3Tfje Sunbuvjj American. II. B. MA8SER, Editor & Proprietor. Kt .AIII KV, IA. VTURDAY7NO'VE5inEU 22, B. M. PETTENOILL A CO., No. 37 Turk Row, Now York, and 6 State Street, Boston, aro our agents for the Si'SBiur America lu those cities, and are authorized to tako Advcrtiso rnouts and Subeoriptlous for us at our lowest rates. p. .i.-ii. .. ..... ,...,. in tlF" The Wyoming Cnnal is doing a good business. The coal dealers nro advancing the prices of coal, some of them charging 5,25 per ton. tW The Lehigh Navigation Company has advanced the price of coal at Munch Chunk, to 4,25 from 2,25 last spring, and it is said another month of navigation on the cnnal will have cleared enough to pay all tlio damages by the freshet of last Juno. jitf" The Honesdalc Democrat reports the employment of seven hundred men in the new railroad of the Pennsylvania Coal Com pany to connect with the Erie railroad. The Pennsylvania lion Co. of Dan ville, paid $5,rj21 00 National Tax for the tnOndi of October. At this rate, their tax will amount to nearly 25,000 00 per year a considerable item from one establishment alone. f Zri?" Jin. Li wis Davis proposes to lecture :it the Smibury Academy this (Friday) eve ning on the subject of Babylon, with dia grams and paintings, illustrating his sub ject. Admittance, 10 cents. -;,'" Ci itiNo Hams. As the season for l uring meat is close at hand, wc publish again the follow ing receipt for curing meat Ironi the Ctcrmantown Telegraph, an excel lent agricultural and family paper. We have used a receipt almost similar, for many yc.irs, and may here remark that hams cured in this way are worth, in market froin three to four cents per pound more than those cured by salt only. Salt alone has a tendency to harden hams, and render them, if too much salted, not only innutri tions, but indigestible. Sugar it should be remembered, has preservative qualities as well as salt and while it keeps the ham moist and -.eft. ai Is materially in preserving it favor, vhMi hard salting invariably im 1 airs; I'l l! IIWKII'T KOH CVrtlNO MKAT. To one gallon of water, Take 1J lbs. of salt, Jib. of sugar, i oz. of saltpetre, J oz. of potash, Pi this r..li" the pickle to be increased to any iitiantity .le-ircd. Let these be boiled together, i':. lil all the dirt from the sugar i i s i the top i-ud is skimmed off. Then Miphv it into a tub to cool, ami when coU, pour it over your beef or pork, to remain the us-ia! time, say four or five weeks. The meat must be well covered with pickle, and should not be put down for at least two days after killing, during which time it should be slightly sprinkled with powdered s.dipctrc, which removes all the sut face blood A .-., having the meat fresh and clean. Some omit boiling the pickle, and find it I to an-wcr well; though the operation of' t.oi!'.ig pitriiir the pickle by throwing offl i he dirt always to be found in salt and I -agar. " j if this rt ipt is properly tried, it will never be abandoned. There is none that sur-pa.-i.ic-s it, if .,(., g.iod. i" .'lDi:i:. We published a short time since a receipt for curing cider with the - ilphiii lime, the result of our own ob-.rvatiosi-. iVilups we should l ave stated hat where the rider is apparently clear, and t loo aei I, a less quantity than a quarter ! if an ounce to the gallon should be used, ns - he sulphite of lime combines with the I ,. ,. , , , :,,!.,- add o! ,, cder, and too much of the , ;::rl.- might render the ri.icr somewhat I l or insipnl. c have prepared the best I lu ever h id with half the above quantity. ll thai i- u anted is just enough to arrest .niienta'.iou, -louie cider retiuiriaj more han others where it is very ai id, thiek and i.iddy. Tlie ohjeet is to clarify the eider, i'h'ieh ' -aiiiiot be done until ferinentalion i',ei i, or i.i aries'ed, so thnt it e-in settle, i line lM-rsotis esc lime, mustard seed, and , sin s, 1'iid freiiiieiitly ruin their cider hy -hi;, too liiiu li. The iroiertieit of th(e ! v a!! oiiil'iiie.l in the eh-tnentg of the 'IKUlc of lii.'.e. IU' ihe report of the Milton Female ihle iSoi iety uienrs in the Miftouiiin, iitm li icli Ne take the following extract: "Our Society employed the liev. Mr. Ken dy to c.jilote the county last fcunitner a nr. or a- much of it as our funds would slify. He commenced his labors the first jitciiihor. ISill, and succeeilfd so well that i continued him in our employ until the v,t of April. 1 s2, a period of seven months e explored the following townships: ubut, Chillisipiaquc, l'ointt ltush, Upper loita, Shaniokin,. TrcvorWgi hnd Elys rg. I'oint township was visited under e direction of the Northumberland Female ble Society, and the results reported to it society. Cameron and Turbut wore o partly visited, and thu town and vil res : Milton, iVatsontown, Turbutville, ainokiu, Tievortou and Elysburg. He. nuts the largest number of destitute was ind iu ShaiiKikia township, and in tho .vn of Shamokin. "In Trevorton there are a number of ro ll families, all of whom are destitute of ! Hi hie. They requested Catholic Bibles the Polish language; but as these cost 73 each, they are too expensive for gra tou distribution, and theso poor Poles ' still destitute of the Biblo. In Mnhanoy ley, Cameron township, the people are ail rmans, and very much behiud tho age. cy rejected tho free schools, and iu l)e lber lost had no school at all. A num- of tho bibles and testaments were given in. in itusii, Miamokin and Upper Au da, a number of families were found titutc and supplied. Number of families visited bv Mr. Ken- y iv.iu. yn these OS were round witu tho Hible, of whom 48 were supplied. inber of Hible given to the poor, 16 ; led at 5,50. Hibles and testaments sold the amount of 8,23. Alter deducting Kennedy's salary and other expenses irred during his agency, he paid to our usurer the sum of $140,41, collected by i Ironi sales of bible and contributions. The oHIcers for next year arp a follows ; sident, Mrs. Wutson ; Vice President, . Wiley; Treasurer, Mrs. Wilson; Seere , Mrs. Dole ; Mis E. Eawson, Mrs. Fry , Sirs. Masteller, Miss U. t'orruy, Miss y Hhoads, Mrs. Huinun, Mrs. Titus, i Ililkcr, aud Mrs. Iiavls, Managers." i.h.l in aro naked for Ihe nmaiodrr of th i I 'M Treasury oota. IhirUoo and a half oulli'.u , in li- huDi-o lot leirul taud'r uoti-a Aiicmiisiiop nruiir.s xiii: WAK. A I.rllcr to Ncrrolnry Srwnnl, New Your, Nov. 1, 1802. Mr Dkaii Govkrnoh : It is now moro than twenty-three years since I had the pleasure of being introduced to you on the railroad train between Albany and Utica. Opportunities for cultivating more intimate ly that first acquaintance have been few and far between. Ht ill, as a personal friend, and from what they commonly call politics, I have always recognized you in my own mind, as a true, unlliuching man, of upright principle. As lor myself, I cannot say that I ever belonged to any political party, and yet, since my return from Europe, certain nomi nally Catholic papers have written ue down as a politician. Much allowance must be made for such writers. They assume that my going to Europe was for a political, and not a National purpose ; In fact, they seem, or chooso to appear, as incompetent to dis tinguish between what is vulgarly called a politician and a patriot. Of the two, I would prefer to be considered a patriot rather than a politician. Before the outbreak of this melancholy civil war, it is known to you, my dear Governor, that 1 foresaw the coming calamity. I wrote to distinguished persons in the South, praying and beseeching that they should exercise their influence for the perpetuation of pence, or rather against the disruption of the Union. In my own sphere in New York I left nothing undone to soothe bitter prejudice, especially on the part of Abolitionists, with a view, and even in hope, that the domestic strife which has since overtaken us, might be arrested and turned aside. It is just one year and eight days since it was desired by a telegraphic communication that I should visit the City of Washington on public bu.-iiiicss. I obeyed the summons. I spoke my mind freely. ' It was thought that, in the perils of the nation, at that time, I could be useful in promoting the interests of the Commonwealth and of humanity if I would consent to go to Europe and excrsise whatever little influence 1 might possess in preventing France and England from inter nii'il I'ing in our sad quarrel. ! It has. no doubt escaped your memory ; that, during the fourteen or fifteen hours i which 1 spent in Washington, I declined the ! ; acceptance of what would be to persons not j ' of my rank a great honor. I did not nbso- j lutely refuse before deriding, but 1 wished to consult one or two persons very mar and j I dear to me in New York. Finally, and at i ; the very last hour, there was a word uttered . to me. not by any special member of the ' i C abinet to which you belong, but by the i authority which it possesses, to the ell'eel I ' that my acting as had been suggested was a ! personal request, and would be considered : as a personal favor. 1 three minutes I drci- : ded that, without consulting nnvhodv, 1 ' should embark as a volunteer to accomplish ; w hat might be possible on the other side of i the Atlantic in favor of the country to w hich ' 1 belong. What occurred on the other side I think j it would be, at present, improper for me to i make public. 1 am not certain that any ' w ord, or act, or inlluenee of mine has had j the slightest effect in preventing either Eng- ! land or France from plunging into tin- I unhappy di i.sio:; that have threatened the L'nion of t!uo cistt prosperous States. On the other hand, 1 in.iv s.iy Uiat no day no hour even was spent in Europe in which I did not. according to oportunitv. labor ! for peace between Europe and America. So far that peace lias nut been disturbed. lint let America be prepared. There is no love for the United .States on the other side of the water, (icncraiiy . -.peaking, on the other side of the Atlantic, the United States arc ignored, if not despised ; treated in conver sation 'i. the s: ine co.itemHuons language as we might employ toward the inhabitants of the Sandwich Islands, or Washington Territory, or Vancouver's Inland, or the set tlement of the Hcd Hiver, or of Mil- Hudson Hay Territory. This may be considered very unpolished, almo.-t unchristian, language proceeding from the pen of a Catholic Archbi.-hop. Hut, my dear Governor, it is unquestionably true, and 1 am sorry that it is so. If you, in Washington, are not able to defend your selves in case of need. 1 do no see where or from what source you can expect friendship or protection. Since iny return, 1 made a iutl, of t-l"'li;'r ".Ulrt!.s.-r to my peoi-io, hut for them exclusively, m St. Patrick's Cathe- llra, ,IlU. p, u , S(.rm()n ,mt a discourse, and even a war blast, in favor ol liioort-spilling. .Nothing ot that kind could be warreuted bv a knowledge of mv natural temperament or of my ei-elesi.istn-nl training, l-'roni the slight correspond ,-ni e between us, you can bear me witne.-s tlnu 1 pleaded ill every direction for the preserva tion of peace, so loug as the slightest hope of its preservation remained. When all hope of this kind had passed away, I was for a vigorous prosecution of our melaueholv war. so that one side or the other should find itself in the usecndeiiev. S'iuul 'IV s of Ii.i I'ltipinlijhl charijLil lit tfm tho I'liHWiIc 4uii. Siii"t:ia The d'tiil 7A's-Tui-i-tt itithov.t Hiif'kf i'C I The new iron-c'.ad Passaic went on a trip yesterday for the purpose of testlW the operation of the fifteen -im -li gun insMof, the turret. Mnu of scientific knowledge, military and naval olliccrs, had confideiuly asserted that it would be impossible to tire a gun so large with a full charge inside of a turret without either killing the gun' crew outright or disabling them after a few rounds. Many said .that the. English had tried heavy guns, but were "diged to give up their use, as they were not able to work them. Hut the results of yesterday have convinced the most skeptical of those who witnessed the experiment, of the feasibility, aud even caused these same men to be tlie most enthusiastic in their expressions of delight and istonishment ut the success of the experiment. Tho Pussaic left tho wharf at the foot of Thirteenth street, between ten and eleven o'clock in the morning, and steamed up the North river against a strong ebb tide and a heavy northerly wind. Her speed, from the start, averaged over seven knots through tho water, and her ciuv making only lifty-eight turns, which is twenty-two less than she has the power to give. Hut, the boilers foam ing, it was not deemed advisable to drive her to her maximum speed, tlio trial being more for tho gun thitn, .the. Vessel. Her speed was rcuiarked.-By all on board aitiuy thinking she was going faster than she really was; but the log gave the true fig ures. On arriviufr at a point opposite Fort Washington the Passaic was headed in to wards the western shore of the river, under tlie towering clills ot the Palisades, when selecting au uninhabited soot, it was deter milled to see tho effect against the rocky bulwarks ol the noble Hudson. The steamer was stopped, and the U5-inch gun was loaded with twenty pounds of powder and a hollow shot. After the gun was run out to the siilo ot tho turrut, and all was ready, it was tired, the bull ricocheting along the water a few times, then striking the rocks, causini; them to fly like so uiucb chaff, followed by a ter rible echo, which in its force resembled the explosion of a nowder-mill. The noisn nut. sldt) pf the turret was terriblo, while iusido there was no concussion of any account, and the noise did not exceed that which would have been produced by the firing of an ordiuary pistol. Kkoonii Fihino.- The second time the gun was loaded with thirty five pounds of powder mid hollow shot. It was fired, recoiling three feet ten inchcn, producing no unpleasant concussion, and, as before, there was scarcely any smoke In the turret. Several of tho spectators, who wero in the turret at tho Jlrsil firing, wero outside, this time, to sec tue working of tho shot which had been spoken of by those who were outside at the time, but tho noise outside was so unpleasant that they preferred to be inside the next time tho gun Was fired, and accordingly they went in anil remained there through tho balance of tho firing. Tinnn Fir.rNU. Tho third time tho gun was fired It was charged with thirty-five pounds of powder and a hollow shot. The recoil was only two feet eight inches. The same results were obtained w ithout trouble ; in fact, it was much pleasant cr inside than outside of the turret. No noise was percep tible tending to discomfort either on the berth deck or in the engine-room. Foi ian FiniNo. The fourth mid last time the gun was fired it was charged with thirty-five pounds of powder und a solid shot, the first one fired from a gun of this size with n full ncrvicc charge. The result was precisely the same, the recoil being only two feet eight inches, and no smoke or noise in the turret. Thus ended the experiment with the gun, which in every respect was satisfactory. Wc refrain from giving our foreign friends or the rebels the slightest clue as to how this matter has been accomplished; but sulliec it to say that it is the plan of Captain Ericsson, and it now is believed to be as near perfect ns anything mortal man can make A. Y. KerM, t!t hint. ... There wos tolerably good sleighing at Ottawa, Canada, last week. 4MH oif JAY Y'OO li I :. SUISCIUPTION AUK NT At JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers, Jit Si'l'TH third stki'lt. Philadelphia, N..V. 1. is.l? Thr undiT-nirned. having been nii-uiuted Suhscrit'- tioti Acji-nl Ijy tin- Secretary of the Treasury, is now prepared to furnish, lit unco, the NKW TWENTY VII All 0 VIM CENT liOXIiS. of the t'llilC'l .StHtc.-i, dcsioillltcd . ItS-iVivo TwClltiei." rtt'etntil'iH nt ('Ii'-.iire ef iliii (invrnmor:!. nt'ter live y.-:1:-. nint iuitt...rii"l ley Act ol' 1 '"nrr-s. nji. jivove.l tVl.rnnry L'.. 1nV'. Tin- t'mq.on lien-Is are issued in funis of S'.O, $100 S.'-nO. $ 1 0110. Tin- It.v-'i-t'-r Ittiiul.s iu- Mima of $.'0, $100, J.'.tiO. I nt-ret Jit six per from date of 'UI-i.'Iiii.- . p.-r iinr.iin. v- ill cyiiiiii n.-c id in I'AYAId.f; IN (i "J.I, M-ini-.Mir.iifiuy. w ln-.li i- ennui, nt tho rrr-.-M l . nt tho rro?.-,t luiiiin on K'ii.i. lo !0m! ia-iii ).. r eenl. r milium. l'linm-rs. Mer.-li.-uit.-, Mn-leini.-. Caeitiili.-:.. , met nil wlio liiiVi- liny money 1,. iio i-i. lKuM know mi. I r.-inelnla-r tl.ul liiei-e- iloti.K nit- in etv,,., n first .Moriiii- li ).. .11 nil loiiliomls. ('mails. Ilnnk Sloe I,! mid S.-i-ui itii-s. mid I l;o iiiaia n--- j.n.diic: of nil t!.,-Miinufiii-leivf. A -. . .. in I'm- country ; mid lii.-u tin full met iiiii.i- I'lovi-ion niinle for inr payment of llio interest mid li'iiidali. n of n in. ii.i.l. (,y ' ' 'osi .. J 'ut ie. l:.ui.t- Slmii iiu.l Internal licuaiue, 5iTc.i lo make these ISoiuU lllc llcst. M i.-t AMiituLIr mid Mom IV; ular Ii.vcttnit-nt in the .Mail..-I. Siil.-i-ripti..i;s re.-, ive 1 nt PA 11 in I.ncul T--U lcr Notes, or i. oli ii mi.l clu . ks of l.in.k nt nr nt I'liiln dil.liin. ."-ul.-ii-ril.eis l.y imiil will n c. iv pioiuj't iillcntion. und very fn.-iliiy m, I f-x.li.nntioii w ill lie llllorMea en ti . . ic' ;t 1 1-ill .-it tins ctlice. A full ii.iy of Heads will be kept on linnd Cr inimediiile delivery. JAY rOoKl". Suhjcrii tion Airi-nt 8. isfi2.;i, Nov. Ailiniiiis.1 ru(urN li-i-. N TOTK'K i hrrehv piven thnt letters of minimis trillion hnvuic lieen frrnnted to tho siileeribor on tiic esiulo ot l.-n-ioS. lHiiikleberi r. bite of Lower Auirui-tn toiMi-iup. NorthiuiiLcrlnud county. Pa., ,le- eensed. All person- indebted to said estiite lire re quested to iiiiike immediate pnynient, nn I those hav ing ch.ilns. lo pres.-nt the s-a,e f..r s.-ttb-iiient AKA.M S. KK.NX. Adui r Lower Auusfn tp.. Nov. . lsoj. tit '' Al 1 SI '. II K li Y AlU'.tJIi . ,r MV. St Nlll KY At'Al'LM Y will b oneni d L lltv fiisi Mondny of .Vovcn.ber, 102. Tl ITIUN-PLU (Jl'AIlTKK. Juveriilii scholars. Kulili brunches. Sciences nud higher .Mathematics, Languages, a bo 4 I'll en fi on M. Ill I ''ll' KS. iincipal. Sunburv. Nov. 1. Auditor "Nolii-,-. K-itnto of Ahsn'.oin e'onrnd. de(.cii.-i -1. The undersigned, appointed nu liior to audit ihe ex ptlons lileil to Uie account oi llciii v I. .hii.e, t-xeculor Ac. of Absolom f.niriel. deeen.cd ; mid lo re.ilnle (ho said tt.-cninit. will nn-ol all parlies inter ested therein, ut hi- elh.-ein the lloioii.-,!i of Sunbury, l'a.. on Wediiei-dav ihe i.nli dav of i.Mobi r. iiist., (IbOi'.J ill V o'clock' A M SAM I HI. J. PACKLK. Auditor Suuburv. Oct. II. ISC.-.' 'B'o 4'niiiii! i !t i'k. T !IE A lv.-rliser. hnviiii; been r stored to herilth in II few ni-lk. 1'V 11 Very .-illil le Ti Ine.-tV. Illier it in S'ifl.-re I sc end yeinti w ii'n u siierel.iei; m j fcctlon. mai ihut ilread iliee. t'on-iiiiijii.oii i.-m,-J ioUS to Uiakc kl.-IWU to Li-I !' lil.W -CUllcla. tile UieuliS I ol cure. I Tolillw'i.i de-ire il. be will ,elid ll copy of the prescription used (In-e of ciiaif,e. w idi the dircctioi.s : lor preparim; nud u-ilii; I In-sniite. which they will ! fuel it Srni: I'riti; Ibr I'-.ssi iii-iihn Asruii.i.'llia'S . iiuri"-. ,le. 'Ihe only obje.-t of the Adv.riis. r in ! seudilij; Hie Prescription i.- lo hi neflt the nlllicled.niid '. spread inlV.i ninth. u whieli he conceives lo be invalua- ble, and he boj.es e cry sullcrrr will liy bis ri-lnedy. j ns it will ce.-i them licithliji;, and iniiv prove u ble.-.-.- prov c Parties wi-hiu,; Ihe dres Ki V . Nov. 1 . 1M,2. "iu pri'v-ription will please, ad LTlWAUl) A. WILSON, Williamsburg. Kinu-s County, New Ymk. IIEIMSTREET'S Inimlliilili' Hair ICextoriili ve. IT IS NOT A DYK, But restore" i;ray hair to its original color, by supply. IliZ ine ciiLUllarv I u lied with natural sustenance, im paired by ao or dn-eas. All instniitmu-oiis dves are ' comiMMied of lunar caustie. destroying tho viinli:y anil lienuiy of tlio hair, and aflord of themselves no dresrin. lleiinstre-el'a Inimitable Coloring uol only restores, hnij to its ualurul color by un easy process. uui gives uie nair a 1.1XI HIANT IIE.U TV. promotes its growth, nreveiila its fnllimr off. eradi cate!! daudriiti. and imparts health and nltuoiaiit uesa to the bend. It has stood tho lest of lime, bitnu the original Hair Coloring, and is constantly incrcai-ini; in invnr. Lseii iy lioiageutleuien and Indies. His Hold by all respectable dealers, or can bo procured by them of tho commercial agenl, 1). 8. UAUNL'S, 202 ilroudway, N. V. Xwoauis. iU cents und $1. Uotobor 2i, lsf.2. .liiiinUli-iilurH .oll-e. "TOTI('E is hereby given that letters of adiuinis i Iralion having been grained lo the suhsorihar. ou the estate of Doctor S. S. Smith, Into of Shaiuokiu township, Northumberland county, dcceiuied. All jivrBoua luueoieii uro reiue!iieu u uiaao luiuieilialu payment, aud those having claims tu present them fur oukuicnt. FARNSWOm if RI:F.D, Adoi'r. Phamokia twp., October 20, 1S62. lit BNYDER BROTIIEH8, FOUiNDKHS&MACIIIMSTS WILLIAMSl'UKT, 1'F.NNA. MisiricTt Hi-iis op Iron nd II rasa Castings, Stcmn Euginea. Mill Ocar ins; and Muehiucry in general. Cciuctry Kuilicg and Architectural Iron Work. W llliamsis.rt, October 2i, 1S02 5t S-T-1860-X. Itruke's I'luiitatluu llillcrK. They purify, slronglhen, sad luvlgorate. They oroate a healthy anoctilo. 1 bey ara au anlidole to eliango of water ami diet They overoonmeflueUiofdi.niiiatiou and lale hours 1 hey sireiiRlhaii thesystuui ami euliveu lbs miud They prevent miaamalic and iuturiniltent levers. They purify the breath and acidity ol the stomach j ney cure uyspcnaia and tonsil pallou They cure Diarrhea, Chobwa, aud Cholera Mor bus. Tby cure Liver Complaint anil Nervous Head aehe. They are the best Bitters in the wool.l. They make the weak in an stroug, aud are exhausted nature's groat restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Hum, llieoelubratttd Calisaya Dark, roots aud herbs, and are takou with the pleasure of a beverage, with out regard to age or time of day. Particularly re. eumuisadbd lo delicate persona requiring a gentle stimulant. Bold by all (tracers, Druggists. Hotels sua raionas. I. 11. flflAat to., ?!i Uioudwsy V V 1. i vw. m . lobor V, lJ02 I'.ti.i. ti wi.vrrn m u:4 or MILLINERY GOODS!! Miss M. L. Oussler, 1'awn iSrrcrf, two tfoors fiouth of thn Shumvlin Yallty iV J'ottfitr HailroitJ, f-iNr,t:nv, pa , HAS JihI reoolvc.l from ThiMelpliin, nnd nponrd at lior utore, a Urim and splendid aortinenl ef tho most fuhionnhlo and lntert ti'ytn ef Bonnets, Ilats, Shakers. Trimmings.&c which slio Is selling nt tlin must ri-nsoiinlile prices. LAMK3' DHKSS CAP.S. tn which she directs tho attention of tho Indies, and imite till lo call and sco Ihom. uosinnv, 01.0VKS. mits. cum, mis, hand- KDKCUlliF.S. ro.Mr.S, Ac, and numornuii other artirli for Indie.-' we:ir. tu whieli h Invites thu Indies to cull und exmninc hefuro purelinsinK clsewlnirn. 'J'hnnkful ir pnsl piilronni.. -Im hoiios l.y ki-ei in " i this best u-sgortim'til, at roiisouHtilu nci-s, to coutinu-j thi siinic Puuburv, October J'S, )S''I. ?,m A (JEM VOW TJ1E MIl.I.Uiv .M.tli:. l-llEtB.!SI"S I $5 ! r.lNXINH STITCH j 8EWINQ J..TACHINE. IT is a prsctienf. rni I. i-..i.i-i.t and durable Sew- ing Mn. hinp. adnpled I" a Inr-ii proK.rtion of I l'nniily Sewinjf. or fur inniHifnetni inn pnr)Misi-s. nnd I is highly nrnnuieiitnl. iin-l is so liht mid port.-iblo. ; (weij;hinirless thnn one. ndl Hint il onn be convc- ! uicnlly i-urrii-d in the pocket or reiicule. lis npormiou is so vi-rv siinpk- Hint it requires but a slight d.-p-eo of jndc:uieni tousoit. j fir the simpli; turiiinn "f n crank with ..no hand, and giiiilini; tho work with the other, it silently v el very rapidly with a eoinir .n Needle makes tlu-'riin- j Hint; stitch eaMly like Jlnnd ,uniiij;. only more pet .i 't nnd regular. It w-li 'I. ni. (inthor. lludli-. Shirr. Tuek. Hun up i Itrendlhs. i ic with a single ,,r double thread on nny j lunterinl lidnpli-.l lo Ihe llinirii.jr Slit. h. fnmi the ! lichti-t nnd thinnivt up lo two ihiekiies-i-M.f or, linn- ry silk cr iuiilin. The lliiom-st. u-unlly the uiut I (liflii'ult to s'.iteh l.yothi-r seivini; nin.-b-ni-i. beiin; I sewed the en.-iest. for Indies' nnd children's nppn- j rel, and other nrlicles inndv of libt I'nbiics, il will thereforo be found nlinost iio nlunl.le. It is nl Inched to the Inblu like n fcw inu' biid nnd ! hnving no 0 nsion. nnd reiuiiito; no luliri.-niii ii or j ehnnKe of stit.-h. is nlwny- ready f.-r opcrniion. nn l such u ninrvel of simplicity thnt li child of six or cL'ht yenrs onn understui.. it iiunii-dinti-lv. nnd i.5-i it tuc-i-c--fully. Jl is not nt nil linblo toe..-' out of ordi .-. laich imii'li inc is pul up in n nciit box. ncroinpn j nied with full und explicil ilnc.li. iu nnd tw. mv-live i needles. " j Sent to any address in tho Vnilc.l SmteaV.n roc. ij.t i of nn order, ini-losing ihc niimuiit. or amy be collected I by Kxpri-ss on delivery of the liueliine. I I Amenta vviin led every where, to whom tin- nio.-t liberal inducements wili be i tiered. : l'or pnrticiilnrs. specimen of sowing, etc, si r, 1 a ! St. uup t..r return posme. Address. j ! -Mmi:. 1'i:moiik,.-.i. No. 47.1 llr mdwi'v. N. V. I "r II li. Jl vssi:n. A,-i nt. Sunbury. l'n j j livery l.n ly. Moil. or. .Milliner nnd l)re;---muker i should have on,, of Hiesc vulimblc Sewing M.-icliiue1 ' I October ;V.. lsi',2 .it (iO()jMi(T'i,i;,sv.i,i, I ! LI-uVK S NKW .-Ti:i:i, 1M.ATK ( ' 'I N I V i "L- ! (Ki:i,.M W hk TIIK VMIKH ST.VJTS. ! '.N PAS. .M m;w j:l;rviK. ; rj uii r vt ht mirvcys, C"H 1 tl .n'. 1". I" -'2 ; .Jtt.rinl to fi,rnf H. n : one ynf:rV titntv . Sui"-ri"i- tn nny lu m:it t v-r nnU- y Culttin r i l MiK hfll. un l s':li-i nt tin low inM! of inly ccut.; ! ; .".Ti'.Uuil nanu s ,nrr i'iifh v u.i llii-unii. i ll in ii"t i- n t'.iiiiiv .M'ip. I nt it h nUoa 1 i Ul N i V AM liAILKnAh MA 1 1 of tin- I'tiilril Sl.lt. S )U1 1 I'lHW 1 I i IH'1 i.i "II" j piwn.J vfiy Uriili-'iil ?t?.ii--ii imhI di-!:ii.cr, l.c Iiti:ir:u.tei-:my Wf'iiuui or mnu $.' to $."i per dny. liintwilltnIoiliacki.il map-thai cil'.lilit be- sold mid refund the money. S-iid f a t I worlli to try. Ih inte'l instructions how to cr.i'va.-sweil, furi.i.-hcd all our a.-nts. W anted 1 hobvnie ir nt- r. r oair Mai. in i v. ry Stilt,'. I'idil'oi i.in. I'i.-ia.ia. lau-l-in I, l'r.inec m.'l CuVci. A f.rtuae may tic made with a few huudo J dolll.t s cnpi.nl. No colnpctil i.i . J.T. Al.'iYii. No. Ml Drondw iv, N.w-Yoih. The Wnr llepnrlliient u.-es our .Map of Virginia. Muryland. nnd Pciin-ylvnnia, co-t Sleii.uiHi, on which is marked Anti.-t.inil're.'k.Sharp-bui, Mniy- laii.l munis. iiiiHin-pori lea;;, liliorer.-v ill'-. I Innd s r'ord. nnd nil others "li the Polonric. nnd eery I o. In r pin.-c in Mm vliiial 'ir m.t ci. 1 Peof"-ylauiii. .IT .Mo-ac; 1 --I'-ndeJ. f I.I.OY f' S Topographical Map of Kentinrky. tib.o, t rndinnn. itiel Illinois is tho only authority tor (Jon. I Luell and ihe ur I'epartment. Money I'-iuttdcd to anyone f.ndim; nn error iu it. lVi.--.; ,'J ccni.-,. 1 ruin tlie Iriliune. ab. .'. -LLOYIi S M-ipof Virginia. Marylnad, nnd !Vni. tylanin.-This Map i- very lnre ;'iis c.-t is but Li cents, and it is the best which enn to purehn-o,l. 1.1." Y l S (irent .Mnp of the .vfissi. sippi Hivr Fi-'.iu Aetuiil Surveys by I'm t-e Part nnd iVill. I'ovv- ell. Mi.-.-i.isippi liiver Pilois.ot :t. b'.lli-. Mo., .-how.. every nam's pli'iituiion an 1 ewa-i's name !V iu St. I. r.uislo the liulf i.f Nl.-.vii o I .'l'O milis ev.-ry s ti.d-bar. i-l:iiid. town. l:in,in-'. nr I rll j.iac-s 0t II. ili-s back lioiii Hie rivtr eol-.re-l in counties :i:.,i Stnti s. Pi iee. ?-'l in sheots. f '2. pis ket form, und i-.'.. "n on linen, with rollers, licudy Sept. 1'u Navv Iii:i'.M:TMi: r, Y vsinM.iuN.Scpt. 17, si',2 J T. Liovn Sin : Send luc your Mnp of tho Mis-is-ippi Uiver. w ith price per hundred e..pi, -Kenr- Admiral Charles 11 I'm is. i-i.itiinii inline the Mis-i.-v-ippi s-juielroii. is autliorired t- purt linj r; many a- .irereouired f.-r use of ial .-iu:t.,roii illl'L".-. Wlil.LS, Secretary of the N n v October 11, lsi!2. r.viisvi. iioi i'.i, nut kam:. 'I'll IS '- 11 known II itcl. lo.-nted in Sunbiiry. at the i ' 1 am of tho Northern t'ertral w ith the Sun bil- i ry laic Railroads, isolbied ut private sale.. I Ici-uis ot sale will be miule eiwy for lur.ncr in formation, cii.iitirc, at Ihis office. An-ut 2-,lS2. J" 00 BO. BECK, ! 51EUCHANT TA1L0K, .llai-Uel Sr''l, in-nrlv iioil- Ilie- ICitil CC:ll If. -p.. I, j SUNBUBY, PA., INl-'UU.MStho eitiiens of Sunmuy and wciuity. that he has just icturucd from Philadelphia with a lull ussoriiu'-ut of j I'll. I. HIM I It 4.4M1S. I fF K i:UVl'i:SCKIPTIiiN AND (jl AI.11V I lli stock C'in-isis of rioths. I'rcnell I'lolhs. Pluck I loe kin and l-'an.-y C'ns-iuielcs. jtlncK Sut in . Figure I Silks. Plain and Fancy Cawiuiere VL.s'l l MIS. which I ho will iiiuku up lo onb r iu sisles lu suit Ihe nu-iu of i customers, on short notice, aui iho iuoi rcii- . liable terms. Any (ioods not on hand, will be furnished f oiu I'hiludeliiliin. bv giving two dnvs' notice. (foods furnished by customers w ill bo made up to. order as heretofore. ! As ho will eniploynone but cxpeiienced workmen. lersons niny rely oii gelling ih ir wink well d nu at lis shop. Thankful for tho patronage heretofore bestowed, ho respectfully solicits a coiiliiiuaiicf of the same. Sunburv, October 4, IsliU. I'.t.XV 11 KM! r.i( v n ils; JOHN F A K 1 1 It A. No. "IS Arch Street, be. low I iudiih. south si.lo, I'll I LA DI.Ll'Ill A Importer ami Manu fuciurerof. and Denb-r in all kinds of Fancy . . Furs, for La. lies und Z t hildreu's Veul . ' " I desiro to sny to luy si, fro nds of Sunbiiry nnd JJthc surrouii'lini; ooun !. ties Hint I hnvo now in 0 store, one of iho Inrgcal and most beautiful as- sortinenuj of all kiuds and qunliiies of Fancy Furs, . .. , mi- .. . .. in i i i.aines ami vuiuirena v ear, iiuu win oc s"ui will ing this Full and Winter. illy r urs were iuri'iiasi-'i in rurope, prctiuin, in the rise in Sterling Kxchnnge. and Ihe New Duty Imposed on all Furs, Imported since the lirst of Au gust. I would also stale, that as luy stock lusts. I will oiler it at prices proportionate to what the g'sals cosi me ; but, it will be impossible for me lo Import and Manufacture any nioro Furs, and sell them ut tho same prices, owing tu the unsettled statu of iho aUuirs ol the I ouutry. I jjs-ltcmcmber the Oame, nun ber and street JOHN FAKFIlt A. 718 Arch Slrous, Philadelphia. (September 13, lstii. im BLANK (Panhmnnt Paper.) Deoils mid blank Mortgages, liuuds, Kxeculions, Suuimuiis. Ac fur sale at the ofhde of the - buubury American." 'l'lie 4'onlVsta.lwitH mill l'.-fl-ue ol sin luvulltl. Pl'llLISIlLD for Uie benefit and as a warning aud a caution to young irnu who sutler fi.im Nervous Debilily, l'reuiaturo llei ny, Ac. ; supplying at the same time the moans of Self-Cure, liy uue who baa cured himself alter belug pul to great ex penao through medioal imposition aud uunckery by tucluslug oat-iaid addressed cuvelopc, single ooliiea luay be bad of (he author. NATHAN I FL MAVFAIH. Kq , Dedfuid, Kiuge Cv , N Y. Man.lt j, IciJ ly - timm MAYORS OP TIIE Groat Cities. ,..,. , . ' "umrancs, ana i y',', , . ' ' T,03 havo "tcnoil a document of assurance to . ,,,f avima BAH3APAIULLA. has booi rouritobl a romody of (rront excellonco, wort, WUV " HON. JAME3 COOK, M.yor of LOWELIi, MA33. HON. ALDIN BEARD, Iiluyor of NASHUA, N. n. nON. E. W. IIARRrNQTON", Idnyor of MANCHE3TEH, N. H. HON. JOHN ABBOTT, Mayor of CONCORD, N". n. HON. A. U. BULIiOClT, Mayor of WORCESTER, MAS3. HON. NATII'Ii aiLSBEE, Mayor or SALEM, MASS. HOW. F. W. LINCOLN, Jr., Mayor of BOSTON, MASS. HON. M. M. RODMAN", Mayor of PROVIDENCE, II. I. IION. AMOS W. TRENTICE, Mayor of NORWICH, CONN. I HON. J. N. HARRIS, Mnyor of NEW LONDON, CONN. ' HON. CHAS. S. RODIER, I Muyor of MONTREAL, O. E. i HON. D. F. TIEMANN, I Mayor cf NEW YORK CITV. HON. H. M. KINSTREY, Mayor of HAMILTON, C. W. HON. ADAM WILSON, Mayor of TORONTO, C. W. HON. R. M. BISnOP, Mnyor of CINCINNATI, OHIO. HON. I. H. CRAWFORD, Mayor of LOUISVILLE, KY. HON. JOHN SLOAN, Mayor of LYONS, IOWA. HON. JAMES McFEETERS, Mayor of BOWMANVILLE, C. W. nON. JAMES W. NORTH, Mayor of AUGUSTA, ME. nON. HENRY COOPER, Jr., Mnycr of HALLO WELL, ME. HON. JAMES S. BEEK, Mayor of FREDERICTON, IV. B. HON. WILLARD NYE, M.iyor of NEW BEDFORD, MASS. HON. J. BLAI3DELL, Mayor of i'ALL RIVER, MASS. HON. W. n. CRANSTON, Mayor or NEWPORT, F. I. HON. FRED STAHL, Mayor of GALENA, ILL. HON. JOHN nODGDEN, Mayor of DUBUQUE, IOWA. HON. THOMAS CRUTCnFIELD, Maror of CHATTANOOGA, TENN. HON. ROBERT BLAIR, Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. HON, HON, HON, R, D. BAUGH, Mayor of MEMPIXI3, TENN GERARD STITH, Mayor of NEW OKLBAN8, LA. n. D. SCRANTON, Mayor of ROCHESTER, xJ. Y. IION. DE WITT C. GROVE. Mayor of UTiC'A, N. Y. HON. GEO. WILSON, Mayor of PITTSBURG, PA. HON. C. II. BUHL, Mayor of EETE.OIT, MICH. HON. IlEMAN L. PAGE, Mayor of MILWAUKIE, WIS. HON. V. W. VAUGHN, Mayor of RACINE, WIS. HON, HON A. FARR, Mayor of KENOSHA, WIS. JOHN C. HAINES, Mayor cf CHICAGO, ILL. HON. M. J. A. nEATH, Mayor of SELMA, ALA. HON. A. J. NOBLE, Mnyor of MONTGOMERY, ALA. HON. W. S. IIOLYBAD, Mayor of COLUMBUS, OA. DON ESFARTERO MANUEL, Mayor of VEHA CRUZ. DON PIETRE DE CABALLO, Mayor or MEXICO. DON ESTEPHANIE RODRIGUE3, Mayor of HAVANA. DON ANTONIO ECHEVERA, Mayor of LIMA, PERU. DON M. O. MTLANGNO, Mayor of VALPARAISO, CHILI. DON MARO GESQUIPEDALIA, Mayor of RIO JANEIRO, BRAZIL. Certify that the resident Druggists have uauurod them Ayer's Sarsaparilla i Ia ou excellent remedy, and worthy the coa UJuuno cf thu community. For Sprint; Dlsrasrs. For Pnrlf" ln( (he Ltlooit. For Kci-ufulu or Klug'a Evil, far Tumors, Vlrrra, and Sorea. For F.rliptioua anil Pimples, For Ulolthrs, Iiluliia, anil Uolts. For fet. Antliony'a Fire, Iioae, or Ki-y For Tetter or Halt Uhruut. slptlas. For Ck-alil Head aud Hingwornii For I sairr and Canrcroua Sorrs. For fiiora Kyrs, 6ore lars, and Uumora, For Female Diseases. Pa' Suppression add Irregularity, For Syphilis or Venereal Diseases. For Liver Complaints, For Uisensi of the Heart, , The Mayors of the chief cities of the Uni ted Statua, Canadua, and British Provinces, Chili, Peru, Brazil, Mexico, and in fact al most all the cities on this oomincnt, have sinned this document, t J aasuro their people : what remedies they may ue with safety and confidence. But our apace w ill only admit a ortiou of tiieiu. j Ayer's Sarsaparilla, j Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Ayer's Pills, ami Ayer'3 Aguo Cure, I'UKPAHKIl BV Ur. J. C. A )''!' cV Co., I.OWLI.I., MASb., Aud sold I j PiUe'tjists every wherv. Kd l by l'lilin X tiiaut, aud It. A. Fisher, in Suubury, Dr U. U Mct.'i.y. N'orlhtiuibcilaud J V. Caidow, ami C litowii, Milton J. Chrifuiau, Turbuhillc. llcr.h X Co., Ml. Cariucl lltirifstreAser , blvdiuij;. Wust. Mh hiiitoy Weaver 4. McVN illiaiuf. l'aiuui, And l'oalsis L'koryvhaii Aui'l.l I. ISO:' - ly - . ' !! 1 1 a H in HMtr3rmmmwi OWI'2.VNf IMTU r I.MIItOVKI) EBOOM. rpIIK snlni'riber ImvinR puuhne,l 10 ru-ht for I Northumberland county, odors for snli, I.NDIVJ. IH'AL and TOWNSHIP 1UHIITS. This l!,-,s,m U nnexeollenl and duriiblo ai liele and so en-My eon strueted that a child can pul it loi.ether. Hie tntirn oirueieu iimi a clulil can pul " liroom, muteriul and all, will not (.xcca,! six cent. 'J ho Might and machinery for llin making, co-Is 91 2i', Sir an Individual KL-ht. Township Hights will bi-,b nt tho nio.t rrnyon.iblu rates. Apply at ITSJILK'S Hmg Sime. or to , , . THOMAS .McOOW jJtily 13(12. .lino. . .Sunburv. 'Pa lift aim' sivh .:. v i ncr of Stair mat Third Ftirrts. i ! 1T.,. . I rpiHS lUH ' ' j I. and near loci.'" cotifequence of ll cnnviiiruri' ! li-sirnblu slopping'"i "" t'upitol. has ein,i. it ,, ! lul-iiness at Ihe seal ilf- H"l only fir tbofi. ). h -. In I vi-iiiiig il:irriburg. '-vei'nuuitt, but looih'r-1 .March ll'.i, 1 lia. I .om vn.i i'i:r. j rot itin rsii: i:r:nv "':! ri'MIK paine number of per-on nro iil.-' '"' J 1 wear the UOH'IS and SHtHiS, now benuted lo ; lnetiired. liy Ibn suimriiier. ol Hi'' lai'-si ft.veaiui- I liest tifninlVrinl. Having a large -lock of nri'.erd j ho will make up toor.Ur iu Ihe Wit workninuliki niunncr. nil kinds of ' oiill-ntoii ltolN him! Nlint'M, I I l,:tli" Siloes iiimI 4ii I - 4 Ililll'fll'M ?llM'!S. &'., 'm At fbort notice. Ilnving several ye.-iri' expern n ." he fi-els confident of givin? generally sati-faction b nil w ho inn y give him a call . All work iiiii-I be paid for before leaving tho .-h") when ix per cent will bedoluetid nil'. Call nt hi? Shop nearly opK.Fite tho Court ltou-e in Market Sijunro, nnd n.eertain hie low prices ami exiiminu his block before pufcliii-dnir elewbei e li'HX WILVLU Sunbury. A mm -I !. 1 r.t.i l.iiuilx'i-! Pmi.l1' SIIAY. Muncy 1 M-'llllMS Li.-i III. -lid-- a I .iiiiilti i' ! Lyeomin county. I'a , neral. d Ihe public I that b" eoiiitiiiitly l:ee n hnrid hoard . siiinir'i. Lath, .loi't I all kinds of Lumber and luuldin,- iiiiiteriuli. which ho will sell at the b.we-it price:-. March on, 1 -i5 1 . NOW OPEN. MAMMOTH FURNITURE1WAIIE HOUSE. ,: .V. nil ( li-nut htrM't, IMiil'a. ,Lme l.r.VV 4 CU I'ry liuod f:n",i 4.i.. j. ui:.ui:ils, I'liruieilv Sil Walnut Strcot 1'itila'lrlphia, Aiu'ii.-t I!'1 I '"L JUST RECEIVED J. li. EISTG-EIL. lla just ret'.iir..'i fieii. Philadelphia with a Sir LZITSID S? or ; Spring & IUvU ."Il-nv V...iiuK. V-i.r. rtalinn Cloili. Ctoih, i ..-.-luii r Linen i Coalil . Liu.'ii Clu ck aii.l Clloi-.-uU' S.iuliVi M'i'ur, .lll.ICK I I Kiiu-y .;lKs. .wi!k 'I i-M.v. Vtti..y IN r.-im-y. u y. j nil Wo '1 IMimi". Mn.-iimui iiic (i-vis tit liw 1 k Lu !-- - lk'bii'V, l.uwu-, (liiihiui.. ni;-t I'rtnte. A full line ni' Iri?: Linen ami Whiti ii.i..,l- j Stella bonier mi l l':m'y Miiumcr siittw Ir, Silk anJ j Lkcc MantiUu, Ac Heady M-du C.j'.hi.., A good an. ji iment vf Hats x:A t.':i;--, A large n.-.-ortiuei.l of Kooii, aud ."hot A lull Mock ef Uruoirii.". Molius.- i.t.d Sut;nr, Hardware, uul liuiblill ' Mali.1',.1!, A full k (d Queen and t-iliu-.-.iiurt-. A fu'l stock ef I'u-h, ult, Oils und W bile I.ond, A lar-Mi'ck of New V.'.ill Paper, A new ttock of Mono und Dartbciiw.iie, Aud thouian-l? "f arlick-s Lot enumerated, fi' All the above will be avid cheap t.-r Ca-'.i or Country Pfoduco. J II. L.N'.iLL Sunburn Mav 17. 1o3 GROCERY & PROVISION STORE. .Marlx-t ni:tr-, Smiliurj , I'm. JOHN GOOD, OL ALLli in all kind.-. ..f (iKni Lliil'.S. re.-l'Cctful-ly inform the eltl n- "l" .-iilioui lil.d vlci-.'l; . that he ooii.-laullv kec.-"il h-ii'd a Iiiil'o u--oitni"ut of the be-l ol allkii.l- "1 i;K'K'LHIL. i-u-di a- Teas I'otl'ee, Siitsar, It ice. Svrup-. Molll.-HOS, KL"l It. thu tl.-oce i.ii).. t .11. lies Tobae-", Si-ar. , Sollli", Salt. I'loll, l.u. l'ri.d 1 'r ti il . t'itniicd u.i. Plum--, t ol.fflioua'.ie .-lurch. ill law I HIT 'l-'Uo ' MK AT, , y Inc.-. LIQUORS ilfthe best oualitv at holc-ule nnd Ketnil. cotiMst. im; of llrandy, lii'n. Vines. Piil.-biireji Vhi-key. ninl loiiic.itie Liijuors jreuerally. to which he invites the public tu u-al beforo pitrcliasiufr cl.-i wlare. Call ui.d ai-c my slock. 'o eh. iV'- for .d.ui.ii.i;. J' 'US i'.'i.U. uubuiy, June 11. l-'di Wall l'n ii Kioa I'i.-.i , 01' WALL l'AI'l.K 'il- LVl l'.Y I'K.-lltAlll V. STVLLS AM" PATTKIINS Il'SI' r.-e-i ill dirci-t fi. 111 the tho MAMMuTIl STOKK of Mauuiaci urer, ut I K11.1S unburv, March 15, 1S0J. A OUAXT. l'hilaili lpliia sV I'rio Itlilli-olld. . 00., i.esi:k. rKXNaYLVAM.1 V o N an I after -Men lay. May h. Im!2. the time tt jtorthumhcrluud luii'-ii will be a-i fi'llow-: Li: iv I'. Vi:m w nti. Expret. 'bill a. 111 , I.i.ai 1: V trw a i;n. l"iren.-i. '.'.ill p. Ul , Mail. IU. HI a. 111 Mail, 4,1'J p Sleeping Curs on i;ht 1 rains, both ways, i.etween Villiamsport and Halliniore, andoii the l'emiylviuiia Ituilrosd bi lweiii llurri-bun and l'hilud. Ipliiu On Mail Train in both directions a CAM IH'KS TIIKVl'UII via PeniiMiliauia Ituilroa I. without chanire between I'Liliitlflpliin and L.h k Haven. tfA.Ml tl. A. ULA. K, May 31, M3. Sup't Lasteru li ision. . BIMON P. WOLVERTON. Altoi'iio.v iiimI 'iui-ltr ut l.uw, Ctti -e, Market street, 2 doors wust of lbpt T ILL altoud promptley to the eollecliou of claip.r 1' and all uliiur lirolti.i.iual busiueas lullusted lo his earv in NorthuutK'iliuid aud idjoiami tuuulies 1 -....I.... .. M.j lit-.-.t KlIUVMlJi J W GRANT APT HAPPV T') AN'N'.'f'NCE THAT THI.J Aiu; N'l'.v id:i:i.ivi:w an fcjs-nu; Hew Stock of Goods!! MANY rv 7, Li.rl AI;C yi AS,, cir.i ail!. vu.vl r !i:.i iL.iy iu-luca tba belli f that DRY 0 0 OS are n-l vnu;iiu; yr,t u. t THE MAMMOTH, I coiiu.cu any candid man or wuiuau tliat, bo tho . ; -.'! :., li a;-, ill 111" ft thut '-uulitu- hiivu the lii-jiiitii i t"r furid.-' Cl-HlPial GOODS I'll I. jV ' ' 1 K L , Ki.'l i .0 Kl'Air LlJJRi TIILG, ASh ALL l'Llti;.MlM:i) 10 C H 23 A P ER Til l.V t.l.V UT. ri'KCll.irLl) LLXC I'lill.IN l!Mi2 ; a I'.ii.vM Mui-bury. M,v 1 HOW TO PROMOTE HAPPINESS. iid Mr- ' ill' v w - W'lui- Smith to Mr ro w .il'.viii : do vol -lo i Coll re ill. r- Prow i; ir'-ii-'h llio tow u. or iiopoii. ' neat ah 1 line, liat .li 'I ii.it win 11 1 1. u il. real!; linac -I tn "iro I-. 1 .'lr al Plowi: . livwu N. a .b I, 'I be :ui-".y. y 1- l.ol ri.il 11- lo 1" And 1 I V'J'I enn ..tl.-rl I" . bi Jul 111 ice a.- limcll, "' ucl c 11m I, And how. 1 cannot divine " Sav- V,i-,,wii to Mr- Smith i'ic ri a oll ,-"il 11 ! ' tallied w.th. It i- -o ?'..nlile. el. al - ou buy 011 credit. 1 i-.r ca?h. 1 luiv bargain-, you buy ira.li, 1 clle.il-. while .'oil pay ileal -Whom- cr veil want j dn-s or ,-liawl A 1 'liar, l -i'-e. or what-not. call At Ihe '-heap M 11 no Tiiev 11 sell vn ,i'"i- - : V lo 'illlll VoU Will i-i N-iC to won. u r bo. li .w uiucb ii-.ii g.'.iii.i 1 o wou--My liiu-ii.-iu'l. a- "ii tiuly vy. 1-. i'o u.-r. 1. r. ibaii yours lo-da;-, A, id vet 1 e.'ii buv e.ioie. llecam-'c li dollar ot bis few K lo loo. j .- ?! a- 'wo Al I1.-.' cliiap MlVM'itll itottt " ."o -ali.-l'.cd w. n Mr.- S.uiiii V,'-:h Mr- llrowu '.vie w -ri 1 !. - liieii.-. obi- b d-d l ill'!" 1 be l'n -I. end o" 1. id .-.' her 1 ye, ,nc ba-li'l c.ocl -oi jiitl oin.'.c Jlic il.llIM '111 CUT rili-'C. And now . when y iu cluiuce to n.eei Her biii-L.,11 1, .-i.'iiib. u; . il ihe clrcet, Around the ,-'r:n r c i-:r.. Hi- laee i.- ll.-ht' I v 1111 a Moil.', Hi. step la-lie -a'l lit" inle A pUasalil lime he bliuilnili,; I.udirs. if like efiV-et you'd see In your d-ar -p 'ii-'. wbi-h yuti mil he, I'.T' loiu -e. l.ec 1 .-aw bi '"le. .Ins' Mr-, lirow-n's M-i-dipii' 11 try. A1..I all y. ur li-t 't I'ry li.i'ils buy At ibc'cl'.' ip -M iMsioTH Slor.K. l KEY AND USEFUL APvTICLE. JIAI.aV, M01SI,. ti bovdjj;"j Put fit k,elt IdlnoliiiK' ('Iodic V. riii ?4 or I Siuiple. lci'Uomic d. l'urable. and u L .1 Liable to 1 t-. t out ..I 'VI. r. T'.iii s, If. A !j-,'.-':n,- C! .the Wrin.T. LTl.tle-l illlpr-'l elllclil i-I'lbe lli m-ieeliili has otilv to ia- known an I Iri.-d, 1.1 come i- . n. ,-f iho 1 . ul ur;,". 1 1. 'I iuli' i;- lo rid ' u-c. The .-in il'S'it cb'llli.-. ill l'les-il belU'-ill two ruble r lolls, iliso.:, ! out till' water oil's,'"; "' ;h ;l . to I livi-liti,' wi'l i-ici'i'-.t to iii'-i'c;h 111 a ' pav I'.-i- a in- 1 Mi;- Tvel V olic i.- a'A ll C that tl.C twi :iii.r ! . f eloilies. ,ia-..-!.f au I breaks tl.e l.' i.c . but 11. is maci.Tie pre.-.-. tin i.i u t i iily. that u iitWsj apt r ! lie 1. iT-bll s. aki I.i .ill 1" wrr.ll. without bnaklUi; It ill the le.lsl. and ilW. .I.- si , ,-i!y. tbl-l U e'libl iu-..li. v...t ..I.I iun tii.t-i-itti' il willioul liouble. Jb't I illlliT ll'.io, 11' L il i'TC tliO li'llt. al. I V.0..U111 -Is Icai. tie wtui i'lii ol U.iliu wait r t i 1 : I.i. li cal.l...; 1 c d-'Iit l y b 11 I. In Slaicbil-. it i- int ale.ubb-. t si i. cut ; ,.iily on lar,' il b aits 11.0 I,.. .... I. .1. 1. 11 li,.. .-klits. A. us II slurcb il. .I..- il. liics perfi.-tl..- 1 i. e. 1 ! ' 1 1 il,.. 1, r ...-1 b. .lotiill. nr the .-1111. 1 list p"Ckel nai,.i. kerehiel. diier thai; cm . il.iy l. w ilh-'ti iiltei all"ll i'. b .-s tbau ' '-e '1 lie mi.cl.ll t- Is so .-I 111 I If Hill! o 'a ou' "f li i'ail . 1 be ,,it.ii ii 1 1 .vt-iui ol ii- ' 1 Wroi-i 14 .Mac.iui.' tl ii.mi'.i i '- done by Luj.il , iili lilii 1 1 Hit' . .1 In.lde to get "tb. .v ll A i.iu- -:;. to V. lll;e, a llie lliosl l,,- 11. 111 i. iii 11. tut. liip. hill; Ikcicilicl'ol b'-'l 'I ; li- i.ili in'" 11:1 . liorant mi 1 mil can o.lenile H 'I ho maebino i Uliele of '"!. an I lin ti 1 1 I , thut no iron eau piis-iuly t- me eluthes. Iberil-v avidii-iS daii, cm'. ict wi ll llio it t'f 11 juiy to Hit, c-lolhes. I-V iliill Ills!. 'Ibis i, the most .iu 1 loan I tlleotn" I b htjWnui. tryet iolelilt-l. ll"--,' puiibaMl.H e.n it,.' lll ut two week., and d tUI.V ale lift pt'tt :i sol Ind, ,.. turn thi-iii. an I Ibtu money 'I J" 1 ','"'",' . Address I- L '.'N'lW . I 1'ila.l. I I'" (r II. H. MASSLU. Ari'iit (or Noiihuu.ncil.ua uo. July 4, lsii- fret "ltd ti!u" an 1 : ' 'bit- Mu llaits. I'lio per b.titl,. it 1; I l l. . , l;l l'.,s.l.l l lnir ol I I'll.-.". Link I I'O P' I rruimiiiR gi-mo, l'r vie at 'Ut 1 -Ill's el tot .-i iAurv An... ritsu itjllm;