Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 11, 1862, Image 4

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    norropoi)(li'n-e of (he K. Y. Pout.
The rritlt-iilroM cm tu Conaivil,
I5ohton, Si Utiilcr IS, ieC2.
Tim sii-o!icl i-.vliiliition is llmt of tliu
Ami'iiciiii l'onioloiriil Swirty, ut t lie llnr
tii'UlHii'iil 1 1 :il I in AViiliiivrtnn niul AYi'st
MivrK UtTc tliu riiiitriin'tioiH it' Mr.
WiUli'V lci l tlio vnn, 1'nili in liiiiuix'i' tuul
i'alily. Tlii'i'i' lire no Kw- llrm lliri i- lun
iliC'1 iiml I'urty vnrii'lics I'rnm liifi jvimlrn nl
I loi flii'-ti r. Anion;.' tin; lr.nii'n r mi' twelve
TinrlU'ti !n .liin.-i. V i 1 1 in tit Ki iii, i.f Klizn
l.itli. Ni:v .liTst y, sliuu two littnilri'il iiml
fifty-live vniii t ii s of titir. 1ut to ilintlrnu
t;i:;u, tin' t r:i iisxrt at ion of tin' fruit liming
iiKiti'i'iiilly injiucil it. l.hv:i!i:T mul Hurry ,
of Koi'litsU'r, Y.. ilisjihiyi'il otic lininlivil
niul seven varieties of prnrs tuul fifty of
JiIiiiii.j. T. T. T.yon. of Mirliiirnn, ronli ilm
ti'il one lmndrcii uriil twenty five varieties of
ttiili'M, nnd J. T. I'.'.liot, of the sunn stnto,
liiis forty varieties. Tlie most noiii enli'i; of
tin; new ni)lei is tlic ' Waliitiiiton." fjriiwn
liy Mr. C'l;ir, of DorrlieMiT. iiml eoiiinnreil
liy roine to the Gruveiislcin. iiltlimiirli ei
tlently not j 11 :il to Mini elioiee variety.
'! lie ninth li-iinmtiil meet in u" of t lie Meiety
lonveiHil in the room inljoinint Mil K..lii!ii
tion Hull, at noon yeslenlay. 'i'iiere ivas n
large ntteinlanee of tho members of the
Society every loyal s-tuti having its ivire
Hcntittivp. Mr. "Vikler rcirive'l the ilelr
fjiitf s ilh liis tisinil nrhanity, ami proi i
at once to linii'.e-s. Tin; names of a l.'i'Lr
list of new incinlirrs were
niHMve;l, ami Mie renort of
im-eil a nl
uie tr. n -n re r
tsnowi'il a tail' Oaiance m Ins nan.!:'.
A I tin: )H llimx of the afu r.i-.;i M-.-ion '
Ma 1'iv-i ieni lna'h" tin' i r.-t cni:i i y iiimnal ;
iuKln-si. It was v. eil-ti'iii'il. ii I'.l wjirmly !
i-omi'.ie'.iile.l J ;,- the ini aibcrs. Altera liriet'j
inti'inlnelion, thanUin his associates fur I
the many honors run 11 rrcil tijnm him, he i
nrocei'ileil to speak ol the ercal advance
vhich liomoloLiical seknec had mado in
Ameriea within the jia-t ti w yeiir.-. lie
treated at h nulli of the cultivation of fruit,
snt-iikini; tk4 nl'seiiiiin::.-. He telcrred to
the aspect and cultivation of trees as of
great conse'inenee. and ilwclt upon tho im
portance of thinning the fruit, especially of
npplcs and pears. .
At the conclusion of (he address Mie
commitlce appointed in the liiornini; to
nominate, ollicors for the cnsuinr; year re
Jiortod a list. There was quite a warm
though kindly discussion upon the propriety
of naniin;;' vice-presidents for the southern
states, some claimim; Unit, as the society
hail no proof of the ukkvaltv of iis olliccrs
in those states. Mi; v should he retained ; and j
...1, ...... .. .... tl,., ,,.l tl,..t 11,..,...
is no loyally in the outli. -Mr. llovcy
held this view, hut it was on a vole deter
mined to li t Mie names i-litml a - reported hy
the committee or in other words, to con
tinue the southern'jrs.
At a meeting of the society held at I'hi'a- !
ilelphia in lSill.), n committee of live persons :
from inch statu was appointed, of which!
Samuel Walker, f f Koximry, Ma-saehiisi its, :
was ehainnan. to ptvpare n lit of fruits .
tnlapled to the various local districts of our j
widely extended country. Owing to the
death of Mr. Walker, the chairmanship of
this important coinmiitee devolved upon '
Mr. Harry, of I!oelie-ler, Xew Vork. That
gentleman i'i ported that he had heard from j
tin. member:; of the commit b.'j in twenty
four slates, and had prepared a catah'uuc mi ,
j- : I I . I' .'. . I' it ... . 1.'..: . . I I
i:tr as jios-1 ' .je i roni i ne i:i 101 iiaiiiou uei i ei i.
The work had involved great labor, and
lilttst. necissarilv be imperiecl.
The plan of the catalogue is alike" ingeni-
ous and an imiirovi nu nl upon nnv ever i
.it i ii . . ..
",u"i"'" ".'' . . ' " " ,
u: very properly deiioii.inated it the corner-
StOiie llltoll WHICH our pomolo-lcal teluple.
is to he erected. 1 to pronounced .Mr. Harry
entitled to a monument for his excellent
beginning of a greet and important woi k, I
The catalogue is intended to exhibit, in a j
iorin convenient for reference, the. vaiielicsi
of fruits Inst adapted lo Mie ilili'eren! statis
nnd localities; subject to future revision and !
eoireei ion, as exi'eneuee mav retiuer nei
s-ary and proper. It shows that at lids
time the apple be-t adapted to general cul
tivation in the slates is the Kerly I iarvert.
the two varieties next in or.h r are (he Hrd
Astrae.m and Kail l'ippin. The 1 n n.i.-li j
Benuty heads the list of pears : the I5artlett, j
Hell:; Luc rot ire, Heurre il'Anjou, Loui-e j
Bonni! de Jersey and Sekcl following c!o.-e j
tit hand. (hie hundred and tw nty-two i
Varieties of pea and one hundred and sev-
cnty-cight of apples are enumerated in t lit )
t titaloguc. though some of the latter are j
known to but very few localities, and others I
have been tabooed for a quarter of a cen
tury, ns for instance the 'Alexander,'' which I
the venerable Mr. Triiicc, of Klu-hing, pro-j
nouneed never -worthy of cultivation. This
feature of entering in the catalogue conipa- ;
ratively i:r';nown varic'.iis, or retaining i
those long .riliee iibainlotvii, is too only I
point open to criticism, i'oity-'.hree vavie
ties of i berries are eauim i at e, i : the ( Irailioii,
Biaek Taitariar.. liinti h and .May Iu';e j
ranking among . mo.t success fttl and
popular, l'ifly-ilv vificiies of pi .aches are I
iutrodaecd ; Crawford's early and lale Me-;
locuton hading llie li-t. Six varieties of i
nectarines and eleven of apricots ;1re thought
worthy of recognition. Ol' tic former, the
Laiiv Violet and l'lrui e arc liio.t c.xtn- '
mv ly r
p u I; ai
ri.,1 Ca
:mw n, and of the. hater
I the ibisla. 'I here are
of plums ihe ' il'eon ( 1
i'. Smith s Orleans and ( '
the M.ior
hirty three 1
go. Illlpe
i 's Mul,!, ii I
'rince's Velio v liage and Washing
ton, are the nu t grown. Of the three
varieties of quinces the orange or tipple
6ta:i Is l; Of native .rapes seventeen :
Varieties are recorded the Cataivba, Con-I
cord. Delaware, Diana, DuhcMa and Hart-'
ford Prolific showing" t!te greate-t. J mlar-
ity. 'ihe he' named was commended by
grower from the C'ana.l is to the District f
folunibia. and is emphatically, as stated bv j
President Wilder, -ihe grape for the m'.i-'
lion.'' The single, l'.uli found wish it i; its
occasion;,! tendency to drop its fruit, and it
was coiueded that that .shortcoming is con- ;
fined to vines too much shaded. It was re- I
market 1 that no grape w ould stand tin eipiu!
amount of .-nn. i
As the foreign g'';rn s ere for cultivation i glass, they aro not subjec t to th.e.i.
variations induced by climate or soil, and.
thi'More, they may be regarded i.s enitally
adapted to nil localities. Very fe w of (he
hil.-d coiniiliitees have made any reports in
reference, to Mu se grape.
Of currant eighteen and
: Ml.
Minted! varieties lire eniuiicral
Chenv, May'd ictoriu and While Orape of!
the former coming t'oremost, and of the !
latter the Iloughton's Seedling.
Of raspberries twelve nnd ol' l iai l.b.-rries
two kinds are registered ; of tin former the
Orange, Bed Antwerp (of the lliiilon rivcrj
and i'r.iueoiiiu pn eeih -nee ; and of)
tho latter, the Lawtoit and Jorchcter, the I
only varieties naimd, showing an cpud i
adaptation for general cultivation.
Of sti'.iwU-ri ies, tuciitv live Varieties arc '
I'ei'ollU'ed. W ils !'.'.- Alb.UiV, llovev's Sel il-, Me.Vvov's Supi rior, and ihe new
TiV)i!,ih do li'and taking ihe h ad, though
elo-.ely challenged I y several other variel ies.
The brief synopsis of the catalogue will
ih monsiralc iis a I lie to li nit growers, 1 1.ict
tue Ann. rii ail i'ouiologieal Society aecoiu.
p'i-hi'd nothing niore from its oiigin than
thus l.( ginuioj a it oik of such
and Usi-!u!ncv, it would liave perfunneil a
ii -A !o hilior.
The ili.-euisious of the society upon the
claims of in. w Iriiits ami the merits und lie
m, rit.i of many ni l VHi ietie were tlceply
ini-i'i tin-. j tV h'.mihtiiitv with theuuun.-
rents species shown by some of tin? members
wns quite astonishing. I'lesident M ilder is
nn encyclopedia of nomological knowled-re.
Mo iijiple or pear can be named that he is
not perfectly conversant with. In most
cases he is 'prepared to t;i e the dale niul
place of its origin, niul to trace each of its
peculiarities. J n this respect he is probably
the 1'i adiot man in the convention, (hough
Mr. Harry, Mr. Downing, Mr. Hcul "I'd
others are marly na well informed.
Alloyether tliu convention has been n
prolilal'li! one, nnd will tend to stimulate
the public interest in pomology. Thai the
government is awake to tin-importance of
t lie society is shown from the fact lhat the
new Department of Agriculture was repre
sented hy ils chief clerk, Mr. MeCormick,
who took part in the discussions, and was
eordiallv received. M u ii.
Thi n line .l.WXK'S V.XI'I ("1'nlt ANT. Ho not
ntliov y-iur eoltl to lake it.--own eiauso. Two ilnnl
of llie ii-liiiH of I'oti.iuiii'ti'.ii owe llioir nlllirlio!! to
Hie liiliil loi-tiiki1 of niiina for ii coiii;Ii to cot well
; of itself.'' Jio not fail into I liis error, lait toiiil
y nii.-i'lf nl oiu-o of a ieiiie(y whieli Ihii ty yi ur.s'
j eiei'ien,'i' lets del. lollll'IIU'l is tl'i'Ulill lo IM'oeUlO II
j -l.eeily ellll'.
mavk yor asthma oil
! 'I lien ne .IAYNI-. S l;.Pi:VI'iil!..T. wliieh will
oven-otni. t ! 1 1 s..'i-i;i...lii; omIiI r;n I ton of lliO wilnl
tule s. niiii I'liiwe tlii-ni lo t jec t inai'iioii or ntiiUer
I wleeli clo tliem i:;i. ini.t liy na e;iy inol free exjiec
j tornlioll reltioi e nil ililVielill v of I'l eiillillMt.
I J!A VK Vol' lli'.liNl'lilTl.s !
i Thi-iii:e.1ANKV l'. I'l-.i'lol! AN T. TliiswW.-
I -M e I'i ill. il.-c illell 101 V L'elle 1 1 1 V lie ile-eril -.,1 IIS
! :in iiii!:iniinoii ol' llie fine ki'i x.liieh lii i - llie inside
of lln'Wiii'l I nl. i .- or nir ve.-. els. spri'mlii Ihroiuli
! omiv ..h: of tin- is , I'' i n l.ilon ..r eoiininf
i tioo.' J lie l-'-vpe -lonnil Milnlues i!.:l:i'iinlioii.
i nlite.. llie iilteii-lii p, n ) nin. mil ilill'n ally of
i lu'iMtliinir. nn I it llie e.t.-e i.. nol of loo loj. siaiiitin.
' will eel'tainlv Inoiluee a euro.
jiAvi-: vi'i co.srMifn)X ?
Tl,.n ii-.IAVM-: S I'XI'KCT'lliANN. Il elenn-
Kes llie lui.Lr-' l:oin all ii I'italinir luatlers. while at 1 lie
same time it ll"i 1-' and h: ii;ornto them. Of nil the
I'llltedies w hieli lin 0 lteell otlered lo llie .ulll ie for
tliis dread disease, none hio e slood llie tesl of time or
maintained so ntii eisal n .o.ulai ily ns ihis i;iee!o
l'.illt. 'Thousands who have lieenhell ll liy lheir
fihysieiiins as iitenral'le hao he, n retorid to j-erftcl
lealih l.y ils uo. mid tin ir teiiinony must curry
cuovietioli to all who read il.
iiavk voi: vt.KfitrsY?
Tlien iisi.,AVXK"S KXI'FCTnltAXT. T.v
takintr two or liiree lare doses in the eaily stajre ol
the ili.- 'ase in iniiek suecession, nnd coveliiiL; nt
warmly in lied, ihis prejuirari. n neis as ti sndorilie or
sweatinir na. dieinc. nnd suhdties the inlhiiiuilioii nt llie
Then use .1AYXK S I!X I'Kl" l i'lv ANT. 1 here is
no remedy w hi.-h so eH'eeHally ovep-omes this disrnse
lis Ihe J ; x l .eelorant. hat j.arent eanwilness llie
ulieriiiL's oi her i liililri ii lrom i;iisdistre.'.-in eoiu-
'luint v. ill
ut u .11 all in her i.ower for their
medi. ine so iil-'asan! o ihe taste, or
relit i
rlnin to niodiiee iinmi diale l.'Clilfit? liiveitn
; trial, and let il pvove ils eliieaey.
! 1I.VK Yi U" iT,nri"
Tli.n iisoJAYXK'S l-:Xl'Kl"T"l!.NT. f)iil.lrn
til suljeet lo no disease more sintdeti in ils a'laeks.
I or. in llie ah-etiee of j roinvt le'ief. none luoie fatal
j in ils results than t'nuip. Parents. tloTelore, .-houl.l
keep at hand a remedy Hire and tliniouh. s-iieh n
1 remedy iu.iv la: found in the Kxpivtoraut. niul eviry
: careful mother keii n supj ly hy her.
.i ay.m: s i:xi'i:c"jnr,.XT.
Is n standard nifilieine. Tor (hirty yt ivs it litis heen
hefoi e Ihe pu1 lie. and dllrili.; tin- ..'! iod its earn live
powers have 1 een li.-lilied lo'.v all elassesof people
in all ipi.irters ..flhe world, l'h ysieians. elerL'yni. n.
lawyir.-. ine.'ehants. and lueeloiliie.- have i erie'R ed
il.s lelitedial eliivt. and have t'ln'lii.-hed u wi.h tln-ir
le.titooiiy. tied il may I..; P-timl at lenr,, ju our
Almanae. lo he pa l gratis of all a'i ins. 'J o their
eoie. ineili et rlilieaie w e Would refer llie douhtir.
lie KM I i Toi:.m and till la'. l. .I.VM: ',V
So.N . I'.miii.v .Mi:ot. !M 5 are 1 y ml iriiiru;.iJs
Jitiv ir. Is
sii:iitscs ikvcb:!.,
II;, :..,;:: V,:.
1111". li'.ana.-emeiii of ti is well-known Hotel Iiav-
I n leMiimd l..v .Me-.-is. tiiVI,K HKHK.
Ihe 1. res, nl ol'ollietor... lea , e lo infoi in I In l.ullie.
thai ,l:i I., 1, : i- li"W Lelo:- 1 1 ,. a on -I d V lelloviltel
r.-iiiicl. nr.d improved, with a view to the p roper and
ivinl.u ..u.le;lno lill.ou ol lliosewl.o cental
hieent wilh tlieir eu.-tiin. liiu.-;.s will
attention and ee.urle.-v. and no eM.ense
will l.o snared that limy eolidllec to maintain o
hotel in a liiM-elas. style.
Tauiilies and othi is ile-irii.:? to rejourn in Harris
luii'il iliuiiii: the suiiiinir nioi.ilis. williiud plensanl
l oaiiliii and lare and w ell-A'en! ilate-l rooms alour
establishment, upon inoderaie tenus.
M'..'!T COYI.K
Mareh 2d, is,12. J. CIl.KKUT IIKHI!.
JAMES U A It j E 11 ' S
. 17. Srcontl anr! Cuttuut sti.,
A nii.M v for ti i atkn r i:jrAi.i7i0Tini:TV
J. Y 11 V S ll.lH lis. n eeiv ilesua!, arliele for I'liureh
is, IP 'e s. M iakK. I' inatliiL ll'Mis.-s. Pail. rs. e.
A'so. Mai.alar-uier ,, M; l,01.IJ l'Jl.NS.
4'loeU repaaiat and wari.inle.1.
ri.M-K 'I'i ni.'iio'es oi every ileseription.
l'liil:nlt'.:iila, J.iaaaiy Id, 1-til. liy
i a i": iov
Vl-T'iX S. M-AVt D.Mi:i. l'nn-ietor.
rjlIIIS llli'f lil, Heelilral. eoiivenienl l.y I'as.-.iiU'er
1 I'm- to nil pails ol theeity. nnd iu'even .nr
li. al.r ada.led to the eemfolti. nl.d wuliLsof llie
V ': - in pll'.iie.
I s ! in-, si .'a per day.
plelida r L'l. si,l.y
1 !!!" 'i' 1 orl, pe C'eniitlrt .
:";:. A. ir.syMv.'.'. jou a.xu oj;y.
"lTK hale the IVi'.o,! a.-soi mih lit of the most r,.,ful
kiimis oi i i. na an I ' v :ta nielli a I I pe. malm
I liom the loos' duralife lnetal-. lini-hed wi'h
t eare and uceaniey, sieui iiig' perle.-i jn?li-
, peeiin, ii I!,,. I.s nnd e. lituales fumirliej upon l,p-p'iei.l.-.ll.
IMMXTIMi Vni'sses.
wiiii lie ir ..; in ;, n; nees of a'l ihe approi ed makers.
Wo uli T Y PH.
of all the 1 .lest styles, of nil .-ies M,.,,, I'urnit lire ..s, i:,:; Hale.-. I'a .s. I'al.inel . I'm niline.
1 n. ill, li,. an 1 eli iy aili 'l" Ihe l'i'iul.
er rnuiu.
i ci o:s lioiral. 1 loinpi n:t. n'loii.
i Aii.iniii. u rn i: a ni..
C'-'. jind tij ileel.niau ttieet, New York.
M..y :t. W,.
CiolltM'U i$ciltllio 4'ollff.
Ill.s poiiaraiiioii. niailc from the he.t ,laa
1.- 1 ei-olo lueliij. ( liy ell', SleeillS: IIS stl). I'
nor XI Till
ll S lli: KltAliK tor il iiern! In l il.
ny. tiysp. p-i.i. nnd nil liillioiis Jn-onlers. 'I'hon.-ands
who have Leon eoiopelled I" li'iailloll llie u-e ef
eoll'i e. will u.e this wili'll ihj::'i..l.- ellei s. I lite
eall eoiit.iiii.. the strenlh of two JoUl.d.-ul oidilli.ry
eotlee. i'i ii e '.j eenl.
ki'l.l.'KKS I.1AAIX.
The p.:n-t an i lust I'AKIaiI I'liU'lipd; known, f .r
noiknig liht. .-neui und nutiilious l.iendund t'nkea.
l'l ice 1 o ei nls.
MAM 'I'M Tl I. en nv
il. Ji. Kill. LOCK, themi-t,
Corner of bread mi l I'he-nul Street?,
Mm. A m i. "ill i.
And s..!.i l.v all !i
.M iieh 1.' l-r,J.
ler 'l-
and li
ICflMlm- "ItlliSro.Kl.
.- r -.u mi: n a i: u a ay; ; .1 ; ,v r.
' 1'HAT TKl'XK 1.1 XK fr-.ui tlio X
' " '"'! 'V1' l'llil'"l;;,l'l'i. X V.u
orlh und
ik. II,. ..
l'oU.-iIle. I. el, anon, All. nlovMi. l'a.-!on. Ae
liains leaie llairi.-he.i? for l'liilad.lphia, Nnv
ioik, Keadilis'. I'oltslille. mid nil llilenilldil.tu
.S:a;u,i. at t s A. M , nnd I III I'. M.
.New ink ll.vpre,--haves 1 1 airi-hui' nt 1 ;.i .. M
1111:11114 111 New Voik al S ".'1 the k.iiiio umriiiii. '
I'i. n s from II. n ri. long : 'lo Xew Vork s.i imi lo
I 'liil..b Iplna 5
lln aedi.
'ii and 2 7U. ling
ajjo cheeked
liean uin leave Xin Yoik nt 0 A. SI , 12 Juion,
aid h I' M. ( I'll 1-hiirL'll l.xpresi.). I.iin J'hiladel.
1 ''" 111 A -Ms and J Ij J
It, r ...its , tl... V..u ....L- I.--. ........ 'r .
i s ' '" ' ' " ' ' ' (" 1 M IHIU.,
Ihioa.h lo and li-oin l'illsl.iit";li wittiool ehniiiri'.
I'a-i.' nj.'! r hy the l illiio. o.-a Kail Kond lenie l'orl
I'lie.toli nl 4.4.1 A. M ., t.,- I'uils ai d u iulermedtalu
HlaMon ; and nl ,"l nil l. At., for I'lilludelnLiu. Xew.
J Vol k. nod nil a V Points.
'i ia in. li me I'o'llsv nie hi !l A. JI., nnd 2 I j M ,
I for t'liilad -Iphiii nod New Voik ; and ut 5 .'.il 1". .M ,
j tor Aiil.ui ii mi l I'.nt riii only, e leeiinjj jr
i I'i. o: 1 1 rove mil wilh lie- I 'm la i.-ii Kail Kond.
Aliaivomui, dalioii I',,., ,;, , i, u, , ,,,,. lr
ut I. A .1 , und i. mm, iioni I'l ilndoiphin hi i I'. Ai
i f Ail tliu tthoni Uuiiii iuu daily, i-uinla vx
l'l.lid. A P-aiiday limn lenvu l'.ll-vlllu nt T '10 A.M.
mid I'Liludelphiu al II la 1. M
Cuinuiuiuiiou, .Mill ;, heiuon, mil Mteur-lou
TielteU, III rudu.'ld lull , lo Mil I from Nil H,ilil.
M i17 Cfniiul l-ujiiuuaiii.iii
Good & Handsome Goods
r ss'.i.S't r i Jt4u,
S. ST. BRIGHT & 027
sun 23 tru-, lV.,
Who keep constantly on hind, ai. l are monthly
riviiiiiiK from New Vork ai. 1 I'i.iliulelphiii.
'Imi-I t llw vnv.U fT tvfi v JUTS' r. Wi? initr
tiii- iiiit'ulii'iM'i' ill-.' i -ii Ii-.. ; n i r. .'j'tTii'iilly .-toii'Mt
mm r;iiiiiii!ii;i"i nl' nu- -:(.i. k. fiA-iin jixmij-cI iiml vc
nix- i'M'i-uuJ lo t'li- r
AN 1)
Splendid Inducements
lo nil h lt'Mro to I'Uri-hM.-r lu.tH -. ii-Kitl ut f.iir
j'ri' cs. Wc hut i't il jn-tt !)',! in linatiii that w
hiu i the - a . h1:1h tij;li W' tat' with
truth, that our Mm-k i.i w i-ll -i-Krlrd. niul rmhrueri
inaiiy n ihit's 1 1 t to lv il-fwh'T'.'. thir
I'Vi.u'i.t a.-.vrti.n. ut oi.ii. ri.-'t all kinl of
notions.-. i.i.h i:s and iii"i.sii:uy,
liof'l AMI .-Hi -I.S,
r.VlX'IS, Oll.ri A.Nli VAllMMIi:.-",
PllOli ri.ii.i..
Bar Iron, Steel anil Nails,
U. Y. UUKJIlTi i0N.
tunbuiy, .M ij 7
niKOAT t'.i'i:"ri.
(Jcntleuion Cnrry
Siiltlliii 'I'lirnnl 4'oii(trf Iuiin.
Ladies nro ilelightid wilh
Slllllll' 'I'llPtltll 4'tlllt't'l tollN.
Children Cry for
Spn1ilinH 'l'liroiit 4'oiilVrtittiiM,
They relieve n Conpli iiintantly.
Tlieyidonr tlieThnml.
They nivc strenglli nnd Volume to the voiep.
They imj.nrt n ilelieioui" iiroina to tho brcuth.
They lire delightful to the taste.
They nrc nuido of simple berha and cannot harm
any one.
I advise every one tvho hns n Couli era Husky
oiee or a Had l'renth, or any dillieully of thu Throat
to net a pnekaenf my Throat Confeetioiifi ; they will
relieve you iiisdnntly. uuil you will nree wilh me
thtil "they irorihl to lhesiot.' Von will find them
v ery useful nnd plfiisant while traveling or uttendin
juihlie meetings for stilling your Couli or allnying
your thirst. If you try one paekae I am mile in
i saying that you will ever nfterwnrds eoii.sider Ihein
I indispensihle. You will find them at tho rujrt'ists
J and L'eulers in Aledieine.n.
Trico 25 Cents.
My pinnlure is on eiieh pneaknee All others are
! counterfeit.
A lnekne will be sent hy mail, prepaid, on reeeipt
of Thirty Cent?. Address.
HKNliY C. M'Al.liINii.
No. IS Cedar street, New York.
Fur fide nt H. A. Fisher's Urun Store, isunbury. I'll,
cure e
I'.y the line of these Pill- the period ie ntlneksof Xer
vons or Siek lleadaehe mny he prevented ; and if
taken at the eouiineiieeuieut of an nttaek ituiiiediule
relief from t'aill and siekla'SM-s w ill he ohtained.
They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and
lleadaehe lo which females are sosuhj'-et.
'J hey net gently upon the bowels, removing Cos-
I-'or Literary men. Sdob-ntn. Pelieiile Feiiiiile". nnd
nil persons of sedentary hnbits. Ihey are valuahle as
n Liixtitiee, improi iiiLr the aiitietite. eivinir lone and
J vior Iti the dielive orians, and restoring the imtu
I ml elnstii-itv and lia n.r'h of Ihe w hole s stem.
The CLTiiALir FILLS are the r.sulinf ..n in
I vesication and earefully eondlieled experinu-nls.
J liavinu' heen in lisp niany years, dui ine; whieh time
j Ihey have prevented II l: I la til led a I a.l atailllitof
j iain nnd -ntl'ei iiiL' fi"lii lleadaehe. whether oriiiiat
i nn; in the i,er oiii system or from a deranged state
: of the slonineh.
'I he are entirely vegetable in their e.'iuposilion.
and mil v he taken nt nil times wilh perfect safety.
I without making any ehntifre of diet, mid the nhseiice
! ol any disaieeahle tai-te niulers it easy lo adminis
ter tuelu to ehildreu.
iti-AVAiti: f.F cin xTi:iin:rrs
The ciiuine have five simitures of Ilunry C.
Spahlin on each llox.
Sold by I'rui-ts and all other Jiealers iu Medi
eines. A llox will be sent bv uiuil pn pared on reeeipt of
Price, 25 Cents.
All orders should be addressed lo
is Cedar Street. New York.
For tale ut FISHER'S lirug Store. Sunl uiy, I'a
From the Fxainini r. Norfolk, Ya.
Cephalie Fills neeomplish the object for which they
were made, viz.; Cure lleadaehe iii all ils forms.
From Ihe Demoerat. St. Cloud. Minn.
If you are. or have been troubled with Ihe head
ache, send for a box (Cephalie Fills.) so lhat you mny
have them in euse ol an attack. '
From the St. Louis Democrat.
The immense demand for Cephalic Fills is rapidly
From ihe linetle. Davenport. Iowa.
Mr. Spalding would not connect his name wilh an
article he did not know to possess real merit.
From the Advertiser. Providence. It. I.
The testimony in their favor is sinm. from the
most respectable ipunrters.
From the Daily Xens, X.w.-rt. 11 I.
Cipbulic Fills are taking Ihe oi ul. kinds.
Frwn the Kanawha Star, Vu.
We are sure lhat persons millcring wilh the head
ache, wholly them, will slick to Ihem.
! From the Advertiser, Providence. It. I.
The Cephalic Fills are said to be a remarkably
cflcotivo remedy for the headache, and one of the
very best for that very frequent complaint which has
ever been discovered.
ji isavp imp eiiiE !
KlMiltliuK'N IV ir4l ;iu'!
Npalaliiiu! ar-f I ltic
Siilllu lr-u -'! 4.liit!
A.4 ru'viiK-uU will linpprn, trrn in will rr.'iilultit
fiiiiiiliis, il U vrr.v iliiniljle In hnvo some chiHp iin.l
Oiiivi iiiint ay 1'ur iii'iiiring Furuiluri',Xuy, t'rook
i'ry, 4o.
Mril all null fiiit'rKfnvii, mid uu hniiM'hold enn
klVoi'l to nilliuiit il. li ia ulwuyn rvudy auj
up lo (he lUkiug Kiiut.
A Uruli acuimipaiiici cueh l)ot(le.
raicKaa CKNTS.
Nu. 4"i Oinlar Klrvel, Ni w Yolk
K,.r nal.i al It A. KIMIEll til'rug 6ior, t'untur
Nuithuiubiiluiiil county, I'a.
0 A l! T I 0 N
Ai riTttiiii unpriiii'ipltHt pfrMitw ar attruiptinf tu
I ml in nil mi the uiiiipvliiiK pui'iio iiiiiiuiii.Ui i' my
III I'AKI.U l.Ll K. I ..uU C.UI...U all p. laulii to pun htu-inn. ami w timi (h full
ni4ini MVALl'lNci K i ULPAKLU l.Ll L,ionth
ouuid wrppr i nil ol lieu tu ihiuUIh-k cvuuur-
Iwilk '
ly3 1-:-
1 Kead'aciie,
Firtt Premium
!f ii n ii I it ft ti r I iik1 I'lirpoHrM.
With lli mmcn, l-'ellcrf, Tnekers, Corilem, Hiinlcn, 4c
rJT,Bt Ji:Bti2
Moke the IK'k or Plmttle Ptitcti Mnrlittien of the f:im
iwitirriw. nnd nt the wmie pri'M-m-n tlicir celebrated Dot'
Thin iBthfi only Comrmny ihflt mnkes both kimlH, there
fore the only one thai can upply all the wauta uf the pub
CV P'trrlinseri! enn tnke tln-ir cboipc of cither Ptitc
with the priviipffp of cxchnnainB fur the other.
A new my le of Shuttle Mnrhine runs fust and quiet, fin
Veil Milken Tail tin, Shoe Uinleit Ac.
At the ir Price uf $40.
or IH'Y THE I1K!T.1
730 ChePttiut Street, lMiilHiklphin.
t' II. H. Masskr, Sunbury, Pa., Agent lor tho
DiTcmlifrai.t)! ly
Snn1nry4 !orlliiitiilM-ialiiii(il i'o..
fllinS lnrc niul cnmnindious Hotel, now tnnnncel
X 1'V .TA.MES VANDVKK, is nituato nt thn Hail
ronrl t'pot. North Ktift tuirnor of Murket ,Suaro.
Sunbury. l'u., niul nt the terminus of the. Sunhury A
Kric niul Northrrn Centrnl Knihoiul. nnd is ojien for
the lU'couiuioUiiLioii of Travelers ittul the Jiiblic in
Ihe tirni.rietnr will irive h rxeluMve attention to
tliu eiintuit ami convenience of his jfiiest. and is
(leteriuincil to make tlii.-t t'-ital'lihliinent rmik Hinui)
the first in the State.
His tuMe w ill he supnlinl with thehest thennirket
enn roluee. having the mlvintajri? of daily etnitnu
nieution hy earn direet from JJiiltiiuoi e. aiul aho from
I tin 0 hrinin m-odnco from thu ftiri'ottudin
Jlis iiaiw ill he iii.'lied wilh the jiureyl liquors the
market can produce.
Careful and ohlijriitfj servants alwnys in attendance.
New and eomniodiuu.j fftuhliuj; has just been added
to the premises.
A nharc of the local and traveling community is
niost re.n:ctfully Ptilieiti-d .
Sunbury. .January 12. iMil.
Xo. SI 2 Sjirittf (i'ttrflen Street, Vhiliuhl hia
1 KM'I'.l'TIM'I.LY Mints e',iififriuiiti!!8 of ull kuuls
of country proline-, exrn family I'luiir. r.
I'eiuir Ituviii'd ui tin vi y centre ol ImsuirtB. and linviii
a very extrusive lietail Trade undri Inn own oiiiiifditiie
in pvrvi vi mi, lie has Hiupli OicilitifH for oltfiiiuiug tlievcry
hnile-ft uiarnel pne-f lor evt-rj tliiny he wells.
ieremU-r t, IMil.- -ly
E IMil i; cV i,io
u.:s lilldAhWAV. Ni;V ViUJK.
'i -rrij,tt 1 1 Cttri ti , t'-ai l'ittitjit s of 'or.(,
vk'I i ( 'it Mn:l Fitt .
cru -rAMii.v si;vi.V(; .maciiink,"
HAVINCi atfain. da well t -taldi-hed and Ihitterinc
reputalioii. Wuvji of all tunc hint yt t intr.i-
"llired. the one best adapted !o A I.I. K I M'S K V Mtt.V
Si::. aiel having met wilh a suece-- in if- .-.tie
beyond our irrt-ale-l anticipation, so nnti'li so. tint r
three nioiith- our orders have been ahead f our
capacity to supply, we would hw aniMUiiiee thtil wc
have ite-reascd i ur manuf.ieturinir facilities, m that
IVoin ilii-i time (orlh. wc shall be enabled to Mipply
orders on demand.
In the change- brou.'lit abnut by the vir. nn one
tliinir ha.-- played more important part than the
"Si:wiv; M niM'.." Without il tin cr-totirth-: of
our si, Idiers would fo-day he clothed in anything but
'Military Co tutni-." All over the land army clo
thing h;is heen llie wi.rk rcipiircdof cur patriotic
women, and nobly have :hey n -ponded. Not eontent
to nuike i-iily so many garments as their bauds euiil I
uecolnpli.-li. they lorn called tl Sewinir Machine'1
lo their aid. and by it have ndled out the Soldiers
Covts. (: aiel Snnrrs. at a late asioni-hiiii to
theiuselve-. Kru.wiiis tltat this work i-nuld not lou
continue, many th'Uilitlul. prudent hou-ew ives. were
candid to si led the machine of all others, whieh
would do the heavy army work, and when d'.newiih
that, then to be u-e 1 as ilu-ir Kamim Maciiink. and
iu selecting one of the
riNKi.i; A l.iov Srwivf: Mu-iiivk fovi-vvy's
F.wti.v M u niM v"
with wliii-h vi.u may sew from the finc-l cambric to
the hea b--t cloth, without ehnn'e nf feid. needle, or
ten-ion ;h v Iiae not been di.-ai pointed
ti..... i.... :.. . .i ... .1.1 .i 1 . . i ,
Thii.i huvio' developed tlie adaidahilitv of nur
machine for ull kind id wuik Wl. lllVe made another
itcp in aihance. m.d by -several important cliane-o in
our "No. .'t Mi: nn m M cimks." have produced a
' Tit.'iiiM; M i iiki:." which we eonlidentlv claim
to be the "liKSl TAlU'iMNti MACHINK" yet
introduced, "cwiuvf the co:irc.t linen thread witli a
much ea-e as the common "ottoii and when reijuired
may be u-eil to do the very tinest cambric work, with
Km or l!"n cidloii tliu.- eomhiniiii in one compact
form, everv oualitv renutred in ei'her a FAMILY
'K .MAN I'FAfTl" 11 1 i MAC III N K
e have had our Machines before the public bniLT
enough to cftiihli-di i heir rejuitat ion. Poetw of
others who started with Hyintr cohu "have lallcn by
the wayside ; ' and "sot.ii the places that knew them
will know lliem lai more.' Step by step has the
Kinki.k A Lvux Maciiink Won i!i way to public
fin or; itJ -iuccc.-s is e.-laUi.-hcd. and heiieetoith our
aim shall be. as it has in llie pa.-t been, to still further
improve, simplify and reduce the cost tf our ma
chiuvs. W'v hall. in a ft w days, isr-ne a new price
li-'t. For further particulars ud.lios,
Nit. .fi.'l Ihoadway. New Yolk-
I tj II IL Msm:ii, A;;cnt. Sunbnrv. l'u.
March I'.J
l'iM'K;it anna V BtliioiiiUiii'K CCaii
ro;il. ON and after Xo ember IS.'d, Pa-ener
TrHii will run as follows :
in.. "in A.
121.. P.
Arric ut .m tiiiiiubeiland.
Mo INii
Leave N'orthumberland
' l inirston.
Arrive at Scrauton.
s in
ti :
lu nu
4 ::n J' M
; n
h uu ,ea e,
1 UO P M
!'. P
A Passenger Train nlxi leaves
A. M , fur Siraiitoii, to connect
New York. Hctuniin. leaves f
uf train fnun New Yoik. at I K'i 1
The Lackawaiimt A litoomshur.
LiiiL'ston at s.::n
with a train for
rantoii on arii nl
Kailroad coiinect-
wilh the Inlaware. Lm kawanna and Western Hail
road at .Vruntou, for .New York and inUnnediute
oints east.
At Kupert it eonneeth wilh the Cnitawia Hail
road, for points both vn.-t mid west.
At Noriliuinhcrlaud it cotinetds with the Philadel
phia A Kric, Railroad ami Northern t UiUal Hail
road, for puiuu weat und south.
JoMN P. ILf-T.KY, Sup't.
J. C. W km s. Uenerul Ticket Aeut.
April 6. JstiL
liili-riialioitzil lloll,
.'Oj ami -307 Jiotnirm, Cutmr I'ujUiu Slmt,
rPIIlS first class House theimist quiet, homelike
J. and plcufunt Hotel in the city -offers superior
in-luct nieiits to those isitiiitf New York lor business
or pleasure. It is central in it locaUou. ami kejiton
the Li uoi'KAN Pi.av. in eonneetioii w ilh Ta v iok h
Saloon, where relieshnieniH can be had at ull Imurs,
or served in their uuu phiui-i The charged uro mo
derate, tho rKim und attendance of the lirst order
baths, and all the modem convenience atliteheU.
March 2i,
J VST received from Xtw Yrk lariro ashirtment
of WALL PAPFll, conaisliug of Unk HonitKn
TKii.vs, varyiitK in price from tieeuU upwards, ull of
Whieh will be old ut tho luwot cush iriceii. ut tho
cheap Btore of J. JI. LN'litL.
t?uubury, March 22, 184)2.
lard, rheenn,
Lard Oil, Iiiitd Fruit,
Smoked lieef, llean,
Umter, Ac , Ae.
Ha mi,
For Salu by
m M 'LAN l,
Che-tnut Street Whm-f Pliil(Jl. l.hi.
March 2l, lhoa -Jmw 1
i'ulliieUoli't Hlteiide
ibuinbeilaud, I uiuu, &
and i.yc.miiir.
i si:it,
.UMi SlNlilHY, pa
d U iu the- count u of Nor
ndir, Muutour, Columbia
Hon. John M Iteed, J'hilnde h hia,
A it oIU i Co.,
lloru H in A Poller.
Morton MeMi. I.mcI ri , "
y. Kciehiin a i'u ( jj vrl Street
John W A-d i mead Attorney ut l.a,
Mal'liUM A i, Aitoriion ut -!..
utulury, MtvU
New Yeik
Entirely Vegetable. No Alcoholic Prepa
Prepared hy
Dn. JACKSOW tc CO., rhtludelphla, Frrni'n.
Will tlfcctunlly rure ldver Complaint, lyppp.
ia( Jaundijo, Chronic or Nervous Debility,
Disease ol tho Kidneys, nnd all diseases arhdng
from a disordered Tdvcr or Stomach.
Such ni Cnnmipation, Inward riles, Fulness or Hluod to
the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nnuseu, Ileiirthura,
Didciint for Food. KiilueM nr AVeiulit til the Stomach,
Sour F.iuctntious, Siiikmp oT Flullermg at the Pit of the
StuiiiHcli, Sw-iinniiuff of the Head, Unified himI DuTicuIt
Ineathiim, Fluttering nt the Henit, Chokmp or Suffocating
Stainutiotis when in u lynitf postuie, Dimnens of Viiinit,
Dots of wcl before the Sipht, Fevei and Dull Pain in the
Head. Deficiency ot Pertpiiution, Yellowness of the Skin
and Kyen, Pnm in the Sale, Hack, Chect, l.nnhs, JVe , Sud
pen FluBhea of Heat, Hinnutft in the FIcrIi, t.lon slant lam
eiuincsof evil and emit DenreNKion of SatritJi. and will
positively prevent YELLOW FliVER, lllldUl S FK
The Proprietor in eallinir, the attention of thepuhlicto
this pie nration, does to with a feeling of the utmost con
fidence in its virluei-! and adaptation tu the diseases for
which it is recommended.
It in no new and untried article, hut one that has stood
the test of a twelve ywirs' trial before the American peo
ple, nnd its reputation and side are unrivalled hy any tumilar
nrenaration extant. The testimonv in tis favor triven bv
the inoat prominent anil well-known Physicians and indi
viduals m all parts of the country is immense, and n care
ful perusal of the Almanac, published annually bv tho pro
piietors. mid to he had gratis of any of their Atrents, can
not hut satisfy the m"t skeptical that thi remedy is really
desiii vine the crput celela ity it lus obtained
From J. Newton Ltrown, D. I) , Kditor of the F.ncyclopc
tl in of Iteliiiiotm Knowledge.
Althoneh not disoopr-d to favor or recommend Patent
Mediciui's In (jcneral. thmujjh distrust, of their mcredients
nun r-uecis, i yet knowoi nosuuicient reason way a man
nmv not ti'tatiiv to the benefit he believes hmiell' t" have
received from tiny simple preparation, nt the hope that he
may i mis conirmute nunc hentiit oi oiutrs.
I do Ihis the inoie reinhlv in rcirard to 'IToofland's Cot-
man liitt;is,'' prepared by Mr. t. .M. Jackson, of tluscitv,
because I was prejueieed auaiitft them lor years, under the
iiTipirfcsion that thev were eluctly an alcohohc mixture I
am indebted to my fnead Hobeit Slioemaliei , I'.Kip, lor the
removal of tin prejudice by proper terj, and for ciicutr
ncementto trv them, wdien sutleruuz from ereat and ton
e-'iitinued debiht). The use of thnf botiiea of ibede Hit,
fers, at the heft inn in? "f the present year, wns loltowed
hv evident relief, ami restoration to n deuiee of I toddy nnd
mental viror winch I had not felt for six mouths Iwfore
and hnd almost despaired of rec'imiue. I tlterefore thank
Cii'd and my ft tend fordirectina na to tlo use of tln-m.'a., .lunf-M. Isfio. J. NiiWTO.N BllOWN.
AueiiFt 31, IMil. ly
A -ute or Inllanimalory t Chronic, Lumbago. Sciatica.
Pleuro dyne. Ac.
S'.ifTne-.- of the .bunt.- and ('ranip-'tioury. Neural
gia and all Nef vnuy AtVectioii Kryipela". Salt
l;heum ami Sendulou- Lruptioii-' of tho ,..dy
Neiitralie-the Impurilie-of th.i llh-.-d and Kluids
of tin- u hole .-syteiu. nnd efleetually coiint-THCting
Mcrctirial and other poi-nnou iidlnences.
It in a convenient arrange UI"I.T. coutaiuiiifr n
Mi ifieaied Coiui" 'Und. lo he wniuarouud tli tudv.
ahonf iii; waist Ki I A .,i I I I X TIN i, ALL
PAK'I'S wlieiev,-! llie tliHejiye may I.e. It c:in lit
W"i a wnhotii noMiy lo the most tieheate pers'ii.
md iiii c 1 1 a i iti in llie r i r hal'its of hvuii; if re
cjuneil Itrutireiv reiii"Vrs 'lie diJiea-e Inun the
siem. Willi liie fidlae.oiiH use, in fuch ea'-i, ol
povveifiil internal medicines, which weaken and
destroy llie eonctituhou anil five temporary re
lief only hy Ktupil mi! the (.y-te-n, uml dcadeuini;
its vitality. By tins tieatinent, thf medicinal pro-)erio-F
coiitaiaett m the Iviml. hemi; of a hiuhiy
ai"tn ihe and voianle natmermd eapat'le of Li-jiilt
readil) alisorlietl, (.lirouuh the pia-es t( the )k in ,
come into diiect eoulact w ith the UIo-nl and g'-ne
r; 1 1 c'reill.ilion. williont tiiNt ha iiu: to pat- iIuokliIi
Ihe Ht'iuiMi-ii, wnieii would tend n it only tu deduct
man their dilutive power, hut to impair tlx-in-tci
n;il oaim an i!r r:i the iliesll n also Tims
avoidmc the iniioiou eil'ectx, fool ten tlie resulr o
Internal remetlie, Mud nl'eetine a perfect cine hv
pm l l"s hilt and eipializiiu; the ci c ilatlon ol the Vital
llnnU ami rrfUoinii: lite putts alleetedtoa lieriilliy
e-'iiilition Tins I Sunt ik also a m"t powcrinl
'ANTI-.MLKtM 1IAL AtiFNT." Calomel he
nil? Ihe primary cause ol a hn-je part of tlie Ht'll
neRH, eiiralie PaniH ami Ii IicuukU ick, bo preva
lent 'md will entucly relieve the item fiwn Ut
permciouii tat vet.
M derate er.ej: .rc cirt-d in n few djiysmd we
are C'ustituti I ecctvicu lll.d. u'-'ed tent im -nialtJ
to winch we invite mspectiun nt our odice oi
their t dicaey in aiiravuttd cases of loj. Taiufing
PKICK TWO PALI.AKS. Maybe h.d f Pne--uisfg.
or will tie neat hy ni ul iii"ii receipt !" S'J. r
hv express every wdieie. with alt iiejctf:iiy mstiuc
G SMITH & CO , Sole Proprietors.
! I'.'l LuoAitw.w, near Prooiu -treet, Ni:w Yupk.
1 I '.. 1 'realise, witli Cerlifud Tcstimoi ii.l?, sent
t. is Suphnry. Friting A Oiatd. j
J " tieorife Pliirbt.
' N.uthun.herland. It. H. MeCev. i
March . ImU. ly '
lATH3i;US A. o,
I ltorii'v al IjIim. NV K0 C..r Fult-n
and Hromlway. NKW Yt'liK. Will eatefully ,
atu iid to Cidleciioi..- and uli other matters intnWvd
to lln ir care.
May LM. InS. 1
New Settlement of Vineland. j
.1 i:i:mi:iv ran jiaud tim :
A Hare op urtui ity in the P.c-t Market, and must
! Vli-hMul hi i llcalll.t'iil Climate in the Cuion. !
Only Thirty Miles South id Philadelphia, on a 1
ltailroad ; beinir a rich, heavy soil, and highly
productive wheat laud ; aniungid the bet in the
tiardcii State of NewJersiv. '
( ll con.-its of'fl acres of noon land, divided
into Fai in; of ditl'erent t-o .-nit the purchaser '
i from 2o neres and upwards titul is sold at the rate of
I l j to ifcn per acre for the farm land, payable onc
i toiirth ca.-h, to id the balance hy ju;uter-yi arly instal
: nn nt-, with legal interest, within the ti i in id' four
' M'mr. ;
j r-. in urct pai t, a Hieh t lay Loam, unliable fr
, Wheat, tiras.- and 1'oiatoi- ij-o a d:rk ami rich
i sandy loam, suiialdc f-a Corn. Sweet Potutoes. 'l'o
, haeco. ah kind.- of cetiihlcs and root crops, and the
fnie-t v.iriciie.-'d iVnit.-uch a.-tiiape-. I'cu'dus. P ar. j
Apt icotf. N e-iai ine-s 1 Hack her r ies, Melons, and o; her
hints, best adapted to the Philadelphia and New j
Yoik niaiket-". In iv-peet to the soil and rops ilicrc
can be no nntake, as n-i ! i i - cim cxamiuc both, and
none are expected lo buy before mi doin. and liudiii; i
these clatemeuls I'oire. t under these circumstance.-, ;
miles.-these statenieiil'i were correct . tin re would be
in; u.-e in tin ir beiiic- made. It is considered
TlIK Hkst Flit IT Soil, IN TIIK IMon.
See Heports of Sohm Hohin.n. F.-ip. of the New
Ymk Tu nitty and the. well-know n ai;rieulturit,
M illiam Pairy. of Ciiinamiiisoii, New JerMy, which
will be furnished iuouiicrs
Hy liMdvin oer the man the reader will perceive
that it enjoys (lie best market in the I'uion. and ha
direct communication wilh New York and Philadel
phia twice a day. bcintf only thirty-two miles from
tho laltcr. Produce in ihis market brings double the
price that it docs iu locations distant from the cities.
In this location it can be put into tuaiket the same
morning it is gathered, ami for what the farmer sellt
he gets the highest price ; whilst groceries und other
arli Ies he purchases, he gets nl the lowest price. In
tho West, what he sells brings him a phtauee, but for
w hat he luivs he pays two prices. In locating here
the settler has many other advantages, lli w it bin
a few hours, by railroad, of all the great cities of New
Fnglaud and the .Middle Stales. He is near bin old
friends and associations. He ha school for his chil
dren, divine service, and all thu odvuntugc of ciul
iitaiiou, und he U Dear a largo city.
Is delightful ; the w inter beinjjf Kalubrious and open,
w hi 1st the summers are no wanner than iu the North.
The lo. at iuii ia upon the line of latitude w ith northern
Persons wanting a chi.) go of climate for health,
Would be much bene thud in Vineland The mild
ness of tho climate and its bracing influence, makes
it excellent (or all pulmonary utlcclious. dvspcp.d.
or general debility is it or 4 w ill notice a dilb nuev
iu u few day. Chills and level, are unknot 11.
Pudding material u plenty. Fish und Oyntert uro
plcnlitul und cheap.
initorr must expect, however, tu nee u new plac.
1EE1 liFFtUtE
Thiv rtueftiori the reiler naturully It u be-
chum; il hu bm-u held in Urge tract, hv lunntie- nut
tliAHist'd lo till, and being without rail toad facilities
tbty bud tew inducmnent. The rallimot U Jut
been opened through the property Ihu ewiu, of ihe
Hint time
Uit.-r. ure .bown o er (ho Uml hi a eun iage, fieo
nfrxHii, aud uttoidvd lnue mid opp-rtuiity for
tin-rough im ewtigatloii. '1 Uom a bo cmv wilh a 1 lew
Iu viUw. houlU hiitii( m HH tu fMcuiv iheu purcliu 1
m m It tliofj uiu not hebf whu r tul.
'i b Mtlci thing in ItMtd liutiw, ttrUcru people hav ;
b.lU ihloHU OUt of till I bnUilUt or bullli.. h'llil
little ifcrMiut or li)ll Hit out a u In iliirl IhruU m )
tviu ihey vaa buy a j ie,e h l utd it uokP pnv
and ran more than make wages in improving it. nnl
when it is done it Is a certain independence and n
Ioks. A few acre in fruit treci will insure a comfor
table living The land is put down to hnrd tim.
prices, nnd all improvements can be made al a. cheap
er rate than any other time.
Thn whole tract, with six mile? Trout on ihe Kail
fond, is bcintf laid out with fine and spacious aveuuei,
wilh a town in the centre live ncro bdn in tho tow;i
sell at from ?laO to ?2iH) ; two and ft half acre hd, at
Sn to $iau to $21.10 ; two und n hall acre bd-, at from
S(I lo.SlL'd. and town lot. f.o feet front by laO fr.t.
dce), nt JflfHl payable one half cash ami the halaiu'T
w ithin a year. It is only upon farms ul lwenty aere4
or more that four years' lime if driven.
'Jo y ami fact urc'r. tho town allord.i n fine oponini?
of the Ftor nianufaeturiii'i bu"in(si. and rttlu-r arii
eli, beiiiR near Philadelphia, and the Fiirr"undini
country hae a large populalien. whiuh utlunl-i a good
This settlement. In tho eourse of .everal year, will
he one uf the inot hitintifut places in the country,
and inoft agreeable for a residence.
It is intended to innke n Vine and Fruit prnwin
rtnuitr v. this culture is the niod prolilablu anil tlm
hc.t aifapted to market, Kvery acvantae and etm
veriicnee for settlers will be introduced, and will
injure tho prosperity uf tho place. The hard times
throughout the country will be an odvnntairn to tho
settlement, as it compels people to rewrt to agricul
ture for a living.
Large numbers of people are pnrehafing. and peo
ple w ho desire the best location should visit the place
ut once.
Improved land U aUn f r sale. Land can bo boinht with or wilhunt
timber. The timber at market valuation.
The title is indisputable. Warrantee Deed? given,
clear nl all incumbrance, when the money is paid.
Hoarding conveniences at hand.
Letter! promptly answered, and Reports of Solon
liohiiicon and Win. Parry, sent together with thu
I nu t, rut lltiraf.
Pomte to the Intel: Leave Walnut street wharf,
Philadelphia, at tt o'clock, A. M.. and 4 P. -M ,
(unlet there should be a change of hour.) for Vine
land, on tho tila-sboro' nnd Millvitle Uailroad.
When you leave the cars ut Vineland Station, just
ripened, inmiire for
tliAliJ.Lrt K. LAN PIS, Po?t mintf er.
1'ouiub r of the Colony,
VtSKt.ANn. V. 0.. Cumberlntid county. . J.
P. S. There is a change of can at ti!ahorn
ANo beware of sharper? on the eai from New Vork
Mid Philadelphia. t' Vineland, inquiring yuir bu.i
tie?', destination, Ae.
Hki'out ok Sot, on IloitiNsoN, or Tin: Nkw Yokk,
Tin nr nb. tros tiik Vim:lni Skitm:mi:nt.
t 1f-J Tli.i following is an et tract from the report of
Solin ludiinsoii. Ls'p. published in the New Yrk
Tit liinn in reference to Yine!;md. All per-'.'r.H c:tu
read thi. report with interest :
A'f r.rittiirai uf Par mi ni n tr hutm IV u'aut
Jit-mat As Hj'un Nrrt .s'o, its iicat j rti h 1 7 -U'tc
( 'arise of 7v rttfiti . 1 tin -a at of ( ' , oj s s
Protittvrd Jntrttusl Pratt arc.
It i? c?rtaiulv one of the niu-d tn-ive r. rtilo
: trade, in an alnuHt level position, and -ni'shle con
dition for pleasant farming that we kin-w ol tj-i ,-i lp
' of the western ivaine. We found -olio ot the ohPr
1 farui apparently just a.-' prolitahly pmdiKiive as
J when lii-t cleared of fore-t lifiy nr u !.:n. lrc.1 jmih
I ago
I The geoloji-f would "Till uN -over the c .u.-e of (hi
! eonttiuii'd firtili'y. i he v.h lc country i- a marine
' depoit. an I all through the we found cvidcr.ces
! of caleaiiou-sui'-tances, n-vt vt-V.y in the form of
1 induraied calcaieocH marl, -how ui;.' many di-titi 't
l'i-riiw of am ient ,-!o id' the I'Tii-i.-v f nuriiion : ar, t
this marly i- c.ittcl I :ill thf-.ugh tic -oj!,
1 iii a very comminute I form, m.d in x.iei e-i;,;;.
tioti n.o-t o'L-ily av-imiinr. d ly ;t;i. i, n th.-
1 fa i nii'i de-in s tu euit ; af c.
j Mar!, in a'l tt t rti'.-. h:i- heeii !...,! ., f.-finin:
; crop- in Lnulaiid . fi'-m il:c ;imc i w :- o--'M:j ;. I hy
the Piotuai;- ; a lid in France and 1 ! . : :,,::i. . a n ;u ! u d
is count) d on us a valuable i - d oi in'iMii e. t'.:rt can
be dug and eai i-d and s re,i i oyer th"li. !d Ibv
much more a limbo., t Lit: . : 1 n .0 : 1 w ii-i- (ootid
; tilre'i y mixed thioii. h the -oil. w lo -e n- w particb-s
! w ill In turned up and exposed, an 1 tnn .-tormc i tj
the ow uci s u-e e ery ! i me it s t h" ei 1 U .
Having then saTi-ti-d our mim! of lh" cac-e. ihey
will not lie e.t-'irel wtlh wnuder at .reiii "nduhi:f.f
e i 1 1 n 1 ' " t f t-rtiiity in a -"il whii'h i;i otlcr silun
tioiis. having the ,;.iiuo e-euerai tdiai aci 1 !-! ic- or a'
least ej p'-araiu i-i. i- entirely ui.i ) ! i . e,-. pi
a its lodiicliv n-. i- prou.otvd ly art iilt'i..! t-itili-attou.
A few word about the rp: .lity and v::lec
h.nd tor cultivation, ol whi 'ti c hue --m: -iioi
t!ur fir-t Vi-i! was ( V. I' V. ;;, -n !t,m Kim
t vi!.-!iip. 0 l.iu.-oter coi;i.t;. . v !:' p::i.,a-i-d .- -:i!.
eight iiiil,-.- nonii of Mi !-. di'e. -.!.oM; ti.:- oar- ago.
tor the purpo-" of est a hi fdilt l;" h st e;t in I;; i 1 : . in
Up til" 'lllibcr illlo iulid'er. to -el,d '.-Il 1 V '.fo- lieV
railroad, as vw 11 as the tire-., o I and ivm! . tor w I i n
he huitt a branch M at k a mile and a h:.lf 'oiig. lie
u No fi;rni-iu"i tixti-i u n ile- ; i.e t .- id w !: 'i ; i--. ui. f
ha- no doubt made the ii'i'.l 'V i'de. tl.. .h ).'.
main object was lo open a firm, l.n u;g !....,,,; c. ,t..
inced i hat the ;! v ' ! i' cup iv ;-n. i ;i
thi- he h- lio' I. -en i - , ; j , ' .-! . j i, e of !.,
crop prove, i-'nr iit ho ' ;. . r. I he :-i . -j.d m...
of .T" g. .".U'i kill ud- ot' p 'I.'i " oiMiiic a , n , ,i
tin c nis a hu-he! in ihe In ! t. 'l 'n e.'ir. ei j. : . -.
with"Ui m:ih;:re. produci-d ' i -1 1 1-i f . p,
one !ie!d. tie tir--i croi, m. ..;-o.... t l.-m d :nm.. '
tne U'o.r. .... .. i - . ,. ,,.. " i. . , , ,, ,
dug a;.d vvhej'i sown, ac i .. ! lc
the -iubHe turned und' r m.d
whi.-h yielded WW hu.-ue! ; nr :
own t(1 clover and t mi". bv. s i.i '.
i".' t'lCi'.e:-', .: , i
u io bi.. ileal,
r. : he i,: "ind .v.i v
c tiJ 'i tn -! '.T. p
; I'; ton.- ocr acr?.
t 'Ihe feitili,ei applied t- t:o e cr-.p- w t l first ,
a.iic- ti i.iii cb -aIug- ; - -id, 'JJ-' i' iLd f-Mn;-
1'ho-plia'e of linn : ih;i I. -''o ; - .nd. I't r ' in
(inano ; then ;n bu-heN of s!::!. 'i ii .c loi- heen
spread upon the clover since i: w ui.u.d mil
turned in for w heat
Mr. iboii s grou ing crop . :. 1 1, . h-:( u'1' '
ot the preset. t season, ail indie )! hi- l. n I ;l- prod:, -live
ns any p'iri of tlie :ite.
At Murv Harrow s. an oil ?:- J-t-iv .:.! i
farmer, ,-cvet al mile- south of Mr d-on '-. w . vwre
so particularlv -.truck with it e tine a; peaw aee ,.; a
fndd ot corn, that we .stopped ! iti-pni' of t'o l.rr..
man huvv it was produced V. e foim 1 tha' J.e iai;d
had heen the year but one bef rein wheat. ' itii
chv er. and this cut one sea.-oi;. ir.i I last spring ph'wc j, wilt one "pjer old ' add la:.tea v i'h
"Yes, but you umiiurrd hi.'h. wetuppr c. ' we
said iiiterrogai i cly. and got this rt ply .
Wait!, you -ce. we cuuldu t a done th;:t ; c:r.. - v
hadn't hut forty ni f-li'rr loads al:.. u ti er. t r J '
acres, and v.e wanted the most tor (he -Mi-uek
The trm k eoiisisted of lice's, eai r i-. e:iiih'i re. cu
euinhus. melon-, Ac . and a v-ry pro .n"i e p
of Lima ht -nt s, p ow ii l r umi ket ing. S i . i '
satisfied that the .-oil v, as t'ot in t' "i t i". i u led
by clover, whieh had fedthecorn. l-ecae.-e : h-' !! m k
patch ' had not been clovercd. and had "'en in cul
tivation Ion,; enough to ohl.ieiate t?il .-igi:- oi th)
Our ii)'t vi-it wa to thii farm of i drew Sharp,
five mih- not th ol Milh ilb'. from hall to a mile
ol 'llie i ail load, an 1 just Hbout iu ! h' eeiti e of up
land. Mr. Sha.ip coi imcnced work here n Itccet-i-ber.
l;i"t, upon acres. In ! than ll;ic year-,
he lias tfot 'S.'A acres cleared and iu ere j is thi- -;ioi
all well en dosed ai.d div ided into -e t ia' lield -. with
cedar rail T idi' fence ; has built a two story dn. II
injg. about oii by bi f-'d. and a -u.alU i hojc f-r fun-
uhorer. and u stable ant gini.aiy and iii.c o'.ii.i
oiit-huil lings.
t'oiisideiahle part of the land wa-c!e,e,. 1 for the
plow at an acre, and mi ,-oiue of it t ic
was buckwheat, limed with .r'ii L- i-lu Is in p..vder per
acre. This crop may lie put in .1 uly dth. to Jnrh an I
yields L'u to :in bu.-hcN per acre, harvest. al in .N'mun
1'cr ; wln n the Uml beimj t."vcd with leii lhs . t
Peruvian guano and seeded with rye. yicl 1. I I;' ti
lj bushels per acre and SI" Worth of straw. Ihery.
still Ido tinned, after knocking ' a large growth o
oak sprouts, and ilrcsscd again with guaiioan 1 cled
lo wheat, nave l.i or Id bushels. Tlie crop which lu
xvas threshing wbilu wo wero there promised mon
of a very plump jgrain. and the .-naw is very heavv
We went over the stubh!r and tound llieclovu
and timothy, from seed -owed ta.-l -pt ing. on the w heat
without harrowing, looking as well a.- we ever saw h
li Hiu any old cultiv ated faun, and with a little wort
done iu ihe w inter to clear otV wiia- roots and rottet
stumps, and setting Makes to mm k permanent on
ho will he aide to cul the cnp the next year with i
mowing machine, and we w ill guarantee two tons pn
ucre, if ho Hill give the overplus if it owmuu th'
Part of the laud wa planted uiih polaloi for i
first crop, which yielded l-'Hhu-bel- per acre 1
uiui then limed wilh n bu-ln Is per acre, and see lei
with w heat and elov er. yielding an a v enoge of ov ei
I A busheU per acre, and the clover now look beaut i
Other portions have been planted with coin a- i
first crop, which yielded ;itl hu-lo N of yd! ov i!m
corn, and the sceoiitl crop Id hu-l -N, and the thir.
crop, treated tu l.ui II id jiuano. we are sure ihhij
Would eumato below iii hushc! per ueie.
(The render will reodbct that liie writer i no
speaking uf land perfectly low. and which cm
Keaicidy be considered in Kood arable condition. Fn
In other ease, the corn crop of List year was hl
lowed With oaU Ihii) Stusoli, md yet thle-hed. fit
will average probably 40 lo al) hudidii. i-weel j .-tn
los. bi'Hii, mubniK. aiol, in fuel, all garden vegeiahU
M well iu Young pern h and olio r fiuit tiec pinnui
this year. ho verv plainly thai thht loiif:-riegleeic
ttuct of Und iuou!l remain m no longer, and there i
How lUronx piobuhiliiy ihal il will not ; lor. uude
Ihe auspice of Mr Fundi, il Hill by div id 1 uu,
kiunll loi, Hilh road" located lo aeeoinuiotUlc all -Ihu
ur-jvorn are lio luiy al thin w oi V - and al
IurchiuH'r will he rtijuiicd lobuibl nel, eouiloriahh
nUM-, mid itlbci idiee, nhl' b would bu pn lVmhlc
by Hhiell Uieulm a hkI popuUdoU Hill bu rM-eUlt'd
who Hill eslttblish ebuii'l.ta. m hutd, toil-.,, loills
IIMvllHIIIO llO( Hlul hlllCM -home i f ."lhe. Ml
fiiiuu'ip utioun.Ud bv fiUc4i, oibai U, ti'-i'U an.
voiuloru uf vtvillied life
If any one, liom any del .n. inei.t u( buIiicM. i
iliUou o chaoini; bi Liiuiif, o' h l.o i Item uw
t'ttitrf de.lloui lo ttlid I'fH o. .o ion und ib'apboUi'
lU Ihe euuiill V , aud H hu o.uV lv.ll Uci hwilev U H Im
He im liuly UHtl, be Mill ,o H- Il lu M J
lor b i uml I Hlml may b mh iMni h ih. t n.r.
ri'U iMd o PUtUdelpbi r. I l)JN..
I vniur ( ei y