Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 25, 1862, Image 4

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An Amnslnjj IlUtot Ictte Ocvelopotl
He fore ilm ParU roller.
In the prtwnce of n wine tncrrlinnt mid
bis wife, two distinsruisliort incmbrrs of the
tannille Siiriol mul Turbrin l.y nami', enltred
info article of ro-pnrtnorsliip for the pur
chne of a miiaII koi' of tuiiniU', with the
unilt-rsMmlintr thnt it wt to lippril.lle.l out
Vy the irltisi, nt the fnir of St. Penis, the
n mi mil tV'.e of a villni'e in the environs of
the rnpitiil. the term of tlii.'ns-or tut ion luing
thnt the iimlitj of 0.:e venture should be
f''ii!i11y divided between tl.o itincrnnt iiht
ch'tnts. Everything wni drawn tip in .I.ii
form, nnd the various nrticlra of the
rjrrceini'nl was one fixing the price of a
'muilkr' ftt four siiu?.
(.in the evening of the rery first day th:it
the partiV'N eoinnieneed opemtion, I otli
Saiiol nnd Turbnn wt re picked up I y the
jo'iici?, in a most ivoful pliplit, jrn
InenN in ni'j. their eye iu i!rp liinuriiinr
nml their si-ulpx p:ii iiully denuded of tiie
cupillnry enibiHislinient. Tlitir tirianc-i-il
situMiun nmy be ninuned Ui in two wnrdi
empty key; and a copper coin of the value of
two sons.
Appt iiiing on the following tnor.-.injj le
fore the Police tribunal, charged w it'i u--.;.ii!t
nnd buttery and v"-i::tawi- to the public
authorities, the follow big tlmr. iil'I.v Fretiehy
facts were elicited : Tiie two -peciil.itoi4-h:id
duly wtni'tc.l fur the fiir L'rur,d fit St.
JVnis taking with tin in the !.': of brandy
I'pun arriving at the sulmi'l. of l.n Cbt'pclle.
iiriol said to Turban, '' Turban, my boy. I
think I'll take n stitV. nr r :" to which Turban
replied. "Well, I think that's cool, .'.nyhow!
oit know, I sp 'se, that that 'ere brandy
i: n't yours a!iin ; it belongs to us loth !"
"Thai's so I" returned Sarin!, "and I'll tell
you how we'll manage it ; the price of a
smaller is four sous, so I'll just give you two
pout and that'll make us soman'."' "All
right, siucl 1 ur!an,
enough." So Sariol
mo'iiiied. that's fair
L'hvc Ins partner a two
toils piece and took his t!ll-nei
Tin; pair had gone but a short distance
further when Turbun suddenly remarked.
,-I think I'll take a rcwiver now, myself."
''Of coins;' yon mean to pay ine two sous ;"
paid Sariol. "To be sure I do." answered
the other. Whereupon he drank a gl
( t
brandy, and handed back the copper. After
plodding on another mile. Sariol broke in
with, "Ky jingo. I go in fur poods at half
price! A a smaller costs me two sous in
stead of four. I'll take another:" To which
Turban agreed at once, and again received
the two-sous piece. 1'ive minutes alt I'ward
he told Sariol that his logic was unite cor
rect two sous fu'a gla-sof grog was an
unprecedented by low price took a drink,
nnd once more returned ihe coppircoiu.
An 1 so it went on. r.t frequent intervals,
until the pair i.t h ngth reached St. Penis,
congratulating themselves upon their happy
discovu-y of brandy ai half price. It is su
perfluous t remark' that when they arrived,
they were not particularly attentive to busi
nes. and were struck w Uh the single idea
that the more they drank the more they
made. Coverned by this notion, they rapid
ly circulated the two r-ous piece, mitil the
keg w as at last found to be empty, where
upon Turban suddenly exclaimed "Hallo,
'low's this ; We boiiL'lit fix francs' wvrll. of
brandy, ite nil out. ' r.n.l there's only two
Bins iu the till I" "What d'ye mean by onlv
two son? ." "That's all there is." -Then b'v
thunder, j on've robbed the cash box:
This was the signal for about at flsiie'ilVs.
followed by the interference of the police, j
when the tv.o partners turned their united !
lorets against the otlicers, were overcome by I
superior unmoors, eaptive'l, anil IoiIl'c.1 hi
the :u;
n ov;ii:
SillUoil jrH '. CVUliltl.'i I t!n.. 1
!". a:ni si u' t i dur-'i-e ' i!.-' for cii,!.t j
No morjl :s lieee.-ar . ( "'. A". I
One Sunday nfteni'
ttat h( 1' bsel',edtno 1
l'v the lb
on a 'indav sell
oy j layii',f i,t marbles
to.'pi'd. ti e'i in
11 w wie ;eil it w .s. .,,t ,!i,, ,v !
d 1.1 p.T
IIIV ili.ll to
Yielding the worst one to accon.i
bcnoei. i ;ie tail W as U't l !
rf ( ight ars. In the ia.-t'dno-s,
th'e teacher told Idni
oy a t;'st y.mi h
i. anion.; ot'ner
hat "(b.d made
this liMMi tl.ll Wi rill. ;llltl
Vt'O lillisl t'iK'llk Ililll I'.il' ill
V i: .;"'ttv; II,; ,-iVe, lis ;i!l
II tluil is in it ;
ilit i-s i I iliin-.- i
nr I'1 on.l ajul our j
Clu! !'.-."
"Din's lie yi'.'o me snvclotlic
in tli;. lu l.
. too j
"Yl -. ill' f.ivi s .in c-Vorvtbillo;."
'.i.'.'. i'. wiii i".' vti'ie ii it your (vo
Klu'.t up; tiirniytn.-itiiin;, iii;itU"Jicr-v tvowsers
oat oi'! - t.i.'l hi., '.. ;'
Anvn i: T' Winnv:
wi'luu cr. r. iis l V:il y.
in.ii b a !;nlif v, li.rn fi
f ir t;i" m wc 1. is ",-:
:is. - If tln-e lrrt ;i
'.inf ( '.ilMiiMi, nml
MiM In i ;..' . n I i iiii
" t!n v nro (l.irliiijs,"
l c 111). ill til v j.'i'.iii'.l. llul
j who is '
lev :
tiny lll'i' ll ll'lillv's" In;
tin." u (till. list n,.t Si.
then liatli -t ln.t.1,.1' tuki
!o.r-e!t' n wiilv.
in inil. f iliy iil.
1 1 1 " little mu'
l'i".- into
t!,: il,o
litili u:.;.
not lit t
;l t:.!l- I'tt
,w.!y Mill
tii'.- cliii
I CO ffo.
v:tni litis t riu'lit ti!
1.) unto tii.'o as di.l J'hu
Ueil ul' J.-iwil - sljj u i!!
An. ill. P..t, mul wiiv tltl I nifirv vo- ii.-t
t: lilt; t.;tt r lor it's 'l:l V:.-!l' I li lt "V 'll;!,!' ti.
r.riiiit:..i:i y- vcr since tiio LUs-fii ,1 iv lliiit
I'.'i:l.or t)'l'lnnna-i:.n n nt ;::( iiiono 'to . r
l- ' Swa'.' jewel :"' i'.'i!i. il rat. not
n :i.'ii;i' fi.. cli.n'ov, -tniil ir-iuM.if tint
lic.ics I i.itiy live to si : tin- il.iy iien ye're u, w:tjiti over (he !.l -...Itlnit i'ovcis
inc; t!i:::i. In r. I'm riri,. I'll si u Innv vim
ftfl ;iloii;4 without inc, I.o.icv :'
'Tll.-i'e'.S tVO W:ls ofili ino- i( I ., 1 1 . .
liiin.-..!l', n l.o s-t 1 i i.isi;io- ..nil waitino; for
uj.ilt. -I: i -:ic nie iv. o tln'i,- .i:. 1 -1 ! . 1 1 -. 1
!l:n-t l.iy ".- t'.vn lii:,,,'.r -,1 i..l!..t- a e:,r ',,r
twenty '. it!-, iirlnii mil m nv I m t i t v .!..!
' I"!' tno litiiiiln.l Mai's ioa
'V, hot (1. i they lin aT l,y a r 1 1 mi l
life '." sai l a h i..!.: t,i 1,'is tui'.rv wife. -'-''J.ib.k
nt t ':. 1 i. . ao 1 kitty t:s!e,-i oil Hie liOj;
tiV'tllt'f. I wi.-lietl lllrll' livoi'l half m) )e;ic "
uble witli their wiv i -, "
"S'o." s.ii.l the ' lie llieir. tivji'li. r
8'J'l thou .-co h.iw tin y wii' t:vf.'1
A rut riot ( iiii n l
he w:(s !eaiii:; l "no
ne t I v
:e hi, w .:
Uiol if
i.'." he
ei' the
Itn any ,-ie., Kin.; ti:i:v.. "Yi .
Ii iilie.l. "I h:. e ju.i !i-t, a, .,j ,,
tm.-t 1 1 1 1 i t sie, eli..s I . .t!c nr -." -
ii i" V.llikei' D ioJ'e !r :n ;i I'r'. ttl
sit t
The V.m:i! la ly wi... t.i;i' the jj,
fiitM has returncl it uiih th inks.
At 11 We. I. lint; rot'i ntlv win i, tie
)i.i. - Jil t.) Hi, I ul , tin j
in k man i,
flat 111;'
" ill
I hits-
liio.i 'ni.
l...n i : ' .-1
btl'l u it'l
h:i a Mil i.
A l.-iv :
tin in n
,. .lr..
a i . i -1 . 1 1. s -1
t . I-
tin ir n
u I, ion .
e. III! 1,-1,
t lii r ft .i:,i v
I, 1!
t:i re
..i ,
I I iti
i. rf
i "
i.r i
. re ,.,
' a i I i.
I'll ills'
r Ii
i I ln To
T hit l.o
: ...1 o i :
II . I .11 I'
t .if i.i
, i
i ,
e t (
I." .1.'
in. .. "!
i- ..I i e
, .. ill I lie
1 :
i.l ' i,ll II.4V If :o, '
It 11. I'll Hi. HI
I til II r.-, I. lit."
le t.
C'l lit. nip U
p't,.inu; iu tin
t'n' i. ii nt nr ie''i-;
.In! I, MU I Ul.ltriniony ili0
A r,.w tt j ij k firn!u wlicr, lio trt
lj i it, k itnu ck lrr 4,4iii
nllow your oolil to tak in own eourw. Two thirds
oftho victims of consumption owo their iiffliclior.t to
tlic mistnke of "wiuiing for ft couRh to gut well
of itself." Do not fall Into tliis error, but avail
yourself nt rate of remedy which thirty yours'
experience has demonstrated is certain to procure a
si.culy misc.
Then use JAYXE'S EXI'ECTOHAXT. which will
OTorcome the t--p.isnioilio eo.itructinn f the wind
tube, and muse thini to eject the or matter
which clos them up. end by an emy nil 1 free epcc
tortitiou reinoc all ilifliciilty of breiithin.
Then ueJ A YNE'S EXPECTORANT. This wide
epreiel itsi'Mse which limy generally )f(. described us
tin inlininiition of the fine ?kin which lines the inside
of ihcnind tubesornir ve--N. "prciiding llirouh
every :irt of the ofirn titki n lor coieui,,).
tieii. Jho Expeelorunt pr.bluus this iiiHunalion.
relieves the ulteiidinj; eolith, pnin. nnd dillieuliy of'i'.liiiitf. and it the ease i not of too long stuuiliuj;.
will certainly produce a cure.
Tien ue J A Y X E r EXI'ECIOllAXX. It ctt-nn-4c?
ihc lun4 t'rotii nil irtiliiiiim uuitlcri. while at the
S'liriC lime it hccl and iiiviorntes tbciii. Of all t!io
feint dies which hnve been offered to Ihe public for
tiii dreail dij-cfiH'. none hto e stood Ibe tet of time or
inaintuined univeiHiil a popularity a this I'vpec.o
r:mt. Thuui'ind who have been (liven up by their
t'hy-ieinn-' ti" incurnble hnve licen rc!ttred to pcrftct
tie tit i h by i: n?e. and their te?tiuiony must carry
cuovicii,.n to all who read it.
T'nn use.IAYXK'8 EXl'ECTol! AXT. BytakiiiR
tj'kintf two or three liirco do in the earlv slage of
j the disease iu iiniek sticces-ier.. and coveriie up
w'iriely in l-l. ihi.- piep'initieii nei5 a a -U'leritic vr
v. eiuin iiiiiliciiic. and -ub.lm s the tntlnuiiiiin at tlic
IIAVK Yof tVlloriJHN'il-e'Ot'iiir.
l'hcn J. Y.VE'S EXI'bCTO'. AXT. There is
no remedy v Inch so efleetunlly over ?oine1 this disease
a.- t!e f.xpecioriint. Inil partait cm witnes. the
.-utr"i in-s .f her children froin Ihi? ditre.--in eom
11 i ;i o''(eat deimr all in her power lor llieir
relief? tutl lre-!:i'.e o j lel!TU lo the taste, or
s certain lo produee iuini'-dailc bcneiii ! Oive it a
trial, and let it prove its efhencv.
HAVE Yd" ciiorp?
Then uc JAYXE'S EXPla'T'H! XT. Cl.Pdren
arcsultjei:t to no dio:i-o more sudden it, its attack",
or. in Ihe atsenee cf prompt reli. f. none more fital
in its remits than I'roi.p. Pur- nii1. iheridorc. "h"ubl
keep at leind a reuie'ly sure ai.d thnrouirh. .si., h a
remedy nety be lennd iu Ihe l-.xpcetonint. and every
careful uiotlur will keep a npidy by her.
I a standard medicine, I'or Ihir'y years i; has been
In. fore the puUie, and during this period iis euraiivc
l ewer hae been testified to bv ait el-:s-es of i.eonle
in an qimners el ine woil.l. l nysiceuis. eier
lawyer-, iii' ieh'iics. jn.d inechenies have experii l ced
i.s I ' ne d'.il elitias. ami lm c fnrni-hed us vi b ;heir
ti'stiineay. and it may he found at len'h in our
Alin.mac. to be had rr?itis of all pitch's. To their
com incin certificates wc would refer ihe deubiiu;
Ihe K.M'i.i T.niANf and all Dr. I' .tAYXE .t
j Si'X'S 1'AMii.v .Mi:i)iciNi'.s are -sjld by all lini -i-1?
I general!'.-.
.May IT. W,2.:; in.
i ' !: ES'S BJOV
riIIE TiKiiinir"incnl of this well-bn'ovn Hotel bnv
L in; I n resumed by Mes,i-. ( OVI.I: 111 1:11.
the pp-sciit prtpj.i ietors. be leave to inform the public
that the house is new b;-in llmrouhly renovated.
. i ' fitted. Mud inipiov c.l. v. iiii a view to the proj it and
comfortable a imiio Uiion of those who may favor
Ihe establishment ui'h llieir custom, tlucsts will
' recei e dac ai:rti'i"ll and eoui'te-y. aid no e.xpen-e
will be sj.:ired that may conduce to maintain e
' l."tel in a 1irs'-.-Ia-- st ,
bainilics aii'l others desirinir lo sej. mm in Harris
j burj iluriie; the summer months. find pleasant
boarding and lare and well-ventilated roi-Uns at our
staoli.-iinuiit. upon inoaeiale terms.
March ; l-.'.2. J 01 l.l' I' HEP. I! .
" I S! I'. I
rvTox s. ; i.w i 'iVij; !-, t...-
IltS HoTbb istt coiivaiit at bv l'.i-.-.m" r
Curs to nil h iris of the ciiv
tin 1 in evt-ry p:r
atd wi'iile ol the
tit ular aditpte 1 lo 1 lie cimor
busiu, -s pel. lie. Terms. ?1 jil per tlay.
scplcniltcr 1!1. 1-01 ly
WlSl" .ov 1 ui'k
hook. xkwsi'M'-::
Jon as J) ouxA.
TE have ihe follesl a.-si rlment til thc in-t useful
kii -li of I'laiu nn.l Oriaimcitlal 'JMtc. mar.u.
t fiurctl Ihc no,-t durable metals, th.i-hod with
t!ie irrealcsi care antl aciiracy. sccuriii;; pcitce I ju-li
flea I ifii .
."pc mien ltoks nnd e-uniatcs turnislo d
pllcat.-a. al.-o.
piiixrixii rnn.--.-Esi.
ll"jtt lip-
w iih their appea ii nan m s itf nil tlic a p;
W O o I) T Y 1' E .
ef all the l itc.-t styles, of all si,es M
let1 l -Sjt ill ; l!r,'e- C;..-e-. Ctib ii.-
cj makers'
Trini :n I iA-, . mi l .- r,- 'n ti. le tlio l'i inter ri'tuin
'it'lll.s iibiTlil. i'i..i I III h li' i-ii
i AitMi.u. i.iiti.i: .t ci .
'" :m-l t;.j iii-i l.liKin .-:reel. .ew V,.I..
M i v :!. 1 .': -
C&uiIi4'EA's Itsiac ilssI -l isa I'iiIis-.
riil ! i 1 1- -1 .iiiiiiii'ii. nt
liueli- IVt in ibc bo-.: .Iiii
I 1 ' . . i r li ne e. It .1 I.
j.Iiv-i.-i.iiis n :i -i.r.
i e i M i KI i l"l - I.KAiil: t- r m 1 1. I..
I! . I I . -'.if I. -I. I. Illltl 111 I Pi Ill-Ill- lli-dltt.-l s ni.ill.ll.tls
I e..;i.eilril In iil;itii.ti l'ie u-e t.l
Ibi- williuiit iijui i.. i s elleels. lie
ll'elltil i.l Iimj ptiulels ui i,.l'Jill;ll'y
I I.:
K il.l.'ii K S I.l'VAl.V.
ure-l i.e. I b,-i r.AKI.Vii MWIM-lt known, f-r
:l.l siiiet mil nut! iliuiis I.reu 1 ulel takes.
l'li-e 1 J i
m wi f M Ti crn nv
M. II Knl.l.iU'K. Chemist,
Collier of liioa.l an. I C'lietiiut Streets,
t i; 1 1. I i : l i it 1 1.
And - '-i bv all Iii ugirisls and liioeers.
Mareli I." W.2
ller.liin"; ESiiiiroail.
si-mm!-:k .i i! . . i ;i:mi:.x t.
"1 T Till NIC l.lNi: ff. in ilu- North ni:d
X..rh-'.V...t f..r I'l.ila b'!i !na. New Voik. Head-
ii.U. I'ol'.-vilf. l..oil;.i. .l-.i!,,i,. C . 4c.
l r.iii,- I -in- ll:u i Lin o; ,,r l,l,il,..l,. hiil. New
Vnk. He. t In"-. l'oll- ille. and all Inlerineiliatf
. ifel 1 ni p
-bales Man
I I; at S :, I lii
i.-l.i::- : T . :
lllel tJ 7.
; at 1 2a A
. luoni;it
ii. x at , . a
its f, , I
it i tin j;;
: to
I I'Li!
, ll.r..
it'iii-e ihe
i;. iiiinii . l. tue N.V. Vork ft t i! A M . 12 N'....n.
i. 1 s 1' M, ,,,.. I, ,,11, i:x.r. .-.-). I.iuio J-hilalel-
pn.a '
"I- i lei :i I t .VI
. .n in lb.. New York Expii-ss Train.-,
ltd li oiu I'lll-bui ;li i. .ll.oiil bune.
- '"( : l; '
tlii'.hh lo al
l'i-.---.-li i s
l ilt I I. al 1
bi' t!t I altlliii--a ili.ll lioad lean- !Vit
la A .1 . I'-.r I'l.ila. lied all iiileriui .ta.'.e
mi. l - ; a... I at o eii 1'. A.. 1"!' l'lilladel in... Ne.
Yorii. ..ud all 11 av l'oinis
1 i a. Its bale 1',,'n.i ill,, al '.I A M .. in:, I 2.1 a 1" al ..
for I'i.ilad' I) Ilia an 1 Nt w Yolk; and al .toll l M.,
b r Aiibinii atid I'oi-i 4 : J 1 1. 1 . it only, ei'iiia'cnu lor
11 lie itr e and u ilh the Cattail ls-a ll ul Koatl.
Ana.- . hi la.i ia I 'i. -senior Irani ban s Ilea din
a: ii A M . a id letinii. t.t.iu I'iiila u-lpliLi ni j 1'. .M.
t u Ail the ulxo c luitis run d.tih , .s-uiid.ivs ex-
A ini.l.iv train b-avn I'otlsiille al 7 :;n A. M ,
uii I I'll. Ian. I. I,ia at .; j 1', M.
Coliiuialatioti. Mileage, Season. Itnd I'Xt'lirsiutl
Tii-Lets, at redlieid raii-s lu aint flolu all poilil
Ii A NU'll.IS.
May 17. Im'i? Ueueral .Supilint.-udi lit.
J A M K S J! A 11 li E llTb
w nrii.Kssl.K a s it MKrn,
6'. 7;'. Curn r .Si'.iitt ni,, Chrsluul .-It ,
iiA"ry f -i ii.- I'.vt'KN r I'liiAi.iiNti tii nt rv
X I'
I I. Ill l. a nil- ,l,..,,,l,lr aili.-lp l,,r I oo. l,.
t, II ,1. II lll'i.. Com, i a, a II..IH,-,. I'imIoih.
A In. l aiiiilnelui'r ol l'K l,ll, 's).
t'.s-ki I, j, n-,1 tout it.iriinl.-il.
l'i- l'i I ii. me n. o rl'rry .trwl il em.
rii,iu,lrlolil4, Jaaulny CI, I-IjI -:y
klr.rcl vv lire, V1iu lilii-- , .'tlecliutiii k
ItioU, V-.
Ill.MtY UllIilT.T.
1.1 ,1 ..- (:.., t ...,.,,
II ll.lit-;,! in. 1' I ,
hi M.l It in ull kind- ul Ibiildtiti uu i Miii.uii,,-.
lints II ir.lule, lion.Mi-td, Coll V bam, Hop. r,
i'ull. 111 I,'. Ae
1. 1. -I ia. Pi iimsii mil J i, ii j v i ii v Itn a
i: ,
',! Ma
l.i liii iiiniiils nn- u la led to m-ry tiuicly
l.lU.o V Alto, Ml linn.
Wimll WoHklMI M II lllll.l.l .
... - I'Ui.'.iv 1. M-.:i. i. s bit f!i:... Mi
nns, s. ill'
'tt. iii.n.i ,uii .,
,1 :-l'lat,ei I.i ftur and II Mi I l.all, ll.ill ra,
Ma. hint lltlnu,o IIuLImi and I., alliu , ..utaiitl y
ou bai.d
ll.-iiii.k.'t lira l'r.,f UnU .. Plailoiui h -at. . 1 iu
I'lu,. Mini Iron, 11, 'l, mij luniuirl. tool.
( V I'ui. Iiaasia Kill bud ii iv llou Uitba4 Iw 11
U a t all
ll.l'k Al, l- J
al:l who wish
Good & Handsome Goods
to si:i.E:t r l-iiow,
Who keep constantly on hand, nnd are monthly
rc.'ciwiij lioiu Xew York uud PLiladeli hia.
it d t.i lac v mif-' f t" i
itltt'iili'tti oi' ihe Puldic
and ri-i
cii .i
an t'iii:ii);ilin c-t nnr
nie pn.Mied tu cilif
ik, lV t.ii; ustUiC'i thut v0
p r
4 4 I t
Splendid Inducemeiits
j Mull llit.l
j I'li-.'. s. "
' bine Ibe ,.
I lliilli. ..
l.i pin
ul IV el j
e l;..i:e-t C
i:ie 1 in bt.:i-
Is nt fiir
.l.j 1:
:i-'.in;r tlnit e
nt s;.i,. v., ilh
nil I elLblai'.--
,.-li're. Our
("' . . ul: i.-iiih w t:
it k i- II :, l
Let to be 1..UIU1 t
limit v
j res.-iit ii-jtti iiiieni c ii; lists ail k ii. of
131"" GOODS
notion.s. ;l'i ts anii ncHirr.Y,
ar.ocntiES axd olasswaiie,
C(jacjima:;i:ks y.iPTLEiis' coups
shoe ryilXGS.
Bar Iron, Steel and Nails,
(K'r Utf IT, Ml
Ocntlcruen Carry
Spnltllna'si 'I'liroiit Cnnrrcllons.
Ladies nro delighted with
KpnUling'A Tlironl ConiVrllons.
Children Cry for
Sullli Tlironl Con Tort Ions.
They relieve n Cough instantly.
They clear the Throat.
They give strength nnd volume to the voice.
They impnrta dclicioii? nromn to the breath.
They are delightful to the taste.
They lire nmde of simple herbs ao I cannot harm
any ono.
I advise every one who has a Cough or a Husky
Voice or a Bud Drcath. or any difiicully of the Throii(
to Ket a package of my Throat Confections ; they w ill
relieve you inalunlly. and you will ngrec Willi me
that '-they gori'ht lo the spot.'1 Y'ou will fiml ihem
Very useful anil pleasant while traveling or intending
public meetings for stilling your Coucli or allaying
your thirst. If you Iry one package I nm afc in
saying that you will ever afterwards consider ihem
in.lispensible. You will find them at the Druggist
ami Dealers in Medicines.
Price 25 Cents.
My signature Uud each pacakage. All others are
A Package will he sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt
of Thirty Cents. Address.
JCo. 43 Cedar street. New Yolk.
For sale at It. A. Ei-hcr's Thug Htore. Fuuhury. Pu,
Vy the nee f.flliee Pills tbe perin lie nttneks ufXer
Vitus nr Sii-k llemiiielie limy be ireveiilei ; nml if
tukeli ul Ibe eolllllieiii.cnielii n nn ulliiek iltlliieiliutu
ri lb f IVnin .11 i 11 hii. I sieknesses will be ubiuiiieil.
'Jliiy si'ltt'-in fnil in removing llie Nunsea aii 1
Ilftitlaelie Li Hbi. li f mules nre so -ul.jeet .
'Iliey act gently niin the bmnls, reiuuviiij Ct.-
l'nr I.iieniry infn. Stmleiifs. Iblieiile Fenmles. nn l
nil jieifi.ns el seileiiiiiry lmbi:s. Iliey lire vi.luublr us
b I.tixuiive. iniprt'i inn Ibe iip..iii. (living Imie nn.l
viiur lo the ilipsiivis onruLs. ami resinrinn the Hutu
ml elus'ii'iiv nn.l sirenib n tht whole svstein.
'Ihe I'hr'lUI.U' 1'II.l.S nre the rsult nf in
vesiifrtitii'ii iiiitl eiuei'illy e..ii.iii.te. cxi.erimeiii.s,
iu.viii; be."ii in use ninny yi-His. ilui ii-n whieh limn
Ihey have ).revelite l ill:. I relieveil n vast nf
pnin ami siiiTerin t'rnin lleatlaehe. wboilier i.riLriiiut
mjr in Ihe nervous s;.steiu i.r fioni u deraue-i state
ul' the sfollilleh.
1 he me entirely vegetable in llieir eoinisisi'ion, nriy be luken al all times with perfeel itViy.
wiihout making any eliiine of .li,-t. at:. I the ab-ria-i.
nt any ili-a.'rerahle taale retitlers it tu;y to adminis
ter theiu to eliil'lreii.
The genuine linvp fne signatures of lletirv C.
j oj. ablin on each llo.v.
i St!J by Jim'is s and !1 otlii r Ileaii rs in Meili-
I A iox Mill be sent by mail prepared on receipt ef
: the
Price, 25 Cents.
All or.liTs should M. iitblressid to
4 Cetlir Sine!, New Veik.
I'orsale at FISIII.U'S Store, Si.i:l..iry. Pu
From the Examiner. Norfolk, Va.
Cephalie Tills iioeoinplisli ihe obj. et for nhieh tiny
wire wade, viz: Cure lleuduebe iu nil iis founs.
rrom the IVniwrat. St. Cloud. Minn.
If you tire, or lmve been troubled ilh the heinl
nelie. send for n box (t'epliulie 1'ills.) so that you may
have ihnu in case oi 1111 littilek.
Trimi the St. Louis Pemoerat.
The immense demand for Cephalic l'illa is rapidly
rrom the fiaielte. liavenport. I..wn
Mr. Spabliii would not ei.nneel his iiiiuie ith hii
artielc he did uol know to pos.sess real u.eril.
I'roin llie A herliser. i'nn i b nee. P.. I.
The testimony in llieir I'aior ia !ruii. trvui the
most respectable iiuurleis.
" . l'i, 111 the rui!y News, Newdri, It. I.
Cephalic Pills are tnkiiit; thtf p.a-.e oi al .kii .ts.
From ti e Kanawha Star. Vn.
We r. sure that pirsotis suffering i;U the head
ache, Hhotiy li.ei.i. will aiiek lo Ihem.
Trom the Advertiser, rruvidenee, II. I
The Cephnlie I'ills nro said In be a reiniii
efiveliie remeilv f.,r the liea.laehe. aial one et 1 la.
very best ior iluii my freiiueut couipluint liieh has
t-i-r been Uiacovered.
afV 'V ll0 . SO
Save llie Tieccs!
MilllIillUa. ll- ta-.l .'Iiip!
Siiililiii'i. I'l l im- Uuv :
Sliiililin'k lr ui' U t.l hi
At coi.. nla ill ni i,en, even In well ri jiilHlr.l
(.mull, a, il I. very Ui .iiiiU,. lo have aoiui) , li,a, mi i
o.i.iv.-iiu-iit jr lur r,.uii iiijj t'uiiniuii:, ti-jck.
Meila all micli run ru, ucu;s, anj im Imum lioU can
aflui J lu milium il. It ia always rvaJy anj
uji lu tii unking ixiiut.
"li:H'LIN tVtKV il(Jl.E "
A aocouiiuii)s eaeb Uotile.
I'llIC'E 25 t'CXTA
A 1,1 i.i
UtMtVC. fclULM.VO,
' No 4S CVlar SUmI, Xaw uik.
taU at K A. I'IMItlt'tl Urug l-lcre, tuntur
Nurlliuuilirrlkuil couuiy, I'a
l" Al'TToS!
A SMIalu UDH iuoi..4 ..ra.4ia ar sltanpliuf lo
falui ut u III UDsu.cvllli I'ubllc luillalloaa u U.V
itil'AIll il l.i.11 , 1 OoulJ caulluu Ml l.rra.,111 lu
sumina imi.liaaina. ami av thai Ilia lull
Lauia Bl'ALLi M. 1-u I It l li I 1. n i i i-
miuda ra(.uw j aj dOhu sua lu.4lu.g avUf
Pint Premium
Hfniiafhctiirinfc Inrpoc.
With Hemmcrs, Fellers, Tuckers, Curdera, Bioiltrs, lit
r3tH BrJBL JH1
Mnki. the lvk nr SMmtHe Ptilrli Mrn'Mnpn of tlifl n-tin
n;itirrtt,nint lit Mt- wintf piicpnim their cckbruted DUU
This inthn onlv Cinnimiiy .hut innket l'th kii.fli, tlirrr
fnm the unl) one tl.ut uui ujply hU the wuuti of Ihe pub
rV P'trrhnneri rnn tnke their choice of either Ptitc
With tlie privih'fTP nf exflrutctitir fur the thrr.
A new t lnrS!iniMr Min'lime rum (ust and quitt, fol
Veil Makci ThiIoir, She Utndrifi, Ac.
At the hue Ptw of f 10.
7:il ChfUtiml Jir.t, rhilmlrlpliiti.
IX? IT. H. Masseh, Sunburj, Ph., Agent ior tbo
4 IM It U- HOTUi,
Siiiiliiiry, .Aorilniinbri-lsiiid 'oMIn
riHLS tnro nnt oommnilious Hotel, now mnDnfi
i liy JAMKS VANDVKK. U nitnnte nt the Kail
rmu. lrpot, North Kttst coimt of MnrKct Sjiiuro,
Sunliurv. Ph.. nnd at tlm tcriiiitiu-' of the Sunhiiry A
Kriu Hint Not ilit rn Ct-ntml ltiilroml, nnd is open for
the nci'oimuodut.o.. ut Truvclcr-i and the public in
roprictor will fvo his cxoUihvc nttontinn to
the cotntovt iiti'l onvi-'niunrc' nt' hm kiu'Mi. and
d tt'riitinL'd to make tliis fstuulihhuK-nt rank uiuuug
the in the State.
llif ttt'de will hv -iippliol with theVt the market
can protluc'. having the advantage of daily eoinniu
nication )y c dii ict fnnn ItaltiniMre, und uln from
tlito blinking pruducc tVum tbo gurroundii'g
Jlif bar will bo supplied with the purest liuttrs the
! Uimkrt can produfu.
(.'urcful and obliuins ?iTvarM always in attondanr?.
i New and ei.ninikiuu.i btabiin; hit; ju?t betU added
j to the prt'inici".
I A?haii'ot' ihe local nnd travtlin coinuiutiity is
nnt ropivtfully Htlr -iicd.
fcuiibuiy, iluitipnj, 1J, lGI.
.V". 12 7'r'"7 Ftrett, I'hiUvh tjJiia
II KSPIXTri'l.l.V lu-fa fv-ixtL'-iituiita of ull kuui
n(i-t'ii trv pr"ittii'. , t jt'i;i (tout!) l-'lmir. e
iio,ir I'K'JtO t in t!t' v-t ffntrt' -l Imimiii-s, and liaviiic
a wt Vftitvt Itt tfiil rrnde iintt-i Iiia itvn itnin dut'e
'1rfVlt , h- h 'H :im;itr;i"iMnl f'T ! billing tllC VuTJ'
h it; iifft him i t i jif ,1 .-s tut t-i t-r Hi. ns he i
lU'fcuii'ti J, Mi. -ly
I I Mi I .i: X I.V.
6.';-. r.ll'iAliWAY, NIAV YdltlC '
Drsc-liitivi C'l"-"',-tritt 'ai,. ? t Il'oi.i,
I vi!l -'it M11I I-,,,: j
i nil; -FAMILY .-KWINii MACIIIXn,"' j
HA VI Nil atliii 1 11 well es'alilished and flattering
repuiaiioii. its beini; of nil 11111, -bines yet mlio- j
' tl'l. e 1. Iheone b.-l adapted t, Al.t. KlMtS or Kamii.v :
SrwtMi. nnd haling not with a sue.-ess in its sale '
lieyoii l our reie-'s; aiiti.-ip,iti,,n. so niiieli -o. that tur
three uiiiiiili. our ord-'is have been ahead of our
capacity I,, sat ply. wc would now itiaioiince thai we 1
hal e ineri nse-i our lii:ttiul'.ii. till ing faeililies. so that i
fioni this titnu ,.r:li. we. -hall be enabled lo supply
oi-lt rs on tii tnai'-l.
t la the ehniejes biouiht about bv Ihe war, no one i
tiling has placed n more ttniort tint part than the :
-SrwiNe. Mn'iiivt: '' tVitbout it llirei-foinihs ol I
our soldi, -is wiiiild lo-lay In- eloihetl iu iinythui but t
-.M tlilnry Ci stunie." Ail over Ihe Intel i.ttny elo-j
thui ha., b.-i-n the work required of our patriotie
i. "i, -i'tt, act have lin y resianiili"! . Not eonleiil j
t- run be -1 li so nini.i i:-n nii-ii". a. ilu ir han.'e c-.i.M i
Hi-eoiupli-h. th.-v have ,-allel ll .sfnili-: Ma-'lulie I
10 their iial. nnd by it hale l-,l!e-l -tut liic s,,ldii-i-s'
I'tiiTs. l'.vvrs an,! Sinin s, at tt rate nsL.nishinK to
theiu. elves. Knowing thai this vork enuid not b'li
continue, tunny thouhttul. prudent housewives, vcre
CHreful to select the machine of all others, which
Uoul 1 do the heavv itrt-iv w-.l: att M bet: .Lf" v il't
thai, then to be used in. i2,i:r 1 aiiilv .Haiui.'.i: ul I
in selectiuj one of the
"Finkix i Lvov Srtiivii Miciiisr. CuMI-ant's
Family Maiiiims,"
with iihi.-li you may s.-w fi-nn tb fmet cambric Li
the hem ie-t'elolh. iiilbout etinnc ol tei-tl. needle, or
tension Ihey bale not bc.-n ilisnppoiulid.
Titus lui mo; devi l iped the adaptability of our
tiiai-hiue for all kinds of work, we have n.ade aiioihi r
Pti p in lull .-tlii-e, ltl:d by several illis-rlalit clliilljies ill
oe.r -No. o Mt nit m M.iciiim.s." bnve produced a
-T a ilh 1:1 ii .Mo uti:." iibi-ii we em li b.-nilv claim
t.i be ibe -1;I1 lAlLoltt.Mi MAC lil.Ni,'' yet
iiiti'o lui-'-il. sewing tin- coarsest liuen thread with as
In lie Ii ease as llie c,,nnioti colloli and nhi ll reouiie-l
Liny la used lo do the li-ry tiinst calcblic Molk, with
l.-il ir 2ull Cottoti thus e.,llibll.ii,' 'll one culpa 't
foi ui. ci.-i Y iuali:v r, utiired iu eiiht r u FAMILY'
011 .MANl'l ACIt'ltlNii MAi MINI'.
We have had our Machines bid tie ibe pllblir lor!.;
el.otlh to c.-lublish their replllution. ilii..l:s of
oiheis win. tiirl..', h iiii lly ins chas -have fallen by
the wayside ; ' r.n.l -sooii ihc places kni w- theiu
will know lb, iu to more.' .-nip by st.p ius the
l'i.Ki i: A l.iov Ma. him: w ii i:.- way to puitl.c
favor ; iis suce-s is esialili.-hed. and hen,-, lortli our
liilil shall be. a.- ti has in llie pa?t been, to si ill I'll rl h-T
iluprole. -luiplil'v and reduce the Cost of our Ilia-ehii.i-s.
t e -hail, in a few days, is.-ue a new price
lisf. F,-r I'm 1 her pit ; ict.l us a. hires?.,
No. a.'iS llloatlwuy. New Yolk.
l'i,- 11 I! Miili, Aelit. .sunburv. I'a.
March 211, lso2
l.ncK:it tiuiiii X Itloiului-; Itail.
"X and after Xoveiuber If', In'jI, Fat .vngi r
littiui will run ik l..!tu,9 :
MoVlXii N'lIII.
I. fine .c 'nn, ton. ii I'.'i A. M
in. -'in A
li'.li 1'
" lil'-iliisblll
" l;ii.-i-i.
Arrive ul Nui'.lninibvrliiril. In t ti
I .llnVl.Nii .N.'KTII
. I.I.'HV N.'ltllllU.bllluUtl
J " lllllll',,.,
I l(iiiri.
I li!.M,ii..-l.urrf,
j Kii,su,n,
, Arrive nt S.ti.ui..ii,
A I'.m-ii.t u!-
i :;i 1'
i lu
i -.7
i. i-ii L.-avf, 1 IS P. M.
-j no l". M. ::.4n
U-iivi- Kin-.'-l'.n ut ? ".il
A. M . I,.:
Nvw Yurk
:, riiiiinii, in tfnriii'i.t wiili ti tiiiin tur
Ki'tiiiiiin, li-mi's Scr.iutuu uuuirivitl
of train fr..ui New V.nk. til I.l j 1' l
Hit 1,'ii-ki.uniiiin .1 l.l.M.iii.-l.ur liitilrunl i'i:ni,-'i
wi,ti i he 1'i-litutii,.. l.Hi-kitutiiiiiu mill Wt-i.-rii Uiul
roil. I ut S-riiutiu, fur Ni iik mij inUTiiiv liuto
l-yilllr- c.-tfl.
At It it .t-rt it e.nnoeis villi llip (.'nliiiwi-.-a Unil
rou.l, ior ..iiiif I.., ili curt mi l Hot.
Al Nurtliiiiiili,.rl,iiiil it i.,.iiii,.jN wi ll tin. riiil:i,li-l-)
Inn A lii a- Kiiili-iiii.i iiii.l Nuitlu ru Ci-i.lriil Kiul
rouj, for i.iiits west ai. l .inli
Ji.H.N 1' 1I.SI.EV, Siip't.
J 0. Wn.i s. (icncriil Ikkvt A&u.
April j. IniiJ
Iiili'i-iiiillomil llotil.
"C5 anj 307 iiii'.ttii:y. Vomer Vanillin Strttt,
X1.W YOUK. '
fJlllIS firt clus ll.iui-c. llie most qui.-t. '
X Kiul I'li-HMitil lluU-l in llie eiiy otL-ra u,eri,.r ;
iiiiii.ei-iiu-.,ta li, iluwe vtsiiin New V.nk lur bu-inirs i
or I'leiieiire. It i eeiiluil in ili loi-utiun, ainl k-),t .in
llie Kiiioi'K.iN 1'i.A.v, in i-.uiinel i,,ii Willi i.t I "li a
AI.ooN, wIht.' li-lii-linieiin etui be lu.,1 ut all tiuurs. 1
orat-i veii in Ilu ii uwii ri..ii. 'llie .'liui.-s ure n...- i
ilerale, llie r.M,ina m,i ult, it.lunee of llie lira, nr iir 1
l-Mi lia. hii.I ull llie iiiud.'iii eouveui, nces tittuclu-.l.
Mim li IM.L'
U U.I. I A 11. It!
I I'ST retM ivcl iVuln Xew York a lure:e nKSurlmeiil
.Jul W Ai.l. I'A 1'IH, euiiM.-lnij; ol Um.1Iim.iu.hJ
am. Si m -tii ii i. b liiri riirxr mvli l ami I'.ir-I
T. h x a. varying u. i lee lioiu o eeula ii,, ail ol
Milieu w ill be tuiil ul tliu loweal ,'M'li , ii-e. at tha
elieup ..lore of J. 11 L.Nlil.I.
ukui-, Muroh 22, ISrtJ.
I'rut laloua.
l.J. l oil.
huiokvil lieef,
I'rioU t'rull,
Ileal, a,
Ao . A
l ur S-i.l e ly
IV M Mul.AMi,
I'heanul Street bar., I'bilaU. lj hi
Mareb 29, l-H-i lui
II. II. .lltKKDH,
Vlluraiy Ml Ijsm, MNUlllV, IA
tullneli.,1,. alien.!.! lu m ll.e eouuiiu 4 .N 'l
liiuuiburliuiil, I uiuu. Mi)Uer, MuiiiouJ, Culuu.b.u
uJ Ljeouill.g
asrtacai rs.
II..a Joha M K.cJ, l'bila.lailia,
A li tiallell t tu.,
Ila W ui A i'orivr, "
Muiiuu UtMuliasil, m , "
t kvleka.u A tu , H I'aail Rireal, N Y nk
J. bu H A.IiUimJ Aliuruiy al Law, " J
tlankaas A tl, Aiioiusa4 ta, "
mikbajr. Mai-k 1. IkA
Eutiiely Vegetable. No Alcoholic Prepa
ration. Ult. IIOUI'LIN D'tf
l'rctTetJ by
U.I. M. J.VUKSJV & CO. .Philadelphia, Pi
will elTectuRlly cure
Chronic IVervoufl Dfliiliiy, Disruw f Ihe Kid
r.cys, tnd all difrnHCH unsing from a uisordcrrd
Jivcf ur St'tm;ich.
Piicti nt Ctiimtipntion, IiiwhtiI Pitw, FuIneM "f Rl'Mip
t" tdr lltrrut, Ai-nlitx nf l tie Swunrh. Nnuif. Hfititlitirn,
UirgUII l it Ftcsil, Klllllt'"! T Wfitflil III tilt glnilMt-h,
S-mf ',ruci'iliiti NnkiitK or K In' I t-r me nt the itir
Jt(iniin h, wimiiiiitg of lli Until. UMinetl nml Ditlimlt
HrtnitiiiiK. KlutieringHi the Henri. Choking r Si'fTn-:itiiiii
i.)it mii when in h UiUft (HiMiir. DimnfM ! Vision,
l"ls nt " wt-tis hrl'iiie iht luht. Krvri Htttl hull I'mii m
the nle llH''k, ("lu st, Lunhs. Ac.. iinl'le u K Mil tt Hoti ,
Nurnti e in itie KU'sh, C"iiiHiit lin;ttiniMi.'ft T ril. n. tl
pr it lifptcusiiiMS ni ?pinis. nnd will p itive'y crcvput
Vi'ilow I rver, HiIIhuib Kevrr, Ac
The itihIi it-ur in ciilntts tlic iiiieniiiu n ttir pudlic l-
tii ircmr:ititi, cltifi sn with n it-fUne 'f Mif utui'St v -m
fiitfiu e ni in viriii'-R nnd ntli.titi"ii t. t he iliM-me fcf
Which it ia rt'Cfiinnif inlt'tl
It is no iihv ii i til untiled Mrtiete. tmt n e llutt )i stood
the tfsl nf ii iwelve vents' iml iH-lore the Aiiiiuiiii pen
p'e, nut! Mi rt'putiiM it mid :tlr iitf u'lriviil'i d l imy hii.i-
I ir prsp;ir;ttioiis rxnutt. I'hetewiiuMiiiv in it fnyoi eivi-ii
iiy the most pftMiimrnt nnd -tl hit 'Wii rnvsinnns mid
iiiitividiuils in nil puts nf llif rminirv Is iminfiisf. nm!
iiiiefnl perusiil t the Aim mur.'ishd miMMnity ly th
proprtctois, mid ta le tie hud cr-i'i 'U niiv M thii Au-iiis.
ciiniiiit Init Sii'isfy th iTl st skfptiinl Unit tins reiiuilj it
rfallT Jeervine the ertr reieltt dv it l:is odtmnt'd.
it km Tin; hvmr.NcK.
Rend wh-it t!ie etnitient lil:iss Mm nnT-'ft in r. .Hfl M
ill TMJ.. is "t" the e:nii)Ul
rr.(". M. Jim ksiia Kfuprcifd I rit nd : H;ivnir l-r n
l"iie time heit ncfinitmifil Willi the viriur ol tn H.ilssitnn
INinlml ni Coujth, Colds, liifi:iititiiiilicii o tlic Lunuf. f,
) thus I'ree'y hoir lestinionv t( Ms ertViicv. I'or ft vcrnl
yeiirs I hnve i.'vef het-n wittx-til it lu mv I'I'imIy . ll
pivrs ine plttiMiie lo st;it- ili:il I I nve uwd it wuh entire
BUCCeStt Hi the I rent niriit of B"vl ('"I'M-'jiimIs
Thy fptendly hulv, .l(' l WMITAl t..
Filth M'l. 17, Kt. U-.u-r street. lil-"Ve 4th. riii'in.'il
These tnedlfines ate for ml hy .ill repeet til'!e ItniUL-i'
nml ili'tth-rs in iiieflM iiies in ihe I'mit-d Mutes, iiii:h1is.
Untish I'ri'Viitt nces iintl West Indies, lit T eeiits per l I
t'p. He sure nnd net the ticnnitie, with Ihe siumt me -f C
M. J.irksori on tin wr;ipntr of e:ih ttotlle ; nil (fliers 'nc
e iinterfeit. Ir int-ipHl iiTice mid .Mjiiafuctory. Il An li
Street. Phllndetphlii. I'll
S-pMiilier 14, l-l-l !y
AjuU i- IiiliJiiiiiiator ; C'liroiiio. Luu.b ig'. .cia: iv':t .
PK'iu in. Ac.
StiiTne.- nf the J iiiilf ini l (.'r.nii ? liout. Ner.r;il
L'i ii in I it 11 Nel Vt'US Atleeit-tll-t I.i ?in il.-s. S.ilt
lilcuiii Jiii-I S jrot'ulmirt l.ruj ii. ii ni Uif fy
Neii'mli'- iht ini'uriiu t ot lli,t l'ooil iii,l I ii.i.l
;iit. u l.'iV -v.-!ftii. iiii'l c!.i-'iu.iliy e"iii;ti'iiic;iiij:
Mt ii.miiii .-n.'.t r.!,vi "'i-i'iioi.? itilliiviu'va.
I It assl .t CiOlVe'lieilt :itr:inue HI I. l. eont i. nil. C ti I
nMt.liriiletl t'oiiip I i la' w.i uii. I H e I. ilv . A
.wont l,,e wtiht L'fAI.I.N I.l I l.t.liMi l.l.r
L I'A K IS ulu'iro-i li.e'- m:.y lie. It e o. in- H
yt W-m Wt' I ..U! t lit' lil -M ti' pels ll Cl
M .iriii no eli trjit tu t lie prt . r h n it f I liv.i.,i i! re- ,
(Jilted It iilUrelv trui .'t- 1m- ili..i',ii'li in N.r rj
Hj s , em, W itli ti e l.i!iin,. u de in fieh t,M-e. '' i 1
- ll 'Wi I fill llitfl NUl tne'liehU'S. Wlneii v:i'i' II ULtl V
p -Wt i I nl Intel nnl tin
I'eiiTny tin; fonbl 1 1 ill c it iiml i;
t''iii"'r:n re
def ottly iy stiJ,iityini( tl; S'1' m. nnd i!i':ntr , , Tj
Oi:? vi:;i Ky. H tins it. ilu- in. iiti-nuii r
perin s fi'iiUnin-il ri Hie ii mtl l-einu ! n h.i;V h
H .If in it'i' ; V lifiV uatiit ;n .1 e.ioil.!c i-t I e.nt; jj
fdiihiy :i:iirl.e.l, tltr-mich tin- pT.. tlie.kin "
U-j ffit.e info ti ir -tf -.n':it'l wi'li lh- lili- ! Hint tr-nt-- m
. T;ii t. "K'UliHioji. wit in I hts' h i m to pufcs t hi ni;li
t:ie St-'hi i'h, w It vvou.,1 it-ml u .1 to it. li iel ri
Hj if.nn (l.rir t'liiitfive pow is, li'it (o linpMif Hit- in--f
teliMl -lil tl-T iinjc !., it.nfj.ti "i ii'mi- T'Mi!.
: - i !.;-t; tin- ; tr ntf't :' '. (.... t'.-,, f,,. te-'i't -
f ! , --! if inii,-. Mint ,j. ii'C a pr ' le t erne n
L i- ini I'm ;l-i-l f.j mil i i lm- i i. .'i ..( ti.e 1 ;t
J f milt ;itni r-.'"i mi H.e pm'n ;:! t-i il t H hml'ni iy
ifi.'i.n 'I'tiiTt W i mt is :i'm :i tie -ft p-wntu
j ANTl-M KIU'I'KI A I. .V-IA T.''-f..l. in. t I.. - M
ft i:U tt- priinif y citiise of ii li. p;irt of tl.e NI H
ni ii- ph. .Ni. iirinkf ie l'n inn :tn t ft h - - i it-.i' h-h c ,i.'i i- P
Xi ;. .- -I vi" "'i" .- ..n ; - i, .tj. f
,;-" y
M ilrr:ite rifpf iireenreil m ' lew i!:ivs :niil w m
!, nre (oits':intl i eei-i viit-; in -ti n'i'eil t. fitmi ni.. W
r t,i we ihvi'e i...-;m eti. n ;f our "ifn-e ! rV
tin ir till'-.iry ill ililrH llUil cuf-esof i hlI utmuling
lMMVK I Uii T.M.tM4 ;n I..- In, I. if )r -ic.
1 ir Ms. or will tie H'-nt l-v immI n;i ii r. i i;-t ol r." - r
"j 'i iXiircM even tt h if. wi"i :i:l i.ttt .ii y nikti u-I
rf ii'tnn ir in llif piii.i ij jL tlive f
O SMITH & CO . Pole Proprietors.
1 vl 1 IiiiuAIiw ay. n.-iir rriii'in strc-t. i:w Yi.rK.
I v Iroiitisv. i:li Ci'iiiiiv-l Tisiiu).i..:il, s, i.t
Atlf-'TS Sui.'.jrv. I'viliiiL, .1 Ill-mil.
' ii..,.r-:i- llii-lit.
' N.-riluinilKTlui.,!. Ii. H. McCv.
M.iicn . l.-".2. Iv
1 ATTIir.lV .V
4 tlO-li' fa III l."W. Xo
V.ri r,,r rn
.1 u., Ilio.i.hMiy. M.W YUK. "ill ("ir. t..".y
lllli li. 1 lo l',,lleetioLi Ulij all Oilier ll, ..tiers intl m l
(,, tl.eir enre.
Mny "I, ls.'.s.
New Settlement of Vinclund
.1 j:!:mi:dy fi: jm.-d tim '.
A liar1 o.j'nr!nnit y in tin Ylt Mtttkel, ttul musi
IMil.iful itii-1 JU-.slti.fiit Oi.r.iti' i.i tln 1'
Only Thirty Miles S uili of hi;i, on n
l.iiilru'i l ; "b'.-in t lifh. lienvy .il. ni 1 Lihly
I rolnf i o h lient Imnl ; iuiHiii-t I lit.- l.vit in (he
liiuileii Stnte of New Jersey.
It .".Drills .i! Nt.iiul iicre.i cf co.m liiti'l, tlivi-i- l
itito rmni.- I'l'itit.eicnl J-it-J to suit ihv -lt:r---
tVotJi Jo jn'ies ujnwir l? ;ii.'l i" iit tin r.itei't'
$iJ to Jut fiero for the lntm l.u.'l. M.thle t.i:e
t"iir;li ':i-1i. Hint the hy ijiiMiter-yi nriy iv-ii.!-uitMilj.
viiiii le:il inUii -.t, wi; the In m of i- ur
I--, in j'reat -!irt. ti lliclj i'hiy l.ofitn. nii:i!-!' I' r
AN In-fit, iJrtt.v iiii'l lVil;i;o- s jil.-n a l ik hij-I i i--ii
?tui'ly lofini. mii'til li i,r L'orii. Sn1! Inuto(-..
Ka-'f.i. nil kiial ol' e jettiiilei mi'l n-ii .I 'j . jh A ti"'
llie.-t lil'tr! emt fruit . -lull lilJiJ't ref'hes. I'i'Mv
Apt ii ti;. Nivtin in-.-?. l;l;i'-Kberi ie. M.-loii?. itii I li. r
I I ml--. Iet ;i.iit vl lu ilio l'i ,iliiilfl hia nn l New
Vut k uiiirket. In t vi-eel to iht- wii hi.. I .n."- tlo-re
i'tin hi' no ua-lnki', tis i?iku cun i xjiii.iue ho'h. i-n l
ni ne m e txi'ivti-'l to buy helori' s-. nA tii..ih
ihi-M" tiileiiu'tit! oorrci't uii-lt r tlu-a riivtuiiftiTi'
unit the?,.- ! ate n u nis were coiTtvt , l hi le w ouit I
lo uu tn their U in nuiji-. ll is conM.leit.ti
Thk J-'m it Sou. in thk IMox.
(Set Kef-Hirf of Solull liol. ill-inn, Y.&y, tf tin' Xfff
Yolk Tnuni uml the well-known HneulUni-t,
illunu Puny, of Ciiu.ainii .-hii, tw Jtit-y, lii.:h
wU hv turhUhiJ iiHininT-
iiii; mai;ki:t.
V-y hxrkini over the mnp ll.e ivtuler will jioroeivo
tlliit it ll'J" the het llitilkel ill the I liKll, ilA f.!i
tin i ol t'oiiuiiUtiit-ui ton u i;h New Yoi k Hi -i 1'h 1
1 hin twice u tiny, hein only thin-'uo miles ti in
ihe latter l'i n'l lll'i' 111 il)t lllHl ket hi ilii ilouhlf the
t-r ite that it tl"es iu ItM-aihin-j tii-iant tioui the uties
III ill is h'Ciilloli it cU he 'lit llilti luaikt'tthe n.-tliie
iiioiitUi it i;aiheittl, tin 4 for w hut ilu" fiiuier m-IU
lie irele the hi-he-t it lev 1 hlll rHti it itinl u lit r
Mrti ler he (iiin hat-. he jjele nt the loweM .ii.'t'. In
the W est. what lie Hell hiiu huu u putaiKt', hut fi r
h twit In' huvs he fay t o j-i it t-. In lot-.iiiii In-rt
tht nt I lei line titat.y ulhti t.l aitl;it l!e is w i I in
h few hour. h raiiroa.l. i. l the vreut ci;ie.nt .New
1 liluli 1 mi'l Ihe .Mulilte .Male. He lo t. I Li oi l
fiui.l ami n-M.'iahoiin. lie lut m-hiol for i.i?ehil
Ureu, tli nn n it ivt. him h11 the tola,utae i t civ il
LuU 'ti, tui t hv U uear lurijv c i .
TUt CLlMAii.
I tlelihtful ; lln? winter In-intf tiluhriou-. mul op.-u.
wlnUt the uiumen nv no wniiuei ih-in Hi the Nn ti
The I ciitiou ! uiuu Ihc line lulilu ! ith kur theiu
I. riN-iii- wuniinx fhHnpo uf c!i n:n t f.-r he.ilth.
Wt.ul-I he tiiueli betitli'ltil ill VilM lmnl 'lhtMitl-l-luo
the L'luuate nn l ilu brneiiu inlliu nee. in,tk.-
It -cxoelltlil tor Mil I'UluioliJtiy Httteiloi:, tl .ia.
or general Ut hllll.v iMtoia will let. I. f -I fK 1 1 ik v
tU IvW tin) L hill MiM uie ui kl.uHit
CO.i:.MLNni. AT 11 AM
UutMiiig nniteuttl u i Uiit . iAk uu'l i tier tt m o
jilernilul anU ih-ap
iMi. i uiu-t t xj't.'t, bowtver. to i.t a lnci
wiiv nu: rn'tii.itTY ins not m i n.-h
ii.Mi r.iT"tih
TUw (Uele ii thr ren ter iinlurJI v nki It u lt -CNUe
It hw hu u het I IU Uie tl.t I i, (.iiiiiiK - i..
iIum is t.i i'll, niul 1. 1114 tftith ut rttiiiu .1 1 1 .-ni 1
lit y lifvl lew iuUuoeuAf uu. itm milroM't ha- ji.-t
hetl o-ttjeU lUiuU.b tuv Jl - ill) lUtMvli, l I tin
ilt tlllltt
uitun tr li.o i.ver th Uiul lu oiot(f 1 v
bf aH(Mt, (wi i1oi4ti nut ituU iiimriui n l 1
tholuUU IU tall if Ul loii U.. dliu ..t Willi '
iu llle, iii(Ult hUi( Ult'Ut tu Mi'iilv lh ll utehu
tK'i livMtlU'. Biv ot iv.f Um4i lelli!
lhviMtiat lUuig iu bnri liiue. wkviv le hw
bM lUiuati uul ul tMil'lu) iui kl ui bu'tliL-, ifu
tltli IIIMUS Uf Uiil UiOW, M) Ht lri lUtii. i
tfr 1 tl JT IWy ft 4 4 W4 l ftMWAti in
ml onn mora thin tnnko w in ImfroTh. it, vnl
hen if ii ttotm U 1 fl 1 1 tin in U-p. n ten nml nl
I'M. A f i w cren in fitii tree nil! ii ur' rio ml' r
IhUo livinr, Th I:m1 in put down r- 1 time
firicr. niul all innir'tvoiii'-rif ctin l'mait' itt a ch'inp
er t:ito Onn piy oilier tiinp.
The whole (net, irh six m!.f front nn 'lie B.ii'
tViJ. is bvitu laid out wi'li fine fin I pttx-'tous nfnuM,
Uh a town in th cs-ntre 0t nrre lo tu tho town
tell nt from $1 On t0 $200 ; two nnd n half note lotn. nt
rO to $120 lo $200; two ami n half ncro lots, nt fmm
f-H) to $120. and town lota 50 Tefl front hv 160 feet
deeji. al tlOO ptiynblr one hnlTennh n'I tl'to hibinco
wit Lin a yonr. It is only uon fnrn.n ol twenty nac
or niore ilit tonr yrare' litnr isivi-n.
To Miitinfncturi'ri. tiie town 1Vu .1 n fine opening
of tiie s7ftif iniimil'ieMirin r hi;?iins. sml oilier tirli
cU':. bcinu nenr I'hilri'U'lifltiii. nnl the surrtmri'liT e
country ihh a lur' population, n Lich nnor.l a 2uod
j This "etllrmrnt. v the ooitr-e of scmnil yr-nrs. will
be one of the uirr h,iiitiltil ihic in the country,
; and mo-Jt nirree.'ihle fur n rei'li nc'.
I It t intcinleil to miikc n Vine nri'l Kniil growing
countrv. us this culluri' ihe mo; jirolilnhk' find the
! be-t :ilnited to lnmket. livery iiirvHritn.rc nrd con
t vchii noe f r s"ttUi! will he iiitt'i litced. nnd will
iii"tire the propcriiy of the pl:iee. Jhc h;ir. times
, j,hoiit llie eoniitry wi'.l he n ndv'tt.tno lo the
i t'U ntei.t. it ciiipt'lr' pcijileto Tsvrt to uricul
turn tur a liv iti
' LurL'e rntiiheii nf ftenple arc pnr'-Vi-ln?. nml pro
I ik wLndv.oire ihe best hiualiuti sliutild visil ihe pluco
I nt nlion.
Improved fund is jiUo T-r iln.
Tm m:r L'ind ein he Ix.iuht h or williont
tintluT. J l.e lunl.erut HKirket h!;i ii i.n.
J In- title i hjMi-iiul'ihh'. Wnrr ititce 1,'iM-ds .ifiven,
i ct"!tr vi alt liieiunhr:ini-e. when ihc luomy is puij.
rn;irlilij; cti: i-TiieinM'S -it li'ind.
Letifis pioinpMy iiti'wcred. in. 1 Hcp'Ti or Salna
j llohii n find Win. run;, sent IoimLlt wiih the
I l n- !,intt Httrtif '.
ht-ute to the I. I'd : l,e;n Wnlr.u trvt whnrf
i riiihideiphiii. i,t i'k. a (Mil 4 r. y, .
i (tildes- ;here lioulil n ch.-HL''' "f li' t'i .) for 'ii'f
i lmi'l, on the t;i,i"ljoni' tin I Mihville RntlronJ
, W hell yoit leuve tilt! vnv nl V lliuluirl Suaiuii, jusL
ut'ened. iin i i ir for
i CHA!;L1 k. I.AXMS.; t.
! F mi.der of 'In- ;., -i,v.
' Vivn M. P '.. uti.i -i!.n:d eotm'y. V J.
V. rv Tii p- i- ;i .lmn.- of
,l-o I fMVM-e of a:li ivj l- oil ihe
tin 1 l'i i!;t li l hi. 'i :n iiii l.ii. 1.
nt-.-. dt.l in;ii ion. .
T- J'l il:i-h..I.j'.--
i r !', niii Nliv Vui k
iii'l'-.uiii y.iur bu?i-
r "V S n."N l!oi:ivoN, (,r Tilt: New Y.jTck
TlUriM'. t 1-oN IIII. IM LAM' Si. M I V.MZST
l j- i ii. i i 'i i jiii i ti'ji i ; ijiii me rc i 'i i i oi
.Nuiii lioi in-oii. r.-( . 'utM --iu.( r
Tnfitfn in 1 1 It rvurc to im lituJ.
rend lliii report wuh iiitei: ;
111.' Xl iv V.; k
All ii'iMii.a ouu
I A't'nntir- s of ' : :r h-, -nc '
: i-l-
';(", Mli! '",. IM' I'll-It 11..:'IJ
Tt:P (.', f vf I'lrtlll'IJ JrtC'fll.t of C:ufS
l'luil'.'t i'u ft .',:.. 7 F.tltUlif''.
Ii is -rinin'v hii.' i!' llio lnost c'i.nivo f-rtilft
Ir:i.--s. in i.ii n'nitil 1, vi-1 . i,,n, ."m iii',il,!v oi.n-.liii'-u
t,-r K-.-i- nil l.iiiniiiz ili.ii .' k;,,, of ihi -i 1..
i, ilu- wvl. Ill I'lMin.-. . l-,U'. .,!:ie .,1 tlionl-lir
i:iin.- it; -,ir -i.ilv jt.-t n j-i- li.-thiv i-ru hu'i ivo ii.s
uii ii !'.. I .-U-uu i .,1 .,i.---. I:.' v ,,r a lr.nlri-1 yi-:irs
'i In- 4,-, !,.m-i v.-li,! 1 -,..,n .., i-v tin- ,.f
, . -1 i i . u ! tii ' ili y. I'lr: ,li.,l - L-,miii ry i- u in'iiin
:n, I .ill llir,,ii-n t',.- - -;l .-- I' ui, 1 ,-vi 1- n.-.-s
,-t lL-..!.,.ivr,i -ul.-:. it.-. -. L'-.-i . r;-!:y in fli I'-riii ,.i
il.-ii.rrt'. -1 i-.i.-ii. i ii- i:i-'i :. -Ii,,-:i: i:,-ir.v ii..-t
. -l li. '. nil". ' li. -!:. II- i.l l !.t-: i ;-. i i.t v I , !ii.-r ,. v ; m l
iiii i. .i: ly -h'-ii.i:,-,- i. - "ulr!,- I i-ii :i.;-i nl, If H-ii.
in n . ry ,--'ii.i.iiiiiiit-,l I'.iiu. ii i . i i:, i... i . I--T c-.ii Ii
ii,, n ii ... -1 i-., -liy n-.-iii:il;il, ,1 'y su-'ii ,'..i.'.s a.i tl.
I'll li,t-- l.--ip ;,, ,-ul. ,'.
M- ii. iii nil ii- r i:,. . i.i- !, mi ii-,-1 i., i'.-ri;;.-.
or-1 1 i:. I..l:it,"!. t:- in :ii.- t-n.,- i: iv.i- ' , i :.- 1 I i
111'. l;,,i;;, - ; Ml i ili i : -ill i ' i , it: il y i: uitii 1 bi I
i lit. I. -I ..1. ::- il ,.'t,.-. 1. ! , 1 1...IU:.-. liiat i 1
I.- 1 1 1 -C i.u.i c.-tru -I i.t,, I -i : ., t , , r Oi -li-11. Ii,,iv
11 1 ll - ll III" I f nl u. ,!,!,-. Iln-l:. il nil, -I Lit-, wln-ii f-,ni
!iln,:iiy 11,1X1-, I it,i,,u;'li 'h.- - -il. i. Ii.-r,. im-h j-nni,.-l'
u ill In-limitil n, I'li-I . I. Mhl t; ii.-! -ilu,-I
tin i.. in i-' u-,- .. i tv tin H- li-. - i; - !i. i--ir' li
lliii il-.i lu.-i. - ii.-l'i.- I :.,ii, !- ,.1 , ...m-o. (!.,.
ill II', I ill.' '-Xv-u i ll w-.lct- 1 ;i. -.-.-ii in l:.i ilfi.,1.'
. i li-l., I' l.-r' :! i'y iii ti il ,lii,-l, ii, ,:!i, r ;iiun
li,,l:s. l,-. iu tin- viiiii- 1 1 . , -ii i !, t ,,,-;i-, i : k-s ,.r n
lfii-t n,)iii .iiift .-. i- -l.ii. .-i; i.i.i ,-n.,;u, r-: i I-. c,-,-j
:- i,- 1-I-. 111--.;-, n.i - i- J i, 'in-,', I ! ;.' lil; 1 nil
; i!:,,i .
A t.-w r Is :,l in ili.. 1, 'li.y ni.,'i :ilu.' i f ll,
li 1. . 1' I .".il:ill,i ,H. Ct Vl.i.ii ll.J l.'.VL'
1 '
I li.r 111 ' !.-it - t., Wi
Mil I 1
tou 1. -:;:(. 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 'i' i-uiii t, . '..,i j.,i;', (;- .1
' lhl ti.i''" 1 ..ud ili--. Mo,.t .1,1 v yv.ii - .tr-
'. v "'' ' ''ti ' "- "I - ti ' a id .
u ' "; 1:1 .1; . - . . ' 1 1 t!' i v tin lit
till' i 'i: I. :- 'v 1 1 . ! 1 . I iiiel e 1!. !"l tti.,i
t .'.:.!. T.: ': -l :.t..l it l.;;l h-nj. J
11!- t .. : i-! 1 i . . 1.. -;,.' . .i t u 1, h in ..
hti- t.o iiosihi iu:. le .he ii.ill 'tie. thitii;h i
It. Mill oltjrcl .',. to t.t n a 1.1111. !i ' 't:i lii't ouie C-
il:ee-l that llie soil v.ihi il !. t-.r cui.w .diun.
thi- he h.i; Hi.' l'i en .1 i- i -i Ml 1 ( . a- m.imi- t :'
vi-.j- 1 ti tt-. i-. . ;a. .. ..,, j .., Vl. (ri tl;,-.-.-.-..;.-i-:.
..t,-r ) ii..-. I.u-l, e!-o I
0- cel.: ;i '.i;-hel lit lii- tlt i.i. Tii.- Vi :'. - .-I. (l, i
. l'lioi:' in tini . ti.'i-e 1 o.'1 '1 hi -I,. 1- ol .. .r.w.
. :n i'i. 1 In -t ei .i w ; ji-i' rti- n.-?-. t.iji.i: t ,i;r.
t!ie .v. . i.t ! y.ei I- t ;.. h ,. I iu- t. ..
..if. r ti'i'l ' ii at '- 11. :u; t ii'i Je l 1 ,t '.m -i:j'. ;
i - r 1 'ne t in 10 1 uii'h 1 ; ii 1 n t 1 i.u. .. U w .
'h i - l'i. - I .-. hti-in-i- : :n.. I i!, . n 'he 1,! .i.i. i
. ss ' i . 1 1 1 . . 1 mi' Kin ; :ii;- - ii , : e.h 4 t 1 u
J; .. . - 1 .r :. r
I I !ie 1 ir- apt ll-l lo t.. tM . Tv. 4
!. - I'i'-l.t e.e-i: ir. ; - I. I. L'J." J- nt mi
-h-.-i-iri:e i l liii.e ; thii'l. j 1 : 1 1. I I'fn:
Is i.-: .! 'i hr-i:- 1 -I -ki-l lime li.-f 1
1 ii - 11 ..o i'!' '.,'f ii.C' U iu l'.:".e.!,
ai;. '.i i' ! r 'vli.'.-r.
M.'. W :i- :: - .i:.,'.-t. n i 'h v.!:t-- f'i
. t ttie J ! - M - -n. :ul t., i:. tV i
live a- t; v t u .-t 'h , ..'e
. .1-
At ivy ' r.ii ai o .1 'V .i.Ti-'V
1 1 !'; 1'. "t::l n.i!. 'li'!. .'1 Ml W l! - I, SV
1;. i.l .
1.. i. 1
i ll ..I
i- t,i. i ii.:
. -..i.ii ..ii.
:ii.-l ,-1
l.ut you : i..i.'iri-1 i.ijli. w
-ii i s.- :
h:.l i ih. i : l .-;i l v I 'i!-l,-...y -
" Hi. I. y,ll -i .'. i.r . "I.' .1.1 i; '.,' :. ' : ...
li. .in'i ..... l'-.i y ..m e I,.,:- ..! mi r. ,
i. r-lii. l we ...-iiiu-'i ill - iii .-i -.11 i l.'i" I.:" -:i i
I ; i it -I. e -i-i.-'.-.I i-: I-,.- in .. . ii.i, i-.
ei:n:l., i -. i ,,'i,'i:-. . ;ii I y v -i v ;.i ., I ,i. : i r
.1 I ili.'l I, III, i.'l.llt 'l" Itil.l i!"' S;, 1-
1. 11-., i I i.:i; ll:,- il -.. .1- l...: li,:. i :il. . el l i, i.i.
1 y ,-',,., r. nhi I, I..I-I IV'.l.i... ' !.' I... - .1,-,-, lie -J
:.K a 1:;, t I .,; I, .'.'II el. 1 . '-! 1,1 -1 l.ti i I.e. :t .
V.: ... !. 1 ...... rh l.. : ..:ul, ......
i.ll't.exr ;-:t v:;v t,'. !;-,,. ! ; in ..' Av.i t -fw
li- (.1; ft An!! . l.-.t:- t'
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1 l. al '.' nn in fe. atel ni. - i..t . f n ll.e iv
ttll.' I Ui vtl.e;it. Ul.h ",U 1 i.
, tu rt l lii- erop may he nt n. ,i i.iv 4 1.. o.
lel I;- -J 'n -itl h.l iiel.- 'ej u,U', h:'H ,. 11,
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I'ei i. i t!i v'l'.ai'.n a 1 I n'i It V i 1, j . i J,
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w.. :( i'. -t.i.i ; inle .. c . t - i p.- 1,111-,
i'l ;i ,) J 1 1 . 11. p mail., a'. I 1 te - l .. i 1 '.
v went t ii llie'i'li if.'i H.i.ii.t Uii
nidi 1 1 u.o li ,, fin - . .1 -in t ;(- -1 1 11. . nn t In
w .;(,.., t h .1 inj. I." k t' : t' w . .i i. ue e .
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t. it ( tl 1.1 -till.' "...k i-t In .1 k n 1 I ilit in
l.e u lil hi- .il le 4.. . ill t!i,' ctoti th" .',11
liii- ll. hit!, l.ilie. .ilu I He lil ;l ,''iiiu-i'.,.
tie 1 e, il ho w ill ,;i , e iln' iiv -i ; ,i- 1, n . ti 1
1' n t of the l.'in l w n-i p! int. 1 1 ot r..
fli-I er.i whit-li ntltl I Jo liii-ht L- p. r :.
W .1.- 'li .1 liUiC-l nil ..l 1. 41 -ll 11 p i it.-t i-. ;il..
W i ll W hi al nut eht 1 1 . i. ( ,.11. (,., ;. ,t ,
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I The reu-ti-r w ill iivollivt th -t ii,,- wn'i
piakn ol hii t to. ;l 1,,'w, tin I ,
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1 11 i Ill r l ilM l h- t-nl II I .-J. ..! Ii.-t ; , .; ! I ui Ii nil- ll 1- Bfi.-on. 1,1 Kt il,,.
will i.xeiaHe piolnhlx n 1 , Vl
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tt t 1 I . l..; p, U Mil,. I, l Ull I Il't
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lie .lH.iVot- uie l.i In, y lihluMuik
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i.'Mi't-i - cLstU,, Uir iu- pi.; - 1 t . , ,.1 tel.. ,.
t it.. It' Olbl lo III 1 H U, M hH.t i HH 1 ,
in lm ot.t. nil) -, un I who no 1, ... I .4 I , ,
hititj liulv - iel tn will -Pi w. II it, v
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