Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 15, 1862, Image 2

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Ei)C unltuiy American.
H. 1J. MASflEP., iidilur ft rrorrtctor.
fvV:Mi "v. 6..
h.ui'iaiAV, nuyfm.'.i;:: 8, iot2.
SLocal 3 trails.
gen, scotT'S nErrvr to wit, btj.
n-1... ... ..i 1: n?eTVf.rtftr,iit Tin-
i in: ,,,.-,.,.i. ..u..V x.., . , A Mrctincoflho "Ocoa Intent" Fire Com in reply totliil cliargesoi ecu. rein., . b, hHd pn MondnT ercnlnR Boxt. n,0
tins t-iu m u iroin inevrin-TiiiiiHTjuiiKni mui members nro jKirlicularly requested to be r-rcicni.
is almost im cxlinguislicr. Wc linu- room i
ordv fur the concluding portion. The gene- f (turrits Vn;h Shell Oytcr nro onmtnnt
li-eci'iis were held en the -tth in New
York, Now Jersey, Massachusetts-, Illinois,
Wisconsin, .Mi 'his.-l, lb T im tin, Kansas :uul
Minnesota. The result ni.iy be summed up
as ftiUmvs ;
In New York the entire Pcnit'cruth' .State
Ticket litH been elected Seymour haling
about ln.000 majority. Of tlic Congres
fdoual IV li ga'.ion 11 arc Union ux.l 17
la New J-rscy, "he Democracy lias swept
everything high and dry. Their Governor
will have perhaps ir.r00 in:j r:tv. Of the
five Congressmen four arc Democrats.
lit MuMiurliuictu tin' 1'tpuLlicaiis have
carried everything before tla-m. Governor
Andrews is re-elected ly mvr U".f'?(t major
ity. Of tin: ten iiiuiiiitr-i of Congress, all are
In Illinois the Democrats have carried the
State by from 15,000 to CO, 100 lnn.'ori'y ;
and elected probably nine members of Con
gress. The Pcpuhlicuiis l.ave decteil five
if ,
...i In, t th( ii, r n i.iimiili In o-:irri" Iv oncned by our I'rit tl. W. t'nbl
i Ml llllU mi' . r
I ,, .. . ii i i i.i: l I K.-istorn Silicon. Ho fii n.lio private fminUi"
I soil all l lie ions count hum- occu vi'iumen . , , i
closireil. l.corgo 1" Kcopinn goon iijMii, imu
deserve to be patronirod.
at Cnilisle and New York, says;
'I have thus shown that Miiall garrisons
would at fr-t have sulliocd for the other. " .,",,,
My ol'jert as to save lo the t nion, l.y any ; -nw, cm the Fntmen llnt.k -f llcmling aro in citcu"
means' at hand, all those works, until Con- I ,",,on-
iiress eonld have had time to aiithoriwacall I ":r;.":rr
tor V..;ui,leers-a eall which the President. The Indu uf MMt.,,,. arc inldi,S rrn..
. i ;..!. i.,.,i .i 1,.., ,, i . inpiil" Air a emirse ih rturt's the ,re-nt winlir, Ilio
Itll Mil II M'.II I'Vll, IIMUIll II" WVII"! Iltll V. IIIIUH. (
1 . . . . ... . . . 1 ..I" I. I I. ... I II.. I f O.n a,, ,
Ccni monicrrtUh if. fltort't llory.Iiulictti!
far the Minder of Titiniat Morion Fur tho
Coiiimonncallb Jno. Kny Clement snd Sol. Muliuk;
fur Deferntnnt Ocoige Ilill nn;l S. P. Tt'olrirton.
This impirlnnt trial eommer.Ciil on Thursday nt
Hi o'clocl:. Tho verdict of tho Jury was rendorul
on S.Muidny at 2 o'elotk l1. M.
Tin' d-f. lntniit wiik ehnreeJ in four couutit. First
of tlic Ornt . ,,1.,,. i ;ti, r,r,r. ihn lliinl
count nilh niiins!nu;.;lil(T. and the fourth count Willi
im iihmljmly nuni-lui; rhti r.
j Tie! (iiiiiuiiiwi",llh iviivud the firiit two cnunti,
j n-l.'mg only com -timi fur tiiniilnnjliter. Tho do
alliri'd frmn deft-ncc di-t up si'H-.l.'fi iue.
The I'mrtK nre briefly these: tjenrge Huey Ihn
keeper ofn hiin-ie nt ill -fume, just out of tho borough
commonly Known m.- "Vnit, lluey.t? On tho niht of
the t itii. or iilioiit 1 1 oYlock in tlm iiMrnin of tho
Mill nl Si'i'teniljer lit t. Tlininns Mi'itim, in i'onimiiy
row. Tin snow r.tcrtn continued till lato
this nl'tei'u'uuii,, Gcnrrul llnyaiJ to-day
rnptnred Lieutcnint Colonel liltuit, of
strcefs StalT. Blunt is Provost-Gcncnil in
the liobel urmy, und was Inspecting Lis
jiickt ts when captured.
Lending Secessionist of thi town pro
phesy that a grcul battle will take place in
this vicinity in n few davs. Tliev represent
that Jackson in only ten milts oil', with
70.000 men, and ftrapg moving from Oor
donsville in reat force, and Bay Hint there
is but little doubt that Jackson U tiircaten
ing to attack our force at Waterloo.
k BKjm.YT8ii yma btcaiit'b catalrt,
ITnATJ-QtTAitTEiw, WArtnnxTo??, Va., Oct.
P. General Pleasonton, ycntcrduy, In ft
skirmish with the Kefocl cavalry under Gen.
fstu nt, captured three pieces ot artillery ;
Report of tho InTCrtlgiillns Com
without any special leyishition, w ith the full ! prweedj of whn h are to be applied t .r the wuuiiiry ,vii!, ..thei wh.w imnas nro m.t known, pr e l-1 I ;l.i0 a Captain, Lieutenant and live piivate
aiMirulialiun oi every lovut man in the renei ot tnc soiuicr. : tn ineiiou"j oi uney, mi'i Mi tunaiieii in m ii iuniieii , o loss lias been ri-pcirtcu on our suie.
Denioerati elect two ; except lo tlic l iiitt -l Slat' s, in the iim-t
ruioiii.i's elect three ! convenient po.-ilions for distribution anioni;
t;;c msur'ri nls. o. too. oi the one litiiuln il
I and twenty or one hundred and forty piceex
' of ln'avy artillery, whii'i the same Senvtary
: onli-tvtl to Mill) 1-laU't. in Lake iioi'
In W irotlsin. thf
Conurcssirten and th
with one distiiet jet to 1 e heard from.
In Jlieiiliran the Kepubliean Union State
Ticke t is elected by 3.000 majority, four
Union Congressmen are known to be chosen
and the other two Districts nre open to
chance, so fir ns the returns inform us.
Missouri elects four Unconditional Kman- rated
finalionists to Coni'iv.-w. D'.liIv cettainlv. ' 1
c? fc
aud three districts to hear from. II is vet
apprutiaiiun oi every
2. The e -President tilmost loses his
Amiability in havinir his neglect oi the foils
"attributed," us he si. "without the h ast
I i ".i;s.' to tlie iulliM iiee to Co. Uloyd ;" and
i In- add.,. "Ail my Cabinet HUM bear Hie wit
tu .-s t'uat 1 was the Pn sident myself, re
; ion-:bit for all the acts of the AdminUtra
' tion.
ow. i:n!v ithstaudimr thi broad a'-iimip-t!on
of responsibiliiy. I should be .sorry to
j believe that -Mr. Huchaium specially consenl-
cd to the removal, by Secretary Floyd, of
I 1 bviion extra muskets and lilies w ith nil
, their implements :oid ai'iiinition. from
! Northern repositories to Southern arsenals.
I so that on the brenkin:.? out of the matiu'ins;
rebellion thev miuht be found without eo.-l.
.. j licin denied, they threatened to hmik in tho d'mr.
i j iSNOW. U C were Vlsle-l nn r llilliy iii.m nty nil , nu w line.iiei inr ine ueieuee repre-ein uie pnrij- in
uiiu-uiil fnrnv storm mid f,-ver:il in lies fell durinn huve been i,,l,;iit nu I trni-iy. (rrenlly nbriuin; the '
! the duv and evening. The fitortn extended a irreitt inuntles of tin- hiai-e fJ hi y ftnully did breiik in the I
i di.-tuir.'c over the country. We li-.-irn by our ex- ; dour, when llney. di-'.-hnrned his gnu, inflietiu.; tlie
; c)inni;e. th.-d in mie of our iiovibein cnnnlie enow ' mortal woiitul up -ii 'llr-nn M -rl'-n. Ati--ut li:ty--:x j
I Ml tu the deplhs of Iw only inches. The wvntlu r bi I the l-..y ..f tlie v.uC-rlttimle vivdm ;
-iuee Huiidny h-H t-eeii deliuilid. j l rim-ip illy o i r the i-n l l.,etw,,(-it llic.-l.oul-l-r i
General ilayard, yesterday, occupied, and
now holds, the railroad bridge ucros.-t tnc
Hii!iah:.r.noe!;. The brid;e is not injured.
The brid-i
di si roved.
Tiiere is notiiii!'' new at this writing from
lii" front nt the i .appaliannoek.
Tlie weather, to day, is clear and cold.
t Tnn DrFrnnrrccc In thr- old f -tidnl
times, when kniihU rorle to brttle cl id in
iron, tiie shcrt t method wit :i ,i.e of
these unwieldy v. in i ior; V aJ lohi'i lis horse,
Down came the knight in a riotioni -s n-.:,ss
tion the (.'round, where he wns h it till,
lifter the battle, the trinmpbi'iiit i-ian-al arms
the mudsill of tlinsrj tlayR hud h isure to
crack him op'-n with n sh-diVe hi'iitnor.
Now-a-days, discreet s'.ldie'S csciit-.v tlie
I'UCKsmitn s la;l'irin;r, mill tliev wear uni
forms that tlrey can move actively and com
fortably in, and which they procure at tlie
llrown Stone C'lolhiivr Hall of Itockhill fe
Wilson. Xo9. C0U mid COS Chestnut street,
above Sixth.
If you wnnt Pills, take Ayer's Pills. Ko'.h
injj has ever appeared in this market that
i ean compare wnu tins new invention tor
cot, TnoM8 n. roitD.
The evidence fIiowr conclnoively Hint tho
force upon tho Heights wat not well innn
ni;ed ; that the point most pressed was
weakly defended ns to numbers, and after
tlie wounding ot the Colonel ol tlie onc-hnndred-and-twenty-sixtli
ReirliTieiit New
York Infantry, it was left without n com
petent officer in command, Col. Ford him
wilf not appearing, nor designating any ono
who might have reBtored order and encou
raged tho men ; that the abandonment of the
Heights wns premature is clearly proved.
uur lorccs were not unvrn ironi tnc mil, ns chasing out the distempers Unit fasten and
mil lime was given to KpiKe too guns una , grow upon us. Thev nre the Philosopher's
throw the heavier ones down tlic cliff, and ! tlixir of life, that bids defiance, to dicie
retreat in good order to Harpers lorry. and will leavens uo allermitit but to die of
, t l,i-M-i;l TiiiMi on. fin Vc.lm-it:iy. fl lar.'fl
i do beioii'in" to Mr. Win. Kline, of I per Ani.-nr,:i.
j lenped through ore id' the two l.irjre 1 ,-ines of jilus? in
! the lioiit door of I'l ilin A I'f S;,ire. r-iini. I'.,
j whowe- in the ,si-re lit the tin:'-, i,l,.i-red ill the
I dog. symptomi- Hint iiolii-nte j nn iutenii "ii to ni:il;e
' hi.- w.-iy out, and o iiifoini'.-d one of llie elerk-. w ho
rejilied '-let bile tro." and iS;un. --lid he - did go."
ini'kini; the "oiitwurd p:o--:ige." in u .-inle belied,
earryini; nwny the lower hulf of the ftuut kIiis
lhroii;;h which he piif.-ed.
bi.i 1
w en.
ii i i- lei' Ui.-ie. n l il; 1 1 :i
one hud l,,.eii -hot. Ai
f.-Ul. I demt. T!;,. ill
ll:i li: :
::!,t r,A'
iil'llll.l V.'
i. l ne
.M To
The next dav a force returning to the
Heights found them unoccupied, ami l-ro't
across Iiroad Kuu lias been ' away uniiiohNted four abandoned gutis and
a ruantity ol ammunition.
In so grave a case ns thi. with such dis
graceful conscritiences, the Court cannot
permit an oiiici r to shield hitnstlf 1 chiml
the fait that lie did as well us he could, if in
so doing he exhibits alack of military ca
pacity. It is clear to the Commission that
i.,-M mvr
Galveston. Texas, f..i forts net yet i-rectad. 1 to be a-ed.
Aceideiitallv learaii--. earlv iu'Mareh, that 1 ':-'"e'l t'-r
t'j The .1, '' snys. the e-.-w luiildinc; ereet-e-1
by the (.'ntljiwi.- lliiilri ti'l r.,ni(i:iiiy is nt preo-nt
leuin. ns nn ir.-'itie houv-. l-ui it i- de
of the inn,' bine l-.nps ,,f the e,,n. my
of I In
this i)(:i.7.i order, the shipment
se gtnis had cemi'h ncid. I eommniii
these facts to S' rvctary Holt (acting
rrlarv Cameron I jilst in tiuieto defeat
the robberv.
i!, i ,,,.:,,i .,.,..,- i,..-
doubtful whetlicr the. Legislature w ill be i Urx h;,t.c A, ii'iJui.oud lie ex-
Fiiianeipationists or Democrat ic.
! pressly claimed the honor id' defeating all
Little Delaware, a nominal slave State , my plans ami solicitations rc-peciing tin
ili-r-U Cr.mion tho r, ..,. r..r..::.1t.. f.irf:,,,. ; torts and received Ins reward it be;n.'
,.. 1 1 1 :....:.
iictory oierme there could have been no
' " I rebellion.
l-i-t Kkmovat. .p Gi:n. :!, Mr. lluclianan complains thai 1 pub
The reniovf.l of this beloved and poptdar ! !i-lied. itliout pirmiioii, January Is1. 1MU
ollieer has eaaled conii!erab!e i .citcinent.
but if the n isons iiUcn by Gen. Ilalleck
are true, the President could not well do
otherwise. Gcii. Ilalleck fays Gen. k
Clellaii wa-5 ordered to inoe and attack
Gen. Lee's army two weeks ago, which he
neglected to do. and su'.Tcivd Lee to i ,,cape
and join his forces ilh ( ieii. llragg. He is
also eeiisured by the lomniitti e in regard lo
the loss of llarpu-'s Ferry. No one can
doubt Gen. McC iePan's loyalty or patriot
ism, liis fault is, no doubt, ovir-catuioii.--liess.
Gen. Uurn.side, w ho suceceds him. ia
a gallant and accompli.-hi d oliiecr, a warm
friend of MeCIellan, and like him a Demo
crat. There cannot, therefore, be any po
litical reason in the removal of the latter.
whieli they tut nd crc-tin; lit this plii.-e.
nt the! of tlivii-
t i. The Muney , mi nui ij. mvs : " a bear weigh
ing; two hundred pound.- vois impp'-l by Ateler-i-n
r,.,bt-rts. and rliot by Kobott M.-Conni.-k. on llie
loountuin side oi'po-ii'e Ihiniel s'treb'-ih'.-' farm. li. nr
.Moiitoiitville. thi" eininty. rei -ently. An old settler
stiys thut a bear h:.-d ln-en entrapt'ed nt thi- tame -!;ioe
eveiy ve-irfor the lu-t thiity-foiir yenr-t.
thai t'.Vu lawb-ieona'ad' - rciil.'ilae-l lit the l.-a:- if
ll 'i-y. foi-leiif an h.air al'tr tl,e (-'..oiaii:. den.. a. i-
t ing elttl':i-e.-i' and laaUilli' ihltnn:.
i Tho Jury helleviiij,- ihe ei,Jenoe t-r the diT r
I ilal.l. (on dot 'b; , l'miid ill'.- hiliing jil-'.itied by ti e
1 m et iiy f- r etf-b.-l nee. iui-1 -o nu li re I it veraii t
j of in.: guil.y. 1: ii well t.i-.t:.Lu that the it !.'-o4
j fur tlie def im hint wi ae t! e abai.-j-iie. d i:iui:C.,-i oi
! di fen dual - l:ou -'3 of infamy, and in eaeh ia-'uuo
; v ie re- they li-iuml tin individual u- l,.-o noj; been
1 linn, eg 111,- li'jtei-. il was i.siiively pioed Hire Iho
te-r-i-i.s -o i. -lined v.ue l ot I 'l-i: -. bat ijtiii-tly i-t
,v,i,. e.,- J, -,;.,'). 5'-?,.-. Stirr;. if ih.' i ea-.-e.
j Ch irge di- in i.--e 1 .
! ... i ". .!.,.,-, ;... ''i'.y. 1
lU 1, ii-biii: l.i ! t l-.i ii a - wer a l.e::t
,S' .-. . ( ,.'. t ' ..-,' C
; w-,V. A lu'.Iery. j'ali- Vaii. I -eli i.daut
nawer r.i next. -,io:,s.
r.r.iii.i. at r ' k ox U Arr.viiANKoTK statio:;
riir.Y Attn !ti:i'
Gain. s lib: 3,13 P. M. November 0.
'fie' i; .-la !s havinrr evacuated Uappuhaniiock
lition, from fear of being captured, our
f' s look possession of it on Friday after
noon. The next morning the Pebcls return
ed, .viva' 1 reinforced. They were at I'-nst
liiri" timi's the strength of our force, but
n . , ii list mciing this, after a .short but l.ri-k
attiii. : v lire, tl.ey va t--- coni:el!ed to n.-tre-.t
w iiiio'.i accomplishing their purpose.
- - -
(.'(itoi'stl .Ti-n-II:niN B'art'tvcU to
tlit' Iriiiy.
WaM!1.OToN. Nov. 11.
. ni rai MeCIellan and his personal
?t a it iii i a a r. n ,
Tn Ch'Velnn 1. N. Y.. on Monday, morning
October 20th, by the Ih-v. Mr. '..-!ls, Dn.
Otis '. Gm.v, U. S. N.. an 1 Cv' Tii'iAM.j
eldest daughter of Farim-r. F.ip
In St. .Mathews Church. Sun'. are, on Tues
day iiioniini'. Xovi mber lliii, bvthe Ilev
Colonel Ford should not have been placed '' :"ir Morrn, th- l:: v. I.i.wis VGr,is,,Ni
in commund on Maryland Heights ; that ; t'''"1 Maiiv. daughter of the lab- 11-,-n Charlei
he conducted the defence without ability.
! and abandoned his position without sulii-
( ient cause, and has shown throughout sm h
i a lack of military capacity as to disqualify
linn, in the opinion ol the .ommission, lor
a couiiuaud in the service.
In Eivshui j-, on the Cd in
J. F. Wnuip-do. Mi;. 1!i:n.i.
Shamokin, to Miss Tlia
t.. by tin 11,-v.
i..M.. of
. Dai. :'!-., ..if
li Y
: , .-1
l.ei I ;
t '11 li ;
m vti w s. aiturcsseii to linn ami tin- ecre-
tary of War. Oil. .bet- v;0 and !Jl. lsr,o. !ut
that act, was catted, as 1 explained to him
a! the t inie, by tlie misfi presentations of I he
-:'r in one of the earlier speeches i-f the
-a:iic ex-Secretary uiicr Li- return to Vir-ejui.t.
here tmiyeisallv admitted that but for that -- --
! ;v I-.M.v s i;.,oh- -lb., by - l.vly s Hook f.r Pe
! eemb.-r. i on our table. The Viluiue h:-. 1. and
l.-v unlike iMiiiiv I nt ! i-h has r. leeuied every
pl'-mi-:.-. Tie oe of oar rea l- r- -ah-, vi-h the ln xt
Miltnae ol pU.e .-e:: 1 t-.:!ii- T.-e.
Wo w ill fia ui-h tie- 1.,-ly's book in: I the A".ei:i. ". :.
c.ieh one year f.r ':i ,'.H.
Tin: l o ll. 'I'e M i:. Our l'o:d .a, .rator-. are luukin tip 1: r .-ntiv i ii;s , i' l yL'- i:.' year-.
Conl bir- be. n ad . .-tr.eiug and i- l. ,w v.riii a; this
1. One of mv st-ili nn Ills complaining of; idnee..'i.Mi .-r Ion. ail ii.b -f l-'i per e.-at on
the lowest priee. I-'reigbts ha-.e :c-o n-l-. nlieej in
.No bill
,s . t,:.
e-.inioil lap.-
s' ,
II, .,r,j J:
N" bill
r.i , !.
.1 -f. I, I ml
i .,
: lo . -a---i
i har
,s:.wlt and buttery.
, -J.iult w i'.l; ii.'.-at t i
i'ro.-s'-ut' r r. it
ai l lia--. il-:M
"I x.:
voa iia'.
.rv. ulon at 1 1 o cioclc to-day. ;
ari-.-ntou .liuict-on i: salute '
'flic troops v, liic'.i liad b.-i n '
iii.e. til'urw ;o lis l-i-..l-.c rank-,
'icis croudod a'.-o fid l.ii.i, and '
i a. a d for a few parting words, j
. i. insc, while on tin- platform i
t ar :
i to land 1 v Gen. Itnrnside ::.
, ! 1 lie-, ami a!! wid ! e well
d iia-.
. - rr
a f. ;
'ts a
pout u.-sOjs and en-
, , i l ;
i p.
!' 1,
i J.c
The ,'! Cmtt'tt'itifltiil I'n'i
lished in Philadelphia as the organ of the
Urerkinridgers. is de:id. Loyal people will
not support treasonable publications. 1 his
publication was even shorter litd than we
predicted, h:nimr l:lted about three month--.
Our old friend. Tom Fiona, re. the publisher,
is what k called a clever icl'ow. with whom
politic; is a trade ail. I ollice hunting Lis
daily vocation. Like the lir.-ckiuri.lgirs
here, he preferred party to patriotism.
Torn has been the publisher of at least i.
bhort-livcd ptt! !:.-aiio:ts and President of
Eccral bogus in-titutions. lleiice. he was
well calculated as a leader aud teacher in
the Breckinridge party.
His readers here, however, need not la
ment for want of proper aliment, as they
have a worthy representative of the Florence
school in the person of the editor of the
tin- joint t lUiitcruiand. ,-nt through tin
l Secretaries of War. and Navy, to prcetit tin- '
i lauding nt Fort Pickens of Captain Yodges- 1
'company ti'. .' ,.' ,hUI n'ln-h', '
' is ( ited by the ex President to prove a I
siitgiilar Mant id' nu-mory" on my part ; '
; and a note from Secretary Holt is adduced
to show that I hail entirely approved of the '
joint countermand the day i.iat.uari -!0i that ;
; it was prepared. Few persons are as little :
' liable t- make a iiiissta'o inent by accident i
I as Mr. Holt, and no one more incapable ofj
I making one by design : yet I have not the .
I sliln,.-! recollection of any interview with
j him on this subject. 1 do remember, how-;
: ever, that Mr. Holt, on some matter of husi- '
' lics-i approached my bedside about that time 1
j when I wa fullering greatly from an excess j
; of pain. Mr. I'.ucLanan, Mr. Holt and my
: self wi re all landsmen, and could know but
little of the impossibility of landing troops .
j on an open sea bach, with a high wind and
Mill". Mr. Toiicey. Secretary of the Nay.
with ol':'--ct-: about him of intelligence mid
f naitlical experience. ot:gnt to l:avc s:,i,
' pi, imply that if Vol;.. Mas j:ot to land
! e.eiit in c:i-" of attack upon Fort Pickens
' he might as welt have remained at Kortie.-s
Monroe, as the prohibition placed the fort so
far as he was concerned, at the mercy, or ias
1 the event showe li on the Munt of enterprise
i on the part ot the rebel commander at Piti-
Possibly there are other parts of the reply
which a superficial reader mav think require
comment or elucidation ; and. indeed, here
! is another Uitilked for luc by my kind vis
1 itor.
nn almost eipial ratio, 'the by b.-nts are now
s-.t to l'.:iltini,ra. s. viral y -.-ni-s -inee p.a ton
wars eoiisi.ler.-d u pretty fair i'i ice-. We ale pn :i---l
lo see this trade prosper. Ih-aih we re'r.-t lio-iax
ini,oM-don an ur'.ieb- ofsueh prime tiec,.- ity ainong
the l r. W e hn e heard iln- 1,. --.or eapital sunk
in the shamokin Conl region, c--iiii tt- d at . J.h.i.o-'i)
sinee tii; eoinni'-need It will nut take
lc'ag to re-eiubiir-e the region at present ra!"-..
Pl.t: Ml si
.U2g- -I-.
and t'ae !, -pi.iVlnel.t
and l-ot: ::
hi ivs. n.. i
e ! a-: v il;t a' i e
!.. r! I be .... at la .
n al.e i!:. ta
In no -- -a' '.'ii
rv - " ie-i. s 'on.:,
wvcll order to the troop.s
y of the P ,ac y-ssti:--
,s.s pi.rad. :
A:: my op villi Potomac
!;. Nov. T,
.s o,' the army of the
.' ot the I '.-, - ,,,i -ot lb..".', 1-
:: :..! l!:;?';e the lom
i i par! i:..; lVmu "otl
;.- !.iu- ;v. 1 oi-atliitiU: 1
: i'i , n
COL. I. x. :!t.I.s.
The Commission litis approached a con- j
sideration of this oliicer's conduct in con-
neelion with the surrender of Harper's;
Ferry with extreme reluctance. An otiio r ,
v, ho cannot appear before any l artliiy tti
1 hunil to answer or explain charges gravel.
! ull'cctiiig his character; who lias nut his
' death at the hands of lue enemy, even upon
. the sjiot he disgracefully siin-.-inli-rs. is en- i
titlui to the t. lidi re-t cu-e and most careful
, inve-tigalion. This tie- Commis-ii -n has
I accorde-d Co. ;icl Miles, and in giving a
ecis,, in only repeals what runs ti.rougli
j our 'joo pages ol test inio-iy, strangely utiaui
pilous upon ll.e fail, Colon.l Mile.-'
, incapacity, amounting almost iml eciliiy,
i led to the oliauu-ful .-oiTeti-l' r of this iuip( r
; tant
I Larlv the 13th of August li" disobeys
' tin: or-icr-i of Major-Ci neral Wool to fortify
Maryland Plight-. it is surr .Uiuded
; and altacke 1 ! v tin- itietuv. it.,
aa.'. from
t: 'j' ii .
a'y-'s, on the i: ,t.,
' d ti'.i yeats. ;i mobtl.-. a-.d
In Milton, of p;
o days.
Tiie deceased was a native, rend li'ar'y all
his life, a highly respected of this
pla-c. He was engaged for many years
in the uH-rcaiitile business. Unostentatious
in his habits, and .sincere in his profo-io.i-,,
he acfj.iire-.l tie e. -item (full v, ho knew him,
as a liberal minded and lioruvt man. Ho
spent the few .iie'ii'iing yeari of life, with
hi i daughter, w il'e of Samuel 'J'. llrown, IN-p,
of Milton.
Li Si.', o:i the C.'t'u ' U., DAN1LL
MAPTZ. aged 33 year-', and 1 1 m otic
Near Snvdcrtow n. on tin-"t-th
SANXA, v.'if- of William K U::
nit., si;-
:e't.d M
a the !!iil,'l-.,t term,
a;, i- alu, est ttpoti
i f..'iee uu.ier L:j
t. j I n. i'i en r
i-.eel hn-ean ied a
llarri-biirg lit,
tliroti'-h thi- phi.-
drafu-d men fio:a 'ay:;o i
They me geiiernlly slalwarl
-. n.l'i 1:1:
Inge l
a. :n. i
-The North-rn Centra'
la'ier of dl -ifi. "I lliea lo
t II soi-iint tiai'l p:i--ed
i We dues lay n l-.dy of
nly eame thi a' :h.
a 1 ni le-b di .1 lin n,
aud w ill no doiibt an, he go.. s.,,i jt rs.
J Aeorre-p, r.'biit of the Coiumbia County , . -p
w r'a-ie; I'lo'u Cue C-'itiu. tine nf-.t-'to
lit. tieali.i'.-al of ll.e di nfted men of that e iit.ty while
.le'a.illl d 1.1 Ihi- phn'e ;
A-.t'-r Wiii'ieg -it Nor.'tciu.i' -r'-.i.d or liai--.
tlie ear- wll' 11 they e:i'i;e. Wi re ! lib- I l,:0- I a-
eb' Sam - ' rei-ruiis thai we wa re obii..-. ,1 a, -!i ' .
Sunbuiy in: I wait for n train. Al -ii,! oi y w- tool;
up i nr i j tun ; ir- in the I ,.iirt II ,i;-e. :n,d w.r- iu
torlued lluil w.- e ii!d n I b-nio t ,- - n.iy .1 ,. i:
South" I . Ilarri-biirg. until to .. . look at l.i '.lit. 'J'-.-wurd-
nighi the l.y- begun t- it'-I r..ih. r en .i-y. i r
tear thev vvinh 1 be -tipperlo--; but their f-e l-w.i e
ci.-.u t.-r loiill du-k t ill- luitl iol ie belli -
llii'ilirv eame p-'-uril, in toe I ouri
eeiialo oil- I X: r-'i-e- al
.'llei e -iy- lea 1. and 'h.
up v. ith a lieii. I d 1 :
Now ihe oral a i -.d a
g.,. 1 ''. aluve. bin il t- :
M.i.';, pr ) -u-i.-l
ihyri .'. Til-' pic-l:,.- li
ill l!n: :
ol ti;
' W'-lll. I
"hal 'I'-
The 1 a;
'i. II. 1.1:1.1
my, ji-;; h.t e i;n
i veil 1 iiae 1':.
. i'..''.t-.l t under
live in of.r iia'.h
i.ri w .'a. i.
Ie I' if
, .1,.
aioti, a
of Me
ely i:
A;. a
i: ."I v
:t I
ie ihe dis.-i:
-. ry. an I liui-t
, :;.-e, nr: . r 1 iw
a Id lo tiie .-look ,
deiiatm- -o. ietie:
p. 1
. a.t-
ol s,
k -y i "i
i in. inner li
f i .-pillar kin w if!! ;
l-i t!
:- v. a V
oi ; -e 1c
iir cf.t
a ra
our ii'iut mil
our con.r.i-
disea.-'i ; the
v. oiiuds and
the sti'on;:e-t
dcl.-r,ni:i ati. 11
in s tpp ' 'hog
t'.uy and tho
U. S. Arm v.
strong po-moiis an- utiin
lii.- criminal ncgle-.-i, to v
the Ian., force of th,.- . .:i
an i . jitalt! v w ith the slit;
i'ako: ::. i;i.i.i:r. r:t:.-!o;,::r.i vx. v.m-h
laitn.'.lh.;: Iy p-c . ions
si. -o- of 1 1.irp'-i's Ferry
prisoner-, an ! permits,
to till- clKI:i'.-- l.i ado'
M hen i'..' .-'timid have i.ti-.v
of, initii.o, thi b td co
o'tr troopp.s, tin- en: ire ale-' nee o i r'.'.hea
tiogs, and the ul-aii lonai. ;:t of Maryland
Heights, were imporlaiit facts they eoald,
and uudonbti ,li ', i v.i . mi t- th..
enemy. SiMecil if thi -e ; riso-.H-rs Merc
p..r .led oil llie lilth. .".:: i p"-. giveti ilo-m
i;i tin: I-writing C- l. .Vih-, whil-' a
Pel 1 1 ollieer by ihe name of Ihm-c, al'Kr a:i
e-e.'.pe, is retaken, ami sul seoiiciitlv has a
vt:n. 7
id:i; i.
aged 2
i'b 1.7
ii." ;. and 1(1 day-,
.per Augi: -'a. o:i : ....
, so.; of V i ':: .m i, 7 nii.ntiis. an 1 :
I', ,'l '
. a 1
t ".
t - ra,
I- i:LX.-e' i,
In ie i Pe
i b ana t-ev. ,mg t';
he jiarohs pebtl
in-tfed .-ends thtf.i,
ait.-rs. 'l'!::s. Co.
duofsonietii-i v "i)vi. Tv.w !-.t:
an- 0.
d uli I. il-
lis-eniin lie
-al -':l'i'i:i'.
i hie K-...-M
.1. V.
! I '
:' i-i-a, i al IJ-.irn.tiJo.
i i ' ". r: Att'iv op the
: ' cday livening,
...! ."'.. ' '.. . .::i was to hiive
tie- 1-:
la- ieii- i
il.s ai.-.-i
Cite- i1.
and a' .
i::t.-r iew M iili ( cl. Miles, is paroled, , cati.e,
and ati.-r the surrender eppears at tne held I w ' '
i ot n.s i.ieii, among the Cr.-t to er.tcrlla.j
j Ferry.
i r.hst rno.
iAMtl to the preir.i-'e- of;
1 tow ti-iiip. Not thai.
f A au-' . I 'are - s" i : v
14. 'lira of "n m a-'-
spotted. A1-, at'!:-
itr.iv JI.-iil'..'.-. h-I
ni lit io iv,:i;l:-t . 1 I
C.ed to call a'.. I i--iii,!
y c:ii.r.:d i,:. I tetr. v
riaii i
i k Ic-
r. ,n M :
an' v. :t!
T-.ii t
-f I .
t ,-.e .
ma i
1''"' i"
i but
I io.; I-,
.. , there!'
e e com
i.r:M:r..ii., is
; It is not nec-'-s .ry t'i aeeiimulate clderico
i from tl'.e th:'.; throgg'hDUt f-trcely af
, fords one f.n'l iu cniitradiclion to what each
! one establishes, that Col. Miles wa ineapa
r 1 bi
lie ot con
ictiag ti defence so important as
- .sntcaaii'ViRi-i'.v- -v. r.TWf . J taupi--, limits
"Tiie Soi.i'iiitis Yoru. A sumuiai7
of the votes taken among volunteers, as far
as they have reached us, is as follows :
Union Di m.
Allegheny County Yols.
Perrv, " "
r. 1 he i x t resilient lias hrouglit togelher
a labyrinth of dates respecting the arrival
and departure of rebel commissioners, armis
tices, iVc. with which 1 had no official con
nection, I may have made an unimportant
mistake or two ; bill, as 1 have not by me
107 majority
the means of recovering the i hie to those
I shall iiut attempt to follow
t-2 2:t
81 4
202 ;i
llGli 222
l7aX:T The Philaddpliia
Iti ji'i.-tr givis the followii'g as the political
complexion of the next, dividing
the liienibcrs as Conservatives and Pcpuhli
cans, which is not slrietlv correct, as Demo-
eones .on.iing Mite among : s. ,, , . .V:, .
U3d IU ojimcnt,
The wholo number of voters among the j
Pcnn. ylvauia volunteers U estimated ut l
about SO, 000. A
them all would make a Union majority of
forty or fifty thousand. The above n turns
are not selected, but comprise all that have
teen receivnl, and may, therefore, be regard
ed as a fair criterion.
5-j" " Cicuat Fn::: at Wiimamspout.
We learn from tho .ji''. b'l.'.ffi- that
about half past 12 o'clock on Sat i.r, lay night
the immense saw-mill of L.oigdoii, piwn
A Co., at the v. e-t end of William-port
commonly known as the "Pig Water Miil,"
van discovered to be on f.r.-, and U fore the
flamcR Coiil 1 be i hn ki d it was li'irn.-d to
the wnter'a edge. I
I windings
i Nl-.v Youk, 3th
A v. Ho n. i , Nov. 8. 1M,2.
i liial gent.- of
j 1- ill 1 1 ed it li pro i-i,,,i.- ot lalioll- kiii-I-
1 the .soldier boys ..I I '.-1 uiiibin had a I'l imd fe:i-i
j The people ot Sunbury haie in. half w-av l-yatty
! td'llt theill. 1 will 1'ei.ite an ala-edoto ol'lo in
i older lo show y.-u th-ir chnru-ter I hiar.l one .'
! our boy- retain k I-. one ot liu- rreiith iii-n pre.-ei.t
tlint wa- weie rata, r imp- -ii,g i.p, n th-ni 'I'lio -jen-'
lleinnii - ans'.ver was. - Not al ail; in- will -pen I our
los I dollar, and shed, it tie -e--iiry. t lie la-' do p ia
, i-ur Wilis, t.-r the siiei-e.-slul l-l'oS.,-,-nl-..u ol llii- war
1 noticed Ii little L..y. u n,, r- piobi.bly le t
in.-re I hn ii live or siyen- ot icr--. e -ia.-in wiihn
g.-litleuain. w ho 1 suppo-ed wn- hi- l'nthei Is,
i lo him and sniil " t 'l. sir. yu are n .t 1-ir i n-aigh
, to li-hl retiel.-. are you ''' - N". -ti, ' end 1 but I
I ion'e o:ii,u'h lo li rlit r-b. I l...ys." H..-1 ble- tli-
j goo. I J pie et Slil.blliy. iay thev. wiih U-. ,pe-d-
I ily see Ihe t la-n r, -i.-re l len l.-l I s-troiii-r Ham
! evr.
I iic i ii :n
lLMIi'I "AN J' AimV Ml'd Si.
,1 j,"
eiK'i'Sil Viti r:!iii' i Coiiima:
li:e I'oloiiiiii- linn.
c; pn ." o;;bi:i;i:ii do
AT Tl'.KNTiO.'. N - J.
t."i. s .Mlf,
i u :;
C v I'i,... i:i:nii,o or Cm i: i N.. iimi..-k Ti:ii m-
l-i, J. 'ihe bu iia-s- of thi- term was ei-ellio oert-d
with n lutlahir of i-liliiinal till!-, whiii e i.snli.ei
li-li-h of :he lime of li:c C url .Judge .out. I s. on
opening the Court. d It vi re I mi ex 1 cut ei;.-r .'e lo i
the liriiud Jury in which he i-sf, ire-l io llie tr-uoii.- i
of the e iiuitrv in sui-pres.-i. ' tin- pre-eiH wi ked re- 1
crats and Pepid Means were elected as Union J .nll. u, intni'i n-n.-K wi:h all kin i i f I a.sines.- J
cainiidatcs. Judge Hale, of Centre county, : jni. -i.d a- w,-il a- oilier-. I
cted by a i The pi ituip.d eu-i - mi t'ae Criminal C.lci, K r w .e
union of Democrats and P.epublica'.is, over , ""' "''"'' r u'"'.v '"'' ,"'J'-' I11"'""' '
I .l-l'loll J il :.- in-e ,-... u e .1 a g'.inl ileal ol llilere-t
1 mid Va- ably e aidu.Iid on ihe pall of the daemon-
Wealth by Ihe bile lb-OKI Atl.-llley. I.'ill .lllo. Kiiy j
' Clement. V ho Hi:- il-'islid I V the leeently ( ! -'t I d J
I Jb-:r;et Attorn, y s,.:, ui-n Jlalo-k. l.-i !!.. lot
i- an aii.tra"! .1 th.- pro. -i 1 1 1 1 -r -
the regular Pepublicun candida.te.
srri:s which i'.vyi: n.ix rni.
m:xi i O'.uiu:
I'KLSl .M fiM.!
Massachu.-ett.i, 1
! New Yolk, !D
i New ,b I sey, 3
I Peiuisi iaui:i, 8
1 I c!aw arc,
initio, 8
i Indiana, 4
i Illinois, 5
i'ctiur with about I'mr i
hundred thoii-and feet (.f mum I It. mber. I yYi'll,',,'!
The Ulght W is eXce-.-ivch cold, and it va-
'.h it ihe fire- N i-iauisin,
.t the !imci. 1 Mi'-li'st"",
fit of
:.t Ho
only by the r.tiim-t ei i'i
Jill a and citi. i.s i u:;!, i i
from consuming ihe million-, i f
bl.ald i J'ilcd Upoll the !K l ess it. ij :n i
great was the l:,ht cau-e I by ihe n
lion that th'' st 'ii t-of t'.. t, w n Will- i.l ill eil part, a'i 1 alt!. it ph.. . -foily
milc-i ili t u. t th.- '.i d t w ti.-. . d I to t ..-
J.iialy i'ibl bp n th. . u' Is
Ni.w 1'ivi Tm t Yi ' b ' i
oi:. i- the i I iy oi.e i. h. h t '
ii He a is- .-ii r nt par.
, ! I"',. ... .' ... . Ill 1
l 'logon,
Tot ill,
. y.'ii. Ccii.
C 1 4
10 1 0
a a
23 19 13
2 4 1
17 11 10
1 1
13 ii a
7 7 4
4 8 tl
"J 6
1 1
1 5 3
'i i
A 2 4
4 4
1 1
H'J 75 75
I 'f,'t'l' i a-. ,hh i . ft
bas. Held lo im-wti al l:
f.nw r. .1 i I. m', .
Held to answer al nel sc-
' i iv ll'izi llnii''.
r i.u, .-,: Ji
M -e--iolis.
-- '. r and hie-'
. - S in, ty l f the pea
-For an 1
, The ovd. r r. 1
f: om tie- c.i
li.uc w as i'i 1 1 i .-. , 1
oh 1 i.-k I:: '. 1:1. hi.
i'.cl.d to lib, :.t: 1. 1
t .h. :i ia ..tori-,'.
u t i: - re ' i: t. tiie
at: Iv term I o r m
l i ln r :l l'.iir:i.-id
t ;;ke ci 'Liiaaia I :;1 1 e
coii'.nn I'.. I i t ''.'
li..:. r.,1 M.a h
to m irrow. 1 r i
io report.
'I't.e order w..
act of tin- 1 ale l
the Pot.. al
io the l, oops of .-. ''.
thai the coiiiei ia I
jiillilside und takiic.
Tin-re i- no
excipt that l In
i a
.i i:mv or
a oi - .
i i,:o
I v l "V
d t'iei.fl'Cirs
is a.-simblc i at
hi', farewell. The
sural Met Idhin,
. .; i uniic."
: ta'V. accoiiipaiiieil
ay I id lar.'M'-l! to
i- io!i tie .-. 1: r-il
;-.! :."! f. raa ,h
;'.:: cd 1 :;n::crs of
c 1 ippi d lo git i t
: l I -oillll'l'.s g ive
.aiiauoiis rounds
f v. ill h ave b
was t:
.-ion won'
pain. VI sn!
the ohic-r
Currae! tup, N". v. 11
j:i':sjs nu
r.i;: m.u.i: a:
Ilrv JACf-Ii V. WA.MI'-.V
I Tin- Foil T-rn. wi.! , .1,1
vc;i!.r ll:!i. J-'tJ. la-'r
a,, a an-i iii-:;.T 1- n.-a--.
J'V" oi i: '.'
. P.
i' I h. '.!.'.'.
X. A . M
it., a
'.a i .
i'. d, A ?
M v'
'.'ra 1
,,r lire-
'"i-tan:! ,'ex-r
V. o k-li-iV!;
thl-1. AC.
I'-r farther pir:i -i'
l'.- v ,1
f::;.s:,i:rg. r,i , :;
tho .M.r;
1 UN-UH'.
i .: I !
.' laa.aa 1
' I f t'l"
bll'l ill 1
1 Of th-
rs No.
I lilted
i-f the
o'i.,1 iyUI'l
Charge , I'i.-. outer for co-t.-. Pr- -
Joseph Shipe, mil del. ndai.t. biiza brown.
held ill SlltlO to V.I-, j, llie peaet-.
.i uit r J i I'll
lo an-wcr ut ii :
.S' Cl. . ,, .
Complaint li'-iui."
siy i-..-t..
,S.-,o , )..,
'Hue i.itl
pay a tim
I or and I-:
Ibl 1
. i. Surety i f
John i 1 ii ut , pi.
the p
r, lo
1- th
i..d 1.
t I
'I. i:
I t.
t i !
f li.c P
ii. g -I t
in r Lew
aria'. ;-
NI li l. 'l
j- -ati
..o.ds. ii:.'
iIhoIm I on
ie i', e of : h, in.
vor'h. . !'
ii m ilioii.
,y i.s
as a -"I
i r:i'
i t'
1 1
W siito i e, "Vi nil-i r H
M-jor-Gl Uelal Met lei'l.lll Mel lid b
hi- head quarter- ill the field before t i I,',
row. There are magi cicj -. I I.r. -.- all
cnlii'i'l'llilig the rcci in luililal'l ili.itl:-
r 1.
.', ith Hit!.
;d couth;.
1 1. ; . t noio
I I. st. d I'll
h tin- -t. ..
i.ii: t pr
tin- i oititu no I of th.
The w eat In r is i li
l, lel.d.iot j I.
- A c
id- gill
hi A I I - M tin l HlVK VI. T Tu I.l fa T.
Is I ! litll. foil
rnr-Lvr i onouiisn. ni x i ioMibi s.-.
I 'I'm-
JVll I M' I
(i'ill'1 loin lit
l.ll.-. .
J Ili.oV
.. t
,! ;
I 1 I
I tf- . t,
1 ' ,- i
I '. I V
II' '
in Pb
I. !
I r t..
ii. i-
. .i
) . !
Ill 1 1..
P n , ii. . : i' i. i . .....
M l I'd VI lllo -lot., iilul ill.
. ci. i d i ..'' .; - h o ,1
.- lo .1 . i :.. , i.t II. il, l . i. I-
A pi a i . ., !, , 1 1 . t ad. i I l.i
. . i I I ' 1 ...I- I l l'tlt ''"'
. i I
1' '
'.hi- I.
Ui )i
I'i a. Ill
p IV 'Iho.c
.. W ill ftctiiu
.11 Hi I U
fv 1 ul kIi- pp'
( .-ii, y.'c;.. ( li i.ii. i
N P it iyi-l i,.-, 3 J I
l.'.o Ie I i.illd, 2 2 !
C.c.i... -ti. i.i, 2 3 2 2
Mo I, il ft
H. ' 4 8
Voi. l.i ,n Una, 2
I i i' " kv, 10 8
1 ... I o. J
I .. loll, U J I
'. d, i H " tt
I i . I . I r ,' I l I I, II l oul'l I.MnN (.f 1 lit
I I ll.-l I I
.(', , ,.. V "
Ah, .,1, . h i I.-.!, 7 , I
t l I , , i. . Ie t, VS II
i a lo t H I
t I'i I I I 1 III i.lilol li-i J.l I. I of I oil' Il i
I.l I o M ilij. ., , . , I ',. , h, , ,:f O i,, , ,
j 1 1 III I pi r p'ouil III '-. Ill r I. al l oli III. p
til. it in I u .tints. ii llhitiiilolhii ii4i
' m Inqj it I w hokjlj ni pro i H'l-ini; flout
1 I ) fbU ail 1 Jn ( in 10 lo t i
S.'ll. t- ,, .. .,.',!
lut'i.t in County .bnl t.,r ie d..t.
r. ' lo ki ' p ibf peae.'.
In- il"
.- . . . . ; -., '
', . ii' . a -1
bill .-el.t.-IK.d lo ii y . lo
an I Vo i , nt.- per . i L nil chit I
It and biillery
iy Set.n need I,,
-ii. m.d imp. i- li-
iu. I to
,li r II. I-
l. W ..I i-
I .( :
g it I.
Adtiiinis'. i at
ilall's rell'.- al
ol till'
Ian my No bill j
.r. und I- ..-. 1 1 no j
h a g in . p' a e- j
unit hi (he n - it
- I'i ii'- li, a '.'.i r
. ii. l F."....
I bo ,i 'i at: i ti .
1 Army
:.r and
I i.l:. .
oil wi
on :;!.
th. r. -'
.I i
l' Will
f th- Pol,
iill:. dl A. !.. l!l'b!.inn,
.M.iioi -Gi in i d C amuandiii!
I jiisi,.;
11.1' is I't'
It ot t;
pi' v. ia li.c liar
in- t;ul.ioi .1-1 lo
ol i :r
i. . i- i.
h U-'
. . .",.-, ;
'line I ill ii!
i.e l ste ni, I iua 1 1
la, .i I an 1 .1
.( .p.
i .,. in
libel Iu
to ai, rt i l at
b.ll 11.11 l,mi.,,'i ,ii
i- ,s. ; ;
yl. I 1 1. . .il r W iu I i i
lie , .. ;... ,, i ..I M...I.U
ML I b.
II. I.. II. , I I
i 1, I e ir
i - A ....
bye p...
-. I l.rly .
:',.,', 1 lo 1
I. Ill- I
No I il
11.11 !
Ti u.
N.i I ill !
.1.1 I 4l
V i
...i I-' ,
t i i i .
I'oiuM vi'.
I ..'. I . k P. M
.fell. I;mU li; ii-ii h I . A nn j at
W f iii lii-lei-.
II i if.'. .i,r.. Nov. lo I'rom the mo-t
Iclia'oh- S- e. -sio'.i oatcis late, who h:te
ia 1..; ii ( s in i h. Si in i ii. 1 I, ,.i i, t hi t ,bi! Da i.t
I', i lev, -.1 Ci i.i :.i lie - 1 Ii I 1 1 a nay , lighty
il.o-i-.iii-l -'I,.,, ,, ;,. in, 1,, -t, r t. a day-ago
Ail wet - in l.i I. iii:' ,r:o -. a-., I theotl'.cirs
w.i. i ', . i: On -i d i al w it h V i io kid gU i s
ll.e - inn in. n, i. ml are i iitiihi. i-.t that'g
w lie Ii- ..ria; I .- i -. ape. .1 to i.o.!on-illc.
ot liiu'i .rs 1 1 1 ry. I Ii- ( otatnis- ; L.a.a, i.'.-tek usi o.-. ..... :
' I no: hav e liwe'.icd l.poil this i cavs n::: i,'. ..:;
bjc't, were ii not for the fact that ' C- -nur.-m K.-i.iU Prnr-'he
wl'.o t i:s mcatia', e la ".-:--r
command should .-hare in tin-rtsp. .n.-il ility,
an. I m tin- ojunioii ot tlicl omni:--;o:i y.ajor
(icneral Wool i.s guilty to this extent of a
grave disinter, and .should be censured for
Id- conduct.
ib.v-t ui. or ov.m:ua!. m'ci.i:li.a: .
The cor.uiii-sion has retnarl.ed freely n
."oh M:h s. an old ethicr who has been killed
in the service of his coiiat ry, and it cannot,
Ir. ni any motives of dilicioy, refrain from
ci usiiriug tln-e iu high lommand, v, In a it
thinks sc.cii ei n -are di sc rvf d. The la neral-ia-
hicfhi.s tesiilhd tint Gen. Met Idhin.
uiier ha', iag ri ccivod orders to repel li e
enemy ii.u.iiing the State ot' Maryland,
marched only .six n:ile.- pi r day. on ;,a ave
rage v. Inn ptishina litis iiiva-liio. cti-aiy.
'I he Generai in Chief ;.l-o t. stifi that. ir.
his opinion Gin. Met a !h,,i couhl nad -hi.::'.'.'.
hac lelh e,l ami lirotceted J iai pi rs Fel'i'V,
an 1 in this opinion th" Commission fai'y ! e -r le-.l . i ja...;i4 , r.t :.
COIlCUr. " ' '.' ! e .-.a:,!, by it!..
tiuii bit's i r.ii'.-.Y i'l.HM rt i.:;t v m-j:ki:n-
l'l'.ili I, i tiai to ih. a- a. t- ... 1 '
The i vi,1,. nee thus mtr -n iueed co::ii.-n.s
the Commi ,-ii.n in the opinion that Harper's
Ftiiy, ;;s w i il as Mary hind Ibight-. was
prematurely surrendered. The g irri.--ui
privations should have bu n -ati.-p. d that rdi.i, h 'w-
i-M-r long' di laved, wmil I Come at hi-l, and
' that a ihoiisan-.l lneii kith d at Harpn's Ft r
ry would have made a .-mall loss had the
i po. t been san d, and probably s:;v d two
j thousand at At. th ii.m. llo'.v iinpo: unit wa.
j this de fen e we can p.ow appreciate. Of the
; !'7,000 linn composing .it tint time the
1 w hole of Let-'i army, more than one third
j were attacking Harper's Ferry, and of thi-,
. the main body was in Yirgiiiia. py refer
tlti'i- to llie c idi-nee, it Mid be bu n that lit
Mi ning loyalty j the very moment Coh.'.el Ford abandoned
ill ::. l army now i Maryland Heights, his little army was in
iriality relieved by tu tu r i'-Franklin and
' Sumner's corps at CrampC'iiV Gap, within
, si veil mill s of his posit . in ; and that alii r
i the sum ad, r of llatp, i s 1 rry no time w.i-
given lo parole pii-oucis before 20.000
troops were honied I'miu :igint:i, and the
I 1 Utile force wi ut oil' mi the double quick t
:t v,
ir.'-te ti
. .l.-li
max noon:
l my 1 very
rev, nidi d
lion of
ild Artuv
'. ' ha:d l iimpaign
1 ; a ia tl.eii- feel
i' h .:. MoCL'lLin
at,, i lao-t f.'iitid
' 1 1 that it is not
tlnir command.
0 long and inti
, 1 iii ed .: miv-
!. "ill: ll.
b'. I t: 1 with a
IltttV I.Ofit Z
Jul'. Pubb-hc I. in a ."-.-:
I.e o.ure 0:1 ii- N
ol iier::.a-, r. h.e -.
1 im: i-v I. ..i s-ta.s. x 1
I to M.irr:.ige r. rier'oiy
! Ja.iiep-, ur. l Ire ;
I r.Vi.'.-ii.g t'..-in S -M'-Ai
i CIT. l.UWl LI.. M I
I st'.'
'1 i.e w . ibl-rer. w : I
; tar-, el":. rly pr, v. - f:
j IlW fill ii:.;.-'.ii-i.' es oi
rem v - 1 - i 11 01: ii .-
ie 1 Ih"
-taa.i -
t i
li: I' t
N .v ta t"
.a :; : wt s 1 .-.
"Pi Cti.'
v. N. -.T V-1I1. i
' Iv '.
SlltM (
r ,;:i ' e r reii h-
I ' I'.-
k i.:i
. 1 As
lo .i- i s-v. .ir l w .
No i-ii.'iS, p
.; I a.-i
d, Coip-.M
I -1 w ith 1-
0: a s arc id
-;iii' !' -r mi
.- ia th" litis
;.:.! the g:
caic, I in 11 i-t its control
h-t u-.-uiance that the iust
Cieipi) p,
w 1,1 oe e
-. ni.J .sdver i n e
. 1 1. 1 j ihe f 1. i -.- r
J It
id r.d o wn:
I I Iol 11 o
l -.i.
p.' '
--I b
-.i 1.1
p.. 1 - 1
. I ..! P
b .1 lb
;.- n. ' lb
oil t toil"-.
1 poll. I lo
I il.
I Ihi I
lid two
J - Lad
1. :-!
..lid il
Vbl e.l
. '.,1 .
1 Ins
.... I s
.! ,.s
,. !., .! ., ul.
I I-
I I ,
V 1 I I
ll . fct 1
I ) in Iua
. . ll Iu t ,
I 4... .IM . !!.
1'ajl iti
. it
I ' lo I I 1
I.l .. l liol illl,
li.V o..l i -j , , 1
- II.IM I lb t 1
u ib.
1, I ol
1 1 . b- lu Ih- . vi.l, s I t o I
t ' U I ItLl.g M1I1U Uli
ll.l I S I
I.i 11. If iii.-i I I " "!, ic 1 -a-cl ol
1 1 1 i - town
The 1 !.-.. .' u as ... , 1
w ih a1 o it f-o.r Ion,
In . 1 1 . 1 -. 1 1' 1,1 1 ,1 I
III 'O ,i I I 1, p, O'll 1 1"
t : , t I- . I I h it ! . 1 11
Was :
1 .1101
P Hi
.1 it.
i f I'.l. I
II I I r O
I... . loll. I
1 . a 1 iu I 1 in ii.i,.
I lit . I l. .III. Uo I
Slant I . 1 i,l,l III, I
1 1,. 1 to- 1' . I ...a-1 1 .... I.u. i-lit. I mi I .
in.,:, l-i hi I. I 1 lb- l.u.Jiit li Ll 1. (I'll
li.-u'-i p. 1. 1.. I. 1 : n.. tin. .in I.u
.1. I r th.- 1. . . 0 1, 1 I lib . Ad 11.1
, ,1
1.1 1
- 1 o.i.l III Ih. ; 1
1 . I - 1 I O'.l ai in
.1 lb. bli M. I
o It- ll 1 1 l.i.
Im iii I in: I (l iny Oi'ilcr.
I a 1 .! -.' 1 via. i.d 1 1 1 r latj
i--e -1 :
u uthi iota iv M.At.n re
1 0 1 ii 1 . ; . .! o..L ! .
-I...-. .V v. ... A. ,, h er-,
1.1. I.-, l.i :..a.hi.g l 1 1 la
1.. .. , w hi pi... , d to .1
l lo I.. .1., '. - W it
I lo I 'I .'I I lo!'
ho Lien
11.1 vrnAi.'
i the I'oto-
riiiiie I.ce, 11 11.1 Ma- luiug att.ickid ul
Antieiiiiii. Ha l the garrison In en slower t i
i Mirri udi r, i r thi' Army of the Potomac
jswiiiir to 111 ii'.li, iheiiiiiny would have
; la en f..rctd lo r.ii-c the siege, or won! 1
i have I .cell takcll ill detail, with the PutOUi.t.'
j tin idmg his forces. j
I'ruiu l.urope,
Niav Yona, Nov. 9.
Glui, Llliott and Co. write to
Fitbl MT il. ptliilly of the Atlhl.
ltlCV Oil. r to lllelert.ike the coll
ml li in., and i pr, --
in aito.ap...-,.
1 S'ui.h.irv N.v. s. 2-.' 2.
Siult-ol iln- Ittir.K l t rl'iiiiMlti'i
i land, oi cm tu-r tilli , I -O .
! A.-.-l.'JS.
! Lour.i und ri'.l l.-n a.:.'." 1. -
S'C l.-nll. i I I a
I idled Siatis I. nn . 1" '
Nur.Iaia.l.rl..;..! Lai.k .'li. - a """
I lulier Mock-,
i Ileal K-tai... ....
; Pue by other i'.. .'. ',-
! Nol. i'an-I ( I.e -Wt sf !.'..t I s: ).
i .-pceae in tiult,
! I ,
Not. l Its C.r.'n'.i
laif oilier li ii k-C-
n.n.ot wi
. l .il
ll... I la .
I: ,ii, ai.d
in., i. at
I an I St 1 1 ill', i ai ib i
il I I be I, I In. I u a. at
I'll u... I. l. ll L.l l plli-Ltal
I.t V
Pile 111. 4. ,1.1. I llnir .q!,.a i. I
1 1 I 'f I. u in I tp.t Ivvi bile Iv kill
li.i ',
ii tb.
I ,ti i. is I 'tir Lour..
. ii-ol'i diem u of thi-i oriKr
W ill I i ni-i, a -,d I. la llie u ril. e.
l; i .,.n. if .MajGiii 1 1(
b D. Ion -LM), A. A li.
- w - . - - -
I lit lutliua 'lii.itt ri- iu "tllitiirBoli
llllir K 1:1 '.lo I ii IH I IM in I:.'. Ill XII.
i I'i I , M . s s , Nov. H.
, in. r (Li.c lea, bid la . o.. ). i v u Urn
lolllleti bv to .'li.i, Inly I lli,l-.u,l ul
li,, I m.r S . .',( A lo V, .It pill' l ill iu
In- I .It L a I il Ie li i -a It , .ii .l I oll.ll IllUld
Iu I I b i.i;' t I,. II,. I ll.l . l.ll or I lt, rt
Him Co j . iii n t. m Mi j ...n , i .u,
I i. a. 'til M.iiai-ol i, lo in hi mn ia f ar
i I Ih, If I ol i. -bit ( tn t.IKU
( uus
tic cable.
trad on the ui'.-l lib.
the greuU-l Loth
'1 he London 7 ."i. ' chy nitide. r. fi i , in;
. llie ri- ili.tion i-..iileli l.iti d I y the licl-i I
Guitriiiiii ut to ci lied u ludlloii bib. i t
I'oltotl alld M'll thi III i,l Flllope, sal .lf, t to
nil coining. n h at to the tUlKUll.ll ill' I
can I e luppi d, n.i;. - it I- iml H houl impoi
taller. Mioul i Ihe li.olatl. il te i"ol,
lllilc Ult priib.tldV lll.lll) pi Clil.lli'l . dim
liu-lit lclciiipl.,1 in I, i -uili n p. i u ; on,
I plot i-lt I the luarjjtu of j-ioj.l ogi i. I lu.
j i ry Urr.
.CJriirrMl lliMiltcr uUi i llt l it Id.
j iin.irl II ukir mil Unit In. i I. r the
Allay id tilt I'nloiiue, (nlal d ..ktrhaa
Ihvu il-i!id I i l run, iiotii. I uf llm Aiiiii
( orpt liiiulol'or csiiuiiiau ltd bv Gin t o
Joliu I'uiur, lio LmI4U oidin llo .ti-
li.iiion li kuu-l hi trul U'ii iU il.rM
lfirri by (Mntfsl l'i, l"f Uittlud
i th bw ei bud
tu iLs
, '
: 1 1 a. i
i.iAtu I nr
.1 h,
u - i' :.- i t
u: .- I . ... !
.' 1. I'btl
rr and ul -
uOit r - t-
btu'oiniut i f -Ni t t bail
SCll'. I!.l"it o 'jo I 1 V I . l i I ; - V !' I
l . ji. . i 1 I i 0 . I i. -, : i. . o.i,..,.! i
I si b U.-'liM, ,' a :o I , . I A ; : . I ." l 1 I
A--; i
S; e.-i- tol- l. II. I'i.l'l 1- 1, loa .. ij i-. u
III l nil' ' j.l I i -
t i nt , I Si U i' l
!,,-,..i 1 l I.,,-,, -I 'brr I'-l k .. .
I'lie (l in I'r 1 .. i , l!.i 1 llk.,
it., i .sui.ii.i, i:.. .
Iltl'llllls "
f ii ul.ll'l I -. i
Pu l.,..i'.., . i . .
I .i aio U a .
l.i i.
ti,' wi f N.k'iniiittitttt,
I I ' ..! I W I'., e I I a , S. ,; ,
Lilt I l-li, t I I : . ! . i. I ( . ,
il.l iL. ti o , . ij-: .,i,,,ii ii.-!.,,,.
tvu4i wl u.i.1
HI A" V li All' lL
l.aiw,-lli.l-a.iiroiiii, .
ii- Ijil ft, 4 b l.i J
i r u,i . I