Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 07, 1863, Image 4

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Menry W-114 tj-iriipe llonito
Aurora, i. x.
itfttelt interest lias been induced among
prape-rowers In tho new modo of construct
ing vineries, described and recommended
liy William Bright of Philadelphia, in his
recently published work on this sulyect.
."R'ithout wishing to discus tlic merits of
this modo at present, tvtrtliink our render
will be interested in a brief notice of the
very tucce9P('il experiment, nitidis by Henry
Vcllii, Esq., of Aurora, N. Y., under tho
direful niunntnient of Jnmes II. Cruise, his
pirclener. lie 1ms erected Pinull structure,
CiJ by 60 feet, with i curvelineur roof, nnd
jctuyortul cndi, surmounted by ft ventilutlng
typ; the whole forming n nest and benuti
fut building. It contains fllly.vines, now
twenty one months since they were trans
planted into the vinery, nnd having already
ripened, early in summer, ttmny bunches of
t'cellent fruit.
In constructing the house a cellar was
Ct dug and walled, about three feet deep.
A floor was then laid of hard burnt brick,
and brick placed on edge suppoctiug another
brick floor, with ft space til air between the
two, equal to the breudth of the brick sup
porting tho upper one. On this upper fumr
compartments were made of brick, around
tho whole interior, ench compartment for its
vine being 2J feet square, and holding half
a cubic" tird of sail. Next within this row
of compartments, a wall: of lattice pasbfs
around the. houi?. The interior portion is
occupied with grapes in pots, and also with
early vegetables, this space being about 10
feet by 40. A good supply of string beans
were obtained the present season fit for u?o
about the time gardeners usually plant in
open ground. jtJ rapes in pots, four feet
Inch, were loaded with about ten luxuriant
bunches each, tho vines teing tureo years 1
Some beautiful ornamental pirn,! in
placed in tho centre, ndued to the
interior niipenrar.ce cl the grapery. A ci- ,
tem bnicaili furnislica nn abundant supply , ic
of water. Hitelliiig's hot-water apparatus The w-orld-rcnowne. author, ,n this admirable Lee
e . l. .: .1 V .T.Z ,,1 ti,.. ,,!lino,.nt i biro, clearly proves from his own txpciicnce Hint
stnnll grecil-house, consumes about l'-J tons
of coal annually. Duringthc period of most
rapid growth, tarlv in the season, cacli vine
evaporated about two gallons of water each
24 hours. The time required in attendance,
has not exceeded more than one or two
hotiH daily, tha pinching, training", &c,
being done chiefly on rainy day?, when work
could not be performed without doors. The
soil for the brick boxes is a mixture of ma
nure, bone dust, and old decayed animal
matter, u!l iu compost several years. A
lurge share ncds nnnual renewing, and the
labor nndcttre are greater than that required
for ft common vinery ; but for early produc
tiveness and cbundunt supply this far ex
ceeds them..
The vines were planted in November, 1800
and commenced their growth in February
following ; t'.iey nre now stout nnd vigorous
nnd cover the whole interior of the glass.
Eaeh hr.s borne and ripened several line
bunches of grapes the present season. Thc
gardener thinks he can raise a thousand
pounds next year, and the proprietor gave it
as his opinion, that ns a matter of dollars
end cents a good profit might be derived
, 1 ,, . . i. ;
from suc-h n grapery. Ho expects to obtum
nn abundant l;;mi!y supply, laimcclitttely
loilowing early strawbenu;. Uautary Gt'
tleman. Tlic culture t'tlilcorj-.
TTc fintl tho following in the Cwktrg Cert'
f tUn 1tl, ;,,t 4V,t,l o r.,',D-
itwMMii, nit inn juoi., Hum , v.iva- i
pondant, in reply to the inquiry of another i
correspondent, upon the culiivntion ol
Chicory nn article, ns a sulistitnle for
coffee, 'nt this time being much inquired
about. The writer, however, not only gives
the mode of culture but nlso tho wuy to
jireptire it for use.
My experience is confined to raising ft few
bushels annually in the garden fur our own
Chicory belongs to the fumily of Comjoeile,
fir compound Cowers, nr.d bus a milky juice
like the dandelion. It produces its seeds
the second jcttr, yet the root is ptrcnnial,
and even fragments of it live and grow.
The root is white, shaped like a carrot, but
does not grow as large and has many
brnnches cr fibres. The flower sliill.s arc
about four feet high, branched with abun
dant foliage and numerous large blue flow
ers. It is principally cultivated in Germany,
anl used cither ulonc or with other ma
terials, us ti substitute fur coifee. AVc im
port large quantities of it every year, and it
js raised to a considerable extent for market
by German farmers on Long Island. We
wcra informed by a colleo burner in New
York, that one i'tumer i:t liUl raised lit'ty
acres, for which crop when prepared for
market he received eiyht thousand dollars.
The price for the dried root in New-York,
tho past year, bus been eight cents per
pound or even higher.
The seed may be obtained at the principal
coed stoics. It should bo eovin in drills
like .carrots, nnd receive biinilar culture.
The soil should be light and of easy tillage,
nnd the manure well fermented and finely ;
pulverised. The rools may be dug in Oc- j
tobcr, tiie tops furui.-hiiig food for cattle,
though f-'d in excessive quantity to milch I
cows, they aro said to injure tho quality of
the milk." !
WihIi the rnot3 clean, slice in thin pieces, j
dry iu the sun or in a moderate oven, and '
brawn and grind the same at It is j
stronger than the pure collie in equal qtiau-
tilies, gives a goo. I Color to tho tlecodion,
but does ni.t sctthi quite as clear ns the i
penuine article. It is an ingredient in all j
the burnt and ground collie sold in mtirktt.
ilic tliivor is tigreealilu to m nt peror, and
Used as a pur. ml substitute lor the Java it
Uoe3 very well. We leeir.tly trenti'd our
friends with a dUhof colVc e utude of chic ry,
rye, nud wheat bran stirred up with mo-,
1hsm and browned like t lie other ingie- ;
dients. It was pronounced very good, nnd I
nicy wci stnprue I to lcitru taut it coiitum
cd not a particle, of eulVec.
Tho only iil'jectioM we an fmJ n;.aiitft
Its culture hs a firm etow, is that when once
own it is exceedingly ililiicult to get It cut
of the land, and it becomes a w eed. Yt t it
1 csu-eiueu ftoroail ns a Iorajro lilant, nun Is
readily eaten by cattle titlit-r preen or tlrv.
The root is verv solid nnd dec not shrink
Verv badly iu dninjr, so that u rod square
will furnish un abundiitit supply for a family
for a year. T. S. 0.
Kim.iku t'ASAU i iirfTi.K. Jatiiet Sen-
Oil, of tVK'lfkter, N. Y., fclvcs in the .l..i
fu i 'vr titer the) follonlii I, mdo ul' killing
this .vut fu no K-rl; In the piin;; o lodl
I Imunlil a li w u;-ns of htud. That pint t f
it on uhii'.i 1 iuiriiilvd tn make my urhn
and plniit my veetil i, h onw so lull of'
tullOli.l llllstlin that I lliotivbt it Win entire-- I
ly uorlliii.i, Ibil 1 iv-il. id lo H)' vh.t,
tutlliit oi.) I iluj Milut us kt'i'ti n tho I
lhlr.1 le gt oiio or l o Jut .-In- Ioiu I honlj
thf in ihniiit.h tho M linlu 'I his year,
tp Iu the pifM tit dull , not miu !.i-,to" luu
uiipcari'd, Any mis wl.u ulil ihi,
yluu i.f eMiiii.iiii.'luii nuver L.noiu
itiUipUill of tlu i piU.
Ui.iaisM rut) l'i.oiUi..i. - T'Iac oiiu oitnie
(.fwill I'i us.ijii I iuv', f it put i
In iM-dt'n i lilt tat qui. it of li-i.r ruin mi
l r, I a Id nitj i'ui;,r o an h'iih j of m-
kilit rub I. UjjH-ii,i.r.ll it lif!liibl for It
luin-i l,lu.
ttll-l IISU Th f.illi,iiig U said
la I suit' fiuipl (W Ihtf tuC u( 'hupped
UttiU than ni' tiiiU f tlurirk.l
I lit Ihfru ftttt H't'itli of, mul
I'll, lit healing (ilif p IkiMlirMUt fJlS. Apply
l ttv'tl !' HlJuiliJ .ibbt il lU
Simple, Economical, Durable, and Is not Liable to
get out of Oi Jer. ...
The Self-Adjusting Clothes Wringer, Is ctre of the
presto Improvement of Hie nineteenth centnry . nnd
lias only lobe known nnd tried, to come Into goncml
ute. Ihe saving of clothes, iu prcssiug out lliu water
between two rubber rolls, instead ol wringing or
twisting, will (.mount to enough In s short due, to
nay for a maolilne.
Every oao U aware, that lbs twisting or wringing
of clothes, stretches and breaks tho fibres) but this
machine presses them so evenly, that newspaper
thoroughly soaked, can be wrung, without breaking
it in the loasl, and It works so easily, that a child
twelve yonrsold can operate it without trouble. Hot
Tenter docs not Injure the rolls, and woollon goods
enn be wrung out of boiling water to prevont fulling,
which oannot be done by bnd. Is invaluable, especially on largo
articles, such as Ldios' Skirls, o., as it leaves tho
starch in tho clothe perfectly even, ll will wring
the largest bed quilt or the smallest pocket hand,
kerchief, drier lhan can posdbly bo done by hand,
wilhout alteration in loss thnu onc-oigih Ihu time.
The machine is so tiinplo that It is not liable to get
out of repair.
The great improvement in this, every .every oilier
Wrinzintf Machine vet invented, is. i s Boll-Adjust
ing arrangement, requiring no alteration, to wiing a
hnnilkorokicf or bod quilt consequently, tho most ig.
nuiiim servant can uueiuiu u.
Tho ninehino is made cf wood, and so erronged.
that no iron can possibly cento In ouitnet villi tko
clothes, thereby avoiding all danger of injury to the
clothes, by Iron ru?t.
litis is the most simple and cffcclive ClolhosM ring
cr yet Invented. Thoso purchasing can uo Ihcin
two weeks, and if they aro not porlcoily satisfied, re
turn them, and their money will be refunded.
AdilrctM h. K. SNOW. Philadcl ha,
Or II. B. MASSEU, Agent for Nurlhuiubei lund co.
July 5, IM2. ,
How I.okII SIoit CSrHlwrosI!
Just Published, In a Scaled Envelope Trice 6 cents
Leclur" oil tho Nature, treatment and Radical
Jt. of Spcrm"tinrrl'.rrn or S.tniniil eakness. In vol.
urunry i.unssions. nexuai iieuun.v. sur ,uTciuiieoo,
from Self-Abuse. .tc.-Ry ROBERT J.
ci'LVkllWELL, M. D , Author of tho Orctn Book,
awful coiispqucnrcs of SSclf-ahuso may bo ctluctunlly
removed without medicine, and vithout dangerous
' rurgical operations, bough, ins! diluents, rings, or
I cordials, pointing out a modo ofonre at onco Certain
: nnd efirctual. bv which every sufferer, nn matter
what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply
i privately, and radically. This lecture will prove u
I boon to ihnusaiids and thousands.
I . Sent under seal, in a plaiu envelope, to r.r.y ad-
drefs, on tho receipt ot six cents, or two posiige
stamps, by addressing.
.127 Tlowery, New York, Tost Ollice Uox, 4S8d.
Nov. lo, ISfij. ly ,:io
IIas Itr.Tt i!Ni:n with a New Stock or
Coiil'cclEojiarU's, E'ruit nnd Toys.
IT seems as if a, new ago, a new liftf was opening
ujir.n us, animal ing every heart to nobler deeds
nnd higher aims! Art. Literature ami Science will
! glow anew, and seek todevclopo sublimer beauties
1 and gmndcr conception.
! The business world, too. must feel the newinflticnco
I nnd cverv part be quickened and strengthened by an
increased vitality, which shall urge us on w ith elec
tric speed to tho consummation of greater ilungt, limn
was ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past.
Animated by the enthusiasm which pervades all
classes, and desirous of doing his share toward '-Tho
Croat event! ot Ihe Ago," the subserirjrr wouhl re.
spectlullv inform Hie good pcct.lcof fcLMSLlll and
,j10 -bljc K0,l0r!liiy that he has just returned from
the city of l'hila delphia with the largest and choicest
slock of Coiifectionaries, l'ruit and toys, that has
i aver been brought to thisseciion of country. Ho is
also manufactm ing all kinds of Confectionniies, Ac,
t fill up orders, wholesale or retail, at short notice.
Among Lis slock of COXFECl'iOXAUILS may bo
j found :
J'rerch Score!?
Burned Al'mouds,
Gum Drops, allkindssscEt,
Love Drops,
Cream White,. Mint Drops, rcdand nhile,
" Lemon, Jelly inites,
" Koso, Fruit Drops,
" Vauilla, Slick Cinidie!,of allsccnls,
Coremon Socrcu, Itock C indy,
LicUoricc, Ahiioad Cundy,
Bannras, , rruncr-,.
Dales. ligs,
Currants, dried, Raiscns, Xuts of all kinds.
of a superior quality, by iho singlo or doicn.. A
superior itnality of Tobacco and Segars. and u varioly
of Confcclionaries, Fruit, Toys, 4e., all of wLich is
offered cheap nt wholesale uud retail.
I if - Uemeiuber tho namo iit.d place .
Market street, S doors west of E. Y. Uryhl t Son's
Suubury. April 14, 1801. ly
Tho number for January, ISM. begins Ihe Eleventh
Volume ol the Atlantic Monthly.
TTtOM the commencement, in 15.'i7. tho Allnnlio
' "has rapidly increased in circulation, and it now
has the largest' chuts of renders sinoo its beginning,
five yetirs ago. Its pr'perily steadily augment,
nud It continues, ami 1 all Iho llucluiuiorn ami dan
gers incident to our natii mil crisis, to gain giound in
tlic esliinniiuii of Ihe public. At a time hi pregnant
with cventr- which touehtiie I'ultire destinies of Ainer
iea in every the Publishers and lvp.
lors do i (it deem it ncccwiry to prouiiyo that ils
pngis will rever swerve for Iho houest p.illis of loy-il
patriotism nnd universal freedom, lis otiitions have
always been on tlio sido of "Eiberly. Progress and
liihl, nnj Iho course it first a l.ipled in its early
career, will ever be faithfully tnaiatitinedf
The Statf uf Writers, regularly coulr!bulln t tho
Allantic Moiilbly. embraces all Iho best known au
thors in Au.eric in literature, and warrants tho Tub
libbers in prouiisiuglu ils readers,
Which American talent can furnish.
List or I'koi'lau Custrtoi'Tors.
In I'roM) and l'oelry tho "Allnnlio'' Staff of W'rU
ters is nnefi:!illed. 'i he following uuthors arc still the rrgitlarcontiihulurs :
Jauies lir.ssell Leell,
ilenry W. Louglcllow,
Louis Agassis,
Oliver W. Holmes,
John l. Wbitlier,
E. 1. Whirplo,
Jlayard Tajlor,
I liurles E. .Vi.rton,
tlvxirge S. Hilli.rJ,
Ralph Waldo Emerson,
Nathaniel llinvthorue
C. C. llaicwell.
T. W. Hi ';nson.
Aullmr - Miirgrel Uonth
Mrs. Julia W. Ilnwe,
Mrs A. hT WLiu.ey,
.Mi. 11. 11. Slone,
Ilenry tiile
" Malur Mitchell.
Henry T. Tuckcriuan,
John Weiss,
Harriet Mnriinean,
I lie Coiinlry I'arsi'ii,"
I'm ri, I E. 1'rewoli,
J. '1 . Tiowbii.l.-fe,
i'rot'cwor A L) White
t hurtes KeuUo,
llnte 'I'errv.
Jlobcil 1' 'LohcII,
iidwuid Everett,
The forogulug lil of Cmilributors includes. J
fir1 The l.e-.ding Writers of Anioric.i ...TJ
Ti:i:m The Ailuiuie i, for sale Ly all Jlook uud
l'criudie!,! De'tleis. pi i -e Jj eenls a uuihImt. hub.
M-iiplioiu l,r the yenr. jjk.1.0,',, p.iti,gi, ,.iid. Yeaily
uoM-riplions received, or single uuu.bei vuppltvd by
uuy uciiicr. ur tv iiiu puiiiot.
Hi.e. i.i.i n i,ui.,l...r. .em ,.,iu..nn,.ii..ii1, i.. n,u
i 1'uiiii.hers.
Itieeniinls for Mihwi thing. Lisis of i reiiiiuu.i,
lurn:hed en api'lieaiiun lo Ihe I'ul'li. lieu.
I Hi Wuhingloii .Street, llusluu, Mas.
Vox. 80, lbU
Alloriiry uud ('anuwdiir ul I-utv,
OUic, Maiket sirett, t dours west of Iiiot,
ft ' 11.1. Hi-ii. prou-piley lolliDcvlleelk'n uf elaliiil
t I klld all olh, r rofenii.uul bl.iilila iblrutll'd Iu
kieriu Ni.rll uuili. i Ua I aud aJJoiniuj muutivt.
huiil.iuy, .My 3. 1st)..
luiutllublt llnlr lloioinilMr.
ll HNof A UE,
Uul ri .iirsiniiy kalr lit mijiiutil rulur Ly supply
ing III" i HUiy liil s Milh u.iiiaiiu, iui.
paiied by l; ii ,ilvs. Ail 11 Uuli.l.luu. ily , ar 1
iiuiiii4.-d ul lubar i-nuvL-, disiiwiintf llieiitall-y i
ud biauly of Ike Lir, i.. i!..i. i, iht m.m-I iu '
!iit:;i)f . II, iiiisileil ll,lii.lliilU I wlulll.g Uul
ItaioiM L .iji'iiK smuul ului by a iy p,uvi,,
kui ((ilia ihv umr
1.1 XI ItltNT I t tlTY.
iMikiisi: iiui.ij limn, I1, l.ltiu bfr, tiadl. ,lh,ri.e h4 lm. ills ttittllb an t plt.Mi.lui
luilm Iim4 i ,.a ,,.. tk KJ ul tin.,, k-u.4 Ua
wuiukl lis 1 Cut 1104 u4 l tuuMtLily lucrs.dki
lul.iut I J Ls ULiiiili.u.k tn-4 lit
M ! all iwuit4 duUik, ui m k imvi4
b ibilU l. lU uw .lMeil Ul, l ll tltAla,
JfuJ Hiok4., X , I !, W M4.1 a4 l
i i ASk tPJvk,.ki Kkfkf.) lmu a! Iriauk
I !)!'-" Fkwvtkvw, fcaiaaxtut, 4
tw hh a k kl Ua 1 auk tswn "
Then uso .TAYNE S EXTECTORANT. - Do not
allow your oold to take its own coarse.' Two thirds
pf the Violin s of consumption owe their atlilotlnrs to
tltef ital inislnko of "waiting for a enogb to get well
of itself." lo not fall Into this error, but avail
yourself at onco of a remedy which thirty years'
ciperience has demonstrated is certain to proouro a
speedy orwo.
Then use JAYNK 8 EXPECTORANT, which wilt
overcome tho spasmodio contraction of tho wind
tubes, and cause them to eieol tho rououous or matter
which clogs them v,p. nnd by an easy end froo ospeo
toratlon remove all difficulty of breathing.
Tbcnuso JAYXE'SEXTECTOJ! ANT. This wide
spread disease which may gcnfrally bo described OS
an humiliation of tho lino tkin which lines the insido
of the wind lubes or air Vesaels. spreading through
every part of the lungs, Is oflen taken lor consump
tion. The Expectorant subdues this lnflaination,
relieves the attending oougb, pain, and difficulty of
breathing, and if the ense is not of too lung standing,
will ocrliiinly produco a cure.
Then use JAYNaCS EX I'EC TO It A N N . It olonn.
ses tho lunjs from all irritating, mutters, while at tho
same time u heels and invigorates Ihcm. Of all tho
remedies which have been offered to the publio for
this dreail diseaee. cone have fctood tho test of time or
maintained so ltnivers il a popularity as Ibis Expecto
rant. 'Ilioua iii who have been given up by their
physi .Minis ns incurable have been restored to perfect
l.culili by i s use, and their testimony must curry
1 eniivici! inn In nil u-l:n wfiil il.
Then tiseJAY.SE S KXPECTOMANT. Hytnkhig
taking two or three largo doses in tlic early stage of
tho difcaso in iiuiek succession, ami covering up
warmly in bed. ibis preparation ac's as a sudorinc or
sweating medicine, uud subdues the iutt iuintiun at the
Then uso JAYNE'S EXriX'TORANT. There Is
no remedy wli''h so cfl'ectunlly overcomes thisdiseaso
as Iho Lxpc.'torant. What purent can witness tho
fv.ffiriiigs of her children from thisdis:ressing com
plaint without doing all in her power lor their
relief? What mcdieino so pleasant to the taste, or
an certain to ro4vreo iuimednito benefit? - Uivo it a
triul, uud let it provo it" itlieaev.
arcsubjeet to no disease more t'ttdden ill its attacks,
or. iu tho absence of prompt relief, nono n.ore fatal
in i:s lestdiK than Croup. Parenls. therefore, should
keep ul linnd n remedy sure and thorough. Such n
remedy may be found in tho Expectorant, and every
careful mother will keep a supply by her.
Is a standard medicine. For I'Hrty years it has been
bofure the public, and during this period its curative
jiowers have been testified toby nil classes of people
tn all qu:irtei!i of the world, l'hysieif1!"?. clergymen,
lawyers, merchants, nnd mcchnnics have eperier'oed
ilf elti i ts, and htue fnii:k-licd us with their
testimony, an I it may ho found lit length in our
Ahiiniuic, to be had grails of all agents. To their
convincing certificates wo wouhl refir the doubling.
The E.i'i:cTiiHA.r and nil )Jr. 1). JAYNE A
SON'S Family MtinciXEs ore sold by all Hruggis'.s
May 17. 112. 3 in.
Ilarrishnr!?. Ta.
riHE management of Ibis well-known Hole! bnv
J ing been resumed by Messrs. CHYLE A lit. 11 11,
the present proprietors, leg leave lo inform Iho public
mat tne House is now being lliorougliiy renovated,
refilled, and improved, with a view lo tlic proper and
ermiforlnhlo aeoomiuodation of thoso who inay favor
tho establishment with their custom. Uucsls will
receive due attention anil courtesy, and no expense
will bo spared Ihat may ouuduco to luuiutnin o
hotel in a first .class style.
Families and others' desiring to sojourn in Harris
burg during the summer months: will find pleasant
boarding nnd largo nnd we!l-venii!ated rooms at our
establishment, upon moderate terir.s.
March 23. 1811?. J. (ilLIIEK T HERn,
M'It!l.'r4 ."oiv lorli 'i'ypc B'oiumIi-j.
WE have the fullest assnrlment of the most useful
kinds of IMain and Ornamental Type, manu
factured from the most durable metiils, fiiiishcd with
the greutcst care uud accuracy, seeming perfect justi
fication. Specimen r.ooks and estimates furnished upon ap
plication, alto.
with their appurteniinees of all Iho approved makers-
WOOD T Y 1' E .
f all Ihe lafest style, of all siies. Metal Furniture
L'tboi-Saviii'; littles, C'ises, Cabinets, Furniture,
1'riiiting Ink. and every nrtiide tho Printer reiiuircs.
Terms liberal, l'luinpl atleniion.
OS and Bj iieckmnn slrcet. Xew Yoik,
t .May .1, 19.1.'.
KiollocU'si E:i2il(-Iiou t'otft-t'.
THIS preparatiion, atade from the best Java
Cotree. i rcein:n:eniled bv pliysicl.ins ns a supe
rior XL'J KITIOI 'S 1IKY A I IE for licnenil Debil
ity, llvspcpriu. and all 1'illious liisonlers. 'J'housauds
who huvo been compelled to t leiudou tho uso of
entice, will upo this witLmit ii juiioi.s cflecls. One
can contains ihe strength of twu pounds of ordinary
Cullee. l'ricc L'.i cents. '
Tho purest and bet llAKIXt I'llWIlEIl known, for
making light, sweet nud nutritious liread and Cukes.
Price li) cents.
M. II. KOLLOCK, Chemist,
Corner of Eroad uud Chesnut Sirect,
l ll 1 1. A li: l.l-li i ,
And sol. I by nil Druggists and liroccrs.
March 1. Is.;.'.
J A .M E S
li A tt li E 11 ' S
Wltl'I.K'UK AND liKTAll,
S. E. Curuer Second nnd Clicttnul tit ,
DAY CI.Oi.'K. u very rl. nn.liV nrlelr l'r Cliuieii.
es, Ib-lels. Unlike, tj. iii.tintf tl"i:'S. Parlfrs. A;c.
Als.,. Mnnufiirluri-rof I'lSIl l.tll.U I'IC.Na.
C I' el-s re Hiriil anil win rntiiis'.
Clxek 'I'lllnl.ii p ol every ileseiielitlll.
rinliiden-lim, Jmiuuiy 10, lHil.--:ly
eoriu-.r nt l.ur, f-LXliLHY, 1'A
Cu'.leclioits attended lo in Iho counties of Xor
liiutci'!ai.d, ll.ion, ttiydel, Montour, Columbia
ni.J Lycoming,
Hon. Jo! n M. Deed, Philadelphia,
A. ti. tl.iitcll A to..
Hon. Wn.. A. 1'i.ner, "
Morion McMiehael, Esq., o
E. Keiebum ,t Co., INH l'enil Plrcot, Xcw York.
John W. Ashinead. Attorney al 1-r.w, "
Matll ens A Cox Ailorni-ys'ut Luw, "
S111 bury. .Miiieh 2tl, S0J.
'I'Jic Ailaiu'si IlxprriiN Coiupnuy,
CIVE NOTICE that they have excluded' ar
J ruui-iiiciils wi:b the Noitl.- ru Central lt-iilroa.1
Cir.imiy lo run iiairs from llalliu. ore for York.
Ilarrisburg. liaupbin. Halifax. Trevnrton, rui.l.ei
Nortliuinhi-rltiiid. Lewisburg, Mil'.iu., Miiuey, Wii
liaii:sM,rl. nnd all iuleii.ielii,ie sialioi s, nn'iug
al llaiii.bjr Willi ihe lillKAT Vtl.S'lliltX
I'M .S fur l'hll,iiri, I'iueii.uuti, 8t. Louis and the
AUiviib Howard A IV ' Ky r" ft Milton or
Dalivitle, DbHiinabiirg, Wilkokbnrie, I'illkton, K.ran
Ion. and inleriuediulo kiatioiis uu the Callawisk.i,
LaekawMima A LliM,inburg ltailioads. Al Wil
liiiu.' url, by Howard, A I'o.'a 1 xj rest to Jcmy
hhie and I. ink llunu AIhi, by Howard A Co.,
and their eot.iieetiups, fur L'ai ton, 'Jroy, hlttiira,
lliH-hr'li-r. Kull ilo, Xlngara, and to all aoeoilile
s,iiita in Wi-sli-iM .New Yo. k arid Canada, by kbicb
tiny will llirwurd Mero' andn, rlpeeie, llui.k Nuns,
Jewelry, and Valuable I'aukaea uf ttery durlp.
Alu, Xolet. I'rtfis and Hills fur Collevlion.
IU erieiK-ed and 1 lib it-11 1 mesM-ngrrs eiiii-loyad,
and 1 very illorl iil b tuade lo remb-r iili.ln, le
-ton s niM.iiA.y,
Hunerli teii.b ni Henu a livu'on. I'kiladvli hia.
M. A t lM lifcll, Agent fur Runbury
Apiili, v.J.
i i i ijam i:iik in: tini:.
NOW IS THE II.Mti ll JU.L YUl'll ALIil Ms)
I emiMiii'iit-k 1 r lb xiareiiv uf etiaiitf,-. I kill m-II
n.v elutnni ll.Maat.M 11 t'Al.lit pt illt
Mtlrpii IbrOua llollur,
kwul by mud I'i aja miJ
1'Iivm s.,idi aik ll pbUi'lieJ aud ra piua
Itkul Ibry vuilKkk all iba lukilali f
tit Altuy. 1'lukUi.Ul, tullll.l. lg Allien 1,1
li'utka, tuluks ublikkJLI I'kbd UtAl HI.UAHU
I kUlwunkX.! ua apol.otlu.u
Uuiipla s-j t'S ktiil i ri-i ut T tVata.
kausuitj W , I'Lilkdvl, lis.
HaplcuiUr I,
91ktMMi'VlMrr Ml'KlMM Vltrfs
f IMIt !u H.i i,u kiJk a itia aalalluhuiasti
I tt4(4a W kU kk4k iu litis tvukUa
lti M muita 4li k.k4.,
UtwiikWf , ai 1, !.
First Premium
Inntiflicturlnft; Piii-potsc.
With lleinmers, Kellers, Tuckers, Cottiers, Hinders, 4c
Make Ilia l.ock or Shuttle Ptilch Maelilnes of llie mm
Kill erinr. ami ul the sunir prii-psas llieir celebrated DOU
This Isibe only ComvmiT .hut innkrs both kii (U. there.
fore the only one thai can supply all Ihe wants of the pub-
tf P'lrehatert ean lake their eholre of either Plitc
With the privilryi- of exelnlining fur the HINT
A new iletf Phniile Mseliine ram fan ihI tjuirt, fol
Vest Mukeis Tailors, Unidris, Die.
At the Tme Price of $10.
crovkh ft's.s m r.
?3U Chestnut Street, I'hdudelpliia.
Vtf II. It. Massrii. Sunburv. Pa.. Arrent ior tha
lleceuibcr JI,lfI ly
NrrvitritY acadkmy.
piIE BUNBCHY ACADEMY will bo opened en
JL Iho first Monday of November, 1802.
Jiivenilcscholnrs. 52 CO
English branches, 4 00
Scieuees nnd higher Mathematics, 5 00
Languages, 0 00
fcnnbury, Nov. 1, 18(f2
1IUAIY noir.
Corner of State and Third Streets,
IlAiimsmno, Pa.
THIS HOUSE, in conscquenco of lis convenience
ami near location to the Capitol, has inudo it a
dcsiruble s'opping place, tot only for thoso having
bi sintM nt the seat of GoTeruBieat, cut for Ufccis
visi iiig llarrisburg.
iM..rcb .'U, lsJtil'.
Descriptive Circulars, with Samples 0 H'or-,
ri'rV he tent Mail l-'ret.
AVIXO nttaineila well ofablishertamt fraltcring
rerutalion, at being of all machines yet intro
duced, Ihoonebesl adapted to All KisnjoFFASin.v
8i:in. nud having met with a success in i s milo
beyond our grcalrst anticipation, so much so. that for
thi-ce nionll s our orders havo been abend of our
capacpy to supply, no would now nnnmmoe that we
havo increased our manufacturing facilities, so that
finin this lime forth, no shall bo enabled to supply
orders on demand .
In Ihe changes brought about by Iho war, ro ono
thing has ployed a more importnnt part than tho
'Si.wixn M.vriiixn." Without, it Ihrce-fotirihs of
our soldiers would to-dav bo clolhed in anything but
Military Coslume." All over the land army clo
thing has been tho woik required of our fjiliioiic
women, and nobly havcthey responded. Xotoonletit
to mako only so many garments ns their hands could
accomplish, they have called the '-Sowing Machino"
to their aid, nnil by tt havo rolled out Iho soldiers'
Coats. Paxts ami SitiiiTS. nt a rata ns'.nnishing lo
themselves. Knowing that this work could not long
conl irue, many thoughtful, prudent housewives, weru
careful to select the machino of nil others, which
would do tho heavy nrmv work, and when done with
Hint, then to bo used as their 1 aiiilv Macuine, aud
in selecting one of tha
'Finkle A Lvo.t Sewixo Machine Company's
Family Machixes,"
w ith which you may sew from the finest cambric ta
the heaviest cloih, wilhout change of feed, needle, or
torsion they have not been disappointed.
Thus having developed tho tulaptabiti.'y of our
macl ine for all kinds of work, we havo inadcunother
step in advance, and by several important changes in
our '-Xo. IJ Menit .y Machine," havo produced a
' Maciiixe," which wc confidently claim
to be the -Ll.feT TAILOlllXCi MACHINE" yet
introduced, sewing the coarsest linen Ihrcnd with ns
much etiso as the common cotton and when required
limy be used lo do the very finest ciuubl ia work, with
l.Mlor 2tl0 cotton thus combining in ono compact
form, cverv qutilitv required in ei'hcr a FAMILY'
Wo havo had our M-ichines before tho public long
enough to estitolisn ttieir reptitulion. liuzeus 01
others who started with fiyiug colors '-have fallen by
tho wavsido ;" nnd "sun ll.c pluuet that knew them
will ki.ow iheui r.o mure." Step by step has tho
1 ink i.k it Liu.n Maiiiinr woii i's way to public
fiivur 1 its suocess is established, and henceforth Dur
nilti sliull be, as it has iu ttie past been, lo still further
improve, simplify and reduce tho cost of our inu
ehincs. Wo shall, in a fow days, issuo a new prico
li&t. For further particulars address,
No. olt liruudway, New Yoik.
VII. H. MASSEn, Agent, buubuiy, I'u
March 29, IS02.
F'ebruary 12. 180,2.
Gextlemun It gives mo lunch satisfaction to
Inform you tmrt in the acvere tiro wbieh, on tho
morning of the lib inst., entirely destroyed all my
stock and lnatei inis, I had one of your Salamander
Firo Proof tonics. After enduring an intense red
heat for seven hours, the Sale, was opened, and tho
Looks uud Papers were preserved in an uiuhlcmifthcd.
cundilioii. 1 shall need unother nfo as soon a 1 Ct
iu order. Yours, most respectfully,
W P. DICKINSON, Reading, Pa.
CiiAsiunnsauno, Franklin county. Pa
August Hist, isiil. I
Messrs. Evans i Watsox. Philadelphia Oenllc
mcn ; On the morning of tho 22d of August, lBi',1,
our Morehouse at Uretncastlo was destroyed by fuo.
Tho alamiiudei' Safo wo purchased from you some
few years sincu was in the above meiitibned store
house, nnd contuined all our books, papers, cash, Ac.,
wbieh wero pri served in a perfect condition, a:lcr
being exposed lo a most intense beat for several hours.
Please iuioiui t.t uion what terms you will toll ua
unulher luruer bale,
Yours tinly, OAKS A AUSTIN.
Salnmander tSufca, for Bunks, Stores, Private
Families, tn.. Ac Also, Evans Watson's Patent
Alphahv.Icd Hank Locks and liiu.k Vault Doors,
iquul 10 any inudo in tha country, and sold on aa
gisid I ei u.. h & W. would rekaci fully refer tu
Ilia fjlluwing llaukt and other pai lies, having their
tiifcs and Locks now in use, to llieir entire salirfuc
tion. and u ui y o'hem given at their Store,
United FrATi:t Mint, liiarch Bank, bhelbyvilla
Philadelphia. Tenueiwee.
I'MTtU SrATKk AusEXAL.Cily lliu k of Philaelelphlt.
Cidi.onii 1. Consolid.'itioii Il k of Pl,iU.
I'.tl.iuwii Pmi !:. Ta. Com'lh Bunk of Tbila.
Co itesvlilo It, 11 k. Pa. Chalai.ooga Bank, Tenn.
f-iioud-bnrg Hank, I'a. Prc'm Loan A'on, 4th at.
pluraer hbura Hank. Pa.
Hal k ul ioriliiimberlaad.
liiu.k ofXorih'n Libeiun,
Lock il.ivin 11 u.k. Pa.
l l.ion Hi i.k, U-iltimorc.
Sm hwesiem lii nkuf V. Paul aud bwitl, Oaukert,
Fulton Bunk, A'l inta.Ua. Alabama.
Nuwaik I'-'i k. Del W.U. (sterling. Wilktkb'a,
B.ii.k il'N. C , lt4lclgb, Lcwikbuig liuuk, Pa.
O.bcr rel' given upon ealling t our Store,
Nn. Id b. Fourth blraat, 1'hiladolphia.
March 2). ly .
fPIIE tulxeril ers having taken possetalun of till
4. firttslok. I I.OVHIXU Ml
.,. aro prepared
tu rocviie graiu uf all kinds, and Iu do eustum wuik
at Iba shortest notice. Customers will hnva Ihuir
gris t gtuuiid immediately unuu their beiug left at
lliu Mill. As U is the iulauiluu of lh ttrui lo tiuek
tlm Mill, a large supply uf straiu will ba eousttuitly
kepi ou hand, and ttuur by llik qusnlily tan alaayk
ba ubtaitied. Ibe grvatual Jtk will bo tnkeu to turn
out a uHitiuriUiiliiy uf flour, l.r abieb Iba will I
admirably adapivd, biiut allkiiliuu will b paid to
Ibe kai.U ul' i-ustuuii'is, aud tha atruiuig ul Iba
public geuetklly is rketlutly rniursttkl.
hut.Lury, Jtus SJ, buu. MoKUA.V A CO.
Hlirittt 11 rr, !v(ulilirr)', .MtHliuuli't
ToW, ttaft
llkNUV (JILlitKT,
Mm lit lr, Oyputite tkt Cv'l Jluute,
lliuaitt.iau, P ,
nKAl.Hl iu all kind, ut BuUdtit and W.Bufw.
luiua' lUfdaait, liwi.tUtwl, Cull lliaiu, Rupk,
I'ulUy Uiutikt, tn.
Li'si ku, i,ikiii taa Mtmiaaat Oik.
lbs l.uUicalikf Oil art atlaplatl U avaff yailuly
u tlikvLibviy Alau, al rstotiUlkuluiiMk piuica,
Wuull VvkkKw klAiaiktai,
i . I'latini, au, MmUttivi a4 kin Ma
khtitva, At
Mamuikia' Juvt,,
nil .- I'ltueit, I uijs ait4 Ilk4 taikso, Bull CiUtn,
, A ,
M lii. tlvlUvg. kt IjtulIsM kk4 Lkaik, tuMUtitly
ati bali
Huiici1 U fiuufl.lW, riktajB IUmIm, Tm
l iw, ri.,.4 iia, biuii iui mut liUfiawk luul
ijf A'tktVat kil ftt4 14 tt) ItVetJ Itikktt4 Its f'tfl
nasi weaa hum , taaa
' ryftiFY your rreatii !
Gentlemen Carry
Spalding's Throat ConiVctloniu
Ladies ara delighted with
Spalding's. Tltront 4'onlecltonta.
Children Cry for
rSipiilHnskj Tltront Confer! loiisi.
Tbcy relieve a Cough Instantly.
They clear the Throat.
They give strength and volumo to tho voice,
They impart a delicious aroma to Ihe breath.
Thoy are delightful to tho taste.
Ihcy aro made of limplo herbs and oanoot harm
anyone. ' ,
t advise every ono who has a Cough or a Husky
Voico or a Bad Breath, or any difficulty of the Throat
lo get a package of my Throat Confections ; they will
relievo you instantly, and you will agree- with tno
that "Ihey goriht to Iho spot." You will find them
vory useful nud pleasant while traveling or nUcnilliig
fuWic meetings for tlllling your Cough or allaying
your thirst. If you try one package I am safo Iu
laying that you will over aflorwards consider them J
indispcnsiblc. You will find them at tho Druggists
and Dealers in Medicine?.
Fiico 25 Cents
My signature is on each pacukagc. All others aro
A Package will be tent by mail, prepaid, on receipt
of Thirty Cents. Address,
Xo. ii Cedar street. Now Y'oik,
For sale at R. A. 1'i-hcr's Drug Store, Suchury, I'a.
By the use of these Tills the periodic otiacks of Xer
vous or Sick Headache may bo prevented ; and if
taken ut the commencement of nn attack inimcdiato
relief from pnin and sicknesses will bo obtained.
They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and
Headache to which tetanies arc so subject.
They act gently upon Iho bowels, removing Cos
tivencss. For Literary men. Students. Delicate Females, and
all persons ol sedentary habits. Ihey arc valuable as
a Laxitive, improv ing Ihe appelile. giving tone nnd
vigor lo the digestive organs, and restoring the nutu
rnl elasticity and siron jih of Ihe whole svstem.
The CEPHALIC 11 1.1..- are the result of long in
vestigation nnd oarelully enndnotod experiment!,
having been in use many yens, during which lime
they have prevented and relieved a v?it amount of
pain and iititTcriug from llead'ielie, whether originat
ing in Ihe nervous system vr from a deranged stalo
of IP. o siouiaub.
The are entirely vegetable hi their composition,
ami may be taken lit all limes with perfect safely.
without making any charge if diel. and the hImooc
of any disagreeable' taslc renders It easy to adminis
ter them to children.
The genuine have fivo signatures, cf Henry C.
ifu!di;ig on each Box.
Sold by DiugUs and all other Dealers in Medi
cines. A Box will bo sent by mail prepared on receipt of
Price, 25 Cents.
All arders ihoiild be addressed to
4S Cedar Street, Xw Y'urk.
Forsulo at FIPIIER'S Ding Store, Sunbury, Til
From tho Examiner., Va.
Cephulio Pills accon plish Ibe object for which they
were ciado, x'u: Cure lK-adache in all its for 11.3.
From tho Democrat, St. Cload. Minn.
If you are, or huvo born troubled with the head
ache, send for a box (Cephalic Pills,) fu Ihut you may
have them iu ease ol an attack.
From the St. Louis Democrat.
The ImmcLso dciuuad for Cephalic Pills is rapidly
From the Gazette, Davenport, Iowa.
Mr. Spalding would not connect his nau'O with an
article he did not know to possci reul lueiil.
From Ihe Advertiser. Providence, R. I.
The testimony in llieir favor is sirong, from llo
must ropcolublu quarters.
From the Daily News, N'cwror!, R, 1.
Cephalic Pilis are taking the piace 01 alilinds.
From the Kanawha Star, Va.
We nre sure that persons suffering with tho head
ache, whotry them, will slick to Ibrui.
From tha AdvertUtr. Pruiidonee, R. I.
The Cephalic Pills aro said to ho a rcninrkuhly
efleclive remedy for the, headache, and one of tho
very best for that very frequent cuuiplaiut which hat
ever been discovered.
y: vx
U Sk-
tlx jja !
Save I he Pieces !
Npnldlaa'a Ii-iuir-tl (.lur!
Mpiild!iif' lrs-iur l lut- J
Mpnldluv' 11-4 pa ml (UIuoI
At aaeidmlt will happen, evta In well regulated
UUiiliek, it is very dauraldu Iu have suu.a ehuip and
eouvinieul way luf rcpmnng Fun.ilur,Tuys, Cluck,
Wet It all tuck tmtrgoucm, and no boutehuM atp
aBotd Ui aiiboiii ll. It Ualaaytreatly ai,4
up 111 iba ttiiikwj puiui.
'tsm'Lix every uuttij:."
A Urth aavutupaMitt) wb buttle,
V, i t'td.r Biis.1, N.w Ywik.
fof .altalit A. riMIIR'tl PiuUa, vUr
KxttkauiwwIaaJ auiialy, Pa.
C A V TT 0 X I
Attwula abptuldkd xai4 trt allrsfiii( U
ImiIhi u w iba KkMupwIiiia ,ltli itnliaDkitt ul biy
I'hfcr'AsttliUM l,i w-lJ mmiimsi all p.,kow ia
M.inm kkfta ri.ilikfcika. a wt ikkt ikk lull
I t-.r-AlllU hi lAi.lj iill k. Isu. iu.
j !Htlt4 ttltkef 4t Me Nlt4lit. Itt4
u 11 r. u m a t x s m 1
Acuta or Inflammatory ; Cbronio, Lumbago, Sciatica,
. Flourodyne, 4o.
rti(fries of tha Joints and Crampa Gonts, Xearal
?ia and all Nvrvnus Affections Erysipelat, tsilt
Ihoiini' and Hcrofuloua Eruntiors of the body
Neuiralizeatba Impuritief of tha Blood and Fluids
of tho whole system, and effectually counteracting
Mercurial and other puisvmma iuttueuoct.
I tlitft eotiverilenl arrange BFI.T, eontnirilng a
itbif a L
Ik ly, Jr
QAItlieatitl untnikikiin, i' ire Woiriniontrri rtie rk
nlsiilt Ilia waist KUUAM.Y' KKU I'I ,U A
I I'AIITlS, wlicirvrl me dikmse. iiih) l,K It ran lie
y. worn without Injury In Hi most tiilictle person.
n mid iiiK-liiinye 111 llie proper nHixis 01 iivii. it re- j
Jquiierl Itealirelv ieiri ivta 'he iliseai e fr. in II, e rj
Si syaiein, with llie fulliieoait ute hi tneh rasrk. irt
' . .rt.M, tt-l.ifh m m. ii rl
Wile.lnry 1 lie Ci'liUlll 11 and giva leBiimniry f Jf.
lief only liy tiiiiiin llie )tli m, ami nViMteiih.i m
Out yitiihtv. Ily lint Ihe nltilk-utlil on- C
rs-riieseoiiiaiiieil 111 the Itaial, lieina nf akitliiyh,
Har, mane knil volatile iinime and rapub'a '"f "na U
le.nlily ulis-riinl, iliroueh llie pores if Ihe tarn, j,
LJ nnttf intoilirirl eoniiiei w ith th Hli it anil aerir- m
. ml c'w-elnti"ii. ivillioot tirtr havliit In mst Ihiousli "
1 the tloifvich, wnieli woulil lenil 1101 only tn ilellat-l
from rlieir curative imiver. h:,t it, iiniNtir the la- o-ptaiia mi iler.m t tt- ilift-ttt ai ulf,H-. I tins
S avoiilina llie lnj uions efb-i-!, sool'len tlic letull 1
H iiilenitil reoi,-lie. kind 'rTeetintf H pel feet cure I
l pm 11 y iiiu ntta eqaiill2tna tlie eirenliilioii ol the v-lnl L
Vj Hauls anil rrsrorlne. the ptillt lltreentl to a lienllliy P
1 e inliiinii Tint iliniil it als,i a most povTiut r
ril'-AXTI-MKIICCIIIAI. AKT." Csl- mel be. M
I ins It'- prinmiy Cftuse nf 1, Inijie part t'f ihe slirT
Irl aest. Neuralgic Ptiiiit nn,1 Itlieiiiuuliet, to prrva. M
ill lent and will entirely relievo the sjstein from us (
j pemicloui (ffrclt t
M derate easet are caritl in a few r1avt,ainl wejrj
I, arc ponsliiiilly lei-fi.vlna u d--ulileil I, slim nmls vJ
M to w liieh w-e Invite mspirlioli at our office of Iw
fi their trTicacy iu nggruvaieil cusesof Imig stumlieg
Pfilcr. TWO DALi.AR. Mnylhm..f rtrug-M
A gists, it will ne tent l.y nviil iiv,n reeeipt of or H
j hy exprets rverywh te. Willi Mil necctaat,)- hittiue.
(V tiout from the piineipul onioe uf J
O SMITH & CO . Eolfl Proprietors.
491 BitoAPWAV, near Broom ttrcet, Nov Y'otig.
f if- Treatise, with Certified Testimonials, tent
Ackxts Fupbary, Friling A- Grant,
" ' ' (leorge Britrhl.
' Northumberland, K. B. McCoy.
MnreB . 1MI2. ly
v COX, .
llorrrya lit Ivv.
No. 1(10 Cor. Fulton
Mid Broadwav, NEW YOKK. Will carefully
attend to Collection! and all other mallcra Uitrustcil
to llieir core.
May 21, 1S5S.
fkiiiilmry , 'orlliiiuiberliimi t'o In.
TPHIS large and coirtrodious Hotel, now managed
1 by JAMES VANDYKE, issilutiloat the Hail
road Depot, North East corner of Market Siiuure,
Sunbury, Pa., and at. the terminus of the Sunbury A
Erio and Northern Central ltailioads, oarl is open fur
the accommodation of Travelers and tho public in
The proprietor will give his exetusivo attention to
the comfort and convenience of his guosts, und is
determined to make this estubliebmcut rank among
the fust iu tho Stale.
His tabic will bo supplied with thebest the market
can produce, having the advantage of daily commu
nication by cars direct from Baltimore, and also from
these bringing produce from the surrounding
His bar will be supplied wi.h the purest liquors Iho
market can produce.
Careful and oblig icrvnnts always in attendance.
Now nnd commodious stabling has just bocn added
to Ihe premises.
A share of tho local nnd traveling communily it
most respectfully solicited.
Kunbury, January 12, IsOl.
Inl rritatioiisil Hold,
CC5 and SG7 Vroaitiray. Corner 1'raniliii Street,
rpiIIS first class House the most quiet, homelike
1 and pleasant Hotel in Iho city ofi'eis superior
inducements to those v biting New York for business
or pleasure. Il is central in its locution, and kept on
ihe 1.1, noi'K.ix Plix, in connection with Ta, mil's
Saloon, uherc rel'iordinicnls can be had al all hours,
t.r sen ed in their own rooms. Tho charges arc mo
derate, Iho rooms ami allilidance of the Hint order
baths, and all lliu modern conveniences attached.
March 112.
VST received from New York a largo assortment
of WALL PAPER, oonsi.lmg of One lit niuikii
ash SixTt-Tiini.E Hikfurkxt Stvlhi. and Pat
t Kit Ns. varying in pi ice from li cert. upward!, all of
which will' be sold tit Iho lowest cash prices, al tho
cheap store of J. 11. ENliLL.
Siiiibury, March 22, 1S32.
llama, Lard. Cheese,
Sides. Lard Oil. 3 ried Fruit,
Shoulder?, Siuukcd Beef, Deal s,
Pork, Butler, Ac. Ac.
For Sale by WM. M'lEAND.
Cln-snut Street Wharf, Philadelphia.
March 29, lsilJ limw
New Settlement of Vinclaud
A Bare opportunity in Ihe Bel Maikct, and most
lnligh'li.1 aid 'Healthful I'l'i'.Mo in ibe Inior.
Only lliirly Miles Smith of Pl.ib.deli hia, on a
Railroad ; being a rich, heavy soil, mid highly
plodualiva wheat land ; Hmongst the best in the
tiarden Stale of New Jersey.
It eor..ii.-ls ol 20. lain acres of coon laud, divided
inlo 1'tii'tiii- of dift'erei.t sixes to suit ll.o ptirehiiser
from 2il in-res and upward.- and is sold al Ihe rale of
tl j to 20 per ui.-1-e for the f-u ni land, payable onr
I'ourtb cash, nnd the balance by qiiartcr-ycui'ly instal
ments, with Icgul interest, within thu lerui ol lour
Is. fn gMfil part, a Rich Ciay Loam, suitable for
Wheal, liraM and Potatoes also a dark and rich
luudy loam, suitable for Corn, Sweet Potatoes, To
bacco, all kinds of vegetables aud root crrqis, and the
finest vui ieliesof fi uil.sueh as Urnpet. Peaches, rears.
A pi lent. Neclnriues, lilai'khenies, Melons, ando'her
fruitt, best ailapted to the Philadelphia, and New
York markets. Iu respect lo the soil aud rolbcro
can be no ii:i-Uikc. as vifilorscau examine both, and
none nre expected lo buy before soduiug, and finding
these sluteuiinUi con eel under these oircumstunci-a,
unlei-i these tlaieuienli werucorruol, there aould be
uo use in their being made. It is euiwidered
Tun Uki-t Fiit-iT Soil ix tee LMo.x,
I See Rcporls of Solon Robinson. Esq., of the New
Ymk Tri'nitf, and the well-known agriculturist,
William Parry, of Cii.naiuinton, New Jcrwy, which
will ba fitvubhed il qnirers
By looking over the map ibe reader will perceive
Ihut it enjovs the best lunikel in tho I'nioti, and hat
direct coiiniiui.ieaiion with New Yoik and Philadel
phia twice a day, being only thirty-two miles fiom
the latter. Piodueeiu ibis market brings doublctha
Iriee Ibal it duea in kicaliunt dislunl liuiu Ibe uilica.
11 this location it can ba put into uiaiket Ihe tame
morning it is gathered, and for what Iho farmer sells
he gels Ihe highest piiee) whilst gnmrivt and olher
arliclit he purehue. be gelt at Ihe lowest price. In
Ihu West, what be sulls laings hint a pittance, but for
what he buys be pays luu piiuea. In ba-aliug here
the settler fiat many other advantages, lie is wiiblu
a lew hours, by railroad, uf all Ihe great eilitt uf New
Eugland and Ihe Middle Slates, lie it near hit old
liiciids and kHoeialioiit. llebattehoul tor his chil
dren, diviue service, and all the adtantait ul'vivil
itaiiuu, and bv is uuiir a lurge city.
It delightful j Ihe whiten being talubthutt aud open,
hiUt the tuiiucrt are no wanuer ihuu iu ihe .lh.
The lueaiiuu it ujiuu the liueul latitude wiih burifctm
V ii villi.
Ptiauut wauling a cbkage uf cliiuale for beuhh,
would be muck bi-uililltd Iu iuibtud. 'He mild
Uttx nl Ihe tliiukle and ils bracing Iiitluriit-e. uikkei
li eneellent for all pulmonary atlwiikitit, dik,
ur genvral dvbilily wiuaeaill nonce a liitlurviwe
iu lew days. Cbilla and livvit we ui-kbuwu.
Buildinf material It plenty. I'Uli ami Oytter are
pleulilul and eLaap.
VtuiuniiiuM etueel, bowevcr, In tee new plaoe.
'1UU DHuitE.
ThU tuetiluii the nadir baluially t.k It U te' ,
ekue 11 bu bciu held iu larrfk UtU by ftiullitt Uu
dumktl Iu kvll, aid veiug rkilroad ltillllli.
Ibt y bad k ludutkiuttiiui. I U ikiliuad ku JuM
IhhH uuakwt Ittruab ike plufti it au-tva, Iui ibe
tiki lime, I
imiuit at ikuaa ut rr iht aui la a ctrvikga, fr.e
ef itptM.M-, a4 ttiduj t i at ted k Miki.iiy k j
lkmk iuik,Uaik,. 1 luae a bv amue auk a lite
to teuit, liiMild lo tutf tauto I Iu kvwi ikkll ttlvkaa
ktSj M luOkl-kt W kul bl( llputl UltJ I
Ibe taltki It. lug iu kkd tlu,kk, ekwe people kate
(set Ibiuea aut ti eitt-luyil at kutiaa, tMti
liiMe kkku ta entail ikuMk, it k eutt tttkkklikt ai !
Wktttt, hf tekt4kt4fMk)ltk
M rlcnn mora fhnn malccwage In Improving H. and
when It It done It Is a eerlain jndependenco and nor
Inn, A few acres In nult tree will insure a onmtor'
labia living. Tho land It pat down to hard timo
prices, and all improvements .oan be inado at a cheap
er rata lhan any olher time.
Tho whole tract, with six miles front on Iho Rail
rnad, Is being laid nnt with fine end spacious avenues,
with a lown in the rentre five acre Ms fn tha town
tell at from $150 lo 2II0 ; two and a half aorolnts. nt
in lo f 1211 lo $00 J two and a half acre lots, at from
$0 to I2. and town lols i0 fcot front l-y 15(1 foel
deep, nt $100 paysblo one half oash nnd Ihe balnnco
within a year. It is only upon f irms of twenty aero
or more that four years' lime is given.
. To Manufacturers, the town affords a line opetirn?
of the Shoe, mannftietm tn business, and other arti
cle, being near Philadelphia, nnd Ihu surrounding
country hat a large population, wbiuli altordt a good
Hi it settlement, In Ihe course of several yeart, will
be one of Ihe most baautiful idaoet In the oountry,
ami most ngreeublo for n re.ddensr.
It is intended to make a Vine lind Fruit growing
eentitrr, as (his culture it the most proiiUbla and the
best adapted to marRet. i.yery nuramnge nnu oon
venienca for telUera will bo Introduced, an ! will
insuro the prosperity of tho place. Ihn hard timet
throughout Iho country will be an advantage to. the
eltlemcnt. at it compels people to resort tu agricul
ture for a tiring.
Large numbeis of people are purchasing, nnd peoa
pie who desire the best location should visit Ihe Jilae-
Improved land 13 alsrt f-ir sale.
TiXBta-Lm l can be bou;ht wiin or wilbont
limlier. The limber at market valuation.
The lllle it indisputable. Warrantee Deeds given,
clear of nil;, when Iho money is paid.
Boarding cauvenienccs nt hand.
Letters promptly answered, nnd Reporlt of Solon
Robinson nnd Win. l'arry," tout together with the
Viiichind Knral.
limit 0 to tha land : Leara Walnut tlrco wharf,
Philadelphia, at 0 o'clock, A.M., and 4 P.M.,
(unless there should be a change of hour.) for Vine
land, on tho Ulawboro' aud Millrille Kailroad.
When you leave the cars al VineliiliJ Sludon, just
opened, inquire for
CHAHLES K. LAND IS, Pialmaster,
Founder of Ibe Colony,
ViNBLAsn, P. O., Cumberland counly, X. J.,
P. 8. There is a chnngo of ears at Olaaaboro'.
Also beware of shaipors on llie o.ns from N'uw Yoik
nnd Philadelphia lo Viuclaud, inquiring your busi
ness, destination, A'O.
BEronT or Solo Ponissox, or thk Nbw Yoms
Tumi ne, t ros the Vixki.axd Settlement.
jr- l'li9 following is nn extract from the report of
Soliu Robinson, Esq., published in the New Y-rk
Tribune, in reference to Vinolund. All persons cau
read this report with interest :
Advantages of l'.irming near hrn)-Yincland-.
Remarts upon Marl Sail, its great l'ertility
The Cuute of I'ertility Amount of Crops
Produced Practical Evidence.
It it cirtainly one of Iho most extensive fertile
tracts, in an almost level position, and suilablo con
dition for ploasant finning lliat we know of this sido
of Iho w estern prairies. Wo f mud ionic ol thcoUust
farms apparently jn'l hm prolitnbly product ivs as
when first cleared of forest lii'y or n hunlred yuart
The coologi!t would "oon discover Ihe cuise of Ih'.s
continued fortilily. The whole country is a ninrino
deposit, and all through the toil we found cvi lonoct
of calcareous guhslnii -i s, gcnernlly in the f -nn of
indurated calcnreons mi.rl, showing many distinct
forms of ancicntshells. of Ibe terli.i.i.v fcirinntion ; and
litis marly substance i. s. a'teicl all through Ihe soil,
in a very comminuted form, and iu the exact condi
tion mo'it easily wsimilulvd by such plants as tht
firmer desivet to cultivate.
Matt, it) all its forme, has been used to fertilize
crops in England, from Iho time il was occupied by
the Roman ; and in l iiincc mid jci many a marl bed
is counted on ns a valuable lied of laaniu e. that can
bo dug and carted and jit'ea. I over thefi.-ld. How
much more valuable, then, il must be. when found
already mixed Ihrniigh tho soil, where new piirliclet
will bo turned up aud e.po.-e.l. and transformed to
the owner's use every time he stirs the carlii.
Having lli-n ealhlled our mind.-' of ihe cause. Ihey
will not bo exeiled wiih wonder al s.-iing in lubitabto
evidence of fortuity in a soil which in olher silun
tions, having llie same g .-oer'il eltaractoriytics or ut
least appearances, is entirely unremun, rntivo. excej-l
us its produtftiveneas is promoted by artificial fcrlili
tulioii. A few words about the quality nr.d value ef this
land for cultivatiuii, of
I wbnh wc have some siren
Our first visit was to Wlilinin D. WiRm." Franklin
township, liloueeriti r eoui.ty, v.ho purchased some
cihl unlet Curth of Millville, about iliree yenr-j ago,
fir the poiposeof wtnh'ishiiig a sleam mill, .owuik
up tho timber into lumber, lo send oil by the net?
railroad, as well us Iho firewood nud coal, for which
he built a brunch truck ' ini'u uud 11 half lung. Ho
al?o furnished sixteen mile of liii roa! with tics, and
lias no doubt made liio mill prolhnbie. though bis
maiu object was to opeu a f .nii, having become con
vinced liiut the soil was valn.ilue 101 culiivation. In
this ho has not been ili-"ippoii,ivd, as some of his
crops prove. For instance, l.isty.-nr. lliesccond liino
ot ciopjiiu.';, 300 buidicKot' potatoes 011 one aero, worth
til etui i a 'bushel in lb- fiel.'l. Tliis year, seven acres,
without manure, pi'oinced .'!jo buhe!s of oan. In
one livid, Iho lirst crop was poinloes. plauied among
llie roolJ, and yielded Ti hu.-he!s 'llie potatoes tri'iu
dug and wheat sown, nod yicl led 1'J uitsiichj an I
Ihes'.ublde turned under and town to buckwheat,
which yielded !Wj but.eU ; and then Ihe groond was
sown to clover nud timothy, wbka jjavo as a lirslcrop
2) lotis per nerc.
The feriiliiets applied to lliei"! crops were, (list,
ashes from clearings , second. 223 pounds of super
pliosjihiuu of liuic ; Ihird, 2u'J pomi.! Peruvian
guano ; then .''0 bushels of slaked lime has been
spread upon the eluvtr since il was mowed, aud
turned in for heat.
Mr. Wihon's growing crow, and tho wheat stubble
of the present scan 11, all indicate his bind as produc
tive ns any parted' thu Male.
At Mary Barrow s,- an old fyle Jersey woman
firmer, several miles south of Mr. Wilson's, we were
so particularly struck with the tine uppcarnuee of a
held of com. inat wc sioppcd to luuii c of the hire I
mini how il was pro luce I. Wo found tluit ti e land
had beeu Iho year but one bel'ure iu i:eul. sou wiili
clover, and this cut one sensor, ai d h.iitfpi ii: !owc.l
once, wihoue '-laa-r old un,;," uad plm.icl with
Yes, but you manured high, wo suppose " wo
(aid iiilerrogattvely, an.l got ll.U rcj ly :
'Wu.ii, you sec. wc OiUildi.'t uduiiU ihut ; e.iusawe
hadn't but forty onc-hesru loads iil'.ociher, for 21
acres, m.d ue tvunte 1 the moil ou t fj,- 111" iiru.k. '
The truck consisted of bceu, carrut.-, c.ibb ic, cu,
ciiinbers. melons, Ac., und a very productive pa. eh
of Lima beans, grown for marketing. So we tvero
sni.-tied Unit llie soil was nut infertile, even unni J i
by clover, which hul fedthecorn, bc-aujielhe "Iruck
patch" had not been ulovcrcd. uud had been iu cul
tivation lonj enough to ubiilerutti all ia'iu of tho
Uur next visit was to tho f irm of Andrew Sharp,
five miles north of Milivillo, fiom hull'lu a mile east
of tho railroad, an I just ulioul iu the centre of V ine
laud. Mr. Sh.up coinuicuced woik hero in Deoein
bcr, 18jd, ufiou 20 noi-us. In lest Ihuu Ihrco years,
ho hut got 211 acres cleared uud iu crops Ibis season,
all well enclosed and divided inlo several fields, Willi
cedar rail or polo feni'e ; has built a two story dwell,
ing, about ud by 40 leel, and a smaller homo for firm,
laborers, und a tUiblu aud granary and tuuit o.bcr
Considerable part of the land waselcareJ for tha
plow at 'J au acre, aud un noino of it the first crop
wot buckwheat, limed with OU bushels iu powder per
acre. TLU crop may be put in July 4.h, Iu2t)b, aud
fields 2l to JO bu.hcU perucro, haivenlod iu Noviui
ber ; when Ihe land being towod wiih 10 I In. of
Peruvian guano and seeded with rye, yielded 12 to
li bushels cr acre and $1U or 111 ol :i..v. Ilieryu
stubble turned, after knocking oft' a largo growth of
oak sprouts, und dressed agaiu wiihguauoaud Jv-cJed
to wheat, gave 1j or III buehebi. The crop which he
wot threshing while wo weru there proiuUe I mora
Ufa vviy plump graiu, and Ihe straw is very heavy
We went over thu tlubblu and lounl Ihu uljver
and timothy, from seed sowed lat spring, uu Ibe wheat.
Wilhout hnironiiig. looking us mil a we it er -uu i(
uwu any old cultivated font, and wi.h a lit lie ji
duue in the winter to etear utf tuine roots and roller;
it urn 1 s. aud titiiug slakes to mm k eiuiaueul ouet
he w ill bu able lo cut ihe crop lliu to-xl year wild a
mowing machine, and w v will guarantee iwu lout pur
aire, if ho will give Iho overplus if it uverruut iba
Part ui' the luul wat !.:l led i h pntatuet fur a
first crop, w hich j id. led 12n biu-hels per acre. It
was iheu liiukit with utl bu'iels per acre, uud toeJed
wiili wheat aud clover, yi. UI n en averagu uf over
1 j bubwli per acru, uud the ulutui now looks boauli
lid. Olher portlyni bare beea plruite.1 with corn at a.
filkt crop, which yielded JO bud, ell 01 yellow tliul
corn, aud tbokeeoud crop IU burbelt, and ibe 1U11J.
elup, Irvklud tu 10 llv ut guauu. wu are sure no out
would euuite below Tu bu.hel. per acre.
I'lliu re ,.',-will tee. 'leel Diet lliu writer U Bow
tpcakltg vt laud pelleetly uew, and wbick eaB,
oaiet ly btooii b red iu good kiubleeeudiiiiu. Eu.T
la utber eaa-ia, Ibe ewu uitip u' last yeir wot fol
lowed wilb unit li u k'ktain. u t yut llirxbrd, but
will aveiage prubably Iu lo 60 l.y.hcli beol puu
ll bt-ana. luvlol.l. kl.d, III fuel, all gardeu VegoUblit.
at ll a oui ptweb aud uibvr Iruil liett duuliul
liik tear, ihu leiy pUudy that ihu luug-ueleottit
llacl ul huid rdiuulj iciuutu ku uu longer, ud luwe 14
no tirung piolwbiliiy ibal il will tut , ,ir. undii
Ike autiik ul klr hti .li., II will be ditidvd,
Muall l.. wob lutdt bwjieU Iu eoouiuuiudkie all
litt) ti.oit ki low iw-,y al thik wwk and al
tuivbkkvik will bv ritkiii-d toLuild nviil, ku.lui table,
wm, kkd tilbir, abi- b Would be ,uil,
by wbivk tutKU t a (uud 'puikiiue ill bu hkui d,
wiu will tkiabli k ubuiukte, eubuwlt, to.iti a ilia,
Itiktkaulo kbo4 and boiut-k boa.kt ul Auift it tutiuiti. ltd by (i-UtlttiA wibaidt, II hit au4
VoU-l -Ht ui en itltcj lut .
Ifauyuur, ftoiu any dfktat 1,1 uf btumite, U
4aiuMeel ekks,iug kit purauiu, w who it bum ki y
akkt 4attiwie to tu4 , net, luv,iiuti au l i-kkapkuiiia
in ibe ewuutiy, a4 wbu tvn) ra4 t4 tttulkte wktt,
Wt kkie Ir Jy wlJ, ke Will Uu wuil to tul tu
M kj-t-telf, k-vl tuat k tuia wi'biu alo Uwk'
lUkkuiui'pk.Ub.lui.le HiU)k a'JkUkJ
Itttoityl 1, rl - l