. H. B. LIA3SHK, Editor Proprietor. ni;iii;kv, ia. SATURDAY, FEBIIUAHY 7, 1803. 1 Wl Willi II Wll I I I S. M. FETTENQILIi & CO., Na. 37 Park Ron, New York, anil 6 Stnta Slreot, Boston, aro ur agents for lha Brsncnr American la those cities, and art authorised la take Advertise imiU and Subscriptions for us at our lowest rate. aXUgJlL'-J-J-'i'"! .'1LI-H.'.l".l 1 .' J" Jf When Gun. Burnaidc tendered to tho Tresidi-nt his resignation as tin officer of the army the President declined to receive it, Raying tlmt lie lind work tor liiiu. Gen. Burnside snld lie was ready for work, but lie did not like to wear the stars nntl draw the pay of a Miijor-Oe ncral tn idleness. C37"Titk Rush Post Office. YVo ob serve the Northumberland County Democrat, and other papers of the same proclivities, tire trying to get up a little extra capital out of the appointment of Mr. Colcol as Post Master in place of Mr. Johnson. Mr. C'ol cott's friends sny he applied for the office before he waa op rolled, and of course before ho was drafted. As every ndniinistrntion appoints its own friends to offlao, and as Mr. Colcot's qualifications are not dented, vit think these, editors must be hard up for subjects to make capital of. ktGoDEv's Lady's Book fob FEiinCA T. This old favorite of the Ladies, pre serves its freshness and originality with rc inarkablu vigor and success. It combines the useful with the elegant, aud is never w anting In any thing that can minister to the fancy, taste, convenience or improvement of the fair sex, in the way of dress, ornament household comforts or mental c.Tcrcise. It remains at the old price, in spite of the hea vy advance in paper ; ami we will continue to furnish Ooicy and the Avieriean togeth er at $3 50 a year in advance. SLLocal affairs. ti? Th WATiirn Thcro lias been quite a hngo in tho weather the pant week. Since Mont day last the thermometer has indicated that the win. ter ! not pawed, and that wo may yet bavo an op portunity to supply ourselves with the usual crop of ice for slimmer use, a luxury that lias almost become a-nceeatity. ty Mn. Ems Unosioi s, late of tho firm of cner A Brosious, has commenced butcheriug on his own hook. We shall therefore have four butchers in town, and Eli is determined not to bo the hind-moet in lb,o race. tyCoio. The tliemouioter, on Tuesday night was down about i;ro, and on Wednesday night the sama. It was very cold all day on Tuesday and Wednesday. The river fell rapidly and is again nearly closed. tySrcjitxT and Schoolmate. Wo hava re ceived the February number of this valuable publi cation, dooidediy the most practical and most valuable perodical of the kiud in this country. Published by Oalen James X Co., No. IS Coruuill, Boston, at$l per annum. lyjowi P. CLKvexs.son of Samuel Clemens, 'ef this place, was killed at the battle of Fredericks, burg, on tho 13lh of Doci-mhcr lust. Hu was a mem ber f Co. D, llth ItegY rVnu'a Vol. Lieutenant Cross of his company, writes to his father, tliat John 'fought manfully until he fell mortally wounded and died next day. lie was a young man of exeolleut character and only about 1 S years of age. tTSince the removal of the Railroad Depo-, She xiff Vandyke hat refilled his hotel, and made quite an improvement in its appearance and com (bits. EjFmt at Shamukix. We regret to state tha1 the Luke Fidler Coal Breaker, a short dktance abovo Sbamokin, worked by John Dunklebergcr A Co. was destroyed by firo on Tkursdny eveuing, the 22nd' nit. The breaker Was the properly of ,Mr. A. M. Eostwick.uf Philadelphia, and the JIcws. lioyd of this place The loss is about 112,000, mostly covered by insurance i Ll,hi . tyjohn Beckly, of Milton, had both of his arms masked and broken on Tuesday last, whilo in the act of coupling care on the CattaWisSa Railroad, on Inch road he was employed as brakesman: tyThe following soldiers of tho 131st Regiment Teen 'a. Vols., were buried lately at Muncy, Lieut. Maxwell, Jas Turner, son 6f Judge Turner, YT, J). Powman and D. K, Worthing ton: iii 1 tv"A r.n'e, ediUii.ing liin; lo confisjich of Judg. crt, requires only the stamp provided by law for promissory totes. Hut a judgment note, which con' Mit authority "for any attorney of any Court of feocrd to appear and confess judgment," U construed to Cohtuiu power of attorney, aud requires a powor of attorney tlanip bt tl besides the promissary note stamp. Forth entry of Judgment by the rrotheao tar y no stamp is required. iy BnoKi is. Some of tbe young folks who eould not wait, ventured upon the ioo on the pond lat Monday beforo it was sufficiently strong. The result was, a young lady from Williamsport in company with a young gentleman 'went In" over bead. With tbe aid of a board turn from a fence, the couple were got to shore without any other damage than aa in )uutary bath, at an inconvenient timt and place. lueka is now again secure, and tha skaters are Jaily Miffing the sport it afiords. . ' t I'ktuceria Carotr W notice that our xobangca iu some iucaUilas give great credit to eer tiiu msuufunturct, ahfs staling the auioi'Dt of taa such men fay under sue aesr revenue law. This is all wrong, aud the sredit thus gli-so Is nut doser.'fd. It is tot tha waAufu.-turT v lU rujuer of aa ar tiol that rUy fays 4 1st U U tfc. iuim r ill the laUrer and Uie uieeHiairle Cietotluig sjilllwus of (he land. Therefore, Ijjut piat ILU iSag of ou ebvet ut at the t(MHe f lite (tm.uuiiity at larga 'will be d'speiwed aiib hcrcaflrr. i is em.li.iutd these cueti thus m Isudrd. aijl imsmo ttM tjbe hu' den of goteiuuoiil ij al.a u Ui.ir shuuldtfs, 1 1 ir ar ' i. tp laiasraaor taa aM4oi Vstiif axa PurrsviLLi lUuaoia -Tbe Nurthera Ceulral rail road has beMu the ewaes iU Ike asiaatukia VaUey and 1'etuville Kail suad, barlug Uaeu a )mt f .r a period ef uu.e hundred and aluely-utiia toais 7U Uriui aud eodaif ibuUJouulie aud Ifsa. far areHi Ul at a sieuJ yie.ltu k.U .1 Uarruiarg, urn edaeeday uf lat e, ty a aunt, saittea of diievtofs refawHilliig hwih saMisauie. TkU rued, whUh eauada at wat, ftuui iUt 4aea U Mvaat l araul, a dUiaaea of M aillM, uu, 0 htailuf the ahaiuekla aval regtw, iaMi auk Ilia Nibwa lealiaj at tais H"- The road ll esel, leulauuditi.il), aad pfueaMwe Ink nl las a.M t ilaableaitd rwuervtM rsiUua-U'u Uieeauuy, At f 4-r Iu lis is'urtaef a Cetiujai sUilruaJ. aad taa I'biUdaadKiia akaa auiebod U alii be t Iwtaeaae lue, aad Ute aliia Wtereet (a lbs aal u, a til U fled to Imus that it i U Ike aaad a Hiteuf able aad ailliu la ua4 la taeia 4um fugues fw Ibell (.(.MretluM ( f H sUId u iLuti, f aeeks llat aa aumiudai4ua Uau u.l4 lea at ef lbs Ma-kia Vil sad Cvuatula uad, aa ttta tat wi yeei. 1b treweidto tt ls4 Sued ka. i mnuim Hh4 al awttsi4alsi lenjsasj t3P Attrmpt to BnCAK Jam..--Several of the prisoner! confined in tho jail at this place, made aa attempt to cacapo, on Tuesday night by breaking through tho wall. One of the prisoners was from Northumberland, confined for stealing a gun, and the other (a negro) for breaking Into a saloon at Mil ton, Tnoy were confined In a room up stairs, as one of thorn had previously mado an opening In the wall below, Sheriff rTaldron who keeps a sharp eye on tho rogues inhieehargc, went up Into thcirroom after midnight and found the atone wall romoved from under the back window, and the rogues about ready to leave thomtclves down, without even saying good bye to their boat. The Sheriff relieved thou from such labor in future, by giving them each a pair of iron gloves to wear, whioh will give thorn time td reOoot on the uncertainties of all things human. (For the Sunbury American. letter from Ike Army. Camp at Ddntric, Va., Jan. 23, 1363; Deaii Amkrican : Perhaps a few lines from this point may not prove entirely devoid of interest to the readers of the American. Tbe 1st Brigade, ((Jen. (ioary's) of the 2d Division of Hen. eiluciim's Army Corns, now occupies this place, and are prepared to hold it against any attack. It wnsatthis point where Stewart's Cavalry attacked Ine three Ohio Regiments' belonging to our brigade, and were so gallantly re pulsod, on Inst Saturday throo weeks ago. We nave built fiue winter quarters, eroded several Forts, and had entertained the pleasing idea that we were to remain hero until spring, but wo are now under marching orders, and dou't know how soon we shall hear the boys singing, "Oh don't yon hear the General say, 'Strike your tents and march away.' " This brigade consists of the 147th and 2Sth Pern rylranin,tbo COth, Mb and 7tb Ohio Regiments. Tho 147th Regiment, in which is a Company from Sol ins grove, commanded by Copt. Davis, is tho finest and apparently the best drilled regiment in the Brigade, and numbers more men than any other belonging to It, We hire throo new and five old companies belonging to the Regiment. The live old companies formerly belonging to tho iSth Feun'a. Vols. Tho health of the troops belonging to it is remarkably good, owing in a groat mousure to the superior medi cal skill of the Surgeon. Dr. Culver, and to some ex tent to the promptness of the Quarter-Master. Lieut. 8. D. Conner, who la ever on tho alort that none but tho best rntions aro dealt out to the men. Col. Purdoo, commanding this rogtinent ranks as one of the bravest men of the war. At Antictam, ho stood all day in the hottest of the Ore. doing execution with a musket. While Major Cmig is acknowledged by all hands to be one of tho finest drilled officers in the army. Those are the kind of men who should have charge of Regiment. They muke tho troops under their command, cheerful, healthful and good lighters. Dumfries is the teeond oldest town In Virginia, and tho third oldest town in America. It was nt this placo where Wahin-;ion was cducutcd and tha aid Court House in which Patrick Henry mado hU mai den speech is still standing here. At ono lime it numbered over SHOO inhabitants and Contained many fine Virginia residences; but now it stands scarcely a wreck ot its fiirmorimpurtauuo numbering lea than three hundred souls, in conversation with on inlelt ligeut citizen who h is resided hi.ro for Dfty years, I learn some interesting particulars concern. ng I ho place. It wtia formerly tho couiiiy scat of Prince William county, and a principal point on the great Southern mail route. A liltlc south of tho village is a grave yard, where something of its antii-uity may be learned. One grave-stone Dears on its inscription the name of a person whose resting placo it marks, and says he died iu 1710, one buudrcd aud fifty-two years ago. At some future time, If wo stay a day or so longer in this section of Virginia, I will take pains to collect some items of general imprest, for publication in the American. A SOLDIER. The Ilattlc on the lllncloralcr. ItOCEIt A rnTdn wtlirpi-;a eoitcon.vxi 11 T GENERAL Foktrem Monroe, Jan. 30. Roger A. Pryor, the Reijet General com manding on the Blnckwntev, crted over with a large forecfc to obtain fofjlge, hnrt v;ith the intention ot attacking our com mand. At twelve o'clook Inst night Briga dier General Corcoran received orders to move from Suffolk to meet Pry or, and at three A. M. our artillery commenced a fire which was briskly responded to by the Rebels. General Corcoran and Colonel' S. P. Spear, of the Eleventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, reconnoitred the enemy's position nnd dis posed our troops to the best advantage. Tho light was ft sanguinary one, nnd when my informant left the batt'.e-lield (12 M.) the battle was still raging. The Eleventh Pennsylvania Cavalry mid Dodge's Mounted RiHcs charged with drawn satires, and the infantry made several splendid chajges nnd drove the enemy before them. The Rebels fought wilh great KltibbrirnnesR, and our forces were Lot behind in gallantry and bravery. General Corcoran marched hi3 furcea from Suffolk nt 12 o'clock on Thursday night, aud when near a plate called the "Deserted House,"' he was nt tacked by Pryor, Colonel S. P. Spear had his horse shot under him and was constantly exposed to the utmost danger. Colonel Matthew Murphy, of the Bixty-ninth New York Volunteers, was com plimented on tho battle-field for daring and braverv. Colonel Knodercr, of the One- hundred nnd sixty-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, is badly wounded. Captain Taylor, of the One hundred and thirtieth New York Volunteers is killed, Lieutenant Buwtcllc, of the Sixth Massachusetts Volun teers, is killed. The Thirteenth Indiana Volunteers lost one killed and two wounded ; the Sixtv-hinth Iscw York Volunteers lost ten kltled and thirty-two wounded ; the Ono hundred and fifteenth New York Vol unteers lost two killed and mx wounded. Caplain J. .1. Blodgett, Assistant Adjutant General to Brigadier General Coreonia, was slightly wounded. The dglit had lastetl seven nour wncn my informant left and Was then raging lieieely. Reinforcements were s-x-nt to Gen. Corcoran by General Peck, and nt Inst accounts wc were driving the RobeU beforo us with great slaughter, and have thus far captured and rccured about 100 prisoners. Capture ol Ibo UritUb silenusvr 4rrIssfi'N llojnl." Dai.tiioi:e, Feb. 2. Tho Richmond WV.i'j of Suturday, roci-i-vud at the lmf) icit olfiee, has the follow ing "Aftrr our form wn$ sent to press on Thursday night, a telegraphic despatch was received announcing the rapture of the British steamer Prinrets Royal, Captain Lawson, while uttcinptlug to run the block ade into Charleston. "At the time of the departure cf the Princess Royal from Halifax for Deruiudu, the Northern paper announced the fact, nnd gave a decriptim of the veel and urgo. The Union crtiiM-ra wire, therefore, oil the look out, nnd alio was making her way U'I'oro lu light, on Tliuraduy morn ing, khe vu auddenly surrntinded, and her olliiirs coi?ipclled to run lur on Long Islund ltli, where hu was captured. "Tin1 Prince a Royal had on board most Voluublu fitrgo, ('(ntiting of eight WUU wurtU guns, four ktitini entma for gun lu, tale. pmuUr, 5.c. The bulk oi her Jreiy lit tia iMI ton . A, party of Ijiyllall workmen, skilled n tLo uwuglkturu ut project Ilea, were cnptur editli the vvotl. Tim pilot ami una or two f i4 rew i'M.'aiKii on boat and tyiuluHt C'liiuiitn. 'Wit iwu y4jlk. tfi trit Ihftt linpurtnnt dcaMU.Uus) liuu Caitfaiv Wamjf 10 IU Gov triuiuiil er satvH( by lltxaa M roMa." WnikiJi, a'ilj. l'iiuia Roy- it, whiih liti b)wii t aptiife4 v'f 1 haiU-aton, had ot) lurd UtH txtrn-U of ,,-uniiuader, ttavi AruisiruuK itutia, a luiuu U.I ut was. blu rry, lgbl blndrvJ and eighty balea v( sbtvl liuu. 0v bundled U'kt-a if tju uia, ativot laW.ry, liiiiilril ml forty f ur Laic of ItardtSMi. ktiu'iy va caa f I.umHs, two liuudrwtl aud Iwiutjr ulua ig cf tojVe u4 olUi r tiilual'U'a. - -- a Bub hit tf 4wra Th t "uilliinrr vl Lilvriitl llcttiiuw ivcoivvd fruiH all aouiiw, all fiUliaa, f lb .kavk ,.,. . klh.1 in-! sUetf aluia, iIuiihii atta.ad lU laid suet . vta lul l tt uii -noail tjawia I ia'-l W1JA. ,s The E-ntrsit " Itcbcl I-lew. "' " nSchmoml papers havo been received to January Slat. They contain tho follow ing: "It is Impossible that the Florida could have been tho vessel that sunk the United States enn-bont Ilntteras, as she did not leave Mobile until tho night of the 18th Irrst.y mid tho Ilnttcrnt was sunk on the 11 til. Wo have rcllnblo information that tho vessel that did sink her was tho British Man-of-war Spitliro, as the Cnptttin indicated ih his replv to the Yankee commander. It may be that Commodore Wilkes bad Wearied out British endurance by his extra ordinary blockade at Nausau and other ports, and that orders had been issued which' re stilte I in this naval engagement. Major Heid Saudcrs, with his despatchr?, was captured,- by boing botrared by tho crew of his yntcU. As soon as they got out of Charleston, the crew tied him and steered for thti fleet,- tnd delivered him up to the Yankees. This accounts for his despatches not bcing'scnt to tho bnltotn. Mkf.tikg) of Dank Dikkctoiis ik Refe hekce to the natiosal. charter. a ineMlng of the Directors of tho different Banks in this city was held, on Saturday last, to take action regarding Secretary Chase's plan of consolidating the State Banks tiudcr a Naltfonfd charier. The bill proposing this change is rinv beforo Con gress, anil tho result of the meeting on Sat urday tends to show that our banks will be unanimous in adopting its provisions, and that the State charters will be annulled. -iTiiB Naval Fight at Ch'aiu.esto?., Tho latest rebel news in regard to the capture and loss of our steamers at Charles ton, is contradictory. The Richmond Examiner of the Sd Inst,, makes no mention of n great rebel victory and raising of the blockade, but simply has this announcement. Anoilicer with a bout's crew came up to the city, passing by the Yankee iron-clad New Ironsides lying in tho oiling. The Richmond Examiner, samo date has the following : During tho attack upon Fort McAllister this morning, the ling stuff of the iron-clad was shot away. There Is no excitement but the best spirits prevail. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Economy is Wealth'. CI III! YOI U COI II FOR 13 C fH. Tho BEST and CHEAPEST Household RKMLPV in the World. IiMlanic ponnat's GREAT C0KUI. REMEDY Madams ZADOC POR TElt S Curative llilfim Is warranted if used ac cording to tho directions, tn cure in all casus Cnuglis, Colds, Whooring Coupli, As:luna, and all uCvutious of tho Throat aud Lungs Madame Zadns Porter's Unlearn is prepared with all the rrquisile cure and skill, frnui it combination of tho bi-st remedies tho vegotable kinjrdnm afl'ords its .eincdial qualities aro basivl on its power to assist tho healthy and viorious circulation of tho blood, blood, thro' I he Lunp. it is not a violent remedy, but craolient warming, senrobiujr. nrd crtootivu ; can no taken by tha oldest jierson or youn; iSWV-D Madame Znd T&M.XK Buieam has bee ntst chil'l. doo Porter s :en in use hv the public fur over IS years una lias acquueii it pre sent sale simply by being recommended by those who havo used it to their aillictvd friends and others Must IuronT.isT. Madame Zitloc. Porter's Cnr.tt tivo Balsam is snld nt a price whieli brings it iu ihc reach ot every one to keep it convenient lor nse. 1 hu timely use of a singlo bottle will prove to be Worth 1 U0 times itscost. NOTICE Suvo your Money ! Do not be pcrs ua; dt'd to purchase artu-lvs at 4s to (1 which do not con tain tho virtues of a 13 cent Bottloof Mudamo Por ter's Curative Balsmn, tho cost of miinufuciuritu w hich is as great as that of almost any other medi cine; nnd the very low price at which it is sold, inukc8 tho profit to the seller apparently small, and unprincipled deulors will sometimes rt'cnimntud other mcuicims on which Uu-lr proGis aro larger, un less Iho customers insist upou lmvinj Madauio Por ter's and none othor. Ak lor Madumo Porter's I'u rative Balsam, priee l't eeiila, and in lurc boitUs at j cents, and laVe no oilier. It you cannot get it at one store you can at another. Sold by all Druirtrisl and Storekeepers at 13 els., and in larger bottles nt S; els. HA J,. i. ItlC'KEL, Proprietors, January 31, JS03. ly ew York. Oltl'IB AS' I'OI RT RAI.I', IN pursuai.ee of an order ,of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county", will bo exposed to pub lic sale, nt Iho bouse of Frederick Haas, deeensed, ou'JII.Sl)AY, the 24thdjyof February. A. 1. ISliD, IhoTuliuwiiiff described property, to nil ; Tl.u un divided lenib part uf afl that eel lain tractor pic.u of land, situutu in I'ppcr Augu'ta luwuship, Nor. Ihumbcrlnnd eountv. uud Male el' l'eiini.vivsi:. aujoining land of widow Smith on the corili. laud ot cbiuucl Moore on Ihe south, land of Wm. Welutl on tho east, and lands of said Samuel Moore und widow MnitU on tho west, eontainmir tweniv acres, U'.nre or liua, about twelve acres of which are cieured. wliercou aro creeled a two-story Brick Dwelling tiuuw, H j- raiuo 04iu, A Stone VutT.Iovvcr jirlt Mill, a tenant House, nnd other outbuildings, a Well of water at tho door, aud a good orchard on the premises. Also, Iho undivided tenth part of all that certain lot of Kiuund, situuto in said I' ppcr Augusta town ship, adjoining; land of Jtueph Cake on the north, limd of Frederick Coble on the sooth, land of K. Y. llriht ou Ihe east, and land of I Ijo bi lls of Aduui r-bim'.er ou Ihe west, containing Cvo acres aud forly lurches, more or leas, all of which is cleared, aud ou which is a good orehard. Alto, tbo one undivided tculh cf lbs undivided four-Ulibs of all that oertain lot uf ground, siluaie in Ihe borough of Suubury, ou Ihe south side uf tliack berry siroet, bcuf bounded on tbo nurlh by said illackbciry street, ou the south by tha Sbamnkin Valley & Po!t4ille Railroad, on the tut by Jiocr street, aud ou the we.l by a lul of Peter 11. Manser, being lot numbered in the general plan of said bo ruuU two liundrvi ami Iwciiiy-uioe (J.'V ) Also, the uuditiueatenih part of all that certain lot or piece n( ground, ailuato in said borough of buutury, on the tal side of Fawn street, adjoining rnwusireei ou mi wui, j-oai-ocrry srreei ou tuu south, au alley oa Iho east, a lot of the estate of Frederick Haas, deceased, (now in tho pucsU.u uf Martiu brocious.) ou the uorth, buiug lurty irel in frout on said Fawn street, aud Iwu hundred ai d Ibirly iu depth, whvrouu aro ervcttd a lo-lory kg bouM, a Well uf water, Ae. Also. Ihe ono undivided tenth rart of all that eerlaiu lot or pieee of ground, situate in Ibo borough ol sunbury aloiwaid. unke east aide ol'Fawaral aiorts.il J, ujoit.ing ia sueel ua ine eI, Ike tut ol giuuud abova dtsoiibuil on ihe souib, aa alley oa I be sail, aud a lul of Ucuiyllaupt u the SHiriii, Liu4 t.riy ftet iu fivi.l. uiore or . as, oasiiUF'awa sueci, aud two aundie4 ana Uiiny fotat sleep, abcreou era oreetuj a lo slory bru.li daeitiiig boue, a Well of aster, and other ouibuildiuxs, Li Ibe property ot trcderlek Haas, deeraaed. baie iu auuiwcuee at It) u'.Uwk A. M of said day, abea Ibe Urms aud euodiiums uf sale a ill It u4a auuaaby . Ht.NUs UAl FT, tiuardiaa, . . Kf Fetal k', Uwaat, Py wUr ef lbs Court, J. A J CliiMIMIS, Ilk O C w.Ury, Jaa. It, ladl. ) VnlesultU II ml i:aiMi fva Ussle, XT OTIC t is busby gltca thai all Ike iaieteel aad i asUM l Ibe beln vt Ibo Ute Vidviwk llas. J.wv4, of, in, aad la all Ike load, luu aud pfeiuiMpe suStik4iMl aad daauiiaod la lie abuva adtviliMSkeiil by lUuiy tlaupt, aill be aHeted ruuiwixiew ouioiy, ai ' aad swld las lba k.sk.et aad VW VMaMf. i Mas llll ale W Ibe luivkaMf lbs Ule e4ale la l4 kiopMiy. lue lule la aasiuepiliataWe aad the iivpeiiy taiusUe ai-4 ta ad asMMlniua. aWie lu awiau4 at las tu.s iiiae as ebon saeu. Ilxaad, wkia ike iMfe and eobdtUuM aili be awvle "TiiiliFIHri i'F I It Hilt UK Um, iH'i, Jkkassf It, fl4. uil(i;, I 4 LL iSfeyt kaoaiaa lk.-.-li WW ! J a lll'" a vii.ul, iii.- a avi a--.-M-i, aul Jlwa Mil ui ls as Ikiu-wilM to M lkJvU4 ia m iM-.a baM ia tkiLlkii ASMAKT Kry.laawili Ill il II To !ortu SullVriTai of 1otli Kcxcs. AREVEREXP UENTI.FMAN having been re stored tn he llh in a fun dnya, nfler emlerjiinR all the usual routine nnd irregular expensive modes f treatment, . 'lout success, eoujidem It bis saorud duty to cominunlnate tn his afllioted iallow etcalures the mraks or una. Hence, rn Ibo roueipt ef an addressed envelope, he will send (froe) a copy of tho prescription used, direct to , ln. JOHN M. PAUN'ALU, ISA Fulton Slroot, Brooklyn, N. V. anuary 2, lb03. , . . . SEW I'OK hAI.C, . ' , ALSO, ' ' ' GAUDEtf OlX FRUif FAP.M3. PultaMe for (Irapes, reaches, Pears, Ras)bfrrie, Strawberries, Blackberries, enrrants, Ac., of 1, 2i, 6, 10 or "0 acres each, at the following prices lor the present, vis.; 2l)acrcs for $200. In. acres for (110, o aoros for $00, 2i acres for MO, 1 aero for (20. Payable by Ono dollar a week. Also gnHi urnnnejry innus, ana vuinge lots tn CHF.TW one, 2.1 by luO feet, at (01 each, payable by one dollar a week. The nbovo land and farms, aro situated nt (.'hctwood, Washington Township, Burlington County, Now Jersey. For further in formation, apply, with a P. O. cHamp, for a circular, to B. FRANKLIN CLARK, Va. ftfl C'c.lur Street, New York, N. Y January 24, 1S0J. ly To OiiNrimplirrsi. THE Advertiser, hnving boon rratored t hofilth In a fiw weeks, hv a very simple remedy, nfler having suflored several years with a severe lung af fection, nnd that droad disease. Consumption is anx ious to make known to bis icllow-suliors tbo means of cure. To nit who tlrsiro it, ho will tend n copy of the prescription used (froe of charge), with Ihc directions for preparing nnd tislng Iho snme, w hich thcv will find ft Kfiia Ci bk for Conri hiitiox, AktIima, Biion ClliTis, Ac. The only object of the Advertiser in sending tho Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to bo invalua ble, and he hopes every aufleror will try his remedy, as it will oost them nothing, and may prove a blus lag. Parties wishing- tho prescription will ploa.o ad dress ilaiv. ELlWART) A. W ILSON, . . AVilliamsburg. Deo. 20, 1S2. 3m - Kings County, Now York. xris.iv (VI-michs ai iii'iruicK. CAME to the prcmis-s of the (bcrlber, in Mount Cnrmcl township, Northumberland oounty, about tho 1st of August, tliroo stray .Steers, Ihcn about 10 months old. Two of them are dark brown color, nnd the other spotted. ' Also at tho same time and place, c.imo three slray lleiffers, red, whilo nnd Siotted, and also about Id mouths old. Tho owner or owners arc requested to call and establish their claim forr:iid cattle, pay charges and rcuiovo tho same according to law. EXOCII R. COLE. Mt. Carmcl twp., Xor. 15, 1302. 2ui ISO VA K A SSO 'I ATI , PiULAHELPHIA. For the Relief of the Pick end Distressed, afflicted wilh Virulent and Clironio Diseases, aud especially for tiie cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs MEDICAL AUVICFgtveu gratis, by tho noting .Surgeon. VALVABLK RKrORTSon spermatorrhoea or Semiunl Weakness, and oilier Diseases nf tho Sexual Organs, aud on tho MEW REMEDIES em ployed in tho IKnpuisnry, sent' to the ntliicted in seiiled letter envelopes, free of ehurge. Two or threo tntnps for postage will be neceptnble. Address. DR. J. SKILI.IN iiOL'liHTOX, Acting Surgeon, llouurd A"""oiaUin, 'o, 2 txmlh Ninth d'lreul, Pliiliide'pliis, Pa, Jununrytt, ISti.'l -ly lsli3. ArrntiRetiiciUa 1V3, of evv York I.isicn, THE CAMI'EX AND AMUOV AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON K. U, CO.'S LINES, From Vhiliitlrlphia to iWw J'or and H'y 1'lcets, from Wonut Ktrtet VTharf and Kcnsintton JJijrnt, will leave . foloir, rii : fauk. At fi A. M., via C:imdt.n and Amlwy, (C. nnd . Accoinnionriuon.i AtO A. M., via Camdcnand Jersey City, N.J $2 23 Aucemmoiltttinn, At H A. M.. via Camden and Jersey City, 'Morning Mnil.) At 8 A.M., via C'nmden and Jersey city 2d Class Ticket At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, E.prevs At 12 M. via Camden nnd Ambtiv, C and A. 2 23 .3 00 2 25 3 00 2 23 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 (Accommodation.) At 2 P. M., via t'umden and Amboy, (C. and A. Express.) At 3 P, M,. via Kensington and. Jersey City, Wash, ar.d N. Y. Express At 0J P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, (Evening Mail.) At 111 P, M, via Kensington and Jersey eity, rMUithcrn Mail. At M (uij;bl) vi Kensington and Jersey city hnu'nrrn Express At 5 P. M , yia'Cainden ami A'roboy. (Atimm, modal ion, Freight aul Tassenger, First L'la.-s Ticket. Second Clafti Ticket, 2 !5 1 30 For Water Gap, r-lroudi.linrg, Scranton, Wilkcs- i.-i'.rc, Jl.inir"?e, oreui lieud. i!c; nt t A. M fmui Kui.hl:i7luii, via Delaware, Lackawanna and esicru naiiiium For Munch Chunk. Alleutovn. Pclhlehcm, Belvi dere, Eas! n, i.ambortvillc. F'loiuinxtt.u. Ac, at 8 A.M.. from Kcruint;'on Depot, uud at i V: M t fioiu Wulnut street barf. (T ho 0 A. M. Line connects with Trains Waving Eas'.ou fur il.uuli Chunk, al 3-20 P. M ) For Mount Holly, at C A. M., 2 and 4 P. M. For Free-hold, at A. M. and 2 P. M. WAY.. LINES. For Ttristol. Trrrton. Aa., at 11 A. M. and 21 and 5 P. M. fium Kensington. For Paltnyru, lliveiioo, ilelaneo, Beverly, Eur-lilij-lon, Florence, Eirduuiowu, t.c., ut r 1, 2, 41 0 P. M. V Fur New York, ami M'ay Lines leaving Ken silic on Lcpot, InVo the Cats n Filth street, above Walnul, hail au hour before departure. Tho Cars tun int.. Ihe 'pot, npd oa tho arrival of each Train, run from the Iiepot. I'llty Pounds of Burgage 6nly, allowed caHi fassengcr. Puasecgtts are pmLitiied from taking auyihiug rs ba?iiKe but tbeir weariuj! Bpj.arel. All haripige over Jjtiy piiupds to bo paid for extia. The Company liu.il their resuousibilily fur bngjagc lo ti;e liolhir per pound, and will col be liable l .r auy u;ouut beyond f lUt), excerl by sreeial e intjuet. Yil. II. UATZMKR, Aijeut. January 17, 1S03. W3 UROADWAY, Corner of Bleeekcr Street, -NEW.YORIC, "CARTES DE VIHITE," Photographs. Pamerreotypr, 4c. rnder Ihe per. aoual attention of M. A- ROOT. January 3, latU. Hellographio Artist. ASNOL NCF8 to all who trade Iu Eaiibury, that be has jujt purchased a lalMdi: NKX'U or vrrll Hrlet-lcd NE W GOODS, W:h be offers at hl old s'end. near Covert's IIolo' r"ri j of Market rvjusr. very ('HEAP VOH CASH Or If that will not do. Just as aheap Kf O V X T V ! It l V V !.'. tils stock aousisU of a lare asaortaieot af HAT. fiOUTS. CAPrt. tUui. tO.VTS. f ALT, l' A N Tfl. riOAP. Vl'TS. MUMUS, UAHlJw'AT E, l l.:.ew AltE, aad ether artiolrt allogttbrr too auwervus to aiee-uua- CALL .TTr SUC. unbury, January S. Iul-t, Tfa Mrilr'l'lisiet 4lafrver, HIK J bUH iriUN OF MfcTHANt.iM 1 )FI.U a butiilwg aud upea fane, w lady s or ga I ileuiau's ! b voiulilu I. Ooe al Ibe eeiuK. bnl iartieitl, and dveided ly lbs be and el,ivp.l IjwilJie r geueial aud lelial'.e use vef on. r.l. 1: lM wul.iu it e I m. awlad kith iu sua.'Kia'iT ileowa aiudiug ailsi ltt Bieat, latidenug a key ul.uly amiKimiy. Ibe earas ot ibis V) eu-'b aw auk.pid ol Iwo Uieiala, il.e iu. lr ti.M Ial-im a..M Id ij.ilI w. LI li Lu iI.m ..... J HI fte, Iii ir4 Usiatfw UAttt Mr iUu .4iijf lu t.y l .wltsMias, -iJ ia s UHrt Vtt U.I -.)iiul w ' it l. j f. nt ltud in Ai A4 In Iii 4UtU A . tjt m ti uk i. bt, I LVIUWi I1UII I. I UII M I 'I'll I -I -.II kuvaa lloUl I -iJ la Kubui) al iba I i-'a.'U-ul (b awk'ia I kulial auk WMlsius:iiiaisiwasiiswMk.k). is a i ua a.uuik, utaui at mu ku m 4 aasa ai'l sa. 1 4 asV la I (oi-akisx m) ksl as a. JUST OPENEDI B. Y. BRIGHT. & SON, INVITE tlie early attention of cash pur chasers to their choico, varied and exten sive assortment of FRESH WINTEH QOOD3 tvhicli they offer at reasonable prices. Our stock embraces) A full lino of Handsome Dress Goods, A nice lot of Domestic Dry Goods,' A choice supply of doo Vrhito Goods, A great variety of Boots nnd Shoes, A largo Stock of Queens and Glassware, A very extensive lot of flardwnrts ILits nnd Caps and Ready Made Clothing, Groceries ofnTl kinds, fresh nnd pure, Drugs Paints Glass nnd Oils, WE INVITE particular Attention to the following lino of Goodb, auitabfi; for' Holiday Presents Peal Heavy Blanket Shawls, French Blanket and Broclie Shawl-) Hoosrry for Lndics, Gents nnd Children, Ladies Gloves in great abundance, A complete slock of Gents Cloves, Fancy Shirting nnd Opera Fliiuftclsf Assorted colors Bnlmoral Skirts, Skeleton Skirts In great Variety, Zephyr Opera Caps and Nubias, Fine Sable Furs nnd Mufla, Fino 'White Linen Handkerchiefs, Colored border Cambric Handkerchiefs Heal Bandanna Silk Handkerchiefs, Gents Silk Xeck Ties and Cravat tn, Fino needle worked C'ollnn, Super Black Love Veils, Silk Tissues of nssorted Slindcs, Ribbons, Lnecs, Edgings and Rufflm?, Fine Black Mohair Caps, Shawl Pins and Scarf Pins, Perfumery, Pomades and Soaps, Buck Purses and fancy Port Jlonalcs, First rate Skates, ready strapped, Nice Hair Brushes and Pocket Combs, Extra good Penknives nnd Scissors, Childrens Gum Gilded Combs, . Ac, Ac., &!. Sunbury, Dec. 20, 1PC0. ISciKtin;; ISnllrond. WINTER ARHAKGEMEIJT. n R E AT TRUNK LINE from Iho North and VT Ntrth-Wcst for Philadelphia. New York. Read ing, roit.-ville. Lctmuon. Ailcntown. Laston. &o. Xuiii.s leavo lli'.rrihurg for Philadelphia, New York. Rending. Pottvillc. and all lntcrtucuiaiu rilatiuns. at b A. M.. nnd 2 00 P. M. New York Kxpresslcnves H.-irrisburg nt 3 15 A.M., airivinir at New Yolk at ID .III Iho simiio morning. Pares from Huriiibur To New York $5 15 ; to Philadelphia S'J oj and S2 DO. Ilng:.jo ihecUed through. Returning, leave New Y'ork at 0 A. M.. 12 Noon, ami 8 P M. (Pittsburgh Fxpress). Leave Philadel phia at 8 15 A M. and 3 l P M. .Sleeping cars in the New York Express Trains, through Iu and from Pii:sburh without chunge. i'acr.gers by the Cattawissu Rail Uoad leave Port Clinton at 5.15 A. M.. tor Phila. and all intermediate 8tntion ; and nt ".25 P. M., for Philudclphh, New York, ar.d ail Wav Points. Trains leave Pi.tlsville nt 0 15 A. M.. and 2."0 P. M., fur Philadelphia and New Y'oik ; nnd at 5.W P. M.. fur Auburn and Port Clinton only, connecting for Pine tirove and wi.h tho Ciutawissu Unit Ki,ml ; re turr.inz fioiu Heading at 8 15 A. M.. fur lVttsviilo. Anaetoniino.lalion Passenger train leiiv,-s Rcailiuj; nt tt ,;u A. M., and ruturue from Philadelphia at 4 oil P. M. jf' AH the abor traips run duily, gupdoys ex cepted . A Hunday train leaves rottsyiile at 7.30 A, M., and Philadelphia at 3.15 P. M. . Cnmmutalion, Miieao. reason. and Kxcursion Tiekuta, at reduced ralve to luwl from ail point. U.A.MCOLLS. Dee, 13, lSii2. General i:uperiutciidcnt. Idickauunua A. ItIooiuikur ISuil ro;il. : VN nnd after Novm.ber 17, 1 3fi2, Tos-enger Trains will run as follows t JJQVINH P01T1I. Pi-right V l'asen( r. 111. 1 A". M 11.40 P.M. Leave Scrahton, b.i'OA.M. Kingston, 8. 20 " Rupert. ll.Jtl) " Danvillo. 12.U6 Arrivoat Norlhiimberlnnd. 12 13 P. 31, MOYINU MHITI1. Leavo Northunibeihuid, 4,20 P. M. Iinnvillc, fi.oO " Rupert, .:t3 ." Kington, 8.45 Leave, 1.45 P . M. Arrive at tv-rnnlou, 111. Oil V. M. SAU A Passenger Train also Intrea Kingston at 8 CO A. M . for beriuiion, to eocneet wi.h u train for New Y'ork. Returning, leaves .Sernnton on arrival of train from New York, at 4.15 P. M. The Liu'kawanna A lloomsbur Railroad connects Willi mo iielawuro, LavKawanna ami rstoru llail mad at Scraulou, for New York aud ii.teruicdiuto points erst. At Rupert it connects wilh Ihe C.lui-fn Rail' road tor points both east aud west arriving at Phil adelphia at 11.13 P, M. Ai Northumberland it connects with the Phihidel pbift A Lrio Railroad and Northern t. i l.trul Rail road, for points west and south Puicners arriving at llarrinrjurg 4 t0 I'. Al I'Uilaaetphia 10 r. M.J and Lullimore 10.20 P. M. The Freight nnd Purenpers Train north, leaves Northuiubei land at tl.45 A M , and arrives at 9,201 M passing Daurillo at 8. ill 1. M JOHN P. ILPLKV, Fup't. J, C. Ifll.1.1. Ucnerul Ticket Agent. Nov. 2U, Ibo- Northern Central lniluv ! rii'i:ix inn: tahle:. TWO TRAIN'S DALY to and from lue North and West Urnncb Susquebunnu, Llniira, aud all of Nor Hi ern Now York. a'Wftud alter MONDAY. November 17th. 12. J the PassenKer Trains ot tbe Northern t'enlral Railway will arrive at and depart fi' U. .'uuliury. Uarriaburg and Itiilliuiore as follc.v.s, vis ; 8 O V T II W A II U , Mail Train leaves Sunbury dally (except Buudav). I 4A T. M. I' leaves lUrri.l.ur, 5 :0 ' ' arrives al lialiiiuore, 10 JO " Eipresa Zrain leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday.) 11 20 P.M. " l,4es Harm-burg (ixei-pt Monday.) arritea al ll.dlluiore daily (ex!.,)! Mouday), i 43 A. M. T 30 A. M. Uitil Train Uhtm nluiiutrj Unity (ux. ccft bt iJuy 9 ! A. M. Uvr lUm-Lur 1 4j IV M KiJ'ruM Tmu Uvm Httltiun-i J nil 8 -to Y. M " nrriiv nt il.tiri'bur,', 1 tH)A M- lvL llttriutur u4ceii MoiitUvK 3 ?A A. M u irrn v ut Htif.turr. tl Fur fuiiLvf UilWuiMiiuik tl" rm.t. i. .v. I tUaWU-V.fti. Nov. t9, W3. l uiubt'r l.uiMbt r I rill LIP MIAV, Muui-y. lywuiuliig tton.ijf, Fl. IM-oJ.jUJ ItU ItUiUiaul tli ruLlUlu vmrMl. Utal ! Ki.iaiuUy kc w ku 1 Jmi4'. w I lit, J 4 nil iiu4 ut l-uiitUr bU4iu4 .i.il-il, mlU-k it ll l U1- lv I'ttv. Tle 'uuiVi.l4n mid i:-rlcui ol MM I Mt 41 1 id, i4OU lc , J Why. AJ . U -Mjri.J kko Itos ui t biu.fc-11 au.l bi4 k-ui ku gtval rs-ibn-u.b k.-.4u-l lui-'MlkU aui uu.l i )) -wi-i a '4 lli.fe.d ruh (, siula sui ts a.aj l I "I aa'Uu 1 ' aaiUAMkl. U tCAI li . ltk4M4, at , J V, IlkiahlJ, MJ-ly i,.a a. l.k-.-P. tAk 'I ks. . , - " - - - . -. - -. ---- KluUrt avk Isiuskuwiaa at(pf rk fit- kiiM 4 k ) f,afU lal AYER'S 1 Are coring Ibe Sick lo an exlrnt peter before known of any .llcdklnr IN7AL1L3, innn judge for y ourselves iULES IIAtTEL, Tie., tlie well known errnmer, o. Vhestniil eireel, a'lolitilrlpaia, v. tint tlmice reiluct i "I am bstiy la ssr of ymte t.Tit.ue Pius, that I have Smmil them a better fnniily nipillrtne, for ronmien use, Ittnn any oilier WHhin my kiiwliics. Mstiy nl niy friends have rrsllsril msrkrtl brnrdls I mm llirin, ami riv Itirtdewiih me iu pelieeiii tlmt iliry p"wrsetirfltihliinrf eirloea air driving nut (tresses sra rurin the sirk. Thet are not only eflerlust, lint ante sad elenssnt lo lie taken qnslhies whirh must make them valued ky Uie puulie when they are knows." The venerstile Chsiireltnr WAItDLAW writes from IU). thiinre, l.lili April, IhMi " Pa. J. ('. A Pir: I hsve tnkrn vour Pills with arest henettt, for the lifilessncss, latienor, iois of niiiieTtie ana IliHnus beailarlie, w hirh hs of tntp vesra ove-tnken me In the sniiitf. A few doses of yimr Tills fnre.1 me. I linve used your Clierry fecl'irnl ninny years In tny fitnilly ha- roughs and etihls With tmoiiltiig siirress. Von uiRks medicines whirh mre i snd I feel It n plsnwme to cciiimeuil you fur the r,fsst yisi linve done ami sre dninc.o JOHN P. r.r.i O'V, Ei.,Sre,ofilie Tenn. Rnilmsil Co, says Pir t I tfikp iilentuie In mffling hiy irrfiiitfiiy tn l . trnTfy m J tmr ineotcttiM, n.ivinfr icrivri vory inittrrin Itriipfit Truin tli ilrt nt iNitli ytmr IVitoral "nil ('nthai!ic PilK 1 Kin never without them in my ianiih , m.rtmH ever conttenl lo be, w hile hi meant will inn-tire tiifm." The wnlelv renowned 8. 8. 8TEVENH, M. P., i f Went wnrili, 1. H., Wril". ' llnviitu il net I ycur rTitBTtc Pi in In my ppciire, 1 eeriily from espt-rictice tdat Uiry are vn iinelunlilt niiK lire. In CAen tf dior,)eretl riiiiriiumi nf the liver, rniiii.g I lend fir lie, iiitlireminn, ctwtiveneiw. uml tlie preal variety of iliicnes thil ftilltiW, tliey nre n ecrer remrdy ilitin uny nllier. In nil cane where a imrgntive remedy in rrrTiireu, 1 cmtftilfiitly rerfmnienrl there Tills lo the public, m niert' r to any oilier I have ever found. They ii vtire in their nnem'tion, and nerleetly Pale nunliiifi whirls tnnXe them an Invnlualile anirir for fM:llic use. I hava ir manv vmni knnwn vmir -(Mmm-i Pn-ttmJ mm lli IumiI ton eh tediriiia In tiiewnrUli and thM PilUnra in nn I wiM interior tn that admirable nreonrntioti for the treat i uieut of dweases. " jfrfeti, Mt., Al. M, 1PM. "Da.J.C. Am- PenrSIr: I have been niliirted fnrn my hi nh wiih rniftiU in It nnrat fir in, and now, after (tveiify years' trial, and nn untold of amount f MHfVriiiy, have been rnmpleiely cured In a few week a- your PiliA With what feel in pi of rejoicing I write can only l.a huaeined when you realice wimt 1 have aulTer7d,and ilt long. " Never until now have 1 been free from 1 1 if m loatlisnlhd disease in eome liare. At i!pic it allarknd my ees, nnd made me aTinoM blind, W'idcx the uteiidiiraru jtaiti ; at cibeia it reiilrd in ihc mlp of mv head, and detroed my hair, nnd has ket me ianly hidi) all my dav ; pninetiniei It rftm nut In nty fat o, ami ki-t n lor nmniht n rtw ore M AIkmii time n eclii ago 1 c umienred takine your C'a thattic rilW, ami now am rntirely free Imni the ccinj litii.t. My ejee are Weil, my skin in i..ir, nnd my hair htm com menced a bcalihv piimiiti nil i-l which inake me feci already n new (ht-ii. Hopiur thi- ft.i tp merit may be the mear.i of cmve) Inj Information (hat rlin 11 do grod to oilier, I am, w ith every entiiiient of giatittide. Vur, Ar.. MARIA riCKER." '! have know n the nliove named Aiaria Kicker irom tier childlKiotl, and lier afaleinent ia wtrii tlv tnie. AMJltt-.W J. XlESKKVB, Oventeet of the rortmnouili Mnnntaciuiing C'c. CtrT. Jon. PKA'I'T, rf tho hiiip Majien. iilc from PoMon, 9iih April, U."4: u Vonr Tills have cnml me fmtn a hilloua nttark which nmsc Irom deranceinent cf the l.iver, which iad become very1 Sertoli f. 1 had tailed of any relie f hv in riivsicirn, and fnm every remedy I ruubl try; Imi a lew duee of yoni fills have completely restored me tn health. I luve f'iicit them to tn) cliiidrrn for worm?, v. ill the l-et ef ecl 'i'hry w ere pn-mpily cnicd. I rccrmnieuded them to a fiirnd for eiitiveiiesa, which had iron bled him rW ni(uthi ; he told me in a few day thev had cured him. You make the bett iiiciliciue in li.e w Ji!d; ami 1 am liee lu aay so." Rend thi from Ihe ilitinpiKltei! Sollritornf the Pupreme Court, wMe brihiant abilities have mat him well known, not only iu thin hot the neiithbnrinji State. " AV Orit m frrr, 1834. 11 Pin I hare great Fatisfaciimi in aspirin a ou liial mynclf and family have lieen very much benefited by your luedkinrei My w ile cured, two yearn aince, ot' a ae vere and daiH'emua coujih, by your L'MKR&r r:tTmAfc and Kince thru haa enjo; ?d i'jrtci t hcallh. My children have everal limea been cured from attacks ol the Influ enza and Cnitp ly ir, Il is an InvnhiaMe nuitdv tr the complaint;. Vour i:thtic I'illi have cm ire ly cttred me Irom a dyaep?ia and ciwtiveurs, whirl) hu prow it iiK.n ue for atme yeary, imirrd, hi cure hi much mora iiuKrtant, from the (art that I had railed to pet relief fioiu fhe hf-1 PliVrlciana whith Iih seclom of Ihe country tit id-, and fioiu any of Uie muiietum teoie Uie I had taken, " Von xreni to u, Toctor, like ft fravMenllal ble.-ing tn our family, and )ou i..v well auppope we are m i un til in 101 td' it, Votirit 'respect lully, I.EAVllT TIIAXTER. " Ia. j. C. Area Ihmof-cd fir: I hate made a UuT oilpli tii.il uf the CaIhahtil- I'ili j, llt me b- y. l.r spent, and haie been cured by (hem of Iho dreat'oil ttieiiiii.iiiiii under which he found me eufi'eriiitf. Tlie lir-t dtfe re lieved in, anj few milmMjur.it d have entirely reunited the die.-te. I feel In' better health now than lor entue year liora, w hub 1 al initiate entirely to Ihe etl'tiU of yotrr CTHari liu.e. Your with treat re :, LL'L'IL'8 H. MKTCAI.P." Tle ol-nre are all from ieruiu i are publicly kiw,,n "here Ibey revide, ami who wonhl not tn.ike tl.p" e nate mente wiUiout a ihotoith cunviction th:;t they wcit. due. Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Practical aid Analytical ChetuUts, Lowell, Mais. 55oU by rrllirg Grant, end H. A. l'ieber, in Sunbury, Ir. It, H. McCny, Xortuuinlerland. .T. F. CusJow. nml C. Emvo, lUUtoB. J. Cliri'tuan, Titrhiitvil.c. IIonh &. Co., Mr. Cttrmol. S. Hcristrofwor, Klysburg. Vicst. fuhnnny. Weaver & McYHIiunis, Paxicot, Aud DoalctB.F.rcrywhcro. August 2, 13o2-!y J A0'0"30- BEC , MERCHANT TAILOR, .Murli-t ii'rlT'iioilie Use Iti-.H kCoil lr !, BUNBURY, TSFOUilS tlio citisens cf Surlmry ami v::!r.ity. )liat be lias juit reiuiacd fioui l'liiiailcljilila wilh a full ai-urlim-Ll uf IMIJ. A.M AVIM'I KSS SOaiS, OF EVERY DKS-CIUPTIOX AXft UALI1T. Ilik stock cotifiis of Clotl's, Frcr.oIi'Ciolh. Blai-k Ptta in an J l'an.y Uu-iiiu'mi. HI. toil Sntiu, Huvml Silk. IMain nnd Fancy CosainuTC VKSTlNiiS. wlik'li lio will niako up to oi'jpr in styles Id suit the tn.-lc (.f I'lisUiiucrs, on short nutii-e, aud tho Uii'-it reasonable tcrnu. Anytlondsrot nnhanl. n ill bo furnished fcc;a Philaili'lphia, l.y Riving tvo days' nolivo. (iouua lurnifliod by uustomcia will ho U'.nilo up to oriliT na hcrclofiirp. As lie will ciniK.vnore but cxpcricnccl wnl;cico. ficrv.r.j may rely ou getting thn.ii work well donu al lis shup. Ttiankfui for tho patronajro hTct..fure l.cs'owcd, he ru.iii'c:i'ully soiiLi;ac.iiiliiiUuucout' tin' s:iuio. Sunhury, Oelubfr 4, ltli. OIUio of JAY 'OOIii:. si ust uirnox Aai;N"r At JAY COOKE Si CO.. Inkers, 111 SOVJll TUIUD siTKKKT. rhiladeli.lna, Nov. 1, W-3. Thaur.dpri(rnl. having been np olnlod Su''iip tl.iu Aitent Ly luc i-eci etary i f Iho I'rvijuijr. U Hjv ieiai'ud to t'uruifh, ut uitcPt thp m:v tivkstv vau t nil cunt uwt's. t uf Ihe 1'nilcd Citi, Ufr.i.trl. a- KiveTwinli".". r 'diM'iMil.lr i Iba r'v-. ' ;' I..' viovi .miii'iil. af r I uvvyviim. and aiith.rijwl' by Ael of Cur", si '. 1 ha tu).ou UwU'hi aro uuJ lu uuj vf f 'O, $100 i J.'iml. jiliHKl. I Th lt..il"r fjn.l lu suit-sof Sit", CI"". t'fi. , -lihiu antl s1Iimi. lul. rt I al n prr at nl. wrr tJai iii cuiu: fioiu U...1 ol pur.'huM.', and Is 1'AVAIiLU 1M GOLD, ;'iii1-Aiu.iuily. wkuh i faual, at Iho rtnit rc mium ..a to ibuul i-mM ki eu.i i aiu.uii.. I niiutx, Mi'ri'Uanis. Met hui in, I J haliat., "id a'l bo bavuaay uioutv lo iutclr .homd ki;ow aad rcuiruibrr thai Ihvwi Uoad. ara lu eH.i. a Vii.l Moi iaat( uiaiu all H.ilruaJs, t i.l, Dank Mu.'k m.J ,'oouriun. ai.d iho ijiiiiia .ri.ducu i f all ih Mabul u, to . i J . UaUto ooautiy i aud tlml lb lull and aiuil t r.iiu luad .r ilia i..iulvf laa lul.i-M aud lituidalia ot Btiuoiiwl, by twauii liulii-s, -. is ii" aud Intaiual itsrutiac, sivS lo uiaks ihv Uutt.U Ibo I'm, Most Ail-Usi4 M-4 Topular luyaati-.bl iu tha Mtikul. Mubwtit'.ous r'iid al PAK la l.tfal Tmdaf Sou., us t-ou- ai.d ibi. ks ot Lai. as al puf al I bila-dili-Uia. iliilis by u.ail will iw.ua ioa.i'i atuiiiiou. aud ty fa.iluy aud vtulmiaUoa alll bv sUi.rdi d oa ' Iio.ikmi al Ibu K A lull solely ti t'.w'U w-l Lj tl(' H aiR4 M lu. vdu.v ..l..l JAY I'UtiKK, HuUort(ili . 4at Hit. , HlJJ out . Vall I'utxsh ! IM''-, OK WALL r-AHr-U ut ti:ilK l.sttiAii.i HlHi AM rAHI-HN- n il ,l,.-.i t,.,m iLm siuuU.tuikl. I lb. M.vVlM-lll fl'illr. .f miki.u . v'i.u i .. . i t v.i . t V 9 bir, Xk l. lo. mi 4 ilvr-M-') fl mm , auubuiy, fc.-iikaa.kfi 'UJ..i-.il'i'ii'"- , , I ,....' Ii. ikui C- f.uaiy I (trill ' Mb. -il ku. 44 ul rtllli-a ' u-m.i in. aud awly u-,-ui. la. fvintll-''.. I . i. . .. -. - 1 - - aw . aitl i kmk tL I sat JUST " XlECEIVrO! i J. I-i. ENOEIs - iUiH just rotumel from niUJelphi wiUi east Spring & Sucwner Goods. For Meow l'fiir CsMimer, Veiling, Italian floth, Coaibi);, Liueu Check and Cultu'ia ie. Clutb, LInea J, (lies n'cnfi A laa aaj-irtmtat nf Prcfa "OooJ, Dluck aaJ fancy Kill?, Pule . Tiaaues, Taney Ueiaos, bhalley, all Wool Delunci, Monamiiicjuo Uooils at low prlaea Silk LoTcllaa, Delaine, Lawni, Oinghaffis and 1'riu!". A full Itco of Irfrb L'.nen and M l.ll Hoods, b'.oihi Ivirdcr mi I l'accy 6muu.tr Shaw hi, Bilk aiul Lace M:uiti!lax, Ac. Iti'aily Ma.lo Clolhinj, A good tfortieiil of Hat ex J Caju, A lorjo assortmrat of Jloais a&i Enoaa, A full stock of Groceries, Molaws and Sugar, (lardvrars and Duilding Material, A full stock of Qr.rcn find Olaanrara, A full s!o:k of fiili, Salt, Oils an.4 Wkito Lsad, A. lorjc stock of Sow Wall Paper, A nm elook of Btono and Earlhenwars, And thousands of article; not enumerated. All tlio above will to suld cbonp fwf Cash ot Coaniry l'roJaco, J, n. ESQ EL. Bunbainr, May 17, 18C2. NOW OPEIT, MAMQTII FUEKIXyEEW ARE ROUSE. (taw LtVY A CO S Pry Good Store,) Formerly il l VsIuut Strcut, V hiladelpliia, August .".0, lSiil. 3ai ;)0,OOt) '"aTKIilSS XVA'TEatt to envois TBaai ijfi:xtv.i.i.it."v : rpiIK ssiaaniimWnf pcr?or nro ai.-.i wanted to L waar tha Kni'TS and hllMKS, inw boiuR uianu; f.iflurfl. ii,v liietuli.crilr, oi tlio la.e.-t b.vlrs and best nt' uiaiorril. ll:a iiig a lurc slock nf umlCiii.I, ho Trill ui.i'.e up lo or4er i tun hut woikinau'.il:!) niuuner. all Lliul cC Caciilli'suou'r. ioti ni:1 !coc:, Iuli' M;oi'tn!:ci (:if'i-, ililtIroilK Kiioo-t, Ac, &c. At short no'i 'c. Iinvinj; several years' iseriouea lie facli rorC'Iout t.f iviir; gvuvrally autief.iction all nho M.ivive him n call. All work uiu.-d be jwid for before ler.viuj; the shea When six perfect will hu doiuetcd off. CjII at hi 'op r.cai'ly o o-site tho Court ITouse, in Market niaie, nnd ncen:iin hia i.iw prices an exauiijio Lis ;o.k before l urohiisine rlsewncra. JylX WILYEIt. Sunbury, Augat Pt lS'j2. Gm g6o,ooo ,iaitforfsif cui LLOYD'S KEW STEEI, TLATE COCXTY COL OUtlt MAI OF THE VXITKD STATKd, CAXADAS, AND Stff KUlSSlVIcK. From recent purvcyi. conipleied Ai:;. 10, 1S?J cost j:'. :..(! 1 1 in T;nv'o it, and one yYar's lime. Siiiei-: r t' any ir ii) u.i'.p ci"?r mado by Colloa or Miiehc'.l, nnd sells nt tho low prieo of hfiy ecaU; . .'mi'.Iiinj iiiiiui'H rre cjii nved on this maj-. It i. not v n lYvn'v Mnp. but it i alo & C "l NTY AXi llAlUUlAl MAP cf tto Vnitcd ?:uUi i vX C.imvl is combined In f.na Hiving e)cry )ioaiircnd iaii..a and duUir.ces ba tweeii. . . . c; j.w i.iur:iniru niiv nuiuuii ut i t.u j ... j" r .inl r.i'. la'.:e b..'ek all niapsthut cai.nut bo sold till refund Ihe in-j::-y. hel d for 1 wur'h to try. I'riuied hiiucU.ir.huw to etnvcssireM, furnisbe4 ull t.iir ai-chi. Vanied Whiles lio Ar--nt. for err Jlnps in every State, t'.ilh'.irnia. I'nonda, Eii.irUud. France and Cuba. A birtunv luni be uialo iib a iV.r huudit:4 dolhiri .Mpitnl. Xu e.unj eiiti.in. J. T. ih'.'i ii. I. ). lit Uro.idway, V"w-Tork. Tho War l'lpm .'ini-nt I'tes our ii .p of Virginia, .Miirv' iuJ. aua lcnnylv:inia. S!0t Hi.o, oa whio'-' ..a: kl Aiitn'iAiiH.'rnk,'"!v.i pUurj. Jlaryi laud Jl' rh'-. Willi imvHiit l'Yrrv. lth.ncin iiic. No. lar t's F. .rd.aii'i id! !h i on the l-o oini. ". and every other phi. e in JlnihuJ, Virjltoa i u I IViuiaylvaula, or money rel'iiii-iei. l.LOV li s I'.ijHisjriiphieal J(:ipof Ki-.tueky. Ohio, Ti.dt.nia. i: llH.uuia. i Iho oiny au.h iriiy I'jr Uu. linvll au.l iho War J'tl '.niiieiil. Jtui.ey rIV.nint to any i.ne tiii.lh. an error iu il. l'n.'o jU eeuui. Fi 'U.i I lit TriSuiie, 2. 'LLOYD'S .Man of iiciuia, MarylauJ, and Pean. svlvauia 'I iii Map ia very lurj-e ; iii. C"i I.. but 'ii en. ri.d it i Ihe l. at wh! di etii bo .ttrehaJ." l.l.nVh ,S iii. til ol t!i .Mi .'j.-ippi liiv.-r Flot-.l Aetiul SiirveV I'V t'-l'ii.'. Il:ui ai I 'ui. en. .Ml;.- :.i i Hiver l'il ..Co. ci. I.ouia. M... kltowa iVltv ii'ai.'i I ii.mii't'tn ::i.l u.vv..,r ni-iiv' tiviu ti I.,..-1, to t!o du'l' H' M-.xi.-o' iir.t.v?i vrvy saud-b:ir. i.-!:ii:J. li-i. lur tin ? an I all Ur ,..;i .. . '.not. tn in tli.' uvu.'- c.' re I i-i ountit au.t t .iu. I'ii.h', il iu -C.-wts. J, i-uikat loriii, aail ! ..'I on liu ii. wh kIUvi. l.iu-ly ,.l. Nam- li;:i Ai..ri..T, M amu.vjioN. S-.pl U, 19''. J T l.L-n I'.'-HiU : fc-.-n.l ma yur Man of tba Mlarlwippl Itinr. wiih piuu ytr kumli -id a"! b , ItMr.A li..Uut Ih-u'Us 11. 1'avi-. con uinaJ..' J lha Xl t.''1 "-l1"-1,", I" auiu --'M-l to l i.rjlia-a M uiauv M ari .iuir.-1 l--r u- vt Uui im-lio". UllI.O. W tLl, B:iiil-.ry of Uia avy, OuUW II. Mi. ,onx r a he iu a, tt. TIJ fv Htwet,l.a, Um LlhlS. '-ilU ai.).', lUtLADtU'lllA. Isasuif ler aud Maasx f,..i.wf. and l'l '. ... lu fell kii-4 'I f - " fl l, kY-,'t ' I'! -lr.tas.yta r-.w. I'rUiuU of Smihiif i-4 J "'-"?( 'lio .jrt.-Mudii. .wsj-i 'ti-);-.-:':''- .""" ' Waa--" (" J i ,u.- iu.- lu .! lu all kll-di ' ( ,t to, mi. vl l' ' -.' au l b ifvt a su HuIUt. .. I'. " . ik-d VI I ba '' -lt atiaelus u. all b. 11.-I- fc tl , - i,,.i,.. u... I iu i I at ! J1 ii,l--l ia I tr-'f. ,..I.U K, ih.iiw I-i - n.an ' u 'k lm.' I , v 1-V " . c.i i A- I lit,) I al,- Is 'k 't U' . ! 'J -.Jil ii fel ft- ix-l ik-l".l ' '- a"- u.v , b.a, U aill L. i.. ' "I"' 'i M.uul. lu.v as i - l'k. d U.. fcl put 'ti "a '-' ''" l iU. L . a. U . ... la i.,-ki.'t',T,',''-,r''T! ' Imi .A 1 1 ast kaA fa -(, Is ra ii