Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 20, 1862, Image 4

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    uT TO THE SPOT."
T:rr rnimv . .
'".1 k. i;
'''W II7y
""r'w." II ffV TV..-.,
"HY US Jo'ln,,.. .... .
.c.,,x.,. 2Si
from r.'tif ,,',,,
J i oki ir't
will f,
Al i A. St
'I AI'l'lU'Ulnul . t i. . .. i
' comm. , ,:,,,
HAVE YOU a couanV
rihoxM,jyj.?J!:?aV- Tm third
A ' 2 I'. M .,
iv ,i
At 1
At 4
t I
, I.I
ey Ci;y,
'i ' C,.,,,.,. n!, .,,,,,. ((, (
Men mi l Jcrrcy ciiy.
'''1 ''! Jersey City,
"" 'l-V.-y fify,
Ki'-u end Jersiy (,,,.
Ha t
' vi-. (.-,, ,
ii ! I i. TV .
vi.-. k '.',:
' III!::- I
'' '2 I SI., vi:, (,,.. ,.
iN..t:,.r Mail )
' - '' vi., ,.!..
'",",,M"". Ir-igli
..-"'eel IV J I I. in,-
.VI . Sin !,,., M..;,
'"!'. Sir,,,,, I I.'
1 1 . .. t i :
t ii 1 .1,1' i
"i-'li hunk. All,,,:,.,
s'on.')p., :,i l i
. . , ,
-i"n lip,t
f'Ihe 7. In
12 IV
IVr W,
i,u. I 1,
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3 00 '
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'Hal ,nisiKt. Tf ' 1 n n,''nc tl,t ir ''mictions t,.
'Mf. Jh , 1 J,,1' '"r. '""Ph . net woll
'XI-rl,Wo . 1. 1" r' "''i'-l' tliiitj-Tonrs'
"I'wily ouo. '"'"-"una is certain to proiuro
Jl "t ASTHMA on riTIII?rf
. iip I . ....... . ""'"icniin
. . ' ,vv i mo
!i v ill
t'f Iho wiiul
niiicnnii.anr mntlor
" "... (, I f.-r4 i . ,
-u.i,,nr, ,m,,,,li;i,,i;;;;?-y Mi;! f.ccexj.oc.
VdtT l;I()V(.,,rru.
j il'.1.'lll,,.ioi, nf
'"V KPiirrnllTlip .l,.,,.!,,,,, ,,
r, lii v
Oil (Mi'.ijy r,
ik . rt...T- . . , 'v "
"n.. lhoir.i.l
Hi')! tlirnKh
tcr ci.pjimi,..
tllW illllniiml
(n- mn. mil ,iiii'.i,.. ..
'"f ' not nf i,.. i.. V . N .Miik
.LI.v ?l.l, II' I
I ,.n ..- l . .
... . , mi.,.- .. , , . -
not thci,,,, v";:?
j r'l'iT'ifiiti r 1H.I..1
l,r,.,l,;..,. . . liKh
... F')!1 FA'Y I SK AND
, ..,.r
all !rno vri
stop Tovn cortiji!
a r i t i t
m 0 oi tno mm
..... 1.. l n. t ll
.Srmvily nil ttie wuiits uf the nub
III'm fi cu e.
"''III"!!. Vilkl-.-
i T-lil .
nikitwiirun nu'l
, "Ml. Hi: Cl.l.'l'.'pTtnnic nt llin
';" i.c JAVXKS rxi'l rioi-" 1111
2 2.1 ' "'. I":';- iVniii ,,! iMi:i,; .t to tho (.nliliv l-r
ttiim'iiy lmi.t v.tny
i' r.v L',
-. sir,.,.,
M. l.i.ic,,;,
i .in,' n ciuink
i .... a i . .
' .M.MI II li-.ll V. lit
i iC'.l.KI, ill li
nt : '2
' -Mill 1
!'ul. i:. .v,.
iiinl i.i '
i ruins lonvinjr,
. Ml
n.l t P. M.
. M.
A. M. iiml
uii't fit 2
f'.'i' IJ.i-liA l'rt'nt..ii. .'.e . "I 7-ilnnl 'M
.'. i'i-.'mi iiml I.' P. 31 I'r.'tn l. ii-iiilnii,
1'. SI. ii.nit Wnlmit Mrm f.
l' r Ci i l'il nn.l iiitcriiicdinu t.niuin, ut 11J A.M..
fi'iin K'c:in.;: ,u ii:i'..t.
l-,.r I'liMivt.i. Kivrvt'Mi. l),'l:,nrot Bcvi'vly. Car ri'.ivnoe, llorJciilmni. Ai'.. nl llij. 1.4, .'
iin.l .,; 1'. SI.
Mi'imihi.iil Trent, :n, fir li'.r.l, nlowti pr,l intrine
diufStijtinH. nl 2J P. SI.. I'lnui W'nhmt m. berf.
r'er S.(vv York, nn.i Vi,y l.ii,"., leaving Ken
? Oejirit. Itiko tho Cur ,n Filth ntrcrt. iiljuvo
Willi, ut. In, It' i,n li nir I, el-. re lieimriure. 'I he Civs
run into llio 1',.m,I. mnl on Hie arrival of covh Xrin,
run In m Iho I j. .t .
fitly l'onn U nf r..n-no oly. nlli.KCil cmli
n"enj:or. J'neii,'i in u r.,liil)ile,l from tnkin
iinyjiinj us bii'i!i: lull tlieir we.irinii'iiivj.itrel. All
l.f.jr.r;,;.,, UVcr li 1 1 y .iiti,I In he pud f t t xtr.,. The
Coiiinnnv limit tiieir res;Ki:i-iiiiliiy lor l.i!rir!o to
One 1'olinr J,er nil,.li.l. iiinl will net lie lii' t.ii any
Hinvl'.lit b.-yolid 5-ltlO. exi:,..'. I,v P'-eitll ,'..U.r:l,-t.
Sl in.h 20, 1-J2
aHE ubsirii,er respectfully irfnrin" his (Ul l'rieml'
. umi Iho fuijlic gcne'iilllSnit he luu conituencv J
n l a ck ssi mil xc; u cs i x i
in the ?hop ntln.-hcil to K. Y. r.ri'hi's Vouii'lry.
it prapiiru.l to do nil kind" of Iihick.-lniliiin'. in ibe
l.e't stylo and wui kiiuin-hip.
All custom Woik will be!lv ottentlrd to.
J. II. Z1.MS1EUS1AX. A-mt.
Fur.i.nry, April 2t'., l3d:'. ti'
mu hi.x nipoKmr .i:w s .
Has IUtihnkd with a Kkw SrorK ip
iilV' lioii:i- -. m-rtut nntl 'i'oy.
T Fein- ns if n new n-e. n new lite wns opening
I ni"'n u-'. iinimattn eve;
gl.'W anew'. hm'i-vi ' .lil
and trrander cor.Lei;tii.;i.
The hu-.ine.---i lvorbl. too, miit feel the new influenco
and every part be qniekened and slrongthenrd by an
inereaiicd viialily, wliieh shil iu us on with el. e
triu peed to the i-Djnn,uiuti,n ,.f greater tilings; ban
win ever dr..:in,ed of in the Phikwv-phv of the pat.
Aniniatcil by tho tnlhusinsm which, pervades! all
clnsse.. and dei-trou of dein hif slnire towards '-The
reat events of tlio Ae, ' the isibei',ber would re
spectfully inl'.nin the good pcuplnof Sl'XIil'KY ainl publio Kenerally, lhr.1 ho hits just returned froui
the eity of Phihidclphiii w iih the laret and ehoieest
st.n.k of CuiifeeliouarieJ, Kruit aim Toy?, thi,t bni
ever been br"Uj:ht to Ihi? section of country, lie is
ills,, manufi-c'.arinir ail kinds of Coit.'eeti.'it.iries, ac.,
to fill un oi'-:r;-, i holes:, le or relaii nt s'iort ii"tiee
Al;loi, I,
foliud '
Kren h s-eevets.
Iliiiucu Almond.-',
V'rcam White.
" l.enion,
' Koe.
t'.itiiiin.n eercLs.
'' "eels i, .1.1 iv!..,od Ibe test of time
'in,' wbit lj :avi,. poi.ulnrily us Ibis Especto
''liv dis,.,.., !..,. .. i ..r. I.J ii..:.
' 'i so iirn'ile Ivtve i.een resior.d f
: '-. ,J";;'i ie. '.nd tne'.r
r':. -ie.,.. i,. ..ii i... i im
Then use.TAYMl'S lA'l'KI T"HAXT. Tylnkii
! I:i:i two or three biri-e ,!,.-v. in e.rlv st,i;;.,. of
tiie iK-eit.-'o in rii:i, k nnd eovei'mc up
Wfinitiy in bed. this prep;ir;t i.-n i,et as a iid- ritie r
sw.Mtin iio'dieine, n:nl subdues the imhr.eath'U :it liie
HAVE YOE Wli.l'iPfX'a-COI 'ill.
'J'b.en tiT .'AYS'KS EXPEiVfiRAXT. Tb re 1
no reined v whieli so ell. turd! v overt, ones I hi ; di. : -e
,r,s tile l-..X.e, tor.ilif. hat,t eimvi'nfs ibe
-illbibes ,.f ut ehi'drrn f; tiiis dislre. dntr f- .1-,-1
luinl ,i!h-.,it dti'i;; all in h.-r power tot I heir
lelief? W het tnedieiuc Fo leiisant to Ibe t'isle. or to proileee benef.t Hive it a, and let it prove iti" eTietu y.
ji.Y5: vol' ru'H-p
V.-.-.i r.'-c JAYXi: . EXPECT" Ml XT. (I.i! In .1
are s,:l ii , t to 1,0 dis, ise muro -ud l, n in its attn. ks.
er. in Mio abei:eo nf prou'i ' relief, none more (':: ,1
in its results tbnn Croup. I'nren1.', tlievctore. should
k,.. , at band a remedy sure an, I lliun.ub. Sie.-h a
r.-i, in, iv lie iuittid in the Expectorant, and every
e-ueful mother will keep n supply by her.
J A Y X E S EX P E 1. To R A XT.
Is nt.ind.ird fie.lie'oe. ,V,,r thirty years it ha? been
before Iho publie. and ,1 .friris (his pe'i iod its eurntivc
j.o.ver.; have been tes'if,,! loby all elassesof ) io.lo
111 ml iprirtiisof'..? world, lhysii iai.s. obi- :, 1,1-11.
btwyi, tnerei.iteis. :u, I meelomies have experieie-ed
its rentc'iii'l i t . ets, mid have I'urni-l'.i d a v. i'h their
lesiiiuony. and il may be found nl length in our
Almanac, to be bad j-iati:' of all a;..nt. To their
coi'viiicin;; eer:::i..ntes ,vi; v.oubl reiVr fhe doubting.
II:.. I- ei:i toi: t and all Ir. 1. JAVNIi A
P'lX'S I'amii.v M.:i.ii-.xi;j me sold by all Ihu-.'j ;i-is
SI'iv IT. IS',2 -.1 m.
iso i a;i.,
, T. r,r.
rV.nV, niiina-' uiMit of tliis well-known II,, M
1. been l,-.n,ied be Sler-rs. li'Yl.i; A III:
M-'ke Hie l.nrk
I'litlrns, ami nl M11
Tlii. jjfcer enn la'se ;,cir -Soire of either Sine
fore ihfivilorn of exi'liuiiaoi-i for the other.
I'flrw Ftyl-of fMnittti Maehini. runs fast ami (juiet, foi
cis 1 anori, riioe finaiers, ate.
u. i'k- :),! r,-L-e of sip.
ll" r.l'Y TUG IIKST Ai
?:i,l CloTlnut tieetj Philadelphia,
t .7 K. V,. St vsi;it, fSuiibury, Pit., Agent tor Ibe
Sl.iliutjielul er.
P-v i-her -JI, tuilly
Xo. rl2 ;in"ii;7 Car Jen Slivct, rWaJctJiia
1r.SPKt.''ITri.!.Y s. beitw r,.iiji,p,iine,it ofailkindv
of foil-tlv prmtnee, , x:iu fimiily I'lolir, fee.
ll.-iim lor:, ted in the vriy enitie ol l,8i urss, and havil
a very exteiuiv,. Iletail I r.-i-l,. nialel l,:s own unmet
np'TVinoii, be hh innple fa.',M, fi.r obtaining the
hcliest omrket pric-s li ,r .-vcrj tlun(; he sells.
December ill, It-tll. ly '
n '.- ;. J 1
Vl!l U ,t Ah'lly. ...OTVl..
01 U " FAMILY MiWiy , n is
....:.,... fished and flat tr.
.v 1 .Mf i.Miiiiu-a ;i nvii t r iiin'iiitif vet
i' yr
1 r P lation a.- I ems of A, , KlN1s
dueed. Iheonc H-l a.!:,p..Vilh tt if,,,
J-kwin;:. and li-vm '"',,,!. . niueh ,r
beyond our greatest ai,l.lwlvo ,,, "
have been nli'tbat wo
uld now annoir ,, u,,,,
."to MtM'lV
we snail DC kv.v
.vni. nn nop
.Till 10, 1, ut liv ', , ,1, 1,..
IL'UT I" . : ..'.' . . ..
l!,inK has pi,,.'1 " , " ; iree-i,u,r,,;s :
Hi" ixrt Si'"SF'' ""bout , nnyihins hut
...l:l;. .-l ' uld to-ila.v be elnl imni annv do-
three n.oi.lhs our ord
i? ' , V ' . ..ufaetmin-l
from this lion. t,.r
nr,l..r. ..n .1... 1 .
In the ehan
heart to nobler deeds
eiaturo and Seiereo w ill
the present pri.ifietor. I.e. leave lo inform lb.' i.ttl li'
that the house is now b-MHs; renovated. f'
1 . 1,1 1 . ,u:ii in, j,i,, en . won u 1, w 10 1 oc proper :n
eoiiifortabl.. aeoonnnodation of those who nui v f:,-.1'
tb 1 'labl-sliinctit with their cu.-tolu. Oues't.s : 1 1
I fi'tfYic V.Tiro.1 liiat tony conduce iu'itiHini'.X?'"'
b.nt.l in a lin l-clas. style.
i'ami'.h s nti-l otlu 1 - ,te-itio lo s..;.. inn in liaii-i
l.irc; dif.ii,'; tiu sniniior . will Imd f l..- ,.oi
boarding and b re ..ind ivoll-ventilatod Muua at ui;r .liuioiit, upon in. idem te terms.
March ... jCOTT CY1.5 '
.... - ". L ... J- "i'.i!Knrni:r,i:.
lnH'4 .v ; .; ... -
" JOtiASil
W '.' r'f'ient of
I , no,..-. .11 . ...,
laeturcd from the n.-t derail.
e most uef:
ill .....II 1 VI, O. mni.i,
In..,..,, ii . '...
Mi'ilnrv l,,t""'- ""'It't our patliolic
' ' , ' tin, Work T( Cfili-.l . ! . .. i,..n,
, .,..!.! . li.,.-o tbpv . ll,..:. 1.1
Wolueu f' ...... .' f1'- ...L.. .I.. .in. o.iti'i
to u, il r ",.v 1,Kin.v -'l n'.fj ''Sewins Slnehino"
. ji. they have eallnlled out the soldiers'
to thrif'd. t111 lt ';!lt " rnt' ast.ini'hin to
1'AMs and SiniiTiis work could not ng
tie H alves. Knowing .rudelit lloii.ew ives. were
r,.tliMic. lnaoy l!e.iii;lifin(. of all others, whieli
,..,ml lo d i!,e work, and when doticwith
,vuld do the heavy ticir Ea.mii.v SIai hink. mid
f. it. lie u to be 111
1 tn scte. tin ; one ei,wiMi Mi, Covii-axv's
ri.Mvi.i: A l.i';v M vi iiisi s,''
sew from the firest entubric lo
with whieli y.wi'.h, ut ehatme of fed. needle, or
the he;r, i.- t CO n it been di::il pointed.
tension I h'!evel,.pe,l the ad:i,labiliiy of ear
'J'i-us h.v'KitHl-of Work, we h,t c Ultideai:..ther
nen liine end by several 'nip . riant ebati;;.'. in
step in arl t: n 1 1 m SI Aetl l N K s," ' have produeed a
out- '-X'SI vriiivi:.'' whi. h we confi lenllv claim
-Taii.c-IILST TAILnl'.IXtl .MACIIIXl-' yet
to be., sowinir the eoiir.-est linen thread with" as
intrisf: as the cooiinon cot ton and , h, n required
nuii-ed to do the very finest eainbiic work, with
iioijuil eolton thus e,.uihiniu' in one compaet
li'everv nualitv reouin d in l itlo r a FAS1II.Y'
IMAX1' FACT!' li I Ml S! A ('III I).
'e have had our Slavbines before the public
10I1 lo establish thiir reputalion. llozetts nf
ners who Marl, -I w ith ft vine: colors "have fallen bv
oi wayside
. -,V ,f COXFLCTIOX'AIilES may U
"urn Drop", iiMkindsscnt,
, I.ovo l:rt".
.Mint Iirops. red and niiiU-,
Jelly ('akes,
Fruit I-irops,
' :. k Caudie. of all .-cent.-,
lloek ('andy,
Aluicud Candy
HniJ,', ' X'ulsof ali kinds.
ef n superior qualilv. by tho sin'o nr d. j'n A
superior .piiiliiv .,1 r,bacco and Scgius. and u vnii. iy
of L'oi.le tionaries. Fruit, Te.vs. Ac, ttil t which is
offered cheap at wholesale and retail.
f'ii-' Keiiuuiher the n un., and pin""
. 1 . ,:l'4i,
Currants, di ic 1
11 ,...,o. .,.,.,...... ""'is. niu.s ., i win
T5 . ,' ' 'Vurin pcrlee, ii Finklb
... ......... ,
Speeimen liool.snn l oscillates 1 .
plication, nho. i.-hcj uptf-
pinxTix'i phi:.-. rv,x
with their anpuitenaiices of nil the "IV. y,. Aers-
V vj c 1) T Y i' E . ' T
of all the lutcsts! vie.' oT all sires. Sl' Vnituie
I.aboi-.-.ivin,; He.les, Ceses. Caijinets.1!.,;.,,.
Printinu' Ink. :,d every arttile Iho Pi'inl uilc.s.
Terms liberal. Prompt ai'. ntii n 1
FAi'.MEIi. 1.ITTJ.IT. ,
f.3 and Cj Uecliiuau street, N.,,',
Mav X I-;.'.:!
on the pine
r J1H I prepnratiion. 1
.1 Coli'ee. is re- .-ieiuen.
SLakct sti e
Sunbu'.v. Apiil 1 1 W,l. 1
SI. C. liEM.IIAl.T.
doora west of E. Y. Bright .v S-cu'a
1'IIF. A'I'I-A.T!1' JlO.'TiH.V.
EEuivvrxd UFA XI'W Vi'Ll'SlE.
berins the Elevcuth
" r 'of .lanu... , SlV
oil... , ,., , ,u ,
Oatultlioii ('a..
lnado fit 111 Hi" ,j,,vn
led bv!
nor XI TJUTIorS .K Eti.ViE f.r vicut,
ity, 1'vspep-in. and all P.illious li- i.l ri-. '.,, y
w ho iiac Ik-iii eoii:'elled to abandon li , ,,
eotle'e, ni'l te-o this w ithout injurious cdfc. )lJ(.
e :n c. ut Miis the (ti, n:ih ot two p..un.i.' or
Cullce. i'r'CC 'Jj cent.:.
The r;,r- ! and In st i:KINO I'JV1U:I1 klt
loahiu-t ti.-l.t. sivcet and uutiiticus t'read u;, .
l'ticc 1 j cents.
vtAvii' f-Ti n:n nv
SI. II. K'lLI.iJl'K, Cheie.i-t.
Corner of Ui' ad and Chi.-nut Street!
iiuii knew them
kinnv t'em no tiore.J' Step bv- step has the
A Lvov Mai iiim: wo:i its av to rmblic
f:..or; ils suceees is- established, and henceforth our
a iiu shall he. as it has in the pa-t been, to still further
i eniove. iinplii'y a;'.d reduce the cost of our nin
. bines. Y .-hai', ill it f. iv da vs. issue a new price
il l. For further part'teulars address.
1'IaKI.K t "X M-.V. I N't; SMCIflXECO..
No. fio llroutl WHy . i..w kork.
"V 1' MtssKii, Agent, Huuhury, I'u.
March lst'.o.
j m;i.i: 1 i iiom,
Yho keep oonstantly on hand, and nro nionihly
receiving from Xuv York and Philadelphia,
An is
Ocnlloinen Carry
Kpalllnpst Thront I'oiiliTfloNs,
LndioH are dvlijshtcd with
SlnllliiK h 'I'liroHt 4'on(V lioii.
Children Cry for
Nt!i1diiiKH Throiit 'oiiIc 1oiin.
Thoy relieve n Cough instantly.
They olcar tho Throat.
They give strength and volume to tho voice.
They impart a delicious aroma to tho breath.
They are delightful to tho tnstc.
They aro tnmlo of siniplo herbs and cannot harm
any uno,
I advise every one who has Cough or a Husky
Voico or a Lad Lrcath, or any difficulty of Iho Throat
to get a pnekngo of my Throat Confections ; they will
relieve you instantly, und you will agrco with mo
that '-they gnrijjht to the spot." You will find them
very useful mid pleasant while traveling or attending
public meetings for stilling your Cough or allaying
your thirst. If you try ono pnekago I am safe in
saying that you will ever afterwards consider them
indispcnsible. You will find them at tho Druggist,
and Dealers in Medicine.
Price 25 Cents.
My aignaturc is on each paeakagc. All others aro
A Packago will bo sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt
uf Thirty Cents. Address,
Xo. 4-S Cedar street, Xcw Yialt.
For sale at H A. Fisher's Drug Fiorr, Sunbury, Pu.
cr CURE .
Acute or IiiDamnifllury ; Chronic. Lumbago, Sciatica,
ric'urwlyno, Ac
PtilTnoM of tho Joints and Cratnpi Ooutn. Nournt
cin mid nil Kvrvmia Aflwliona Kryfinclnn, hall
Khcuiu and torufulmi? trutiunn uf the ny
XrMtrnltcofl thn Impuntico of (ho HUtod an ! Fliiide
of tho whulo ynt'ui, nnd effcctunlly oounturactiiig
Ictcurinl and uthur poivonnu influences.
Him cnnvenieiit arrange BF.LT, contnininira
M'tlicutctl Com rv Mind, t" 1 wm it arnund the bKh
nd-.ut tl.o wni KtH'ALLY KFFKCTINO AM,
I' A it ir?( whetcver the diiense mny be. It can lie
worn wilh'iut itiiuiv tit the niont drlimte erii.
ami nochmiFTF in the proper hnhita nf living n re-
quired it entimy removes the diseae fnm the
system, with the fallticinua 1110,111 turn cnri, ol
powerrul iiitctnnt mi-tlicineit, which wenken amt
demroy the cointitiitioii und give temporary ro
lief only hy inpifying the yule 111, anil (leniieiung
it vilnlity. My this treHtmi'tit, the nieiltriiml pro
purtirs (."iitnineil in the Jiiind, IrchiR of a In u, My
aroiniilic mid volntile untnieamt cupahlo of being
reuilily nhRorbnl, through the port's of the skin,
come into direct contact witli the Blood and grne
ml croulntion, wilhom first hnving to pnsn thtuuph
the atomnrh, wmch would tend not only todetmrt
from their curative powers, hut to impair the in
termit ii 'trims mi dtraiie the digestion ulo Thus
nvoiding the iiijmious eOVets, sotiften the result of
intermit mmtlie, nid eilerting a perfect uure by
putifying Mud equalizing the circuUition of the vital
llmds ami rrstoriug the parts a (Tee ted to a healthy
condition This I tin id is also n most powerful
" A NT) M K IU' L R I A I j AWKNT." Calomel lie
tug the primary en use of a Yirge pnrt of the sti(T
ness, N'euni'gif Phiiir nnd Kheiimnlies, s nrevn-
lent umi wi'l entirely relieve the system from its
pernicious eiuvts.
Mterate res are cured in a few tin vs and we
me constantly receiving undouhted tt stine uitils
to wlneh wc invite inspection at our office of
their ellicacy 111 tiggravatetl ciitcsof long standing;
rniCF. TWO DAI. LARS. May tc had of Drug
gisls, or will be sent by mail un-m n cetpt of or
ny expresH every wnere, with tot necesraiy insliuu
lions iroin the puucipul office of
0. SMITH & C0-, Sole Proprietors,
fill DnoAnw'Av. near liroom street. Xkw Y'oiik.
I'll' Treatise, with Certified Tcstinionials, scut
Aokn rs Sun'nrv. Frilie.g (irant.
.. .. ' !-:.. L.
."ir.: i.iico,.
Xorthumberlaud, R. Ii. SlcC'oy.
ii-.i it.
SI arch . St'.2..
:t l.;iv. Xo. K,n C.r. Fulton
y, XKW YOI! K. Will enrefullv
attend to Collections and all ulhcr lnatlcrs intrusted
to tlleir eare.
Slay 21. is;,.
and llroadw:
.4 K.:ii';ii- Atsj.orOn.-iit t
tiltEAT 1'liiE AX llEADISO, PA.
I'J.ruary 12. !So2.
inueh snti-faeii-.n to
e lire ubi h, ,11 the
.1 , d,-ln,.Ve.l 1,11 111 V
ie of volir Snlniiian
ti iv.'Tt.tti N It -rices mo
illl'on.l Veil tiltit in the
In, -I'll i i. . i t t!,o ' 1 ii iio' ., en: :
. k and l.r.'eri.,!-. 1 bad
I'lm.Min rni v,
And s .Id 1 v el! Drii.-'i-ts and Uroecr
SI neb 1.' l-t.2.
V ha' raoidiy iuerea-cl in' cil n.iioft'.'jl Atlantic
bwlbe lr?...4V'.,f rea.l-rs since I; s l-".-"J'"'
live vears ai?o. il pro. peiiiy !..........
nr.dit continue, amid all the iluctiiatfiu and d in
ter, incident to oi-r nat'i.a al cris.s. , .r,n pround in
?l stiioaiioi, f the i.uM.s. ,M a tiiiH-so pregnant
I...... ,. ..,,. i , , e , o, ,1, e i,, line- ". '
'll. " "' " " . -. .. I .1 I .It-
jl ,r, i;ie rUl'IO-ie-is a. .,
e, e:s 'IV lo roln'so ils
I: i: it -I pa'lis ot loyal
- b i i 1'- ontliielis nave
... . . . i
,,ic si.'.e "f l.ii'citv. rroji'.-:s no"
.j.,,. it frs! adoptml in its early
r. 1 cv : oe 1 u:n, :,,,;. i,,...u. ..... ...
i , , I l I -. re: u;..! V lon-uou
HOLE-'' E ANU hbTAtl.
I'ire Pr.,..f S.if, '. A for enduiin an ioteii-e red
h- at I",-:ee, :i ii.iurs. tin-Safe n as opened, and the
II.m.Us in. d I'.ioi r- iveie preserved in an uinbloii.ishcd'i-ii. 1 -!i ill ne, d another Safe as ivjn as 1 get
in o;de.-. Your--, ne st r. -pei t I'uUv.
V, P. DH'KI.S'iX,'l!oti.linu', Pu.
Cham timtsii
tea ill every vital
tors do l,..t dee'll U ne. i'
paoi - ill ie vr : vverve bir
Oiltl-io' t-'ll IIU I UIO .'."el 11 '
always l":e
Hi 'l l, and
C il"
i'. At" V f .r ile
iV I'AV I.Dl hS,
: ; l : l : 1 : N castle.
i rn. Franklin county, Pa., )
An-u-t ::i-l. Isf.l. (
Evasn A f. Arsos. Pb'.b.delpbia Untitle.
, the n.eii,;tv oi the 2,1 ..f Auicust. lM'.l,
our S'-ir. b.-u at liictuea-tle was destroyed by lire.
'l't:e! oi . r' w c pure!i,L-ed from y..u s.jne
t. u' ve.-us sinee was in tl.o alw v,i meiitihned st-,rc.
I b 'li-e. and ci nt m tin I a'.I our I k '. papers. , ash. A
itton. alter
i .,1 hours,
ill cell us
.III. another lar i' "ai
l'ATKNTbiii A,..vr.T,i Yours tiu'v.
ilesii;,,.!, lot.e.e r..,- i I P.,i in. .,1, del- Si:;. -'. f
e. Al.'s:,s. A,- . A... A'
X-'V l hl.;iirTpV were pr. - ed in a p.rleet condil
.S. '.'. Cul.... , , rl i " ''' eip .se. I l-j ii most i, t. n-..heat forsei,
''' Cie.s.ltl'. vu.Ml. ;,,,.. h, ,,. Hll.a teru., J'oU
ft IlIlcKit ' .,,,.,,l,,.r On- - i- -i.le
n to tho
Atlantic SloieUy .,,.'r,ie,-a.l.l.e b-i "'''
thoin in Air.crieau iiu laiure. and wm.aiits th I
lishers ill pronii .10.4 to its reii Ills, ,
Tin: LE -l P
A t.Vih American tuleut can furi.i-h
J.isr ok Ki.iii'LAK CosmiB' tot
In Pp's.'.iel P ., trv the -Atlantic ! ' " " ' , I
, r-i.un.. 'o.-.k l The lolloHieg '
am- Mn '.!l i''4"t is.-oiitr.bu
Jainej Pus-, II l..jx..l.
'1 le:s, H.o,l.., C. it,),!., ... Ileuses, I
Co. .M .nul leninrol' Ki.NK (illl.D I'K.Ns..
."1 r, e o,oi,,l a,:,l warr:i:iUil.
CI' el, Ti li,.,iil!... ,f rl, I y ,' 'Seiij-tiell.
I'l il nlel. Ii. I, J.iaua,)- 111, I -t. I . :ly
IXiriw y
i V '..Hi.
oi-s ma .till
I. ... - A ... V. 'V:'!'
II, 11,1: V.. Ie. K.eer.-...-.. I u ,.
sa,,,.,,., i ii ,k boru,, .,...',;,;;;;
. l:V"' i r ii,: ..
I. V. It.'ltoi-'l .,.,r
Author .U.ii(!r. l How , , v .,.
Mis J.iln, 11 , j,,,iU 'M ,
M.. l I v uiu.
,di. H I: k..i.
nl .u. SIMIlltY
i't;e;idi-. lo in the e unties
tlil'llibe, f-lel. lit..,,. Slider, Slolltour
oii4 i i coming
i:..n J. l.n Sf
A. ti. H.ilte'l
II, .ii. Win. A
.Morton M. Sli
I: Ke. ehilUI A t . A-hice
!:,! hes A Co,
J, Philadelphia,
I., . i i:
.bi'. Ma
., 2-0 Pearl Street,
I. Attorney at Law,
J'',( i at La A ,
eh 2.', !...
1 1 r. :
i Ueklila..
L a la,
11. ..i ' U
I. I vai l tt'
lue r-reiule ' ,
I, i
, ..r b il.
.Men llulo
. ' : . -nt,
oioii V,:..
A .1 JI.,,,- i. I
is P, :, .
II "I I let M..r: ilo I'U.
'I b t' .It,, I V 1'.., . '
li..l,o t K l'e. II.
J I 'I'.' 'AbU'l e
I t. '., .r V l hi e
'..:'.. I- 'i. ;.. . J
In - "t Aioet ..., J
!. uli I'- k i I
rllii j.
l. i
ol. I I .
.1 ,,.
I'l 1
u i
' i
..II 1 .
t' I tub-. .1
.,, sl-plt '.i
fll '(t
O Il "I I '
...... -t II. I "
it !!
I no:
i I.,
i. ji
I I"
1 ;
d i n i:
V ion
t .,,l: -,
Il H
V i 'bun
., II.,,
I'lU -.-l
A'-., i.
Hi 'lie
I I, li .
I.i. !..,.
I,'... :
, i.i l.l i '-' ill I
, i.i run ii.oi
r ;. l.ui inn
i'CI b.l' I. I.e.
. I" d It. I il
I.i.r4 HI'll
lit tires... Coin iii ii .
'.,.1 tl.ev b.i r..o. i.i I. .I i.ii
1.1 ,'ie: i L.lllk l.oeli-
1 .m.. t-'l i,:: inatlc in tin
, tho f. il il g i. ,t V iv.
.-iili s in, d Looks n.. ni. 1 o
l ti'.il. mid te.iiliy utile:' it-,
I Mil II Sr.l i IS SI i N !',
I'l I'Uladcli.l.ia.
I "I 1 I'MHI'Sl A I L- At:-t. ..
Cvlj'4 Ca i i !' l'l ; i 'i .
P,.l'...t. 'Ml I'.inl-'. Pa.
. i 'lie ll .i.k. P.i.
trou.l-biirg Pai.k Pa
'Lin .. .-I..i., Pa
ll -i. n li.'i,... Pa.
Hi. hi loo k, ll u; n
Vii Y'TI "till" , i n Ibii.k l Va
all,,:, k. " .eli. I,.,
. -.v, A l:,t k. D.I
..k i t N C . l: .li igh.
.i ol , r , , K . . B
N.. Pi s
M .r. h 2'.i. I-. .' I
1'..- , 1.-. Si. res. Piiiale
h ai.s Ic Patent
a, el lirnk unit Doors.
eiu.ii.rv. an 1 - "bl on as
ml I ,-. -p. . ..:i,!i v r. !er to
her l tlties. in, . utit llleir
, t.. llieir l lit ire ,ilt-t:tc-i
at ti.eit S'.,i e.
Ii Lank . Mi. !hy iile
CilV l,i-.,-ee
Con.- .Ii,l:nf Philadelphia
I ..oi Ih b ief. ,1 l b, In.
t'iult.,11. . ga i'..,i.!i . ;.l:l.
Pre in Ie .in A-.- on. V
Palik i f N-athu-lilierlab.
Lank of Xoriii u Libertns
l'.uil aid Swift, Hankers
A I .1 ia
W ii Mirlin.' Wilk. sb'e
I. en i. Ion Lank . Pu
ox at our K I, l,u.
n lapled to tho want, of every person. Wc invile
the attention of tho Public, and respectfully solicit
an cxiiniiuatiuii of our stock, feeling uurcd lhal wo
lire prepared to oOcr
Splendid Inducements
o all w l o desire to furchiue hot;e-t lioo li al fair
prices'. Wo do not feel justified ill boasting that e ' (
have the nrgr.t tt-cl. although we run Mai.- with
truth, that our stock is well selected, and embraces
many iiovelti'i not to bo found elsewhere. Our j
pn-v.iil assortment oeuiprites all kind, of
P.y the use of lb, sc Pills the periodic allnek, of Xer
vousorsick Headache may bo prevented; nnd if
taken nl the commencement of an attack immediate
relief from pain and sicknesses will be obtained.
They seldom fail in removing Iho Xau-ca and
Headache to w hieli female are so subject,
j They act gently tiK,n the bowels, reni.. in C, s-
! tivene-s.
I For Literary men. Students. Delicate Females, nnd
nil persons t sedentary habits, they are valuable as
I a Laxative, iniproi ing the appetite", j-iving toue and
vigor to tho digestive oigan. and restoring the nutu-
ral eiaslieilv and slronitlh of the whole nv.-lcni.
The CEPHALIC PILLS aro the resiil t (if long in
; vcsligatioii and carefully eolldneted experiment--,
haling been in u.-e many years, during which lint, i relieved a vast amount nf
, l ain and u ITerliig fr,,"i Hi-adncbe. ' l ih-r r;"M,nj-
I'.IC III in. hrrvmil ..UfUl Ol o.,m . TeiMlMl 'iUW
Ot Hie slouilieh.
The are entirely vegetable in' their e position.
uud may be taken at ml times w ith perfect safety,
without making any change of diet, and the absence
ol any disagreeable taste renders it easy to ndininis
, ter tUcui lu children.
The genuine have fn o signalures of Jlcnrv C.
Si'aldiug on each llox.
Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Slcdi-
A Itox will be sent by mail prepared uu recvij't of
I i.vrstAi. ii(i ri:i
Si:nliirv. ii-liiiiiili i-l:iiil o., tn.
riMILS large tind commodious Hotel, no'.v managed
1 by .I.A.MFS VA.VDYKK, is situate at the
road Depot, Xorth Fast comer of Slarkel Siiii ro.
Sunbury. Pa., and at the terminus of the SunLurv
Erie and Xorthern Central Lailronds. and is open for
the a, mniodatiou of Travelers and the public in
'I he proprietor will give his exe'ii-ive nltenli..n t
the contf'ii't and ,'iin .i,iei,ee of his guests. nn,l is
determined lo make this establishment rank among
I In- first in the St ate.
His table w ill be Mipplicl with the best the market
can produce, having 'he advantage of daily eomiuu
ni'ii i ii hi by cars ilireel fn,m Ibdiiuiort'. and' also from
these bringing p.'jueo from the surrounding
country. '
Ills bar will be supplied with the purest liquors t he
market can produce.
Careful and ohligings''v antsahvnysin attendance.
X.-w and coiuuioiiiuus sfobling has just been added
to the premises.
Ashareofihc local and traveling community is
most resjieel i'lllly solicited.
Sudbury, January 12. iM'd.
ttiK'i-iuit imial lloM-l.
"tjj tut'l .'ioT llnni'l'fn if. Vuntrr I-'raiillin direct,
riUIIS firsl class House the must ouiol, homelike
1 and j leasiiiit Hotel in the city - 'ti'eis suju-rior
inducements to those vi-iting New York for bu-iuesa
or pli asure. 1' is e-'iilral ia it, loe.ititi, and kepto-j
the KritofKAN Pi. ts, in connection with Tavi.oh a
IS41.0UN, rc.-.a,uiit. ojiii bu ha,l nt all hours,
or sorvo.1 fn U.i-lr own r..t.u,M. Th. an i..
derate, tlo ria'tus and ntlendnnee of the tirst order
baths. aii,rnll the modern conveniences iittaehcd.
Slaich 21'. IM12.
and pan mors Ihnn nnko wa.'e. In Inipr ivin.t If. ami
wlo n it is done it i a " Tti it d-pi i,.c,, c" m,, n
I"" A few H'T'' in rni l inc. will insure s comfor
ts!,!,, lit in 'Ji,,. a,,, . , ,w , (i6
pi ice. hi , nil iinprovenii iiis urn bcunulcat aehesn
er rale then r-py mb'-r time.
The w lo I" ti n. t, with six mil's rront nn Iho R iil
m,l. i being laid out mil. One and n.-i.-u. a, ,.,.
with a t .wn in lbs pitri.-ilve are lot. a tb , t,,n'
sell at fmni M.,u to 2un ; an, a hail s, re . t
f" ' ' i Iwoni.l a ,a! sere lot-, at fr..,
?S(I o .2il. and toin lot. .Ml tci rr,,nt bv I..11 f, ct
deep, tit i luil-psTiible hup halt cn-h nnd the balance
within 11 yiar D i. onlv up.,11 bu ii r. twenty acre,
or more that lour ycais time is given.
To .Manufacturers, the I nvn iillord- a Tnip opening
of the .",., iiianur.i. turing bu inc.... nnd other r'ti
ele. being ne ir Pbila,. l Ida, and Ihe 'iirronu ling
country has a large population, whieli aibsds a g.s.J
market. 0
This seltlemenl. in Ibe Pour'p or.eieral VPiir-. will
ho one oft he moil boiutilul pb.-.-s in the c.nnirv
and most'cai ic f.r a re-'idenee. "'
Il i intended i t tuake a Vine and Fruit growin"
country, as this c'lllnie is th" most pr.,i!able and tho
best adapted to 101, kef Every aniintagc m l
venienee for sclllera will be iniro due. I. and will
insure the prosperity ot the pbi. e. Ihe hard times
throughout the couioi y will I,.. i,n lolvMiitagc to tho
si'tilement. ns it compels people to resort to"n -i cul
ture li r a living.
Large nunibers of peo),lc are piireha-ing. nr.. I pcrj
pie w ho desire the best location sin. aid . ir:t the i.Ijii
a tonec.
Improved land is also for s:i!e
TiMtniit 1 .and can be l,u'hl with or nitlioul
timber. The tlm'.cral market viilii:itt..n.
The title i- iinli. pitiable. Warrantee 1 isgiien
cb nr of all Ineumbratice. wlieu the uioncy is pail '
lioal'il'ltg cnienielices t,t hand.
Letters promptly answered, jtnd Reports of S,.!,,;,
Robin- .n and Win. Parry, uSit together with tiie
V 1 t ! 1' itif J 1 it rn .
Route to the land Leave V.' 'nut street whatT,
Philadelphia, at It o'clock. A. SI., and 4 P M ,
(unless tin re should be a 1 han'-e of hour. I lor Vine
land, ot, the (Ibi.-b'ii,,' and Miilvillo lUiilpool
Win 11 you lea.c tho cars at ineland pl.itioii. just
op. '.K I, impure f.,r
CHARLES K. LXD1S. lV-liiiaHer.
, Fiaiielcr of the Cob.nv.
IVKt.VMi, P. 0.. Cumberln.-i-l
T. There i. a change of cars al ti-.-'' -Also
beware of sharper on '.lie cars li"in Nt.w J ,, .1.
and I'bilad. Ipi.ia 1,, Vim laud, iiepiii ing vur ha .
ness, de.-;ii:.iii .u. .ie.
UfI'oIM- So' ON Rotll V-iN. op TUB Xkw Y"RK
Tiuie t i ..- tiu: .', Si:iti.kmi.t
t 'i, TI .1 full. oving is an extract from the rci.,,-t ,.
Solin Robinson. l'..-p. publisliP 1 in the Xeiv' ik
T n tm in . ill r 1. ret lo iueLiud. Ail pe:,ii, ci 1
read this rep.irt iujerc-t :
.l...,.!.'!rc ', . .. .- .- luimr I'm, ! .
Hi I.I,:i.x iiiii Mill ,S',. ,t ', , , I ', ,,.
Tir (':..,.,' nf ', ill hlii Am, i ,, ,,' (-., ,,'
ProJnrf ll'ruflintl lu-n', i.rr.
H is -.Tin inly otic of the in s ex: i,.:ve f -. ti!,,
Iracls. ill an i.!,,i.,. level p.sit'e.n, l soit.iiilc
dilion li r pb a-en; p.rtuin-; we l.,, o , t thj, -j,:,,
of the n 1- .11, priino. We (..mid si..h.. ,, ,1,,. ,, 1, .,
farms Si'jiet-ti liv- ,j.:-l as pr.,i'nbly pn, lu.-tiv H4
wheu li: .1 ckaied of forest )U.y or a hundred vo'-.i-ngo.
The't 'v ,::1 ! - m e '.- v r :!,: r,f !,;
continu..'.i t.i-nliiy Th- ii,..l euttn'rvis s e'-'ti:,,,
dcp.-il. utfl :,il I '.ion :!i Ihe -oil we I..1.11I evil 1 s
o caleei-,,',,-' 1,1 - i.-u g in-vully in ii. . i'.,rm ,
indurate ! 1 :,;,-., r. . i...,,l I, .wing ni. tiv distinct
lorais ot -'.! '!-. , t :! t, r:i ' oi,, ,"t i, ,, ; nn,i
Ibis marly .-nlv-tan ' -, :!, :e. all tl i.ei-h,
in a very , ..1.11, .1,1,1. I I 1: 1. ,:i. I 11 (. , Xih. condi
tion lie, ' ei.-;ly :i-- i ol.-.t .1 iy ...M, u'MMi ns thu
farmer -l. -ir, - In etiiii, ;;ie
Slarl. in all i;s t'.,.:Ms, bas b-f-crops
in J.Tigbni.l, ft 01 the liiee 1!
I Ihe Loniei --; at, I io 1: : -i . i 1 ,
. is counted on a- a .iii-,M.. I .1 1 1 t
I be dug and ivrtcl an I .-' r . 1
mueh Uf.c 11lu ,b!. . tl
.1 to f.,!ili7i.
oe lil.i, , by
' -'.'.. tie a n.arl be
' ! lei.e.le. lli :t eel,
v- 1 111, f, 1,1 11,
' i' Ii.u-i 1 e. '.: 0 I ,11, I
e e-i'l-c
raii-.l I.
t'le .
G- O O X) S
X"T1.'XS, iiLOAES AND Ila-'tERY,
WI1UE liOi'l'.'i IN VARll.TY,
l 1. .TS AND sll"i:.d,
. 11 11 1 on
F ui.h .-.
er I'.
Y'llt .-rn I .-1,1. .. I It. ol,-., 1 f
:: ll 'linooiu 1 ,r .k.
Ilnllliix. 'I r, vo, I..11. Sunl 111 v.
i.-b,.rg, Sldt .1,, lul,e ,-. i'.
rui." I ni.- .t.,ii.,..., ,- .e,,,, .,. j.
: .1 1. 1:1: 1 w 1 .-1 1 us 1 v.
1. N
I 1
i , I in -:i 1: 1,1 St L' Uis an I th,
I .V ('.. . 1'..; n .-s 1.1 .V I'. 1, ,
i U i'l. -bui I il, Pill I . rilV
I-In '.UU. I oil ll .j Cjii,m ...
1 , i.,.l.iu l',.,ili,,., I- .u y, i
o I A t .. . I X . J ,.. ,
li. ,1 At - i. by Iboi ,11. 1 A r .'
1 1 - t. ' I 11. 1. 1 Tr v I !:, , .
N 1 1 .0.1s nn I t , . 1 ... . . ... ...
I 1. bs l... ti
-' 1- I'.i.k V. I .
' "i i.'tjr il.. 111
A ill II I I' M
till. I..
IiK sol scriber. Ion ing -1 k n t o--i.-,on "f this
fi-teli.-i il.til 'tlt Ml 1 ... km I icpar' d
"111- rain . 1 tall k.t. I-. aii 1 to do cu-loiii work
,e -I. il-'l I."!, e Cu-toioef. mil biv their
i-round I 'li llli-.l I..' 1 y nt'oli their being Ictl HI
111 A. It I" III,' tl.t. Ill 11.11 of Illl (luu t. . lot k
lilt a I ir, c -ii 1 Iv 1 I' grn.11 w .1! bo c. 1, -tuni ly
.11 toil, I no i ll-.ur by the ,(U"i..,'v can idwoy.
;a, 111 t '1 .'real. l em e mil I a taken to turn
t u ci i r i'i itlt. oi r .ur. t. hi. h ti... mill i.
11 Iv 11 ltij - 1 t HM1-itt1.11 will be I I.i
fill. I. it ea-lilil' . sol I li 0 p ilr..,i,g,' i lh
1 C. lo 1 .11 . I- "e I" ' 1 1 ..Hy ! "I," ' I
,!!, . luie 2 b I " ' Sl"Uii.X 1 C..
.t 11.1l :. ii.n 11
.1. I
I ' i,.i , I I'.-, u.liu,
I -' 111 it. 1, ..I lol .
. t
12. 1
i I.ii
1 1 'I IK
4 M . I-
I. ' ... ... '
I.. ...
I I.. . I
I ' I ,
I-. . I,. .
I... ... I L. . , .
S. 't III . r4 14,
11 I'
I' I
I 1:1. IIM,
r 'I
I I .
a I lo.
Illl. I IO,"
I !'T iN S M tt ' Pi..pi
S ir .'i 1 1. ,. 1 1 n ni ... , a.,. 1 1
I. , I.. Mil 1. II I I l,l . II I'll 1
Price, 25 Cents.
All orders should be inhlre -.o-l to
j IS Cedar Street. New York.
I For sale nt FISHLR'S Drug Store, Sin, bury, Pa
1 From the Examiner. Norfolk, Va.
Cephalic Pills noeoinydi.-h Ihe object for n hieb they
sere iim.lo, viz: Cutu ilea.iaehc lu all il.- f. rii..-.
From the Democrat. St. Cloud. Minn.
If v..u are. or bill e hen Iron bled with the In.) I-
nelie. seiat ,.r a box (t , balie Pill..) so Ihut p.u may
have Iheui in case ol 1111 attack.
The inmicn.c den.und fur Cephalic Pit's i. rapidly
I I'r..n the tJuJ.-tt, , iiiv, i,poit. Iowa.
! Mr. Spalding would not his mune with an
; article he did not know to real meiil.
I From tho A lverii-,r. Proiidm c, R. I
! The testimony in their I'm. is from the
ui"s respectable tpi.irtir.
From Ihe Daily New, NcivKrt, R. I.
Cephalic Pills aiu Inking the place 01 al Ikiud.
Fr.-m liie Kiinaiiha Star. Va.
We are mre that pi rs..m suflerfg w ith lie head
s' lie, shelly tUcui, will .tick to tin. 111
Fr.111 Ihe Advertiser. Proii leucc, 11 I
Tho Cephalic Pills are .aid to lo a remnikul lv
eflivtlio retnc lv f. r the hciidaehe. and one of iho
Very he.t t..r that ery ticjui nt coa.i bunt win, h has
iir becu dl-Co end.
A SINiiLE liuITI.E t'F
r Wfl.i) .
. 'v. n
iV .U.I, P A pi:k!
Jl'ST received from New Y'ork a large assortment
of WALL 1'APLR, consisting of Oxk Himhiud
ami Sirv-i itnt'i: DiviKitoST Srvi.m. ami Pat
thuns, varying in price from ll cents upwards, nil of
which will be sold at the bjivcst cadi prices, at the
cheap store of J II LXtil.L.
Sunbury, .March 22. lSi',2.
E'rot iiion.
Laid. Cliche.
Lard nil. Dried Fruit.
Smoked Reef, P.ciius,
WSt. SI"I..M.
1 or Sale bv
Chenut Street Wharf, Philadelphia.
.March 23, l-ti2 :iuiw
I New Settlement of Vineland-
Li j;i:.r:nr run hmu tihi:.
IA Rare opH.rtunitv in the List Slarkel. and most
Deliglnliil and Healthful Clin, ate in tho I iiuii
Only Thirty Sides South of Philadelphia, on a
Itaitroa"! ; l.etug a rieii. heavy soil, ao.t highly
productive wheat land ; amongst the best in the
tiardcti State of New Jersey.
It e..n.-i-ls nl 20.(1011 acres 'of noon land, diiided
int., Fai ins of dill, rent sizes to suit the pui chasir
ft.. in 20 acres and 11) war is and t- sold at ther.ileof
Sl.i I-, sOi per a. re for thu farm bind, pay able one
toillttl ta.-b. and the balance by '(Hal ler-yuirly ilistal
110 ins, Hltil l.-jj.i 1 interval, nilhiu thu Utluuf lur
the S"ir.
I- in gnati,rt, a Ituh ( lay Loam, .uitable for
llcal. tiia-j- and Potatoes ills,, a dink and rich
.an ly loam, suiiablc I r Corn. Sweet Pe'iitocs. 'I..
baeeo. all kinds ot 1 oi?"ililcs and niit crop., .-nd the
I'm 1 -t at i.-ti, of t'i tiit.sui h 11. lira 1 ic. peaches. i'i ars.
A lieols. Ncetntilies. Rlneklieri-tcs. Sleloli-. Hllilolher
tlllits. lust adapted to the Philadelphia and New
i nl k markets lu n - ei t to the soil and r. 1 .-there
can I e 110 im.l.ik... ;.- i-it..e- can e (amine I... lb. and
no no arc el)" ete.l I.. bo y before so doing and finding
lhc-c Slatcii.enls com. t under these cit elltii.-Uitiei .,
Ullb ss these slut eili cuts H ere col reel, there Would til
uu u.-e in tin ir being nnulc. It is considered
Tin: Rrsr I'm it S it. i 1 11 e I m,..v.
Sec Re,-,,!.
Vi 1 . 1 tn in I'm iv,
mil be tut nii.e
t S..L 11 11.1 in- n. F:
of tl N.
II I'l
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,1. 1 .1 1"
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..1 . 1 i, .,
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ll A I lit M i
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Mitten lor Itur Itwllui".
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tl uj Niu,
1 4 i:Ul.ta'fit.t.i
uuiuiir l ton.
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f.. ... 1 m . '
I.uIiIIiik. IVi ixtml (.luri
liu!.tiult I'l't-imrt'tl l.lui-
liil.u' lr-urra 4lur I
A . , ,1 i.i. mil l,a 1 rn .1 . u lu .ll iivulii, 1
l.u.ibu. 11 u d.. I., L.l ,u.. .I.., ai..
. Ulil.ui.1 .f M .H.u luiuilyl. I t osk
'If. J
M'AI.I'IN.I i 'HII'lr.ln,l.l IJ
L.U nil HisU iu,.lj.,i ai.J h wl..ll .
4 ki nliui 11 D 1. .u.i. i.i, 4.4
I U ll. ii u ku.4 . . 1 1
1 pit it.i m ut ii"t .-i.
A Liua a.ou. u.u . k L .uiv
nut nu i.s r.i.
lUNbVt' aril 1-1 N.t.
Nl i l .I.I tlllll. , Mk
I -t U ts H A t Islll H l.. ,.,. .Uj 'a
C I I I 11 fc '
4. .,i.i kk4ifa.i :, 4 1 aj. hiu, , n 4
l-.l st it. .fc.ll. lU U....I.U -1
Uirtbiii.wt . ,..4.,M1
U... Ul. 4 4.s. ks I IM 14.. U. 1,1
t-l I'ik'l I 4rl-ill I.I I i H .,4.
I. ( , 4 klM I,, ,..H.
I... I
M. I Ml . I
tali I iho w v tl klioM li inTI It lllluiM.
i t'liaij.iiiiiix'ii, Nih J f wtub
ti. .nn r- j
'ill!-: MAKK KT
)y l"ikii. oi-r lin- ui.mi lln- r'-a-li r mil percciie
(hut tt iii( tie ! -I Uirtf Let in Out I ii it n mi i ttiu
timet 1 h. 0. ni i .iii-'ii h uli New ."ik nn.l riiiU'ii 1-
plilM t W It 0 M ilitV. I'l in 1 only llltl l tMo :lli- (..1U
Ihu lull r I'i... I oi iu .In.-, u.u 1 Li 1 I iiius t.ul'li-1 h
10 C III .t H . tu III lis- Uil ll.-I.4ilt ll'.lil U.l I'llll
11 thu 1-M 'iti ii it titii be I ul lulu iiiaikti tt.e Miii
ii tii ii 11 i .liicr. 1. ki. I I r uli .i Uic jhin.i r tils
In-1. 11.. I.utiss-.f 1. 1 :( Uil,i (I , , net mi l uiU r
ktlL ! In ( iti 1 li uitf hi k't l ut tLi) lft-l iU tv lu
lint i.t m hut lv l iiji- Luu a I'll 1 but i -r
Mh.l Iv l-u-lo- . l.yjii.n lu 1m uri,j( lu r
I lie UU ll 1 U. Jl V ti'lii 1 ;i tt aiiluf Ul 1 m OliiU
Hi I. in hy inilf I f hII It.,- t r o iilio . I N. m
I 1 1 1 1 I nntl ilia Mi t uo Mult - Ilv i ii. uf hit "i 1
h it i. i. Kiiti ik-M't ijt i i lc l.iu. I r ,i. , ,i i
li. n .Iimi.v - tw.- uu! U thu -i..iilUt.'' 1 1 civ il
Uii4' II, uu 1 tv u U ni l.ti;i t ( r
uu; ii.iUAit:
la lvttahl!u1 ; lbs 1. 11. t, 1. I ll.jf Ii Ul bl, I pi H,
lftt.ll'1 lb. iMlolllVI. Ml. Wrt. M I lb .1) 111 I4. N 'lia
I I.II I . nil. u I. bp II lbs t.l.l . i 11, 1 1.41 llU b. 'ImiiU
o m.a
'.ib.i a. 1 in x u 11, mils f.-r b.l'l.
a. ul. t u.u. 1. 1,1. t,.i. 1 11, I a.,ii,j
.'M "I lb' ' Oil .t .,. I II. I'i .li II llul O. 1 lbkl
II.4..1I.I.I 1,1 .11 i.isi.i) bltisli... Ul.,ia
1 b.i .1 It U:,l 1 Mill I., li. a 1. 1.. s
III ia .Uy. tb.t.1 .bl Kin. a.,
1 "n 11 M il- .r 11 .mi
I. .1 in i U..I.1 il u pLiii. t uli al UjSui st
pl.ol.lul ki.4 Li.p
ii,' 4. ibiMt ij 1 L a.i.r W mi. iiii .lts
Hill 1IIL I tu. II 1. 1 V Ilia Suf lliNttl
II bl' ill "IU
1 ..t. ..ii a ib. ii.-l.i bi4i..l. ..k. Ii 4s i
,.SII II I. t..M . I I lb Ll l. I. I I ) b4l l.'1
J I , 1. il a.,4 t.i. a Hi. bl l.ils l ll.l..'
it. I 4. i Urn U.I...U...U l..-'.-I kx (.4
b --kb4 Ik,-.,, k. p I tbb, M kl II-.
.,' I -
V Is.!. ia klas, " lb. Uk4 lb l,i. ll ll
.(..,.. . .. I .41 I 1. 4 ' l. .4 t I I- I . -' " II
I.4s.,4ll1.'...l. i..i. lb-l I I'i I I i. I
li. .I b,. ks . 1 U ...I Ik,. li
k I " - ., b t i d I,. 4 I . I .bi
Ik. t .4 IL .4 -b k.l 4 l 4-. kl.l. 4 kt. L...
4- . Ul kk bl .4,. j 4I . 4. 4- . 4.
t.-ij a-' 444 m iak'l U..... 1. u ...ii ,4..ib . 1 tm kl
iv I k J - 1 I .art k -I f... I
, ti.i.v. 1 Iho !"! tl
i will be I,;: 11. . no !',.. xp ... d a:, 1
I the 0 .vn- r s 11 .".' t v - i.e i, . ;
Hill ing tli 1 - ,: : ,i I .111- 1, i::.:..:; 1
Will not I.e . i wo'., -,, ,:i,l..r . ; .. .
evidinee of ; -r.i lit v ii. a -oil whi I,
Hon, having the wig,. f.-riil .l:iri;c!l-ri-li'.s or .,;
least appeal Hi e. s. is etiiireiy ol.l -, n:ui, rati - c. ex
11 its produc'.ivencs- is 1 1., ...;,.. l.v intili i.ii prtii'i
rain 1,.
A I'.-w word,- about :':e .nial-tv tin 1 value i f th
land for culiiM, lion. ..f ni,:eli we have Some ti:
tiiirl-r.-t ii ii w 1 I , Willi: T). Uls,n. Fi-ar.l-
lo'.Mi-hip. Hi, ie, .-.-er cin,! v. i.i, , , u,,.;,,,..! .
I eib-bt mite: :. .,; Sli'liiilc. eboe.t iniee yar a.
1 for the pun.,.., , t , ibu.-bii,:; a sb: m n.i'.l, lo ... ,
I up the tip. i r i'.' i ii.oili, r, o. n.l 1 - the
railroad. 11 ; v., . ,i,.w. ,1 ,1 d ,-..:, I. '.,r v-;
I he built a Ir. , :, ,., t. i;;i,. ,,,, 1 , ,
j also furnish. 1 - ,:..e', ... i I - ol i:... r e..l 11 ith li" no 1IO111 . lo.ei. tt,.- 1, ii 1 1 . ,11,1,1,. ilouo 1 1
I.iaill obj.'Ct 'vis 1 1 11 g i-r,., hi.1 111:' in ,-
iinuiui 1 hat ilo- S..11 i!u:, 1., i, t". 1 1 a 1 1, . ' i
III,, he I,,, .., I . rtbCH-fc,,,, ,
crop pro! c. I "i ni.-, f, ij.'nr ilic".,...M,iV,,'.'
ofcroppili;'. oi. ; 1. 1 .Ie l-ol' il'isi",', . .noiic-,, :. ,
ilo cen.s a 1 ! ii, ih In-, I Th:. . , .,, ,.,.
I without mat. io'-. po, l-,:.-e ,.'.i hi-:,' ! ,.;' oil..
one field, tie la -' . c, .,- j oiiito, -. ll u't' I : :::
' the roots, in, 1 y h : i, d 7,i lo, io is. ( p.,f,i..,...
1 dug and wheal , -v. ll. I'll 1 lieidcd P.I b:l ',. I- . ;,.
the stubble i, unci i.. I r i'l. J s HI t. bu :,i.i..
; which yield 1 I.,...;.. . ; ,,i,-l tl.. 1. .-roin .1
i sown tocloi i : : i :;. . I.;. . 'ihic! : - -. .1 ':. . .
I 2j tons per :: !.-.
I J h" l'"i .1! i.'e,- s;;b. I to tin-- in,;, v. :-.,. :'
1 ashes I'i. .111 elccri: - : - i d. 'J2.. ) -en I- : '.-
I phosphate ! l ie-: third. 2' " .ou!- p. a -.
1 guano ; l!, n .'.n i usbi I ..1' s;.,i.ed p.i.o !,-.. I
1 spread 11; 11 l'o- ,.( 1:1 -nice 11 iia- 11,01,. 1
, turui -l in 1 -I- 1. h, at .
I Mr W il-, ::-...,,.,. ;; ; ,r .ps 1.:, 1 ll... h..: !
j of ttie present .... : .-ill in. I. ".lie 1,.- !:.!. I a- .,,,
1 live IU IIIIV I ... I o tile M.t.
j At Sl.-,iy V.etr .11 101 , !.! :::'. .I..,- ,.v v...
i faruier, s. 1, ti.i '.ni1, . .-lutl, , lt ' ,! 01 .' , ..
: so'i. ul ,: :, - ! ucl, vi io ':.. loie l. . -.,:,,
i fo ld of eon, :: ..t w 1 j, I :, i, 1
, man how ir , - Inc. 1 , : ,,,, , tl, ,1
1 Illl 1 been lb, veer I1.1l -ii b .'..; lie, I,.,.
! co er. Illl.j lt,i eel -. ".o il ,. i :.:-,.;',., ,
j once, nuh .u i r .11 nag. . 1. 1 j...t, 1 .
j corn.
j ""Ye. b:u v ,1 1 ,.: nr 'd b;.'j we s.ipj,.,
I said iiit.-rr, , :,, . .,1.., L I t:,i- 1 , ! v
W ::.d. 1 1: .-, . . n , , l:i ,1 , I,
ha. Ill t i u v ' . :1. , :. . ,1,,,, ,..
acres, an : v 1 w .1 : i l -. -t , u t : ,r tb. -:,.
j 'J mc t;i. h . ;., i am t. I. ......
cutnbil-. tie io- .. ., . ,0 1 ,1 , , , v ,' j
of Lima Vi -. .,.:., ei,n -, ,v ,
...Iti-tle-t th.n I:. -. : ,1 . 1 . ii,;. r .!.-, innne
hy cloi r 11 lo 1 1,. 1 1. 1 ho .-. 1 a. t.e.-.n se : !,, -::
patch !.: 1 I: .-. I , , . , e, - I. li 1 hod I.e. O il.'
tiiniii.ti iv,!ig v. -i. h lo ' rate all -i,u-
I Our ri.-M i ': w :.,1,' fmi ,f Vih.wSI
i live mile- i , i. .;...' , j.,,,,, hail' to a te.''
of tile railr '.el ., i I j i- i.i. ii" in the e. I tie of
laud Sir .":.. ..:p c e.nn.i 1 wo K I,, rc :,. i
her. 1-.'.-. I I . . a a I . Ji, I. ,!..,., .1,,..,. x
he ha- .'. . ' . . ' " I .ii I in el. - It,,, ....
, !l Well l l: : 1 ; 0 . : ie ( ii. , , , j, J, : .
cedar I .III . I p -le I ' . . ' In- li,,::' . ,v ., !,,n j.
ing. al,..i.l I.y I.i i. , . ...,d a ..,,!, , I . .,. i, , ,
la. holers, an 1 a .-i.o :e i und .- ,j t
OUl bltlbllU. -
I ' 'ii-eb r .!.. i. t"f I'd ., I v, i. 'can 1 !'
! plow nl li:i ', I c Ml: I . i , . i .... .( ,t il.e ti , -T
I Has bin I, w h ' a ' i ,ii. ,1 vi . - 1 .. . i , ii, j . vi -1
; aele I his ei' j. li::n be pet in .1 , , v ;;K . '. ,
tli-I.U '.11 I.. .. i... . r . i ... .. - ,.l o.'.N
bcr ; when the I,,, li,.. ...,. , ,
Pel n i ,an c ni i: , mil t b.!:,ii' ill,. I
j bu-hi I. per aei' an I .-! i i.'i . t -i.,w. 1;.
, .lubbiv lurm I ajler k ,. k o, r o't i ! ,r jo . t,
I oak ..r..ul. aid on.--. I a.-. uu n : a ,i.. , I -.
I lo Wheat, u 1 1- I .. ,1- ,, l,.o 1 . J i,,. ,,,,,, w tr
W MS thllhlOg It hil lie ivtte (!,,, ,. t
id a i cry pluu ;. i oi ., i i i In ..t , .. t. i , , , .
1V( Wcllt Hi i I ll. 1 e I 1 u, I,,,,
and timothy p. m .. . t - . 1 1 ... , , j(. M
: it in. ill hull-oil a. ' J...k 1 1 g k- a - ll vi p i , . i ,
! Uj"-.i an) c I I I U ' ' I . .. ' t i .1 in. lil. I 1.1. Lille
1 U.'Uc 111 Ihe w i, i l !.:.'!.. ,. . i . ,
.luli,) kl, 1 I ' t ' I. - to io ,i k I ,
he id be all, I , u i 1 1. 1 . . i. . Ii i.. .1 . . .,
Uiow lli( liikihli ... i i ,i , ., t,t
a, re. il Im in, . o : v ii . , .j , w.
l"l ol Ih. I ., 1 ' i ' I i. - , ,
tii-l er .p al., i, I I ,, c , . ). i . .
UIU lilt ll 1 ,1411-1 M .1. . I . 1 . .- p. . , ' 1
i a uli a bibl a i.i t . , . t i ,. , i, a, . , .
I J bw.1. 1 1. I'll as l v i i.. ,..i.i i, rt .
Uhtf p it, I.. I. ., . ,.i. 1
B,. ei,.p .Li. 1 1 , . . , ,
tola ki. I lb.- .. . I l"i 1 , , , .
, . l... In all. I lu . ,i i . t . ,
at.b! I I , a .' I . , ....
In. lia-ltf aii : i, i il ,. ,. ,
.) r.klltgf . in i , ......
I- .1. I l Li. I .4.1 I l l . ,
I ti oil. I I wt ' ' ' I l ,
1.1.4 a. a umi. , . i i
a .ii i . i. a 1 1 1 .i i t.
I ... I .i . u.i I . . . . .. ., ., .
k. a t if a. i - ui.j j - .1 a , , , .
i ibis )i4 u-m ' 1 1 . i ..' I.i..,.
II a. 1 "I i44 u I ........ I ... . t ,
' itua a mi. b1 I '-" " i 's' .1 a , u i i ,
it. aw i iti.l Hi I . i - .it. ii. i , , i i a .ia I-., t, 1 . . ,. i.
iai kbl i.l-tl.alk' .l - b 1
tal. Labbl. ..Illl ii , .i-i i I i ,
w4. k4 J ..iltsS 1 , s . l. . , , b , .
t lti.l i.t.i.1 I f 'I - ik i.
B b a l ..i.i tlk .. ...
k-- tisu a ii i it i . I .... , i I. bait. 4.-4- . I ! I 4
I --I II. bl . I . It 1 , . .
It 4 J, ,b - , .1 . . 111.
4 .ti ki 1 1 b .. t. . . , , . i
' .wM. 4", w. 4. 4 l.l.., .... I
I. IK ...s'l, 1.1 t i .(.I,
1- lolll.) 4l I . . . . b l r
4 l.- -i, k b.l b ' , . ...
I . at A 14-1.4 , i . a i I, I l
. ...... Il l I,