Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 04, 1862, Image 4
1MUM. ArrnnuTiiK-nlM IMC. r Iw Yrlc I .(new. THK CAJU'EX AM) AMUOY AND PHILAHKL I'lIIA AND TRENTON 11. U. CO. '8 LINES. .FrJM rhilatltlphin to Kctr Yori-and Way Places, from Walnut street 'i,:rf and Kensington Depot, will leave as follows, til fAHE. At ft A. M.. vln Cmudcn and Amboy, (C. ami A. A',''"tiipii.l.itin!i.) $2 25 At ii A. JI.. via Camden ami Jersey City. N. .T., At'enliinmilntioll. 2 2i At !'l A. M., via Kensington laul Jitm-v (. ily, (Morning Mail.! 3 t'ft At 1-1 1'. Jl . On Camden nud Air.lioy, (Ac- C(iiiiiih1ii1 inii.t 2 2" At 2 I'. Jl., via Camden nml A.nbpv, (0. mid A. Express.) . 3 M At 4 1'. Jl.. vin Camden anil Jersey City, (l-vonim: Express.) 3 Oil At 4 1'. JI., vin t'linvli'ii mid Jciscy City, (Second Class Ticket.) 2 25 At li I'. JI.. via hcn.-iiigt-iii und Jersey City, (Evening Jlnil.) 3 OH At 12 I'. jl.. vin Kcn.iugtnn nml Jersey City, (Southern Jbtil.) u 00 At i 1'. Cnnidcn Jin.l A nb..v. (Ai-cmn- rtindntion. l-'ri'iyht ami P.t.s-cngor, J t hiss Ticket. 2 2.i S.-coiid Class Ticket. 1 M 'l'lii' 01 1'. JI. I .ii ii- mil' ilnily. Sundays excepted ) ! '.Ilio 12 I'. M.. Southern Jlntl. riu.s ilnily. i Water (tup. Slri'iidshurg. Scriintoti. YVilkcs.. bnrre. Moiilrn.-c, lircat Rend. Ac. at 7-1(1 A. M., from Kensington, via Delaware, Luckiiwuimn ami Western Rain-outl. For Jl'iiuli Chunk. Alleiitnwn. Delhi, hem. !! vi lli n-. l-ii-tlmi, Lniuberlvillo. Flciuii glon. Ac. at 7-10 A. M . l'roin Kensington In-pot, ami ut 2) 1'. JI., from Walnut street luirf. (The 7-10 A. JI. Line cnnnoels with Train leaving Ea.-tou fur Jlaueli Chunk, at H-a.'i 1'. JI.) lor Mount llullv, at A. JI.. 2 and ( 1'. JI. For Freehold, a! 0 A. JI ami 2 1'. JI. WAV LINKS. For Ihifl.M. Trt-nl.ui. Ac, al7-10aml Hi A. JI nml (i-Mll nml 12 I'. JI. front Kensington, aud nt 21 1'. JI. from Walnut Street Wharf. For litistol nml iuti nnedialc Stations, nl Hi A.M., frnm Kensington In pot. For Pnlinyrn, Kivertmi. lVlnnen, Hovorly. l!ur lington, Florence, ilordi-ntowu, Ac, ut 12i, 1,4, 5 ami ii I. M. Stc.-uuboiit Trenton, for Bordcnlnwn nml interme Uintc Station, at 2J P. M., from WiilnuLst. Wliurf. EFor New York, and Way Lines leaving Ken sington Depot, take the Cars on Fifth street, ahovc vVulutit, half an hour before, departure. The Cars run into the. Depot, and uu the arrival of caeh Train, run from the Depot. Filly Founds of P.uggngo tnlv, nllnwcd each pns-senger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as hngi-nge tut their wearing appnret. All bnggnc;c over fitly pounds to he paid for extra. The Company limit (heir responsibility tor baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not he liable lor any nniouut beyond tfloO. exeept bv peeial eoiiiraet. WJ1. 11. 'liATZJILll, Agent. March 20, 1SV,2. 1EI.A4 lSltl HIIA4.'. rPHK subseriber rijeetlully informs his old friends .1, and the l ublic generally that he has commenced tile EL.VC'KS.JIITIirXd du.ini:?s, in the fliop attached tn K. Y. DriKht's Foundry, and i prepared to do all kind of Dlucktiuithiiig, in tho bct style and woikinamhip. All custom work will be promptly attended ti. J. II. ZlJlJlFillJIAN, Agent. Funbury, April 2il, 1S02 tf iisosii: ti s. THE YORK EVE XIX G POST. A Daily Heiui-weckly and Weekly Newspaper. !o Compi-onii)' r in:Hli.v Mllli 't'viiiturs. Tor the Union nml the "H'nr. This well-known journal ii now in tho sixty-first year of iu existi;nee. It has always been a leadini; journal of the city, taking part in all the discussions ot the day. and uttering iis sentiments with candor, fearles.-iu .-s and indepi iidenee Freedom now and 1'oreviT. has been and will continuo to be its motto. The Principles by which it is guided are : A Strict Construction of t he Constitution. Fcononiv in (lovernment, No Political .lobberv. Honest Jlcn for Olliee, The Suppression of the Slave Power, F'rceSoil and F'ree Speech, and tbf prosecution of tho war ngahk-t treason until the rebel has laid down his arms. P.ut tho levelling Post, while it is fearless in the I'Xpres.-iou of its opinions, aims chiefly at bein5 u pood newspaper. It will contain lull accounts of all tho interesting occurrences of the day, embracing 1st. A Complete History of the ar. 2d. Poiiticitl. Documents, lleports oT Jleetings, hpreche and Proceedings of Legislative Hodies. .'id. Tho Latest Jlarkets. Commercial latelligeneo lleports and i.isis of Prices 4 ill . KritorKAN Nkws. Advices by the foreign Fleamers, letters from our own correspondenls. and extrncU t'rom Lliglish and translations from continen tal journals. ,'.th. Jliscellaneous Reading. Poetry, llook P.eviews Tales. Anecdotes and Oos-iji.' In short, it is the design of the editors to innke the F.vomng Post. TDK Li:ST NKWSPAPERS IX TIIK 001.NTKY No pains of labor ami no expen-o in money will bo spared U. accomplish Ihis end. As llto Daily Fvening l'ot circulates more large ly. perli:iH. than any other city journal anions mer chants, capitalists, hankers, brokers, lawyers, manu factures and business men generally, it has always been a most eligible advertising medium, lint since liie war its rireulation has euornion-ly increased, which fact olVers additional inducements to those who WISH TIlF.lli HfSlXKSS MA OK KNWN. The S-nii-Weekly livening Post, published regu lailv on 'f uesdas aud Friday-, contains all the read ing matter of the Daily Kvening Post, and the latest news, by telegraphs and mails, up to the hour of pub lication. 'i he Weekly Evening Tost, published every Thurs day, is edited with especial retereuec to the wants of country readers, and besides all the articles of gene ral interest published in the Daily lAening Post, contains a complete digest of iho news of the day, and an Agricultural Column, devoted to the intejest and instruction of fanners. It contains forty long column.- of rending matter every .seek, making it. AN ADJIIllAULi: FAJULY PAl'LU TtTIIIH S I'AII.V l'.Vr.NtNll 1'oS.T. Single Copy, one year, in advance S'J Oil Thieo Copies, in ailvan-'c, 2." r-ingle Copy, per month. j si mi-h i:i:ki.y r vi-visr, i ost Is Published every Tuesday ami Friday Single Copy, one year, in advance, $1 On Two Copies, " no Five Copies, " " 12 ,), 'J en Copies, ' ' in no WfKKt.y EVF.VI.NO 10ST Ts Published every J Single Copy, one year, iu advance, $2 00 T hree Copies j ml 1 i Copies ' " H no Tell Copies. o o 2 no Twenty Copies, " (l CO Any larger uuuiUt at the rati- of ?l j-rr yonr Subscriplions may commence at any time. Pay always in advance Any perron sending us twenty or more subscribers will'bc entitled to an extra eopv for bis services; or for tensubseribers hcwill receive a copy for six months. When a club of subscribers has been forwarded. a ldit ions mav be i lo to it on the mnio terms. It is not necessary that the mi m b. rs of a club should receive th"ir pupeis at the uiliiu Post tltliee Liicbsubseriber's name is printed on bin paper Clergy meu are supplied at the follow inn ran.-: Dnilv. per nimum jsf, (ki Semi-Weikly per annum 2 no U'eekly. per luitiuiii no Money may be forward, d at our li-k Specimen e.'i iej will be sent free to all woodo-ac it. WJI. C. 111! Y ANT A CH , Ort ici: ok uu; Lvimmi Post, II Nas'aii Street, corner LiLntv. New ioik. .lime 2S, IMtiJ. l'liiluU-l!iia .V !:! i r.vhsn.UMA n. ii. co. Itiilr:il. 1.1 s-ll ON and after -Monday. May jib. Ihiii. the time, at Northumberland Station will be i. follows : I.HA VK Wl:TAllU r.xprcKs. 11 1'.) a. iu , Mail, 4.1'J p in. 1.1 VV K F..STW A HI, Fx press. 11. Pi p. in , Ji : i . i . In til a. iu. Sleoping Cnrs on Night Trains both ways. bcto.i V'illlalllsport and lialtimorc. ainl on t(u. Penns lunuu ii.nlroad between llarrisburis aud Philadi Ipilia "n Mail Traiii in both iions a CWltiul s llll,ll, ia Pennsylvania ltailr.eol. without chauge bctw ecu Pliiladel pboi and Haven. SA.MIKI. A. lil.ACK. Jlay .11. ISG2. Snp't I.a-.ern Division SIMON P. WOLVERTON, Alforiii-y ii ml iiiisIi- nl l,a, Clhee. JIarkel stru t, 2 doors w. st of Depot. tiXJN J3XJIiY. OP A.. UJ 11. L attend proinptley to the eollecti.-n of claims and ull other projei .nal businew intrusted o. bis . are iu Northumberland and adjoining counties Kunbury, May 8, LStiJ. MOI.OMO. 1IAI.14U, lloi-iu-y lit Ijih , Sunbuiy, Nuithumbir 1 V land county, Peiiiwyhuuia. (Formerly Freeburg, Snyder couuty.) OFFICE, Jlujkel sUeet, ouo door cant uf Frilir.g A I) rant ' Store, and neurly opposite the Court llouie All profe tionul business, oiUctiou'l , mil re aeivv proiul att.uttva. A pill I;', Mi. ALL WHO WISH TO PURCHASE Good & Handsome Goods AT TIlP.-J- LCV PRICES, AXf) HAVE A LARG E VARIETY TO SI'.l.IXT, AVILTj PLEASE CALL AT THE OKK rillCE STOKE OF E. y. BRIGHT & SON STJKT33T7R, V, FA., Who keep constantly on hand, and are monthly receiving from New York and Philadelphia. A CHOICE AND CHEAP STOCK OP ALL KINDS OF MODS adapted to the wants of every person. M'e invite the attention of the Public, and respectfully solicit nn examination ol our stock, feeling assured that we are prepared to offer GREAT BARGALXS AND Splendid Inducements .o all who U,4iiru In j' lutUrst liooj- at fuir lrk-e.-J. Wc do not IVt-l jutinr-it in Imuftiii that wo liuvo tJie (.'.'( sfuri, although w u can AxiW whh tnilh, llutt our c-tdck U w ell ."cli-cted. and emhruces niiiiiy h-ivclliif nut tu ho f.-und cUouhoic Our l.rtvht Hf.-'rtnuijt coini-rinv. all kind? ot" FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC NOTIONS, ti LOVES AND lH'SlLKY, WHITE (i'.'D.S IN VALIETY, Hi Mil; AND SiMEs, HATS AND CAPS IIAHDWAIii: AND Ql'EKNSW AliE, (lltt'CFIUKS AND liLAS'MVALK, I'AINT!?, OILS AND VAU.Miirs, DRUGS Ac CHEMICALS, :c.CUM.Ki:hS ,"AJJll.M!8' CUOVfi 'uoii rixvj.(,s. Ear Iron, Steel ami Nails, Ac is E. Y. BRIGHT k SON. uubuiy JJn.r 17, ho. HAVE YOU A COUQII3 Then use .lAYNE'S l.NI'I'.ClDUANT. Do not nllow your eold to take Its own course. 'I'wo thirds of the victims of consumption owe their nftlicfToni" to the fatal mistake of "wailing for n eolith to get well of itself1 Do not fall into thin error, but avail yourself nt once of n remedy which thirty years' experience linadenuiiislnited is certain to procure n ppecdy euro. HAVE Y0VT ASTHMA Oil PHTHISIS. Then use JAYNE'S F:X PEC TO HAN'T, which will overcome (he ppaftnodic contraction of tho wind tubes', and cause them to elect tho uiucuoun or multvr which clogs lluni up. and by an eiify nnd frca expec toration remove nil difficulty of breathing. HAVE YOU BRONCHITIS '. Then use JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. This wide spread disease which may jrcnerallv be described a nn inllaniation of the. tlnn'skin which lines the in. ide of the wind tubesornir vessels, spread ini tbrouirli every pnji of Iho luntrs. is often tak'-n'lor ennsuinp- lion. iho F.M.eclorant subdues this inllaniatioii relieves the aHondimr coii'di. pain, and dilliciilty of brcathinc. and il thecasois not of too long standing, will certainly produce a cure, HAVE YOV CONSVJirTIOX ? Then use .1 AYNE S ENPl'CTOHANN. It clean- ses the lun-s from all irritating matters, while at the same time it bee's and invigorates thciu. Of all the remedies which have been ollered to the public for this dread disease, none have slood tho test of lime or maintained so universal n popularity as this Expecto rant. Thousands who have been given up by their pliysiei.ins as incurable have been restored to perf'ict health by its use. and their tesliiuony must carry cuovictmii to all who read it. HAVE YOC PI.EI HISY ? Then usc.lAYNE S EXPECTOI! ANT. liy taking taking two or three larirc doses in the early sta..' of (ho disease in niiiek succession, and covering up warmly in bed. ibis preparation acts as a sudoritic or sweating medicine, and subdues the iiitlatntition at the outset. HAVE YOU W IlooplXd-COI'tHI. Then use JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. There is no remedy w iiieii so effectually oven omes this di-casc as the lxpectoraiit. What parent can witness the sufferings of her children from this distressing com plaint without doing ail in her power for their reliif? What medicine fo pleasant to the ta-tc. or so certain to j, reduce immediate benefit (live it a trial, and lot it prove its elliency. HAVE YOU CROUP . Then use JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT Children are subject to no disease more sudden in its atlaeks. or. in the absence of prompt relief, none more fatal in its results than (.'roup. Parents, then-tore, should keep at hand a remedy sure and thuroiiirh. Such n remedy may be found in the l.ypeclorant, and every careful mother will keep a supply by her. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. Is a standard medicine. For thirty years it has been before the public, and during this period its curative powers have been tesiitied to by all classes of people in all iiiarteis of Die world. Physicians, clergymen, lawyers, merchants, und mechanics have experienced i!s remedial el'lcets. and have fnrnish'-d us with their ti -timony, and it may be found at length in our Almanac, to be had gratis of all agents, 'fo their com ineing eertiticates w e would refer Hie doubting The liMK.t Ton an r and all Dr. D JAYNE A SON S Family JIi;iu, i.m:s (.m sold by all Druggist generally. .May il. lsiVJ. 3 m. ili:iCIC'S IEOiI.1., U'fi ri.,itrir. ra. rpilE nianagemeut of this well-known Hotel hi!V I ing been resumed by Jlc -l- C( l.E A IIERR. the present proprietors, beg leave to iot'oi in the public that the Icu-o is now being t!iorocMv reino at oil . retitted. and improved, w ith a icw to the proper and cotnt' a.-ooiniuodatioiL of those who may la.or tlie establishment with their custom, tluests will receive due attention and courtesy, and ie t ien-e will be spared that may conduce to maintain e hotel in a first -class sty le. F'ainilies and others desiring to S'-iourn jn ln is burg dining the summer months, will timl pleas. uit hoarding and large ami w ell- entilatcd rooms nt our establishment, upon moderate terms. SCOTT COY l.E JIareh 2;i. lKl'ill. ,1. OIl.l'.Fllf IIERR J A M E S I) A It T, E 11 ' IS WIIOI.KSAI.K AND RKTAII. CLOCK EST A BL ISIIMEXT, S. K. Corner Second and CliLstnut si., riillafU'iplii.i. AGENCY for the PATENT F.rjl'At.lZINi; THIRTY DAY CLOCKS, a veiy itcsoal,!-nitiele r..r Caureh CB, Holds, Itauks, Counting Houses, Pai tors. ,V e. Also, .M.iiuifacliirerol' I'l.M'. (.OLD l'i:.NS. Tloeks repaired anil warranted. Clock Ti iuiinietig of every il. seriptioa. i'liiladcbhia, Jaiuiaiy pi, IMil . Dy I'l'Ti'iX S. M;VU).MLIt, rn..ii.-tir. rl 11IIS IIOTKI. iscfiitnil, 't.nv..)ii nt 1. v I'-is-soti-jor 'ms t'i nil I'lirls ,,(" (iL. ..jiv. nml in vvv v imr- ii.-ui:ir ji i .- , r i in tim cnilrtt ni.'l Hiintf ot the IjllMlU'.- juil.iic. if 'rrrins. ;'.0 per day. .S'l'ti-iiibiT 21, IMil ly ' M'liil 'mv Voi'K 'I'j pi' 1'onmfrv. HOOK. .VA ll'-sM'.',', .! AMI Otl.XA. MIC.XTAI. "It TK luivo Ihf fullest iiM.rtmi.nt uftli.. Mel iis. fnl liimls nl ' l'liiiii nnd i ii hhum-ihhI l' j.r. ihmiiii I'm tiii". li'.iu tin' lr.nsi mrtiil-. tiiiislu'cl -itli thv (rri'iiii .-t run ami m'.-iirin'V, si'ciu in j jn i li-. t 1 i in on Hunks an. 1 isiiiimtis turiii.4iv,l lilii-a!ini, Ill.-o, tlllll II I ruiNTixu im;i:s.-i:s. w'uli tlit ii' iij jxirti iiMiK is nl' all tlieain r.'vc l makers- iv o o D t y r i: uf nil tlio latwt style.', ..f all sizes Metal Furniture l.!ilnir-,Nn illtr HuleD. Cases, t'afinets. r'lllla I 111-.'. I'linlinir Ink. nr. I c ery iiiii.le liie l'lii.lei- rt-iiuirc. 'I ern..-liln-r:il. Frumpi hiieniiun. i-.1!.ikk. i.i'rn.K a o . ri.T u.'i lieikinun sireet, New mk. May iNiL- Ciollo.-li'i. gtiintlclioii (!",. rplllS t.r,i.ii-:ilii,,ii. niinle l'luiu the lust Java I t'-itVi e, i- I-, ii lii'-niii il liv iiliv-ieiaiis- as n mm. I' ll. .1- M l Ul l IHI S l!l-:'iK 'f..r (ieneral ily. liv.-i,eisia, uiel ull liilliims iis, f wim Iiae Iieen i --uipelli 1 tu lilnilnluii (lui n-i- uf eutl' e. will n-e liiis Hilhuut injnl iuiis el!eels tine ei uiiiniiis tin- streii.'ili of tm, jiuu' uf onUnary i.'utlee. l'riee 2 't cent-. K'll.l.'K'K S I.KVAIX. Tlie !.iiin.-t im,l Ii,! HAKIMi IMiWIiMIt known. f,,r niakinj li-lit. meet nml uutritiutu llreail uinl l'riee 10 cent.-. mm pi-ri unn nv M. II. Unl. Ltii K. Cheiui-t. ('rncr uf liruiul 1111, 1 t',i'.-i.ut tie. ta. 1 ti . a 11 1: 1.111 1 v, An 1 S'll.l l.v nil lri!n'ists ui,,l limeers. Alareli 1. lMiJ. Ill ill SAM', elieap, tlneo eo iei of the Cottage llible, ill two vuliuies:, wiiU euiiiinenliirieii. II. Ii MASSI'R. i lc-4'iii--.ioiis ::! I'. t )'i'ii t- !' :ui lntiili,!. I)l'PI,I?IIKr fur tlie lienelit an.l ny a wnrnin? aii'l a eautiuii to youni; men wlm FntVer fruin Nervun.- lieliilily, I'ri'iniiUire liecny, Ae. : sii,ilvin at the Maine time the mentis of Self-Cure. ISy'one wlm lins eniTil liinwelf nfiev lieinn .ut to preat ex iielise tlirimh inetlienl iiiiiositiou anil iitnu-kerv. liy eueuili u iiusl-,ai.l ii.ljresseil vmi.loiv, siiigle euuiesinny In' ll.'el of the lilllhur. NATHAN I KI. MAVI'AIU. IV,. lieilfunl, Kiii"s Co., N. V. Mnreh li. l-'!2. ly IViii M TS AXH SIIOl'S can he piirehnseil at the ininioth Store of Frilinir A (iralit. verv cheno. as vve are ilatermineil not to he nml. r.-ohi hyiinyUnlv. Call uinl learn the list of priees for vourseli es. Siiiihury, Jun. 12, lwil. FlUl.lXti A UHAXT. ICi'tuliii CtuilroiMl. 1 'MMEK A I! IIA XUJiMKX T. r OH-AT UU. Mi FINK from the Xorlh nrl Norih Wcst for Fhila.lelphiu. New York. KluiI- nil!. I'oltsville, l.ehaiiou, Alleiitown, Fusion, Ae. Trains leave lUrii.-hur lor Fliiliulelphin, Xeiv York, Keiuliiij;. 1'ottsville. anil nil luteruie.liutc Stations, nl K A. JI., ami 1 40 1'. Jf. Xew York Kxprcss leaves llan ishinu; nt 1 25 A. M , urrivin at New York at S :." the same inorniio Funs from llarrinhurg : To New York S'i till ; to 2j nnU SJ 70. llaggajje ehuekeil throiioh. Iteiuiniii?. leave Xew Y'nrk at 6 A. JI.. 12 X'oon. ami H F JI, (Filt.-hurh Kxpress). I.tavo Fhiliulel phia at H A -Ms nml a 1 j I' M. Sleeping ears in the New York Kxprcsji Truine, Uiroinrh to ami froin l'iltiliunrh without chnii "p 1'ii.ssciigcri. Ly the Cuttaw Kail HHl leave IWt lliilou nt 4.1.1 A. JI., for Fhilu. an.l all inlernicl iate Stiilions ; ami ,,i a.nt) 1. JI., fr Fhiluilelpliin, New York, ami all Way FoiuLi. 'Jriiins It'iit u Fottsvillc at 9 A. IF, ami 213 1'. JI , ft r Fliiliulelphin n. New York ; and at b M V. JI , tor Auhurn nml Fort Clinton onlv, onniinolinK for Fine lnovu ami with the Caltuwiw-u' hail Uonil Ariaecoiiiiiioiliitioii l'aenier train leave. Kcnjiio' at tl A. JI., mul returns from l'liilmlelpliia at 5 1 jf l i' All the uLovutriiim ruu daily , (-uudavj ux- et'pleil. J A Siimlny tram lmivtn Potlavillo at 7 30 ami Philadelphia at :i li P. JI. A. JI., Ooiiiuiutiitiun, Jliluano,, and Excursion Ttcktu, at reduced rates to and from all point .. . " A XICOMS, Mny 17, fitntral l?uj..iiuUuJtjit. "THEY GO FJGIIT TO THE SPOT." INSTANT RELIEF! STOP YOUR COl'lill! mil FY YOUR DHEAT1I ! PTRENO THEN YOUR VOICE! S P A L 1) I N G'S 'I IlKOVr 4'4.g'l:( "I IOH AUK 000D FOR CLERGY3IKX, GOOD FOR LFC'TURKRP, GOOD FOR PIT.LtC Sl'KAKERS, GOOD FOR MXGl'.RS, GOOD FOR COl Ml'TlVFS. (Icntlenien Curry Spsiltliiij'H 'I'liroul t'oiilVt lioiiM Ladies are delighted with NpitliliiiK'N 'i'liroul 4'uiilVt'tioiiN. Children Cry for Siiili1!iiKH 'I'lirusil 4'oiilVcltoiiM. 'They relievo n Cough instantly. They clear the Throat. They give strength and volume to the voice. They imparl n delicious aroma to the breath. They nrc delightful to the taste. They are made of simple hu bs and ennnot hnrm nny one. I ndvise every one who has n Cough or n Husky v - i, , i. .. ,..r i,. r i t. nice or a Had Hreath. or nnv diuicult v of the Throni J lo get n package of mv Thront Confections ; thev w i relieve you instantly, and you will agree with nie that '-they go right to Ihespot.'' Yon will find them very useful and plcas'int while traveling or attending, public meetings for stilling your Cough or allaying your thirst. Jf you try one package I am iafo in saying that you will ever aflcrnards consider Ihem indispcnsiblc. You w ill find them lit the Druggists and Dealers in Jledicines. Price 25 Cents. My signature Uoii each pac:d;agc. All others nre counterfeit. A Package w ill be sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of Thirty Cents. Address. HENRY C. SPALDI.VO, No. -Is Ceilar street. New Yolk. For snle at R. A. Fisher's Drug Store. Sunbury, Pa. a CURE HervousHeadache CURE Ily 111" 11-cul'lkese Tills liie i i..,ie r lli.rks of N'er runs or Si.-k llcii,li',.,i. mnv lie , r. t nteil ; ninl if tal:i li at Ike cuniiiii t.'.i nietit 1 f nn nil.i, U inilneiliat... r I i f t'i 1,111 p.iin nml siekne-si-s will l.e ,,!.; ;iiu i . 'fliev s,.,,,m jn i, n;,. il,,. N.ui-ea an, I lie 11 i:i rite Iu w lii.-li females are su s'lf jeet. 'I lf .' net .n'loiy ujuii tin biiio-ls - rt mu in Co--- ti I IU -s. l'ur Literary men. Slinlei.ts-'' l' males, nml ull ieisi.iis ot seilent.iry linl.i;-.'. tin y are viiluakle ns 11 l.nMi'.i e. iuiit'i in',- the n 'elile. ivin tu lie ami vi'ur Iu tlie ilit -ive ur"i,s. ami lesturiii,- 111, natu ral ela.lii-ilv anil . !reli'j-t( ot liie w llule s -liui . The (Til'IIAI.IC I'll.I.S are the resiili ot ioiir in Msti' nml eai.luily 1-. .to 1 11.' t .-.l e.ieritneiils'. Iim t in ill-en in use uiiir v years, .luring u Iiieii lime they have iirevi nle.l an, I leliei ,a vn.-t nuiuiiiit of jniiii an.l sutV-'rinjr from llea-laelie. whether originat ing in the nervous system or fium u ilernui-. '1 slate uf the B'ull'.ie ll. 'fhe are entirely vep-eli.! le ill their e' t.i,usiliuii. nml mnv he taken nt nil (iuiej wilh , i ". i-t .-nt'eiy. it limit innkiii;' any ehiniL-e of .liet. niiil the nli-'iiiee of nny tlisnirreeiihle tnstu remlers it easy to luliiiiiiis ter them to elulillell. I!l : W A 11 K 1 1 !' CO l' X T K 1 1 1' i: ITS! Tlie genuine hnre tive .-innt lives of Heiiiy C. ,-i.aeini;4 on eaeli Jiox. hi t,y Uruiri-'is' nml all other Dealers in .Me.Ii- cilles'. A 1S..X will he the nt Ly limit rtpared en receipt of Trice, 25 Cents. All ol'.lel's shuuhl heiehln ,1 In . SPALDING, ilar Sireet. New York. IS c. Fur sale at FlSUl'.lt'S Urui Siure. Sunt urv, l'u 1'ioni th, e halii- Fills II,' F.v..ininer. Xorfulk. Va. n-I'lish the hjeet fur whieh tin y in all its torn:.-. w ere lnaile. 1.: Cure lleiolaehc From the lienioeral. St. Chunl. Minn. If you are. or hare heeu troiihli .l with the lieiol iic he. s.-ml fur 11 x (Cephalie Fills.) so that you may have them in ease ot all attiiek. F10I11 the St. I.onls lleinuerat. 'Pie imniense ileuian.l for Cephalic Fill.- is inpi.lly From the tlii7ctte, ;pahlinjr wouhl not e he ili.l not know to liiivcn,ort. Iowa, oniiect his niiiiie with nn ossess real merit. Mr article From the Ailvertis. The t.'sthriotiv in tlo ir r. I'rnvhlcnce. 11. J favor is utri.ii. Iioin the lost le.;pe,'tahle nuailcrs From the I'aily Xc Cephalic Fills are takim. vs. Xewprrl. I!. (. the place of ull kin, Is. From the Kauai.ha Star. Va. Vc are sure Ihut pcr-ons .iil'.erinn with the In ache, wholry theui, will slick to Ihem. wi From tlie A hertiser. Froviileiiec lt, r The Cephalic Fill,- are .-ai.I In he a reinai kuhly l llective for Ihe licinllielie. ami one of the very hest f.,r thai very freuuent eomnliiint which has ever teen iliseovereil. -0- A SIN'iil.K IliiTTU: OF V i ( rjnmvi ', ffn,-n 1, I uuic uif i ui us : i SisiIi!inM lr !H I .'luo! !i:il:iii'N Ii--iiiM-l ;im NiiilliiiK,N ii-':n--t ;iui'! "WILL S.YVK TK. TIMES ITS COST A.N MA LEV. As'iils will happen, even in well regulated luinilies, it is very desiiiihlo to huvu Borne elieap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crock try. Ac. SFAI.MXtFS ntEPARKl) (iLl'E Jleets all such enierseiicics, ami no bouschohl con afford lo without it. Il is always ready and up to the slicking point. 'VSEFL'L 1-N EYEltV IIOl'SE." A llrush accoinpauics caeh liottlo. I'HIC'E 23 CENTS. Addrvsa IIFXlty C. SFALMXii, No. 48 Culiir Street, Xew York. For sale nt It. A. FISHER'S Drug Store, Suubur Xorlhuiuhuiland eounty, l'u. C A uTI 0 N! As certaiu unprincipled iersoiui arc attempting lo pnliii ofl' on the uiisuspoeling puLlie iinitatioiu of my PKEPAHF1) tiLl'E, i would caution all persons to examine before iiurehaninir, and see that the full name bPALIUNii S FKEPAltED ULl'K, u ou the outnide wrapper ; all others ar iwlndlina counter lei ik. Ma; S. ISSJ - G ROVER & BAKER'S 1'lret. Premium SEWING MACHINES FOR FAMILY I PP. AND lIiiiiiilUrlui'liiK InrpocK. With HcinmcM, Fcllert, Tueken, Corilera, Bmiteri, Ac PRICES FROM U0 UPWARDS GP.OTEP. & BAKE?. SEWING MACHINE COxMPANY, Make the I.ek or Plmlllc Stit. h Mncliinra of tho nam I.nttrn.11, and at the mimr pricesns their celebrated Dot' M.K LOCK tSITTCII MACHINES. Tliii imhc only Cornpauy ihut make" both kii.ils. there fore the only uue llial can supply all the wuatii of (lie pub lic. Parcliasers can take their choice of either Btitc with the privilege of exeliiuiping for Hie oilier. A new ilylenf Shuttle Machine runs last nml quiet, foi Veit Mnkei Tailoit, Slioc UiialcrB, Ae. At the hue Pi iee of $10. KT ULY THK DKST.A1 OnOVEIt ft nAKF.R'S.P M. Co. 7;IU Chestnut Street, Pliilmlclplun. tJr'" II. R. JIassf.ii, Sunbury, Ph., Agent lor the Jlaiiiifaeturer. December il, ISfil ly i:.ri(i. iio'ii.i,. Siiiibury , ii-tltiiinlM'i-l:iiil '., lit. ftU IS large and commodious Hotel, now managed 1 by J AMES VAND KE. is situate nt the Rail road Depot. 'orth F'ast corner of Jlarket Siniare, r-uuourv. a . , an.i at u e lerni uus 01 .no ci uoui v .v . x. ', . , .. .!,. e. I ami Jiorlhorn (.en ral Railroads, and is opentor Sunburv. Ph., and lit the terminus of the Sunbury ,fe tln iifcitintnodaliun ol' Truvi'U'M und Iho tubliu in general. The ntf.rii'lor will pivo hi fxeltiPio attention to llio eonilurt nntl (Mmveniciirr of bin jriuK nml i ileterniined Itt mitke tlii.s eHtiilili.-luiH'iit luiik auioii tlie tir.'t in tlio Stute. llin talilc will Ijo pnpj'li'l with tliebest the innrltct enn jirodiict. having the ailviintiiirc uf daily cnimnu-nii-atiini hy eaii direct from liultinmrr, nd Hlsofrnin these, bringing liruduec from tho Burruundiug country. His bar will be m M: with the iunst linitni the market enn pri'duee. Careful timl obliging Hervantpalwnyp hi uttondanec. New and e'inuiuditms itabliiig lui ju.-t been Hdk'd to tlie premise;. A !-liare of the local nnd truveltng euniinunity U nmst respeetfully wilieited. Juiihuiy, .laniuiry !- I'jI S. Z. G0TTWALS. C O M M I S S I U N M E II C II A N T Xo. 812 Sjiriiif fjitrtlen Street, I'lilttdel'hia R ) KSPF.C'n-'CI.l.Y solicits coasipii nls of all kinds uf country nrotluee, exlia fanulv Flour, Ac Hciuti loeated m the vim y eentie ol bnaiin hK, am! having a very extrusive Retail '1 tade under his own lltine dinle mtpervisiMii, he has ample facilities for obt'omng tue very ! ' Inuli-Kt inaik- prices for everj thinii he sella. j I Drreiuber -!, l-lil.--ly riMti.i: a i.vo SEWING IVEA-CIIIISIE CO-, .'i.'.s I'.liiiAliWA V. NKW Vi'l'.K. l)i.,erniti re i'irenl'iri. villi .S' I'tti't a' of llW. vill lie Mull i'n e. OFF, - FAMILY SliW i.MI MACHINF.' ill W'lXti nttaine.l 11 well estahlisheil nml I! I'attenr.i reinital inn. as hein uf all ni.iehilie yet intio- ilueril. theulu hest iola le,l lo At. I. KlM'S or I'AMII.V Si:wimi. ami hiivinpc met wilh 11 siieeess in ils s;l(. Iieyuial nor realfst antieipntiuti. inio-h so. that tur three tnuiillis our or, lets have lu-i n nheiol of our enpaeity to supply, w e woiihl now aluioum.-e that we ha e inereaseil our liianut'aelill'ili taeiliti.s. so that from this lime lurlh, we rlmll ha eliahle.l to supply eril-TS on In the ehainxes Inouht ahuul hy tlie war. tin one tiling has plnyoil 11 more inipurtalit part thnn the j "Sl'.MlMi M.w'llive.." M'ithoilt il three-fiillllhs of our suhliers wuuhl lu-,lay he elulhe-l in anything hut ".Military Cosluiue.'' All over the lam! nrmy eln thiliL; has heen the work reiplireil of our palriolic wonieii. nml nohly have they respomleil . Not eolitenl to make onlv so iniinv earnients 11s r 1 1 i r haials cuhl lieeuiuplish. they have ealle-l the "Sewing .Miiehine" I tu their nhl. Hlij hy it have lolleil out Ihe sol. lids' fells. Fants nml Sinn is. nt n rule astonishing Uf themselves. K'nuwiti that this wurk euiihl nut lun j euiilinue, ninny thoilhttlll. prmletit huii-eu j e-. were I direful to select Ihe machine ol all others, whieh 1 woiihl 1I1. Ihe heavy nrmy work, nml when iloliewilh ' that, then to he ttsivl ns their Famii.v Mai iiim:. ami in .selecting one of Ihe I'i n k 1.1: A l.Vo.N Sl'WlVO Mm him Famii.v Mmiiims." witli which you may ..' from the fun' the heaviest cloth, without chl.tlLieol fe CoMl'AW's I (..(ml,... (41 d. needle teiisiun they hm e not heen 1! i-appuinti "1 . Thus liming .l. v. !,,pe,l the lolaplal.ilily of 111 ae hi ne fur nil kimls uf w ork . we have mail'' 11 tu ",. ther cs in ...... step iu a-ivniice. nicl l,v several iinpoitant ehaiore our "No. . I M 1:1111 M Mi iiim:s. have pro.lueeil 11 "Tvll.oiiiMi M m 11 j -1:, ' which we conl'nleiillv claim I., he the "l!i:ST TAlI.'ii!i; M At TI I ? ii' y.t inllo-lllceil. sewing Ihe euaise-t linen ihleail Willi 11 lllllcli ea.-e as the common col too ami win ti ieiuiri .1 may he to ilo the very fuii.-t canihiic work, wilh I. 'il or I'ou cotton tlms eoinhinim: in one eoiupact fuiiu. ei rv ounlil v rcouiiol in either a FAMILY ( 1 It M AM FACT l' It I. Mi M AC II INK. We have luol our Machines In fore Ihe puhlic I.,n eliuch to cstliUish their reptilatiuti. llozens ot' olhers who starteil with living colors "have fallen hy the waysi.lo:" nicl soon the places that knew Ihein will know ihem no mure.'' Step hy step has the Fixkik A I.vom ilv. iiiM'. won its' way to puhlic favor; ils success is estahli.heil. nml heneetorth our ailu shall he. us it has in the past heen. to still further improve, simplify nml reiliice rtn- cost of our ma chines. A'e shall, iu 11 few ilavs, issue a new price list. For further parliculnrs luidress. F1NK1.F. .t l.YuN MiWIMi M A C 1 1 1 I". Ci 1 . . Xo a:is llroa-twiiy. New York. I -if II I!. MlSSKB, Agent, Slllihlliv. 1'a. .March St. I Mi:.'. l.tU'Uiiu 11 11 1111 iV i:iii.'liir;; t:ai!-i-oiul. OX mul lifter Xovemhcr C.'i, lSi',1. Fas-enrr Trnius will ruu ns tollo.vs : MOVI.Vtl S'Jl'JTI lit A J'liv.vetil r. a. Leave Scrnntoii, ' Kiiistoii, " itlooiushur " llupert, " Jinnvilie, Jl III.. 'lit A 12. li F ts.;;2 h. Ill !l 1.'. Arrive at Xoi thuiuherland. In. nil JlnYINii XHIITII Leavo Xoi'thiiinherlan " Jinnvilie, ' ltiipert, " Itlooiiishurrf, ' Kingston, Arrive at Scranton, 4 oil P. JI. a Hi ,'. is ;'. .'.7 S.llll l.envt '.Mill F. Jl. 1 la P. a 4n Jl. A Pnnsenger Train aho leaves Kingston nt 8..".0 A. JI.. for Scranton, to connect wilh a train for New nrk. Heturuin, leaves Sernntoii on arrival of train from New York, ut 4.1.i P. JI. The Lackawanna A lilixniishiir liailmnd connects wilh the lieliiware. I.iiekaw iinna ami Wesiern ltuil road at Scranton, for Xew York ami Aterinediiite points east. At Rupert it i-onncclsv w ith the Cnttawi-fa Itnil ron l. for points both cast ami west. At Norihiiiiilierhiml it cniiut cts with the Fliiladel phin A Erie ilailmad and Northern Central Ruil road, for points west ami south. JOIIX P. Il.SI.FY, Sap t. J. V. Wr.i i s, (ieneral Ticket Agent. April 5, 1n'i2. nl-i-iiiilloii:il llolil, Oi ami .'it!7 llroaitn-inj. Cuinerl'iaiiilinStieit, XEW YORK. rillUS first eliiFs lloiisi- the most quiet, homelike 1 and pleasant lintel in the city offers superior iudiiceiueuts to those visiting New York for business or pleasure. Il is central in its locution, und kept on the Et'iini-ttAX l'LAx, with a Sai.oii.v, whero refieshiiuiiH van he hud at nil hours, or served in their own rooms. The charges me mo derate, the rooms and iiltendance of the first order bnths. ami ull the modern conveniences attnclicd. .March 2;l, 1802. Vt Al.l. iaii:ic: Jl'ST received from Xew Y'ork a large afsoiluient of W'AI.I. PAPER, consisting of One JKmiukii AMI SlXTY-TllKT.E llll'KKllKNT Sl'V LKL AXIl Pat- tkiixs, varying iu piice from 6 cents upwards, all of which will Le sold at the lowest cash prices, at the cheap store of J Jl. EN'lJEL. Bunbury, March 22, 1S02. I'l'OY ImIoiik. I.ard. l.ard Oil. Smoked JJct f, liutter, Itiims, Sidus, Shoulders, Pork, For Sale by f'liecso. Dried Fruit. ilcaii8, Ac, Ac. WJI JI 'LAN l, Chcnut Street Wbnii' l'l,ilu,u.l,.l.;. JIareh 29, 1SU2 3mw li. ii. 4 llorney nt, SFNlilKY, PA 2 V Collections attended to iu the counties of Nor thumberland, I'niou, tiuvdor, Jleulour, Columbia and I.ycouiiug. BEFCRRNO:!. Hon. John M. Rncd, Philadelphia, A. U. Oattell A Co., ' Jlou. Win. A. Porter, " Morton MeMichacl, Esq , " E. Ketehaiu V Co., 2rlJ Pearl 6troet, Kew York. John W. Ashmoad, Attorney at Law, Mattbewa A Cox, Attorneys at Law, Sunbury, Murcb 29, 1802 Entirely Vegetable. No Alcoholic Prepa ration. DR. IIOO 1" Ii A IV U S CELEBRATED GEP.lAlT BITTEP.O, Prepared by D R.C. M. JACKSON & CO., PhiUdelnhia, T will c (Tec tu ally cure UVEU COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUN DICE, Chronic Nervous Ikbility, Diprnflcs of the Kid r.ryH, and alldiflrases onsing from a disordered Liver or tStoinach. Pueh nt Count i put ion, Inward Pilei, FhIiicbi or B)nop itte Hi ad, Aeitlilynf w fHoinneh, Naunt'H, Ilenrthurn, Diynpl I'd Pond h'ulnt'KR or Wetciit in the sUmmeli, Snir r.riirtnticiiin Sinking or Fluttentiff nl the Tit of the Slniimi li, u'lmininfi of tim Head. Hiiinetl nnd Difficult lirentlHiiK, V luUering at the Heart, CtH'kuiff or SufT'e(itinf? ffeiisationa when in n lynn porlure, JJimneM ViatuM, DnUnf wvhn before the. Hipht, Pevet nnd Dull Pnin in the Pule Hiiek, Chent. l.iml.n, Sudden Flunhei of Heal llnnnnc m tlie ricsh, t'ennunt Iiihimiiiil' ef evil, nnd pre-it DepiTMionanf Spinta, and will poittvel prevent Vetlow Fever, Hilliuus Fever, Ac. The pnMiietor in calliiitt: the attention of the public t" thiM preparation, doei an with n feeling of tlie titmopi eon fidfiirem its virtues nnd ndnptution to the disencea for whieh it is rceoinmendeil. It it nn new ami untried article, but one that btm atood the ten of a twelve yenti' trial liefore the Anieiienu ptjf. pie, mid itq rcptitHtiou and pule nre unrivalled by any nitii lar preparation extant. The tfMitnony in Mm favor ?iyen by tlie most pioininent nnd well known I'hyaieiniiR and mdivtfltinlft in all pnifa of thft t'oiintry Ik trntnene, and n en re Iu 1 perusal ot the Alumnae, published nnnutilly by the proprietor, and l be lie bad i;rati of any ot their AfZ'iits, eannot but saiinfy the iii"Bt skeptical that thin remedy is really deacrvinp the gieat eelebt it v it has obtained. KKAD THK KVIDKNCK. Itend whnt the eminent tilasa M.mnfnetnrerT .tOHN M WHITAId, aaya ot the HAlA.MH; L'OH Id Ah. Dr,. M. JaekwHi Keperted Friend; flavmu fnr n loiii; tone been aeipKiintpd with the viitues of thy Ka1fninto Conlial in Coiijjlm, Colds, liilhiinmntion ol the I.uiib. Vc, I limn freely bear testimony to ita etTieaey. For tit-vt-ral years I have never been without it in my family. It al" gives me pleaxureto state that I have lifted it Willi entire aucct'su in the treatment of Bowel Complaints. Thy fnendlv irulv, JolIN M WHITAI.T,. Fifth Mo. 17, Hare street, nlmve Ith, Flnlad'a. These medieinea are for sat by nil respertable Prnpgista nint dealt rs in niedieines in the 1'ntted States, I'auatlat, Uritish l'rm'ulenees and West Indies, at 7.r) reals per l"t tie. He eureand get the ei-nuine, wilh the Rinaturc of C. counterfeit. I'rincipal Oiiiceand Alanufacturv. lib Arch tte-t, 'hilade!ihin. Fa. September 11, 1-M. ly RHEUMATICS! DR. LELAND'S A N T I-H II E U M A T I C BAND PKllMAM'NTIA' fl'liMS RHEUMATISM! IX A LI. M S VAl.lOl S 1 A. -ute or IiillumiiiJitorv ; ('Iironie. I,um1no, Scialtea, Pleiirndviie. Ac. Stiflht's-i of tlie Joint." nnd 'ritin (iotiN, Xoural , and all ervou- Atl'et-t i"ti' Krv-ipehis. S,ilt j II liemn and iTot'uloUf l-iru.tinn d the )ny Ni'iitr.ili'e-the I m li ri L i f of tlu Hlool nnd i'luid-' j of ihe w bull- .-v-itein. mid iHf'tually entint raetini 1 .Mi'ivui ial and other ioi-..poiiy iiilluenet t It ir n eonvvtiirnt arranpe l'1'.Ir, eoutamimr n , r M eiliealeil I'ooinoiiMfl, t hr vi 11 ar-'iimt tlie L ! M ''llM"'. " waiM i'.'M AIJA l-.FITX' ri.Mi Al.l. I'Alt IS wlnrevi tlie ilirteast- mav he. It pan ni without 1 11 j u i to the ni'-st ih lu-ate lu-ra inu iioeh:ini!e in the itri i er hiil'itN 't hvitiu is re J .ined It Hj m stem, witti e3 ntireiv ieiii"Vei 'he i!tata:r irciii Uu iia ine laiwire'iia nee, nt men casi'.. nl m poWfital inteinal nirtiieiiied, whieh vak--ii add 1 1 ileitrov the eMislitiiti'ii nml eive tempiuarv re , llt-t' only )iy KtMpitvmi; tlie jy.t- in, an.l uV.-nlei: I uj; rn 0lt vitality. Hy IU9 tieatmeit. the m-ilit t- c iertle eoiilamed nt the liaiitl , hrmg ol' a hmhly Haroiiiatie aiel V'"!ati!e tiatuie ami e.ipahle heiiic lL readily ahs..rhet, HipmiuIi the piri tlie t-kiu, emne into direei. c-titaet wii n tie- Jilin d nml i-ne- m j ral e'rcu'iii ion, wil hoi it tub! h.iiii to puss tluoin;h T V the Ht-'in n-li, wiin h wouitl 1 -mi I imI only to ih iract tr an their eatative powers, lint to impair tie- in- teriinl o'l' iiih ail derange the digest n n a!to I Iiuh LJ a vonlint: the In no pais t llects, Hi otten 'he ro'ill nt in'ernal remeihe. Kind ill-ctiri a perln-t rare hv pin it yuit and eipiahinu the en ral:tti mi o( the vtfal L K ,"1 aids imU r-Bhiriiitr the pints iitieeleil to n healthy lP H-'A.NTI-.MKIil'riilAI Ai.i:.NT.r' Cahaael he-' J ij t lt the iironarv erins ol a larce uart of ihe k'iiI . hrl nern, NenraVie .. . . - - - ii r.iins ami 1( la ninaticH. nreva I I Lj lent niiil will entirely lelievu the sjsteui fi.'in Uf f PI penneioup cdV' M- (lerafr tnjes nre enrnl inn few dav and wr , , are eoustantlv tr rivtnii mi'li'Tihtrd testmi -luali) n U, whieh we invite inspertioii at our oliiee -I 1 their etfieary jn ;nj;ravaLed caesot l.aii; si. nullity PRICK TWO 1) AM, AltS May he had of Oriic- tjisin. or will le sent hy mad npoa r et-ipi o,r or . oy ex iress ever) wa' i e. ; tii-ntj iroui liie piiuciiml ' I 1 1 , . . wilh all utees.-aiy lii.-tHH- III.- ol G SMITH & C0-, Sole Proprietors, lliioA nw A , iicnr liro.iia sireet. New Yoiik. $ if Treatise, with Cerlilieil 're-.liui,,MNil.- fi A HA FTF 1 1 Tu SiH.Hll-F.S iliuii I', runt. AnitM-s ; un'cii v. F lieore r.ri'rlil. N'orlhunil. ilaml. H. Ji. JL-C..V. .March IMil!. Iv ISA't'I'llBAVS A. 4, A' tlorn-v lit l.l . Xo. li'.ll Col Fi llell mul llroatlwav. NI.W YiHlK. Will caret'ully llilrusle.l ntteml to ( lilectioiis and all other matte ikw. to iheir cal Jlnv 21, "V'lisrELviNrc 1 Al.l, WAVMj l'li:i!. New Settlement of Vineliind. .1 llEMEliY run . I .' 77.1 ;. A Itnre opportunity in the 11. -t JIarkel. mi l nmst lielighttiil nml Healthful Cliieaie iu the I'niou. Only Jhirty JHIes Suitli of I'hiliolclpliia a Railroiel ; l.t-iii r a ri. h. heavy nnd hii;hlv plodiietive w leal land : iiinonst the best in the trardetl Stale ot New .lersev. It eoiisisis ot I'M. nun in-res ',,f ,.-,. ,i h,,. .l into Fni ins of ilitlereut siI - to suit the purchusiT Irolu 'Jn acres and upwards and i- sold at the rate ..f jl a to im'ii p. r acre f.,r ftie far in land, payahli e- foui'th cash, and the balance by iiiarter-yiarly ins'al nicnts. with lognr mtercst, w'ithiu the 'term t-f li-iir Veal's. Tin: soil Rich Clay l.onin. suitable f..r i 1-. in great ut. heat, lira.-.- iu I snmlv loiini. suit I l'.'ialoes also ll dark and rieli ble for Corn. Sweet Potalocs. To- niieeo. uu Klinl f vegetables mid root crops, nml thi nnest varieties i if li nil. such as I rapes. I'enclu s. pears. Apricots. Nectarines, lilackberrics, .Melons, uudolher tillils. best ndnpled to Ihe Philadelphia mid New Yolk markets. In rc.-pcet to the soil and mps there enn he nn mistake, as isitm-s enn examine hoih. nnd none arc expected to buy before mi doing, nnd finding these sllltelitelils correct under these eirculustnue. sf unless these slateluenls w etc eorrcet. there would be no use in their being made, lt is considered Tiik Fi st I'm it Sou. in tiii: IMos. SeeI!e,'tS ot Solon RobillSon, Esq., of the Xew York Tnl, uue. and the well-known ugrieulliiri-t. William Parry, of Ciniianiii..-oii. New Jusev, which will be furnished inquirers T1IE .MARKET. Ry looking over the map the reader will perceive that it enjoys the best tnaiket in the I'nion. and has direct eoiuiuiiiiictition wilh Xew York and Philadel phia twice n day. being only thirty-two miles from the latter. Produce in this iiuirket'hi in-s douhleihe price that it dots in locutions distant Iro'iu the cities. In this ligation it can ho put into iiiniket the saine liiurning it is gathered, nnd for what the fanner sells ho gets the highest price ; whilst groceries und other articles he pure hasis. lie gets at the lowest price. Iu the West, what he sells brings him a piitunec. but f, r nuui ut- uuvs ne pays two prices. In localim; he ine seiner tins uiiiiiy oilier n.lvtintuges. Jl w ilhin a lew hours, ley railroad, ol ull the great cities ol New England and the .Middle Stales. Jle is near his old friends und associations, lie has school for bis chil dren, divine set vice, and all Ihe advantages ol civil ization, ami he is iit-ur a lure eiiy. THE CLIMATE Is delightful ; the w inters heina salubrious nnd open, whilst the summers m e no warmer thnn in the Not th. The locution is upon the line of latitude w ith in i ihciu irginia. Persons wauling a change of climate for health, would be much ben, 'tilted in Yiiu himl. 't he mild ness of the cliinute ami its bracing inlluence. makes il excellent l.,r all pulmonary iitlections. dvsp, pia, or general debility. Visitors' will notice a liitfcrcnec in a few days. Chills and fevers are unknown COXVENIENCIES AT HAND. Ruilding niaterbil is plenty. Fish and Oysters ara plentiful and cheap. Visitor must expect, however, to see a new place. WHY THE PROPERTY HAS XOT RI.EX SET TLED UEFORE. Thi question the reader naturally a-ks. It is be ciuikc it has been held iu large Irncis by families tud disposed to sell, and being without raiiioad facilities ...-j nu lew liuiut'flllf III. i ue riiiiroa.l tins pist been opened through the properly this season, for'lhu first time. Visitors are shown over the land in a carriage, fico of expense, and artorded time and opportunity for thorough investigation. Those who eoine wilh a view to settle, should bring money to secure their purcha ses, as locations are not held upon refusal. The safest thing in hard limes, where people have been thrown out of employment or business, some little meant or fniull income, is to Hurt themselves at h"iue They can buy a jitc of laud at a smiijj price. nnd can more thnn make unpf In imn.inEf it, nn I when it is done it u eerttun indepi ti h-mre nnd no los-". A few ucrra in fruit trees will iunuic it eomtot tnblo living. Tho land is put down to hard time ricea, and ull itnprovnmonti! can be mado at a cheap er rate thnn any other time. Tho wholo traet, with nil milt front on the TUil Mnd, la hcing laid out with fine and spacious avenues, with n town in tho centra five acre lota in tho town aotl ftf from $K0 to $200 ; two and a half acre lot, at to $120 to $201 ; two and a half acre lot, at from $30 to ?12(. and town lot ftO feet front by i:0 feet deep, at $100 payable one hulf caeh nnd the balanou within a venr. Jt Monty upon fnrmn of twenty acre or more that four yearV time ii given. To iManulticturera, thn town aflbrds a fine opening of the Shoe mnnufHL'turinjr, businea?. und othor arti cle, bcinff ner t'liiladelphia, una the surrounding country has a lnrge population, which atlurds a goud innrkot. This feMlement. in the cotr?e of overnl years, will be one of tho jncnf bonutiful blaces in the country, and moid aret-able for a residence. It in intended to make a Vina nnd Fruit growing country, as this culture is the most prnfilablo and tho be.t minptetj to market, r.very anvantage and con venience fur settler: will be introduced, and will itifitro the prosperity of the place. The hnrd times throughout the country will be an advantage to tho settlement, rut it compels people to report to agricul ture for a living. hurgc numbers uf people ore purehnKine, and peo ple who desire the bet location should virit the place nt once. Improved land is tdo for snle. TlMM;rt hand can be bought with or without timber. Tho timber at market valuation. The title in indisputable. Warrantee Ib-ed given, clear of nil incumbrance, when the money i paid. Hoarding convenience, tit hand. Letters promptly answered, nnd Report of Solon lioliinsr.n and Win. Tarry, went togetlier with the Ytnrluiuf litnat. fc tlonte to the land : Leave Walnut street wharf. Philadelphia, nt 0 o clock. A. M ., and 1 P. M , (unless there ,-hould be a change of hour.) fur Vin'j land. on the (llaisliuro1 und Mitlvillo Railroad. When you leave the card at Viuvlnud StaLiun. junt opened, inouire tr CHARLES K. LAN'IHS. Postmaster. Founder of the Colony, ViM:i .Nn, P. 0., Cumberland county. ,' J P. S. There i.- a chnupre of car at ilh..-buro--AUo beware of fhnrpers on the ear-- from New Voik and I'hiladelphin to iuehmd. inquiring your bitii-lo1?.-'. de.-stiiiHl.iuii. iVc. VxKVuVT or Pui.on Uoliissu. fir Tiik: Nt:v Yop.k Tllint NK. t t'ON THK VlNEI.ANIt Sl'T n . I! V K NT. Z' J- Tim follt'Tv :nc W nn rvtrnet IVotn tl.c rei I t of Solin Roliin-on. K-'i , imUMied in the Xev, V:!i Tn'mitc. in rtdereuee to Vinel.nid. VU ti.-t r- tan read tlii.-1 rejHU t with interest : A-trtittttiircx of l'tnnimx utar hme-Yi uttntt f ts irct:t itiUty Tn Ca (. iu( of Ciiijis r tfunlvone 'f tlie nm.-t extnive fVi tilo tr-ifi-:. iu an altr.o-l level i'o.-iiii n. h itI ui);d;i- e. n di'i n t'r I'lea-nn' fanning ihut we hiiovv o t!i. ot i!,e w "Mem prairie- We f nmd shiiicfI m-. !, l'aims Ht'jiaifiiily jn-t a-, i j 'I'M i-rlm-' i; a.- wlu 11 lir,-t cleared ot I'nesi iiity ut' a linn Ired vmm 11". ' The -e-.jstinn i-ol.V'i-t w.mld -""n dl.-"over tl c.'m; dt.iitilitv. Ihe hole eoniitrvi- of ?hi . and all thnmh the toil we t mi 1 1 ! areou yuhtniiee-. genera 11 y iu i In' ! i'd -"'!i'.u marl . -l;uvi;i j man v ot eal indur: in.- ot an, 'it iil sin II . of tin I erl in..-v I this niarly sul,s;ance is .s"iiltere 1 ell tl.i ill ll ery coniloilllitcil li.rui. uiel iu lh" ii'.n inosl erusily ns-iinilnli I l y sie.h till no r ilesites lo enltivnlc. .Marl, in all its fi iins. has heen us" cr ips iu l'iltlalel. tioni llic tin:-, il i , I'lllllt-' ' i.-ru'i upi.-l til,' loiiiiaus ; uiel in t' ranei' a i " : l ei n. !,, a n is c anili-'l on as a valual'le l,'-i i t nui'.iiie. lh t.e . Ul an.l earleil anl spi a.l -:.r il. '."1 I nun h more aluahle. iheo. i' in list mIoo a I roll" ly ir.iverl tht'.ai. ' lo --, 1 i'. .."it-r., .. t. V. ill he lui'lie 1 Up ...L i i C "!. ;!;:1 li.'l-,'"; the i.iiihi - use every I'll:, I;:' ir- , lie , ..." I . . ili' tic 11 s'lrj.-'tici , ur inlti'i- ill.' , :'..- ,11 in. I lie e, ;:,'. 1 w hh w m I !' i, I . . i ; .- i ' ;:! evi.ieoce of tcrliiily in tions. hai in: the .-.line least appi uralii'i's. is i a lis i's pio.iucti . uu s.. is :l V.hieh lalioli. A few Wol,!s n! i:il'l f' il' can i ,lt!e p,... l'ur first v i -1 1 w town-hip. liloice ( ii.iil miles notili J,,!- the mi p'.-e ot up Ihe timhcr i ui I',, ,Ii:- am H v. - I .-. uf-. of lii Mi :t . lo I 'I. to S -11 1 I Ii,. Cl.,,,1 J.I..1 I laiiroa'l. us well he huilt ii hraii"1 also 1 urni.-heil si ha- ho ilMllhl n. . i.-;) . k !' I':iie ntct a i" 11 miles of the I' ..;. I the null pl.'tilah'.. I ' ll u lai'.n. a i in: '11. i 11' -'. main oheet w r l I I'liat llo s t -nil l valuable 1 -i c. Ii- ii. i oil,:,- !. : Ihis he h:is no ci'.pspnoe. I ol cropping, .'lo' ho cents a hie!, w ilhoul mal ui i ,! I r inslnnee. la.-t v.-ar. tl f.ii -li.-l-. t p .t:.i.'..- ill ii.e hell Ti,!- ,.. .i-...;iie..i ;::.ii i.u.i I ' lichl. I he fo -! cl'.p was poluO phi ll,c ro..s. all ! VI. ! h 1 7 I i.u-hch. '1 ! ilin- an-l w lo-at -oh n. at:l iel-le lie stun: O.i.'h yi s, , o n lot 2, i "i 's i Tl.c f ' loll bid I ll soW :i In l.u.'kuh. !; bu-'i -i I iu... : al p'.i !- ; ii tl . 1 lh' hy, w hich ; -1 I,, lh..-,' r a--r, tiii.- llshi'S U , ! 1 h.ispi.. - girnt" ; tie spread up. turn-' I in I Mi . Y ,1s ol lh.' pr. n tlvc a , 1 1 1 v At M-hj fillli:. r. s i Iu-h"l- -.I ake-l ll W hell I . Hh, ..II I ,111 ..ft.' -pi- . I ,1:. .'1 tlllles V -i I tic I, I .Mi the lit f I I-, il U , i ictoi,- I p o :i"iu li. I I t man h 'W it iv.-i- r , tin-.d id 1 1 , -1 tr. i. er. nl li.! ..111. ,"l i. i'l, ... l.Mt l" ,f ,-: i It;' -. . 1 cm. -Vis. luaiiui'i 1 hi'.1 y.'l -.-..t lh w '...-.;i lu ! at, -.' -I e h-t. It'll l!,e in, ; sai I in l.-i i ..-ci. 1 1 ,'1 , ..ii ha.'n. t I. ill' I", v i. in'l'i s. ui -l w e v. -tr The tl tu k e -.l'-i-t cc.loliel . melons. A of l.iliin hetilis. . saii-ti.'-l lht !'! bv elt.ter. which h: patch" l.ii l not h. ' I ted I be. and Mil I' 11 Ul fe. ' "1 clove t i::l -1 tit-, i , . fi-'lll. b'f.tu- i' f.i. mi l had b. li'it:, li'tc all si Illation Ion- I'lijll to , forest. i I till' 111 t visit W I lil e Inih s li .i :!l el' the ti li nil.-, ti. Audi' h'.ir ol liie I'aillo;; I. 1111,1 jllsl al'. lll in ' laml. Jir. ."-iii,.,n ctiiinieii'-i 'l w. Yi I k her ..- than li. her. I.-a'-, upon 270 acres In le-.-he has ..t 2. I acri s cle -1 ed nod ii ' nil well enclosed und tiili lcd int., lit il I'.iM. ee.lnr rail . r pole t ,- : hit- t.iu.t a tw, '. tug. about .".ii by 4il feet, nnd a smaller le labou r-, and a stable an 1 granary ant ou'-biiihlins. Ci list li rable part of the l.itt.l vn.scl lory du.-i -e : r I 11 1 'Hie ulbt :'l-t.l ft l! i plow in '.' uu acre, nii.i on si me i t u ihe tir-i was Lin kwlieai. limed with .'al bu-he!s in p.. -a l,., ! Here. '1'his cr,.l' mav he tail ill .lulv -llh. lo''i.!h ' I j vi. hls 2n lo ."n bii-hels p-ra, rc. hant-i id in N,,,, ' ber ; when the lau l heiu r s,,w, d wi'U l,.o t s , : Pcruvi. in giiuiio ami seetbd wilhr'-e. i,!l,, j la iiiishcl- per itcivaiid .IU worth ot .-Iran. 'lhei sinofic turncii. atter Kii'mking "II n lar ;e r--wlli oak sprouts, und tires-, I n -aili with irui.uo nntl -e. ,1, to w heut. gave I J or o !u-he! -. I ))- eioii w h:, h I was threshing while vi ol' a very plump grain We wnit over the : and timothy, from si -. I -w ithoiti barlow n.g. loot were there promise nntl the s;f.lw j, v v i(rJ:i noble aioi found ,;. ,., tt l.-i-t -i'l-il'ir. ol, th, ..., ho .' IS well as .,. elt r saw i tin l.i. an I with -i In:1, i,. upon itiiv oi l i done ill the winter l,, clear o!l st tie slumps, an. I selling stakes lo mar be will be a I.I e to cut the clt-o I he '.S ! 1. ... ruiau, n; V ear wilh I L IMOIOII. I. mowing machine, nntl we will guaruM', ll-re. il' he will gi c the o t ij.los if it virriii.s t, i stimuli- Part .1' the land was l, hinted will, n i ,. ... first crop, whi.-li yieldttl I .'n hu-ii, !s p, r ,,,r,. was then limed with in hu.-h.-ls per acre, an I f r wilh wheal and ei . j n itinj . an average of und the elm er i.,,,i p ' . li hil-hels Jar hit lui. an' tttb. rpoi-lionsh.-.iebe, n p!.-,i,.,l i,, cm -i-fllstcr.ip. whieh yieldi-.l . 'Ill hu-lo-ls ..f v.-llow Mi- corn, an I lln 'second ciop 4n bushel-, aid the to I '! f'""l I in lb-. ,,i,,. we are sun- ,,",' j Wouhl estimate below III hu.-hel- per acre. The r.-ieler w ill recollect Ihat the wiit.r i- n, I speaking ol land p, it, . ily i,,,. ,1R,i h j K-:'.' '"'"''"' ""' " -""I mahleeondi'ion l', I Iu oiher eiis.-s, the corn crop l last war was f,. .owe.l ...I. oms t ,, season, ,.o . ,., mashed, h, will average probably 10 In in hm-hels. s-weei p,,i toes, beans, melons, and. in tact, nil gul den l egelal.l, a.- well as young pem li arid other fruit trees plum, this year, show verv plainly that this ,.g.,.',w,, tract ot land should remain so in. longer, and there now a strong probability that it win ',,,.,('. .,,r . , ll,e,spiei.. ,d' Mr. l.un.Iis. i, will be divided inl sliiull lol,. will, roads . van, I l(1 ,,,.,,, . " the surv.ivois a,,, now l,sv nt this work --iiiV-, purehasers will be r-.,nir.d i. . build n, .-.i. ,.,.i, f, ,1,1 houses, nn I uilicr fence, whh I, would l,0 , , bv w hich nieuns a gootl n,,, u. '' .i -i, i,.," , t1' j in ..ion w ill tic siini , , ............. , ,, HomeH Homes of Am, " '.yuoiieii ny gur.tcus, orchard. comtorlsol eiviliied liie ' ' lieldb an ft any one In ui any der.nigi in, nt of business desirous ot changtug lu' pu,-Uiu, who i, f, , ,, , cause desirous t f,d ..- locti.,,, ai d eh - I , , ... the ooinitry, and who mny read and Lc evt whs we have truly slated, he will do weil to g, , f for hiniselt what may be see,, wiihj,, two ..fl rido out of Phihid. Iphfa. t sOLu.S KORI VK'N 1 tl'luauj. I, l;n2 ly ll