II. D. MAS3EB, Editor I'roprietor. KIWlll'KV. PA. SATfltDAV, OCTOUKKll. 1803. sTMrPKTTENGII.Ij & CO., Ne. 37 Park How, Kew York, and 0 State Street, Bcton, uc our agents for the frsninr Ankhicam in thoe cities, nnd nro authorized tu take Advertise ment and Subscriptions for u nt our lowest rutes. The abxeuce of the editor will ac count for uny deficiency in tliU week's issue. a.o. li vv c i.i:ni:. r. A MERITED COMPLIMENT. Wo publish to-iluy ti litter addressed by the members of the bar of this county to Oen. ,Tno. Kny Clement. The letter will explain itself. All who know the present District Attornry, nnd nil who have ntti-nd--d the Court dining the. three years hist past, either as Grnnd or Petit .Tui-ors, or as puitors, will bear evidence that the high compliment tints paid him is well earned, ami eminently deserved. Gen. Clement is a candidate, for re-election, lie did not seek the office ; it whs voluntarily tendered to him by the delegates to the People's Tnion Convention. They k:icv that he was a Democrat, nnd had been one of the most earnest, zealous and cloijucut laborers in the cause of Democracy, and they knew also that he was n patriot, devoted heart and mind to his country. They knew also that he was in every re.-pect tHiulificd for the otlice for which they ask the people to vote for him. Able, upright, eloquent, industrious, experienced, without reproach. AYliy should they not ask for him a re-election to an office he has tilled so well, and with so much profit and advan tage to the people ami the county. (iui. Clement was at first disposed to de cline the nomination, but. yielding to the solicitation of Ids friends and the bar, he has consented to be a candidate. We now appeal to the intelligence, good sense and patriot! -m of the people in his behalf. Do not let a man like him be defeated, for mere party considerations, lie has proved him self; all who know liiiu know him to be upright, governed wholly by principle, and ardently loyal. lie will not be able to travel the county to convcr-c with his friends; they must not expect this. While his opponent was buy election! cring. he was a private soldier in the ranks of tin? army in Maryland, and since hi.- return si knes in Ids family has kept him at home. He will see all he can during the present Week, but it will be im possible to travel over the county. Vote for him ! Vote for him ! ieu. ?Ic4'l-IlniiM 'I'lmnl.M to Hie t iirii iviini'.i Jlilsliu. The following letter from Major General George I!. MeChllan to Governor Curtin. p ivs n just tiibtite to the Governor and the patriotic militia of the Commonwealth, who so nobly responded to his call to defend the Slate from invasion, by inarching voluntarily into Maryland fi-r that purpose: Hi: iK;t Ai;Ti'.ns Aumyok Tirr. Potomac ) Sii iii si-.t iii;, S. iit. 27lh, 1S!J . Giivi:i;soi! : 1 beg to avail myself of al mo.t the tirst moment of leisure I have had since the recent battles, to tender to you my tnaiiks l.ir v i u r w isc and cii' iirctie action .in J ..,11jnir 1 ::.:.. ..." I , u. is i Villi 1 :l tor its.leiVnee, when threaten) 1 by a numerous an 1 victorious army of the ninny. Fortu nately i ircuni-t:uice rendered it impossible forth- enemy to sit foot upon tin; soil of Pennsylvania, but the moral support render ed to my army by your action was none the less mighty. In the name ot my army ami my sell. I again lender to you mr acknowledg ment for y.-i-.-.r patriotic course; the manner in w ',i:ch ; lie pcnp!e of Pennsylvania re-ponded to you;- rail and hastened to the defence of their l'roiiti'-r, no doubt exercised a great iiiMin iice iipm the enemy. I am. very re spicti'iliv, and sinccrelv voui's, GDi. II. McCI.EI.I.AX, . Major Gi iH ral I". S. A. Hi- r.xccllcnry A. G. Cciciin, Governor of i'cmisy 1 ania. f .j ' liiiii.a Allies run mi; llnsinAi.i. The ii.p!" o.vti Ihisyoar ha- never li.-cii surpassed, and t iious.ir.ils Ijti-i.i ls- will lit w listed lor iviint of Ihe nic.!ti- .t' u-in; llicai. Now. it should beromemhercd Vi' lie" si 'k iiiol woiu.dcd soldiers in the various li'.soi;..s would w olcine v, ith p al it ink-apples pro perly ili ii-1. We arc sure there me thmisrimls of I-. r -lis who would lj,,jrlit ,, contribute, in thi way l" the cuuifi.r: of thc-e - .hli-.-r of tlic I'liion ; nnd the .-iii.crii.undcni-nt the ln-.itiilH say that they will p-atctully nceivo them in in y "inutilities, mid that th'y .-build, after j urin;.'. i: nt ting mid dryinjr, be forwarde 1 in toirrcl.-. l.u.vio, or in sironi; hairs marked. To he kept dry." Ut lief societies should nt once take this ir.ntior inlo hand, ami fanners should famish the fruit, if lin y cannot prepare il themselves, to lh.,-e devoted, yoitrioti J associations - l.sifrr from Europe. Cai-i: !5.(t, October I. The news of General McClellan's victory nw-r General bee in Maryland was received with much satisfaction by tin; Federal party in Liverpool and elsewhere, and gave an impetus to the cotton markets, which was :hei ki'd by large arrivals. The London Times of the 25th ult., in an .'ditorial says, alter mint events it is not mpossib'e that we may yet sec Garibaldi Tossing the Atlantic, in the assumed char u ter of an American citizen, and fighting :'or the Kiihjiigation of a nation struggling to c free. The Times says that, Gir.eral rope, by his iw'ii reports, has succeeded ;n showing, if hi re w as one man more than another unfit o have coiumand in the Federal army, it is he (ptcreloas General w ho puts thebl'uneof .very failure upon in hers. A meeting hail been held by a few repre sentatives of the London tinua counected .sith the Manchester trade to examine Mer iua'cu's propi.sed substitute fur cotton. They igned u iiii iiioranilum in favor of its length tivngth Mini beauty, w hich, in their opinion endered it worthy lite attention ol most ureful and praetieul men. Whether its uanufai'ture can be economically and suc essfnlly ajiplicd, they leave other to dc crmim. ''To axv Sick on Wounded rsoi.pjr.n. f you would like tu stop and rest at Ehuira N. V.,1 you can lo so w ithout any cost to on. 1 ell the conductor ot this train that ,ou want to btop. He w ill let us know you ire coming, and friends will incut you at the lepot ami take cure of you. By order of he relict' association of Elinira." The above notice, in handbill form, isdis ributed through each train on the several ouds leading into Elinira. Xo person can cad it without feelings of gratitude, and 'leasing tho good jieople of Elmira for heir klndnc3 to the jtor tick n1 wound Kunilay Hcliool Coiitenllou. Delegates from a number of the Sunday Schools of this County, assembled in con vention ut the Lutheran Church, in Milton, on the 2-Jtli and 23th ult. The Convention was permanently organized by the appoint ment of the following olliccrs ; J'lwiihnt. William C. Lnwson. Vice l'ni'ktt. Samuel Teas, George Kaup, F. A. Chirk, Samuel Eekert, Thomas H. Hull, M. D., George W. Mowlon, and David Eshbach. Sivntarict. llcv. A. G. Dole, and Rev. J. O. Furey. The committee on business reported, through their chairman, ltcv. Mr. Titus, tho following resolutions, which were discussed, amended and adopted as the sense of the convention on the whole subject of Sabbath Schools. I OF KAllIIATU WnO0l.fi IX OUNKHAU Uesolvcd, That the great object of Sunday schools, ever to be kept in view, is to lead children to Christ and lit them for Heaven. Uesolvcd, That for success in this work we must look to God for the influences of His Holy Spirit ami give Him the glory. llesohed, That Sunday schools should be more missionary in their character, and aim to bring in every child of suitable age in the land. Kesolvcd, That we should direct our at tention to making the Sunday school a pleasant as well as a profitable place for children. llesohed, That since Sunday schools im prove personal character, promote general morality, save taxes and preserve peace in the community, they deserve the approba tion nnd support of every good citizen nnd philanthropist. licsolvcd. That every Sunday school ought to be a Missionary society for the cultivation of a missionary spirit, for the diffusion of missionary intelligence and for contributions to the missionary cause, it OF S( not. a its. Kesolvcd, That children ami youth of all ages, should be in the Sabbath school, and great ellbrts should be made to retain the larger scholars in the school. Ill-solved, That in order to retain the larger scholars there is need of paternal co operation. Ki-solveil, That each teacher should In constantly regarded as an immortal being, whose destiny, in a measure depends upon the ellbrts of the teacher. llesohed, That infant departments are an important arm of the Sunday school ser vice, and rcoiiire the best of teachers to eon- duet them. j lit of ti:ai inns. Uesolvcd. That ardent piety is one of the 1 first reiiiis'ues in a successful teacher. Hi-solved, That the teaching of our Sunday j schools should be more practical, directed t more to the heart than it is. j Uesolvcd. That teachers should prepare ! themselves thoroughly for the holy work. licsolvcd. That weekly teacher's meetings, or bible classes, for the purpose of preparing j the lesson, are highly useful, and should be j attended, if possible, by all w ho teach. j licsolvcd, That teachers should seek to ' become intimately acquainted with the j spiritual condition of their scholars, and j with a view to this, should vi -it tin m often at their homes. ; Uesolvcd. That punctuality and regularity J in teachers and olliccrs, are highly essential I to the prosperity of Sunday Schools. I Uesolvcd, That it be recommended to teachers to employ all the time of the school with their chi.-scs in imparting religious instruct ion. iv of I'asto::s. Uesolvcd, Thai the pastor should take a i deeper interest in the Sunday schools of : their char-res. Resolved, That pa.dors should preach occasionally to their Sabbath schools on the 1 fundamental doctrines of Christianity, in a style adapted to the comprehension of ehil- dren. I V of St ri'.UlNTIM'KNTS. I licsolvcd. That superintendents should ' vary the exercises of the school as much as practicable, so as to interest the .scholars. Kesolvcd, That superintendent:, as well as teachers should love their work and be re spected and loved by par--::ts and children, lor their work's sake. vi -of i.iiiHAi:ii'.s. Uesolvcd, That great care should be ex ercised by Sunday schools in the selection of boohs for their libraries, nnd nothing should be admitted that is calculated to vitiate the taste or corrupt the manners or morals of the children. Kesolvcd, That neatness and order in the uianagenienl of libraries arc import ant to the success of Sunday schools. Uesolvcd. That scholar., should be ques tioned on the content. of the bonks thry read. V11--OF St XIlAY S( ltool. I'.OII.M.. licsolvcd. That Sunday school room-, should be comfortable, well ventilated ;:ud cheerful. llisolved. That if possible a rmm for Sunday school purposes shouh taehed to each church. Kesolvcd, That coi.vcniunt seats conunodating teacher-, and scholars cc-sary in every Sun-lay school. solely .i- nt t'.ir in--tin- iil'- VII Ml.a IXI AM.ovs. Kesolvcd, That premiums and rewards, judiciously distributed, will promote the interests of Sunday schools. Kesolvcd, That Anniversaries and Cele brations should be conducted on strictly religious principles, and should be em ployed with caution in the Sunday school work. Kesolvcd, That scholars should be en couraged to commit and recite scripture verses. Your Committee recommend the follow ing resolutions in relation to organization and tntuie Conventions : Kesolvcd. That a Central committee of five be appointed by the Chairman of tbU Convention, w hich Committee shall appoint nil additional meinbi r of itself in each tow n ship or borough of the county ; the whole to be styled the Sunday School Executive Committee, of Northumberland County. Kesolvcd, That this committee shall aid as far as possible, all ellbrts made through out the county to plant Sunday schools gather in children, and promote the Sunday school cause in general. Kesolvcd, That annual County Conven tions be held at such times and places as may be designated from time to time by the executive committee. llcspeclfullv submitted, T. T. Titts. Tuob. Meiivinf.. LOIU.N.O WfcfeTCOlT. J. 11. llii.insii. .J. F. Wami-oi.e. W. C. L.vwsox. The Committee on statistics presented their report, which was accepted and adopt ed. Fioin this report it appeared that 21 schools were represented in tho Convention, comprising olio teachers, 22UU scholars, 57 bible classes and 60UU books iu libraries. After prayer, tho Convention adjourned mto Ju: IW Goveksor Bhadfohti, of Murylunil, h:i Usucd a procluuiiitiou thanking Uoicrul M :C'lcllan for hia gulltint Ui fttu-o of that State during the lute invuhion of the rclnl army j also to (lovemor Curtin, of IVnns.yI vania, for kin active co-n ration in smiling the State militia to the frontier lo aid Cv:i. McClellan at that poiat. W hat n IOtilMinnn I'nplaln Thlnlm L,i" Virgin In I" Jeiicrnl, nnd en trulKoscr A. Irjor, lu Inrilcu. lar. lroin tho Mnrylond Union. Whilst the Rebel army was in this city, wc heard much said that amused us sonic things that edified and others that annoyed us. We werc'atnuscd at the opinion express ed in front of our ofiice, by the Captain of one of the Louisiana companies, of Virginia and some of her chivalric sons ; "There is nothing in Virginia," said he, "to make any one fall in love w ith it. Her men are mean and hel" women are ugly. I saw mote pretty women in Frederick than 1 naw in nil the time I was about Richmond I would trade otf Virginia to-day for Mary hind. I think there is more of the mean Yankee nnd his cowardly disposition among the people of Virginia, notwithstanding their high pretensions to chivalry, honor and magnanimity, that can be found among any other class of men in the Confederate sen ice. When we arc on a march some how or other, they ul ways manage to get in advance when tic approach a tow n or village w here no lighting is to lie done, and buy up till the mulches to be had at a cent a box, nnd some times nt even less, nnd these same Yankee speculators come right into our camp and extortion on the men by charging ten cents for a single box." "And there is Gen. Roger A. Pryor, whose political and duelling reputation got him a military position w hich he is unqualified for He is not only a coward, but a knave. At one of the recent battles he lost his command nnd offered some of the Louisiana boys fifty days furloughs if they would point it out to him. I have heard Aides to our Generals say that they would rather be despatched with orders for any other ollicer on the ground, in time of battle, than linger A. Pryor. as he is always the most difficult man to find.rand w hen found is usually posted as securely as possible behind the largest tree on the battle-ground.'' Happening, soon after the Louisianiaiilcft us, to fall in w ith a Texan Hunger, wcqiih'.z ed him in regard to the character of the Virginians, and he replied as follows: "The Virginians are the greatest extor tioners 1 ever met w ith. If they have any thing to sell they will charge you ten times its worth for it ; and if they 'wish to buy any thing they want it for nothing. They got no consciences. If li II and Richmond were brought face to face, h 11 would have to blush for modestv.'' NEW ADVERT IS KM KNTS.: JACOB O. SEC IK ai MERCHANT TAILOR, ! 13:ti'l4'l SIinm I. iK'iii'Sv opposite lh SUNJ3XTKY, PA., 1.T'JI.MS tlif I'iti.t'iis of Siml'iiry utnl vicinity, thut hi-j'.i-t ivturmtl hum I'luLi-Mi'liia Willi ;i lull ItSnllllU't.l ot 1 ri.r ab itivi r.ie ;oots, j or i;yi:ky ii;.ci:irTi' and r.i.rrv. ! Hi. -Sn-kiM.iiM!i!iit' t'ltli.-. I'irmi CMiV. llliu-k IWSkiu ni.'l .'":tiic l':is.-inn'ri'f. lihtck :itin. Tiun-.l Mlk.-. Plain tnnl Knni-y ('n.-.-ihirru VKST1 Nvo, hich , lit1 will nitikt' ii j It) nnli-r in civics tu .uit tin lit-ic f cu-Hniifi, on .-hurt uuiii-v, iul the Musi rva.-unnMe trnn.-. Any tlMtlf nut tin liaii'J, will In- fuini.liej from PliilatUIl'liia. y tfivin;; two (lay !itk-iv iiut.'ii turnilu i l.y iu.-Unur will hi' nuulv it to unK-r us liLTi'tolorc. j As he will viuiilnyiiono but rxK'rii'iji -l wuikiiun. Tr-i'ii mny tvy on galling thtir work wi-ll tltmc ut 'lhaiiktui f'r llu itatronn-ri' iHTftufnrc lu-tnwr.l. ! In- rr.-iMvlliilly tlit-it.- a finitinuanct' ft tte ciiuc. i .unt.uiy, fK-tul.i-r I, li'J. II9:AVV AIMil.l.l.lM, i 5 'or SVi-riiiMiriil -:i-.-i-l-.!i Only lit I'oi-S r'!H .Mi'iiimh'. A 1 A.lnK.l i.-l.l'll Ki'l;i:il IS. i.t im- lih Anilleiv j I I S. Ainiy. ha inj lieeli appuinled tu raiM- a liallaiioli of lU'iii y Artillery tnr U"V ei unicnl lltily. Ml Ki.rlees.- Munnie. h"" .mi ti"ri.-d I itptain ilh.NKV .v. riil.T. ut .Nuriliiimhcilaiul, lu icciuii one Com pany ot Ih.'it Kiitiahuu. Tins ii" the ini'i-t de.-irahlc Mluntinii in the Military Ser ice. u.-llie lociiliun ul' the Ihitlalimi will l-e .cr inaiient a: I'oiin.-.-Munruc. tur the ilctuicc ot tluit pe.l. J lie pay anil huunly will be Hi" liheral ii. that e;i cn tu niunleer ill any other hralicliul ike , r lee. A. the location"! Illis eutpM will lie tixeil and pi nuaneiit at l-'i.i trt'i Munrne. i he I'aliiruinc; and dau'i-rouj duly ot limrelilli nnd pickel. will no! he lleec-.sai v. l'erx'iis de.-il ' -ur" ol chcapin the I'lall c.lliliot du hctt r than tu join lln-eotnpany. Ilead-ijiiiiriei lur rccruiiii. have heen c-taldi-h-cd hv I'uj't. I'l il.'l' ul N.irl liunihi rlaud. Kclereuees can in' made i.i A'liulaiit liciicial It I .-.-'hi,, or (.'apt. Iii'lu.i:. ul il. mii-burg rapt. iii:m;v a o'I.t. orliiiinlj''rl.'ind. '!cl. 4. ImiJ. ll a'B:k::::sT)Eii i.i.i UIiM. SON:-, Al rnoNKI'.KS. TWn VAl.l'AI;l.i: THAI TS COAL LANDS, Nurlhaluiicrland v'ounty. renn.-ylv.iiiia. On t iKdiiy . ti l. Mint, l-H-i. :( 1-J f-M'l., Il.llltl, will l'".i ill p'lililie .-.lie. willn.lil res, I e. at llie i'llll.AH.l.l'lllA KAI HANi.i:. ih - ("ll iwni," lrae:s n J.AM', vi.: Sc. i. : i j i.lniliiM- BSi-u1!l o;il 'I'l-ai l. : Tim full niiial undivided third part." (the whole I in!" lliree Cjii.il pari- lo l.c divi.lvdl of and in all Ihitl tract ot land, -ituuto iu Coal luwu.-hip iit'ui'ei.aid. ln-illllili IT lit ll nillil tree ill the line ol land eurvevid ' tu 1-aac Miller and I.uwrenee l.oiniM'ii. Ihtuce al. I the fame an I laud uurveved lo W illiam liilln ii ' norih ile. ir mill, wen 7.!;; feet tu a piii-t s.n l .-tone ; j tl.ctl'.'c suulh lid dc' d". ::t nun. wcsl l'.:lltl feet to stulll , fulllll 7 di"4 . ea-l '.Isj 1, et tu Hull, south I lle.. ca.st .Mil I'n-l lu wtoiiei" ill centre line of the (ireeii Hid'e Itniiicli liiiilrua 1 ; lhei.ee aluii ihc lim of the "aiue south de.ir. It min., . lm) feet, -uuth oil d';. ;ii iniii., west lim feet, south 2j de;;. 2 min., wist lidi feet. o nth 21 di g. ;I2 min., we-t lniil'ect, south 17 de;;. 2 mill., cn Imi feet, sout'i l.'i dec;. :!2 mill., we-t Imi feet, fnlitli 9 ill-;. 2 mill., we.-t llW ' feet, south l de. 32 mill., west IllO feet sutllli 2 Ulill. 1 cast 1IMI fl et. south 1 ileg. 21 II. ill., east It'll feel. Illll SI de,;. as u.iu., Ml Jon feet, south li de,;. 2S Ulill. I west lull feet ; tllenco ulutis; tho line of the paid tiri en Itid.'c Hnincti ltailruuil south lli dev;. 4-'( inin. I cart l .i'iiis feel to u post ; thenci' norlh M dcir. .".ii min, I e.'iM' 2.77U tei-t to a coiner iu Kat liranch ol hnuiu- i kin I reek ; thence norih 1 tlej. 11 min.. ciial 401 feet -to a deud white oak iu the line of land surveyed tu ' I.uwrenee l.ouiiM,ii ; thcucc north 77 doj. oG iuin.. i cast I.7.IU fret to stuiies ; thcucc north 2 d'ci. 1j min. ! eii'l l.iHH feet to stones; thence north KS de.. west 2.7 lo t lu the place of bexiuuinc ; containiu ;i'JU At'ULS aial 21 lurches, ttikl unucuic. tuncvcd to' Vulciitiuc iirotal. "Itulii-il niuilalu foal Tran." I All that tract of luutl. Kituatc in Coal Towuship aforesaid, tii'ijiniiiii at a pine .lump corner of bind, mrveyod in the uuuic ol licuriro t-hecu, aud in line ofhiu'l mirveyed lo.lcrcuiiah I'aul ; thence norlh 117 dei; 3 min. tut loti fuel to a inaplc ntump ; theuco rouih 21 il'if 1J min, vast l,lu7 fuel lo a stone; lhci.ee nin th liti de). 20 mill., cast l.oJll le t lo a lul leu piuc, ill line of lund burvcyed tu Hubert Irwin ; thence south south I'J de ii uiiu , eat 1.212 feel lu toiio ; thence south 70 dejr 21 min., cant 1.24U feet to a post and stone corner of Land of James Uuudaa ; thence by the luat mculioncd luud outh 2j de. lit mill., east l.bllu fret in a small utik ; thence routli 117 de)5. 30 mill, west 2. MO feet to a pout and stono ; thence uorlli 22 ile 30 min., el2.li7n feet in amst aud sloiies iu line of laud surveyed to lioorgo sheeti ; theuce 0j dcg. M) min., cast 1,020 lect tu a red oak ; llicuco norlh 21 dcg. 42 min., west 2 0011$ feet lo the placs of bcjgiuuiug ; couiaining 117 ACUESaud 120 perches strict mciisuro, hcin part of a larger tract surveyed in purcuanco of a warrant granted to Hu bert Camplaiu. riAl.E ABSOLUTE, without rescrvo or liini tatiou laitb Tracts. TtKMA f 10U tu bo paid on each tract at the lime of suit). M THOMAS A SON'S, Auctioneers, I'll) aud 141 houth i'ourth St. I'hiladelpUia, fepl. Id, 1&02. OVK I IiltS ! 0 M I I'lIM 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 K mildcrihur respectfully iufonaa the eiliz 1 Sunbury and vieiiily. that lie will alwuya I on hand fresh uVr-TKlLSof iba best quality, y euurns o y, keep . tut un small caiu Ukprvasly for tauiily use. ULl'lUifc W. COBLE Oreat Eai-tf rn Hesiauraut, Market siuir .bOlury. itjn tX I -?.'. NOTlt'll. "OTICE In horehy Riven, Unit thn uhn ;riber pur Jl chased at public sale, un the. I.Sih day of June, 1KI12. tho following urlieloo sold hy tho t'onslalilo of Vpper Mahonov township, v.i tho pioperty of l'timel Hlirefller, arid that h" has loaned the titinu tu s:u I Diuiiel ishrclller until ho thinks proper to remove them : One eookinir. stove and pipe ; one coal sto o and pipe; Ihrno beds and bedding; ono cupbourd : one cloek ; eix hog; one black cow and call; one wa gon and burnetii ; one plow ; two harrows; ono hor.ie ; all tho Rruin in the ground ; all tho potatoes in the ground ; one table and ouo uhcut. J. II. ADAM, t'pper Muhonoy, Oct. 4, 1802. .'it LAST AOTlt i:. VLL persons having; any lawful claims to the estnle of Haniel IlilbUh, deceased, lute from Washington township, Northumberland county, are rcQuested for tho laal time, to present their iK-eountti duly authenticated, at the Into residence of tho de cetuied on Saturday tho lllh day of October next. And all persons indebted any way to said estate, whether on notes, venduo-bills or book account, are nlso requeted lor the last tiino to make payment at tho siiiuc tiuu- and place. TUHIAS MILL, Administrator. Jordan twp., Sept. HO, 1S03 I'AX'V lists: JOJiX FA RE IRA. No. 713 Arch Street. lon- Kiirhlli. H'ntli J'iilLA bKl.lMHA. Importer ntnl Manti-fncturi'1-of, nnl IVuler in all kinils of Fancy Flirt, for Lndifi' hii I r iiihlrun'ij wcur. ilf.-in; to ay to my ji- IV icu Is of uiihurv Hii-l the "iirrouiulin rtniii. ti'-s thnt I hnvo now in r More, oim: of the largest -'---:.-.i ' nnd mu-t bcnntit'ul Ua wirttnoiitj of all kind find fiuditic of Fancy Furi. ljiditv-' nml ChiMn-nV AWur. Umt will be worn dur ing Iht Full nnd Winter. My Fur. wi-n vnrchMc-l in Fnrnpe, previons to the rise in Nt'iiini; hxehunt. nnd the .i w I'uty Imposed un all Fui imported since the tival of Au- I would h!m PtHfp. that ns my Mtock Invts. I will tifi'er it at piire-" i.r''ortioimte to what the good.-1 co.-t me ; but. it will be imputable f-r me to Iuiport and Miinufaeture any more Fur, and ell them nt the wiim price, owiiii; lu the unsettled slule of the Htlaird ot tlu Country. Zjf liLtueniber the niinio. nnmbrr nnd street JollN FAKKIK A, 7H Arch Street, l'hiladelphin. Septt-inber l.'l. ISO:!. jm vam vitu: faiim i oa: svi.i:: T UK subscriber ofi'er for n!e n fine Tract of Laud, iu Point township, Xurthuiuheiiund countv. Pa., part of which i cleared. If divided.it will make tworod listed f.mn. There are upon it n 1:0 id stone dwelling houi'. n lutr dwelling bou-e ntid othi-r outbuilding, a m:w limik num. two tfood Apjile Mr. chind. nnd other fruit 'tree There i ft irnod -iht for Saw. Mill upon it. a nw. li.iil which did n "'.,1 bu.-itiess w;t lately burned down upon the premises. Applv 'on to r.JlOKCi; COn Fpper Auuta tmvn-hip Or CilAUl.K?: P1.KA.ANT.-. triiubuvy. Pa. Julv lit. Jmi.V i:vi se ai, bio i a ose sai.i:. T! HIS welt known Hotel, loeated iu Jfunburv. at the juiii li'iii of tin- Nurtlirru Central with the Sunhti- ry and I. lie Itiulroiid. j oflrretl at privttto ale TiTin of fall will be n.adi' e:i.sy. For luither in fnmi'ition. I'li'ii'iie t this otlk-e. Aun'u-t 'J. CATIIAltTIC PILLS OPERATE by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimu late it into healthy uction. They remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, and, by restoring their irregular action to health, correct, wherever they exist, such derangement as are the first causes of disease. An extensive trial of their virtues, by Professors, Physicians, and Patients, has shown cures of dan gerous diseases almost beyond belief, were they not substantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Their certificates arc published in my American Almanac, which the Agents below named are pleased to furnish free to all inquiring. Annexed we give Directions for their use in the complaints which they have been found to cure. Fob C'ostivenfss. Take one or two Pills, or such quantity as to genflv move the bowels. Cus tiveness is frequently the aggravating cause of Pii.ks and the cure of one complaint is the euro of both. No person can feel well while under a costive habit of body. Hence it should be, as it can be, promptly relieved. For Dyspepsia, which is sometimes the eaute of CosliiTmn, and always uncomfortable, take mild doses from one to four to stimulate the stomach and liver into healthy action. They will do it, and the htart'tunt, borftbtmi, and soutbtirn of dyspepsia will rapidly disappear. 'When it has gone, don't forget what curea you. I For a Foul Stomach, or Morbid Tnactiim of the Bowels, which produces general depression of tho apirits and bad health, take from four to eight Pilla at first, and smaller doses afterwards, until activity aud strength is restored to the system. j F'oit Nkhvoi sskss, Sick llKviiAt'iin, Nausea, rain in the Stomach, Hack, or Side, take from four to eight pills on going to bed. If tliev do not oper ate siitheicntly, take more the next day until they do. These complaints will be swept oiit from tho system. Don't wear these and their kindred dis- i orders because your stomach is foul. j F'utt ScitoFi'LAi Ehysifklah, and all Diseases t of the Skin, take the Pills freely and frequently, to keep the bowels open. The eruptions will gencr- i ally soon begin to diminish aud disappear. Many ! dreadful ulcers and sores have been healed up by the purging and purifying effect of these Pills, anil some disgusting diseases which seemed to saturate 1 the whole system have completely yielded to their influence, leaving the sufferer in perfect health. Patients ! your duty to society forbids that yon ahould parade yourself around the world covered with pimples, blotches, ulcers, sores, and all or any of the unclean diseases of the akin, because your system wants cleansing. ' To Pi kiky the liLoun, they are the best medi cine ever discovered. They should be taken freely and frequently, and the impurities which sow the seeds of incurable diseases will be swept out of the avstcni like chart' before the wind. Ily this property they du as much good iu preventing sickness as by the remarkable cures which they arc making every where. I.iVEK Complaint, Javnmice, and all Bilious Affections arise from tome derangement either torpidity, congestion, or obstructions of the Liver. Torputity and congestion vitiate the bile and render it unfit fur digestion. This is disastrous to the health, and the constitution is frequently under mined by no other cause. Indigestion is the s mp tom. Obstruction of the duct which empties the bile into the stomach causes the bile to overflow into the blood. This produces Jaundice, with a long and dangerous train of evils. C'ostiveness, or alternately costiveness and diarrheca, prevails. Feverish symptoms, languor, low spirits, weariness, restlessness, and melancholy, with sometimes in ability to sleep, and sometimes great drowsiness ; sometimes there is severe pain in the side; the skin and the white of the eyes become a greenish yellow ; the stomach acid ; the bowels sore to the touch ; the whole system irritable, with a tendency to fever, w hich may turn to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious diarrhcra, dysentery, Ac. A medium dose of tlirce nr four Pills taken at night, followed by two or three in the morning, and repeated a few days, w ill remove the cause of all these trouble. It is wicked tu sutler such pains when you can cure them fur 2-5 cents. Kimi matism, Cioi'T, ond ii Inflammatory Fc vers arc rapidly cured by the purifying cllects of these Pills upon the blood and the stimulus which they afford to the vital principle of Lite. For these and all kindred complaints they should be taken in mild doses, to move the bowels gently, but freely. As a Dinnkb Pill, this is both agreeable and useful. No Pill can be made more pleasant to take, and certainly none has been made more etfectual to the purpose for which a dinner pill in employed. PREPAKkllk BY IIC. J. C. AYEIt A C O., Tractical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS., AND BOLL) BY Bold by Friling i Uraut, and II. A. Fisher, in Huubury, Dr. R.B. McCoy, Northumberland. J. . Caslow, aud C. llrown, Milton. J. Chrisiuan, Turbutville. llersh k Co., Mt. Cauucl. M. Jturgtr ewer, F.lyburg. Wis t. Mahouoy. Wmvw A McYYilliaius. Puaiu, AnJ Iiraleri Everywhere. Aii;t3 lc-.V-ly owi f I'Aiir uiikov!:i) BKOOM. mllE nulrihor having fiirhvri !l;o Ilis-ht for Norlhuiuberland eoan1 . oHerf l'-r i.Ni'IVI M;.L nnd TOWN.SIUP HI'illTS Thii V.hxm U nnexeplb ut nnd durHhli article nnd o rnnlv run structed thnt n child ran put it toother. The'entiie eoM ol i ho liruuin, material i.nd all, will not exceed bix e.rnt. Ihfl lliirhl mid imehinery for tho lnakir.", rosts $1 for mi lmlivi du d Hicht. 'Jownship llihtawi'l hiod nt tho m1 reiisnrmblc rnloi!. Apply tit FJ.liFU . Oruir Store, nr in THOMAS M -DOW July 20, ISfV otim. Sunl.,u , Pa. IMS AIV noa i Curttt i ' ,vi nt n,i,l Tliii.l II vl:i:l-m l;c. fPIIIS IIOt.K. in cnii"i..jiH':r.i i.f lis c.'iivcnit n.'c I nnd nc.'ir hiciilimi to tin- Cnpitnl. hns iniid-- it a dt'-'irilhli' Hl,ppinir pi. i !'. 11" I .-lit v t-ir tlu-si luivin hn-ini'S! nt Ihf M:it ul' liui'ni!iicnt. !ut t-'ij itli'i.-vii-itinir llnrrUhitr;, March 2'.!, lSi.iJ. uoo.mu 101.1 a i i:i.rts w ATg;s 'i it I sal itii; ise;ch:i.i jia rilllK ftniK- milid'. r ,.f j , r-..i i urn i;!.-n nunti-d ! I wear Ihc HOn'IS ami 0 1 nnv lwinir iiniru:- fiu'tni i d. I'V tin- Milin-rilnT. ul' lln' I.il.'l .-t vl. j- mi l I 1-1-! ol' ninli mil . Ihuiiin I ir-c jitt-ck ft' I i r, T 1 i:il. lit- will m ike up tu -ivd'T in Uiu h:i Hurl.ninulikc inuiiucr, all kind- ul' -n t b-mi-i) tool'. :nil !:. ., I,-.n!Ii" 'Ekm'm mid 4kiii(ri'., ( lilli!r ii. Slioc. .V-...V-.. At r'h'trt nntii-iv lliiviii'jr si'i'n;l ycfti-' cxpcricin'c hi.' t'l'd. ciilidiMil -it'iviii ""criiliy i:!li.-l.ii.-ticn tu all whu miiy c:ivi' hini it ,'jill. All wurk iiin-t l.c p:d.l ..r ltct'-'ro N'.'iviir tlu- --iiup whi-n ix pfrc iit w ill ! d .ln,'l'''l itl. Cull at Imh .Sliui nt'iirly u;.) -ilc the ( unit Iluu-c. in Mm kc! S'lininv mi I n -.-cr; ''Mi hi- . v pi n-is ln:.l cxiiniinc his .-tuck ltil'"rc piirct:i-imr c'-rwli. .John ii. i:h Smiliury, August 0. 1 si'.?.- Uni l.iitiiSx-t ! l.iiintK'i-! I'llll.ll' .SHAY. Mmi.'y.I.y nil'i .'iilily, l':l , INFilHM.S li if tiiii-.l' nnd the pul.li'-in iri'iii-r.il. that lie C'.'li-lttiilly kt-i'l - i-n l::tiid ll 'al d-. Sliinii'.-. l.nlh. Juiils. and nil kind- of l.iin.lx i- mi I Imildin' inali rial-. which he ill '''.1 :it tl.u luvvi.t price". March ::n. 1-r.l NOW OPEN. MAMMOTH FURNITURE WARE - ; HOUSE. i i j is A. 'limnul Slri-I, l!iil:i. j ' ,L;itv l.l'.VY A 'u 1'ry C-.l i Hi A, .t. IHMI j rurnicrly iM Walnut .--tici! l'hiiu li'iphi.1. Aiii-n-t ;:. I V''J -;im JUST IISCBIVED ! ! JI:t juit returned ti 'Mi !M;i!.id - i w a 3 ? L H IT 2 I D or Spring & Summer Goods. I'or .'VHi-iin' Cloth. Clis.-iiiiere. Vi'-lili. Ita'i.ill Coiuin. l.iucn Check and Cci I.ihI3-h ,V'iu Cloth. :.-i.a'l. A larjc a-.-"i tiuei.t ,.f Fancy .ill.s. fill; li-.-ue-. all ol li, h,i... M ,;l .-ilk l.i'Mlla-. Klancs. lire - ll, . i.. Fancy l:.,.,. .jiie l. ..,!.- at 1.1HM-. Li::. 1'.!.. 1: in n.r.r; I rice lew 1..1I.I- , !:llC Co. . Silk Prints. A full lii ."Sella bur ler Hli'l c of lii-h Linen a;.. I I'ui.cv M.n.Lu r Shaw ! l.uce Mantilla.-, Ac. Heady .Made Clothing, A g"ul ll-...rtluent ef II:'! lid C: A lave assortment i f P.iots aial .-!: . A fill of i ies. M 'la -- al: I 1 Hardwire and Hull l:nr; Mc: rial, A full s'.o-t of y.ic. n and 1,1 i A full stuck of l'i-ii. Salt. I'll- and White l.c A lal'c stuck of New Wall Paper, A new ttij.-k of Stoiio un.l Far:!:' r And thou-aii l.- oT articles 11. I ' All the ubov c will be s.-i 1 Country Pruduce. lap t"l' C. j ii j: Sunl'iiry. May 17, 1:1.1:4. 1 VI" ' 1 -sf..' iici i 111: vii t r.. .N'nWlS TIIF TI.Mi: TO 111.1. VH'K AI.IU MS. I X eutlsoutli lice f ill"' s,'.,r"i!V of.-li'iliL-t'. I will -. II 1 111 V elegant Fl.N'i. iiiAPii caki-i: 1.1: i.- in: i-oKlK.MIS. Sit--n liir tn- lio'liif. Sent by mail P. siu.ro pai I. J hc.-e cardeH are l-est. pi'lili-ned ami arc lit-nt . '1 key elul.l ace all the pi n.el)'.'il lie the Army. I'lesiilent. I al.io. I. Ac. Ai- . Iw. glenle.-t i illialis Hl.li.ili ' .! 1 .i I ' .1 i.d HF.il 111 i-r:i:il i-ls ol f ll.e Mill. Catalogues sent ou aj.pliiiktioii. Sample copies scut ou receipt of Ten d-i.-.s. .MUX KAINTV. 72S Sans. .tu St.. P.,il.i--L!puia. Septi li.ber li. I -.12. GROCERY & PROVISION SORE 1l;irti I Square, miiiIiui j, t;i. JOHN GOOD, D;:.i.i:u in iii kinds of cpiii 1 nu:s. re-peeifui-Iv infolliii" llie cilucns of Sui.biirv nlcl .cmilv. that be constanllv keeps. .11 loui I 11 lar.;. of the best ol all kinds of li IU 11 -Jill U.S. Teas. Soap. l'iie I Fruit, Coffee, Candles. Cmiii-c! do. Suirur, Tobacco, Primes, Kiec. Si'star., Spie,-, Svrups. t-oaps, t',11 :. -,:. .:i. it! -s. Molas-eJ. Salt, S'a.ch. Fl.i'l It. MK VT.'FISH. and iu tact cn-rything in the Cruccry lii.u. LIQUOH3 Of the hct ouulily al W hole-ale ami ltelail. culisi.-t-ills, of ISrandy, Ciu. dues. Fiitsbuih W lu.-ky. and liniueslic l.i,piors jjciieriilly. Ui which he un iti the public to tcsl before purcliaeiui; elsewhere. Call and sec uiv slock. No chmvei f. r showing. John ci.H.iii. r-uiibury. Juue 11. lstij. .liiiiulat'liirt-t til'Slout- .ii . COWDEN & WILCOX. HAWRISBUlta, VA. 1 1 1 K Mono Wuro now nuide ut this e-lal li-l.,cnt is equal to auv miule in this count! v 1.. ei v a- iety of article usually made, alw.iy. uli hai.d. llaiiibury, May u, tnG2 AITINPOW Sll API'S A verv flno and ch. 1 alurtuielil. jusl received t'.v P.i'ili'iud lioln New ork.al the Muuiiuuih Store ui Fnliie; A Crunl. We have alMj tiu Rule S S Puii.uiu A Co ' cclcbra ld Patent Peinliiluin Cuitaiu i uturis rufcbary, Muica '). lrtj.' GRANT AUK IIA1TV TO ANNOl-V l: THAT H!i:Y AUK NOW V.F.(.i:lVI.NH AX LMlhli New Stock of Goods ! MANY ry WUV:H AUK REDUCED IN FIUCB, and ul'huujj'i pi viatlii: lei'ei v p-j.-t.- intiy mdiiOf tin lint 0RY GOODS are adauciii. yet a silicic vi.-il tu that at:ra-:tie ri-urt. THE MAMMOTH, will C'imiiK'c any i iii'iid man ur wnninu that, he the report a it may. yet the prup.iii t,ns of that in.-tiht-liun" have the 1'acilUit t'jr furni.-hin CHEAPER GOODS which tliurc who huy m.d nil ll-'t. I'l.d C'lll!"'t p. Luier Credits in: KEEP EVERYTHING, ami aiu: m.ti:i;.mixki V) 3 Z3 Zi Xi CHEAP DI! Tll.l.y CA.X JUC I'CKCli.ltlCD viu:i:k Fit I LIN 1 1 A CHANT. Hiinlptiry May 1 HOW TO , 102. PROMOTE HAPPINESS. DOMESTIC S.c l Y ' A- tie v v Wlici "I hat .lie '1 ll: I w !" I.... i.-: 'I'm sur- y.w .i.'i. I- not Sm ii h. to Mr--. I'.i'owvi. l c '. ? kin thr..;u h the tow n. '. ... t do j.m r -h.'ppitu: ' Vict .,- i.i M- lu .! I'l.d liii'-, It.' I :111c kin;.'." !. Mi- P: i.i a i.i fro iliv-ly .-h". our lit;-1 an li.l I v. id I 1. 11 .1 c-: t u i. And i: Il'.ell .-I lie ,t dc. il . M.- : l.c iai e ll.atl I. 1 -. I'rown I. liillo : lie 1 O " I lie re I: is -Y"ti !..iv 1 leu !,'.. o y.-u'll u.p 1 I. re: ' C - II 1.11V 11 h.l" y-u j ii wci.t a -li . . or wh:.l-l...l ... M '. a ': " i ii I , !c !: A .- .I or --1. ml ill Ic At Ihc el, 'Ihev 11 -ell Tnat ion w ill to II. u an. li lieh ; y, , ho ' '.. a- y : tn.'v , I- p. ! - i . l ie. lli. ill y..ul to Ai l vet 1 .'an l av Here. II- eilil-e ea ll dollar ol I.:- c Is. to Inc. j'i.-l .1- it 1 a- t w At the cficp .V.'Nv'.lll S :-ll. M , - .1 ,;. M - Sc ''ll , j.i h .M 1 ' m loci ::i, t oi . ic- i -. h-r f.-. Sto t I t" 'Jlic And 1: lie. ii Ai., 111- i':. 11;- I A p l.ad.ie. M MM .111 Civ -l-al'd. : i..l i:..- e ;.- li .' l.t-.llit . if hk.i ui.. 11 tlic -.. , ..ii.iii.r. ill 1 c while .- llllllillii' ll:.: hi .-ll'ecl M.U .1 : lit vour .1 Pereh.11 .Iii-t Mrs. And all v At the , , ai and h, "11 t! V. ds buy mill:. ir ice, nee r . ;.w ' : Crow 11 .- pres. riC uir ii-t "t I'r.v ' i heap .Mauvoiii .- i A NEW AND USEFUL ARTICLE. : e;.ley, kop.se & novi)i:ru . j ' !.-If-1.Jiivtin: '!Un-. Miinsci- Simple, ll -oliolliical. 1 lurabli'. and i- I. t l.ia' lc I.i I ' trd out ul'Oider. I Tin- Si If- Adiii-tiiiir Clothe Wiiui'cr. it one i.f the ' L'ieatc-1 iuipru't emcl.t ol the l.illcleelilll ecnllirv a:, 1 1 v to be kilo" 11 and tl i. d. lo Clue ill!" : u 1 .1 ' ue. 'i he savinc "it .-!..: i . -. in pres-lm; out tl.e u ilei be' ween two rui.l.ir roll-, ii.-u-u.i ol wriivii.. o. twi.',iii' wiil iiuioiint lu enough in a .-in . i l.a.. . t.. p:iv l"f a l .a, iuue. 9 ! j , rv on.- i- ;,.Miie t! -it the t . '. tin.; r i.i in- i.i.; 1 of clot lie-', -'.retch, s ai.d lack- the li'.lc ; lu'l :iil ! lclilcne ores-CS; lltelll -" i clli . t hat a i.e'.e-; aner , lh..l..'l.'l.!v .- ike l.cilll bewillll ,11 FlilLINO itlii' nt 1 il iii the lea ns j lw , l e war.. a. I'l il works .-u ea. ilv. that a ecu I ol I e ini ."'illicit wiilioui 'r,.uil.:e Jh; not inicrc Ihc roll-, and wud'ci; .'. I- water d can l.c w runt; out oi i...iim ni.u io pi" o i,,i...i;. which cannot be d "lie by Land In Sl.ircliin.r. it i- ini alu '1 I", e-p,- icily , li lor.:.: arli.'ll-s. -II, his Ladies' !iir-s. Ac, u., it bale- llie starch iu the clollle.-l pelf "Ctl.V l-Vcli. 1 1 Mill Wlile: the laricsl bed ipult, or ll.e -niallesi pocket haul. ktTchuf.iliurth.nl can s.--il.ly be d..ue lyl.it:. !. without nlterali" II. 11! If- than olic-eilh the time The machine :s r'n I 'c '1-It it !."t liable lo 0"ct out of repair. The irrciil iiuprovcintiil in tLi". every ivw.v . ;l.er Wrin.iii.u .Miichiue yet invtutid. is. it- .-. lf-A.lj.i-i- tin; liiralii.tlllcl.1. 114111111.;; no uutiaiio.i. iu nulls; a haudkereluef or I't-ti 411111 cuiiscsiucntiv, ll.e uiu 1 i,; l.orMiit Bcrviiut rial otlel'atc it. The machine is luiulo of w o., 1. and so an aii;r 'd. thai 110 irou call po.-ibly come ill contact with llie clothes, thereby uiobtuig all danger of lojury lu Lie ci .10. bv ii',11 ta-t. '1 lile Iki'lli- lie -I llcile..i 1 cir" -'tiv Clothe W li .; IT yet il.iciitt d 'ilci'C 1 vl: , h'l-il' tan 1.-1 :h 11 two week., "lid ll they are Ii"t pclleclly nll.-4eU It luiu til. ui. inul llitir uionev will be rel'itliile.l. Addre I.. K. ,-NiVV, philn lelph.l. Or 11 II. MASSF.R, Amt tor Nuiihuiubci l.,nd to July X l-o2 yil'AH'IX'i'S l'i.'ri'd Clue a- . I Shelby'. Mu ell'.e. pi ice pel' botlic Ulal bl U-ll, 2c "I 1.1 , I , , 1, ii.il l.livir "f t'aiiMva Uaik ai d Itri.iiiie, l'-r r, mm iut xi tiwii, lur alv al the cUilc of the .iiubiy Ann. licau r.v. m r (ii' vnii.Mr Has I!i:ti n n ij r.'i Y.i.v, I2?' 4 ni" rllotiiii'M h, i'r-( I I" n-f ii" :i . ii' a nrw n a i ". ill -.li 1 -, iiiiltiii.. ll.ji M I i J 1 . ; ' al ii l.i. !i- i .ti,i: ' ,ri. i.i .'. . . i!uV Hill U . II I. . I K"l , ti'.l,v,.; mid i"i" "di l - uiii'i-i" a. i.. 'I 'J! J i:c l-ilMlii.. iii i.i, lin. ivv I., un I i -wry ii'i I. iji.ii I,. .. .(.,( ill'Ti'a-l i ia,hl f. m t i , :!;..H '.I tliC .' I'l ti, the e '-l'llll:IC.I,"". tt.-l- 'T dr' aii.i d ,, ii, ,1,.. l' ii,, 1 TC ill I 1 1 i .u;lin.il"l i It.-, , hiI.ii-uimii : ; li . !...-. m,d .!. i,.. i, ,.. ; .. ,,. Cl'-at i ei'lii" I i'k .;- " in.- i.;... in pi r, 1- J i'. I 1 r. lllic pi-''llnl!y nd'.uii lin- 1 j. .,,. , t In- pill 'lie ii' r.,Mv. 1 1,1,1 In- ii ii (lie ily ! l'liilcii. !; :,i i iiii !'i.. i'.. ..I." k .'.I' I'lml'. . !:"i.:i: ii - 1 1 ui- .it e el li"" 11 ill' tv.'il .i . ' li' 1: - f III-.' Tl'.-tlili I'm.i ii: III- -ill i-.i.i''-..! IV' .-I Vl-l I ifiirn -i I. ...i. .' I mill imic"-: ' . :;. ,i I ...I.' -. J.. ii- s. f , tu till up ol ti , lei-' -a I. H i. A I., hi.- H'fck 'l t- ' l.M lA'i 1 I'.. un.l : il : ,.y lo r rench :r. lllil I -1 i.il! l!:.lli' d .Mm ..lid-! tiei n, U hit.'. i.i lii'in, " K'.-e. A-milli', ' ' u: liiun S,xi et.-'. hi'jii'.riec, I:, i.vli .-, 1:1 I !. r, I jiii-i whit ik. -'. I'lll'l l'l"". S-.iek ('ii, .:i.-."l u1U.-cl.L-, li " k Cm.dy. Almut.'l I'lii. iy lllllT. Prune?, 1 i-', Tllti.-'Cll-. .Nlltj"!' till killU: Li:Mi'N s i.i i liates Cuilaiit. . di ie'l ,'f H 'in. pllllilv. hv V -il f',l.:i,' (lie ,r dii2en. A Mild c 'a! . and a 'IJ let V I. '! .,11111 .1. -..'!. 1 .'li..',. ul ( ,. ..Ilcri i !. - 1 ruit. T.',-. .Vi at wlmi'-'ale and r 1 in ll'I'er the llalM .M ( , d' i . e-:t 1 1 i:. all ' w .i 1 e IJ It' 1 ph. 11-. ',!,!!. i;'! j:i i. In ,'. s. M. II1 111'. .W;l I I l-''.l - Iv NS A 55! E!5 etui rtt xi IIK " ib.-t r'' r- b:,viiiL' t-ilv! n 7-.-.-i j..n of t hi - hl.orin(r MILL.nw j.te.,M...l to i'ivi ive 1'Min ol' all kind-. iiTid to do ' w-.j k at tile -h' rle-t in 'I i-c Lu-t-tin'i J will ha e t ii v jrii.-f- roui'd iiiinii''li:iicly upon thtdr t.i-i'ii ) I; at the Mill. Ay i is the intention nf the ti;ln to-t.-ek the. Mill, n Jfii-jre -npplr of irriiin will ! ron-:iMnily k j.t t n liiiiid. and tl"ur by the lurnf i V ean alwvvi be obi ai md . 'J lie ureal e.-I care will be taki-u U tin u ou ti . ri'-r irnii!i;y of ll- ur. t;r which the mill i adiiiii::l'ly :. luj ii d. .tiit-t a'f. niion v.':!! I . paid to the want- of eu. toun-i --. and the patronairc of tho publii; freiurallv i?' voyj.iM'tfully i -oii' -! I. .ui.lmry. June 2.1, IriUf. M'UHiAX A CO. A I.nrfv" .iMorlmcnl ol T MlJI EVANS A WATSON'S s-A.i.-fVi:A3SsirEr?. safes, uiuiat inn; at i;i:alin!, pa. February 12, 1--32 II cn rt.i m j:s It L'iv -i mo much sati-lVa ti n lu inf'inu you that iu the v.-re f.rc wlii-di. un tho iii'irniiig of tlic l:h ip-: . miii ' l v destroyed nl! n y si"cl; mi l mali rial-. I had one of your ilati and-r Fire Pi""!' S ite- Ali r euduiili. :i:i intei; c r"d hi a- fur s" en hours. thcSnle was ojetie l. ul '1 !h" lti.ok- alld I'apiT- V. ere pi e-el I d ill I 1. llllj dclll i-h, i cai-iiii'-it I li; 11 need a not her falc as .vll lis 1 ct. iu .i .1. r V' m. . i....t re-p" c!-'i,:iv. V p. l'lCKl..-'.'.N,'Ucadin-.'. I'u l n:i: at i;!.m:.; ca.-ti.L'. I. ii.v.i;i.i:.-ut'i:t:. 1'f.iiikliii coiiny. 1'a . I AllLMt-l 'd-t. I"ll " I Mc.-Jrs. Kvan-i ,V W.visun. l'hiladt ipltia- C'l.th -men: Un the ii. "i niii.n of the 22 I of iurii-1 . 1-iil, our S'-'fi hou-e nt Crceiicastle was de-tro ,-. !y tire. 'I'Ilc ."-.ilaiuandcr f ;fe w e pur-duocd from yc suiie) few years sine was in llie uhuv" meniiliii' I stoic- hotl-e. and cntaili' d all our 1 Iv-. p'i.cl -. c..-h. e. , w hich were 'H -ci e l in a pci t'cc; cii'litioM. iitiir I iml' e.'i".--e. to a mo-: inf. !. -client t.-r several h"Ui ; PI, a e int. .nil u-ii'"li what terms iinoll.i i larger .-;.;tc. Voiir- trulv. OAK. ou will ill us .v AUSTIN' Salaliiltl.dci- Sal': Families. Ac.. Ac. Alphabetical I'y.uk i''iial to iiiiv Iliad"- e i l. ilh-.' i: .V f.r ll.i:il -. Sue,-, l'liwito Al-i. Fv at.s.V Wa-on's l' iti n: l.o.'k" and llatik Vault lioor-, i:i thrt c'linit y. a;; ! . . I ou im W. would i.-iic..:i.iil . r. i'.r Ih. i li.ili. u in Hal. lis a.cl othT pu rtii-. hain.r ihur .-.il.s ui.d I.,-.!,-i.'-iv in u.-e. t" :ln lr t'"li. nrtn v .ch v.: -:i en f! the! I I m i i n S i- ti:s .Mini. ilrcic.h l'c l'hilad Vhn. T.'l'li ; I'm i i.i- :-i All s .i: i:. Ai..('itv I'.ai.k ci. lire -re. !;. Shi 1 Vi I Phil. id, li hi', C 'ilcri'i-l. l'otts-.uwii Pal.':. I'u Coati-ville lir'ck. l'-l. .-I'l'I'l.-l.-.ilV P.'uk. I'.'. .It I S, Mc'l'C 11:. I'll . I'.l. 1. .ck'll.n. ii l: l'.t. I nioii I'.at'K. Ic'liia "'. C"! - illd'l C .in .h I Ciial-.l 1'le Ul lc ion II k i-t' l i.ilu. ..ok ..f ri.ilii U'l 1'.. .-t :' -il. c i t i . -, A-'' Ikuik I'l' N. .-:'''.. u.l ! i;..i,k 1 N'.rh i. l.l- l-hilicUl;.;il. r.illl alld Sw ilt. i.lu Al'il:t:.,it W. ii. .-srliiir'AVilk !.,-. i, our-; Icu.k. P.- S'.llthiv. . lern ic'lik "I V. Fult.'ii li.mk. Atli.i.la i.: Newark i:.n k. I'd. ;..: !, ofN. C. li .1 ili. i-thcr rclcrci. n iii ou "..llinir ai "i:r til til .Vl'ce'. . i'lilhciel' i ll . 1' I v rch :. I' AXi'a't : !lire : tin : thev 'i :- lit: i:sil fiiy . d-d nr. ,-:: .-".! 1 i i i 'l'!i v hi. i.i i: A 'li- .i!'.- I. 1'' I li r u":t- w I'll to ' A' ' li!!-'l,'!il'." Il.li'l'l '..ill I. ic- ' i-'c.i"T ,,d all illt- : i. e .' lolc I r -i k . - .: hcrv. . '. i. 'i, c. tin ; i; i x- Jli.l the .!:. -:i or w-h t '.i.i.'. ',!.- : 1. i I'l - I,' - c-: i - lii I'vi ! Ic l-i... int. V. ill l.c 1, I, an - .V 1.1 :r !!;.: I . '- I Al ... ic ,. Wi .! '-. 1 A (' i. li" :d .V I f ... h ll-. n. f c !:!., '; I -. 1. r. !!.'' .:. . N a - 1 , 1 to all i --:!,! ,.k N. due "o I l;. ved, .l"ll. I'lNC 11 AM. del, i.l l: An: v i i-!. !; 1 1 ... I -I..' S3 'Mt! I W i'l! '.:'-'.V v ll 1. I'!:.- ' Vl V. l.c oi ..n- T'." IV: .!' . ..I 111. 1 Math' TO for tiduil-siL : lance, ecndii -c,'..'-.::'itc ol will. 'i: 1 t pr. vc ilalli re 1 1- k. 1 . -I :l ii 1 up: cn:-. :cl r, el,.,' -cut Lc.:. Pr-purv. Main F IV l'i . ., .1. per oil' Iter. t t.i.Lii h L,.-,.i. hci, w ( i I i.i i ..iii:. i.s. 1' Hock. 1 l.ila.l. li hi.i ; II, :i h . ii.-iwoi. s. i- w..i.,.,'!ii. i: A li !'le. .1 '1 Far, -v. T. lA'lc ll.ii U hue- ll V I. T;:i:- -ou lei . at, I I', n . ii. m .ii r. .Milt V.dLs 11 1. SL. A Pi:: cd .12 I - liitirliiit( lu I, M I'S. Ol' ott J 11. Mite ait' iitk.n to ih.-ir Siosk .f 1 I ' .1. Tea 1 IKl I Pi IKl'.l! 1' A SON 111, lit , . J 111,,' I."' ;lttlillilr i; e !- ' ii th-.t l. '.t. i - of :, d'li'iii--lai.ie 1 'o .l.c -i.i .-c: i . 1 1: :'.s l :h. la'., i !' .-a. tiled, a ,: d eoumy d eas. -I A I .,, ' .- I to e.i i e lli.ii..- li " ' l..; claim.', to pre cai :h -u N'ci'l l, i: oi. the . ta. ion n-i. ;p. : pi-rs a;, i.i.h I l"l S- Lll'-.l.' l.-r.-l v ;.- t- v . : . i'l r-v. c - . : - -Til. Ad I. '.I.lli twp .1 vv ;. if. 11: Tin.-Etim-i , 'M 004. A. '. v't Icjiiiii'i 1 .' Nil i.lMC.t.T. 11 i-. ,.1 k-i I't : ai.i.i; ol I- 1 ,niifac- ..ii -ii.. 1.0,..-, . v. , re a I.IM I: 1 iltl.H d lo , et y l.ll'i ...... pl.s.r, I lie ui M.i. i 1, I M 1. IIIM 1.1 . V. ii. ; ...d eloio- Ac l.i.i-ls To.'l 1. i' and II. 11., I i.il i , VI PU.I..I- -, i;.,:-.i ..1. V 1 1 i 'I I , r an. I LeaCei. c oil lend. 11, ri ii.'s Plate. Sheet s i. Pu. U.- call ll.tlll.-btll l'i: ; li- La.-' P f S f, .. Id's-k I in ui uill h.l il i Pin' f .1111 , I rnuiliiei-s al.. Ti M uch .. 1- 1 1. A K (Pax !,i.e t I 111 lie ' '- i. t i: 'i.U.I'lol... , Auie. u ai FMuil 'Miea, ll l..i '.ul vjle al U. iS. c e
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers