s Hi B MASSED., Editor A Proprietor. Nt'IIl'IIY, PA. 8ATUiiDAiyEUI'UAHY,1803. 8. M. PETTENOILti ft CO., Ke. 37 Turk How, New York, anil 8 State Street, Boston, (iro our agent for tin Susnt;nr American In those elite, and are athorixcl to take Advortlso talent ami Subscriptions' for us at our lowest rate. """" 3ioral glffaivg. l"2 Vn.usa li s Hot sss. Our cltltcns have been Wily engaged in filling their ioe houses during tho past week. Thoy procured the loo front the mill darn of Col. John Haas. Of Win II. Kase, of Hush township, has been appointed na Revenue Commissioner of the 8th Judi cial ltislrict by Judge Jordan. HI HSS', fV Thc carpontcrsof Mifilinburg hnvo formed an .a sociation to aid in fixing and ailbering to oortain prices fur their work. Dr. B. F. Wngonscllor, of Sclinsgrove, for merly on assistant Surgeon In tho 139th regiment, lias been appointed Regimental Surgeon of the 150th Pennsylvania. ri Tlio Telegraph office in Milton, haa lately been removed to tho office of tho Philadelphia A Erie ltailrond, In oare of tho Ticket Agent, David llolter. "p'Judgc Woods, at the late Union County Court nt Lcwisburg, ordered all those who issued shin plaster currency to rtdeein it at once, and If circula ted by next Court, prosecution would be eommonecd against the parties. e.. tr'Asscssnr and Assistnnt Assessors of 1'nited Slates tnxes. aro by law authorised to administer tho oaths to tho persons making monthly returns on which excise taxes aro levied. They aro to do so free of chnrgo. J"j5? Tavkrs LirKSsES. A ten cent National 'Tax Stamp is required to all applications fur tnvcrn licenses which is attached to thocertificnto of signers recommending the house, and a one dollar stamp to the warrant of attorney to confess judgment on tho bond. If the license is not allowed, of course tho papers are valueless and tho stamp lax iu that case not Imposed. f5 I'otii.i.ion Paiitiks came oft" at the Central Hotel and the Laurcnco House iu this place, on last l'ridny evctiinir. which were well attended by tho 'young folks'' of this plncc, Sclinsgrove, Lcwisburg' Slilton and Danville. They enjoyed themselves lirnVw'? in "tripping the light fantastic too" unti1 1 near .lavlijrht. when tho -beaux went home the gals iu the morning." with fi 'A snow storm commenced on Sunday morn ing lust. ni:d cr.ntiniicd until in the night. Snow to the depth "f 11,"", 'x '"ches fell n a solid founda tion which made sleighing, for a Tew days, all that the l ei of a ride on runners could di sire. A "two forty ho!-c." a fancy cutter, a lovely gal and a ride in the country, no doubt, mado many a young man forget that his brothers are passing the dull hours of winter in a dreury camp, waiting for a favorable opportunity to,' rush on the traitor foe and rcscuo the land from the perils of rebellion. tThc properly of Frederick Il:ins. Ksq., adver tised in our paper, to be sold no Tuesday lust, was 1, nocked down as follows : The old homestead and mill property in Upper .....i.m. i,. Chnrlc? Hairs for S-tl.Si'5. An 'out-lot i" the same township, adjoining this borough, to.).", vane. r.i r -...". A lot on Fawn street, this borough, to Mr. Martin ..... l.r "i:i 00. A loi on tl corm r lllackHcrry and Deer streets in this borough, to Cburle liaringor for 7t. Hnnoi nil F.i.Ki Tiox. At an election hold on Friday tho inth in.-l.. the fo'lowing persoiii were chosen b.rougli officers: Chief Burgess S. B. BovKn. 2nd Burgess Emanuel Wilvert. Assistnnt llurgc."c Chns. Pleasants. William I. Cirecnough. John Bourne and Samuel J. Packer. Common Councilmcn Charles A. Bright, Levi Sci-holtz. I'tidainin Hendricks, Alexander Manti, John W. Friling. Jacob F. llohrback, M. C. tiear hurt iindOcn. W. Stroh. Town Clerk John W. Buchcr. High Constable Benjamin Brosious. t'lmstablc Charles F. Martin. School Directors Dr. D. W. Shiudel and Jacob II. tnglc. Overseers ot !hc TVr David Ilaupt and Eli Dicmer. street foiun.issiouers John B. Leiikcrand Wiu. Kricgbautil. Assessor Peter Uileman. Judge of Elections S.iiuucl Fetter. 1 ni-peetors of liluclions John E. Smick and Jacob iCuble. i l"5' We learn from the Selinsgrovo papers, that Win. Duck, of Mi.lillcereck township, who had been ilivin in a liouso by himself for somo years, was missed by his neighbors somctiuio about Christmas, "hut hi.i absence being no unusual occurrence, his ftb'Dilh made no search for him. as they had supposed that iic hul g"no to Buffalo Valley, to visit somo relatives. But hearing nothing of him for more than a month, they became alarmed, and foreed an entrance into his dwcllirj. To their horror they found the body under the bed In which he had been .accustomed to sleep. It presented a loathsouio ap pearance, us decomposition had already began to take place, and bis liuibs had nearly entirely been devoured by the rats. ! jhb lT? Oi.n 1oi.i.ron at KoiiTiiryr.nLA!in. The I.cwb-l.urg CJiionielc, says: About the year ISUf, the Legislature grnntcd J J.wHI for tho College loen. ted in the old Vriok building between the Itailroad and the I'tvcr, In ye ancient borough. Dr. Priestly was then lii'ing liiere aial aided the iustitutiou. wkich receive ! amiihcr Lcgi-lative grant of $2.110 about 1 MM. But soon after, the enterprise was abandoned, and tho builJui to pay for its construction. Last year, au eet wus ..iissud, providing that survi ving Trrastees wsysver the huluaee of tho fund ami tho proceeds of soma vitlugc luU still remaining to j'io t'olUxo. for the keuctU of tho public schools of .orlhuuibrlaiiil Ikarisj-i. l' Oi C.iHM.t The f .IU.wtagU m exhibit of the raruiuj;' of the can:.s far Uie fast year. The earnings of lb company ssjiat were: Fiout lb fiulUehnn division. Ju.t.Mltt9; Juniaus di-vl-h.ii, fJI.IUZu: Western division, fn.HelM; iiib.eiUueous sonnies, lUOOS M; tutml earnings, 2 l..l Td. lb eiwusuiof utiUutiulii, bantu. iuiJ. and upe-ntl'. Ihe e.mnls wore? For sluilo. tiauiia dui.-i..ii T'i.T"'! if; Juniata dlvislo. $11,. Svi 41 ; HoKrud.iui'ii, .'ju. Hi; Mai, 1M. Hil t' h..witig a ius, daraig l'l of a f f f i auaaTa'lko wiio tl K Sbri9 Fit I IMu, was Uiuva4 Iu CbilliiiiaipM creek, nenr ll.llu.y.r ww luill Ui l.iLaly Uxurfiip, ua lt i .."4i jr hi uiii( I ha was abuut M yoatauf mi a lady of wosl ilu.iU iiiiililtt of tuU4 and In urt, bul ha I kveu iubj.i.t, of late, Iu ueuiuiil luelitiubol (M. On lbs luuiuiiig Ut iuiuM, aha audviwi fiui4 lbs t..Miii, aud bad abaaut but .hir liiue, ku - ir H avs l, au4 ksf 44 Ul found in lbeii('s. All olloiU Iu ImuuUU bar pioitJ ui.s. t!. 1114 Vt aiott Uttw.lt tlnao Willi k' b.Md bakal4 Mut kltlt-a ' .Ml ..' IK M.it. I iUttKi iUun iki 1'ioiHiau - f i kaM il i uot i u I'y lkKk.it i-t aa aimy wd.l Is ui b4.u piotti' ii.ir Ellis' fi"U waaiUif I a4 k. kuilu umiIoiiu. ku matl.f kvw ka fiSMJ by It ab.il.. I b) ai'.k' " uUiwwU lUkBMig4 sol' tluis Ua a iie'bi U atu uuik.'ui as kada f f H' -i"w gfid k iu4iiwi4 to vt bw4i Iku o I' I, aui taks iimi ili' tti) bulius) uf Ike is iwalHiilii4li lulu4'iv Ma. I kwk iImj ixvobU' , it a) tajat ik Ut4 I 4l ki- ah 1 lyComsa Back Aoaih. "Dickeys" aro ora tng to again. They have been Out of fashion for twenty years. Tho coming summer their nso Is to bo revived as a matter of economy. Two plain shirts and a half doien dickeys aro equal in poiul of utility to six shirt. Kecossily la tho parent of this revival. The nomlmrilmcnt or Ylcknbiirg Commenced. THE MOKTAR BOATS OPEKISO FIRE THE BEDEL BATTEKIES KE8PONDINO. CntCAOO, Feb. 23. -A apccinl Memphis despatch, dntcd Saturday, furnishes advices from Vicksburg to tlio 18th inst. Active hostilities against Vicksburg com menced on that day. The inortur boats were towed into position and opened briskly. The effect of their shot was not known. The firing yrtto responded to by three batteries, when our position was found to be. too much exposed for effective opera tions, and it was changed. The bombardment was then renewed. A Rebel flag of truce ollicor reported, on tho 20th, that we had tnken Vicksbttrg. This was two days after the bombardment commenced, as stated in tho above de spatch. Tho Indinnola, which ran tho blockade, had provisions und coal sullicient for three months. A Stl.UtP ENCOrjSTER TEN Mt'.ES FllOM VICKflBtJRO THE HEItKl.K WIItt'l'ED. Lake Providence, Lo., Feb. 11, via Cairo, Feb. 20. Fifty men from Fort Henry, and the Seventeenth and Ninety tilth Illinois Regiments, mounted as in fantry, yesterdays commanded by Captain Tucker, of tho First Kansas, accompanied a small forage train down the west aide of the Lake. When nlmut ten miles out tliey met, attacked und routed nearly three hun dred of tho Third Louisiana Cavalry. Reinforcements 6cnt out arrived too late to participate. The enemy's loss in killed and wounded is not known. One Lieutenant and forty two private were taken prisoners. Tho whole region is apparently infested with guerrillas. The river is stationary, and tho weather spring-like. Peach and cherry trees tire in bloom. The Knox-Sherman Court-martial is still iu session. Tliu rulings of the Court ure in Sherman's favor. Close observation shows a new fort lately erected on tho hcitrhts in the centre of Vicksburg. Our forces are still working on the canal. The rani Queen of the 'West has gone down the river again. Jsothing has been heard from Tort Hud son. A TUO ATTACKED AJD IIURSEO 1SY REBELS THE FLEET TO Rt'N THE ULOCKADK. 31i:mi'!iis, Feb. 18, via Cairo, 20. The tug Hercules, having two barges of coal iu tow, going to the licet, rounded lo on the opposite side of the river early this morning, being unable, to proceed tin account of a heavy fog. Scarcely had the boat touched the landing w hen a party of rebels rushed aboard, took possession, captured ollieers and crew, stole what they could, and set tire to the vessel. All this was accomplished iu n remarkably short time, but was Rot discovered by tho gunboats, that lay not far oil', till the flames attracted their attention. By that time those who hail been taken prisoners were released, and the rebels were out of reach. The boat is a total loss. The steamer Chippeway Valley was seized below Island No. 0:1, bv the chil authori ties, for violation of rules. It had a load of cotton. Colonel .1. .1. Rinakcr, of the Onc-hnndrcd- aud-twenty-Mjeund Illinois, passed up on the City of Memphis, tit route for Curlitl ville, Illinois. He is wounded. It is reported that tho whole fleet will run the blockade at Vicksburg. The iron-clad (.mi n In ut I.ayfavette ond the Geucral Price arc expected down soon. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. x i,i: ti it i: TO YOUNG MEN! Juit Piillishfil, iti a Si Envelope. Trie S.r Crni. 4 Lecture on the Nature, treatment and Rsdicnl of .Spermntorrhu'a or Seminal Weiiknci". Invol untary Kmiiions. Sexual ebilily. and Impediments to Marriage generally, Nervoinnci. Consumption, Epilepsy and Kits: Mental and I'liv.-ient Inejipiteitv, resulting from Self-Abuse. Ac liv KOiiKKT J. ClLYtKWKLL, M. 1) , Author of the Ureen book, Ac. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lee- ! tore, clearly proves from hi owu experience that awful consequences nt Self-abuse may be etlectuiilly removed without lucdiciuf, and without dangerous surgical operations. Iniugies. instrument. riu(s. or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at onco ocrtain and etlectual, hy which every surl'erer, no matter whut his condition imiv be. tuny cure himself cheaply Iirivatcly. and radically. This lecture will prove a toon to thousands and thousand. Sent uudor seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing. CHAft. J. C. KLIXK 4 CO., 127 Bowerv. New York, Post Othce Box, 4iSU. Feb. t, 1MM ly 3o tlici-III'M kiali'M. Ily virtue of sundry writs ol Yen Fx., and Al. Lev. Facias, issued out of the Court ot Common Pleas of Northuuiberlund eoimly, I'll., and to uiv directed, will be exHied to public sale, at the I'onrt ll.nije, In Sunbury. on Monday, the tth ilny of March, IslJ.I, at I o clock. 1. M , the following described real estate, to wit : All Ihut certain lot of ground, situato In the bo rough of Sunbury. county and State nforcsald. boun tied and described as follows : betriiinimr at the northeast corner of lot number 4. on east alley, at a point which separates lots number 4 and 5 ; Iheueo along eat alley nily six teet to a nosl ; the corner ol lots numbers .H and 4. thence aloni; line separating lots S and 4, two hundred and thirty feet to Kawu street, theuce along the east side of mid street, fittv ix feet, to south west comer of lot nil in her 5, thence along the south line of lot number a, two hundred und thirty I'c-ct lo the plaue ut begtnuing, ooulaining ntly six leet luwiatti aim Iwu hunared aul thirty feel in depth, and marked aud deniuated Ui the plaa of said lots marked by Wut. Vi!mu (vt Wiu. 1m Uewart, as lot iutuiivr 4, wheruon aro erected a two story frame dwelling house, a uarnenter shop. A. rieised, taken into exeeutiou, aud to be sold as tbf properly ol n u. K. .Marls. ALSO : Lot number (, in bha-k number I'M. in tb town of Irevurluu. crbe towuskin, .Nor lb d eouulv. Fa buuixlwl ua Ibe south by t oal street, on the uurik by an alley, ua I lie west by lot number &, and on Ibe east by lot number 7, ia hlurk number 11, eunlaiii lug in width !J fuel, aud in depth I5U foel, whereou are erwlixt a Iwu story irame bouse, Iramo siabt Ae. Abai, lola uumbvrs 12 and I J iu bUk number 125. ks same loxa aud townxlup, boun.lud ui Ike ttorlb by Miaumkin street, ou Ihe ulk by an allay ua Ibe west by 1.4 number II ia same bloek and ill Ihe east by aeouutl slrvet, tHjulaiuiiuf in Irimt eack t fuel and iu Uepik 1 5U teel. Abu, lot aauiWr I J iu block buiutn.r 7a situate ia same low a awl luwie bip. bounded the uorlk by Kailroad Ireel. ou Ibe sou III by .virlta(, siren, on iiiseul ly Druirvel and ea Ilia m by 1.4 buiuher I J Iu Mtute bl k, eutilali iuc ia wi.Ph tit real, Skd iu deiuk IMt feot. eae.. laaea iu eaeeuiii, aan iu Mama BS Hit proparly vt I'sinck itl..n aud wile. Pefi ndioiO lnlre. Iu a certain trael uf unssaled laud, aliuale partly Iu I'oal aud partly iu fh.ui. kiu tuwiuhip, ouauiy aud Htale alorvaid, containing tte kuiiurcJ a4 muolj one acres, more ur l as. surxye l ua a aarraul Miauled lo Joha Itua.uia IB I TV J e HVt, siiaaie aa l.iiue atouautia aa.i a-i)oiiiiug a sur so ia Iks eaat t Ue aaate ol K'bai4 Uttm. ihuoJ, lku lulu eaveuiioa, a4 tu be sulj as ike krvaKfiif ul M tlUaut L. livaatt. AUU; A eertaia be) of cruaad. aiiaala ia I nl Wilton euabiy a4 ruie aMaaaid, kuudt ua lbs aw ik by a lutul W k. liuj, ua tbatMuik a lotul uwao Ituud, aa Ike eaai by uVe Vt net liraatk C mi at aud a Iba lal bv klMIAliMii. euAiiaiUlilS bbvut el iu4 IU Iioul, ua eauii mu4 aloic'l" eiusy duubie ksk.k daUlu.4 Luum). iltas-ii Itaiae eko a4 kui.asi uaibaildiuAS, a til al aeief al Ibe awiaul. laksa ia siwoiLa. abj to ke sulj at ike psvtiy uf kiMtta liubU. A4t I tat atek sauttuw aiitt a.H.e as fat at tkwtu. tamisaant AlJbli Art skat ecsteia tot o ai.wbJ, ttiaaia la Ike toaa al 'fiaesbva e-aly sts b4aabi to.a b4 auatbut I to U k aaa.W ! a-lkMutoi W an Ibe , It.limi4 enstt aa ike aatvk, tot baestoi i in nmt block on tho east, and Mark si street na (bo smith, containing 25 fwit in front and 150 feet in doptli, whereon aro erected a stable Also, another certain lot of ground situate In the town aforesaid, being lot nnmber 2 In block 7, adjoining lot nnmber 1 aforesaid on tho west, Kail road street on the north, lot number X in sarao block on the east and Market street on the south, contain ing 25 feet In front and lfi0 feet in depth, whereon are erected wagon shed. Also, another certain lot of ground, being lot number J tn block nnmber TR, adjoining lot number 2 aforesaid on the west Hailroad street on the north, lot number 4 in snme block on the east and Market street on the south, containing 2i feet In front and 1 50 feet in dopth. whereon Is erected a brewery, cte Boiicd, taken in execution, and to bo sold ao the property of Lydia . Philips. ALSO: All that certain lot orgmnnd, situate tn the borough of Northumberland, county and State aforesaid, Iwinndcd on the north hy an alley, on tho oast by lot 182. on the south by Queen street, and on tho west hy lot number lo4, containing In width 41 feet nnd iii depth 210 feet, being lot number 1A3 in tho gener al plan of said norongh, on which is erected a two story frnmo dwelling liouso, a frnmo stablo, fruit trees, ete. He i red. taken in execution, and to be sold as tho property of William Elliott, AUm r of Jacob Bloom, decensed. ALSO: By a writ of Ley. Facias. The Pnnbury Cannl and Water Power, sitnate In nnd adjoining tho borongh of Punburr, county nnd Stnto aforesaid, with tho appnrtcnanccs, together with tho corpornto rights and franchices of tho Sunbnry Canal and Water Power Company. Seised, taken in execution, and to bo sold as tho property of the Suubury Cancl and Water Power Company. DAVID WALDKON. Sheriff Sheriff's Office. Sunbury, Feb. 20, 1802. BA-ILiTIIVrOE LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A REFUGE FROM QUACK EKY. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CUKE CAW HE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSTON has discovered tho most Certain, Speedy and ouly Effectual Remedy in tho World for all Private Iiisensca, Weakness of thclinck or Limbs, Strictures, A Hoot ions of the Kidney ami Ulmhlcr, Involuntary Discharges, Iinpotoncy, Ocne rnl Debility, Nervousness, lyspcisy, Languor. Low Spirits. Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart. Timidity. Tremblings. Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disoasd of tho Head. Throat, Nose or skin. Affections of the Liver, Lungs. Stomnch or Dowels those Terri bio Disorders arising from tho Solitary Habits of Youth those secret und solitary practices more futnl to their victims than tho song of Syrens to tho Mn rincrs of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering innrriago, Ac., impossi ble. Especially, who have beeoino Ilia victims of Solitnry Vive, that dreadful and dcslructivo habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of 1 oung Men ot the most exulted tulents ami br:llianl intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listen ing Senates with the thunders of eloquence or wnked to eestuty tho living lyre, may call with full con fidence. .liARRIACii:. Murrietl PcMons, or Young Men eontomplnling marriage, being invfirc of physical wenkness, organic debility, deformities, Ac.. Speedily cured. Ho who place himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor ns a gentleninu, and confidently rely upon his skill ns a Physician. OK4.'ASl4J M i: lia.Mfl Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. Ibis Distressing Affection which renders Life ini-erablc and niarringo iinposMhlo is tho penalty ptijd by Ihe victims of improper indulgences. Young jierson aro too apt to commit excesses from not being awnrc of the dreadful consequence that may ensue Now. who that understands the subject will pretend lo deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those fulling into improper habits than by the prudent i Besides being deprived tho pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The svstcm becomes Deranged, tho Physical and Mental Func tions Weakened, Loss of Proereative Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspciissa, Paliiitntion uf tho Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, n Wasting of iuc l ruine, Lough, Consumption, Decay aud JJcalh. Olltcc. o. ? South IVt-dcrlcU (afreet Left hnnd sM.i going from Ihilliinorc street, a few doors trom the corner, iau not to observe name nnd number. Letters must bo paid ond eontniu a stamp. Tlio uocior a x'ipiomiis nnug in nisouice. tciiti: 'iv.iKKA.vri;!' i. two DAVS. Ao Mtrerry or A'uirsroKt JJrHgt. 1K. .l(MISTn. Member of the Royal Collcgo of Surgeons. London, Graduate from one of the must eminent Collcires in fhe United States, and the greater pnrt of whose lifo has been stient tn the hospitals ot London, runs Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected somo of the most astonishing cures that were ever known : many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being nlnrniod at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, weru curcl immeiliatclv- TAKIj l.IKTKi'I,ilIt NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who havo injured them selves by improper indulgence ami soliturv habits, which ruiu hoik body and mind, unfitting them for either business, sludv, societv or marriiij'e. 'J iir.sr. are some of the and and melancholy effects produced by early hubils of youth, vis: Weakness of Ihe Hark and Limbs, Pains in the llcud. Dimnecs of Sight. Loss of Muscular Power. Pnlpitiilion of the Heart. Dyspi'p-,y. Nervous irritubilitv. I'eriingeuient 1 the Uigexiivo r unctions, lienernl iXbilily, Symii- toms ol Loiisuuiiition. Ac. Mkstai.i.v. The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, t'onfusion of lilaas. lepresion ol .-pirits. f.vil-rorelsHlniit. Aver- sum to SH:icly. Selt-Dtrust. Love ot Nialude, mi let try. ao are somcot tlio evils pro-luccd. 1 hoi sands ol persons ol miners can now jiul what is tho cause of their declining health, losing Ilieir vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appcurunco about tho yes, cougn ana symptoms ot coiisumpttou. Who have Injured themselves by a certain practice iudulged iu when alone, a habit frequently learned from eTll companions, or ut school, the effects of which aro nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders uiarriago imrMihlc, and destroys boih miud and body, should apply immediately. vi nat a pity that a vouur man, the novo of Ins country, the darling of his parents, should he snatched Iroiu all iirusnects n ml eiinviuenls ot lile, by the consequence of deviatlnir. trom the bath of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such pvrsuus a t- sT, beloro coulemtiliitini; .ii.iiiciA;i:. rellcet that a sound mind and body aro tho most necessary requisites to promote couuubial happiness, ludced without these, the journey through life be-eoine- a weary pilgrimage ; tho prospect hourly ilniRens to me view, tuu iiiinu ueoouies suauowea with despair and rilled with the melancholy rurlco- Hon ttiui mo nappiueas oi aooiocr becomes uiguica with our own iii:akk of imphi ii:. k. When tho misguided aud imnrudent votary uf pleasure finds that he has imbibed Ihe sects of this JiiIul disease, it loo oiien niippens mai an nitiiueu sense of shnuie. or dread uf discovery, deters biin from applying tu those who, from education and respectability, can eloue befriend hiui, deluyii'K till Ibe constilutioual symptoms of this horrid disease luako tbeir appearance, sueb as ulcerated aire throat, diseased urn, nneturnal pains iu Ihe bead and Inula, dimness uf sight, deafness, swdus on tho shiu bonesuid aruis, blotches oil Ibu head, faee aud extremities, progressing lib Itiulitlnl rapidity, till al laal Ihe palate uf Ibe sauulh or Ibe bouee of Ihe mew full ia, and Ihe victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid bbjeelul eoiuuiineralmu. till death uts a Mrio4 to nts ureaulul suueriugs, by sending Im t "ii i iinwcuvervu Couutiy irout abcuce bu Irs v '.'Me resurus. It is awuMcAofy furl that thousands full victims tu Ibis terrible disease, uaiu'tuUie uukilllulueat luiioraut pretenders, w ho. by ihu use of Ibat .o.y j'i, jurscMty. ruiu mo eoasutuiioa ami make IE ' i . .... ..... . Ike residue ui life muoarable. h i UlAlslMtN Tru.l uol your livus. or buiilih. Iu the eare uf Ihe many l iilvarued sad Horthlrjei Preluudere, dialiluie id kuueledir. bauie ur ekaraoler, wuu eoi.y Dr Jubuslou advcrllseuicuu, ur sile IbcuiwWe, III Ibe uew.psi.ers, leaulatly i.lucalr.1 rbtslcuus. Iii. aiable uf t'uiiug, Ikry keep you Irifliug luoutk allei uiuulk laklug Ibcir tllby aud uuuus uiu luaU. tar as Lm as Ihesutalltst mi ran be ubiamed. s"l u despair, Uae )oi witk iuuiv4 kteitkteeigk ukur your ifaiuug uu4j ioiiiiiueiti It JubiukiM u lb ouly Physician adverlUIng llis en leulialiar dll b-uu alwets kaug iabuutA. Ilia ikiuidkusix Ueeteiuiuil, aie Ufckuuau Vu all ulbt re, pieuued fruw die i ul la Ike area koe piultul kuiupe, tbe trs la Ike sutiklt au I a luoie siwite fowl, "iiMte tbau Ut) utb. l'b).i ia the w.rild. iimukui: i'o'i in: ruium, Ike sMby Ikwueaos sim4 at Ibis Uuiiiuimu ycaf klur yaws, aud Ike auui.iuu luipmlabl uiau:ei llpalelluus piow.d f lr J.eiiwt.4i lliuus4 u)r Ike eisle4e el tut ' ,' "t llnf, skauy elbl papers. s.lue u wkkk ki e e,'paik4 aslesw a4 eau feluie lUe pw lilts, taMdee kis tletodi illeuaa u ekeraUf auj t4iiub4Uiy, 11 sunM.i.i.1 iiuAiaMiee im ihe sirM.i.i 4 I Ul.ll, rMx Biuief ekiHiU ke pwu.Us 1st eUseatiof uieei ftuwaw tmtuututm, ut use BMtw ituj msaes JUIIH H. JOIIWIO, N. I. "I ike ttellievse Lmk UwyOol eWitavej. U t iui il. si -y SI.'IHK.IA IX IIVOItt'K. .Vorttisinibcrlnntl County, . Tho Commonwealth of Pennsyliia to tho Sheriff I'l i" ,.min; ,i n'ow'tg t WnrnKAs. Hnruh Sutberlnml rry ber next friend Wm. Orarly, did on tb l'mrth day of Annual, A. D. 1US2, prefer her perltjon to the Hoe. Alexander .lor- dan, President Judge of out Court of Common Pleas, for the said County Northumberlandj praying for the causes therein set forth, thai she night be divorced from tho Bonds of Matrimony entered Into with you John Sutherland. We do thefofore commind yo M beforo wo did. the said John Sutherland, that setting aside all other business and excuses whatsoever, yon bo and appear in your proper person beforo our Judges al Sunbury, nt a Court of Common Pleas, then to be held for tho said county of Northumberland, on tho second Mon day of March next, inf answer a petition or libel of the said Sarah Sutherland, and shewenuso if any you havo. why the said Sarah Sutherland, your wlfa, abould not he divorced from tho Bonds of Matrimony airreahly to the Act ot lienernl Assembly In such easo made and provided, anil hereof fail not. Vt ilivjs tho lion. Alex. .Ionian. lTesident or our said Court at Sunbury. the 21st, dar nf January, A D. IStW. DANIEL 1IECKLEY, Prcs't. Suubury, Feb. 11, IbD.'I. 4t lwort. 1NU3. rillLADELrniA TAPER HAXGIXtlS. sivi:i.l. V IUI Mi.K, Cor. Fourth & Market Streets, Philadelphia, havo now in stock, a fino variety of lVnll BiiM-rie, got up expressly fir their Spring Trndo. WINDOW PAPER OF EVERY GRADE, to which they Invito the attention of Storekeepers. E sfMn their Retail Department, will be found tho choicest stylos of tha season. Philadelphia, Feb. 14, 18t3, 3m w LIST OF LETTERS Itomitiiiinsr in tltt Ntinbiiry fostt- Oflico, I'oltfiinry M, LADIES LIST. 5IL Johanna Costley, Mrs. Charloflo Dillmnn, " Mary redilarz " Jsnac itonsar, " Susan M. Muiao, 2 " Sophia J. Wise, " Sarah A. Slillcr, " John Weaver, " Johnnnh Mnlick, " Sarah Shroyer, GENTLEMEN'S LIST. ,T. B. Adnmson, John H. Dewccs, Wm. Citnrad, John Harper, John I loners, B. Kemercr, Daniol Long, Jaeob Mnlick, Reuben Mack, Leonurd Nicdie, J. W. Roseberry, Aaron Stevens, John U. Straw. Daniel K. Snyder, Abuer Thurp, Wm. Clemen, Alfred Fik. Wm. P. Herman, Gcriiin Jarda, O. KiSiball, 2 Jacob Long, Solomon Mart. James K. McBritlc, Isaac niche. Ephruim Rakord, Jacob D- Snyder, Charles A. Sprntt, Jacob Snvder, John J. Vnniant. GEO. M. RENN, P. M. Pnnbnrr, Feb. 21. IMS. Aiitlitor'M !! Wm. If. Muench. Adm'r.. Ac. of 1 In the Court of Martin Weaver, deceased, for the use of Cnlharino Wcnwr. widow i t Common Pleas of Northii tuber land cottntv. Ex. D., Fi. Fa. No. fill January Term, 180.1. of Ihcsnid Martin Weaver, dee d, vs. William L. Dcwart. The undersigned Auditor f ppc.iiitod by the Court of Common Tleas of Northumberland county, nforc- s.iiil. lo distribute the proceeds of sale of defendants real estate sold bv virtue el (lie utiove stated writ ct Fieri Facias No. 50, January Term, A. D. U1C.1, will meet all persons interested therein, at his office in tho borough of Smilmry. 111., upon Monday tlio second day uf Murch A. D.' lotl:i. ut V o'ebu A.' M. SAM'L. J. PACKER. Auditor. Suubury. Feb. II, lsC3. AutlltOrN ot!oc. Estnto of Absalom Conrad, deceased. Tho auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Nortbiimlierlaiid county, to nudit tho exceptions tiled the aecount of Henry T. Shipo. Executor. Ao., of Absolnm Conrad, deceased, and. to restate the said account, will attend to thoiluties of said appninlment nt his office in tho Iwironh of Sunbury, Pa., on Sal nrdnythe 2-lh day of February. Inst.. at II o'cliH-k A. M.. when and whero all parlies interested ure requested to attend. e SAMUEL J. PACKER, Auditor. Sunbury. Feh. 11. lil:t Atlmitilf r:ttr iolU't. TOTICE Is hereby given that letters of admiuis trillion having been granted to the subscriber, ou the ettato nf Nicholas Lnmberson. late of Rush town.-hip, Northiiinberland county. Pa.. ducenS'Hl. All pcrsins indebted lo said estate are reifuestcd lo make immediate payment, nnd tbosu having olalms to prcsetit them duly stttheiiitcatiil for settlement. ftl.tSl hB LAJIIUMiMM, Adiu Inx Rush twp., Feb. l i, Ihti.'l. tit '1'Itc .ll:if;it: 'I'iitte Observer, THE PERFECTION OF MECHANISM BEI.Vd a hunting nnd open face, or lady's or gen tleman's wnlcb combined. Ono ol the prettiest, inuvt convenient, and decided ly tho best and cheapest timepiece for general and reliable use ever offered. It Las within it and Con nected w ith Its machinery, Its own winding attach ment, rendering a key entirely nnnecrssary. 'iho cases of this Watch arc comHscil of two metals, the outer one being ftno lOenrut gold. It has the im proved ruby action lover movement, mid is warrant ed au accurate time piece Price, superbly engraved, per case of a half doacn. '44.u0. 6 on pie atehes. in nent murocco boxes, for those proposing to buy at wholesale, c'.'t.i. sent by express, with bill payabluou delivery. Soldiers must remit payment in aiUatu'c, as wu cannot collect front thoe in Ibe Army. Address HUIiliAKD BROS. A CO . soi.e Imi-uiitkhs, Con. Nassai; i Joit.s Sis., New-Youk. January 17, loM. liw IIO sVAKIk AWSOCI 'I IOA, PHIT.ADELrillA. For the Relief of Ihe Sick and Distressed, aillicled with Yiruler.t and Chrotiio Diseases, and especially for the cure of Diseases of Ihe Sexual Organs MEDICAL ADVICFgivcu gratis, by the acting Surgeon. VALi'ARLE REPORTS ou spormntnnhoca or Sciniiial Wcukucss, nnd o'tter Dis'vses of the Sexual Orguiis. and on the JIEW KK.MEDIKS en ployed in the Dispensary, scut tu the nltticted in sealed letter tuvclopcs. Treu of charge. Two or three tuliilis for postage will be acceptable. Address. Kit. .1. SM1.1.IN mil UIITO.N, Acting irgcou. il.iw;rd Association, No. 2 South NiutU 'lreel, Philadelphia. Pa. January .1. Imi.i -ly SoTii'i! Vl.L persona knowing themselves to bo Indebted lo Frilimr A LirauU either ou note ur kn it account, w ill pkaso euil and settle ou or before ibe 1st ituy ot .Murcli next, and sa e ;its. I 1, 1 1.1. N U11.I.M. Suubury. January 21, ImKI. JEl. PISHER, Appuintcil this day sole Agent at SL'XBl'R V, for the sales of iii:vvooi'n lan'A ii:kiia Thrso TENS are Wsrrauleil not to Cormle. anl are sujierier to any other Pen ever kv(Vru ottered, will last equul lo irobl. ami will eonviMee tlie best Jiilj. pf peuuiaiisbii. Priea S7i per bien. M per Kr..jd. JIA". A.VIM'.A. rtrfelil or IlKVWOoll. SOI Coales street, Philadelphia. January SI. Isa::. .Im 03 odAn5uar aUl llruudnu), elork. 't'All'rrS 1'K VL'TrK." Phototrrnphs. Iaa:urr- reniypi. 4c.. taken lu lhebcl style ot Iho Art. lauuury J, Inc. I. 'I'u 'ra S'iIiVim r r!-uili arm, 4 p.i:m:i:i-M) ukxti.I'M ix b;m u-cu re. I kloied to bealtll ill a few ila v.. after ui..l, i .iin J all the Urnal rouliliu and llie'-ul..r eipeiuivc u..i.- uf liealUicut, ftiihoul ticcias. .-. i i.. t It bisncie. duly to eoiniuiiiiiciiu tu b: uflle-ted I. Mow eieadiris Ihe HKI" ur l I I.V Iii toe, ou ibi loeeiii .f eu addlsjisvd tuvelope, be tai l a I (lie,) ttj uf Ibe JiiuMiiipliou used, lined to 1U. J"ll X M. U.VIi.A.ll U. Ir.tt r'ultou sueei, tlrstklit, N. V. January 51, 1' J hluls ol' Ihr IIiiuU r orlliuuiLci-e IunU, IVbruurt Slb, iKoa. Ar. fi. I..uina an. I Hills dlwnubusl . rriili.'ie I uUe.1 niaue Mint, I Ullid ."tat. a II p. nut . PvuusyUaiiU, a same, tl 14 ' . KuflkuuiberlatMi llauk IMuk, inker iuk, Heal kS'Sl i'. I'Ue b wiluS llliks. . . .Vut. eu. I kr. k uf ulktl Cakks, . Dpeule M Veull, .H iu it hm;1 ef : i laJlie l 1. 1. u unit a Moles la elreulelioA,, . lyee mII.. lUuka, , . w I u44iim. ewlfk, Isspmilisrs, (Ml kyMI "l eerilfe Ike eJUrte tisiUiecM U We jwse ke4 t"t W Ua kest U kswobd,. suj I I.. I ' J U l UllslLkr, CesUee Vwusa e1 ewkteiitsKl Uf re ie I J fyasa keuty fvedw ftbtttesl I. tVesi 1 1 ' ?I ft oo .a ll 11 si ;iu it Id i'iki ml ; Kt I a i 14 a ok el 14i, i : i .1 i .m:w acitti:Ar i.aabm ion fSAI.R, ALSO, GARDEN OR FRUIT FARMS. Suitable for Grapes. Teaches, Pears, Raspberries. Strawberries, Blackberries, currants, Ac, of 1.21, 5. 10 or 20 acres each, at Iho following prices for the S resent, vl..: 20 acres for tW. lo acres for $110, acres for fflO, 2i acres for 10, 1 acre for $ 20. Payable by one dollar a week. AIo ttiiod Cranbojry lands, and tillage lota In CllkTVi tail), 25 by 100 feet, at f 01 each, payable by ono dollar a week. The above land and farms, aro situated at Chelwood, Washington Jownsnip, Bnrlington County, New Jersey. For further in formation, apply, with a P. 0. Stump, for a circular, tu It. FRANKLIN CLARK, No. 0ft Cedar Street, New York, N. Y' Jammry 24, 1803. ly To 4'onHiinilivH. THE Advertiser, having been restored t health In a few reeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suflored several years with a ocvero lung nf fectioii, and that droiul disoaso. Consumption is anx ious lo make known to but fellow-sutlers tho means of cure. To all who desire It, ho will lend a copy or the prescription ned (frnoof charge), with the directions .or preparing nnd using fhe samo, which they trill find a Sri!E Crnr for CoxstMPTio. Asthma. Bnoit- rniTia, Ac Tho only object of the Advertiser in sending the Prescription Is to benefit the afflicted, and spread Information which lie conceive to he invalua ble, an. I ho hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as il will cost lliem nothing, and may prove a bless ing. Parties wishinf tho prescription will plcoso ad dress Ruv. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Deo. 20, 182. 3m Kings Coun ty.Now York. ' i .a it lii 's i -mo t a a lm:k v. CiU BROADWAY, Corner of Hlocokcr Street, ISTEW "STORK, "CARTES I) E VISITE," rboloirraphs. Daguerreotypes, Ao. Under the per sonalTrltcntion of M. A. ROUT. J-inutiry 3, 180.1. Ilcliogrnpbio Artist. JACOB O- BECK, MERCHANT TAILOR, Msirkvt Klrfff, siftirly opposite lite kCail Soud lt'iwlt STJNBTTB"?, r -A. - , TNFtlRMStho eittxens of Sunbury nnd vicinity, thnt ho has just rcturucd from Philadelphia with a full nsaortiucut of IMM, A.I AVIATKU .OOIS, OF EVKRY DESCRIPTION AND QUALITY. His stock consists of Cloths. French Cloths, Black Doe Skin and Fancy CnsMinercs, Black Satin. Figured Silks. Plain and Fancy Cassimcre YESTINf IS. which ho will make up to order iu styles to suit tho ttulo of customers, on fehort notico, and tho moat rcasonablu terms. Any Goods not on hnnd, will be furnished from Philadelphia. Iiy clving two days' notico. tloods furnished by customers w ill be mado up lo order as hercb.foro. As bu will employ nope but experienced workmen, persons may rely on getting their woik ws.ll dono nt his shop. Tknnkfui for the pntromige heretofore bestowed, he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. Suiiliury. October -1, lrit2. lUivkiin nnnil Jllowtiisiburg' Kail ro:ttl. ON nnd ftftef November IT, IS02, raiiengcr I'ruins will run ns follows : MOVING SOUTH. Leave Pcranton. 8.00 A. M. " Kinirston. 0 20 10.15 A. M 11.40 P.M. " Rupert, 11.30 " Danville. 12. 05 Arrivont Northuinhrland, 12.t" P. SI. JKiVINtl NORTH. Leavo Norihumlterliuid, 5.20 P. M. Danville, .0l , Rupert, oil.1) " Kiugton, 8. IS Lenvc, 1.45 P. M. Arrive at Seranton, 10.00 P. M. 3.40 A Passenger Tr:;in nlsn leav.s Kingston nt R.OO A. 31.. for Seranton, to connect with a train for New York. Returning, leaves Seranton on arrivul of train from New York, at 4. IS P. M. 'ihe LiM-kawannn A Rloonishurg ltailrond connects with the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail road at Serr.nloii, fur New York and iutcmicdintu Twlllts eii-t. At Rupert it connects with tho Caltnwia Rnll road. for points loth out ao4 wuM arm in at Phil adelphia at O.l.'i P, 31. Al OrillUlUOCriKIUl ll UPimiMn mihi.uv i una... r nhia A, Erio RailruaU and Northern Central Rail- ruud, for points west ami south l's-seiiguis arriving at llarrisburg 4.0U I . .1 ; t niiiuicii uia iu y. .u.j and Baltimore 10.20 P. SI. I Tho Freight aud Passengers train north. leaves; Nnniiiimlivrlnmtnl .4 A m , anu arrives at i SI., passing Dnnvillu at rt.W P. SI. J"ll. l . n.ri.r.&, nup i. 3. C. Wells, Ooucrul Ticket Ageut. Nov. 2U, JU. Economy is Wealth n nt: yi si 4'i dii win ia ct. ThoUlTaud CHKAPKST Household UEiUOlY in tho Worl l. ftuinmc aimh: iis'rE:its GREAT C0K.H REMEDY Mauaub ZAKOC Poll TEit'S Curative I!al.-am U warranted if ued ac eordiiij; to the direitioi,-, to cure in all ea.-es Coubs, tol ls. Whooping Couli, Aeihin.i, nod all iiflV'ctiniis ol the Throat nud Lungs Madame Zadoc Porter's 1:m1hiii is prepared eilli all ihe rcpin-iio care and skill, from a combination of tbe fc.'-t r. nicdii's I lie veeluble king'loin at! or. Is its ,c medial ipial..ies are based o:. :t.-Mwerto assist the healthy und vii rious cireulalioii of the Id. bl.H'd. lino' liiu Ltinirs. It is not a violent remedy, but eni'iliuit wanning, scurcbiu'? end etl.'etic; can be taken ly thn oiiiei S5K'F8V iwrs..u or vounrfesl "PvbW MaJauv Za.li i 5jsSf l-.ifS Balsa tu has been il untfest el.Uil. .urier s in use by flic public lor over I years aud has aeiuin.i il pre senl sale simply by being recommended by those who have used it to their aillicled friends nndotheis Most luiMiaiANT .Madame Zailiai Porter's Cura tive lb!sniuis sold at a price which brini it in ihe reach of eery one lo keep it vouveuienl for use. 'i'lie timely uw ot a sii.lu bolllu will prove to ke worib lUII tillM". i.BCIll. NoTH'K Sy your Money ! I'onot be persua ded to purchase in tides at 4s to " I which do uol eon lain the irlucof a I -'I cent llotlleof Madmuu P t ler's turalive liaaiu, the. cost of loanul'aoluriiis; whi. li is as treal a that cl aliu.xl any other mill cine; and tbe wry low price at which it Is sold, makes Ibe profit to tho si ller apparently small, aud lint liuciplcd dealers will siu. limia reenmuieud oihcr mcdi. iiieson which Ibeir prohts are larger, ui'. levs Iho eu-l.'iuers lutist u)miii liM.ii. lai.uuie Por ters and none oilier. A.k .r Madame IVrlcr's Cu rative IIiiImiiii. pri:c IM i'e:il, and in laie tudllee al i'j ceiils and lake no ulber 11 you cannot get il al one wu.re yoii. au al another. Sld bv all l'rn.-i.'l.n and Klori.keriers at I J els , und iu li.lgir boitle. al 2j els. II Al.l. .i 111 I KKI., Pro;.rinl,,rs. January Kl, l-uij. ly .Now toik. ATTEN TION DEALEHS ! 4 ,M'l N'('l:S tosll whetrlo Iu Hulibury, thai be baa Juai pun.uaed a ,U4.j: kl Ui lt t' Mt'll tkielVs'f i'l X K W O 0 O I) S, W hi. Il he o .''.ire al bis ol I .laud Ler Cutcf l's Uol. awl iu. u Market (xpt-.K, s.ry CIIKM nu CAU l( If fhul Will tod do, jul M wh.sp f. col vnn i it i i li.. His etiaik eusuieis uf a Iwce aalutul uf iivi" iiiM.r i t I',. ll"ljs. (cur. srAbf. I' AST". .. , ,r.-H HKIMlfsl. llAHl'W iUri. Wl kk.n'Abf, ul uUl MUelae ailuMikif lot) kuiusiwue l asm. Iwu OAX.TANn AUU. "ht-luiy, Jeiiuesy .1, lejn ilMON P. WOLVKUION. I ftttvst 'l l4Lwst svi4 Mt.,4 ivsl.. UMe-te4 W 1 II 1 JUST OPENED! E. Y. BRIGHT & SON, T NV1TE tho curly attention of cnsh pur- chasers to their choice, vniiod nrnl exlfti hIto swaortmcnt of FJiKSIt WINTKU OOOIS mliiflt, they oiler nt ixuflouablo prices. Out stock embraces) A foil line of llamlswna Dress Goods, A nice lot of PonieptVy Dry Goods, A choico (Supply of fin tYTilte Good, A great variety of Boots imd Slinw, A large stock of Qttccns nnd Crmfware, A very estensivo lot of Hardware-, Hots nnd Cop9 nnd Ready Made CIoiTiSnej, Groceries of nil kinds, fresh nnd pure, Drugs Pnmts Claps nnd Oils. WE INVITE particular trttcnlion to the following lino of Uoods, suititbl for Holiday Prc.-ents. Real Heavy Blanket Shawls, French Blanket and Biot ho Shawl, lloo.scry for Ladies, Oents nnd Chililrvn, Ladies Gloves in great Sundance, A eomplffter stock of Gents-(ilovcs, Fancy Shirting and Opera Flannels, Assorted colors Balmoral Kkirtsr Skeleton Skirts in great Variety, Zephyr Opera Caps nnd XubiiWj. Fine Sable Furs nnd Aluflrf, Fino White Linen Handkerchiefs, Colored border Cambric Handkerchiefs, Real Bandanna Pilk Handkerchiefs, Gents Silk Xeck Tics nnd Cruvalts, Fine needle worked Collars, Super Black Love Veils, Silk Tissues of assorted Shades, Ribbons, Laces, Edgings und Rufllings, Fine Black Mohair Cups, Shawl Pins nnd Scarf Pins, Fcrfumcry, Pomades nnd Soaps, Buck Purses aud fancy Port Monaics, First rate Skates, ready stropped, Isice Hair Brushes nnd Pocket Combs, Extra good Penknives nnd Scissors, Childrens Gum Gilded Combs, &c, &c, iS:c. Sunburv, Dec. 20, 1803. AYER'S Are curlB!( the Sick to an extent never before known ?f ny medicine. INVALIDS, READ AND JUDGE FOR TODRSELTES JCLKS HAtTKI., F.iq., lbs well known perrunisr, a. Chestnut (street, Philadelphia, wlioe choice products are found at almost ever) toilet, says : I am hsnnv in sav of vonr Cathartic Tills, Hist I have found them a better family incdii-ine, for cuiiiniwi use, than any other wiihin my know leilpe. Many of my friends have realized marked bene tils fioin lliem, slot ro. lucide w ith mein Mievint that Hii-y pnaesseinaonlinaiy virtues for drivinf mil disesscs anil curing Ibe sick. They are not only effectual, but sale and pleasant lo lie taken qualities which must tusks tlirm valued by the public when they are known." The venerable Chancellor WA1IDLAW writss from nl iimore. Join April, l.i4: "lis. J. V. Art Pir: I have taken visir Pills with ersai tienefii, for the listlessness, lancuor, loss of apatite and Bilious licmlaclis, which has of lore ynars overtaken nie in ihe serine. A few flosss of your i'llls cured me. I have used your Cherry I'ei torsi many ears iu my laniily forriHiehs'and eobls'witli iinfsiliit'sticcess. You uiake medicines which cars rami I feel it a plcnure to cummeial you for the good you have done and are iloitu;." JOHN F. BEATC'Y, E..,Sec. of the Ttnn. Railroad Co, ' Pa. R. R. Ojfirt, PhilaJriphiil, Drr. 13, If.'S. M Pir : I take pleasure in aililiug my testimony to ibe efficacy of your medicines, having derived very liuiteria ; benefit fr.au tbe use of U.tli your I'ertnnil and Cnlliarlit Pills. I am never w iilinui them in my lamily, nor t.hall ever ronseiil lo be, while my means will procure ibsm. , Tbe wt'lelv renowned P. S. 8TF.VE.NS, M. D., ef Went- wottli, X. If., writes: I ' llnvii u-ed your Cathabtic Pii.l In my practlre, I i eertiiy from exienens that they are an iu.alualile pnrca live. In cases of disordered liiiirlions of the liver, i-ailMtig liradarhe, iiulise-lion, ruetiveiieiifs ami Uie (real vaiirty of diseases llial lollew, liny are a win remedy than a. nther. In all cases where a parsalive renie.ly w reiiiiiu.l, . I rolifidentlv reicniilu u.l these' Pii's In Ihe public, aa . stifierii r lo any oilier I have ever to '.id. They arc sure in their operaiioii, and (lerl'erity safe .qualities whiili niakelhcin an invaluable arlirle for public use. I lia.e ir many years know n your Ckrrni Prelral tlie Iwst VhicIi medicine in Ihe world ! and these Pills are In no w ise interior in that admirable preparation lur the treat ment of diseases." ' jlrtvia, Jl's., A"e. SB, 1S53. "fis. J. C. Aria Drsrfriri 1 have been altlieieil from my birth w ith scrofula in its worst f..rm, and now. after iw'cniy yean. trial, sad an untold of amount ol sullenm;, nave been eompi'ietj rami in iew ..n-- j. With what leelii.r. of rslnlcint I write fan only lie iioa;ined when you realize what 1 liave sulfered, and how Ions. " Never until now liave I been free from this loaitosnue disease ia some shape. At limes il sllacked my e. ei., and aiads me almost blind, besides tlie unendurable pain : al others it settled In the scalp id' my bead, and ilelriiyed my hair, and has kept me partly bald all my ds j Koniriimts It rams out in m fare, and ke il lor months a raw Alioul nine week BK.O 1 coumielieed Ukius olir Cd tbsitir Pilli., lili-l imu ulu entirely live lioui llm i i.iiipiaiut. My ryes are well, my skin is lair, and my hair ban com menced a healthy growth; all ol ulii,-ii makes me leel alrendy a new person. ' Hopini ttiis siaieineiit maybe Ihe means nf conveyine information thai shall do giH'd'ui others, I am, Willi evrijr seiiliiuent ol fiatitiide, lours, k Ji aii'I a HICK Kit. 11 1 hivf known tl: bff tiiiii Un Hu Ler frt-m Iter cliiltliHaiNl. aiisi Iter fai-ii(iit i r i ic 1 1 line. AMiU.W J. MUKaVR, Ovc rrcer nf 1)10 Pt rtMiitMiih laiiiiUrtiirni; l':n Crr. JOFI. I'H ATr, of Hie klnp MarM-n, vi ritf In in Btrfloit, VMh Aifil, IK;Vt) : ViHir Pill hav ruiril ni fmni Im I it tin uttnrk Mth in fain tiersti.eiiiiii i f ih Livtr. !. li tid bft'tmt very Mrsui. 1 In 1 let! ul any rvlwf Iiy Hty l'ti)utaiu I ana lnni every miifiiy I ffntlil try t isut a iw tJi. 4 your Pill l.ave nmiltieiy rwhttl me 10 livuliti. 1 live c f litem In my eliildieu I- worni, wtih Hi ( ( UrH. hy were sriHiii)y cunnI. I renU(iiMiili1 iliia . o teni ! et-Miveneaw, htrH Ui 1 11 ? J lnii k ' nuiiuli. ; lie h'U n in a Irw u- ih Und rurrd hmt. 1 Vou nteke Ui bti nidicue iu Ue uiiti 1 aiJ i ui i It My ." I Rva( tliia from the ii.itiituMil ft lirit nf the Hirvt;. . (.ihu., nit.. Wiiliietut bLJmi lottve ma.U Umi fttU krunut lutl uitly iu Una but lite niiiUfit. truictt, AVm OrtfNJ. M ,'fyrtt, I .' 4, 8irt I have frral aii-fi.in.n tn mmuttu yn tti niTH it.J tswil tw tWen r mKk Ih h1 tif , Hiauiutlittet. ,M riirrJ. IHo ,! HIM-, I e Vtr and Hii(,en'ti rcT). I vonr ('Mknav Pr T niLt ' ami 4iit-e Own My.nrl atrff lic.iltlt. My rhii-'f.-n havevevrr.il liiiie htr u rtiel lnni aiiferku! it:e (iillUi. , lira ais4 ntit Uy tu II m m uivnhieitie rvHir-iy r ilre cisUiiii. Vwt rt,ttkTt- I'ti4. Ifsi-e 1 fuel li- Imi a ), -', ai tl ctMslnrn, vtln.U h f tuw n iit"n me fr fw, It.'lfr.i, ifiw- rtirr m WlUill HM'ie It.illtMHIIlt, Is ! 11.4 leal I I Its I lltill IfcltfJ Ml f! uliri in mi tlie I I'iMi w M n 0i risii f II. rHuiiv a4 Mven any ut Ut4 nuntemi rtn e- tfie 1 It -4 latven. .mi tfvm in mi, IWh, like atti1rHral lliaViR te nif fiiHilv, anil )i .in v - M m 1 (h e mt u 1 MKHsiUli Ol It I ""'' !t . I.UM1T Tll.iXTi:U.H J M H. rf, r. Ataa rn: I n. H..l a u$k liiatl i4 ike I 'iimimk I "i--1, UN m t.) . nf kffi.i, ' auU kssm Iseen tuietl !) iu U ihe ur -t'i,.l k I. r. , ,.i, -m aiuiM wiiwii b iuMi! ii Miriit. Ihe 4e (ue4 , mH a tmw teWvettuei. iHvr tea eMiirr I toMMe4 turn 44e. I 11 t Wlei klii iw at katlte MlB LI4, bll it I ttfll'M.i. i IsUt. . Ivtl4 tM ttrtil l'IHfelU flU-. VtlJ M 11 (- -t lrs.trt. I MTU H U. ii. trAU'." The abe ate all Vi ra m4is tn m .ii 1 !' sVIWte Umv ieiJe 4 im 'uil a I - '!. e .is. tenie wttiWMti a (U nUsm IKI o it e Prfr.d by SR. J. C. AYR i CO.. frttUee.1 ui aVtsaljrUa1 CW ssuls, Ue.l Meet, rVUly I't.'li-i I i.iut, sa.1 U A J.Ji.r, n tsuubairy, l'r k B klctVy Nmlua-UiUud J V 1'mU.w, eull' liioee Mil we). J Chi uia, I uiImu uie ll.i.k 4 t j , all leiiu.l a l.ii.. r kbsA.u'4 M I04. BS.kMbo Vita.es hU e iilAae, feeiuiat, A ad lHkie.,iitf)ake l.letl, ! - If Vtl teir--IMs t.- rn, r 4it t-Aiid t r nkkv I't-ikuu klVUi AkU rUUkka Jl'aT lutioi i i IS..W lis Mes.esWleJ'ef at Ik. 14 M 'it I It .' -I rutt-Un V wUkail ...,, W.ssk I ) t r a m m w JUST RECEIVED I I JT. II. ENGEL Ha just returned from Fhilndotphia with SPIiSlTDID otocz 017 Spring & Bummer Goods. I'or Clonal' Vrnf. Cns-iineri'. Vesting. Italian Cloth, Coaling. Llnin Check and CuttouiiJc. t.uli'H War. Cloili, Linen A Lrrjrff ortmcnt of Dress ! floods, iWnck and fancy Bilks. WIV. Tissues, luincy Berages, l?hallcy, I nil Wool Pelancs, Jlo -ambl pio Cocls nt low prices fiik Livcllns. Dehines, Lnwns, (linglmnis and Pi 'nts. A full line of IrMi Linen and White (locals. Slcllu border and Fancy Summer Shawls, Silk and Lace Maulillus, Ac. llciuly JIii'lo Clothing, A good assortment of Huts ami Cup, A largo a.ssorlwcnl ef Boots and .Sboss, A full f tock of U roccrics, Molnsaes and Sugar, Hardware and Building Jlatrrinl, A full slock til Qticca ami C'laocWnro, A full stock of Tith, Salt, Oils nud Whito Lead, A large stock of Xcw "iVull Tafcr, A new atock of Stono and Earthenware, And thousands of articles not enumerated. Usf All tlio above mill be sulJ cheap for Cuah or Country Produce. Sunbury, May 17, 182. 3. II. ESt.EL. ISTOAV OPEN. mammoth fuenituheiwabe nousE. s09 A: bll 4'hcMiiit Street, IMiil'a. (Lato LEVY & CO S Fry Oood Store,) Formerly 524 Walnut Street. Philadclphin, August 50, 18C2. 3in k?.0:. Ai'SClilciiti 1803. oi" .tff Vovk jLJuch. THE CAMfiKX AND AMnOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AN T:VN TitN It. K. CO.'d LIXES. From 1'liHaiidfhi" to K-v Tort- and IlVy Plat, trnm Vi'uiiii't rtrett Wherf and Kniiiugtuii Tsjtnl. it-ill tt in-e nt ultoti't, riz : FArt:. At 6 A. M.. via Camden and Amboy, (C. nr.1 A. A7"oi,iinod'iti'ii.) 52 23 AtllA. SI., via Caiudeuand Jersey City, X. J., Accommodation, 2 25 At K A. M.. via Camden nnd Jersey City, (Mornin; .Mail ) k3 00 At S A.M. via Canute! find Jersey city 2d Class Ticket 2 23 At il A. 31. via Kensington nnd Jersey city, Kvpress 3 fill At 12 SI. via Camden nn l Auiboy, C and A. (Accommodation.) 2 23 At 2 P. SI., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. Kxprcss.) 3 00 At :i P.M.. via. Kensington nnd Jersey City, Wash, and X. V. Kxpicss 3 f" Vt tij P. SI., via Keusiugton nnd Jersey City, (Kvniiii Mail.) 3 00 At 111 P. Si. via Kensington and Jersey city, Smtkern .Mail. 3 I'd Al 1) inbht) via Kensington and Jersey city tNiu'r.tm lv-ipres 3 1)0 At it P. M., ia Ciir..Un and Amboy. (Aecom- I lutioii, l'rci.lit uud Passeii.r, I'ir.st Cla Ticket. 2 23 Second fins. Tl;it. 1 .' 'or. U nor (i ip. Sfroii'lsburg, Seranton, ttilk's barir. Slonlmse. tlreat litn.l. Ac, at A. -M.. from Kensin.'ioi:, via l'clnniirc, Laekawaunti nnd i Western Kaiiroad l or Aimcli fhtn k. Allentmvn. Relblehem, Dehi- I dcre. l.'n-loii. l.anilx'itville. I lcii.ir,;:iim, Ac. ut ( A. SI., liom Keii-imrton Iepvt, und at l!j 1. SI , fioin Walnut .-irc.'t W iiarf. Ilicti A. Si. l.itiu .Tiineels v i'h Trains lcnwu I"..i.-t..n l',.r Mum. li t'hui V, ut :i-i 1. SI.) F,.r .Mount llollv. at li A. SI.. 2 and I I. SI. i I'or 1'itcbold. ui li A. SI. and 2 1'. SI. : ' 1V.n LINKS, j F. r firi-tol. Trinton. Au.. at 11 A. M. and li an 1 5 I. SI flolll Kensiotoli, For l'nlin.via, Ki crtoii, lielanoo. Ilcvcrlv, Tlor liiiton, Fl.irciicc. Iluriliutowu, Ac., at I.', 1, 2, 4t in,. I li l SI. ! ( -v- For N'ew York, and Way Lines leaving Ken i sinl..li lerit. t;ika iho I ..ra on I'inii slrei t. nb' .u I Walnut, half an hour before ib partur.'. The l' I run into ihe liepiit, uiid on tlio ari..al of each Train, run troui il.c li-p,t. Fifty I'ouuds of llazape O'.ly. allowcl ca h p.-i.-s.-ni r. I'u-.-iisiers lU'o prohibited l'r.. in tiiliin'; niijtiiio;; as bH'1141' but their wcarinjnj p il cl. All ! bniKa'c over lii iv mril to be paid ..evlra. 'II. j 1 tVpii.any limit tlu'ir rcsp.u j'bility for l.wrii!.e to ! One l'tiliur p r iuiid. en 1 will l:oi be li il.'.e I. r atiy a&louul bi-Jood Jrilic. evepl by sfn'ial contra l. ii.ii. i:. ...i4....A-av, Ae. ni. u..i i?, r-v;. i II.'.iaIIi.u li'.i-'.l. WINTER ARRASGEniENT- UFA f Till N K LIN T, fi.ni lh- North nr I Vt) Nirth-We.i .- I'l. : 1 u J- i-a. i . . New l'..-n.i-ii.L- l'i.li- illc. 1.' ... i ; d . A'.1- " n. !:!. .n. Ac. i 'liii.n leave li.n ,il.ari t r i'li.ia.'. I i..n, New. , York, lu'.U.. t'o!l.il.,. I.li.i I luUlitt.di'i'o s;w...i . iii i. SI . and I''1 l1 SI. ( N' U Y.'ik. Kx) res-lea.'.'. lluiri.bu- t U la A. Jl . . an i- iu at hi k al id .i lb.- u-.e u n Fi-irt li nn II mi I. in i; : T N. tl I i I' lnd.'l4ii mil tt eu. iMoi;u ciu'k.4 !lri.HL,li. IUicii.ii. . tyave Xow York al 0 A.M.. H - n, i Ni. i s p l. ji'in-l.m, I, t: '. Lvave I bib-' ' I In., i.: a I j A M. .a. I i : i' SI. e.".,u tars in i'.o . etk l'-n s Ttciu-, t.iftrii-i 1-..U..! Ii.im I'Utst.at iil."i .li birr 1 1 1 - i,i'.- '.to i .in ... r: i...a al 6 l. A M . t a I' .i'..u- , ee l si .1 a P. 1 . I k. Slid .l V S l'ol.l'.. 'I i,. I . I. -..., I'..r.-.ll.- .1 SI lur I'li.U-l, i Lo. .il I v . I....i it. ..id I.. n. 1 .-il U. Mod .11 ililel HO lo.l.l , In l'b.la.UlpUia, Na- 015AM. ar. l i U V. x . ik i sou a' u I' .14 . 1.sr Aao.irn i. l ' t I int. i .uiy.r..i.mtui. ; I- r i ..... .. . 1 Ullk Ike I allala ll.il H.a. I , . lUii.iKj; Holy Ilea Im; si S la A. Al . I' l I'.-t-t.lllc .1 i. i.'.'.i . i a o I u ui. Ii ..v, lic.i.ii; .. " . M , i...-i ii. u ftM ft. bus i i -u . ' 1 i hi i AU l:.e k'.-H Usit. ml d. r-.i. i t. l.y Irwin 1 .. l.-' ' I'. t . I' M n : - j a jj I B-..I II. I I. I .'.in. u. 1 1 a 1 ...kl ., l ivlu t r.u. to .. t p..u: .4 fli.i il t N Ii ul I ll 1 1 M'J, I.. i e.. . .1.. I. roll I MI t (l it t I..S M. i la. A.... , r .I-.-. l I l. . -I1 l.v I'.. ..- I... 'a N-ril et.,1. ii- ...'. . " il.it I ' 1 1 ' e.-. ak-t to .l; i " ,( ' -. a-d I m i... w .. .....- , I'll'. I 1 liter A t III i. I j J.I Mll.l.4 I li. I - i. no ill- ,. II l.l ' l l I i.L i . I , 4 A V ill . Ia.HL. I il ilHU. 'I'ill i'llls e. . i i - i - ' . ,, I .-. - ,.' 11 k.-ls.- it.iMs)-"e' e.