Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 17, 1863, Image 3

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    ETt)c .Sunburfi. American.
H. B. MAB8ER, Editor Proprietor.
M;.-nrnv, ia.
'. 37 Park Row, K.f York, and 6 Stat Street,
Ronton, are our agents for tho Bcniunr Anrric.
In thorn ellics, and are unthorlr.rd to take Advertise
monU and Subscription for ui at our low Ml ratoa.
t-'.'ii-L Lu 'j .. i .. . ... n
t-OTOuT cliirtilric noijr libor of tho Brook
Inridjjo Democrat of this place, moRfs t
lame attempt to reply to our comment on his
villainous article justifying the o.vmsslnation
pf avuicmbcr of the LcgiHlatun, who might
chose to vote against the noinineeof n party.
The reply h characteristic of the. defender of
Floyd and his robberies. Conscious ?f guilt
lie docs not attempt to deny the charge and
only half justifies his previous folly and cri
minality, by repeating Male charge against
ourselves, which no one believes and yhich
ho knows to be false.
WTien we aecuped Mr. Purdy of preaching
treasonable doctrine, we quilted his own
language and referred to his paper for.proof.
"Will he do the saino in regard to, the charges
lie made against us or does he rely on the
gullibility of his readers and think they can
swallow this with the many other absurdities
he ervcs up for them weekly.
As our neighbor sccms to "have it great
dislike for Cobb's ppcllin look, we can ' as
sure him that he misfit loam even from that
little book, how to use the relative pronoun,
Vwho" instead of "that" when applied to.
persons. Even an occasional display of latin
will hardly cover so glaring il defect as
this. .
Coi.n nt.oopr.n MuitDEit. On Friday
January 2d. (inst.) five men, strangers to the
persons on the premises, entered the lirtusp.
jf .lames Bergen. Coal Castle, this f'ouiify,'
end asked for some ale. On licing told th'if
there was nonp in tlTe house, three of tli'e
men drew revolvers and fired at Ilergen, the
balls taking effect in his abdomen, badly
mutilating tun intestines. Ik-rgen lingered
in great agony until Sunday morning, when
death put an end to his sufferings. On
Monday the Coroner held an inquest, and
rendereil a verdict in accordance with the
facts. ., . .
'' It is staled by those wlio live iri the Ticin
ity of the murder, that he assassin cheered
loudly far Jeff. Davis as Ihcy left "licrgen's
lionse, after committing the murder.
Bergen had served faithfully In Company
K. Ninety-sixth Hegimcqf, ' ai(d fi:u)jht
bravely ut the battle of Antictam, ill winch
fnsjagement he was wounded in the Krm.
Subsequently lie was discharged from the
service, he being unfitted by his injury, for
further duty with the Hes;iiuent. Bergen
was known where he lived, by the cognomen
pf the 'Yellow Boy." j
Jio stone should lie left unturned to effect
if possible, the arrest of the perpetrators of
m atrociously cold-blooded murder. Any
information that can be-given in reference
o tjheao men should be promptly furnished
to the authorities. Minari' Journal.
SLoral 3ffait3.
ty On enr ouhiide page will be (bund I lie pro,
eeadings cf the Teachers' Institute the CnH fates
Revenue tax lis'., and other matter of interest.
. fy Revenue Stamps of all kiudscan be bad at
the office of 8. B. Beyer, Kef., Pepnty Collector of
7 The reported death of Ki-Oovernor Packer at
Williamsport, 1 not true. QoTernor Packer had a
ever attack of something like paralysis on Sunday
night a week, while walking throug the itreet. We
are planted to learn thai be is out of danger and
f,y A A'ariasT Bible, S.B . Ryer Eaq., of
this place, came into possession of aOerinan Bible
iutweok, published at Frankfort nu-the:Main, by
Christian Egeuoln', on the lit day of March l';34.
Mr. Beyer purchased tbir ancient and valuable retio
uf J. C. Monn below Chambenburg. whioh he first
raw while there on duty a one of the Pennsylvania
Militia in September last. Mr. Monn had purchased
it yean ago for six eente at a public vendue..
jy The Funding Committees of tbe Legislature
br.Ve been announced . "We observe that Mr. Itrown
uf this county is Chairman of tbe J -oca) Judjcjaryi
and also a member of the '')Vaj aad jleaiii and
general "Judiciary. tn the (Senate Mr. Bound is
tbe C'liajrniim of tbe "Library Committee" and also
a member of the Finance and Judiciary Committees.
fy Ca.txsn or Tim is U mis Cover
A bill has Just been passed by the Legislature chang
ing the lime of kolding our court usually held on
tbe first Monday of of April, to the second Monduy
ef.Warrli next. This change was made at the re
quest nf the Judges and members of tbe Bar, as tbe
beginning of Aprtia ou$ an inconvenient season
f rroany per-nus w ht are obliged to attend Court.
We were present in the House of Representatives on
Wednesday, when tbe bill was Dually parsed. Mr,
Brown, our member who had charge pf the bill, and
Mr. Bound, our Senator, Seicrve credit for the
prowptueai and rapidity with which tbey put this
bill through tbe Legislature.
writer frona Iuntrl llowrr,
HKADIit ARTEKS Co. II. 147th V. V. )
D I'M nil eh, Va., Jan. 14, 1802. f
Editor Suhbury AmtrittiH :
Will the editor of the Rhatuokin Jlrrald,
etplain what ho nieaiis by the following re
marks in his salutatory I " 'in the first place,
t is well known to you all, the mutcriul
upon which the "Herald" is printed has been
in thLt place for some time, ovned by irrtral
rif your ir yrvmintul eiluen anu business
siien. but from some niitmanagtmrnt or cart-
Irssness, has been lying idle an 'expense to
its shareholders ami a violator or public
Of course I have niching to do with the
dad EnglUli in which the aliove U written,
biit as I tkeui It an Unprovoked personal at
tsi k upon me, I ahull uiuke a plain atatement
uf facts w ith which the editor is not, iwr-
liapvAcituuiutcil. The umU'HI on which
tlit) bhauiukiu JJrnJJ 1 publialuxl, U uiy
bmn. and not the pmiM-rty of stockholder.
It is truo I borrowed money from "some of
the mora iromlili'iit citlju-ua" to purt-lj
the same, as security fur I lis payment of
Vtiich 1 nlaecil the owneralup or the retire
i.ltioe In Mr. Illtt-Dtuder. I borrowed SW;
50, and usvo the otlice aa security for the
nu nit-it L.I this amount. In two Jtara, add
inir thalavrul intttvat, I'ruia the la day of
The t-haitfe tfiit U has be an "expense
. i 4 u .1 I.. iul...
to Ills) sliale liiii'Ui, iuerrioriuua i-f,
mo. I iLtindcl fur atUrr than vimm! to uyaclr.
I'.rliana bv the llinas Mr. M'Lwea has
tflrrit Uie lulJUutlon of aotsirepapt-r in Pba
tuokiu tir li-isal aa I have, it tslli liltu
. ir li a viisldLir il "public ii.latioo."
1 ,av tialr t add.' it! tfftaelttnit, that
iii,li4 Mr, 11 tm willruall his ehru,
i44 iu tloii'K an ilo mis au aHir JUMUf, Hf
ill . m . w- .
jape be will Hit J ' Uli.rei uuny tl)a, UtJ
t ll.f real o iwf of lb riliamok In lUiald.
IM.MI U IMin Kit,
jruf I tot ' 'f
- - (Prosa tie PcUeville MinWa' Jounalr. '
. Wo give below tho (Jfflctaf quantity bf
Anthracite Conl sent to market in 1802,
togothcr with' tfle SemAtilflracito' and Bi
tuminous Coal that mted towards tide
water. The Anthracite' trade shows a small
decrease of fl.MB' tons and a decrease of
17,058'lti, th$ SeTIn-'Atithracite an Bituminous,
making 'the, decrease in the supply for the
ypsr SJI.Gll tons.
llio aggregate supply of Anthrocito in
186.rpitciici 7,481,718
Simi-Anthrcito and Bituminous, 813,754
Total tons, r $,295,472
All this Coal was destined for the seabonrd,
except about 600,000 tons of . Anthracite
from Sbamokin, Scrantoa and Pittston,
which was sent into, the interior of Pennsyl
vania' and. Jew York..
inc. nee.
1863. ton's. Tom.
SmtrfLKiLi. Rlaihs
11 y Kemling Kailnnil, l,t6(l.f,W!
isy tsnut,
From riiicg tore,
l,ls!l,iS7(i 9HI.7V0I
till, Ml
I 15,167
a,w,tst a.ers.isa S,n3e it,oi
tn Lehigh and Bha
mokin, 1
Incrense In IPM,
t.KHir.H RlJIO.f.
Br Lehieli Cattal. '
a,s!o,5el 3i,too
D,. from Yilkeslwrrp,!
1 ' '
iiy irfnign veiiey
Lillle Bchaylkill It. K.
74 3,07lll SS,ST4
Denease tn ISfii,
WtnxiKO Rn.ius.
' 4j NfiH.
l'etnl. Coifl 'Co ;
Cycranton North,
' do foulh;' '
Del. at Hiils,m Co
Uck. Bloom. R. R
lt,l4 ' f4,3.1T
C29,57 o"i.oir
81. SOU
970,844 SS,4I4
833.41)71 7fl SUI
3u,ouo t Bi00ii
,0f,3? 9,971,713:
ltierrase in IM4,
- tHAMoais Raoiox.
Tiltal Anthracite,
8ll,43tj Slt,et9j
Dwretise In ISt'J,
Pt'. Mt. ill. Thomas,)
l.vkens Valley il'i.
05.1 IP
S3 941
II. .o
404,489. 473,670
illaud Coal,
330,I30. S39,S04
Ml. till 613,754
79,488 07, 198
dee. r.,1iS
Aid Anthracite,
,4H4,079 7,4(I,7I
P,3I0.US4 e,4U,473
ToUl deereaar, 1869, 90,61 1 1
The actual quantity nf Cnnl which had Its nutlet at
Pinre-rore in leul wee 1 81, Pes tuns ; the hnlmice s re..
ported in the Iteadiuf Kalltuad auil Union Cahaf ton
ne. X Not official, but will not Vary much from the actus)
qusntily. '"'
... Tosa..
Scliuvlkill Cnuiity fiirufho4 in '
1863, 2,80O,fiRO
The other Anthracite Regipni, 4,GB1;138
Trjtal At)!,c, .' 7,481,718
The following is the lass Rud gain for the
years .
Schuylkill Region, 10:i,122
Wyoming do.; 164,333
Lirhigh ' ilo., ' . 380,599
Mhauiokin do., 191
Pcra?fi in 18C2, 2.953
We aftperid the following which will show
the extent of the different Coal , Fields in
acres, (which howevcf . tflV.t;.,'H0 adequate
idea of, rpiantity of Coal deposited in
each ipatrict, because, that depend on tlx
number tit veins, their thickness nd tlte
ih-pthv thev run below the water level.) to
getltM vviIi be production of . each ittsifjet
ux toes coniiarea w;n teui ,.
Hie First or Southern Coal .'.
District embrapipg U9
Pehuylkill.T'inegwtveanfi .
I.ykcn Valley Iiegidus, .
contain 75,050 Acres
The Second or Middle Coal
Field, comprising the Le
high, Shamokin and Tre
vorton Iteuions. contain 8o.525 '
The Third or Northern
Coal Field, comprising '
the Wvoming Hasin, con
tains ' " .70,905 "
Total, , 23S.2S0 "
From thes-o liitricts there were sent to
market in 1801, and 1862, the following
quantity of foul, showing the increase in
eacty District i
1801, 1802. txc. wkc.
1st District, J.H09 K.-lfl . 01.7. 701 l7,Ht2
2nJ do 1.(118.23 1.AS2.S43 Soi.MD
34 do 2,908,091 2,971.714 83,814
Khninobiia Coal Trade,
The following is the quantity of Coal
serit td mnrket froni tlte Shamokin Region
in 1883, by the following Operutors :
AVillmm Rhoads, Laneitster Collii-rv, 41.12$
Joseph Mlrd, Hljt Mountain, ,.
4, Ml
W. II. Douty it Co.. Henry Clav,
J. Dunkleberger Ac Co., Luke Fidler,
O. E. HcrMt & Coul Jlotintaiit,
Sclmll. Donohoe & Co.. Coal Ridt?e:
.1. Haas 4 --o.i Lo.xer Gap CAillierji
.Montt'.litis s Co., Jjocutit aiounUim,
A. Deitman, Agt., I4inilert,
Huns A' Uownii, i.iieui Gsn.
G. W. i'arvin, Locum! rjtluuuit.
Total via Phaniokiq Valley Itnd
Pottivillc il. It., .'
The followinir also wroiierlv bo.
longs to the Blutmokin Itegimi, sent
over the Mine Hill Rnilroad '
O. W. Parviu,
Haas & Bowen,
Total froirl Sllamokin Ilesin in
Last year,
Increase in 1802,
Quantity nf Coal sent over
Road from the Bhauiokiu Id
Haas and Rowen,
(. W. Parvln,
Joaepli Rird,
Win. Rhoads,
J. DunklelierKtr A Co.,
Wnt. II. Douty it Co.,
Mnntelius it Co.,
Hchll. Donohoe and Co.,
O. K. HeraU Co.,
A. Dt ltmau, AkI.,
John Haas tV Co.,
the Mine Hill
glun in 1803;
Total tons,
Of this 11 u
ia the HuwtV
Of this tjuuKlily 113,034 tons are rvjiortcd
ukin Coal iraue.
t7PitAti n0HTioit U tie
Jenwy Leulataturwt ' ' '
Ut. liukants es4 a li Is nf am resulstluM
after Iks svliU f Ibusa uRw4 f Mr. Itauitas. ml
Sim Vwk. at la Uuwialw yuwuuaesi Kta lutk
Ike wains aa witiutiee 4 N awai'ks at atwe.
Ua ike Mttti luwtai M Use
.t - , k. . i .1.1.1
lu attef tba
uaaeMllMl at tae siaileUtS, l ko yisei
l iaM4l will eleel iwe SM'i
Kle t
kMl ml Laau-aiusi, tinmtir , a wtiwiu m
4 Ue sv.ih, tm we tefSaS
SJaUallS 1-I i s1' 4
Tmt MTrRrnTTsll)Ttrl, PnrsoxTtns. The
Whig says the XuHrecshoro' prisoners art to
bo sent to Itichmond, the Yankee Govern
ment having r'eftiscd to receive them unless
officers are also paroled.
The latter, some two hundred in number,
will held in confinement until Butler shall
have been delivered up for punishment, and
the) men retained until the Abolition mag
nates consent to take them on ours owntcrms.
' inn i i
Teiiriblr Calamity. BmrtftAMTTON,
Conn., Jan 13. A party, "consiirting of thirty
seven ladies and gentlemitri, while skating
on a pond nenr Ilotpcrjville, broke through
the ice, and all buVte'a of them were drown
ed. . ' T" T'Tl "
' i
- A psckrtj vv.ts Vcceivcd nt the express
office in Wnefcliiiki Ohio a' few months since,
and not being Called fof, his been opened.
It contained $50,000 in counterfeit confede
rate notes. ... -
TIIK IM.t NTIUTi:i kciioxi.
Tbe rU'l Mrrhnnlcnl I'uyefr In the
AJIeW volume of this popular Journal commences
on the first of January. It is published weekly,
and every number contains sixteen pagee of useful
information, and from 6re to ten original ertfrravinprt
of new InTentions and d isom er iee, ail which are
prepared expressly for its colntnne.
No person' enraard in any of tbe mechanical
manufacturing pursuita should think of "doing with
out" Tbs BciENTiric Amkrican. It eosts but six
acuta per woek ; every number cnntnlna from six to
ten engravings of new machines and inventiona, whioh
an not be found id any other publication.
TboSf lEKTinc Aeaii!A!is ln4j"Fcn5nVlto,,M'Jf
hiventnr.'a itrnot only contains illustrateaT descrip
tions of nearly all the best in ventione aa they eomo ont
but each number contains an OOieial List ol the Claims
of all tbe l'atenta issued from she linlted Btatoa 1'a-
. : mi: .. ; . i. - : . t-Ld
ii7u, vmiiu,' uuriitg inc Hern jrvTH.UB , iiiui. giving m
eorrect history of the progress of inventions in this
country. We are also receiving, erory week, the
Diet scientific journals of u rent uritain. r ranee, and
(JvrniSnr ; thin placing In our posscrwion all that is
tr'anspiring in hichauieal science and art in thoso
ttld countries. We shall continue to tralisfer to our
eolumns copious extracts from those journals of nhat
ever we may dcein of interest to our readers.
'A pamphlot of instruction as to the best mode of
obtaining Letters Talent on new inventions, is fur
tjifhsil free on apeticnlion, '
Messrs! Mi'.xh Cti. hnrc acted at Talent Solicitors
for nmrf. tlinn aEvrvTKKM Tim. In i.o,,nni,tlnM. wltir
the piililltinlion of the BcilsHTiric Ameiiican,. anal
they refer to 20,000 patenters tor whom they bava
(tone hnsinjess.
aoohargo are made Tor examining sketches and
modes of new inventions and for nUriiiog inventors
as to tlieir patentability. ' -
' '. . AND FARMERS. '
Tho SriKKTiric Ajif.iucas will be fonnda most we
ful joufnnl lo them. All the new discoveries in the
science bt chemistry are given in its columns, and the'
interests of tho architect and carpenter are not over
looked ; all the new inventions and discoveries ap
pertaining to these pursuit being published from
Vcrk to week. Useful and practical information
pertaining tn. the interests of millwrighta and mill
owner will bo found iu the Fcie.iTiric AnERiraif,
which information they can put possibly obtain from
any other source. 8ubjecll in which farmers are
interested will be found discussed in the SciEsnric
AtsBRtCA.i ; most of the Improvements in agricultural
implement being illustrated in its eoluutn.
TERMSi ...
To mail futreribor : Throe Dollnra, or One Dollar
for four months. . The volumes commence ota tha
first of January and July, eiponimcn copies will be
lent gratia to any part of the country.
Western and Canadian money or Pnat-office stamps
taken at par for subscriptions. Canadian subscribers
will pleaae to remit twenty-five cents extra ea eaoh
year's subscription to prepay postage.
Ml'SN CO.,
Publishers, 37 Park Row, Kew York.
' Do. ST, IMS.
: E: Y BRIGHT: & SON,.
T JfVlTE the early attention of cash pyr
. chasers to tlieir ehoice, varied, and extm-.
sive awortmeitt pf KKESH "JVINTER
OQODS which they pU'er at reasonable
priees. Our stock eiubraei's ''
A full line of Handsome Dress Good's",
A nice lot of Domesjit: Dry Goods;
A choree supply of fino AVliite Goods,
A great variety of liooU and Shoes,
A '.rKa stock of Queens and GlaKswarc,
A vert extensive lot of Hardware,
IIa(s and Caps and Ready Made Clothing,
Groceries of all kinds, fresh and pure,'
Drtiss ipoiuta Cil-tas and Oils.
particular attention to the following line of
Grtdds, suitable for Holiday Presents.
Real Heavy Blanket ShawU,
Frcntfi lllunktt and Rrochu Shawls,
Hooscry ftr 1-adies, GtUts and Children,
Ladies Gftives in great abundant,
A roiuplfte stock of Gents Gloves,
Fancy Shirting and Opera Flannels,
Assorted rolors Balmoral Skirts,
Skeleton Skirts iu great Variety,
Zephyr Opera Cups and Nubias, -Fine
Suble Furs and Muffs,
Fine 'White Linen Handkerchiefs,
Colored border Cambric Tlanctkc'rchfvf,
Real Bandanna Silk HundkcrcYicfx,
Gents Silk Neck Ties and Crarntts, '
Fino needle worked Collars,
Super Black Love Veils,
Silk Tissues of assorted Shades,
Ribbons, Laces, Edgings and Unfiling!,
Fine Black Mohair Caps,
Shawl Pins and Scarf Pius,
Perfumery, Pomades and Soaps,
Bubk Purses and fancy Port Monuiss,
First rate Skates, ready strapped,
Nice Hair Brushes and Pocket Combs,
Extra good Penkuivet and Scissors,
C'hildrens Gum Gilded Combs,
&.C, ile., Ac.
Bunbury, Dec. SO, 1802.
rTWaasmrei-'sJ Oriinrtsueis t, :rtlrrss
X retiriil axuiiitity aiiupuasy i
titvs.KT rrraTluN, I
, BI TUuaa, Ueoeiubar M, 1W1J. J
VOTtCE L hereby vivea. that oa tkel jta uf Jauuar
IM, tha Kurthesa Central ttailway Cum Baay will
redarui ri ine tiauauiK nouu oi niewrs. j. n. uii.
i I SOU CO.. la thu ally, the hOMxi uf said Com,
pany, knows sa 'I'.mlrajt Honda tor work d.iue f..r
the aiuaajtieluuiaa Hailiea-l (.vuipany prior Iu Ike Vtk
leeeiaiir, lt " All liilMMt tia li uuus aUuvs
referred tu will saaasaa the I ilk cf 1W3
Iiy older, J. st. l-kltl, Tieaaurer
Peaunbaf U, IMI.
Tk 4'ailVailala assttl IUfrU'ie' ol
ii m istvuiia.
PI BLU1ISD fur Iks aad a a waralug
and a aauitua to youua weai what auler Iruut
HrHis tiekility, freaaauwe lieway, a. aupulymg
si tua aawe lima ike WMiaa el sMll-Lura. lis mm
ke kaa aufe4 kiswaiil fle kalaf wl to flea el
P'UM laruuh aiul laaiiUua asul iwUilf
f Muslin s U s4lrtae4 aivvli, uvgl
suMaa aaar a had ef Ike autbur,
k.i.ti.iLi ik- Walla ;..
li .
He-Jtuid, kiajsle , h t.
JlafehlL IMt-ly
laHtMsrlaissI tm lter iM4'ls
l.HUiUf WH U.naiir,aktjSk4iauek t
1 1 ftiaM Oim aa4 J
Kabaiy, Jaaala.
" nii SKwf-sirtK'Tntnt'e. "
' 186Q. :v'.:. S
Tsa Naw-Yorta Taiaons. Iiwt. toe In i841, nmr
In Its twonty-eewnd year, has obtained both a ratter
and a mora widely dttTusVrl eirculotion than any
other newspaper aver published Is America. 1 hough
It haa nutT.irext, In oommon with othor journals, from
the voluntberfng and departure as tens of thousands
of its patron to sorre In tho War for tho Vnlrm. It
cirfulaUon on this 6th ofDeoember, 1S62, Is as fol
lows : --..' t"'. ; ' -1
DAti.r " ' - ' ' ' .'- M).t2S
' Br.Hi-WfftttLT 17,200
Wkiklv lW,U9
Aggregata ; fl 4,374
Preeminently a Journal nflfofs and of l.llerarnre,
The TitlRVNR has politlaal "oottictfoni!;- which are
well eharactnVited by thealntlo erd HirrnucAH.
It Is Hepbblionn In its hearty adheatorrte the great
truth that "Uod has made of one Motfd all watlons of
men" RepnWiean in its anwrtion of the equal and
inallenableVighta of all men 16 "life liberty, and the
pursuit of happinc" Republican in ila stoadfust,
earnest, detwnt hostility t every aeheme and efiurt
of the Blave IVwer, from the Annexation of Texas
to the great ' rTcbellirin. to grasp the empire of the
Now World and winltl the resourcee of our eonntry
for Its ewn aggrkttrnrr4petil-HepluVioan In Us anln
gohism to llie aristocrntii ami despots of. tho Old
World, who fondly hail in the perils and calamities
suddenly thrust upon us by their American counter'
part tho ovorthrow and ruin ot the Model Republic
Republican in Its hope and trust, Its faith and ef
fort, that this atrocious Rebellion must result in Ilia
signal overthrow of' ita plotters, -and the Arm estab
lishment of equal righra and equal laws throughout
the whole extent of our oouiitry wherein Liberty and
Union shall indeed, b "0. d. Inseparable hence
forth and forewet., '
TaaTittncNK netotet attention In calmer times,
and to some extent hi these, to Ldnoatiuo, Tunipe
ranee, Agricultural, Invcntiohs, hn4 wlintever clad
may mliiultef to the spiritual and 'materiel progress'
and well-being of uiankiml; but for Uie present its
energies and Ita eolumns are mainly dovotcd to the
inrigoratton and tuoceas of the War fur the I'nion,
Its special correspondents aecompany every- eonskl
crablo army and rejwrt every important incident of
that groat struggle which we trust in soon to result in
the signal an J Conclusive triatnph'of'the National
arms and -in the restoration of fefic and Thrift to our
distraotcd, bleeding country We believe that no
otherwise can a fuller or store accurate view of the
progress and the character of this momentous conflict
ee obtained than throng!) the regular persniil of our
eolumns. And we earsestly solicit the cooperation
of all friends of the National cause, which we. regard
and udiold as liiat of Universal Humanity, to aid us
in extending its ciroulation. ;
' terms:
The enormous Increase in tho price of printing pa
per and ther materials used in printing newarnpers,
comnbls us to pwrease the pi ice of Tak Tribum.
OuV new terms are ;
Sini'lc Cony
Mail Subacrih'cr. me rear (311 Issues)
One Copy, one year (IrM lasuea)
Two Copies, ono yccarj
Five Copies, one year,-"" '
Ten t?miil. imo vpar.
3 cents.
f22 50.
An'extracopy wilf'be sent to olhbsof tweuty and
ovor. ' "
One Cop7. one year (52 issues) f 2.
Threo Copies, one year t. FS.
Five Copi, one year tH.'
Ten Copies, one year f 15.
Eny larger number, arttlrftbit to unmrt o f mi
ecrikcrt, il 50 each. An extra Copy will be sent to
every club of ten. .
Twenty Copies to one address, one year, $25. and
aiiy Inrgor number at same price. An extra copy
will be nut to clubs of twenty. To clubs of thirty
Tribune Buildings, New York.
When drafts can be procured it is much s'ifer than
to remit Bank Bills. . Ike nurnu of tho Post-O&ico
and Stato should in all cuix-s, . be' plainly written.
Subscriliers w ho send nfouey )y cxproai. must pre
pay the Express charger, oliw it will fca deducted from
the remiltanco.
Deo. S7, 1863.
Ucillliiijr; iCsilrOnd,
("ir.KAJ1 TRt'XK LTXr froln the North and
T Xorth-M'cirt for Philadelphia. Sew York. Kcad-
iun, Poltsville, Lebanon, Alleutown, Kiurton, te.
frams leave tlnrrlstwirir -for rbiladelpbia, Kew
York, Keadtnrr,: Pottsville. anil all lulcrmediato
citations, at 8 A. M . and 2 0ft P. M.
New York Exnreeslca cs Knrrisburtt at 3 IS A. M..
arriving at New Ybrjt at' 10 So the same morning.
raree rrom llurrisburg : To ivcvr lurk 3 lo ; to
Phttadeluhia S3 30 and 2 80. lluKcaito chocked
through. '
Heturning, leavo New Yolk nt ( A.M.. 11 Noon,
nnd 8 P M. (1'itllinrirli Kiirel. Leave l'hiladel-
phiat 8 15 A M. and S SO M. . - .
Sleeping cars in th"?,'ew YSVk Tjxpresa Trains,
through to end front Pltlaburii witlioat-chango. '
l'awengera by Uie CnrtawiannRail Kond leave Port
Clinton at 5 15 A. M., for Pliila. and all Intermediate
Stations ; and at 3.25 P. M., lur Vnltuiulpliia, New
York, and all Way Points: '
Trains leave Pottsville at 9 Ii A. M. and 2 80 P.
M., for Philadelphia and New York ; and at S 30 P.
M.,for Auburn and Port Clinton ftrriy, euiinecling for
Pine drove and with Ike Cattawima Itnn lload ; re
turning from Readmit at g 15 A. M , for 1'ottsvillo.
Anaooumniodaliou PaiH!ni;er train leavtw Kcuding
at 6 So A. !., and returns froui Philadeljihin at i. 30
r. m. All the above trains run duilr. Sundays ex-
A Kunuay train leaves 1'ottsvillo at 7..H) A. M.,
and Philadelphia at 3.15 P. M.
ConiuiuUUioo, 'Mileago, Season, and Excursion
Tickets, at reduoed rates to ami from all point.
Pee. 13, W2. General dupcrinUudenl.
Iiurkawaaaa & Itloomislsnrf; Itull
X and after NovemWr 17, 1862, PaKcriger
xraiua win ran aa tnuows :
moving sorrii.
Frttght if
J lift: it err,
10.15 A. M
11.40 P.M.
Leave ScrantuTa, SOOArM.
" Kingston, 9 20
" Ituport, 11.. HI
" . lauv,ille. ViOi
Arrive at Northumberland, 12.45 P. M.
Leave Northumberland, 5.20 P. M.
" Danville, 6 0 .
" Rupert," B..15
Kiogstdn, S.45 Leave, 1 45 P. M
Arrive at Scrauttin. 10.00 P. M: S 40
A Passenger Train also loaves Kingston at 8.00
AM, tor fii'ranton, to connect with a train for
Jew inrk, rteturning, leaves Peranum on arrival
of train from New York, at 4.15 P. M.
The Lackawanna A liloouisburg Kallrnad connect
with the Delaware, Lackawanna and V) eetern Kail
road at 8e.raj.lop, for New York an J iuteruiediate
paints east.
At Rupert It connects with the Cattawtra Rail
road, fur points both east and wbat arriving at Phil
adelubia at 6.15 P, M.
At Northumberland it eonnrots with the Philadel
phia A Erie Railroad and Nurtbcrn Central Rail
road, for points weal and south Pawuuireri arrh ina
-t 11 : j sa ii f . ii,.!. i .... - ... . n
i.nrnauurg t.uv r. i , ruiiaueipuia IU i . iu
and Baltimore 10. 20 P. M.
The freight and Paasencrs Train north, leaves
Northumberland at 8,45 A M , nnd atfives at U,'M P
at., paauag vanvuio ai rt.zu r m.
J. C. Wcm.s, Oemral Ticket Agent.
Nov. W, 1W2. ...
Noi'tiiPPii !intr'nr l.nilwnv!
r7 .. ..j
-vivri:n tiiik t.iii.i:.
TWO TRAINS DAtY to aad fr..m tbe Nona and
West llranch Suaquchauna, Llwira, aud all uf North
em New York.
Nand after MON'DAY. November iTlh, IRtSS.
J the Pawmngt-r Ttahn nf the Nnrtliern Central
naiiway wui arrive ai au4 urpnri iroiu euuuury,
UarrisLurg and Baltimore aa follows, via ;
Mail Train leaves Sunbdry 4uil (eacvut
Sandav) 1 45 P. M
leaves iiarrjsburg, 5 2U "
' arrives at ilalliuivra, iu iO "
F.I press Train leaves Santwr daily
(elcept Huwday,) .'. It 10 P. M.
H loaves llarrUburf except I
Moaalay.r. . 45 A. M
arrives ai Ualllwors daily
(exoe4 Motidayb T SO A. M
Mall Traia leaves Balliwure daily (ax.
eipt rtuuday) i .
M leaves liarruhurg
arrives at Haubary,
Cipreaa Traia leswea daily
,. arrive ai llarriabiirg,
"J lve llarruburg (easept
Monday I,
" amva a! fuakarv.
.10 A. M
I 4. P M
4 Mi
a 40 r M
1 M A U
Fur fur til ar tuXuraiatiuN anulr at the HBW.
i. . I'
Kef . It, latlJ.-
mtii iy hti:i:um auiimi i:mk.
4 14 K U Ik pre at 1ms mt lb auWclbw, la Moual
J I'MaxlUaeaattlu, Murikaa.bMtaast uat)i,
Ik 1-4 ul AuauM, iLiaa Ksy H.l, lltea abuul 14
tauHlkaatd 1 ml uww we U.k kruwa auUw. aa4
liiti axtasMl. Alauallkea
aama Ikfe us llattrr. r4.
A leu s4 Ik amine Urn a4 ptao,
Mta - si elui abuul 14 muulits 1.14 1 k
iNrstniHli4 to U aa4 (Oaliiuk tswrt etaisa I
aauia, M kaias S4 ! Us saw surefdiai
Ms rr twff , lOi -
Miaa H. Ll Gussler, ' "
I'uwn Stmt, twt dean milk of tht Fthamtttn
' Vallry $ PotlivilU Railroad,
AS just received from' rhllndel, and opened
at ber-stofe. a lame nnd splendid assortment of
the most fashionabl and latest style of
Bonnetfl, HatB, Shakers. Trimmirigs &o
which she b telling at tha most reasonable pVlccI.
LADIKS' VHV.m CAP?, to which rho directs the
attention of the ladies, and invito! all to call and.sus
them. '
and tlnmeroas otljer articles for ladles' wear, to
whiehr the invito! the lad lea to call and er""
before purchasing elsewhere. "
Thankful tor puet patronage, she hopes by kerplng
the tseFit assortment, at reasonable prieosr to continue
tho name. -
Sunbury, October 25, 1HC2. 5m
T JT C O 33 O- B 33 0 151,
ivlnrkt't ti--et. nr-nrlr oppositei the
'Ifiiil Itoail liipol,
tJ XT it BTJB TT , f . . ,
INVUR.MSthe eititeim of Sunbnry and' vicinity,
tbnt hs; has jaist returued from Philadelphia with a
full assort met. I of
fai.Ii ami nnTi:n uoons,
His stoek crttiKlsts of Cloths. Freneh Cloths, Black
Doe-Skin and Knnev Ciiti meres, ltlnek Satin, Figured
Pilka, Plain and Fancy Caruiinrre VEST1NOS. which
he willhiake up to order in styles to suit the taste of
customers, on thort notice, ami the most reasonable
Any Quods not on hand, will bo furnithed from
Philadelphia, by giving two days' notiee.
tloods furuisheil by eustouiers will be made up to
order aa heretofore.
As he will employ none but experienced workmen,
persons may rely ou getting their work well done -at
his shop.
Thankful for tho patronftfra heretofore bestowed,
he. respectfully solicits a continuance of tho samo.
Bunbury, October 4, l!M!2. '
GOOiOOO ,,,,,e ;ycA
From recent surreys, coln)lelert Aug. 10, 18fi2;
ooet 2(1.000 to engrave il, and ouo year's time.
Superior lo ahr ilO map ever made by Colton or
Mitchell, anil scllii at tbe low prion of fifty cents;
370.000 names arc ongraved on this map. .
It is nut onlr a County Map, but it is also a
of tho United States anil Canadas combined in one
giving ovcry Itoailroad Station and dutaueea be
(lunranteo any woman er man 53 to $5 per day,
and will take back all initps that eanuot be .old and
refund the money.
Send fur SI worth to try.
f Printed Instruction how to canvaaswcll, furnished
all our agents. " '
Wanted WhoWnle AecnSs for our Mnr in cverv
Stato, Cnlifornia, Canada. F;nland, F'rancc and
Cuba. A frrtufle may be made with a few hundred
dollars cnpitnl.' ' No competition.
J.T.&U)V, Pio. 104 HroartWBT, New-York.
The War Dunaftment lices our ifnn of Viririnia.
Mnrvliind. nnd PcnnVvlvania. cost SIOO.OOli. on
which is marked AntictnarCrcek.Sliarpsburg. Mnr--land
Ilights, Williamsport Ferry, Rhurorevillc, No
land's Ford, ami all others on t!tc Potomno, and every
other place in Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania,
pioney refunded:
LLOYD'S Topogropfncnl Ma
noirrop.iicnl .-Inn of Kcntuckv. Ohio.
Indiana, and Illinois. Is the billy authority tor (leu.
lluell and the Vmr DeiTtmeM. Monev refunded
to any oue finding an error In it. Price 50 colt;' '
f rom the tribune, Aug. 2.
"LLOYD'H Map of Vinrinia. Maryland, and Penn.
srlvai.ia. This Mop is very Urge ; its cost is but 25
conts.'-end ft is the best which can be purclinscd."
ijia' i ii o ureal jiiiip oi tno ntiseiisipjii mrer
From Actuul Flirveys by Capts. Bart nnd Wm, Bow
en. MiMiiisippi River Pilute.of St. Louis, Mo,, shows
every man's plantation and owuer'e name from St.
Louis to tho tiulf of Mexico 1.350 miles leverv
sand-bar, iidaud. town, luuding, and all places 20
u..,m pnvv. l tu... ui, i.Ti-r-miiiiicu ill VUUIIUIV AIIU
Stutes.e Price, $1 in klieets. iJ, pocket form, and
$2.50 on linen, with rollers. Sopt. 20.
-AVV WPARTMBNT, H ASlll.NUTOa, Sept. 1 7, 1H02.
J. T. Lloyd. 3:n : Semi mo vonr Man of the
Misi.:i.pi Rivor.'viith ' price per hundred enpira.
Ruar.Ailiuiral Charles 11, l'nvu, coiamandine the
Miaiiippi KUudron. is aiithoriied to purchase lis
mai.y aa are ceotiireo tor iuo ot that aifuailrou.
ui t'twrv t iit.L,s, cocrciary or we Aavy.
October 1 1, 1R02. .j.T
Oliire ofJ tY 7'OlliI
At JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers,
Philadciphia, Nov. 1, 1SC2.
The uudersiirned. havini been appointed Sulxscrin-
lion Agent by the Secretary of the Treasury, is now
prepared la turniru, at once, the
of the United States, desiznntcd. lis ''Five Twenties,
redeemable at the pleasure of the Uovcrnmciit. after
live years, and authorized by Act of Congress, a p.
proved February 25, ISiiS.
1 ne inupoa iioml are kttucd id sums of .0, $100
?..niil, oiuuo.
Tho Ragister Bonds in sums of $50, f 100, $."C0,
S1IIO0 and $1(HI0.
Interest at Six per cent, per annum will eoniaicneo
irom aatc 01 purcuase, and is .
Soml Annuallv. which is ertital. nt the present pre
minm on gold, to uljout lOiiit per cent, per annum.
Partners', Merchants, .Mechanics, CapitnlUts, and
all who hare any monev to invest, should know and
remeu.ber that Ihese Bonds, nre In effect, a First
Mortgage upon all Ruilrouds, Canals. Bank .-forks
im owuruiw, mm uiu niimeuae prouucis oi ihi me
Mnufacture, Ac., Ac, in tba country ; and that the
full and. ample pro isiuu made lor tbe payment of
tne imerest ana luiuiaaiii.n ot pnueiimi. ny I
Unties, hxcise Stamps and Internal l.cvei
uue, served
to make theee ltoude the
Cent, Most Available and Most Popular Iuveslmcnt
iu the .Market.
Sulcriptions received at PAR iu Legal Tender
ioies. or notes anu eueeas oi diiiiks hi par at riiiia.
delphia. Subscrilicra by mail will receive prompt
attention, aud every facility and explanation will
be afl'orded on application at this eflVu. ,
A full supply of Bonds will be kept on band fur
immcuiato uenvery.
JAY COOKE, Sutsscrlption Agent
Nov. 8, 1K02. 3m
MMH KV A 4 '.' I :ix.
rpiIE SUNBLllY ACADEMY will be opened ta
i uie nret .uouuay in novumoer, 1902.
Juvenile achidnrs,
English brunehes,
Scicucea and higher Mattieinatir,
$1 no
4 co
5 00
.0 00
runbury, Nov. 1, lsr!2
I'ltl Fills!
No. 718 Arch Street, lie.
low Uiiihth, south aide,
Importer and Manu
facturer of, and lVMler
in all kinds of Fancy
Furs, for Ladies' anj
T- Children' wear. .
- " IdiKiielo say te my
'-' tit Vlll.l.lll V
- j -
"tttl.n stirri.iilidllitf Milllk.
J.f ties that 1 have liuw in
VsUire, ouaof tho largivt
aud must beautiful as.
Sort menu uf all kinds and qualities of Fancy Furs,
jauie anu i nn.irena n ear, uai win o ., uui
tng this Fall and M' inter
My Fur wef (hm-hast-il in Eum, prevh,ua to
th rue la ril.iln.ji Faehauge, and lb Uuly
Imposed oa all Fun, Imported slue the fir I uf Au
1 wuuld also Ute, that as uiy la'k U.U, I will
offer it at price iiri.a,rtii.nai lo ahul the g.uls oitst
ui ; but, it will l , fur hi ! luiut bl.I
Mauutaelui any nior Fui', aud sell them al III
saw priecs, oaing to the uiuwlllcd stale ol th at) nil
of lb I'.iuuiry.
I V MmuiUr tli Mm, aq'aher and street
... JnUM FAIlfclHA.
714 Arvh blivit, I'biladulptiia
si.tetnl,r 11, kJ jut
HOI.OvIO lil.Kli,
Attmrmrj mt I J v , Umibary, hurlhn.
laud euuul, I'vuiuyltaNia.
ifurruertr Filurg, hi.yder outtly )
t OfFKrl. Maikvl straol, M du - ul Knllaf,
lllBJIt HI.. a4 KvwiyuplMjMIe lit l wtri llui.
" All iMUfxual auslMS, oUlwu, 4 , "ill "
,lve uwwpi aitMiLeti
April tl t.
LuniWert .MMalvt
fUlLIP fellAt'.M;, LyeMiaflcunia, ',
JtFitMsy bil lileeslsaikl Iks tIU lis ,
I ikai as uetaily lvislisJ
Mik. 1 ma. aad all i l-ui al I vat Us a4 ka.ll'aj
i l aiesial. aUl sail at In aM m'.
Mates, , I aad
Are cnrlntr the Sick (0 nn e xlr ni ncrrr !
before known of any .llcdlf Inc. '
... .. ,uu.a ,uu ,
Jl'I.ES IIAt.T.L, F.saj., Hie well known nsr Rimer, a.
Chestnut Street, Pliilailelplila,. Iiom rinses urwluct I
"I m happy w my nfymr hrti fn.ii, tltMf I '
hAV f-Minrl then, n hclipr inmily ineiliriii., t. r r.H!ti.i..ji,
nn, tlinn niiy oth t4tlil my kiu-n lftipti. Mutiy ut tnj
I, TV IMII.U ! IIIXH., ,mj IU.ICI, M) 1
friend hnvn rfnlirrd nmrkeil lir-m fnm lli m. ntiH ri-
Ittrfdewllh miti bclievint ilini llrv iMr rifrnorthttiiry
irtiiM for driving otif tKrrnriitft Viiriii)( td id k. 'I'lu-y
rf tint only prttrtnnl, hut Rttt- nut) ilr.iaitt to ht irkn -
qimlitie vMrh' it4 iimt Thvm viilned bv Hit nitl.c
Willi (fiev nre known.
Tlw venerMl rhttirttt.r WAHPLA WVritw fttmi UU
iimnr. 15th April. r
!. J. C Am Wri I hurt thn tout r;itiiih
pffnt trrnrflt, ftir th jktlmsriv Inn ft i or, ftm of nf tite
rltlitmi hcailf!ir, whiftf Iim nf Imf jmm ftvrrinkMi
ni fn the npr.?it. A frtV dtmM u( your Plll etirl tit, r '
rmve unfit fnttr t,'hrr Pflnrnl Hiiiiit yenm In my fniriiy
ftir rnushii iintl coldn Viih UTifnH.iigVtirrrfM, Vm tiiah
tueflrciitM winch mrt t mid I frol K h plennnrf In comtnaiiil
you ht tlit fotid ynd hate done and are ih'ing-"
JOHN F. DF.AITY, K.H.,Fef. ofllx Prfiu. Railruad Co.
9W t
T. ft. K. OJFrr. PkUmMfkim. Per. I.t, Iftlfl.
Birt I takn ilraMirr in Htltlni)i my tfrtinntiy tn h
efficacy of your mnlir iniv, ifis dcri'rd vn iiiHtTla
hrMiefU froni the iim if hlh ytnr Pertnral and'TaTharf't
TilK 1 am never m iihmt ihem fn my family, nr Khnll '
ever cottneiil tn be, while my mean w ill jinn nre thrhi.'
The wtilelv repnwneil f . ff. 0TEVKN8, M. !)., nf AVent.
wonh, N. M,, write-: (
11 Havini um1 yir Cathahtm: Tilm (n tfty prarttrt,
rertify from experience that Ihey are an (maluatile piirptaJ
live. In caee nf dimwUerrd fiiiiftiona l the liver, canning
lieailarhe, indinevimn, tnaiheiieiw and the rrst vnriely ,
nf difteate that fidlnw, they are a iuier remedy than any '
other. In all cawt where a pt i rjn tire-rem elv H remiireifi
I confidently rerftnnnend tliefn Pilla to Hi puhlir, ra
ipH. te atit. other I have ever found. Ttify-ara ir
fn tlieir operation , and perfrrily aate mialiirea . hich
make them an InvaluaUle nicl h nithlic ue. t lyv
fnr many yeara known ynr CMtrry Prctont nn the beM f
CfHiph jne'dicine iu tlte world ; and thre Pilla are In n
wine Infetriif to tftal allntrahl prM.raiion for tha Irani-1
inent of diMartva.' ; t J
.4in, Mt., AVn. V m 1
Pa. J. C. Area -Dear tHrf 1 Irtve leen 1fliteir frwn
tny hirth with arrofnla rn iu worrt frni, and now. after
twentv venra' tnal, and an nnlntn or amotiiit o antrertng.
have been completely tut red in a few weekn hy your Pilla. !
With what feelinpi nf rejoicln i write ran- only be '
(ma fined when you real ita what I have differed, and bow )
Iniif. . y ; J
Never until now liave I heeti free from tltla kathom )
dlnenM itiaime ahane. ' At time it mtarked my even, and '
iftajlff mo aLvot blind, becidea the liiiendiirtdde pnin ; at
oihera il aetlled In the scalp of my (tend, and deetrot eil my
huir, nnd liaa kept me parfly bMd all my dnva; troiiietimea
it came out hi my lat and kept It fi.r inontlH a raw acre, j
- ADoui nine ween apt I eommeiM-eu to a in your U- l
thartie f illH,and nuvr am entirely freeirntn the romplamt. '
My c-yea are well, uiv ekin fair, and my hair hae etni-
henced a healthy c roe. th i nil ot which jiiaKai ma leal
already anew pcrmm. , j
' " Hoping this atatement may la the meant nfcrim'eyinfV
mnirmauoii uiai sunn au gnuu Tootnero, t am, null evrx :
aentiment of gralitude. Voura, 4tc, j
"I hava known the alove named Maria Rictrer fitrni '
tier cbildhood, aud her statement is strictly true. ;. .
Overaeer of the rortamoitlh Xlntiiiffcturiiiaj Co.1
Cam. JOKIi PRA1T, of tha aiiip Marion, writea from ;
Breton, 90th April, IBM : '
' Vonr Pills have rnred me from a biliotta attack which 1
a roae from deransemeitt of tlte Liver, which had become, i
very aeriona. I had failed of-any relwf y my Phyeician. t
and frofn erery remedy I- ctMiW try ; lWr tew doaea off. !
your Pilla have rouiidetely retoreil ni to bai1th. 1 have ;
(iven them to my children mr fi'nrm with the bet a
I (
lecie. j ney were promptly cured, i recontmemieii tnem
to a friend fur cotivenewi, which had troubled him tr
motitha: he told me in a' tew dava I hey had cured hiiru
You make the best medicine in tiie world f and I am free,
to aay ao." , ., . j-
Read thia from the di-tinriiinlied Pnlicttnr of the PuprMtie
Court, whoaa brilliant abilitie haea nta) litui wtai
knowti, not only iu thia but the neiRii boring dlate.
" Xrm Ortftms, 5i0k 'Jtynl, 1M.
"t?irt I have preat Mtiffarti.m In aoMtiring jou Uiat
myaelf and family have been very much benefited hy yoor
medirinee. My wile tvaa cured, two yearn niitee, of a ee
vera and dancenma ritiiffh, by vour HHtTtar rrToaLf
and ainca then haa enjnjed perfect heMibi My children
have eeveral limee been cured, frnoi fttiackeof the lntUi-
enxa and Croup by it is- an invahiable remedy tut
llieee complaint. Vonr tiTi4rTic PiU.i have entirely
cured tne from a dppia-aMi citfiivenea), which haa
(tnpwn upcm me lor" acttte year, indeed, thin ritre ia
much more-lmportnnr, from the inct tliut I had failed an
get relief 'frpan the bevi l'i vifi.ina whi. li Hum kertiou of
the ctHiutry althrde, and liuiti any nf lha uumernue reum
diae I had latCen :
" Vnu eetuii luua. Doctor. liVa a nmvidential bleiinc
tu ou fa Bilk, pul yoa mji well aiinpose: wa are not un-
niinuiiii oi iu
Yimrsi reneetfii lr.
Smote Caneer, OAifl, ;ti7 $th. 1M4.
" Da. s. C. Aria Mttttored Bir: I bare made a thnr
ouah trial of the (.?thbtio Pim.i, left me b- your aent, j
ana nnve ueen cured uy litem ot tne aremtiui KJienmatiani
under which he found ma auffuriua:. The tiivt doe re-
lieved lite, and a few auhrteqtient doN ha.e entirely
removed the riixeare. I frel In beticr heahtj ft"W thnit (or
aome yen re beritre, which i aiiribnte entirety to the eOecta
of your Cathartic Piix. .Vour with (rent re)ect, .
. laUciua ii.aii,;fi,(;Aip.vl
Tlte ahnre are all from perron n who are nubliely known
where thoy reeide, ewd ho would not mak thee ute
menu without a iii4iroth conviction that Uiy were true
Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER & CO.,
Traetloal and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Man.
Si.lil by Friling Ii Cirunt, and R. A. Fubar, in
Simburv, '
Dr. 11. B. JlaCoy. JforiliDn'brrland
J. F. Caelow' and C. Brown, Milton.
J. Chrfstnan, Turlmtville.
Ik-rsh A (V, Mt Carmel.
8. Brrtrcisoi, Klysburg.
Viust, MtihoiK.y.
Weaver Si Mc Williams, Falicoa,
And DoalorsEvorywhor.
Augusts, 18f.2 ly
jiMi;. ii:iioiei:sx'
Ruxxixa smcn
IT Is It practical, rapid, efficient nnd durable Row
ing Slnrhiho, adapted to a largo projMirtinn nf
Family Sewing, or for mnnufnoturing purposes, and
is highly ornuniental, and is so light and portable,
(weighing !o than ouo pound) that it can be conve
niently Carried in the pocket or reticule.
Its operation is so very simple that it require hut
a slight degree nf judgment to use it.
Iiy the iinplo turning of a crank with one hand,
and guiding the work with the other, it silently .ret
very rapidly with a common Needle makes thu run
ning stitch exactly like Hand Bowing, onlj wore
periect and regular.
ItwU Horn, Uuiher. Ruffle, Phirr. TueVt, Run up
Breadths, eio with a singlo or double thread on- any
material adapted to the Running Stitch, from the
lightest and thinnest tip to two thiikiicv-esof ordina
ry silk or muslin. Tne thinnest, usually 4ho most
d'iHicult to stitch bv oilier sewing mru'hiucs, being
sewed the easiest. For ludiee and children's appa
rel, and other articles made of light fubrics, it will
therefore he found nlmost invaluable.
It is attached to the table like a sewing bird, and
having liu tension, and requiring no lubiicution or
change of si itch, is nlwuys ready for operation, and
each a marvel ofgiuiplicity that a child ol six or eight
yeru-3 can umli Mur.d it immediately, and use it sue-
cnftVIIyi .. , '
It is hot at all liable Id got c"t.rf Or.ter.
Faeb machino is put up in' a neat Ikix, accomp
nicd wilh full and ejrficit dirvCtioiu and Iweuly-hvo
ncedlM. '.
Sent 16 ant a.UroM iu the fulled Slates nn reeeipt
of an order, inclosing the aiuoiiut. or may bo collected
hy J-.Kprosaon rtelivervoilUe niacuiue. .
Agents wanted every where, to whom lli nvc
libival inducements will f.e ottered.
For parlleulars, epeeinieus ef sewing, etc.', send
stumn for return iMwtagc. Addr,.
aieit. iJKUuHKsr, .ao. i.i i.i-oaiway, i.
Or it. B. Masskr, Agent, fcuuSury, I'a.
Kverr Ladr. Mother. Milliuef and lres-niaker
shou'tf have ope of these valuale Sewing .MacliiuM.
Uetuoer , ItMiZ. nn. i c i rrus vnn:i
i 'nt An Tin: in:iiu.i,i4 i
rllllK aame number of persons era also' wauled to
1 near the IUiOTS and sill IFS. now being uiauu-
liu.lorl, hy the subscriber, of th laiMt rtylii and
Iki of luaierial Hating large ):ck of material. .
he will make up to order iu the beat wolkuiaullk i
luauuer, all kiwis of , I
4at'isllwitiM Uoola II Mil Khera,
I Jldla-, Ksu4'i MMit Jiail'Na4
4'bllUrf-tt'ai rvtsora, V4'.Af.
At short nlice. Having several yeara'
be eela'eiutldeiit uf giiu4 gauerallawtislai lion tu
all hu may give him a cull.
All wrk u.ust be paid for before leaving th .hop
wheuaii iwreeiit will bededuetiHl uaT.
fall alhu rip nearly o) pusil th Court House.
iaiMarke Ui, and asevium ku k.w piitM and
kaaiuiu bis atxk befor uurehasiux el-h.
euubuiy, August I, 13 4tii
Vi:iui. iioii i. i on m.i.i:.
I'll 1)4 will known Hotel, turaied I HuuUry at tha
Miiuiiuu vt lb .Nixiliei mwal nitli lLs '.Ui
rv in ttailroada, t uflvsed at l.inai sl
Tvisa of sal will be skasls easy tur lailbal tu
(usutelkill, eaiMlf l I4M ia)
August I, len-J.
" WmII HssiM-r- IMrsvs, '
f V ALL rtfl-tt Vt KKV MIUAIll.I
I I hT failed duwt fri th ManasWlitfar, (4
J tMMAMal'JUtllUjll.4
lIUkt 4 aiiKT
. Mbnty, kteseb IV t4t
v -. - . - '
lias just re4nrnl from riilladelpliU with S .
.or .
Q fi P (timtr.i ftffAcf
. ,. i . . , tl . '
Ca-wTrner, YwtitiJC, inVinn C,tht tAam
Conlinjf. 1meti Check n-id Cottoned a.
r.i , i
IartWV Wror.
A Iiuga a-wortnient of Drena" 0(.vla, Muck and
FanVy tniU, HilkTiMucn, Kttncy lTcrictti, HkaJl,
all lieiTvnea; Mozambique fJootri t tW pricei
Nik la.lM. to!anca. l.nwna, OinKhama nd
Prtntf. A riill tiei of Irinh Litieti nnd WhU QooAl.
Hlell1)ortUfr wid FaiJoy Summer SUawL;, SUk 4od
Luce Miuitilla, Ac. 1 ,
nctdv Mde Clothing,
A .tow! tWBoHment of ITaU u.1 Cup.
A Urge ftSJoftmtnt of Bootj and b14c
A full atock f G rocerie, MolnMoa and Sugar,
.-. J .
Jlurdware and Building Matarial,
A ftU atock o( Quau tjad iUaaffwara,
... ' i i
A full stock of I'ish, Salt, 0il and WhiU Umi.
A large tk of'Sow V.'all Taper,
Anewitoek of Ston. and Earthanwar.,
And Uiowanar gt BrUoles not noroeratod.
3- Ail th. aW. will U MU C-h
ei 1
Country rrc-UaoB
. .. - '' '
j. ii. Ef oa.-
EuuWry, May IT, 18C2
' - . . I ! - m -WTtt sr. '
(LaULRVJ CO'SDrj O.wid Stot)
i:o. j.,
Formerly htl Walnut' Stroot.
PUilndelnhia, August 50, 18C2. 3m
!Solf-AlJiH4liS Clollset Wrlnfrci
Simple, Economical, Dura'dr. and U nt Liable to
. .. . get out oPOnlerv .
.The Sclf.A,ljwtin Clothea Wrmircr, if nn? of tha
proatost imivoveuii4'lu nineteenth ouulnry, anil
has only to be kn.i.' Biind tried, to como into general
ns. The sa.-inaTii't' clolbps. in urcssinic out the water
between- tirrf lubber roli.. inslcad ot wringinir or
twisting, win amount to euough la a short time, to '
pav for n Hiaehiuo. . . "
kvcry one is aware, Hint the twisting or wringing ,
cf clothes, stretches an.l bfcHs the fibres; but this,
machine prossea thent so vefily, that a uewspape
Ihoronghly soakeil, can bo wruna;. without breaking
it in the least, and il works so easily, thai a child
twelve yearn old ennopcratoit without trouble. Hot
water docs not iniiire tho rolls, and woollen goodl
can bo wrung nut ot boiling water to prevent fulling;
which ennnnt Ilo done by hand. ' is invaluable, especially on large)
articles, such as Ladies' tikirts, Ac, u.1 it leuves tli
starch iu the clotlrcs perfectly even. Il will wrioa;
the largest bed tYuilt or tho smallest pocket hand-
kerchief, drier tflnn can popibly bo doBo hy hand,
without alteration in less than onc-cii;ih the time. .
The inachiue us so siniple that it is not liable to get
ou of roiair.
Tho great improvement In tins, every every other
Wringing Machine yet Invented, ia. ita Bolf-Adjuet .
ing arrangement, requiring no alteration, to wriug a
handkerchief or bed quilt consequently, tho most ig,
noriint servant can otierutc it. .,.
Tho machine is muda of wc d, and so arranged,
that no iron can possibly o'lmo-iu contact with tho
clothe, thereby avoiding ullcli.ger of injury to th
chillies, by iron rust. .. ' . t
ThU isthc moat siioplcai.d effective Clothea ring
er yet invented. Thoso parchai'iiig can use them
two weeks, and if they are uot perfectly satisfied, re
turn them, and their niunev will be refunded.
Address 1.. !XO V, Philadelpba,
Or II. It. MASSm, Agent for XDrthuinbcrlaud oo.
July 5, W2. ;
ianho6d 7
ItM I.m.1! IIom lIOHlorat
Just Published, Iu a Scalwl Kuvclope. l'rico 6 eenti
4 LtK!ture on the Nature, treatment and Radical
XV ' Ppcriiiatorrhora, nr .-.eioiuul W eaknees. In vol.-
i ,it,iry rCmisMi.n. etuul Hebility, and Impediment
j t,, M.rftave L'euerallr. Mcrvousuesa, Consumption.
F.pilcpsy and r Us ; Mental and l'hvsicul Incapacity,
i resulting fn.m Htll'-Abu-e. Ac. iy Hi'lil.itT J.
! ( I LVLIO LLL, 1. ! , Au(hor4cf the Oreeu Hook,
! ,t0 . ., .
I The world renowned anilior, in Ihsr admirable Le
I tore, clearly prows from his own mperience that
ay,a consisiuences of fVlf-ubusc may be efl'ectu,ally ,
j removed wiiliuut luclUine, aud without duigcrouf
! urgieal operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or
; cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at unce eortain
I ., rifrctual bv wniek inerv sutlcier, no mallei
wbat his oendiiiiui luay he, y Cd.r himself cheaply
uiiiately, and radically. J Ins lecture will proven
, f,jon to thoimmds aud Ihnuviuds
1 1 Kent under seed, in a plain, envelope, to any ad.
drons. on the receipt of i sHUla, or two pgtag
stumps, ky a ddressing.
17 Dn.CIIAiaVj4J.KI.IXn.
! 127 BowrT. New York, r.t "thee lUa. 4So.
! Xov. Ii, lMi2. ly
.tllorsary nsttl
'4'oinaMlor tst Ijnvr,
OfBce, Mnrket street, I door west of,
7 ILL alleud proiuptlcy to tbe collection ofclaimi
t and all oilier professional husmrss intrusted to
his rare iu ViriiiuiuberlHiid aud adjomiug eouulien.
Suabury, May S. In.'.;. ,
Isilinliutilr lluir IJi-lirul.
IT li X'iT A 1VK,
i l ul re-tores urav hair lullaniiglnal tu'. r. .J cupt
h.g Ih repillarv tulwa nith nauiial nlnair, ia.
paired bv ao oi disaaue- Ail iiisunuuvou uye ar
' toiupmid of lanar eatijliu. d,iro) iu tbe iulny
and U-autv f tbe hair, an 1 ul ibea.ael.a) mt
1 drrs-uig ' lUiluslreel s Imiuiiabl oloilng liotuuljr
rei.,rva bautuila natural color b i aa tejr pruca,
l.ul git ea ll.a hair a
Lt at HI ,.N r btv- rv, 4 tf JtrVwth. pn ieul il falling 1 raJt
i riln 4su Irntf and imparls kralib aiuj 4-sj.i.Hiaj
' to In bead. Il baa alod Ikettal uftiat. hm i. ll
, oiigiUAl Hair I a I I euoaumly lte.ut
1 Iu favor I aed ! Usb w.allei.n u aud Udi It at
Id by all riwc'li. d.-aleia. or ca tw p.siM4
' by th.ii, of Ihe e..i,iuir. il aji il I 1AKNI
,uj lit. .U. V ),,ma, iu f4l
I Ik-k l-f V, Itel ; ..... .
IIUI !!.
I Cf' ,( '" x4 ' '4 '
" ' ItAaauki an, I'
I'll Is) IH'l eK, l) ! awiaaM
I I t4 Ku Uaauua 'pHad. b d M st..ppia firn'm. n4 ,s f. i !.. k.v..
kaa4iu lb sl tvlBanM, M
eui'iog iiasiw' "44 ' . , 1 .'
4-; !et