Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 27, 1862, Image 3

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    ii'jn.i''mn' wh ".wiW'iijc iwig mum oinnwn
gTfjc jsunftutg American.
IT. B. MA.8SER, Editor Proprietor.
No. S7 THik Row, Now York, mid 6 Stnte Stroot,
Button, are our agents for tho ScMDrnT Asieiiica
In those cities, and arc authorized to toko Advertise
ments and Subscriptions fur tu at our lowest rates.
2" XoJt-PATisc ScBbcnnncns. Wc shall
continue to cut off weekly all suliserilura
of long sttuxlincr ami doubtful responsibility,
who mriko no effort to pay. If their purier
is stoppi'il they will know the reason.
J-f;'" AS Arl'ltK.NTK'E AV ANTED. A boy
about fifteen yenrs of tigo, desiring to learn
the printing business, rttn lnivo n good chance
by npplying lit this ofllee inmiediatcly. One
lVoin town that can board himself, preferred.
J.?;-'" Tlie time for drafting lrns ngaiu been
postponed to October 10th.
A sipuid of the Montour Cavalry
came to ISoi'thumbciland on Wednesday,
but too late for the Northern Central cars.
They came to Simbuiy and took their sup
pers, by imitation, with some of our citi
zen?, and left in the 10 o'clock train.
Vff"A correspondent from Ohio sends us
some verses, entitled "All things not what
they seem."' Some of the ideas are well
Miouuh, but the style and versitication would
reiiuire considerable improvement in order
to render t'nein lit for publication. Our
poetic friend thinks that "The foot in shape
is nice and neat," and that "rosy cheeks"
are "O, how divine," but adds, very proper
ly: Nature not always makes them so,
Art tires her hund what sho ouu do.
To outstrip nature in her work,
Complains maiden, Jew or Turk.
Imhc.i.ii l-ou Tuicason. "We have just
b en informed that Franklin Weirik, the edi
tor of the SdinPirotc Tim,:, had a true, bill
found against him for Treason against the
government. This is one of the Breckin
ridge papers that has reviled the govern
ment and discouraged enlistments ever
since their favorite was defeated for the
Presidency. They vi ill now receive a trai
tor's reward. JLiirib'.tr'j 'J!:
Tut: follow ieg is the muster roll of
the Sunbiu'v Company. These men having
promptly responded to the call of the Gov
ernor in defence of the Slate, are not the
les docrving hi cause their .services were of
(diort duration. Among the names will be
found many of our most prominent citizens,
lawyers, doctors, merchants, coal operators,
mechanics, and other-:
Sutslt r J?oH.
Captain OHAM.ES J. bKCN'ER,
1st Lieutenant A. J.u kson Sti'.oii,
yd Lieutenant .T u oii Koitnu.u ii. Jr.
1-t Orderly Sergeant Xnut-i J!.
2d Serjeant
t.i U
J. 11. Zimmerman,
Peter dossier,
Joseph Ihigllt,
(ieorgu W. Stroh.'
J. Wilson Covert,
Henry ISucher,
(ieorge Ovster,
Win.' T. Grant,
' Jacob 15. Master,
" Frederiek Rlino,
" Henry Millhous,
Albert Haas.
-John V. liucher.
jli-.jr ili'"jime,)t-t')- ). J. 'Wharton.
Washington Harp,
Jackson Harp,
John Haas,
James Hilemaii,
Frank John,
James Karshner,
George Kiolin,
William Keeter,
O. Kriegbaum,
Philip Kecl'er,
John Lceser,
James Lyon,
Ldwtird Lyon,
Wui. Logan,
Louis Miller,
Charles F. Martin,
Thos. McGow.
Alexander MtinU,
II. Newberry,
John Oyster,
Henry i'eters,
John B. Packer,
Julius Kay,
Win. Hohrlnich,
Lloyd Uohrbacli,
Jacob Keun,
Levi bcasholt?.
Cornelius Smith, s
Ernest Btarkloff,
Henry J. Strauss,
John Weaver,
Wm. Youtigiuun, jr.,
Jacob YouDginau,
Geo. Ztttlemoytr,
lii'.ip Arrison,
. 1!. Boyer,
ilntuiis llaldv,
en Hell,
u-..i Bell,
eoige Bloom,
'illiam How en,
te Bright,
-orge I), lhichi r,
i. iiard Ji'.ieher,
.ij. liro-ioits,
h'vard Boin r.
,!- Keard,
Hunter Bayers,
ti. M. IJostiai),
.iiip Chuk,
ICay f. leiiur.t,
t.ry ( leuHT.t,
M.irtz Covert,
i T. Clement,
.ml. Helbough,
tin 15. Durst',
irinati S. Bugle,
nry Fcgi ly, Fulluier,
mil.- Fry,
via Fisher,
liiam Filler,
in Gering,
mi l Garritiger,
.its Grigg,
rge Gi'titlier,
W. Ilileman,
..b Hendricks,
L. Hendricks, 11-irrison,
xa.ider Haupt,
a. Hattpt,
n". Haupt,
ub Hoover,
through tho camp by tho Inscriptions ou
their tents. Among the many we noticed
"Sunbury Owls" "Happy Family" "Volun
teer Minstrels" "Bull's Head," Ac, Ac.
The next day Sunday wns a round of
excitement. Companies were constantly
arriving and the file and drum innde music
rather discordant with the chimes of Church
bells which, regardless of the pomp and
pageantry of war, were calling the citizeus
to the temple of the Prince of Peace.
We received marching orders at 12 o'clock
nnd at three started for the cars. n tho
mean time our regiment was organized of
companies from the Susquehanna and Juni
ata Valleys. Wc were assigned Co. D., ild
Regiment, Pennsylvania Minute Men under
command of Colonel Doris. At bix o'clock
the train started amid the cheers of thous
ands. Wo were headed for Chatnbersburg,
and as we passed through Mechauiesburg.
Carlisle, and Shippensburg, we received
regular ovations. The entire population were
out to welcome ua and bid us God speed.
We arrived at a camping ground at mid
night. The boys called it "Camp Turrit,"
for remons best known to themselves. We
found the people in the vicinity of Cliiini
bersburg very much alarmed. Many of them
had left their houses in anticipation of the
Hebel raid. While in "Camp Turrit," we
had the pleasure of seeing Longst reel's train
of ammunition together with tw o hundred
prisoners pass through. It will be remem
bered that they were captured by the Fist
Maryland Cavalry. Our brave Pennsylvani
aus lined the road and cheered until they
were hoarse. The dejected countenances
and tattered garments of the prisoners and
the grinning contrabands and the exulting
cavalry formed a scene long to be remem
bered. On Monday morning wc were aroused by
Reveille at ii o'clock. After completeing our
toilets on a rather modified .system, we drew
our lirst government rations. It is worthy
of note that this is the only occasion on
which we received full rations. In the eve
ning we were ordered forward two miles
ami encamped in a stubble-field. Early on
Tuesday morning, we marched forward to
Camp MeClure. in the afternoon, we were
joined by our squad of recruits, 21! in num
ber. We received them with hearty cheers
and welcomed them to our ranche.
After drawing rations for the next day
crackers and salt meat we turned in for the
niirlit. At midiiierht we received orders to
march at an hours' notice. The notice did
not come till 4 P. M., of Thursday. At th e !
wc entered the curs nominally for Green-
castle, but really, for Hager.stown, Md. We ,
had rare sport with a few of our parly, who j
stronniv protested against crossing the state
line. " " -
As usual, we reached our camping ground
at night. It was in the immediate, wcinity;
of a Rebel camp, w here, four days before, I
sixty thousand Rebels had encamped. The :
ground was covrred with cast-oil' cloihing,
shoes, hats, and decayed meat. We found j
that the Rebels had pursued a conciliatory
course paying for what they look until the
last day of their stay, when they seized all
they could. At noon of this day, the Rebel i
crossed the river from Virginia, and. at '.
o'clock, wc were sent fonvanl to meet them, i
We were cheered through Hugerstoun. and
went down the turnpike. When two miles ,
below Ilugcrstowon, we were, bmutrnt to a
halt, and ordered to Laid ' I can never for
get the feeling at this moment.
The older was unexpected and .startling.
We had been told that we were inarching
j to a better camping ground, and such was
our Lend. But we were not long m doubt.
Brigadier General Reynolds rode to our lines
and ordered our company to tear dow n a
fence and file into a field, telling us that the
enemy were in force before, us. It was a
moment of awful suspen-e, but, with a few
exceptions, every man grasped his musket
firmly, and every heart beat quickly but
resolutely. Our company w as posted ou a
hill on the extreme riht of the left wing of
the line of battle the po.-t of honor as also
of daiiLcr. We took our position at 5 P. M.
ou Friday and retained il during the night.
On the morning of Saturday, Gen. Kenly,
of Front .Royal fame, took command of our
Division. Wc stood in line until about 4 P.
M., when, finding that the Robe's would not
move forward, wc were ordered to advance
and attack them. They were two miles in
front of us. Just as we started an alarm
was rung on a farm bell in the neighbor
hood. The signal was repeated at various
points towards the river. It
have been preconcerted, for the
' mediately re-crossed the river. Captain
Miller's Battery, which was posted to the
right of our Brigade, had the pleasure of
firing a few loiiuds after them as they tke
daddled. We were inarched forward two miles: and
again drawn up in line of. battle. Wc
remained in this position until I'i o'clock
on Sunday. We had thus been in line for
forty-jour hours. During this lime we had
been alarmed six several times, and hud for
rations four crackers during three davs. At
this time General McChllan's army occupied
the ground in front of us, and our services
were, no longer requited. Accordingly at
noon we were ordered to "ling knapsacks
and fall in." We, darted for Greencastle
and marched 17 miles in seven hours. As
20 miles per tliy is considered good time for
regulars, we thought our powers of locomo
tion good.
We. reached Camp at seven o'clock, and
went sntiperle-s to blankets. We rested the
next day and iu the
appears to j
Rebels im- )
II. Y. Fkiliso, detail
ed on telegraphic duty
at Chambtisburg.
ikociJlMla.tio orTnuritEi.
Wahhinotos, Sept. 39.
Tit tub President op tuk United States
of Amewca.
I, Abraham Lincoln, President of tho Uni
ted States of America, nnd Commander-in-chief
of the Army and Navy thereof, do
hereby proclaim and declare that hereafter,
as heretofore, the war will be prosecuted
with the object practically, of restoring the
constitutional relation between the United
States and each of the States and the peo
ple thereof, in which State that relation is
or may bo suspended or disturbed. That it
is my purpose upon the next meeting of
Congress to again recommend the adoption
of practical measures tendering pecuniary
aid to the free acceptance or rejection of all
slave States, so called, the people whereof
may not then be in rebellion against the Uni
ted' States, and which States may then have
voluntarily adopted, or thereafter may vol
untarily adopt immediate or gradual abolish
ment of slavery within their respective limits ;
and that the effort to colonize persons of
African descent, with their consent, upon
this continent and elsewhere, with the pre
viously obtained consent of the governments
existing there, will be continued ; that on
the first day of January, in the of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three
all persons held as slaves within any slate,
or designated parts of a state, the people
w hereof shall then be iu rebellion against
the United States, shall be then, thencefor
ward and forever free, and the Executive
Government of the United States, including
the Military and Naval authority, thereof,
will recognize and maintain the freedom of
such persons and will do no net or acts to
repress such persons or any of them in any
egorts they may make for actual freedom ;
that the Executive will, cm the first day of
January aforesaid, by proclamation designate
the states, and partsof states, if any in which
the people thereof, respectively, shall then
be in rebellion against the United States,
and the fact that any stale, or the people
thereof, shall on that day be in food faith
rcprescted in the Congress of the United
Slates by members chosen (hereto at elec
tions wherein the majority of the qualified
voters of such state shall have participated,
shall in the absence of strong couutervaling
testimony, be deemed conclusive evidence
that such state, and people thereof, are not
then iu rebellion against the United States
That attention is hereby called to an act of
Congress, net to make an additional article
of war, approved, March Bi, lS'i'J, which
act is in the w ords and tigurefollow ing :
lit it eitth'tt.'l h;i I'i. ,S ii'iti mul I'Usc J
1! j r satl'tirt ftiif l'i.itt'1 St,!, ry'vlwer.'
'iii Cuiiiuv-h ('" int'lf, that hereafter the fol
lowing shall be promulgated as an addi
tional artiele of w ar for the good of thearmy
of the U. S., and bhall be observed as such
article :
All officers or persons in the military or
naval service of the United States, are pro
hibited from employing anv of the forces
under their respective commands for the j
purpose of returning fugitives from service j
or labor, w ho have i scaped from any person
to whom such service or labor be claimed to
be due; and any officer, who shall be found
guilty by a court martial of violating this
article, shall be dismissed from the service.
So'tiuii Sti-oiI, And be it further enacted
that this act shall take effect from and after
its passage. Also to the ninth and tenth
sections of an act entitled an act losurprcss
insurrection, to punish treason rebellion, to
s' te ami confiscate property of relicts, and
for other purposes approved .Inly 17th, lfli'J.
and which sections arc iu the words and
figures following :
! A (,'' iidu. And 1 - it further enacted,
I that all -lave of ;ier-ou-. w ho shall hereafter
: be engaged in ft belli m against the Govem
! incut of the I nit.ed M ites, or who shall in
any way give ant or comtort tliereto, anil
captured from such persons and taking re
fuge within the lines of the army, ami all
slaves captured fan in such persons, or desert
ed by them and coining under control of
the Government of the United States, and
all slaves of such persons found ou or being
w ithin any place occupied by rebel forces.
and afterwards occupied by the forces of
j the United States, shall be deemed captives
i of war, and shall be forever free of their
servitude and not again held as slaves.
Sccti'ii Ttn, And be it further enacted,
that, no slaves escaping into any state or
territory or the District of Columbia, from
any other State shall be delivered up or in
any way impeded or hindered from his liber
ty except for crime or some ott'eiice agaitust
the laws unless the person claiming said
fugitive shall lirst make oath that the person
to whom the labor or sen ice of such fugi
tive is alleged to be kie his lawful owner
ami has not borne arms against us in the
present rebellion, nor in any way given aid
and comfnr thereto. No person engaged iu
the military or naval service of the United
States, shall uinhr any pretense whatever
assume to decide on the validity of the claim
of any person to the service or labor of any
other person, or surrender up any nuch per
son to the claimant, ou pain of being dis
missed from the service.
And I do hereby enjoin upon, and order
till pel sous engaged in the Military and Nu
t val service of the United States to observe,
. obey and enforce, within their respective
I sphere of service, the act and sections above
Tfn? siitrtjribor having purchased tlin H iprtit for
Northumberland oounty, offers for salo 1NU1VI
I'UAL and TOWNSHIP RIGHTS. This Ilroora In
an excellent and durable article and no ensily con
ducted that a child can put it torour. Tho entire
cost of the Lrooui, material and all, will not excoed
ix cents.
Ihe H'jrlit and machincrr for the making, costs
SI 2j, for an Individunl IUlit.
Township Rights will bo nold nt the most rensonnblo
rates. Apply at FISHER'S Prne Store, or to
July 20, 1802. Snip. r-unbury, Ta.
Comer of State and Third Streets,
IlAnmsBCHo, Pa.
rpUIS HOt'PE, in consoquonoo of lt conT 'nience
1 and near location to the Capitol, has inuilo it a
desirable stopping piano, not only for those having
business at the seat of Government, but forj others
visiting Hiirrisburg.
March 2J, l.2.
oo,mm voi.i-.m i.r.its
to rm sii thi: !
THE same number of persons are also wanted to
wcjir the BOOTS and SHOE.', now being iiinna
fneturi'd,by the subscriber, of the latest styles and
best of material. Having a large stock of material,
he will make up to order In tho best workmuulihu
manner, all kinds of
(aeiitlvnifii Itoot nnd HIiook,
I.iuUok' Shoe ami t'.nlCcrs,
'liii!i-rin Slioot), f.,e
At short notion. Having several fears' experience
ho feels confident of giving generally satiifuwiion to j
all who may give him a cull.
All work must be pnu! tor before leaving the Eliop
when six percent wili be deducted otT
('nil at his Shop nearly opposite the Court House,
in Market Sqmiro, and ascertain lu- low prices and
examine his stock before purchasing oNcivhero.
Sunbury. .August 9. 1302 Cm
Lumber! Iuml-r !
PHILIP PHAY. Muncy, I.yccming county, Ta.,
TX FORMS his friends and tho public in genernl,
that he coustuutly keeps on hand fiourds, IsliingleJ,
l.utli. Joists, aud all kinds of Lumber and building
inatvriuls. which he will sell at the lowest prices.
March 30. lhi'.l
asro-w ozPEisr.
SsOS) A. Hll thoknut Slreel, I-Iill'a.
(Lat LEW & CO S I)ry Ouod Sicrc I
tiro. J. iifvii.s,
Formerly 521 Wa'.i.ut .Street
Philadelphia. August 30. 1302 2iu
i:u:jam 'twtis m: vhsi i i:.
IN coiwenueiice ef the srareit v of curing''. 1 wills.'ll
mv .l.-gatit 1 L.NoOH.VPlfCAKLii: I'I. Vls-ITK
Mxleen for Olio Dollar.
Sent by mail Postage paid.
Thf.-ie e-irdes tire best published and are perrnn
nent '1 lu-v embrace nil the principal lienerals of
the Anuv. 1 e.-i'leut. Cabinet. Ac. Also two ef tht
greatest ulliuiis unhung JEFF and UEAL REll AR1.
Catalogues sent on application.
Kuuiplo copies uciit on receipt of Ten CeA.
Sansoiu St., Philadelphia.
September 6. Im!2.
3Iai-lt- Sqtinrr, Nunburj,
DEALER in all kind" of (ilinCKP.IES. respectful
ly iui'irms tho citizens i f Sunbury and vicinity,
that he ci.'iist :it;tl v kci-psou 1 1 Hi" 1 a 1 uro ii.--""ltmeut
of the best of all kinds of (IKOCEltlES, such as
I'ried Fruit,
Cuniied do.
iu fact everything in
For tho Sunbury American
js: l AiiiMicsii or tuk aa
ui ui ii i.vr yt ncna.
hinhing that, perhaps, some of jour
lers may feel interested in hu account of
Minute" Men's campaign aud knowing
. the members of company D, have
teste.! a hrief record of the incidents
ch occurred during our ten days ahsciice
l (i'lnbury, 1 have prepared the follow
items. We all rememher tho gloom and
londcncy which coursed the Old Keystone
o on the receipt of the news that our
ie commonwealth vas threatened with
siim hy tho Rebel hordes under the
tnand of the notorious Jackson. The
ts of t lie next week the spontaneous
sin" of loyal thousands is an occurrence
hidi the historian will pause in wonder
admiration. The heroic outpouring of
..rave ions of the Old Keystone wlocli
ions calls had produced has been duly
ui' led. Rut it seems as nothing w hen
pared with the devotion mauitested
n it was proclaimed that "Old Btono
" had threatened our fair fields and
tlous cities.
i immediate shout went forth that the
ttiug steps of rebellion should uever
?rute our firesides. Actuated by this
t Fifty Thousand men left their homes
families to place themselves, if necessity
ired, before an insolent foe. In common
other organizations the Sunbury l'en
' were formed and, on Saturday Hep
ier lilth left home with seventy-one men
r the command of Captain Charles J.
ior. We reached llarrisburg in due
and marched to Capitol ihll, where,
ag the ul'ternoon, we were furnished
musket and such other equipments as
jovernor could furnish. Later in tho
in w e received tents and were quartered
nii'ht. Reinz unaccustomed to such
wo made little attempt to sleep, but
t the time ia rather a lively manner.
lyiTS occakion'1 much merriment
eveninjr true to our
experience were ordered to march. Alter recited; ana ttte executive win in due time
remaining awake the ciitne niirut, wc started recommenu inat an citizens 01 ine t nueu
at daylight for Hanisburg. The journey j States who shall have remained loyal there
occupied' t!ie entire day. On Wednesday ' to throughout the rebellion, shall, upon the
wc readied Home ouite urea out nil reaav t resummon 01 tne constitutional relation uc-
to "fall iu" again, under Captain Bruner,
when summoned by the Drum Major, and
called into Hue by
13 .
to am:
ft Handsome Goods
CATHARTIC PILLS" Kcw Ctock of GoodsIl
the tiiuC'.T.v itijo.
Ol the hfl qimlity at bolcoalo uml KMnil, consUt
in' of iirmi'Iy. i in. Vines. I'itU-lnrh Whi-kt-y, flni
lt'nntic I.i'.junrs generally, to whi-h lie lnviu-H the
public to teal bet'ure pui-chm-in; tl.-cwhrre.
Cull uuJ sec my .stock. No ch:irp'3 fir showing.
Sun)iiry. Juiu- 1 1.
st yuw KV "'.irAhKHV.
ryUK SVMU nV ACADK.MV will he ojicucJ on
iupilji instructfj in l.uiish Cliwsieal ainl Muthc
luatioul biunchi'i".
'J'ln cuurtu i.- (Ifsintnl to 1'Top.are fjr ndiuitou
intu CulU'f: or to quality for bur-iin f.s.
A daily record kojii nt'the attendance, c-mduct,
and rt'v-ituiif'iis cf cn-'h uj-il, an itUtraet of wbich
jst-ht launthly to j'urwiU.
Preparatory rivis-ion, jut quarter,
( i , hijiih.'h branched
Mum I)tv,Si.,n. lsma .,
E.-iov. P.-lloek, riii!ii'li-l'hia ; Hon. A.
Hun. V. L. Jiewurt. .S. P. M'ulviTti.u. Esn
barv; Levi. A. li. IMe, J. l. Kiircv. T. T. Titus.
W . C. LiiMsua. Eni . nri'l l'r. W. II Marr. Milton.
Sunbarv. July 12. 1-02.
Impoi-Kiiit l I.ov'in of CJool B'eii.
T JlUtillTA SOX invite attention to their Stock of
0TERATR by their powerful influence on the i
interniil riscera to purity the lilood nnd stimu-
lute it into healthy action. Thev remove tho 1
obstructions of the stnnim li, bowels, liver, nnd othet
orRiins of the body, nnd, by rentorinis their irrefralar
action to hcnllh, correct, wherever they exist, such
derangement a tiro the first causes of disease.
An extensive trinl of their virtues, by Professors,
rnysieinns, nnu i auents, lias shown cures of dan- .
gerous diseases almost beyond belief, were thev not j
substantiated by persons of such exalted position
and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth, j
Their certificates are published in my American j
Almanac, which the Agents below named are !
pleased to furnish free to nil inquiring.
Annexed we (rive Direction for their use in tho !
complaints which they have been found to cure.
Foil Costivf.nkss. lake one or two Pills, or i
tuch quantity as to gently move the bowels. Cos- j
tiveness is frequently the aggravating cause of '
Pilfs, andthe cure of one eonipl.iint is tho cure i
of both. No person can feel wi 11 while under a
costive habit of body. Hence it should be, as il ,
can be, promptly relieved.
For l)Ybri;P8iA, which is sometimes the c.iue
of Vostirrnets, and nlwuys uncomfortable, ti.kc mild !
doses from one to four to utir.iuhitc the stomach j
and liver Into healthy action. They will do it, and
the heartburt, botiijhunt, nnd tnuihiifn of dyspepsia j
will rnpidly disappear. When it has goiic, don't
forget whut cured you.
lor a Foul Stomach, or Morbid Inaction t.f the '
Bowels, which produces general depression of the
spirits and bad health, tube from four to eight Pill
at first, and smaller doses afterwards, until activity
and strength is restored to the system.
Pain in the Stomach, Bur;, or Suit; take from four
to eight pills on going to bed. If thev do not oper
ate sufficiently, tnkc more the ne:;t day until they
do. These complaints will be swept out from the
ystem. Don't wear these and their kindred dis
orders because your stomach is foul.
For Scrpfula. Erymfklar, and all Disemrt
of the Skin, take the Pills freely nnd frequently, to
licep the bowels open. The eruptions will gener
ally soon begin to diminish and disappear. Many
dreadful ulcers and sores have been healed up by
the purging and purifying effect of these Pills, anil
Borne disgusting diseases which seemed to saturate
the whole system have completely jichlcd to their
influence, leaving the aullerer in perfect health.
Patients 1 your duty to society forbids that you
should parade yourself around tho world covered
with pimples, blotches, ulcers, sores, and all or any
of the unclean diseases of the bkin, because your
system wants cleansing.
' To pLliiFV the Ili.ooT), they are the bet medi
cine ever discovered. They should be taken freely
and frequently, and tho impurities which sow tho !
seeds of incurable diseases will be swept out of the
system like chair before the wind. Hy this property
they do as much good in preventing sicknc ss as by I
the remarkable cures which they arc making every
where. '
I.ivlii Compiaist, Javsdice, ami a'! Bihuns i
Affections arise from some derangement either !
torpidity, congestion, or obstructions of the Liver. '
Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and render
it unfit for digestion. This is disastrous to the
health, and the constitution is froquent'y under
mined by no other cause. Indigestion is the symp-
torn. Obstruction of the duct which empties ihe I
bile into the stomnch causes the bile to overflow '
Into the blood. This produces Jaundice, with a j
long and dangerous train of evils. Costivcness, or :
alternately costivencss and diarrhrra, prevails. '
F everish, symptoms, languor, low spirits, weariness, ;
restlessness, and melancholy, wi.!, f.rnietimes in- j
ability to sleep, and sometimes gnat itr w -inesr ;
sometimes there is severe pain in the si:! ; ttie sKin :
and the white of the eyes become a greenish y cllow ;
the stomach acid; the bowels sore to the touch;
the whole system irritable, with a tendency to t'crr, i
which may turn to bilious fevc-r, bilious t 4io. bilious ',
diarriuea, 'dysentery, &c. A medium ibe of three !
or four Pills' taken at night, followed by two or three !
in the morning, nnd repeated a few days, will remove
the cause of all these troubles. It is w icked to Miller ;
Buch pains when you can cure them fur 'J cents. i
Kiiui'Matism.'GoI'T, and ail inlhni'n,'rri '- ,
vers are rapidly cured by the purifying- effects of ,
these Pills upon the blood and the stimulus which '
they atl'ord to the vital principle of Life, l or these
and all kindred complaints they should be tnkc:i in !
mild di ses, to move the bowels gently, but freely. j
As a Dinnpr PlI.L, this is both agr-'oaVc an.! (
Useful. No Pill can be made more plcanint to take, ,
and certainly none has been made nioie e !'.-. oul t t '
the purpose' for which a dinner pill is c'i.;il"; cit i
ritr.i'.MiFi) nv i
Practical and Analytical Chcmitu,
Pold by Friliug A Uratit, and 11. A. I M.'-r hi
Dr. It. Ii. McCoy, Northumberland.
J. F. CilsIow, and C. lirown, Milton
J. Chriemnu, Turbutvillo.
llersh A Co., Mt. Carnicl.
S. Uergstresscr, Klysbur.
W'ieit. Mahonoy.
Weaver A McVilliains. Puxinos,
And Dealers lively where.
August 2, lsC2. ly
M A N V OF VMCn Al'.Ii j
and although pruvalling rejiyrti nuay Indue tha '
belief that
are advaucing. jet n singio v itit to tnat "at'.radUw
will convince any canJid mnn or womun that, be tho
report as it may, yet the propaictors of that ''institu
tion'' have the facilities for famishing
which those, nlio buy and Fell on Long Crcdiu
not, and cannot po--si.j
Ti.tA' f.l.V hi: PVKCHASEU tul.SE-
iv iu: in:
riULlNii A A. NT
T M h Jl
to si:::.icr t'iiivv.
13. V. BRIGHT &. SON
Who keep constantly on hand, and are monthly
receiving t'r&m New York and Philadelphia,
ad. pti .l to the win, Is of every person. Wo invitn
the iitlcnti'.n of the Public, and respectfully solicit
an cv.'.uhoiiion ufour stock, fceliu assured that wo
are prepared to offer
now to
1 1.. .'
oil Oi
tl.rou Ji ti e ti.n
"-:r -lie; pin '
i neat and hue,
riiy litio'J
II a jutl returned from Philndelpl
Ma it u a
s .id Mi ' Sn
A tht i were
W hcic ih. .
Timt on .-- yi-u'r
'1 Ji tt w ht n 1 s.'C
l.'i'ks p.trititly ,;;. '
! "in sure y.'i.r hii.-'cm i. Mr" Pr.'wn
N -, ib'-a't be iii 'i-y. p.. iu mil 1'loHLi--
1- ii"t -o rich a.- nrii-'.
And ye; you can utiiir I to buy
Ju t iwtce a-' u.'.u-li. t r ivov V.!.a 1,
And l.i'iv. 1 ca! m t divine.'1
S.ivs Vir. P.r.'Wii to Mrs. Mnith :
, y 'tl',1 he tti.rtie W
note. cK-iir
.'-''lit. 1 !'! ea-h.
LO-. :! '''.I C trt! -ll,
.l.ile cut.y .!-r.
tm want a tlrf - or
,'. (T !;.'tt-!h-l. call
Splendid Inducements
wli" dt-ire t" pur 'hi:-.' honest Oiki.W at fair
Wc do not i' tl ju-iiii" I iii boic-ting tha we
the ,!.-. 't itltlcui.h ' . s'.'te v.i:U
. that our -t-wk ia well ."elected, and einbiact s
iMiltii-i i..t to be f.uiid clseMbcre. Cur
'u'rtii't'Tit coniorisis all kind;' of
; :iue
I nil 1
" I lie
h is
You I i
1 i.u
" licne'cr '
A collar, la-
thaw I,
g o c r5
$i 1'0
5 t'U
7 00
. Jordan.
General rrkc'i
Forces Eeaiei
ly General
ornciAL repout or oem.eal grant,
Icka, Miss., Sept. 20, 1803. To Mujor
Gentral llullcck, Gi'tiertil-in-CliiLt': General
Rostiicruns, with filunley nnd Hamilton's
Divisions of Missouri Cavulry, uttuike'l
General Price south of this village, uhout
two hours before dark, yesterday, unci hail
a sharp light until night 'closed in. General
Ord was to the north, with aa armed force
of about five thousand men, and had some
skirmishing with Rebel pickets. This morn
ing tho light was resumed by General
Kosencrans, who was nearest to tno town,
but it was lotind that tho enemy had iieen
evacuating during the nie;ht, going South.
Hamilton and Stanley, with tlie cavalry, are
in lull pursuit. This will, no doubt, break
up the enemy, and possibly lorce them to
abandon much ot their artillery. 1 lie loss
on either side in killed and wounded is from
four to live hundred.
Tht enemy's loss in arms, tents, etc., will
be larrrp. W is have about two hundred and
fifty prisoners. I have reliable information
that it was Price's iu tent ion to move over
cast of Tennessee. In this he has been
thwarted. Among mo enemy a toss are
General Little killed and General Whitfield
wounded. Itanflot speak too highly of the
energy and skill displayed by General
Rosencrans in the attack, and of the endu
rance of tho troops under him. Gen. Ord's
command showed untiring zeal, but the
direction taken by the enemy prevented
them taking the active part they desired.
I'rice's forces was about fifteen thousand.
U. 8. GRANT,
Major Gtrifral Commandirg.
tw een the United States ami their respective
states, and the people of that relation tliull
have been suspended or deaituled, be com
pensated lor till losses by acts ot the tinted
Suites, including the loss of slaves.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set
mv hand and caused the scat ol the Inited
States to be artixed.
Dono at the city of Washing this twenty
second day of September, in the year of
our Lord one thousand eighteen hundred
and sixty-two, and of the independence of
the United States the eighty-seventh.
By the President,
Vm. II. Suwakp, Secretary of State.
Prime lire-en and Plack '1'ea.
Sunbury. .tunc 1ft, Hi'l.
r.v.-cv rutsi
No. 71 S
low Kiu'hth, wiuth side,
Importer and Manu
facturer of, and I'eater
in all kinds of Fancy
j. Kuw, for Ladicn' anil
Children1 wear,
ivr I di tiro to nay to my
jjt fricndu of Sunbury and
r.Wthe urrouiidiiiK coun-
Hcb that I havo now in
3 atore, oue of the largest
i5" and moat beautiful ae-
nortmcnis of all kiu'U and qualitie of Fancy Furs,
Ladieb' and Childreni' Weur, thut ill lo worn dur
ing thi Full and Winter.
My Furs were purchast il in Furopa, previous to
the rie in Sterling Exchange, and Iho ow I'uty
Iuipoeodon all Fur, Imported fcinco tho first of Au-
K"r would alto data, that aa my atock lastt, I mill
L&T il at prioei pronorlionata to what the goodi cost
me ; but. it will bo iinpossible for me to Import aud
Manufacture anv mora Purl, aud cll them at tha
tamo prioea, owing to tba unsettled ttate of the affair!
oi tne Lountry.
I i"Kmeiubr the name, nnmher and (tract
TIB Arcb etrtet, I'hUidtlphia
tf !anbir 13. 183 f no
t.ii.i ti;i.i: e tun rose sai.i;:
TTllK mlwribers offer for fain a fine Tract of Land.
1 iu Point township. Northumberland county. Pa.,
part of which is cleared. Il' w ill make
two good farnm. There are upon it a pood
Honc'ihvcllini; house, a bur dwrllinir house and "ther
outbuildiiiK, a new Hank ilarn, two good Apple Ui
chiirdu, ana oilier fruit trees
There in a mod txehl for a sw-.Mill upon it, a caw-
mill which did a good butiucsa was lately buiued
down upon the premises.
Apply .-oon to
Ul.DliOl'. I n.MtAi', 1 1'per Auuusia imvnsuip.
LllUiti PLEASANTS, Suubury. Pa.
'W mm
Spring & Summer Goods.
I 'or Moils' Wrsir.
Cassiniere, Vesting, Italian I'l'lh.
Coaling, Linen Click and Cottonade
I.nli'' ciir.
Lii i
July 19, LsG2.
Ilurdwiirc, Jlncliijiory, .llt'oltuulcw
Mc.rltt Street, Opposite the Court Home,
ll.utitisDi'iui, Pa.,
DKAl.EIl In all kinda of Huildera and Manufue
turern' llurdw aro, lron,Slecl, Coil Chain, Hopea,
Pulley Blocka, &C.
Linscep, lii'HNixa iNn Mii'iiiNEnv Oili.
Tho Lubricatinif Oila are adapted to every variety
of Machinery. Also, at manufacturer price,
Wood Woiikino MAcniNKiiv,
viz : Planing, Baah, Morticing aud Sawing Ma
chine, Ac.
Machinists1 Tooi.a,
vii rianera, Engine and Hand Lathe, Colt Cuttern,
Ac, Ac,
Machine Belting, of llubber aud Leather, constantly
ou hand.
llcrring'a Firo Proof Pafea, Platform Ponies. Tiu
Plate, Sheet Iron, lilock Tin and Trimmer' Tools.
r- Purchaser will find it tu their interval to give
ua a cull.
Ilarripburtr, March 29, 1R2.
Fancy Silks, .Silk Tissues. Fancy licrafs, Sludlry,
all Wool liehiues, Mosauibi'iue Goods at lowpri i
tilk Levcllas, llelane-t, Lawns, (iinidianis an 1
Prints. A full line of Irish Linen and While Uo" H
fcstt-lltt border and Fancy tuinnier shawls, f-ilk iiu 1
Lace Miuitillas, Ao.
Heady Mado Clothing,
A good assortment of Hats aud Caps,
A large assortment of toots aud Shoe?,
A full stock of Groccric, Molasses m. 1 .vic.iir,
Hardware aud Building Material,
A full stock of (Jueeu and li lass ware,
A full stock uf Fifh, Suit, Oils and White Leu 1,
A large stuck of New Wall Paper,
A new stock of .Stone and F.arthciiware,
Aud thousands of article'! not enumerated
All the above will bo sold cheap for Cash or
At the i iu 'p M.w.Mitrii .-'mm:.
They'll -'' U you ,r N ,. '. cry low
'lim't vi, ii wiitt "'..-,' I" w Icr so.
llov nr.l.'h l : - li p'.' ls I 've
"Al v hu?bii:id. .'is y.'U truly sti;. ,
s i V. i - -1 . r. i'i.-i. y,. ui'. i'.--.i.". v .
And y t 1 imii buy more,
lb'.jl'.t-'c elcil ti 'th.i ol bi- it w
1-. t" !! e. ju. t I:.' g .t.-J as tv.,1.
At tilt :'o'tl! .1 '. Mllo'lll s'.i,
..-Kll-fcl vi' - oh-. Smith
n!i Mr.-. I'.i .un's n w ari'h
uictic. whicli itid enviuce
T! c tii-t. oi entd mi liur eyeo,
1 sOto l::i-.i'l , i":.-.d to p.ltli'lliit'
. J ':c M '. ". '.ol .1 clti'-llice.
I All I IH'V, . V. in !l V"ll I'll;'!". '" to't
Li r ho i' in I. Mi'iiih. ui'ou the street.
, Ai.iUhd toe c. .riser C"
j 11'- t ,ce i. In;htlil W'ilh II unite.
I li '.. .-h p , h.-ti. all the while
I A j 1' ii-iint Inne lie - !iuiuu,in;z
j Ladies, if i!.,. ..flY-ot yon d ?ce
la y iir d' nr .-poiiM', w l.i' h you anl he.
1 l'e:', b'l.l.'e. nc -'r sHW bi't.-re.
I .1 usl Mis. l;r,,v. ii's 1 re.-cii"ti"n try.
j And all yoir list ..I lry if..l buy
At the cto'.'ip M.i'M"rii M'or.r.
I a" new akd useful" article.
(ii-lf-lI.JiwJns: loIi' tVrlsiai'r
iiuj le. LVuKoniicl. l'm-ii'de. mid ii not Liable ti
JTl l OUI O! '-'llll'l
'1 he S.'if-Ailju-tin t'l.olin V, riiv'i'r. is ono of the
J cM'i'titt'st ilnpr-o ''Ho i:1 et li.c liiueieelith eelituiy. find
I bus only lobe knowuin.d tin-J. to eoiuj into iTeiieral
; us,.'. The su in ! "1 clot lit -, in plcs-ine; out the water
between two rubber rill-, iii'it ml t f wi.nin,; or,
' l i.-tii y;. w ill iiiiiount to euoui'h iu a el.t.i inue, to
I pii v fir a machine. j
i livery "!' i.- aware, that the twi.-ting or wrim-in:
I of el", lit s. st !- he- i n l I l i nks ihe tiore; but this !
I iiuichiue picsM s them so evenly, thut a nuwupapi-r j
li.ortoribl v soukeil. cm U' lu'tiiijr, breitkin j
it in the lcs-d, and it woik so e:isi!y. that ti ci.ihl
Iwt lve vein's old ii wiih"'it ir"ii'ile 11,. t 1
water tloes not injure the rolls, and wooben foods'
can be wi'inij! out ol boilun; water to pievei.t fuiliug, j
which cannt'l be thine t.y Land. I
UOTIONi. OI.l'WS M H'-'sIiiLV,
WHITE (tl'it'l'S IN VAKIF.1Y,
C'-hJTS AS'1 Sll'.'FS
liflOCEItlErt AND iSLAi'SW.tRE.
co.ciiM.iKi:i:s saddlex goqd
"Il'INDOW SHAPES. A very ftno end cheap
V assortment, just received by Kuilroad from New
York, at the Mammoth btore of Frilinu A ilrant.
We have ulno lor salo 8. S. Puiniiin A Co.'s celebra
ted Patonl Pendulum Curtain i liturca.
fsunbury, March 2, Wi'l-
Atliiiiiilhlrator'si ."olli-c.
NOTICE is hereby given that lutter of adinlnis.
tration baying boon granted tu Ihe subscriber,
ou the estate of Albert Titsworth. late of hhamokin
township, Northumberland counly, deceased. All
persons indebted are requested to make immediate
fiaymunt, aud those having claims to present them
or sunk went.'
PhimoaiJi tr i Aojust 30, lttJ t
Couutry Produce.
Sunbury, May 17, 18C2.
SI u ii u I ii I ii r '! of miosis- M Hrr.
riAHK rilone Ware now made at thin establishment
X ib equal to any made in this country. Every va
riety of article usually made, alw ays ou bund,
llarrlobury, May S, 1862.
i i: i'MAi iis.n:i. roic nai.i:.
THIS well known Hotel, located in Sunbury. at the
juneliou of the Northern Central with ihe Cunbu
ry and trie Hailroatls, is uttered at private sale
Terms of sale will bo made easy For further in
formation, enuuire at ihls-ofhoe
August J. lrV
In Star.-hini;. it is im aluid le. e:peci!..!y tu larce
articles, se ll us Laities' HiirH. Ac, us it Laves the
"tar.'h in the elotlies j.. rlf'tl.v e.iu. It will wrin
ti'ti liuycst bed ipiilt. or the snuillt-t locket Inuid- '
kwchiel, . trier llmu can pof-ibty bo done l,y hand, j
f i'lio.t alter. itioii, inlets than uiic-cic,ih the time
The iiiai liine is so simple thai it is not liable to sret :
out of repair.
The creel improvement in thi. evtry every ether
riiuin Machine ye' invented, i. in .Self-Adjust- I
in;r uirani-'cmeiit. retuiiiii.' no alteraiiiuv to wring a
luindkerchief "1' bed iiiiilt coi.scjiieiitly, iho; ij;- ,
ii'Miint servant can otlerate it. i
The uiachiuo is made of wood, and so arranged,
thut no iron can possibly come in contact wilh tlie j
clothes, thereby aioiding ull danger of injury to the
clothe, by iron rust.
This is the most imploand effective Clothes Wring,
or yet invented. Those purchasing can tis them I
two w eeks, and if they are lint perfectly satisfied, re
turn tin and their money will be rcfundc'l,
Addn-M L. E. feNoW, Philudclpha, !
Or H. b. MAStLll, Agent tor Noithuuibciluud eo '
July 6, lHtii. t
SI'AI.DINU' Prepared lllue aud Shelley's Mu
ciUire. iriee per Ixiltle and bi Ush, o cenis. (
Cordial Elixir of Culisaya Bark and ilcurine. IW
removing grease, tor sale at lbs vtuc vt i'is Juilei 1
ttluE F1XD1XUS.
Bar Irou, Cteel and Nails,
E. Y. BlllGIIT i SON.
kantiiiy Mt 17 l.t.'