Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 27, 1862, Image 4

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    WIT AX 1) 1 1 1 J M OR :
Snnipr Asswr.n. Hue of llie t-iirolliiifT
iiiiiisIiiiIr, tlic oilier iluy, rverivcil n sti-rini
Inut t'nim n down town frmiilr. Hoiiitii,'
lit the link's house In1 found InT lnl'iiir lur
door t'lidr:ivoiiii!f to cfl'rct with a Vi irrtidili'
liuckiti-r a twi'iily jut rent, iilmlrnu'iil intlie
I'i k'c of ii jHck of tomiitoi'H.
'Have you liny nun here, niii'nm ?''
r!'ln' n ily vus tr I'll IV und rurt "No."'
"llaM.' vou no imsbiui'l, madam C
'Nor brothers 2"
'I'l ilmps Mm linve n ton. ma'am 2"
'Well, what of it C
' I should like to know where he is."'
"Will, he isn't here."
'So 1 s c. lna'mil. 1'ray where is he i''
"In the I'nion nrmv, itlurn ;;"( V'jht to
I . ."
The Mar-hall hie-tom-il niound the runnr.
lie didn't fmtlier inteiro-ate the lady.
A ;ooi TIMNH is told of liovrrnor'l
(Hiio. whose hilior in the work of suMpr
iiiLT the ixhellion. has heen of the luartiest
and most ti lling ehinaeter.
The other day, an old lady, between fifty
nml sixty years of tiL'e, mtered the (iover
jior's olhee, and made an effort to indnee thai
i rsona.;e to eein)t her husband from the
draft. Mr. Tod looked ul her for an instant
and exclaimed :
"Why, the old gentleman is exempt, isn't
All' but he nin't tin old
led the njii ilieant ; "he'd
piilleman '."
only thirty-
In that eae," said the Lrovernor. "I can't
do :
iiivlhin:; for him. 5ut I'll tell you w hat
1 II
do: in i.i-e he's drafted, and L'ets killed
Ill niiitrv vou my-i If !''
'I'iiis seemed tosali-fy the old lady, 'and
the ai'cordiimly depiirted.
At.Tohkt mi: l,ovi;i.y. I,iviti.r not a thoii
F.iiel miles from here, are an old mall and
his son. both of whom are a little iven to
'cups," n verv unusal thinvr in the vieinilv.
by the way. A short time since it happened
they became very happy together, and after
n season of enjoyment, somelhiiiM oeiuned
to rulUe the even "catreut of iheir minds"
in other words, they uot mad at each other.
Hitter words pa-scd between them, till linal
ly. the. son, enia'j'ed. exchiimed : "Father,
you're a niisable "ol coot : T ye 'as daed, 1
wouldn't iX'i t'yr fun'ral.'? ",niv, see 'ere,
Ward." replied the old num. "you shouldn't
feel so toize me. I don't feel so tore you
Xo'.v, it' you sh'd die, I'd tend your funeral
itz pleasure !"'
"r.MM i ii." A Frenchman was beimr ter
ribly beaten by a brawny :iilor, who held
his victim to the earth while he severely
thr.v-m d him. The unfortunate fellow kept
jcll'mir out with all his miirlit, "Hurrah '. 1
say. hurrah I" but a man who was pa-Miiir
saw his predicament, and told him to cry
"cnou'di." "Knoiiuh ! enough !" shouted the
roundly be-thvLreil foreiirner. "l?y trar, at
is de word I try to think of dis several
minutes ;:one.'' The sailor li t him fret up.
when the Frenchman rubbed his hands with
delight, and c ried. "FnoiiLih ! by trar. 'tii
very mooch good word for little leilow" to
Ciirir.'s Hkap. A Stutherner .'ave a
party to a few friends, who, happening to
converse about Sambo's power of head endu
rance, the gentleman said he owned a negro
whom no one in the party could knock down
or injure by strikiiejon the head. AstroiiL'.
burly fellow laughed at the idea ; and iis
t?am, the negro, was about entering w ith the
( .indies, he stood behind the door and struck
him a powerful blow on the head,
dies f.ickeiy.l a little, but Sam pa
ly on, merely saying: "(umiiicn
of de elbows, or do lights will
I lie cau
sed 1 1 u ii't -be
be dL-;in-
Tiik .It vi :n ! i.k Ioi:. A wise father once
endeavored to teach his son the nature of an
inference. "Thus, for eainple," said lie.
"it we read that the lieluue covered the
V, hole earth, the inference is that ll.eiuhabi
t.uits lliereof were all ilrowncd. Now Naa
man, the Syrian, was commanded to wash
teyeii times in the Jordan what inference
would we ilraw from that t" "That he luu-t
liave been jilagmd dirty !" was tile ueco
cious: one's answ er.
Tr.x.xx and Illinois farmer were siieak-
iug of raising corn, etc., and the Illinois man
was boasting of the superior yield of prairie
land, and idling lnrge stories', us all Western
men can do, to which the Tc.vm replied:
Fll tell you what, stranger, they make largo
corn in your clearing, but it ain't a circum
stance to what we raise on the Colorado
bottoms. Why. the corn there averages
thirty lid in height, w il h twill e cars to a
Halk. and a gourd full of shelled torn at the
lop I"
"Tins animal," said an itinerant show
Juan, "i-: the i' Afiican hyena, iiiea-iuing
fi.urlei n fi i t from the tip of his u-l- to the
end of his tail, and the -alne distance back
again, making in all twenty-eight feet. He
cries in the wood in the night scas.ui like a
human being di-trc-s and (hen devours all
that come to his a--i-tata e a sad instance
if the depravity of human nature.
A toit.iiiKit u ritiii": uliunt t'linil. sn s : "Wt
pet :i .-ul.-tiniii' fur miiiji l alleil . re ml vi l'o'S. It lui.ks ti ;j;,ii tl,.:ll li Ut- tl lio;
J.llliJ of ttil.urt'O ill sli;i,f tin. Miliility, ('tiili-liosi-i.l
ill pnrt nf mt.ltucs, tiiii.iii:., I.e;ins, e;,r
lic, Jiiiisley. I'ltlTiitls, iV(... 1 nekii.iwleilot'
itiliiijr two lur;.'!' tin pliites full, mnl 1 run
l:i.V speal; tlic lirl'liitili luiiriiiyc villi ll n-
"Ann ii:,'' tiskeil tin iiiili iit sniiin i.f u jin t
ly L'it l, tl.) ymi Idvi: yniir iin t lu r "Kli.
in. leeil I ilo :-' tllr'tuisuir. "Wrll. tlli'll.
viii vnu jrivt v u fur lu r Kikr .'" tlx
Iom r itski il. "Nil, .liilm, I r:in't tin tlitil :
Lilt yen may kiss i,R. ',,r ,iUr unitLrrV sake," tile Vnlillo; lliall ilitl.
'('iimi-, sonny, r, t uji," sal. I an in.luliri nt
fatl.t r ti Lis sun tin-ntlu r iiit'iiiiiiL'. ' ',t -lai
nil.t r t lie tally Lirtl citi In s thr vm.ihi."
"Wlnit i'i) 1 care fur worms replied tin
ytiitnp; lripefiil, 'jnotlnr Won't let luc ton
As nil instance of wliat ran br dime l.y
tint yonti'.; ladies of tlic country, now, win ii
the yotino; men are oil' I1l;Iii titt'l lie liittlcs of
fit cdnni, it is noticed that Uo-e, the dauoliter
of Hull, of Klliti, Wisconsin, whoso lirother
lias t;onu to the war, mounted her father's
ri aper and took the reins, ut the colnineiiee
lieiit of the cullino; season, nnd Mniin:,'cd
the team tliroiinh the entire harvi -t. ho
i ver shall he so fortunate, as tc pluck th it
l;, will serine n treasuri'.
J III A FT Jil'iJMl. Small l.(iy No. 1.
f'.tms uiulln r .s.ivs your iltulV nlint liis liuiisf
nil up mnl lives iltnvn ci lliir. mi's to ltvtruil
to l.i' awuy, 1'i.r ft-tir Itt'll lutvi' to pi us tisnl
dirr.'' Stnull I'ny No. 2. "No, hit liuin't
iiiitlicr. lie's only shut all tli win. lows tii
'on Rcciiunt nf tlio ilrnrt,' he tiys. So thrtf,
now !'' Suiiill licy No. 1 ri'tiivs to n j"r. t
'( oriK i viTsiuu'' lo mother.
(lie f i -lilli'iiinn who keeps il -lino -sliop
vii ii ; r I lieiiilw ill rt tni ti tiie it i 1 1 in -I i it
Mhi. It lie liorniwul r.fa yimi; In ly with im
ivrry h'tiulli', ho willluarot boiuetliintf in
ltd u.H unitize,
Ottr nf the roiriiiiing tents in Huston has
tlii.-. motto : "C'oinu ia out of the draft !"
Kevcr fear a lio&ster, for hii ftrenjth
cnl in th aoiie he make.
p enm
- aipji.i
I Mill.
f e lurk IJn-.
Tin- c.mii-:n ani ammov and imiilaiiEL-
I'll I A AM' Tl! EN TON It. K. CO. I.lXi:-.
From I'iif-iffpiii' lo Aw Ytirl ami ll'.y 1'liicc.
IniM Walnut utrrrt V'mrf it ml AVwtr'""
Jliynt. Ii'ill lr,ire a . JhlloliK, il i I' AUK.
At A. M.. tin I'niiiili'ii nml AiiiIkiv, (C. niirt
A . t $2 25
A I II A .M.. vin I'liiiidoiiiindJcrtcy City, X. J.,
Ai'i'iiiiiiitinliiti"ii. 2 2.t
At HI A. M.. v in Kensington mill Jersey City,
(M..minn .Miiil.) , 3 00
At U'J I'. .M . viiiCiumhii fut'l Aiiibuy, (Ac
commodation.) 2 2.i
At 2 IV M.. via Camden niul Anibny. (C. mid
A. Exiles-.) -I 00
At I I'. M . via Camden mal Jersey Cily,
( I ; voiiiTtii Exprc-s.) 3 OH
Al I 1". .M . lin t'miiileii liiul Jersey Cily,
tS n.l Class Ticket.) 2 2."'
Al 1 P.M.. viii Kensington and Jersey Citv,
(Lenin.: Mail.! .'1 00
Al 12 P. ,M.. iin Kensington and Jersey City,
(Southern Mail.) ' 3 00
At .' P. M.. via Camden And Ainl.ny. (Aecniu-
l lili-tii. freight and ras.-ci.gcr, l'iit
Clii" Ti. lo t. 2 2.".
Second i.'h.-- Ticket. 1 .'"I
'J Hi P. M. I.:nc run ilaily. (Sninl n v ( xe I'led . )
Tin- 2 P. .VI.. S.iiltein Mini, runs .Only.
l ..r V ;. ! line. Strnn.M.iirir. Scranli.n. Willies-
! kiiri'. Mniiiii..-. lii-ent i;-til. Ae.. nt 7-10 A.M..
tVnin Kri'-iiiLMnn, via iKhiuaii-. liai-kaiMiia.n in..)
V,-!irn l:.'.ili...i..
l ,.i- Mam-li ('lunik. AHint..n. P.i tlili liian. Pi-lvi-i'..ii'.
liMsinn. I .ii tnl 'i (villi I'Tiiuiiiirlfiii. Ai'.. nt 7-10
A. M.. Ii Kin.-iiuii.ii Iti'i'iil, ami nt 2 P. M
IVoiii W 31 1 ii nt stifil limf.
rilie 7-IH A. M. Line I'liiiiin Is Willi Tniiulunviii
laislnn fur .Miiiii'li Chunk. Hi " '' P. M.)
P.i' M.. mil Ui.llv. ul ii A. .M.. 2 mnl I P. M.
l'li'l'iui'luihl, ni 'I A. M . mnl 2 P. M.
l',.r Pri.M. Tii-ntun. Ac. nt 7-tHnn.l 0! A. M. mnl
.1. i!-:iit mi. I 1' P. M. IV Kiii-iiigt'in, mnl ul
P. M. In. in i alniil MiTii w hurl.
l'..r l!ii-l.. mnl iiiliinii'iliiU' Slutiiiiw. nt 11 A M
(v.. in l.-n-ini"ii I'.i.ot.
l-'or Piilti'vru. Ilivi'itun. Ittltinon. llrvi'i-lv. 15ur-
liiiirli'ii. l'loKiirt.. IJui'dtuU'WH, Ac, nt K". 1.1, i
mnl a; P. M.
St.. ..nil... ul Tniili n, f'T r..'r.Uii1..Mn mnl intrnni'
.linte i.ili..lis. ul L' P. Al.. fpmi Wii!inil -t. huvf
s I .ir .l'H lul'K. mnl Nuv I. Hies leaving Kiil-
iini;ii'ii Iti'i'iil. tuke the Curs mi l ilih .-treet. nlmv
i.linit. hi'.ll'iia hnlir liiiin'o iir':irliiri'. Tin i'n rs
rim ii.tu (lie 1'iii'it. niul uti the univul of eneli Train
1 run ttu' l't n-.t.
! I'mv P.MH..1-I nf J'u:i''c only, iilli.wi'.l rn.-h
i l.u-iiiLri'r. P:i-.-liiiT tire eri'hihitr.l t'r. -in Ink
I mil tiling ns luiifirmrc l.ut their ivem iii'.' uiii.urrl. All
' I..IL'' II1IT finv imiiinls t.l hi' l.lli.l f..r e.t rn . The
l'..ini.:iiiy limit tlu-ir ri'si'.in-il.ility .r l-u
I 'ne P.-lhir .i r iimniil. iim. mil iiul hi' li.-ihli f.r any
mai.'Ullt l.l'V.'lia H'll. e'.'i.l hv si l:.l .'..lilnii't.
IV.M. II. I. ATZ.MKli. Ayent.
Munli 2'.l. lSii2.
ill. 14 US1EI 1 MlXii.
il. nil. ir I'i'-i i.'Hiillv iiil'.irni'. hi?. iiM friiii.l
1 iimi the Mil li
tiu'l'ully Unit he hue cuiiaiiiiieeil
p.i.AC'KSMrniiXii r.rsixKs?!,
in the shnji ntlin-lii'-l to l:.. V. Priirlil k l'.itin.lry. un.l
i- p-i'iiur.'.! In il. nil kitnN of llliu ii.-uiitliin. ill lliu
ir-l -lyle mi.! iv..ikniiiii-hii.
All lUlulil ivelk ivi'.l hi' ) littiinlr.l In.
J. il. ZIMMllli.MAN. Ag.ut.
Siinkiiry. Ajiil 21, 1-iI2. If
A laily Semi-weekly mnl Wcvkly Xew papiT.
o t'i:iji-oiiii- r Sv
'1 i';iiliii-s.
J'e' tllC Uh'wit tlml he 'll.
This well-known j.. urn. il i-i now in the sixly-fir-t
year of it" exi-li'tiee. It hns iilivay-i lu-cii n li-inlin
juiirnul of the city. Liking pnrt in nil the ili-cu-Moes
ofthe iluy. mi. I ulterinn; its scnlinniUs with cutniur.
fiiirlcs-iii'ss mnl inilepiiiilcnee Freeilum ln.w nn.l
Furever. hns l.een niul will cuiitiiitie to bo its lnutto.
The Prineiplrs l.y which il is .l ure :
A Strict Conslriictiun of tlic Coiistituiiuu.
Knuiiuiiiy in lioverninetit,
Xo Pulilicnl Juhherv.
Holiest Men fur (Voice.
T he Suppression ..f the Slave l'oivcr, mnl Free Speech,
nn.l the prosecuiiuii of thu ivur u'uin-t trenson until
. the lu-i ri Ijd tui'i hut! ilmvn his iirtus.
Pat the Fvcniii Po-t. while it is fearless in the
! cvpri ion of its opinions, aims chiiily nt h.-iui: it
! l'uu'I iiewsii.iper. It ii ill contain lull ni cuuiiis of all
the iiitcri-f-iiitij ocurriiices nf I In iluy. catl.i uciiig
1-t. A Complete lli-.lury of the t'nr.
il. Political ltcpor! i.f Meetiii!;?.
Sji.-cclic- mnl Pl-o.'.'c.lile.' of I.i'4il.ilic Po.lics.
11.1. The laiti-t .Market.-. Commercial liilclligciicc
l'.ep .rts mnl l.i-is of Price.
lih. l iuoi'i: i -N i: s. A.lvices l.y the foreiim
sti ataer-. tetter- from lair own c-.n-c-poinlents. mnl
elr.n-t- lr.-ai Knli-li mal tran-lutiuiic lruin
llll jnUl'lKl!-.
;.ih. .Mi- 'i lluiicoti-l'einlinj, I'.jctrv. li.jukr.evicws
Tales. Aneclotis ami lios-ip.
In -hurt, it L- the ilc-inol the editors to make the
Pi uniiej Po-t .
Tin: i;it xi:vvsPAri:i:s ix the cuvxtiiv
l uiii- ..f luli-.r mnl no cpea-u in y will he
-pan .1 lo li 'i oliipli-h this ctnl.
. the Paily l-;viiiin'i J 't.-t cir.'alnte. more large
ly, pel Lap-., than any oilier cily journal iinion lucr
.i. ml-. c.i;i ts. Lroker-. laiiyers. iiimiu-I'.nii.le-
mnl l..i.-ii,. -- lucii ujeiii lally. il ha- iiImuis
1 n t II a lin.-t elir'.l.le u ! liii-iiii; nic liutu. lli.l -i 1 1 ee
tlm l a i' il- l iuiilalioa has I 'ml aioli-ly in. i- a-i .1.
whi. Ii tarn ..IV.-r- o i l i i i il'. in.'ia-'l.. I In -. i I...
'I he s.ini-W ci kly J-! . 1 1 i 1 1 P..-I. pnhli-hcl i . ru
larly on '1 uc-lays ami Fri.lay-. coiilain.- all the r. a.l
il.l.' mailer of the Ouily KvcuiiiL; Post, un.l the lute-V
in n s. l.y Icleruphi 11(1 to the hour ol pul.
1 ie.'i l i -li .
'i he Weekly Fvctiing l'..-t. y.u 1 .1 i-lie.l every Tlmr--iluy.
i-cilile.l w ilh e-pceial ri to the wnnt.- of
country rcailcrs. nn.l l.c.-i.lcs nil tin- iirlieksef i ne
ral interc-t pulili-heil in the l'aily Kveniu P..-I.
eol.ljiil.-il Cotnl.ietc ilie-t uf Ihc news of Ihcilav.
mnl mi Airii.-allurnl Column, ili'votcl to Ihc iiit. j.l J
in. a in-'i i. i'n.n of furuicrs. Il coiilums loriy h.n
lumi;.- "1 rcaililt inaltcr clciy Week, luakiii it. ,
't'ri-iiiis :
Mil V ri l'.MMI I'OST
SilU'li' C. py. one yeur. ill hdlltlico
'1 alee I '...i, i.t n il nn-'f,
io:lo I'opv. 1 1 r mouth.
$i (.0
SI Mi-lt 111 KI.V IVIMMl I'I. ST
.- l'ul.ii.-hed every Tue.-.lny un.l f ridfiy.
Mn'l.' f.i y. (.ti.' yeur. in ndi uiit'c, on
'I'm.. I'. .pit-, " I. il
l'u c epics, no
Tell Copies, ' ' "U t"l
i rrm.Y i vr.viMi 1'f.sT
I- 1 1 nl.l i.-ht'.l cmt.v Tinui-iluy.
Sinole Copy, one yeur, in ii'dwitn'e, S2 Oil
'I lllee Copies .' il
I'm Copies ' " h lui'opieS. ' till
T'llellly Copies. 0) no
Any larger ut Ihe rule of SI per yrnr.
r-ul.-.i iptimis inuy ciiiiimeucu ut liny lime. I'ny
nl ii v in n. un.'c. Any per.-oti seiulinj; us twenty
or n:.. re -lll.-iiil.ers will hi. entitled to .ill evtril copy
lor hi- sen iet-: or for ten h.Hiiill reeeit'c
ii copy f. r six months. W hen n elul. of
lei- I.e. Il loruiirded. u.l.lili. l,.- limy I.e Inu.le lo il ell
tin- mine term-. It i- tu-t n.'et .--i.ry thnl tlic intiu
l.ers ot' It eliih should receive their p.lp.iS lit llie
-an.e l'ot ntliec. 1'ateii -iil..-eriher's liiinic ii prilitnl
on hi- pup. r. i It-rgyiueu ure mpplicd ut the lolloiv
ii M.? :
I'.iily. p. r milium fil t"i
t-.-ini-W cehly. per nmiitm ' im
M eelily. per tllillUlll till
Money may l.c I'oru uriled ill our ri-k. Specimen
copies Hill be tent free lo nil it ho desire it.
1VM. C. lil'.YAVr A CO .
I'rrn k i r i ii i: Kvrstr: P..t.
II Xii-.iu Mrect, corner Libert v, New Vork.
June L'-.. Im'iJ.
iitiiiii-iiiiii .v
1'I.NNs l.VAM V 11. II. I II.
ISli. llie limn nt
llllll II I'I IT Moll.lllV. Mliv .'Hll
rlliiiiiiliiTliiinl jstutii.ii mil l,0 ua lWlluu :
I'lll'l . tl.1',1 II. 111.,
Mail, 4.1 SJ . in.
I.kavi: Kastw Aim.
l'vpress. i. lij p. ui ,
.Mail, u. ui.
Sli'i.ii.j Curs nn Nielli Tin ins, lu.ili nays, liilwoin
Williiiiii-).nrt mnl nn.l tm ihe 1'. nn,. lianiH
ltailri.ini hi tuetu llarri-l.uiu un.l I'liilaili lpllia.
i'u Mail Train iu li-.lli iluii lit.iis a CAH llfilCS
Tlllilli.ll vin I'i i.i.- It iiniii Itailnia.l. witliuut belttciu 1' I .hiu iimi I.m k ilnvt n.
SAM I Ul, A. III. Al K,
.Mny .".1, I MIS. tiui'l Kiisteru liiiUiun.
AlloriK-.v nml Cuiiuailiir ul Ijtu'.
Olliee. Market street, 2 est of Vejiut,
I ''I- HtL'lliI proinptley to tlm ct.lleelinu of elnilllk
y ii. nil ut her ir.ii'ii-iiiiiul bu-iinaw mUusle.l lo
ui-earo in .Miritiuuiiicrliiua uuJ wjuiuuiit counties
TMiuijury, Jlny 3, ImJJ.
Ml.01IO .Ilil.KU,
I A I'"""'!!' "I I jiv, Sunbury, Nurthuaiber
2. Im" I I'nuuiy, l'l'iiiuvltunia.
(l uitut ily JrruvlmrK, fiiviler rounty.)
HI 1 11 I., .Maiki'l 1111101, oue ilnor east of Friling
u v....... . .....if, nun ueuii)'oiioMie llie Li.urwinusi..
A" I'n.iesMuual blleluvts, Cullcclluus, Ac . Will IB
ceit i inuipt attention.
I April 12,
nAVE you a couam
Thin tiro JAYXK'8 F.XPKCTORAXT. Po not
nllnw J-nur colli to tuko ltd own coumci. Two tlnnln
of I he vietinn nf rniisiiinntinn one thoir iiflliitiimn Ii)
Iho riitnl iniiiMikc ut lkvmtuitr fur n cuuigli to Ct't ncu
nf itsi'll'.'' Jin mil full Inlo lliin errur. luit nvml
ymtm'lf nt once of n romnly nhiih thirty yor'
i'.Xieriiiieo Inn tluinuiiKtrntcil ii certain M irucm
pjieeily curp.
Then ufo JAYN1C M KXPKCT01I AXT, wlilili will
overennio the ppiifiinnilio enntrnclion nt tho vvnni
tnliin, mnl 1'nii'e thi m In ciirt the mucin. a or mutter
nhii'h fliigs tliiin up. nn.l liv mi emy mnl free cxiuo
torution riinnvr nil ilillieulty of hriiithmi?.
Then tic .1 A V X 10 S l'.X PICCTl lit AXT. Thi. vvi.h.-
(ii.riiiil iliseiiMi vliirii mny iri'iiernlly he ili'irrihcil im
mi intlmniiluin nf the nne skin which lim-s the iiisi.le
i.f tlieniii'l tu'ii'!. or nir v i-.-i-li. vnreiuliim
I'vuv lmrt nf the lun-rf. i.lii-n luken lur I'lUiunii.-
tii.n. 'The KMK'i'turmit fiili.lui' tliisi iiithiniiilii.u.
ri'lii vi's the ntli'inlini- ei'ULrh. nuin, nn.l ilili'u-ultv of
l.retiihiiar. nn.l il Iheeiee is nut i.f ton li.nir lun.liiiLf
will eerliiinly iirnluri' h euro.
Then use .1 A V X ft S KXPKCTull AX.V. Il el. nn
si'S the luli."i In. la nil imhiliti'' innttiTS. while nt t ho
?:iiiie lilut il hei'l-i mnl in iuriiU'ii tliiin. (f nil the
riiiii'ilii'i iihi.-h luiie lu'en olVrreil to the jiuhlic t..r
this ilreii.l ilicn.-e. lmne have sinml tho lest of time or
umiiilmm-.l n nail ii-iil n I'lii.ulnrity in thii" V. to-
runt. 'Ih'.iHmnlr. iiho liuve heeugiiiii up hy llii-ir
phy-ii'imis ns in.'iirnhle have linen ri'stnreil to perfiet
health l.y it h u-e, nn.l tlu-ir tetiuuuiy laut curry
I'uui ictioii to nil who riii.l it.
Then upi'.IAV.VK'S r.XPKCTdl! AXT. Tiytiikina
t.-ikiiii; tivo or llirne lnrn;i ilnsnii in the enrl v Htnije of
the ilt-i'ii-e in nuink sucei'si..n, nn.l eoverims up
ivurinly in hint, this pri punitiiii nets ns it pinhirilif or
Mvi'iiliiiir nieiliniiR'. mnl iuhilues tlic inll. Dilution at the
Then nm .IAVXK S KXI'KCTOUAXT. There is
no rianeily iihi.-h so ctV.'.'tiuilly ovnri'onu'S Ihi-ili-iiiise
ns the Kxpi'i'torutit. linl pm-iiit can witness the
tl!I'ii iliir- of her ehil. li en from Ihis ilisll'es.-ill!X eolii
.luiiil without iloiiii- nil in her power for tluir
l'eiiii ? W lint lae.lieine po pleusunt to the tuste. or
so firtuin to j.r...iH.e iniini'ilinle luaiefit Oive it tt
trial, anil let it prove its ellieney.
11A K VOl" Clidl P?
Then use JAVXK'S KXI'KCTOUAXT. ( hil.lren
lire sul.jeni to no ili-i'iise more stiil.leii in its mtu.'ks.
nr. in the uhsenee of promjit relief, none more fiilnl
in its re-iills tlimi Croup. Piirents. Iherefiire, shonl.l
keep nt liitn.l u sure nu.l tliiir.uih. Sin-h tl
reuii'.ly mny he f..aiul in the K.Npciioiunt, urel every
eiirefui inullivr w iil keep u supply l.y her.
J A V X E'S i:. PKC'I till A XT.
Is n slninlunl lm-ilicine. For thirty vent's il hnsl.cen
In t' the'. mnl ilarin this pi-i toil its curative
...w.'rs huve Ill-en ttstitii il to l.y nil elnsi'i. of people
in nil ijiinrters of die ivorl.l. Physieimis. elerynn n.
piwyiis. ini ri'hiiiils, mnl niei-hnnies hnve expii ienei'.l
iis remi-.liul i.He.'ts. mnl iiuve furnMic.l us iih their
ti'-tiim.iiy. mnl it tuny lie foiunl nt length ill our
Ailnuinii'. to he loul irralis of nil uiiils. To tlnir
Ci.livini'ili eiiiitiiiites we w.iithl rrfrr llie ilnul'lilin;,
'The l.M'i'.i inn AM' mnl nit Or. I. .IAVNK A
S')X'. I'Aim.v .Mri.u iNKs lire sokl I y lilt liiu'i;ists
May ir. I.sil2. .". m.
ui:i;;t-s iiona:!.,
linn I Vtl.
IIK innmi?iiniiit of this wi lI-kii'.iMi lloti l l.uv
in.' he. n rcMiineil l.y .Mi is. CuM.K A Ill- Kit. 1
tin' pre.-iiit piupri.-tiir-'. In-ir lnuve ti. int.. i in the pultlie.
liuit llic huu-c is now l.eiuir Ihoroiielilv rcn.. iiic.l.
refate.I. mnl improve!, wit 1 1 n i i.-w to the propi r un.l' nco..nitn..'lali..n of tln.-e who mil V ta..r
t lie c-tahli.-huiii.l with their cti-tom. (iae-ls nil!
receive ilue iitlel.tioii mnl court. --y. mnl mi cxpei-c
will l.e spaie-l that inuy eoli.lace lo imiintiiiu u
hotel in n lir.-l-clu-s slile.
Families iin.l tillers .liirin' to sojourn in Harris
l.nrjT tlul'ili tlic siiiiimi r month-, will timl i!ea-ali'
li.iar.linir inn I huge ni .l iicll-vciitilutc.l rooms nt our
ltahli-luacnt. upou Inuilcrali' terms.
.(.' iTT CHVI.F
Mun li 20. 1si'i2. .1. 01 1,1:1 1; I' II Kit P,
JAM E S B A 11 L E 11 ' S
S. F.. Corner Sccmul nnd Chestnut sis.,
DAY Cl.lirliS. a very iVsnulilc urlitic lor li.ui til
es, Hol.ii. Itunkn, I'oiiiitiiic l!..iist'R, IVotori.. c.
Also. .Maiiufiicliirrr of I IM'. lilll.D PK.NS.
ti.wks ri'.:nri'il amt wairaiilml.
Clock 'I'i iiiiiin.ius el every iI.-rci iption.
Plnlutlclpliiu, Juutiai y I'.l, 1-lil. ,')
"Till: I'.MO..'
I'PT'iN S. NKWCi'.Ml.l!. Proprietor,
f llll IS IP i'i i:i. isccntr.'il. c. nveaieiit by P:i-.-,.ti-i r
1 Cars to all p :u is of tlic city, uud in every p ir-lit-ulur
ailapted to tlic mid wants of the
bu-iiic." public.
; f Terms. Jl ".il per day.
September 2, I-..1 ly "
Iiilc's -v 1 oi'K f I'oniKlry.
uuoK, M:yyi'.i'i:n. Sou axd oj:aa.
.V.A 7.1.
V. !i;tvf tli- fnl!. A i!-.rlni ol' ho imwt ful
ki'nU "t IMiiin mi l 'i ihuik nt:il 'J' . iti.-nni-
I tiolii ihe tuo-t .iiirnhlc iiiet.'i!-.'t cute Ulel U' t'iil.'i. v. .-et'lllinu
t'u.i-hed wiih
the -r
p.iiect ju.-li-
.sp. eituetl li
plieutioll. lll.-o
..lx- und c. furui.-htd upon up-
i'Kl.NTl.Nii ri;i:Hi:s.
uiih Iheir nppiuiiiKiii. es ..l ull ihe iipprtu cd milkers.
wiiou i' v r i ;
of nil' Ihe lull si styles, i.f nil sizes. Mi tnl I'uii.itiire'or-.S;i iie ltiiles. I'n-es. I'uhincN. l-'iiriiii ure,
I'i i lit i ii Ink. mid eiiry uiii.-le the I'rii.ter rc.juitcs.
U'erUie libel ul. rr'.ll'pt II ' 1 1 II it'll .
i .KMi.ii. l.rm.r o ..
f.'' nt.d lij tltekliutu i-tlcct. C! Volk.
Muv :t. ii'.:'
iallui'l.'i. f:inl lion 4'ollrr.
riltls prepiirniiioit. u u-lii Iti-in the I.. -t Juvu
I Coll', e. i- I inn el. led l.y ph iei;:lis 11- II -upc-
i '''
M Uti I I'H .- III.V LliAiiK 1- r lient iul 1'.
I'y . I .1 -1 " p i ii . ii let ill I ! i! 1 1 on- I o-onli r.. 1 11..11 -:i lul-
11 1." 1 Inll'e been Colli pell i .1 It, nl'.'l ll'l'.ll I lit U-c f.f
Collet', lliilu-e this llilhollt I ious etleet'.. I'lle
fun cotiluin- the .-tltiiL'.h of tviu of tiilillliiy
C'iiee. i'liec -j ciiit.-.
Kul.l.'iCK'.-! i.i:vaix.
The pur.-t mid l-t I! AKIXii l'n l':l! known, f.r
n.ukilit; lijlit. sweet ur.d liulritielis lieit'l uud Cuke.
1 lice 1 J cents.
1IASI l'M'Tli.t:l 11 V
M II. Iviil.l.ncK, Chcmi-t,
Corner of I'l-mul nnd Che nut Streets,
I II 1 1 A I' I I. I'll I A .
And sold bv nil lrui.-lii and tlrocers.
March 1.' I-i:.'.
IV il! SAl.i:. cheap, three epics of the Cultuge
l.ihle, ill two Voitilues, llilh eoliilii.iitm ies.
II. II. MA.-.-Kll.
'I'llf Culll't-SifiollH lllltl l'.M'l i ik'- of
III. llltillKl.
W.ISUn f. r the bcncf.t mi l us n wiirnino;
1 n e:i 11 1 i. 'D to vi uli men who slitter tn.ui
N erl oil- Il.i-ili! v. I 'ri in u t lire 1 lee'l v. .Ve. ; slllpl 1 iti
nt Ihc siiluc liuie the iiteiins of eU-Cure. lly one
11 ho Im- cure I hiin-tif nlier beinj; put lo oreut cx- throlioh lue.lieul iuiH...ition und iillnekery.
ly en. losing n po.-t-puid liivtlope, single
C'-iiea may be hud of ihe nulhor.
.ATHAXIi:i, .MAVl'AII!. Lmi .
llcdfoid, Kin-- C..., .S. V.
March 1.".. Wi2. ly
I i'i"'
1 M
.rent r
run l.e piirt'lui.-i-.l at llie
rilinir .i tin. nt. t-rv t'lu-tit.
Itllllllllll ,S(
I'ull nii'l li-iiiii llie li-t i.l' l-ri.'i-s li-r vuiir.-i'lv
Siii.l.uiy. Jan. 1J, Im'.I. 1TUI.1NU .1 lillANT.
ICeii.liu' ISailrosial.
1 m.v;i si .' .' .i .Yt ;i:m i: r.
HKAT THI NK LINK from llio
N'.irlli un.l
N'..rlli-Ve-t I'.ir I'liiU'l'-lpliiii. N't Vurk.
lli. I'nttsl ille, I, i, Alli'iiti.wn. I-.ii-li.ii, Ai'.
Trains lenvo ilnrrisl.iirt; l'..r l'liilii.i'l.liiu, ew
Ynrk, Ui-a.liii. rott-tille. un.l nil liiteiiiie.liale
Stations, ul s A -M . un.l I -lo I. M.
New York Kxpress leaves ll:.n i-l.iir' al 1 25 A. M.,
urriviii ut Mew York ul h 2-' the same iniiriiiu.
Fares I'liitu lliiiii-l.ui : To New York j ml ; to
rbiliiilell'liiil SfJ 2i und i'i 7U. liiiirao elieekej
I'.eiuniiiij;. lenvc Jos lork nl 0 A. M .. li Mts.n,
anil 8 P M. ( I'iltrtnirh l.nuo l'liiludel.
pl.ia at S A Ms and 3 15 1' M.
rilet niui; curs in .ho New York Express Trains,
Ibr.-uli loaml fit. in l'iiteburli Hitliout iliiniKO.
Pumviikits by the CuIIiih i-rii Hail lluail leuve l'nrt
fTintnu ut 4 45 A. M ., for I'liila. ami all interim. liutu
Stations; ami nt 3.HU P. M., lor I'biludelplua, New
Yolk, ami ull Way Points.
'lruin. I im i e I'ull. ville al 9 A. I , ami 2 15 P. M ,
fi.r l'hiladelpliiii and New York ; and at 6. .Ill P. M ,
for Auburu uud Port t'linlou only, ennneetiu for
I'inu in in e und with the I'uttuwisra Hull Komi.
Auaeeoiuiuodulii.u l''.'r train leaves heading
at A A. M , and retui us from Pbilmlelplna al i P. M.
t jr-'AIIUio abovo trains ruu daily, Uuudays cx
cepted. A Sunday train l.iaves Pollsvlllt at T.30 A. M.,
and PUiladelpliia at 3 15 P. M.
(oniuiuluttou, Mileage, Scuson, and Kxmirsiun
Tickets, at reduced rates lo and from all poiuts.
O. A NlCUhlri,
My IT, ISfij. General Suftrinseuiicnt.
S P A lFi N G'S
in uo.vr co ri:cxios
oood ron consumptives.
Ocntlemen Carry
Psilliii'M 'I'll ron I 4'n('elIoii)(.
Lmlim nro delighted with
SpaltliiiK'H 'l'liricil 'oiii'eliiiin.
Children Cry for
Spalding 'I'lironl Confection.
They relieve n Cough iti-luntly.
They deiir the Thronl.
Tin y pive strength nn.l volume to the voice.
They impart n delicious uroinii lo the hnuth.
They lire delightful to the la-te.
They nre uinde of tiniplc lierbd and cannot linrin
liny one.
T n.lvise every one who hns n Couh or n Husky
Voice or u ihnl lircath. or nny ilillieulty of the Throiit
to get n puckngo of my 'l'iin.ut Ctiifcctioiis ; they n il!
rclicveyuu instuntly. mid you Mill ngrcc ith mo
Hint "lin y Koi ight to the spot.'' You will find them
very useful nnd plcnsuiil uliilc I raveling or ntlcnding
puliiic meclings f..r stilling your Ctmh or nlliiying
your thirst. If you try one pneknge I urn afu in
saying that yen n iil ever nfterwnrds consider them
indispeii.-ilile. You w ill find them nt tho Iruc;gUtj
nnd Dculcrs in Medicine.
Prico 25 Cents.
My signature is on euch paciiknge. All others ure
A Packitge w ill be scut by mail, prepaid, on receipt
of Thirty Cents. Ad-Ires'.,
Xo. Is Cedar si reel, Xew Yolk.
Fur sale nt 11. A. Fi-ln r's Hruj; Store. Sunbury, Pa
V ( of !ln'-o rill-' the cri'lio riltiti-kvof Xcr
ir Sit-k II,-.'m1-i. Ih' il.iv v prciitnl; mnl if
t;.U" n ul tlif C"iuii: le t mi nt of mm I'ttih'k iiiiinctliatt.'
r lit'l irciii tsi Jiii'l .-icktn s-c- wil! Lc ulit;iiin il.
'l'lii-y I'iiiin l.iil in r iiicvini t lm N.iusi-n uut.1
Ili'ii hu-lu' ti v liii-li I'm i ul ii r t ! -ulijci't .
Tiny )ut jrt'iitly Um.h ihc IjuhcL-1. ri-iiiuvin Cn.
ti '1H s?.
J-'itr ljU-r:iry mi-ii. Sin-li iiN. Trl ifiiU T'!n:ilf, nn.l
nil lu'i'pniif t fii'ili i.iiiiy Inl.ii. tlit-y nr.' vtiltuililo u
a LiiMitivr, int.i.t i n l tlic iiiu uic. Hiving ("ito nA
inv lo the ili.'siivt- ur:::ii.-'. j.ihl r - - s - r i 1 1 c tlu- natu
ral eUwtiiitv iiimI -tn-tirili t.t'tln w li-.U- v-tt in.
TbW'Kr'UAhir PI U.S ro tw rv .f 1-n-; in
Vfititinn titiit I'.ir.tiilly f.ii.hi-tc-l cxj'.'i-iiiM ht-.
lut iii lii'in in n-c ninny yrfir-. Iut iii !i lime
lin y Inn i'.- t nit jh. I rt 1 i vi 'l a vat aiihiunt .f
:iiti tinil M.IiVi in' l;..iii II. ,i.l;ii In-, wil. :in r i iinat
i ii in tlif niTViiUf s.-ti iu vt lrt-ii) a (lv !ain'l tai;
ol I'll- -'"in:!i li.
'J In- .i iilircly vi rctalilf in tin ir coiiip..i;,
at.-l ii:av In-l;.k.'ii at ail lim j wiih l -att-ly.
w il In nt ina k in any !;;: i : .f .li-!. an. I tlic al-rtuc
ot any ili-:!..'i - al-U- taMc ri.ii-Ui i ta-y to a-.linini-trr
lUfin to tliil'lnn.
iiku'ap.k of ( nrNTi:un:rr '
Tl: i pnuin.' il,atl'll. of Henry
eh II 'S.
Sold l.y lllilr';i.-'. und
all i.tlur 1 'ciders in Medi-
A li. X will be
nt 1 y muil p.-epuicd tit receipt of
rricc, 25 Cents.
All orders should be ll.l.ll. -s,,l to
irEiNrrfv o. spalding,
is Ce.lur .strei', Mew ..rk.
I'..r Mile ut l'l.-'lU:!'. S Ling Stuic. Sunbury, I'u
l't. in Ihe Lxim.iiicr, Norfolk. Va.
Ce.l.ulie l'ill-net pli-h the object foflthieh thiy
Here wnde. iz. Cute lleudiiche in all its foiioa.
From Ihe lh mocrut. St. Cloud. Minn.
Tf y.ui ure. or hnve l.etiv troubled with the hend
ti. he. -i n.l tor n h,. (C phiilie 1'ills.) so thnl yuu Inuy
huvc them in c.fc ot an ntlu -k.
From Ihc St. l...iii- i, l;.-e dt lnul.-l f.-r Ct pin
lie l'illi. if r:
l-'r.itii tlif tiii.t-ti.'. linvi npurt. I "iva.
Mi-. Spiil.liinr iv.iiil.l i,.,t ri. nut'. -t lii- n.'.iiii' ivitlt nn
unit if hi tiitl in.t kii.nv t.i .i.s-i-.-.- vt-itl intiii.
1'i-i.iu llu'
Tin Ir-tiiiii.iiv in tlu-ir
r. l''t', 11. I.
tiiiur in Iii.ui
Ihc r.--j fctnl'li' .iiiitttis.
1'it.m tin- Puilv X'i'kf, tM.i rl. I!. 1.
Ci'i'liulii: Tills me tiikiii tin- jilafc i.f all
Fnmi llie Kaiuinliu f-'tar, Va.
Ve lire .-ure Ilint i..'t-.-..ii.- siillVi iii with Ihe hciul
itt'lie, wlititi-' llu-iii, will cih'k Iu tlieiii.
11.1111 the .'lveiti.-iT. l'ruvi'leiice. R. I.
The Cfjilnilie Tills nre cunt tn ho u remtirknU y
ffleelU v reineily l'nr llie lieJiiliiehe. ntnl nne nf the
very lust I.t ilnit very influent t'nuH"laint which hiw
ever I'ct u dicuvcrei.
A SINtll.i: l'.oTTI.I- ('F
f . '.-J T t . v n -
Save the Pieces!
iiilliiiuH liM'jii.i''l !' !
N3iltl!iiusi I'l l paml 4alnt'
Kiilliii's li'.itir'tl 4a I in-!
As iit'eiilt'iits will liat'pin, even in well ri'trulnled
Inuiilii'S. it i. very' to Inn e snme elitap uud
c.itivetiteid way lur ii-piti.iiii; l-'uruiiure, Toys, Croek
ery, ie.
spai-di nu $ ritKP a r.i:n (i li i:
lci U all cuiereneies, nml no liouseliobl can
uHuid to witliuut it. It is uluuys remly and
up to llie sli. kin Hjiut.
A llru-b accompanies each Uotlle.
rmci:j.j cents.
Ko. Cedar Street, New York.
For sale at R. A. FISHER'S Drug Stoic, Sunbur
Nurtbuuibcrlaud eoulily, Pa.
As Orrlain unpi ineipled persons are atteniplliiR to
I.alui i 'II' im the uiisii-ptiutinir public iuiitutious of my
'Hl.l'AKI I) libl K. I would cautiuu all persons lo
rxauiino betoru ptireba.-iiiir. and seo tlntt lliu full
uhii.o M'Al.LilNli'.S pi(Ll'.MU:i (1 1.1 E, is uu Ilia
outside wrapper ; all otucn axe swindling couutvr
feils. May S: I5i'2
First rremium
)H(iiiuiiot urine I'nrpoMPM.
With llcmmeri, Fellers, Tucker, Corderi, lluideri, 4c
Mnke the liek or Shuttle Ptitcli Mniiiiuen nf the nm
Iiatlertn. niul nt the nunie prieenn their celebrated DOC
Thin inllie imlv Conimtiy that mnkci both kind, there
fore ilie only one thai can supply all Hie want of Hie pub.
rarerifwrB can lake their choice of either Ptito
with the mivilecc of pxchiuicinc for the other.
A new styleof Sluitllc Maiinne runs fanl and quiet, fol
V oil Mukeia laiioiR, Mioe, ac.
At the hue l'licc nf 10.
CRovnn nAKK.rt's.s m. Co.
"ail Chciilliut tflteet, Plillailelphin
I "ir" H. 11. Masseii, Sunbury, Pa., Agent lor tho
Deet nihef lil.lsfil ly
( I'.M I! A I. IIOTI'.I.,
unlnirj , .rlliiiiiil'rliiiil ( o., I'll.
MIIS Inrire nnd eommotltouR Hotel, now mnnnired
bv .lA.Ml-.S VANIiVKK. insituulcnt Ihc Uuil-
road Hepot, Xorlh Fast corner of Market Siitnrc.
Sunbury. Pn.. nnd nt l!ie teriiiinus of the Sunbury A
Frie and iorlhcrn Centriil Lnilroiids. nnd is for
I lie nccinuiodatiou of Travckid uud the public ill
The proprietor will i;ive lii? exclusive attention to
the comfort uud convenience of his irncsts. nnd is
determined to make thU establishment rank mining
the fust in the State.
His table will be supplied ivilli the best the market
can produce, having the ndvuntntre of tlaily eomiuii
liitaition by curs direct from llaltiiuorc, Hiid nlso from
the-o bringing pruiluco from tho eurrouudiug
His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors tho
market can produce.
Careful nnd oblitrin;? servants always in attendance.
New nnd commodious utabliug has ju.-i becu added
to the prenii-es.
A share of the local mid traveling community is
most respectfully solicited.
Siinbiity, January 12, lStU.
Xo. 12 Spring Garden Street, Phil whlphia
1 F.SPKrTKn.I.Y s 'IiciIb cuisiennHMits nf nil kinds
V of con nil y pri'dtirf, extra lannlv I' lour, Ac.
Kcini; tocatt il in tli very rtnlri of ImsinriiR, niul having
ii vrry i-xiriiPive littail Trailt' uadt-T Ink own ininifiliaie
FupiTVini'in, he Iiiir ainplt1 ini'ililu's fur olitaiiiin llie very
luiilu hl niarkfl prn-i's tor evir Uuag lie Bt'lls.
I.itvcinutr 1.-01. - -ly
n i&i.i; cV i.vo
.'i.N Ill'.OAIiWAV, MAV VdllK.
Difrijilii-i Ciiritttn s, with t.ri:ij!i of IWri
in ti' "nit M'lll l:rie.
('l it " FAMILY SFAVlNtl MACI1INT,''
1 1 AYlXii tittaiiie.l n well e'nbli-hi .1 nnd fluttering
I I rti'titutioii. a.- beitii of all niuehiins yet intro
duced, theoiie be-t inliiptid to Ai l, KtMis or Kauii.v
Siiwim;. and h.tiintr met with it sucee-.- in its side
beyond our trrculcst atilieipuiion, ti inu.'h so. that lor
three month- oar orders have been ahead oT our
capacity to vie would n.nv nun. . mice thai we
have increased our lnnuufui-turing laeililics. so that
from thi- time forth, wc -hull he enul.lcd to supi'ly
or.ler- on iliinalid.
In the chniiees lir. .ijulit nl.out by Ihe war. no one
tiling has plnycil n more important part than the
Si:w i s ii M n him:.1 Without it three-fourths of
our soldiers would lo-dav be elolhcd in anything l.ut
Military Co.-tuine.'' All ou r the laud army clo
llitim bus been the work reiiuircd of our puiriolic
I iieiui n. tin. I have thev ri'-iuitled. .Not content
to make only so many garments us their hands could they huve called the "Sewing Machine"'
to their aid. nn.l hv il have tolled mil the soldiers'
Coats. I'ants ami Siiiiits. ul n ratu astonishing to
tht inselvcs. Knowing that this work could not long
continue, many thoughtful, prudent hoii-civivcs. were
cur. iul to select the lnu.'hine of nil others, which
would do the heavy army work, and when done with
that, then tobc used as their Family Macuim:, and
in selecting one of Ihc.
"Fi.MkLE A Lyon Si:wio Machine Comtaxy's
Family Maihims,"
with whi. h you may s. w from the finest cambric to
the heulie.-t cloth, without eliungc of feed, liectlle, or
ti n-i"ii lin y huve Ilt been disappointed
Thus huiing developed the ii'luptubility of our
liiachiue for all kind-of work, we have uiinle another
step in advance, and by .-everal iiuM.rtant changes in
our -'... Mi'.hii ii MviiiiMis.' have produced a
"Taii.i.uim; M.viiiKi:." whi.-h we cluim
to be llie I;lT TAII.iU'.IMi MACIIlNi"' yet
introdit. -ed. sewing the conr.-e-t linen thrend with as
much ease as the common coitoii tin 1 w lien rcipiired
may be u-i d to do the very tiuest enmbric work, with
l.'.iii.r 2iiiicotioii thus con. billing in one ei.inpa.i
form, ei erv iimilitv required in either n FAMILY
l.i( MA X I l'AI T I I! I Mi maciiim:.
W'c hui e hud our Muehincs before the public long
en.iiL'h to c-tubli-h ihi-ir n ptitul ion . li.-zcns of lilio stitrlcl with til ing colors "huve fallen by
the ; ' mid -'soon the places that knew .lit m
will know them no more." Slip l.y step hu.- the
1'Tvki.k A Lyon Muiiink won its" w ay to ptildie
tuior; lis success is'.l. nu.l henceforth mtr
llllll .-hull l.e, as It lias ill the pio-l l.een. to still lurtlier
iiiiproli', simplify and re.lui'e the e..-t of our lau-
huies. W c sliull. in a tew davs. i--ue a new i. nee
li.-t. For further particulars loidtc.-..
No. a'ls lirou Iwuy. New York.
t v''!l. 1J. M issr.ii, Agent, Sunbu'i v. I'u.
Ma reh 2'.l. 1'V2. '
l.ucUitn iiuii it A; ltliiiiiiliui- ICai!-
ON" nn.l lifter November 25, Irifil, rus ingiT
Trains will run us follows :
iVir A
A. M
111 ."ll A
12.15 P
li ::.i
s ::2
h tn
, in mi
Arrive at Nv.rlliiiitil.ei'liii'.d
I. cava
4-1(1 I
5 111
ft 57
S nil I.envc
I). tn) P. M.
iMii-ton, h.iui i.envc, I 4,i y.
Arrive at i
ernutoii, V illi P. .M. .1 10
A Passenger Train also leaves K illusion nl S "0
A. M.. ti ir S.'raijttin. to ciiuneet wild u train f..r
New Ynrk. Ki'tuiniuir. leaves Sernntou ouurriial
i.t' lruin fin tu New York, nl 4.1 j P. M
The'ktiwiiuuu A liliMiuisburir Kailroud connects
wiih the I't'lawure, l.nt-knw anna tin.l Western Jlail-
iid at S riiiit.iu, for New Votk uud iuterniediatu
points ea.-t.
At Itiinert it connects with the t uttiiwissa Hull-
run. I. lor H.iiils Is.lh enst nnd west.
.t .Ni.rthiiinl'frliili.l it ei.iineets wttlitlic l'liilmlel-
phia A l!ric ilailrua.l ami Nurtberu C'entrul Rail
road, fur points we.l uml soulb.
JI'II.N r. 11.M.I.V, .-Hp t.
J C. 'i:li i, liencrul Ticket Agent.
April j. Isi.j
liiloriitillomil llult-l,
' Cj q till uiii iioiiivv. Corner Franllin &trt(t,
Mollis fir-t class llnuso tbcuiost quiet, honicliko
t and pleasant lintel in the city otters superior
inducements to tbiM.0 vi.itin New York tor business
or pleasure. Jt is central tu its locution, and kept on
tho Li iiorEAS Pl ix. iu conneclinn with Tivi.nn's
Saloon, where refieshiuents can be had at all hours.
or served iu their ow n ns.ius. Tho charges uru tno
tlerute, the rooms uud ultemliuieu of lliu tirst ortlur
bntbs. and all the modern couveuieuces uttacbed.
March 29, lSf.2.
IV A 1. 1. IM I'lllt!
JUST received from New York a lnrgo assortment
i.f WALL PAPER, con.itting of One Him, hi n
TERNS, vuryintt in price from A cents upw urds, ull of
which will be sold at tho lowest rush prices, at thu
cheap store nf J. H. LNliEL.
Sunbury, March 22, L-02.
1'M istiuilN.
Lard Oil,
Smoked Reef,
For Sale by
I'ried I'ruil,
Ac . Ad.
Chcsnut Btrctt WLarf. Philadelfhia.
March 29, lstiJ. iuiw
II. II. MAN. vi: II.
Attorney nl I.n, SUNUURY, TA
f ollccliolis atlended to iu the counties of Nor
thumberland, Uuiuii, Snyder, Montour, Columbia
auil Lyooiuiug, .
nrrrniNt is.
Hon. John M. Reed, 1'hilaJelphia,
A, 11 Oatlell A Co., "
Hon. Win. A Porter,
Morton McMiebael, Esq , "
E Ketchuui i. Co., 2M1 Pearl Street, N'uw York.
John W. Ashuiuad. Attoruoy at Law, "
Matihawi A Cox, Attorneys at Law, "
Suubury, March 1S62.
Entirely Vegetable. No Alcoholic Prepa
Iin. II O O F Ii A K I
Prepared by
DR.C. M. JACKSON &. CO., Philadelphia, Pn
will clTcctunlly euro
Chronic Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kid
Leys, and nil diseases arising from a disordered
Liver or Stomncli.
Such ns Cnnntinatiou, Inieanl PileF, Tulni' or Bloop
to the Hcail, Anility of the Stoueuii,, lli'arll.urit,
llispual fol Kiwitt, FiiIiicks or Wcielit III llie stiimu.ii,
S'liui Cruclnliona ranking or Fliitleriint al the Pit of the
Si-., Mu iniminu ,.f Hie Ilea. I. Iliurieil anil Dilfieull
llrenlliuiK. Klollern.K nt (he Heart, rlioknn or rii'Dimiting
setiKilii.tis wiit'ii in a lytnn poptnre, tJiinnem ol Vikioh,
Dots of vvel.s hi-rore the Pinlit, l ev.i ami Dull Pain ill
the Slile ltarli, Chest, l.iinlis, Ac , SiuMcii Flushes of lli .it
lluriiiuc in llie I-'IcrIi. Couslaiit tinacminQS orevil.aiut
creat DepieBsintis of pitas, niul will positively ercct-iit
Tli prndfielnr in rulliitff llie nttnilinn of tin nntitir It
tins prrpnrnthm. m with h It Hutfr nf the iittnnt nm
fi.lenrem its virtue niul UilHUitiun lo the tluamci for
whifh it is rfcoinincndt'ij.
It ii n iipw nnd utitnol nrlirlr, lut nnc lint h-.n niut
tiie li-Bt of n iwrfve
n!f, nnd its rcputiiti.'ii nml f:ilp rv unnv:ilU'l lv imy umii
liir pTrpiinitnuis exrimt. The ifwtimuny m Mn f;ivur piv n
liy the m't prntTiiiiPiit nmt well knvn riiysifiiiim nn.l
iiHliVHltiikli! in nil pints nf tli country Is itniiit nt-, mnl n
rnrt'tul porumil nf the Alin:iiinc, pul-lishcil annti illy ly t)tr
propricti'iB, niul to Ik tc Imd c rut in nf tiny m ili-'ir Ai!iitH,
rninint Imt s;ittfy tli itfut kpptn:il that this reun-dy is
rcully UfScrvmp Hip un ;if peirht itv if iri niirniitil.
Rcrnlwlnt the eminent (il:it Mfiniifneinrer. J(H! M
W MITAU,, my a nf the HAI.A.MK' ' )! DI A ..
Ir.i:. M. Jtifkmiii Itcuperted Fnnul : Ihivnm I'nr
i-.m .iiii- in .i. .(ii.ii il . u n il hit- vmur- ... nil I mu it
I Cnniial in CiiUKhs. C'IiIr. Inthimtiititinii of tlic I .nuts, v.
I tlm freely hetir test iiiinny tn Ms eilicm-y. For iu'Veriil
yenrs 1 haveiit-ver heen without it in my family. It r'ls-i
pives tne pleasure tn sisite th it I hnve iiP'-il it with entire
aucccsil tn the trentiurnt nf nv'l ('nniplnmis
Tliyfiiemlly trulv, JOHN M HlTAl.T..
Fifth -Mo. 17, -:. Knee street, nlmve lih. I'liiimru.
Tltese niedieiiies are fnr sal l.y nil respeetaMe PniL-uists
mill ileal rs in inelieines in the I iiitt .l M iti s, CniiMiliis,
Hritifli I'mvulenees nml West Inilies. nt T et-nis p-r lH-t-tle.
He sure mnl get the genuine, with th siirna'iue nf C
M. J.ieksnit on Ibe wrnpp'-mf carh Iitt1e ; rill in its nre
counterfeit. Principal Oifice urn) Alaiiuf ictury . Ilh Areli
street, Philadelphia, Pn.
September H, IrGl ly
i'i:r.M.xi:N"Ti.Y crni'.s
Acutu or Iiifliuuiuiitory ; ChrtHiic. Lumban, Sciatica,
J'U'uru.lyne, Ac.
Stiflm"- ni llie .Inint- nti'l Crnni-! fiinit?, Xeurnl
'mi nn.l nil Nervntis AtVeclinn Krv.ijieljif. Salt
Jtlivuin niul STni'iilmis Krnptiuiis nf tiie lnly
Neutralize-tlic I in imrit it s it tli.i Llmx' tuxl rinifl
t the w linle sv-t tn, itti l ctlietunlly Cniuiti'rnelii.g
Mv-rcuiiiil und uthcr M.i-nti'us iullucncctf.
It ib n cn-tvctnetit nrranse KI.LT, e-mtni
aininir n L
Meiiirated I'nmp'unnl, tn .r win anntml the
ut Itiewaisl KiH AI.I.V 1 A- I IX I'I N i
PAK TS wheievel the ilistr-nse tn:
iay te. It enn lie Ty
ilelii-ate persin, CJ
rn wit)i"iit inj'itv tn the most
aim nnenaiine in me pn per nai'liR ni nvitii.' is re-
A (lm
Sj sy
(pined 11 eiitireiv ttnioves 'h itn-c.e lriii the fj
stem. With the liutae.nus use, in sueh e.ises. n m
II' .Vl'fl I tl I llltelllltl llltllieiilr'R. Wtlll-ll UCIlki'll lltiil 1 1
lestmv the cnnMitut itu ami pive tetiiprarv re
lief only hy stupiiyinu ttie st iu, iiutl ilcaueniiiu
its vitalilv. Itv thif lieattii'iit. tie iin-uieiiial it --
j perties enntaiNt'il in the lintel . heiii-,' nt n Inylily
it iir.'inatie niul v-'lalile iiatute flint eapinle nt Leinu X
entne uit
hreet enntaet with th I'I " it ami ir-atr. rT
iiiioii. wiihnut tirt havmc tn jiass thiui:h T
the st.'in.n-h, w
imtn their eurn
'iiieh wian.l temt I nnly t-nictrael
ative pitwern, luit tn impair Hi'- in- H
tenia! ii'irans tm iler.inue ttit ttiw'esli"ii aim Thus LJ
nvnnlinii the li j u 1 1 mi h eil'eets. snni'teu the retilt
internal remetlie, iwiihI t ll'-ctitn: tl perfeet enie Jy
'iirit'yine niul euualiini; the cue il itmn n the vita! L
Mil ui
L o i
lluuls and rrst'irim; the pails injected tmi linli L v iP
.,l..llM..II 'I'll IO 11 1 I U IlISM I. I.H.ut 1,,tf..ltil r
H-lA.Tl-M KKcl'lIlAL Alil'VlV' I'almn.'l he- jJ
in? the nrnnarv eiinve nt n Inri?. nart nf Hill' . .
W lU'ss, eura!i!ie Pi
lent ami will ent
'uins nml ithriiiiiaties. s.t nieva- H
aititcly relieve the 8teni fi- ui its f
piTuicmuH cllccts. V
p" M-'derate eases nre cured in n few iVn s and we
H.UK V him ;ii H i) l rrr-i miu iinu. 'u.uru iimiiii in un
til wlueh we invite m.-ipeetmn at mir nilier .
Cj their filieney in iiLi;ravaied euMnf Innj atainling
k 1
j PRICK TWO DAI.l.AltS Mail..- ha-lm lrn
r fHsI8. nr Will tie Sent t- lliall llf"ll riri'lPl nf
'tit Irian the ptmeipnl Uiee nt
G SMITH & CO-. Sole Proprietors.
4'.il IIiu.AtiiiAV, miir liri' strii-t. Nkw Vuhk. '
I Triiiti.-f, niih ft-rl i tU'.i Tfstiiin.i,i:ila, st-nt
AP.n'i:i to siuui-:i:s.
Afit'XTs Sui.'iai v. 1-i ilin-: A iiumt,
ls... Iv
rliiiul. It. li. McC..
Murrh .
i t i riii'.vi
A. 4 4.
llornei ill l,itv. No
i.i.. I lii-Madwuv. N1-:V VHHK
l.'.i'i for. rnl'. ,ii
Will (-ui ttu ! 1
all. 'ii. I to 1'nlleetioi.s iiutl nil ollitr mutter.- ii.tfiis!e.
tn their ei
Muv I'I
i ai.i. HAvrntJ iiieis.
New Settlement of Vineland-
.I i;kmi:iy run ii.u:u timi:
A Rare opp..rtiil.ily iu the Ilt-t Market, tu.d lii"-t
liilii;liiliil nnd 'Healthful ('limine iii llie Union.
Only Thirty Miles S.utli nl I) bin. i n u
ltiiilr.iti.l ; l.ein u rich, heavy m. l highly
pr,lin-ti e w heat luiii; thu bt.-t iu th.
.iar-l.-n State of New .lcr.-cy.
It c.iii.-i-i- nt 2H.IHIII in res i.f i;....t. laml. ditili- l
into I'lii'ius i.f ilitlerelit hizes to suit the purcliii-cr
fr.iiu 2') acres und upward- and i- sold at the rate i.f
51 j tn :s2ti per ncre t..r the I'm in bind, -fourlh
ca-li. and the l.nlance l.y iiiurli-r-vt arly in.-lal-u,
tuts, with legal interest, within the term of lour
I. in prrnt part, a lli.-h flay Li.ntn. suitable f.-r
Wheat, l.ra.-s nml Potato.'! ul-n a din k nnd l it'll
snn-ly liuiin. suitniile f..r f orn. Sweet IN. t;i! To
bacco, ull kinds of l eetalili-s and root crop-, and thi
nnest varieties of fruit, such as li rapes. I'ca. lies. Pears.
Apricots, Nectarines, llliicklierrics. Mi-Ions, iiii.loihtr
fruits, be.-i adapted to the l'liiludel bin und New
York iniii kets. In re-poet to the soil nnd rop- there
can be no tni-ttike. us visitors can cx.-niiiiic both, and
none lire expected to buy licli.rc so iloini;. and timliu
these, statements correct under these eirctinisinuec-.
unless these slate incuts were correct, there would be
no use iu their bein uinde. It is considered
The 1Ji:m' I'm it Soil,
Sec lli'inrls ol Solon liol.m-on. tNi., ol the New-
c Tt.-i
York Tn'ttiir, and the welt-kin.wu ariculttiri-t.
W illinni l'arrv, of Ciniiiiiniusou. New Jeiev, which
will be furnished iniiuirers.
Ry looking over the man the reader w ill perceive
thnl it t-lijos the be-t intiikct in Ihe Union, and bus
direct coiiiiiiuuicutioii wiih New- York and Philadel
phia tw ice a lny. licim; only thiriy-two uiili-s
the latter. Produce in this market brui double ihc
i.rtec that it does iu locutions di-tnut from the cities,
n this location it enn be put into iiinrket the same
uinriiiii)! it is iralbtTetl, und f.-r what the firmer sells
he (rets Ihe highest price ; whilst jrritceries and nther
nrtii-lfs he piireliuses. hit trets ul the lowest price. In
the West, w hat bo sells brings hiui a pittance, but for
what be buys be pays two pi ices. In locating; here
the settler iias many other advantages. He is w iibin
a few hours, by ruilrosil. of all the rcut cities of New
England and the Middle States. He is near bis old
friends and associations. He hns school for his chil
dren, divine service, nnd all the a.lvuutagcs of civ il
uiiiinii, aud be is near a lurgu city.
Is delightful I tho winter being salubrious and open,
hilst the summers are no warmer than in the North.
The lociitiou is upon the line of latitude with uortheru
Persons wanting a cliango of climate, for health.
Woiil.ll.omii. il bineliited in Vim bind. The mild
ness of the climate and its bracing influence, makes
it cxcetlfut lor all pulmonary atlcc tiniis. il v-pcp.-ni.
or general debility. Yi.-itors w ill notice a diuYriiicc,
iu a lew days. v. lull, and levers are unknown.
UulUling material U lcuty. Yih aud OstiTS nro
plt nlitul mul cbeti.
VUituib iuupI I'ijHX't, however, to soo new j.laoo.
WUX 71Uu ntOPKllTV HAS not been SKT-
71A.D liKl-ollK.
Tlii quest iiD tho reailcr iiaturallr h-ki. It he-
causo it I in Imtii In l-l in lariro trHc't ly fniiiilicn imt
disKrftl to mil. Hint bi'i.i' Witli-ut railrun! fncitlliti
they had few iiidueeim ni. 1 Ui rtilrutid has ju-.t
teen opened thruuh Ihc iTtierty thU fcoiut-n, lur tho
VUitorf axo hovrn over the land tn a can-lugr, frco
of exjieiii-o, and s Horded tituo end ophitiinity tr
thuroiikrh iiiviwliiratiiiu. Tlue who coine with a view
to mUle, nitould bruiK uuuiev to leouro their purchu
eij. iiKiauuiiH i r i.oi ueui uhh ri iuniii.
isi ii.t luu.g im uiitu hum--, n mi I- .' iimvo
iiiruwH oui ui t-ui in iiuui or i.umiu'ni, mho
Iitilti uifnn or emu 11 income, u to itart thtmieclvoa
hvu Xhajr eau buy a fiw:aol laudataimall pnea
ami enn more Omn mnke irtijjp in imprrrtlpi? it, nn.l
nhen it is done it is ft nrrtnin imlepeii'lri'MS nni no
1sj. A few norcs in fruit trees will insure n emnf .r
tnlilc living. The lnnd in put dnun tn li'iv-l tinm
prices, nl ull iinprtiveHient- enn hv Uiit'lcnt cheap
er rnto thnn any other time.
Thr whnto trnet, with six mileF frnnt tm the H jiil
fnBl, is boinR laid nut with fine nnd -pm-i'Mi" nvenm's ,
with town in tho centre five nere In's in tli.i lnnn
sell nt fnm Jl ")it to ?llno ; W0 nml n l.iilf ncrc let-, nt
ysil to $12i to film ; two nnd n hall' nerr Inl-. nt I'mm
to 120. nnd town lots Mi reel fr-ml hy l'""t
deep, nt $100 pnyilWe one hall en.-h mid Ihc hnlniii-o
within 0 Tnr. It is only ftnms ul twenty acnw
or tiuirr; tlml fnxir yenrs" time i.- pven.
To Alanntneturerj. tho town nlV'tnU n Tine npeniiiLj
of tho Stfip ninnul'neturiiiLf hujine-, nnd nther t!tti
cle-. heinj; near Philndeljihtn. nnd the 'Uiinuiidiii
enuntty lias u Urge iii.jiulnti'in. lik-h ullnrd- ti good
This settlement, In Ihn ofuio.f erveml yeain. w ill
he nne nf the nm-.t h.!iulil'ul ,i!..-es iu tlic eutmlry,
find nmt trr-enl.le f..r n re-I h n.e.
It in iutendfd tn n;fike n Vine mid Frtiit irrc.vii,
emiiitrv. na this enltnre the lun-i ptt!ij le nt.d tin
be-t n.inpted tn ni.nket. Kety n - ntit nnd en? -enii
n'e f.r 'tl!cr will he ii.ti Inn d. nnd uill
in-ure the .mjifrity id' llf ) lace, 'iin. hard time:
tlimuhniit the comitry will 1 e nn n lvamaf t'i tin
I settlement. n it ennipvU i' to n -.-it tn ir'ricul-
ture ft r n living.
Lnrpe nuinhi i nf onple me iiiu-'i:'in.:. vr.- ei.
ple wlmUcsiie the l-cst louati'.n hnlll vi-it thei.h.ce
ut once.
Impriived lnnd nhn f.r nale
TiMlt:it. Land enn he h-tu-jhl vi'h T wit U--i.t
tiinher. The tiinh'-rnt mnrkft niunti"t,
The title i-t ilidi'Utnhe. W.ll TUIitee 1 )e"d-L'i Veil
clear nt till ineiunhrnnee. when the m -my i paid.
ltunrding en?i enieiiees nt liainl.
lift tern immnlly ntiswered. nnd Ii T 1 nf S,,h.n
r.nhiiimin nnd Win. I'urry, m-iii tneiln-r with tli-j
I i nt lit ml tl n i .t! .
llnlite tn the hdid Lpjivm AVnlmit -irert wliinT dphin. nt V neha-k. A.M.. mid 1 V M .
(Uhh'.-f Ihej-e slmuld h u tdintiL'f nf li.ur.i I'.'V 'ii.'
land. no the (ila-M-.n. nnd ' .Mill die lliiilp.nd -
hen yntt leave the e.m nt in land M;tii!i, jn '
niAiied. iiiniiire J'.r
CilAliLIlS K L AM'I lV.:ni.i-wr.
J'.ail.d.T nl' III-' .:y.
Vlvi:r.NP. P n . (.'tiii-l. rl.ihd .".uniy. V .1
V. S. There H u ehanie nf ear- a' I i U: -1. -r ."
A No hrware nt linr" i - "ii tin; v.v tt m Nt 'v V i
and Philadelnhin t-. iii'-hind. iiejiiii ii. .jr bu-i
livii, di tiiiutiuii. Ac.
Urpnt:T uF ?'"t.nv,
Tniiit NF. fr-iN Tin. 'isi:i
I V Thi fnll'-U 11 j- nil e'r.
nt i 'u Nnv V i
am m. i n.i'Mi r.
u ll l- mi e ' I' a ' ! -T i J 1 !;" r' "i t
iin Pinliin-.iii. L-i . i ;f'l;-:i' I i:i :u .V-u :
, . 1 -;t.l;-:n
Tn'nic. in n tcieii.-r ..I iin !ai.d. Ail p- r-.t ..
rend this rtlrt with re-t :
Ail'tt Ht.l"l .f Of' i!t i'MIII'S lit ! I' i i-' . -
HinttAs Vptnl N't'f Suit, its , t I i
The of I''nti.'ifi; . ! -' "'L' C' t
P rtnitt cut Practical ICri 7.- nre.
It is csrtHinly one nf the n-d exhn-iv- i'-v, .
trnets. in tm iilimut level tn-it!"ii. tin 1 ui,' ( .;
(lit inii tor nlcn.-ant ftirm'ni' lliat . 1: ti-nv i' thi-s .
nl'the we-tem praine-J. W e t'-..nd -nine . the m !
farms nppnrenily jn-t us i-r.-Iiiahly prnditei i ;
when tirst clouted of f'Tcl iil'iy it a h.:r. In. I ji-a
The irenhiLri.-'t would -'"in di-'..ver llie e-tn-e nf tl.
cniiliniied fertility. 'J he wlmle e'-uniryi- u r,i;iri'
depi.-tit. and nil thmnirh llie ..l we l-nii 'l e i l. ii
nf cjih-arenii--iiltniiei'S. p ner.illy in the t- i :m
indurated ealc.treniH m-irl. -hiui..- innry i i -: 1 1 ,
fntin-; nt tmeh id shell-, nf I fie I ii ( in i ! rnn't i-n : ;
tlii.- nwirly Mthr-Jniiee i- -r;iit, i ..' I ); i;ij.,n'li id"
in n cry e.'ii:i.iiinit 'i I'm tn. !i;.d in ;1m i mm .
linn m.i-t e::-i!y n--imilaled l-y -u h plan
fnrmer di-ir. - t" ''u' ; -. ate
.Marl, in ail i: f-tti ha.- h.-.-n u-d i' f- ni'
ernp- iu Knu'laiet. tl 1 1 llie time it .i;',
the lii?nai - ; and ii- I'i a nee nnd mni y . u a
is eniilit '! ' a-a valua'-le h. -I . lu.iiuir.'. that
he dujl ai.d e M'' d Mid -IT' ad n, er the ti. I J. 1!
lllUeli im si f ;i!ii:i'.,I.. :t:., it I:. ii-: 'i,'. ,.!; ti ! l.
nlreadv mixed tin. ;i ;!i : a- -i i . w !i- : n. v ; :r:r
will I..-nil u d up ;::,d '-;i' se.. ii.ii I j v-t lliu. -I
the nu i . r s u-e i v rv '. ini- he -'ii - ! in' i m' :h
in- tin i.
w ill n-'t he t
v idei'.-e nt t m:
tinii-. h.ivin-j ih
h aM Jippearm ee
a- i:.- i ..h;ct; e
i I 1'iiml- "t 'lie "'; '. t;
1 . itli w.-lider a: -e. :i.r i I ai ,' a :
:i"v ii a
il u l.i -i.
r:li !:
V IK'l !'
I'.ut.d h:
mditv .
A t. w w.
I'd- t-.,- ul i!
id i-.r i'ii!
i aliuti. t l' u !,K Ii w t: .
"in tir-t i.-it v:i- I.. '. 1
ti... i.-liip. I i 1. 'i..'.si it I'.-ui "y. it 1
t i-.t luiii-.-1:..: i it ..r MilU ill'. . ni...
f..v ill.-.iii ..'. "I t -:;!iini; :i!
111. til.' I'V lllin lull I. "T. t.i
i, i
it ii
am hi
I -.I!
V tl.. 1. i.. , II us :!,. l.i. it .t.. i ....
li,. I uill, ii -Ii li.:. U i: mil., n. 1 :i Im'
nl... Iiii'iii-li.- 1 ili'i .i - ..I" Hi. r...i 1 .
Iin- ii. . .I'.i, I.t im. .It1 i lit- u.ill . '.'...' !
liu.iii i.l ji-. t wits t.. ..p. ii i. r,.ri,i. 1 ... ii,
in. . -I i'i, lit 111"' - -il Mi.- :.i.::,l.',r i- r .-.iil
tlii- In- l.-.s t'j.t I ii .r',......iiit.'. ill-rots'
1 1' I'"1' I' -I:.!'!''', llisl Vi ill. ti.
I t t-l.-l i'lll-. '". I'li-ll.'l-.'l 1
.'. I.ii-ii.'i-.
-Il.-I ill tl:. ti-'i-l
It I' I. "Ill l.::'l.i:t ,'. t i i.-ill. fl
.1:.- I.. I t. III.- l.'.-i I I.
lit- r :il. l i. l.i' I
. .1
Av.-l in:-! tvln-fil -. t i. :n. i ;
-'..I i 1.- tun.. -I u li' I' -1' :
, It i. :::;,' I.u-i.. !-:
- -.. ii I., t-i'.t .-r i:l,.l ti:t....l. .
I1: t. ii- r ::. r.'.
'1 li" f.Tlili' :- ill. ii" 1 t
it-ln - tr- ui .'If:.; in- ; -
l.l..-).i:lli- l't' llllll ; 111. i I
I. .i-i-
. I,-
i. i..
I r...,!i the .-I -i.
I ii. fr when
W i !- -n - '4i in,
p;-c- :.! -,-...-..ii. i.
t- ui. v ,,it . t tin-
Mary l;.,n.,u -.
i. .-.- ci;il mile- ,
ri "-n'iii 1 y -i nu k
,.1' ci n. that w e .-
I : . T
,. i!
I'u ii,
; . i"
of Mi
; : , h;
i ti. i.i
tn -ii t how it w ii
had I, ..11 tin- y.
el'.i t-r. an 1 tlo-.iiii-i',
w i; li i .tu-
1 I'O'lll.
-ar I, ut .
fill ol.c
'1 f
old I..1.
" V. -
id n,
"M i.
: liit
unit. nr.
v, 1. 1 id j
f"i!y oi;, -h..-r..
rt t- WMiti ! llie n
,. iu, 1
truck ,-. .u-i-!. , of I. .
t'IMI I.. 1-. IMi'.on-. Ac . i.l. I
of l.illKI l.C. 'III-. I..H II t "1 I
sali-fl.- t I'titt li e -"il Wil.- 11. '
l.y ,l"t.r. whi.-h hud ft. lib.
patch ' hiid not been dot 1 1.
: I,
;ll. --
:,.l I..
ti at iuii
r-U t.i
t ur n xt i-il wa. t- ii.
fve lllih' ll.'ltll nl
.I tiie r:iiliid. an 1 just nl.
land. Mr. ."luup -otiniu-;j
Im r. K', n"'ii 7U aero
lie lit!! jri,t -J.'.i m-i s il U '. -all
w eiielu-ed and ln !
eedar rail it i" U triir ; I
I .11,. of
I on li,
if I"
111 1,
I i:
.-mi :
; I ,i- I,,
. i,i, i i,
an I u'n
Mil:. ali.'Ut .'li ! IM l'
lal-'i'.-r.-, t.i i !i tt al '
t-'t'iii l r:J'ii' ynv.
l'luW at .',! ;i ii a. I i
..I ,
il lll.-
I- ,:, ,
l.ii. i
1 l
I'll SolllC o
nl, ...i l.,,-i,
put in .n.l
a Ijin kw !a -tl. In
acre. 'J Lir t -j nnv
vield t.. :: ' Lu)
Iter ; llii: ll.e hutd
I'eiuviali j ;t n.i an I
I., -i
.1, 1.,
l.i lillrdlel.- i I' lU'l'r ali i
tullll lltt lied. r k''
oak l'tit c, aid til. I tn.
to wheal. 1 . T M l-ii-
kin.' .-
. I ,;r.iw
I. ..f-.i;ii,.. a
V iim u liile wt- w.-n- i!,fi.-i .i,,
i'1'n very Inn jrrt'Mi. an. I ti.e -ijmh i vu
He went .er (he .-tnt.t.i- ai d l-.tuid ;i.
and tiunilhv, iV. iii eed mv. ed la! -j.1 n.-r. on t ,,
ithotit lunrt'tt ;n. hwkn, ii ll , r .
Ukii any uld eult w a;i d t,.i in. a i.l u i.ii u In in Le v intt r I.' clear "tl -nn- i.
tum)H. ai'd t tiin taki" tu n m k i . i in:. ,i
he will be alile Iti eul theeru the n. t w .i
uion in niiLt'l'ine. and we will -'im i ;.t.t . e i v.
Here, il he will i e thv ove.i..u U' il t-wr.
l'art tif th.1 Ian 1 was -l:ii.i.-d wiih j.'t.-it.i
firl erup. whi. h yn-lded 1 Jn lni-Lelr. r h
tns linn limed with Jo hn-li. i ..r ncv ai,
with wheat ai.d ei.'V er. it l.lm ; an ivi rn.i
l.i Itu-l.e'.s i-i r a re, and tii.' el. vt r i
w h"'k-
Other purl inn hnve h c n .;tnii d
lirM ei'tin, whi.-h yuMed Lu L !
Cnin, and llie i-eetmd ernji n Im-hfir-ertip,
treated tn .n il.ji (.t- it m n-. in
t. e!;
. and !l.
are riiii
would etunate helnw 10 l.ulu!.- er t-.-ie
(The reader wil! r-eull.- t that llie wi.i.r
J)ieakiim tt land iit'tv-;!y inw, and w!c
heai'eel l.e e.'ii-i.l' l ed in iT'i- d n ral -le i "iid il i
In olhT eaef'. llie emn t r.' nt l.i.-i n ur
lowed with tl.'- ie:i:-(Mi. I,-.: i.f thr.
will nerai;e j'i.-l..tMv (n to 'nl I.i. die!. vt,
toer. Ii.'at..-. lneh i r, and. in 1 .1 . al! -arden ej
Hit well a ottn e;. h and n.h r tiuit lree
thin year, tln-w ry lainly that Uti- luii-i..
true I u lai: 1 .diould niuniii Uu l..n'.i . an I
raiw a tit.ii -r I'-iLil'ii th:it it will i..t ; t
the an-nieer nl Mi l.andi-, it will )e divi.
Pinal I lot, with rua-U l.ented to n. . . imu . I :
the niriyui are now lniy t llu, (smi, -
!urehjiM-m will he i.Hiiired tnlmild in al, e- n.
e.Ui-i, l'd either It nee, wliifh Weiiid i'
by whieh uieuiif n K'M,d l"'tilati'ii will he
who will e-tahli-h tdnuehti-, htdinul, m..i.
ineehiuii hti n ami h ine hniii. t vi .
tmiifi'D. iurruttndel hy jraideii--. ureiiaid-, ti.
eointurtf oi'ci ilieu 1 1 lo
It'aiijt'iie, tn-ai any deiitfri nn nt "f )-r
- I vhuv tkiiuu. lv Uud a new loealuiu ai. 1 i lu: nl etinniiiK hits iuniii1, or wh ir- I
ln cuuuiry, atnl wiio mny nml und he-i
! we im u ii my ma tea, uu in uo U t 1 1 lo
1 I'T HUiiMlt. wtittl inuy oe ktii wnlun n tu
I ritle out of i'hil'lf
il-tuwy 1, lJ ly