Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 21, 1863, Image 4
( AGRICULTURAL. llio t'mtok jitom of I'tillnrc. The filth numl'cr of l"r. Grant's ngricul t ural puldication, entitled Lixlmarl, gives, union:? oilier mutter, some neeoimt ot'tltc ' lute l!ns3i'U ("omul oeU rvsteni of planting tit e ami their sul,ycf;i!ent tli'iiliiiciit. Tho l'ollou inr is ti pir.stipi; from this urticlc : ''Ho thoroughly Iciirneil (ilii-'eovcix'tl, as he thought), tvluit lintl Ivrn taught ly more tlmn one who went before liitii tllsit trrra vero neiit'iuily, nliiMwt universally, covered too deeply in 1 linitinp;, or were" tre.ited in null nmminr Unit I y cetUint; they heeame fo to the injury of'their li, often to the ltstni tinti of their life. "lie cxnminetl mnny tlionsnmls of tries, niv.l heeame very skilful in iliiiyiaiis. "IVing his knife for spndu', "n small hole 1 y the trunk of it tree soon revcuh .1 tnotioh of the condilion of the roots, ns nifeeted ly the uinimcr of plnnting, to verify or ili- prove the opinion formed in his own li iiul in ordinary casta, but in many ho m ink' thorough exnmi nn tion'.. "ills judgments, formed mid expressed concerning the jn-eeise tharneter mid con dition of tho roots from lniin id.h only the liianehes, often excited surprise by their neeurucy, ns shown by subteipient exumina tions. "Tho stthject beeamn Sii interesting to hint, that lie jftive in.-tt ruction grat uiloui-ly to many for phmliiiL; tin ir trees, and often nided in emrying out his directions by the labors of his ow n hands, for lie found that precision must be tav;;lit by repeated cx iimplu as well ns by the repetition of pre cept. "His sncuss was nnifunn, for, besides planting the trees properly, he rejected nil of tho many that were grossly unlit for planting;, teaching the purchasers of them to set them in a trial-ground or 'hospital,' placing them just so far apart that tl.ty would not crowd each other for a few years, until decision could be made us to whether they should bo thrown away or received into full position. "Besides their surprisinply vigorous nnd heaithy growth, he was able to show that the trees which hud been subjected to his treatment were in a very jrreut decree ex empt from the ills which have made such a great subtraction from the pleasure and prolit of fruit culture. "le (showed peaches and plums, npplcs nnd pears of remarkable beauty nnd flavor, as well as rem rkab'e trees, in various quar ters where they had been grown by persons wlio had followed his direct ions, that were in striking contrast with those under or dinary treatment. In many caws, also, he treated those that had been suffering during two or three years from ill treatment in pluming, and when it was not 'too late for the application of the remedy,' cures were the result, which confirmed many in the high opinion that was beginning to spring up of Uie incipient 'Professor's' thill, mid new thoughts began to arise in his own mi nil. "His pirr-c was exhausted, and there w as imminent danger that he would not much longer bo able to make a presentable ap pearance in fact, the dilliculty was already upon him. "All at once, from the single point of tree planting, burst out a broad system of univer sal cultivation, with its characteristics not clearly defined, but with the outlines pir cqdil.le. "He had not made known anything of the v. hat or wherefore of the tree planting that could take a definite shape or name, and v.heif, niter some months, he announced the discovery of ti new system, named 'Terra Culture.' those w ho really knew it all w ere uncou-cious of knowing unvthing." .'oris l.t-oiiil. The Harvest Club, at a recent meeting, were regaled with a umhrt that was univer sally praised. A committee, of one was finally appointed, w i'Ji a private secretary, to wait upon the skillful hostess nnd learn her choicest method of cooking king corn. The behest wrs obeyed, and the committee Mado the follow ing report : Jtirctjit fir a fiit.r'e Culf. Two table-f-poonfulls Indian me;.!, tvo tablespoonfulls molasses, one tcaspooful saleratus, one and a half teacups butter-milk. The whole to be thickened with rnnniilo or rye flour till of tho consistency of thick paste, and then baked about half an hour. Of course cream and cgys improve tha mixture, if one's palate in educated for such delicacic.-. The more simple '.he taste the greater the joy. Vi'e n:o assured that a cake made in this way is tit to set before it king. It mint be a matt r of patriotic pride that a native and peculiar cereal should be such a stall" of life. Corn grows everywhere in this country abundantly and without disease, nnd is cheaper than potatoes as an article of healthful I'iet. At a show of two hundred nnd lifiy Fpcchm -n in the U".v Agricultural oliiee one yiar ago, a IVmisW vauia lady took a 10 premium I'.jr a loaf made as follows : Tako two quarts corn meal, vitlt about a pint of (thiiij bread sponge, water enough to wet it. Xi'w in half a pint i f wheat flour and a t.ihlcspnnnfull of suit. Let it rise and then knead wi ll the second time. IJ;,ke one and a half hours. This loaf was a g .o I form, cut light, ami was of fair quality when three or four days old. l or cheapness and quality this stood preeminent. WIT AND 11UJI0K.I AMhhkiax r.: n lJl; Stoisy. The cili .tor of the lirand ltivcr I'aglii h is a friend v ho has h''cu (.topping, he nlleges, at one of the hotcL in Kalaiu.i.oo. liis Ktcry it prettv t'aitly toM, us he pool ej tali nt in tha way of Bi'.iimir.g 'jam' that would do credit to one who was entertained lii- inc in the f.ri cat!u i f a wh iVr, or nliev..! the tedium of a , uteh on dei U : 'i'o'i rl tint to b'd pretty all fnd ucd p, after u hull d.iy on tho nM road bif(.ri' tliupln.k ifa . I.ii I, ii.lkalutiu' i'ii a good M.. o,.e ! Waal, jul li the hltiil Ix-'Can to ea c- o!V. I l.i.i i. r felt vUhill' iniii' to pall oil' my Miirt, ft. I .le-urn tmiriVit tlir- fi !l of in . b.itk, to i a pond bold. W igel .d und'li ; d, do.,! h 1 .iul put l.i red--all ti If in it lil.e tin, Jliiui -by j.'i.t i'Ji Mid .-In. i U a lir;hi to I.) k arn'.ii.d u tpcll I'i'ii: 1 ul a pn U Hi' I ,d bii;.. tiioliud i round, and li.ole d.oppiig i it im I in ii !.,! d ,in j i , v h ; l M l lubi'l. r'.' . I I' ! a j 1 . e nil tl.e I'm i, ;.im.1, i l.t ,.'.;:t l-.y il.'iiil mi 1 Ui i I rd lil Ini a I n. .v. .i. , I.,. i : I n.i tn mo r i i 1 1 '. li a i.i .i Ii. li tin,; a . ;. .i i. .ii ii ii, I.i...'. .) , I ..I a I i tt i.t' .. ..I I .f i- i;.,. i n i i ; :. I '.ii. e in. ,i i.i. t . i :.t d. b,:. i , . ni I . ilm I , I i..V. 'l III, I I.... I. ii 'l i f I ,. ii. I 1. tin ll u.r I iy in. I 1. .1 I ! ti I .. i.lni Ml t iv itt b. d a ... l 11 i.i i . i. ll . in ,. I j ' ..!..-l.t .t..... H .: ll u. i I.! i . I.I I Jl nil lb ; i ti 1 1 I.. I . i.. .. i .... i.i I . ' ' . .i I1., i I i ... i I j 1 1 .mi I i n ' ii... ..i. I n .li 4 I 1 p I. I f li. no i. I- I lj' ..' I'll I I I i.i I .-1 ii.; ti.. i. ' . 1 1 .. I I iii X i ii i . J ...... l.t i . M ill 1.1 ll.Ull. if 1. 1' ll.. I I I 1. 1.' I ,.4 ml i i I. dl'.iu lit ll' ' I'' l I" I I 1 1. . a n.i I w :.. .,. i l i.i i.i . . i . il.l. r ... I I Hi e ll ' I iM't, 1 t ti .1 in !.' 1 II l I .. 1 lull l a. id I " li.Ltakl . , .,. i.i. i MAYORS OF THE Great Cities. We, the undenlsnod Mayors, hereby ee ttfy that the Druggists, Apothecaries, and Fhysiolans of oar several cities have stirred a document of assurance to ui that ATSB'S BAKSAPAUILLA has been found to be a remedy of great excellence, and worthy the confidence of tho community. nosr. JAKES COOK. Mayor of LOWELL, MASS. HON". ALBIN BEARD, Mayor of NASHUA, IT. H. nOIT. E. W. HARRTNGTOTT, Mayor of MANCHESTER, N. H. HOIT. JOHN1 ABBOTT, Mayor of OONCOKD, IT. XL HON. A. II. BULLOCK, Mayor of WORCESTER, MASS. Hon. NATLT'L SILS3EE, Mayer of SALEM, MASS. HON". P. V7. LINCOLW, Jr., Mayer of BOSTON, MASS. HOIT. WM. M. BODMAIT, Mayor of PROVIDENCE, It. I. HOIT. AMOS W. PBEeTTICS, Mayor of NORWICH, CONN. HOIT. J. IT. HARRIS, lUayor of NEW LONDON, CONN. HOIT. CHAS. S. RODIER, Mayor of MONTREAL, O. E. HOIT. D. F. TIEMANIT, Mayor of NEW YORK CITY. HON". H. H. KHT3TEEY, Mayor of HAMILTON, C. W. HOIT. ADAM WILSON", Mayor of TORONTO, C. W. HC2T. R. K. BISHOP, Mayor of CINCINNATI, OHIO. HOIT. I. H. CRAWFORD, Mayor of LOUISVILLE, KY. HOIT. JOHN SLOAN, Mayor of LYONS, IOWA. HOIT. JAIIE3 IIcFEETER3, Mayor of BOWMANVILLE, O. W. HOIT. JAKES W. NORTH, Mayor of AUGUSTA, ME. HON. HENRY COOPER, Jr., Mayor of HALLO WELL, ME. HON. JAMES S. BEEK, Mayor of FRSDERICTON, N. B. HON. WILLARD NYE, Mayor of NEW BEDFORD, MASS. HON. J. ELAISDELL, Mayor of FALL RIVER, MASS. HON. W. n. CRANSTON, Mayor of NEWPORT, R. I. HON. FRED STAHL, Mayor of OALENA, ILL. HON. JOHN HODGDEN, Mayor of DUBUQUE, IOWA. HON. THOMAS CRUTCHFIELD, Mayor of CHATTANOOGA, TENN. HON. ROBERT BLAIR, Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. HON. R. D. BAUGn, Mayor of MEMPHIS, TENN. HON. GERARD STITH, Mayor of NEW ORLEANS, LA. HON. H. D. SCRANTON, Mayor of ROCHESTER, N. Y. HON. DE WITT C. GROVE, Mayor of UTICA, N. Y. HON. GEO. WILSON, Mayor of PITTSBURG-, PA. HON. C. H. BUHL, MaJor of DETROIT, MICH. HON. HEMAN L. PAGE, Mayor of MILWAUKEE, WIS. HON. W. W. VAUGHN, Mayor of RACINE, WIS. HON. A. FARR, Mayor of KENOSHA, WIS. HON. JOHN C. HAINES, Mayor of CHICAGO, ILL. HON. M. J. A. HEATH, Mayor of SELMA, ALA. HON. A. J. NOBLE, Mayor of MONTGOMERY, ALA. HON. W. S. HOLYBAD, Mayor of COLUMBUS, GA. DON ESPARTERO MANUEL, Mayor of VERA CRUZ. DON PIETRE DE CABALLO, Mayor of MEXICO. DOIT ESTEPHANIE RODRIGUES, ilayor of HAVANA. DON ANTONIO ECHEVEEA, Mayor of LIMA, PERU. DON M. G. MILANGNO, Mayor cf VALPARAISO, CHIIX DON MARO CESCJUIPEDALIA, Muyor of RIO JANEIRO, BRAZIL. Certify that the resident Druggists have assured thorn Ayer's Sarsaparilla I3 ftti excellent roniedy, snd worthy tUo coa j HJtnoe of tho couimuniiy. ' l"or Sprtna; Dlamcit J Tor Purffj lug the mood. For Scrofula or King's Writ. For Turners, Vlcern, eail Korts. For Kt-upllous end Flmiilts. For lilot.hcs, nlns, and Polls. 1 For fet. Aulkusy'n FUc, Hour, or Kry For Trttir or Call ltltrara. .Iitls. For Scald Head and niugworut. For t'anrrr and ( tni tnui Sorrs. For Sore Kj rt, Bare Cars, oud Humors. For Fiinale Dlacaues. For Fu)irraalon aud Irrf RulaiK y. For R'uhllU r Vrnrrsal UUsascs. For Liver C oi;iilaluls. For Ulttaata nt the Iltart. Ti e Mtyere ef tle thief cities ef the Ur4 Isa tU -.',, anj Uiitlah Provinces, Vliili, lVru, llr:inil, Moxtoo, aud in faot al. 1'iuat all the cuius on this oentineut, bav au.noU tins .loeyuiBiit, tj as4ure lliutr people vliut reiiieiLius lln May tisewult Ioiy si .d ooii."lJi iiua. Hut our spaoe will out aiimit a puUiuii of tl.rnu. Aycr'i SaranFarllU, Aycr'a Ch?rry I'octoral, Aytr'a Tills, mil Aycr'n Aguo Cure, ii.ir4i.ii r Hr. J. '. A) -r t i'ti nw 1 1 1 , U ten , A4 fvUlf l'.w..uU..i ttUsrs, '"lit rnlu.s i Uiuut, u.4 H fi4iw, im i.Laiy, l. a H it y awil.MH.Uil.a4 i V I ,.!. a. I C Hiuaa, J I, tun lll! 1 ll.l i. 4 t , all I aiw.l e 1... ..i. ii.rf.nif Mu4 M.l....t a M. muw fatite, 4m4 laii Si. l 1 I; JUST I1ECEXVED ! I J- J-I- ENQEL 11m J11H roturncd from rhllndoti.Uia with a SPLE1TDID STOCK OP Spring & Summer Goods. For Itl?!!' Wear. Clotb, Ciimtincre, Vdtinj, Itnlinn Clnth, Linen Coating, Linen Cheek nnd Cuttunaile. A luriro snortinoDt of DrcraOoods, ,l!lnck end Fancy Silks, fcilk 1'imucs, Fancy Bernges, Shalloy, nil Wool Di'lnnes, Mi)i.iniiljiiiio (looilo nt low jiricel filk l.tvi'tliiK, Iiclnnefl, l,mvnn, (! milium nnd Prints. A full line of Irish Linen and At lute Goods. Htellu hi.rJer nml Fancy Suuimer Shawle, Silk and Luce M.mtillns, Ao. Rt.nty Made Clothing, A good assortment of lints nnd Cups, A largo nssortuicut of Boots nnd Shoes, A full stock of 0 roccrlvs, Mul:is?ce and Pugnr, Hardware aud Building Matcriul, A full stock of Queen nnd Clasttvare, A full Itock of Fifb, Snlt, Oils and White Lead, A lnrgn slock of Now Wall Tiiper, A new etoek of Stuno and Earthenware, And thousands of articled not enumerated. Zf All the above will be suld clicap for Cafh or Country Produce. Enntury, May 17, 1S02. j. 11. e:;cel. MAMHOTH FURNITUnE'WARE IIOUBE. M9 A; Ktl ClicMiint !itrcc, Il.ra. (Late LEVY A CU'S Pry ood Storo.) j:. j. iif'KmIiM, Formerly Ml Walnut Street. Fbilu.U'li'liia. Aniist V,0. M2.Hm Ai-i-aM'-t'iiiontH IkC:s. oi ?'cw VorJt IJiM'M. THE.CAMHEX AND AM HOY AND PllIT.AliEL- 1'III.V AND Tl'.LNTOX K. It. C'OS LINES. Fwni Pitilaih?ihia to ic Ytirlttitft Tl'.y 7(,r'v, Jrvtrt Wtihivl strrtt IVlmrf vud Krnsi iitrlun Drpnt, vill Irart v filliv viz : r.inn. At fl A. t.. via Ciiui.len mid Auibny. (C. nnd A. Aecnaiiiimtaiii.ii.) 2 -3 At U A. '.I., via Camden amlJiwy City, N. J ., Aci'..!nin':itiilii.n. 2 At 8 A. M.. a in Ci'.mden and Jei-iey Cily, (.Morning .Mail.) 3 CO At s A.. M. via Cinmlou and Jer.-iey oity21 t'ln- Tii-kct 2 25 At 11 A. jM. via Ecniiiili.n and Jirrty eily, Exjirerj " ' 3 I'll At li AI. via Camden and Au-.boy, C and A. (Aecoiiiuii-iliiiu'ii.) 2 23 At 2 1'. JI., via Cuuid-n Ambuv, (C. and A. Exprcft.. ' 3 00 At It P.M., via Keniiinjfton and Jersey City, Wafh. and N. V. Exiir.-sii ' '3 00 At lil V. ".I., vi.i Ktu.-iiigtoii and Jersey Citv, (Kvt'iiiug Mail.) " 3 00 At UJ 1'. .M. via Kcii.-ingti n nuil Jersey cily, t-'iiuilicrn Mail. 3 00 At 1J (iiilil) via Kensington and Jersey city SouOiern Filing 3 00 At 5 1. M.,viu l .uinKii and Aii.tmy. (Aeeoni-, Freight uud ra-iugor, l'uit CImm Tieket. 2 25 Second Cliu Ticket, 1 ill For Water (inn. Slrouiblnirg. Pcranten, Willn's bnrrc. Montiosu, lireat llen.l. ic , at U A. .M . IVom Kensinioii. via llclavraro, Laekananna aiui Wcntern For Miiui b ( bunk. Allinlown, Bctliluhcm, 1'elvi dero. l.'iilen. l.niiili.'i'l villi-, Fleiuinliiii, Ac, at 6 A. .M.. Iii. in Keii.-iiiL'Uin flq.ot, uud al 2) P. M., froiii Wi.tmil i e.-t ilinif. (1 be ii A. M. Line cnanceta with Trains leaving En-ion t'.ir Mi ni b Cliunk. al :i-2ll I. M.) ForMnunl llollv. nl tl A. M.. 2 and 4 P. M. For Freehold, ui ll A. M. nnd 2 P. M. WAV LINES. Fur Biitob Tm.ton. ic, ut 11 A. M. and 21 nnd 5 'P.M. I'nmi li'n.-iiie;ti.ii. Fur Patiiivrii, ltiviri-in, liilanio. Beverly. Ttnr linlnn. l loicuce, Borientuwu, ie., al 12, 1, 2. 41 nml o P.M. ( j For New VorV. and V:y blne K-uv i i . Ken .'m.; Iii'l'..', I. ike llii. t'lirn mi 1 . 1 1 1 sl'-u'l. Wnliiut. li.-ilf u I. our li tore trn,rliirp. Thf l':ir. run into tin. Pi ;i. iili! on the ariiiul ol'i.icli f'raiu, run IVulil llie flepnt. Fili.v l'onn In of Iin enly, allowed rneh ia.i'ii jrr. I'a.-seii:rer aru mohilKcd 1'r.mi lakinu anylliili a. biK'Unw l.ul tl.eii- Weuriin' jijijiaml. All I'nK'.'.'e over liny m uml lo l.e i. ii 1 lor rMm, l lio Coni.i v Iii:. it ilo ir r.-ip .r.-iliilii v l .r l:i iiid to One ii, .liar .r ) luul, i n I uiil imi be lial.le loruny ainount In vend $H:u. rxeij.i l,v a.".-'.il c .ntrnel. NM. 11. ti.V'IZMEll, Agent. January IT, lSfll. " n$ rt v 'v t 8nTr aMIE SFXIil I:Y A.'AI'l.M V will be opened on llio IiiaI .Moii, ;,iy if .Son a. ii, l-i.J. TLI'IION- 1'EU LAltiEU. Jul i iiile aeh-.liir, f 2 00 l.i,rlili I.i in, lua, 4 im .k. i. ue, and biUer JIuiLi ujtltJ, 6 in) Laliijua-ej., li (i() M. nimbi..-;, I'lllH il at. N,.v. 1. Ii',2 i.'::.'.jti 6ioi si:. t'i ., t'l ' 'MW l(l Tliil.l tit. ttl, II UlillsUI 1IU, splits lli'fsn, 111 e .ii.-.,u.i... of la eneideni-e 1 in I ii'-iti loetiiioii to li.i- rnfiiol. let. inud.. il a .1. 'e.ii'i si- (-J ii,.; J.I, i.e. li. 1 m.l.v lor lli.ti 1. 14 i. In.-,., . III ill.' , hi l.f llOV LIA.ti.lUl, lui Kr Olbila .- .i T ll-ii i i.i. in,; X.:kU."J, ImiJ. XurlluTii I't ntinl I! a i I w ti v ! Hivi ru 'i iui. T tm.i:. ItVil'lltAINS I A I. V lu and fnui In. Vo.iti and W ill Itisii, b .-iiui-liauiiS, L.tiiiis, sii sit ol North, riu re oi k ON ami aiur MuSlHV, S..v. n .. r ITih l-.J, llio l'aMvii), r I laii. a .f llio N.rllirm r..,ti.ii IIiIm iv hill ailliv al mi.. I , lioiu ulllUl'. IIiUOmi siii a- .,ll..., tia ; K ii I I II M 1Kb Mall Iffciu .aa .'.,iLlil) dulljf l Pil.Ual I lip M " Uat aa 11 illl.l ur.f, i yi " " aiima al lllll. uis, ly ti " !irM Traia Uav.a daily !. . I l-i.l. I. ) II tO P 11 . ak.a II. oil-l ill (v,.i4 M la, I Hit II Sliliaa al lUlllli.oia llall 1 1 iJ,.i..Uj. T an A M Mail Tlaiu . l.lilu..a J.ll a. 1 1 . 4mi Sal tl ' lfetaa llaliUllg , P ii " IIIOII l I ..II. 4 Ml t:4aa 'fiaiu .a.. li.iii.iu. ic dila a u P U Ionian l,ni,Ui( U i lal. lla4.lai.4iM aavtl4 M k4a i I is A tl I amivial fcbtif a ial fi luiit.,1 IkIhiusu a I i I a si ll.. no.., I Ik I'tetkar A KE7 AND USEFUL ARTICLE. HALE jf, MOE8B ft HOYDEN'S Patent i'ir. tel Juaiinst t'lollirn 1VrIn(yr Sitnnfu, Ecououtlcnl, Ditraldo, nnd la not Liable te pet out of Order. The P, If-Ailjii-iiiiiff Clotheii Wringer, it one of the STuMte..t iinnrovetueiit of the nineteenth century, nnd hn only to be known nnd tried, to como into general uso. The saving of eluthm, In prcming out the water between two rubber rolls, inslend of wringing or tniming, will nniount to enough in a short time, to jmy for a machine. Every one i aware, thnt the twisting or wringing of clothes, stretches nnd breaks the fibres; but this lnnehino prelaws them so evenly, that a newspnper thoroughly soaked, onn be wrung, without brenking it in the least, nnd it works so easily, that a child twelve years old cunopernto ft without trouble. Hot water does not injure llio rolls, nnd woollen goods can bo wrung out of boiling wnter to prevent fulling, which be done by hand. In tStnrching. it is invaluable, cupeclnllv on lnrgo article, such ns Endies' bkirts, Ac., as it leaves the starch in llio clothes perfectly even. It will wring llio Inrgctt bed quilt or the smallest pocket hnnd kerrhief. drier tfinn enn powibly be dono by hand, without alteration, in lens than one-eigth tho time. The machine is so simple that it is not liable to get out of repair. The great improvement In this, every every other Wringing Machine yet iuvcnli-tl, is. il Self-Adjusting nrriiugi'in.'nt. requiring no nlternlinn. to wring a handkerchief or bed quilt consequently, tho most ig norant servant enn oileratc it. The mnehine is inntlo of wood, nnd so nrrnnged, that no iron can piwibly como in contnet with the clothes, thereby avoiding nil danger of injury to tho clothes, bv iron rust. This Istlip most siieplcnnd effective Clothes Wring er yet invented. Those pureliiuiing enn uso them two weeks, nnd if they nio not perfectly satisfied, re turn tin' in. and their money will be refunded. A. litres E. fc. ."NOW. Pliilndelphn, Or II. Jl. MASTER, Agent lor Northumberland oo. July 5. In02. 1 S 2 4 J L X 8 . Y I Ti I IH K TA X V S 2 ' H . M C. GEAUIIAKT Has r.KTimitn v 1111 a Nkw Stock or 'onii--t :onai-i., t'r:;ig mill 'I'oju. IT seems as if a Jicw afje, s new life was opening utioiL ns, nuiiuating every henrt to nobler deeds and hiWT ninis! Art, Eitcrature and Seience w ill plow anew, nnd seek to dcvolopo eublimcr beauties nnd grnndur conception. The business woi Id. loo. must feel the now influence nnd every part iio quickened and strengthened bynn inerciisid viti'Hty, which ahull urge u on with elec tric speo.l to tiie coiisiiniuiiition o" greater thingsthnn w as ever dre inied ef in 11, j Pliilosopliy of the past. Aniintit'.'t by tho eiiiintsiiisin -w li i.-li pervades nil cluases. and de.-iious oi" iloin.; his slutre tovutrils '-The great events of the Age." the subscriber would re siiccttully inform llio -rood pe,. leol SI NHl'ltY and the putilic generally. Ihnl l.c bus just rclurmd from the city of Phihidi Ii liiu v. iih tl:e largest and choicest itoek of Ci'iirectiony o's. Fruit and Toys, that has ever bi-en bioultt to tlii;- seelior. of country, lie is also m.iuufiif liuii.p all himt:: of Coi-.Ti etionaries, ic., to fill up orders, wholesale or retail, at short notiec. Areong his fciook ct C O.N F E CT 1 0 N A 11 1 E S may be fouii'l : French Secrets. Eiiiued Almonds, Cream M'hiio, " Eciiiou, . " It. ISC, " Yniiilln, Cctnnion Secret.?, Eiqimricc, (Suiii Tlropf. ullkiuds scent, Eo c Iirops, Mil t f.iops. rcdasd white, Jelly l.'i, Fruit I'roi s, Htick Candies, of all scents, lioclt Candy. Aliuoud Cuiuly. iitriT. Itnnnnas, Prune, I'ntis. Figs, Cm runts, dried. lliiiscns. Nuts of all kinds. EE.MHN p-YRfP of n superior quiility. by the single or dozen. A superior qua lily ol 'iobju-.o mid .-'iKhrs. and a variety of I', i:feetioni:ries. Emit. 't oys. ie.. ull of n !:ieh is ollele l elu iii lit v hole-ale :tli'i ri t.tii. j-- Fvciiiciiitier the mime and ptiiee . J": M. C. li EA JtliAltT. Mi.rlu I street, 3 doors west of E. Y, Eiilit i 6uh's lore. P'uiibury. A rii-1 1, JSiil. y i'SSi: AT!,AT' .flO.Vrill.Y. liEOINNINU OF A NEW YOLl'ME. The number for .iMninry. l-'fi.t. begins Hie Eleventh Volume ot the Atluntiu Monthly. I IiOM the c iliiiiienif pient. in ISO", the Atluntiu ' b:is rapidly ii!ei-c:i.-.i.d iii ciiculation. and it ntnv lias the largest clu.-s of renders sineo its bcimiin, live years itio. Its prosj.eiily steadily imtrnieuts, nnd it eouiiuues, im.i l nil tin tiuctiiuti .lis and dini m incident to our nu!ioim! ei i.-is, to gain ground in the esiiiui-.tioii of '1 c pi.b'.ie. At a time so pre-'nimt witii events niii -li t,,, :e!. the fi'turt! doiinics of Amer ica in o ery it .1 j .n iiee!;ir, llie Publi.-hers and Edi tors do not ik . in it in ji .-oy to proniise that ils 1;1,.S will lievi r MV.'l on- li e honest p;itbs of biynl .: :r:o:i-M and uni er--'l t'reedoni. Its on t'.io si lo i t l'iii.,'ri -s nnd lte;!il. lie 1 tie eoe.-e it llrst ndopt. .1 in usually career, will ev - be lai.bliilly miiiiiiuinedt 'l lie St;i n nf Writers, regularly contributing lo the Atluntiu Monthly, i-ivhraccs ull tho best known au thors in Aiieric:ni literittuic. and warrunld tho Pub lishers in pi-oin'einto its readers, THE EE.-T ESSAYS. Ult'liF-ST STORIES. THE REST POEMS, Which American talent ciiu furnish. Ll.-r OK K KG It. Ml C'OXTnTBI Tol'S. In Trosc and i'octry the "Atlantic'' Stuff of Wrl te;s is iiiie.iui.!lid. The foib.wiuj authors urc still unioii. the regularconti ibutors : James Russell Eewell, Oliver W. Holmes, 1 1 .-ii'. y W. 1. nglcllow, John (I. Whitlicr, l.oui- A'..- ii. E. P. Whipple, Itutpli Wnl.lo Enier'on, liuyard T:.y!..r, Nti:liuuicl llunthoruc, CharleH E. '.Norton, C. I'. Jiuzencll, l.eor.;e S. Ililluid, T. W. Jli.-.,iiison, Henry Giles, Author -Mnrgri-t Howth," Walter Milchell. Mrs. Julia W. Iloi.e, Jlenrv T. Tuekcruinn, .Vis. A. ll T Vt hitucy, John Weiss, Mrs. Jl. U. Stowe, Jlarriet Maitinenii, I liurl.s Uendc, tic Counlry Pnisoii," Hose Terry, ll.iiriet H. l'ieimitt, l'.oberl T. Lowell, J. T. Troivbrid;'e, Edward Everett, Professor ADM hite. The fu-egoing list of Contributors includes, tv The I.ea.ling Writim of America., Trims. The Atlurtie is for sate by all Hook and Periodical Dealers. J't'e c 2.'i ccnis a number. Sub scriptions for the year. !;!. (.i, (vistage paid. Yearly sub-.-i ipiiuns r.i'tivcd. or s.nlc numbers sujiplicd by uny.ilenler. or by the pu' li-lura. Spveiiiuu tuuibera scut gruLsoiittpplicatlon lu the lu lueeiiierts for tubseribim. Eisls of preuiiuins. ic, I'lll'lihliudoii li.pll.-.i, lo the Piibli-lieis. iu'LMi;: FIELl".-. 1 '!." Wuahii ioU Sued, Eutloll, Muss. Nov. 29, l-v'.2. ."Vvii4s:i 'I'll. AtlaiiiM EipriMi Company, CI 1 VK NuTK E that they luive concluded nr Jt rim ;,iiK.,ts i h the N, ribeiu I'cnlrul Railroad Company lo ruii Iraie. trmu liubiiiioro lor York. 1 hu li.-liurff. J'.:ii;!iin. Ili.lil.ix. Treu.rton, Siiiibury. NoiiliiiiiiberlHiid. Lmvisburir. Milton. iiiney. il liallis,i t, an I ait i'lteiuie'liii.e slnliot s, eottlleet ing ut ll:irri.-bui with tin, GRF.AT M.ST1.RN i:.. PRESS tor l'iiisl.ur, Ciu, ii.ii:;ti, St. Louis uud tho We.-t. Ab'.aiih ll .H .id A (V Express nt Mi'.lon or Ibii.x ill... :!..,-I1ir. Wilki -In u e. 'iii,ti.u, Si-iau-loll, aid il.t, lu.i,, t.ii.ii en tb,. C,il,wi.., l.ilcLllU. 11,111 i l:i...,..l erg Loillelols. At Wil- I :.-vll, by lb wl A l o.'a J vpr-ss to Jersey .-liore and 1.,-ek lls.cii. A!-,i. I y 11, nai l A l',,., no t iIkh- e .i,Me, lii.i f,,r t'.ii.l 'I,,.,-, I India, R.eb,.-i,r. lof .l.., .i,,:rii, n l lo ,;: ,-,-. -il ,. I- iiilain V : in N. - ) oil. ,,. I I' i. by wl.i. li IheV lull t..vwi,,t , t, ,- ii, .di., -:,,.( , llj.i'U Nol,s, Jettelry and .!u..llu l'o k .,', ol iery ili.-.i-ip- II. l, AUi. Not, .. lii-.ff., and l.,l. f,,r t'!'.., ti, n. l' I'liei.-.d io. I ii.....,iii 1,., 1.... 1. ,u, li,e.l. Slid cuy illoit will be ii.j .. r, 1 I-r :;. ,1'ill.N 111 ii h AM. Sup. 1 li l, n,, nt I'li.n'a I di ,..,..1.. I''iis. II A I I.M ill.R Ai'eiit for .-un'.ury. Apiili. m,J IILIMSTIU'IET'S luliiillulilt. IJ.iIp lt. iriult r. ir li Mil' A DE, llul r :. ies "n hutr I , ia ,,iio . I ,..,1 r bv u ply. i:,)J il,,- e., ill. ii lul., an,l, u,, , ,i ..,, .. .,, ., 4,u J I arfii ,1 ,li.. . .til 1, .i.,ia ,1. I,,, aia 1 -ui.... I l tin, ur,-, .1. -iii.tjit t lb., t iiulny 1 and 1m amy if . la... i,i.. i,il i I ,. ll,. , , bu .Ins in.1 II, ',i,.iri,i . Iiinn,,!!. t u1,,i.i, . i.,,i ui.u r..,i..i.., bun 1,, 11. i.auual ivl. i bt an vy pri.aa, I ul fcltia lliu Lull- a 11 t I'.rtv r 11 vi iv, pn,ie.,t,s l:a v,,.. m. i, , u.a 1. liiiu T. afadl- II ir ,b,i, ui, 1 ii, , . 1 It. ait 1. ai. I 1 i, ....ui lu Ilia Ii. .l ll ,1U ( j i,.. btiua; ll.a I ,.i,,.,.,ui ii4 i i l .111. ; ak l I. 1, lualvaalng iulu,, t h4 I) U.lli 4,1 ll, ui,u aud la lioa ll u "Lily III i,..B I..1... 11a eali l .,iurrd kjr lli.ut ul ll v a.,, laJ aa-.ul, l a liill.StS, J 'l . t llvi.i, Jtl avuU U.4 il I.. I-.J l.uwtlstrl I.MWtUt'rl I'llll II' 1-11 , I aoi,ly, p, , 1.'HM- In. Iu Uu l ll.a 1. Ilia la faaataj II.. I U a axlaull. k. la .11 k.i. I t. klmal alii Jl.1. aal all ... -l I ul-.t. 1 a,.t kail.ili.i la,. Hal., a I.I k, s, wll SI li,. koial tuna U .. 1. I . ..I laMai I at Ml i lrtara ' Umu4 I , ai.ill I 4 a.i1 la n.a aiiaau. la Uaau aa 1,1 I tiu-s uiwa ai 4 l.ia.k lis S.,al.u. Jwi I at A sT.n-n-a. AaaAtmanf afl HI . Ml sSk : EVANS WATSON'S BALAMANDEn BAFEQ. GREAT FlltB AT READING, PA. February 12, 1862. (lKSTt,r.Mi It gives me mueh satisfaction to inform you thnt in the severe Are which, on the morning of the 4th Inst., entirely destroyed all my stock end material, I bad one of your Salamander Fire Proof Safes. After enduring nn intense red hent for seven hours, the Fnfo was opened, ami the llooks nnd Papers were preserved in an uiiiblcmishcd condition. 1 shall need another Pnfo ns soon nslgot u oiucr. j ..urn. niosi. respeetiullv, W. P. lICKINSON,'ltcnding, Pa. FIRE AT GREEN CASTLE. CiiAMSERSsuno, Franklin county, Ts., 1 August Hist. lSlil. j Messrs. Evas A WATsoy. Pbilndelnbln Genllo men : On the morning of the 22d of August, lHfll, our Storehouse nt Grccnenstlo was destroyed by Are. Tlie Salamnndcr Safe we purchased from you sotno few years since wns in tho nbove mentihried store house, nnd contnincd nil our books. Tiniers. pb. b.. which were preserved in a perfect condition, alter neing ejtpoeiii lo a most lntciiaf lient for several hours. Plenso inform us upon whnt terms you will sell us another larger Snlo. Yours truly. OAKS A AUSTIN. Pnlnmnndcr Safes, for Hanks. Stores, l'rivnto Families. Ac, Ac. Alo, Evans A Watson's Patent Alphabetical Hank Locks nnd Hank Yeult Doors, equal to any made in the oounrrv, nnd sold on ns good terms. E & W. would respectfully refer to th.i following Ranks and other pint ics, Inning their Safes and Locks now in use, to their entire satisfac tion, nnd mnny others given nt their Store. I'nitkd Status Mimt, Rranch Hunk, Shelbyville Philadelphia. Tennessee. E.MTKii iStatlh AnsKN'AL.Cily .Hank of Philadelphia, California. Consolidation U'k of l'hila, Pottstown Ibink, Pn. . Coin'th Hunk of I'bibi. Coatesville Hnnk. Pa. ( bnlnnH,gn Hunk, Tenn. Stroudsbnrg Jiaiik. Pa. l're'm Loan As'on. -11 li st. Jersey Shoro Hank, l'a. Hunk of Norlhtiiiibeilaud. Lock Jlnvcn Hank, J'n. Hank of North'u Liberties. I nion Rank. Hull Philadelphia. Southwestern Hank of Ya. Paul and Sw ift, Ranker-, Fulton Hank. Atlanta, Ua. Alabama. Newark llnnk, Del W. H. Stcrlinpr.AVilkesb'e. Hnnk otN. C, Raleigh, Ecwisburg Hank. Pa. Other references given upon onlling at our Store, No. 1(1 S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. March 20, 18(12. ly Sl AKl KV NTS:.:1 11.4)1 -Kl.di 71 1 I.I,. rPIIE subscribers having taken possession of Ibis 1 lirst class IJ.UI. H I.U jiriJnrc prepared to receive grain of all kinds, mid lo do custom work at tho shortest notice. Customers witl have Ibcir prists ground immediately upon llicir being left ut the Mill. As it is tliu intention ef tho lirm to sioek the Mill, n large supply of grain will bo constnully kept on bnnd. and llour by the quantity enn always be obtained. The greatest care will be taken to turn out n superior quality of llour, for which llie mill is inlmiriibly adapted. Strict nllcntion will be paid to the wants of customers. ni:d tho putrnnngo of the public generally is re-pcetfutlv requested. Siiiibury, Jiuiu 2d, lsiill. " 310RGAX A CO. GU0VER & First Pmui'im SEWING MACHINES FfHt FAMILY USR AND 5niii:(';i.( it:Ii::;- S'lii-oscs. XN'illi tlcuinit-is, Fellers, 'i'uekcrs, Corilt-ra, lbntli-rs, Ac rmcEs rnou cio upv:akds SEY1N(j MACHINE COMPANY, MiiKfl the Lock or Shuttle Stiieli Miifhiucs of tlie :iin pnll..ri,s.iiuil ill tin" Si, ui,- priei-siis llicir celebrated DOt - ui.i'. lockstitch .miiiim:s. 'Tliia istlieouly Connvniy Ji:it m-ils ts th kirils. Ilicre. fore tlie only one that ciiu aitppt) u i Hie wai. t of llie piil lic. tV P-irebnssrs can tnkp llicir cbt ire of either Stitc Willi the privllrtre of rxcliutisiiiir for llie oilier. A new ilyleol Stiulile Mm-lniie rims fast ami quiet, fot Vest Makeis Tailoia, Shoe Uunlcis, ice. At .'..' I.nir l',;,-r !-10. IXT HI Y Till'. Itl'ST r - CRovi'.it ,v iiMu.ics.s m r... T.ill l li..hltiul t-:i, el, Tli 1 h!, !m!o:i. 13 II. R. M.i.'..i:il; Su..biiry, Ph., Aent lor the M ir,!iir... De.-..,!,i-r-JI, lie:.:!::'?. ,...V7V..y, f I Til K innnngeinent of lb! nel!-boov.-i Hotel bnv- 1 ini; been resumed bv j;,..-,rs. ( HVI 1' . JIEltH, liie present preprii.te-.-s. ber leuve f.. il I'm tn the public Ilia! llie hoi:-e i now beiltir llio;ou-lilv renovated, rcliltcd. and impiovi ,1. i, ill, u view t.. the proper and comfortable aeooitiiuodiition of those wl.o limy f.ivor the estiiblidimeid with their custoin. Oites'.s will receive due attention and courtesy, and no expeuse will be spared that may conduce to uiutuiniu e hotel in a first -elu.-s style. F'amilies and others desiring to scjouni in Harris burg .In i in; tlie siinitnrr months, will find pleasant boiinlliig and large and well-veiitib.tcd rooms nt our establishment, in on moderate tern:-. (JO ITT OiYT.E. Mnr. h 2-.1. 1Ki!2. .1. lill.REKT HERTl. sV!iil' .'vv Viul Ty' S'ihitkJ ry . srr.xrAr. TkTE have llie fullest assortment of ,he nn -1 ui ful kinds ol PI. iii, i . i.i I fii-iiiiiiieutiil T 1 1", niMiiii fiiL'turcl flout llie most durable uuti.l-. lii.i-bed wifh tho greatest care aud accuracy, securing pel i'ect ji;.-li-licaiioii. SjK-ciiiien R.aiks nnd estiz.ititcs furi,i&hed ujhiu ep plicaiiou, 111;, I. PRINTINii PRESSES, Willi their appurtenance of all the api rovi-l makers- W U O JJ T V P E . of nil the latest styles, of u!l siies. Metal Furniture Lalsir-Saving Rules, c'a.-es. Cubineis, Fiirnititio. I'riu:ing Ii.k. and c t ry the Printer rcjuirc. Tcniu liberal, l'lompl intention. FAIIMI.II. LITTLE I CO.. f," and Cj Reckuiuii meet, New York. May 3. W,2 liuilorit EiaiKK'liiii it.i'Av. rpilIS ininle from tho best Jua 1 I'otTe... i- r," . ion end. , bv ' dei ,tis us a supe rior M TJ',1'1 lui S l:i;Vl:i!Ai;i: 'for l,en.-ri,l ity. Jiy.-p.l,i, and all I'.illiou- lii-ordeis. 'J wl o 1..1VP bi". ll eelepi-lled to ''lilldou the li-e of collie, will u-e li,, a wiihoiil ii.j ii 1, 0, i '.eels, t'ne enn ooiilaius the strength of Iwo Hiuutii u( udiuaiy tuit'eo. Price 'Si cents, KiiI.l.OCK rf LEVA IN. Tlie purest nnd be.t ISAKINli I'liH liRR known, f.r leaking light, attccl uud iiuiriiioua LicaU and Cukes l'ricu I j ceuta. VAN! FAI'Tl 11KU HV M. 11. KuLl.liCK, Chemist, Corner of liroud uud Cheanut Suctts, lint. A in: i.i 11 1 v. And sold by nil Iiruggi.-ia aud li rovers. March I, l.NiJ. J A M E S 11 A U P. E Jl s V. H01.V:s! K AND KKrilt, CLOCK i:S TA U L IS 11 ME XT, S. 11. Curntr Siconil ami Chestnut its , l'lillitUl.ila. AOtATV f. n,r I'ATKN r 0l'AI.I'l(iTIIIHTV IJAY I l.ll.-KSl. a irf dranali!. aiiiela ,,i Cl.ui.U' ca, II , in.. i ,ka, 1 unt i l II ...... I' , i'.. i Aa. !,, l .iiii-. iuier , l a' K l.Ol.ll I'F.Na. 1 l.s-l.k rai,,iirO Mii.l wairaiili .1. I'l-s-a lull. II, leg, ,,l ,vriy ,Upciipl..u. I',,lr..hiu, Jaooury 111, l-T .-.I, II. II. Tl 11 It. Vllurnry nl Ijmi, SI Mil HY, VS t oll.eli,.!,. ailtujid lu iu Iba is.ulillia. of or ibulnbill.ii.d, I I lull, Mitder, MuliloW, ColuiublS ai d l.iioiniug n i rnr, i.a II. mi John M ltm.1, Philadelphia. A li ll.iiull lla, . IP. ll t lu A l.n, r, Mlt.. li M. All. b i, , 1. Wei. bam a I ii , 'J I', ail Klr.rt, N'aa ,lk J .1,11 . Ad, mud 4 ll.mii-J al l.aa, MallLaaa A t i t, Aiiuiu. a al l.aa, " hui.buiy, Mai. Ir ,M auj i i i:iavr ciiiiiN m: :. M'Vi 11 'lilt Hlt Hi l ILL nl ll Al.lll AfM IN annarqui-tiye ,4 ilia aear.'lltr of .-banda will mII B tr al......l H-NuljU il ll I Ahl'fc Jit WMU . UUlU Alll. raltlrrw lur Oat lrnr, Kul iy luall 'uslaaa all lii.aacaila at a l.H, I kklaia pwui avol lUay NaUa.a all lLa pniwlal liiu,i,i, 4 U. Ai. Vi.aajaui. ( aliu.1 . Ai. a.-.. ila ( iiltaaaai.l,aa4 Jfcl aal !'. I liMl.liill I'alaauuaa miI aa S b.atl. aaa,.la v4a4 aa4 vu la.i4 ut tea Cil.1 Jnltli lV ft aWwa,w at , bil.4l: bis .pUMa,U t al HI Mk . I'w aik,t. 1 li-.J e4 U-ls.dMa, SKaiia a. a. fc aaa. asaaaSaMaa). as M ls lis lA.e a Iks 1'wada.i; ' "THEY GO EIGHT TO THE SPOT." INSTANT RELIEF! STOP Y01U COVon ! PIRIFY loin BREATH ! STRENGTHEN YOUR, VOICE I SPA LM N G'S uiuo.t'r fo,ri:c"iio." AltE good foh c r.i;r.GYMEr, GOOD FOK LECTUI1EH3, GOOD FOH PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINOLT.3, GOOD FOK CONSUMPTIVES Gentlemen Carry Kpiilillnj-t'is, Tliront 4oiir'itioii. Ladles nre delighted with (Upaltlins'i Tliront 4'oulW'liou. Children Cry for rSnlt1Inp;i Tliront 1'oniiTllonai. They relieve a Cough instnntly. They clear theThront. They give strength end volume to the voice. They iuipnrt a delicious nroliia to the breath. They nre delightful to the taste. They nre mndc of simple herbs nnd cannot harm any ono I sdvise every ono who hns n Couch or a Husky Voice or u End Rrcnth. or nny difficulty of tho Thront to get a pneknge of my 1 liront Confection! ; they will relievo you instantly, nnd you will ngree with me tint "tiny gorl-hl lo the spot." You w ill find them very useful nnd pleasant while traveling or attending public meetings ihr stilling your Cough or allaying your thirst. If you try ono package I nm snl'e iu saying that you will ever afterwards consider them indispensihlo. You will find them at the Pruggists nnd Dealers in Medicines. Price 25 Cents. My signature Uon each pacakugc. All others nre counterfeit. A Package will bo sent by mail, prepaid, on reccip1 of Thirty Cents. Address. HENRY C. SPAI.DINO, No. 48 Cedar street, New Y'oik. For sale at R. A. Fisher's Drug Plorc, Sunbury, Pn, 0 6y CURE Headache cure Ry the use ef these Pills the periodic aft neksof Xer ousorSick lleadaebe may be prevented; nnd if taken nt the common enieni of no attack immediate relief from pain and sicknesses will be ol.iained. 'I!ry seldom fail in removing tiio Nausea, nnd lleiiiiache to which females nre so subject. The.v nut geutly upon the Ixiwei.i. removing Cos-tiM-nesa. For Liternry men. Students, li. lieate Females, nnd nil persons ol sedentary babiis. they are valuable as a l.nxa'ivc. in i.riK inir the appettie. giving tone inul vigor to tin; diu-esMie or-iiiis. ,in, resiorimr the nutu nit eliisiieity uiiil stretvth ol llie whole svsteiu. The I LPIIALIC PILLS are the r. Mill ..f long in. ve.-.;i:-i:ii..n mid earefiilly coiidiiet 'd experiuieiits. Imi ii.K Invn in use ninny ye.irs. iliiriuit whi.-b time lliey iui e ir,. n nte.1 and r.-lieved a vast am, unit of ) .lie in 1 m, tiering froiii ilea, la, die, whether ork'inut nitt ill llie ti'imiii sysiuu or fiiai a rieraiigcd state ot i Lo siouuich. 'I l, ui i.i entirely veielnble in their omiiposi lore and iiniv be teketi nt all times wiili pert',.,-! s ifet-. v iilii.itt makire; any eluiipre of diet, and llio abse,-'-e nl any i!iiigreenlile luate rei.iier.- it ta. v to adiuiids tcr thcia lo children. EE WARE OF COUXTERFEMS ! Tbo genuine have five sigiuilures of Il-nry C. Spaldii',; on ciodi Ro.x. Sold I y iiruggi.-ls uud nil other Jicalcrs in Medi- ele,. A Rex will he cent by mail prepuicd oa receipt of i the Price 25 Cents. Alt orders should be iiddi c.,. d t.i IIEISTIi-ST C. GPVT.EDITJG-, 4S Cedlir Slleet, New York. For sale ut FISilEE'S I'm-Si,,:c. Siiubu.-y, Pa -From the Examine.-. Norfolk. Vu. Cephnlie Pit!.- secompiMi the ol j. ot f. r which thi v were made, it; Cuic licudiu-he iii ull i.t. l -i u.s. From the llcinnonit, St Cloud. Minn. If you are. or Iibm. been tr.ul b 1 with the hend nebe. send r,,,- . ,x ,'1'ei l,.,li Pi!i.- .., ii.,,i ...... ....... j have thein iu case ot an aitayk. I From tl.e St. I.oui ' T.k immense diu.nnd for Cepbuiic fills is rai.idlv I illClcltaing. From the tineite. iiuvcnport, Iowa. Mr. Spalding would not cotnieet his mitue with nn iirti -lc be did not kiiow to is.Sf.esa real uu-rit. From the Aduriis. r. Providence, R. I. T!;e t.-titi...ny in their favor is strong, from the most I-. .-pcctubK- quarter-. From the Daily News, Ncwrrt, R. I. Ci pl.alic Pi!!.- arc t:.!.ii i,e piace oi ai: kinds. From the Kam,ha S:,ir, Ya. Wo nre sure that persona mfVcriiig with the head ache, wholly thcni, will aliek to 111, in. F'roiu the A.lverliM-r. Prmi, I! I. The IY balic Pills arc mid I., le a r. i kiibly lllective rel icily liir Hie be biehe. and one of tl.e n-i-y l ivt . r that ver) fiequent coui,luinl l.u Cl er been ili'ulered. A SlNiiLE IJUTTLE t'F iJ-ii'-aLij. CO Save the Fiices ! Nullinu lrfiir-tl! autlailuu'a lr pin l (.In.-1 irisltllliM'a 11 l lltr l (alu NMI.I. h.VYK TKN TIMES ITS (' i.'-T ANMAI.I.V, A- a.'.'i l. nlf aill happen, ru t in a. II r.k.ille. lion ill. . 11 u ery tliiald, i K ,la, .,,4 cut .-1.1. 111 ay brnpaiiii ,. 1 utpuui. , 1 ik-t-iy, o. ' M'All.lMisi I'ltrPAlil lUiLlE Mavis all auvb u..iiavira, aed nu lioua. h.J.I ran all. id Ui aiiln.ui 11 i u al.,i , , I; ai. I lip lo the all. kii, H,io '1'ini.h . lit v ii'H ui: A (Iruili ase..ii, aii,l.a Dulila. l'i:i CiitliVh Allies IIINUVC M'ALMNil, it lYIai atravl, S j tu.Ml.MU A I I ."II III lu SUra ft l, a ailua,ialt.l n uul l' I' A I'TlllX' Si a.ilala bali.. t.1.4 I !. ... aia all. 11111.4 u, 1..11.. S w. ik. uk u i ., i...4 ikti lav n... ia , 1 a, J I.i. I' tbl Ii uU . 1 . ,.fc, M . k. I aa vl.,., ,4 IU, (m,i k.. (f Al I'l Nu A I l,'4lit ll I.I I . u.a,ll.s u.4a aia, . , sl ,a.s a l.-lli. a wkan au las; I las) . RHEUMATICS! DH. LELAND S ANTM1IIE UMATIO BAND PERMANENTLY CURES R ZZ 23 17 la A?ISU2! IN ALL ITS VARJOUa FORMS. Acute or InUnuiuiutory ; Chronic, Lumbago, Seiutien, Plcutodyiie, do. , Rtithiess of 1,0 Joi,,i, B,,d Clumps Gou's. Neural- ' gill and ll Nervous AtV, cii,.i,.,-Eiyfipel.,s, Malt JUicum and Bcrolulmis Eruplions of the hodv fteatmlises the Impurities (If the l.lood and I Iii ids ol the whole syl..ui, nnd effectually counteracting Alcrcuriul aud other poisonous, iiiilueuccs. PI It is a com-eai-nt nrranee UI'.I.T, eomnnilne a L Meillcute.l Coui,oui,il, lo he w,iin in,, in.,! tl(. i,:,.. fK nlsilit the wiiist Kllt'AI.I.Y l:l-'-;ifij ai I r L fAI(T!, n-hcievef llie iliseosi may l,e. It ca,i ! p-l y. woriiwriihoul lujoiy to the mom dt-li. ate nren CI 'locliaiie in lh.i proper Iral.its ,.f hems is rc T A qimed lleiillrely removes the I'lEeaie fr ou tlie H V( syaiem, wilii the fidhirioos nsr in such e-.-er ol ! j ay. powerful iiitetnnl nieilu i,,, s, .;,., w, nl,. n iu,il H hi ,-,, of me e MUHioii uml rue In rurv I I ttef ,ilv kw ,.ir... i... . '. lief only by stii,ifyiiur the sysi.-ui, ,e , ',, ,.:.. H in vitnlily. il)- tiiieiientmrnt, the iiiili, i ,,r. y n,iB,....i.,. i,i ,!: jiii,i,i , I 'CI 1 1 U l.t ii aromatic anil vol.ititr iintiue ai-,1 f i. le-hly M ie of he,,..,. il( rrauny mis'iiini, iiiroiata in ; Jl. -s n M ciiine lino uircei eo.nnei vllii l,.i. a. . rat ereulnlloll. Without ftral hr,vl 1 IViii tl neil c ':i... YA - , rai c-iruH .i,., irr, nrivi! fl lo pupa tlm.u .li aji me stom-icli from their c h. wiueh wonlil ..I iit ;.. ,,, it, in,. r .irnlive powers, l,t to luemr the . l-l ' leniHi oiiiiishii oenoii:- nn- u -'tiiiiu i-.'i.,i I ims LJ ) nv. -litiug the liijllll'.li efreet.. so ol 1 !'ie remit f C H iiiieranl rem.-die. saint . Ifeeioiir u il.ti-i , m,. t- W I pin if y n, it iiii'l e j-iatlzuie the eireulatl. aet Ij.e vi.-il t yj ftiiuls nnd istnrliiir tlie paits nlbs-tcil to a lienlthy eoiulitioii This lliiud is n ' i n most powerful "1 Ql "ANTI-.MKItl'IIIIAI. ,1;-;T." Oil. .reel i-.2-J inn the ,riiiiiny enue of a ii.'jie v,rl of the n.rf iTt liesa. Nvuriilne ,, tl.iiiuliea, s.) pri v.l. H. i lent and w ill eiitirtly re'iive the Sjstcm florn ttr f o pcruieioUB ifTecia. V.- , M dera'e cases nre cured in n fe.v d:ivs and we r-f Hare onstantly rn-eiviim uml. I, stun in-,!. L'J to whieh we Invite iospecilon nt our ,,ffiiri,( L L then titkiicy in Btgrjvalal caicsof long stuiuling LP J PRICE TWO DAt.l.ARS. May he hndof Drue- M O 8"IS. or Will he sent by mini up Ml receipt of tol or td . hy rxprersaeverywlii'le, with nil ticccuui y msli'ue- l-l 5; Huns from the pi incipai oiliee of fj G SMTTHI& C0-. Sole Froprietors.' 401 Rno.inwAv, neur Rroom slreet, Nkw Yuiik. , I 'sT Treatise, with Certified Testimonials, sent free. ARAriED TO KILMERS. Ackxis Sunbary. Filling A lirnnt, " " Ceore llri d.t, " Norlhunib, rland, R. "ti. JfeCr. March . IMC ly M.lTTS3i:V M . OS, A llnra',VM l.nv l0 Cr. Fut'on il ear. fn auenii to i ol lections iin to their care ill oilier uiii;t,is it.tru-tcil May 11, IsiiS. -s:.tbi.e. i'.wn:z.. Snnlturj', Mori li:inr.inv v.. rpiflS l.irire end li.n.s ... 1. to.-,- i .. , J by JA.MTS VAMiYhE. is at f- - i - road Jiep,,t, North bn-t cn-.i-r of Murk.-! S, u-u-. Siiiibury, I'ii.. i,n 1 the ln i.iii.u. ,.f t,.. .-...,,1. .. .-' Eric and Northern Coiiind Kadr-ud.-. i'i.,1 ;,....,',. r llie uccomii.odiili'.n t.f Truv eleu and Uie pioic i-, general. 'Jhe proprietor will give hi. ex, !i.-ivc ell. -:iti,.n ., the comfort and eor.i enb-n I' li:- p-ie-s. an I . deli rniiiied to make this c, l:il,li.-liii.-:ii rank i.i. the Aral in the -'t:i:i., " His table will be Minpiied with thebe I tlir. tnailtit enn produce, having ll,.- ad-. anlM.'e of daily ( ,,u t. ideation by c.-us dire.-l fioiu l!.d:ii,..,rc . nnd' also (' these bringing t r.i.lueu fu.ui the HiuruutiJiPj country. His bar will be supplied wi,h the pure.-l Ii luors tho market can product'. Careful and oMigingstrvar.'s always in niton lance. New nnd commodious stabling l.-is ju-t been added to the premises. A share of the local and traveling community is most re-pi ct fully soliciti d. Sunbury. .limitary 12. l lll. Fi-.'.'i-riasi.;ii:il B!r,i . Cil i:ll.! .'.'7 lirtlroir'n. (Y.iiy ',.,.' ,1.1. .-,, r, Nl.W Yl'h'K. rpilIS fir-l class limisr tbciiii'd'. benirDV,, I I and picaMint Hotel il, the eii;' ..lieis niii..,; iu'iueeiiii-iils to ll..-e i r .,n. V. l, t, r be,-!,,., s or ploa.-ui, . ll is e, lilr.d .i. ii I 1- o. eel kept on ; ihe 1m liiil-i:iN t'l. IV. in nn,. e.i .11 -.i;;',i l'vi.ei:'s .- ll.ooN. w hei e n fi ivi no can be bad i t i ll hours, 1 or served iii their o'i u ro..:r..i. 'i'lie .-'.r i.-s are iia. 1 delate, the ro,.:, -ui.,1 u,iei.-i; oi' ilu- l-i-: , iniii,-, 'ind ail i!.,- ui.idtm i'i.i.uii! ; .-, :. l:-d I .l.t.-. li iy. I-.-.2. Jl'.-'T r, ceived from Ne.v V. 1 1; u 1 i o n---.,rliii, i t i.f WALL PAPER, oi' ( -.: lit mii i ami ? J'tni.nivr Simi:i. ami p,,. 'I ,'is, ar. in in price li..m r, e. i. - , jo-, ai , f v.liih will be .-old at the loivet obpr. , at li.o cln ai, -tore of J. JL J.XUEL. Minbiirv. Mar.-li .2, lf(i2. ITril.El .- f,H'..' GEWINQ TVtA-OTrXlMi:: CO- . 1 ItOAliWAY. Nl.W V'li.K. lrrrij'i , ( 'ira! ,,-v, vhh v; .'. r of Il'i.ri T'v7 l.r s. if .''Litl Vnc. I UIt -FAMiLV SLWIMi MAl'I! INF," nAVIXli ntiaiiud.i 1. -Me- -.'.li ii .',.-,1 C : 1 1 . r : ,11. 11.- 1 , !i . 1 1' i ll 1 .- '.'.... , r i,.:. "! j .li.-.'cl. liieolif be-t .1.1 uj.V.I t,, i::-, . I-'..,,,. y I Skwino. nnd hrvip.; metwi'li a :., - in i's .- 'o S iH-yoiitl uurgi-eatia: oinieip:iti..:i i mu, ti . ,. i!..,. ; r j three moi.ihs our nr leu- b.i-.c be-11 i.h,.. 1 1 ,.lir j c -lpacify to mi pi ,-. w e w-.iJ.i 1 am...;:: o, . 1 ,. incieiisi I ,.r inni:u.'.-ti-!::-g 1... i:::i... ... .; I lioiu tlii tin.e I. .r:t.. w.. ..1 11 I I. ...1. ordel-S 1,11 di 1,1.111. 1. ' ' ' lu the ehiingiv broie.-bl alu-u' by t' , r.o oru ibing has plund u 1. -,. i,;,j ,.'.,, ,t ,, , , (. i"i:l'.ii JIu liivi: " .. ii tl.-...-.- '. , nor i..l licr would to , lav I ,. , p. 1 in .,. 1 , t -.Miliiiiry ('.a ." M ,.t.r i'.- ! i 1 aia-,: - tiling has b. iii li e w.ik rciprr -I ..! ,.i ,- ...'::..,. Bollicll, and li..l,t .-In v 1 1. -, l I n.i 1. i. ,.t. to niul.e only -., ic ,. y .. ,: ', , ,, .' ,;. ..:, ,. 1 ,,' llcci.l,,lt. Jl. ti,. y t I . I 1- .., .., ', - ,i, ,.),, ' tr tin ir id. 'ii:', i.v it .-,v,. ,.rt ,"l s 'I, ,. Cats. P.l,:.. ! w. ,i . , ; I Oe ... :,, lb, ll - t i s. b'lioi. ;i. . ; ,.; . , ., L- I t . j colli ilille, (iiaiiy ll.iiu-iinul. I ill r..l-t wilt -.Were I .uict'il lo iilivl the iii... :. in,. ,,f i il.,.. di,;. ;, wool I do t!,i b, .ivy ariu.v woili. and when d.vo ni'li I Unit, then to be ii. d us their L' v : 1 1. 1 Mi in :. t:. m. 1 iu aeb-etitii on. ,,f the llvaiKi l.vox Skuimi MiiIk Comi-im's j 1'avii.v M let, in i ' j with whieh yell nuiv s, w IV. in il.,. f,. ,.,( vn,,;i , , I lie l.e.nie-l eb-i. witlit! el...u,-i ol Ic. d. luciie, ol teP-ioll they b.n e l: ." I., , n 1. I 'J 'i n.i Imvlii - dev. :.,p -d tli,- i .. 1 . ; ; ; v ,.f en lllllthil.e for all kit i-.d ,lk. we bat, nn Icul.olli, r I ''T "d. I ll' e, I ., J I... ..cieial ini-.'liilil d,i,l.g, . i.i ' "Ni.. .1 Mi nit ii M i liisi s, lu,,,. p;. 1 a I "T 1 1 ion I vn M i, ii i m . v bi b we m:Iv flaiui I to the "IIK.-1 'I A I l.r III 1 Mi Mil ItlNL'' y,t i litre luet-.I. act, ill - ,1 , I . , u , . I.' ... Inu.-li rate- as llie e, ,1111111 11 i.i;l.., and !.. 11 i, .,iiu d may be um I.i do tin ,iy lit,, el,,l., 1 Hcl a. t . ', .,iir L'oii citou iin,.. i',.ii,i,;i in- j,, ,. form, every i.unliiv 1 cm ir. d in . i b.-r a I t.tlil.i I'ii M l I'll Id I! I ii .M MiliM! U e bale In: I t...r Jl .ib.ta !.. ! , lb 1 ill he I l eiioii.h 1,1 ,-tb!, li ,u. ! l.iil... a ,..i.. ,1 ..'liels who atait. d w : I, lit il ; . ..,.. . t .l'., i, I , the HMV.I.Ia; ' ill 1 ''".M.ii ll,.. p, ,c, . ,.., I 1 ,i, w ill Lu.. I'.tni no n., rc, ' .-1, l v ,., (, , .,, 1 ""i t i.i,. .,,i i,ii: j,, j,i., !., buor ; it. sue.-. .. j. :t ', '., I .! 1 , , , ,,. ,. ami , ball t,r. a. 11 b in i i j ,, 1 l t , . ,; , impfaits. . ii. 1 at 1 I,...,. ,., , ,:r . ,-lnl.,.. i d.., I i.t aa I 1, d .t... i .ui a i,L.., i.u b-l I'or lui il.. r . 1,1,11. ,,.11, . .. 1 INhl.l. i l.t ON l 1 t, M u 1!!M' 1 1 . V I 1 ... 1 .. m . . , ... l II ll M 11,1 11, A... l, r-....t...'i , 1 u M .l.'b I ' 11.11 .1U t , ..III Lil.t I y , .,.4 l.iiui... 'k'tltil., aV.', HI M.1 till. lil UT, A. I.i fi .,. c , ., , l u , , ,, tin. i.isui ci. r i , hl.ALI It ill all k ... t ,. 1 !,,. .,. I M.,,.1,1 , lul.i. I...ue I.-u .. ,, I oil I i.all, .,.. I'ull. a 11. L.. liaail-li ,lli. l.,i M u 111 s t , 1 I :, , It I 1.1 lieatil.4 I'll. al... lit. ,i,l lttiit , . . ' y 1 I il... I n,. 11 .1: . a, , . ...,, ... , u.u It ,.iti, .' 'Int. I ratting M. HI - I' hailt, M 1 .'i l.t U ti uiai.i. ',,.. 1 a lii: I'laliti. tki .h a il II. 1.1 lil ,a l,Ul'.,l,. I Ac t I. n.i L In 1 j .1 I. ,1 1 . 1 .1. 1 1 .ail,, r H.i.,i , vU t.- 1 I II.4H. s Ills I'u.d al.a I'Ulforui Ssalia I ... I'L.t. Ic Ll -k , a..l ,.,, I 1, L 1 1'al.i..ia anl lu.4 U u. U..U u.1,1.,1 k. ..t kiatall U.' i.u$i l u.u Ti l I ltMlia Imi a. I lutai' S Mi'i'. COWUKN & Ml.CU.X, l AUttllltlVlltli, .'.A. IMiU I, n S,., b. , .. , , :, aal. I . 1. 11 ' I it t.,11.1 la ak ava I. ia it, . ,, it,,,,, I .. 1 1 I a.t.. 1. w ,.- .. , 1.. a u a 1 . I . I If.. ,!,, V,.,, I I , ,