Cf)C untmvy amrviran. IT. II. M ASSKU, Editor & l'ropriotor. SH Alt lt, S.V'R llDAY, SKl'TEMHEIt 2't, INHi. 8. M. rKTTF.NCULIi & CO., ;7 Pink Kow, New York, and 0 flute Street, l!ii-t"ii, nro cur age nts fur tlio Srxnrnv AMF.mrA in llios.c cilir". and arc authorised to lako Advertise ments nnd Subscriptions fur us nt our Inwost rate. ;.. " XovrAYiso SuusntinEtiP. Wo slmll iniitinuc locut off weekly nil subscribers lit standing anil doubtful responsibility, v,lio make 110 ell'ort to pay. 11' their paper is stopped they will know tlio reason. l-if As Al'IMtKSTICB WASTr.l). A liny .ibimt fiflirn years of are, desiring to learn the priiitini; business, can have a good chance by applying at this olhYe inimi .liutcly. One from town that can board himself, preferred. ;-;;' -1 )n Moml:iy last 70 secesh and a train of 30 viurniw nrrivad at C'lmmber.sbiiig, vliii-li had been captured by sonic of our troops near Hagcrstown. 15. W.?tn", f the Simliuiy company, who came home on n short iul.irli. says they are the dirtiest and most scaly looking objects lie ever saw -lank, kail and greasy, ami so completely l.ronzcd by the sun that they arc hardly listinmiishable from mulattoes. (Ji-ni ,-ul Tope's report on our first ,:me will be read w ith interest. Hecenstires nine of our I'est (leneials. MeC'lellan inclu led, and awards great praise to McOowcll. ,hieh induces us to think that the report ins been too highly colored, and should be ree'ned with considerable allowance until he charges referred to are investigated. ;--'" Scrclary Reward telegraphed the oiumis:-ioners in Philadelphia, on Saturday that any al'n.-n (although not naturali.ed) vie) ha I 1 ver attempted to Vote was liable o b.' ilral'ted. The en lire number of troops culled for by he Pivsid"iit of the United Status has been ;it: :!,'J"in a. a: ifiifLt'l ti"i(!ii)l. ;-!'Tlie following is an abstract of the ip.'it mad'' by John Voungman. Esq., Com nisMoucr for drafting the militia in this omiiy. The following townships and bo .iiighs have an excess over, ami are not ubjec! to a draft, vi: Turbutville 5 ; Mc v.m nvi!!e 1:1; Millou 2S; !MiiiUtny 1; "oilir.iin')erhind even. The following townships subject to draft have to make tip their quota as follows; "uillis I'la'pie Hi; Lewis 20: Pcluwnrc 13 5 iit-lmt. 21 ; Point 12; Uper Augusta 7 ; .om-it Augu.-t:i 17; Kush 27;' Shnniokin I; Ait. Carinel 40; Coal 23; Zcrbn :il ; .it lie Mah"iioy7; Cameron 11; Jackson 3: V;.-liie'-to:i "2; Jordan "0; Pp. Jlalio ...y '.'! ; Power M;du.i.-y '. To;-d of iv. 17; ,!' ill Im ii -., y 1 From Iluropo. ITALY. A despstcli from Paris, on August Hist, says : "The defeat nnd capture of Cluribuldi 11s nnnounccd, is conilimcd by the Mnui teiir." The Monitettr says : "The Insurrection which threatened to comprise the destinies of Italy, lins terminntcd. Garibaldi, after a very sharp contest, in which he was wound ed, has been compelled to surrender, with all his adherents. He was immediately put on board an Italian frigate, which had re ceived orders to convey him to Spez.hi. The blockade of tho coast of Sicily has been raised. The Italia states that in theencountcr with the (inribnldians the Koyal troops had 12 killed and 200 wounded. The same paper gays Garibaldi has received two wounds, one of which is serious. His son Mcnotti, isalso wounded. The Gazzctta di Torino says that Gari baldi has asked to be put on hoard an English steamer, in order that hd may leave his country. The trial of Garibaldi and his followers will take place immediately. It is not know u by what tribunal he will be tried. The official Turin Gazette says that Gari baldi tins been removed to Varignans, in the Gulf of Spczzia. 1 lis wounds appear to have been slight. The Government ordered two distinguished men to attend him. An extraordinary council of Ministers was held at Turin, to take into consideration his case. The opinion which prevailed at the council was that justice should take its course. Two of the Ministers were in favor of granting him an amnesty. Nothing has been decided as yet as to the form of his trial. The London Times says that Garibaldi is the undeniable founder of Italian unity. It adds; "lie must not stand ns a criminal before Italian judges upon the very grounds of a blow struck for Italy. The w ay to ob viate so jarring a spectacle would be for Garibaldi to pledge himself to his old friend and comrade, Victor Emmanuel, on his parole, to leave Europe for an indefinite term." 1 n' IcKl army, after u brief raid the Potomac, on Friday, coiiiiih need 11 inglorious retreat. Their march through larylatid was attended with no iiauife.-U ...: i.f welcome 011 the pail of the fit i a:.d in place of a great upri.-mg ot tit le lust fi iv Wire found w i'iing to f.-r-aki-ln.n-.i - a:..l luiiie their I'ituhiis with of a:i annv of half ch -the. I, U:.'.f faiio.di- ii.-. Tli- If.trii-burg 7-.;-.yi of the lsili :-av : !b -patches at Head (Juarlt is la--er-tow n up to late l.i.-t evening We h.iv- .. I.';ie:-'l 1 tr hi'.-ii is lie- f-o;. -We have r- , I- ill Mo: lilevi i- si il in.; 110 ( :.!. M- l.-biir:; I "1 a I.',, i-oiis victory, . iin-l- ' a-i 1 a p-i -oner al ii. 1 .1.1.1 !.; lVi,tili'U..l ,c- l'e-'lit of tie- tight 1 '!!! 01'- hea.i.'iirtrters ;im evening;." 'I'Im- Mar In li.-nt iM-li.v. Lofisvu.i.K, .September II. There was inm-li e.xciteinent in the city this afternoon, in consequence of the news of u battle be tween our forces and the Rebel.-, ut M11111 furdsvilie. Ki.iZAUKTiiTowN, fjept. 14. The Hcbels under General Duncan attacked forces at Green river near Muml'ordsville, about !1 o'clock this morning. The light lasted till 11 o'clock A. M. Our men foirght. braely, firing the last shot. The Uebeli were re pulsecl with heavy loss. The Kebels sent in a flag of truce, asking permission to bury their dead, which Was granted. Colonel Wilder, of the Seven teenth Indiana, commanded the Federal forces. Lorisvu.i.E, Sept. 13. A gentleman from Frankfort arrived here to-day. says only 1.10 Keliel cavalry w as there. .Must of the troops had moved some distance from the town. Reliable information has been received to the effect that liragg is now utTompkins ville. Two deserters from lliickner's army says Iluckner was at Sparta, Tennessee, on Sun day, last, with 1(1,000 men. He was inarch ing towards Kentucky. Captain Morris, who has ju-t returned from a scouting, expedition, reports 500 of the Rebel cavalry at Xewt'a-lle. They cap tured the telegraph operator at Eminence, and threatened to hang him unless he gave t hem his iiotrument. M lclliiii's Kcccpliou ni l'i-'l'i'i-k ll.w.TlMoiu:, Sept. 1 1. Gen. lhimside passed through Frederick early on Saturday morning, and the whole army pjj-hed on after the enemy by every road, and even crossing the fields. The people turned out to welcome lhim side with the utmo.-t enthu.-iasin, including men. women and children, and when Gen. Meridian came the people blocked up the streets so that it was dillieult for him to reach his head-quarters. The scene is de scribed as mo.-t exciting; the people waved ilags and handerchiefs, and even the women M-reamed words of welcome at the top of their voices. A Rebel train of 100 ammunition and s-ihsiMcnce wagons was captured by Gen. Franklin, and about 1.10 Rebel prisoners had been sent into J- rederick. Arrtvnl of Wonnded. Fbkdkbh-k, Sept. 15, 18C2. Corujl Gal lagher commanding Third Brigade, Penn sylvania Reserves, and Lieutenant Edward Riley, Company K, 12th Pennsylvania, were brought in to-day, wounded ut the battle of South Mountain yesterday. I.nte It-cm 4'umtM-rInnl 4iJnp. Cincinnati, Sept. 13. Advices from Cum berland Gap to August 31st represent that General Morgan is in fined ipirits. lie is foraging the country in all directions, and will liold out until relieved. The enemy are still in force on his front, but not in the rear, the Rebel force in Ken tucky having joined Kirby Smith. General Morgan made a raid at Rogor's Gap, killing six wounding six and taking a w hole company prisoners, without losing a man. Important from 4'iiM-limiill. Cincinnati, Sept. 13. The Rebel army has fallen back beyond Florence. Some straggler, taken by our scouts, say they had twenty thousand men. Others sa'v they only had teu thousand advanced this side of Florence, under General Ileth. Prisoners say the retreat was made because they heard of lluell's presence in Kentucky, and had not heard from Rragg. Our scouts, late last night, reported that the enemy was retreat ing in confusion. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ltl'Y FI KM! J OUN' FA 11 Kill A, No. 71S Arc-li Street. Iio linv Kiglilh. CiHilh xilc, l'lULADiai'llIA. Tmportor nnil Manu facturer uf. nnd Ih-nk-r in nit kiii'l" (f Fancy Fun", for Ladies' nnd i Children wenr. -J I desire to pay to my menus ol ."Minljury nnd tho riirruundinft cun tie that I liavo now in ?tre. one (if tlio largest mid niot beautit'td u. pnrtmntitMif nil kinds nnd qualities of I-'ani-y l'ur-', Lii'lit-s and Children' Wear, that will be. wurn dur iiift 1 1 tr Fall and Wilder. My Furs were j-ureliae 1 in Kumpo, r-reriou to the. rise in iterling lixchnne. nncl 1I10 New luty Imposed on nit lurs, Iuiorted itue. thu first of Au-gu.-t. I Weill 1 nl?o jl ate. that nn my stock tails. I will ofl'er it at juice prnjM-riionatc to what the goods cost nie ; luil. it will be mipo-siblL- for me to Import and Manufacture any more l'urs. nnd sell them at tho sjoiii- prices, owing lo the unsettled slate of the affairs, of the Country. l'J licmeinhcr the naiiie. number nnd street .loll KtHKIKA. 7H Arch Street, l'hila.lelphia Septeluber l-i. .SI)2. im GEO. P. BAILEY CO. S COliVfinoiifJo ; mil lo it OHIO'S IMTIT imIKOVi:i BRO O ISE. THE fulwribcr hnvinR purchased tho Hield f.r Northumberland coutily, oilers for fulo 1NU1 VI HUAIi nnd TOWNSHIP RIGHT?. This lirooni is nn excellent nnd durnblo nrlicle nnd ni rn-ily pen slructed Hint 11 child can put it together. The entire cost of the llrooin, matcriiil nnd all, will not exceed six cents. J he It inht nnd machinery f"f th mnkinc e.iito tl 23, for n Individual ltiuhl. iuwnslup ltiirhis will be sold nt the tnnst reasonable rules. Apply nt FISIILlt'S Pruir Store, or lo THOMAS Mellow. July 20, 1 802 3100. Isuubmy, Th. llltAIHY HOI'Ki:. Corner of Flute and Third Strctt, Il.viuiisnctio. P.i. TIIIS IIOUPK, in eonseipuencc of lis c I nnd near location to the Cupilol. h: desirable stopping plnee. not mly for those having business nt the seal of Uuvvriniii-nt, but t'ur others visitiiifr llnrrisburg. March 2V, 1.S02. oo.oo vu ri:i:i!s n im iiii 10 4'ici ii Tin: ici:iu:i.i.14 t TIIIE snme number of persons nro also w nnlr-1 to 1 wear tho HOOTS nnd Mini's, now beine mnnu faclured.'hy the subscriber, of the letcst slyb-s nnd best of lunteriid. Having n large stock of inaterial, he will make up to order in the best workmanlike, manner, nil kinds, of (riitlc-MM'ti'N Hoof a nnd siloes, I.ikIIcm' KIiocsiiiikI ni I -. 4'liililrcnH K1km-, iVc.Vr., Al short notice. Having several years' experience he feels confident of giving gencr illy sati l.i ti .11 lo all w hu may give him n call. All work" nuit he paid for b. f.,re leaving the shi p w hen "x percent will bp deducted oil'. Call al bis .shop nearly opposite Hie Court llou-o. In Market Sjnare. ami nsccriain his low 11i. es and cxainino hit stock before purclin.-irj lsewlo-re. JOHN WlbVbll. Piinbury, August 9. 1 V,2. din l.miilM-r ! I.iiiiiIh-i-! PHI LIP MI AY, Miincy. Lycoming coutily, l'a., INFORMS his friends nnd the public in gnoial. that he cuistantly keej-son hand Iioar.l.-'.siiin-rles, Lath. .loists. and all kin-Is of I.o?-:l .,-r and builoLii" materials, nhieh he will sell nt (lie b-wc-t pi ne.-. " March M. Isiil. 3STOW OJPJZ.JST. AYE1VS MAMMOTH FURNITURE WAKE HOUSE. Uil V mil I'liOHinit Strtel, IMiil-a. (Late LEW A CO S Dry 'IojI Piorc.) .i:. .1. in:.Eis:i.s, Koriucrly i21 Walnut Street, l'hiladulphin, August 3, 1Si'.2 .lia ; i' Aiei ii: iim m:.' Till: TIMi: TO FILL Vol'U ALIJl'MS 'cllelici- of the earc'ty of -h-nge. 1 will "i ll 1M1I. I.clK-r. ed ill the ' folluw- iinliitii Itrixlinairi- I.;lst i .ipiaiu l'.rod'ie el. viio uas l.iili le battle of 1 i J 1 1 Hun. dh-talcd ll 1.: Ielli-rjUst llefore he dieil: i o-iilnent i.-. unnecessary. -Uear I'.rother and Sister- I am paiiu; iw tVoni ci.rtii. but send you love from m u-r; ceeli. For all yoiiro c and Uiinl- 1 e . icav '-u be rewarded. I have i" .1 1 1 1 1 in ! 1 v, ;i u 1 1 l.ow die (Variedly. 1 am one I' 1 1n- ietilns of 1'opeV iii:!.i-ci!ity :ind IMc- , 'oeli'.- Tell the. I'lC-iili-llt ollld ; e ,.i,ve the country he must not e;ive our i allie.v,-,! ta-r into such h-inds. but ', "j will triumph yet. The oldiei- will re dd ils Colds, iiuv polluted by inil eeility id treason. John. ou owe a debt to your lint rv. rue ' fsliow U Tope s ineolnn iiey ; lem ll ,eii to iis-iired destruction. I hud hoped have livid lon-'cr, but I iti hmul anor of baltle, as I could wish. Karewt JIJ ooil and t lie noble ollieeis of my f(U nit 1 conlide w ife and children, J,"' id McDowell's infi-iny, and tone :il lilaees where lin v u- ieud biave the VrriMr lApIos-loii lthurK. I'lTTsni Rfi, Sept. 17. A frightful exjilosion .c'currcd at the nitcd Slates Ar-eniil iLLi .al'J-rnoon ut two eloek in a large frame building know as ie laboratory. About 1 71s boys and jrirls were employed 1 the buildinc; at the time of the disaster, "1 or si) of whom were Killed. The LAp.oMoii was followed l y another nlil toe entire building was destroyed. Thos- w ho could not escape in time were urncd up, the sci no w as mot iipphliiiii end boiiii-s were l in; in hcatis as thev had illeii, and in some places, w hero the heat as intense the whitened bouts could be en lliiouo;h the smoke and Ihmie in other hu e, laruo iimm-$ of blackened ljf-slj were isilde. I 10 the present time sixty three Lodies ave been taken from the ruins. The cause C 1 he explosion is not known, but it is ud nilUd bv all to have been ueeidental. I'roni lliii-1-ir.lturu ilAltlllKlll'lta, Se))t, 1C, 1SI2. The 7 w '"'' of this evening guys : ''It eeius that it i.s Uot Ihe iuteiitiou of tho (!o ernor to inarch tho militia beyond the orders, and even ifniieh wer his object, hr not vested with powers to order such tin txpedilion." MeClellan ha l-een in hot iHtrsuit of the lebels, who are believed to have retreated owards 'Winchester, in the Shenandoah I'allev. There in danicr that ihc enemy nay alleinpt to invade Middle i'uunylvania liroHjjti ll.iueock, ami to procure buppues or his army, of which they nrc in the most uvsMilU Uetd. Tho lu'oper steps have Ijcoii iaken to prevent thU Tho Noithuiuberhiud JJaptist AssochfciuU will meet in Jersey Shore, Tuesday tlio ltttli -M iit. Hunday School Convention, Monday venin.L'ri viou ,Vns i'roni tit'iiliK-Uy. I From the New Albany LeJijer, lotli The runiorcd lie;ht near liallat ill between the I nion troops, under CiiUchdoii, and the Kebels, under IScncral Ur:'r;u is not fully conllrmed, yet many military men believe it. The report is that Crittenden dcfcali'd Iirao";, with heavy loss. llniW is endeavorinjr to make his way into Kentucky. (ieneral lluell and his entire army are still said to be nt Nashxille nnd its immediate icin it v. . It is supposed that liiu 11 will remain at Nashville for the present. (ieneral Kousseau and his command are 1 still at Nashville, notwithstaudinor all the i ie)orls lo the contrary. This w e learn from I an oUiciul source. It is not the intention of i the l liion troops to evacuate Nashville, i They w ill tiudit there if attacked. I The tijjht at Cumberland (.Sap on Thursday ! last isMiid to have been 11 verv considerable ntVair. A hirne bodv of HeU-ls attacked a forajriiiff party of our troops some ten miles from the (Sap. J hey were badly whipped, and are said to have lost not less than one hundred killed and wounded. The Federal Joss is said to have been seventeen in killed and wounded. Our troops took a number ot prisoners. Thi we learned from a hitih Federal uflicial nt L.uisville. The condition of General Morgan's forces at the Gap is said to be very satisfactory, and no fears are entertained for their safety. They have yet provisions sulHeieiit for fifty days, ami their position is said to be lHtitfci'iiaLlu. It will not bo Ion before lie Rebel forces in that direction will bo scattered to tho four winds. Steps have already been ukc;i to insure thu re suit. " From nearly nil sections of Kentucky we hear of tho orouiiiz-ittion of guerrilla bands mid com panic for the U.cbc irpry. The recent troubles ill that State, coupled with their purtial successes, have brought out the Kebcl population, una tueyiire now snowing their ham is. 1 Ins, above n)l tjjiniis 14 Uesi ruble, a hereafter the Union iirmicg will know when, wiiom, ami how to strike. terrible retribution awaits treason and lie bcllton in that Stale. The solid columns ot brave men now coneentratinej in that State for the defence of the Constitution and the Union w ill not play war. They go forth to baltle now. ZOOLOGICAL AND I1IPP0 AKENIC PAY ILLI ON. mm: iniiicisi ti.iiiv iiii'ui-iii J tsl that this Mammoth ltiibli.-hioeiilTeoiii.i i.-iiig the largest collection of raru nnd curious aninoiN. m well ns tho most comilcle couiciiiy of Liiicstriaa (iyiuuasts, Ac, ever seen on this conliueut will make its grand entree into this, place on .Miftfiiluy, 'i'itl S4'JI-iii14-i at l'l o'clock A. M.. aid gie TWO LXllUU'l loXsund l'crfuruiauces, ul 2o clock nnd 7 o'clock I1. M. Among the mo.-t curious an 1 Wiutiful spccimeiis of the animal creation which comprise the Z-ologh:ul licpurtmcut. are African Lions, bengal Tigers. Leo pards jthc largest and tho most beautifully marked ver secu. iiyeuas. iiger c ins. .juckiiis, 1 lima, atui large collection ol .MoiiKcvs ironi ttic Ourrill:i-liKe (.irang-Out-ang. to llie playful In Ihc Ornithological Department will be found u spletiiliil Aviary 01 1. arc oinisoi tue 1110.-.1 gorgeous and tiazziing plumage, iitciuoiug tuiiii- remarhaoic nnd interesting specimen of bo-caus. (ioldcn Fhcii. sauls. lied, lirecn. liray and Multicolored Furroic. Homed Owls. Hilds of l'rcy ol various spccici!. be sides a vast number of Quadrupedal and F'cather va rieties, titlording a r-li and ancd treat tu the stu- lenlsol Natural History. l'roiiiinciil among the many artists who cunprise tho llipporaitic liepartment, tire .las Jicmott, Le Hoi do Hip)Kdrome. Miuleiuoiscllu Josephine, ac knowledged by (he public of both hemispheres, to bo the most beaiuil'ul-d.ishiiig and accomplished K-oies-Iricnii" .' the age. Le .b nne Hurt the great ruler, I'has llivers. the great Hare-hack n-l Scenic Loues triun. the I'.roihers the wonderful Acrobats, IVrchennd Alt-t liano performers, S. o. Wootston, l(. F.llinghum. II. Willi, inks. Ac. Jim Ward, the world renowned l'crlorioiiig Clow 11. Mg. n umboldl iho 1 i rent Trick Clown, besides a full troop of Aero bats. Tumblers. Trapcic l'crfonucrs, Yuultcra, Jug i?lers. Iiaueers, and Athletes. 1 lie programme 01 pciiormanee win to rieu nan Varieil. colupri-illg an uiruy ui uoveiiiee sucu 112 cau: not tail of insuring llie uutst complete satisfaction Two full Lamb, couiisiscd ol hrsl-clasji solo per. ormersf from tho Academy of Music. New York and lloston, will accompuny the establihmeiit. The llrasn Hand, led by llie eelciiraica .uaksthu a. if Atwoo-l. Tho String Hand led by thu distinguished lMi'lir.slAXo (ico, Smith. The Mairniliccnt iiuil iincious ravillion, W ngon. Trappings, Harnesses, Cages. Ac. nro nil new aud triumphs 01 American .vicciianicui skiii. r if Adtnitiaucc lo .uciiugerieuuu circus comuiuci onlv cents. At Milton, September 2ath. f. II. FAKNSWOKTII, Agent. Kunbnry, September Lt, lbiij. 2t l'.l.i:4 NOW IS I X eunseoiii I my elegant TKN'MJUAl'll CAl.I'K l'l l'uKiKAlTS. Sil--n for One Eo'I:it-. ent by mail Toalage paiI. I hesc cardes are be-t niv. nrc permn nent. 'J'hi-v embrace all the principal llenerabof the Army. President. Cabinet, AC .l--twoof the greatest villian-' unhung JKKt'niid I '.LA I KliiiAl.ll. Catabigucs sent on application, i-uuiplu copies acul ou reveijit uf Ten Ccnis. fl JOHN nilN lV, 72S ?ans.,m r-t., rhiludelpoi.i. September tb 1S('i2. GROCERY & PROVISION STORE .ttlirltCI 1UI-, rlllilni ) , -... JOHN GOOD, Dl" ALLIl In all kinds of (i HOCK It IKS. respectful Iv informs the citrzens of Sunbui v and that he constantly keepsoii hand a large assortment of the beat of all kinds of O KOCLIULS, such as Teas, Soap. l'ried l-'ruit, C.Ilce, Candles. Cnnmd do. Sugar, T'oicco, rrr.m --, Voce. Si-gors, Spices. Svrups, Soaps, Coiifeerionarics. Mola. es. San. S:iir-h. 1- l.ol lt. MKAT, FL11, nnd iu fuel even lL:ng in the lilocery lipe. LIQUORS Of the hesl qualiiy lit Wholesale and Helail. eonsi-t- otg ot Hrulidy, (on, ines. ralslmrgh M In-Key. aiel Iioiiiestic Liquors generally, to which he in ilcs tlio public lo test before purchasing elsewhere. tall nnd see my stock. No charge- Fr showing. J' lIlN liOOH. Suiibury, June 1 1. I V,2. Ml - III It V .U' tlU'.MV. rPIIK SlNlll'KY ACAHK.MV will be opened on .1 tho.l Minul,,; ufiftriiiUr. .M2. I'upils insiruclcd iu Knglisl Classical aiul Mathe matical branches. Tho course is designed to prepare for admission into College or to quality for bu-inc-s. A daily record is kept of lie lUtendunee, conduct, und rci-iiaiioiis c.f each pupl, au abstract of which is scut monthly lo parents. TKHMS. Preparatory llivisioii. perquarter, Main lllci.lon '."S""""""" $1 00 6 CD 7 IKI Cliuwicu. i:i;i-Klii:ieKS. Kx-Oov. 1'iilloek. 1'hiladilphia ; lion. A Jordan, Hon. W. L. Hcwart, S. P. Wulvurtoii, K-i , Mm bury; lievs. A. U. Lolc. J (1 Fan-.v. T. T. 'liius. W. C. Luwsoii, Ksi , ami l'l. W 11 M.irr. Mill- n. JAMKsj U. I'.n.NLi. A M , Priuuip.-il. unbury, July 12, 1-V.2. Iiu purl nl lo l.TerH (if (oiiiil l'i a, BHIUHTA SON invite attention to their Stock of Prime llreen nnd lllacli Tea. Sunhurv, June !.", isivl. V.ll.l P 8 tf il r a m FIIIMNC & (lIUxNT A III' HAPPY TO ANNOlNCK THAT TIIKY ALL WHO WISH to riiuiiAsi: Arc curing (lie Sick to n t xlonl never before known of any Medicine. K7ALID3. r,E,D AND JUDGE FCR Y0UL2ELVE3 JITI.r.S IIAt'Eti, Km., Hie tV(JI kticitvn rrfnmpT, o, Clifftnnl Hlmi, rinl;nlplilii;i, whe-o chuiro ircilucti nro It'iiml at ftliunpt cvor" tiM)rt cfiys : ' I in linpf y to My (if jour t1 atm mitic fit ii, tint I have fdi in d ilicrn h t'ottr Inmilv iiicthrrne , for ritiimion up, tlinii ntiy othrr wiilun 'iny kimwIi-ilL'p. Muny ot my fiifiuh hnve rrnlipd inaiked tTtiriii funu tin m, mm! n. inriile Willi me in M if vine tlmt tliry p.s-ei rtt:unlifinry virtnm for tlrivim out tlinraj unit i nritiit tlie fi k. They are not only pflrrtuM, lmt mte sinl (ilnmt to le inkn qiinlitien which tmit mtike tliciu valued y the public tvhen tliry are known." The vpncnt.le Thnnrrltor WAKIHwWV writes from Bal timore, ITtih April, iKil : " lia. J. C At m Sir : I have tnkn yrmr 1'ilt with prent hniefit, lor the li-ttetsnrH, I:iiiiik r, loan ot flttle and Hiliciis Itcmlaclir, w lih Ii hnn of l.tto yciirs overtaken me in the i)riii(r. A fiw riiws of ytiitr Till nireil nte. I hive litfd your Cherry I'ertornl m,iny years in my latuily fur rou elm and colds with untniliiiii (iin cct. Ymi m.ikn mediruicri whiih cure ; nnd I tWl it n ilfnnro tn coiiiiueiil yon for the c'il J'''! "ftve done and are ilonm." JOHN F. BEATTY, K.,PcC. of the rctm. Railroad Co. itaj 1 Pa. ft. H. Offrr, Philadelphia, T)re. H, IH.VI. 'Ptr: I take pletir-ure in aiMmt; my trnmnny t the efTirary of your medicine, having derived wry mnteria lienctit from the line of Uoth our IVt-roral and Cmii trta fill. I am never without tliftii in toy l;mily, nr mIiMI ever consent to be, whilo my mean will procure them. " The widely renowned S. S. 8TEVEXH, M. P., of Wont worth, S. II., writer: Mnina us-d your Catimhtk rut. in my pr.irttie, 1 ceriily from eterifiiro' thai they nre tin invaluable purcn t i o. In ease oi tliotdrcd Inm li-m ot the liver, eau-ini; lieadarhe, itidisesfifii, rniiVftuH, and tlif c'fit variety of! that fellow, they an n niirer remedy than any rttier. In nil ense where a jmra'ive remedy i reipnreil, 1 ri.nti h ntly reremmend thce Pilli? to tlie pnl.hc, a piiH'riMr to any f'ther 1 have ever b'liiid. 'J'hry are nre in their oteratioii. ami jirtleiMly ate qnaliiiVs uhirh make them an invnluahle artirle for public u-r. I h.ivu fr many yenrx known ymir Cherry k'tctvral iw the he-it Couch medicine in the world ; and these PtlN nre in tm vi"e inletior tn tint mlmiruhlo pieparatioii for the treat ment of diseases." " Aetna Mr., .Vr. " Tin. J. C. Atb Prir Sir : I have been nflirtM( from my hirili with srri'tnla in it? wor.-t b rin, and now, ntter twenty year trial, and an untold id auto-int ol 'suih toil', liavo Uen fiiiopletely cured in a t. w week;" by Vti. With what tceliniH -f rejnirinj! I write can only ha iruacined when yon real tie wlmt 1 have aull'ered, aud how lonu. " Never until now Imve I been free from thi lonthome riisrane in come chape. At time it attacked my ee, and made me almost Mind, boidon ihc ntiemlitralile pain ; nt others it t itled in the scalp el my head, and dotroyed my hair, and ha kept me paitl kihi all my dai; Himetiiited it came out in my lace, ni;d kept it tor im-ntle a raw " Abi ul nine weeks an I ei uimt net i takina '"nr t'a tharitf fills and now am entirely free Inun tht-cimiplami. 5Iy eer aie well, inv skin is t.ur, and my hnr has eom inenced a henlihv i''nwihi oil id w hull make me leel already a new wron. ' llcpinc tin- st.neinont niftv be the means ofrinivpvinq that shall do gm-il" to filter, 1 am, with every Bcnliiiiciit id gratitude, lour--. Arc, .MA HI A PlfKm." ' I have known the nlmve nami d Maria linker from Iter childhood, and her btaiement i tirittlv true. amiukw j. Mi;Hi:nvn, Overseer of the IVitHiioiiih MamtUuturinc t'o." Cut. JUKI. I'll ATT. of tho thip Mtrii u, wntot Inm t.-ieii, 'j.uh April, l:l: ' Veur IMIn have nuvd ine from a bilioii attack which ' arose iVem derangement of ttic Liver, whiili n.-ol ,rt ue very sertoiia. I had fa i lid ot any relief by mv fb -i'-lan, j and frt'in every lerne(l I rnUI try ; but "a lov d e- of t your I'M!.- have comph it h' re-teii-ti me t hralih. I h.we i jriven them t my chiMrvii b r worms with ihe :-et ef- i ft-cts. J hey Weie preiit tly eiired. I reci rnmenileil them to a fite ltd f r m-iiveiies, wlm li lmt irotihled lorn fr inontli ; ho told me in a tew (!;ijh ihey had mrtd Inm. Veil make llie Ut itiedunie tn the world ; und I am lite lo say m.'1 Itend this ficm the di-ttngni-hed Hdii itor of the Supreme i ohm, vh'i'O I rilnani al'ihiit s have made Inm well Kmm u, in l fi.I in lb b:.t the iieiL'tibort:i utt.s l A u UW(s 5rft Ajnlt 14. "Fir: I have pr.Mt fati-i:ti iu n in aunnj .-u that ll:V-e!l ami Mini) have hern eiy mio h beij- lited by yetrr inedit ine. M w tie w a.- ured, twn jenr Mitre, it t se ver" and iLni-'rcii c 'iiL'h. by etrr Chi rhv I'ktmhu., and Mine then lire ertjiord perfect health. My children have several lime? been V tin (i liom aiiackiot ihe Inthi eua and Cioup by il. It is an mvalnriMe retnuly It thie ri'tuplaiiit:;. fiir ( m tin n I' have entirely cured me a d-j pMH m. ei-iiM-iKM, wlm h ha.-. pri'W ii uplift me l-r '"me t n, indeed, ihi- m niccb ti if iii:. i ;;ttt. th m 'l!' i.i.'t I h:td tai'e.t pet relief fruMi the le.-t I'tr. -L ian- v hi. h i'n ertn'ii of the mutiny alli.rd, and li in any ot (he uumereu itme diPf I had taken. eit ee!ii to ns I'lTti r. I ke a pmvule nt ia blcs-iinc to etir tn ir tit , and mi may w ell Mirp, r- we are ml un tlllllit'iU ul It. icU r peritti:i , LKAVI'iT TMAXTFR." uSctntt Chmhrr, OArV, A-'til 5A, 1WM, " l-R, j. V. Avi ti Heiieied Hu : I have mndo a lia r on !h trial ' I tl e t tm ti t n l'n t , it-it n e b oui ai'ent. aiul have been t uied t ihem t f t1, die't Itol Khf ntnaii-iii limit rwh; h le icin-i me uilirini. Ihe fir-t ibi-e rt--lit-vtd ine, and n tew Mih.-e;rAiti dc-es bae mttrelv r'-neicd ll .!i-e ee. T t-1 1 ot hiMtt r health new than l r "ine yvars, w Iiu h 1 nnnt-ute enitre!y to ih t ilect 'l your L'aihibtu fiu.i. ours w nh treat re-pt . t. U CU .S It. Mt.'l L'AI.K." where Ihey rei 1e. and w h- wonbl n.-t mke the e uic ineirts wtilifut a ttit-nuijiJi c. nvulu n t!;;t :iny Hut-. rrepareil by DR. J. C. AYEH & CO., Fraotical and Analytical ChemiaU, Lowell, Mass. l y TsiYiuz & tiritht. an-1 K. A. l'i ' in Sunliury, Dr. 1!. I!. M-O-y. X..."l.!ii.-.'.. ll.iu l. .1. F. I'liflnw. Mini ('. l;ri-.n. -'ilt. :i J. l'lii;-:ii:ui, '1 .irl u: v ll. i li A- ('.... M: Curir. I r1. lli-r-iri---,r. I'!lv.-lii!r'. Wii.n. Miilimmy. " AW'avi r .V y V illiiiinri. Piixin".'-. An 1 li :t! -r- I'. i-rywht re. Auir-u-12. -Iv Ma-: now r.uciMViN'i an kntikk New Stock of Goods ! ! MAM Ol' IlK II Al; K K.T1DUCED IN TRICK, Good & Handsome Goods AT no iiam; a nnJ nllli"iiL-li (-ii viiiliu i l.ili.l' Hull! DRY GOODS Jv i r i.i id a THE MAMMOTH, will Oiilivinou liny c:iii I i I lu-iu m w.diimii 1 lint, l,c ihj ri-'"i'l ii it niiiy.yi-t tlio pr- jli-l..i ! ,..' in .(iiu li in'' h.ivu thi- laviliiii- .r furiii lii:i.; CHEAPER GOODS ii... 1 V. iu l.liy an,! icll :in 1 mi. 1 n l...fir Cn lils JUST RECEIVED ! 1 1 1 1 - jii't nlun.i 1 fnun I'hil:: Ul; !.i;i w i;li a LEITT ST03 Spring Summer Goods. in: kj:i:p kverytuikg, a.mj a ui-: m:ti:i:.minki) to SELL CHEAPER 77.1A t'.i.v in: vi:iu-u.iu i:i.t: ITtILr?:l -V liKAN'l l O M I I ( I I (((Hi, v 11. 1 I'l.UA; i; i'Al.L AT 'MIC OSK VllWV. STOliE ol-' E. V. ERICS HT Cx SON Wlu K -1 1 en en hand, iiu l nro tui-nlli! Tt--i iiy ti-uiii N'i-tt V-jik an I I'liii.-li 1 lii l, A CHOICE AND CHKAP tJTOCK Ml KINDS or coons llll'l-- 1 t-i till' u till- Ht.-ltli..l 1111 t nro I'li'i nrt-il 1 1 1 -,r Ihi- l'n.. I ..iir --I., tl. r k I.: 1 or- " U- i:., 1 r. .i .-li'.ill v ...,, .lin r.ri I I ! nt 1 VAU: AT !5AttfBUS f-' u 1 1 1 urv. i':iy 17, 1-02 HOW TO PROMOTE IIAPl'INESS. DOMESTIC 'I II it V. II uill . ll.jw uiUL-ll mil ; ?llli" fl-tll. l'.l.--ii.-.. r.-. Vr.-lilU. (.'i..iiii; . l.iiu u I'Iicl:; linlimi I'l.-ili. nml C..r.u:.:i I.K.l 11 I.IMli." lnr-.-o -.y Sill. Iir.-.s l'a.iri Kxcuiaiou Tiikcti are otouiat'. Baltimoiu:, Srjitcmljor 11. Two mil road cnipliiytiJi who were tuken irisoncrii ly the lU-bil Jucksixi, near Wil iianiiort, huvc ri-tumt-il. Thi-y say tlmt ho tnuH thorp witi him acros.-j thu I'otoniiKi, unit ivlan his Uviiion had croHsi-d, on Friday, ullowt-d thciu to return. There can, then-fore, he no doitht ot the fuet tliut J.u kaon is ou thu other kiile of tho river. of IH-utll ot Kcuiitor 'l'hQi"ou, cw JTej. Tkektoh, September 18. Hiiu. John R. Thompson, United States Kt-r.tUor, died ut hi re&ideneu, iu 1'rinceton, at tin eiit-ly hour alter midni(di. Hisoilieiiil term would have expired on the 1th of M.uvh n vt. N1II.IC1I1"!- MAI.i:S. I)y virtue uf numlry write of Yen. Kxponns Iwuctl J 3 out ut' ihe Court of Ciinnuim l'li-na. of Nurlliuiu liirlmiil cuuntv. l'n.. nnd to mo directed, will Iiu exKMi-il tu liulilie mlu lit tlio Court limine, in Ihu liuruuirh of Sunliury, on Tuvmluy, (Iiu 2".il day uf !epleuiler, A. l., INW. nt 1 o elm-K, r. in., Hit- uir lowing du&ribt'd reul e.--tule, tu wit : All llml ttltiiin tract of land, tilunto in lJ- t r Mahunoy townbij, Nortliuinherlund cnunty. 1'h., Adjoining InnHn of Iuniel (h-iiit, Sdoinon l'uukcl herger Hud others on tbc en-it.Jolin Mover nnd Nathan llaiui on ihu rioulh, John Dieul on tho went and lJaiiiel lloweater mid oilier on thu north, containing two hundrod und Iwenly-ntveu aeron, uiuro oj lesc. ulxiut one, hundred nnd fifty uereii whereof uro cleared, w hereon uro erected u largo two elory atone dwelling holme, a Iniuk burn, wugon liiiune, spring house nnd oilier out-buildingn &e. Stiied, Inken in execution, and to be told a Ibo property of lleury lluui. ALriO : Al tho iamo time and place, a ecrtain tract of land, rituiite in I'ppcr Mahanoy towiu-hip. oouuty and S.1U0 HtiironuU. bounded and deaoribed h follo, Iu w it : ou th,o norlh by J.-nao Keefcr, uu tho eoulh 1 1)- lluuiel aud tiuvid Keller, on tho weft by I'eter Starr ond oh tlio enst by Abraham Wulfgnng, con taiiiing 45 acrea IIU percnen. Uriel meiiKure, whereon aro erected an old tog house, log bum, 0(0., an apple orchard aud oilier truit lroc. r-eiieu, laarn 111 execution andtobefvU es tho property of Uidevn Auum. ALSO : At Ihe mme rime and plnee, a certain iot of ground No. 3. In block .No. 7a, miujile iu Ilia town ol trovor ton. Zerbo towik-lili), county and btato alorutaid adkiauini! lot No. 2 uo (lia wut, lot Nu. 4 on the east in the tame block, an alley on tho norlh, and fronting on Bliainokin street conteliiiuz in wcnlu i3 teet and in depth 150 foot, more or leM, wheruon are erected a 0110 and a hulf Htorv frame bouse, frame kilohen. brewery aud Oohor outbuildings. Seized, tuken in execution, and Ul ba eulii, aa the properly of Ira l-uyroa. DAVID WALDROX, Sheriff, flieriff i Oflwo, fcunbury, September , 12. Inuuliirturorai ol'StoMe Ware, COWDEN & WILCOX. IIA-TmiSBTJUGr, rpliK Slone Ware now wade at Ikia t-atablUlunont I Is ciiuiil tu any made In Ihmeoiwlry i)veryva. - " . . ' l ... ..II.. I . .... U .- I II -ri T III KTIIl - U. U 1 1 T uis.iv. J 1 S H'l.U ll.irrubuiy Mny 3, Isoi Ml- ti iicim: iMii.u nut sale: rPUE nuliseriliers offer fur 'alt- a lineTiai tol 1 111 follit lownslup, -ori iniuiii-riauil couiuy. I a , part of which in cleared. It di iiie will Illlike Iwo giKKl sueil larum. ii.eru aie uui u 11 f."ni stone uwelling house, a Mgilwclling House 11111 oiui r oullmilding. a skw llnuk linrn, two good Apple t'r eliards. and oilier fruit Ireei There is a irood sigh! lor anw-.Mill upon it. a saw. mill which "lid a good buiiues was lately burned dow n upon (he premises. Applv Winn (o i;Kl!i;l'. I'uXKATI. 1 pper Augu-iii township. Or ITIAlU.i:.-) l'l.i:A..NT;-, Suiibury, l'u. July 111. rs02. llui-ilniiri-, lin liliier.v, hanie 'I'tiultf, Vft 1IKM1V IdldlLHT, Miriit Street, OjijXMUf the Court ., Haiiimski uu, l'A ., lAKAI.Ell In all kinds of Builders und M.inul'nc. ) turere' Hardware, lrou hteel, Coil L Lain, iioi e.-, 1'ulley Hlocks, Ac. LlMM.tll, Ul llMNQ AliD M l HlStKY (IlL.I. The l.ubrieuting Oils are adapted to every viu uiy of Muehiuery. Also, at manufacturers prices, Wooo WoiiKixa Mm niNKur, v'u l'laning, Sash, Morticing and tawing Ma chines, Ac. Macuixuu' Tuols, vii : l'laners, Engine and Hand Lathes, Uujt Cutters, Ac., Ac Machine Leltlng, of Hubber and Leather, constantly on baud. Herring's Fire Proof Safes, rialform Kral.-s. Tin Pluto, r-heet lnai, llliK-k Tin and Ti iiiiiuer..' 'I ..!.-. Ij I'uicuaacra will Und it to Uieir iuieivst to gistf us a call. HarrisUurff, March 20. 1Si'i2. ..rtii-.i-i 1 :ii. -.v Sill. . Silk Ti nil V..I liel uu-. Mi !i!!t I.evclli-. le:al.e. L.o.lis. I l'l-n!- A lull line of hi h ! s-ull.i l...r-ler i.n l Siimi.iir Lace!a-. Ai- li ll'. Hood l'-"-V .ds at !.. 1.1! Win In.wN. : :o k 11 1 pric. iiii.-' li nnd . d . an I Heady Ma le LTolhing, A good n-.-or!nieitt of lint'1 and Cap... A largo u--..rlnniit of und H.ois. A full stuck of iir 'Ceri" .-. M .li-,.- nnd ?u' ir, ILir-hvarc und Luilding A full tl uk of liueiii and (,l.i . narc, A fuil .-lock of I'i.-.h. ,.ilt, Oils mid While Lead, A large stock of New Wall . er, Aneiv.lmk of .-iMiie nnd i:r-.lumiiire. An I tin iis-.iid - of articles not enuuierati d. All ihe al..e will le sold cheap lor I'a.h or t'ounlry l'roduec. r-:!id Mr. Suiitii t- Mr--, liix-wn, A- t,U- IV. lk;l: llllollil tlo-, - h.-re do y..u do your li"i ping ' 1 lial die-- "U it in. s" lo ut an l lino, ' uiuii 1 m i- ii, li.illy mine Looks po.-iiiicly shocking. -I'm sure ymir liu.-oan l. Mrs, l!r..un Now don l l.e angry. p"Ut and lron I.- 1.. f -o ri.-li as initio. At 1 y- l vi.-.i can al "ord to liny .lin iivi.-c a.- :nui h. or m.-re ih.iu f. And l.-.w. 1 cunio'. divine " rivs Mis. Lroivn to Mr.J r-'miih : Tlio you II be slarlkd willi, It is so simple. ek-iT You buy OU elidit, I l'-u-C;l-ll. 1 liny l.-'ilgains. you lr.i.-!i, 1 cheap, while you pay dear. --Wliorie'cr -u want n dre.-j or shawl. A coil.-r. Iin.-e. or wliai-iiot, cull Al the ol. cap Ma-iMoiii Si.hik. 'I In v ii si ll ..u g 1- s i vi rv low 'My hiis'innd. a? V"U t'uly say. 1.- t ' ori r. far. llniii yours to-day, A-i'l yet i c-ui 1 uy m ire. Ileeiui.-'e ea- il dollar of his f,:y Is. t" inc. ja-t ns g -oil us liv.t. Al l!:e cheap M vmmi-vii Sn ni: o -an-!i 1 Was Mis. Muilll Mi. n Mt-. I i'iwn s new ariih u c-i :. ,iiic'.i di 1 o:.,ineo The lii-1, und o ciu-l -o yi.', -in lo. . I i-.-i. 1 d Iu palroi.iic 'i l.e JjA " 001 11 iir ,-ill-i-Ati I !' -w . vv!n ;i yi.u i loini o to l.M i t IK i- liu-l. 11. i. Mi. nil. iq n the .-Licit Aioau I llie comer coining. II is iaci; 1.- Indue 1 w U a smile, ill- ,-.ep chi-lii. all llie wl.ile A 1 Ica-M.t tune, l.e .- hill. lining Lali -. if like ell'-ct you'd u In y. i r d .r .-n-i-. which you and he, I'lleloiii.-e. I'.ee'r -a ,v In lore. .lust M:s. I'lown s pi.--. ri.-.ioii try. Ami all your list ot lny i, I- buy '1' AM) Al the do Splendid Induce tiientE to all ho d'-.-iro M pun-l .i-c h.-ne-t ti I.- at l-u: pri-es We d-. lmt foil ju-iili. d ill boasting that wo lone :lo- ;-( -M-.'. Iii.lmuoli -Ai -t ile willi tril'll. llntl our stork i- well -' 1 ..,!,. I, ,-i.l . 1, .Ohio, iu my iiovoltiis iioi t.i be toiitrl i I-i wIkic I'm pri-uit a- 'l inn 11! c.-inr-ri ' aii "1 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC X) jl -r G o o r B w mil. .'i'.i is VAK11.1 1 t.'M.l'N AM) .-'11" I.. il.ll. A .i CAT. J. II. L'Ntil'L. t-'uio'ury, May 17, 1'oJ. AtriNt'OW SHADES. A very Im and cheap asstirlinrnt, just rooeived bv llailroail iroiuNc York, al tho .Mnuiutulli Morn i r ruing a uiiuu W e have also f"4 salo 8. H. I'utiinm A Co. uclebra ted Patent Pendulum Curtain Fixtures. Kunbury, March 2D, IbrtJ. Atliniulaitrulor'K o(i.e "VTOTICE is bcrotiy given that letters of aduiinis t ration having been granted to (he subscrib. r, outhe ettate of Albert Xitsworlh, lute of Munuokin to w lull 1 p, Norlhumbtirlaud eounty, deeeiited. All poroUi ludebU-d are requested to make imtnetllato nuyinent, and those having oluims to present theu fur icilleuitut. ISAAC TITSWOHTII. A dm r bliamekm twr- ,Auux. IjoJ tit At'iiiliiUlriiloi-'u Aolito, AJOTICl. is hereby given that leltere of adininis. i tralioii liai ing li.-i 11 irranie In the nil . rilier, ou Iho estalci.f l r.iel II. luinkli lo-rger, l..le el l.iltle Mahoiioy uAii.-liip, Norlliun.bvlland coumy, de Ct'tui.d All pcisons ilnlel.lcd ur-- rc-tue ted to uiaku iuiinediato payment, ainl those having claim to pie seul llieiu duly uuu.uilie..u d lor s. 'ii.nnn! A A. 11L1M, Adm r. Trevorton, August, l?o2. Cl i:uc vi. ! 1.1. i ic N.1.1:. rPHIS well known llolel, locnttwl in Sunbiity. l ;'ic I Junction of Ihe Noilhun Cniiul aiih If't- hunbu- ry ana lain lluilroiois, ..inn,l al pi nam ,a T erms ot sale will b. iiia.looj.y iormaiiou euttuiie al llii i-lli-'O Au :u -( 3 1'-' For lunlioi iu M i l A NEW AND USEFUL ARTICLE. 1IALIY, RiOtthiE & HOVDKK'S J S-ll'- 1)Jii(!iik ( i-iiiri- -u tile,, l'u. al b' : '.1 1 ij t.-.t Linhle tu ;'! . a! of Older. Ti.e Silf-Aoi'i i:.g l'lo-l ,- Wrini-r. Is one of tlo iri .. . - i' r o olio-lit ot the! h c-nHiry. an I j .: .nl . lo '.t- known -in I tried, to c-ene into j n. o i lie nil ing of clothes, in pfes-ing out 1 be wan-r I tn-ceii iw rut. ber rolls. iii.-:ead uf wiii.gir.g or t-ii. ling, will iittioiiii; lu iiK.uii in a .-L"it liinc. lo 1 1 .- tor n inimliiiie. :, iv 1 i.e i- aware. thu iwi-iiug or tvrii.ginir of clotlies. s:rcti-lo i nd breaks the fil-ivs ; l utihis maibiue precis them so e inly, that a new.-pn per lie lonelily soaked. can be illuUi-'. VMtlioul liK.ikin,; il in llie least, nnd i'w.rks so c-i.-ily. Ibal u child tw lie vf-irs old can operate It without trouble, lit Mat. r docs not injure 1I10 rolls, an I woollen g.s-ds e in be wrung ful of O 'ding water l-J j-tovw.l lu.ling. Which 1. .Mint bed I e 1 y ha.i I. Iii "i.ii-ehii.g. il i' ii 1 ..'a 'Mo. e-i'd-'ully on largo nrtirlcs. tiicli as Ladies' Skirls. Ae., m it leave tlio staicl: iu iho cloihcs pi-rfcutly eeu. Il will wring (lie largos! bed luill, or ihe .-nialle.-t pocket liami kerchief diiu-lliau can possibly bo doiiu by hand, wiihout aid ration, in ten (ban ene.eigih (hotline. The machine is so simple '.hat it is nut liable to jj .t oui of repair. The glial improvement in ibis, every every other Wringing Machine yet invent, d, is. ils fell-A l;u-i-ing nrraiigeuunl. riiUiriug uu altna-ioi. to mi,,g n or bed i,tiilt c ii.-c.iuiULly, tlio u.i; ig-l.-.p-itit servant e.111 odernle U. The machine U made of wood, and u arranged, that 110 iron enu po.-.-ibly eeine ill contact Willi llie clothes, thereby avoiding ull dunger of injury to ihc chillies, by iron rust Thu blue iao.-l simple and effective Chillies Wring cr yet ii.veultd. 'lhoso purchasing can use them l o w eeks, and if they are not pel K elly satislk d. re turn them, and (heir muuey will be rt funded. A l liens L. L S.NOW, l-uil ,i.M ha. Or II II. ilASilill, Aeut lor Nof.humbciland to July S, lsij. Sl'AI.MNil ei l'reparisl liluo and -lu ll. y s Mu eilstfe prii e I't-r liollle and In uli, 2.i cell's t'ordiitt r.lixir id Calisava limk und Leu.ine. foi o. 'i in.; ';ien e lot .ale at Ihe '.Si e "I (he . unhid l ine! -rill HAUl.iiYAl.t-; AM' m'v'l.LNaW.VUL'. oKot i:i;il.s and (;la.vaiu: l-.Vi.T-,"ll.- ANU VAll.M. ill.-, XJitTJt-.fcJ &a oixi:iviicvrit3. (.: Fi.ui.; Bar lrou, Steel ami Kails, ivi.wutr .v7.1 .': 'W.'i'V'' --' -- Ac . II. Y. UllinilT SON. .-ui.i-uiy M iy i7. l-o-