Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 28, 1863, Image 3

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    K. V MA'JsJaU, liillior i T''.oi'.
M ."Vi;? BlV, EA.
.It i a v , M.viiun uj, ircj.
B. 1,1. PETTENOriiL ft CO.,
Jte. S7 Tork How, Now York, and 8 State Ptrcct,
ro5!on, arc our amenta fur tli fU-!rrnr America
In tboeo ei'lcs, and aro nulhoriied to take Advertise
tsncul r.Li i nWciii:ii iJ lor us at our lowest rates,
CiiANor.8. Subscrlbm cliungiiifj
V.ic'it rosMcmtiM nl wut Hie fmt of A j.i il will
please notify u of siicli clmnc. Our town
i!;'ciM will ' fcitliur leave Word nt tliu
oTice or notify ttio Carrier. Should any
o.uUsions occur wo wish to bo informed.
tiT" I,.xtscAri: Gaiidenino. We cull
sttcution to the advertisement of Sir. Win.
Baunck'H, out' of the most skilful as well as
ouu of t!ie most pructiculile Landscnpc Our
cleneM In this country. Mr. Siumclcr is now
fit the licad of the 'l".v.i-rimi'ntul Uniilcn''
at Wii.shiiurlon, tinder tlio lnnnncment of
the Agticultr.rid IUuvau. The Department
lins hoen tiurt forttinato in securing his ser
vices, though we regret to say that the
compensation allowed him can lie no induce
ment fr him to remain long in that posi
tion. Mr. Saunders stands at the head of profession, and his services fire not only
va'uaHe, but highly appreciated by all who
know him.
The Kast rennsylvaiiia Knilroatl
Company, desirous of securing a through
connection to New York, whi'-'.i tlioy can
have under their own control, have accord
ingly applied to tin! I.el-lature fir a ;-:;;-plement
tiuthorizitri thorn to et tend thfir
road to tlio Delaware river, and to bridjrn
that stream, probably so as to connect direct
with the Xew Jersey Central liaiirmi.l.
I-JovilN.Xi. t) TI!K I'lt ISKI IN Tx.-MI-
' TT:Tt:.--T'i:i.s old titid wril established seien
tilic journal, conns tn u.l filled with its usual
variety of valuable Jitf. rniativi ronruvtcel
with the arts and x'iences.
t-i?";R.vvr?.-At the lt rruU-Urou. r-.'
'C'i'livetitics, ln.'id nt Iiiirrisi tir-', j-m;":i
v-t', n-i umiiil, dwelled at eo;ii.ler.ible
lei'ti.. The rj .-c.-siio-.i submitted to the
C'o:nev.tion us U, i'.ic bi ."t iiiblr 102
member i v-.'.ir. T;.ulied ti." foliiiv.i : Oim
er.l, 85 : I ifniww. 211 ; Llsinhttr,.'. 12 ;
Ki-btccK. t': V-: Catawba, S; Hart
ford I'roiiiic, "' : Cr..'Ye!ini;, ,. ; Pium, 3 ; -iiy. 3 ; 2 ; Uii.Mt:. ?.
3 (.it, it nil! It- pnircivi'd, the Ct neord,
-r the siuiplc qncitiolj as a table grap,
beats the fur-famed Dela-v.-."e.
2.oraI HiTaivs.
i"j Umox tr.orK. At! f :-.fra"n!n to an u::,iitil'
fivd si.opiit of ibe (ivi rnniotit intho pr'-T.t e'oiiuict
wl'.b r l.t-lli.-n. without .ii-itir.fOioii of p -rty. nro't,
J to mtvt in tin; ,:rt li-i-.o Siu-'-iir , on
t!.M ?!ur!a) u',-uiu. f. r t!:c fi;rpf-v; iV-rmir;; it
I'nlull Lt!'i:.
"Soat: l.ia'.n.- iiroa-lw-s .!! tho Tsuiiij; O'.r l.o it.- uiM-is hre busy io etlin up
new !k.'?. which v.oiu it liieat duur.t'. j driug fj
Jr.lJit ilSC.
t7,v Our C'-aI nr-T'ttori ai-a muliino; iT'.-piratior.5
f . r nlrrj' hn-iness sr-:soo. lo eoal breaker
nt I.r.Ve l'i llor l.'o'it,-iy. v.-lil :h was destroyed
by fivo al.-out 'w i months .;,.n. has b-.-en rr-lmi! s. or
I-ty c. It i.i un-li superior to thu oil .-in, unl
Wl'.l coal r.b. ll-. S:i.UilO.
Sover. new school hr-usos bavo l.fMi ereslcd
iu thii c '.:2.y durtinj ihe yas'. yesr. Sir nre built of
1:1. V. r.r. ! t.o frame, mid all ntt " iniortahbi tin I
pi a.tii:'. 1h-i number rf schools in tlsenunty is 117.
M-.rr.irot Ki:h:s wn bnril in Centra
'towul.lp. :-iiv l.-r eoiir.'y. on Ihe 14:h ins!., wboso
:; rut ot-.. hiniilnd and three years one month unl
t it dayj.
Lt'm- Mover, of Hartley township, fnioa coun
ty, ctttijht sot mi wild Iu: keys iu a trap.
j? Wiks FfRNEV. V'.it.eipHl Kditorof tho Tt'e
fr.ii.ii. was rejoni-nen ted hy tho Governor for State
Librarian. Itcv. Pr. DeWitt, owins to the iufirini
ties of a je, beiio; unable lo a'lend to it longer.
l'.oaivs. Thi'in harbingers of Kprlii are al
ready u..ahiii tbi-ir appearance. I.arjre Htiyh.s have
beenseen duritij? tho paft wcoli. I.ei it lie remem
bered by amateur frnrlsmf n, that it ii a finable of.
ftiue to shoot a robin or nny other inseetivcrous birds.
''yTho inceiin', btl J in the Lutheran
4'hurch in ihis ph.o f r reveral we k' pas', ehstd
tt Tuesday owing ) ". We learn that over oue
fcui; ire 1 perwi u l.a' e male application to connect
tl-eiti5ehei with tbo el u;.h.
f,V 1 ho rro-Miip. oi i-r yf irket ..ii.ire alor side
ihc Xorthern ( ontr i1 IVIwny. is nlr.ut to be greatly
Iiiiprove !. The i'.a'.lway Company ra di.iii ei ing
ti lir;r"iu;in;i:y of tlato gravel brnuht tip from IV
r..-iri-ovj. fitu .'" .-x j eii-.v uud the borough nulla rilbs
di the r-. l .'i tho wo.l;. It would be a food
lo have nil our ilr -eis r-tiira and levelled up wiih
this manual. Oi.j uf ihe i.bjeels of ihe fompany is,
rj ib:V. to i.iako a palh.Tay llmt will indu-j feojle
tu ket p lC ihe Ini' k in wet w t-.itl.i r.
m i e.- ! i i i
I J'Our s.reot.- nnd .-i le-waiks have been and are
e ll iu k ham ltd c'.i.Jhein, in mroy parts of the
town. I'rjperty. inihik plaen, hus become, we think,
-uii'i if-i'ly valunh'.n I.i bato tho piincipal s: roots and
.' . irra-le.1 mi l i.ive-l lbu f.4thway from
iho .:,i.ii.i Ai Va'.'-y It-iilioal to tbo Lutheran
''iurcli. li. b1" aliiio; imiMsMhle. "Jbe conso
. i eitce ii tl.e rau.-1 ' lr"' k i utd. whieh is always
v.:e;.. wi'h .litn-e.-r Mi I is. b.i'Mf. an auimjiuite
to tl.e fii:;'. .1 Ihe '"
l"j !': . vi-t . V iiscvi s urtowi. La Ibee-n free
urn,. fl-i.r. -.fiii.,1.. ..1 ih. o -a'U'U for a your
(....t. i'i),i:i :.'u but i. - . til. Ihey b"v" resumed
p.ra.e.i I . ,i,o . i:,. e; ,-. r..i:y Vuunr,
-.i.i.l aro i. a-.-, ! in -.ii- i..; aot bad Li-l'er'
il i .r e in- ' I.- ' .!..;: u . -,lau . Ji, I'vnU
i -r.'.eir;, wti. t- i;. .t, i, ' .a ihv ::d, ifev.-n '
wit y 1 ..-'! I'i'l '" b s n lar at lbe it-U"t..u,is
. .. e C 1: -i l l v
ti, 1.
t- -i 11,,' wrtk cu WidutwUy
el.o.l-. I.. I. .1 ..I' t ii.!.' la.tonej ru, J ,i,t, bul
1 is ,f , .:. ii,, I ,i,r t'o.ut will bs
I'll 11 ih. 1 1 : v. in A pill. (.1 old ituis J lo
I f.l. ft - '.io ' "ie tool. I 11411-1 btflpie the
c.. tf 1 li.t 1. 1 1 . ti e a U
i Wiolion in .,i.,c 1 f our llnrusj .br
p ip. a-, Il l 1., 10 i f tb X' 0 1 bill d 1 laud t ouuy
.'l.iik in. ' ,( i.i 1 ' ,1 X-.U..I f ) pr
t. I M ool) to i.v I. . .I Itu l.-.tisof lbs
NoiiLuu.o,tlati I I ..4ii) I--l ais iii At re
lti. i Si ,i.i- I1 m. 1 ril..b a-- olasttef,
el Iki.
-- k -
I'Js'A ' hit- ii t l' "i u f r '.u4 po.J.I'UtiS .
i( m i ... ty r tto..',
J . 1'i.t. .. ..t 1 1 1 in f out evl
J - a I' e ui.ui :. . i. .1 '.
to. II '!. t i, 1 h I . I,
Vt.l I- u m I sisvs ?
ki. I.I-I bit a, J- 1 '
lMtW'-'l,'te . . f.eroRT cr tcr rr.Bsmr.T and Di- j
rtKCTons or Tins Nuhtpwis Crviai. Haimioap. ,
ThrIr;hth nm- ij n-iirl oftl!? N .r'l om t'oMrat !
RnDroiid Onin.iuiy Iim Jujt iMM d mbmlllod by tho
rro:jut, J. 1), Omoron. Tlio report nhowi tlio
rood lo bd in a t.cnllliy and ImproTlog oonJitlon.
Tl.e treasurer's report shows tlio s;roas oarolnRa of
ttioroad daring; tho past yonj to hare hwnfl.BMi
CIO 61 J rxponioa, f93n,299R3 bt revanuo, $927,
841 00. 1 ho revenos has boon approprintod as fol
lows : To the payment of annual Interest on funded
dcbl, f308. 40f) balance Interest due Ktnte of Mary
land, f 127,667 85; iuraliase or 8 frcllit cnslncii,
',3j0 leaving In tlio treasury a bnlanoo of $287.
621 bi. Tbo report further ststos that the board
are purchasing tbo rtltt fcf way for the Intended
extension of Uio road to Canton, and cxpeot to put
tho work ardor oontraet by IheGrst of April ensuing;,
llie freight upon the road having so largely iu
ercascd, the board have found It necoraory to put
down double track for tbo aooonitnodation of tbo
cars as far as the Relay Homo, and oontemplato Its
spt'edy continuance to Ulenrock Station, a distance
of forty-tlireo miles from tbe city of Baltimore A
number of first clan paracnger cars have been put
upon tlierond, and others have been contracted for,
and will soou bo ready for use. Tbo prospect cow
it Hint this road will soon become what its friends
have ever claimed fur It, one of tho loading artories
of usefulness and procpciily to our city.
The Northern Central ro:iJ having completed Its
connection with some of Hie richest coal rsgiomof
tho State, niil at once commftnJ an immense tonnge.
An increncel travel in also pa'nm; over it from tho
cast, fo that rtc cun fairly congralu'ato the manage
ment, not only on its past sucoesr, bat the still greater
sueerss vt hi.'h the future eperntiuns of tbe road will
achieve. llnrris'nirg Ttirraph.
l2 Fens Skins. Muslirnt, mliik, and other
skins arc greatly in demaad, and are b'rlngir.'g fair
pri'ocs. The tnKiuciw of trapping aud sollpotiiijt furs
is caii icd on to a grent extent in ninny of tbe eonntlcs
of this Stale. There aro two kinds of mnskra!s-i
one known ns the blnek, r.i.d the other tho red or
li,;ht brown miiNkrui. The Muck kin is l ow worth
I.'i cents while the rej w ill brinjiliout 20 cents.
Miiikekii.s arc wrr'.li Irian tu$l, recording lo
nuuli'y. JIust of these sk'iunro exported to Kuropc,
where liny aro used. AV.LWli the kuikisar'j-.-alsivc
imiiaiil, yet tho olioctin;; of the Fkins is
quite an extensive bn-ineFS in some pnr!H of thi"
l;!:ite. and thousands ol'tiie tkins ara txported to
l!un; o. wh.'rc thry arc highly vultn:d fr the fur,
on iitvo.'.n! of the blin k m.d whito colir ef th'
beings? biauMlully defined.
i 3 IAN(ir::ot s CoVNTKnrriT.-Coiirterf. itTliree
j Dollar Dills on the r-Ioahaidcs' I.' of rhiiadeJilila
aro in ciri'tiliilion. Tiny ern Weil executed, and
have the word "iiiiikc' printrd iu green nereis the
f i.e. They r.::iy be eiily !u:own, however, from
I the fret iI.;U tai" IJ.u.l: lmf ir .i: i Lo $.'! bills.
'. "v The RiunTs or M tunic j Wumex. The ful bill, has puswl both liouses of 'the .v' n!o I.e
gi -laiurr. Il ' entitled "A mippleini '.it to lire aot In
sjeurc the lihtu nf ninrrio.l v., liieii," jui'.-ed the 1 I'll
C.vy m' April, lsl-t. i.nd will ic.'lilc some doubtful
points 'u lha Mltaal ast :
1-K "it IImi tf.I', ic, That the trae later.! nr.d
; ni-ii;j; di tin : ; a' .A h: l;l y lo Ke-.' Ihe rii,h;s
ol'inarri-.' 1 omen, pntse J the l.''i day, A.
1'. l.-ls. mil in,- pupi'li'ii: til's llier-ji... nro lir.hy
op'aivd to he Ihiit no ju liaent n'otair.e-l ni:in-: iho
: hr.-.liaii l of any inairiid wnaai bii' ie or dining
laan iage shall biiisl .r he a liu upon her real t'lilatv,
nr upon any intt j tiie liu-huLd may be eutitlvd to
therein, &a tenant by coart' .-'y.
N'or.rnrt: and orT;n:itN V.'re:. T!ic
oth'-r ihty wi' touk tt.'r-tision to itll'p'f tn thu
lively si'ii'l w it!t which 'lit women of the
S'litth eiiii i- iiiln t'.ic (,;iv. a-n' tl.t- roiiel.s. mnl
s! ;.-.vl ii.-r.v the ilisjii.ty of shiiilur il..-;'iej i
(if fut'iiii'.i'.'-'r, iftmii.' the v.niii:m t-l' thit 1
I oiyiil tftiik-s tviiit'.i". hei; Ihe :iv, I
; Ktiat.iin the patriotism of our (.oji!i. A
sional illiintiaii 'ti of the nf-titity of tile
: coittlifrtl tclliahoi l'.a oiini in tile nllii :A
iTi'tr of the rel.i l (jcu-.-iui Stuart, just pt;h
j lts'.ie l, nliieli form-illy itj'ji, iii ts ?.li.s Atilouiu
; J- For-1 to the j of "Il.innrary Aitle
; ile-f.'anip'' in hi inilitary t-stuWi.iii'n'f tit, ih
' n tnarl; nf the s' ei;ii(! !i nee he rt-jiertM
in her "ivtlrietism. fi.hdity ntnl nl ilitv."
; Stuart further lvjuites that Miss l'orl'le
inly rctpi-t ti-.l Ktnl olvyt.l -,y all the
I.ivt-M of a" mnl the le aim is
j ti trixo' one lor ottr women.
! lr ';, hy no ni. a::s r.seivtial that every one
! of r,er 1 ! ;ors !ion!tl .itiueh l'aeiiiV.tii:;f
feiiiaio l'.' Iiis htitu'iti the hoi:o!a:y Ci'jciL'it y
oi i.le i'e eaniji, Dvr tlint the tinmen of till!
i Nnr'.lt uiLsex tliemsi lies like l!,'
; liriilinnt tt::'.l uetive but soi;;ev, l:ni i-rratie '
' Alis Antonia'l'ord, Li.t they ran ilo I. titer.
- j net litii Ktty ffooii, noiil Moitl- :or i- reeiloHl,
timl not le u-iitimiil to say them: they ttia
j toll it eopjicitteutl i:i society that ho'is no
i 1 tttter than :i lel.el uud tlit.t'he Hlio.ihl goto
Whia p'aeu uiiioii;' tin; traitors ; t'uey run
j become n'einliers of the Loyal Leaouei.
j ntletid Mi.- Union l ift tin, ami in matiy .stteh
ways itil'use new iifu nti.i pii it into tlit ranli.i
! of the people.
I ncnsTixo ok a Kksi r.vtitr,. Tlie reser
voir situate-.! near tin; smmmit of the tnoiin-
t-iiti, aout'i of l)i'itol. t'oiui:, '.jiolie uiiiiy on
Snml.iy evening lit-t. The water rnsiieil
ilown the mountain, curn in;;
befire it. In honid pliH ea it creiivr.teil the
eanu to itie tn nn oi ton i,-ct. nii'lvriniiiiuir
tlie I ui nk. -i and tearing out tite.s !i- the rioU I
ami nuriinfr liiem otiwnr.l it ;tli rm-a.-i, ice
and etirlh. At the foot of the moimt iin, tlio
torrent, lc-itin the t liatinel. n:.-hi 1 tlmvn
thestn el into the hoiil of lliephiet. The
thiml thiiheil in the liar-room tl.iui-, the doors
K-aiiin to the- cellar, ati.l tie- br!ir's shop,
t rmcininr; into the trtieet on the east side of
the hotel, leaving iu its p:'.;sii,'e Ions of iec,
inni, Intnl. iVi:., mixed ii v itu hatrt l.-i of
eatnlilet ami diinUalilt-s, i-irii of sweetmeats
inul other fxuml thin:.'.- wiih which the hir lei"
inn stored. !! jiieee of ice, of several
linndred ponnd-i ivei-h:, was depm-ited
behind tlm bar. Other Util Ilns in the
; iii-hjiborliood iveio to eattif extent inuu
tUted. 1 Ottn.v r Ktt.i i trti M tTi rt at Hhooklys.
! I.asl evening n biliiard r.iuteh win p'ttved
Ut Deati's 1 r.iiar I iooiih, tit ii'.iieli R 'ti.iofi
the llnest playing ever tvitneascd in Hrook
; I v li tn exhibited. The players , i n riieltin, j
tioldtliwuito uud K tv',:.-.h. The thiee i
' ni'ttrSie.4 ive-e won by (.iol.ilhwaitf. tiie first j
l,o 1t.4ain.-t l'inlau uml tho l.i-t against:
Kaviii'.ah. Thefoilouiii;? tiie .-core: j
j l-'if't G:i!l:-- -l-'olir b.l'.l t't,j;il, Ui.U poilltn
,11;;; l'.itl.tii iii'.ii.ial lioldliiwaitf ; won bv
the I alter; liOK to MS. ' j
t:-. cm.! O.itne Ditto. A'.s'i won bv '.
(jo!dthw.,il'.-; iiOO to ;. ' !
Ti.ird Uaiur I't-ur ball c.i-ctn ; tiOd
o'.t:t, 1, p. Hold hit die ti;..i.i ,! Kavi na,'h ;
iv.-n I y l'..Miir; T.'tu t' -HI. I
lliiii-l Kims by (io'dttii'lu l"ir.-l gttiue, I
71; eoiil Linine, liJ ; third t; iiii', 'J'J'c
' Ji v i iiehiii, 'vO a:id 1 1. Iiy Kavaiiayh, V.U3.
TuN CoMnisiMi'rt r.i:m nr. ut Cop-',
I'ltiiin: v ''."-A I I'linitietit tia l leading cj- !
ptrlit.i.i 0 '!'' t'il.v il'HiMt-iiii,' pttblif
nil'.tha lei 110 'l'i eleiiiMiir-iii the dovi niniei.t
itl.d lid to, ,il 11. 1,' pfUCO tilo..t Veheuii.tltly. 1
Ami'lie" lo ulidi.'uis was luhi.ed lil.tll, U
i'oislr4l'Uil I. ule n'w !.- in.hle of the fe- 1
l-chi'MI, lill.l t'.n.l I vc Hie la-linn ui mo
U, niL-u.uii aii.ment. Aller litteiilnef pa.
; liuitlv awhile, be, uddiy--inn I iic
pinkir, -l tioii'l ktiott tile 1 i"1'.'1. ''lit l
.1.11 j 1.1 u liny elotlu.iii iii li Uu.iiiid.
t'. VI 1. 'l 'it.; Jmil It'll.
I riu Ol' U ('MlUllt I !.
Ctm s til, JUicli 51.
I Thi o io,r .'M"s VilliYl-es'tlM ileeimtell
l.le toll. d.l.i b,,,riii.,u.m front Iho'
tiiiilli rtpfCMUts Lut tin) ftu.Uulitni i'(
Vukl ni' islwbiii kUm.ttd 'uf the p'-li-j
( ii.4.iiijj I itu liuope wiih llui kfinj nt I
The J.Ias;nt.lifsct(.i colored reii:no;.; a - I
cor lin;? to the iew lli ill'ord Mi-?.--.'( 's
n it' d lor order nnd rcfulnri'.y. Duib ' ,l.i?
tWi wee I Unit tliu tailored men linve I ten
la mnip there have been bli! two cases i f
drunkecne.3, The olHeers speak warrriy of
their ircni They nro obedient, Etcady,
learn the drill with great readiness.
TriB Ri:r.r:i,9 Afraid or HonKnn. The
Richmond Exnminer of tho lllth has an urti
clo which ta evidently intended to prepare
the public mind of the South for serious
reverses to the Confederate nrms on the I'n.o
of tho Kiippahannock. It Days th..t active
operations of the nrmy tinder Hooker nre
now commenced, nnd either it deei-ovc bnttle
or tho retreat of Ceneral Ire nuist be the
speedy consequence. If General Leo's force
is not sullicicnlly numerous to prevent the
completion of Hooker's niananivrc, no course
remains but to fall b.icl: upon somo point
nearer Richmond, nnd give the enemy battle
nt a greater distance from his base.
A FonrrsATE Prr.cri.ATtox. In tho
summer of 1SU1. n younp; man Mho happen
ed itl have ?lfj,C0a burninf; in his pta.ket,
but whoso" fears counseled hint to Keep out
of the channel of trade, called on one rf
our heavy shipping inetchants, who is h'ko
presidetn 6f .1 ily bank, mid asked Ids
advice as V) how to use his money. The
merchant siitTtTcstcd his investing it in it
purchase of titr, the articl-) at Hint titi'.e seil
in,1 t only one tlollnr n barrel, w ith every
prospect of soon bein 6n the ndvance.
The youn man took t!i? advice,
tin thousand barrels uftnr;ittid stored it
fr a rise. After keip'tijf it until last fail
he concluded to reaih'.c on his investment,
nnd sold it nil out at 10 a barrel, or forty
times its oricinal cot, rcuivin W.n ori'tiurl
tnpiiid of 10.000 and th"' sbt-ht ncrumuia
tiuu of iSliO,000 a tlio dividend thereon.
if tut. isi:s.
ISiiin1-lnlttn & Krlo El.'tf'rnml.
ntlllS prefit liha (raT-rea tbo "Corllurn nn;l
J Northwiist enmities of IViinrylrauia to Ihc ciiy
of Krio. on Lrke l.'rio.
It 1im been l-.iflcd hy 'ho Penrpt'.rMivi Itnilroad
Con.p ny. nnd urdor their iniyj irs is being rr.pit!y
OfK-iicd llii(iu:hoot it cr.i!e h-i nth.
Jl is mw in to?e for Pi'i'I'pct ai.d I'reiht bo'
lafi from ti 'rri.-hurj; lo l,iinwid. Xn.l i'. rk . (177
itiilo.-i on ll:e l-!i:sieiu JiivM.-o, M,t fioii; ,-hvia,'lit to
Lrie, (78 tuiks.) on tho Vi .;eru bitioi m.
T.'Mi: . AkSI'.NdtH THAI. Ml At si Nnirv.
lr;M,l liir'''rt. Lt'tjir Wt .?;v. -'.
Miirirtin. I.:; -IT.?. Mail 6.:.i !'. V.
l.Aprrv Train. 11 2D J'.M l.xprcfS iiuin, 0.' A.M.
Cora run throir.'ll w i'loiii! ehi'iie. ho".i W"T.--. on
the-o Irnii.. he:w-: n Miili.oft; hij en. I I.oeli liat en,
lllot helm-en Vlllliilutrif Tllld bo.'K K . .IO.
Uli olit Slecj Cms rn i.Mpro-'i Tr.-tht.i both
tvay be'wi.-eii !!'.i:iiiHp( rr u;.l lialtiinoio, u:d't and rhilad'-lphia.
For tiiforn:a:ioii rtupic -in- l'a.-oiigiT l.r.sii:es,i
apoly ut (lio .. V.. for. ikh and .i.ekoi
An.i ii r I-rei.'fM bi:in r oi Ih - I oiapm;v '.- AgTli? :
S. li. l'i;-' :n, Jr.. t." r. l.'itli iu;U iitka
w. l:-..vno!d. IV."
M. In ui, . -.-iii X
n. rt.
Ji. II. ai.
lit-n'l l-rei'ht A.
't. 1'hil.i
Lr.wii I . ll n i'T
ttel. l 'ii.-i,, ! A I'Uh.d l.
Jc l-ll l. l'ol'l .-,
(Tien'l .'lanaiter, V, i'.'.iair..-, ort.
March 21, 130.1.
pvnr.ri' .'.,
B.1S1 I-Al Tt ltKBS CP
sun:i:-c.KB. or soiia. Ac.
And n,;lc Afcnts in Ihe L'itv of X.-w Y.atc f,,r
Ii.Vwiile l by I'rof. liben X. llursferd, cf Ilai '
I tiiver.-ity. OlT.ce, 11 Oil clip, Hanoi cr Sparf,
(upstairs.) XLW YOltK.
rrilbl hiith pi iec w hich Cream of Tartar eoinmr.n b-1
I in Hit. loxiher with tho extent lo
whi'jlt i' daliirroits p.-lulteralioli had l e"l earrie l
wilh ojber eoli.-idera'.i I..:, iinine - l the disiin-'i-.i.-liial
t'kemivi. who-e nnij i- jsivi-n above, lo ci iniueit.-j
what proved to be a lo!i and la'ooiious seioiililie re
S"reli. tadisi'over a dniraHe siil-iii,i.o iiierclor.
ins ePor's w-re c-owi-it with alntn.iai-.' s-.v.-y. md
hundreds of t ousands of frui.ds of ll-.e Soi.;..i'i.!e
bi've been so! 1 nn I t ?o 1 duriiii; the Isst f'-. o j e.....
ihionehoni ihe l'iiitt-1 s-tati.- and toe t'liiaidas."
The folhnu'o' true compari-tni .f ii n.t nro r.r.d
tbe resiilis oi lis me, w iih lh"se i f Ore-nil i t i'.irlur.
will C'-iiiinee the most ioeridulous ol i-s value.
t'resui of Tartar U a bi-tartiate ..I 1'otn li.
This S.ihs-iiute is a l imi lc l'ho-phal,-. and c n.t i'i.s
noil.': I ui what is found in beef-steak, el I in .or-,
wheat and oilr et rents, end is 1 1. i n tore highly
nulrili'.iM. It also baa n heal;h-ti in;; i:-.,l:., o --'.
in u snj plin that for which tbi ii k cLiti.ct tit-uu-i:d
ii. Iho fvsti tn.
J V ' I' sld for a much less price th.-jj Cream cf
Ji.ii.-h 21, IbW. ly
Lniroutr Am nn u: as
J't-.tu Sin t
Widi your perniission J i i.-h to s.iy to the rea-.lers
of vol r imjier that I will soi d hy ro;uin mi::! to ail
who wi.-fi it. ifree) a ltecipe. tvilli fall iliri-c.loi s lor
leakii.n and us'ni a simple Yeel iblu Itn'in, that
will efeelnully ! move, in lUilny. l'inipbs. l;lo-.l t
Lin. I'reekles. mid nil luipuin'esol on .Ski'.. Imiv
in Itie srli.o soft, clear, slooolii and he-M-.'.u'nl.
I will also muil free lo ihoc inn inir lh'.ld lli-a-.lsor
Utire Faees. hin-.ple diroetiors and inl''rn.a::. n
will enable thorn to Mart a full fcr.nv.l. of l.i.r ;ii-i.'
Hair. t hish'-l-l. or a JoU".::che. in less Ihfl; .'i.i days
All iippliciliuns ai..-wned by li .uru uiil wbbout
Kttrectf dlv vours :
Ili'.iS. V. f 11 A I'M AX,
Xo. Sol Uroudway, Xw Yt-.-k
1 cu. laoj JIUO.
v'at'eii:!, .rs:tvt:i.aY ;;:r,-
'tun tindersincd wont 1 respe"'
fully iutilo yooi lul-n-.i'iii lo his
weli scle.iti 1 st. k '. i'ii.eli ii 1 and
fcj,l Oliver t a te in-.-', r loe t.ooi .1 cf -L'lt
. l.LUY.iii' every kiu.t u.l v'i v
i-:.-Jcc4. - '(, b' vies e.oii r-sin- nil ol" iho
s-'r, ,- - fcyX-f t'fif if i.nd m 't 1 t':ini! :'ui t!f 1-.,.'.
Also, MLYKH Vr.i:::. ,. -' u f,-..
and the best make of fi.'rrr l'i it. I i'.'ir: l..,th
ariiele i u-iii'iin:tu lo be as ivjir-w-'r',.'.
I V' Watches and Jewelry cmcluliy rtjuii'cl nn l
fali.iuclijn e-.iuruuttud
jcon n.r.i ly.
(Fnttmur lo .'.' ,'i-r d- i-V-v 1
Xo. r..'2 MAIllihi tiuoot, PUlLAlJ'A.
March 7, li'.;3. :i mo.
Adniliilxlratoi-'si :.
TOTIl 'Kit hereby given ih.i" leiieri of sdn ieh--jj
tralioul:avii: be. 11 i;ian'cd to tins snVs.-i ;l r.
ui the ol rSaral, llei di-i-hot, la;j ol I " v. r
.-liioj'a lowpuliip, Xurlbuu.b.'ilar I ooui. y. I'.:..
det-Jil.-ed. All persons in.'.eh:e l to said t: . c ale
risjuerteil to tmku in.i.'tdi -to i.i(mhi 1.., and 1L09.'
having claims lo prej.-n' them f..i s. t l- i. t nt.
CHA.Mt rl'.S ii. WYXX.Alia'r.
Lower Au.turta twti.,M..reb 7, JoOi. Ot
2kw5 nTEWs f ni: ws ! n"i:v. "s :
rK r.ow n anefi-'ure l loor ler bv llie t,b.t.-ril er
at t Iii ATI K ItA'IK Hon, al ai y ,t..b.
Iisbiiicnl in fuiibury. 'I lie 1.11 i. lot tnUeii,
t n-i It-ration, ami all win k wi'i b. d.uii ut n'd pi i r.
llaiir-; ju:t r'etivtd au tn;.. new s.eek ei' lwa
aa 1 Mi'iuccoG, for
Ji'itll iiit'ii'H Itoolt nnd KhuCM,
1 .11 ti 1 1-- K lici r m it 11 il ( J n i I ers ,
l.lMrra's Miers, AcA.!',,
blob will he made to onb-r at tl r rl noil s. In iVj
beti wui kinnniiiiti 1; nut ti aid of ilmbi-ri r.i.t
1 teioi r ilis. l.u.l for ihe patronage nuii li I b. re'
te.Vrt: hi- h,-. loeoi.ltnue tbt s..u.e.
Ail i-l.o d-. ire work dono '! e,p sod din-.v'e, aro
Il i lit .J .. cull si l it shop l.ily opiite ih 1 , tirl
liuuic iu Mm Let .'.luaiu, cui.bjrv. I 4.
Jvll.N WIIA I It.
February IJ, l'.j,.-4irt
.m:iv Jt:itMi:v t.xttn :
0Aitnr on rnuiT fahms.
Hulubls lof II ispet, PseobtS, f.-srs, lias, V rib t,
reibabmriM, llltt kbiiiiri, voiiaMs, A.', o) I. 'il,
i i'l 4 thirxse li. al U s li!uau,) rlt.. 0 1 ;.a
11...1.1, til '.Mat-rts f..f J;io In i-m .r?ll,
"-oi l i -,o. ;niai ,4 i sore r 4:.:
lv 1 .We by on. d, I,. itttk.
1 t'nii4i i.u.l., art tills lo' lr
ttlllti'.i .kv lv".'.k. al( 1 -.,.-..,
l a tak- 1b Uts Uk. sal I - ....
IS .ilu.ltl 4 ilislWuui, ts4blua"M 'Ukuilp,
loina4ii.M t'aual, N Jaiw-y ,.f Urilivi iu
fuiuiktiMt, tfHy 'li e f U. ouuik, IU
B m tkkbM Cl.tbK,
Na m t'4( rts Kee ., V Y
Jcmrt H. - If
For Tlhnmahirn. Gnvt, AW'r?:;'i, T.vmlni,
.iA- awl Joint, S, niii'.i, Jirnhr,
Cut ' '' V.'.witl. P.'lr. lkaJii'l.r,
and all Mimi runt ie and 2cr;vua
For all of which it .t f rpeftly anil orH'n remy
rd t vrr fil's. This l.'niee lit prep-i'.' I I'nmi
the reeit'f nf J)r. .at"; hei S'oe;, ? ''onno.ii at. the
fan ops bote setter, mnl bus been used in his pnie Jjp
to- p. ce tL.i.i Iwfii'y yoiiii v. i.h the mo.-t catoui.'hisi
sue Ift. ....
As an Aili viator of VJ.n. it is m,rivIM Iiy any
urcp TiHoii lrioro tlio i nhlie. of nliioh the mo.l
lRrp''er., I::::;' he eor.t ii,o" l I y a -;n-ie ttial.
lo'l'i.el.! will eir rii iilly nn I r...iii"llly.
I'.Ik en atit lii ordT" of every kind, and in thou
sands of eases wlo re it Ini b':cn used it bus l.cvor
bet ii knov, n lo fail .
)' r N'oi'T .'.i-'i . i! v. -11 nTir ! iiimedi itc rolii i In
every c.tso. howi vtr I'.i.-trii -iier.
li'ni'l relieve the worn eopiaol' lioadacho hi
tl i an titrr.'f. i-- w 'rranled to -i it.
1 'i ! eh" r.'-'-i will h e.T'- io"t iiiMy.
l':r Nervnrs l.'fl.'li-y i-i-l H.-i.erat T.iWtudi. ail
I cilirf IVoui iii.piodis eo'". this l.inlatei.i i" n
lnost Ir.pjy nod i rfai'iiK; la me iy. Ac.ii: l!c.H,y
I iiv.i; i,c i,', rvoei timf. it s..r- n -'lior.s i.n-1 r-Vtv;i".ei
j (he sys'om. and ir?:on.s it to ii.i."ij:ly ai-J :i;i'r
I I .r I'ili s. ns sn c.M-ni..l lei iedy. we v oiii.i that i:
! is :1 -e b".t Itiioivii. ioai w? eh"!l.a.,;e the world to
I plai'i oo nn "ri:.i.. I.v-rrv v:o':!ii of 'ii-.rr
I e n i ! ii.l 'hoi:'. I pivo li'n trial. ! r it will n"t l id
' ;. i.l. .r i iiMuvdiato r. '.i. f. in a t:: 'j...!.;- ifct
j wi'l i f;V''l a r.i.! our-.
j Qi.ii.i v n'l S, r" 1 hro nrc sotvoti'nes ox'rr.u'y
! l-.::1'''!. xi ' in; .Imi-itou1. lot u tino-'y iroi'.a'ii:.oli
i oi t;,: l.ii.inu't.t will l oivr I. ill lo run.
I t;. ivi. s are -on oiiio'f very!.i!e. and tr.'.ire
! iront oi lie' j,ioN i lia'j't: io iM' ":r il' i f ,'.:. it .
'l l:e v.ois: e..--.- n:.iv be C;UU;tUTci Iiy ihii tani-.; I..
! in i-.vo .r thr-'e d '.
i l':i.:f. .'ti:. Vo,.i.,,. Par", fleer. Hn-i nd
i h' ::'.:.i-. vic l.l r f lite woo l, no! I.ea'.in pro-
't ii,a of i'r. Sive'.'.- !' i':l''t.lti I.iniiroi;'. e. ;i
i-..-.. t it.-t,rtit. j to il:i ".on.i.g. ,i-o. Ci.iibiai,.-,
frsltd .1 oel and Jt.decl llito and .:M-r..
TV. ZT-'.VZrr: tArrjTj?, of Cacncst-cat,
tl.e tiv?.;t ?,'niurul lioi" .e.tor.
!?. STS""n?:T R'.TEl""?. cf Connecticut
kr.c-TU ill over the Itd'.l
i; the ant; nr , f - i'; . v. tei't- Ii,l..l'i!.ilo I.ii.iir...T.t
TJv. C.f..-t Trr.-'U'.-H r.:r.;tnoai.
Cure' l;!iomr..:t'.i.:. r.iai mver faitj.
Tie. Bv.c--''.':- T !"ii"c Ijln'i'.i' r.i
Ij a eei i r;,;i ly fir X; ;iat
I'r Rfff Iif-''Vb'.o T.';j;cicat
I'nr i :.:i 1 .T' a I i in.n . Jiatelv.
Iir. tiwerit'u Infallible iLaiTicr.t
I., the h,; h;.o'-n ior f-pvaiLS and Uiiaises.
Tr. S'vcc i a Inroll'b! i L:n:v.-.f-.'.
Cii.i ; llw-alavl v iini.n'.iiitety and ivau never Iilowu
Tr. R jnfa!il-l(s Lietei.ant
Affords ir.iirciilu'e rcdef for I'ilcs, aud scnicr- fails
l-i '.'are.
Ei'. oW(t's ll-:t!c Liu:u-.cnt
Cults Too.ii.-'.-l.s iuc. c mil atu.
Tr. '-r-'. s TrfrdMl-'e T.'i-rprr.t.
Ceres fu's and Vt'eviids nn ! U-.-vrj 1:0
Tr. fr'-e, Inrnll'iVo
Is lite best remedy f r Sours in the known world.
Tr. twccl'r, Trf.-dliklo Ii'n.'ment
H ' b,-. n i.?id ? y 11.. 10 llo.n n Mil'.i. n people, mu
ell j uii-u it.
Pr rv. rcl's Ii.fKllib'o Tei'V-rU
Tr.ktu ibtt-msr.y euici Colic nr.d Cholera M-ab'if.
Dr. Pwnal's Inf.-.ri'le- Ii'ultuunt
Is ttitly a "frifi.d iu fcecd," and cv. ,ry I'nuiiv should
liavoitut Luud.
Tv. C.vr-f'r. T-faiiinle T.:.-. r.t
Is for sale bj- n'.l l i n-ji-.s. Piieo 25 and '.! cer.ts.
A Fiai'XT) li: UTTi). 771Y IT.
I i k. su'rr'i-.-i ixrAi.isiiii.K limmtnt.
; mi ie.D i!y, j.- wiil't i.i n i'.v.-. m. ( will
J t ..t- I . in r jis' tilV ill. -It M,Y I t ! il 1 T
t I'.ttS 'n. 1'etr I'll Kltftitii'Uii. ri, 1 Nt vi;is ii.-'n.i;rH
i; ii ini'y ii'i'iliiidt'. nut h ci,n ivu ..rrw,
.- ? ,; i,n Ac . i jv...'i jr. luiliii
.... in. I 5 m .!-. I,-: yi- p-rt:". va ri'o
I U'.'(;iu uM'l ii'im. ils liui nt! !.s o tv r
i ui-'"!! ii n in:.'. i-r mo i'h'u-ii. I ret ..i.i. i1" of
ti-:i.:.i,K bit' i . j" i :! invi by u wllL'.a tha lut
ivcxt ji, ui; vlu I'.icr.
TO K0RSI2 0V7EZ33!
nvrus in fa LLii lk rrr-.:;xT ron
!.' M Li,i.v.,;c4 ty uvy, r.i 'I ia t iai a i('
i Ji .ini'iit-M. urisu. li'om .-(T-iit -, rr..: e i r V- re-tr,!..
I iu i'..' tllfe'l la Ii;.t,it...l t r Uin. Jl Uhvra ir
J i.i H.s f.Mll . Vl' l.-f.e.' . 'M A v., ie V lit Ml- ClllV
' ..!. ai kk v in i ntl i.itil .r.; 1.1:: ti.t t-i:-i. .'
, v i ; t t'U oi ct in iiV.t; i i t ctH jii, L c-i.-hrmcu
.e,vji ufi. k--'iii i,o M-H ili!ijy i " 1'. .ii
C .:'C. .V t f J Hi' e!l'.' Liit-l. L'tif, .T, 1 tsJ 't ; !. lit'
fi 1 c;te it?. : u- y W u'.Wv'm - ! y il.!.- i. ii
I l.i 1 1 . , ( i i- t'..i I 4 it 1 ji.i - i. ;. v. iii r m. v-
! :i.'- i-ilt. n .. .sa. I Vk.'-iU' lI'u Ltlr.t U lUtcl nitii
C 'U-J MTil ii l.if,
! rr;:;:r uvr.rz onv;.7
j :!. nM iT-' li .- "H i ly al Lui. I. f r I ::. '.y m
j in iK. C.i-: i'V'l'i urtii.e': t-i l.n.4.v t lv ;u.!ly
f'i'tv un il'"cu i'"i ii i lnb: Ui'(ii , in wiii.-h ii!! U
- I:i.l ii-, u I !.i'.!i;ti u i j in;.:. o;..i i:, i v
Infallible Liniment
tj t:.
And :! cu . T li h irs ft uud ll 11 uly
Tim, 1 1
. t -eits lbs s,, -1,4 ure and
vuSst 1 w..t., ' b., su-l
I ".
e.. .1..
n. u !., , 1 , it., il i-, e I. ei. tu. ' .
. t. S.'i, to',,;., Ml.l'Hlt .!.. 1 UU4 b
IwellAi.DtS I I'.l.,
fct-U l'i..; iu, .... Xuiwi.b, Cl.
W dtll iN 4 A 1 1 1 V! ti-ni..
U t.i iwkI, N 1 01k.
Ml ky all !' . v ) Wse
kls4 II. IK - l
re :z.w. km.i:.
nV'T.T.r. wi'l b. exrosel at Publie Cite, on
J :;.'. ti' lli sttt.v A r:rli.
I r.f::, at lb.' public b oner of H. B. KAVKR. tn
I'm t iwn nl "f ilhVOHTOM, Norlbumbeilauil oounty,
fa., the following deterlbed Ileal Lstate, o wit :
All those oeriain Ulo.'ks or pare. -'s of Land; situ
file in the town of TrevortoB. Norihutnbeftahdeoiin.y,
lVliiHvivniiln. known and deorih'd on the plan of
sail town asI'l.KksXns. MX IAS, IIIU. 17. Itl.S 201,
2il. 221. U. 17, 17U 171, Ij.l, Us, 2i.i, ia, Itu.
174, 171. oi, li.o, coiiluininj In all two hundred and
bc enly-!hrt o lots.
Also, all those tertiiin 1lot-lc or r-areols of land.
S:tiinte in Iho town of Tn-vorton, Nnrthuinberland
comity, H'nif nf l'cmi'-!vnnin. known and doserilo d
In the plot of said Uiwii an llloihs Nos IS'J. 211), 31 A.
2liii20li Jl)0, 11, ld4, 1'iU, UI, containing iu nil
liinciy-six bits.
'UiinS Ihe wnao Cioel.a conveyed to Pimon V?
Arnold, hy Deed dated Ihe loih day of November,
A. l. lajs, by William Atwnter and wifo. Sale to hi' III o'tloeR A.M.. of said day, wbu Iho
Uilns ofsulo will bo made known hv
Murehll. 1S0.1
f'Aiica.v Vu4 ijiiv sroiii;.
V.II.t.IAM L. IIAMiOCK ft CO., il.'' gnulli
Tli'nd slieet. l'liiiiidelpnia, would to the inb.abi
ti:o!. ol tfauo.i.-y ,tn 1 viciniiy, a fruU stock
Scntril for llit r,i.:iily vxf.
As it. er ha'-, bi t-rvthii-.n in their line both Atr.crb
can in. d l:oi-:i,U. wliieh enn tie calie 1 for. ills un
ncctwafy to Kit e a list of tlio articles thev bavu to
it is i s well, however, to say. Hint every arl'elo
lln.y ih'porc ct Ihey wnrniiit oftho Inst niinlCy' and
woi.-h o-iii l.o rii"iio.,l nt 1'ie ei,-pciiso cf the store,
s.tionhl i: iiinvo oil.erwi.-e.
Ftbritary 2', iHtK). 3u.o.
V OTICE her- by. fcivi n lo r It peor l:nowin
i Il fir--Ivi ,' indobtnit M loc- P-m of II. 1). A .1.
I'.o.nh a-h. on llooli io'"i"it- tr olhei-wise. lo n.nhu
pavrooiil o'. 'he s..i,i" befnr.i iho Is' "f April no.-t. nl
wliieli fine t'" bonk; of s.iid linn will ha l.l'i in tho
lianas ot proper w".--eis t-w ;;. e,h,i..
r. ;v 4 j. i.n;r.B.rir.
Pni.lrary. Feb. 21. ISM
a i,::t"riTi:""
Jn-"t Vi'1-tistn , in a !',:i!:J Kiivrfujic. piicc
I':." f'riits.
n! hpr t imrun i.icm nrSfiniunl VfuliiiC.'."'. lnvo'.
iiuirry I.iiua inn. Si-xviui l' I i 1 1 1 v , fin I Inij pliiiit-u:
.ii Mnrrin;' ineint!y. V tw, iV.i,uiiittittn,
t.'jiifiV nii'l l'i." I UU'I i'iiv::':il liifrn n.ii ,
r 'm'im- Ivi.v. S..;f. ..,in Ac . II" imiiKHT .1.
VI U isll it LLL, M. U . Autlsur tl- t ho Uvctn .ri'.l:,
:. 9
Tl:r v.or!il-ifiuwii(.i nr.thnr. in k? R:!mir:;'ile
turo . citirly yun (Vutn Iii ' tvn txiM-ri'm-u thul
(."i:""-t.:titrc. '( i'J t'-it Imisi. nicy c 1 ! n I ly
rtipt'Vj l iiiu-nt tiie!': -iiiC, without (l:'.ii:tri'i
.ttrij:'l ftfiM'iititii.i. Uuj',ir, riiif. ur
ot.r-r .I.-. p' niiii. ji.! it !:,!:, o ut ut oii'm; cert :r in
:iit i rnV:tii il. Iy t'vny MiP'TiT. l' i .init:..r
nii.-l Iii.- coiiui'l.ti lU.'iV !,-. i.:,iy fii I'lii'it-I! v'l.'ii;'ty
.;ivt.:i.l y. i'i. I inir :il! . Tiir kcturt w !! jt -Vv it
i0"!l Iti il.' lu-rttl.i- MHri tl;OUc:ilnI.J.
i:rii tiii-ii-r v; : 'l:tin ii.voh'J.C. to f.'y ru.
t!rr"-, i ti t'n? I'vj-:; t ui' ti vcn'-. or t.o j-t..-.esic
hy u.l l; s-;n4.
.T. C. Kl.!r: & :"V,
127 iV'tvor, Vrn k. I ,..,; Otii -ii Uux. 'ie'iti.
. T'-.-:!ir r.cIUT' f 'Ii.' s:. , I !,: tn'l. nTW 1
n ti '. 1 t ,- I t-i-'iii1 l t t-. t, ji;;l!y
I-r ll'u fin u '4' i-if- 1.-.. i li.L S' ii i.h
ji:;-!"Ai, ;.iM iri--:vLu i,;..t;-, .-y .1
vAI,l'A; .i: i;rr"J;7o o:. ? cvw.hc:
or .tf.u,;i.. ! .0.I1.1K ri. I oil.vr ll.-.s i.j' ij.t
tl lrr' m nr. ! wi !-.- y.l.W Li'.... I.J i 1- i -i
'. -y -1 i,i il," ; ; ; iy. m.r l j .. U,
l-i J. ''ir i:.v.'. s. li .' ei cii t 'i'vo ti :i:ive
,S',:ti rs i'-ij- t .1 1! it f ' ,. :-v . .!i!i'.
A'Ki.i" . I'll. .t. m;;i.u htuiiTt).v, x.-.-u
'.;l.ti:il) ioO.l iy
.T2:ii-:;'( Nii-t't'l, M';r3j' oj;ioslo !
il:iz! S?r;t! (-(-- ,
F3 T;r li J 1 "V , 1- A . ,
INi nl'.:.: - li.e t-i:iciis of tsui.t'iiiy it.-inity.
lli'i, iie b i- jo: relnrned fioin riii'iide'.t.hia wi.i, d
toll iis.-orti..ent of
UF EYKKY XXItli'i liiN' AM) Ql' VLI'I Y.
I!:-ftoek t-.T..-: . -f Cit.tL. l'rei. -u l"t!.'. liiack
line Skin and l.'oney .t.'i-t.'iinfrt-n. iiinei: tit in. Tiuu-.e-.i
it!..-. I'l.iin a:. I l-'tinev Ci. iir.crc 1!S 1 1 NHS.
he wi.l it. :ikc o. I" ";Jt-r i:i sivl.-i lo --.tit the tn.-ie of
'-.i -t-inieti'. ou h.-.ii noiice, aod tho ii'.-t i-i.--oii;.hlo
j , , ... .....!-mil en h:':. will be furu h.-.l f.-. io
riiih.-ii-!;-l-'.s. I y ii.j; t,. un.-s 'loiiee.
lion I- litrni.-l.i'.t by eu u iiu-r.-, v. iii bo inin'o n;i lo
oril-f i-.-ri-i.-r-.i-o.
l.o v. iii t t-n-loy none but experienced wm 1,-nten.
t"-r:i..i irtnv n-lv on yoiiii..,- ihen woik will a:
hi- ,:i.,
'1 nci.hlVi o:r (tie I'fitri'.n.ic bi-rrtof.-.r;1 br-l owed,
bo r-.-.-p-e-.i'tilly s',,i,-ii ;i e..i.tii.u:ineeel' the tunie.
Sunbitry, iJclob. r -1. Is.;-.'.
Economy is Wealth!
i f::;-iis ikoi 'u rim is'i.
The i;iT avl Clil'-.t I'l T I f o-.uo.-h.uU lll.JlEI'Y
in Ihe W ot 1 I.
1:-.!;ii::o Z.ii4e.'. k'Orri'I-.SI'SJ
M n a m y. Al'tM rV..
'J i'Al (ii":nivc I' l?-iiJM
is W:l! r;ui!fti il lir-A K
ci'fiiu K' !i-j tliivi-ii1!.",
irr r. ii! r.Ucuv t'rans.
Oit-U. V, iitn.j ii; j
A- "tn". uvA itli tilVrti.
o ilit i Liij'it tiMtl Li.n;;s
?Ih'1:.:iio 2 ..r,.r
U vi. ,..: --.4 v.:h
liil flit IV pliJilt! f:iV.) Nlhl
fh'Il. In M U ''!! V'i' lI;mi
!' t!if t ii(l.ii. i!..)
V-'t t.ilift' Lil.'lnm iitit'f't-
. !itc !i 1 Mi.i!i;:ii4
l.:ivi-.; t'ti i-if ei t-i i:.-.-:-l
ihc ln'ilr!:y ai.-l i;.-nri.:j
rii '.!(! iiti i-i ih" ':., ;.
l.' tin., 'Iu- l.'tiu-.s. it
U !ol H i'i!.,.l .:,.-lv
l)Ut '1'hmi-ii. w-'rii.ti'-r,
';'; 1 "ir-'iiii j tj it. 1 i I? ,',' i i' j
htvvANK i"r' ,n ,,r vM'i'"t ii.i: i.
;VR;V.J .m,.:.,;.c ..!... iwi.vs
t3. ii"' 'tnntit :-ir o o, 1 - t 1 :,r
"' M uud has at-i(i.irt".i it 1 -i c
I'V b.-ii. ret-i.loinendo 1 b't lh"-u
!.. !. ''. it-' lit to th: ii iiiili'it 1 Ii ir-.d- it ... . I,. i
il-r I m r..ii r t - r. '..i I ..' Fori, r's I'nr.i
live It i!-:n.i is s. ld at 11 pri -o w iiioh brings i. in i1.,,'
r '. oil - t .. -;' .I't- to ii. i',, 1 e..n el it ol I -i u-e. '1 i:"
ety e- t.ii ii:jlo b.tiile i.ilt (rove to h. vrth
I.'il I i': eu I.
." '.".('I'. S it c y nr :i"y ' I1 1 n. t bo p. i-iiu-!-.
I t . I i.i !.: .-. in il. I s at i ... 1 w ot It ! 1 ..( . .it
1.0:1 th t '. i no-1 1' a 1 'I c iii i-ot i !e t .'! rt.-iri. I' r.
l. s 1'nrn.' it .' Ih iuln, thu ei.-. i f lit nl:.-. 1 "... ii
tih'.h is r.s .'it-Hi le-t II..II 01 uitt...-i a";.' ..'h.r int'.lt-':.-;
1.1. 1 il.e very 1 . pi.--., .it whi-h it i- ...hi.
nil. i'..i fit lo ibe 'Kr i. loironilv ' I . del
n: 1 nl:u .!td t.t-nle.. lull st.tit.-. it.i.-ti rt-c.iiiilnt lol
..'it - t 1,: i d it-i i.t .11 W li it'll t lit ii 1 1 . 'It. a nr j tors' -I no.
le-s 'h - ct .-;..:. t- i.i-.t. ll 1. ttlti-; Ml. .ii.:e I'.ir
t. . im . 1 l.ol.o .. h.-r t. M .Mud. leu i't Iter r l o'
ri.tit e li .i.-.ili', niiee I i e-.'l.lK, and It. 1 l. -' I lli. at
2j . . oi.-. ..-: i t.iltt no .oh. r. Jl ji.h e ml.. I 1. at
ol..- re y .1 .-'..i hi nl....fco'r.
S'.:d ' .- ...I !'i,o;:-. nn I ii'-rt ktcfo rs al blets,
1.11 1 in 1 11 ;.i b li,-- .1 . o .
1' ,1.1. Kil l.:.:., l'i o.ri.i is.
,'ni.i.aiy .11, I ' i i, - ly .ett le.k.
8:Ti!i rsos rs. vat Mt.s:.
'Tills ...It V,...-.,:. 11 .1. i. lot-, t- 1 in .-' -.1 1 iy. f.: ,1 y
ji iit-'t..ii . f .ho ..i i.. 1.1 t n't .1 l.llh :..,- -;.bi.
i A l no ii . : 1 . -it i ; 1 :' . - r i.: 1 it 1 . ttt-
'.' iii,..r.ia wi'l be 1 . I.- e- -sy. If faiiii.r l"l
l'..t 10 0 ' " . ' .' ll d s. lb . vt...','
Ao . ' '.' 1 -'
1 1:11..', 1 1 1 r;i! v p.'.nu ii v.- iiv.i.-t.
HOtt I I.I. e tail IlKs',
Cor il Mnikt .si. .i. ri.iM,: lj u. 1, Lav
tiuW III sl.iwk.Attov Vslle-ttef
Mitll I"iii't-,
fol un 1 1 ut'y f,,r ih. ir .'-rii. Ti le
WIMjoW I'Al b.i Hr t Villi t.ltAl ,
lo wLi s, 1 L . 1. .! at1, t.n..i. ..f riioi, kt". is
In 'I . II II I .1 l u .l.u tfcl, W III bu louuj IUS
, !. .. , I,-, u.' ill. ' S 4
I'l.ll. I. I; I 1 . I.I II, I'll V t
Wnll lrs lilis I I ,
(1 W AI.I. H.U'l ll M IMIiV M--IH un r
i-i vim ,su rAiiir.M
JI af ' '-Ivi .'i" fx as lbs aisattlMiiMX, al
ei.,MMVi..! II. I'br I
lr.ll.l. 4 H4VT
Vkssst, 14.
i ' 4
' III I V!l
Knovn at "Ildmlotff'
" ' F,MlflAPARfU.A'
( iiioii - i.-. him , i.i" i -!' it r y r. i; ' (Otoe..:--I
i-iiitr" of I ! ::w, bii! n n i r nio-i h'-TH-r'
nrcntr coxcKXTnATm" coMPt,rxn i l!'1!' 'V 'j !,,.,;, ' ": ;: o.-irr
, 'i.e. i: a "?. uli-.l nii'l o V!r-.'M;'.e 1Y: viou
. i-'-io't-'lv sweh to an n!i!,ii- v ('late tti'.i rifili of
F LU I D E X TRACT B U C II V ; V. .v,.;l ,.,pt,. ., ,N, ; !.,. ami
i juUluot. who mi.;!,! oi'o- r-.-. i-t ' r.i- i-ii.-m...c -:
il:,! t!ft! s w i-i f -, -.hur -Ii-r-' o1' ri vvne r- w - r.i
A Toslllec and Ppec'Se Ttrmtdy h. i .v-t-'j iho llrin lyre, laav , .ii Willi full csi
1'or Uisea;e- t.f Iho ' JfoloC 'e. " '
DI.ALDEH, KIDXEY3, O.r.AVKU AXD VMtCV x.,nl- r r, .i' -r.'.-r't:,.',--CAL
g'.V!:I. LINUS. I niert!tf. l.-.-i--? nwar 'I j-l-.ts.-ai t. r' -it .'r;t.:.i
ti .1 .In t . dt ti T-niiir a- . . jip li;' c-.ri I. - '
This Medicine Inerensos the y.nwornf r'.-'.-iltnn, ' J!o ivi .. bim, .( mal"i " t'o: t-rf ' f hr. J.
nn I excites the Ahfoihents into l.ea''!iv action, by ; Iv.av l!) o!v e mo' in I t- ! .n.. '!t,tm,
wliinb lh Wittery or ( iilt'cotis. ili'tKiiintit, an 1 all , ai d out.; i:'.'v uly ':po:i 1 i. .! a ', 'hv-Vitn. Kiilnrijt men's " r. i'in M.-d. ns wi 'l-j-ain ; titgit ii!i' W?: $
I end inihiuunalion, and is good lorn.ui,, or
' , , '
e2E3s.Tijreo.w- r..vrr..vtT
- t .-.C.
fOR tVr.'.!-::SJ-T.S
AiliitR from l'xi'o'es. lla'ni's of Dissipalion, P.aily
lnoisjrciioii. oi- Abuse.
AHer..J-l niihtb : "Mim :
In.l'iip--it ion to i;Artiu, !.- of p in or.
Ln of Mmiiorv. 1 '1:1! - I v of .'Ireathinr:
V'enk Xtr-tn, 'l t-1-n..oii
! llnTtl-l.flll. "'
I'l-iiin -s-o vt-ion. r..i!t in 'l:e i.a...;,
Vol-. t-ral I.t -.-ilo.l,. of tli'o 1 iu-lnr.;: of ll-e Ito'y
, Mo-eiibii- System, l.rui.llons nn the I'ace,
! Hot ll-'i, !. lhiiiid l'i ttntei,..!.-"..,
feVl'- nf l! -- Fl ;"
'l!n-e lo r wh-.a tills
ri.'.r..-!u' ii..-:noti,; r. ifovis. soon iolloiv
LvmrrycY. tatvity. i:rii.r.:-ric fit?:
Hi one i f wbi-b the , CX-..UC. Win, cu
i.y li.- Il -y nr.' 1...1 i,e":- r.:iy followed by lus
".iireini .ii-l-o:s.''
i.v'f.'.xiTV a:'"d coxstMrTio:;,
.llimv nre nv.- irc orlho eao-; m tin tr .-liiTcm-iT. nut
f.l..-" ill r. i... -i-i. The it'.'nrd' of iIk- ii.-i'T.e .v -
b. ii..- nod Iho -i o v d.-.v.l-s i.v ConMitnj ion,
bear wi lo "i-.'io.-. f. ;lt tn..': '., Ih i ..---irti.-.i.
'Ill - C:'ll-jt:i,:'lt. i-f .1.l-..-i. 1 wi-.ll I'o inlj
R,-.,i!ir" the rl I ;,f M'.'ieii-.e .' :rr".'.n nrd !r.-
'-.:-... the .-v-oni. v Uk-li -!ti-iii!i..i-i's b.air..-t
Ihit-.iu inv.irt.-il.-ly do-.s. A triiil will e.niiti
I ine ii,ii". 'sr.i:i.
the n.o-o -tlii".:.i
j 1 .:.u..u:.-!. ri:ii.u:.?, ri::.i.i.r-',
I'll! or younj;. f:o01o. Min-ritdi tr Con;ein;.liilio:
j 11. .ri i:, : ,
i !i: in 1. '.".-.: :!-.t- i..'?ii!inr to Fe"'.-.b. . Ktrs
i 11. 11 is mo'. n, lie. i hy nny oihor lointilv, : ;.
! i h or t.' ;-t. ti e.. ;'-i .v'.lnrb l'..!.:t'u'ii ..
-. ,.r
t iie I
( .-'i.t'l r- --h i, ii tin- l'i:-.. tti.u;' i'. to'ino i. I I
iv: .: i 1 i i; I ti no. I.i ., ,: r -. .1
Yt'bi. Si.-i-iliiy. i;.. ii .r nil t'oii't-inint i i-.n-i b i.i lo
I i!tr ss. v. bcihei- an.-iug IVom ln'i'--rflhui, ibilll.t of
; lii-i!; .:. -o. or in lb.:
ii.ei,;:i-:oit cnAwrerun:.
j Pi--.- ; ointon.a '.''"vc.
K' FAMILY !1 tl'I.D l:K w::i:-:.iTix.
f t- . ... , f... .'. t..ji .!.
ii i y :-!-'.e,,r .rr,.le,s,,. Medh-ine
lor I' -1,0:.: l'va..,.
j uio- n . 01
In 11 '1 t'feif r.fp'es ; at Irillu r"ieiiso ; little
chnnj5e di"t , no inei-iiteiiieiit-e,
ami y.ii r.xi't si itE.
0. B,
I n e.itir- .-...ttien. ,!..,i-e. no' fir-n'tl, lo i ''"(,':'"' '"'dy. should I'Mdy id.n.e li::'
l'i nn... ':..-r.oVro.r,.vi, l.-i, o, . ore v'i.i,M : -)' ! " ' l"' ' '"' '"; ' V"': 'V, ' ;.t:f
nt'd .'inin- SlriV;,.re..r ,he I'r. .bra. a!?!.vini r:,in ' "y ,""' ' ' i'" "'"'- i.?!-'ned
ni-.l in" 1.,'niuin. so ireo, 1 in lit..-tl,.,--,',,.,..-., , f;-"J 7 '"-i;-l'!-'' o...,;. .' m hie-, i.y tl...
t:r..l . xju-llinj lvi'.i-ctia. l'i-e.isod, and Worn-out ' i": '17"'" ',;W-""'' -' 1""'' ' ' 1 '". " "-'"
t '!..,.. no '. :i l'.il nn, 111 s. :t-tit in seeict t.'.L-::. i.-u-.-:i i-nanus
r1'" r' , : s.t sr, U'i....-'..o-.i,'i,.t,':,:;'i-
I Jhi.u-t:i i.-. ;r,on looutiisls .Vj.'.St t!5 tC.!".
I rUO HAVE r.KF.X TUB VICTIM.- OF jiolle.-t (bit a r.-und mind andboly nT -I'u nnst
. ' i.o.;'Mirv r-'o-.ii :.. s t.j nrviooto eom. ilol m.. -s.
j l -1 2-N. Indeed iviihoul tiusc. Ine- j- '.-.ney :l,:v.i-h Viie ba-
: Ar. I wh.i btre ','.i 1 lle.ny For.: b.beettr.' l in tt ' ei'taoj i '. .:;. -:i,--.Iir..";:.' : tho vo-j.r.-' In nr!
i-Vot time. I. vo foMid Ihev'neio ili-eeiviiti. mnl ibitt t'.aiktns to toe v;.-v,, in.- 1... . -,,iis ihnd-iwcd
the - I'oi-tiii" litis, by ti:e'lle of rowort'a'. Aitritt- w i.i, -noir m.d fiiit 1 Biih the .i"' rcl.. Iv icli.-e-I' ' bceii urit 1 I'.ti ill 111'-- .'."toiri. to bre-uk out in li.ut lb., ut t'luc-j ul' auu'Usr t-'iijo-o iil,.!ei
im 1: 'sravalfd form, nnd
EJ S-tC.tS ilOItii's E-STB 'T
tit 'lis:
r..ri.U ACeetb-as ard Dj c..-ep tl
Vhclhi-r e.'il. :io in JiHl-; or I-'.'in:ilo. IV-Woctovrr 01 1 .-tii.iiin. and r.'. 11 titer
i OF r.'itV UV:J STAM t.VC.
! Il'-.-ltn-s of
j l'.ri'.i.i.i .
Oi;-iiii r:it;irt tho til t.f "
I- ihc 0 rout biiiri".: '.
An 1 i is e.r'tiin lob..-.,, ile.lrhel efT. -t ia U
i'i.'e:i.s.-s. i'-r v.hi' ii i' L- re-.'-viuiavtidoi.
lSI.,OOr! EXtODD! TlT.OOIy !
IIoiii:b:!J t !i:t.:y (oi:-.',iirtit-.U'..ii.; .nr.J
Fluid Extract 3rsnp:-.iilla Syphilis.
His I' at'. 1. Iter. Inn ff l-.e Ilba.1. itfd ." :t.-':-VC
, U ind'.'i't-. --n i tidier :-hi"i'S i.i.'f i.-s. i,vl-!'. i.s-
wi;o,e:,i ",n.'e i:: '.-!' n;i of t l-ers. Ki.tioi., hi'.- 1
j iro'et S'ir:. '..-i.ln 1 1 rili.s ihe 111. o-l ! iti. -.-
! 1 v ! . on: no. s ot rj,' .:i!i. -i in:? 1.1 1 e L. rs'..i--
j io.l a I 'I. '.If 1.1' I ll.'Sithy I 10. r. -- f. r, ..;-. 1
' t."ie.--:y ior ih--tch..- of :-oii.hi! .1 -. i;s ! I';-.:;
j It I 1. 1 r;. i"-, -..-i . 1 .1 :;. 11 -rejie-r extent
llll.ll 111: V I ttl-tirol'' :l ot
I?t liul:ltr-; t'.o.-
An two lit !. - :"i fr-: T ! ...... - .f n :;vj MV!-
".Ft. 11. i.i . ijii in ii. Jl- : I'.-... i ..
' h' -ir . .ii Imi! Ii't'ii h :U-f '.;' ii' i j' 1 . 1 1., li-i- i in
'I t.i't'li'iii vi;ii die F;; 1 V-- Hm l.u u:. I u i!'-;
ill ; t.i li lij --tit h- r VI Tlilt.l ti.i. "I.
i. lit i ii.T i't" f i-r j'.'i : ! 'Ts 4 rci. ni. ic t.'..;.r-
fi:iviiL'!CA';;.s (; c:v
i'.-otll f-'l t I" t'.T 'lilV Vt'.irS r Bl.'tii: , w rh r.r.n I'S
k:...IMI I.i .-t-H'ti.'t: i.-r t I' o.i.e.
I oi' .Mo ii. ..: I'r..;,. tlit- ot '..ii; e Iii -.'. ii. ry
. ih.- l id o .-.-il '
.--e IV '"-.r' t-ls-b'.tf We-rlc? ca ihe
! I'l'.-'it-e , 1 l','V-i'-
I t' ie...'..:.' lo It to i..lj I I'r
. k. i'i.i,.oiJ,.i.i'.. '
S.e r. i, 1:1, ht iriol" b" T- r-1.r-.iio ?' r"-M a
.. .1 I . .... I l.,j, ' ... 1 .
. i.'L.r .0 Ho- I'
,--lil i
i I 1 oh i-h. .1 II. '
'I'ruii- o ii iw 'i tl .' it. :i. ;
I i-:
: . -, M t .if" . n i. .' -' .-. ifti -..iii' 1 It
I .iji.o.i. 1 1 .n 1 1,. I . iio.i- i.i li 1 ; vii',.;it-'
1.10 . of il.j ..'.! ('...ii bird .. ilvt in ,.!-. 1
mi- r l'i '.!('. il 1 I' -r b i 1
1 1 s tr mi it 1. 1 1
Ml l.o'.l:!. li, si. 'iV.i'tt. lit ' .0
-I bill !! !'!,.! e-.h ...V V'i Ti. -'.;., v,i I,
-.. 1.: 1- " ih. o.tti i'..:...,it- r.i-... 11 dii..-'; n
... . it il.e: i-i I 1.
. I -'.... l :.. ut-y ltd Ir. t. 1.1. 'y j aA. 1
t Im- i t..' ' Ol.
.V 1 .1 .!..'- , i"..'. M . i l .'I 1.I1.U: 1
!':... -i.a.antt. I .' 1.. ",'i:,.''.
M l il .'.Vl'i.
I I. ''1. 1 .
V, : tV,,:.
" f '' ' -'
iln'v t.. i, .1
1 . ..lot.
1,1.- -. t . Jf 'J
V 11 ... .. .
! I'l' , I.' I
h r i.j. .11
11 t.
..... .i
Is -. If!
. I ei
S.1,1 n nn I dt . r.l.-.l u-i 1 " 1 1-' '
JiuLlfUr. I.I . M. 1 I!
A.l'lu..n, A tiiii.'t ii t e .,
li.. , It..;.
A Mta litivis I- r inl. "ii 1 11 in . ., . I. s -.,
ii n j. mu. 1 1' im..'
ltel If ittlh Ttutb-.liet 1, I.. I. t !.. ..M I I !'
1.1. i Alt k nt I l.i 1tbl liTi
Va I t .iln's-l I'.s' 1.
e iMi.ii It. Ji.... ,., .1.. 11 ' at. I o ... '
aiiit i, im ib lui'sun.-i. sue .." i 1 y 1
ii 1. I ...'.,.,'
i ' "1 -.'! I'tt '"' I
1 .. .. 'i....'MI ., I
j .. ....,,.i,.i M h, A fck. -
j J I b, !t rieUl .tl..... I
.(.'ku miiiii'U-iiu. inuu i
1 I'm, Ihi el.t1' Meet, and ss4 (t4U.
4.l lt ..osi au 1 I
I i. s I'
estap"hi as a qva
VAX mi 07tai?;eh.
TV,. JOHNSTON bn d!Tnrr1 tbomot Certi-lp,'lilor. j uv"iiii!ery i-'-.s.-pnr:- I;a',-,eni y, Hone
j rul ijv. fiitv, -Norton-iiic-, I') s.-pv,' T,iii,'o-t. l,ow
I H.'Hw, Cft:iffb.n of I Ilu. t,;rtiHii'ii of ,h..
! Ti'.d my. 'irto'Mioi:-. IH'mv-.v -r ),i n, (inlii'vss.
I I'l'iai.-i' ol iho 1,'vail, 'I hro,. ,"- : H'..i. AC' --t inns
j nt' the Ue.-r. J.n:.s". ."!-.. -art. ft L...- '"-'.h-M' Ten;'
! M.-orb rs ii r IV..:- (!;. . .no ry lla'. ifs t.f
; r.toit'i'ln.... ;u-,'ti-i tmd .-rfil-fnry jraoli'-. o,re fai.ii'
; r, .. ... . , ,. ..... ,
; I loir., :a.,-!y ( aruj. ar. ! 1: " l -r.r toso-n ,.
i'lth. JM.t:r.-.-ir-t Af't1 :- v I. oh renders T'O
i?";"'! "-"'r" i'-t.-'v-r !-,!" i';-v'1;
T't'l'J I'.viut- vu-lu :ti ;,,.tr: ;-r i'i,. ce..-. i :.
: j -r,. !..; aro !n a! t i ciril ' l.-;u f" in riot
! -!a r-'a-e..ri,5 drcad'..l f..ii-!-!i -rti irnir
j : ?' w. t'h-i that undrrat't::.; the sn'.kcl wiit
ret n l :o il.-i.-- t;:-i! iho p.jv r of oi m -nlini ii lo-v
; :.n..a rh .- tiio-i'. i'-ui;.-t ;.. , (nipr .'i.-r ' .'.lis tl. '
jih-jtfl .,, i-V..;.'i'ln;j!(. ,',!.!, t'-u p '...tur-'i!
la- lily ,l '-. ml' t'.c -i :-i , -iij .i oi:v.-
' vnipli.i,,'. .i i, I,,..;,- r.r. ! i-n-.. ,,i ': :i avdim,
i l.i .oiiio" V'f-T!'"" '. tV.-i -I ;.il ."! imic
: -i:-e.-i
rf !:
, irtuiti.iiiiy, i no; --i. l'ir"it'i-n .1 oft!,'.' llcztl.
' I..di. .-i!iilii. r'l.ioii' otinn.-tl L'el-ilti ". o. V'ns'jii- o'
Iho I r.-mje. Con.-h. l'-.t,-u'.,r.ii-.a, ltoav ual iJutb!
; iiet,.,. -....." ....... i'- t-- -
i 4 '' I.
' !r!l "? ' :'"v' a
oo or-troto :.,i civr. iui hot U t,b.tett m.ioe
in-. I i.iunl' -r.
I I vn .,.! I.e wMI .! e'-lain tsttttip. Th
u.t.-., .11 ....-....-.-.
; . Vt iill M .12111 ?. 5'k;3) Si" TWO
ro ji?;rcvi y or J1-..-orii J?n:g.
i ,!ihpr of 11 c l,ov ! t'olle-r (..;-.-:. r: v.n-. I.r.nt'.rr,
I i;r,i.;ti:.:e trio.i to,.'. . f iho i..,.-i en.iiK io ''-".vrj ,'.
:. 1 I S:,i'r ;.,,.! ft., .;,-., r ,,. r j-.,-,
I I..', ' I.e ! -j : ::; 11 tl;-. i-ls of I.nt.l: n. V:...
I f:,i:.. : ; - -. : . . ., - i -..,.,o'..r
i ii.:s .- r,'io:.' I va nr.- ihm ---'.V'ever l-r...v.-n
I -"-.t t-. or hr.ov.-n ;
, tri'wv if . :.;.'.'i '.:!, ih.;'.. : i-i Cue bca I ct , enn
t t-i too he:i I f:t.d
i.-:--r;., ;.-.-...!' n.rv....-t.e.s, i. -o . .-,1 a'.
. ,n i --i nl!.,-, ii ..i!i::.-..-.-. v.iln f.eoneiii ' -t::T,
:t--e'iot-.i . ..- .. .... ...n.-.-ni . oi : . it, v.o,
! '-nrt-.t it :'..o.o;-.-"lv.
j'i'.iili tt,T:V!'ti.tR r-TTfr.
t 7'-:. .'. .-..Mr. . ttj.-.m ii;ti..-i -l i' 1.,.
: - It'.-Oy ll'-OII r lliIl!l;-,i.. c
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; tl.e U.iol: !..) '.ii.iM. I'a'i.s in l,,; 1 1 t . 1-inn.L-es of
, ''.-1- I.""'1' !;.'cu!:ir ,.r. 1'iilj it..t-'..i oi not
: I'w'.Pt -l"'!-." '-' no I r: . i ier:in--.-:-:e':.l
!.: !..--:;., 1-...1. tj.-n,; ;;c,,:,tj-.v,i:;,.
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v. '.".:i.i!e I. I'av...' Si?al .r n; t e-r.ii.r-u iibtMts tksi
eyei. eooa uud .-,-tn;no-i.- ' i'..-. ii-iit-'T-'.iou.
J V.'! 0 btivc injored tin iii?'-h cs by a certain rr'ic'iofl
, iinl'tle.; in w lion iti i::e. 11 lioi.i; freronn;';,-i.-nruetl
from evil eniiij.i,ni.i-s, or i;l s--l: ,ol. the tri. v ii"
I which nre ni. Inlv toll, tun v. loot,-; . nml if nr.t
1 vutc-.i tvndois it,:irii:ije it.-.-.o .ihie. mi.l der'.r'jij
W1111 our o'.'. n
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j-t 'f-iire Cutis i. oi k i'.'.t i'.iY.bc 1 iho . . ' ot ih'.t
f.aiiifi.l Uise::--.-. it to-.i ..m-r. '..i ; en- ! ;-n i'l-iimc I
son.-r-of .-h:i:u . or .iro.: i of II ..very, li.'ii i'-. hi:n
IVi. IU l-:.;1'. ti '!.'.",. Wi", l;..!u '.' :i lll.d
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