Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 20, 1862, Image 3

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    3Tf)C Sunluir" 'American.
IT. B. MABSEH. Editor & Proprietor.
SATl:itI)AY,i)l'l,'l'H 2". lf2.
No. 37 Turk How, New York, mid 0 i-'t.ito Street,
Boston, re our ii;r,cnt: for tho Sixnirtr AvtK.nirAN
in these cities', nnd nrc authorized to tnko Advertise
ment and Subscriptions fur u.i at our lowest rates.
t-W DinEc-Tons or the Danville Hank.
Tlic following gentlemen were elerteil for
tlie ensuing year.. E. II. llnlriy, IVter Bal
cly, fr., 'Win. II. Magill, Snmui-1 wolf, .Tolin
C. lllioiles, Oeorgo A. Trick, Ueorge I) Friek,
1 F. Mans, Ferdinand Piper, .lolm Sliarp
leps, Wm. O. Hurley, Y111. Sloan, O. II.
fi?" A telegrajiliie despatch dated on the
8th of December, from Titusville, slates that
400,000 gallons of petroleum oil were lost
by the ice cutting through the boats on the
on their way to Pittsburg.
ILoral Affairs
tyrnoTooriAra Framk. (Jilt nud Ilnscirood
rhotoiraph frames cf tlio latest stylo. Enquire ut
this office.
tjf Til o inodcrntc. weather of lust vrcclc opened
the ennuis no us to enable- the Inro number of bonis
frozfii u; to rcncli lln ir dcsiiiKitiun. Sonic few loud,
of cenl were shipped from this i !uco to neighboring
tonus, during the past week.
tjJ-Thc ice pawed oft die river nt (hi."
Keek. Tout pii-cneer.. had crowed over several days.
j'rr.nsoNAi.. AYc observed, in (!iis place, lust
Tuefday. Mr. I'll Barn, the Superintendent "f the
Northern Central, mid Mr. Potts I ho Manainir Agent
of the Pinhole! hia ,t L'rieroad. The raj. id increas
ing business of those roads requires their utmost cure
aui utUntion.
1 t"i?sFliir. CuMiwsrKS. Wo regret to lc.vrn, that
there is r.o properly organized Tire Cotiipnny now in
t!ii pinee. lb fire the war. we had three well oran
i!cd companies with their engines. lie., injrnod order.
Most of the members of these euinpiinies tire now in
ttheariny. Something should be 'lone to place these
cu. panics in a eotidilion of usefalmssbyoiireitizens.
Tuo recent yreat fire at Lock Haven has awakened
attention to this matter, which should not be allowed
1o pass over without some iii-tioii. Sunbury ha.- been
greatly blessed by exemption from fires, but w e du
not know how noon such n calamity may come upon us
and perhaps w hen least expected.
Iata t. V. A. lii.i m:ii. Anioni the li t of
sounded, wc rc.iet to find the name of Win. A.
3runcr. l.-t Liiut. Co. K.. l.'il.-t Ufgimcnt, )'. V.
l.o fell in the lute terrific battle nt I'rcdoricl-shiinj.
incp the above was w ritten, a dispatch was received
y 111 family of Mr. Kroner, in this place, miiiouuc-
t i l; hi-, death. I.ieut. Urunner was a bravo soldier
ii i reii'.Hrl.alde for his social qualities un I goodness
f heart. lie w-as iib.uit tit years cf ti;;c. and leaves n
Mowed mother ami u bri thcr, t'apt. Charles J.
IruuiT, of this place, to mourn his loss.
f V.'e rc.rret to lcain that Lain lis Stums;-, of
is place, u.ired about P.h was killed. ...ul Id others
miled, at the li.iltle of rivdcri :k-.bur'. These
,i.s w ere members of Cupt Joiic:.' Company from
nei .bborliood.
is that a lar ;c eontraitio; 1 trade is ,1 o-.e liy
vw Vol'k liierehaoi.-. w!io lit on' vess:!s witherr
.'.s of provisions o-'i iisilIy for the M, xi.-an loin ket.
.1 they run into the Kto itrnnde. or soi tlo-r liar-
or. the 'fexan co-;st. where tl.ev la!.e on t.o.ii'l
ti"n, biilrs. al"l if limy rseioHi v;lura lbrbjr
.7: rolloivin;; from an exchange in t;e vs?t
1'i.w I.oahs or T'ooi ll'i run ll'i !,! that
: four subscribers itviiltl roulel to nl.d u ui,d '."
e i-:.tiU bj iiiiuh obliged for the wv,..,.', we iruitUI.
'"1? The sclinsrovo post says a number of canal
is wood in this place havo been eniL-f 1 by the
.eminent. Ten dollars a day is Iho price paid for
i.e. and Iho service of two nit n.
in Arrmr.xT. Whilst a noiiiber of men wer
1 in yetting out tiiub&r. in n wi o I ueir Helins-
e, "ii Tiiday iiflernooii lust, a dead tree suddenly
to the (-round, a branch of wim ii struck Jacob
k on the head, und instantly caused his dcuili.
' mirore Vu,t.
.it. lit: is a duty of thirty per cent, on lm--i
-d paper, and as the pi-ice is daily rising
this, country, the newspaper and book
li-hers in New York me asking Congress this duty, ami allow foreign paper
eotae in under a rate of t wo or three
T-roN is arriving quite freely at Col.'.m
. !y., by rail. The Treasury notes ami
r.-.-cc and Kentucky money" are sure to
the cotton. Within one mouth past
1 1,000 balos have res.cheU Cairo, HI.,
. !' to a Northern market.
"I :. ri:i;n;i i' Posr r.r. CrniiKscY.-Coun-'it
ii.'ty cent notes of the postage curren
re hi circulation. They ate said to be
executed, u!Ki should be guardid a-
io; i-.ap.-r wthinner than the genuine, laces of AVashingtoii vary consiil
'y from each other in the count. -i I, ii
itn-'.i so that two or three of tin in, if
iin : tileite, would hardly be taken to
..Hiiaits of Washington while on the
in.- I hey all closely resemble each oilier,
e I'.rder round the lettering and ".jtl"
a; back of the l OUIiterlV it is dark, and
::as arc crowded, w hile in the genuine
:rt- is open, with a line of li-dii ilots
tig tlirou;
;h the laii'.dle all the way
If. (Iieincs of the t-te-lliier
ti:i:i un? Iielmv tlio wntrr line, ttti.l her
iine is liehiw thtit. Mic i.-, ii fast vessel,
;i laiileis, ntiil SetiiiiRs stales tint,
ier tli.-iii lie ( iii.tiiivil, ho williilow up, titid nil huuiU jr() ti hell tu
r." He nl.sii stutis that he statteil 1'ni
ii liail'iir, lint u bturiu del.ivcil him,
to e-ot short of coal, lie was uinr in
r ( lit- niejhi, mill out airaiti lii l'nrr
in;. They receive letters ii'nlailv,
ini; nt certain iioint to m-l tin in.
liali) ie;eiiti ill J.ivciiiiii. to whom
-etui letter mill onit rs. 'J'hf cilireits
it tiniiitc were very (,'lail to sec tluin,
i re very familiar.
: Aitn-.sT.s ix )i;i.vw.viti:.Ulieii th.-
nun reiaiivu to the iirrest of rertaiu i
: . (iI'Delawuro wnx taken up, Mr. Oavis 1
i' Ii. ntiieky, priK-mled to speak ut I
i.i t.ivi.r of the resolution. niuuhiL' '
.e l'li-iileiit has no uiithority, iiuih r
'list Mllinii, to lunkc oiiy iu Ii iirrests.
nsi'lelit luis no rioht to Hii-peiiil the
il. line its cvecution. After futtli. t
nt. Mr. M iiis a.liuitteil that tin-IVesi-a-
i veus.,1,1,. i,,r iiiicsiini, tiov. .Mi.oiv
'I Keutlli ky. t Wii, i ,
I it woul.l have l e. n c( i,.al e to
iiistel the leaileri of tlio Hart ford
titioii, or fur liiu liiiiiati to i,n,-..
ii!iip, t lie. irr. iiml tlioc iiiiM ialilo
ttiti. Ilo .1. iin-,1 that Uvery vas the
i f the ttur; l.i.l U a Ix-caii N, rt
el mi. I Mat. ha.) ul..ili,,. ,
Mi l i Uiiuii i.i ril the ini.a le if.'niiist
w liii U hebl on to the oilimil d! ite of
'.li. lie thou . ht thu ., l.ple Hll.llil
I lei mi. triu I t li liijuu, mi, I U tu
I. II- tt illlt ill till- ('..I, mi, tinell
li'the vr lia l U. ii furrti-.l on uu
t ll.c .rilu iph'4 ol tin:
'i.ic it Uol.1, 1 ,4te Utu lilil.lil.l
x, Deo. 0.
Tim popular feeniu, , ecu in favor of
Prince Alfred, of Liiofuuil, its king, con
tinues. A prize fight for the English Champion
ship between Mare and King, took place on
the Sflth lilt. After lighting twenty-one
rounds, mostly in favor of Alace, King knock
ed his opponent insensible. Mace could not
come to time, and King T0s declared the
It i3 reported that, ITcenan will fight
King for the Championship, und A'DOU a
Great ftiirrtAX. An extraordinary gene
ral meeting of the Atlantic Telegraph Com
pany is called for the 12th of December, fur
the purpose of eonsidcriig a proiKsiiiou for
the issue of JL'liOll.OOO new capital, in prefer
ential shares of ,t, each, bearing eight per
cent, interest, guaranteed by the llritisli
liovernuient in the event of success, and any
further profit to be iirst applied to pay four
per cent, on the old capital, and the surplus
to an equal division between the old and
new, and the formation of a reserve fund.
(ii!i:t;cn. The Greek question continued
to le the most prominent topic.
Great demonstrations continued to lc
made in various parts of Greece in fa-or of
placing Frincc Alfred, of England, ttponthc
It was rumored that the Russian Govern
ment intended to address a communication
to the Englifli Government, seriously object
ing to Prince Alfred being considered n can
didate for the G feci i throne.
The French journals represent that twelve
English war vessels have assembled at l'ier
aas, but the London Globe pfoiiMtnccs the
statement utterly devoid of l.iiVnliition.
llt i.t.H'M. The lVI'ium Parliament has
voted that half a million Irancs ol the ap
propriation for the public works be applied
to the relief of its distressed eotiou opera
tives. I im.v. The L ilian Chamber of Deputies
continued to iU bate the Koine qiu-.-lioii.
Anion"; other propositions adopted was one
that the Parliamentary Scs-iou of lbUo .should
assemble at Naples.
.Pn.tK'M ICii Ii;ii:aii mill Hie t Iiil-;1
Wlisjesi Semilc.
AYe see that e-Prcsident ISiielnnan
l a
candidate for the I'r.itcl Stales Senate,
alluding to him Ileum tt, of the Ne-.v Y.
lit fall thus sja-iiks out :
'The niovcineiiis to make cx-Prcsid
Kucluiiiati the next United States Senator
iVoni Pcnn-; Ivania i--uei.-t ridiettlotis and
imprudent. The iii.beeiiiiy of li-tehatiaa in
volved e.s in this war. Had he but possess
ed as much courage in his whole body ns
Genera! .biekson had in one hair of his head
ho wotdd have taken the advice of General
Seott, and M-tved the South t arolitia scc s
sioiiisls as Jackson served the nuililiers, and
we should have i.o further trouble, line! em
ail is imlit for a.iy o!.h.-e of r. -p. .11 -:! ility
and trust, and especially for so honorable an
otiice its that of Senator of the United Slates.
We Would sooner see old Sh.-.on Cameron
occupy this position ; for unlike the iiabi cile
and treacherous Buchanan, he has some pluck
some capacity, some fnV'e.'ies.s, and some
i !,.!,!,. ... i, :.....! '
t'x-o.:i Sic ''tuchv.
V'.oiiisviile. Dee. 10.
The rebe'.s !.::. c ii. fi .eeil their force at
Nolin.sviile. I'liyc;; ha.- mt bck'.i til Char,
The I t.'i-ti troops :re st ii' at Clarksville.
Tliivo himilreil of Woodw ta-.Ts rebel cav
alry have e-inic in witii their arms refusing
to tight t'or the boctlicm Confederacy any
At coitiMMi to o;lieial doeutnents the draft
in Connecticut bus proved a miserable fail
ure. Out of one 1 1 h in: :m 1 1 two lnu;i:s .1 mul
MVflv' tliell ffl-aAi'fl, lil.v tn filllicll-etl lllul
tliirt v-scven me now available, ho rest
having th si lied.
Tin: Southern troops certainly endure
great hard-hips. The New hern V"y. v, .s ol'
the (lh insl., says that, duriag a late snow
storm In that State, a company of rebel
infantry marched from Tietiton to Kin.ston
VnrioiiH At!vrlL4iucuf .
Two IIuiisiH itihl Lot t.i tic nolil or rented on M;.r
Kit suet, iiu-.wuii ul Weaver's Ilutct, Suuuurv,
i a.
Fiinn, S.iw-Mill und IM) ncn ? i.f Timber laud,
un rt'iiii irci k. 4 miles ironi Mirtiiuliui
In. Hiiro
of JUUX .M
nt. Millliu-
luir. or
-Nov. 2)
Ill (ill
uiilmrv, Vu.
1SH2 It.
'i'r:i iioi-s,' InMiliMo.
rpiIK lenih iiiiniiu rui-.-tin of the County Institute
X w i'l l-olinrnc lit ll.C lJoloUi;!! of .N'nrl 11 llllllil-l llllld,
on ioiul:t, (! 'sit. ill,
and eoniiiiui- in ses-inu for turn-days.
The Iiisiitul.i will iin et in the ' list,
nnd oiani?,! nt one o'c'ink P. M.
The lion. Thus. II. Purrows. Slule S'iiperiiil-n lint.
Pn f. llnti s. Jiepiitr StiiieSiiperinii-Mli iil. nisi M-vi-r-al
L'oiiiiiy Sujii linli-n.leiii" have eon-, nt. d loin- pre
sent in. I uid the lu.tiliiie Uiiiinpr ilsenlire titin.
'Tein-liers. us soon in. they nn i, e. nrc n-ijlle.-li d to
report to the ( i.iiiinitlee ,',n ti ri nn -.-iji l-i Is, w he u ill
provide for their .-iiteitaiiiinent.
Teie liers. f I r iii.-n . hirei'tur". and nil tlie friend
of ihe Cuni.,. ii s !i,,l Sy.-lein ure eor lii.lly invited
lonltenl. l i.liie oi, -. c'lne nil.
J.J. JOHN, SL?uti,iv.
November 20. 1 '.2 It
i: vu a s' oiTie rVv i .1:7
IN' pui'si:n:i,.e of nn orderol the Orphans' Court of
Nil il.iiiio.i :iliii.. t'i.i:i,:v. id be,.. I,, 1 ul,.
lie .-lie lit Ihe house of W M M. W, .
.'o il day of lii:t i:.MPi:i!. A. 1.. s,;2. nit ihat e.r.
lain l.ol ol -piece of j;:i.iii 1, siiu.,1,,1 j tl. (uu i)
.-hi.n.okin, ('mil ti.we hip. Nor' hun.berian.l. Peon
svhiu.ia. I., n i. de. 1 on the north ly lot uainbi'i I hit l v
Ihl i ". ill hi... k Utlllil.i r one lilll.. , il m.,1 fifiv.olie;
on tin.. ia-t by l'liuiklui streei ; 1.11 the soulli bv lot
iniiiil.. r thii ly-eiie in block uutiib-r e-.l mi..
lit', y-.-i ( u, rout on l he ln ,l by .shini..kin sir et. e..:-i.iii.ii.-.'
In.-iiiy..-il,i nud'h.ill leu in hi.PIi on
. i : 1 1 1 i . k i 1 1 mi l I riin! Im te-ei i-. i,i,, I . nc luin,r..l
nnd niliely -nine n ml -.-i t t .-.-t nut. lh ; i.nd lunik
ed nn, I ili -ivnai.-.l ,,i, iiK. freneiiil piaii of ,m i l,,wn
ot sluiiiiokin. iil,.ies.ii.i, ii lot iiuiub.r lbirt)-two, in
bln.-k number one hundred mi. titty -one. nn. I on
whii-llure eri'i-t. u Iwo s.,,rv Iniek lluiise. triiinc
Kiti-hen. Miibb-. Wn ',.n-sii ,1 an. u-li r ouiLinM.
inu". l.nlo the j.ropeity of Philip .tuiiibacb, de.
Sale I i eoinnienee nt 2 hVIkI; of t.iij dnvl,. n
the li run and condition ol iale n ill be mu le kiem u
HKl HliN STAjftAC'lI, Adiu'r.
i.v oriier or ine i mirl
J. A .1 11 MM I NHS. Clk II C
unliuiy, Nuveiuber 22. l-.ii
ItriMliiim llnili-oiitl.
1 l.r.if Hit ,K 1.1 MJ fioiu Iho .Will mid
I .Nil
rtb-W . -i f,.r l' b loin.., N. w Yoik. It
Hi;.', r.ll-lllle. I.i 1,1,1... ii. AUnl.,wii, l.,..i. ie
I Irain. bin o llniri l ur,' .r Plilbi l. 1 1 bin. .. .
'York. It.-alu.j. I'.itl.nlle. i, I Im, nn, li.te
Mullolu. in i. M . i,, i m ,
I N. oik l .pr. - I, ... II .ni-l.iir at 3 H A M,
uiiiiii..u .S,w ,k ,.t In .0 il.,' ...n. o i... .ion, k-
I I " r llu iii-l. inn . f., i I nk i I.i; to
; Phlllid, l l.m $.1 uj mi l ti Ml UiW cll.s kej
. thioiiuti. I.uve NVw Yoik at fi A M il V,.n.
i.l i P Si i Piu-I.ui jh K.r.., L,i PhiUl.l.
pi.... i I j A M i .l .1 :ui p M
M.. .il i ,.i, in n. , ,w i-,, ,,. Ti..,. I
lbl..U,ll U. HI.. I Pill. bin. h Ml. li, ul ,,
ia.W by li, I jllai (ur p, ,
I'lii.i. ii .UIjA M ..t li.ili . , ,,, nu.-.tLiu
,ii.iu., i,i a.-.'j i" ii , i.i pt.iUi.iiiii, Nc.
Ik nut u.l M.y I'. I i.l.
Iran.. La,, 1.111,1111. il III J ( j . .
M , l-.f 11. ilu I. I.,ia ai.l Nr ,k . ., . .
i ' "'' a" I l"'l i.i.n.u .-..I....IIII.J h.i
I Ilia li.. l J Kill, , a ( allap. I; .i i.ui,j .
luii.u u Ii lt...,i,u ai i li A M 1.4 P. ii... Ii.
""."".' !""'-' i" I'"'ltvl lt..l,.,
at ai
A il
n,u ,ou, i,,UKipl.. al w
I' M
Ir 'Atllba ala.r, l,4.aj .a,, a-tJ,,, al
.i.l '
A - II. lay lla.a I.l.. -,.ll.ltl HI "Ul U
al,l l.ia al a la - M
I . . .m..u., M.i.a.. 1..,. aa riJul...!
..ii, al IWa.. l i.l.a w a.. I ul , ,,i,
I II. It 111
".TV !
TY virtue of certain write ot
. J ri mi , vii. J. A., issiieu mil VI iO
luon riorm. of Northumberland couiiH'
ff 1 1' 1 1 ..... - I ,
mo Uirecteil, ill l,o rxjxised to pulilie y- !!
Court House, In Sunbnrv, on W-:ii.KSrP.
olsl diiTofMX'I'.MHKK. A. 1)., ISM, nt 1 o (Ik
1. M , the following described Heal Estnto, to wM
All that corlnintvnct of land, situate in thcboroui;h
of ISiinburv, (now I mior Aujiusta township,) county
mo directed, ill lio exposed to public I -
of NoTtliutnhtTij.iui, nnd itnto ot" Pcmtftvlviuiin
boutulcd m fitllowa : bogtiming nt a pust on the toullt
r'uv of tlio (.'out re Turnpike mud, (heneo running
poiith two nnd n h(ilfdeTcet. cint sixty tlirco perches
nnd Iwo-lentlii1 to ft post, thence fovith Iwenty-uiio
decrees three-lourthf-. weft t h ir v-fix perches nnd
threc-tentlii to n yort, thenco 14 decrees west U
perches to n pout, tlienco ninth 31 decree.", three
qutirters west lil perche nnd fnnr tenths to n piwl,
fituth K decree. three qnnrter west 67 pTcln-s nnd
three tenth to the tint, thnee in n northwardly di
rection ill 0115 the eatirn ."-do ot nid tint to tlie Cen
tre Turnpike to a post, thence outh iixy-five nnd a
hnlf derceo, vnM forty perelun nntl eijtlit tenllis the
plnee ot heinuini;. contidninj; thirty-eiht 110 res nud
0110 hundred nnd twenty six perehes strict iueie:un,
nil of which i clenred, mid hi n rood stni c of culti
vation. hereon are erected two lime kiln?, i-tc.
Also, nil thnt ecrtnin pnrtofnn out lot. situnto in
t!ie borough d iSnnhiii', lnmki d iu the p-neml pl:in
f jaid borough nmli'r S. beinniit ut n po-t on the
north rn-t einl of nn nlley which intersects C'rnnherry
ftrcct nt the end of 1'iiwn street, thent-c north fixty
five decree?, west twenty-five perelieH to a pn.iL at
the corner of out hit number o. thence twenty-four
nnd a half decree? wet H ien lie.s and three tenth
to a poit .south sixty-live decree and R half east 2j
perehes ton pnt on the west si do of e:iid aliy.iiorlh
I'lj decrees e;i.-t IS peivne!' an t three tenths to the
idace of ' )ce;iunui. cntainin two ncrcs and one
urn lied and thirty. seven nnd n half perches strict
Al.-o. all that certain piece of In.'nT, p'tuate hi the
borough ot f'unbury. bounded and doei ibed ns fol
lows, beginning at the south wcrt Cono r of out lot
number 2. thenee Muith eighteen and three quarter
decrees west 18 perched nial one tcnlli to n po.l bc
in the corner of the fence as it now stands in a out
lot number one. thence along said fence and trout lot
number one the ndjoining lot. nmth f. detrrets, cjisI
forty six perches and eight te''ha (o the );ost in the
alley, thenee y the "lie', north degrees, cmt M
perches to the out lot number X. thence by said out
l.-t, and out ht number 2, south sixty five degre.-s
west I'irty ei'.'ht jierehti and see tcirln tti the
place o b.'iiiiiip. cuiitainin;5 J ncies perclie.'
fclrit t nie:iMtie.
Also, all that certain bt of ground, situate in the
borough of unbury. n foresaid number .r, b'-uinUd
nud de-'Tibed 11s lollows. lit 'inniiig at a post north
side ot Cranberry street, by out b-L number h
north twenty t ur nie.l three l'.nith decrees, east
tii;i .ive p'.n hcs nr.d i-iht tu-th In a p-t. Iheiuc
by 1 l number ! T.m th .-ixtylhe nnd fourth
dr'ii'is west twenty four perclusttnd 1 lie tenth ton
'o-t. thence by un alley south twenty four mid three
loiiiih degrci-s wt st thirty tle p -rVhes and eight-tenth-
loa po: ; Ihtuee by Crai.berry -treet a tore
s!iid. south sixty Ine a:.d one i'-uvili degrees, c;ist
twitity four pen h ::nd ciglit tn.i;i ton po-: nt:d
place ol beu'Ninhig. eo'it iii,b!g Uve itefcs and sixty
perches and ei;!it tenih-. strict incisure.
ci.ed. takt n in exrcu'i-.ii aiid to be sold te the
property ot Kuid boii ;cn.rki r. Win. U. Jlclfrr.-tein,
'iin.-. Ji'ttiiiiui'din'r, li'JUK'is W. ! I :i Ii -s and tcrre
tciitiut.i who survived I'l.ii;-. W. J levins, dee'd.
A LS :
tn ll;epr;!ne day. at o'ei.-.d.. A. M..M il;" public
hou-e mi II -nrv.l' l-'.-kbi rt in the 1.. roe. -h ol Milton.
tlio d ietul.ii."s ii.t--re.-t ef all that e riain tn.vt or
1'areel of land. Mi:ite in Ti:;hi;t lor. jhi p. .unty
and Slnto nh-ri -aiil. bouiide d nn I de -rib'-d a.- tollovs,
to wit : on the - .nth by t!ie il'ou Cemeiery, on the
tail t land of Win. IU diien. eti the iiorrh by b-nd ot
in. j1 'incii. on tijc - -t by tii- tii.l.;:iy in,d Lrie
i;.iii:-.;i. in; I oil lb- Vr! i;i:o;eh i .m il.
iHt'iy-two j t r ' :r la htil. in e or b-. ail of i.- cb-'iicl. v. Ii ri n i- ere -trd a lii.;n kiln.
S i.e 1. tnkeii in aue to b:.-ell ad the
proper t v ot Jo-cph .larr.
Jt.Vf! AVAM'IIOX. sheriff.
heiirt'sCfliee. Sui.bury. L'ce. VA. I-mIJ.
Xurtlirrn CiMitral Haihvav !
WBA'a's::: tbu: -vasss-i:.
TVi"() '1 T.AINS li.M.Y tc, mi 1 I'mni 11,0 N. rtli nn 1
est r.v:iii.-li Siisnu.', l.'.iniru, uini Jill nt' North
cni N.-v Vurli.
ON lie. I utter MUMMY. Xnvrn.Ur 17. h. l:--2.
thf l'ii.--.'li''i-'i'rniiis of the Virtl.i-iii i'llitr.-il
K:alu;-.y will uirii' nt mi. I il.-i at !;. in Sunljury.
ibirruljur iii.u l.iil ; iim-ve n ;..liuws, vu :
S tl V T II V A 11 1 .
Mail Train lenvi-s Sun! urv ilailv (exoci t
Min.lnv). " 1 45 P. M.
" K-iiv.-s liurri-liiir-r. ! 2u "
" iiirivi?'iit, 10 'M "
llxiiresa Trnlu lin os Sen.mrv daiy
(ex.'i j.t SmM-iJ.l " 11 CO P. M.
" leuvis lhsnisiuri; (froij't v.l 2 t: A. M.
nniv.-.i nt lJ;ithiiioro daily
. - l, -.-.. I S-
Mail Trniu leuvis Itultiin.iru dnilv (t'X-
J i'iy)
s :.o a .
leave? II. ,n i-l nrc; 1 4o P.
arrives ut Sunhurv. 4 oil
i xpres Truin leave daily 8 4i P.
' un u es in iiai rnnuri;. 1 A
' leaves Harrisburi; (except
Mondavi, 3 20 A.
11 nrrives at Sunbury. 0 20 '
Fur further infuriuation nij lv r.t the tiili-e.
I. N. l'u UAltHY, isupt.
Nov. 23, 1SC2.
,:u-K:i ititn;i A fitiooiitshiii- ICnil
nnd lifter November 17, 18i"2, raa.:cn2cr
ins will run i.s follows :
M'H IXii 801X11.
b Id A. M.
!' 21
11.. 'ID
le. I.i A
11.40 P
" llllpelt.
o lianvillo.
12 06
Arricut Norlhuiuberliind. 12. Ii P. M
moving nii;th.
I.enve Northumberland, a. 2u P. M
" V.upcrt.
" K iii:.'J'.in,
Arrive nt St'rmiln.
A I'.i.s-i n'r;Mr Trin
A. .M., f-n S 'iitiiton.
.New Voi k. li''ti:riiin
of lulu ti-tm N w Voi
ti .'AS
8 tj I.envr, 1 .' I. M.
iii.t'ti r. m.
nlo lea es Kinirstun fA P ro
t eoi. ncet witn a titiin f..r
i.. e! t l. IV M.
'J'lie L.'ickiiU;iI.lill .V
lilo..:u-t Ul-r I!ilitl..(t 1 C illllr.'t.s
w lib ibe I l,-!a ii at e.'bi,wi:t:lt:i a
rea l nt Seiiiiit .il, for Niw
i. l V,-i, ,n l'.ii,!
und iuli-lliii'diiite
points east.
Ai Hui, lit i connect.- villi lie Ciittaivisn P-el-r,.-i,l
f- r p .lots b.ah o-ist und we-t arii ii. ul Phil,
u.i. Iplii-i in I", .j P. M.
At ...r.l:uiiil.i-i bind il e.,uni-et. (villi lb, Pl-.ibiib l-
hia A Prie leiihoiol iiml Noilhi'lll ( i-l.lral Ki:ll-r.-a
l. I'-.r f.ilos wi-l ali-l S'.ulh Pa-si n ...-.
nt ll'iii-i-l,ui' l .. P. .l ; Philadelphia lu P. M ;
und liiiltiiunro IU 20 P. M.
The 1'rei 'ht nnd Pass, n'.-rs Train north, b-avt '
Norlhuiub. , land nt li. i.. A .M . nnd l.rriv e. ut V'.2l P
M . passing lliim ille lit .2:i P. M
JiiilN P I1.SI.1IV, Stij't
.1 O. Wri t s, t.mirul Ti.kcl A ici.t.
Nov. 2'i. l- 2
si ic sii:i:i(i i iii.ii i its.
(lAMl-!lo the premises ,,f the sub-eribir, in M,,ui.
Cum, i-l township. Norlbutiilierliili.l e uililv. iiboiil
I lie l-t oi Aie.'u-i. ibr.-e stri.y Si... r-. lb. ii :! ii. m lit
month- ,., I. Two of ih.-ni un- bi.ovu c,iLr. nn 1
llii-o;li.-r s ,,le,. Also nt the same lime t pbi. e.
came llir, e jtrny lb ill. is. r.,1. while mi, I sp..lel.
nud ,il-o iiti, ut lii mouths ul 1. 1 lit, ow ner or ow uei
Hie re. jiu stul in euil und th. ir clnini lor .i,d
cuttle, pay chined and remove the miiuu iiceonliu
to luw.
V'MM ii k com:.
Mt. Ciiriiiel top.. Nov la. ls.12 2iu
llrnlic'a I'lsmiiilioii llilli-r.
They purify. nlieni;ihi ii. and invigorate.
I hey create it healthy appellle.
1 hey ara au alill.lole'ln . Ii,in-.- of w ater Kiel dirt
'1 II oV(.rcolueetl,-elot.iisi.:itlol an 1 lale te ut .
'I Ili-l -Ir.n;;! hcli lln-.l nielli ull I enliv rl. the U. Ill' I
I In y picvcul uiiiisiuuiie 111. I in1, riuiit.-iii .-. r"
'I h.-y purilv Ihv br. alb an. I a. ntily l lb. .liunu. li
'J lu-y cuie tv.-M-ia and Co..tipiilioii
'lie y cure I'liuibca, Cuulcra, ui.d Cbolira ! r
bu. They cure l.iicr Cuuipluiut nd Nrru II u.i.
a. be
Tb.y are the b. t IMirn in the 1 I 1 !,. y mukc i-ti,.!., an. I ai. .' a l.i. ,i t . I i, ii.nri
TI. nl l.-.l.-i.r 'lie, are uia-lo ,-t pine S, C..
llillii Ibee, lehra'r I Cali- ia r ail, ai. l l.rili
and alv li,k.u nti ibr .l.,.-iirc ot a bi i,,U. with.
ul ri .'in I in a.'i- or Iiiiiii i t .,,y Puin ulail v (.-.
i -..niii. i. , ,1 I . .1. Iu.ala ..r..iii r.' u-ntt.
II l all i., s .i. .,i.i...i. II ,1.1,
I b.:
r ii oiiAkt oi , : jtiuj.u
.Ml. I ul K
lober 2.,, I Mi;
i lir CoHli kkluna nud I'. .ri irtt4'V til
II u lutulltl.
1)1 l l l-llll l,i th. l...r,lLul at aoarmna
f aiel a ...i'ioii I,. (uuf bi.-i. ,4
N, 1 1 ..u !'. ti.lil v I'tt ia:ul. 1. ,v a
at lbs aalliv l.ltaa lb. aua ..I ...II I 1.1
. Ii.. bwa .-ur. , Itiu... II all.r i.,- aui I,
talt. l i
...) I ll4
. f I . ..a
i JI..I .
iu. Iltloaau huvilual lui-lli.4. M4 Mua. a
.y a p.. pa. I a.l.a..4 klil'LtHli
.k.iy -
C li-a m. V b I. a-l ol lliw au,...s
.V AIM AMI I. M V A I It . . . i4 h.i.4 u . S Y
Un Ii O l" J - ly
MM" Kll lL - A tar lu a I .b.aa
aiu.ul lual l..s lil II .uil.a 1 l.4a .
I .l UlL. il..ifc ai.a .O.illLiiliiul.
i i, , ,Uj . iiuiu. Cv MiW
l.4a ly it
' '
A.tMV1I. , I'SOB''
flllf I ll n,,,. " .V,V.
"HuLllS l'dY C0)Sl
t iiliaa TiT T ri
k f 1- Lit Cxli:C 'i
thu niit . 'mill, : I, 'if WmmoAM
uliioh rlie Iik: c;v,r ' ' . , ,
,!. Vl.l.. ' V
"t - M l1 Il. -l-,,.. l.l- 1. ,.
t-iii:l)iu.v, Hctoeir 2.', 1'
.TI:ii-U t Mrs'ft. i: ;if,
Cu.iil hSo:.!'. I.
I .Nl'Ull.MS tin- rili.-i." ef t-'itiil.try i.i
I ttnit he liti'- jti't riMurni-J Hem i tun A,,;,,.
full Hs-.ll ! Illl'l.t i f 'll 'l
I'Ai.a. .'5 wivniG i:i:s."
01- KVKItY I.i:.-t lill TKX ANI'I AI.Ii . i
His sIm-U c.tifNip of rintl).. l-'r.Micli CV'ili.,
it-H- Uill II ll'l i ill r.e-il.:el'.'-l. ltlr .'i. .'s.a,. . (
ilks. I'ltiin nn. I 1-iiin v ' -iiu-Ti ' l.s'l I .. ; . ' ,
In1 will leiikc in. tn ul .i--r in st;. lis tn . l K . 1; . t,'(
I'llstemi.Ts. ell sll'jl t llu;i.-e. IlllJ tlm Ire. f rl uju u,
Al'V lien Is nut mi leni.l. wilt I f-riiil:i.l-.
Il hiii. ti.v in-: twn iImvs' ' ; lii
llui.ils I ill liishi .1 I y i-u.-lnniels; wi.! I.i
order le-n'te'. .re.
A' he v. ill eiulil..-.-r.n:ic I, in cxpivii l:r V
lerso-is inn v rt-l v uu i;i--ltiii;
r Mytk Weil dnuu
his slien.
'J l.iKi'kfei f-T tlic pntroTinrn lirr. ' f. m
lie n- i" Ifiiliv i-.iii.-iisii cnnt!nui.i..'i .if th
Sui i.ut v. iii'i,,!,, , I 1X112.
'AY SSHla or t'rrvO
LL"Yl''S M-;W STKl'.l, l'l.ATK ' oI N'IA
om:i) map or un: im i i.i s i t: ;
I ANA0AS. A.NH' 1.1:1 V. ! '
l-"r.'.iii recent ftirvev?. c.un.l.'t( d An r. 10. ''it tn cn triu',- it. nv-1 .n' yi ;ti s tini'-.
rier tn iinv tn:i:i e it i.;ijv t -('. It
Miti-lieil. lllld fells lit th'.' liiwj.'i f'lilty i
;,7n.e.!ii ntti.ies nrp ( 1 ! en tie- -net'.
It i in en.y II ( 'mill l nil-. I.i'.t II 1- ii.-.t
of Ihc Vlliled ftl'ites lip I (
WI.KuAli M l'
-. n.l.iiud
ejvi:: CM-ry Jloiiilfoil I t-I
Ii ui.ranteo ni.v wi noin or
' iil.d ill- : l.i
d ..rid
vi ill take l)in ?t
lilt nn
ttint c:t!;:mt le
reiii'id tlie na-n. v.
S.:df. i u;'
' V:" " ii. ;,
n!l .iir it ri.J.-'.
m'vtl-V, .. 'c
Slfii e, ( jiliion;;.!.
CiJ.". A f rtiiii- i
dolh tv i.;. it..!. N
J T. .vhoYh.
Ti V.'air J) ; ; r.
Mnr.-.hunl. nnd 1
uh cii i tii'irk; d A
In: d Ilii-h!.-, ilii
hili I s l oi.l, iiM ! n i i
olln r -I:iee Im M:ii;
or mod v n-:'!:,
! T : ..:
Tndit.i::i. an I Iiim.
liii"il JH.d tlie al
io HI V fl;e ti:: !il:''
.ei.nv::s;we!l. i
f. I our !M.-i in i
la ..esiJ. K'.ril. V
a ll v. 'ah a l v, bie;
I .I iii
i' i
-.,i; I .
i the I'
''niii ;
II 1 1
-1 Map '
1.-. is ;!, on.y
lie iriioeo't.
:i:i 1 1 r- r i:i i:.
! h -,:I
y I .- H n
,!l e.''.
I r. lil Ibe i I iO
i.i.oyi) y.i 1 1 ;, i
sy' in. i.i.- -'J hi .-' ip i ;
cents, an, I it i - liic tn s. w hi
1.1.' J Y 0 ,S i in at M.ipoi
From Aetuid .s- rvi i C.
en. Mis-issip. i l!i.'r IV .t
(;very inaii .- !:.u: !'l ii : I
Li.ui's to the (...If i t .",i. :
I I.I.I.
l iiL-.' : its i- but 2.1
h ean be plilvba-i .1. "
the .Mi-is-iopi Kii.r
l is. liiilt eel Win. P.,.
I. 1. lib
; .)
!,;in,r. ii
no!. . v.
Sal. d-'. nr. 1st. in I. t-.v. n. I
ni l r
-. I iu
. p.. !.
II pt
lolie ba.-l, 1 ; i 1 1 1 tiio i iv..;-- en;
Sillies. Price. SI i.l -hi'.',:. s
Jr2..'i0 on linen. wi:h r. llei-. 1!
iSIIlt !l
- :rid
.aw lua'.uir'tiiM. Wasiiin.
.1. T. I . I .1 n - ;-iii : S e.l i..e
Mi-si,--ipt,i lti . r. v. i'!i prii e p,
lt.-ai-.A lii.iinl Chr.tb II. I'
roe" !i,.i, i :ii,:i....i
1 .'. 17. Is
l.ei..t.. I
.,!!. -a. I
p l.
I.MMtv nt: r iiult.-H li.r
O 1 ill. ', i-.l.l,. .Swill!
Oetobi r 11. -i'2.
ol th
YoTit'i: i.- h i, i.v
1 trii.i..ll h:e. ii.
oil th.' e-flte ol ('...t-.l
luw :i-lii,.. "v rli:i.:i:bi
p.':-,. ii- lii.let.t. i an, re
pa e:elit. ill.. I t
for seitkiueiit.
.in tw p.. '
M I.SC1!J'J Ti.ix A.ilA'T
At JAY COOKE : CO., Bankers,
1H f-'.'l TU 'ITI 1UH sTI,i:!.T.
1 lii.'.i ii l j a. Nov. . 1 .',2
The iinl.-rd;!.. 1. lei( in r be i it i- i-.,i. I .ib-, i
tii.n A 4. nt by I!,,. ... ol luc '1 1 .oei v , is i.
J i i pared lo fiiri i-h. al on," . ;ho
NPW TWKXTY YPAIl (i 1 1 1; CPXT pn.Vl
of 111,' I nited Stale
Il li ,'li.i.bie 111 to. ;
lil i- y i ., . l:n 1 h, !'
pi.. id l bninry 2
'I lie I .illK,u JJol.,
tfijllll. -s JIIO 'I.
'l he H.i-ister Hon
f li no und SIciUi.
liiteie.l in .-sii v en.
from date ut J :;. - '. i
.s..:.i.Aiiiai-,i!y. l ',i
lliilllll oil ..1 I. t,. : 1
baiiiiiis. Mi t .! ..
nil w h.. hm e lui;- ' .
I' member,''!...
.i-.l 1L....--1' llt'Oll i ll
en i .-."in iii. s in, I i
.Mlilillla, ! 1 1 1 1 ' . A i- . ',
lull und ample pr-.i ,
lii.' inli te.-i ale I li p-i ei'...n "t ).ti t
lhltl.-. 1 i -lsC Sti.. i i - i,ul fuuin. . 1;
to I..:. b .- ih. sC. ;,,,,, i- ;i ,,
Pest. Mi.-t Aiuilal !.- ir 1 X -i 1
in ! ,. .;..ik.
Sub.-eri lions re.'-i( , .1 et PA!! it,
'.-. or lu.K s mi. I . i.. -t. ,,l ,,.l
j il Iphia. .-ub'. i il.i , - I i i iiot w I n
. be iiliordcil on nppli
A lull supply.. I I:
illiliicdlat.- deliverY
I -"AY
Nov. K, lSii2.-
!1 MIS It'y
.'llllli .-I Mil li V AC VI
1 the tiist .Mi, ii, I iy , f ,,
T I 1 1 1".N I'l l.
Juvenile r. b .bin,
l i-nl.-U brau.-h.s.
Scl. lliK 111. I hlc,l:ir Mall
l-iunburv. Nn
lmliii( ri
TH K o b. r. l
I IIUlloll U II, b. , ,
Oil ll.e I -litle ol .;ot,' I ,
Au 'll-Il low 1,-1. .. N., !,i
e u.i ,1 Ail i i.,...
.pie.ted to loitlie puin,. i:i.
In .. s-. 111.- .t,l I" I ' ,
al In, i. s.., i , ,. ,. j I.,,,
b. r, i. x , ,1 -.2
I.oWcr Ail.Jil.Eu le p ..
'llu l.osil I
Ju.l 1'ubli.b. I -
t . ,111. ou I,
1. 1 so. ruiatoi
ut.i.iiv ru.ia.oott' ( o 1
In M irilai. K'k. I.l'. -
I pil.p.J ao-l III- . l "i-l
t. o.lllliif It. .Ill ! :! l . i
1 I IV MO IU il ' i.e ,.. I .l-.ll
aa I i.l co . .
UI il al ..... I at
... I,. I. .,iu..u
.ui .-. lu.i t. vie i. ..... I"' '- ' J; - ;'
!..( I... abJiiHii u . I.- , -'f ' " ' ''
Miniil. a-4.- Ii- I'
. I., lb u.a4.
hvbl k I' I
4l-a a li.a (a.
vliieli ha invito V'ie!eM f.vl.,,,t. ,.. , IMn '.. 1 1 i. IV X 1 --- , 11 nt SI."T J.e.irly .-vl-. j
tlm hwl nnortiiu'iil. nt iV-... i., ..... . intern to hcltli, orr.T' ' .,,, rp,ve tlic lA"" J(.l V u. i- t
m ... i.
-I"' ; oova 'y CUCtUtSLs, i,..-,,rtiun,t of un I Caj, Eunbuxy, M,y 17, H2.
s. Mm. h. l.- le et sh i. ,..:-, LOWELL, MASS., " Jl
I ..I., I c.u.i;v. lb'.," 1. Ml I A VII H.ll II lie I . . I u
..r.N,-!:Tin:!,,,.A.!,... I "Ct, v ...... v f !,'Uf,iwi'!'1" "!'J 1 .....
i.i '.. i-', i-.,:-,;, , ,. ,'' ' ' I rai i .-.irs. s-iu.iii )r,,,.
I ' 1 ' '. 1 c. !:iu:i, Mi:: .:i Ir Iwate aU Cuildiu-j Matniul. A-il-..-y w-ie ir.ikii, .i,r..u.'.i ilic tr.wn.
. ... :i. '.-.1. 1 1-I h.. T-.,, i::!es. ' I X Aiid il.oc.-ii. If of articles not eatin.i-r,.t.-J. ! V'V ',;':? ':' 1 '
!. I ih. Co ii,,.,, :. ! $5 I y 1 ; ."':;i"-'''r i. .r ,:,..
'XI '':'--''"i-j U'NM:.; .VIITCII L. A!i lhe ,in l SoM fr Ci cr ii'"-i''r"v;",';'ia
lsi;r,:i,s,,:i,.,.:- s.-i. n,a 1 EEWINO MACHINI3. f . "IVli1-,n",Ji"(i,,L,,
i I i ismri-'leubrapbl. -K-i..i. .liirnl-le .,. , , A c i.,,s... , i '
.i- in i uu. -i.i fn ii. , i I i'"-- -"bine. ti.:.-.i.i. ,i I.. I,, ,.:,,.ii.,o ,.iiul,y ' At ii ,,. ii. ...
I. i ,"i.;..i..,t ,., !. .1.- '.fje, !;-.; ..'.' ,'..,. ! uAioCVV.Y 6: PKOVISIOK CTOIVTJ. 1 r; V:'' '; ,:'"-v :, 'y.
'j' - ' ' - - :.n ! , . re-,',. .Vi.-,1 v.'in':":; vu'u::;f john oood, , j-.-- ; - -
lioi b. nr.. in , a :.,;. (, j, ;..,..!,. . ,... ''' ' 1,1 il in all bin '. of i i P. K 1. !'. I l.S. n-fe.-ifel ' ' "(. ...r .l.oi' .
K: .'In. a i . I . I.Ni !. .v.-'.. . r . -. - .!:. . V. .... s'-r. Tuck. Hun ti) lc n.i"n- .in-cit:.-M' s'.mi .,y and w.-ii.iiv. I ' ! v.i- ,-. i.i,
e'.'..- . , : I t , 1: v. u '!:.,;, ' ... , .,.,, ,!,..,, L ...... .,.:!v !, bie.. 1 a I..-re l.- .ruu.W . . - - ' 'b - o... arilb.
' ' - ' : ' I I I .1.- . !' : i 1 . e e wi'l. li.e II, . I, ... - . ;tl.,. , ,J,U bl.-l ot all kti.d.- ol U P.'.'Ck 1, 1 i . atl.'ll 1-. I .'' bl, Il dol e .,( :,
.-ii no I i f( ) i, ..! ,: .. ., ; ., .,., , ,., ,, I...,,.., . -7 . . . ,. l.,l l.,;i ! S ' I' : m.,1 . , v, h, love.
.1! oil 111 C ',.. At .. 1 1,,1 r .' "is e.ill III. i .1 , II I in li. '1 1 I ' ' , ai.l l,;c 11 I . , ' j ul ' , I, 1 1 V' " '' " ., ,'
it ,'rt in e - mile 1 1114 I .i H i. iii. S I' ;u l.i-i . .. ie I p,,,:, , '"' 1 . .si .M 1 1
..... , l,t- ...I,.', It lib'- (.,-, .,li-,r.',- 1 -I- i.,i' Uv.l'i .Ml, b.inl'i- j,..l ,. Llr ' 1 - ' '
, ,,i- " lie. i i ..,. hit.,, i p.t . i ,:..,., i I,,,. . ., 1 ' ' : .1. .1. lu.-i.i -ii '.-!.. i :..-i-. , a. d u.i v. ;.. :)t ' ,' " : '' - '"'
lii-lml. i..ti -. i . . ,. .1., . ;. ...... i .: i '. . i , i. i .,-.,'. . i i- li.y
'"' sd ! ':"'.' ' .M ..l.l. M !!.i..- Mil P. I j HllSuiy. Mar-h li. I .' ',' ,',', i, o ! I, ,. ': i l i I , I '. I.l. I
i. . 02 ; ,:v-'-."r. r '' ; t'.-r'f
, i , , , . m r m . I t I', .t . u - 9 ' " "' , , , ,A , k . . . . . itt.i.iti-i' . ,
... - '; v " . " ; ;,,..,
,. i .... .... t -j -' -I ' . " .... , I .. i. .. ! I . I ....'' ' ' , . I, lc.., ... I .... I '
i....... ..'.""--- m.. , ... .! i. i.i "v ii; ,..v.,i(' . '
aw. -I. "I . "' "'"''' .... I ,, i I- u .... . i. I . 4 -b ' '' " . ' . " ' m ..w .. i .. I ' " ' -' " .
el"'-' , , . . '! .. ...... I f ' .'' ,,,, kl .u II .-I I." ". .ooliiH,,,!,,,,.,!,,'.!,.'!' "!"!
-I- Ii-..i n..ui... I. I . I I , ... ....... .. V. ............I ...a a. C' .!,., i.e..
,,... i ll-Il.... .. i... I..... ---.- 1 . ; ..t V..a...... IN.....
AST U ', tf f 1 c ' ; VI f..elaf.l.l.y th "' ' , ... ,,,.!, ,.r mat .-".:,'.
', t..i". .V,?y feS-C SUZ CTT'W - wt.ntr,ll Kn.".i
"' """ '" ? ""I 1 ---els, liver, mm .
An rtnisivc tri-il of tlii'r vi.. il.eir itn-nnlur ;
l'l:;.-.ii(.i;iii:, rnd I'litirnt-i, hns sliuivt.oXi-t, sm-li
g".-"Us tii-.r.-ps nlintu.t livmid lielief, vciljsoiisr. i
nl, i:,,.i;.ii,.i i,v i,m,,,,,.'f n..,i....i t
.1..- .... iv.i. ...... . ,,
find rliiirnrtrr ns Id (..rliid tlip s")ieinn f mitrnlh.l
Tlieir certitir:iUs nrc i.iililislifd in niv Ainriicun
i nnnniir, wnu'ii inn .uelill lirlinv iwnncil arc.
I'lcascil to free to nil iii'iiiiin.'.
Amit'M-il we :ive Uirertivtit for tlieir lite In tlio !
cot: pi :t in I s wliii h tliey li-ivc Veil found to rere. '
l ot: ( iktiviaiss.' Take one or two Pills, or
RMetl llllllltity lis to i;i ntlv IlloVO tlio linttcU. C'o-
l-vi-Tie s j tii-ijiirntlv tie n?'-mvatiie cnMe i f 1
I11.1.S ieid 1 lie inie of ene .-..mpkiint is tiie eurc j
(if l:ntli. No r icis nn can fi c-1 veil vhile under n
rostivp habit nf Ijndy. Heine it should te, us il ,
cun ne, ernnlit!v relieved. j
( Fun ltvsi'i-psi , w'ni.-li is nnnut:!iie5 tlie rause j
Ii if Custtn in w, nnd nlwiiys nil.'niiitortalile. take mild '
' ise fi mil one tn four to stimulate the sNunacli '
t liver into healtliv ni-limi. They will do it. and I
1 ii"rr''jiini, ..r'v'iirri, i.nd 50i7.'ni of dyspepsia I
' . f. -IT'dly dis:-p; When it gimp, don't j
)iat enrr.l von. I
' j P ,-c Fori. S io'm e;i, or .V..V7 Innr'Son tif lit !
sp.nts ,tlJl 'I t-lmei'-i s u Ii'-imI Ueuri ssmn ot t!ic
; nt first. ,'J'id lir-ilih, t.'.',:e from foi'ir to cij-lit I'illa
I Mid stieu-fudler doses afterwards, until activity
I on .M ar " ' 'r'"' ''' !-s" '"
r.' i',i the V-m Siek Hi iini ni:, X.wsnv.
f c::;':i j,!:!.: N'" '' r' " rr -''' . take four j
) ' Miilieif-iitlv''""? ',r '- ,',,' ,lnt eper-
I '11.. . ' ' ft mm., 11m n..,l J..,. ,.;i ,1,....
i nese eoniiv ... , .., ...-j
in. IJott Sl w"' swept out from tlie
ihe.-'.u-e iiiii,'"'''' 1'lld their killlljl'il dis-
. 1. : . ...l
i.'n n, KV " , ,, .
.... ,:tir t-0 pti'l.l.A'i, nnr! o'! Dtwei
howrli i i. , n "'.v a':'' frcqticntlv, to
h. -.-ill to rlin.'tl"' eniplimis will fieiirr.
.i ;mv
so,,.' ,1V ..! mriM,,.' hoae. ,, bv
tbewhoVi-"' "Erases v-bik101 1!":, ' ;
i, .!,.,,... --i: :u Iiikc ,:!rmr' b-si't'.riite.
.1 . I ('( l -Mil c...-.. -'on li:-il o if. ii.
1 '::-. vis!'"
p',1 -l'.U p:.v
tie i uilei'er J,0,"r"
liv to vieietv l',"r;'' hlth.
ii- , . l is tliat von
w . i l ,t ' . i aroi.n.i t in n i
i- A .1,1.- ,,i voild covered
id tin- i:in i,-;l." " - ul. ers, sores, . ,...
svstoni v.-.-ir.ts
t-ase-, of th,, iikin, k.,',' ..
T.i Pritll V -ru-'
tine ever diseov
r(i.iio!), tln-v ere tliev ,
.1 T h, y .b'ouhl 1J0 t!
itupur.,:es !,iei;
nnd fieipientl;
si c ;!s of illeiir;
( in like elm M bves will lie sweot ou.t.f
do ns iii.i. I, oi.A'iiewind. Pv'ibis i."L,;'"
Co remarkable cures pievrntin s'ol.ness ,'.
where. Ii tliey me luakiiiL' ei,.'..
, r, .
I Ml ii ll'.in Ai.M,
rfll, 'r OS 111 is-to'ij-Mile,
Toloal iv ,,
it -..':. ht "f..r ':;
l.eallh. i nil l'u
li.iiKa i.v no oil
from uTTiirp, frf rrV ?,'.,
-;ion. cr tlerjitif mrnt ritJui
' n '" ' t i' n lict.ous of tlic I.ivi r.
I'slion. '1 h tle biie nnd rendi r
oi:st,tulio di ;:i ,troiir; to t!ie
r ciii:H IiUriniciiUv undor-
Clbirni t:oi; ef tlio dsirtion is tlie svinn-
bile into tlio sion-ii' li ;int s emptier tlic
iulo t'. !!ood. '1 his ivtiiluc( Io l overfiow
loi: ;uid d:uuv'i'ins train id' rvildico, with a
nil ei in. leiy tietieiie-.s nnd (l!.Vtirnc--s, or
J-'cM-iish syniitoms. lanmn r, low n, jirevails.
re-t'u sstiff,s, iiiid nielain htdy, with wcai'.iie-,
iiluluv to s'ie'. p, nnd s';inetinies e-re;:lin: in
Kiiue inif ti ii-io U i0ero paiti in tlie s. iiies ;
and li.e white of tiio ryts heconio a crret lie ; kin
tl.o :doni;nli acid; the Kmo'.s soie to tfV.ov.-;
tlii whole Mstcin irrii'-le. witli a tendem Mill ;
which n..!V turn to 1 Uious fc or, tilious eulilMr,
di.tiili-i-i.. tivr-"i:tt ry, e. A medium de-e nyus
or f .in 1'ilN taken at niht, followed by two t -e
ii: l!:c moiiiinr, rn.d n n-.ttcd a few d:i, wiil i'
the c.tu-c of Ml lhcc ti-euMo. It 1 wicked l ;Kj
sinli pains win a vt.u e;Ji euro them fur 'A') rent A
l.i M v i ism, C.oe r, aii'l till I.til.tiitni'iti'i j
te rapidly e-iud by tae nii-lyi::r. p;!'e,ts
li., y
i ti:e t.ut d ana t :e stun
: r.l to the it ii pi-iiciplc of 1- or t v
!1 il.t d conij i.iinU they -he'i; 1 he l ih.-n
i! i s. to move the li-.wt-! m iit'iv. Imt I c . v .
a 1jnm:ii I'll !.. Xii i-. l otr --viecih!.' V.
.1. No Till can bo made mure .ims::hi in tn!
I' ii . 1 c. i l.illi. v leu,, bten niaili. mole ( in : .. i! t, 1ulis, dC. 1
ti,c iiMrpo-p' for wbn-li a ilinn.r pill is m.p !...,,! ' '
l-IWd'Altl-.n l-v ' j JiJeC...:!.!,..
i- s, ..diiee It!!. J. . Aai'l iV '0.,
i'. vli ' ii-i I.--....- -i ),'.'' i T- t : i t .- . --. . i l
:.s.l to' .,., i;,. ... ,,, ,. ... , j t.tre assortment of Dooia und Sboci, I HCW TO PSOHOTE
.i- ... ,,, 't'.V J- r.i.n-j & I. ran', ar.l It. A, in ,,,.,,
.1. Cbli-li..',n. J'.al un iiio t " liele yu ,j y.,lir p ;
ll.i-h.'. (o Mi c-iteil f Tlti.t -tr4r ;,u ir iu, m, neat uud tiiiu,
S li.r -i-.s-'.'r I ' i . . i - - t A fll!1 ' f tjiis-cn ut.J Olavware, 1.- a rf.Tn 1 .-e is. u-:.l!y mino
M i. st. M ,'i,;.:.y. ' "' '' l'o.-lHvcly shockei-.''
Weaver A .licWiliihit's.,., I .-b-k of I i b, Sail. Oili .;uj White Le: ''I 'm me j mr ! :-:,;ii, I i : -. P-'.wn
And ie:.b r.- . ' N- w d .e'i I . m, .t- . -l; c ui:J ir-,ei
ip. I Ai,-.2.1s,' Jil,r:;esi. :k el N. w Yl'aM Pap-r, A-'l v.i'iini'eV'.'rd'io l.-v
"V A (iLM ron TH'.C MlLLKiN. " AhCWflt,l.k bf ,I!C a,,t VM,mo LZ1'
V,n r.r.n, I I 't.'.,Mr.-..H.I!!.; H
, I'le iiM ' -.;i, f ,- ,-,, ,;,,!.:, r..L. ,,.....-. . , t T' -.v'd -ell ..,.'u ....''..... i.'.v b IT
p.Tiill uu will e o.;:. , '- ' ;' -' '- d " d is -. li-.-b; I p..Hao!.J J 1-Nljl-L. '!,,, ,.. ,u .. ,
1 ' j - : I" -"-I ' ii lc c .in,. j.,,r.. y. 1 II ;- i..acl: i.i, l'v,',;
ix "-"J'. I ''i"" '" !.,:,u:,..':, v :'."':' . .i... .: i "Vrw,-,,!,,.,..,, t.,,.,.
' ' ' '- I' -di'e-l I I: I '.io. 'J ',- tl.iie, -l. i:. ,v ,.i , . C,',,'r., ,1 ,l. , '-i- i.l ( 1 li p. I'. liii,',
((inie, r.n.s )f, -,:!. ,, -, , -, ... . , , ,1,..j;, ,..; , ir' ' '-,.i,,, I'rni . .-, I .t'' -,! 1 '"' ' ' ' -n,"i
..ii'k.-;,!:,';:,-,.'!. l'..,-iai;.- i, ,,;!:,,. ,,,,,;;' ' f.. v., :..,.., I ;v .. . ; , v :,n ... ,
(iie.r I:.,, ;, -it iii;r;,:'i";::;; ,:. '.:!. v 11 hv- -'.- c .i.vuoiiur ,. ay'""''1- ."
IT !, '' "K" .'ii"t',:nl,-fi;,' Y!T. l'l.-ll', Hud ia U-t nvrviLliiglu l b -bi. -.,' a u il,.
i .,' . I',","' ; l; :i -,1! r, i:c I lillC. I ,",V ' ' I .!' !.;l.i
,-'n. I.n' '"'' ;''' ' Ilo- I nil. 1 .::!.-. e,,, s ,..,,( .Into- 1 I I ' 2 jj, J.'.V AKIV.,.,.-, -
o,,,!..! . n , u-, r,. r ; ,m,,., ,,, ..tu.H Leo..;!)1 - ill."Y IBi1"'1 AaIIHE.
u 1 id-i.,1 i:,;, ..: v.:.i i " "7 i.-i-- tt.M.i. ppi: i-m'.".i !d-.-:bUi.K. Mfm v.
l ei .j a 1 1 1 ui',-.- p I.. ..( .-v. ,-lH.I- AM' I- eri i :. i i bai.ttw!"' ''""kit
j -lamp la ..:,., , A Ml.-.. I l.r ,. ,:,.t .1,. - I roL" 'I -. . I . . 4 ' ... el 111 ' ' ' ... . , , , , , VJ.' .- I i b. .'.,(.
,,,'V" ! ouVruy;! i r... if uj......M
; .-im-- v v 'r-!; A'v;::.;'-v,4'J,rr:rr "l ,,",M- :;x':IS'Z:.. V'--
,: i -i j ' ti n p a j a j liUNJiunv, . . 1 1,.).,.. i
F . .. ; w.Mr..;v..:'r,.; ' .: v: ,:':;v;.:' ,:r;
'' i ftiX piiiiiAmJh . . , v , .. m , . 'it
i.-.iii., , i . ,: y ' . . . i .I , I-1 i .'Vv
.:.; ;:',;;,. i.t iu-:it:Mun.'.i'.i - 1 , , .- v ,uv
.'' . A I 1 - ' . I.i ai.l i.,',l.l.l.. lluir llinliiluiiie. i . ' , ... i , .
j r e- ...... .. i ; jr i - v.i a i't ,., . ., i . . .. j-.:.-... i in
a: HnC- ire'.;;..;',;..: lv. -.ivvvr.-r,
'-,; i , ,..'', !.,' ,. :...ii-. - - a ..... ... ...i ........ ., .. . .1:. -
,.'V - I.... I 1 1 '' ii ,'' 'iV i ... . ' . i. . ... . 1 1 ..i .I- " ' 'b
I ' '' s t ,.. I .,. ,. I , I. ... .1 I I , , I , , ' I I L Ul 1 1 . V. .. .. l I- ,.'''.
I I -i.......,.:. ! lale. hi ill , ,, It ,. , II. . ..,1. i I' ', , .. , , t.. . a - - ' ' ' . ''"
l,-ll'li"i 1 ', ' , , l I liltM I I'M IV 1 ' ' ' ' ' '- .
' " 1 ' (I I i.i. t. , . '. iu I at i - . . , . i ,, . , .i . 1 ... i . .1 ... I .
I,. I .k . . . .... ... I ' . M , -1 1 ' I
- ; 1 " r " '. ,'"'''.( .-. , . , , , ii n 1 1 1 , i . . i . . ii i -1 1 . -. - - -
,..,.,".. i - ' .. . -.
' I ... . . . I . . i -I ll . I ... i t- I ! . ' i 1
i.i .1 l mu. ........ f ' " . ....... a- in II' I. . i 'I r -' .-.-
j iiv l i.. I i ll. MOM l.lM ll . j.,, i i .
IIM: ilimiililiMSii..,, . M ! I.i-wl.w. ...U - 1 .1 I . . i a. ,,,...,,.......-.....
- I 1'l.w.a (nwa .'IU. I l , T""1x'Lt ..
,,,, rill
A,t,ist Jl. lsii-.-iu.i . ..
.mh.Imp! J"'-M,!
SUAY, Me.rey, l'.v'' 'no"" ;'"''
.!:!;.. Yn.,
in f.-nernl,
' "'''"
,-uiullv keipsoiili-md
.W.SI.ii :',
.-,.1 1. ail ii"t;
t pviei'.-.
I ''j!1.'".'
-. .,,,1 r'M Vi'. l- ot I.U11
' ji'li ho will !
23 Ml Si'
i 1: 1 .:
ii is ii n .si:
1.1 C..1-.-I UU!
Mid near In":
Ii. ill tu tlie On; .it.. I.
.r ; la -e? l ot miiy 1 .
. :..( of IJu.'.iU.IU. nt,
l.-Iral.t.- .ii
r tlSV;J n1' T-"v
but luiiJl. "
I..1. ir.".-- i.l Urn
1-i. ii;:; ll'.fl
:d:iiai 'j-j, l
:aiiiiotii FURKiTunEiwARr:-
sa A. tll CUcsaut Street, I'lail'a.
(Utc LUW i CO S Dry Guol Store.)
'urmerlv 521 AVulnut .Slrcct.
lHiln-U1phi:i, August 'A I -.2 Zrs
lias jus! rciarncl frjiu I'Lila Julpliiu. witli a
rs nr "n T V T r r- r, r
pringf & Summer Oooti-
Yi'.iii,v ulim Cloth, Limn
r ii-il.u-re.
t ...... I lll. KILll'i v. ;iimu.iu
if, A lari1
nt of Tn- ''.liH.ds, Elnck nnj
. y X 1.-SUCS,
Pimey JJeras.'.. Hluiller,
i.i-V s.,1
'imbi pie 0.k1s ut b.w- piLd
lelanes, Liiwu-
p.'y1 litietf Iri li Li ut u
ti ie;.'ba:,.s und .
nid bite needs.
S-thV""'1 P'11"".
t-uutuicr SluwK Silk nud
1 ,..(.illlS, As.
Attn iiavi'V "W
Ar.c row r.ncr.ivixo an estiuh
Kli litlil.''
u:;.,r u.t
B tt' c GOODS
uro uliuLiiaf, yut ttniusln iiit to Um "mtie.UT
j ! 'W'-'t.
the mammoth,
vr!!i c.Di-iiico uny cnnJ.J n:aii or wuin.-iu thut, bu Ui
r -l.Ji t iu it, yet iho pri pje.tjrs of thut -iuUtu
Uju" Ltt'-e iLq facilitsci fur furnisuiEj
w'. inb tbuto wlo buy aud ecll co Lou CruJii
But, wl ciiioot pouai
H'U KEEP " ,-r 11 ' ' " '
t Ul:d .r-iW L
Mini lulu rxreutive I
l'jf '!fllllll(
l. It iiaa a '1 '','' Ul ukl ra4slai I alltl .lal
" " l"' a.ia, Kiiwui r .-' N.M m. t4l
! It.
laal - 0