lie vv. il;'. wttll Coll. I. tiling ill hi:., c .111, ti l a-, I I,, ,1 the V , !nii cotton thus lortii. pnility IIIIC. 111 ellli -r a t- A.Mll.l OH XI AN I K Al 111; INii .MACHINE W,' have bad our .Machines before ll.e pub lit? long erouirri to c-iuUi-h ili.-ir reputation Im.-oih of olhen wltn s, lined Wltb tlv ing eol in v e till I. 11 l. llic wnv.-i.le; II li ii "stinii 1 in- pine 11. Iliut Ull. o lln-lil will know till-Ill lio I ,..'' M p l.y step lias tin, I'lXM.t: A l.Vox Xlv. ttivr vv. n i's w .v lo public linor; iis-nce.M, i. 1 -inLli,hc.. nnd li.-n,'. I 1 Hi our HUH .inill I.e. 11. il has in the p.i-1 l.t II. 10 - ill fnttliei'. - i n I i . 1" V t,i,l reduce III" c.! of il.r tua- ellllt.s Vie .-liatl, Ilia.,, 11. .v. I..c II in. It-'. I'. ,- lllltll. lis li. tlii .-. a ; .1. 1 1 nai II K Li: A 1.1 ON fEW. IX,. M Mll E 1,1 . No .l.t- H ,w UV . N.W vrk J 11. It Mvss.ii, A-u.t. .u.l.u'iv. Pa. M ir -li .-' I"'..' il l! 1. 1IIM-, tjiii, i v . -1 iil.U I trill-.. A,. HI Mi Y i.lll. I. KT. I .V..- I p Ill,:' ! .1 l-.;. l l Mi: A I I It In .11 lo '. , f ;,, 1. 1. 1 ,1. en lii.r.U ..1 . . In n, el. .'...! 1 Pull- lick.. Ac l.ixslin, HlllilXti ix, I Xllillix 1 M intii.i ... l. t- I 11 'I be I ill lit 11:1 r i'i nrc a la, I, I 1,, it a v uicy l.f .1 111. ' "I VI ll It III. III. III'! t II' 1 ', t . II tl ..1 t, M. II I X I I V , Ul . PI..I.IH.', a It. Mali. -in- Ml. I -an.l. Mi 1 Inn. 1. A-- M vi itixi-i.' Tuni s, I'I im. I I.,, 1 in- mii 1 II.111. 1 I.Mihts, H.Jt Cull, ri, tli .1 A.- . M . I iii iiii.jf 01 li ut ; 1 Mul ..lallli r, S-.u.lHl.lljr 1.11 1. .1 a II it . . I in, Pi.- f si il, I'l 11 1 1 r 111 Tin I'..,,. --I-I I 1. I - k I , ., I 1 1 1... 1.0 1 ; 1 i'i. i . Ii- i. ill in i a iu tinu it-iii 1st. .1 lM v , 11 11.. 1. 1.,, M..1I1 ij inj IIumhIiii lui i ri i'ktM isrv, fOWOtN ii WiUOX. H A.O Itltiltll itkl, 11 I. Nlt.ltM tl 4 M' M14 t.' Ml ti.l. t .11 I.UI. I.1 'I ','. ll lo MW ISlMtU III 111.. 0..MI.U J I till .1 I 0 1 II In .Mil X li'M ll k-M I I l I Jfi IIIIMVM. U M 1. .1IIMM, rMOlllO.M. Mf Ml , elll.t ! Ik ' 4tfl.Ml , aut'li' au ' ll.i.i.l-t. M ) '