Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 07, 1863, Image 1

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T J Doi.tAB per annum, to bo pail hnlf-jmrl
In ftlfiuice. A paptr diMontinucd uulil all or
tsuragci arc paid.
TO clvhi :
Thrw coplos to one fcltlrwn, $ 5 00
Kvti do do 10 M
lifteen do do 20 00
Kiv Pollnr, In lutvanoft, will pay for throo ymrs'
lubscription to th Amtrican.
Club fubscrtptiont mutt b Invariably paid tn id
satic, and lent to ono nd dress.
If iubscrihero notrlitct or refuse to tnko tliolr now
tiarers from the offio to which they are diroll, they
are responsible until they liavo fettled the bills and
ordered them diTntimied ...
rostmnstiT! will please act as onr Afrrot. and
frank Inter containing mbsnrlption money, lhey
are pruiitud to do Ibis under the Tost Office Law.
terms of AivrnTiiAca.
fllaat fktnnr rtf 1 5 ItnM ft 91 M
Every subseo'ieLI insertion, ' li
uno sqitare, 3 Biontlis, I HI
Pi months, ft 00
One year, g (!
Business Cards of 5 I inei.p.f annum, I W
Merehants and others advertising br the year",
w ith the privilege of inserting di'Ocrent ad-vcrti-mg
weekly. " 10 0(1
Hiisins) notices Inserted In the I.orAr, Cot.f , of
Vv"r," ,MwlnX" H,J l'outlu, I'lVL CENTS PKK
hl.tH tor ca.'h insertion.
t jf' targur AdvcrtiBemenfs i per agroement
Ve have eetineoted with onr establishment a well
selected JlIS OITICF., wl.i.h will enable us to
ciceiito, in the neatest stylo, every variety of
NEW SERIES, VOL. 15, NO. 50.
OLD SERIES, VOL. 23, SO. 21.
Crittenden's ' IMiUtnlolp"i Com
incrclnl C'ollcse,
X. E. Corner of 7th and Che?tnuliti., rblladolpbia
THIS INSTITUTION, wihieh was established In
1S44, and is now consequently In the 18th year
of it oviptcneo, numbers among its graduates, hun
dreds of the most successful Merchant", and Business
Men of our country.
The object of the Institution Is solely to afford
Toung men facilities for thorough preparation for
Lusiiu. . ,
Tho branches tmiplit are, llook-Kcepinj;, as appli
cnblo to the various departments of Undo Teninan
ltip, both plain and ornamental ; Commercial Law,
Slutheninliei, Navigation. Civil Engineering, Draw
inn. Tiionographv, and Modern LanguoRes.
The svsti m of instruction is peculiar ; no classes or
tot lesson" are madu use of, but cn.:h student is taught
iudivUimllv. so that ho may commence nt any time,
nd attend whatever hours arc most convenient
Catalogues are lncd annually after the loth or
April, containing nnmos of the students for the year,
and full particulars of terms. Ac, and may be ob
tained at anv time by addressing ilio Principal.
In extensive aiieoinmodiitions, wide-'pread repnla
fion, and the lengthv txperienco of the rriiiciual, Institution cffer 'facilities superior to any other
'in the, l..r young men wishing to prepare for
iin-iiiw, anil to obtain al the samn time n diploma,
which will prove n recommendation for them to any
. JU-reantilc liiaise.
'.i' frilteiidcn's Series of Trentiws on Hook-
Kivoiiu;- now more widely circulated thtin ittij other
wori; cv the mibinet. are Cor sale at Hie Cnllc.-e.
lOi)(.;KS'CHrn'KNl.'L.N, Attorney ut Law.
l'ebrunry S, lboJ. ly
etc: vkeexek t
As for 1B.',9 and 18tin,
Tiy V. KbTCIlAM A CO., 2?'J Pearl St., New Turk.
fp.HK c:dy 1'rcezer cunslruetcil on scientific prin
J chiles, with a revolving can and spring blade
. sernper. The one hastens the Iri-eiingoi'tho creaui- -ihe
other ri.niirtes it as fust a ftoien.
The most rapid in frvciing. w ith tho least qnnnlity
cT i-e.
j he no-t e.-onomieal in cod, as it is the moat simple
H't'l durable in structure.
IVr sail' in "11 the principal citkj und towns in tho
J'tieli wilh a book of recipes
mm lull uirccuuuj.
rs no
4 HO
6 0.0
(1 00
fi CO
12 DO
8 ijunrts
4 quarts,
e quur'.-i,
5 qun.-l.,
14 tnnrlii,
i'U quarts.
Ai to II. U. MASf-EU. funbury, TV
March Im'.l'.
bit'UE:FEi.i.i':e itvi:i:.
Attorneys at Law. Suubury. Pa
1 .Mu'li.W HOCKV'.l'KI.I.Kll and KOLOMOX
J . Y. H'VKU. re-pe.-:t'nlly iinnoiieco that they
bnv ' ' i'i-ed into copartnerl'iip in the practice of
Ih - r :.-. i"ii. nu I will continue to attend to nil
Im'sinc'S ent-v!cd t" their charge, in the counties
of Niathiiiiibcrbiiid. I'ni.m. Snyder and M.mtour,
prompt Iv. fuitlitully and carefull v. Special ntlen.
li..n el" be given t" the COLLECTIONS. OF
CI,AIW. CoiisullalloiiJ c.iu be Lud iu ihe CiLU-
;.1AX l nr-nnic . . . ,, , ,
unic,. Market s'reet. optvjsito ci'Vcr I Hold.
Punitory, l-'il.i unry 1. liiJO.
S5rn .;!!, WIiiVm.
fpili: sulicrili'T. haing opened in Tboin).oirs
Lrlck lluildin. Mill street, Jiauvilie, a largo
and enmpleto stock of
coiniriing the le'st brands i.f V.randie. tlin. Old
live. Scotch mid Irish Whiskey . l'orl. Hierry. Ma
deira. ( hiimpn.'iic and other ines. of all (.-raiiea, all
of which ill be suld Wludesalu. at the lowest oily
trices. Tavern-keepers, by bikvin-of ui, cuusai
XI least the tV. i-i.t. '
Persons deiiou- of pureliiuing liquor, or
V A .M I I. Y I' S i : ,
jiay r-ly npn b-in;r furnished wbh a puro and
asiidulte'iated article. ...
t ir- P.eiin; detiriaine 1 to establish a reputation T r
aMIiiig cheap, he ruspeetfully s-diciui the parronngo
of lhe"nblio. All orders i.reinptly nttendeil to.
f"lnvilte. June IS. IStW.
5t'" I'm.'. j
BY uring Mfiu'i l'r.t. ni Sine'. Jlcta! Screw Top
Prc-erve .lr.
FCiiEU' TOl'l
A'i thai is neeessivy licii.' to screw the C:ip down
u'..i. rb- K.i'-'..-r Ua-ket. which U placed ou's-'to
ill-in the -Loot. Icr of ihe .tar. J of an inch distant
I'r'ol.. til" top ; pM Vent tiic possibility of ihe flavor of
the fruit hem,; injured by coining iu contact wilh ilio
I'.ubOer. , ,. , ,
y, , ,!uing tlieso .Inrs ran be supplied ty
L,' their orders with II. B. MASS1.H, Aent.
Snuoury, .lune J. IhtiO.
A 5-.w5ina Moil',
(.Vi.rr ilir Pit, .:.)
ritlllC !ii'criber Inning lean-d this well linown
1 Tavern Stand, lately kept by Mrs. C. S. ltrown.
r'esj.i eifullv iiu'orius the 'public that he is refitting and
repairing i.ic pnn'-cs. and villi be prepared to en
tcrtain. iti a comfortable uiai.acr. bis numerous
friend throughout the county, und ull wliu may
i.'." ins esti'.on. niucni.
April 1J, I
SViiiiLi'n liotiNS',
l)i:;;itl.T AX1 IU:ia'i:XlSlH'I, C-r Howard
1 1 mid l'rii!:l.lin Stroet. n few SUic W el of the
Northern Ceutrnl linilroe.l Depot. LAl.TI.M'il'.i:.
T i.ims, J! I')" l'v.
I'r. LLlSLXHINil, Proprietor.
Ju'.v I'1., 1-iV.I.
'I'lio fil. IjsmI,
Cit'tiiut r:rr!. lelirrrn Third an I Vaurth,
rPHi- tin ler-'ieoed. lmviii"; l. a-c.l. f..r a term of
1 vein;'. I'u-'f. .puliir lii u-"'. huv.; lie" pleaeuru of
aim.'iinciin; h their friend- and the traveling Coin
muni: y il. it it i.- i""W .'pen fur the reception ol gne-ts.
The l.'U-c. t'.if"! Ihi nrst of March l.wt. ban bei-n
cniirely reujvaied and refitted in a superior mnuiier;
the ui.a.i..ienis uro luric. well ventilated and lur-ti-bed
in loi.l'.ii htvle. It is centrally located,
convenient ihe d'ci..t and steamboat liimliugs.
end io Ihe iiniiii d ...I" viciuity of ti.o Custom iloucv
-e i.a I tlic Corn Kxchunge.
loiiuectcl with tlic Hotel is a Restaurant lor the
a-jo,i,ni...liitioii ..f those pretermit; tho iairopcau
i.!an 1' llooiiis from '1'hrce lo Seven Lolluia
vcrweek. a.c.iding to loi'aiion.
Jt..;nd M .in per iln.v Table d Ilotc for imrchmiU busiiir u:eu from 1 lu 3 '?.'... .i-n
m.N it l yi' t it
A).r;i I?. 1V,J wly
V ut-ra nC'd .sii-I.hII1'
taut F'liiut I i.i.v KCIIIiHi:ll'w
u Ocy eilon iw, !.. f.w nvNHr
will f'iruu-1 4 w.llie perftetOil?
No. t'.'T VValuut kul. I'UiuuMplin.
rdaniry 1.1. IV
Till', FAMILY alAf UAI.Ltt
I K.u iout.fei si-ii-u U udi lulu '"l rkup, ao
nib I
line n n. Aaa..'i'dua: Fkck Utii :
soiP,.., rj.i' u s't- Willi n. uiu.Ui a eup "I oV-
I.. M.iml e loi'-'t ""'I' ' l'i l'""''
rlTiil l.iMI'i M ltl.t.l'oMPNV.
S l it 4U.UI Ui, l,.vtoll.hi.
f.i.iamlJ. l--lv .
rj url Mwrl
ruMi; i;.''.'i mi: vnm.
I'.iJil. 1 lt'M t iu: .-tl TH.
IMili: 1 ll'lUllltl.AST.
iu MK Ht'M Tilt t-T--
.he ,iiify ai.4 build ) .ui.l.e b'.wea. if
,.. 4 u liio. '" ' I .heap ,
1 r.i if i i x'UEH" l.r.uiihK"
i. ,.1..4 -t tU.ltiM
' liA T I.EME.W, H'MifKr.
..',.. I .i.,' 1-a.Ur. .au. l.uu.U, W-
i 1 I ' , a Aw , Ad
' , I I . !o 1 .1 i '' k"-4V- U'-l-.
Kew Stock of Goods!!
aud although prevailing report may Induce tic
belief that
are advauciin;, yet a.inglo visit to that "attractive '
' resort,
will convince any candid man or wuman that, be the
report u it may, yet the propiictors of that 'Institu
tion" have tho facilities for furnishing
wtiich tlioso Lo lay l.r. 1 sell uu Long Credit! '
not, ami esnnnt posseaa. i
I lJ I EKE. j
Sunbury, May 17, isf.2.
Pai I Mrs. Puillh to Mrs. Ilrnwu.
As ihey ucro naikiug throurli the town,
ti here Uo you ilo youi .Hopping :
That dies, you're in. o rent ai.d tiue,
I 'Jliat ultra 1 ee it, really mine
f LiM.ks positively shocking."
'I'm sure your lititbfind. Mrs. lirown .
Xow dou't'l.e augry, pout aud frown
Is it . .1 so rich as nunc.
I And ye I you can uflord to buy
Just twice as much, or luoie than I,
Aud how. 1 cannot dii inc."
Hays Mrs. Ilrown to Mrs. rWiih :
' i'iie reus-'ii you II he startled with,
. ll 1 ; ho sitttplc. clear
You buy on credit, I furentli.
J buy hargnitn. you buy trash,
I cheap, while you l-ay dear.
I "'Win ne'er you want a drew or shawl,
' A colli. r. ho c, or what-not. call
j At tho cheap Mauuotu Stouk,
They'll sell you pood" so very low
That you will ceuao to wonder so,
I How much rich g.-uda I've wore.
' Jlv hub!in 1. a' vou truly tay.
Is isKin r. far, than yours to-day,
And yet 1 call buy more,
lleouil.c each dollur ol hi. few
Is. lo inc. just as good as (wo.
At the cheap .Mammoth Sruai."
I?t utti-llid was Mm. Smilli
With Mrs. Ilrown's new arilh-
lueiic. which "lid convince
The tint, ami o)H'iied so Uercyuii
Mie ha.n t ceased to patronis
Tu Mauuuih ever since.
And now. when you cliuiice to Bietl
Ucr husbiuiil, Smith, upon Ihe street.
Around Ihe corner cuiiag.
Hi. face Is ll, 'bled with a slolU,
Hi. step ela.lio all Ihe l ilo
A plcuiUt tune be . humming.
I.iolis. If like ffe. t you d see
u yuur iliwr Kue. ahich yua aaJ kea
i'erehalie, ure r saw U loie,
Jul Mrs. Ui""tsu'. prcM-ripliou try,
And all your lot ol Hi) il l. buy
Al I tic (heap MadmuiU Musi,
lrulH I'lutMullna lliUffw.
Tkey puilfv, areiigtU.B, and linl-'lale.
1 bey create a braiihy piliw.
T bvy are tut aau.loie tu vtanfe of mutt aaj dll
They ov.resuu. t'r)wt.uld.seiaiusi and Uleltuure
'I key tiiujtli.u llislm and eulit Ike U.U, I
'I bejf pielwol lMlMiilui abd iuleliutlluiil fotm..
lu.y punf lit. IruAittaadeAUilyuliliii tUut.s
Ikvy vuie ltssvMA a4 t'olk.liU.'ll
lky ease 1umIm., Lbulesa, tM4 llwUra MoT
tin y cms l.nt C uipUiul au4 Xcrvous Ilea4
sstie The aie ike Ua Lillet, la tit would Tk.y
the ttv.k Htaa m, u4 ate takatuied twiuie
aital r.aSfS.r la.y ate iale ol ,ui at i'tuti
Uuia, lb.vileWu4 t'lisa;a llask, aud ki.l,
wtd ate Uktu dull Ike pLwuseul betetaa. wuk
ut lsi t tu jm wi Uwe ol 4.) . Pjll.uljl i.
wusm44 ka d.iw.W lai fc. iaauia.t) a Mobile
UimuisJat. Al4 ks all ti.Ma I'lk'.'Ma), llisl.
It4li4. C U iVMAkE A 10 , j(ttos4
W'-I 10
Jt'iti LIST
Of KoHUumlmrland County, for March Term,
1 Wm. Conrad, Lower Augusta.
2 Clins. Bncon, Upper Augusta
8 Hiram Bloom, Lower Augusts
4 Mo?es Troutmnu, Jordan
5 Kiimnnitl Spntz, Loner Mabnnoy
0 Isaac Ditzler, Tuilnit
7 George Cnnrnd, Upper Auguslil
8 Innnc Bcidelspach, l'oint
0 O. W. Smith, Sunbory
10 Daviii Hertz, Smilrafy
1 1 Jacob Gonscr, Jackson
13 Cliarlcs Hnttensteln, Turbtit
13 Jntries UielTenbnehcr, sen., Nortlt'd
I t Daniel Uohner, Jordan
1 5 Michael Treon, Washington
10 C'liarles Kramm, Jlilton
17 David Eckert, Turbut
13 Frederick Ditler, Turbut
1 9 Thomas JlcKee, Dclatvaro
20 Jliehttel Ainnld, Lower AtiirrtHta
21 John S. Troxel, Chillisqutujuo
22 Samuel Adams Sunbury
23 A. A. Ilt-im, Zerbe
21 Samuel Munt, Sunbury
1 Tlioma Artier. 'Milton
2 George Gei-l, Jnrdtiit
8 Frnnklin l'ardoo. Rush
4 Clmrlcs Kitylor, Upper Jrahanoy
5 John Crowser, .Northumberland
0 diaries G. Guliek, l'oiut
7 Henry Geiti. l'oint
8 C. F." Little, Xoilhuinleilanil
H David Shipman, Lower Augusta
10 Daniel Kriejrer, (.'mil
11 Peter ll:nvu"lni:in, North'd
12 G-. W. Smith, Sunbury
13 . 0. Welker, Sunbury
14 diarle Sliuler, Turbul
1.i David MeGuire, Lewis
16 Henry Leiaunring. Shumokin
17 Jtimcs P'n.-terinaclicr, Lover Mnliauoy
18 Churles Jirosioi's, Lower Mnliauoy
10 Juenb RarthoIiinipW, Lower Augusta
20 Juiiii Dttnkel, Turhwt
21 Francis Muclicr, Suhbttly
22 Isuut; Vi'ieent, Delawat.?
23 I'eter blialTer. Delaware
J. J. Reimennyder, Titrbut
John Ileekcl. Delaware
2H John II. Ynrnell, Mount Cartnel
27 Samuel Garinrjer. Lower Augusta
28 Jacob Dressier, Milton
21 George Harris, Lower Mahanoy
210 Hciirv Folk, Upper Augusta
IU J. M."Hegins, Zerbe
:2 I'eter Thomas, Jackson
S3 AVillinm Gass, Lower Augusta
34 John Dick, Upper Mahanoy
35 j. Hefl'iier, Lower Augusta
lit! Jacob Hinder. Turbtit
37 Hi'idi D. Rarr. Miltoa
3S J. V. Goodltinder. Mi'tmt
3!) John E. Gerig. Milton
10 Lil. Rtium. Jut-dim
41 Frnnklin Funk, Milton
42 William Heard, MeEwcnsvil'.e
43 Samuel lloiiseworth, Lower Augusta
44 John 1'etisyl, Rush
43 John U. Ei-knuin, I'pper Augusta
40 Alviu Alexander, t'oul
17 Dnvid Malick, I'pper Mahanoy
lg diaries S. Slalilnccker, Turbut
1 I'eter Arnwtue, Delaware)
2 George McDowell, C'liillipquafiuo
3 John Y. Klock. Jaeksor
4 Ifarvey Jive, Delawat n
5 Rcrdamin SeiglVieJ. Lower Augusta
0 G. AV. RttmliHt'.rli. Delaware
7 Reuben Wyim, Upper Augusta
8 Abrahatil Straub, Jliltuu
0 Gilbert Btulieu, Zerbe
10 Joseph Krigiibaum, Lower Augusta
11 John HotTinati, AS nifhinsion
12 F.ugeni.i li. Giliiiiger. Rush
13 Jacob ,Sl.iic, Lower Augusta
11 oanniel liiair, Milton
15 Daniel Siiiith. Turbtitvltle
10 Win. M. Allien, ( 'hiliistua.iuo
17 An Evert. Turlutt
IS Chtirles Harris, Northumberland
19 John Uaiiglmw-uut, Rnh
20 Stimul i shadinan, Millon
21 Henry W. Malick, Lower Augusta
22 Jclin C Miirgiin. Sunbury
23 Samuel Uoiib, Washington
21 Adam tinman, Jackson
25 David R. I'eiisyl, Shamokiu
2H Henry Sheets, diillisquaiiue
27 Samuel Hucher. ('hiliisitiaiUO
28 S.itnuel Ent, Sliatnukin
211 Elishti Tharp, Shamokin
30 Jonathan llowi-r, Northuiubi.duu J
31 Mtireus trot!", Xctl C
32 Robert A. Gill'en. ('Iiil!:sqn.iiiie
33 Wm. F, Forsyth, Northumberland
34 George Evert', Northumberland
'J't ditules lline, NorthumUtrltind
30 Henry S. Rcitr., V.'ashinglon
J ry Lid f 'r Adjuriu.l Cvitrt, tominrucii"j
on tin ith ilvtiiluj of jf.trth.
1 Joseph Doekej, Lower Mahau-iy
2 James JI. PoU.h W, TurbutviUu
3 Abraham Wolf, Lower Augusta
4 Ilannan Snyder, Goal
5 David Fi; her. Upper Augusta
C Adam Row, Lower Augusta
7 Lewis diambtilin. ShainoUin
8 Francis Shearer, Milton
0 Samuel Hepner, Jtiwer Malianoy
10 Wm. Fitrmati, Lower Augusta
11 Thomas Carl, Lewis
12 Win. Yergrr, Jr., Jordan
13 JoiL'ph Snyder, Upper Mahanoy
14 linac Rover, Tin but villu
15 Jtii-olt Hotil, Turbut
lit Abrulittin Lunger, Milton
17 M.isslek Horbki hi r, Turbut
1H John Wolf, Dfluworu
111 Jacob lliiwer, Jiieksort
20 Michael 1'iirii j, Turbut
21 I'eter llutightiwout, Rush
2.' Fredeiiek Wlihibn, Milton
21 John A. lb iny, Ib l.iwaro
21 Jacob Snyder, Lower M.ihulioy
25 David Ililki rl, 'oithumboiluii.t
2tl Jow-ph Snyder, I'
J.'hti lliiii un I, l'oint
'ii VVm. S. Snydir, Upper Aiif'
2U J'tti-r Tli.iintis, I'piK-r Malianoy
U'l I oiirtiil II. Itukor, l.ittlo M iliitiKiy
HI Uli.iui l 'nil". I t 1" r Attfu-iA
it'J di iilc W, Sii.frr, hhutiinktu
lid Samuel K lupp, Turbut
nt John tlarrliioer, Lower AuguU
a . 1'itir Fetiiiuian, Lovvir AuuaU
Ail Juhu 11. Snyder, Mlltuu,
't'h ( BlVkiuwa und lltvrtrut- wl
mm ImmIII.
)t Ul.IallHi tut ! Utu.llku4 aa .ri,ii,
cauliwii ls yuHMg ta.a aLu su9 t liutu
Awvusu iMtUiliiit. '.uaiU'Ue li,a. Aj ; aw t " (
t Ih Miue Uuia Ika ua.aua v4 ll tiu. tiy una
aw kava iiui4 kiuuelf aiui Wn.4 ral Ut giwa .
UM llll'41 tuv4w4 Iw.MIl. cud lltttLkaiy
ewwaa S..J t ad ul I Us aalli'4,
4IUMl.L MAVralM, r-, ,
IW44 4. , h t
M.k It lM.fy
The Old Man mill lic CUIl1i-f u.
Spring was bnsT in the woodlands,
tTiial'!!i up from ponk to peak,
As an old inun sat and brooded,
IV ith a flush upon his cheek.
Many years pressed bnrd upon him,
And his living friends were few,
And from out the future,
Troubles drificd into view.
There Is something moves one strangely
lu old ruins (rrcy with years;
Yet there's sinethinjr far more touching
In an old faoo wet with tears.
And he sat there, sally si 'riling
O'er his feebleness and wron-p.
Thoueh the birds uut.;ik- his window
i Talked 1 of Hummer in their wmt. .
But. behold, n chnTtjfe comes o'er him !
"Vhere ore all hi sorrows now ?
Could they leave hi hoart a (intck'y
As the gloom clouds left hu bfovrl
Vp to tho (rrccn slope of bis garden,
l'lflthe dial, ho saw run
Three yams iirls, with bright eyes shining,
Liho their brown hf nils, in the sun !
Thero was Fanny, fumed for widom :
And fair Alice, filmed fur pride;
And one that emild say, "Uncle,"
And said little else beside.
And that vision startled memories,
That soon hid all secre? of strife,
Sending floods uf hallowed sunshine
Through the rugged nuts of life.
Then they took him from his study,
ThroiiL-h long lanes and tangled bowers,
Out into the shaded valleys,
Kiehly tinted o'er with flowers.
And ho blesssil their merry VuiccJ,
h'inxinir round Mm ns ho went,
For the cieht i't their wild lii'lncssj
Filled his own hettrt with content.
And, lint! tiihl. titcre came nl .ut him
Far-ctfineBiiiiTf jdetured fair.
And old wouile in which h" wondered,
Ito he knew the name of cart :
An t ho said : "TUcsc angel face?
Take the v. likened fi. I-. one's litdr !"
aisjiisA!mjJBoagtu.ajiaJ.'nwssaj'w aiuew ,iia.xjaii.fg
lVW.tlffMi r. Aitittoiis.
Among t'.c .-.'.icients, tho most celebrated
w nr'ike i'eiiinles of accredited cxistci.oc were
tin; lMvetnin Indies. C'uMar, in his com
mnnltiri. s ii tho Gallic war, U profuse in
liis prui-es of the ii,i!it ".ry ni-hicsenicnts of
tiio.-e fair ,'innie. In mora than one instance
has thi! invincible legion?, of Rome ungal
lantly turned their bucks to the lii.stiic
wooing of the fair ones of Switzerland.
Horace and Lucan also accuse their country
men of a like breach of good manners to
wards the win-like wives of the ancient Un
ions, whose queeii, according to the testi
mony of Tacitus, led tluiranui's to battle.
Indeed, the e ineut of history disproves the
rally rec- i , ed opinion that women arc
rtatur.".'.'y fearful und unpatriotic. Among
c;..i!;ss "itwtttticrs which ittigllt be cited to
p.ovc that women me as i.ipabk of high
und heroic feeling as men, mcy be mention
ed that of the Lacedaemonian mother wheu
she presented hereon with his shield, cr.
joyd liini t.) return ivith it or v.poi. it ; and
that of the, Indian v.ottien of iho Korlh
Am'.: :enn tribes, who. when informed of tho
death of their husbands in warfare, inqiiir. d
how they died !' whether bravely lighting
the foe. or the less honorable! death of mor
tality. Hut warrior women are not the anoniulii-s
only of ancient limes ; they appear, also in
modern history. Tl.e time and maimers,
of chivalry, by bringing the great enti-rpii-mjHi
and adventurous heroism into fashion
and repute inspired the female rex with a
i-.iM'.i'.ar taste. Women were then seen iu
the niid.-t of c;.u.;:s and armici and partici
pating in all their dangers and dUasters,
and hardships and privations. During the
rcu-:nlc, also, animated, by the conjoint en
thusiasm of religion aud valor, wo.ucn often
performed the mtut romantic und chivalrous
exploits, and joyously died, with arms iu
their hands, by the side ot their lovcri cr
In Larope there hns been instances of
delicate and gentle-hearted women attack
ing and defending fortifications, command
ing art. iies, and obtaining victories. Such
among other ittuiices, wire the heroic
Jonn of Are, 'the Maid of Orleans,' the cel
ebrated Joan of Monlbrt, and the celebrated
Margaret of Anjou. Iu Knghunl the instan
ces of female powerless and military exploit
have belli conspicuous. Uondieea, or, as
the heroic and illustrious (pieen of tin- leettt
is otherwise, called Txmdtl resisted the le
gions of Rome in the fiercest and mit deadly
conflicts in whieli that great empire was
ever cngit'.'ed. KtheH'rcda, the oldest daugh
ter of Alfred the Great, commanded armies,
gained victories, mid performed other war
like exploits. Kngliliid owed its dclivcrauce
from ihe tyrannic, yoke of the J)nne-t, of
Judith, the stepmother of Alfred. The ski!!
and prudence, di.-playcd iu miliiry iiliairs
by I'hiliippu, ijlictn of Ldwiiid Third, is
celebrated ill the chronicles und memoirs of
the time, which iibnuad. :ibo with numerous
in-dances of sitiiilar ipiulii'canmis jiosst'Sscd
by feniale-r, both Litglish und foiei.'n. In
tho fifteenth :md sixie. nth 'entiii iri the
heroism mid warlike f-pif't of the fair sex,
when invoked in tint eauo of reii'don and
patriotism, were eminently citi"-p:.i in
H'tngary, the J.m-.ui.Is of 'tins Archipelago
and the'Meiiiti rrtiueaii. rosMing the ug ;res
aion of the 'Julia. History ulsn ft'ini-dies
ninny ph tuii'l Inatt-.tices of fciiinle devidion
in the d. iViiee of t.iiuitry uud religion lu
the m. ditevti! ng "-.
Neiihi r is modern history linprolifle in
tlie cxhi'.iiioii of iVitnil'j h' l'oisiu uml mar
tial peifoiuiaiiees. In recent t lines iiiMuu
en have oi . -itru-d of heh-v tur'nns and fit
uittle cauiiiiigui-rs. In the 1'iein-h revolution
und I'eiiinsiiltir war, tiiee were of no late
oeeuitiiiet) in the French uniij.s. lu ll,i"
ruVulitlit.ll of 'tU, the Moineii of I'.ui. wire
the foreino-t in tor, imt only m tin' ntt. ii-
daiita on tin) wounded, but - i tial coiitb.i.
tuiil on tho utt.iek on the R.i.'.tile und the
Tuilh tit s, undolhi r event t ur! '.tu out of
lllll ri'N.ll it iollllty llll'M 111' lit, tlli )h:l"l K'l
fipiul kilulewi'.U tin' luulu popnluii) ill me
piliU and hoiiiiia of III" day. lndii.d, the
nisi. 1. 1 thu revolution pui ipitati-al by
Hie li Utah who Ui'inhi l oil eit.iilh lo
bring bui lt thv King uf J-'i oieu l I'uaiia.
rillwt"illeiit i vellla wi lu prolilii: U iii..l.iii . .
I'I'leii.aht lotini-o and inuiliul be.iiiii (. Ju
ring ilio I'ainp.omi of lUu anuy uf Reptiblb
I'tlll 1 IdUl l', llll'h f DllHi' 4li r, I'll lint Halll-
I re imd tl.j Muia., in llu i, I hiophilu an I
K!i. ilo Kfrnlif. tho ilauKltt.r. ol Ihu r .ut
mau.l'tul ut die .National tiutttd of M il I ine
sliarvd tiiually nil thu l "i; ,'"l. and ili.iti..ii.
of tUitl ia. npaa ; i liio l ullha) of Jcinu
, 4 llu-y lmi',1.1 ttl Hi"' head of I'lull.j.o
l-iltUtv (nlje.U.;iilly Kiiiij uf Ihu I H ui.1. 1
ewiuiuna ; and hd U tho pivii.'u. I uliba ul
Wilmy l.fsned nil llw U.loi uf llilc.
laM In of Ulal RuU ! battlsi "
tufd llul IiIimUkU ktt fH.l -111 laud
of love and romance that female patriotism
and courage have shone, the most resplen
dent in the recent warfare.
During tho Spanish war of Independence
in the l'cninBul.i, at the sieges of Suragor.a,
Oeronu, Valencia aud Tortosa, the female
Inhabitants of those cities enrolled them
selves into companies, headed and command
ed by ladies of rank for tho purpose of at
tending tho wounded and aiding and ani
mating their countrymen in their cilorts
against the enemy. In tho performance- of
those duties, the delicalo and fragile fair
ones of Saragossa were seen inccrauniiy aud
fearlessly exposing themselves to imminent
danger from the tremendous firo of idiot aud
shell. Sonio took a more active purt, and
fought side by side with their husbands,
brothers ond fathers. The name of one of
tlioso heroines ncriuircd imperishable re
row n.
Augnstino Saragossn, handsome yonng
woman of humble birth, coming no tho
third day of the siege with provisions to
the battery that had suffered most terribly
from the enemy's fire, found every utau be
longing to it killed, l-'or a moment every
one hesitated to rescue the guns. Angus
lino, undaunted, sprung over tho dead and
living, and snatching a match from the hand
of a dead artilleryman, fired off a twenty
pounder; and then jumping upon the gun,
made solemn vow never quit it alive du
ring the sieue. Her courage struck shame
ii.lo the hearts of the men who had shrunk
from taking the place of the slain ; her gen
erous cutl'.u.siasm animated with fresh
courage all who beheld it. Tho battery
was instantly manned, and the being
renewed wilh increased vigor, the French
were repulsed tit till points witli great
Neither was this an isolated deed of hc
roim of that brave girl, who is ennonied
in the annals of history by the appellation
of 'Hie mnid of Saragossa.' Visiting a bat
tery iu which her husband held tho com
mand, and observing tho artillerymen so
discouraged by his fall that the battery was
on the point of falling into the hands of the
enemy, flic addressed the troops in anima
ted tones, nnd by her inspiring eloquence so
rubied them that they not only repulsed the
eticiny, but in a successful sortio beat them
from the walls. In t'uo course of the glori
ous struggle by her country for national
honor and independence, slic was rewarded
as a testimony of Iter country's approbation
of her patriotic devotion, w ith a field officer's
Tho countess Uurita at Saragassa, and
Dons Lucia Johanna do Fitzerttldt, Dona
Maria Mariengola Vivern. and Dona Maria,
Centi, of the divisions of St. aVorcis, Ut. Do
lby, and 8t. I'lalia, at tlerona have occurred
an enduring celebrity in the execution of
their communis, and tho display of their
heroic patriotism in their efforts to frustrate
tho designs of tho foe of their country, to
spoil it of its honor tiutl niitionalitr. Also
during that glorious struggle for Indepen
dence women were frequently seen in tho
rtuiks of the guerrilla bauds, lighting among
the foremost.
4rnoi-i!l SooiCm I.ttet on cnor:il
Thnddcus Stevens, in the course of the
debate in tUo Houso of Representatives
charged General McC'.elhin with diso
beying the orders of his superiors, nnd
supported his statement by reading the fol
low ing letter from General Scott to Secretary
Cameron :
HtAii-qtAitTKUS or the Aftvv, )
"Washington, Oct. 4, 1SGI )
Hon. S Cameron, Secretary of War :
F-ir: You are, I believe, aware that I
hailed the arrival here of Major General Mc
Clellan as an event of happy consequence to
tho country and the unity. Indeed, if I did
not cell for him I heartily approved of the
suggestion, ami giwc him the most cordial
reception and support. He, however, had
hanlly entered upon his new duties, when
encouraged to commander, and has now
lonir prided himself upon treating mo Willi
uniform neglect, running into disobedience
of orders. Of the smaller matters, neglects,
though in themselves grave military offences
I need not speak, in the face of the follow
ing. To suppress an irregularity more con-spii-uous
iu Major General McClellun than
in any other otliccr, I publish tho follow
ing :
1Ii:a?:-ijt.u;ti:j-.s ok the Aiimv, )
Wahiiigton, Sept. 10, 1801. f
There are irregularities in iho correspon
dence of the army which need prompt cor
rection. It is highly unpleasant that junior
ollicers t'ti duly be not permitted to corres
pond with the generul-in-chicf or other com
mander on current ollicial business excopt
through intermediate commanders, and the
same rule applies to correspondence with tho
President direct, or with him through
the Secretary of War, unless it bo by the
special invitation or request of tho Presi
dent. By command of Lieut. General Scott.
1.'. I Tow.NsK.Ni', Ass't Atlj'l Gen.
With this order fiesh in his memory Major
General .MeClcllan addressed two important
coinmiinie.itioiis to the Secretary of V ar on
respectively the I'.lth ami "JOlli of tho smite
mouth over my head, and how l.i..nv since
tu the Secretary and even lo the President
direct 1 have not inijiiir.'d, but many 1 have
no doubt, Ix-sidc ibiily oral coiiiiiiiiiiiculiun
with the same high functionaries, till without
my know led g.
Second. 'l'u currect another chisj of grave
ne'liets, 1 thu mine duy ruuscd .i be
tiddrcs-.-d lo Gtuen.l McClellun thu follow
ing order ;
Ki'Ati iji AitTMts or tub Ahmv, )
W l-IIINVIUN' 10, 1M11. f
To Major G. tti-nd, V. S. A., ( on.
lii Hiding lli-piu liiiriit of the I'oteniue;
The i :iiiini,,ii.iiiig ne i ill of l!n Army of
the I'lit.iuniC Mill tali- thv po-Ili li, t.lte,
and tiiiti.U r of tni' tinder him tu ho re-I'.'lt.-.l
ut to general I. ell. h(ll. titer by
iti inia'nn, biit lvH, und Independent re-1
mental rr dcUi Inueiits, which report will be
k.lloived br r porn of luw troop a they
urriu', wi'ti tho ilipoitioii nude of them,
logetli. r Milll ull ll.e in..U change which
may lake pl.tce lu the hhiiiu army,
IW t uiiiiiiiuid i f I. tti t. Vr.s. tfrorr.
1'.' D. ToHllMIld, Aa.'t AeJ'Uil ll l.
1 'jlit.'iit iU have now t"lupvd, anl tit
lite li,;lite.l roped hu U ell aliova ll l li illier
"I tl.eaM) ui.l. i by Mij.'r Geiurnl Met 'It 'Uii,
I'tiliupat Im will .iy, lu r.ail i thai Utter,
il hn IhiU ililha-uil for liiiulo piocurv t . I
ri I lllll tf llll laio.l, I'll.lll.l, Vc. iN.i
il'itibl ; but y lay tu. I low nivm li. pr..b
iii4lu return tut h iu hi ia;iirly lurnti I. id
thai I'll'.lil' III DU'l Vt'lliu ht,t lltall. I llv,
ilou, "iii..f uu nrfitaiiiai orruvtr a
I'liilol olttirr, U - uf li rrisieul tirg-
Unl tWJ.l (1lotlaIM I 1la l-arW"! I )
arrest and trial before a conrt martial would
probably soon cure tho evil ; but it has been
feared timt a conflict of authority hear file
head of tho army would tie highly encourag
ing to the enemies and depressing to the
friends of the Union, netn.-o by long for
bearance, and continuing (though but nom
inally) in duty. I shall try to hold out till
the arrival of Major General Halh-ck, -whrfi,-as
his presence will give me increased conli
decco in ths fSfety of tho Union, and being,
as I am, ttnablo to ride in the saddle, or walk
by reason of dropsy in my feet and legs nnd
paralysis in the small of the back, I bhall
definitively retire from the ormy.
(True copy,) Wi.vrnii.i) Scott.
Urojr a Legislative call, the Adjutant
General has made the following returns,
from the several counties of Pennsylvania,
of those exempted from the military draft
on account of conscientious scruples to
bear arms :
Juniata, 17
Lancaster, (fiol rec)
Lawrence, IS
Lebanon, C!)
Lehigh, 15
Luzerne, nono.
Lycomiitg, 0
"fiercer, 13
Mifflin, 117
Monroe, 8
iHcKeuu, 1
Montgomery, 103
Montour, nono.
Northampton, S
Northuuibcrl'd, none
Perry, 4
Philadelphia, 207
Pike (not ree'd)
Potter. do.
Schuylkill, 1
Snyder, 6
Somerset, ICS
Pitllivan, 10
Surquchannd, 4
Tioga, S
Union, CO
Venango 5
'nrrcii( 7
"Washington, 11
Vnync (not ree'd)
"Westmoreland, 4
"Wyoming, not ree'd
York, 150
Cameron, fuo draft)
Carbon, 1
Chester, 203
Center, 13
Clarion font fee.)
Clearfield, 20
Clinton, !1
Columbia, $3
Crawford, 1
Cumberland, 83
Dauphin, 103
Delaware, 48
Erie, 10
Klk, 3
Fayette, 23
Forest, nono
Franklin, 158
Fulton, 3
Greene, 10
Huntingdon, S3
Indiana, 10
Jefferson, 1
Total, C701. Lancaster, nnd tho other
omitted counties, would bring tip tho num
ber to about 3,000, who (between tho ages
of 21 and 45, and subject to a draft) asked
a discharge froltl disbelief in the right of
war. The Constitution requires they shall
pay "an equivalent for personal service."
That sum is to bo determined. The average
paid for subititv.tes is proposed as a stand
ard. $100 each, would prfldnco $.100,000 ;
0U0 each, $430,000; If200 each, $000,000-A-c.
luflurncr oCNciiMtble Woman.
It is n wondrous advanlaga to a man In
every pursuit or avocation to secure an ad
viser, in n sensible woman. In women there
is at once a subtle delicacy of ta"t, nnd a
plain soundness of judgment., which are
rarely combined to an equal degree iu man.
A woman, if she really be your friend, will
have sensative regard for your character,
honor, and reputation. She will selihnfi
counsel vou to do n shabby thing, for a wo
man friend alwavs desires to be proud of
ynu. At the same timelier constitutional
timidity makes her more cautious than your
male friend. She. therefore, seldom coun
sels you to do an imprudent thing. By fe
male friendships, I mean pur friendships
ihe in which there is no admixture of the
passion of love, except in tho married state.
A man's bet friend, is a wife of good heart,
w horn he loves, nnd who loves him if he
have that, lie need not seek elsewhere. But
supposing the man to be without such a
helpmate, fema'o friendship he must still
have or his intellect w ill have ninny nn un
heeded gap even in the strongest fence.
Better and safer, of course, buch friendships
where disparities of years or circumstances
put the Idea of love out of tho question.
Middle life has rarely this advantage J youth
and ' Id ago have. We may have female
friendships with those much older tlitiu our
selves. Molecrc's old house-keeper was a
grout help to his genius ; and Montaigne's
philosophy taker, both a gentler nnd loftier
character of wisdom from the date in which
he finds, in Marie do Gouruey, nn adopted
daughter, "certainly lielovcd by me," S'tys
the Horace of essayists, "wilh more than
paternal love, nnd involved in my solitude
and retirement, as one of tho best parts of
being," Female friendship, indeed, is to a
man ''irotiMiuM tt dtlut thau" bulwark,
sweteuer, ornament of his existence. To his
!..entnl culture it is invaluable ; without it
nil his knowledge of books will never give
him know ledge of the world. HvUur.
Hnw to Makr A Foimtnk. Take cim
eMly hold of lit'e, a capacitated for, and
destined t.) a high uud noMe purpose.
Study closely thu mind's bent tor a labor or
proie-Viun. Adopt it early, and pitr.-ue it
steadily. Adopt it curly, und purmc it
steadily, never looking Lack to the turned
fill row, but forward to the m-w ground that
ever remain to be broken. Menus and ui.
are abundant to every niun'si suece.s, if v ill
and i.ctiou tire rightly a kij led to them.
Our rich men, and our pent I'.un, h..e
carved llii ir paths to fortnnc and fame by
this eternal prim iplo a principle ca'i
not fail to reward its vol try, if it bj re.o
lnl. lv pursued. To sigh cr repine cvi-r be k
of iuhi.rittiil.-e, i iiiiiintnly. r.ery
should ttrive t.i be a creiuor, intetei nf in
heritor, H" should beniniith bi.t.nd of
borrow. The Jiiuium ri' In tun r";.eet
wi.nt dignity nnd dix ipbiii'. It pr. u : t to
w ield llm nw.'ld cf vti!ooiU fort fathers to
forcing iuimu wetiiwin. Thi is tm r
liini Igiiobln f,',,it. l4 t t very luttii be cm
kcloii of thu God In him, mid the Piiivideu.-i'
over him, and riidit hi own Im'iI.-. vhh l,:.
HVkll gotnl IlllltV. Lit him I't el it it
U'tler lo fain a ertiit, than to luhef't cotli r
of gold, ThUipiiit of self ilol.ilily, om e
bt rue.l, and every inun will tli'-itf within
llilllat'll', Ull'b r Go, I, tlt l.'iln'l.'t ml I l l If
i It ie ef wraith. Uu w ill bo rii b, biestbnt..
bty rich, in nil rtnource, and can lilt l.i
fuea pruudly to lnta.1 ihu tobU-l anion,;
lta.Aiiii fouiiiu Aaur xr -
Kiln 0 Hit) c.iinlliell. mi lit of III r I lie
Atnilli-ail Ti't S. Ul), of New Voih. Imte
I kpt ll.l.d Uii.ltl Hi-ail lU.liOtl lu lull. 11. li.
Ihu uri.iy and uy ttltU Ikbatiuii it lm,',
wiil'l tli,f .iiK' OoO tdfciiiica, J. iOO.OOO
lid llirl lima OO'J .,,. of 111 Am. i
Ut Ml.amlitf 1 tl MtMiti'tr till lln
MavJIriK at, til, t i"(Ul lt 4,'tnt W tfa, la i(
A Pi:mi:iv roi: S.f Ai,r, Pox. Tw German
JiVrhniu'ii M,t,iycr, published nt Chnmbcr
burg, hns received a private letter from
friend in China, in which it is stated a great
discovery is lvportpd to lnvc been recently
nindo by a Surgeon of the Lnglish army ia
(Miina. in the el'afl r t'Vet.ual ctiio for thotcr
riblt! nnd hiHthsomc disease of small pox.
I he mode of treatment jo ns fullows: "When
the preceding fever is tit its height and just
before the eruption appears, the chest is
rubbed with proton oil and tartaric ointment
This causes the whole of Ihi eruption to np
pcur on that part of the body, to tho relief
6f r.11 tho rest. It nl -o bcciucs a full and
complete- eruption, nnd thus prevents tho
disease from attacking the internal organs.
This is said lo be now the established modo
of treatment in the English Army iu China
by general orders nnd is regarded 'ns a perfect
success. As this disease now prevails in
different parts of our country, it wor.ld ha
well for our physicians to ptit this remedy
to practical test, nnd if found as successful
here, as it is said td bo in the F.nglish Army
in China, it will certainly prove a great
blessing to tho community in general.
My name is Mike llcywnod, and I live
down in Maine. I'm courtin a gal named
Sally Jours, and I never kised her till tha
other night. This is. the way it was : I
wanted to kiss her right clown br-.d, but
hadn't tho pluclc Her lips had been a
temptin of pic wus'n red rpples ever tempt
ed a schoolboy, nnd at hit I determined t.i
try for it if I broke a leg. So last Sunday
night, as wo sat together nrter mcclin', 1
looked her straight in tho eyes, and scz I :
'Sally, gin us a kit3 anil be doao wilh
'I won't sps slip, 'no there r.oiv !'
I'll take it whether or no.'
'Do it if you dare !' ses she.
Her arms fell down by her side, her hair
fell back over the chair, her eyes closed an 1
there lay a little plump mouth all in the air.
Lord I did you ever site tt ha-.vk povmea on
a robbin ? or a bumbkbeo en a clover cup I
I sav nothing.'
Ti';LD Gam;?. A few days ngo a steam
boat stopped at a landtn :;" somewhere in
Arkansas, to wood. A customer on board
tho boat took his gun nnd stepped on shore,
hoping that duriog tho how? they wero
likely to stop ho might bag tl few bird..
After traveling u few rods he came across a
rough looking fellow, aud tho following
dialogue ensued :
"How arc you V
"How yc, stranger," replied tho Ar
kansas man,
"Have any gamo in these rr.rts
"Oh, yes, "plenty on 'em."
"What sort of game i"
"Well, most aiiy sort, but principally bra
ami poKer.
Haiv-W.vitk CtsiT.uNa.- As toe season
is now approaching when those heretofore,
without cisterns may bo contemplating thd
construction of these very valuable reservoirs
of soft water, wo would adviso thct.i to con
sider whether it is not better to make their
cisterns ahre (;r-in't. It can be .'one in
this way: Make a heavy trestle work to sup
port a siout frame of the dimensions desired,
say sufficient to contain two thousand gul
lolis board tliio lip tightly, line with sheet
lead in the best manner tho top or roof
covered with tin, leaving an opening or
hatchway in top to admit a man to change
it once a year. The outside of the trestlo
work can be boarded up with planed boards
nnd painted. Tho cistern can be made in
any shape desired. If well constructed it
will never leak. V.'c have one built in 1817,
which hits not thus far cost us a dollar for
repairs. If sttllieieally elevated, portions
of the holism can be supplied w ith water by
pipes. At any rate we hnvo to turn only a
cock to get tho water, instead of pumping
it up with much labor from a cistern under
The first cost of this kind of cistern may
bo greater than those dug iu the ground,
but it w ill lie seen, they are handier nnd
better, nnd with a little enre in winter there
is no danger of frceaiug. fjeriaantoten Tele-
Paiku and Linen SIakixoi It Ohio,
Illinois, Imlinna, nnd other States, thousands
of acres yield tons of llax, which is raised
only for the flax seed nnd oils which ere
great articles of commerce. The straw
which might be. converted into linen
thrown away. More than a hundred thou
sand tons tiro thus wasted every etir for
want of a suitable ii.7.i'itf to break and
dri'ss it. A cotton gin mado the Snuth
rich. What Whitney did for cott in, two
of our New York neighbors buo ilone for
this. Wc have seen it tried, ami li.-.vo full
faith in it ability to do nil that is needed tu
convert these vast supplies of voUti nnd
northern produce ii'.to the raw viatr-rial for
printing paper, to the iiuiiitn. e prolit of tho
western paodtu-r, to ihe great ulitl' of tho
publishing nnd reading community, end to
the injury of mints but the paper monopo
list. 'Ihn machine is Very fiutt.l? ; one fiutcd
cylinder rcvolvt- into tinoiiur, und t!.o
bundle of ihix p.'it in is drawn timuigh and
comes out trvshe.l, t!u woi'.'.y iitutu r fttlii
to t!:e ground in littl" ciiliulers, and tho
reii.lui) i the lit" "I til te, buig, soft i..l
biii;'h like tint lail of a (.'i-.iy l.or-j. Thi
is tin-I. -t uisteii..l in tie w. rM for pu'.er.
In the, l'lh. nitd l ah i i-nturie.; it wtu
t .-ry l Lii f of wli'uhptter tut itade,
an I it i fir ri'perlor l. that of w lih-li cttt"i
iuig nr.; U.e -la,iie, tis u'ty one iify Imm by
l.n Uing nt ihu books i f loiini r in.tur'ci
r i.ii .tied v,:'. l ours. J he l ti-o-j hy for
i'.: i itt -. l-ri tg : i l:!h a J'rice llint th y
arc mo-lly li.e n. Jlv ' t 'f l'"' m ly
itili u'.ed 1" ". "hit I". Whli li ia UoW 111 ill'.t itttt
use in ihe thai iniHt in Vi'u i.imitun iu,.iity,
N. V , Ml. I jl;t u ft I t the; C 'tl be IwlS
thi V v.i.1 . lt r f b, le j i'l"' for pal
p.iatt Ic-o'J ia ti.i-. ty i.itet iiik
In ivht, for three i ,.S h put. 1, m. l uu ati'f
pie irilil t.l the piotbl' . ..
Jut'..' Ha " tin f, until At rnii r o h s
oilier cr.'i t l' bin ,i, uti.iW, l'ti mid oiher
AtMul l.a.l.-, 4 lr,' ft j C lor ..' tl, 11
u) li.'lhiii t I 1 1 a.v, t.l.itli ltahlia Ut4
toW l!a,U' lltlj Ul'l-l' '"' I! ' '
(i'Ii.mno IN WlMiH.- 1 trp ihe
while il will iiol fit . 11 t I .l,!.-l
I . lor. putting iu ll.ti t Intra t.i Ihul II wi I
lu lu. I.. I i: i.'it-li, Kt Unit lull. iu tf
itl) llt I" i 1 1 ut) th um, k't-l ll
li. l I") Inn. il tiiui. uiiv hi
I1,, tlltlef
tt'ilie. I . w a
V. raM' t- :t i t'.ed l i't
if lit
. until n. 'I ! in ci.h j
I I.I. 11
fltitiull.rf, tl l l I' l a".ltl's. i). llaiaa
latl ltlll li'l U taul I I'? Itl "Mt
. I tf ('i t lla.1 tl M t.l tt Wax aV
a ,,v i M.i t M