Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 14, 1863, Image 1

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    Trims oi AmuniKnu.
Two I)oi,t,Ans icr nnmira, to be jwlil half-yciirl
In mlvniice. iVo jmper discontinued unlil nil ar
rcnrngc nro (mid.
TO I't.l BS :
Thrp.i chiles to 0110 oddrcw, $ 5 00
K. vra do do 10 (10
1-iltci'ii ilo do 20 00
Kiv.i Iit1nr. In mlvnrice. will iny for thtco yciuV
mliM-'iijiin'ii to the Anitrieaii.
Club siibscrinliont mart lie invariably (mid in ad
vnni'p. nnil .cut to nno oddrcra.
If subscribers neglect or rcfuo to take, their news
pnnriK from tbc oflino to winch thoy r directed, they
lire. ri'.Miiiilili' until they bnva settled the bills and
ordered them discontinued "
PiwImiiKtcre will lcnso set tin our Agcnta, and
flunk leitcrs cimtiiiiiiiiR siihscriilhn nioiii-y. They
lire permitted to do tliii under thu l'ost Office Xaw.
One aqnara of 12 lines, 8 timed.
"-.,T fiis.-,iii,.-iii msi'mim,
nc imre, 6 months,
Hix rumillis,
One yenr.
ltiirinrm C'nrdi! of 5 Hum, per ftiitiiitn.
Merchant and others advertising by the year,
I. 00
8 on
I V)
W Jl.
iini hid I'limrp oi inserting umereiit ad
Vcrtlshiff wccklv.
10 on
mi'ines tuition Inserted in tb- I.neAt. Cm. tn:, ot
before Mnrrinfrc and Ileal hi. FIVK L'KMS I'KR
LINK for each insertion.
I 'jf Larger Advertisements ns per agreement.
We Imve connected with our rstiihlUhiucnt a well
elected JO II OFJ'ICE. which will enable in to
-ereontc, In the nentcH style, every vnricty of
ti:k.m or Tim "AMi:itiCA.M
jniTt ltgtmYii iijarSTKecNctJJ
4lttt'n.'iiN lMilIii1-Iilit Com.
iiirrciiil .'11r;o,
X. K. Corner of 7th and Chestnut t., l'liiliidelphia
MHIIS! INSTITl'TiOX, which w established In
J tsll. and in now eoiic(iicntlv in tlio Isih year
d lis exitenco. numbers nnionir it- jrrHiliintt'F. hun
dred of the most successful 31 crchiiuls and lltisiness
ilcn of our country.
Tho object of Ihe Tn'lilittlun Ik solely to nflbnt
voiinn men facilities for thorough preparation for
The hrnnclio. linitrlit are. UiKik-Kccpinj;. ns npidi
entile to the various department of trade ; l'cnntnn
ship, both iilniii and orniimenliil ; Coinmercial Law,
Mntheinnties. Navigation. Civil Knjrincoring, lhaw
Ins. l'honnpraphr. and Modern Lmiiuii);cs.
Toe system of instruction is nccuihir ; no classes or
set lesions nrc tmi'lo use of. but each student is taught
iMdividunlly. ?n Hint ho may coinnicnec nt any time,
il;,'! intend vvhtttever hours nre most convciient.
Ca!nloi;iu" nrc issued annually utter the Kith of
April, eoiihiitiiiiir niinies of the students for the yenr.
in. I full particulars of terms. Ac. and may he ob
Hhcd at any time by addressing Ihe Principal.
in extensive nreommmlirtioiis. wiilc-spreiid reputa
tion, mid the lengthy experience of tho Principal,
lira institution ofi.TS facilities superior to any other
in the cr.untrr. tor yoims men wishing to prepare for
liit-iuess. ami lo obti'iu nl tlic snitic time a diploma,
wliich ill prove a recomiiieinliition for them to any
Mercantile House.
Cvillcnilcn's peries r.f Trenlises on Hook
Kcepintr. now more widely ciKurntcd llian any other
"vork on the sul.iect. nre fur sale at the College.
S. HOlMiKsVliilTKNUtN, Anortivyat Law.
February ieii2. ly .'
i ts: i'B!r.s:a:i:K
As f..r-lC and l.Hrtfl.
P.v T.. KKTl'HA M fi CO., 2S0 Pcnrl St., New York.
1HM only Freezer constructed on seicnlilie tirin-
ciplcs. with a revolvini; can nnd spring blnue
S'-rnpcr. i he one nnie;is tne trceziugol ilio cream- -the
other removes it as fust as froj-n.
The most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity
of ice.
The niot economical ineosl, ns it is Ihe most simple
ami durable in slructi rc.
lor sale in till the principal cities, and toivui in tho
Fncli FrcCjer nceoniauiel with a book of recipes
ml full directions.
.1 quarts, f.1 00
4 quarts, - 4 ptl
0 quarts, J 80
5 quart :, 6 09
1 I qnai:. H no
ai quarts. 12 III)
Applv to II. R. MASSER, Sunburv. Ta.
Mi.roli iM, 1SH2.
Attorneys nt Law, Sunbury, Pa
'. 11. II" V Kit. rivpectfiilly annoiiree that they
have enl"rc l into cop.irlncrship in llio iirnctice of
liicir proUs.'i. n. an 1 ill continue to attend to nil
i,,,,,,..! cntntste 1 to their chni'sre. in Ihe counties
nf .Vyiliumberlni! I. I nioii, Snyder and Montour,
tirom iMv. faithfully ami carefully. S i d atten
tion will be pive'ti to tin- Ctii.I.KC'l I'l.NS OF
t'LAIvb-. Coiisiill.ilions can be had in the HLH
MAN' lnmruvic.
i)V,,....Marl;et street, opposite Weaver's lintel.
Sunbury, l'cbruary 4. MiO.
tS:-:i:(SZi'si. XVSiich. (aiitx.
XlXiW. s:ib-rili'-r. lnvina opened in Thompson -i
I Itii-k r-mldiiur. Mill slrcel, Hanvillc, a lur'c
tuid ctir.:plete Klock of
FoliF.KiX AMI LOMlXriC LK;rol'.S.
eoniprisini Ihe l.-t lraols of Praiiiies. liin. Old
live. Scotch mi l libdi Whi-key. Port. Sherry. Ma
ileir. I'liai.ii'ii Mii- an I ether Wines, ot nil grade, nil
ot -.vakil will be Mild Kllolcnlo. ill thu lowest city
prices. Tavci-n-kecjiers, by buying of us, cau sure
i- lea-t ihe fi-i ilit.
Persons di-sirous of piireh.isin'.? liquors for
l-- A M I L Y I' S i: .
tiny rely iimiii bein furiiishcd with a puro and
.litielalicratc'l arlicle.
-. , I'.eing deteriniiied t-i establish a reputation for
"Inc.- die ip. he respectfully solicits the patronage
: .In.- public. AH orders pr'uuMlv intended to.
In.i.vilic. .Tune I '. 1 tu.
sitn e yojfr I'rnil,
I)Y u-iiig Mason 'a Patent Sin et Metal Screw Top
I ) Preserve Jar.
.,' ;ir Ttn".
All that i: liree..-t;ry being to screw lite Cap down
,ii.ei the it'ibbcr lia-lsrt. which is jilaced outside
i. ni'i !:e -1 blerof ihe .iar. - of an inch distant
in. in iS.' loo: i. 'event the no.ilii lit v of I he tl'u or ot I
tl.- tiait beii: injured h coming in contact will) tlie
P. r ins ilc-irtns th --c -Tars can be supplied by
leav ing lliefr oideis with II. U. MASSLIt. Agent.
Seioniry. June 2, lwiu.
)'iis.hiiiK''" llis-.
(.Yr ihr IhiJge.)
fjlllK siili-cribcr bliviiiL' lea ed this well known
1 Tavern Stand, lately kept ley Mrs. C. S. lirown.
respcelfally informs the public tiiat he is refitting and
icMii-iug the premises, mid will he prepared to en
tetlain, io a coiiii'orlnhlo nianner. his iiuiuerous
friend throughout the county, and all who uiay
li.uroiii.'' bis esiitblialiuient.
April 12. mt. ' J'tSl-.PlI YANKIHK
I'l-llllUlill I III lint',
PVIM II.T AND UKi rilNISIIl'It, Cor. Howard
I V an I i'ral.Uiin Street, a few Square West of the
X irth. ri. rciilrnl lt.iilro-id Kcp.,1. PALTI M1 '1!K.
f r Tl.lis. tfl I K ic llV.
li. l.l.ISI'.MUXH, Propiktor.
July 1 i, I.-.'.-.). !f
. Tl:- St. Itoiiis,,
C'i.'luiit Start. In I iff,-a Tliilil nitil Vuurlli,
J n 1 1. I : : i . I-: 1 1 .
rilllK undersigneil. haviir; leased, for n term of
years, lUt- pi.inilar heit-c. halt' Ihe plciisure uf
inii'ouuciiig I i their friends mid the traveling eoiu-
iiiitni'y tli ii it b now open for ihe reception ut giients.
'1'lie hoii .e, since the fust of March last, has been
i-iitireiy renovated nnd rctitlcd in a superior manner;
tho ii!ar:nicnts uro lurirc. well veuliliileif mid fur-
ni-lied in itio lern si vie. it is cenlriilly located.
couvcuii'iit to ull Ibe depot and steamboat Uindiiigs.
and in lb immediate vi.-iuiiv of Ihu Custom llouu,
J'i-1 Oiii.-c tun! the r.iru Fxehalige.
Ceiiiieeteil wilh Ibe Hotel is u Itestniiraiit for the
aeitouiiiiii latioii of those piet. rriiig thu Liirofiean
plan. Prices ut livauns trotii 'ihruu to Sevcu iiollurs
"-r week. Heeoniilig lo iH'-ition.
lioard SI in p -rday. Ta' le I'll,, tc fir merchants
n4 bu?iuc. men fiom I to a P. M.
April 12. I2. ly
wi riiulcil ,
n.1 i"ieil lounv KCIIIISPM-.
uv liv rxitonvu tm, wtiru few eeuU mote wr
gatiou will f'limtU )ou Willi twitert till f
Mude only h
N i. U Walnut Micet. Pkiladcluhia.
t'r'.ne.ty IV l-stl ty
Till: rAMII.V MAP MAkr.R
I KlIeliculirMMT VUU be Ufcul lull! giMsi kdsip, HMIig
lliicrtioiia Areiwijiaii) mn Hu ll II' i '
IMiAf u. rt.i v uttt. Hob ii, a MM.tiig gri ui m-
Ii. M iluI mI I lit llir H ilH.,1. r.
i'.t Vl.f M Vl I I HIM. IIIMHANV.
S ". I'll t .W INll, flHdliM.
r. rfuu) M, I -I I - l
Utirl ar Mur!
(iin: ii.i'M iiik mi'.iii
li'Vl. I ItuM Till: sol Til.
li'MJ. lm.l 1111. lT.
I 'iMK ll.iiil IIIK WKST-
If ibe "UI.I V kill bud.l oIIM'lvee liouic, fuf
I...W la lb. 111., txrf'l )"UI l.uil.Ur llitup
l.l Mlir.ll1 I t UI.EIi ' U MIIEH!"
tm .1 U i-i.. nt lbs a Ik A 4 AW-
.4111. "I
in i r i i. t:ii: r t .nri;r, ?a ,
S s. ii to. I' oo I I.UI..I.. I ft'iMUi. .yul'r t'l'i., IN
it .ut rf i.l. I ...a e . i l" I ih.bMh, J, I'ImMviu.
I .IU. I'.I'OW I, -U..1 l..tii , ,
il leiu Ji iv I .4 kii-4u LtalaUf, eill ke
tl.,il.-4 at lb. b 'iut null
lb 1 f I UMfST
r.biuii u.ii. f i-i
New Stock of Goods!!
and although prevailing reports may induco tho
belief that
arc advancing, yet a tingle, visit (o thai ''attractive
w ill convince any candid man or woman that, be tho
report as it may, yet the proprietors of that ' inslilu
tion" Lave the facilities for furnishing
CI-IIE.IF'jSIR, goods
uliicb those mho buy ai.d sull ou Crcdius
not, nnl cnuuot o8St.
117 EAT. !
.Sunbury, May 17, lSt',2.
Said Mm. Smith to Mrs. Drovm.
Aslhcv tveie walkiu through ibe town,
')icre do vou do your shopping ?
That dress you rc in. so neat and tine.
That tthen 1 .ee its really luinu
Looks Hisitively hockiiii;.''
"l in .are your hii.sliiiii'l. Mrs. lirown
Now don't be anry. jsmt mid trowu
1- not so rieh as mine.
And yet you can ntliird to buy
Just twice a- much, or luoro lhaii I,
Aud bow, 1 euiiuol divine.' 1
Soys Mrs. lirown to Mn. Siuith t
'ihe rea-ou you'll be Hlarilvd with,
It is mi ftiiuilc, clear
Yuii buy on credit. I for cash,
1 buy bargain., you buy tnish,
I cheap, while you puy dear.
Whene'er yuu want a drcs or shawl,
A collar, boso, or what-not. call
At the cheap M tuuoTii t-roliK,
They 'll ull you jpioda m very low
'i'loit you will ceiu.e to wonder .o,
lluw uiucb rich good 1 w wore.
' My huslmnd. aJ you truly nay.
Is lHMirer. far, than yotirii to-day,
And yet 1 can buy more,
liccuuse eiub dollar of bis few
1.. to lue, ju?l a kmm1 a two,
At the cheap .M aumotb !ioli."
Ko ml i-lied w iu Mm. Smith
A ilh Mia. Drown-, new arilb-
no-lie, which did convince
The ttil. and oH-ned ao hcrryea,
Mie liuj-u't Ui pairouiM
ThuMiHVoTU ever .iiico.
And now, when you chance to meet
Her liu.baud, Smith, upon the .Uect,
Around Ihe uoiucr coioiiiK,
Jli. liica i. lighted with a .mile,
Hi. Ici 1-la.lie all Hie whlla
A pKiiraul lunu Uv . bumiuiua;.
I. adit.. If lika elTivt you'd n
lu your dear .Miutf, w hicti you and ii,
IvrehaiH'a, ucu r miw U tora,
Jut Mr.. Ilrowu'. pruwiriiiUou try.
And all your lut id I'ry iI.hhI. buy
At th tbuup Moth Mime.
larnUr'M 1'laulitlluM lliiler.
They purify .IreiatlH'u aud lutijutatu.
1l.ey eriau a benlihy apiila.
T In y ai aw ttii'l"i lu rL.iijfe uf water aud dint
'I h.y utetouuia vitrei. uldu.ipaii'41 and laukowra
'1 h-y .liviitflbili lUi-.rMeui and cull l vli lh aailel
1b' .fiit-iil uiiaaiuaiki aiwl iuiajuiiiuul IviiMa
'I ! ) puiilv lb bicalbaud aulUll) ut iba aiuiuuh
llie CUIU 'U aud i'un.llMalloH
Ibiy emu lii.iibva, t buivia, aud tbulnta Uof.
TU.y ama l.itvi Cuwipialiil aa4 Nvriou. IUJ.
a b
Tk w. ib Um Ihii.i. in tl, wijuld 1 Uy auak
tba tutu tiiuM. au4 aia .ibautl baluiv a
glial rejoin 'I L.J ua. la ul uia M t lul
lluw lk.mdtUai.4 taliMja llaik, l-i. a ad b "!, 1
al Uk.a auk lb ltauia ul Uinain aub
ual Is 41 d lu ai 4 Uusa U uajr f allteuiall) la.
iiiaalaut ivald bjr all lii-.n. (ouiuU. Il.vkl
4ai.M r U t'tttkt t'O, vll"i..;
k.a 1 mi k
.tl'ttV IslNT
Of KoHhumlicrlind County, fur Morch Term,
1 Ynl. Conrarl, Lower Augusta.
2 Clias. Uncoil, I'jipcr Augusta
8 Hiram Bloom, Lower Augusta
4 Moses Troutmnu, Jordan
5 Kuinnucl Spntz. Lower Slaliauoy
0 lsnac DitzliT, Turl.uit
7 Ocorgo C'onriul, t'fip,!r Augusta
8 Ianiu: Heidvlspaeli, l'oint
it (i. W. Sinitli, Sunbury
10 Davict Hertz, Sjunlmry
It Jacob Oonser, Jackson
12 Charles Hottenstein, Turbut
13 James Diefftnbuclier, sen., Xorth'd
14 Hnniel Holnicr, .Ionian
15 Miclincl Treon, 'asllington
10 (linrk's Krtiiuiit. Milton
17 David Kckcrt. Turbut
lfi Frederick Dilzler. Turbut
19 Thomas MolCce, Delaware
20 Michael Arnold. Lower Augusta
21 John S. Troxcl, C'hillisqtinque
22 Samuel Adiuus, Suulmry
2:1 A. A. Hciin. Zeibe
24 Samuel Mantz, Sunbury .
TllAVERSlv .iinons.
Thomas Artley. Milton
)i-orre Grist. Jordan
Franklin I'ardoe. ltush
Charles Kaylor, 1'jijmt Muhanoy
John C'rowser. Xortliutnberlatid
Charles C!. (Julick, Point
Henry deist, Point
C. V.' Little, Nortliumberland
David Shipmun, Lower Augusta
Daniel Krieger, Coal
Prtt r ITanselman, North' J
(i. Y. Smith, Sunbury
fi. C. Yelker, Sunbury
Charles Shuler. Turbut
David Melinite, Lewis
Henry Lciscnnng, Shamokin
James Fetistermticher, Lower Mahanoy
Cliarle.i iirosious, Lower Mahanoy
Jacob rmitliolomew. Lower Augusta
John Duukcl, Turbut
I'raneis I'.uclicr. Stinbuty
Isaac Vincent. Delaware
Peter Shaffer, Delaware
J. J. Pcinieusnyder, Turbut
John Deckel, Delaware
John H. Yamell, Mount Cannrl
Samuel Uaringer. Lower Augusta
Jacob Dressier, Milton
(leorge Harris, Lower Mahanoy
Henry Polk. I'ppcr sYugusta
J. M. ilcgins, Zcrbe
Peter Tliomas. .Liekson
William (itiss. Lower Augusta
John Heck, I'pper Mahanoy
11. Hcll'iier. Lower Augusta
Jacob Hinder, Turbut
Hugh D. Pan-, Milton
J. V. tloodlandcr, Milton
John K. tierig, Milton
Kd. I!atim. Jordan
PiMiiklin Punk, Milton
i 8
i 0
' 10
I i:S
; 14
! 15
i 19
; 20
j o.i
! s3
! 24
j 2G
i :U
. :) 2
i :i4
j ;i5
I as
I A3
I 44
A illiatn Hetiril, MeKwensvilln
S'iniuid Hoitscworth, Lower Attg'.it
John Pcnsyl, Hush
John G. Lckman, Upier Augusta
Air in Alexander, Coal
David Malick, Ujiper Mahanoy
Charles S. Stahlneeker, Turbut
1 Peter Arnwine.
2 George McDowell, Chiliistiliaijun
:i John Y. Klork, Jackson
4 Harvey Nye, Delaware
5 iienjamin SeigtVted. Lower Augusta
Ii (!. V. Hiunbauch. Dehtware
7 Kcuben Wynn. l'iper Augusta
S Abraham Straub, Milton
II Gilbert Hurlieu, Zerbe
10 Joseph Krighbautn. Lower Augusta
11 John Hoffman. Washington
12 l'.ugenio K. Gillinger, Hush
L! Jacob Shipe, Lower Augusta
I I Samuel lilair, Milton
15 Daniel Smith, Turlmtville
Hi Win. M. Auteii, CliiUisipiaiUe
17 A -a Krert, Turbut
is Charles Harris, Northumberland
I'd John Haughawout, Husli
20 Samuel Shadmtm, Milton
21 Henry W. .Malick, Lower Augusta
22 John C. Morgan. Sunbury
2:1 Samuel lioiib, AYiisliington
21 Adam Zartman. Jackson
25 Dtirid 11. Pcnsy, Shamokin
2ti Henry Sheets, Chillistiuaiiue
27 Samuel Hucher, l'hillinua(juc
2S Stituucl Knt, Shamokin
2'.l Klislin Tharp, Shamokin
:ii) Jonathan Power, -Northumberland
:ll Marcus Strouse, Zerbe
il2 Hubert A. Gitl'eu, ChillisipiiKiun
!(: Win. 1'. Pursy th, Northumberland
;H George Krert, Northumberland
:5 Charles Dine, Niii'tliiiiiila rland
3li Henry S. Heitz, Wa.iliingtoit
Jury J.lnl J'r A'ljotiriU'l Court, eo)nunriii(i
on Me- Uh Mtmtliiy of .Vnreh.
1 Joseph Hockey, Lower Mahanoy
2 Jauies H. Pollock, Turbulrillu
it Abraham Wolf, Lower Augusta
4 ll.irnmti Snyder, Coul
5 Durid Fisher, I'pper Augusta
U Adam How, Lower Augusta
7 Lewis Chamberliu, Shumokitl
8 Frutu 's Shearer, Milton
9 Samuel llepner, Lower .Mahanoy
10 Win. Format), Lower Augusta
II Thomas Carl, Lew i
IS Win. Verger, Jr., Jordan
li) Joseph Snyder, I'pper Mahanoy
1 1 Iuue Hover, Titrbulrillo
15 Jacob lloutz, Turbut
It) Abraham Lunger, Milton
17 Muxiiick lot lueher, Turbut
14 John Wolf, Hcluwiiro
1U Jacob Hower, Jaekaon
20 Michael Furh y, Turbut
21 Peter Haughawout, Hindi
ii Frederick Willului, Milton
24 John A. lleiny, Ik lawaro
21 Jacob Snrder, liwur .Muliuhoy
25 David lliikeit, NoilhuuiUrluud
2(1 Joseph tU)dcr, Coal
27 John lltintuii l, Point
24 Win. S. Snyder, I pn.r Augusta
2U Mi r Thoiima, I p r Maliuuoy
UH Conrad II. Itaker, l.iltlu Mahauoy
Ul N illiuiu Cole, l pH-r Auyiista
ili Chailia V. Hnyder, hliuiuukiit
ilil H.uiiuel K lapp, Turbut
it John Uarriiii-r, liwer Augu.ta
U5 Piier Fetteriuail, Lower Auu.t
UU John li. hnyder, Mlllou.
CwmIVb liaa mm 4 l'(M-rl-M-v !
MN iMtMlttl,
1)1 Ill lrllHi iba kruilw4 u ralaf
aud lauiow ui youaf lu. wlw wlvr fruui
.IrrttMW ll.blllly, ClaMtalula ta j Mipplyuig
al Iba aawa liusa Iba luaaMa u IHil-4'w ll atoa
kbu ba. ujid buw.ll alui Uiaa but W ana
'Um iMiiHigb a-i4iil iiM.aHaa. aM uuasaelf
ahakawaaj m p14 ad Ii aalab'pa, aiat.
Hm tuJ ba kad v iba auibiaj,
AlUAMkl- MaVrAIR. H .
WadtuKl. fcUgalt.fc T
M.. k U. M If
T-i.rTiil ii:si v iAt.
Corref pondence of the Han isburg T.ilejrapli.
llKAn((t;.nTF.i'.s 87th Hrcn. P.. Vot Isp,, )
AYiNtiii-:s.t..:it, V.v., Feb. 27th
At nn ndjourned meeting of the olHeers
of the 87th Regiment Pennsylvania Volun
teers, Lieuleiiuiit-Colonel John W. Seliall in
tho Ohitii'.
(In motion, the Committee, consisting of
the following named officers : Capts. Jacob
Detweilcr, K G. Huhl, V.' C. S. Kekcrt,
James Adtiir, ond Surgeon D. P. M'Kinncy,
previously appointed to draw up resolutions
expressive of the feeling nnd sentiment in
regard to the preen tcop.uit ion of tho coun
try, reported thu fofiowiiigT
AYur.itKAs. The nation is nt present strug
gling for rights nnd privileges dear to every
Atneriien t-ltivn, cnlling for the combined
llid of those w; and patriotic, to insure its
preservation and final triumph ; Ami irhtren
Wc huvo heard wiih feelings o'dei p anil
unfeigned Borrow and regret t'f -lent, trea
sonable sympathy, whieil has fo'l'1 sonic time
been exhibiting itself in our Stale and coun
try, nnd which, as was to be feared, lias at
length culminated ill tho unjust and shame
ful arrest and imprisonment f two of our
brightly loyal fellow citizens; therefore,
V&WiW, That, inasmuch as vclmYf'l,'lg',d
our cheerful und hearty co-operation both in
sentiments nnd by acts, for the preservation,
nnd as we hopefully anticipate, the ultimate
rescue of our Government frot.i the dangers
that surround us in this crisis of thu Re
public's threatened fortunes; therefore fur
tlu r
,'iWrro', That we earnestly solicit, nnd nt
the same lime respectfully demand, an honest
and encouraging interest from those w ho tire
unwilling to take an active part in the great
drama now lu ing enacted for our national
existence, that they should of right nnd are
in duty bound to encourage, and support the soldiers in the tended field; that we
expect and hope for the laying aside of nil
political animosities, heretofore so prejudi
cial to the dearest and best interests of socie
ty, and that they at the same time render
and afford ample support for the continued
maintenance of the power, honor and dignity
of the Federal Government, which has con
tinued to foster, cherish and protect them
lor now nearlv a century.
I': .-tlnil. Tent the forces r.ow in ojan
armed rebellion are not so much tlujiisnl, or
so thoroughly iliimlnl, as tho crafty traitors with them ni home ; hcniiol.i,
who have sold their birthrights for a sop of
secession pottage, and whose example, it is
profoundly hoped, they may abundantly fol
low ere their vile proclivities lead them into
n more open eonlliet with, the Government
to w liu h they owe hie, liberty anil citizcn-
I si
Jlixih. J, That, if the might -war measure.?
pitsseU ny Congress within Tito proceding
fortnight have any weight ; if the patriotic
resolve gushing forlh from the thniisnndsof
hearts, lo;tiiv pure, as the crystal waters
struck from. t lie rork of old, indicate any
thing, und if withering scorn, so overwhel
mingly exhibited towards treason, avowed
in tint very Senate chamber itself, has any
significance, then be it fui-th"r
III .soi'ct V, That the signs of the times grow
encouragingly bright, ere long tn shine to
wards the perfect day, mid that the dark
dreap hour preceding the dawn of oureoun
try'ss restoration must be rapidly passing,
when this power nnd glory, though crushed
and obscured for a time by gigantic combi
nations ot' political hypocrisy, wiil re-illu-initie
with truth that inde'-tructible cle
ment of light t!te old Vnion firmament,
wliich is being overshadowed at present by
this fractiicidid internecine war.
7it.sivi, That with victory will conic
peace, honor and blessings, countless as the
sands, while the consummation of the prin
ciple office Government vindicated, indeed
at an unparalleled sacrifice, will tower ma
jestically amid these peerless results, estab
lished upon its sacred throne, lieyTnd the
most powerful iuilucitccs of future human
II -i ', That we most heartily approrc
nnt fully endorse, without exception or com
ment, all administration measures having a
bearing upon tho ultimate annihilation of
traitors, north, Bouth, east or west. Ami
this to the entire sacrifice of all that we hold
most sacred eren life itself; that without
union there must be civil discord, social
disturbances, domestic clamor and strile,
with its t riin of evils; ami to avoid these
results, we believe it to be morally, socially,
und politically imperative upon us, as well
as for our fellow citizens ut home, to stand
up gallantly for the old ling, closely adhering
to the noble ship of Slate, wliich will again
beyond the caril of doubt, outride the storm
and bring the nation to that glorious pnt,
from which treason, most foul, for a time,
has beguiled us.
JlnuUfl, That in tendering our thanks to
Gor. Cnrtin, we wtv ''well done jfnod und
faithful servant," ins herculean efforts in
behalf of uur struggling country need no
comments; they speak for themselves and
history has recorded them. Men of Penn
sylvania! heed our witriiing, ponder our np
peal, net ou the side of God, Immunity uml
the right.
y.'...i-n, That the Harrisburg Telegraph
und the newspapers of York and Adams
counties be reipasted to publish the nliovo
proci'Lilings und resolutions.
On motion, tho resolutions were unani-inou--!y
The fiiiegning proceedings being read to
each company nnd u Vote taken upon theiu,
uen- unanimously udoplcd us the aciiliiuctits
of the regiment.
Di:Mint.M 1 vTinN. Men who kMiipalhie
with treason lire i asily awiiyed from lliep.ith
of duty. "rol'i s.ora of religion have lett the
house where they have worshipped li r e its
U i iiiisc the Minister spoke uf icU'llioii Ha a
crime, and ulluded to Jell. Dm i. s a li aitor I
In ollu r ease they liavu refuaed tocontri
biilo to the aiipporl of the I'.i.lor, huvo
given lip their pens, mid even withheld
their mii.iiul loutributioil lu Ihe Miaaionary
CHUM. The irua (if ace-.ioll it neln. lend
lo lii' tin pine le at Hi ll political Min i
lie. Thu lh-il can lime im Utter agent in
do hi. work, Tho eoiivrraalioii tf m m iiio
able iiietiiUr of Chmeh into a inaleconleul,
iliti upholder of iiilni.ter into mi aattiluiii,
iIiuIiImiuI conn J'Utor lo luixiuiiary culir
piic lulu a uiiur, la niiictlilng Im may
lejiilcu at, u aoluu oilier pUeea t ill l.lnllia
liaVK Uiolue purat idea, aud ploiu Holllell
lit hoped and pravrd for llm lUallt of
lUua hi am uphi.l.liu' llio Gorerniiiiiil,
aud Kltri"if Ho ui M'lnpmailvo pron ril y and
tvuriiy I Uf all Ilia) tiill apirita, lhal of
r'aiiia U U il larribU and davllt.b.
. l ,'iy'o i IU f.y wWi. ta.
Tin- IVni' li TrniiOHMPo.
Fi:r)Ki5.i.itKoirKM-s dkff.atf.d Axnovr.n-
NAsttrti.t.K, March 0.
There was fighting all day yesterday,
between Van Horn 'a "Rebel command nnd
three Fedora) regiments of infantry, about
five hundred cavalry and ono battery, nt
Spring Hill, about thirteen mile?; south of
Franklin. Colonel Coburn's three regiments
of infantry were cut to pieces or captured
by tho Rebel force. Thoy fought desperate
ly, but their ammunition became exhausted,
and, being overpowered by Superior num
bers, were either killed or captured. The
cavalry and artillery got off safely. No
reinforcements from General Gilbert's com
mand at Franklin reached the scene of no
tion. Seven regiments of infantry nrc at
thai place.
an Horn is reported to have lOHO men
in his command.
Nasiivii.m:, March 0.
The following additional details have
been received of the light near Franklin
yesterday. Five regiments of infantry, one
battery, the Kighteenth Ohio, with the
Seventh Pennsylvania and Second Michigan
Cavalry, all under command of Colonel
Coburn, of the Thirty-third Indiana, advan
ced on Spring Hill on the 4lh insr. Several
spirited skirmishes occurred during the
day. our troops camping four miles distant.
Ou tho 5th a movement by the Rebels was
apparent, causing somu disorder at Thomp
son's Station.
The Rebels suddenly opened on our men
with three batteries on different points, nnd
nt the panic time they appeared on each
think in greatly superior number. An une
qual conllict was maintained with great de
termination, causing heavy loss on both
sides, but linally resulted unfortunately to
our troops, the largest part of the Thirty
third Indiana, Nineteenth .Michigan, T'ven-ty-seennd
Wisconsin and the Eighty-fifth
Li'liaiui, with most of their commissioned
nliirers, being captured.
Our artillery and cavalry were successfully
w ilhdrawn. The One-hundrcd-aiid-twenty-fourth
Ohio was out but returned without
hiss. All is tpiiel to-day. The Rebels ht've
fallen back. Their force was infantry, with
heavier artillery than we had.
Ge:i. Gilbert's non-action nnd failure to
reinforce Col. Coburn, is severely censured
by officers and men.
Sews tVoiu ICebel Sources.
S.WANXAit, March ;, 10 P. M. The ene
my are attacking Fort McAllister. The
attack commenced tit thirty minutes past
eight o'clock this morning. Three iron
clads and two mortar boats nre playing on
the fort. Our 8-inch colunibiad has been
dismounted; two men slightly wounded.
The firing continues very heavy.
Sr ann ul M uch 3. 5-30 P. M. A des
patch from Fort McAllister, dated 3-lli,
snys that one of tho iron clads has with
drawn. Two iron-clnds and one mortar
boat are still playing on the fort. The fort
is uninjured, and no ono is hurt on our side
except tho two slinhtly wounded early this
morning. The garrison is in good spitits.
The tiring still continues.
i:ri.orr -i of t m: rui vatkf.u r.F.Tidi'.i tka
Ciiaki.kston, March 3. Nassau advices
report the arrival thereof the Confederate
privateer Retribution. She had taken, and
burned the barque Mary Wright of Portland,
nnd brig Erie of Camden, Maine. Captured
and sent to Confederate ports the brig
Elliott, of Hucksport, .Ale., and schooner
Hanover of Mass. Also, captured nnd run
ashore, on the Rahanius, tho brig Emily
Fisher, taking the crew prisoners to Nassau.
Tho Elliott was subseiuently recaptured
by the Yankees at St. Thomas. The Retri
bution encountered an unknown whaler in
the Carribean Sea, which showed tight,
killing one on the Retribution, when tho
whaler was sunk, with all on board, by tho
lire of the Retribution. Tho crew of the
Retribution are all well, and she would seou
linish repair:' mid resume hi r cruise.
Tlie till' Ioti-oi-!.
Washington, March 0.
Trota tho rdchiiiuiiil Examiner of Muinbiy.
Savannah. Feb. 28. The stunner Nash
ville, in coming up the Ogeceheo river last
night, grounded on the sand bar before Fort
VcAllister and was destroyed by the Van
" : fleet. A Yankee iron-clad opened lire
across the marsh ut the Nashville til thirty
minutes past seven o'clock, when an incen
diary shell struck the Nashville and set her
on. lire, and she is now a total wreck. The
fort tired upon the Yankee and hit her
The other gun-boats of tho licet lircd upou
the fort, but did no damage.
Di:si un-noN of Altkukd Giu:i:nu vi ks.
The altered frit) treasury notes are said to
bo well calculated to deceive those not well
aetpia'mt. ,1 w ith the genuine bill. A New
York paper gives the following description
of the altered notes :
These notes are altered from twos, Vnited
States treasury notes, in tho following muit
ncr: Ovir the llgnre 2 in tho ritiht und left
lippce comers of the note tho ligures .10 nre
nearly pasted. The small figures appearing
nround the larger figures me blotted oiit
with green ink rcseiiililingthc "patent green"
tint. Thu wind "tw o," w hich appeal eleven
times in scroll work lent;tliwie iicro.-s the
top i I' thu bill, is blotted out by tho green
ink. Tho .'inn) is done with the words
"two" appearing in the acroll work in the
lower li:;lit hand corner of the bill, directly
above the u.iiiiu "-K. W. Spincr, Treasurer,"
Ac. The word "llfty" i neatly pasted over
the word '"two," nt the ricjht uf the vignette
Thu Roman "II" in thu lowrr lett hand cor
ner of Ihe bill i obliterated by the green ink
und U completely hid. Tho rever-oi aidu of
Ihe bill U in. i. le entirely given, except lullie
cent nil portion, wlinu Ihu Word "TliU note
la it hjjid lender," tie., upx'iir. A dot of
t'teeii i. placid upon every one of tlm id
luo.l iuiiiiuicl.ihlc i't on thu bai l.. Alto.
(jUlier, llm iiulea km wi ! calculated tu do
utli', Thcru rr lait intiuU'r uf lliun,
mil, Mid bill UI1U Hire. I lint IllUa lilT bct'U
Plrvi a.t I Mlll-M V. - It I. ollli iully .lutld
thai aplilleatinu fur potl HUH lu jr liui Im
.Jli.lle.l by any uf Ilia ilc klliU'a of ilia
Tioa.uijr. I uiicuiy lu lliu amount of l
000,000 ha alu.l L u piiulvdi Ooo,.
000 U knl t In ciii uiaiiuu, a I iiwi i.
Mag ru.Ul lof (4 tilt !! ( Mil,lftM)
Horrible Onrlly or the ! I N.
The following has been forwiuded to the
licadrpiarters of the army :
IlRAtJ-qVAntEllS DlSTtltfT OF CfiitSf It
Couixtii, Miss., Jan. 24,1803. Captain:
T haro the honor to submit a statement of
a few of the outrage committed upon citi
zens of Alabama by tho Confederate troops.
While all their lciule.-s. from the President
down, uro boasting of their carrying on this
w ar in accordance with the laws that govern
nntnrn in such tnsrs. nnd nre chare inir noon
our troops nil kinds of depredations nntl
outrages, I think a few simple (acts tnu-t
put. them to blush, and niaku thoso parties.
and our press and people who are seconding
the efforts of Davis to cast stigma upon us,
ashamed of the work they are doing.
I w ill merely state what I know to be
true. Alto Cnnadi and Air. Mitrh-ll were
hung two weeks ago for being Vnion men.
They lived on the Hacklelwiro settlement.
Marion county. Alabama. Mr, Hall work
and daughter of the same county were both
shot for the same cause, the latter instantly
killed, the former is yet alive, but will prob
ably die. Peter Lewes, and three of his
neighbors, were hunted down by one hun
dred blood-hounds, and captured.
The houses of Messrs. Palmer, Wclsby,
Williams, nnd the three Wcightmans. and
some thirty others, were burnt over their
heads, the women and children turned out
of doors, and the community notified that
if they allowed them to go into other houses,
or fed or harbored them in any manner,
they would be served the same.
Mr. Peterson, living nt the head of Bull
Mountain, was shot.
I am now feeding some oiie hundred of
inese lainincs, wlio, witn their woni'Mi mul
children, some giay-haired old men, nnd
even cripples on crutches, were driven out
and found their way here, through the woods
and byways, without food and shelter, nil
done for the simple rcaon they were Vnion
men, or that they had brothers or relatives
in our army. The statements of these peo
ple nre almost beyond belief, did wc not
have the evidence before us.
1 am informed by them that there are
hundreds of loyal men and women in the
woods of Alabama, with for an opportunity
to escape.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient
servant, G. M. Dodok,
Captain R. M.,
A. A. G., Memphis.
X DitrMMFK Boy's Fi:at. Among the
many incidents narrated of the daring and
heroism displayed in our army, wc have not
heard of any which wc think more deserving
of note than that performed by a mere lad
of thirteen j cars, from our own Borough,
connected with the DOtli Regiment., under
j ( olonel II. L. C ake, us we have learned it
I from those connected w ith tho command.
It appears that Robert Wright, son of Jona
than Wright, Esq., of Pottsville, a drummer
boy, having possessed himself of a secesh
horse after tlm battle of Artietam, rode
somo distance from the camp, and espying a
I rebel soldier (a tine, stalwart fellow living
upon the ground, dismounted, stole quietly
j to his knapsack, and on opening it discov
ered two pistols, one of wliich he took, and
then awakened his man, ordering linn to
surrender. The rebel made a move towards
his gun, which was but n short distance off,
when young AVrigltt ordered him to halt or
he would shoot him, and actually brought
him a prisoner into the camp of his regiment.
The uproarious demonstrations of the soldiers
when he was seen ruling into cam) with his
prisoner before him, can bo better imagined
than described. Wc learn that for this act
he has been deservedly promoted bv Ids
Colonel to the rank of orderly at his head
quarters. Mimrs' Journal.
Boy Waxi'f.d. Annouiicemcnls similar
to the above nro not uiifretpicnlly seen in
the columns of the daily newspapers, on
bulletins, nnd in tho w indows of .shop-keepers.
Of course boys arc wauled ! Who doubts
it ? None but tho most superficial thinker,
wc nre sure, could entertain such a thought
for a moment. In a few brief" years the
boys who nro n"w living will bo wanted to
proclaim tho gospel will bo on tho judge's
bench in the gubernatorial and presiden
tial chairs in tho halls of learning ; in
short, to fill the places now occupied by
the millions of the earth.
Boys arc wanted tor .' They arc wanted
ti till our public, private, and Subath-schools;
to store the intellect and the heart with the 1
useful and the pure ; to take the iuitatory
steps to becoming good nnd useful ciliens.
Boys arc wanted in Ih-nffn. Since wc :
began this article, n sorrow-stricken father,
in a thread bare coat, pacd by our office I
w illi a littw violin umler Ins arm. lus little
noy nas .een wan cu in i.eavcn. niters
may soon be called. God dcsiies all, und
un ties mi.
Yes, boys, you are wanted, not only
earth, but in heaven. Are you ready ?
Sini'MF.MsoF SoitttitrM Sviht. The Sor
ghum syrup is becoming a valuable article
of commerce. There is alrccdy a very huge
eilo of it in tho West for Eastern markets.
There is a large demand for rel'minir purpo
ses. Contiuetors for nrniy supplies have
purchased large quantities, and the demand
for it in 11 raw state for domestic consump
tion increases rapidly. Some shipments of
it have been niado to New York und other
Fastern cities w it h sal isfactorv results, and
large quantities of it, if of good quality, are
wanted for Eastern markets; but the West
cm tanners have not raised it much 11 it
er ii for, und. coiiseqiieiitly, l.iri,'.-orders
for it cannot Ih tilled. Its price at Chicigo
range, from twetity-t ight cent to forty -lit
cents per gallon.
. , - -
I'd iiik GiiiiV. Aii cxili.iii'e iu eiviii.r
an udvici to young ladies on the -lily i t uf
unit 1 i 1111 u v : "Ncer many 11 fellow wh.ii
ushuuied to carry n kiuiill bundle j who In.
in bud until bleukllst, und until hit father
ha uened his a!iup, alure i.r ulller, nn-1
.wept it out; who frequent taverns, bowl- !
In; aalooua, prl. fights, Ac i who owes l.ia
tailor, ihocmilkir,, jeuehr,
Iar I mt, printer, and hind lady, and ueier
IM lii.delil. -who Uulwuv. I u! kill,' nbullt I
Ida cqiiuiutuiires, and minli inning tliein;'
wIiomj Iiiiiuuii is ttUsva lunuiiif uboill lioii
m iim", W ho tllllik ll ia till' J.'liiit'. mail ill
Ihu iielliboilimhl, and el wlimn cwrv 01. e
de.piaia and aliuiia.' 'Hilt U "'d adviiu
UllU ; Kl lllul )oll dou'l oleiliH.W It.
A M IK who Inula i bl com t aald, "i'liul
if liu l.iat IU tltW C0U1UIOU I'leti., Ut) Would
apM-al lo Ihu hupii'in Court, aud li.nii
llieiuu lu lleavill." "And tin iv," reuliid
i iilUiiiaii, ")oU Mill U .um o liwi", ( )uil
will Hul Im uh. kiiI uutrf4 )outM,lf,
and i'liurj U if adiuilltil Ui. '
R vriiKii "Fast Ski:ktinis." ''It ws jitt
twenty years ago yesterday," says oirr narra
tor "that a party of u ftfiers went over to',
Cncokia Creek, on n skating mutch. Tim
day was colder than ten iccborgsll smooth
as ghi's, nnd wc made up our minds to have
a heap of fun. Hill Horry was the lender of
the crowd. He was a tail six-footer, full of
pluek, fm I tlie nest skater tn all creation.
Illen Kill lt.itri ii , mis r,l',.i r.,,.1 c.n.U
SI1iliiiLr. ,ull ,n!,ke the trip to Baffin's
j av mul im(.k j twenty-four hours, only
stopping long enough at Ilnlilax to take a
drink. Well, wc got in the crock nnd fas-'
tened our skates on, nnd after lakingngood
horn from Joe Turner's flask min ted off in
good Ftylc, Bill Berry taking the lend. As
1 was telling ye, it was a dogged cold day,
nnd so we had to skatr; fast to keep tho
blood up. There vis little air holes in tho
ice, und every now and then we wottldcomo.
near going into them. Mr skates trot loose.
j and 1 stopped to fasten "cm. Just as I hail
i finished bucklingthe straps I saw something
aliooting along tho ice like lightning. It
was Bill Berry's head. Ho had been going
it like greased electricity, nnd before ho
knew it he was into one of them air ho'.cs.
The force was so great ns to cut his head
ofl'flfninst tlm clinm r.imrra nt' lli J.-n Tt'j
; all day with Hill Berry,' said I. 'And all
j irrht. too, said Joe Turner. Just ns he had
got these words out of his mouth, and I
! looked at. Bill's head which had been goin-r
it on the ice, all at once it dropped into at"
j other hole. Wc run to it, nnd I heard Bill
Bern- sav, '(piiek bovs, rpiiek ! pull me out '.'
I looked into the hole ami thro sT,
sinner, was l,ii: Berry s brffly, which had
shoote I along under the ice," and met tho
head at a.hole in the ice. It was so shock
ing cold, tho head hail frozen fist to tho
body, and we pulled Billy out as good as
new. He felt a little numb at first, butafter
skating awhile, he felt as the rest of us' and
laughed over the Joke. We went homo
nbout dusk, all satisfied with tlie day's sport
About ten o'clock in tic evening somebody
knocked at the door, and said I was wanted
over to Bill Berry's. 1 put on my coat nnd
went over. There lay Hill's head in one
place nnd his body hi another. His wife,
said that after ho came home from skating,
and while attempting to blow his nose, ho
threw his head into the lire place. Tho
Coroner was called that night, and the ver
dict of the jury was, "that Bill Berry came to
his dentil Jiy skcetitig to fast.'" Wrmont
Winter 'I'l'lis,
Wkstkun F.i,oijrr.Ni'F..-A suspicious look
ing dog had been seen in ono of the towns
of Illinois somebody died maddog, nnd
everybody became alarmed. A public meet
ing Was called, and a distinguished Briga
dier' was appointed chairman. After stat
ing the object of the meeting in a not very
parliamentary manner, instead of taking
his seat and allowing others to make soma
suggestions, he Hunched forth into a speech
of some half hour's length, of which tho
following burst of fornesic splendor is a
sample :
'Feller Citizens: The. lime lias coino
when the overcharged feel i it's of nggrawntcd
human lialur tiHf no longer to be stood.
Mad dogs is in tho midst of us. Their
shrieking yelp nnd f.imy track can be seen
nil heered on our pcrairies. Death follers in
their wake : shall we sit here like cow hards,
while our lives, ami our neighbors' lives nro
in danger from their dreadful, orashus hi
drofrabrie caninety ? No, it kin not ba !
K'en now my hart is torn with conflicting
fcelin's of wrath and wengeance ; a funeral
pile of wild cats is bustin within me ; 1 iiavo
horses and cattle. 1 have sheep and pigs, I
have a wife and children, and 1 vising higher
as the importance of the subject deepened in
his estimation) I have money out at interest
all in danger of bein' bit by these infernal
mad dosrs.'
Tun "Old-Dominion." Virginia, during
the usurpation of Cromwell, declared her
self independent of his nu'hority, w hen tho
usurper threatened to rend a fleet to reduce,
the colony. Fearing to withstand such n
force the colonics dispatched n messenger
to Charles H then in exile in Flanders
inviting tho royal outcast to be their king.
I lo accepted tho invitation and on tho very
ere of embarking for his throne in America,
wtis recalled to the crown of England. In
gratitude for Virginia loyalty, he quartered
her coat of arms with thoso of England,
Scotland, ami Ireland, as an independent
member of the British Empire, nnd tho coin
establishes thou facta, tho oiigiu of
the phrase, "Old Dominion."
A A 1st:
little trie
-"You must not play
, my dear,"' said an
with that
: .njiicious parent,
I .uut m., 1 ;k( ;
er, ear. is a gooa iiitio
I girl, and I'm sure she tlrctsca as neat as I
1 ilo, and has lots of toys."
I "1 cannot help that, my dear," responded
tho foolish mother, ' her" father, you know,
1 is a shoemaker."
j "But I don't play with her father, I play
! with her; sho ain't tl shoemaker."
Ilriir is 1111 litlce-iui serup I'mra lb I'luyernf a
Hem lei v us uf lilliulhu Drunk, iu
Li.- .ctilicin with lliu s.vllnl'lr - 0 LrJ, we pray
bir our 'iMr fruitier. h.i Im. lived fur wura lliuu Im
years mi ilte l.m.l s iic-ci'. nil.! !i: uua fuut iu tint
(ruvc cr, nn I tbc ulher all but-tr
Send your 111 t lu childicn U tod happy.
Whatever cares liress. uivo them warm
! good-night kix in ihey go lo ttieir pillow.
I l lie iiu uoiy of this, iu the atorpiy year
w hi h fate may have In store; for the litlla
ones, will no iikc lieinieiieiu a Hiur m inn
U'wildeleil shepherds. "My father my
I iiiollu r lov ed. Hie '. '
Sonn bod;-, dev libing 'the absurd Kppcar.
iniee uf a man dancing the dku, stlja,
-"lie locked ie lle.ll: ll be l ud 11 I10I0 in
his nu ki t. and vi .1. Ii v lie, t shake a ahill
Jil.ister iloiui the leg uf hi. I row m i-."'
A lloo.V fiileW l'bs,rv(.,l the other
day driving u pi,', holding on to hi tail.
Mid when u'.ked what hi' W dobig, replied
tiial he wu -tudi ilii,' ge liogiupliy.
A ik viisi- ,a l.e could .in: "awi.y
down on l!.- iild '1'..r linn,' il Im could
only ( the jiili !."'
How in Mi 1 1 111 v v -nt nr. - "ne diy
liiis, wfeii' 1 up ul pint H wu. iliislii'.l, lay
Inking IU 1 id while hi. o.n .liiiksWii. w usli
' id, thu d.iilin iq piaiid, mul holding il I I
I lew, ..lid : Il lis WU-hid il't.llll 'twdl W4 tl
ill bid id ! ' 1 III I It'lL's, " tin 11 wti.ll
it. I'l l), K'M"! I'Ol.ill, ttiel Wa ll it II' Villi 1 411
into 1. 11 .' '
Tu Ui4k nw - p iui a puil wi nol
I ar ia )mll il'v . bultm