Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 25, 1862, Image 1

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    , teiuis or Tiro 'AMr.nicw."
Two Dotttni per annum, in bo paid half-yearly
In advance. Xo yar uiawsnttnatsi audi all ai
faaragcl arc paid.
ThT ooplw to om addroia, 9 00
8cen do do "
Fifteen do do SO 00
Fiva Dollar In advaneo, will pay for throa yean'
ubsoriplion to the American.
Club subscription! must be invariably paid in ad
Tance, and sent to ono address.
If subscribers noirdoctor refute to tnVe their naws.
capers from the office to which thoy are directed, they
ire responsible until they have settled the bills and
ordered them discontinued '
Postmnsters will pleaso act as our Agents, and
frank letters containing subscription money. They
are permitted to do this uucli-r the Post Ufhce Law.
Ono nre r,f J linn. 3 tiniua, jq no
livery ubsyptent ins-iliou,
One squaro, i niuuth, 3 iv)
fcix oioutbs, ,s o
f)uu y-nr, ( ( (i
Iiu"ii:c t;rds of 5 Hum. ..- nrinnm, 3 00
il i-r and oilers mli'rli-ii, In- the yr nr,
Willi itei irivii-;i- uf iuwrin.n dilli rem led
vurtUiiig woi'kly, Jfi 03
Uu.tnioft nntipvi ii-serted in tli- T.-iAt, C I .. nr
i'irvr M"n'S,w ! UoatlM, K1VE lU'Jj l'J-.K
1.1 M. lor eneh insijrtion.
tj Larger Advi.-riienioiiU a pur
JOB V II I n T I K o .
Wolavoconnoctnl wlihonr esti-.l,ItlimTit will
solix-loil JOU VlTlCi:, whicli will ennbie us tn
cxoculn, In the ooatm si-do, every variety of
Crlttcndeu's I'laiadolpliia Com
incrclnl C'olleno,
N. K. Corner of 7lh and Chestnut sis., Philadelphia
THIS INSTITUTION, whii'h was established in
1314, and is now consequently in the 18th year
of its existence, numbers among ts graduate, fiiin
drodsof the most successful Merchants and business
Men of or country.
Tho object of the Institution is solely In nfli-rd
voting men facilities for thorough preparation for
The branches tautrlit arc. Ilnok-Koeping. as appli
eabje to the various departments of trade ; Penman
ship, both plain and ornamental ; Commercial Law,
Mathematics, Navigation. Civil Knsineering, Draw
ing. Phonography, nnd Modern Languages.
Hie system ot instruction is peculiar ; no classes or
r et lessons are ma le use of. but each student is tauirlit
individually, so that he may commence at nny time,
and attend whatever hours are most convenient.
Catalogues arc is-ned annually alter the l'nli of
April, containing names uf ihe students for the year,
and full particulars of terms. Ac and mny be ob
tained nt any time by addressing Ihe Principal.
In extensive accommodations, wide-spread ri-pntu-tion.
and the lengihv experience of the Principal,
this Institution offers "facilities superior to any oilier
in the countrv, for young men wishing to prepare for
business, fuel to obtain ut the s'ime time a diploma,
which will prove a rccouiuicndution for thvin to any
Mercantile House.
; Crittenden's Series of Treatises on Hook
Keeping, now more widely circulated than any other
work on the suhj-ct, are for s-ile at the College
si. HOIXIKS CKITTENliEN, Attorney at Law.
February 8, 18li2. ly
As Improved fjr 1319 and 1S0O,
r.y F. KI.TCHAM A CO., 2s!) Pearl si.. New Tork.
, IV1K only Freejer constructed on scientific prin
X ciples. wi:h a revolving cau and spring blade
s.:rup'r. The one hastens the freeimgof the cream
theo'lier remote:' it as hist ns fro7.en.
The most rnpi l in freetiin;, with the least quantity
of V".
1 Ij" most eponnmifial in cost, at it is the inns', simple
an t dai-alde in sr-u.-turo.
For sale in all the princij si cities and towns in tho
l'.H''l I-'reejer a.-ompanled wiih a bvs)k of recipes
and full direj.icns.
3 quarts,
4 quarts,
fi quarts,
5 quarts,
1 1 quirts.
f 3 On
4 M
6 00
V0 .marts.
i: oo
Appiv to II B. MASSER, Sunbury, Pa.
M.-ir-u i:. l-52.
i:'.x'Ui::'(:m.!:(c & i;oyi:ic.
Attorneys nt Law, Sunbury, Pa
, It. I' FK. respci-MtulIy announce that they 1 into copartnership in tho practice of
their pr ion. and w ill continue In attend to all
lH1c,n,.si '.tttruf v i to their chitrso. in the counties
of NordimnbrTl m. !, Fiiioii, Snyder and Montour,
prompt! v. f uihlullv mil carefully. Sneeinl atten
tion wiil be given to the OLLLCTIt 'NS ' 'F
CI.A1A1"1. C insultatioua cur. Le lm i in the GEIt
MAN I m-uijs.
'c M o kot street, oprjio Weaver's Ilutcl.
fuiibury. February 4. IS0.
ESvaif.Hi'N, WltK'f.. iln(, ".
f pilK su'-'rilirr. havin.-; fpetid in TLon.fvm's
.3 -k !i:!.iinr. Mill strict. I'ajivilie, a largo
inl'.FiUN AND DOMESTIC LIt.'t'f.T;?.
e 'ui; r;'..i t!. i-or bran Is of Prandief. flin, fM
jivo. S v. :. u; I lri?!i Witikey. ItT. S'jerry. Mu-d.-ir...
I'iriinjinno fin 1 other Wine., of all grades, all
id i.i.di will he -old Whni...i.. .till. l...... ....
pri.''f. lai ! n-liic;.ers, bybtiTlagof us, cui save
i-' :. a.-t the fr-.-iaht .
i'.'ivoi.s le;oro.n uf purnhasiug liquors fr
F A M I L Y L" S E ,
ri.iy r -ly upon 1 -ing furuibi-s wi:h a ruro aid
.mu. liilt.-rj::!' I nrticlf
i. ,- Uf.uj: di' to establish a reputation for
niio. eiuvip. be i 'p. '-:t'ully soli.'i.a the p'.troniio
ol the 'public. Ali orders promp'iv attended to.
lJ:n .il!e. June B, l-.",u.
f:iv your l'riill,
I ) Y u-ii'g M.i.v'n'j 1'iiU'Lt Sheet Metal ?crow Top
I i'n serve .lur.
fCUEH" Tuft
All i!iat - ne.'?.-.ry being to screw the Can d'.wn
np .11 1 in- llui-bcr lui-ikeT. which is placed outside
ui'.ui tl.c slioul.lcr ot tic Jar. lot an inch distant
fr aii it." ton
I :a: . enL tbo po--i0ility o, 1I10 flavor 01
; ii.jiuei by c iu.iug iu ecnlucl with the
iiiiu these .T:irs enn be supplied by
order with II I). MAS.-LU, Aijent.
ane 2. l-'iu.
ihf ivutt I
l, a 'lig 1;
Si.;, oar
W:i--liiiiSl ou IIoiiho,
( tic HriJccA
riMlK -ut-'-rlber haing leased this well known
i. Taein .-t .nd. lately kept l,y Mrs. C. S. Ilrowo,
re?peeii'.,!l v iiil'-n rus tlio public that ho is refilling and
r-.qtiurii'.g ;tie pri'tnisrs. and will ho prepared to en
tcri;:'ii. in a comfortable manner, h:& numerous
ri-iin-i- tbroi.-rhei't l!ie Ci.tinty, and all who may
t.:ilroli:;e l.i.- .-tut.ll-hiiiei.t .
" April 12. 1S--.2. JOSEPH VANKIRK.
I'r:titkliii House,
)i:i:l ll.T AN!' lti.Fl'RNISIIED. for. Howard
I . and FrauU'.ui S:reei. a lew Npjarcs AVL of tho
North- ml', Haiiio.-.d Depot, DALUM'jKE.
i - '1't.iiM.s. il frit I'av
ii. LEiSLNKINU, Proprietor.
July I V lf-jj tf
1 I-.e S!. I.oltiH,
t;r,'t. ff'ivt-n Thi'i and EwtA,
ME undersigrtod. htiving ieasud. for a term of
this popular house, hava the ploosuro of
aniiounc ng to their tncu Is uiM tue traveling com
inanity that it ii- now opi 11 for the reception of gne.ts.
Tlio bou-c. since the lirst of March last, hue, been
entirely reiiovute I uud readied in utupoiior manner;
l!i" ap.irtui- nt.- arc large, wull ventilated and fur-n.-'ie-i
in modern s'yle. It is centrally located,
eon . T.i-'tit to all the depot and stettniHout landings,
111 I in the immediate vicinity of the Custom House,
p (i)i ... and Ihe Corn Exchange. j
1 miic.-ti d with the Hotel is a' Hestunrsnt for the
re oiiiiiio.latioii 01' iho-o preferring tho Europeun
plan Pici n id KiHiius tVu.11 Three lo Svvin Dollars
per .11 ek. iic lording to lo.-itiou.
P .ardjl on pcrday. Table d'Hote for merchaon
and busimss 11n.11 from 1 to 3 P M
April 12. IS.; It
IVtir! Wnrl IV ur I
Sue the country and build yoursolvoa homes, fur
now i-ibr time to get your Lumber cheap. Yes,
can be purchased ut luw rules at the fcTEAM SAW.
Mi 1.1. el
Sich a- Pan-d Lumber. Frame Lumber, Boards, Si
ding, ."blnglei, Ir.uu I to f- per iboilbuud, PlacterUlg
Lutb. Puling. Itooljiig Luth. Ac, ir.
All lull-ord-red. l- r ny kind of Lumber, will be 1 ut the .holiest untice.
Sunbury, March 9. lsiil.
y urrnsil-l ou-i:xplubls -r,
aoH e'ii.-l In my KtHlit-IAK.
nv i.uv rsilobive tii, wiim a few eeula jnoii yer
gLou w 1.1 1'jiit.Ui yeu w it 11 a pcifcol Oil !
M. it oul by
No. I -.'7 Walnut Slieet. Pkilulalili4
TtUaaif 14, l'H 1
b A f UN IF im 8AP0N1FIE&1 !
Till-: FA 1 UY bUAl' MAKKll
A I K tr'itii-i.caM ci) be wade lu'o f Jut tVap, Ssn
admthf .
Dircetione AeoAmpsas is Keeh B-4 1
wOAf i m . oily mint was K. aa "wiilin ereaef 4-
I- Mi-out IU-r.1 o.,H- ,y ,. P.l,..
S i. IV) M a tft tnnsei, I iHn.
reaf-wt 1 Ur4tr
lhO. Arrnngciiirtils 1409.
r .Vw VorU I.hir.
From Ditliultlphia In Jftw Yorland H; Ptnng,
Jron H'uhkj rerf WhttrJ ami Kensington
Depot, tcttl leave at follow, viz : tare.
At 6 A. M., via Camden and Aniboy, (C. nnd
A. Accommodation.) $2 20
At6 A. M., lia Camden and Jersey City, X. J.,
Accommodation, " 2 25
At Vi A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City,
(Morning Mail.) " 3 00
At 12 P. M., viu Cuniden and Aniboy, (Ac
commodation.) 2 25
At 2 P. M.. via Camden and Anibov, (C. and
A. Fxpicss.) 3 00
At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City,
(Evening Express.) " 3 UO
At 4 P. M . via Camden nnd Jersey City.
(Second Class J'n-ket.) " 2 25
At tij P.M.. via Keusiuglon and Jersey Citv,
(Evening Mail,) ' 3 00
At 12 P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City,
(Southern Mail.) 3 no
At 5 P. M .viu Camden and Aniboy. (Aceom-
modation. Freight and Puaseucr, First
Class Ticket. 2 25
'Second Class Ticket, l So
The 0 P. M. Line runs daily. (Sundnvs rxecpted .)
xiiu u r. .u.. .-ouuieru -unu, runs itaiiy.
For Water (iup, Stroudshurg. Scrmi'ion. Vilkes
barre, Montrose, (jreut lieud. Ac. at 7-1 U A.M..
from Keiisinglon, ia Delaware, Laekawuiinu und
Western Knilroad.
For Mauch Chunk. Allertown. Ilelhlihem. IMvi
dere, Easion. I.ainberlville. Fliiniiigioii. Ac., nt 7-10
A. M.. from Kensington Depot, and ut "j P. M.,
from Walnut street V) hai f.
(Ihe 7-10 A. M. Line connect;, with Trains leaving
tasion for Mauch Chunk, at H-.'tO P. M 1
For Mount Holly, at ti A. M.. 2 au.l 11', M.
For Freehold, ul ( A. M ami 2 P. M.
For Prisiol, Trenton, Ac. at 7-10 and 9i A. M and
V fi-.'.O and 12 P. M. from Kouiiu;r'.oii, and nt 2)
P. M. from W ulnul Street VMiiui.
For lirislol and intei uicdiatv Stalios.s, at 11 A.M.,
from Kensiugion Depot 1
For Palmyra, Liverton. D. lanco. Pev. r!y. Iiur-'
liDglin, Flurouco, L'ordvLtowu, Ac, ut l.'j". 1,4. 5 1
and :,i P. M. i
Steamboat Trcnten, fir Eordotitoun and in'ernie-
diate Stations, at 2 P M , from Walnut !. V l.arf. '
t y For New York, mi l Way Lines liMiing Ken-
siugiou l'epot, take the Car- 011 Find street, uo vo
Walnut, h'ulf an hour beiore departure. 'J lie Car. :
run iiilii Ihe l'epot, uud on the urnvul of each Truin. !
run from the ikpot.
Fifty Pounds of Lagga'e only, nlh.wri.1 each ,
paseenger. Pasfengcrs are j roliilutcd from taking '
anything as baggage but their wearing appan 1. All '
baggage oer tiliy pounds to be pai l forexim. The ,
CompHiiy limit their responsibility lor baggage to
One Dollar per pound, and will uot be liable lor any 1
uuiouul beyond $1UU. rxccpl bv special contract. " 1
WM. II. liATZMKIt. Ajrtnt.
March 20. I?C2. 1
Itl.A UMC1 1 111A4-. I
rjHE sul scribi r respectlully informs his old friends
X and the l ublic geLerully that he cumuienccd ,
in lie shop attache 1 to E. Y. Ilright's Foundry, and
,rej.ared to do all kinds of lllackuiiithiui;, "in tho
best style and workmanship. ;
All custom woik will be promptly attended to. !
J. II. Z1MMLKMAN, Agent. I
Funbury. April 23, lstij if
PltUKriU'TLN. 1
A Daily Semi-weekly and Weekly Newspaper
o Cempromise or Kyinpulli y tvilh
'1'riiiKsr't. ,
For the I'hio i an I the K "jr. !
This well. known journal is now in the sixty-first
your of i'e existence. It has always been a leading
journal of the city, taking part in all the dii-cuvioua
of the day. ::nt uttering rs seniiinen s w iih eainlur,
feiirli'ii--s ami indepen lenco Fr-o-doni now :u.J
Forever, has been and will continue to be it.s luoito
The Prinoiplis by which it is guided are :
A S'rict Construction of ihe Ceusiitu'.iou. I
Economy in Government, '
No I'oli'ical Jobb-ry.
Honest Men for Oi5 ;e,
Tho Suppression of the Slnvo Towr,
FreeSuil and Free Speech,
and the prosecution of tho war against treason until
the last rebel has laid down hi. anus.
Cut the. Evening Po.-t, while il is fearless in the
expression of its opinions, aims chiefly at beinj; a
good newspaper. It will contain full uccouots of all
the inti re'ing occurrences of the day. embracing
lt. A loinplete llisiory of lh- iir.
21. Political Documents. Kcpons of Meetings.
Speeches aud l'roci edieg- of L-'gi-lative llo.lie.-.
31. Ihe Latett Market. Commercial InUliigence
Reports and Lists of Pric-s.
lib. Eiiiot tam News. Advices by Ihe foreign
steamers, letters from our own correspondents, und
extrr-cts from English audtrunclalions from continen
tal journals.
ith. Miscellaneous Rowling. Toelry. lioeli Reviews
Tale-, Anecdotes and liu.-sip.
In short, it is tho design of the editors to make the
Evening Pest.
No pains of lulsir uud no expose iu miiey will be
spared 10 fic.?ouip!i-h this cud.
As tbo Daily Evening I'-i-t circulates more large,
ly. perhaj'S. than any other city journal i.iuong mer
chant, cupitalisis. bankers, brokers, lawyer-, u. mu
factuies und buMiu'.s men goneially, it i.i always
been a moat eligible udvertiniug medium, iim nince
the war it circitla'ion h:ia enormously inereti.--d.
which fact offers uddiiioeal indu'-em- nt- io llion- w liu
Tho Semi- eekly Evening Po?t, publi-bt-d regu
larly on Tuesdays and Fiiduys, cumins nil ihe rend
ing matter of the Daily Evening l'ost. an I Ihe latest
news, by telegraphs und mails, up to lire hour of pub- :
The Weekly Evening Post, published every Thur
day. i. tdited with csjiecial reference to the wants of
country readers, and besides all Ihe urtielesof gene- ;
ral interest published iu Ihe Daily Evening Post, j
contains a couinlelo digest of tho news of the dav. ,
anil un Agricultural Luluuiu. -le-otea to the mtej.-si
uud instruction of farmers. It contains forty long
columns of ruading mutter every week, making, it.
'I'cnim 1
PitLr evlmso rotr.
Fingle Copy, oue year, in advitnce $9 CO
Three Copies, iu udvan.'e, 2i 00
fcingle Copy, per moinh. 7i
Is Published every Tuesduy and I ridsy.
Pingle Copy, oue year, in advance, $1 00
Tw Copie, J 00
Five Cupid, " " 12 00
leu Copies, " ' Jo 00
w ttsLr tvtttma rosT.
Is published every Thurilny. yoer, in advauce, 2 00
Three Copies i la)
r ive Copie ' 8 00
Teu Copies, ' 12 00
Twenty Copies, " ' 2u 00
Any larger number at the rate of f 1 per year.
Subnoriptiiins may commence at any tunc. Pay
always in advance. Any pcrsou sending u twenty
or more subscribers ill bu entitled to u riir.i copy
for hik services; or fur ten subscribers be'will rxecive
a cony for six mouths. When a club of subscribers
has been forward".!, additions may be made to il ou
the same terms. It is uot utoeumy that the rueni
hers of a olub should receive their papers at the
same Post OUicc. Ech subscriber's uame is printed
on bis paper. Clerywon are suppliud at the fullu
iLg ratus :
Daily, per annum ti 00
Knii-Weekly, per aonam t ,MI
Wockly, per annum 1 UO
Uooay may be forwarded at our risk. Specimen
oopit wiil be tent free to all bo desire it.
WM. C. liRYANT i CO.,
Orrivc or tuc tvisuo Post,
41 Nsjuu buvut, oorucr Liberty, New York,
June 2&, looi.
ftULOHOM n.n.iiii,
Vltontr v set I.nw, Sunbury, Nurtbuiuber
lund eouuty Peuwylvauia.
fl'uiaieily i'rwbur, ewyder eouuly 1
riFFlt'E MuiMSUHi. 041 door ewi uf Inline
A Oraal's Hiore, and aewlyopiaite tlte Court I
All pfoiuemoai ousiu-M, pvUqoUmsh, eve , t. ,
eeive posept tiuotkia
Aprtl 12. Mi
a i titir.
As sung by Major (lenerni R. E. Lee. with over
whelming applause on the nigjit of tho retreat across
the Potomac.
bv adjctant n M.p. DKVIM.G. 1st nr.L.vw ,vnc'r.
Oppressed beneath the tyrant's heel,
M'irylaiid. my .M iryl ind.
Now in the dui from' Fortune's wheel,
M irylmid. my Maryland :
W hen first was heard ihe Inn ilo drum,
And nor.herii hordes in myriads come,
Thy valor spurned the Lincoln scum,
Maryland, my Maryland.
Tho day is coming ; almost here,
Maryland, my .M.iryl ind.
W Inn southern patriot's will appear,
Maryland, my Maryland ;
W'e II sweep ihe northern crowds away,
And open to freedom's day,
'J hen for the liber itois pray,
Maryland, my Maryland".
Lejoiee. idl ! persecuted land,
Maryland, my M.irybin I.
For here we aie. a dauntless band,
Maryland. Iny Maryland ;
We come to sa e you from despair,
S e' e pa-e I : broii gh aboliiiiui tire.
Now to our stjiiol ird In-t repair.
Maryland, my .Maryland.
Ye go.ln ! in wonder now we greet,
Maryland. 1 1 Maiyl.m I.
Di t ever tneiels -ueli Welcoiue meet
M iryl.ih I. po tr Maryland ;
Those mIioIii we know j.e.0 -b of you.
Now turn tb"ir b iek-and .-b.ii liieit doors,
:..y lit 're a.-haii.iii of raggiid biurs,
M .ryljnd. In-t Mury lund.
Now li t dread .ngcan,,e be our bou't,
M.iiylaiid. los. M n-.vl.iu i.
Il. ie com. - ( 1. 11.11. will, his ho-t,
M 11 vlniol. M ,rj land ;
We tl iiiiM- , hi 111 li.r''. ly ti.,11, Ihe field.
An I force 1 li. ir coward horde? lo yield,
And 1 till-, their late -hall soon be M-alcd.
Maryi ai d. I'..i M .ryland.
J;: 1. d. w.vii v. uhippi d and worn.
Maryland, fil-c Mnryp.nd.
Our iiiibi v ho.: io lia'.'m ni- torn.
Mary land. t.iNe Maryland ;
InceiiluLy yioi o.,cd us then,
I .a t i.'ii r. cruit we hot ti n nu n.
Then could i.oi even I,,,d .1 lie,d,
.Maiylai. I. ile Maryland.
On the return of Line-.h, V 1"!.,
M iryiai.d. ile .'d iryland, '
Ii.isv hypiHiii.-. o,, ,11, ( 1 1 j, ice,
Alary lami. lie A iry 1 md ;
You -could upon our Minde-ru braves.
Andwi-ll d ill in ad 111 city glai-,
t.'n. wh , uowbl die. in. ra c- lo .jvc
A1..1 vl .tiM . cursid Mui-y Ian I.
'e cannot stand nn - l.t: t;i.i,
Maryb'i'd. eur-'d Maryland,
"Skidad'ilu" inu't l.e made twilight,
Maryland, em ol .I 11 y!an 1 :
e re link. 'I. l ungry . ln.-.l uud sore,
Ini h litis ll iteiul uurwaao ir.
Itlal I might seek luy 111's door.
Miryluliii. tu V .Mar , 1. ,11 J
lirac I ehoru; by the full I ompuny of sing
Oh. carry me b ick to
To 1 l l Virginia - Mi-
V I Virgii.ny,
re ;
"b. cany n.e back to ".
1 Virginrv,
lo i,d ir -mi i - si .... -
F .1 Ii.ov I'l.r i !, all i f..
A u.l . ii.-...' ti -1,, ai.y ui-i
Oh, carry n.e b o-k 10 1 ii
Iw 'Jid i:g:..ia - lo-re
' bio
d ii jimy.
11 V MRS. I Altol.l.M) sOl Li:.
" M .ifnini; njrtiin I" an-1 tin- w tt -t- l inva
lid lined his h- ad from the pillow and
looked pitifully over the ilim room. oh
that the night had Im 11 hinder! To the
wre!c!ie-l. sl-M p is dear. My poor, poor wife
:uy dat iinr im'.it i.itM tliey In t e and
starve f (Hi Hall ii is too much I" An 1
w i! Ii tea' s L' tsliiti"' from his eyes, tin pale
man Inirio-l hi- head iu the scanty loveriiifg
nnd o'ro.iiie I aloinl.
It v:i no wonder that he w as -nit uf heart
mi tli. t e Id,'', lbe -nilu r iluv. At lu st,
ho had a hard tnt--!i' to ort food, and for
the pa-t six mouth- the etniyoV lua 11
aliiio-t desperate, for his w ile had not Leeii
tilde to a-si.-l him in the least, feino i i nlineil
to her Led wiih 11 slow w ti-tin-g di-i :i-e. Hi
lit lie ilallohter Marie, a pfi tty cliil. I of ! elu .
kept tin' oue room tidy, and he.s. If
little lil-itliers like wa. P.v the ai l of her
mother's whispered directions she uiana-.ed
t 1 do up ilie weekly washing nnd ironing.
"My litile Miuluani," t'ie father fondly
c-illed her, while her mother would -uy, in
le r low, -wet! t Hit s, " our iinigcl."
One niL'iit tin ; o'ui.u ki e r w aile-l
until pitch dark for her fat to come home
to lii-, frugal supper, an I then, wit.i fearful
lorlioiliiiL's at her heart, nndiC'scd the little
hot sand put them to lied, and tied on her
hood and cloak to e() f,,- him. A crowd
pu t her at tlio very thresliold. With a wild
cry, she ri.s'ued towards the Inanimate form
tliey carried upon a hoard. It w as her father
lirouulit home to tliem with a I rokcti h-o.
A week had passed since this misfortune.
Uy the sale of their few pieces of furniture,
the wolf had heeii kept from the door. Dat
n'w nothing remained stive the eoar-e hod
0:1 which the distressed ones slept. No coal
for tlie little .Tate, no tea for tlic feverish
lip; uo crust-, for tin- famished children !
What should he done ; It was a question
little Marie aakfd herself ny.iin and again as
tliey lay there watehino; the few pale Min
lnu.ns that stliiule-l throuoh the window.
And she asked il uflciier nfier she had risen
Hid dressed Iniself uud Lrolhcrs, nnd
smoothed the two he Is. llread they must
have that day. They were all faint c en now ,
und the Lois clamored for tluir hreakfast.
Suddenly a liri-glit tliouoln eaiue to the
1 ttle diitiohter. She reiiiiuil-i red havinir
men in the colleo houses, yoiino; (jirls, no
t iller than she, wuitiiij, upon the customers.
1 'crimps they would try her. "If they only
weal I,' she intiruiiired softly. " 1 am handy,
quick, and atient, und I would try so hard
to ohlioe." 1 a,n pretty too, she miht truly
have a-lded, had there heen a soiii U uf van-
ity iu lu r heurl ; for she was a sweet child,
witliahl'ow like a sunny snow drift, and
eyea like thy spring violet that nestle in the
Hoo.llaii-1. 11 I will try, at hist, and - e
hut I can ilo ;" ami ai'ti r watchine; a 1110
ui' Ul thu veurv alcep of lur parents she
whispered to ihe little bow that shewn
going out to get boiou In-a I I'm- t hem, uud ;
hurried nwny.
blie did go to tilt) Laker', hut the pitiful ;
story failed to touch hi hard heart, ami
there were leurs on her col 1 e'e - l. as ,lm
tinned ttWity. Lven if slei woul-l aeetuv a '
place, he could hope for no wage till Sat-
iidu, anil there were, lojr weir d u be- 1
Iwecll thi und that. Blcud would be loo '
ialcll'aiie waited till then. What hould
she do l eg 1 She Hked herself the ipic-
lion w ith it quivering lip. Never before II el
til-ir poverty ilriwu thei.i to tlitt alr.iii, hii I
i: wa bar I, even no v with tie- pieturu of
iIihI wretched homo f.-h in lirr viaioo, to
flfarlf'f rtutit Ult elitt -lid it- A,Jnir !
nnd nirnitt tiie sniil to the pnMcrs liy, " Plctisc
sir, I'li-nx; inii'iim givo 111c a penny to buy
lucnd lor niv sick imrt nts.''
Hut tlip pcutli'uicnn lmd tlicir ovcrnonts
btiltoncil to tlicir chinn, nti'l the Inilics wltc
cnvidopcd in furs, nud it tin too much
tivMiMi; to find tlicir pocket books or purees
I jilst to supply n lC'r,.f:ll's H tmts.
. " !o to tilt! soup liotl-c," stud one til l;lt.
tuofc r,iiu li-'i tlnin tltfroSw I hit city pro
vido lor stii'li ns you."
It wns n n-'iv i-icti to lior, nn-1 nti fust ns
lier li-ct conlil carry lior !! went, nnd filter
ine; iu lircnt!i!css lmte told lior story to tint
nMcndnnt M ttroti.
"I will report tlio rnso to tlio coinmiltoo,"
stvid tint woman quietly, innkimra tui.-ninrtin-(I11111
of tlio tiumc ftti-1 iniml'L-r of tlio street.
' C'otiio in tomorrow niornitio;, nnd I will do
wlitit I win for yo,i.'
To-morrow! ' SIic would ho too wink to
wnlk so far liy tlittt time, nnd what would
I -or-11110 of tin- rest t
Willi a heavy liotirt slip went home, having
no citiiMiit' to pro-iont herself ns waiter to
any i-f the collet ; hou-t s shn passed on her
" Did you rret somo?"erlei1 tlio liovs. f-.Hh-t
riti"; 11I1111I her. and pullin-r off her eloalc to
see if it was hidden in it or under lior arms.
" Did you fret some ;" said f.dnt voices
from the lu ll in the corner, and the coverlet
was thrown till', nnd two pairs of thin white
i h id-Is put forth.
i "No, no," she answered plaintively "hut
; I wiil try ttL'ain. Keep up trood hope."' !
i "There will LepYtitv out of flu1 oven now.
; Yes, plenty," she said to lier-e!f. as she hut-
j tuned lu r cloak on the thli-hohl : 11 plenty, j
, and I'll have some too. Tin y shall not ;
istai vo. Men and women forsake me ; t l-ul
j doesti't In ar me any loniror ! There i.- nolh- .
i:to left for m- to do Lttt steal." j
Her face paled as she spoke it. and for a ,
few moments there w is a wild wrestle in lior :
In art. Then she went -in quietly pa'tsin"; !
! 11:1 instant liefun; each Inker's door, nnd ;
looking nnvioiisly within. iv and Ly she j
found one that seemed to ho empty.
, A whole pile of stenmir.j' loa es lay 0:1 the
counter. !
i Sim r.ihr.l iu and seized one, and hidin-r
: it undo, her cloak, th -1 in i-lly itptlt': street. '
j lint the Laker had seen her from the little
j sit t ino; room door, an-! wa al'n r her i n
litsjiiy. "Stop tin' thiid". stop the tliief." A 1
, ivow l fn'ilowid h-T. and the poof child w as
' soon run down. '
I " A clear case," sj,:d the police officer, w ho
took her in hand property found 011 h- r.
i Slie mtl-t -ro to the court room."
1 In vtiin she i!ea-led with them and told
lur .:-'. ;
! "Tin ;. i,it.-t do their -litty, she miudit have '
j lii.oo,., : she :nii;l:t Iiiim o,,i.,. io 1V0 soep '
; ii. i-.g ; tie tv wit no e.iu-e for stealinu ut
I ativ rate." (
No ec!:-o, mi l her ;i iietiU w ere d itv; for
i fo-.i 1 1 ' '
An imp. irlant trial was ju-t ( iosin'', and
' all the avenues to the cou.t liou-e were
j tlii-' i-cd.
" 'l'i.- v'll Le throuoh soon.
1 -ai l lh-' ollii 1 r
to toe l.aU-T : "we II wall lute a lew lito
m. p.!.-. o dati'g--i'.'t'!;eroet:in-: away whi'c
my ei rip is on her." and In' tightened his
hand on the .shrink'ui:.' arm till tin- flesh
quivered w it ii pain.
" Take ine home t'lst," she said sa llv :
' votryn' out ine -o. My poor
mother w ill die if she thinks that I am lost."
' Tin' 'II soon in I out w here 1,011 are." said
he M i l news is liU-; lilil iiiiiig-. it
tra'.cl- s,'i fist."
" t h dear, oh ileal- ! AVhat will l.ieeonie
of them :" iill-1 she- solilred aloud.
A lilt'.e tril l al.otil hcraef w is ptissiinr ly ;
a rich man's child you would know it Ly
the emliroidele 1 d.c-s mid cloak, the rich
M-lvi t !i-iod, an 1 the costly for tippet nnd
miuT. I at there wtis no faKe pride hid-lon
under the expensive raiment : a warm In art
was lu atiiio there, and its sympathies went
out far toward the poor litile prisoner. For
a moment slip pau-cd a-if irresolute upon
lief plan of action ; th-'ti laying her iniltciied
hat: I t'ciitly ou the ollh er's. she said politely :
" May 1 sj,c:l w illi her :"
" ( .us, slie" not 1 otiiniittc 1 yet."
Putting her soli rosy check close to the
purple cold one. she whispered very earn
estly. .Marie tol l Iter t-utehiiio; story, an-1
Looked SK, vvouhl, Ly the love -he liore hcr
moilier, find out her huml-lc hotne and com
fort the distressed ones.
" I will. 1 will," t lie slran-rtT replied earn
estly ; "ami don't you ciy any more; my
fitlnr knows the judu'e, nnd he will yet J'ou
away t '-iiiotrow. (.iood Lyt kceji up a
oood heart ;" and o.'f she ran.
She knew- her mother to he one of the
mo-t charitaLlc of women, and hastened j
home to tell her the story of Marie ; lull tl'l-
f 'ttunately she had ju-t "one to ride, and
would not he Lack tiil near dinner time. I
" What can I do:" she cried and wruivg '
hi r hands.
"They want coal, and bread, and tea. and
so many tilings, and 1 have only ten edits
in my pocket."
She sat dow n on. the marble steps mi l
pondered. All at once her eyes hri gjitcncil.
and a beautiful color Hushed lid" face.
"I'll ilo it," she said resolutely ; "mamma
will lbr:rive me when she knows all, Wilh
oal lire, without fond, nearly Hake I, quite
starved. . she will be so o"lad 1 thouuht
so far ;" nnd she bounded down tile street
tin I rushed around the corner.
1'u-hino; open the plate ".lass door of the
most fashionable hair dresser in the city, she
went quietly up to Monsieur H. lie ushered
her into the inner room, sayini; he would
call him. ller heart fluttered while she
waited, but her resolution did not fail her.
"Ah! it i my little Theresa;" und Mon
sieur 15. took her hand kindly. "Hood
niorniuer, dear. I'omu to h ive your ringlet
dressed for the ball t-i tiiyht no (" 11 she
shook her head, "why uot you ;o certain
ly, you ure one of Monsieur best pupils.
What is it tlu ii, my dour .'"
I'or a moment her lip. quivered; then sin1
spoke no quickly.
"You said once, ir, you would jrive me
an caule for my cur's. Will you ilo it noi
to day this minute.
The htiii-ilrcssi r wiis iistoiil-hnl. What
could the child mean. To i ut oil' those curls.
Ion if, silken, untl ".old colored, the pule -told
of a starry kiinbetttil ; it would hale Lech
sacrilege, almost for a mother to liae done
ii ; to sell them wa aun ly a crime.
"Doc, she, 011r mother, iloe she know
Jon eiiiue here I"
"No nr. but lu will not blaine lite when
I tell her how it was. t) 110, nhu i loo
"And how U It, my dear t .Muku friend
uf me, nud tell me how it come oil uk ine
to buy your l.uil," und he ulroke.i the jlos-y
curia n tenderly a u lather might. Sue
lieil.tted, uud thru upened lur In all lo
hint. Thorn wit it mit ou hi ee win 11
elie Ihi.slio-I her pl.iullio ator. Ilo tsalki-1
the flour moment a if invaolutu then
t-'J in r-sjVsa tier, b look "'it of Ilia
pocket hook, nnd handed lier two half
ea.nlci. She put them iu her purse, and
quiet!- took oil' Iter hood.
"Not now. my little antrel !' Im snid,
huskily; "I nm I .0 busy, io-tnorroy, will do
as well ; or stay I w ill come in this evenini:.
Till then d-i not mention it lo any om. (io,
now, on your mission, my Si.iler of Char'ty,"
and he led her t- tho door.
llmv ipiiek her liltlo foot Hew over tli.t
pavement. She could hardly speak when
siie had reached a baker's shop.
"Two loaves, sir large one", too, she
gasped, aud threw down one of the gold
The man started nt her curiously. The
color rose to her brow, hut she said nothing
and hurried uway with warm, fragrant,
"Is il you Marin ? What kept you so
lon-r, daughter I (nick, break mu a crumb ;
i am taint.
Like an angel the little stranger looked
to tliem its siie glided in, her ciieoki like
apple blossoms, and her hair falling over
her shoulder like ripple of sunshineC
"Maria cannot come home et," she said
in a voice that wa 11s sweet us a robbin's in
May.iine. "But she w ill n turn to-morrow ;
perhaps thiscvening. She has sent me w ith
tile bread. See-the two nice loaes of bread
I've brought you," and she lore it in frag
ments. Tear coursed down her face as she
saw how ea..orly she clutched thein. Shu
had never dreamed of poverty like this ;
never known how hungry folk may be, and
"I must go now," she said, opening the
door; but 1 will tome ifaiu soon and
make you comforiahlc." and she hurried to
I lit- ileal c-t grocer and bought a basket full
of provisions, an I engaged him to scud in
so. ue kindling- aud coal.
The little ios helped lo lu ild a lire iu
the cold stove, and when it merrily,
she put outl'c keltic and soon had a fit resil
ing tup of tea tor each invalid, and a platter
of . smutting potatoes for the childrin.
"Where )s Maria, do ou know, little
angi ! : asked tue sick mother, as she gave
back tho ( up.
"d. i-s, i know," she answered cheerfully.
"Did'ul 1 say -lie would be home early
to-tuoi.ow : Don"; vorry. Better iia s are
coming. I'll brii g herb.i 'k in the morning,
t.iooil l.c."
It was its though a fairy had come nnd
vanished ; a kind hearted fury, too. for be
side I lie s-.ippiy 01 coal an-1 wuud, a half-eagle
lay in the sicK father's hand.
Muriiiiirtng to hiiuseif ali the tender ad
jectives mine Trench laiiguag-, the good
naii-dlVsser immediately li.i.-uiiftl to tlie
eotiil-rooin. Tlie judge was a fiiend oi his,
too, and he hoped to save the child from
I ,ion. Sue 1,1 I not el l.eeii brought in,
liio Court iiawng aiijuunictl for half an hour.
Ii.-a-i.i.l lor a pi it an- iiKeiMe.v with tue
Ju-L;e. As soon a- it was .'ranted he told
mill all Maria's ili-iies-. and tue
ki:i mess uf little 1 'lion .-a.
"l'.-ur 1 luld" 1.00 1 child I said Ills listener
wiping Ills glasses, ".-sue must go to prison
1 suppose. Out il shall lie a ciitunh t in my
ow u ,10, i,o. tin into court an-1 toil the same
ior.i over; it will be Loiter tliau it lawyer's
Hi did so mi l there was not a dry eye in
the audience when he ceased. Eton the
baker hung his head iiudseitu-d to muse. .
iiclore the luealiiloss silence iiad heen bro
ken he looked up and said, "1 wiimlraw
my complaint ; let tier go with m- and take
all sue ants."
Tuc spacious room rung w ith ;
and wluie Ine entiiiisiasin was at its height
a t.iougulfitl old mail wild uboiil tlie crowd
Willi tils hat. I'coplts linger., found their-j
pocket book as tf lo, inluilion, and when ;
no poured tlie eoileetein inlo Malic' apron ,
sue sclvauied with joy. No mole hunger.',
no mole cold, no luo.'c iiakedlKs - that w Uiter.
i Hi t w en 1 it'll.
I ue Maker look her home hiii. sol;', and'
told lier ut the liuor not to v. on- about !
bread till Spring fur lii- wagon woi.u.1 leave j
tin 111 all taey wanted euiy morning. Jiuw
liguliy siie Moundcii i,p the staircase. It ,
was ul.e a bird s loo-,, all, a si.i0i.ig bird in
ill tile lime ol now el's. ,
"Have you come, Marie i" Two vo'ues 1
spoke at once. ;
"lis inoliur. yes father, and we are rich, j
see 1" uud siie emptied lui apron on tin::
Med. line, merrily too silver und gold coin ;
Jingled. It was like the eclio of a harvest ,
.song, the distant echo brought back by .
summer j
"Bless ucl. my little sunbeam, bless Volt. 1
my nngei." Ami two hand, wile lei I upon
iur head, and the teal s and smiles were
sirangelv mixed to 'ether. 1
"What doe it tin all, Thclc-.i (" and the '
inotiier looked w iiiideliilgly at her beautiful j
iiitie daughter, us .-ue ca.iu: into the parlor I
in obedience to a message Mroiii.lit by a ser- I
Vaiit, ".ilou.sjcur B. sa.. s volt promi-ed to
ace linn to liiglit." j
"1 Hi I, mamma. Did ou bring your
-cissois, sir : And he carried u foot stool -to
t;ie soia upon wiiieii he sat, and quiet!- '
nestled at in, feel. . ,
" i t- my ileal-, see '." uud he took from his ;
pocket a s. lining pair.
"liicie-a, wii.ii in. ails I hi.- :" the mother -spoiti-
sicriiit .
"1 nave so.d iny hair to him, iii.imiii.i. and
he has co.ue to eul it oil. '
"Sold your had' '. cut it oil'! were you era-
zy, are oa lit earnest : ' And g uhered j
lier to lior sido, and laid Iu 1 hand protect- j
itlgiy oter tile preeiou CUll. j
"i'eil In r how 11 wn,Sir. She won't bo
angry, then. 1'ieuse, sir, tell her.
lie did so. C loser uud closer to her heart
wus the child drawn M inuther,
as the 11 uT.ilor proceeded with his lunching
stniy. And when it was ii.iisiic.1, sic col
ore I her face Willi ki-s and said iu a bio
hen Voice, "df aticii i, tin- kingdom if
lleaicn." A single ringlet wa, cvcicd I10111
tin- beaiililul ileal night: one long,
soft, golden t'.lli tiiictl the li.fir die-si r car
lied home a, reverently a- though il h id
oeoil illaoll lio.u nil ill. gels wing. Otltl.e
uioriiitv he had it woven into a heart., ease,
mid II. e kuuiiy, sliining humane l!ou r w as
ever alurwaiiU wi.iu iu- vi, in heait, a tuns
mail agaiusl beetling atu.
Si i'Kit viu nu.vm B of Mkv There i.
uecordiuy; to the ceiisii, an i xceul idd. Jih)
male titer I'einuha ill the I liiic-l Stales.
I lo fact la noteworthy, und might to quid
t lie appi 1 !icl,s.o:i ul t.e-se who nun d the
war would cause uu un hie picpoiidciaucu
of women alter peace tta declared. .No
matter tlotV bhio.i.t the War may be, ul In-it
hoi ; it 111.1 l.t,t, ll 1 annul uiaite uway with
t iteu qtimtera ot u million uf lite. The
ttislu uf hie mat make ihe kcvc m lily
ftfiij but l tell tin 11 ue aiiall bu l etter oil
til.lll I'.Ugl.lU I. Where till1 f. Ill.lie UIC ill
cce, by Ileal ly lilllllou, uud toe -'s i d
problem ul' the day u h-ov lo pro tide theut
ltti hulnde or oocupWui
Tin: i.r M.iif iti.roitr.
rVtcnrly Vonr luinilrril Yt-te-is'Isi In our
.! y.
A I'l.HP.T Of FIl'TV-TWO lltiiX CI.At).
I'n-h r ordinary circumstance the statis
tical pages of tho thin blue-covered tiovern
niont pamphlet w hich isknown as the " Navy
llogister" are not to be regarded a i-nlcr-taining
reading ; yet, as circumstances always
alter cases, the last issue of that periodic til is
11 notable exception to the rule. Bearing
date but six weeks ago ('September first.) it
bring u the fullest end best record that it
i possible to pet uf the aetual strength of
iiurNavy.and suggests a var'n-ty of
I (.'omtnettoing the varwith a naval force
1 every way inadequate to 'he work required
j of it, we have added ves-e! after vessel to the
list, with n rapidity whicli is entirely unpre
' cedentcd in the history of any nation, liven
I England, with her maritime advantages, ha
not done as much in any eighteen mouth- of
her history a the United States have necoin- j
plished since the outbreak of thi rebellion. I
England has neither our wonderful wealth j
of resource nor our pushing spirit of enter
I prise, nnd although her necessities have
often been as great a those into which thi
country wa- sudden!- plunged, he has been
compelled to work more slowly than Wii, and
to-day is actually behind us in the race for
new improvements in naval warfare. The
spirit of our people, their inventive genius,
the native riches of the country, and the ex
traordinary vigor of our naval administra
tions, are the causes which have combined to
produce the grat ifving result si t forth in tho
ligures of the last " Uegister."
In n long article recently published in these
columns, we showed how, at the commence
ment of the war, our navy, then feeble, was
rendered still less effective by it dispersion,
nnd how quick! its component part were
reunited and made the nuclei!. of n new or
ganialion w hich has since grown to remark
able dimensions. Looking back over the
hi- tory of the p i-t year mid a half, it is dilli
cult to sec in what bettor inancr our naval
government could Lave been a (ministered.
To Set rotary Welles and his there
111 tist bo n w aided the nation's vote 01' thanks
for skill and eneroy in crealiug a powerful
navy out of raw materials, husbanding re
sources in such a way as to make every item
tell, an. 1 infusing vitality into all branches of
the service. Oi.r shipyards have been stim
ulated to a deLTee uf iioiivity v.'iich the
evigencies of the meroantiie service, pressing
a 'though they have been, never called out:
our mechanics have been driven wiih work
for many month, ami are still working night
and day under e ill fur new labors : our foun
dries are all busy; and thou-., mis f m- n
now building the vessels of our iron-cl.ul
licet. s;i find il ilitlieull to keep pace with
tin- writing energy - t'tli-- Department.
The Navy has had its share of the u -lii
-of this war. but ihe disadvantages under
which it labored were serious. There wa
l.ick of proper material and there was a taint
ol treason at tin- .-tart ; so that the one ),,! to
be provided and the other evpelle.l before
an r effective steps could lie taken. V-t, under
adverse circumstances like these, tin- - cre
tary and his loyal otliecrs went steadily about
their work and performed it. If, in extrem
ity, a few Worthless vessels were udded to
the navy, or a grasping speculator sw in-lied
the government out of u price two or thtce
tiuics the value of the ship he sold, the tem
porary misfortune or ii.ibanassiiiciit wa
p-mcdied. and the w ork still went on. If a
rotten vessel foundered, the Department
botiLdit no more of the shipowner who had
sold it, but straightway begun to build a
now and a stronger one. If a gunboat, by
chance, got badly damaged in a tight, the
keel of another was put dow n to lake its
place, and no blank w as left in the Navy List.
Thus, ley degrees, we have built up a great
Navy. According to the ot'.ioial record, the
aggregate number of ves-els now in the na v.
sen ice of the I'nilcd State is tut i'.;,i !rc!
nirt ihi'iiij fir. of this number no less than
.';'''.''"'" '"' !r'frM. fourteen uf which tire
tiiioataud thirty-eight bull. ling at New York,
.lersi v City. Bosion, Philadelphia, l'oru
niouth. St. Louis, Cincinnati,- Pittsburg,
Brownsville, Chester ami Wilmington.
We have eleven rams, live steam frigates,
twenty-four screw sloops, tight- four screw
steamers and ninety live side-tt heel st- amors;
not to mention a multitude uf small steam- )
or, terry Moats, si.ips-oi-uie-liiie una did
sailing frigates.
The most remarkable ft attire of the tata- I
login.- is the rapid increase of our i.on-ciud 1
fleet. The duel between the Monitor uud '
Mirrimae. while it startled tlie natal power j
of Europe into a sudden actit ity. gave u vig
orous impulse to American enterprise iu the I
same dil u tion.
Here are fourteen iron clad Actually in
service, carrying an aggregate of one hun
dred and lift lliiio gun-, and cuuntitig u
total tonnage of fourteen thousand four hun
dred tails I seventy lite ; while the irou-tlail
in course of construction number thirty-eight
and tl large proportion of these will bercudy
tor service in three or four mouth, tind till
oftheui in xt sprint. Two of these, nov
building (the Dieater and the Dumlerbi.i'gi.
are of unusual dimen-ions : the former being
throe thousand and thirty-three Mm burthen
and the latter over live thousand. Ti e
Dunderberg is to carry ten heavy gun, and
is going on rapidly nt Mr. Webb yard, iu
thi city, ller name is suggestive of lur
probable rapacity for mischief "Thuu J--r-Mountaiu."
If there are tiny rebel left w hen
this ship and her 01 nsort take to the water,
s line uf them will be quite likely torttfcive
serious damage. If there are llong, Wen the
j Dun dcrbcrg tin. I the list of the irt-n lice'.
1 w ill be "handy" in case of future complieu
j lion occurring elsewhere.
I The entire fleet of iron i!ad Mi-ilj, whin
I ready for service, w ill c ;rrv two bundled
an I lift eight guns, and have uu Bggftig.ite
burthen of forty -tteu ll.og .ami, sis bundled 1
and nine ,ix tons. - I
Seven guuboal -the Ic.-!ti;r gttr.l. Ell!, i
(Vneriil Bragg, (ieiieral Moiling Price, licit, j
Pillow, Little lb bid uud Teaser.) hate been '
captured from the llebils, who were ue- j
Ciiliiiliuil.iling it, to exert lliet.i a 'ti, iu hi)
buildiug for our special bcnelit. Tln.e
seven Vessel were chiefly tiikeaun t!iet el
cm water by tlie tllanl a.iilor 'f our gun
boat licet, uud ure turned utor lo the Wur
Department, wuuoul 1 haiige f name, n
pleasing iii-'nientix uf lively tight, uud the
l.e a ,011 uf the rebel leader tt hoo Inillie
some uf tli. lil hear.
The toss. !, iu 11-lite serine ure divided
into nine qu.idrun and fl -nil is -ah sign-it-ed
r- spe. liti ly u the Noith Atlantic, South
Athi.iiic, East (iulf, Wot Hull', West India
uud P- ilie. Squadron; mil the Putoiuac
uud Western llotilla..
l order from the Niivy !-
paltluollt, lulled aincc the tind ol SepUluVr,
tlit jKiuiliooa of a-iUie uf tlu- val Lv
been changed ; yet the relative -trengih i f
the squadron remain the same. Tlie rapid
completion of Ihe now low Is of the navy
will cau--.e s(i ftnther ehaiigvs iu the di-po
sition of the forces, so that 11 new .....-..
will soon he required, in order toas,,,al!i
Hie nctunl streiigtli uf tl,u diileretit dn isu i.-.
The record above given, howevi r. e -iiil i-,
the account nceording lo the latest o.llcial
statement, und u!1ord 11 suliii.ient indi. nti-ui
of the strength of the navy.
The l.ogister vtuiet of
information ou other points among other-,
that of the pay of otlieor iu tlie naval - rvio ;
concerning which there lntve been :.inf
statements in tho public journal since tiio
passage of the recent act of C'ongn
s?iim iiwiiaim imiiimii lil stfaMiy rr jt. i
Tin: ( i:srs ita:iint t.
ttr Agricultural IikIiisI t-.
Mv.ioit Fit:: vs. H iving jut lia 1 a jc -0
at the furthcoming Census Hop ut fir ltii-.i,
I am iudiioed to make u few extracts in ad
vance of it puliliention, for the Mr-ioit of
your renders, as I Believe they will puru e
them with interest.
UVii.ii. The quantity of wheat grown iti
all tint State and Territories in the v. nr
my, was 1i)0,-sj.i.ju bushels. The quan
tity grown in l:i, wus 171,1811,31 bnshels,
an increase of nearly seventy per centum, or
about double the increase (if population in
the siune jieriod. Some of the older w hctH
grovvitig State Pennsylvania, Virginia,
New ork, ami Ohio do not show a pro
portional ineietiie, owing to the destructive
I'genc -of the wheat midge. For:ui,at-1. ,
the midge i diminishing whore itw isfu--merly
most destructive, und wheat-cr n i:-g
will be soon resumed in lmoiy lo- aiiti s i.i
these S'.ate, w here fur u time it i ;- uimo 1
In Illinois, thi crop hns i:icro.ise-l in ten
year--., li-on nine to twenty-four million- o.
biisliol--; in Wisconsin, from five to r-er.r : i ;
t---i; tniilit ns of bushel in the same ini i - i.
I n Jim (').. Thisero) in lSlt'
I'Tl. H'l bushels : in s.ji i wus Sim 4.1 1 ;,.
bu-Iiels. whioli is an increase of mo:- 1 ;.i,-.:
f.-rr. per cent. Inn majority of ihe os
titis is lin-ioubte lly the nio.-t"popui:.r -iup ,
it is less liable to failure than nny o-;, 1,
and is applied to a great variety of 11- :'..i
purpose,. No important changes have been
made either in the varieties cultivated t r i:-.
the mode of euUivntion, except in the sub
stitution of animal for human labor. If v
lix the average market value of Indian corn
at thirty cents per bushels, wo ha' e for the
product of P.-.Id, the enormous sum ol'-jJiy,-iioo.ooij,
in roun-1 nnmbevs.
('""''-. In lS-ll' the qnt'iitity grown wa
0. -1 l".7i'o Biles of tinned cotton, offourliiiti
dred pound each ; in lxyj it wa o.l'.ai.'.Ml
bales of like wi i o li t . or in round nutiihirs,
1, (100. 000,1,110 of pounds an increase of more
than UU per c. ut. in t-.-n .'.ears; and the ordinal-
average value of that tear might
stifeit hi -fixed :,t sliiu 01,1,1,(11111.
ll'i'i ifi( Tlie Imy crop of 119
Was ld.sisi.ii p tons; in ls.V.i tin- quantity
was ll'.lJ'.'.l-.'s tons; the average vi!"1- of
this latter crop inay
Kio.i'.iio.oui). which
nine dollar e,r 'o-n.
hay crop in -Je- p,.-t
tionate t-i the inore:
countrv ; but it aiip
- ifoly be estimated tit
i- rating it at le-- than
This ineica-e -,f the
decad-'. is not iroior-
ise of live stock in tint
ear- that, with bettor
and cut straw and other
larmir.g. mot
rough iodder
!-i -ois
used, and therefore less hav
is required. The hay crop might probably
be greatly ineroa-cd by the careful introduc
tion of the best tarierie ofgras-. upon whicli
stibjei t the Di i.irtment uf Agriculture may
be cxp'-eted to give .some valuul'le uud
timely information.
.;,'! -i'.' .1... Tiio pro-luct of cane
sugar, as reported in IS I'd. was ;M7. Pill hogi-hc-:
Is of looo pounds each: in lsdil it was
oil-,'.'-!-!.-; hoL'-heai!. The pro bu t of niolas--cs
fr the ii Miner year wa l'J.Toti.!'1.! I gallons;
for tlie hitler 1 '.l.i.oJT.iWO gallon. Prom the
iorgh.'iii and imphec 7,-j;i."i.0-,''i ga'slon of
nioiasses Were ma le in 1-V.': but since that,
the increase in the production of that article
has been wonderful, so that ill the State of
Ohio alone, it ha, bceu estimated tiiat the
product uf lS'-il will amount to t"i )itVin
j.tiiune. by Mr. Uill, of ( oluiubus, a geil
thiinn largely ti gage.l in the inuiiufacturo
of the article.
The siitii paid for imported sugars in IS j9,
exceeded l.OOO.OtiO. uud iu the same sea
sou :!0. i)00. 000 of gallons of mola-se were
The rapidly inerea-lng culture of the
Chin- so sugareano is -supplying a great w unt.
The introduction of uch a crop to the notice;
of the American farmer W a prominent fea
ture in the hi.-tory of our countrv. While
in ttif present stale uf know ledge, much
ililiituity and uuetrtaiuty v-eems to attend
the luatn. failure of sugar fivin till plant, it
ha proved valuable uud productive in sirup
or in ilu-sse. The l-lanti introduced into thi
country are from A,i.i und Africa, nud very
considerably in chaiacter. They ure liubie
to hybriduatiou with eueh other. 11 ml with
the broom t un, i.nd tare i re-piired to pre
serve the v.trictii-j distinct.
The ai.'.ount of maplo sugar made in l'O,
Wfis 111.--' lJ.loij pound; in lst'10 theproi.uit
was ;5.' 1 pound. This increase i;i!eid
ph-Using cvideuee ihut our beautiful maple
k'tw-.i are tejl becoming extinct, but ininany
tiisfi preserved with comuiauuable cure.
ll'i .t. The return upou tiio subject of
wine milking show u Very large ine.Tiise in
an urtieL1 w hicli proiui.t to becom? oue of
great commercial value. The culture of the
viue has increased lurgcly in a number uf
States, l ot ttiirs1 particularly in Ohio, l uli-i'-rida
and KetiMttkv. Tin1 quantity of
domeitie wii.e iucreajc l from i's'l.'.'d'.i gr.!
loii in all the State uud Tfrritorli 1 in 11't,
lo l,C0,0sl?J gallon in twviity-ttto Stale, in
lidli, or ut the rate of 7 10 'per rod. '. Of
tiii quantity the tl-'ec States ul eve mitned
Je He-.;
I 11 tafiti,
und Oloo
id'-ile, ihcr, f.i.Ol hlt'j ti l',ll!n-l, e'fl.t'e." . Hl:d
the ii.turti . pr - nbly far uo.t if the ind
uuioitnt iiiatiufiu .und.
So t t. tuUivu'.or of the vine 1 cconio
lusurtd t'uut the J t vurictie of ti e
grape tf allfi'i ielilly good quaiity, nud
iuhqjte-1 to our cliii. jte. the dctclopnicfit of
thijfurtn i-f industry i likily to U still mote
rapid. 31-. re than '-l.l'ia'.oiio wai paid t y
litien i-f the 1'i.ii. J i-tnti , iu 1? U, l'i r
importi d W ine. good latue wiiteluity
tuei should id once take the I'hice i f the
-pin iua u-liclc whicli i Us'it loo i'ui !u"y
To Hits CoxiriTMi Hi 1 1-.--Take ,-.
line l!onr, n.ix it villi white of in. iih
glu,t und u little vciist ; tiling! the. 11 iiltt
ids; be..l them tt'eil togethtr ; prea I lliei
the butler being Hindu lolll ilh trutii- a .tin
oil Hen till plain, uud thy I'.eiu in u -ito.v
then ul tb-m out lor ime. To t-' i'f Ititr-'li.
tinge the pat with HttUit vt tillnllh ill lor
rtd , iudigo or verUiur, trtc., ttt b ut1 ; . tl
roil, twtbaite, it tW,e, W , I it Js-lew