Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 07, 1863, Image 3
til J.'I-.IHTI 8Tfjc unlmri! American. It. 13. MASSEn, Editor A Fioprletor. Nl .Mil HY, IM. SATl KlVAY, 5IAIK.iI 7, ltG:. 8. M. FETTENGILL CO., XV .'I" Viuk Row. New York, n 0 Stale Street, r. wton, are our njientu for llio AmimiicAX In tlioso cities. nnd arc to tnko Advcrtteo menls anil Pubwrijiliims for us at t"tir lowed rales. I -if Thu Nntiomtl CorfcriiMion Hill pnss cil tlic lTonso of ncprcsciJtativcs on AVcdnca liy of Inst week, nenrly it cunic from the Senate, by CO majority, tilt! vote being 113 yens, to 49 nnys. . All f be KcpubKcuns voted for it but one, and all the Democrats voted ngninst it but Vlircc. JiLfWc text tbrtt a genernl bill 1ms jxtsseil the Semite nt Ilnrrisburg, mid no doubt will jm-s tlio House, tlic pnyincnt of bounties Inst summer by counties mid other corporations for the purpose of stimulating Volnntwring. The bill renders perketly valid, nil pnymeiits made and contracts or agreements entered into by County Com missioners or other officers on account of such volunteer bounty fund. This will legalize the appropriation made by our County Commissioners. K? The late firm of Staulier & Hurley, dealers in Watches, Jewe'ty, Silver-ware 022 Market St., Philad'n., so long favora" i bly know n has been ilimilrtil. Mr. Jacob Hurley, one of the Into firm is now carrying on the business, at the old stand. See his advertisement. The notorious John Crawford, turned up again in this vicinity last week, and was arrested on Saturday evening ami committed to jail by Justice l'ainter, on the charge of robbing a foot-pedlar of his bundle of goods, on the public highway below this IJurough, on Saturday afternoon, Mvnrii I.ihii:i"r;. I B III I IW I II I II Ml llll I I HIIIM IIWH MlliMl ?loral St (fairs. "A newly born female, child with n cord around its neck. v. as found iu the river about a lnilu above Georgetown, litis county, on Mgnday last. An in-qtie-t wiu held by lienj. Jstricklct , L'h., who rcn.ler- 1 a verdict that the child bad been strangled and then thrown into the river, by some person unknown to them. I'jfr RkliihoI'S Hkvivai.s. The revival meetings wl-.ich comnteiicrd in tho Lutheran Church in this plaeo two wct.ks ago, continue. in successful progress. Many iersor.ii have sought and found Ihe "pearl of great price," nnd enlisted under the banner of the t':-os.'. Similar Mi-:iiie;s are l.tdd in various towns and villages in thi: ne.d neighboring counties, with tonally eiicotin'.g'ug results. 1- Tin: Canals. Wo understand that it is llio Int. niion of the various canal companies throughout the State, to have the lines in operation as early as po-il.c. in anticipation of an Immense trade. The uiild v, inter has hud but Utile cfitet upon tho canals and b t little preparation is. re.iuired before the I water can be "let in" Wc may therefore 1 10k for an curly opining, of trabj mid commerce" ou the e'.nals of the State. IV'CtirsciL l'i:ot kkihxus. Council met i.t their room on Tin -doy evening. Chief 13urgess elect. S. U Jioi i:;:. "resent, and after being sworn Into t fl':eo by I'. M. 'iiiieb l. Ksi., took theebtiir. The filluning ttieii.beis elect being present, wti o sworn aud took Iheir s at.-: t SeeenJ l.argess, Einr.nucl Wilver'. Assistant lliirgesss Cb.a. IMcaK.mis, W illiam I. ljrecuoitf;!i, .lohn liounie ui.d S. J. Pucker. Common Council men J. W. Friiing, Levi Sca holtz. Ja:ob I'. Id.hrbach, M. C. tici rluir'., Alexan der Mauls, ('has. A. liright and (1. V.'. Stru'i. The Council was then called to older by the Ut:r 'gt'ss and the. roll called. On motion of Council, the Chief appointed the following t'omi'.iiiteis for the ensuing year : Finance Committee Win. I. Ureciiough, Charles Plc.-is-inls end S. .1. Packer. Auditors. Win. f. lireenoii-h, Charles Pleasants ii. I S. .1. Pucker l!i ilr.vavs and Si lev.alk Liunnuel Vi'i'.vcrt. .luo. .nine met Le i Sciiilioltz. Live Hank .laco'o I-. lioliibaeh, M. C. (j trh.irt and Alv.v Man i rave-Var i Henj mi l I'lms. A. Tl right Hendricks, John W. Filling C-.i.Uiee upjsjintcj at last meeting i.f Council, 10 rcir.j and atiicnd riupplcuiviit to Charter, report ed that they luul nltondc.1 to their duties, und on 11 otior, nport was cct-j It d ami disclur'cd. The follow big bi!U were presented and orders granted for the same : ,lno. W. Hurl er, salary forclerking last year. ?2.'t 00 S. Ii. Hoyir. Mtary us Chief liurgess " ' 2j liij S. L. Li yer. t xpi uses iu getting uuit iidment to in I'llenient li Clmrter, pasnuj by Ihe Lo. gi-biii:re. 0 M .1. Ii. Lenkei. bill approved und order grunted. tin motion, that wc proceed to an election ef I!o lo'.igh 'J ret urir. J no. W. liuehcr wiu; nominated and unanimously elected. On motion, adjourned. J. W. l!i t iii:n, Clk. ('y ' The shrill cry f fire was heard in oar streets, ul about 12 o'clock, mi Saturday night lust. the first for bin; tunc, which g.ivo great iilarin. more particul.iiiy on a-vi uiit of tho very l.ih w ii.d ut tliu li:ito The cause of the fire was tho binning of tut o'd l. intt) ilfblo in Ihe lower portion of the borioiizh- It was very forluuuto al tho timo tho wind bl"W in a favorable direction, or wo fear we Would bate a grenl loss lo record. The smoke h uisj of WiUi'ii L'lirniiiiin, standing close by the Dial.! ", was ion lined, with tome uicul. Willi Ibis exception, the loss, we are informed, is hut unull. II .w the fire original! d. is not known. M.ltoma.:. J"' A. iniiM Mr. John App nd Uev. P. Aiisiiicll met wilh n unfurl uuiito occurrence on .Voiid'iy in-1. They were on tin ir way lo Norlhiiui betlainl county in Uo-horse slciijh, nl when about one n.ile In low llio Port Trevortoii bridge, Iheir Imrsej tu..W flight t a loeomotie, uud ruu into the riwr u 1 were both drowned. Tho to gititlciiieii ixtricalel Ihem.elves from llio iKih bcf. in it g .t lulu lb wulT The borcii, .high l.ioi h tm. -s. wirolo.1 They weio llio properly of .Mr Ap. :'i,n'!-'vit l'vt. 1'or the h'uiibury Anicr.cun. .rllfi l'r in list Nuubury (auuriU, I'.IM V HUt. . C , FeblUUiy II, I ""it 1 1 1 . A k Vtt.iiiir - Voter lav week ago the I'Oth V. Vols , I ol. Mormi, uiriknl m hey ' l i p lull our riv'iieiii. . v Hem not all iitrpitsid i.t b log hl.o.1 ; I, a J x O.I.-U it, and ru all el ei idm.'ll gl id Ibal Wi rru lu ukLi our ii" liolil I Iih i 1. ,i . i ii -r..t of en . ,u, ,u, bul i tril it rigiuii'iil tsteiHreul ' d i.'rfi ii l-.ll.l' with thccltiji Ii.- boubl le Kenl buck I . i-e Ii. the m ll.iic uf I inofiuU, I 'uU me it.i ti.biii l I" pi;, t"'k nil ubsti-k. an I eausul I o llll . tl i.ol In. 4 oU llie out-tin 1.1 1 1. 4l'tb lll'itl. tni.nt I'u 1 linn., it i mi j 4(. wm nl ou U4id ti e I t i ... ; - 1 1 ,,' .'.', but oito.lo lilll win l, ui.'l ii-iy .iobiiily lUn Uk-imiiiou blmol' rii.y iM-uif mii uolu. L, ilny uiuoiig ili iMiibifa, w did liol b Ml III llp u HI 1 1 Uvil UH' Ii II. 4. li! u tuiiU Imr Nralbil mi,l u g o lriti, wi U40tk. ' . I v i, I 0. ll i J .. Il.i kmiIs I 'S'l lb" K'"l Mrlii 1 m.r Isil lil.N, 1 ui i ki. I. ul bod I o,..l ki y It i.l M. i.M lo oul, kit I i'.un) kllll llm liai bl lit U.), i ( 1-4 HO ' r.J J4 4mi. 1 tuiii gil il.ii. fo li t b ii 1 1-0 ul .11 I K ) W ll u U.ol w b, II.. In u. Ili. fti4li4 U-kM ill lb t. IIMI 4. t plii'tf Hit l.uum I Mi. I lfcutll4.a4Mil UliailoMf iLiinu i by il!.w u ii tuiifiii, in.iw4 M.)ibiu4 l.vt..u Uu i4 ll MMJ.J) 1 H.uunl.1 lul l ' l l l I Li! Is I. , IU llUlM Ilk K'Mll l b-i 11 U-i'b k m- -i J, , 1 k-f ' wl ftiHt'liNld t '( i. ... . 1.1 Mi.tu I 1 a kk lkt kn,k kgu, Uk i.M .4.411 11 I'l. '.w -l.u t k Ml.lik44 ., 1, , U ... .4. I t i ! IM kfcd I !- M diirk line hni of it. In (lie nwrnlnR the mnlo fior Hon hud a tnnci-Him. with music (furnished bv litem felvesv and banners fljInR ; conspicuous wits llio Start and ."tripos. Ry lha ny. a Cow-. (Iml isa resident ol llic Key, hailing from Nissan, ti. P., whoso nn-ccstor-j were tories, and fled from Cliarlnston to Xas satt during Hit Revolutionary mar, threw a stone, at lite proeession a it wag paf".tnt lv, and canto very near hitting Oio flag wo at o flbtinj for, whin a stal wart son of Lehigh cmiaty, SskcAi llio fellow if ho had Ibro-wn that stone to infill tho (luf-V when ho re ceived an answer. rtiiiothiiigliko "my own business," for which ho received a tttmtirr from "llio eliottl dor" that sent him reolhi)t to theground, from which lie lind to bo carried by his frjends, trncliing him a. lesson not to medille with tho emblem of Liberty when tho 47th boys aro about. In tho afternoon tho party bnd a (fay and liRppy timo nt tho Jtarrrrnov, a short distance below t ort Taylor, on tho beach. Four larjro tables were set, and to any they "groan ed" tinder tho weight of piwl thiujs, tt'ubsl'intiitl and dainty, would be telling, literally, tho truth. Tlio refreshments were r.T.t dealt out grudgingly, but every ono had their fill, of which move limn one officer end ninny soldiers can hour witness to. Your litttnblo servant did not partnke, being merely a looker1 Mi. Mr. Cttrtf. a rich shipmaster, addressed them ip a tieat spocxh, woleomed thorn as citizens, sinco llio l'rosidcut, in his wisdom, hud uindo them so. and hoped they would keep as good a character for honofty and truth as th-y bad when they wcro in bondage. Sandy, tho aristocnitto farmer of tho race, wits culled tm and made a rpeeolt of lite day. Tho days festivities concluded with mu.-io and dune in,! the latter accompli.-hment being done up in a lunch better style by ' yo Indies roored" than tho "divine creatures. ' of that little i?landcoiild do. " Our pnss'tirc up wns about the sameas wo huvo hail. Xolhing netv-wtily that if bad accommodations and tilth, even worso llinti We over hittl, can be any news, then I give it you. The vessel was a good iron stea mer ; tho Captain, a Jolly nhl I bine, nnd his olliccra and crow very clover ami gentlemanly. There was moresca-.'iekiirm this time than on any of our voy. ages. I took the plan of staying on deck and koep. ing quiet, the escaping tho sqiinrrishnrxs peculiar to sea voyages. We urrived at Hilton Head on Mon day evening, when the Colonel went nehore to re ceive orders. M'hen the boat got back, that conveyed him to the shore, it brought such news lint enured a yell that fairly shook the boat, vis : Col. T II. (iood to have the command of a llrigade couiKised of Pcnn-svlvitninn-t. hc-iiilcti having command of the forces on this part ol Port Hoyal Island. To be sure he is only acting Ilrigndier. but before Ion?-, we are sure ho will wear the etar, by right, and no man better deserves it. The new? litre Is very stirring aetivily show it self. At the Head is now lying a very formidable fleet, ancl by the next iniiil you may expect to hear of some big work work no lot's than the capture of Forts Sumter ami Moultrie, and I hope the perfect nnnihiliitlion of Charleston.. On liiISatur l:ty a wai l;, altout fourin the luojiiing, an nfi'air cattle oil' similiir to Ihttl of the Uobs couldn't keep the prizes. The account is ihe niorning was fo-.vy hut tho lookout on the gunboat fthrciihtri tliteo ered n strtitige looking er;it't. befiring down on the ship from the direi;iion of Chut leston. anil only a few hundred yards distant. The gun were immediately trained, and prcpMrtitioni made for a chase, wli'-ii the Capt-iin after h-iiling some live time? fired into It, but bi-t'orc a second round of ithot could be fired a;;iiiii.-( her. she struck the .Mnrcitltla sain-t tho side, crushing it as reailily ns it it had been pa.debuard. The rain at tho same time opened fire on the gunboat and put a seven-inch ri lie snot through one of hor boilers, ex ploding it. nnd killing two and wounding three by the soalding water and steam. Tho Moreoditn licu-uii to sink, and the Lieut. Conig. then tjitiTcndercd mid gave parole for his officers and men ; tho rant linn turned around lo meet the Keystone State which whs coining to tho relief of the iib'rceiliia. and nt live hundred yards tired n shot that did the work by blow ing up the boilers oftho Keystone Slnle. and icatli r ing death and di'sine-tioii about. The .Memphis and llousritonie henriii I he firing eaioe to their relief and the ram ait. 1 her consort not liking tho appearance of these piee.-s of iron on water. and were fairly driven tinder tliegunsof Sumter. JIo'li bonis were towed to Ihe Head and are now under going tl-.c rep tir i;eecssnry to boilersand hulls. The loss on Ihe Keystone State were killed I'M; wounded 21. among tliti former win the Surgeon of the ship. The Jronnid' s. Htid l'owhatnn huvo been sent up to strmgihen Ihe bloekrtdc and prevent a like disaster. The rebel steamer Princess Itoyal. (Kngli.-h) was captured by the blockading licet (ill Charleston. Inst week. It was the ri-dicst prizo titken yet. In the hold v. ere two steam engines, of great power : six propellers for fttiniioals ; eight one hundred pounder Arnisireng gui.s : besides an as'sorttnent of iron, teel and other store- which .JolVerson is jrtst now vcrv " ,'" ... ' V 1 ' , . " ' Plur"1 to run into Chtiilvsti.u. llerc-irg.i is vt ry vnluable'! Slic is the btr.l we criptitr'-.l b-fore and a prizo crew put or. hoari! ! her to lal;e Iter into o:tcol our jiort flier to lake but the original crew overpowered tliein. mid ran her into ..ssa;i. This l:ino the.-e gentlemen were fas tened iu the hold and Ihe Lmily will soon be brought before not:c, of the Court ef Admiralty. 1 will write lo y.a ;. n again when 1 hope lo givo you good news i'tout ih; portion of I'ncle Sam's farm. Four cnmpnnic.ti f our regiment were left at Fort .It fleison. Toriuges. but will be relieved in n few days and then join I ho regiment. Col. Alexan der commands t!e.-ii. S.-rrcint Major Hendricks who was with them, isuotv with us ft t his old post. l-Hiking as hale un-l bcarly i.s his fi lends couI desire. Tito boys are all well und itt excellent spirits at being tit theirtild ttiart'-rs. li'M-id.tote Humor speaks Ihe. truth the boys will be more rejoiced at their next moc. when they will feel ph.rcing wiiidsand where ''.ltl Sol." won't h.ive sueh a telling cll'"el on their complexion. Hut 1 wont anticipaie. With respects to yourself, friends generally and all in tho oflieo, i remain, Yours, Fruteraallv, 11. D. W. (Fir Ihe Suiibury American. I.i-lier li'oni tin- .Irniy. C.iMi' lii:i.i., Ya., 27, ISO:!. Di:aji Siktkh : 1 Rfi'ivL'il yours ol' the I -5 1 ! 1 inst., nml us thriv vu uotliinir Id ctnii liutliicnii; I ilt l'en',i writing until tho jirct srtit liim'. 1 rcffiviil ;i "Suiiliiiry Anu'riciiti'' tii-tluv cinitiiiniiic' a jiurtimi til' the ciiiisciip tit ii I'ill, vvhioh wiw tin; first t(tiy I had seen of it. I think it is ti very timid Inw and 0110 1 1 a tit: is li:'t;!i ni'cdi'l, tit llul'n will noun No a lurgo mini I ut of iiitut iiiontlis uiul two ytitr ti'nois diilmr!.'i',l mid their v:;eatil jilncos will have to ho tilled ly some means or other. 1 suppose it' (ho Mil Leeoitu s a law goes iiit-.i opi.talinii. there v. iil ho a !.i'h lime uinoni; some ol' the t i.V..-.v at lioni". I, fur one, would like lo force, sin h fellows into 1 hi: field, ut the point of the hayonct ; it i.. :i nutiiiious fai t tlmt vvetv it not lor the lr.iilor ul home, our fliifr niiultl ere this wao over every State on this conti nent. There is nothing more :i-.;o;:;ivatipj,r and liothltf. that causes mi re in.tiii ilion nniont' the soldiers, than those tria iinahio sheets pul lihed nt the North. There -11 to have been R hysti in of "red tape" at MorU tor some, tiine pa-t la uptlun; tin army Willi Ireiisiinuiile pepcrs, lor Hie pttr pnw ol ilemorali.iiitr II. 1 lu re t ici ilenv- lnt the fact that their ell'urts have hi on 111 ome incisure tmeeetiful. AVInit misniiU'il linn mere mo; uiuv 11 sain at times! iih though the J.ord of hosts had foioaheil U nml L'ivcu i;s over to desiriiclion. I lather than live to ec the rebellion tri umph, wo ill willingly :p up our lives on the Hold, for what would life be Worth wi re wo to fail in re.torhr. law tmd order. Our country would tin U become 11 t-ecno of iiiiiin hy tniil ihstrcs that would imike life n burden. Alter pultiic' our liutiils to the J.loutrli coti:;ht not look Inc k.orafler draw ing t lie swoiil in ih fence of oiirtiovermnenl, nr shoi'Id not t It in k of she:itliin it until tlii r hillinii is c nnpii u ly iiiclh il, nml the Mipfcnmey of our linMlinuiiit fully ink now leloetl. Wire you in the nriiiy, with an in tiicd enemy to contend with 0:1 llii opi ii field, nml a i t of cow ardly, shulk iu; h.iil"!-. ut Inn ie, who stud I'm til oil rvt ry bn ee, , ul" eiieotii ai.n 1111 tit mnl cheer to the rebels, while thev trv bv cverv luealis in their power to I i -lion rl ill uud di inoi.'diit tlniMi who me in the lichl, wurd in oil' w il h tin ir ow n law lie the slml'l of de.illi from tin ir pia eful homiv, and pre veiilin the Ion froiii invading 1 1 it i r territo ry, I In 11 you mioht be u I hi to iiiiilol'ilaud und rcillie our leebiii; nml m litiliu lit in nt-'iitd In llio'e tlititor uthoine, who ih lioiinco the itdiniili t till it'll and oppose il cveiy rll'ort for the nuppri m!oii of the rebel lion. Only tn duy one of iy 11. inr.uli j( . ciivtd it li tter I'roiu 1., II. whuciii icr lain one uncle tlifi .il ul) J d. liouin 1 llletil 1 ol'lhti policy of ilr4iti'it, ulld lulu hided by kiijiu;,', tlmt "If lin y win draOid they would 111M r buUki n Into the Ih I I ttlivc" Ac. lint ran WD t under Hint kin h iitiuii 11I1 pii Mill ut llio .Vol ill when lit il I V nil) 1 llicr pup4 r lin y oil 11 lti l ticikoiuMc mnl r.iltiu ul o .ul. Ul the lu a I oliikt lioluti I t 111. 1 s, lew lupickof Ihinm lupi l VI ilh I llll lory kllli li s m ilked to lliu Nm l ir ry i I ui, mil llu-y in ii jr kiHiti lu miitti .wii. .i I 1 1. 1 in a I mi l.'iui limn llio uiiiiy linaiiq lUiu lotmlul In It u. mo Uh.ii llm im. Illicit lti lUa UKvr il-(t.ll lull ttilU W l.ti Ii lliry km iiiom l.y tlx Ir Iut ililni.l il. llllll lit 1. 1, llll Ul'Ul Hill KI tliu HUl. Kill, J V ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I'hli A LL H VFFICIEXI' TUlikE. THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES. . Knoitn ut "HdmhAd'a ' GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ. IIELMBOLfj'S EXTRACT "M'CTltV' " " PARSAPAItlLLA IMPROVED ROSE WASH. HELMBOIVD'B GENUINE PREPARATIONS, "HtUHLY COXCESTRATED" COMPOUXI FLUID EXTRACT DUCIIU, A Tositivo and fpcriflo Rcrncdy For Discuses of the BLAbPER, KIPXEV3, 0 RAVEL, AXD DROPfcl CAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine increnfos tho power of Digestion, find excites the Absorbents into henllhy action, by which tho Watery or Calecro'iiJ tlcposilions. und nil I iimitural Enlargements are reduced, us well iut pain nml inflammation, uud is good for men, women, or Children. iii:i..tisii.i-N i:vriMcx in cm; FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesses. Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion, or Abuse, Attended with tho following svmtoms : IndisfKisitiou to Exertion, Jioss of power. Jjrus nt Memory. Weak Nerves, Horror of Disense, Dimness of ision, I'niversttl Lassiludo of tho Mtteeular Svstoin, Hot Hands, Dryne-'s of tho Skin. Difficulty ol Breathing Trembling Wakefulness, Pain in Ihe bnck. Flushing of Ihe Body Eruptions on the Fiiec, Pallid Countenance, These symtonis. if allowed lo go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCV, FATI ITV, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of wditch Ihe patient may expire. Who can sav that they are not eminently followed by those "direful discuses," INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION, Many aro nwure of the catiscof their suiTering. but none w ill cuifiss. Tho records of the insane' Asy lums mid the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample witness lu tin; truth of the assertion. The Constitution, once A Heeled w itli Organic Weakness, Requires tho aid of medieine to slrcngtbcn and in vigorate thu system, which 'llelmlK.l.r.s Extract lluehu" invariably docs. A trial will convince the nuist skeptical. FEMALES r young, t FEMALES, FEMALES, gle, uiuiried, or contciuidating Old marriage In many affections peculiar t.t Females tb.cExtracl liticbu is tniefuallc.l by lu-y nihcr letncily, as in Chlorosis or Itetetition, IiTogulnri y. Piiint'u'lnes. or Suppression tif the Cost. unary Evacuations. l.'. crated or Sehirroin stale of the I'teriis. Lcucorrhca. or While.! S'crility. and for all coi.ipbi'nts h.oi Ii nt to the sex. whether arising from in discretion, lltibils of Disdpritiou, or iu tho DECLINE Oil CIIANUE oK LIFE. See symptoms nbovfi. NOTAMILY SHOl'LI) EE Wl l llul'T IT. Take 1.0 llalsnni, Mercurr. or Tuplca-cuit Medicine for I'lipleasaut and iJangcrous m:543i!sts.!ivs r,xr::.vcr liS t'Ji Cures EECHET MSEA.-E.; In all their singes ; at little cvprns.-; lmle or 110 cluuigc iu did ; no, ANJJ NO EXPOSI EE. It causes freijtKtit dcir,!. and gives s'rerth to I'linnlc. thereby removing obsiruciions. prevcniing and ein ing Stricture of the 1'rethrn. allaying pain noil luiiaiiioiaiion. .-it irenucm mints eiii-sol itiscascs and expelling I'ui.-unous, L"iieai.d, and M'ora-cut I .nailer. Thousands upon Theusnnds WHO HAVE llKEN TJIE VICTIM.-; OF And who have paid Heavy Fees In be cured in n hort tune, have louiul Ibcv were deceived, ami thai the Poison" has. by the u.-e of Powcl oil A-!rin-genls." been dried up in the system, to break uul iu an aggraated form, and Pel ha pa after Marriage. rsTT i2;:i4Ti5ijs,s-. i:TM(T nrnii For all AITectloiis and Id-casea of THE VKINAP.Y HlKlANfi, Whether existing in Male or Female, from whutever cause originating, ainl no mailer OF HOW LONii STAMHNC. Hi-cases of these Organs rcipiiro tho uid of tt Iii 11 1. Tie. LirXIiIBOLD'S EXT17CT lil'CilU Is the tircat Hiureti, And it is certain In have thir des:r d cn'i'ct in lth-eaa.s, f r whi.h it is rcc uuiueiided. all BLOOD! ELOOU! BLOOD I Ihlinbold's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarrnipftrniti Syphilis. This is an iiR'cclion of the liluml. uud iittio ks Iho Sexual Oiguns. Liningsol Ibc Nic, Ear.-. 'I hro it. Windpipe, and other .Mucus Surfaces, making i . appearance in the form of t b-er. llelmbobl's Ex Irael Saisapitrillu purilii llio Hbm l, and rcmovi siill Scaly Ki uplioiis 1.1 the Skin, til ing 1.1 the Complex ion a Clear and Healthy Color. Il being pn pared e.rt--ly for this class ofcoiupbiints. ils lSlmMi-Puri-fving Proprietors are preserved to a greater extent than any other ririp.trulioii of Sarsapuriliu. II-IlllMlt'N ttu.-O lVil.ll, An excellent L'Cion fir J i-in. s of a Syphilitic Na ture, mid as an injection iu liisenscsof the t'rimiry Org ies, miring from habits of ilissipaticii, used in eoiuiectiou wiih the Extracts L'u. hu aud Sursapurilla iu sueh diseases as r.-eommeiided. Ei iileiieeof lite most rcwponsiblu and reliable char acter will ucciiiiipaiiy the ineilieintw. CEKTIFICATUS OF CI KES, From eight In twenty years stuudiug, with names kii-'ivn to Science and Fame. For Medical Propn iiee ef Hueliu, ce lisiieuatory the I nited Slates. See Prol'iuir llcwees' Valuable works ou the Practice of Physic. See remark undo by Iho luto celebrated Ir. PI,. v. i. k. Philadelphia. Svu remarks iittide by p. I'pbr.ilut Mcliuirell, celebrated Physician.' mii.I Member of Ihe lloyal College of Surgcuis. In land, Ul.d published in h Tinn-aeltiins nf ihe King and t)neen s Joitrnal. Sen Medico-Cirtirgical Iteiiuw, piilili.hel bv L'enjumin ', iVllow ul luu Koyul CoI1k if Sinue. in. See 1,11st of the lute Puui lard Works 08 Modi- cine. I. xiit it t in lie, f I ml per buttle, orii, ' t"l 1 itsA ! in 1 1, v 1 1111 ! a imi I lui iioi:ii Host M ih Ail ' 2 ,.i) I Or half dci.11 of 1111 h f. r tl2 I'D. which will bo , sulli. o nt In cure lb uiuat ol iiu.ito ouu ll Jiiicin.ii uiv k'lhere I lu. I'elntrud u any kddrcns, securely put kit fitin ulisiT) HI hill. , 1'o iil.l! Ho J toliil in all CulklUUuiilUlloliM. Culm guuruiilcvd. Ad 1 lee uruua. ay ni wit )Vr"ii.tlly !(.. uri-U l l.i ui Kf nnuti uftl.d viiv i.l l'i.iL.,1. lr.hiu II I H. i. .iU.i l I..-,,. UlU UIvl ttiUit. j 11 T ULLMIiotli. hf MU't JH.-iiiv4 twl' ra litti, tltu JtV t N.iiiiK-r. I".-I SS V lilIIItAlM. AUvfbiHU, iulh-trw.i, uLu-ttf tim, I'UiU A I lit Ultt.ii f .f li. i tu4ii. u In l.iitw ' 11 1 IIM M, i'Utu 4 lul Htl 'ivuiU uii( Ul. i UiUm I'lnU 1 l;tu aiu; ok tt mluh in I Ai 4 1 u4t;iilri I'mUii ! W La kftiUutuf im ilim ' ihwlr urn ' m4 wilivf tltuUi4 litbuit Hi tMiaHoiM, " " ti(nlU, ft ' " fi 4-ui4 ii. H . : Afk t?"H Illl.tOmllo-T kt fcooillLU (util u i H.M.I tti mi.4 nU, At. I .-..l iw-lll .I.t Itll-MI. tni f. - In I' A1III.V ,lt4'i;iiV NTOICI.. WlLT,TAf I.. MAHHOCK A CO., 115 Pouth Third street. Philadelphia, w ould offer lo tho inhabi tants of Uorniuiilown and vicinity, m fresh slock of ciioicK nnocEniEft. ftfilrrlej for the b?t h"a?nify 1..V. Ai IhfT hare ovmihlnjij in Ibelr lino 1-nih Am!ri con und .Vwiirn, whinh onn h onHr.. for, it in un nrei'Mjiry to give a Ii of th nYtk'lcs thoy hnvo to oflVr. It. M wrll, howorrr, toBny.tlint vorjr urtit'lo lliry ili."pwr nt lliry witrrnut .'( (he brut qnnlity' itml which enn he rnlurnrl nt the oxj'pnio vf tho storo should it proo othurl'-o. FrbruRry 2K, 1. mo. "VTOTfCK hcrohy given to Il personfl knowing X thomfi'lvp indftitod to tho firm of C. 1. A .1. HohrhiM'h. on Himk .Acconnt nr othorwio. to niHk jumnont f iho Mine before tlio let of April ttxt. Rt wlimh timo the hooko of nn'ul f:rni will bo kit iu tho hands ol proper oflioera for pnllpction. Fniilmry, Feb. 21, 1ft(WI. A tM;r ! Kil TO YOUNG MSN I Just ruulistr, in a &t:ti?ttl Jlnrcopc. Pric ti.r Cent.". AJ.ertturo on tho sHluro. trr1miit nml Ri-xlirttI of Hpertnntorihu-a or icifiiiifil AVenknc, Invd. unttiry Kiiu.-ions, Sexual IMiilily, and Jinpe'linicntd to jMuvriarrt? jt'-nrrnily. Xt'ivnuene;;', Conumjiti"n, I'pilfib-)' mid Mcntnl and rhyienl rncjipiipitv. riPitllinic from tSelt'-Almiko, Ac Uv KOMiiliT C LLM;KUKLL, M. 1 , Aullior of lb Orcc-n Book, Ac. Tho world -rrnovned mlihrr. in this ndmindiU- T.rr--tnro, eW'tirly provoi IVotu bis own cxpurii'nco thnt fiwlul ooimi'uut'nccs nt Solf-iibuflo mny oo eflcct uully rcinovecl witlnnit medicine, and without ditnirrrnu pnricnl optTfttioim. boimiep, inrmiicnt. riiiff. or cordinht. pointing out a mode of euro nl onoo ccrtniu nnd effc-ctufll. by which eTory f1Vrer, no innlU'r what hi condition may be, may mire hin-t-lf cheaply iirivntcly, and radioally. lecture will prove n b(nm to thiiur-nndc. nnd llioiiwind.. Jcnt undf-r scaK in i r' un cnrobTpp. to rny nd-dre-n. oh thn veeript ii us cent, or iwo tot.,ro Mautpti, by addrc.-infp. 127 Fowcrv. Xcw York, ot Ollicc Uox, 40Sti. Feb. 2ci, 18o:i. ly ."o IKBivriSrw inlofs Uy virtue of sundry - writs of Vcn. Ks., nn.l Al. Lev. Facias, iviK'd out of tho I'tuirt of CiPiutiiou l'Uns of Xorthuinborliind county, IV., and lo mo dirortcd. will bo exposed lo politic s:ilc, at tho Ourl Ut u.-( . iu tSunbtiry, on .Moodily, tho 1Mb d.iy of March. InW'. at 1 o clock, I, il., tho fuilowiug described real estate, to wit : All that certain lot of ground, situate in the 1 o rotih of Siudtury. cunty iui i .State aforcHiiid. boun ded and dn-crited nn follows : hctntiin nt tlic nortlu-jp.t corner of lot inmiber on oast alley, at a point whieb eepiiraterf l!-i number 4 and 5 ; tlu ncc along eat alley liffy ix fee t to n iot ; tho comer of lotf? nunibeiri .'land 4. thciiec uh.titf li;io sep.irUin loU 3 and 4, two hundred Mid thirty feet to 1 '' wi root, thence ali!i 1 1 c e.e-t . I of .-tn ct, li!?y-r-ix feet, to south weJt :o: ie r f lot uiinilicr .r, tlnMie alojitlic S'Hilb line of lul niun)i;r 5, two hundred uud thirty feet to the place .f bcLrinnin. cunt. lining til'y six feet inwiiUli nnd two hundred and thirty f et in depth, and imirkcd o;d di'iirn::!cd in the pln of f.ihl lot? mnrked by Win, Wilson for Win. L. l"!irt. as lot niiinher 4. wli-rcon arc erected a two !iry frunio dwelling lioii-. a carpenter simp. Ac. J"v;y.ed. t-ikni t'seeution. and to bo told Ibc ppiper'.y of Win. K. Mart. AL') : T.ot miiii'uT C. in Moek nuinbr-r in tho town of Trew.rton. Zcrho township. NorlhM county, I'a., boon. it.d on tho south iy Coal street, on the north by an al!-y. tin the west by lot number J, and vn the ens: b( I d number 7, in Muek iiuuiImt l.'ItJ, ctul:iin in iu width Jj 1'eot, and inilej ili 1,0 foet. whereon areirectrd a two story frame hou'?. frair.c ita-ile, Ac. Al.-o, Jols Duiubeis 1'2 and l. in b!-Hk tniniber l-.. in -iinio town and town-hip, bounded on llie nor;h by Shaiuokiu fc'reel. ou the south by an alley, on the ws-.-t by numl' -r II in s.'iiu: M ek uud mi tho c;ist bysv'ond .'!r:t l. coutaininx in front eaeh 2i f et and in dep'h feet. Al.-o, lot number !! in bloi k miniln-r 7S situa'e in town and town f-iiip. bounded on the north by JiailloNd i-lieet.on tiio sou ;ti by Market, street, on by tiitst.eet a:id on iho west by lot number 12 in same block. e:ut.'un inir iu w id ill T- feet, and in depth LU feet. ..'i. d. tiiken in exeeutiou. and to be sold r.s. the t ropvtiV of JV iick M do n and wife. ALSO: left ndnni s interest In a cordon tract ir i:n.oated land. ii in to partly in Coal ami p-irtly in Sloinokin twn-hip. county and ir'.atu afurcs.iid, pcmtaiiii.ur the hundred and niucty-ono acres. nircor les. surveyi d m n warrant .-i':-nlc 1 toJolm 'J iis worth in 1711- or l?Jl. siio.ito on'e Mount. -in and ndj tiniiej a sur ey on the ca-t in tho name ol kiuhard Lal;'. .Sl iced, taken into oxciitit-n. und to bo sold r.s t!ia properly of ii'.i;im h. In-w irt. ALM: A cortnin lot of rour-'. in Upper J!i!trm. c uut'y and Strito r.lercs:.i.1, bpuntb'fl on the imrih by a lot of It. K. Ifnritf. on the 5 .nth bv n b'T i-f i..od. on iho ea-t bv the Yt'es ltr-'i;.'i t.':in;tl tii;il on i tliewist bv 1-rout street, contaiiuirr ab"ut ;7 iwt front, on whi; h i- ere-te.l a 1 ir,:" two ptory ih-ub-.- brick dx.'liin.r b'Uise. afrtoso.ry f.'unic siioj :"A tM''f-.s irv iiutbuiMiiis a vt w atcr at lue d...T. etc". i-vi.. .1. tken in c;eeut:i n. nr.d In br sold f.-tlie property of Martin lit he':. A lns r of ,ar;iU M.,nl.-on with iioliec lo lavid l!ilnl. terrctcnaut. A LSO : All tbit oertnin lot of pvurd, Fitr.ato in tlic town of Trevrion. county and Slnto at'oresuid. bidu : bd ntimln r 1 . In block number 7". adjoiuiii' 21 strco on leu we.-t. U.tili.iad slreet on tho north, lot nun.b r .' in smuc bb.i-k on the e,-Ht, and Market street on (be south, coiita in in:r 2.' bcf in front and I jU bet iii di-pth, wbercoit urc i tveted R tnblc Alw. an itber cert-. in 1 -t of jrnam'l s;tu ito in the town afor' .-tii l. iuin bit nuiuher 2 in bbu k 7. leijoinir.; lot mimber I a fores ud on tho west, U iil loa I 5lree; on Hie north, lot number .'t in sume bb. k on ihe cast and Market Mrcet on tin souih, :n in 2 feet in fmnt nl I ;iU foot in depth, whereon are creeled a Utinii shed. Also, a nut Iter certain lot of pround. licini' lot Lumber in bb k numl er 7, i,ili ininjr I t uuudcr 2 tifi.rcsjiiil ou the wet ltailroad street ou the north, lot number 1 in mime tiloek on ibc east and Mm V e t i-troct on lie south, c mt.-ininic 2j feet in front and 1 .nt feet in depth, w h r'U is erocl d a brewery, etu .Seized, tnkcn in exeetition, and to bo sold us liio pii'pirly of ldia V.. l hilips. AL-0; All that certain lot of found, sit uab- In tho borouiih ot Norihumbcrl.'ind. county and !-! ito aforesaid. bounded m the nortii by un alley, on ihu c.ti by lot 12. on the ..i.uth by tuecn strcer, ai d on tho west bylotuumbir Ml. cenluinini; in width 4 1 feel and iu depth 210 feet, heim; lot number H i in the em r ul plan of ruid boroii)Ii. on which i crcctcil a two tory tiiiiuo dwelling house, a frame stable, fruit trees. CtC. Seined, taken in execution. nrJ to b pol l ns tho properly of WHiiuui Llllutt, Adm'r of Jacob lileoia. Uucuadtd. ALS(: l.yn writ of Lit. Faci Tho Sunliury Canal and Water i'owrr. Fitnntc in and adjoiiuiii; ihe borough of Sunbnry, county and Slato Hlore-,.oi, with the ppurteiuincen, together wiih Ihe corp-r ato rights and liuiu biin ul the .uidmry Canal and Water I'ower i'.itnpany. Seized, taken in execution, ami to hi t ld fis the propirty of the uubury C-ucl ui.d Water i'owtr t-ouipuny. DAVID WAU'UON, MuriU' Sheriff'i Oflb-c. .imbury, Feb. 20, W. UOU AMI ASMM l VTIO, l'!lll.AM.!.niIA. F r ihr i.f ilu- Sti k mij M.-trosn. .1, ntWl-U .1 wild iruli nt mt I hnuil.' l'it!ui ihiJ t'-ocuitly iiir llm euro i-i l'l-i h-m ui tliu SxiimI 'i UtJXKUi. Al.l Alii.l: r.M'iU'T.-i .u Mu'nuntur!-..,a j V mii.I i'rinu it. fti Ilu- Ml W liKMl.t'll S 1 1. . i'lVfl iu ttiu 1m-;.i uiuv, tnt lu I in uiihc; (I ut .'' tl. .1 U n t t ii v vi" jn'i. tftcM i lmr.'t'. 1 u W Ilu v l:iii( iu it..iii;t? ui!l tir.-. pti.l .. AIIuk- I'H J KIl.l.lN ll'tl u ii !"N', A-1I114 S it lltwurl Atciiitit.u, No. J uiU ,ii..U u..vl, I'ltiiM.U'li'i.ia, r. JiU.uury .i. I j - ly 11. yv. riSI-IEB, Aidi.tid tbi. iluy A,; ei. I l .-l. M.l 11 V , I". the ftuii-tt l'' lli:t11Xl'H 4.1 l i t. I'l III II VV.H. lie . ii I'l NSnt.i VWir..i,u In.-I I.. ( mi..-i t.-r In ttti.y uiUnr Vvm i .er b. t i lii.l . .IJ. Ulld M .11 wulilillie iti tl le. ah I t..d oil. I. . I. "i t lo .1 IU I. . ol I'bU.lualt.l' f It. o (il.!r il'.i 'll. n ii I.. m. 91 o.t g.. JO.i. f. I tl.sii.S, Ij. i.IIi lli i ,V I win illul, I'L.UJ. I In I Jul. ual) "I, I o.l Jiu JIOOAmiUM' WU.'I lleu.l.l !), trtTuik. i t'llllltl'K l-l It.. ' 1'b i. if. h., t..-u.r-ii. An, 1-ki.u Im lb. Uu.tlu u lk A. Juutt-MJ 4, I no I MMIt I'. A I, rM k!.l. K IL.U .. I..4 lu i lu.bU.-l lu nit. i 4 i.i. ol t.ib.r uu i..u .4 lu. t uul. aoi lU.ia .uil I uU . Ulwu It. t- s u I l.O 111. I Ml IV. i uKtVI LOCK nosriTAL. KSTAELTFHKD A3 A TU-FVGE FliOM QUACK - . , KItY. Tin: oxlv place wnnnn a cvrh cax nn vBTAiyi:n. (fINTON hn dis-orercrl the io?f Crrlnin, I 7 AVnrbl for nil rrivntcDioflsen, W onUnePn (d tho DackT nr l.imlm. ttriotures, Aftcutiomi of tho Kiilncy nod lilailtier. involuntary Dischnt f, Imotncy, Ocno ral Debility, NervousneM, Dyspepyy, Lnnuor. Low Hpiriln. Confusion nfMm, Ittlpitttti'rn of the Jlenrt, Timidity. J'remMinsr. DitnneKul r-ij! or tiiddinen, JJisease of the Henri. Throat, Noe or skin, A flection! of the Liver. Lunjr. r-'imnnch or Dowels tboe Tcrri-' Wo Disorder!! nrisini; from the Holitnry Ilahif of Youth thoc secret nnd Milary prnfliciV more fnin to their victims than tho iion-x of Syrom'to Iho Ma rinern of i.lysxts, blifjhtipi? llreir mo;'t brilliant hopes or nnticipaLions, rendering intirnar, Ac., imposai- KFpecinllv, who have hecfinn thn victim nf Potitnrtf Vice, that dreadful Rial uV-!i ucMvo habit which (tiintiiillv stvcjwtn itn untimely ttrsv Uiminiii.ilMir 1 iitniiiMcn nl Urn most rxiillcl liiltnt nml Inti'lk'ul, who inijrM otherwise hnvn ctitmiiiM-il listi ii ittS eimtis Willi tho lliiinilurs of vlunnenvi ir wnkcl In ivsini liio living lyro, limy cull with full con fl.leiice. Mnrrirri Permits, or Vnttni Jlen nl(.rnIntini liinrtiti'ic, n-irr nwure ol hyi'-nl woultn-'ss, orgwiio tl Oiililv. ili'fiirinilii'. ..e.. speerlily rurwl. Jit; who fiteia liiinsulf uniiiT Iho enro nftir.J. mny ri'liintisy cimnji) in his honor its n itfntlt iiiiia, iiihI ciwiliikntly npoii ltis skill its Vhvsioiaii. tll.V.TiH: Will h I .S4 IiiH!ir li:ili-ly Cure.l, sn.l Full Vior lUstirtJ. This Jiistrps-ins Atlidiui tvliitli rumlura Iilfo iiiis-nilile nml imirringe Itpfwihli' la Ihu femilty pniil hy Ihe vielimsol impr.ikr imli' Vinini rursitns nro too ! to roinmil I'iniii nut Ijoin; nwure of the ilrcaillul eonsi'niit iicfs thnt mny enstio Aiiw, who thnt uinUrstiitnls the sul.jeet will pretcn.l to ileny Iho power of is l.t sooner l.y lliose fiillin into improper linbiu l lion hy the'llt ? ttesiilivj heinir !vpi ivetl tlic pliiustires of hv.i'.tliy o(Tpr;u the most serious iiifl ! rin-t i ve .v ttijito'.iii to UotU lio'ly tititl miii'l uri.-e. 'i'hc svslita lireomi-s li-rnnil. the l'liysiinl nn.l M'-ntnl j'in:e liniis Vi'i'iikeuii'l, Loss of 1'n.fruAiiva 1'inior. Nrvons Irr'tithility. iysjn.p-s!i. l'nlpitelion of the rienrt. In liL'esli'in. roiisii nlio:i:il 1 hilil v. a Wnstin nf tlio iruine, Couh, I'oitsuiKptiuii, Uoiy itt j iit.illt. li?vv, o. I KosstSi I'ri'!'! t !k Kl3-'-l T.efl huinl sitl.i goiuj fnun Haltiuiure slrei-S. n few doors from tho corner. Fail nut lo observe iiiittie ttiM mitnher. Letters ititisl lio pniil nrel enntiiin n stnntp. The Jtoetor's Jtiploiiitis htinj" in ltisofliee. AC1KK i AIIiS ti "M I'k l. Yn EI1VS. A'o jl'r'rrt-.-y or Xiitttfotri Drnir?. H2S. .KI1ST.. Men lcr of the Hoynl I'ollejro of Snr reoits. I,ouil. p, tiinlttntc (rout one oflhe mot eminent ('iillnjre- in the t iiite l ir'tiili-", nml the p eitter pin t ol' whoso life lfis hoeii s.,e,,t in t!ie',.. of J.ui. loii. l',:ri.". 1'liilndrl hin niel th tvlierf. hrs efii.-leil some of tlo: most iisiunisiiit" ettrts tfet were evi r koow n ; n.iiny iroui iea Willi rintrmrf in the heml tui'l e.irM to Minn nslecp, gruU iiervousneh-'. beiitft ol it un .1 nt nuihlen souii'ls.'ltt'oliii-ss, vti.h i'rentn'ttt hlu.-liin?. Htiuinleil sometime with iL'rnnciiicut ofmiiij, ueru eiirnl itntneilinti.'lv. 'I'.Mii: i' .:rm i, vf: .'.vriea:. It. J. n hlresfes nil thoie wlto have injureil thetn pelves hy improper iniliiletiee nril solitary hnhits. ivltieli ruin hotii hmly mi l iniihl. uulitlini i hem for ei'.hor l-ill;ilM'-s, so.-irty ol tiiilfri:!''". 'J'llltKK I. re some ol'tlie ul !inl liiehiiieholy efi'..'ls proiliuvil hy filly hnlii's of youtli. vi.: of tho i.m-k iin.l l.intfis. I'hitiji in lie; lle i-l. liiiunees of ' r-r,'i.t. Loss ol Jin-juhir l'oiver. rt.1 itntion of tho lii nrt. iyspep.y. Xervimj Irritnl ililv. Hiriintrement ol tin; I'ijrestivi; 1'itui'tioiis, Ueuvrnl bibilily. .Syittp toins i.f (.'utisuinption. Ae. U: r ii.t.v. Thu fetirfttt flT.trts on Hi" mir l lire, lo'.teli to lie Urc:idi''i Loss of .AJtmory. roltfiisien f.f Mens. I'epre-sion of Spirits, K ii-l-'oreisxiins. Aver sion to Sioiety, .elf-lMstrnst. Lovo of f-ulitit'lii, 'J'iioi'liiy. .Vc lire someof the evils pro-lne.-.l. Tllot sAMis of peivoi-.s of nllnes enn li.r.v ) ml whin is the cause nf tlitir lieeliiiini henlth. lo-in I'u ir vior. Iieeomiii'' we:tk, pale, m rvoni nml etoii.'intvil. linvinx n sinful. ir itppeuruuce tibout tlic eye., cuu1"!! ainl svinptotns of eoitstttnption. OS 4n xn.y Whoh.'.ve inji!.: 1 hc:rc 1 .cs l.y r. e.-itnin prttctiee hi'luleii in ulieit ntone. it heiiit fre'ptentty l"nrneil from evil comint'ion. or nl sehool. Ihe Vll'ects of w l.i it :n o niliily kit. even when nsleop. nml if n it etii-i-.l ri i.-lei-s itiMrrine iiiipos; ni,. ile.-lroy lioth :ini 1hi.1v. slnmhl npply immeilintcly. l hut ii pity that n yotitij; mini, the hopof his e iiii.try Ih" il.trlini; if his pi-Tents, sliotilil lie :ii:iti'htvl IV. "it n'l p;isi..i-;s iitul t iijo nientn oi'life. l.y tho eoi s- n'.:t'-i.-o of ilu v tut I n i fn.m the pnlh ofntittiro itii-l iii i.:!.'ini:iii n eertnin geertt habit, trueii persons rs.r. Ui-lure content hititii retl.vt Ihitt n f.inii'l mini mil nro the tno't oeei-s-ni-y r. iiiisij.-s to promote, eortutthitil in loci I without lhee, Ihe i .uniey tlirotiu'lt lite he- coitii-s: a uemy -liimii-; tho prospect, hourlv otirheiiS lo ;in view; tin iittml nci'ou:e stntilowea , w itil ilei'iir tin. I lill.-il witil the inehilielioly ri th-e- tioii thnt the lin; I'ltti . j of itnother beeouits" hllttul i iv i ! 1 1 our own ttiwi: or nueits i:. Mten tho niisitii.leil nnd iuipriulcut votary of I plensiire funis tlott lie lu:s imbibed tho seeds of this painful di-etise. it loo oi'ton hnpii -us th:;t nil ill-limed ' sci'.-c of shi.tne. or dieadof ili-eovirv. dete'-s hint t li.-tii iil'i-llin to lliose who. from idiu-atiolt aiid Mui'fi'tlthlll'V. CVIl ;itu;u; I'l t-1 :tL lull avini; till I tin- tin.tiiiiti!i:il M uint(,iiis of liii- li -rr. I ni-ikt' llu-ir Hi'i'funin.-f. iiili ns iiicrraU-'i 1 rt ilivf. (ii.t.'iit'il mipt. p;iii..- in iht Ju-.til mi1 liinli-i. diinni.'s til'.-iu'lif. 'lujitiii-ss, m.ii tui lliv -!tin lj"iuf tin 1 uriiir'. lilt.;, h. .4 (in (1m 1 m-u t.n.c ;inl 1 1 1 i'iii i tit ., .it)rt--iii with iii'lttl'nl r.iti'In.v (ill at ln.n 111-' j-iil.'itt: of ihu ir.uii'h cr tho hunts ct'llio tioo i iH iii. hiuI (tie vi'.Mini of t!iir iiwlul ilis.-M-t lut'tmiisH horrid tihjt -l l oomiiit-niili' i:, till tK';r.h 1'iitr! n pc iu-1 to his Uul uticiin. bv cntliii Iii in lo'-thiit t'ii'iisuveri;d 1'uuutry I'roiu wheucu r.u trnvt'llrr l-fturps.' It ii vtmrt nich-ilti fftrt thit thou-arils fill! victim 1a iliin ttrrihitj tlist.ti, owiitj; to tho un-kiUtutiuK- n' i-jiiunint pi .'tcntturn, who. hy thu uo ot that Dtui'i j'tu uu . il' iv-. ruin tho coUstituUou uud umko tiro rcaitlueoi' lilo iiii-M-ruMc Trt Tint ynur livt-. or lioulih. to Iho care of ihe tunny I'lilr irm-t! mul Wtdthlr. l'rett n !-ts. tit tiaito ol kimw Irtlt. imino or chiirnt'liT. win copy J'r. Jolu ton's adviTlif-fim nH. or iiy iu tlu'iifi-l vt';. 111 the in w-pnporr-. rcuhirly Jvlu :ittl rhysicinnj. im-rti:ilih of t'uriiijr. I hy k ' p triilii-rf inoiith nl'ti r itit)iith t;in tht ir (ttihy unl l ui-.-mm fttiu ptiint'N. or it. lout; 11 .-i til'; iunlK"t t'rv cmi ohtiiiifsl. nml in ilf: p:iir. I hvh you w iih riiiii i 1 vulth to sih it-r your jr4ii:iili-H tiiitnu nt. lr Johnun thi iily ihy.ifinn H-lviTtNir. Jtlit crt Jt'iitiul or (lipl-.iu;if h1 w ny hit 11 in hi-- olhi'O. Hi. rt-uiiiiits or trt-atoiiicnt hio unkiionn t.i nil nthi'fi. pr p..rt il from liiv -pent in Ihe Lrmit lri-pitiil.-ot Duropo, tho lirst in tho otmnlry ui.d n niorL' fxUiive Pimite Practice thuu any 01 her l'hyiii'tJtii iu ihu wrl I, s.iMsta.tir'. AT or Tin: iki:si s The inttiiy lh-mcni)i pnrrl nt tin mlitulion yw nft r yt'tir. mi I tho uuiihtoih inuN.rttmt Suri- t Opt ru'ti'iin pt-i !ornt(l hv lr. John.tin. witn-i--l hy Iho rcporU-iot ol tho "Sun,'' riippfr.' n-l many otio r ptiper. tiotici-ft of v liu-h bt 0 nppf!irt'.l n.iiu huI 'iiiii hcloiP iho pnMir. lir--i(U- Ii is -iii'lin iu a ; iitli niiin of I'lmr'tftor mtJ r'jnMi-ihilltT, u 11 f ulli' it'i't intrnnit o to Iht utllictiil. Niii iii: im.s ra:r.s2CY V'-r-'.m. writ lui? hhitM ho pnrtlt-nlnr In l!rt0liin tlit-tr It-it .-i - t.i hi.- I n-liiuti. 11. ii. Ih it'lhiwip tmin -r ; .1U?I 1..50!"!STO, 5. t M'!..- ;.il'iiuoro I.-m'K itwitj.!, Ualliuioro. Ml. t'lhrui-ry 'Jl, l i t--l y lMlnilr.itrM N nTI' i: i..l iril.y isiveii (.niion b.. in b.iiij.'rs Ibtit leltcr. of ndi-iii.!-. l trrHlite t lo tiie .iil.oril.. f. on ttiti e iiiti ol Nii bolw. I.niiibcrson. rite ol l.n.-ti lot. lobi'i, .Noriliiiitib.Tliiiid eoiiiity, I't. . ib-eciis.-d All er.i.i ii.'li'bteil l'i m'-l r-tiile uri rein .ied to .:ul.c iinlotdiiile I't.Mi.t ..t. mnl lliivH. Ion 104 i trtilo. to I rt.ellt Ib'-lu Iiulbcl ti. tile.1 tor Ml 1 bioel.l . ill l.M'h.i I., .Mm tin ltn-h tup , I'.b. II, I10I.-61 'I'll.- Iiiulc'l'li"!1 OI-rt-i, TliU H ill l.i Tl oV MM IIAM.vU 1)1 I Nil 11 liolitin ' ui I i'l ' 11 l o e, of lii t ut gvn ) tcoilti i Ml. I. ... Ii.loiied. line o lliu ivliul. Ho iuioIi bii iil. tnd itidiKi. I v iloi I. . I uud clii.i.. lor K ali i 1. luil. to 1 ..j ..r olu lui 1 1 luo. let.-I uii'lll. Ulneiy. II "Uil H1I11I104 Hilu. ti ll, ul, r-'o li'inK kt.v ui.iucuui I Uo .... u lb I li II HI. O l -.o I'l IH IO.I..I. II.U inl.f unu I. llio II. 1.1 I'liHlul ol l II U.i. Ihu till' I rot t). I ub I'U U-lvf lloi.lUiwUl, HU I U HHIIU'lt Hi. tt . ..I 411! Iloiv .U.U. I'to V, .Ut-'bljr eUlH.lil, Iii I el 4 I. .It lo.- o, .'o lul .a... iu (I a', b.., o tout I. .I.-.-.. Ui.i.i I I Hi -"U li...ll. I.l buy Hi tab Lul., ) 1-1 b lllliu, HI. It t ill .u)blu 014 Awl .1... IMU.I l.uu.l i H-I..O.V, .' c.i'H I l. II.. I l...u II.imu III .bv Atuiy .t-l It. ill till VI I. Iiltim 4(ii, .11. luioHii u., ( I'H N lb 4 JoU tl. , Nt-VuH J4UW II, ll - tlull MrrMH l.r, tf WAib r ttiKt imibii. ui.m .tu itiitUM 11 f l. 1 Ii 1 I I .e. I lo lb. Uabuikvlui. tl ib kl ttltl IM l"b - I iMUV't 4 iiutsr Ui.tH., IIUll I I 't .Aorl Stitiislfor lnn1 4'oiutty, 9h9 Tho Commonwealth of remwjlvania to iho ivhcrifl ofsuid 1 0nni.t,l're!in(i: ; M'HBtiFAS, Pnrnh PutHevlftnd by her next fri -nd Win. liratly, did on the f nirth day of August, A. D. lftW. pref'-r her petition to tho Hon. AleXnnder .lor. fhm. rrefident (Jinlp of our Court of Common rieitf. lor tho ahl ('onnty Norton ibeilnnd.prayinjr for ibc onuses therein set forth, th. t !io miirh! be dioi c ed from the Jlondnof Matrinntu'enttn'd into with ou John Sutherland. Wo do therefore command you ois b .fcift wo did, the said John Sutherland, in ft it. Mho; ail all In r Ini-'inor and excue wbatsrH vr v.n Ik cud !";( lit1 in your proper purMtn l. f no oar Jndire.s n( fcsurtli'irv. ala Court ol Ccmmm JMotts. then to l.u held o r the S'tid county of orthuu.b'rb.n I. on the m-coi: ! .b n doy of M.trch next, to aoswer a petition or liln I nf i ii emu fnrH c-uhhm ini.ti, nii simv t"in v ii any xm nave, wtiv thfl Sr:-nn SuIIcm inti.l. yonrulf,., j rhould not ba diroro(.d tVTn the !oud- ol l,nrin,.-iiv iitjcnoiy w iuo Am iu general a i-mmy in ruvli ense tnndc and provided. an 1 toreol fail not. W itnesf the Hon. AUt . Jonlnn, Vrc-daeTit nf rnr gnid Court lit ifuubuiy. I lie 2A. d.-v of Japiiarv. AD. IMMlil. LUl'Klit- V. l'ns't. Kunbury, Fib. H, I l:i. 4t 'j'o .'o-5ii.tii;i-. rPHE A 'Ivvrl'ucr, l.uvinK been restored ! l.e.ilih J. in n few weeks. Ir. u very siiuple reioedy. ri : . t-r linving .suirorcd sever: ' yenrs u i'h u sevi i e iim-- af. feetion, nnd that Ureal I'V'!!.!. L'onstiiei!'i.,n--U" o .i.c iou? to iniike known O his lVHow-mfli is Inw nu ins of cure. To nil r.lio desire it, he will Fend n e: y of thi prtveription used (free of ehareo). with tin 'liriv'ioii.. Ibr prrpnrir.K nnd usi'ii (lie snme. wiu' It they t.iil find n HritK Critf. for CoXMrMfTtos Astiim a.'I'I'i m nimi An. Iho only . vhjettt of the A di uti-i r in "enilimthe I'reseription is to bent-lit the iitiMrti-il.titat ."prei.d information wl:uh he eonei ivrs I.t bj ii..ti,;.i hie. i;nd he hopes every suflerer will try li's nin'-dy. its it wiil cost iIkiu noihin-j, uud uiay pr . c n Lb -s-'inr. l'ttrties lrbhini; tho prertpHon tviM please n.l drosa Kkv. LUWAltn A. Uj..-('X, Viliit'liisMur. Dee. C 1?2.--3tn Kings I'ouiify, .New Vork. r !..;; 34 I'Aw.Ti iiAi.i.j'csv." CS J LKOAL.k ..: Corner Lf Jik'eoU'T ;'irtci,, "C A H T F. ft n K V I S I T K," rhotiurraph", P.iinicireety; cs, ie. V oder thn per K nil attention of M. A. l!t"i'J'. Jnnti.iry ;t. ISti.'j. lIelioriiih'n Artist. SEiv a viisivr la 4iT von ALSO, oaudf.x on rnur FAinrs. Fitilable for tlrapes. rcaeliea. lears. Ku.spberr:e, iStriiwb'-rriits. lllif.kbenies, cuiVattts. Ae.. oi I. liL 0. 10 or In aer.s eiii li. ul the followia;; prices lor Ibc present, vli.: W acres for SIMM. li ucres for $110. 1. tteie.i for .?'iU. 2j itcres for ill), 1 autre fur tr-D. r.iyablc hy one dollar a week. Also crood lands, nial villnro lolsi in CULT. WOOD, 2.) by loil feel, at .?il each, payable hy one dollar a week. Tho above nd and liirin-. me sti.tiH'.ed nt Ciittwoed. W ii!hiiirt'ii 'J'ownsitiii. Lnrlin-rtou ('otiuty. Xew Jer-ty. For further in formation, nip'y "bit T. 0. tjtiinip, l'jt u circular. H. I'R.WKLTX CLAHK. Xo. ni! Cedar rftroot, Xew 'or!i. X. Y 21. sii.i.y .Tanttr.t J" J?s. a O S O. BE cm, MERCHANT TAILOR, ?iiir't yir.-fl. I3rn lv t .!o llio r Xl'OHAlSthe eili'ens of Sunt toy end vicinity, that he has itist rcinrucd IVoui ITiilad-.dt.hiu witbn full assortment of . r.i,i. a wh'b i'.si ti4tiy. OK KYKKY IiL'-rCUU'TKiN A XI) (Jl'ALITY. liis s'oek consist of Cloths, l-'rencit Ciotl-.s. loit'd; I loe -i;iti und Taney t'as-iniercs. Ii'.nek .at in. l'ii'ni i d Silks. 1'lnin nnd Ktucy Cassin.cre Yl-TIX(!l. wlii . 'i be will niiiue up lo order in styles to suit die ti'--te of r::stoincrs. on short notice, nnd the most reasonablo terms. ... Any (ionilk not on hnud, Trill ho ftirnisirtl from Vhibidelfiitiu. by ir'v'nt; Iwo iI.iva'' notice. lioiiils lurni.-heti by uuslouicr-t will be iuudo up to order i.3 berctofere. As he will employ none, but cxperb ii-T'd wo: lemon, persons may rely ou getting their wn ic w ell lione ut his , J Thankful for the pitronasc heretob.r" bt-totVL.l, be re avtftiily solicits n eoniii.iianee ef tiie trail. e. hiiahury. October 4, 1SC2. i lMllLADET.rillA PAPEB JIAXCtXHS. LVr. 1'ourtb &, Jliaket Streets, PbiludUpiiia. Inivo low in Stock, n fine variety iT ttTsMl lfi . -4. up cp: j.v.'. y lui liicn; i t Traiic. Y1X0W" r.Vl'ER OF KVKJiY (iKADK, to wltii-h tliey inite tho ntteutioti of Storekeejiers. I In the irli"t:iil ltepartmciit, will he found llio cuob'.'st stvb'S of the SCM.-Ott. I'hil.i.b.lpbiu. Fib. II. IMI'!. "in w Economy is Wealth ' iil Ihe V.'t.'.M Maii'.m:: X.' iidi' I'tti:. j Ttili Caiaiive lials.ini j is i..irritot.d it n.--d : cording to tbc 'lir .iio- -. to core in ali cur1 s I 'oit! -. t'oldi. bi"o;4tl, I A-ible -. er.d all at'ccljoa. i ol llic 'i llicit aiid J.ui:t I Muditmo Ziiloc r-.rtcr'd ! J'm!-iiiii is nrej tri I v.i:b nil the rcjutiite cere ned .kill. 1'i-ohi a conibintnioii ol' tlte b- st rclm.iios the vegetable kiii-rdont u!F-;r-ls , its .eiociti.-il i,n.iliiies nr.- j bused 011 it.-oin i to ni- t j (lie'ttv iiti'l vitron 1, eir-nb-ti ni of tb'."blo.. i. blood, tbro' llm l.iiii-s. h i-i not u liolcitt rt toed v. but enioliont ti.irn i , io-Hii'!iiii! mid etb-i-t i c ; can be token bv III. obb's-ier-in or i-oiiti':-.-st ebiid. M'uIhiiui iuL"- t'orttt II.1I-.1..1 lie bei n in ns.-1 ;.- til'1 Hl!'liC tl.l oVt.1 i-il'i Us Mild bes lie I it I !.-- sent -".-ile s'li'i'!; by beini reeonit.n i: t- .l I.,- .., nbo hiivt. used it to Ibeir itt'.liute.l iricti I.. niidoib'-ts iMo-i r Imi-.ii.t . n r. Mfidtime -oioe V -i-t.r's t i.r i tive lliii-am is M'l i lit n .rt -e wbi.b 1 1 1. il in !,c r.- icli of i-M-ty oiie to ktu-p it cniv.-nici.t t.o- ns.-. 'I ( o I ' e 1 ty tint of h si tig! u bill lie w. 1 1 jiovit lute ii.-i:li loo lito- s it. cool. X-i'l'U'1-' Snve vnur M nicy ' T.o it ( be p r. ni di d to I'tircliiise nrticln-. l I lo -l hIh.-Ii d" not e a tain tbc viltui-.ofH lueelit llot'teot .ladiitne i r lor it Curatilo li.i-lln. tlo- eo. ' 1' la i.-lto v.biidi is . tr-eitt ns tliHt of nltoo.-i t vv - . r 1 .Ii citie ; und ttiti very low fuic.i nt Hbo-li i; i. . I I. Il.itki -. llie I'tolit lo ibc f- 'lli.-l- 11 -u . li'.y iu.tll. . : d ite.niu-i'b-d ilc:tb-is it ill - no ill.. r i'l . 1 I olbor loe'ii 'ilii'-i 011 H tiicb liluir T"'i - nr. bil r. 11'.. Ibc Clt.'ollii ! Illslrl lll.'ll bimiu .M.lli'll. ii I'' l. r's ttn.l none oilier. A.k b r M.ot.ui.i i'iiiii r : ii c H ilsam. rii-e l't .- i;ts. and i.t I. if - I . -.' . c. iit-t. nnd take no oilier, il V011 cni.!..-t - s 1 II . - -.1 i l.i- .toic imi can al iniollo r. Sol I bv atl I'm; ii- s un. I nt. I in I .1- -or I .-in. - -il 1- lil.C I"! Ul 1 i 11 M.l. .V UlthLU I'm il 1..,.. Jutiiit.rv ::i, j". ij Xiu ..ii. .1 lltlitWI-'lu .,.. 1 (.'-. tun. II Min n. b. A liu I n., . .' ) l,i ibiCni-r il 11 lill W 1 tit i f. 'I. -.- .-. .1. f 1' l!n' I l Ho 1 . 1':. I.i'.'ll obit 'li' i.ll, I. ll.'.i j ,. ! . i nt ilii .a. I M.iri - it Ui-iti, .1. . .( I I, , 4. I l'v ! l i I I So ...1 .1 ,11 tViiliuiu I.. Ii.u.irl j l.-nn, Is-, ... lb., i-.ii.i I Auditor Hiioi u l l y i',j i h of ( I'billloll I'l. i'l N"l ibttli't-i I i-il-d 1 'ill.'.v , Mi Kli.l, I..'Ul J ill.' ('III. il.ll l't sUli; I , ii 1. lo I. 1 ..I ll. I I b . I . tu-- i il l' l- v . I 1.1. . j I imi iuci 1. No 11 J 11 unr' T I. ! ': I 11.1. t i:l lo t 01-- ii.i T- .t.d theri mi nt lo . , ii 1 . . I ....iU.-b ol Mo. bin V. I I , U1..I1 Vl -.. I , ii iy I M..I. b A. l I ' IllmlVI t V I I l .. 1 r v i 1. j . lit iii 1. Sut.biiry. ;b. 1 1, lul. ImiIIIui-'h t-.-. 1 .talu ..(' Ali.ul-u t eorud di '- tu i:' I Tll HU III "I H ll.U-I by tbc l I ... ' tl .1 it U.I. Li I I .!.-! l4 11 Jf It HU'tlt 11 . ' I . -1 ' I lb. H. - oUll .1 li. t t 1U- ' . l.k'.U.'l - I tl.l . i'lol.1 .II.',.-. I HI. I. I l.-l-ioj Hi .-il H. ."but Hill ulluli'l lu IUU iluH'4 if I at I ' Hon . ol HI 1.1 olll -J It. lb.' b- loU-.U Ui I4.I.U. J, I'u f .' ' ui la, il.a .'-iU day ol i.t'iuaiy I ' 1 ; .1 u u wl .. k A ii , Hi .11 tu I Hbuiu a-i Ik lui.l. u. I Iv v-U.l.4 U. ad o l 1 1 MMI I L J iti ULU. (hIii.t ; bbbbl, .b II Ix'l - i 1 1 u, liuiu. run kin;. T Mil I ta. II lm ll iUl. l-aatwl lb . al II u juu it 'U . I IL. . u.b. .H . M '!. H lib II-a ulil-H I I 4 .iiu l .HI.-. , . un..... a J.i . -- 1. lit. -d lu i....b. iu.tb-t 01 j u '1 4. 1. .1 It . 4V.. .'' ' ' ' ' JUST 0PE1TED! e. y. inuijlrr & m: I" NV1TK t!io cany uttuntiiMi ul' ),,i!' J- t'ltiisi'iri tn llu-ir clioicp, v in id I olt'n civfi its, lift:-, ht.I rnb.-H 'UlNTKU GOOilS yii tll' V niil.T .it ('.il! !' vie. ,M. Our stor!; citiliinfu't A full liiv; "f Until l utni'j Prt'-i ."---, i A nii.t: 1 t i.t" !)omr; i'e Ory (Itmil-t, A i.-lidirr piii;.j!y n' 'bii Corvl-i, A itv:;t v.i.!' ty nt' l:.ttst t.:il H-Uw, A I if; 'it stui U ul' i Jt;rc!v.: l'.ln;nviiir'. A r 11. i Is Clroc ':!'.!'.',ivc !'it tif li;:r liiiivc, ( K-Jiv'.y M:i,lt ( ltt!iii)o Kint'i- , l!V -H Drills - rr.ints Gil." tuil Oils. . XV 11 INVITE ;:.;! :il t ii 1 .r. lo Die follov.ini line ( I'ltituis, suilaiilc fur llolitlity I'rcstnts. r.rtil ITenvv !!.in';(t Slittw!:, rriin:!i ll'titiilict nti'l Uroclic liawl?, Ilut'si ry fur Lmlics, Gents nml Cltiblrcn, LikIIl-s (ilovt'a in great til.iiiKlunre, A rotupli'tc stock of Oi-tits Glovc.-. Ti-.tit y Miiriing mnl (jieni Flannels, Atst r.'cil cnUtr.-t Iu!monil Skills, Pki !t ton Pkifts in protit Variety, ".cjiliyr Opera Caps ami Nulanr., Fittu fiablti Furs nml riluiTs-, Fine "While Linen Iltmdki'teliiei'si, (.'ti'ioi'til buiilcr t'nmlirii! irrxtxlkorch icf-i, Iliiiitliinnu PUU IlaiKlkcruliicis. C!rnls Tilk I-Teek Ties ami Cravatt-t, Fini! ncfillo Avorkcil ('ollars. Super Black Love Veils, bilk TisMics (if nssorli'd Shatle-t. Ktltlioiifi, LiK-e?, 'I.'.rinf;.! ami lltillluiy.. Fine Hlack toimii Caps. S'.itiwl Fins mil Scarf l'ins, Ferl'mnory, remade ami Slaps, Duek Ftirsert and f.mey Ftirt Jlonnie., First rate Skates, ready M nipped, Kii'c Hair UrUhLe and Fueket ('uiub.., Extra good Fenknivos and Seifsors, Children Gum G ikied Conili.-t. Ac., Ac. ice. Simltti; y, Dec. ?0, ISHi. ATTEN TION DEALERS ! A XNo'i Xt'KS lo all vhotraJ? in Sunburv. that he low ju-t purcliHSed a N E AV G 0 0 I) S. Uliith heotfers nl h west end of -Market old stand, l.enr Covert's Hotel jitare. very CHKAV FOU CAPII Or if llml n iil not do. just n chcaii for o a: t k v v i 6 i r v ::. His Etoi k con.-is".J of n l'tr-1 nssortiociit of HAT.?. LOOTS. CA i'S. hilt IK.'. I'OATS. fc' ALT. l'ANT-5. t.Al'. vests. itnrtsiii:.. llAilliV.'AlU;. Ql'FEXSWARE. and other iirtieles nltogcther too numerous to uien- t'.ou. CALL JTITD SEE. Sim. bury. ,J:inuary ;i. Isi:'. " SIMON ''r. WOLxTRTOI?." .U;j i y niil 4'oiihk-Ioi sti J.ati . ('&:. M'nUet slrect. 2 doors tvest of Hopot, SXJTTXiXj K", PA. J 11. Ii . nd 1 1"' to in lev to tlic colbc.on of claitte id all o';..r prole, .liolltil tn:-;ri"S intrusted t.i ia Nortioitiib-jibaid tu.'i ii ljittiin counties, rv. .Mav :t. l-.'iL'. i 3.:c l.iti .U'.iiti .V Itxii.:'h ICail i.iii. ON 1 tti': T XoVetl T. t.ii.s ttiil ran a-- t'.il tnlur IT, K-''i2. Tas-vr-'T I ?.!.V1X( .'Til. -!. , in la A ll.lo i' .VT.ll.i Kill-' r.ii'.e. I anv: .at Xn'.b 11 A. ,M. y, Arrive t Xi r.iin.. birieiid, I . .MDVlXti Xttl'.TII. Leave X.-t:!,iimbLilaiid. .'i.-"J 1'. M. ltanviltc, f.t'tl i;.ii.i-i. ..'... Uin;:-ion, K-l.". Leave, l.-ii V. M Arritetit S.-i.-in.-.ii. I11.01J 1'. .M. .'i.-ltl A i.i -.-.-n :-r .rain nlso letttcs Kinprston ut 8 lift . .1.. t .1 r.-itnilon. to connect viitti u tiain li-r .No-.v ork. lti-ttii-niii'. leives S.-rinioii onurrivtil ot tr iin i'loin Xetv imk. at I 10 1'. M. 'flu l.iu-Ua-.vnnna .V iibn.m-.biir Itnilroad eonneetn 1 ilu- llel.iv.-lie S.-vai'.. ui l.n. hiiVil ! liil 11! d t eslc.-ll loi Xew Voiir ttn.l iiilei'tncdialo -d I 1 ill's e-i-t. At Kill ' vt r -mi --t villi llic Citltuwis-i'i Fn:l li c-i-t nit I est uniiiiii at i'bil . .'.I. n.l it e.-rrret. uitbtlio rbibnli-1-n l nnd N rllo-rii Central liad- I ... I. b.r i-i j,:.-1 . ndi I'.bin til li. I .'1 1 Ai V'liMih.b. r' 1 d. in A 111 ie lt.ii'l road. I"l' -j 0 -it: Mc-: mid -ou!h IVo-seii'.er-t iirriiitu tit ll ii 1.1 I t 1.0 IV M ; ii.lladeli'lua 10 r. Jl : I.i.-.'ii I', il. 'I he 1 i .I t v. I .,.t".l.i.!..l,i'! r.-, "i - T 'in ti'i-tlt. r-.'tv. s A M . in I arrive, nt ll,:V l' 1 -Jit IV M. i., 1 1.-11. I .llllllle at J-'IIN I'. ll..-l.i:Y, i-uji't. al lie... I AB-' iil. .1. ('. X 1. :l t.s. I V.-i tt. it.liiiv, IJa".rr..:i.l. viNiKA arra:.'oviient. l:i:AT I III NIC l.INi: frit lb.- X.ili nrl V 1 X. ttli-U t.-t t .r l'biiii't. !; 1 i... N. if V01K. in ud ii.4. I - (..villi'. I.i b..:i"ii. .ill. iii-.ti i. I. t-l oi. iV'-. ' l.-.i.! 1 i il.ibi.b loin.., X.-w-N'- ik, K 1 'in . l''.:'- ii! . to.. I n't li,i.Tii.eaiii'i. Stations. 1.; s t. M . end .'m IV M. .. "ink I. M. -I. i.e. II m. .. a:-.; at .'! I j A.M. :k at III i-i oi ; : at. 1 J .0 iii.' 'I'. .N. oililn. t . I .. ; . iliw!. n x... li il.i 1, .11' X. -I . I ll-' .' Il I.. 3 M . . I.av.i I'l' iii: II 1 . v y, 1 ; ti .. i'i i' '; i: , r ti v,:il'o.i! . i. .1 bin 1: ...d 1 .b' l.l'.i ..II llio , 1 r it.'.... U.i 1 V. it Il.i, .tH- . ami ! -ti i 1. ik ; uul .1 '' ..' i' 01 Iv, cel.... -eiii.,; t..r . is-.' It. ....I ; 1. 1 M , f r l -ii illl.. It 11 1. m e. li- i.dtli I baud. 1) luu ul I .1 M l i . , l.l.d A.'.i Vn I li..l 1; 1- (Oi ' & a' I 1 oil' .1. I , ..1. 1 1.-..I .. U. . i.'V , . i.ij. C a AM, V .'.. 1 'i. u i.i'.! blT no I .. :. i 1 I.i M iil it4)i mill 11 11 11 ti, '' 1 1 i'i 1 I. 1 . i' 1 . 1 .A. 1 1 . 1. Ml . w'l I I . . I I I l I.. .ill ai. I .. A i. I. 1 ., i V O I , 1 1 li.UI Juuu-.JI It VjI t