CICULTURAL . I'nrm lVorU nr Tliircli. OATS. -Ml tilings crumulcicd, lite rnrlirr tlie prpil run Lo gotten into tlie prounil nt'tor tlie frost h.iH k'l it tlio Inra-rr will lie the yield. Tlie soil must be in ifooil order mnl must enn tiiin those ory-nnio mul iiioiKHiiio ruilistnnccs VvliicU ronstituli; tlip npH'iiiriiito food of llii pnrtiriilar p-lniil. , The prim ii il ruii-d it units of outs nrc pol l"ih. sinlu mid linn- : mul vtlieri' these nre. "lefifieiit it is uks'ilutcly lieccrssnry Hint they sliotihl lir-suiDjiiit'il. 'file mentlsi of (luiiifj so in;: fiirtiiniituly Very simple nnd ensy iittii'n id'l". It is only ncccsinry to ndd to the Viiirnynrd tiiiiimrc orcompo--t liinp.Uii bitii- ls of wood nslWy f Wu ritislicls of I. nut', two tiKxTidx of Miltluul one Ini-lii'l of plnstrr jwr ii ere. All ot which mny ctthtr he plmvi'd lightly in together of the iii.tmirc iiiny he jitowed under n:id the iiiUlilimml stilishi'iurM , ft'cnimuemled tihovc hr brnit'lonsl' d snhsp BPiith' and hairowed in. YVr- prefer, how ever, Unit these should he composited for a couple of weeks hefoie niiu' nnd jm'iu I on the Held nnd plowed undei hut not to too Urunt a depth, as the sprinj; rains will speed ily supply the lower roots of the plant tvkli poluhlu mutter contained in the fertilizers so distributed. Another formula tuny, how ever, be adopted w ith equal and perhaps superior advantage. It is this : Two hundred pounds manipulated guano, ten bushels wooil ashes, one bushel salt, one 1'Urthel plaster mixed together and plowed lightly under. For several other formulas see the Kim' Hegisler of lust month. l'UKVAn.mos or Tin: Puir,. The grcinnii should ho plowed n somi a-, it is in proper condition to the dcplh of chht inches, the furrows carefully tinned and the entire surface harrowed and cius.s harrowed until a line lilili is obtained. QrANnrr uv skkd to tuk Ariiic. "Not less than two bushels of oats should bo seeded to the acre, and on good soils two bushels and a half may be sown to ad vantage. 9Ki:mo now:; to rr.nvnu .vxn (iii.tss. Sow the clover seed lengthwise of the fur rows at the rate of n peck to the acre. Now follow with the orchard grass cross-wise of the furrows at the rate of one bushel to the acre a less quantity would suffice but in this caso the orchard gras h; apt to grow coarse and bunchy, and the object to be gained is a close, compact sward." j'3ush or lightly harrow all in and then follow with tlie roller. ,. MEADOWS". If thcr? are meadows that are running out and require to be renovated, this may be successfully accomplished by thoroughly harrowing them as soon ns the frost is out . of the ground and spreading over the field ten bushels of Wood ashes, one bushel of lime and two bushels of bone dust to the ncre. Broadcast also to each acre one gallon of timothy seed and roll all together. "A similar top dressing will be of equal benefit to the herbage of old fields. EAIll.T VOTATOKS. Those "who desire to have early potatoes must plant early. Indeed, with" adequate protection in a large portion of the middle btatcs, potatoes might be planted in the fall and would thus bo ready to start their growth as soon ns the frost was out of the ground. Hut fall planting, owing to our uncertain winters, is not siiih'ciently suro to render it generally commendable. ISut ns soon as the ground can be put into first rate order, nnd tlio deeper it can be plowed, the less the potatoes w ill sulM from draught, uu.l the cooler the soil will be be which is a great desideratum w ith the potato. As suming then the laud to be deeply plowed nnd hairowed, and cro-.s-hurrr.wtd until the requisite lightness and comminution of the soil has been obtained, the next thing to be done is to run the furrows six inches deep, strew along them four inches of manure ; plant the potatoes ten inches apart nnd dust th. an with a mixture composed of four parts slacked' ashes, one part lime also slacked, and one part refuse salt. Throw the furrows together with two bouts of the plow so as to cover the sets well to guard against the iii'Juenee of lute frosts. oiicii w:i5. If these were not trimmed during the pre vious month let the work be proceeded with lit once. All the dead limbs and water shoots should be carefully sawed oil or cut back close to the limb or branch. In freer wound, the part so cut should bo dressed with n mi.tuio composed of equal parts of the best cow manure and lime; or of two parts day and one of lime tempered to a paste. Dig around the trees and mulch them as advUod last month. I'l.A.SllNO OUT YOVNO OUC HAnDS, OHXASIEST AI. TURKS AX!) Sl!!flll;iiltl KK. This worlv should be performed as soon ns the frost is out of the ground. If, however, evergreens are to be planted, the operation had better be deferred until the cusuim mouth. How to Make Mupla Sugar. The following timely article is from the pen of one who manufactures mnole sit ur largely in New Hampshire, nnd is addressed 10 mo journal ot Agriculture in that St We have been in the practice of ma! '.112- annually, in our sugar establishment, 2. .100 to .."jOO i)ound3 of ln:ilile sHM'nr from and when we could obtain from two to i'our cents per pound moro than the cost of the b. -t loaf and granulated sugars, we have some times sold, ourselves so "bhort as to bin for homo uso a barrel or two of the best granu lated sugar. .Much depends, however, upon the manner in which maple sugar i made. We make our sugar in this way. Out buckets and holder:, are all y hcuuioi ami rinsed previous to nut in t ..... ;.. ... vui vi opinum;; pans, oi w n leu we use el lit, nre scriilit'd. washed, and mailo ni if.Titv tlean before us... We then endeavor i, gather uud evaporate the Mip as peedilv as poshible after it has Mi the trees, to a insisteney a little thiiuur than mola.-es. It is then strained ami set niide until we nru runny to sugar it oil. lien we com IIICUUU UUS process, I., Ml l-ll J, ,oivJ III 1. 1 , U forty pound of miliar ii a.ld om pii.t of milk ami one or two egg, mil k..i n ami mixed together, line the -imp mi r the firo. uud when the scum rise, sk'm !i ,.! ; ,,,, Yi'Mellor luithtr uw. Aftfrtl.e-Uiuiiii'Mi IS through ri iiiiivu liniil.nn iVi.m i',i. l! iv and strain it througU fl.innel to n nu. e !l , 111:1111, "I!, by r bun! pill, I llsk to id d or In oil., r little fiird,; u-hiifi, if r. , ., , wuuhl liotunlv injure the i.ieilitv, I nettling to the iiuitom, n.l.u'iu, ing. .Sflw wew.i-h .. v..pi.-.aii.; return the bin. p. an I pi ii . ii ntn u lire, uud ev.i;...Mie ii ..i,;, Kl , m pon tile piop r eoll.i-h l iv. i- i; j. t,, . , ll lnll-t l.e hinder r,.- t,i, ,r , tir Oirdi-N. Kie,( it: t:ii , - ii t ii'l lm" is i.f !!, nr. ;r u. , d, J'llIO IIUlpIl (.1 til ,ill. u Ml.'.,. ,,,llt. lie. Wheii the . hi ll r,, ii ., . ,)!,, - i;i liliti', un I i .lid ii. d -ill in pi . I.i..'.. n.,; lulls cl un, if miii u , !i i.ii, KiM.d in ,i ',:iu,, n !. i ,,,, rvniMiiutiiif; p in . in , I,-, ,i i, , i r !i. I.. ii II I... pu im.n i i !i ,ln i I.,,,, will, i.. I r i.ii tii mi tin i,i, (.nil lll.l. . I.i. I i " l.r U ploln l.ii I'n I .'! i.i ,i I. tn 41 t iii ... A tiiieilU u ,ii h i.f ti t i. . a i. i !' was I i .1 r. . mI y in I'mi,, I" I i ii I'muI Mur j ., .....I M .1. :.,i,..r. I hi lili r taiuu i.lf i. , tu. .ii to iiiiiu, lime uf Ihe llti giu.( MAYORS OF THE Great Cities. We, th undnrslfrned Mayors, hereby cer tify that the DruKgints, Apotheoarier and Fhyslolans of our several cities have signed a document of assurance to us that AYE 11' 3 SABS APAIUXIjA. has been found to be a remedy of great ezcellenoe, and worthy the confidence of the oointuunity. HON. JAMES COOS, Mayor of LOWELL, MASS. nON. ALBIN BEARD, Mayor of NASHITA, N. H. UON. E. W. HARRINGTON", Mayor of MANCHESTER, U. H. IION. JOniT ABBOTT, Mayor of CON00I1D, K. H. HON. A. II. BULLOCK, Mayor of WOBCESTEB, MASS. IION. NATII'Ii BILSBEE, Mayor of SALEM, MASS. HON. P. W. LINCOLN, Jr., Mayor of BOSTON, MASS. HON. TO. M. RODMAN, Mayor of PBOVIDEWCE, H. I. HON. AMOS W. PRENTICE, Mayor of NORWICH, CONM. HON. J. N. HARRIS, Mayor of NSW LOilDOJJ. COITN. nON. CHAS. S. RODIER, Mayor of MONTREAL, O. E. HON. D. E. TIEMANN, Mayor of NEW YORK CITY. HON. H. M. KINSTREY, Mayor of HAMILTON", C. W. HON. ADAM WILSON, Mayor of TORONTO, O. W. HON. R. M. BISHOP, Mayor of CINCINNATI, OHIO. HON. I. H. CRAWFORD, Mayor of LOUISVILLE, KY. HON. JOHN SLOAN, Mayor of LYONS, IOWA. HON. JAMES MoEEETERS, Mayor of BOWMANVTLLE, O. W. HON. JAMES W. NORTH, Mayor of AUGUSTA, ME. HON. HENRY COOPER, Jr., Mayor of HALLO WELL, HE. HON. JAMES S. BEEK, Mayor of FREDERICTON, TSS. B. HON. WILLARD NYE, Mayor of NEW BEDFORD, MASS. HON. J. BLAISDELL, Mayor of FALL RIVER, MASS. HON. W. H. CRANSTON, Mayor of NEWPORT, R. I. HON. FRED STAHL, Mayor of GALENA, ILL. HON. JOHN HODGDEN, Mayor of DUBUQUE, IOWA. HON. THOMAS CRUTCHFIELD, Mayor of CHATTANOOGA, TENN. HON. ROBERT BLAIR, ' Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. HON. R. D. BATJGH, Mayor of MEMPHIS, TENN. HON. GERARD STITH, Mayor of NEW ORLEANS, LA. HON. H. D. SCRANTON, Mayor of ROCHESTER, N. Y. HON. DE WITT C. GROVE, Mayor of UTICA, N. Y. HON. GEO. WILSON, Mayor of PITTSBURG, PA. HON. C. n. BUHL, Mayor of DETROIT, MICH. HON. HEMAN L. PAGE, Mayor of MILWAUKIE, WIS. HON. W. W. VAUGHN, " Mayor of RACINE, WI3. HON. A. FARR, Mayor of KENOSHA, WIS. HON. JOHN C. HAINES, Mayor of CHICAGO, ILL. HON. M. J. A. HEATH, Mayor of BELMA, ALA. HON. A. J. NOBLE, Mayor of MONTGOMITRY, ALA. HON. W. S. HOLYBAD, Mayor of COLUMBUS, OA. DON ESPARTERO MANUEL, Mayor of VERA CRUZ. DON PIETRE DE CABALLO, Mayor of MJEXICO. DON ESTEPHANIE RODRIGUEZ, Mayor of HAVANA. DON ANTONIO ECHEVERA, Mayor of LIMA, PERU. DON M. G. MILANGNO, Mayor of VALPARAISO, CHILL DON MARO SESQUIPEDALIA, Mayor of RIO JANEIRO, BRAZIL. ! Certify that the resident Druggists hare assured them Ayer's Sarsaparilla ! Is on oxcellont remedy, and worthy the ooa ' tldcnoe of the community. For Bjuliijj Diseases, i Tor Purifying the Blood. Vox Scrofula or King's Evil. For Tumors, fleers, uud Sores. For Eruptions and Pimples. , For Blotches, Klalm, and Bolls. For fct. Anthony's Fire, Rose, or BTry For Tetter or Bait Rheum. slpclas. For Scald Head tuil Ringworm. For Cancer and Canceroas Sore. For Bore Eyes, Sore Cars, and Humors. For Female Disease. For Suppression and Irregularity. For Bynhlll or Venereal Dliiuti, For Lint Coiuplaluts. For Diseases of the Heart. The Mayors of the chief eitiea or the Uni ted Btatcs, Canada, and Uritlsb Provinoes, ChUi, Peru, Braail, Mexico, and in faot al. most all the cities on this continent, have utned this doouraent, to assure their people wbut remedies they msy use with safety aud ooniiduuoe. Hut out space U1 only admit portion of them. Ayor'a Sarsaparilla, Ayer's Chorry I'octoral, Ayor'a Pills, mi Ayer'a Aguo Cfuro, ran-Autu ar Ir. J. V. Arrr A. Co LUWi-LL, MAN., Aa4 suU tif lru4,'gUls stry tMte. '"I'l lj rul uj a I. will, i.4 U A Ji.fc.r, U ul'l'll y H It M.r... ,.rihau.l-iU4l J V I .! kn.t r llmaa, Milwa J I.I i.mitii, I uil.ult llttf. ii i-i, i , , rui i .,u,.i iiira,c.,-r lli.tuia- u-4. M " .. vli u nii.uw Issiu4 Au4 llwt tiian Ay4 . 1 JUST IlECmVED!.! Hn Jurt returned frnm Plillndclplita wllh a SPXiElTDID STOCK OF Spring & Summer Goods. I'or 'SoiiV tVoar, Cloth. Ctissiuicrp, Vm-tins. Ilnlliin C'lolli, hincn I'ontlng, Iiinon Clicek nml Cotluiiiule. I.:!cm tVar. A luvo HSHnrlnu'iit nf PreraJdwHlH. kI)lnuk nml Fitncy ilkii, tilk Tiuo!, I'mipy JJerngcii, Slinlley, nil M'out Ili'lnn.'S, tuiiiuiihiipiti (tiwila lit Kiw pricea fr-'ilk 1.cvelln., Dclnnc", Jjnwns, (jiiiigliiinis nml l'linti". A full lino of Iiili Ijinen nnd AVliitc (iooi1... Stella bunlor nml 1'niicy iStiiniucr Slimvlf, t-ilk nml Lnoo rI:in!il!ua. A'C. llenJy Jlmlo Ctutliing, A giKnl iimnrhacut of IJnts nml Cur, A large nivnrlinciil of Ilimls nml Shoes, A full stock of t roucru.., Moln-.c nml Sugnr, llunhvnro iiml JJuihling Mnlorinl, A full bt'jL'k of (jui'i'ii uml Ulussniiro, A full stock of I'Uli, Suit, Oilf nml Whito Lusil, A huge stock of Xi'W tVnll Paper, A now flock of Stone uml Kiirtlicnwnre, Ami lluni-finil! of nrliclus not enuinernlcl. tF All llit nbovo will bo poM clienp for Cnsh or Country I'roihice. j. ii. i-:ni;i;i,. Snuliury, Miiy 17, 152. 1STOW OPEN. MAMMOTH F UK NITUHE. WARE HOUSE. WOO A. Stl ( u"iil Stroot, lIii"si. (Lute LEVY A CO S Dry liooil Store.) Formerly A 2 1 Wnlimt Strcrt. Vlilliiiletiiin. August Jill. IKi',2. 1m i (:. jin-iiEi't-iiii-iaiM iMi;:t. oi yirw Vm-lt E.ttiov. THE CAMDKX AND AMIJi'iY AM) rillhADKh riUA AMI TKKXT'iX K. ;. co. jj I.IaKH. LVnm Vhihtihthift to ?nr Yiti-.l i-itfl 1!7'4 Phirft. frnm Walnut plriet 'Wh-it-f tnnt Kni u h,,i Ji ' Hit. will inivr irt f',jifitr' rr ; caiic. At Pi A. M.. vin (';iir.ili-ii nml Aiiil.ny, (C. nr..l A. Acc.iiiioinliilii.ii.) f2 2o AtllA. JI., tin CiiiihIcuuiiiI . Jersey l'iy, N. J.. Acconutioiliition. 2 2.') At S A. tin Cuiiolon nnd Jcrin.-y Ci.v. (.Mnrniiif; Mail.) ' 3 Oil At H A. M . t in L'iiimlcu nn l .Jersey uilv 2J Clii.-x 'i iclii't. ' 2 2't At 11 A. Al. via Kciisinton nml .roracy city, Kxiiri-s 3 00 At 12 ,M. t in C:iiinlcn uml Auilioy. C nil A. (Aci',) 2 2. Al 2 I'. Jl., t in Cuiiuli'n uml Anilior. (C. uml A. Kxpic..) " 3 0(1 At il KM., vin Kcn-in-lon nml Ji'i'ey Ciiy, Wnsh. nml X. Y. Kx;ir,-J 3 00 At ll l !.. via KiK.-inloii .inlJcri'cy Citv, (J-'i cnin..; Muil.l 3 00 At 1 1 1 )'. .M. t in Kcn.-!n;,'ton uml Jersey citv, S .uilicni .Mnil. 3 111) At IJ (iii fill t via Kensington mnl Jeney city Soiilm-ni Kxpres ' 3 00 At 5 P. M., vin I' ami Amboy. (Acconi- lmulution, I'lfilu nml l'a.v-i n'er, l-'ilt (.'liiw Ticket. 2 2.'i Scenml Cla.-n Ticket, 1 AO For Wnlcr tlnp. StrouiMuir". Scrauton, Wilkiw liniTc. Xloiilrort., livciit llcinl. .tc. nt ll A. M., from Kei,-iierl.iii. via licliavare, Laet-awannii nml Wc-lcrn llniln.ail. For M.uifli I'lmiilt. Alltntown. rii'llilulmin. Belvi-" ilere. Fiii(,n, l.itnilicilville. l', nt (i A. .M.. froiii Kciiiir.'lun Depot, uml nt 2j 1'. JI., i'l oi" Wnlnul si reel Wliurf. ('Ilieli A. M. Line ennecU with Trains leaving Kii.-Ioii lor Jlimcli Cliiuik. nt M-20 J'. .M.) 1-or .Mount Hull v. ut tl A. Al., 2 nml I 1. Jl. For Freehold, ai Ii A. JI. an t 2 1'. Jl. WAY LIM..S. For riiHnL Trenton. Ac. ut II A. JI. nnd 2i and j I'. JI. from Kensington. l or l'aliiivrn, Kiverton. Dclaneo. lievcrlv. l!ur liiiL'liin, I'l ircnce. Dvidenlinvn. Ae., al 12. I. 2, ij nnd (i 1'. Jl. I j l or Xow YorW. nnd Way Lloes leavine; Ken si11.4l.111 Depot, take tin. Cm 011 l itili iitreel. almvo aliuil, half ail iiottr before departure. The Cars run into Ihe Depot, and on thcunital of eaeli Train, run lioiii Hoi Dep.,). I illy J 'i. 11 11. Ii- of IliiL'.ra.'c only, allowed each puwclijtcr. I'liiwi iil'cis are piohili'ilcil fioin takini! iinytliiit iw biiL'L'auv hut lli.-ir we:iriou npimrel. All hajijiiiHu over liny poiiniNto hi- paid fur evtrii. The Company limit ihcir i-.-fponsiliili'v jr Imne to line Dollar per pound, and will not he liable for any 11111. milt beyond fltW. etei'Iil by upei-inl eolitrael. W.l. 11. liATZJlLH, Ajjent. Jniiuiiry 1", lsil.'t. Nl WSKi Ci U'iilllHI. ritlli: SI M;l It Y ACADKMV will he opened 011 l. the tirnt . Monday i f .Not enilier. I.-.I.2. Tl lTlOX-PLK yt AliTLli. .Ilivciiilo M'li'.hirs. KiiKlisli brunches, N uneeii uml higher Jfalln -uiatle, ?2 l0 4 (in a mi it nn 4.uuguureiil M. Itlli'DLS. i'riiieipul. Sunbury. Xov. 1. Im'.J I - nit iv 1101 mi:. Cuiuer of Stall an Tlnnl Slir.l, 11 tltlilslll u,:. P t. fl'I'L- ll'il'Si:, in coiise.iicni f il ooiivciiicnee 1 uml uc ir haalii u lo ihe Capii. I. has ma le il a desiriililu s'oppinir place, 11, ,1 only lor ll ,,.-c hatiiiK liusiliis at lliu .eal of tiut'iTl lilclll, but lur other tiiiiii liHiri-bur. March '."J, ImjJ tern Cciitrul Jlitiluiiv ! tiiii:it 'iiiu: l Atii.i:. TWO Tit AINU DAI.V lo ml In mm Norlli ami W .1 Ilium k Sns.jiu.a4iiui, Lliuiia, i, I all of .0fi4,. em N.n jink. OS and slier SliiXIHV, Xutiinb.r I7lh. vl. Ill l'as..,er Ti, iiiu of ihn Norilurii Cti.luil ll.iiliisy aill siiin- hi und del. art from Sunhuiy. Il.11 1 i-l ur ami lli.iiiu.,re ..... yii : S 11 I i 11 W A It D . M.ul 'flu 1 11 lentil Muubuiy daily cicipl u lat). I ti V SI ' leutit ILilrbbiir. & " " mini i :liii .ere, III 'ju y.k'fm Tra il bi hui.hury dully ei vpl ftilli U) I JU I'. M " I. nr. ll.uil.Lul p4 il U ) Hi a il ' sriiiv al llalliuivis dally (. ipl Sljiulayl IIKJt Ui4 Tm'u I . Ilitliiu.i.i Judy (e. .4 Mu. U vi H So A t " buns Ili..l.iii4 I ! I' al " 1111111 l "i.i.l.uiy, i I i. .4TM Tl4l Uih ll..Miu,. dally S , " tlilivM Uiuli, ig ' !. llauikWia i 4i4 M -U,,, INI II. " aiii 4 ii4i.Lui t Ml rui' liiiiLi 41 f-iii.Hi al lit iiitv. K.. 0 ,M,.. ' k A TSltW AND USEFUL ARTICLE. UALET, MORSE ft BOYDEK'S latent r'ir-AiliiNllii: 4iollioi Wilnstcr Simple, Feonoinlenl. Dnrnhlo. nml U not Liablo to got onl of Order. The Peir-Ailjnstinj Clotlic Wringer, In one, of the ffrentcsl iiutnoveineut of tiis nineteenth century, nnil nimonly tube known nnd tried, to omno Into general nc. Tlio paving of clothe, In prcwing out tlio wnter between Iwo rubber roll, instead of wringing or twisting, will nniount to enough In a short time, to pnv for n machine. kvcry one in nwnre, tlint tha twisting or wringing of clothes, strelulie nnd lircnk tlio Illiren; but this ninehine preises tliein rn evenly, Hint n ncw.pnier thorciij,hl.tnoakeiL enn be wrung, without breaking it in tlio lennt. nnd it works no enily. tiutt a child twelve years old cnnoperiito it tvilhout trouble. Hot water docs not injure tha rolls, nml woollen goods en 11 bo wrung nut of boiling t iller to prevent fulling, which ciinnot be done Sy hand. In Slnrching, II Is invaluable, cspecinlly on Inrge nrlicles. such as Lndic.1' Skirts. Ac, n.i it leaves Ihe starch in the clothes perfectly even, ll will wring the largest bed quilt or tho "tnnllest pocket hand kerchief, drier Hum can possibly he done by hnnd, without nltcrntion. in less tlinii onc-eigin iiiu tune. The yinchino is bo simple that it is not liable to get out of renair. The great improvement hi this, every every other -Wringing Jlnchine yet invented, is. lis Self-Adjusting ni raiigeiiicnt. requiring no iiiternlion. to wring a handkerchief or bed quilt consequently, tho most ig- noraui servant can oucnue u. 'I'lie lnnebino is mndo of wood, nnd so nrrnnged that no iron ean possibly conio in contnet with tho olnlhes. thereby nvoidiug nil Unnger nf injury to the clothes, bv iron rust. Hiis i, tlie most simple nnd effective Clothes AVring' er yet invented, 1 hose purciinsing can use inein two weeks, ami il tliey nre not pertecliy sausneii, re turn them, nml Ihcir money will be refunded. Address L. K. SN'llW. 'hiladelilin. Or 11. H. JIASSi:!!. Agent foi Xorlliumbcrliitnl CO duly 5. ltsf.2. iikjiii.y i.tiPOKrivr i;u's. Jl C. (1EAKIIART H.VS I'KTt llNF-l) ttlTll A Snw r?tiK OF Toiitirvlioti-ji-ii-, I'l-itit jiiiJI 'S'nyn. TT seems as if a new age, n new life was opening 1 unon us. nuituuttng every lienrt 10 noiiier iieeiis nnd iiiirher ninis! Art, l.iteraluro nml Science will glow anew, nml seek todcvelopo subliuier beauties and grander conception. The business world, too. must feel the new intliieiiee and every pari be quickened and strengthened bynn increased vitality, which sluill urge us on with elec tric speed to ihe eonsummiil ion of greater things than was ever ilrci'iucl 01 in tlie I'juiosopity 01 1110 pnsr. Animated bv tiio enlluir instil whicli pervades nil classes, and desirous of doing his share lowtirds .Tho great events of the Age. ' Ihe subscriber would re spectfully inform Ihe good people of SCXItVlt Y nnd the nuolie geuernllv. that he has 111st returned trom the city of Philadelphia tviih Ihe largest unit choicest stock nf Confectioiiarics. Fruit nml Toys, that has ever been brought tajhia section of country. Ho is rIso mnnitfiietiiring nil kinds of ConfeetioiiurieH, Ac, to lill up orders, wholesale or retail. t short notice. Among his dock oi CUM LC'l lDXAHIFrt limy be found : French Secrcls. tlitni Th-ojis. all kindssecnt. r.itrneil Almonds, Leve lirops. Cream While. .Mint Drop, red ami while, ' Lemon, .Icily Cakes. " Hose. Fruit Drops. Ynnilln. Slick Ciimlics. of allin-cnts, Soiji-.-td, Knek Camly. Liquorice, Almond Candy. n;i-it. Ibiiinniis, Prunes, Dales. Figs, Cuiiiints. dried, P.nisens. Ntils of nil kinds. I.F.MdX SYIU P j of a snjH i i. r qualify, by the single r,r dozen. A o,i ii,. qu;iiu, in 1 iie.iee., iiihi .eiiu s. nun 11 ,niie,, of Ci.iil'eclionnrios. Fruit. Toys. Ac. allot which is ollcrcd cheap at wholesale and retail. I J- lteineiobcr the luinie nnd j-b.ce . -e-? ji. c. ;i:.i!ii.i!T, Market slreet, 3 doors west of F,. Y. lliilu A Son's store. Suiibiiry. April 11. ISol. 1y TIBK ATI.lTBI' lSO'IHf.V. . HF.C INXIMi OF A XLW YOLVJl K. The nuiub'T for .Tanunry. 1Si13. begin the Elevenlli Yoltiinc ol Ihe Atlnnlic Jlonthly. T .llOJI the cemnii nccnient. in IS.'i". the Atlantic has rapidly increased in circulation, nnd it imw has the largest class of readers since its beginning, live years ago. Its prosperity stciolily augments, nnd it continues, umid nil the riiiclunlious nml dan-gr-rs incident to our national cri-is. to gain ground in the estimation of Ihe public. At a time so pregnant tviili events ivldch torn h the future destinies of Amer ica in every vital parti.' the nnd Ivli tors do rot deem il ncccs-arv to prr-tnive 'hat its i-i.ji s will ney. r sweri c tefthc hnio-si paihH of loyal juiiriotism and tutiveisal freedom. Its npiuionsliave always i'.eeA 011 the si.le of Liberty. Progress nnd Light, nml Ihe course it fust udoptcd in ils early career, w ill ever U farlhlully luaintaiucd! 'flic Stair of vTrilcrs. rcirularly contributing to the Atliii'tie Jlonthly. embraces all Ihe best known au thors in American literature, uml tvarrauts the Pub lishers in promising to iu readers. TUK DK.-T FSSAYS, TIILDLSTSTOIUI'S'. Tin: r.rsT pokjis. Which Aiiiericnn talent can furnish. List of lti'uTLAit Coxtiitiii toiij. In Proso nnd Poetry the "Atlantic " Slnlf of Wri ters is inieqiuillcd. Tho follow ing authors are still among the rcgiilurcontrihutor. : .lames liusscll I.cwell, (lliver At". Jlolmes, llcni V W. Longfellow, John Ii. VTkitticr, Louis Airns-i V.. P. Whipple, lli.lph nhl.i Finersoii, Xalhaiiiel ilatvtlioriie, C. C. llacwcll, 'T. . lliLfirtiiBHin, liaynrd liiytoru, ChnrUi K. Xorton. tieore S. Ilillurd, Henry lliles. ' Wnlter Jiitehcll. Aulhor .Jlarrct llowth.' Jlrs. .lulirt ti . ilotve. Sir. A. D T W bilnev, Sirs. 11. 11. Stowu, Charles Kcade, Hose 'Terry. Hubert T. Lotvell, luhvard i-ivcrclt, Henry T. Tuekermnn, John Weiss, Harriet Jlarlinenu. ''I'lie Country Piirsoii,' llanicl F.. Preseott, f. T. 'Troubriile. Professor A D W hite, 'iitribulors includes. The foregoing Kst of C. v 1 be Lending V liter uf Amoricn.rVr"J Ti:iims. 'ihe Atlnnlic is for sale by nil Hook nml Periodical Dealers. Price H.i cents a number. Suh-s,-riiiions for the year. So.!'.', poslae paid. Yearly subset iptioiis received, ur single nuinbcrs suj.plied by iiii vileali r. or by the publishers. ipcciiueii iiuiiibcrs &eut jr,rutiunnpplicntiou tu ths Pn,il..-Iiev-i. luditceiueiifs for suhscrihine. List of premluuis, Ac I'm iiishcd 011 application lo Ihe Publishers, TK'K.Mill & F1LI.DS. le'i Wuchinlon Street. Huston, Jin, X..y. .".t, IMJ - MITIIi:! 'l'lll- Atllllsl'M I'.spi-CHM 'llllMIUy, (1IVK Ml'fll fi lial they liiivu concluded nr I raii;cuieuls '"i ihe Noriherii Ceulral Ituilrond Company tu r A trains from Italiimorc for York, llari isburg. Dauphin. Halifax, 'fretorloii. Sunbury. Xoribuioberlaiid. Lew islmtsr. ililton. Jluuey, Wil liauisMirt, und nil liitcruitMliate stations, eouneelin nl llarrisliiir.,' tt Ihn tiltF.AT WKSTKHX FX l'ltlS lor Pills' Ci'icinuiiti, SI. Louis uud tho West: Alsottiih llownnl i Co.'s Kpri Stilton or Dalit ille. Lliioiiirbiiri;. Wilkcsluirre, I'illsloq, Scrau ton, luul intermediate stations' 011 the Cnltiiwiss. Liickutviiuiia A liliMiiusburiX llailniuds. At Wil liaiusKiit, l.y it. waid ii Co.' Kxprcs to Jersey Shore uml LocU liateii. Abo. by llowurd A Co!, and their connect tens, for Canton, Troy, F.luiir. ItiKdicsier. liiitValo, Xiauaru, and lo ail aecc:ihle. ,iiit in Western .New York nnd Canada, by uliiuh I hey aill forward Jlcrelinndise. Specie. Lank Note., Jewelry, and Valuable, pncknfca of every tleserip liuii. Aim. Xolcs. Dinrts and llilb for Collection. Fpclietl.-.-d mnl clticlinl lllcwscllTer elllplovcd, and vii ry tfl.ui tiili be tuude lo ti'tutcr Miif.iciiou. .Hill.N 111 Mi II AM, Pupi l iidcn.lenl I'enn'a Dit i-i..n. Philudclphia. Ii. A lr ISCIIl.U, Aycul lr Suiibury. April S. I m.J. IIEIMSTREKT'B llllltlllllllll lllllf Itl-BlOI-lltlM-, IT ISXtlT A DYK. ' II11I if -tore ijrny hair to its niliiinl eolor. by supply ing Ihe t-apil) ,rv lube llh liulurul su.-teiulllce. no- j paiicd by ufn or ili.i aa.. All uMunluuioustltc. are coiiiiaoid of lunar caualic, dciioyiiiif IbutilalHy and 01 uiiiy of die lupr, inl ulfud of ilieimHlti-a uo dieMiiii; II. un., ii , 1 luiiiiiiublo l oloriiii Hot only rciorca ban I,, ii- naiuiul color by au rnuf .ravM, but give, ihe h ur a I IIM IIIIXT I.IMITY, ) i, its " lb, t uuls ll. Ullluir of, t-radl- eiilia daitdioll. and iuipaii bvullli mid plca.aiiiiu. j Ui ll, Iliad It I14 lial Ilia l"at of Ull.c. IhiIiH III I ullluul iiiur I . doling-, aud la cou.luolly ilitleaallig I 111 fuiu I l.y Uah. ulliluvu and ladnal Ilia auld by all r.MH.IabU Jualii., ur raw U pi. ur.d by U1U ut ,, .,ii,eial a.ul, I), rt i.tltSr, l'J lli..adsv, S V Tax , fx ivliu ud tl Hiiubur lu m;j j l.uialM-rl I.MtulM'rl I I'llll II l?ll til, Wuwy l.)couiiui a-uuiy I'a , IMriiltUi Li. til.u.Uaud Iks -ul.lw ia saawral. thai tk vuilaa'ljr aevaiu) FaaaJ Ifuaalil ahlula Is Ik, ai.l all kuul. ol luaubaf ! bulldiuf i l.alruala I. I.i. I. k hill aall al til luaaat 4UK ! IbM.k HI. I. I Iswatatrt'siail 1st rra l uul I -M. Ikklxlirt lutua siuaitu) liuii Ktuk al I I'liasa (ii a. a (u4 Ida. k 1, S.klai; J.M l lSI a n...A 4 a.itl.llt.linl df I rvAXfl a tvATsox-s IniiLi "Hi. s.r.-A.ivcA.xrr-E: bafeb. UREAT FlflE AT BKAMXG, PA. February 12, 1802. OKHTT.Etm! It given mo much tmtlsfnctlon to inform you Hint in tho severe firo which, on tlio morning of tho 4th Inst., entirely destroyed nil my stock nml mnterinls, I had one nf your hnlninnnder Firo Proof Snfes. Alter enduring nn Intense reii hent for neven hours, tho Snfo wns opened, nml tho liooks nnd 1'npersworc preserved In nn uinblemishcd condition. 1 shall need another Snfo ns soon as 1 gel in order. Yours, most respectfully, W 1'. D1CK1NSUN, ltonding, Pa. riltE AT OltEEX CASTLE. CliAMiiEnsnrno, Franklin county, Pn., ) August 31st. 1SCI. j Messrs. Evas A Watsos. I'hilndeliiliin QcnlU" men: On the morning of tho 22d of August, 1K0I, our Storehouse nt tlreencnslle wus destroyed by fire. The Saluinnnder Safo wo purchased from you somo few yenrs sineo wu in tho nbovo nienlihned store house, nml contained all our books, papers, cash, Ac, which were preserved in perfect condition, alter being exposed to a most Intense bent for several hours. Plenso inform ns upon what terms you will sell us another larger Pnfc. Yours truly, OAKS A At'STIX. Palnmnnder Safes, for Bunks. Stores, Privnto Fnmilies. Ac. Ac. Also. Evnns A AVntson's Pntent Alphabetical Bunk Locks nnd Hank Ynult Doors, equnt tenny nido in tho country, nnd sold on ns good terms. K A "W. would respectfully refer to tha following Hunks nnd other pnrtics, hnvlng their Safes nnd Locks now in use. to their entire satisfac tion, nml ninny others given nt their Store. I sii Kti Status Mint, Drnnch liank, Shclbyvillo Philndelphin. Tennessee. L'xiTKnST.tTi: AnsEXAL.City Hank of Philndelphin. Cnlifornin. Consul idnlion H'k of I'hiln. Potlstotvn Dnnk. fa. Com'lb Itnnk of Philn. Contesvillu Hank, Pn. Chntnnoogn Hank, Tenn. Slrniidshnrir Hank. l'n. Prc'iu Loan Ass'on. 4th st. .Icrsey Shore Hank, Pn. Lock 'lint-en Hank. Pn. l.nnK ot iortminiocrlnml. Hunk of Xorlh'n Libertiii, I'hilndeliiliin. l uion Unuk. llaltiiiiore. Southwestern Hank of Yn. Paul nnd Swift, Bankers, l ulton Hank. Atlanta, tin. Alnbnmn. Xewark Hunk, Del W. tl. Steiling.AVilkesb'c linnk of X. C, llnleigli. Lcwisburg Hank, Pn. Other references given upon calling nt our Store, Xo. Hi S. Fourth Street, l'hiliidelphiii. March 29. Iftti2. fy SI Mil ICV Mlllll I'l.OI 1SI.4. .till. I,. THE subscriber having taken possession of this first clnss I'LOl'ltlMi Jir).l.. nrc prepared to receive gruin of nil kinds, nnd to do custom work nt tho shortest nolice. Customers will havu their grists ground immediately upon their being left nt the Mill. As it is Ihe intention of the linn lo stock the Jlill, a lurge supply of grain will be constantly kept 011 hnnd. and Hour by the quanlity can always be obtained. The greatest care will be taken lo turn out n superior quality of flour, for which Ihe mill is ndiuirnhly ndaptcd.' Strict attention will be paid to the w ants of customers, and thu patronage of the pulilic generally is respectfully requested. Sunliiirv. Juiie 2.1. ISOII. J"I!HAXA CO. GrwOVEH J'lrxt. S E W I N G & BxK"LR S l'n in I n in. M A C II I N E S FOU FAMILY V9K AND ;i:li:!l'.l.t lirilitt liii-pot.i'w. U'illl llciiiirieiii, i'tllcrs, Tuckers, Coi'iUrs, Lulers, PRICES FE0M $40 UPWARDS G?kC7E?k & BAKE P. SEWING AlA-JlIINE COMPANY, Muke the T.nrk or Shuttle Plilrli Mnrliine" of ih? mm pfitt nrtitt. nnil nt tltp Mtne pricf.iiiH llteir ft'lt-bntlfd IJIH' Hl.K LOCK sriTCIl MACIMNKS. Th it is tl"! only Oiunptniy -.Imt mukes lth kituls. tli'Tf fnfo the only one Uml run nipjity all tlie wants nf (lit pub lic. fV rnrch:tirr8 rnn hike their phniro nf either Stitc Willi Urn privtlt'iri orixrt';im!tnu tnr I he nther. A iirw ntylfotlShuttlf Miirlnnf rnn fast ami rpurt, f'i Vebl .Mitkeid Tailzie, )ne Hiiulcia, A t. At the i'r!'v -f re'- nt'Y tuk hi'.st cr.ovi'.it ,v i!aki:ics, m c. :1U rliesllllM SO"-:', Pi'.iliideljillia 11. 11. JIas.skh, Siiubui v. Pa.. .Went lor Ihe ! ' Jli'iiutactiirer. ' i Deeeinherai,lPn1y j IICSKSi'S I3('J'8:!,, j Jfi'i-rii't'r?. Vi. ri-tHK nintinircmcnt of tt.i-. Helt-lijou-ii Hotel b.iv j 1 iiic been resumed by .Messrs. t.DVI.K A 1I1PII, I tin- present proprietors, lic lent c to i 1. 1M tn the publio j that the house is now bciii- thoroughly renovated. rclittcd. and improved, tviih a tiew to Ihe pro). er and j eoiuforlable acooiiiuiodation of those who may favor the establishment tviih their custom, liucsts will re. -eivc due iillculi. ui nml courtesy, and no expense will be spared that may conduce to maintain u hotel in a first -class style. Faiuilics and others de-irin.r to sojourn in Harris I btii-Lf during the summer months, will find pleasant boiiriliu ami liii'e and w ell-vent ilated rooms at our establishment, upon moderate terms. SCOTT I'liYT.K jrarcli 2!l. 112. .1. (i I LI'.b'ItT II Kit It . ftVliilt'"! l'ni'U '1.V 1'otiiKlry . hook, uViirs'.i '.'', .ran A.D oi:... ESTAL "W'K buve the fullest assortment of the most useful y kinds of Plain awl ( It naincnlnl i'ypc. liialiu- lactiucii trom tlie most tturaiilc Ihe jirentest care nnd iiccurucy. metals, tiuishcil with securing perfect ju-ti ticalion. Speciincu liisiks nnd estimate furnished l-lieatioii. also. apon up- FiiixTiN'i; pi!i:s.-r:.-, w ith their uiipuriemiuccs of all the approved luuricrs- W () ll D T V P F. . of nil Ihe latest styles, of all sizes. Jlctal Fiirnilure Laliot-Savinir llulcs. Cases. Cabmcls. l.-irniiure, i'rinlintr Ink, ami every article Ihe Printer requires. Terms liberal. Prompt atlcntion. I'Ali.MLI!. LlTTLi: .t CO.. fi.1 nnd Co liccktuui! street. Xetv Yolk. Slav 3. iMii. lallM-Ksi Dltlnii-IEoll rflHIS lircparatiion. made fr.tin loiree. the hist Java 1 CofTee. is ri'oiuuu n.lcl bv obv iciuns ns a sui.e- riorXlTlilTDll S 111, LliAll M for tlcneral ity, Dvspep-ia. uml nil Pillimis ii-ordcis. '1'housuiuU who iiuve been coiupcllcd (o iilniiidoii the use of coll'eu, will use this without injurious effects. Ouu tun contains Ihe .Ircii'ih of to p.. ill. .Is of ordiuiiry Colluo. l'riec i!i eenls. KOLLUCKS 1.F.VA1X. Thc)iurest and best liAkl.MI POWDLH known. Il r leaking libl. sweet and nutritious Lieud und Cakes Prion 1 j cents. HAM V K'TIIIKll liy St. II. Kill, l.oi K, Chemist, Corner of Hrond uud Chesuut Streets, I nil. . t ni l cm t. And sold bv nil Drugi.-ls nnd ti rovers. Jlan b 1, Im.J JAMES 15 A It 11 E 11 ' S WII0I K8AI.K aNO BKTAIt, CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. Ii. Corner Second ami Cheitnul ttt., IMilladelplilii. ACKNCY fmlhrPATKXr KtjC A1JINO THIHTY U ('Lill'Ksl, veiy deaiiulile urui-l tr Luureli cs, llolels, liauk. I'ouiitoii; Houses, parlors. Ac. A In., Muiiul.iclurn 01 KINK. 0111.11 Pl.NM. J'li.'ks ri-wuird and wai rtmlrd. t'l.s.k i'i iiiiiiiois of every description. I'tliludelriliia, Juauary III, I t .- 1 II. II. Jl IKNI'.lt. llorncy 11 1 l.i, SLMU KY, I'A i V l! aiicudcd tu U ihv eouiilu. ul' Ibuiiiluiliiiid, l uiou, Miyder, Jloulour. Culumbi and l.yeuiuiuK UIII KllHMl K. Hon Julia SI. Heed, Philadelphia, A. II. Hullell A In., lion. M in. A I'orler. Morn.u .Meiin boi l, Fsi . " Jr. kil. bam A Co , Pearl Si reel, Xew Yurk. John M . Aliuicud. Ailumty al Law, " Malihaa. 4 I ... Allium t. at Law, rtuiibury, Mar. h ilu, IshiJ iiiuim 4iiit4 in: ir.rn:, MW lr) 1IIKTIMKTO HIL VIK A Llll SIS IN Susuwuucii ul I ha ararvlly uf ehal.fa will aid I tv .l.-ul tttXoi.UAI il CAHDL 1K , iol llu foUlUAlia. OlslrrN lirOist llollwr, hrut hf wall TuXa; -sal J l ltua caidia) Urn Uiat puMi.hc4 Saul ar l M.S Belli ItlMf vuiblat: all Ilia lilUWIIMll llultilal.a Ik Ariuy. VllMldaut, t'abliiW. . AU. lauul Ik i.aU taiuuaiatikaug Jl I ai4 lit A I UUiAUD I'alalunuu at ua pplu.a4Ua IUuiil udv svui ua iM.ip uf Ti CaU JtillN DAIMV, T1H ISaaaWU 4 , I'kliasiaJuuia ll 4Si tl'ackaixtit ftf-t) 'I a4 Uauk I II ', lt4 l.tat'Wlt. . I ll. v. sal 4 u Iks awatiiif Ikunit ' "THEY GO EIGHT TO THE SPOT" J-KVAXT RELIEF! STOP YOt'It COUGH I I'UUFY YOUR HREAT1I! HTREXUT11EN YOUR VOICE! SPA lFj N G'S TIIKOAT OAI-I'.C'I IO.XS AUK (loon ron ci.ratc.Y.MEX, GOOD FOIt IJXTUlJEJtP, (IOOI) Von PUHUC SPKAKKUS, GOOD FOU BlXGEItS, GOOD FOIt CONSUMPTIVES. (lentlemcn Cnrry NpiiIiUiiK-'n 'I'liront 'iirrllonsi. Ladies nre delighted with Hpnldlng;') 'l'liront 4'oufvcttoiiM. Children Cry for Sjuilili :;' Tliront t'onliM-tioiiN, They relievo a Cough instantly. Theyclcnr the Tliront. They givo strength nnd volume to the voice. They imparl a delicious aroma to the breath. They nrc delightful to tho tnstc. They nre made of simple kerb aud cannot harm any one. I advise every one who lin a Cough or a Husky Voice or a Und lSrcnth, or nny difficulty of tho Thmni to get n pneknge of my Tliront Confections ; they will relieve you instnnlly. nnd you will agree with mo that "they go right to (he spot." You will find them very useful and plensnnt while traveling or attending public meetings for stilling your Cough or nlluying your thirst. If you Iry one pneknge I nni snfo in saying Hint yon will ever afterwards comider them indispensible. Yon w ill find them at the Druggist uml Dculcrg in -Medicines. Price 25 Cents. My signature is on each pnenkiigo. All others nro counterfeit. A Fnckngc will be enl by mail, prepuid, 011 reeeip1 of Thirty Cents. ' Address. 1IEXRY C. SPALDIXd, Xo. 48 Cedar street, Xcw York. For jnic r.t it . A . Fisher's Drug Store. Sunbury , Pa. 0- fevousHeadaehe JrS.7 I!y the use of these Pills the pcriodicntlncksofXer vous or Sick Headache may be prevented ; und if lakeu at (he commencement of an ntluck immediate relief from pain and sicknesses will be obtained. They seldom fail in reiuoviujf the Xnusen and Headache to which females nre so subject. They net gently upon Ihe bowels, removing Cos livencss. For Literary men. Students, Delicate Females, nnd all persons ot sedentary habits, they are valuable us a Liixativc. iinprot in the appetite, it ini tone and t i-jor to I lit- digestive orirans. ami rcsiorinir ihe natu ral elii-Meit v and si rcti;:l h of the w hole system, 'Ihe CLT'llALIC PILLS are the result of loin: jn. ! vesli.-aiinn ami carefully conducted experiment, j having ben in use many years, ilurinir which time j they hate prevented nnd relieved n Vast amount of j pain u..( .-of, r i i : v: from Headache, whether oriiuat- i.ijr 111 im iiei.ou...,, siiiu or irouiu ucraiiyi'.i siuiu of lh' st. .lunch. 'i oe are eulirely vegetal. le ill their composition, and may be at all times wiih perfect safety, without itinkiu any change of diet, and Ihe al.-em'-e of any .lisarecahle tasie renders it easy to adminis ter lliciii lu chiiilrcn. HKWAllK 11F I'lTX I l'lUFLITS ! ! The rfeniiine liavc liv i Spiibliioi on each IIox signatures of Henry C. emcs. - llox will tie s, cut by mail prejun'cl en receipt of , tho 1 Price. 25 Cents. ' All orders should be addressed l J HENRY C- SPALDING, 4 Cedar Slreet, Xcw York. For sale nt Fl BILL'S Drug Store. Sunbury, Pa From the Lxaiuincr. Xorfolk. Yn. Cephalic Pills accomplish Ihe object for which they were made, tiz: Curu Headache iii all its forms. From the Deinoeral. St. Cloiul, Minn. Ify ire. or have been troubled with the hend- nciic semi lor 11 l.iu (t c,halie Pills.) so thai you may mite iii.-ni 111 case ol nn nltucK. ,, ,, ... , . ., l The iicniciise deuiatid for Cephalic Pill, is rapidly lucieasiiii: From (he (ia.ctte. Davenport. Town. J.'r. Spaldiiii; would not connect his name tviih nn ttilicle he did not know lo possess real merit. From the Advertiser. Proridi nee, I!. T. The tcsiimony in Ihcir favor is Blrour. from the tuoel respectable iiuarlers. Frnm the Daily Xcws, Xewiort, H. I. Cephalic Pills nre bikini (he place ol iillkinds. From the Kanawha Star. 'u. We are suro lhat pels.. us suft'criuir with Hie liend ucbe, uhotry (hem, will slick to Iheiu. From the Advertiser, Prut idenee. II. I. The Cephalic Pills lire said In he a relliai kllbly ellcctivii i nit il v for Ihe nml one of Ihe tery last lor that very lieoui-m eiiiui'luiiit which bus titer been di-coverisl. -0- A SIXlil.i: IhiTTLli OF .v : . .. a . , -ECONOMY! 6 L'S cs..... .it.. . S' cave uic necesi rillliitti lri'in--l 4. lur! rtiil4liujt,M li- uf tl jlti(: apiililliiu'M i-fiuirftl lur! W1J.L h.VVK Ti:.N Tl.MDS ITS IUnT A NX I'A 1.1. Y. As uccideni. ta ill b,.pen, tint lu mil renulaied lauiiliea, it is very dciiala tu have u.uic cheap and cuitiun ui ay lur reuauiuj l'uiuiiui,'l'ota, Crm-k-cry, Au. fcl'AI.DIXU if i'UF.I'AKMtai t SI cols all audi inrrgeiiele. i., no hous. bold caa Bold lu illuil ll. ll i. limp ready ami up lu 111 .1 kit In f juiinl. ' I SFH l IX ,.Ytv Hol SK A Illl4.ll 4M!UIUiuiH Ml k llulll. 1'ltlt 'KM fKXTH. Addlta Hlr.MlV C. aPU.DlStl, Ku l-vl a-lar lalf ul, N.aj Vulk r'. sale l H A I l-lll H s Dm ht4 tsvu Ui NxHUllluUilalol auUUly, 's I' Aill ii K 1 A auia U4iut ipl. I t-)aui ar allr4ia( Ui I.aliu i.S in, Ik. uUKUipi.liu lublui luillaibu. ul 4ua 'lit -l I lr. I auuij iaai4.a all misi.4.s tu aaaaailti .ukaiR and av that Ik lull au.a sKALl-ihn a I'lU IUkl D iil.l k k ua Um uuuwd aia a. . all wtsiMs at aia4li4u (uwiKa l,u. Ms; I 14 - CURE V( I RHEUMATICS! tR. LEtiAND'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND riTi.MAXKXTLY CURES RHSUHATIS Z2 I IX ALL ITS VARIOUS FORMS. Acute or Iuilnmuiutory ; Chronic, Lumbago, Scintien, . ' Plcuiodync, Ac Stiffness of tlio Joints nnd Cramp 0 outs. Xcui al eia nnd nil Xenons Affections Erysipelas, Salt Rheum nnd Scrofulous Eruptions of the body Kelruli.cs tho Impurities ol tho Rlood nnd Fluids of the whole system, nnd ellcctuiilly counteracting Mercurial and other poisonous influences. I ll its convenient nrrn.ige HKI.T, eoutainiiiv n I f Meitieatcrl Conqiiaoiil. to lie tvoiin,,lm, ,,v R' Hah""! Hie wain K.Ht'AI.LV Kl'I'IIO IIMi Al.'l.r l I'AKTrJ, tvlieiever Hie diecnso may be. It ran he H worn williout injuiy to the most delicate persnn, Ci rl mat noeliaaee ill the nri.ner linlilts i,r iivi 1. J quiieil It entirely remove :he diseate Irani tlie H "Hi tysiern, with the fallacious use, in such eases, ol VJ W powerful niteinnl medicines, tvhich weaken ami rl ileslniy tlio constitution uml give temporary '0 ,', lleroalyhystuiiilyianthe system, luH lienileaiiig M Oils vitality. Hy tin. irentnreiit, the medieiiml iiro. tV perlit in t;1(, Kami, lieing nr a hivhly H j nromntic mid volntile inlliiie anil eiqsihle of bellut lL y reiulily ulisorlieil, lliroiigli the pnres of the skirl, j! U comn into direct coaliiet Willi Hie Itlisul ami ireiie- m " , rnl circulation, tvilhnnt first linyiuij to Vnn lluoiloh I. J 1 tlie tloinaeli, wnieh tvou!,l lead not only lodi lnict H from their curative power, hut to impair the in- M- lerual o-jtaiu nil ileraitge the digestion nlso Thus LJ' nvoiiliin the mjuiioiis e (Tects, so often the result of l? internal remedie, saml mv'tiiirr n nerleel cur.. ! C" ( pniifying nnd eqiializiiii the circulation of the vital l J duals nail rrstnrlnjr tlie pails nlleded Ma healthy ri liiion This !u,l is also a imist Miwerfnl "AXTi-MKRcrniAi. A(ii:T.oii!.wi i,r.;4 K"1 in Ihe primary cause of a larj;e part of 1I10 slur , ness, Neiirnlcic Pains ami liliiiouatics, so prcva-Hf lent and will entirely relieve the system froin its j pernicious elleets. 1, r M 'derate eases nrr cured in n few dm s nnd we rr1 Hnre eiiuslanlly leccivim; luuloulilcd testiiivamils W Bin which we Invite iiijieclina at our otfiee uf fw . then efficacy in aggravated ensesof long (landing lp y VltlCF. TWO DAI.t.ARS Mtiyb-hndof ftrn- gisls. or will tie scat l.y up mi receipt of , or V I liy r-xprpfs evtryvti"ip, wiih nil nei- 'ssii! y iiipIiuc ' lums I rum tlio puncipnl i.uice o( u G SMITH & C0-, Sole Froprietcn. 4!M , near rjioein street, Xkw Yoiik. J V Treatise, with Certified Testimonials, sent, free. ADAPTED TO SOLDii.T.S. AnrMTs Sun':iry. rrillng.t- ( " " tieonre llrieht. " Xorlhuniberhind. II. II. JIcCov. JIaren . 1ni2. Iv jrvrTEF.a-.'iVK v r. .' tt-. xo m;w YiiKK D'.n Cor. Fulton ami llnciilivav, ill carefully allciid In Coll to their eare. c'Lioii.i and all er matters intrusted Jlay 21, 1S.1S. K.V'SJ.t-. SIT.'r.. wiui twir.v. .irliii;,n;ri-!;ns1 ., !;,. T iIII larire nml eninmodieus Hot. 1. now num-i .,.,1 by .IA.MKS VANIiVKi:. is situate nt th.. I mail liepof. .Noiihl.asl corner of .Market Sounre, j Sunbury. Pa., tin. I at the 1 01 minus of the Sunburv A- Erie nnd Xorlhern Central llnilroads. and is open for I the nowiiiinodalion of Travclcis and the l.ublic in 1 general. Ihe proprietor v. ill y;ive his e.v .'ii-ive attciili.,n to j the eoiuti.rt and cm ciiietnc if hi-; Liicsts. and ii ; delcrinincd to niiihe lliis c.-n.b!;..:iiiciit rank ninon j the fust in the State. His table will l.e supplied wilh (holiest the market : ean produce, lint in,- (he lulwn.tinc of daily comiuii iiication by ears direct from Pali itnorc. and nh o from the- brianiiig produeo froi.i the surrounding country. ! His liar w ill be supplied with die purest liipiiors tho market can produce. I Careful nnd nl.l iirin scrva n I:- ahvavsin attendarce. Xcw und coiimiii.liouf stabling hiis'ju-t been added to the promises. A share of the It --j.I and traveling coninuinity is must respectfully soli, ile.l. 1 Sunburv, danoarv 12. Dt',1. Br; I !! -.!.; ii. s! "(15 itiiit 1 ,,!, !,':. Vim ' i'run.l. II Sf Xi:V 1II IS (irst cl.os ll,..s..the tno-l unlet, homeliko lllld lil.asalil I l-.l.l in thu eilv oilers sul.eiinr inilitecmculs In tlio-e X.'w'Y'.rk tor bus'iesH or pleasure. It i- e. ntrnl 111 bs ..e:ilioi.. ami kept un the J.i u.'i'i Pi w. in conue i,.n v. 'I'a "i.mi r where r !':. . iil-ienls cm be lord ut all hours, or -cited in ihcir 1001:1s. The ehurrcs are Mo derate. Ihe lilotil j:.,,', aCelel'ilu'c of the first old, r I1.1 hs. and all ihe modi 111 cci't eiiien. r al'.aclu d. .March l!',l. Iss.V V 1 1 . 1 1 I 1ST received IV, 1,1 : si of W.M.I. P.M'l.i:. .1 Ml SlM't -I llll I i: Hi Tbltvs. t arvin in pi ici Z 5'' &' '.Z t w Y.'ik 11 l.n-re i :.-orln.ei t ii-iH:t:2 ..f "Nl; ill suni n ::Ki.-- r S 1 1 1.1 i, ,imi P r in in 1 cot- u; ward all i t" nl :li.i F.L. tvhicli n ill be d at ti,.' lowest IM.-li Ol ici s. cheap store 1 1' Jl. L.Ni iMii;. Sulil.urv, .March 2'2. I'B.Mil.l!' A t.'. O V SEWING MACHINE CO lilf'ADWAY. xi: w Y"i;ic. Vfirrt pit rt f '(,.,.., l.-ll.'l ,s 1-iU I,- .--i Mnl -" ' fiVU FAMILY ,-!:','Iu 'i m!:i xi:. II VI.(I attain,-', a it..!! c-oihli-h .i w.vX nuU'"ii' repulaliou. us bcin of all inm-hinc- ' "f inlii- duced. Ilt- ..!- lns.t ii.liiin.-.l t,i A 1.1. Kivosor F.nm.v Skw ixii, nnd Imiiiuj mot ttiih 11 siieciss in ils wilo beyond our irreale-t anti.ipaiion. so much so. that fir three months our oplirs have been ulicad ol our onpiuoly, we would now 1111nou.11 e thai wu hnvc increnscd our tiuinufaeiio-iiijr taciliiies. so tliat from 1 his lime (orih. we. -hall be cm, bled to i orders on demand I tll(. ,.b,v, l.rou.d.I about l.y the car. m. -no tiling hns played 11 more iiuporfant part than (he ! -Hku im; M.t, him:." W! il lhrc.-:..ur,lis f our soldier.- iv.mld lo-..iv l,c ciuih, d in anvthiii"; but I -.ouuary 1 osiiinic. .ill over I lit- limn ariuy cbi ttn has been the work required of our ('iiirioti.. I women, and n.i'ily have t lit v 11 -ponded. Xol conici t lo make only .... 11. .my geriiiciils a--;lu ir hen Is could ' neeomplisli. (bey hate called (he Sewim; Jlacliini " j to their aid. and by it have rolled out the soldiers' . Coats. Pants nnd Siiiuts. at a rale nsionishiiii to i thcinselves. Know injr 1 1 .-1 ( this v., irk could not lonj . coi.limic many ihouxliitol. pi udi nl liuu.-euives. wcro ! eiireful to select the m-Liuc of : mheis. wlii-li ; would do (he heavy uriiiv tioi k. and u !o n .lo-'cwilh ; lhat. then 1,1 be u-e ! rs their I'teii.t .!.v. i:im:. and ill selecting one of Ihe I "Finki.k A Llox Skvii.yu Jit, iiivi: CutiiMsy w l' tMII.V Ji ll MINI'S," , wilh which y,.u may set?' from ihe tiuc.-t ean. brie to ! the heat iest elolli. w illioul i Ii.-iul-c of lee 1. uei dir. or I tension thcr have u.u been di-appniuii d. ' Thus hat ms developed ii,,. i.itcpinbilitv of our maebiiie lor nil kinds of work, w liate tiitulcni:. ; slip in udtlinec. and by si in j oilaut ,1, 111 'our Xo. .'( Jlii. 11 u SI u him bine pr...h. I 'TaII.IUIIXO MtrllHK." which we e.ilili 1. u'.lv i to bu Ilio -Ill-T TAlLulllM; Jl.Vi II 1 . L" j ililrisluccd. scuin Ihc.ivnis.-si lim n i bread wi .lhcr ;e. iii e I It laim Vet 111 US much ense ns (he coiuinnn vC'li lied Inn n-iiuirod j inny be used to do die rt-ry linesi eaml.iic n,.i k. iih i l.'idor 2nd eotlon llius c.iuh.ldlcj in one ii:u-i form, every oimliiv reouircd in eiih. r a l'A.Mll.Y UK SIAM 1 11 .11 l;,i .MACIIINK. Wc have lia.l our Jim bines before ihe pel. lie enough I.i i!:, ;r r. pu.atii.ii Dozens of olhei-a aboalarled t.i:h living eoloi.. h..ic bill, u by the wayside ;' uud N oli' lb, places th; l kle Ilu III aill know llicm to uioic ' ,-up by slip h is tho FlSKI.K A LtoV .M 1 1 II I N K Hon ils way to I ubl ill favor; ils sucei-s is i-inbii-hed. uud Iii uc.-loi.h our nun shall In-, as ii has in l In p., i been. i,i sin I (an her iuiprove, aiiiipld.t and i. du. e Ihe cost of ma chines. We -h..!l, in ii lev. d..vv i-ue il newpiico list. F..r turih. r p.u-.i ul u.. ,-i,i In--.. IT N hit. A I.YoX .-Hi I Ntl M ti DIM: I'M , No. .'i;,i Pi linn-, New .ak I .i ts i n, .A. iit. .".ui.tan.. . l'u VI M I'., ll 'U lJ " llurtlti tin Mut liliit i'j , h; 'l.U, r, IILMIY tlll.LIUT. Mini, I So.ti, li 77" In Cm, I 11,; il tlll lMll llll, Pi I r M.I It lu all kn. li t l:.. 1 1. . I Manilla.' lurela lUrilHuli'. lion Si.. I. I oil I h.iln . ii, "I ' Pulley lllmk., Av LiaU. UlUMSU fll SI ti HIM lit Oil I he l.ul.rl. aliicf Oil, arc a.b.picd lo ul Mu. Iiluoi y Al-o. al lu. ...e lie Iuler i n i. Wmiu .Mtiui.ii.l, i ii ly i : I'laniu hu.h i-.i n.-.i,. and aill Sla- lUllie., Ai SI ti iim.ta T ,n , t il Plui. ri iia ai I ll iii l l.ailua CuUvra, i.- . A ,1 , SI, blue lb Ilio,' ol l.ul.b.i u..,l . ,!),,, , ,,.lui,lly UU baud llellll'H . t'ilu l'l..f ' fi. I'IiiIIohh , i.'i. u l'lalM...I li.-u lo.-k Inland Inu.. ...i. I.-.I. ( V I'ulskaatla Bill kiwi .1 4" U.wi luuit.l t. .it lla vail lUiiiabut, Vur.k Tl Im.) .IummIU tii ra wl laiuwt' ttui t'. COWDKN u wilcux. (VUt4lMtllI.ic, 4A. .oir.luw t-n al Id,. aaiaVuhlan ul I 4 uual tu ! a.a-l, lu Iki.suuullt I, '.ii lull ul aili.U U'u.H u . Is a i kai. J lUnul-ui; al; I, I ,