Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 28, 1863, Image 4

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' Taken In Upon a Church,
In certain Dutch tcf Ucincnt in the vicin
ity of Cmnmuiiirmw, in tlio Ptnto of New
Orrery, tbo domimo of tlio church Rave no
tice from the dunk thnt tliosn who wished to
unite w ith the church fthould nttcrnl at the
pnrsonnpra on the following 'Wednesday
afternoon, thnt ho tiiijjht exiimino them on
religious subjects lielbro licing received as
I Ian?, a simple, liarmUfs fellow, with n
soft heart, and a liead of the name, consist
ence, went and presented lntrmeli'BSi n candi
date for church membership; or, as he
expressed himself, '"to bo taken iu upon the
The dominie, auspicious of Han's know
ledge in doctrinal uia'.tcis, bepnn his inqui
ries' by asking him Low many Gods there
Hans, counting on his finpcrsi, said, "The
God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the
God of Jnc.ob chit ish three ; den dere iah
God de Father, God do Bon, and Gcd de
Holy Ghost dnt makes six ; and may be
dere is some more I don't recollect, so wc
will call it cielit.''
"Hans," said the dominie, "you will never
do ; you must go back mid learn your cuto-
So Hans, crest fallen, and somewhat in
dignant, set oil on his way back. Having
nearly reached home, lio met Ins old ac
quaintance, Conrad, on his way to bo exam
ined and asked him if lie was going to be
taken in upon the church t Conrad saying
that he was, Hans told him to stop, and he
would let hiin know whether he would pass
un examination.
'Now," said nans, "tell mo how many
Uoils there are !"
"One." replied Conrad.
"Then," said Hans, "you mny just turn
back, vou will never pass j 1 told tlio domi
nie thcro were eight, and he teat not sutit-
TnE celebrated portrait painter, Stuart;
once met a lady in the street in Boston, who
saluted him with, lUU' Jlr. Stuart, I have
nist seen Your miniature, and kissed it. be
cause it was so much like you.' 'And did it
kiss you in return ' 'Why, no.' 'Then,' said
btuart, 'twas not like me.'
A qtjaixt old gentleman speaking of the
different allotments of men by which some
become useful citizens, and others worthless
vagrants, by way of illustration remarked,
"So ono slab of marble becomes a useful
doorstep, while another becomes a lying
A gentleman, whiskered up to tho very
cvc3, was passing alone the street, when a
couple of inlly tars on a land cruise observed
him. "Shiver my timbers, Jack," said one
to the other, "that fellow looks liko a. rat
peeping out of a bunch ot oakum I '
A wng wants to know whether, if the devil
were to die, the newspapers would not eulo
gize his character. If they didn't the editors
would be likely to get unceremonious orders
from some of the friends of the deceased
"slop my paper."
A new nut-crackcrhns just been patented:
it is so contrived n3 to crack jokes along
with the nuts. A very liberal discount will
be allowed to extremely-depressed persous
ordering large quantities.
Brazilian Fashion. The Hrazillian la
dies have live bugs and fireflies collected,
to wear in their hair, and attach them by a
delicate wire or needle passed through tho
Vital part of the body. This gives such ex
treme pain as to cause the little creatures to
emit intense sparks, thus imparting in the
evening a uazzung uuu cxixuuruiuury eiictt.
AN anxious father bad been lecturing a
dissolute son, and after a most pathetic ap
peal to his feelings, discovering no signs of
contrition, lie exclaimed : 'What, no relent
ing emotion? not one penitent tear V 'Ah,
father,' replied tho hardened hopeful, 'you
may as well leave off boring me ; you will
obtain no water, I can assure you.'
During a lato canvass iu Michigan, a
surneon dentist was making an excellent
speech in oue of the interior towns , a low
lellow belonging to tho other partv, inter
rupted him with the question, 'What do
you auk to pull a tooth, doctor V 'I will
pull your toolli for a shilling, and your nose
gratis,' replied the doctor.
Do "leg-ol-multou" whiskers look any
better on people with eleepish faces, thanou
others '
If you think thcro isn't an honest man
living, you had better, for appearance sake,
put oil baying it till you are dead.
At sixteen a woman prefers the best dan
cer in the room ; at two and twenty, the
test talker : at thirty the richest man.
A lock ot hair trom a young woman s
head is often the key to a young man's
l'AAt.'V 11 its:
r.icv l iits:
No. 713 Arch Street, bo
low Eiglitli. south side,
Importer and Mnnu'
fujturcrof. and lienler
in all kinds of Fancy
Furs, fnr Ludics' and
Kit tl .
.": rCuildreu's wear.
I desire to say to my
- ZTJTtSrXLGtl-L''' ''""'Uds of Sunbury aud
it wg-'l t,o surrounding eouiu
" "'Ssfc?'''-?''" tl"l, 1 h"vu now in
ti t. 're. one of Ihe lurgest I
aii a most Leautiiul as
sort menu of all kinds and qualities of Fancy Furs,
l.n.iicj' ana Cbililrens' v our, mat will lo worn dur-
Imr this Fall aud n inter.
My Furs were purchoscil In Europe, previous to
the rise in Sterling Fxehangn, and the New Duty
Imposed on all I urn, im purled since tlio first of Au
gust. 1 would also state, that as my stock lasts, I will
offer it at piiees itroiHriii'iinte to what the good cost
me : but, it w ill Le iiiiuossible for lue ! lmt-ort and
Manufacture any uioro Furs, and sell tbciu at the
suinv prices, owing to the UUsetlU-J stale ol the a Hairs
ol tne i ouuiry.
IV'Kcuiembcr the name, nntnbor and street
T18 Arch bUoul, Philadelphia
be-tcister 13, IftoJ !iu
Nortliern Central Kailwiiy !
w iM tiiii; T.iiii.i:
TWO TUAlXa DALY U au l from Ine North and
vt eat bustiuchauaa, tluiira, add all ot Nurtb-
rra s l org
VN and alter MOMMY, KovcrmW ITth. I Kit).
the i'uucuger Trains of lbs Nurihuru Cviilral
ltiluy will arrive el krul ! i art fruiii H inbury.
ii-.ii (. i.i.. . . n .. . - .
iuuiwih i,v4 oKiiiuitiru rim-si, is ,
.Mall Ttaia le.itts Cuubuiy d .lly (uic-pl
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' luaviM II jrrbt.ur.,
" si.Hi. al IJuIiiiim is
FsplDMi Train !" boi.l.ur
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MulnUj I
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4 il,. i . iu wi. iim.ii
, S.ll, 4i ll. tl 4
Hcl!-ATlnlfiK rioth" Wringer
Bimple, Economical, Durable, and Is not Liable to
gov oiu 01 vniw.
The flolf-Adiusting Clothes W ringer. M one or the
greatest Improvement or tne ntneiecnin century, win
ha only to bo known and tried, to com into general
use. The saving of clothes, in presning out I lie water
between two rubber rolls, instend of wringing or
twisting, will amount to enough in a short Umu, to
pay Tor amacninn.
fever one 1b aware, thnt tho twisting or wringing
of clothes, stretches and break the fibres ; but this
machine presses them ao even), that newspaper
thoroughly rwnked.onn be wrung, without breaking
It in the leant, anil it works so easily, that a child
twelve years old canopernto it without troublo. Jlct
water does not injure tlio Mils, end woouen pwu
can bo wrung out of boiling wnter to prevent fulling,
which cannot be done by hand.
In Starching, it is Invaluable, especially on large
articles, such as Ladies' Pkirta, Ac, us it leaves the
starch in the clothes perfectly even. It will wring
tho largest bed qutll or me smallest pncaia, u.u..
kerchicf, drier than enn possibly be done by hand,
without Alteration in less than one-cigth Iho time.
The machine is so simple that it is not liablo to get
out of repair. ... ,i
The great improvement In this, every every other
Wrinin Mn. lihie vrt invented, is. its ISclf-Adiust-
Ing arrangement, requiring no alteration, to wring a
lianilkeTelilot or oca quiii crainniucuiy,
nornnt servant can odernto it.
The machine Is niado of wood, and so arranged,
that no iron enn possibly come in contact with the
clothes, thereby avoiding all danger of injury to tho
clothes, by iron rust.
ihis isllie most simprcnnu enccuvu
cr yet Invented. Those purchasing can uso them
two weeks, and if they aro not perfectly satisfied, re
turn them, and their money will be refunded.
Address L. E. SNOW, Fhilndclphn,
Or 11. B. MASSER, Agent for iiorlbuuiborhuid co.
July 6. 1SG2.
How IsOt! How Kent red I
Just Published, in a Scalod Envelope. Trice 0 cents
Lecture on the Nature, treatment and Radical
nrSmrnintorrhrra or Seminal Weakness. Invol
untary Emissions, fexual Debility. and Impedimenta
to Miirriago generally, Nervousness, Consumption,
Euilciwy and Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity,
resulting from Self-Abuso, Ac lly KOltKllT J.
ClLYtKH LLL, H. V., AuUiorflU mo vrccn uook,
The world-renowned author. Iu this ndniirablo Lec
ture, clearly proves from bis own experience that
awful consequences of Self-abuse mny he effectually
removed without medicine, and without dangerous
surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or
cordials, poiuting out a modo of euro at onco certain
and effectual, by which every sufl'erer, no matter
what his condition mny bo, liiny cure nimscit curnpiy
privately, and radically. This lecturo will provo a
boon to thousands and thousands.
r Sent under seal, iu a plum envelope, to tiny ad
dress, on the receipt of sis oolite, or two poslngo
stumps, by addressing. ,TlT)TOT ,,TTvr
Ull. V;ls ,V1V ui.7 tf . ivuin u.
127 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box, 4iS'j.
Nov. 15, ltJGi ly 3o
Has P.ETtn.vsD wito a New Stock of
ContVctivuui-ii'ti, l'riiit uml Toy.
IT seems as if a new ago, a new lifo wns opening
upon us, animating cvury heart to nobler deeds
id higher aims! Art, l.itcruiure ami i-cienco win
plow anew, and sock to dovelope sullimcr beauties
laid grainier conception.
The busiucss world. t'io, must feci the new influence
and every p irt 1)0 quickened nnd strengtlieiu d by an
increased i itnlitv. which shall limn u on with elec
tric speed to the consummation of (;renlcr things tluin
wus ever arcaiueu ol iu mo ruiiompiiy oi uhj pu.-i.
Anlmnli-d h tha errthnsinsm which pervmuw nit
clauses, and desirous of doing bis fbure towards "llio
great events of tho Age," tho subscriber w..u!d rc
spcctl'ully inform the'pooe' mniploof SUXlitlt Y nnd
the public generally, that ho has just returned from
tlie city of l'bilnilciphia wi'h the largest and choicest
stock of Confectioneries, Fruit and Toys, thnt ha
over been brought to this section ot country, lie is
also manufacturing all kinds of Confcctionarics, Ac,
to fill up orders, w holesale or retnil. at short notice.
Among his stock of COXEECXiOXAUlErf may bo
found :
French Secrets, Gum Props, allkin&ssccut,
Burned Almouds, Eove Drops,
Cream Wbito, Jlint lros, rcdand white,
Lemon, Jelly okes,
ltofo. Fruit Drops,
Vanilla, Stick Candies, of nil scents.
Common Pcurcts. lloi-k Cnndy,
Liquorico, Almond Cuudy,
Bananas, Prunes,
Dulcs, Figs,
Currants, dried, uaiscns, iuisoi au tiuus.
of a superior qunlitv. by the singlo or doicn. A
superior quality of Tobacco and Segnrs. and a variety
of Cuufectionnrius, Fruit, Toys, Ac. all of which u
ofTcred cheap ut wliidesale and retail.
r- iicmeiuocr tne name anu piaco ..p j
Market street, S doors west of E. Y. Bright t Sou's
Sur.bury, April 14, 1SC1. ly
Tho number for Januury, IRAS, begins Ihe Eleventh
olume ot tuo Atliuiuo Alontuiy.
TTtUOM the commencement, In JSj7, the Atlanii.i
; has rnpidly iucrenscd ill circulatinn, nud it now
has tbu largest class of readers since Us bcgiiiuing,
live vcurs ago. its prosperity steadily augments,
and It continues, amid all the fluctuations and dan
gers iui-ident to our national crisis, to gain ground in
the estimation of the public. At a tinio so prc'iiai.t
with events which tom-h the future destinies of Amer
ica in every vitul particular, the Publishers and Edi
tors do not deem it necessary to promise that its
pages will never sworve for the honest paths of loyal
patriotism and universal freedom. Its opinions havo
always beeu on the side of Liberty, Progress and
Right, and tbo course it first adopted in it curly
career, will ever bo faithfully maintained!
'lbe plan of vt nters. regularly conlriDuiing to tno
Atlantic Monthly, caibrueee all tlio best known au
thors in American literature, and warrants the Pub
lishers in promising to its readers,
Which American talent can furnish.
List of Hkgxlah CoxTitTurToug.
In Prose and Poetry the "Atlnntio" Staff of Wri
tcrs is unequullcd. The following authors are still
among tlie rcjuiurcontriDuiors :
James Russell Lewcll,
Henry W. Lougfcllow,
Louis Airassis,
ltnl Cb Waldo Emerson,
Nutnnnii l ilawthuruo,
C. C. lliiscwell,
Oliver V. Holmes,
Jubu II. Vbitticx,
E. P. Whipple,
Hayard Taylor,
Cluirlcs E. 'Norton,
(eorge S. llillaid,
1. W. liigginsun,
Jlenry uiles,
Author ' Margret Howth," Walter Mitchell,
Mrs. Julia W. Ibiwu, Heury T. Tuckeruian,
Mrs. A. D T Whitney,
jir ii. ij. r-towe,
C'barles Keade,
HiH Terrr,
Robert T.'liwell,
Ed ward Eicrett,
Harriet Martlnsau,
"T!ie Country Parson,"
llurriet K. Premiilt,
J. T. Truwbriilge.
Professor A D White.
The foregoing list of Contributors include.
I V'TI'O Loading Writers of America
TtuuH. Tji Atlantic is for sale by all liuuk and
Pctiislicttl Dealers. Piles i eeula a uuiiibcr- rub-script-intis
fur the war, t-.l U1", postage paid. Yearly
subscription rMeneil. or single numbers supplied by
ujivMealvr, or by tho niiblirbcrs.
hpecimi n uuuibei t scut gratis on u ilicutluu to the
Publishers. .
ludu.-i Hunts for sulacribin. Lists of premiums,
o , lurulMicJou spplicatiuii Ui the ruiiti.iii-rs.
llckXull Jt FIELDS.
115 Wshiiiitou ueu, Bustou, Mass
Nor. S9, ISO.'.
lulinltublo llulr ItfMiurutlrc.
But rsMires gray hair to iu origiual elor, by supply
lug the capillary ml ub naiural stutoininao, liu
paired by or diea. All inslaulnneous dve are
coini4td l luuur oauitiu, destroying the lUilny
and Luauiy i f the hair, and adoid of liieuuoli'w uo
dleMliijf ll,'llntruvt llitu.lUlltt Cululllig Uotulily
rwloro kalj In its ujtuil eulot t j ait easy ptouiM,
but ,'in. ibw hair a
LI I UIANT HKtl TY, its gtowilt, rirnu tl falling off, r.ll.
loi lisudiiiil aud ttuiyMi buatk aiut plnaaulai 4
li lb bird It La ttouj Ibv t.4ut uu,, bull the
orisnml llu I ,..uIi,k. u,d i uou.iti.Hy loti'twinf
la Utof t b, Uob g iiiltUMM aud Ud a. Il is
a.1'1 by all dualvrs. US sail l ,n'Uf l
bv U.o.u u ii.. i-iiiiiiwii lal as-ul, l si llAbMj.a,
JuJ .i..J.y, K 'Uvlita, MI,U will
IM.Xvr U n4
l.tststtM-rl I m l r I
I'llll. IP Ml W. alna.y,l.-au.( euualy, Pa ,
INI I'll Mi u liiefl mu4 the lubllu la grutud,
iimI ! iotUwily t,wttu UiJ ll'Hsid. nuialt
Ills, J.i. iuJ all tj iu.t o I uu.Ui u. buillii.
"'"' h 'tt aUI al U W4 uku
a.U4tua w, I im. I
ltsssas tswt ! I sttrt ci ' uU I t st.
hhlnlir 'H un ue HI -1.U e w iau k t
1'liu.a umu ul i k l
allow your eold to take Us own eonrso. Two thirds
of the victims of consumption owe their afflictions to
the fatnl mistlike of "walling for a eongh to got well
of itself." JUo not fall inlo thia error, but avail
yourself at once of a remedy which thirty yeare
experience has demonstrated ii certain to procure a
speedy enso.
Then nse JAYNK'S EXPECTORANT, which will
OTpmntna tha anasinodio contraction Of the Wind
to bos. and cause them to eject the mucuous or matter
which clogs them np. and by an easy and rroe expec
toration remove all difficulty of breathing.
Then nsa JAYNK'S EXrECTOR ANT. This wide
spread disoase which may generally be described aa
an inflainati'in of the fine t-kin which lines thelnsido
of tho Wind tubes or air vessels, spreading through
every part of tho lungs. Is oftin taken for consump
tion. Tho Expectorant subdues this inflniniition,
relieves the attending cough, pain, and difficulty of
breatliiiig, and if theoase is not of too longstanding,
will ecrtuinly produce a euro.
Then uso JAYXE 8 EXPECTORANN. It clean
scs the lun;?s from all Irritnting matters, whllo at tho
same time it hev-ls and Invigoiates them. Of all tho
remedie which have been offered to tho publio for
this dread di.-H-nso, ninc have stod the test of time or
raiiiutaiiicd so uuivcrsal a popularity as this fcxpecto
rant. Thousands who havo been given up by their
ihysicimis as incurublo hHve been restored to perftet
iciilth bv its use. and their testimony must carry
cuuvicti ju to all alio read It.
Then nse JAYXE'B EXPECTORANT, lly Inking
Inking two or three large doses in the cnrly stage of
the disease In quick succession, and covering up
warmly in hod, this preparation acts as a sudorillc or
sweating medicine, and subdues the intlniuntion at the
no remedy which so effeetnally overcomes Ibis disease
as the Expectorant. What parent can witness the
sufferings nf her children from this distressing com
plaint without doing all m nor power tor ineir
relief? What niedicino so nleasant to Iho taste, or
so certain to produce immcdiuto benefit f Ciivoua
trial, aud let it prove its efficacy.
Then nse JAYNK'S EXPECTORANT. Children
nrc subject to no di.-H-nr'O. moro sudden in lis attaeks,
or. in tho nbscnvo of prompt relief, none more fatal
in Its results than Croup. Parents, therefore, should
keep at hand A reined v sure and thnroiigh. Such a
remedy may bo found in the Expectorant, and every
careful mother will kocp a supply by her.
Is n standard medi-ino. For thirty venrs It has been
before the public, and during this period its curative
powers havo been testified to by all classes of people
in all quarters of tho world. Physicians, clergymen,
!nW3'crs. merchants, and mechanics have experienced
its remedial effects, and have furni.-hed us with their
testimony, and it mny be found at length in our
Almnnnc. to bo had gratis of all ngents. To their
convincing certificates wc would refer the doubting.
The Em-kctokaut and nil lr. I). JAYNK A
SOX 'S Family Medicines are sold by all Druggists
May 17. 1862. 3 m.
iii:itit'M iiunx,
Ilarrifhnrff, Pa.
THE innnagemcnt of this well-known Hotel hav
ing been resumed by Messrs. COYLE A 1IERK,
the present proprietors, beg leavo to intorm the puiilio
thnt the bouso is now bcinir thoroughly rcnovutcd.
refitted, and improved, with a view to the proper and
comt'urtinile acimimnodntnm of tlioso who limy lavor
tho establishment with their custom. Iluesis will
rcceivo due attention nnd courtesy, nnd no expense
will ho spine l that mny couiluco to lmiintniu e
hotel in a t'ii.t-dii.s style.
Families mi 1 ethers 'desiring to sojourn in Harris
burg during the summer mouths, will find pleasant
boarding uiitl large and we!!-veutilatcd rooms utour
CbUibUtiliuieut, upuu laoucrule terms.
M.i'11 ii'i l,t.,
March 2D, lo2. .1. (I T 11KRR.
liile'M Aew Yvrh 'JS'3 ! I'oundry.
E have the fullest assortment of the most useful
kii'ds of lMuin ur.d Ornamental Tvne, manu-
fuclurcd fi um the Host durable metals, rini.-hed with
t ho ureattb'. cure oii-i accuracy, securing perfect iusti-
Specimen Books nud cihmntcs furnisUcd upon op-
plicution, ulso.
1'iii.Mi.Mt nitJ'M-.a,
with their appurtenances of all the approved makers-
n kuu i i ra.
of all Ihe latest styles, of all sizes. Metal Furniture
Lnhor-S:iving llules, Cases, t'nbinets. Furuituro,
Printing Ink, and every artielo tho Priutcr rciiuircu.
Terms liberal. Prompt attention.
und Gi Duckiunii street, New York.
May 3, 1RC2.
aoltocU'sj ICnulfUost CotlVv.
riHIS prepHrnliion. made from tbo best Java
t'otft-c. is recommended by physicians as a supe
rior N I Till I IUI S IIK LllAUh lor Oencral Debil
ity, DvsrH'jisia, and all Billions Disorders. Thousumls
who Lave been eonipclled to abandon the use of
entice, will use tins without injurious eOccts. Une
cun contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary
coll'oc. l'riue 2b cents.
Tho purest and best BAKING POWDER known, for
i.f . I .:: ti i 1 .,..1
iiuiHiiig iigiu, nnin-i auu uuiriiious iireau auu
Pricu li cents.
MAxrfArTrnEn nr
M. II. KOLLOCK, Chemist,
Corner of Broad and Cbcsuut Streets,
And sold by all liruggiste and Uroccrs.
iMarcli I, isoz.
S. E. Curner Second and Chestnut t.,
DAY CLOCK, a very itt-sirulile niliele for Church
es, Hotels, Hunks, Counting lb usee, Parlors. Ate.
Also, .Maiiufaciurerof FINK L.OLD l'L.NS.
Plisras r-viiretl and wiirriusti-d.
C:iock Tiiiuiniitgs of every ili-wriptioii.
i'lnlsileliihiu, Jiuiuary III,' :iy .
ii. is. .tttssr.Kt.
A llcrni y til I.iiv. KLNlil BY.
jtV Col loci ions attcuded to in the eouutics of
tbiiiuburliuid, Inioii, fciijjer, Moutour,
aua Liyuouiing.
Hon. John M. Reed, Pbiludi.ilhia,
A. U. Ontlell A Co.,
Hon. Urn. A. Porter, "
Morton McMiebaol, Esq., "
E. Kctchaui A Co., 2iU Pearl Street, Nw York
.lulin W. Anhinead. Attorney at Luw, "
Matthews A Cox, Attorneys' at Law, '
hiinbury, March JU, iMij.
Tifi: :
Tlie Adam'r Eipros 'uuiBy,
C11VE NOTICK that tuey havo concluded ar
il ruiigcuituis with the Northoiii Centrul Kail road
Company to run trains In.m lliiltiuioro for Yurk
Jiurriaburg, Dauphin, ll.ililax, Truvorton, huiibury
Nurlbuiiiberlaiid. Lcwisbur-j, Milton, Muncy, Wil-
liituisMirt, aud all iiiteriiiuiliule stations, eonneeting
at liuriixhurg with tbo t.KKA'f i l K
IT. K.-s lor Pillsburg, Ciiicimiuli, ISt. Loui aud Ihe
AiMiwttn iioaara a o. s f.xpress at Milton or
DuutiMe. llloomsl'iirg, Wilknsbarre, Pitlsloii, rkir an
ion, and iiilvruu ilialu station on tlie C'atlawiwa,
lu-kawaiiiia & Llo.ui.burg Railroads. At il-
I in in port, by llowaid A t'o.'s Enpri-x to Jer-y
Sboro and l.ok llaicu. Aim, by Jlowai-I A Co.,
and tbi-ir tor Canton, Tiov, Eliuiia,
UtK'bett-r, ButbtUs Ni-ittara, and Iu all aiHu-ssible
puiul iu Wiwlera Vew ork aud t'aiiasU, by which
ihi-y will forward .Mert'tiaiuiiav, r-pi-ie. Itank Not.-s,
JeMoliy, a..d Valuaulu I'ackagi. ul every dcacrip-
AUi, Note, Draft and Bill for Coltcolloa.
Fxierluiii-etl and ruV-u-ut uiewiigui ruiploye-1
and kVvrv euWt will ly luade o reiol. r uiil-ciu-u
Puperintendi nt Penn'a Diiioa, I'lnladelphi
It. A IIm Ili.K, Agsiil lor fuubury.
A pill 1, iMiJ.
i:u:(ai' ftitim ir: i
NOW l-i Ttlii 1 1Mi: ls Hl.l. YOl It AI.IH M4
IN ciili-iUilu- of lbe ttareity of ,-hange. I will sell
y rt.VMiiuru caudi. de yuiu
lUlllHAI I'M.
Ml sirs-ts I'vr tine llwllur,
Fiiil tf uiil I'lMiatfe paid.
'1 V raide aie IhmS ml.i-bd and are pariua
Miiii 'I by i-iubiatfe all lbe priuciial tJvuvial u
IU Aiuiy. I'l..:.iil. t Ui..t A. AU. l.o,. il,s
giMt lilliau. unbuUK J. I au-l I! LA I liLnAllD
l'.Ul'i(uml oil applieiklloa.
H.uple s4m svlil ea ie.eipl of Tie I'tui
TM haswut rH , (rbili Ji bus
rVvpt. n,Li t I' at
.tatsslU iwrvra ttftkiwstei VMrti
t A ltltltiUDltCt. PA,
ll'lll; IMuoe wsboir vsaUuibu SM.Uklnunul
U )ul Iu tua-U Ui Ikl tmi.U)
I bl ii.l (tMt.ii r.., s4eii k4
I ti . . . . . '
n. mi i - - m
f 1, lk) ,
Fint Premium
Tlnnn flirt nrlnff Pnrpsaea.
With Hem mere, Fellera, Tackera, C order a, Binders, Aa
Make the l-oek or "hatlle Ptitch Machines nf the snm
pntlerin, and at the same prices as their celebrated UUU
This lithe only Comnanv that makee both kinds, there
fore the only one that can supply all the wants of the pub-
Pnrehasers can take their choice nf either Stitc
with the nrivites-e of exchnneina for the other.
A new etvleoffshuttle Mnehtne runs fast and Quiet, for
Vest Makers Tailors, fhoe Binders, Ac.
At the Ine Price of 40.
tr BUY THE DF.ST.jri
73U Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,
t"?" H. B. Maucr, Sunbury, Pa., Agent tor tho
Dccemlwr ai.lSdl ly
NI'illl'RY AtMOEni.
rilHE PUNBURY ACADEMY will be opened on
J. the first Mondny of November, 1S2.
Juvenile scholars,
English branches,
Sciences nnd higher Mathematics,
(2 00
4 00
& 00
Sunbnry, No. 1. 1W!2
Corner of Slat) and Third Slrettt,
TniS HOUSE, In consequence of Its eonvenlenee
nnd near location to the Capitol, has made it a
desirable stopping place, not only for those having
business at tho scat of Government, but for others
visiting llarrishnrg.
March 29, 102.
ri-Mii.i: 4c i.yo.x
Descriptive Circular!, triih Sample of Wort;
trill be tent Mail i'Vcs.
A VINO attained a well established and flattering
1 1 rcputution, as being of nil machines yet lutro-
duced. theonebcetaduntedto Ai.L Kisns of Family
r-RWixn, and having met with a success in its salo
beyond our greatest anticipation, so much so, that for
tbreo months our orders have been ahead of our
capacity to supply, we would now annonnco that we
have increased our manufacturing facilities, so that
from this time forth, we shall bo cnubled to supply
orders on demand.
In tho changes brought about by Iho war, no ono
thinir has tilavod a moro important part thnn the
'Sewixo Machine." Without it three-fourths of
our soldiers would to-dav bo clothed in nnylbing but
'Mililsrv Costume." All over tho lnnd army clo
thing has been tho work rorpwod of our patriotic
women, nnd nobly have they responded. Not content
to mako only so many garments as their hands could
accomplish, they have called tho "Pcwing Macbino"
to their aid, and by it have rolled out Ihe soldiers'
Coats, Pants and Piiikts. at a rate astonishing to
themselves. Knowing that this work could not long
continue, many thoughtful, prudent housewives, wero
careful to select tbo machine of nil others, which
would do the heavy army work, and when done with
that, then to bo used as liicir FAlllLr Mac'IIINK, and
in selecting one of tho
'Fixkls A Lvos Sewino MAcniNE Company's
Fajiily Machines,"
with which you may sew from the finest cambric to
the heaviest cloth, without change of feed, needle, or
tension tbey havo not bcon Uisuppoiiitetl. ;
Thus having developed tlie adaptability of our .
machine for all kinds of work, wc have made another
step in advance, and by several iinartunt changes in I
roir i-Xo. 3 Mr-intru M.trniNRR.n have produced a
Tailoring Mac-hike. " whieh we confidently claim
to bo tho -BES'f TAILOIUMI MACHINE" vet
introduced, sewing tho conrsest linen thread with as I
much case as the common cotton and when required '
may be used to do tbo very finest cumbrio work, with '
Kit) or 2nd cotton thus combining in one compact
form, everv quality required in eilher a FAMILY
We have had our Machines before tlie publie long
enough to establish tlicir reputation. Dor.cns of
others who started witci flying colors havo fnllun by
the waysido ;" and ,-suon the places that kucw them
will know them no more." t'tep by Hep bus tbo
Finkle & Lvox Machine won its way to publio
favor: its success is established, and henceforth our
aim shall be, as it has in the past been, to still further
improve, simplify aud rcduco tho cost of our ma
chines. We shall, in a few days, Lame a new price
list. For further particulars address.
No. 6S8 Broadway, New York.
Fp n. B. Masses, Agcut, Suubury, Pa.
March 29, lbo2.
A l.argo ArsMorliiicut ot"
February 12, 1S62.
Gentlemen It gives me much sntisfnctioii to
inform you that iu Iho sevcro fire which, on Die
morning of the 4th iust., entirely destroyed all my
slock mi l materials, I had one of your .Salamander
Firo Proof Hnfcs. After enduring au inlcnso red
heut fur seven hours. UieSiifc wns opened, and tbo
Biaiks and Papers were preserved in an umblcmisbcd
condition. 1 shall need another Kafo as soon as I gel
iu order. Yours, most respectfully,
W. P. DICKlNSoN.'ltcuding, r.
CuAKBKRssmo. Franklin county, Pa., )
August Hist. 1SDI.
Messrs. Evans A Watson. Philadelphia Gcntlu
in en : On Ihe morning of tlio 22d of August. 1SUI,
our Storehouse at Oreeneastle was destroyed by firo.
The Sulnniuii-U-r Hafe we purvhaaed from you some
few years since was in tho above mcntilined store
bouso, and coutnined all our biaiks, papers, cash. Ac,
which wcro preserved in a perfect condition, after
being exposed to a most intense heat for several hours.
Please inform us upon what terms you w ill sell us
another larger Safe.
Yours truly, OAKS A AVPT1X.
Salamander hales, for Banks, Stores, Private
Families, It., Ae. Also, Evans A Watson's Patent
Alphabetical Bank Locks and Bank Vault loors,
equal to any made Iu the country, and sold on as
giMMl terms. E A W. would respectfully refer to
I hi following Banks and other parties, having their
Safes and Locks now in use, to their entire atistuc
tiuii, and ninny others given al their Store.
I'nitku Statks Mint, Branch Bank, Shclbyvillo
Philadelphia. Tennessee.
I'niteii Status AasENAL.Cily Bank of Philadelphia.
California. Consolidation II k of Puilu.
PoUatown Bank, Pa. Coin'tb Bank of l'liila.
Coatcsvillu Bank, Pa. Chatunooga Bank, Teun.
Slruudsbnrg Bark. Pa. Pro'ui Loan Asa'ou, 4lh st.
Jersey t-hure Hank, Pa.
Wk lluvca Bunk, Pa.
Jiank ot onhuiuiierlana.
Bank of North u Liberties,
I nmn Bank, Baltimore.
Souihwi'steru liauk ol Va. Pun I aud Swill, Bunkers,
r ulton Hank, Atlanta, Ua. Alabama.
Newark Hank, Del W. tl. Sterling.Wllkesb'o.
Bank of N. C, Ralvlgh, Lewlsburg Bank, Pu.
Other references given itMn calling al our Store,
No. MS. Fuurtb Street, Philadelphia.
March ft, leol-ly
Nl.-MIl ItV
HI I'. Alt
riMIE suWrihrrs having taken posspiwluu of this
J. lint ulna tl.Ot'Kt.Xtl MlLl.,u. prepared
to receive grain of all kinds, aud to do eustum wurk
at tbe sborlcai noli. . Customer will have tbeir
Sril grouud itaiiitHlintfly upou their being left at
is .Mill. As U is Ihe iulenliuu of the nrm to stock
tbe Mill, a large supply of grain will be couiluiily
kept oa band, and Sour by the quantity eau always
be obuiuvd. The grvalMl care will be taken Iu turn
out a uio-rio tiuaiily of Hour, tur which tbe mill is
admirably srttud. Slrli-l sllention will be paid Ut
lb a auu ul customers, and Ike patronage of lbs
nubile geuerally l reapecllully requested.
BunUiy, Juu J I, ImHI. MoltUAX A CO.
HurtlM urr, .lut stlsss-r) , .Mt't-stutilt-
Tvvlrs, At'.
llt.NKY (ULUKttT,
Mmttl Hi' I. Yaji ri. i'ouit ljt,
lisaaiaai au, Pa ,
1RALEH la all kind ul liulld.r sad MaualW
1 1 tur.i lludaaie, liui,klMl, CullCbain, (Up,
I'alloy Lu-cks, As. '
Liaaasa, Biais 41 MiiaisgaT Oils
Tbe Lutsiballuf Oils aia aJapl4 to e saile
ui Ubu"y Am, al auuuiauiui.t piute,
Mwui Muaaiao Msiuiaaatr,
il : 'lauu, tfk, MutuMusj 4 a.Un M
sblUM, As.
Mitaisuts' In,
U I'laswsa, lutiu aa4 Hand Uifcas, lUi CaUwS,
1 As ,
Masala lUlulig, v MabUi a4 Uallurf, Mlatal
lUfiixs' fb-e tn1 '.I., PUirt tru sW.las. t Is)
I f fwvkK tstil ! tt Iss 14.SI IstMstl as g'i
lieitaaWil, Ual.fc J, M$
Gentlemen Carry
Hpnlclln'si Throat Confection".
Ladies are delighted with
Hpalding'si Tliront Confection.
Children Cry for
(Spnlcllnsi Tliront Confection.
They relieve a Cough Instantly.
They clear the Throat.
They give strength and volume to the voice
They Impart a delicious aroma to the broath.
They are delightful to the taste.
They nre made of siuipto herbs and cannot harm
any one.
I advise every one who has a Cough or a Husky
Voloo or a Bad Breath, or ny difficulty of tlio Throat
to get a package of my Throat Confections ; they will
relieve you instantly, and you will agroe with mo
that "they go right to tho spot." Y'on will find them
very useful and pleasant while traveling or attending
publio moctlngs for stilling your Cough or allaying
your thirst. If you try one package I am safe in
saying that yon will evor afterwards consider them
indispcnsible. You will find them at the Druggists
and Dealers in Medicines.
Price 25 Cents.
My signature is on each pnenksgo. All others are
A Packago will be sent by mail, prepaid, on rcocii X
of Thirty Cent. Address,
No. 46 Cedar street, New Y'ork.
For salo at R. A. Fisher's Drug Store, Sunbury, To,
By the nse of those Pills the periodic nf tacks of Ncr
vous or Sick Headache may ho prevented ; and if
taken at tlie commencement of an attack immediate
relief from pain nnd sicknesses will ho obtained.
They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and
Headache to which females are so subject.
They act gently uiam the bowels, removing Cos
liven ess.
For Literary men. Students, Delicale Femnlcs, and
all persons of sedentary habits, tbey uro valuable as
a Lnxnlive, improving tho appetite, giving tune and
vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring Ihe natu
ral elnstieitv ami strength ol the whole system.
The CEPHALIC PILLS nre the result of long In
vcstignlion and carefully conducted experiments,
hnving been in uso uiimy .veins, during which time
they havo prevented and relieved a vast amount of
5 lain aud Buffering from HcHilnchc. whether originat
nst in tbo nervuus system or from a dcrnnged statu
of tho stomach.
Tlie are entirely vegetable in their composition,
und may be tnkeu at all linn's with pcrtect safety,
without making any change of diet, and tho abnenco
of any disugrecHblc taste renders it cosy to adminis
ter them to children.
Tho genuino have five signatures of Henry C.
Spalding on each Box.
Miu oy uruggisis sua ail oilier .Dealers n .uuut-
A Box Will be sent by mail prepared on receipt of
the ...
Price, 25 Cents.
All orders should bo addressed to
4S Cedar Street, New York.
For sale al FISHER'S Drug Storo, Sunbury, Pa
From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va.
Cephalic Pills accomplish tho object for which they
wero made, viz: Cure Headache iu all its forms.
From Ihe Democrat. St. Cloud. Minn.
If you arc, or have been troubled w ith the head,
ache, send for a box (Cephalic Pills,) so that you uiny
have Ihciu in case of au at tuck.
From the St. Louis Democrat.
Tho immense demand for Cephalic Pill is rapidly
From tho O.'iietlc, Davenport, Iowa.
Mr. Spalding would not connect his iinuie with an
iit'liclu ho did not know to jiossuas reul merit.
From the Advertiser. Providenco, R. I.
Tlio testimony in fheir favor is strong, from the
most rcsiicvUiblo quarters.
From tho Daily News, Newport, R. I.
Cephalic Pills nre taking the place oi allkiuds.
From the Kanawha Star, Va.
We are sure that persons suffering with the head
ache, who try them, will stick to them.
From the Advertiser, Providence, It. I.
The Ccphulio Pills are said to bo a remarkably
rflective reuiedy for thu headache, and one of the
very best for that very fruqueut voiupiuiut bivh lias
over uvea uiscovereu.
f Q'lfa PI.,.... I
Npulcllna'a lr'luit-4-l (Lilurl
tulIIis(,s lr'urt-tl alue I
lulliMust 1'rrptirfsJ llu
As accidents will baiipea. ev.a la well rerulalcj
faiuilioa, il is very dc.iiai1 so have solo, ebvap and
oiivruiuut y lor repairing; rurullure, ioy, tiotk
ery, .
Meets sll suck eaters riKsrs, and au koswebulj tail
afluiii to wilboul II. 1 1 la always reaJy aiwl
up to the slkkiag point.
I'DEFl'L IN kVtttV Uol'iSK."
A anas rtistsuiapaulas sack Boitls.
ntK'E 83 CENTS.
Va it CeJaf UUi, Kssj VtMa
Fuf sals al H A lyf i, Ut
ywUmuibwIahj atsaaly, I'a.
C A V t7 0 M
As rtsia Mapsitwibl4 ktuM ui atlisi4ug U
.lia ut a ausMspwUus vabllo bulla! a. M ul uijr
I ktPAsls.4 is 11 K 1 wumIJ sauibsii ail psu w
essMrslae s tut pnLM0 asl mf thai I h ul
ussekfAl-Dlsitl a) t-ktr-AalDUl.t si, at sta Ike
imi.i4t etasSt , all eisoi sse swin4kw4 vMtll
U.y I IHJ -
g if L
sT JI sTfVm sT Tm
1 VlliVW
172 ECONOMY l Vv
'a . A -A
V? Save the Pieces !
Acute or Inflammatory J Chronic, Lumbago, Sciatica,
Pleurodyne, Ao.
Stiffness of the Jointo and Cramps Oonts, Neural-
nii all N enrolls Affections Krvsinclaa, Knit
JOicuin and Scrofulous Eruptions of the body
Ncutralires the Impurities or the mood ana riinns
of the whole system, and effectually counteracting
Mercurial and other poisonous influences.
I It is a eonvealent srrane PF.LT, coiitninliig
RMruicnted Componml, to ue woinntoui
alxml the waist KqUAIXY KFFKC
i p
It enn be TV
7 worn without Injury to the most delicate persun, J
H and no change iu the proper habits of living is re- j
jA quired It entirety removes the disease irom me rj
Hi system, with the fallacious se, in seen cases, of y
,2 poweiful internnl medicines, which weaken and r"1
CD deslroy the constitution end (five temporary re ,,
lief only by stupifying the system, and rieacleuint m
Oiu vitality. Hy this treatment, the medicinal pro.
perties contained in the Band, being nf a highly m
U animntie and vhitile natuie and ciialile of being U.
fl remlily alwa-lierl, through the pores of the akin, !,
LJ come into direct contact with the Blood and gene- m
t ' ml crculation, without tirsi having to pass thiongh J
jfi the stomach, wnieh wonld lend not only to drlrael 1
from their curative powers, but to impair the in- H
Lj ternnl organs an ilcriinge the digestion also Thus LJ
5 svoiiliug the iiijuiious rfTeels, often the result of
rH internnl remedie, sand effecting a perfect cure by H
f purifying and eciialiKiiig the circulation of the vital L
M tliiids and restoring the parts affected to a healthy lP
Z. ciindition 'I'his llnnd is also a most powerful
W"ANT1-MKRCUHIAL Alil-.NT." Cnlomel lie- W
iog the primary cause of a large part of the stiff J
m ness, Neuralgic Pains and Rheumatics, an prevn-M
LU lent and will entirely relieve the system from its
pernicious ttfecls.
ri Moderate eases are cured in a few dnvs,nnrl we m
l, are einisrantly receiving nmlnalited testim-niinls VW
H Ui whieh we Invite inspection at our oflice of rw
Cj tlicir efficacy ill aggravated cases of long standing ir
-f PRICF. TWO DAl.t-ARS Mnyl hadof Prug- M
ft gists, or will be sent by moil inn receii, of or H
tl i... ..nrpM i.virvwhere. with all necessnrv instruc. LJ
tions from the priucipal office of
j , . .v --, - . , ,
0 SMITH & C0-, Sole Proprietors,
401 BnoAnwxr, near Broom street, Nkw YonK.
t.V Treatise, with Certified Testimonials, sent
Aofnts Sunbary, Friling A Grant,
Georgo Bright.
Northumberland, R. B. McCoy.
Mnrch . Ib02. ly
v vox,
Vllnrnera nl law, No. K,o Cor. Fulfon
and Broadway, NEW YORK. Will carefully
attend to Collections nnd all other matters Intrusted
to their care.
Mny 21, 1SJ8.
'i:iit.M. iioti:i.,
fwuiiltur.v, oi-lininlM-rljinl Vo., ln.
nII l large and commodious Hotel, now mnnaged
J. by JAMES VANDYKE, is situate at tho Rail
road 'Depot, North East corner of Market iviuuro,
Stmbiirv. Pa., and nt tho terminus of the Sunbury A
Erie nnd Northern Control Itnilronds, nnd is open for
the uoconiiiiodiition of Travelers and the public in
Tho proprietor will givo his exclusive attention to
tho comfort nnd convenience of his guests, nnd is
determined to mnko this cstublishuiont runk among
the first in the Sliito.
His table will be supplied with till! best flic mnrkct
enn produce, hnving the ndvantngo of dnily comniu
nicntion by curs direct from Bnltiinorc, nnd also from
these bringing produce from tho surrounding
His Lnr will be supplied with the purest liquors tho
mnrket can produce.
Careful and obligingscrvantsnlwaysin attendance.
New and commodious stabling has just been added
to the premises.
A share of the local and traveling community Is
most respectfully solicited.
fc'unbury, Jnnuary 12, 1SC1.
Iiilci-Tuilioitnl Isold,
!.6i and 307 lSioadirny, Corner 1'iaittlin Street,
rPlir.S first clnss House the most quiet, homcliko
I and iileusant Hotel in the city offers superior
Inducements to tboso visiting New York for business
or pleasure. It is central in its location, and kept on
lbe El nnrr. A Plan, in connection with Tayloii'm
Saloo.x. where refreshments can be had at all hours,
or served iu their own rooms. The charges are mo
derate, the rooms and attendance of the first order
baths, and all tin- modern conveniences attached.
March 2U, 1M'2.
VI A 1. 1. I A I' i: It !
I VPT roeeicd from New York a Inruo assortment
(I of WALL PAPER, eonsiiting of Oxp. Hi'Mukd
tkiins. varying in price from ti cents upwards, all of
which will be sold at tho lowest cash prices, al tho
cheap store of J. 11. ENUKL.
Sunbury, March 22.
Lard Oil.
Smoked Boef,
For Sale by
Dried Fruit,
Ac. Ao.
.vi .
Cbcsnut Street Wharf, Philadelphia.
SInrch 29, 1M12. 3mw
r ai.i. w.nii i'At:w!i.
New Settlement of Vineland.
A Rare opiiortunity in the Best Maikct, and most
Delightful and Healthful Climate in Iho I'nion.
Only Thirty Miles Siulh of Philndolpbia, on a
Railroad ; being a rich, heavy soil, and highly
productive wheat land ; umougst the best iu thu
tiurden Stale of New Jersey.
it consist of 2il.nuu acres of Goon hind, divided
into Furiiis id' dillerciit si.cs to suit the purchaser
f rom 20 acres and upwards and is sold at tbe rule of
$15 to 2i per acre for tlie furm land, payable one
fourth cash, nud the balance by iiiarter-yiurly insial
uienis, with legal interest, within the tcnu of lour
Is. in great pnrt, a Kich Cluy Loum, suitable for
Wheal, Ciruss and Potatoes also a dtuk and lich
saudy loam, suitnblo lor Corn. Sweet Potatoes. To.
Imcco. ail kimls of vegolables and root crois, and the
linuFt varii-licsof fruit. siu-hasij rapes. Peaches. Pears,
Apricot, Nccturines, Blackberries, .Melons, ondoiher
fruits, best adapted to tbo Philadelphia aud New
Yurk markets. In respect to lbe oil and ro there
cau be 110 mistake, as iitorscan examine both, and
nuue ore expovltd to buy before so doing, and finding
these statement correct under thte circumstances,
unless these statement were corruct, there would be
uo iue iu tbeir being made. It i considered
Tna Bi sr Fat'ir Soil ix tub I siox.
See Rcnorts of Solon Robinson, Esq., of the New
York Tril'iiur, and the well-known agriculturist,
William Parry, of Cinnainiiison, New Jersey, which
will be funiisbud loouirers.1
By looking over tbe map the reader will perceive
that It enjoys the best market in tbo I'll Ion, and ba
direct couiiiiuuicatioii with New York aud Philadel
pbia twice a day, being only Ihirly-two utile from
the latter. Print tie in ibis market brings double the
Iiriee that it qins iu location distant from tbe eities.
u Ibis location it eau be put into utaiket lb same
morning it i gathered, and for what tbe farmer sell
be got the bightot price ; wbllsl gruoerie and other
article he purcbase. be get al lb lowem ic. la
the M eat, what be sell brings him a pittance, but fbr
what be buy he pa) two privra. Iu loealiug here
tbe setller isa many uther advauuge. He is within
a few bur. by railroad, of alt Ik groat eiliesul Mew
England and lbe Middle Stale. 11 i near bi uld
fris-iui and asaueialiuus. II ba chMd fur bi ebil
drvu, divin service, aud all Ihe advaalagas of sill
isaiiou, aud he i near a large city.
Is dvligkilful ; lbs iu tor bviug salubrious and eien,
whilst lb Miiutuurs are ao aaruiisr lbu in lbe .Smth.
lbs loeaiusa is upuu lb liu id latitude with ituillivra
I't r 'tis wanting a rkanga of clluiai for kealth,
would b much iMiiellilod iu iuelaud. 'lb wild
lies of lb climate aud II brat-iug Inttueni . tuskes
Il xcillcnl b r all puliumuuy allivlioiui, dsiaua,
uf general debility uiLns will kuiie a ditlcl.uc
ill a lew day, t'bills auj fuel are uiikuuwa.
Buildiag saaUrUI Is plealy. Fuh aisd U;slrs ar
plvblilul etui eswap.
iiuis usual ssl, awaater, to s a new plaos
This Sjussibsa tk rea-lee aalturally rssll Is '
saws ka bald Iu ! M. is by laanlisa a.,1
sJtomM- Iu ll, asl biug inlml sailiu4 luiliuS
key bad few 1 k rllr.. ksst )umi
rsa pMs tluuugli Us utii tins iai m, M the
gj.4 4J.
Ml,.! ai slsuwa met lb lasol Iu a rrt- ti
isfesp!., hssd eMds liu a4 upisustHMiiy a
llwibusb lavssih llvassalwssssj, sjuks sw
Iu iil rdsuvlw toiug asoi m msbmi isIi psmlssi
ss a Isscssiiosi as isul mMA uts i ImI
lbe Uu.g la kswd Usu, ! pupl k
Is. lisiuaa Mil of ass plu s nia Ssf Wiiiii iw. .,
Imls Sn ut isgail Iss), IS l si l.aMsallaal
b-MsS Tk) 11 U I ! Kg UsUsataa,' sjtw
art dean mora than mnkewnge Ins Improving II, nnd
when it Is done It Is a certain independence and no
Iocs. A few aeres In fruit trco will Insure a eomfnf
table living. The land Is put down to hard tlineJ
prices, nnd all Improvements oan be made at a cheap
cr rnte than imy other time,
Tho whole Ir'art, with sit miles front on Iho Rnit
road, is being laid out with fine nnd spacious avenues,
with a town in tho centre live nofe Ms in tb.i town
sell at from fflnO to flM) ; two and a half are lots, at
!n to fl2n to f WO ; two find a half acre bits, nt from
H0 lo SI 20. and town lots Ml feet front by 1.70 Trot
deep, at JltK) pntnblo one hall ensb and the balance
within a yonr. Ii Is only upon of twenty acres
or more thai four years' 'time is given.
To Manufacturers, the town affords a fine opening
of the Shoe manufacturing business, and other arti
cles, being near Philadelphia, and lbe surrounding
country has a largo population, which affords a gooil
This settlement, in the courso of several years, will
be one of the most honutilul plnccs in tho country,
and most agreenblc for a resilience.
It is intended to mnkc a Vino and Frnit growing
country, as this culture is the most profitable and tho
best adapted to maikct. Every acvaiitngo nnd con
venience for settlers will he introduced, and will
Insure tho prosperity of the plncc. The bnrd tunc
tbroutrnout tbe country will be an advantage to tho
settlement, as it oompels people tp resort lo agricul
ture lor a u ing.
Largo numbers of people nre purchasing, and peno
pie w ho desire the best locution should visit the plue
a toncc.
Improved laud Is nlso for sale.
Tixnr.n. Lnnd cun be bought with or witlmnt
timber. The timber at mnrkcl valuation.
The title Is Indisputnblc. Warrantee Deeds given,
clear of all incumbrance, when tho uiouey is paid.
Bonrding conveniences nt hand.
Letters promptly answered, nnd Reports of Solon
Rohinson and w in. Parry, sent together with tins
Vinrnnrt llitritl.
Route to the lnnd: Loavo Walnut street wbnrf,
Philadelphia, nt o'clock, A.M., and 4 P.M.,
(unless there should be rr change of hour.) for Vino
Innd, on tlio Ulnsslioro' and Millvillo Railroad
When you lonvo tho cars at Viueland Staliou, just
opened, inquire for
CHARLES K. I.ANDTR. roslmn.tcr,
Founder of the Cohaiy,
Vixi'.LAxn, P. O.. Cuiiibcrlaiiil county. N.J.
P. S. There is a change of cars nt lilassboro'.
Also beware of sburp'-rs en tUe curs from New York
nnd Philadelphia to Vinclnrst, iiniuiring your busi
ness, destinnliun, &c.
RErottT of Soi.ox P.ouixaoK, or nir. Nkw YonK
TuinvKK, t rox the A ixki.ami Sltti.emlxt.
f' Tho following is an rxtrnct from tbo report of
Polin Robinson. Exp, published ill tlio New Yerk
Tribune, in reference to Vinelnnd. All persons can
rend this report with interest :
Advantage of Farming near home Vineland
Hemaris vjwn Marl Suit, its great Fertility
TVis Cause of Fertility Amunut of Crops
Produced Practical lZridcnrr.
Il Is certainly one of the most extensive fnrtilo
tracts, in nn almost level position, and suituhlo con
dition for pleasant farming that w e know of this side
of the western prairies. Wc found sonio of the oldest
forms Apparently just as profitably productive as
when find cleared uf forest lil'iy or u huudrcd years
The geologist would soon discover Ihe cnuse of Ibis
continued fertility. Tho whole country is a marine
deposit, and all tliroutrh tho soil wu found evidences
of calonreoussulwliuices. generally in tho liirm of
indurated cuiciirons mnrl, showing mnny distinct
forms nf ancient shells, nf Ihe tcrtinjy formation ; nr 1
this marly substance is scattered all through tbe soil,
in a very comminuted form, nnd iu tlie exact condi
tion most easily assimilated by sucli plulitl 11s tha
farmer desires to cultivate.
Marl, in nil its forms, hns been used to fertilitn
crops iu l.nsliiiul. from thu time it was occupied by
the Roninus ; und in l-'nmce und ijcrninny u marl bed
is counted on ns a vnliuihlc bed of manure, thnt c:iu
be dui: und carted find spread over the field. How
much more aliniMe. then, it must be. when found
already mixc I through the soil, where new particle
will be litrnc I up uml exposed, nnd transformed to
the owner's use every time he stirs the earth.
Having then satisfied our minds ol' the cnuse. they
will not lie excited with wonder nt seeing indubitably
evidence of feililiiy iu n oil which in other situa
tions, bin ing tbo sumo g"nor:il charnctcri-itics or nt
lensl nn is entirely unremutiern live, except
as its productiveness is promoted by urliiicial fertili
sation. A few wor ls about tl.e iiuMily nii-1 value of this
land for cultivation, of ulitji wc have sometron
Uur first vbif v.ns to William D. Wilson. Franklin
tuwnsiiip. filou -otcr county, who purchased soino
eight miles uurth of Millvillc. iiliout three vi-:irs u;ro,
for the purposoof cstublisiiuig a steam mili, to wiuk
up the timber into lumber, to send off by the new
ruilnmil. 11s well ns the tircivood nnd coal, fur which
be built a hrnli -h track a mile and a hull' long. Ho
nlso furnished sixteen miles of the road with lies, and
has no doubt made thu mill piotitnlile. though his
main objecl wns to open n farm, hu ing become con
vinced thnt the soil wns valuable for ctttiivntiun. Iu
this bo litis, not been disappointed, ns some, of his
crops prove. For instance, last year, tlie.sceoiiil time
ol cropping, otlii bushel of potatoes ononeiicrc. worth
CO eet, is u bu-l-el in lbe field. This year, seven acres,
w ithont manure, produced ."' jii biii-hels of outs. In
one field, the first crop was i-otntoc. plnutcd atuuag
the roots, nii.l yielded 76 bu-licls. The pitntoeswcro
dug iuil w heut M,itu. ami yielded ill bushels; cud
tin-stutil.le liirncd under mid sown to btiekwhent,
which yielded .'!':! busbe!--; nr.d tlu-n the ground was
sown to clover nud timoiby, which guvu aa a lint crop
21 Ions ,t-r acre.
Tbo fertilizers applied to these, crops were, first,
ashes from clearings ; second. 2-j siuuds of sujmt
pbospluilo of lime; third, 2011 pounds Permian
'iitino; liiiti oil bushels of slake-1 lime inis Uecn
spreud upon thu clover since it wus mowed, and
turned iu lor wheat.
Mr. Wilson's grow ing crops, and the wheat slithhlo
ol the present season, all iudtuatu bis land us produc
tive as imy pnrt of the State.
At Mury Burrow s, an old tylo Jersey woman
farmer, several miles south of Mr. Uilsou's. wo wero
so particularly struck witli tbe fine uppearnucc of a
field of com, that wc stopped to inquire of the itircd
man how it was produced. Wo found thnt tho lnnd
bud been the year but one before in wheat, sown w ith
clover, and this cut one season, and last spring plowed
once, with ono "pour old nag,'' und plauicd with
'Ycs. but yim manured hiii, we suppose ?" wo
said interrogatively, und got this reply :
Waal, jou sec. we couldn't it done that ; caoowe
hadn't but forty onc-bos.-e loads altogether, lor 2-1
acres, and wo wanted lbe most ou t lor tbe struck.''
Tbe truck consiiaed of beets, carrots, ctil'bne, cu
cumbers, nn Ions, Ac, and a very productive prttch
of Lima bean, grown for marketing. Su we wero
satisfied that the soil was not liil'iTiiiu. even uiini-le l
by clover, which bad ted iliecoin, bi-eini-t- the --tru-.k
patch" hud nol been clncrcd, nud hud been in cul
1 1 val ion hnig enough to obliterate ell n0-r.s uf tuo
Our next visit wns to tlio fi.rm of Andrew Sharp,
five miles north of .Miilville, from half to a utile ei,.t
of tlie railroad, nn-l ju-t about iu Ihe cciitic ot ine
Innd. Mr. Sluuji coiumt n. ed w,.rK lierc in Decern
her, lnj, uiioti m'AI acres. Iu b.- three years,
he La got -! 111 res eleiircd 1111-t iu crops thi? s.-Ufnii,
nil wellinclos, I nn. I divided into several ti.-lds. w i; ti
cedar rail or p ile I- 11. e ; bus built a tuo story dwell
ing, nbou! .'al by -In lect. and a smaller lion.,- t,r farm
laborers, und u stable und luuury uud soitiu otlii:r
C011si.l1 i nble pnrt of the land was cleared f r tho
plow at fU an acre, and 011 some of it the lii-l emp
was buckaitcut, limed with ial tui.-liel.- iu Mn,ier per
acre. Tlii crop may be put iu July Mi, lojiiilt.and
yields 20 lo .'.il bushel,, pirn-re. in Nov cm
1T ; whi n the land being sowed with l.m IK- f
Peruvian guuno aud seeded with rye, yiilued 12 to
lj biisbob per UJicuud 10 worth of'-uaw'. 'i'ta-ryo
stubble tinned, ul'lir knocking ot! a laie groulli of
oak sprouts, and ilrcs-cd anin withgiiatioan Ise-.-dcd
lo wheat, gave I) or Id bushels, 'i'uu crop wliich ho
waa Ikrv-uiug while wu were tbcru promised moro
of a very plump ruiu, aid the straw is very heavy
We went our lbe s'ublile nn I I'mnd li e elmer
and liiui-lby. frouisecd sowed la.-l ipi ing. on tin- w heat,
witboul barrow 110;. looking a well as we ever saw it
uin any old cultivated i.jiu. aud Willi a little work
done iu ibe winter tu char off souio rNts and ruitcu
Muui)i, and telling stnkis to mark pcimuiui.t urn,
be will be able to cut Ihe crop the ut-t yeur with a
mowing uinebino. and we will guarantee two foil pir
tscre, it be a ill give the overplus li 11 uverruu the
Part of Ihe Inn I a plniiled with poluloe for a
(rat crop, which yielded I .'n bushels n-r s.-ro. Il
as then lliuwl w ith jo bushel m aero, aud edd
wilb wheal ausl cb.ver, yiel.ling au aveiast ,, u,,.r
16 bu- Uv-l pel tsciit, aud lbe vluver Uow bslks beauti
ful Other purtion has been planted with em as a
Irs crop, w huh yielded .TO WbeU ul yellow ninl
eurn, and Ibasseoud crop IU Lushels. and Hi tlnid
erop. Irisatesl tu .,u l. ul guauu, w are sur Buuu
Wuuld oslliuNlu Ik low in bushel per larv.
'l Ik-lender ill rcs-olUsil tlsaat liiu writer is How
siNtkitg ol land pcrinlly new and aliieb emi
eumturiy to- eobiderHt lu ki.mI arable eon-liuon . -I.u
la isibcr easu, lbe iwni en-p ul lsst nr au j
luwial a ilk oau llns . hjmu, 10.1 yel ihr-sh,d, bl
111 BleragC plol,4lily il e ..II l-u.l,i Is Mill
Iimw. Inii, luebsu, 141. d la I'M-I. all sardci, t es;i-lHlie.
a well a. yuuug puoi u I wit -r li ml ut pUui,
Ibl ! llUW hell' I lill lIlU b'Ug Itt-sjIOLl.!
Uacl u laud should l lualll Isu longer, aud ihtrc SS
Bow irons; ..i..,ln.i il will i. ; ,sr, under
Ike auspfcia uf klr I ili.. 11 will La duidi-d inu.
liuail to', a ilk luU b 4l.d to as---viul..oj4i all
Ut Kiit.nsi at a.., I my alil.isao.k . I l
Im.l,s.i. aid i jusji.i 1 l.m -1 1.1 i t'-u.l n.i-lt
. jus, eud riltt . mLm it a-.ul4 t-v Jtitti.i. ,
Lr elskk uttatis 1 -iU.i .u a ill I v s. . ui t .,
to) Bill 4l list! tltltliki s-k-ls, !,.. (lilts.
BKStlMlsMI aku, ul Isotui. Iiott.. ul Aiuusi,'!,
toSi'ls, 11 U -lsi b ksJel 4vbasds, k-liAls.
IK-SiliSU if 1 I, 1 1 14 4 iii. -
Ifsayun . mi si y d.l.n. u ci,l ,.f butiuts is
gMsiius. el eiiAitsmg bu ui.uii. 14 etnj a, hutw its y
Miss wWsuss iw btsd 111 to' st 4l4 ktt,u 1.--U.
ill Ul vtsutttl), S1.4 Bbu lf l. tU-4 t li-t Ittttyl
toil liulj si!,), k will 4. l su nisi 4.
H kiissMsil .! a.y Is um 11 tut s b-'
ltd ei ul liul.l,4.i aon'k a."iisvt-k I, I if