aoiwmmtttmtmie:t m.h 4rtrssMa'u.iiasi CTijC unbuii 3mcurnn. II. H. MASSI-m, Tlditor . rrop.ietor. Ml M Kl, I'A. hATUKDAY, OlTORCU 25, 102. . sarnie- aas- tswsss -si .it.. nsh.. tj". IlriBTTENOTIiIi ft CO., No. 37 FiirV Row. New York, and 6 Ftnto Street, IWt.m, are mir aironts fur 'ho ffi xih:iy AvtrntrA. iii those cities. nl arc authorized to t ike A Ivortlso menu and Subsoil; linns fur it at our lov osl rut. tl?" Xhn r yino Srnsrnini'.i(!. Wcslmll continue to cut ofT wwkly nil suWrit'crs of lonu8tnn(1iPf?nncl doubtful npcmwliilHy, Tvho make no effort to v. If tht'ir jjupcr la itoppod tlwy will know tho rensoa. tif An ArrnnTTCB Wanted. A Iwy about fiftopn yonrs of nrc, desiring to lcnni tho printing business, ran linvu ii ooo-l vhntico hy ftpplyinj lit this olTlcu linmciliiituly. One from town thnt enn board lilmsclf, preferred. tW Fall asp Wixtkr'Wp di rect attention to tho lutvertiieiiic'iit of Miss M. L. Cusiilur, who litis just oprnod nn ns sort merit of Millinery Goods, which hint not been excelled in Sunbury. Miss Culler's si-lection of Fall nnl Winter styles of Bon nets is udmiiublo, nnd she has displayed a taste which wo warrant will suit all who will nve her n call. Levi S. Di'tiinliilltr, Martin Welmek, lsimc lieliork, Klins 1!. IliHuish, David FcrMer, .luiiittlinn K in-: towi.hiiiv .Tames Urill'ttli, John l!irki I.yniati S. Weaner, .Tumi's O Hiien, Uenriri' linker, t'hritopln r tfottiie, Thoinim Humble, (oiil'irc W, Wouiey, David Morgan, Samuel rredeiiek, Simeon Iliitiit, William Lobb, r.ennevil KissinpiT, Ueorse F. Crono, Charles llelchert, Julius J. Crone. LOW Kit AUOCSTA 18 WHS. Gooro W. Uaker, George B. Hunt inn, mmmrnrtm aai mn 'u Samuel Smith, F.lias llctriek, O. 15., Daniel ltd nick, rem Snyder, eler. -01 Mt.. l'alriek Gulden, Samuel f. Foy, IViinisi Mopjitit, Hi-nry W. Burns, Soloiiion Scholl, Adam Iin eelier, John M. Ilaius, James Mohan, J (erinan Crone, Thomas Bomb, Ammnins Farnswortb, Penjnmin Dirk, Mirhael Flahnity, John Miller, John riuniiihpry, l-i f We would direct orr readers to the advertisement of Snyder Brothers in another column. Those in want of any article in their line of bmmo. will do well to give them u call. LIST OF PHAFTED MEN IN KOK TIIUMBERLAND COUNTV. MIAMOK1N roWNsUtr H 1 MEN. Gen. 1'iiisyl, ii'., iTe-iry Hippies , Wm. Haas. Geo. Dunkclberjrer, l'eter Wiliour, Dli Ptrsiaff, Abraham Kii'-r, James Arter, Franklin M:irt7. Den ni" llu. .man. Clitlworthy Fjsiii-r, William t ulji, Jesse Zi-iby, John Yi aL'i r, Joseph W. lli.lll't, Martin Gas, W illium Vnii'iu'. lit s;i Ti Samuel Md invv i Daniel Shijie, Franklin Moor , I bivid Kline, lo eiih Divis, ir. John Sehmelt, Joseph G. Tkt-. worth, David Mill. Win. Hummel, John Mart., Win. S. Adams, Henry Ti-miilin, l'eter Kimklr, Jaroli iiioeioiM, Daniel Sehol!. Matlii;"- Ti.-tsorth, I i-1 ,; 1 1 in Ilii'iimi 1, 1 a id Ad.uns, lluiry Bird, Jackson (irou!, lle.nry S. H...i:,t. Kobe'rt Kersieller. Nr-HH' 2(t yr.s. n. v'harli s !vns( , Jsiiii-s K m d, il. K. Ki.kiua!'., d.ini Chapman, ili.lll Fiher, lu-!i 11. Vastim- S. Sa id '!ui Wnrkhcis-r iil a (i. 'o i.rl,:. Kr oiai ,1. 1 -ller. 'liomas Thomas, i:iiel Z'lern. .::iiel ('. Smink, '.eore Sliipp, icn'j Hill, 1 nn Join s, :,!:,. ! ;r-:.-. Shin, '1 !' i J.eiV It .H.lllKtM. ;:n in'.i v:-mv .'! mi v. i:mi. 1 li mi, iii Handler, Iward D. Snyder, ar'es V. S.niih, Woods iirow n, in. W, D; iii ksoii. ).i. II. Leidv. .li Ma.T, ' ' ii'Io II. Seaman, tins lit '!. r. ( harks II. Marr, Isaac llariand, David Ftt, Jai:oi, I 'ai'kl Fi-Jier, Michael Farley, Tiiomiis Singley, .7 aine.. Curl, ("harie, MoWav, II. A. KisuriL'er, John Sheep. 1 II ii i: MAHA.NOV TWMUtr - 7 MEN". ,:iiel . iiukr, S'domou Bobb, iJioiiv.- ri r, I'aiiii.i DonioitV, Diri'ich. f.ev i Coiii'aJ, Samuel Si inehart. i.i-.wi.'- town.-iUIi- 21 'lily, i. r Mei.;a.', Samuel P. L reh, .ot Shell, Danii.l Weitman, Drie.,l.:ii-li. J.-l.n P. Creasy, nc ilail'er, Jo',1'1 I. Shade, I '.! r H. Finney, Chailes J. 'o!t", in Ita'ip, jr., John UiPiian. o;.i.i-( 'ail, Wiiliam Menja', a. II. I'.rueh, John Shell, unci Mover, John C. I.evvnrs, Ir.-w Snider, Anthony K. Ginger, William Harinan. I'olVT T"W .MII1'- U men. a:iill,i.dii -!.s, AVil'i-im Haas, er.-i ,)!t, Vi illi im VaiiiiirU, liiriil Cook, ( harles Forid, id Vnnkirk, Henry Weaver, aiiuel Mrauli, Juhn'Wa'ker, Joi ph Vandevender. IIM iMMMlili: TOWN.-UH" 17 MLW n Kim aid, '. Uuchir, bea Haupt, iiam Neuiey, laum Gardner, u KerVetter, tin Pyai!, Jj nard Widscy, iknjamin Bine, William M'lllin, F. Burkheinicr, William lieiner 1, William Mills, Aaron Troxell, Jaeoli Dark, Henry D. Sortman, Charles V. Fiddler. Dl t.AWAIIi: TOWNMIU' 10 MEN. i Clifton, m Boan, huh Lereh, id I'nt, mm Ball, John N. Oyster, Thomas Mctzgfir, Jacob Iloadunutl, William Betd, Charlis Sticktl. CAMKIlOX TOWNSIIII- 11 MEN. . M. Haupt, Harrison Wrrgucr, el D. WtiUtl, Bennevil Haupt, iiard GoUhalt, John Titweiie-r, elins Monsi-r, Isaac Peiper, V. Ker-tetter, Nathan Hcnuiurjer, 1) Lonu'. Jared Ielk, Dor.i-ili r, Joseph Weiiry, JA1KSON TOWNMUP 21 ME.V. iel Z irtman, er Kcll'er, evil l.ahr, el Buyer, Thomas, K link, Kolile, Kol'le, h Blown, li. Smith, us Driuiile ller, Kniss, Charles Leader, Da ae A!tert, William Fuller, Kli n Hatter, Ccriitli as Fees, J. G. Smith, Hiram Brown, Daniel Seal, Henry Lutshs, William Wuiuc, Wil.ian Kwk, John Kulb. WAHIINf.TON TilWSilllP 33 ME!. .'e, I 5on, I. alalia, m Can s, 'u Kcefcf, 1 Ia-hh, o, Kelioek, K eef'er, Tyou, mI Hi Irak, ri-4 ine r. Henry A. Hilbub, Ad. u.i l.alblm, Fli.i I.uthhu, Daniil F.KtLrc, Jeveu il l e, Philip h. lu-iu, John tv lireiltr, l'eter Tn-ftr, John Iiniulcr, Pt r Bf'K'iouf. Jlnl f II V, John Jones, Pnmuel P. dinger, Joseph Conrad, Daniel Yordy, Alexander Kre', Alexander Zart man, James T. Poyer, Samuel Yordy, II. F. Zimmerman, Simon Kerstetter, Matthew Dewitt, J. F. Zimmerman, D. F. Zimmerman, Aaron J. Conrad, Samuel B. Conrad, J. B. Baitholcinew, Abraham limn, Jacob Header, Daniel Mart. Daniel F. Tax lor, Wiliiam Minier, John H. Beitz, Hiram Savide, li'i'i'.i: Martin Gass, Heurv F. Haas, Jeremiah St. Clair, Amos Shipe, Joseph O. l'oy r, Joseph SeasholU, Jaeoli I.orm, John K. Malick, Henry C. Folk; Andrew J. Mimeir, William B. Stinc, Henry Barlholoinew, Daniel Kaufman, jr., Jacob II. Kyster, Jacob C. Gass, Daniel St. Clair, William Conrad, Benj. B. Conrad, Absalom Keiser, George B. Conrad, Daac Druniheller, James D. Lvtle, F.dward We"t.el, S. P. Fassold, John M. Bennet. AVOChTA it MI'.N. Vrinh Folk, Jacob Keel'cr, Kdv ard M. Savi5-. .IOt!lAN TOWNMIU" liO M 1 : N . K. Troutnian, William 1'iu'cl. Heurv Beniaiiiiii ll.illman M.iltlii i Gci-t, I-aae Carl. Henry T. Baiiinaii, Solomon Smelt. Samuel Verier, Daiah Si art. .Mum s Troit man, Benjamin Uiidl, Win. K. 'Iioutman. William h'liiip':,', Adam Patolier'i-r, ;..oi-e Wolf. Jacob Markle, Pi t r Adams, Siuv on Knteriiur, l. P. Patton. A'piiHa MeWiliiimis. J. V. llekmai;, David liureer, ri Ins Iloadanuel, II. T. Savidoe, liiley Perintr, SamiH I Swank, H"uben Smick, Kiiicai.l Van-ant, William SwafV, It. F. Col kit. .-, Sohi.-r. o At. Ton sMiii' -21 Mi:S. tine) !ef:in!Iir .T, inn Sleidur - t - Charles Karney, .!aliu BleMiao, Jeten.iah Martin, (icorop Madara, M.dthcu Smith, Nicholas liivnnan, V m. G. denser, )i. V. iVrimir, Ilenrj limp, Kinaiiuel Hallman, William Shardel, Moses Buh, David inner, Michael Derr, Flias Hiekard, Benjamin Fngi 1, Jos. Koiidcnhtish, Hi n j, ii. .in lioiiner, laae lleim, John Wert, Wm. A. Shaffer, K!ia Phillips, David Gei.-e. ol vi:. ii'ir.ii ::a::anoy Tov.:;r::i!' Ciuirh s H. S.-hIai;el, J. It. Diehl, John Fitter, Wiiliam II. Snyder, Geo. F.nteriiiie, Andrew Mover, Sweniry Brown, Peter Yonler, Isaac Keeler, Jacob II, Bcis.sel, Samuel Be'oock, Daniel Kerr, John K. mith. Abraham WoU'ane Andrew 11. Gels, Aaron W. Snvder, Adatn Arnold, Daniel Shrelller, F.liaa Fegelv. William Meiisie, Michael D.'Paul, Henry C. Shade!, William lleim, l.lias Paul, Amos Welker, David Keed, George W. Snyder, Daniel Beboek, F. Iward Starr, Charle.-. K'ock, F. M. Monteiius, Georire Di lb, David liak, John I.. Muliek. TOWNSllll- 33 MI..N. I leol ce Nees, Wm. Benjatnan, Gabriel Lower, .Martin ll.tiri, Fmaii'iel IK.elmrd, Abraham Sehalh r, John Kicher, John Fiesal, Henry Kemble, Jacob Witmrr, John D. Ktswilcr, Klias W. Winner, T. G. I'mbcrjicr, Henry Ker.-letter, Martin Baehinan, David Price, James Kohl, L'.'iincv. MT. ( VHMliL TOWNSHU' 21 MF.N. LOWKH MA1MNOY Alex. Benjsiiiian, George Loiil:', Cornelius Winner, Isaac Sehailer, Heurv Bordni r, rpiiraiin inner, John Winner, David ScliatVer, Michael W ill, Aaron Si iler, Edas Pei'ir, Andrew Ytager, Klias Mick, .Vugiirtus Ba.linun, William Bordner, Henry Hei hard, llenrv Kntiilille. l-a:.e ! Wiiliam Ewing, ' Hindi Tye, Juii.i- Law iin. Muru Kiuvev, ; D uiii-McV. ii!, ; Mat. I'reniiaii, i McD ilkey, j Jacob Smell, : 'i'hi.'inas Morgan, I John Ward, I Samuel Sehmelt, j Benj. Chellow, Jouas Stine, John Nolan, James Sw it't. Phil. Huulu-, John SukU. Michael Crane, Nathan Kes-hr, 'I honiaa Tobi;:, John Ferry, John Siine. Philip Deitrick, Dauiul Uortv. 't .1- '1'I1. HV UltX. ti UTI.'N. ri'-YAWiV.F.l.Y.l .S1-; Iu the namo and by the auihority of th Coiiuiicii wealth of Ptnusylvania. A mjus;nv G. Cliuin, Govemiir of the saht Com Uloll'.vi.;.l:!i, A PBGC LAMA TIi .V. WuriuiAH, It is a good thing to render thanks unto God lor all Ilia mercy and loving kiiiln'.s : Tlaiet'ore, I, A.M)l!l G. I runs, Gover nor of the Commonwealth of PennsiUania, do recommend that TlllBMJ.YY, Till' 27th DAY OF NOYFMBLB NKXT, be fret ujiart by the people of this Commonwealth, u a clay of solemn Pracr mid Thanksgiving to the Almighty: Giving Him humble thanks that He has been graciously pleaded to protect our free institutions uud Govern ment, and to keep us from hickm -,s and pestilence- and to cause the earth to bring forth her increase, to that our garners are choked with the harvest and to look bo favorably on the toil of His children, that industry hits thriven among us and labor had its reward ; and also that lie has de livered us from the hands of our enemies and tilled our ollieers and men in the field with a loyal and intrepid spirit, and given them victory and that He has poured out upon us ndheit unworthy ) other j-reut and manifold biasings ; Beseeching linn to help and govern us in His bteudfabt fear and love, and to put into our mitids good dtirts, no that by His continual help we may have a right judg ment in all tilings : And especially praj iug Him lo give to Christian churches grace to hate the thing which is evil, and lo utter the tcuchiuga ol truth and rigbteounes, declaring openly the whole counsel of God : And most heartily entreating Him to bi-biow upon our civil rulers, wisdom and eaniestmss in council, and upon our military lea. Ins, zeal and vigor iu uctlou, tne tires of rebellion may be quenched that we, being armed with His defence, may be pre served from all perils, and that hereafter our people, living iu peace and rpiii tucss, umy, trow L,tneruliou to generation, reap tlie abuudaiil fruit of His merry, ami with joy and thankfuluess praise au'd Uiaguify His holy name. Given under my baud and the great seal of the State, at Hairisburg, this Twentieth clay of October, in the year of our Lord itiu tlioui-aud eight hundred bud kixty lo, and of the UjUiUiouw tlih the eighty KVtutb. A. O. CTHTIN. Dr lite GorvLiiH. in t-Lirrn. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Miiiatli l' ni.i:w. tly vir'uo orcer'ain wriln of Vim. E. Lrrnri Kn rins aiHl I'liir. Lpt. Kaoim", i'ul eut ef dip l.'mirl of Coinmnn PUtm of N'ordiuiibi.rliud ceunty, Tn., Hint to mo itin-ctc'l, lip i-xpo!e'1 to publlr ft.ile at ll-e Court HniKP, In Siiphiirv, on MnnrinT. Iln Mil rtn ef Nnv. mlMT. A. ! , 1H'V." at 1 o'cIikI I. M., the'lol lnw inj; ilen all), "I Keiil l'liitr, to wit : All tlnil niiiiia trnot of Innd, nituutp in the bomni;li oPSiiiikmtv, cniintj of NorlJitunljerliiiHl, ar.d Mute of IVi.iir"v!viini, Ixiiiiide l a fulleiva t niyiunlii lit n 1nst en tlio south eidiM'f tin. Centro Turnpike tvnd, llieeoe running south two and a. Imlf dt'irroep, oast ai.TlT-thri'o perchia mid two-tcntiia to a poat, llicnoe mut'li fiurlfen dcreoa, wost thirty-four peruhca to a pot, Uioroe aontli twintywne and throe-fourth do jiroi, wmt thirtr-Ix porchci and threcwonthi to a txt, iJnmooiouili Uiirty-ono dojeec throe qnnrtera. wmi twantyno prrchi and four tcnilm to aroit, mith olhtyllireo Hciroca thruo qunrtori!, irnt flltv eeveli prrclie and three tenth lo the Cut. tlionco in a northwnrdlj' dircoiinn nlonn the oaflern nido of nid Cut lo tho Cintro Tunij.iko to a pi', thence south aisi.v-five and a half d reoa. oast forty perches and ciht lontlis to Uio placo of holnniug contuudni; tiiiriT-cllil aoroa and on hundred and twoLiynLx itro)nia. strict moasuro. ALSO ll tluit oortnln pnrt vt an out lot, eltunto In the borough of buubury, ninrked in tho grucrnl )lnn of said IktuiiIi nuinbor 8. hi'Hlnnirn nt a post on tlir end of nn allny which iutcrsccui C'ratirtmry street nt Iho end of Fawn siruct, thi'iico north siit-v-livii dw4iua. oust tnuty-livo pciclns to a pint at tlie corner of out lot nuinher 6, ileaic liven IV four and a hull degrees west, eiihtuen punihis nnd llirec tenths to a post, south ixty-flve diyrers and a h-ilf, cast twenly-fivo perches, to a post on tho west side ofsiiid alley, north Iwonly. four nnd a half do (rrce. cnt rirht't:n pcreiies nnd three tenths to Iho place of beginning; coutniiiliur. two acres nnd one hundred and thiiiy-scven and a half porches, strict meauro. ALSO all that certain piece of lnnd. situnto in tho borough of f uiihnry. hounded and described as fol lows : Ilt'iiiniiins; at tho south west corner of out lot number 2, thence south eighteen and llirec quarter decrees, west eighteen perches and one tenth lonposl, beinjt the corner id the fence as it now stnnds in an out lot nuinbor 1. thence ntonjj said fence of front lot niiniher 1 totheaclioininjr lot. mulli sixty-five decrees, oust forty-i perclio" and oijrht tenths' to the post in the alley, theiiee by the alloy north twenty-five de grees, east eighteen perches to the out let number, thence l.y said out lot, and out bit nuinbor 2. south si w-fivr deirrnes. vvet f,rtv-eii;lt lierehes nnd seven J tenth" to the place of l.eninninir ; eentainiiift five j iuti liuy-i'iiie and n half perches, sirki measure. ALSO all that certain let f ground, situnto in the ; b,.roii;ii of .siniloiry. atitae.-:iid, tnimber i, !uiided I and described folloM- : l;ei;iiinin at a post north J ride of t ratiln. IV ttieet. Ilience by out lot number S. i noith tvve'ity-loiir and three fourth decrees. en.-t lliir- ty fiv e penile inai ei;bl-t( ni!i; to a pint, thence by j out hi iimuberti norili fixly-livc and ono-lburth iie i piee.. Weft tweli,y-onr pi rches nni o::i'-tenth toll ! pot. by an Jills y .oiith tuenty-foiir nnd three ' fourth decree', west ihirly-thc per. in- and eiu-bt tentl-s tii a po-i. ilience by t'rarbnry street ati-reMiid ' south -.xiy-livc nn 1 oiic-tburih decrees. eat tuiuiv i four j r bej aii'i ej.l.t tenths to a po-t nnd place ol j U-iniuiii: : ooiiiaiiiii-s In" uc.-es and sixty perche '. me! ei.:iil tenth-. tri-:t inci sure. Seie-1, tnl-.l'tl into execution and to be 'i.J.l a the proilcriy ot lavii l.oiiL'iH'cker. Wui It. Ib-Ifet .fcin. ' 'lien, l:.niinjrHrdncr. l-'rnncis V. ilnglie-and teric 1 teniin s. who survived Chas. V. licin-. dcc'.l. j A'-o. a, the Mine time and plucc. a eirtnin tivo 1 .-tory liiilnc d'.veijin hull-M iviih b.'iscllliiit and lot of ' jrronn I -iiiatc iu the tovvnol' 'JVevortun. Zebe town i ship, Nii.-'lioinl.i riiiii-1 county, l'a.. boun lcd mid dc.-:rilod a- follows, to n it : on the lioitii by Hnunu- kin street, on the ni-t by I f Patrick (i'oldeii.on j tho Seiel: by nn lillev. aii'i on the ea-t by a vacant lot. , it lcin:; described in the ireueral plan i I said toivu ' of T rei erton nn hi .V. il. in block vo. Ac S ized taken iii ex. le iii en. an . I to le sold n. the . j i-opnty of ,l..i-ph i'ictri.'b. Abo. at the Mine tunc and place, all that certain . piece, pared, tenement and lot of ground, situate m I tho borough of Sunbury. Northumberland county. : I'n . inlji inini; lands latent' the miliary Canal aiid : vv'nter l'mver Coiupeiiy. now I'lancin V Jluiics. on the ini.1. wet by ll lime or roa 1. leadinrfsoulliwardly. norm by laud of lion. Ileoic Wciscr. d.-ceiiscd. mid ' si utli by bind of lSci.jninin Hendrick. containing tiienty acre", more or lo.--t. nnd being parts of out I lot.- numbering in the u'cneral plan of .-aid borough. : number i-T lini and the w lioli- ol oullot l, timber ot i'J. toeiher vulti the t f-cui 1. taki n in execution, aii'i to he sold es the properly ot Jaccb li. Mu.-ii- nnd ar.iii A. yia.-ser bis v ile. i A nt the same time and place, a certain tract ! ol'Uud. liilnn'.c in li'wer Mniianoy tv, p , Norlhiun ! btrlard county, l'a.. bounded mid described as t,,. i lows . un the uor'.ii by Jacob linrmau, lbivid ilain and li.crire Harris, rn the west by land belonging to Siono Valley Church, on the cii.-l by John inner. . Iianiti Sbntlcr and Miclnul tiraimui. and on the i soiiih bv l.lias lio j;y. containing 1LM acres, more ur I less, vvliorioii lire ii cclcd u log hoii;i'. bank barn. orchiad nnd a g ' - rii g c.fvvuier. .4 l.Si -a c.vlaln Island, situate in the river Su- 'jiiohnnmi. l.oer M ihanoy tounsbip. eonniy and ; tati- uf.jies ii i. mtatning twenty. eijht le.Te.;' more ! or less. bei. .ii i .reeled a frnmebarn. Al.NJ lot N.t. 2. .-iiuuto iu lieoretown, township., i county and State r.i'i-rcsai.l. bound. ,d on the norih by ' M.jhael l.ahr. on the south by l'eter Jloni. on the wc-t by Water srrnet, ainlou'lhe oast by nu alley; containing oi;e-tour:!i of an aere. whereon "arc erected a l irge frame store house, ice bouse, Ac. ! ALSO lot No. 3, siiuate in fi.nie lou n. bwusl:ip. I county and Slate aforesaid, bounded on the north by j l'eter fiorel, on the south by the heirs of Hugh Sens ! Imlti. on the vvesi by Wutor street nnd en the ens! by i nu alley ; containing rie-fourih ef nn ner". whereon i arc erected n large fraino tavoi u house, fiamc atnblo. com crib, hay stable, .t..-. ALSi.l a large fi.une warehouse -jinnt on the I river bank rji o-iic the above suited tavern hoeso. ! A I.Sli in s line to ., u-hip. about thr'-c-f oiirihs of j an acre of lini" -'one wiili three lime kilns thereon ' electej. ndjciuin on Hie east, north alii e-t. bind ' ofiieor-'c A Arln,;;i:"t, on Ihesjuih by land of Abrc ! ham Itotbartue! . J Seized, taken in execution ur..l tube suld as the property o! l eter l',-i-. 1'AVIH W M.IiilOV SherilT ' SLoriT's 0Vc Sci.l my. He;. 1. , 1- j. Notice ofilif lirt, ol' ii:irifi- - NoTIt. ll i- hereby given, that a Petition bss been fled ti re-aud in the Court li' ui.rier Ses,ioi)Ci of this e lenty ti incorporate the louu of Mount t'lTUiel into a II orou.'h and iinlc-s stithcieut renson lie siiowu to loe -:iul I'ourt. upon the first day ol next session, the ji.ilgi.ient ol the oneii Jury wiil be confuhicd in mi' iru ii v Mi;btb pr..wr of liie p.-titeuicis. Tor l.'ur. O.Tirc o" tlie l leil: fc.f i iiartcr Ses-ions. Minburv, ttetobcr it. 1mI2 1 KI.i KI.LV. 1'ioih v ' AYEll'S a m ih FPJLIXG 6: CHANT lr I !iu:i ( ai-y ol !. matter of the ae-oiuit of the l'hilndeh bin i I V 1 1: f.iie ):. K. Co , hit ,T0TK'K is hereby gi stated, ha been dli otJice, and unless Cause is shown bv neiti lerm, tau lame will he ulloue l hv the court, l'ertur. li. Hill K1.KV. lVih y rro'.honotary's off, -e, Suubuiy, Oct. 11, loiij. ; a st .suiibiirv and l.'ric H. K. Co. n thnt the account uhovs hied iu tho I'roihnnotarv's the first day of Vtl.l AIll.i: 1'tIC.ll I OK SAI.E1! I 'ViF. subscriber' olTer for sale a fine Tract of Lnnd. 1 iu I'oinl township. NorthunioerlMiid county, I'u., part of which i-. cleared If will uiiikc two good sied farms. There nro upon it a good stone dwelling house, r iog dwilling house ami oiher oiit'ouibliug. ii ni:vv ISank linin, two good Apple Or cbards. ami other fruit trees There is a good tight f r a Saw.Mtll upon it, a saw. mill which did H good business win lately burned down upon the premises. Apply soon to (iliuKUK ( ONH AIb Cpper Aujuatii township. Pr C1IAIII.US l'UlASAM'S, Suuburv, l'a. July l'.i. loi. Tnviic . i. iiuiiii. i on Kti.iir rpiIISJ will known Hotel, located in Sunbury. at tho 1 ebon ef the Murthrrn Ci niral with the Sunbu ry Erie Itailrouds, is offered al jirivatc sale. I'ermt of salo will bo made easy, i or further iu formation, enquire at this olike. August 2, I si'.2. l!iilitflelIiiu A; ISitili-vad. I'EVSSYI VAMA K. B. CO., ICSStE. and after Monday, May 5th, fBI, the time at J orlliuuibeiiuud Muliuu win uu a9 lollows : Leave VYkstwauii. I Leavi: KvsrwARn. Faritifts. o.l'j a. iu , Kii.icbjt. U.ld u ui.. j Mail, l,IJ p. iu. .Mail, lu.ul a in. I Sleeping Cars ou Night Tiains. both wnys, between ii iiiiumspori unu iisiuuiore, una ou ine i euusyivniua Uailronil hiiwoeu Jlarrlsburg und rhilaitelpliia. On Mail I run iu both directions a ('Alt G0E3 TlllOl'till via l'rniiaylrauia Hailroad, withoui change between Philadelphia nnd Lock Haven. CAMl LL A Hl.AI'K, May 31, IV2 Mip't tasieru Ibvi-ion. SIMON Pi WOLVEU 1 ON7 Allarney iiikI Cuiiant-lor ill I,un, t'dico, Murkol slroct. 2 doors wist of Pepol, 8UNBUHY, PA. "7 ILL alt.nd proinpiley to ih collection of claims 11 and all olhi-r piufcssiunal busiiu-M intrusted lo L ears Id NnrihuuiU rliuid abil a,lj auiUj; cuuutiuf Sunbury, May 3, Iri2. 'l lie l'oavli.'kIt.s) uul i:i rleu ol uu luulil, 1)1'PI.IS1IKD fur ti bouefil and at a warning and a oauitou lo young luso who auflvr fiom .Nervoul iKbiluy, 1'ieujsluru liwsy, a. ; tupplying at lbs tsuia tuna Ihs inrsiia ol fill-Cms. lly uiis lio has curial hlUisull alii bsing put to grosl av r-iiMi ibroub uj aiesl luiiMtfiuuii and iusikirv. ' V i 1-iicUsnug a addirsi-4 ravulons, smgla c i Ujsv bs bs.1 of lbs sulUor, iv4IUA.NllLMAVFAIB.ls3, lifitud. kins Co , S V ' H.i.k 14 IMC f Art curl up 1 he Shk lo on rxtrni i:ct rr bffore knonn of any Medicine IriVr,.liPS,FI,0nKDJL,CGFFRy0LP?F!.,;E3 JlTI,Pfl IIAt'KI., Fio.i tn wull Ittmnn trlinirr. o. riiPt-tmit tirfyf, I'iilii-ltiin, nln cJioiie pnnJmti are liiucd at Nlmtmi evrry luili t, !! I am Imppy to wty i.f ymir ('iHs.tii: Timi, tltnl I hnvfi ftsiind tJirni a lttrr family mrtHrinr, for runi'tit'ii Mf, tlifirr any rfticr ft iilnn in kimw H-tlr-. Mmi 1.1 m friend hv tpnUirA mnrkul 1'pr-i fiut Irnin iliMn, mi it n. In cnlf with nir in hi hm iii! thai Uu p.i-.-en rxli.t. nhit try VirtucM for dtivftts otrt i i-fr Mtt.l nrnff tl p h k. 'I lny air Dot unIv fl'f tunl, Iml fite ninl Urtatit u h k-hi-h qinilitin whirli ftint nttika lltvtu vnineU ly Uie puhiic hen firry are kn n.M Th venernhle riuinriltor tVAHDI.AW n rites fiitni ItaW limore. IMli April. lni4 : ' la. i. i Area Hir: I liive (hken your Pill with firm Irene fit, fir le HFtlewmrt, lanriior, lo-i nf mpetite and ItiUttua hendache, wliirh Ihm nf ie venri nvetifikeh hie in the Ppritif. A few duaen itf yimr Tilla cured me. I hiive imed ymir Cherry Pre turn I ninny jeJtm in my dimity for ftHighti and cohU with nnlnilintt uiu cew. Vuu nctka medicine which rvt-e; nnd I it a pli nnre f com mend ymi Hr Die kkh! yun have dnn ami ate doing." JOHN F. IfLAIIV, Em., Pec. of the rami. Ilailnrd Co. a.i; a : 11 T. li. R. ftt, Phitui,lphimt ltr. IP, WT u Pir : I take 1ennre in atiiitiig my iriim-ii) t th efficmy or yemr ineiiicitus, tiavinc derivrd very materi.t trriipfit fnm t!ie nee nf tth yuur Fertitral and ratimrtic I'tlU. I am never wiiliiit them in my fintt, rmr sh.tll aver consent to be, while my hiemn w ill nn lire ilic'n.' The widely rerun ned S. P. 81 KVtNH, M. I).,f Wenl Wr rth, N. H., writrat Hiivine, lined yvmr (?TnnTtc Pii.m in my prnriir. I certify from experience Hint they are an invaluable purga tive. In cane nf disordered hint iiuiie of the tivrr, crtHMng tieadarhe, iiidiL'etin( etmiivenew", and the prent vnriety of dtseanep that tollow, they are a xnrer remetty tltitn anv other. In all canas where a pi i relive remety it retpiired, I ctmfidenily rerfniiiiend thexe Pill to the pultlir, superior to any other I have ever found. 1 hey are iire in their ope rut ion, and pel Only pale ipialitu-s uhith make them an invalualile article for nuldie u-e. I h.ivt for many years known your Chnty rrctund as the bel Cotifth medicine in the world ; and thee Pill are iu no wise inletinr to that admirable nepar;ttn for tJie treat ii lent of diseakes," 1 11 Pa. J. r. Araa Pear Pir: I have lieen nffliritrt fmni myhinhwiih scrofula in its worst form, and now. alter twenty yearn trial, nnd an untold of amount ut mitfermtr, have heen completely cured in a few week hy your Piilc. j With what leelinen of rejoicing I write ran only he imagined when you realize what 1 have suilered.aml huw . Itltlaf. i ' Never until now have 1 heen free fmm this loatlmiine 1 dieae in some hhnpe. At time it attn ked my eye, nnd nude me almost Mind, lieulei the uiiendoinlile pain ; al oil tern it settled in the urulp of my head, atid dc-tto etl my h.'tir, and has kept me parity hald nil u d,if ; mnirtiu.ti it came out in my lace, and kepi it tor iiioimI.9 a raw s.-re. " Atiout nine weeks ay" I roinmcnced takinir )our t'n tliaitir Ii Mh, nnd now am entirely tree trout the i mplan t. My e( .ire well, my nkm in lair, and mv h.tir ha ii'in nieuced a healih growth t all ol wliitli makes me leul . aliemly a new person. I Hoping ihiri atatemetit may he the nienna of rfiivevinf information that ahull du good tooilir., I am, wnh eery buiitiiiieiit of giatitude, our. fcc, MA It I A TUrKK.U." " T hnve known the ahnve named Maria Ricker I loin lier childhood, and her vtatcment is sirii tlv true. ANDKKW J. VlOtltVR, I Overseer of the PoriMiiimth Manulat tunim t o. ; Catt. JOF.I. rilATT, nf the ahip Marion, writea frnin Honion, mith Apiil, rr4: " Vour Pills have cured me from a hiltoun attack which ane from derangement ol the Liver, which i;mI hecome very serioii. I had taileil of any rehel hy my l'hcii inn, and honi every remedy I could tr ; hut a lew dofe- of i yitiir PiIIh have completely restored me to heahh. I have 1 aiven them to my children for woru;, w ith the Wt ef it'Ctft. 'J'hey weie promptly cured. I ret ommemlfd them to a liieud for roMivetie, which had troiitded him lor moiiiha; he told me in a lew dai rlif had cured Into. Voii make the heM medicine in (he Worid; and 1 am tree tw say so,' Read ihisi from the di-tinptiinhed Solirin-r r.f the Ptipreit e I Court, w hone hfilliant ahihtief have uuiie hun well know it, not only in tint hut the neilihorinf! Statei. 11 Orleans, Sth April, IWil. i fir : I hnve (rreat entirlaclion in r.uriii(t you that myelt and Inmilv have heen very much t-enefited hv your j ittcilicineri. M) w ite w an cured, two ear Mince, ol a ne- I veie mid d;uiernui roiiL'h, hy oiir ('Haaav PixToetL, and -time then han eiijojtfd perteit heallh. M chiliireti have several timeN heen cured fioin niim kMot the Influ- ' enra and Troup h it. It i an mvalualde remnly f r i these coniplaint. Vour ('jiiHtaTic Pin have enitreiy ; cured me troiu a dvspepia and iitotueiieH, which ha frtiwn upon me lor ome ear, tudeett, thi cure ta much more important, Irom the lad that I had tailed lo ((ft relief fiom the I e-i Ph tau w h h tin- taction r.f i the country aflnrdt-, and lr m ai.y ol tlie iituiif rom reme ditv I tind (aki n. , Vou afcni to Doctor, lke a pnvuleutial hleffinj to our imnly, and y u mav well tuppoce we are Hot uu- , liiiudlul of it. our reiti dtil! , lsLA I IT TIIAXTER." ' Srnatf Charter Qh, .Hyrtl btJ, ltt5. " la. j. C. A in Ihitivred tir : I have made a ihur oujih iriuj of iJio( AiMmic Ph i., Iru me t ur ayent, and hiive heeti cuied h them of the die;ttliul liheiimatim tinder w hich he loiiml mr nufrerintf. The firt do-e re lieved me, and a few Miht-oieit d.en hnve entirely removed the di-eawe. I leel in hotter health now ihnu h r eonie yearn heiore, w hit h I nttntiute entirel to the etlecu vt yuui CathaIvtic Piuj. ur- w itli u'et rci--ct. I.I CII ri U. MLTCAl.P." The ahove are all from prr-oii" w ho are nufilu ly know u where they rule, ttnd w no wonhi imt unke ilm-e -tate-meiiu w iiiiout a liurounh coiiuctmii thnt they were true. Prepared by DR. J. C. AYEE & CO., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell. Mass. old by Friling A OraLt. nnd I'.. A. Fisher, iu t-uiibury, Iir II. IJ. McCoy, Nirtbun.lerland. J. F. Ca-lov, and C. Llioivn, .Miltou J. t'hrismun, 'J'urbiltv ille. Hersh A C... Mt. Carin-'.. f1. lii-rt'strcMior. Ll-,burg. Wk-si. Mahonoy Weaver i MeW illiains. rr.i'ni si, And In-alerv Kveryvvhero. Aug-l-t 2. ls '.J ly ' j IlilAVV .ltTll.l.i:itV, B'or IVt-ma:i-n( Ilulj nt IN.s'lri'M. ."Iiuiroi-. MAJ. 'I'. .iO.-Ki'il ll-l;KltT.S. of me tth Artillery 1.' S. Al my. b.-.v in.' been a). pointed to rai-ie a liait.ilion ol' iloiivy Artillery t'ur iiov ornuunt liitty. at l'oitee.v .Monroe, lias aiiiborizod Captaiu UKNliV A. C'l.T. of .Nortluinib.iliiud. lo riciuii ouc Com pany ol' loittalioll, j Tlo.- Is the most di-irablo situation iii Ihc Military ' Service, iisihc lK'.iiion of thu Ibutalioli viill be pir nianiul at i'orlic:-i M-.'iiioi-. llr the dilcueo ul that I'."' Ihc piynnd b,,unty will be us liberal a.- that given 1 lo ulunioi i e iu any other branch ol ihi-i i vice. As the location of iliis j g will be lixed and petinuncul at Fortros -M oiroe. the fatiguing and daugctous duty of inarching and picket, will not be necessary. l'ersons de.-iious of cs.-ajaiig the l'lali cannot do bett'-r than to join tbisconipui.y. iiciid.tuariers tor ri-cruiiing liavo been establish ed by Cupt CtJ.T. al 2v iribuuiberlaiid. Kcfereuoes can be inadc to A'liutaul lleiiiral KLiftLl., ur Cupt. LiUliUL, al Jlarriaburg. Cnj.1. lil.XUY A. COLT. Norihuuibciliind, Oct. 4. lNi2. H JACOB O. 3ECK5 MERCHANT TAILOR, .fliirKcl sso-i-i l, iit'iirly ipuxll- tlic fSiiil ICoiul Iol, SUN 13U11Y, f A., IXI'Olt.MS tho ciliieus of Sunbury und vicinity, that he has just returned Irom riiiladelpUiu witiia full tis.soritiu'i.1 ut I'll. I, AM M IVI'llIt 4JOOIS, ci'LviuiY iii:sciiii"Hnx axu ca'Ai.nv. His slock consists of Cloths. French Cloths, lilack Iloe ?-kin and Fiuicy Cai- iiueies. JUlm-u .-aiin. Figurtd t-ilks. IMain and Fancy Cacsiinero 'l-.'f iNiiS. which he will make up to order in stvles tu suit tin- taste uf customers, uu short notice, und the uiosi rt-a-sonable linns Any floods nit on hand, will be furnished from I'hiladelphiu, by teivuig twu days' notice. lioods furnished by eutoiniis will be uinde up to order us heretofore. A he will employ none but experienced workmen, persons may rely on gi uing their wuik well douo til Lis shun. Tuunkfui for Iho patronage heretofeTo bestowed, he respectfully solicits a continuance uf the same, liuubury, October 4, latii'. MVUVH I'.VILM' IHfIC01lll B K O O M . rp n K snlw-iioer ,,,vlng pnrehased iho Tight fbr .Nor.hiinibubiiid uoi.u y.oHci for svilc 1M1 1- 'l Al, Kiel 'MU XHIIirMtMir,;.. This l!,,m Is nn t tcelb in and dm utile ariiclc mo Ml insilv con. ATfl H IfCT TO AVfr,'r T1IVT TilTV Slllcled 'll it a child call put ll togilhll. 'J heen' no " ..... o oi K Jho in, in ,nd !!, B1 Ii0; ex 'ocd BIX .II s, lio lt. -M ..i.d lo 'te'tloo! -. f r tho noihlng, ousts $1 s.i. fu ,in lintivi In;-; i'.lgii;. Tiinii hip Itii.bii- w ill !ie,: i t :lionu ! roiiiinuiljua r.i'. Andy i:t FlJiiJ.K . Ion- iore. Ol 111 TliOMA.-S .McHOW. JalySii, iBj.'.s-lluiri, ricubury, la. XVl'UTi. N'OTTCK Is h'T 'l.T -rircn, thai tbo n!Hb.- ruir- chase I nt publio, on the h day of din. o. I in ?, the billow ing nr. i.dvs s.dd by li e t I'uHliib'f r.f Coper ,M .honoy i .wosh.p, tw tl..- f.. n , id I'.nu I : 'on :'b r. mid tiiut be Km le n,,-,! i,,. tl,- to s ,H liiniel SbrolhiT irulil l o liiinkc piojir tv minute i li .-ut : Ou : calking alorc and plpo; tiro conl store and pipe; three beds nnd bolding; nno cupboard: ono clock ; six hogs; one black covt nnd call: ono nn gon and harnoss 't one plow ; two hnrrfiwr ; ono horse ; all the griin in ihr (tround ; nil tho potatoes in thu ground : one table nnd one chest. .1. II AT' AM. Hppr-r Mahonoy. Oct. .f, 1612. .'II 1. INT tUH ll. I VLI. persons having anv lavvTnl cbiin.s to Co j l-latent' 1 t'ivnhi', N rtliuuil'i i InnJ rotmty, nrr ruii!r.l for I In; lu.-t time. t io-i;:t tlp'ir iicvutiiiti ! ilu.y ii';thctiro':it"i. at tin Into ro-i-l.-i.-r of the 'u-ccH-ivt nn Siitunliiy Ih'' Uln il;iv ol o,'fMl..r ni't. ' .An I ill nc-r.tii it!.hlif 1 nnv way t I C'liilf, I whotiier on noirs. m iMr-luIf- or honk account. ro iiHn rtuT't"il lor ''l'1 lit timt'tu make j arm out at t!it) sHim; i. i mo iiii J vl,,''r- Jm,S .Mil,,.. .Vhmm,rutor. Jo rd an twp.. Sijif. ls'2- New Stock of Goo&3l! REDUCED IN PRICE, uud ui:i,o'i;;.i jTcvfti.u- repf.rt. may indu;.; l licf tint ItHliCt.Y mPOHTAM' II'.WN M C. l.KvilllAIlT 17 , I:pti:nM:n ' I 't .'Cow ft-' '.Slis-f iti.Rftl is, li'l'ii! llKsel 'i'oy I'l' S"l.,'n l.e.vl,, It v.' 'i '' ' as op, oillg i-: . . iiMina io.' .'..i- Ii '!.. ' I- r ,!. U i.-it l.i. !:; :ii -! An, J.i .ft n. n..l gbev mo ' , mi . s -ci; I ' 01 ,-e. ,. u,siiu.t .- o, a in 1 . ri .: I' 1 f.u. olio; , 'iln i....sir.-.. mu. 11, :-iiJ' I'-ol tl.c i : wi-Hi rrc un ! ',-i-i j an .... n.t-h !' ' -ci i-'l. ;i" -.i" lo ,.a 1'iirM.fl . il li ' v. In;!, ui ! 11 1 ,.-oj, i, .l.t. t! ie iij 1 to ;l, .'.in si i., .,1 .111 o. 1 1 ...... 1 1 .... tviw ev or (I; 1 uinid vi 'i; !.'. ; !. ' "i-"'; ' ' Iblii.'iti I t v ,.-i 1 : ' 1 r. i'b . ill c!h...ov. i.i. 1 j '.:i.,; . , .1 ;,.js., . . 10 T' t -to '' . !!' ' .'' ll : . ! .- . . .ll ' f.- po';tl' lldoim l!.- : . ! 1 ,'.. . '; l o.i .. pebl.'o e ,,, ,.,!,.., ,:. 1 .. ,." :.o 1 :i 1.1 tjo ot i oil- I. I;.ti:i , 1 :i 1 : . o .l.oi.M f tuck of Coi.l. 'ti. ir.-i.s. lini: .i.l !'. .. ihi.l lr.. in-r bf en brim., li! to lliJ f' ct:; 1 'onniry. iloi. ul-o mai.iiinciiii iiig all kin!-:r4, 1J11: ' :o 0'1-,e., to ill! I- J old 1 J, r .:i... e. . ii'.'j. ; h:.i k :f 1. t'.V Vl.C. 1 . A .', i.i,!.- no f .tin.! : 1 !'......! A I j I'rrn.u Vi bite. ! :: i;!-;-' I 4i Vfit-.iilH. 1 c.'i.ii'i -m ir ; i, ! l..-;ii ti e. I I'MO'-O I',t--. : ' ui:i'i.!-...'i DRY GOOD uro advaniinjr. yet a single vtit to that nttn rta-rt. THE MATflHOTH, b;dc aiv kevi si;. Comer uf St 'fr nnf Third Stint. II WiiitMU i:u. V. rPHF' in so (imu'c of i;,- i'i hv nionre I mi l n ur to tin' (,'ii';iol. ha mnilo it a tlu-irablr iUj'piiiir idiM-c, in.t only f-r tiio-? hnving lniBifio-i-i nt th in ui ul ' 4tovrri-ifjil. 'mt forj ullnr.-i visi ii H.iMi-l'iii. M.ireli -., uocejHio 1 oi.i vi i;i its H.n n:r 1 4 ieiii j iii: ! nilK atitno ninnftor ttf ior" ms are :tl-o wriiitoil to 1 weir tho II' ' ' I S 'ti,l 1 1 'l.S. now ic inir iii.-inn- s fnctiirct. hy Hie ."iiliMi-iln r t' tin- lut.-t ."tyiM nn 1 ' ill ucmviijcf any fan-ii'l mttn ur wuuian that. br t li lL"t of mat ": Til . Iliivtni; a Inrt' -'u.-k "I iniHoi i-it, lie will iiiak'-un lo nrjor in the lu-t rk maijli k . . , umuirr. nil kiinUof ,tl,"rl "s ll Iua.v- .Vlt the I'r' '' limt iii.-litii- i4iktIi'iiitnM I2oot4 nril Imm's j I,:tlii .hr Haii!(iia!lM s til,n'' havo ,he f'iiitk-for furni,lih .5 l.;i( 1 SImh, r.sA4',, I At hr rot . llrivin t'or:t! vofiv;' cxikt'i-iio In fi'.-isj confi loit ol' ri it!.r irri.or illy -tt; i-::i -ii -u to all who may c him a v...1 - All work iru-' f 1 p ii 1 h-r "'f'n' !e i in tlu -Imp when pT'''Ti1 w ill 'io la-'icl olV. fail at hi Slwp nonrly o.,.i-ito the Court Iloiio, in Market Spurn', an-l a.-orrtain hi-low ricr., mul txiiitiintj hi.- stojk hvl'-ic piirvlni'iii .-t-.-w iin .1"1J VU. Fill . Suiihiirv, Aii'm4-' Ist'-f "'i TrMn', - C, ' - .,.. t.liki;a f.'.-i'iit, 1... O -t. Mini I'i jt.., t f.-.l uli .1 n .J'll ' tk-( I IU;. J'loj i. Sa.k l'.vui.-,uV:i'Ary.i.'.s, It... k ' n.'r'l . A'liu'iii L m.I'.1v . rut it. rig.. r.nls.'i'., .Nu.-0. a., ml ,s. 1 i:.-.v si !;i 1 t a s;;.i'o- :;.v, by t,.. flngi or u . A 1. in-. -ii r iiiml "'.' I ol ,:.',- 1 nnd I !! 1 . ,. ,, I i'i i t-.-' i. i -M n -. I'i nil . 'i'-.ys. ,Vo.. m: ..,' v!...i. ..1 l',.r, ,1 , V. l,oie;il, jo'jil ret 111. I 1 ' l-. loi llibi.r lie. i::.nie Il'i.l pt-wp . ' 1 M. c. .ii.Aitn.-.;- r. M ill,,-' i'.r. it, 3 d".. rs v. r-.t of L. V. Hiigl.i A .-..i.'j i store, , I Suuburv. '.'.n! 1 1, l-ol.- 1 .- !i8 ami n M e: n n.oi .16 H.t.. rillli; sei' -iib. -s bavins taken p-e-:MsloTi of tb:s I fn-!'b tl.'H .,.'.. nr.- 1 1 j.i,. d to r -ive gr iin ot al! ka. 1-. nnd to -to cu- --in uo.u at tin -I'lli--! o.t. C;: -'mi.'i -1 '. ill h,.ie ''.ur gri-ts ground i'nno di.i: . ly upon ti., 'r I -''ng bf rd, tin' Mi". A--i: i- tie- M.tfini. ii 1 1 iho tniii to -ufsjk the Hiili. 11 1. 11' sin nly of irrain v.1'1 bo coi.sianlly k.-pt-oo linn I. im . f i . u r bv ti.e u.-ooi v cm nlw:iv-s I... ..I., ..I 1 . . .. .',1 i...', ..I , .1. 'i 11 11 1 11, 1 . 1. . 1 .0 -1 v 11 ,,'11 o, 1.11, e 11 10 ill 11 inn 11 -iijii i 11. r (jciin-.y ', 11 01 r. n r wui'in in1.- lull: is iiiiu.iriibly fl b'p'ed." ."ti i, t ntlention will be paid to the v aiifs 1.1 i i .to'ii'TS. and tlie pr.iruii-ige of il:o p.itilic irenef,lilv is re-; .'lltiliy reo'.l:::e I. .-ui.l.nrv. Juiic S I'-i'ji. " Jiul.liAX & CO. I 1 l.uiubi i' ! 1 .11 in ls- ! 1 I'liri.TH SHAY. .Money. Ly ning county. I'.-i , j INP'KMS bis tri. n i-'ii.d 'in- ;, 1, bile in irom nil. Ibat he c'li-'anllv ke-p- on li'.ini 1'. iiu-.l--. .-hii, .-Ie-.. i.Mib. and u';l kin Is o Luiub -r en 1 bnibting . 11 a'. 1 i. lis. v i,i ! he w ill -ell a' U:e lowest I'tlCes. .Mar.'h -'J. lol. I asro'w opekt: MAMMCTII PUKNITUIiE V7ARE-IIOUSE. s! A. Clitsuiit fslrci-l, I'JvJl'a. ,I.a,a I.LV Y 1 C'l'S lry md fiiorci slO. J. It Cf.S, Furmirly i21 alnut Strec" rhliadelphiu. All;Tllt oO. I-1'!-' olll JUST nSCSIlD ! ! J. IT. TIZ-TCl-mL. n.n just rctv.rr.od fr ,111 I'i.ila i'.'l; lii.i with a ci-ievijz:i?i a-00 ids which those who buy und sell ou Long Credits not, uud chimc't pi'ess. IV i: KEEP EVERYTIUSU, Aiu; i i:t;;umim;1' v SELL CHEAP ER ru.. c.i.v ;;;; wheki: fl ss a -VI 1 TJ a, W s OF 81 mng & Summer Goods, i iv 11 its: V.VX I'l IIS ! jon.v f Ait tin a. No. ?H Arch Street, be. In ).ii.'hth. south ai le. I'lllLAM-.l.llliA Imporii r and Mauu faoturer i f. and I'eab r 111 all kinds of Fancy Furs, fur Ladies and -Childieus wear. ,- 1 de.iro to say to iny friends of Stinbui v and sratho surrounding coiiu. S.iios thul 1 liavo now 111 , v jiore, nun 01 uie inir.i '-"s?-jw- Jj. and most beautiful a. aorlmenls of all kinds ami mutinies of Fancy Furs, Ladies slid Children. M car, ibid will bv soru dur tif Ihi. 1 all and U inti-r. My Furs arsrs purbsa'4 in Lumps, previous to iho ri.e in burling Fa.-liaiigo. and Uio N I'my Imposed ou all Fuis, luisjrtid siueo ibe lii.t uf At (us(. 1 vtould slsj .Isle, lb t as iny .tosk l.l., I will 1,1,1 it si pliers niopoiiinuals to what lbs giuds o.s.1 ms ; but, ll will bs iuin4e lor me to 1 11. poll and Msuulssiluia any luos Fuis, aud sell ihnust lbs ssliiu pi ices, ow Ul Ills LlmUlid ..' of the slls.l. til ths Couuliy. t If ll.msmbsi tlx name, numbir and strut Jilll.s FVlttlllV Tl Arch CUt.l, I b.UilL; ".il.a.b.r 1- 1." - fa I- 'riis.- V-:r. I Cloth, Cassiniere. Ve.-ili..'. Ii'.'L.u CI .:'n. '..iii'-n : Coulin. Liii'.u Lhecl. '".' '.oiiii . I.ji, lii-s Woiir. A large of l'r -.s tioo,., Lbi.-l. an 1 ! Fuiis-y Silks, Silk 1 issue, l'une) Li iag- s .-I alley, J nil Wool llebiUls. Mosallibi ;'1C tjo. Is lit bov I riei s, ; ."silli l.LVelhis. lliianrs. l.awn-. 1 1'itos :n,,i Flints. A full line id' lush Lim 11 an 1 bite ! 'o U. Stella border and F.ti cy ;ui.iii.ei .-ban Silk. ai,.l Lace Mioilillas, Ac. i Hoadv Made Clothing, , I A go'jd assortnient of lla'i jn.i Ca -:, A largo assortment of Hoots and sh .es. A full st0':k of Crocerii s. M. la-ses and Sugar, Hardware and I'.ri'nli! ;-, A full s'o.-vk of C'ueeu and Ol.i-', A full stock of Fi-h, Salt. CilJ ai. l V'Lite Li 1 I. Alurge.tock of New W..11 IVi ir, A ue ito k of S ii" an I Karfftnwarc, Aud iholliauJi uf article. 11 t cn.iUielate 1. J.3- All 111" fcbev, m-ill l.-o .! 1 ehi i p Or I'll ll Kt Country rruducc. J II llNull. I'KII.I.S'i .V. OH AST Suubuiy. May 17. 1- ;J II0Y7 TO FH0H0TE DOMESTIC HAPPINESS. Said Mr--. Smith to .Mr- lo om. A- tin V i 1 e will hug ill... 11 . h It.e tell 11 !o rr y, u ,1,. I,., i- -icppihg ' T'oil dre-i ot; re i... -.. 10 ut a't I line. 'J i In 11 I -11- .'. 1 all c n.oo.l l.o. ks 1 , -iil.-ly sli ,-l.;n.; " 'I'm sure y-nr bii-l.Mid. Mrs iJr.-wii -.. iloii't 'lie 111. .-i v . li. l.t and l."V. ii - I 11 11 so ri. h .1- lOll.e. A-. 1 " ' v "' ' !.. I'.ol ! buy J ,-; 1 1. '' a- 1. ill li ' 1 ! l e 11. .u I. And b .v. 1 C...I-..-. ij'v ui.-." .' '- bo i.i. 1. X "M 1,. ..... 1 ..:- .rile I v i'Y I i ... s:. ll. You Li y 01, ,-Ve In. I f. i n.iy l.'iran, -. you i oy li -'!, I 'l.ei'p w bile y, ti 'IV ib : r. V. i, oe t i yi ;', w Hid a ol ess 11 -ha v. I . A e' I i it r. ie-se o; Vi lull not. '-"11 Al li.e do t,. M -.V" III -1 ! 11. 1 hoi ll sell V oj i; i- -o V -ry lo'.v ' J r : . : V j, a -oil, 1 a - to wonder so. Ihivv ii'inh i-icli it"" !' I 11' vv.-rc My l"i-l""'d. b- ny. i- pi on r. iloiu voiivs to-day. An 1 y, 1 1 .in loiy n.- re. li. cause ,'.i'i ).! r ol hi f vv I . I I ii.-'. jii-f ii- ' a- to ', A; tin- eheap M v :.i m nil Src'.::' " ..!;. ii.. I was .Mi-. Su.i b With Mrs. I trow n'.-new iiroli- luelie. u bii.h did , onv iu--i-'J 'le fusl. an.l opela 1 so lie;-eyes. Si e hll.-li t eea -el to j.;i ti 1 inis'.. J he M vmauiI :i i,er since. All 1 now. w Inn you t,i ll.e.-t lb r bus'-iind. Su.rt:. upon tt," -o"it. Ai ' -uu 1 the c.-i eoiiiii-g. Jil- f:c- i- liil.l.-.l wllil d si:. lie, Hi.- slop e!::-l:. -nll li e vvl.ib' A pleasant lulte lo' s g Ladies, if Id." . 'r,-,-t y, li d -co ill 'le; 1 s oi'-e. . 1.1. 1 V 11 lll.'i I.e. lVl.-l.aoe.-. Iiee'r -HW I" t 'le. .In-I Mrs Hum ,,'. j r, . 1 ,11.0 t'.v . A-l a. I yo . li '. ' . 1'iy vi - buy At the , li, .11 M 'iM. rll M"i:r. ifT?in si'K'i .lssiirlmi'itl til'?7' , Kail's LVA.VS i WATSOXS IKi'H SALAMANDER SA3T:iS. ui:!..T 11 li ii at 1 i;.i;vi. pa. 1 b-.i.rv 12. 1-OJ. j t! i.riTi.r'! 1 It a-i.' ' im- 1:10. !i s.iii;i';te:ioii lo I inl'i -.-til vi a in t).e .-' .! !..- i.i.icn. on ll.o of tl ' Itb ii.-i.. 111 ii'ly ilestloy..',! u niy s'oio, in, i lnaleri.ils. I ont , ,1' your .-. d;:liian'.er l'iie l'i Sal'.s. .'.Lei . , 'lining an irli,.se r-d I In nt fo-r.e,i ih.-,--:i!. w, - o,..-:i..l. and tho j I i. .-ll - .11 d I' i v. . re j i ' . 1 .1 i'i 1:0 cu t.... iLi.she i ''"li'lili.,11 I 1 e, 1 ;oi ll:, i;,. n.- sjl.I! S: I jt I in "r.l.'r 'i u; ;. 11. t 1. -o. . ilnlle, j V,' I' M('!ii. -n 'Jlcaoii , IV ; i :.'l:". AT ni l 1 S C -tli: j VIl.lMl.i !.-i 1 10.. 1 Yji.kiiii c ii::-v. Fa., ) ! Aagii-' !-;. 1-' !" ( I Me-rs. Lv vvs .v Wn-v I'! ii.'. ilia 1 Ii V . Hi' n : I'll I li' 10. 1 11:11 j 1 1 Ibe oj-1 o inju-!. our Sloi-i lion " at ' .ie-ii 'Ti-'le w 11-d'-ii'.v, .'. . nje. Tie' Mtlailllttiib r Siile V. e j o 1 I:., I i'l ol'i vo.l Ine ieiT year- silio- 111 lo l'iie lib... nieutililod sti re- boll ', ;,!i'l . olitnii., 1 ;i!l oM b. .ois. p'lp' lv. ,'ioh. 0 , wbieii 'V"r''r' -"vi '. i 1 a 1 1 i.,-t , ::iii.iop, alter i ' ing ei. .,.". I ton 1. 10-' ii,!i 11 i' 1 . ' ' i ' !':' t"'C'. 'I'll boll m . i'U ... i-ii.o . nt i-ti'oi. teii.js y-av.ill bill us iil..'lb'-r bii'g. . - Hi' I Y- iii- t; ''.'.i:-' A Ai .-TIN I Salaiiiaa.l r Siit'i-. i-.r I'.al.l.s Soi.-s. l'tiiate I ran.ilics. Ac. Ac. A'!". l'.niis.'i Wut--m - l'lili-i.'. I Alp'-alH-ti-nl bank Locks in.'! Il-ttik X'aoit i'-.or.. 1 l-'ji.lli to al.V ll.ade ill ibe -ll 1 1 1 ;m. . i::.-i ;..!! on as I e. "1 ' rn -." ll A V. 1 . .",'.!( !- .-j ' .t'.'niiy nl'-rto ' ti. i :' 1: . i ii s llimV J iii'.I " bei p -'-I : . I evi- their 1 a. t I.oei.s now iu 11-' . to lie or in'.ire s.ili.-l ' 11 .'i. :o. I n,al: o: lo ! gi v, 11 11 1 ti --ir :..:. i I -".11:1' 1 u s .V.M. ilj 'ii jii llai.k. Slullwi'do ! , '. Id ' V. ..I!- s-0 I'm 1 '.I. m v ; 1 s A t.-i : .1 'i' ('.-.ii', "' iv:i'. 1 i bia. 1 ( a i'ori i 1 C" 1'. o of l'hila. I'-lt l"Oi Id.,!;, in. I'o'.i.'ll: loud. '! I '..da. I Co .!. -v ii.e 1 1-1 k . i' :. I : ..'; -ol'l:. T. 1.11. ; : ' i"- ;" ' 1 -: l: ,'.!;. !( I'. - I. t N....I... 1. 1. J !." !; ll..-. !i 1:. i k. IV liiiuk 1 N" 'li u L'.b aili.i. I I lie I. Lank, io i.i" le 1 Odil'l' 1 1 !,'; . I .-oiiti.,.. -i. !: i ,d ; : .1. I'at.i i-.el - .i.t. Ilu..-r:. , !' ...,. l:-.:.t. : :.': .-.I A! .' a i Lii-.ii. im. v c 1-. a-i ST- - ii':;;:' "... ; Id -.' "1 ',. 1 . - I :,'b. 1.. l.u... l-.o k. I'.. ; Cll.'.i rifinees ,,.,!! ,ii..i:i .:i,i.!; ,.,.,.: - . ic, i . idl ...artu r.-r- : i ldi.i : !- l.ia. Mai.-l. 1" '.' -!v .o'5'jcs:: I 'B lf T!:iii"r. t'. i- .- 'siip:n:'", t ivi: JI r.-.l'i; l Ii I'ltl '. ! .':'. t . I .1, !'. I' i. '. .1.. i -ii'ii.'b L . 1 1 . i.i i idi l d' " . e r '.' - : l 1 1. ' :r . wi'h II : u: I I 1 !'. .- J i .!;. j,brc!' ! mi. I r, I 1. I ' !'I le ' , 1' . I : r.i 1 A i'l' :;.::.r; ::. bv I! ! A 1.'. ill le i. Ilitv.-:.. .'1 .'i- Cu'Mo. ':-i-.- 1 ...diilsi'i M'r-i.-ii N. ,.; .; : ii. V ei'l f "MO 1 .M" : .l.o.., I J ...-!iy in 1 V ,.'. de r. -k ' ti-.n. j Al- . Tiv: ; ii-. 1 '". d 1 v. e: d :. -. I in, I ..;':. ..: : 1 ! r.d l'. CI V ell' ! t V ill '. l.' S ip- r ot.'i. i. o: I'. nndi i' 1! A 1 I 1 ii!.:.. A. ci,t i A l-'J - s 1 1 -. i. '. li.e rd v r ". I - IV. I ,14 1. n e.V ! - ...I t r t ll. I.. 1 .. 1 iin : 11. i'l. 0.1 's. '.j Ida 1 si a:a tcv Mifina. j riTIK Si Mii'UV C I'KM will be nu-uj on I in.',',,.; .1.' '.,''.' ... ls.-j. I'o j i 1- in-' . i c; , d iu I n. li-u t. ii. -.-i .a! mid M.'.il.e- uo-'i od I la. ...I.. .. ! '11. ' -co ,1 , i.- de.-dgM.-1 to 1 r..-,r.. f r 1 ...ais.-;.u i into l'..' or to li'l'dltV ' T bii-ii,. I A ll:il' V ie. old !- k- of 'l.C l 1 '11 l 1'. . i' l. i. i.- of ei,, !; J upil, a.i a'. : i- -ci.l in. i.:hii tv' :'. i - i ' in.M-i e. C 'lilc". .. og" iv Lich A NEW AM) USEFUL ARTICii.', HALEY', MOK-iK A UOVDEX S i: ' ' ! IJ'-ljn.i!lt; 4 isa Saa-s. i in; ( l- Siu.p'.e. !d'oi."ii.i il. I'l'.r .I : I i let l.i..'..e t.. gi t out i t ' 'r o r. 'I be S. ll'- lj . 'di g " - M ii . o r. ci . t! :, ill, -! illil lov . 11.. 1., ot iho i.U..-.. c :li ... li'l.iy. 'il I n .... 1 n 1 v to i.c f. n- w n i.r. I t. ;. d. to en c in'o 101 11 1 i. . The s.ui: g. fob d .- d- 1 i.-:i.j "i.t !.r b. lie. 11 two 1 abb. e 1. in-' -1 I "1 !:, or t,i-t:nj w:,l tiiiioi ul '.o iii'ii-h 1:1.". 11 11 ; o.v ',.. I. t V 11 'I 11. 1. IV. -par.-i V. - : I v i. il-.-i. (V C I .i. 1 1 ' i- ..".nr'T. i! ' ') -!. U.IL 1. s. ;, III) ..1 T I'J . I '. I I s i d ll id ' . I! : A .1 .1.1 :i V V . d ; :i, !'-.. . ci. I. .. ! 1. .. T ', '11 ,1 I i IV It M ii-r. .M-dt.i, - It ll '.;.Y A. M . :1 ,.s :i Sunbui v. M iv 17. I V.J l. . : V "lo. is a v. live. :!:..! the I.M-I.l g or H . o! cioibo-. -11. Uiu- 111. I b:iik-li." ll'.-.-. lo niai-liine r. es tin 11. so evillly ll'l't I.C.I - Iliol-'Uglii,. I can h" wrung eit.o.i' bi . it ill llie l.'ii-'. lid 11 w. rks so e.'i-ov . lb ,1 a I ii cl . e v eins old cane peiaie ll (( llle 'l t:o. W:. lei does 111 I lljn the I t - loll V. .i'"i -, 1 all be wrung col ot b il.l-g V. i'er t tc.'l.t 1 .1 In h ealinol I" dol'i l I.. .1 I I ,. it is 1111 a iiiibl, . e I i-. 1:.!' . :. : uaocfciUy & fmo vision scout;. i. .. ,Ucu... i....u.- .v .. u i. .v...,. .Uurkl-I HqitniT, !iiiil.iii-.V. M'a. ibe cl'ill... pciicl.. . ll '"' . 1 the lal ' si ho 1 oil'lt, .1 tie liislt.-st no set 0,1 : JOHN OOOt), Leu lll.T, dl.ei ,11 call p -. .I le .b ... b. 1.1 : nHAI.Illt iiuill kind-. f O l:"CI t:i l. re-p.-c-fi I- ;.( , ah., (:.. m I.- 1b.n1 "' '- d 'be ti. . !) inloini- ibe cilU' lis of Sin bin v mid v 1. loilv ' unu hli.e is so -11 ip'e 'bat U it l"'l .1. .'.., t. g.t (but ho Uolisl.iUllv beepsoli bin d a large ii.-sorlineiil t,ut rip nr. of ibe best ol all kinds ol li KUC 1.1U L S, .nth us . 1 u. gi .al in,pi 1 , it in tl.11 ev.-ty ici. 1 r -1 1). ..I l,n.l VV V Lie one .1 lir.ll.l.'l 1- I' - ci' si S.' crv. Ji.!v l.V I 'J. 1 ratpitri :i il i.i Loicrs C 'IC: . -"N ii .It-e't. : at" tLeir do.!. .: in,: ;v s' 'tis.-4 im--: ,!-; . i K"V.' ! 'Hi!. I"Vi. X I 'Ll. VUT. l .-. '-. I " - i'i n.- - - t'-'i- -dv.'f '..,:-... 1 , d , ;i I h. .1 .."11 l 1 id'," di M'il CAIU'l. I'd !'i-i;ii..'vi'i'.- sSxU-cii l.vr CtoU-.11-, S ill y u.a".l i' I' I .1 I '!:.- i - . ., I.., I 1 . '': !.. 1 i-idi: r 'll . v A-:-.v. I'i : -I ' ... .'. -. . 1. i.l.i. n .' I..T- and bi AL d! 1! ,1. I.; 1 d. .:. m M I Y. d . I 11 but loap. t ,.lldb, 'Jol'SCCO, S. giu., S-.... s III. S il 1. 11 1 .: i'l li 1 1 1 s iXcri tin: cov.'iniN s'.- v, 1 i.c I A 1 1 It Ii. b i' l'.i i , : - I'm. 111 d I'l lines. Cutlets, Sugar, iiil'C. SvruSI. h"..s. olileedollill t. Mo....S, sill. M1.I.I1. Fl.i'l It. MH V Id 1 I'll, and iu Ucl .( ni thing in (he lilociiy hue I.IQUOIltl HI the In-.I iiu..lilv at W li..l.i,le an. I lt. tail e. n.i-l ili ot, 1. Hi. V ll... I Hist nlrb M bi-kei and li"ln..lic l.i.Uoi. gi 111 1 all y 1.1 sbii h I c In. it.. Iho public l U.l lol'-rc pulcb'Uing l.-i nli.iu Call Slid we lov no. k .Su 1 h.l g' l"f .low inn JulIN I. null r-uubury. June 1 1 li'J IllVVk il'sj-bun ul I'M" 1 1" U ai.l bUnk 1 Mor's.''. I' ' I'lo's'i " Sumni. iu., a. l m!s a l & v iht tutlait log aiini'. in. ni 1. pin nig no idi. nr., .11. I., hi ..ic. i T I '1 1 1. -1. : ... W m . : ,i liali.lkerchl. l or bid .,((!! . tl.O U.. tt , 1 I. .... ,1 ;.. .,.:, ., . .. I liali.lker. lin t or ucl 'I' 1101 .ill Ml 1111:1 cull "l late ll- 1 1,1- i.iiicbnie is n a le ..f v..d nnd i i:".ui i ( lll.ll l.u 11 ob CHI " --.i't c l.l. Ill '"''l V. ".. II.." cb.ilit.. tli.-i.i.y a ....... .: slld..i.0-ii . 1 ii j ny 1 1 elolti. . bv llolt lll-l llil. I. I lie ll'o.l .'.'in all I i"icliie CI lb 's XV III -. er lei 11... tiled llue g can u-e l.,,.t, two . . k-. an I .1 ll.... on 1.1 1 pen. . ilv .i,'.-i.,-,i ic lulu lie 10 and lh 11 m "') w-11 '" '" l''-" l. I A 1 li. L I- --Nnw r.,,1,.1.;, bs. nr II ll vislt Ag.ui lui N. .tl..,!......;-....! w July 6, l-.'J w V , ;. M . h. le 1 I'. 'IN' , M..; . . . It'll -.' i' d . . 1 I .." H 1 .1 I. .... i .' It' - trl s, 1 1 - , ; 1,-V !i 1 jis; f pill -ubcn'.'r 1 - in 'ii il 1- K' I W I'lN" S 'i..ul.l li'.il' Sl'd.-bille .lli'e nil' e I" I l."lic an I 1'iii.b J.'.n M.i- Culdial 1 l.sll o i'sll-s.vs I'-al a Slid It. I lie. If reiuoVll'il ytis e. t 'I .a;.' si lb. edue v. 1. :. 1 v arj 4laM'.a 011 bs:, I Ii. I. Hi .- I . 111 sli all i vpi, v ii,,' ! '..., i.t'.i, a.,' la I r U'cil. I cl . 1 1 '. I .11 1 1 ;