551 unul"y American. H. 13. MASSEtt, Editor A Proprietor. fit .-s sirii v.'Va. ' SATURDAY, PKl'TEMBEIt 0, lftCS. S. M. rETTENQIt-L & CO., No. .17 Park How, Now York, unci 6 Stuto Street, Hojlon, ttrc pur npnl for the Pi snrnr AMnric.vs in those cities, mill arc Ruth-trued to tnko Advcrti."c i.icnfci and Pubscriptionis fur us lit our lowest rules. E-JT" General HcCall of Hie Pennsylvania lleservos, recently returned from captivity, wit-i honored with mi ovntinn 1y his fclltnv- iti.ens of West Chester, and was presented with a very fine gold-mounted sword. . . . l-W" 1?aki:d Tomatoks. After removing the skin hy pouring boilintr water overtliem, put them in a liking dish and season by itsin salt, pepper, suur and butter. A little Hour and water should be added, and they should be baked in a hot oven for nn hour wh"ii they will be found delicious and healthful. -- - IX:1" P.Aii. Koah Kxtknmon. -The Sun bury I'ric K. 11. has been completed to VoUD.LiWoinaiisiown, and that the road was opened to that point, or as it is now called. Xvrth V.ui.t o.i the 1.4 iiist. The enterprise nf the Pennsylvania Hail Uoad Company will insure an early completion of the un-tini.-hed portion of this valuable line, and we trust we soon shall be able to record n further extrusion. The lI.inisVMirjX Tihy refill says that some twelve hundred copies of that paper have been circulated daily, at Williamsport. the past week. Tin; Tih-jnijih is a iive j'aper, jrivinjj u- the latest telegraphic news. niovniii'.v paper is served here before ' t. al;!'i-t. 1""'im: Wi:-r.ui.NisTKii Kkyikw for Ji'.v, has been re-i'iiblishe'd by Leonard Sin;i iV ( 'o.. ?'J Fulton street, Mew York. The iMKiei:!.'. ate. The Life and Policy of Pitt; lr. Pavi' .e.:i'-i Introduction to the OKI Willi t '.on India The Ti.-'.-iaient ; LU-ctimi Kxpenses ; Sir ,.m Hamilton ; his Doctrines of Percep an.l .liidp'iiient : Knlish Uule in : Celebrated Literary Fiiendhip : J .. n of Animal Life; Contemporary 1 1:1. :.!r.i;t-.s Acinic mtikist, for a valuable number. Krerv t., . 1 L-iil.. new r for l'si;:i. sent in during eivis the rctnainin numbers '. iiout extra ( harees. '.'.(sides eVitrmb r. ree ef thi- seal' '. this, every s ich subsc riber can have, deliv er! d i'ree of ehar;:v.-. tiie choice of asplendid ina't of Virginia, covering lo square feet of - n laee ; or one ta.r.i.lly large, einhracinjx all Mie Hi.ntlK-rii lil ies; or a lot of the finest r-trawberry plants. Can a dollar be belter invested than in the J.--r,V.,.7;,TlV ? -'"'" Al'PolN'IMl'.NT Kdward ' . Harry, i:.M HlVsidetlt .tndu'e "f - hy t;ii: (. ovuiinoii. .. of Hottsville, to be i lmvlkil! count v. r.'e, Hon. Cliar'cs V. ITein-, lieeeased. Alexander C. Mullen, of Cambria county, to b, Private Scarttaiv to the Governor. Tie following an oaT C.mipJiiic the oflicers of the which left I'nion ib: 'crrili'.- company : nr. - tieo. .M";-. m. t.ewu.iiurg. ieo. M-r. -Cha--. H 1st Lieu;.- - 'ha-. H. i:va:is Jd Lie -And. C. Tee' e rd. - Ldi:i A. Ore;: he following are tin; oi:ic, eonii my : Huck- ;-t,M' 1 -e' - ! I . W". ' V'. 1' :. l.u 1. K (, A e.g. :il. veler Mil's till the last f-ttt b, ef: bill :!:('. I to n an hav r : ;r.:ip .,.'! , no xvag.ins j all the lime. ' y r.l'ii te.l running I tr no one , ill I ! la.- j'. a lia a na. and thi ll s 1. niiae. Ail tin :it don n to tin '. Hp i. i I nn : iu' . Septem- ; 1, f pli'ttUo'is .. 'thin the I : Mar-l.al ! ..al Pur- 1 e.: .'.li-li- ' . aiii Scott's I V.l in ihe j I'.sivntiTII. ' id li i.e I .' .1 la! .. n. W hi vl Ibi.;. .i oils 1". Sl 11:. I.c icoi': .-hir.glou. A, ar.' willuio i if.riJNK. . I l;':'.I( K. :;.t 2:t. , A. A. L o u. , i Who .nn .Military lsiii. All Distlie! persons io li e Live into tin 11 ;ui :.f"-. nm a.s-ei nl .;. nvi' w Horn It lilav lie i'.cm1. lie a ss;iiy tur.li.uU' i'mm tlic hospitals in order to l.iahi' imuiii i'ni tlio woiimied from tlic recent I attles near this city, will idcase inf. ma this c.liiee ..f the ir names, residences, :nul llie nuiiiber of ueli t'ouvalusi'dita llicy ran receive and iroi.ic for. Joii.s ( .'.MiMii 1.1., Surgeon, riiite.l States Army .Medical Director. vit cil.t l.ur.ili'ed j.i i -oiKi's iirrivcd to uieht. 'I n,;, are iV.nu t'nr.ilina, South Car olina, Geoi-o-i.!, 'i'. as, ii-o'iiiiu and Missis sipi'i I'la 'iaieiit and arc in a wretched con .l'l'hai, a:i 1 i c.,iii 1 .liaiisted. E"l ae ii a I ion oi'l''rflt'ri'l)biii'K '.si:iNr.T i.N, September 2. The Allien td Ji'j' li 'in, of this morniiio;, .says : We learn from FrcdcrieUs'iiirjr, that thftt city ha- baa n evaeuated by our i'ni'ces. The railroad ileigi. Scott's l'oundry, the railroad btiib.re, n sti iicture ninety feet high mid one luiinlre.l and &i.ty feet lun', a wire l.ridoc. an l ;v rnuietn bakery, at. Fal mouth, were all bhuvu up. Falmouth sbi tiou was burned, with many thousand ratiyns, and the railroad track was, ult,o torn 1111 lor sonic t.vo or three miles. A number of Fnion lieoiilc left w ith the troops. A lai'oe. numbi r of contrabitnds ulso followed on the truck of Gen. Burn sides aiii.y. i Our inl'..rnii:nt says they have had arri vals: at Fnaleiieksbui'o;, from Fichuiond, for four days in t,ucjces.ion In-fore our forces left, mid they all njrrve in f-ayinil that there tire no rid .1 troojis in Kichmond, nor on the rniicl between there and Frederickaliurjj, which shews conclusively that the whole army me at Maiiniisas. (Icneral Hurnside, with his forces, is now at Aenuiu creek, unci is, to leave for Alexan dria in u idioi t lime. We cannot note his movement.; further. . I..toi:rt Bi:Klt. To innko layer beer the following new receipt is given: Take a 1 nrrel and lill it w ith lain water, put in one pair of old boots, a head of last full cub- iue, two short sixes), n sprier of wormwood at. d a little y.i..t. Kttp it for a t ar, nl ' : n "dif.h out.'' rot on v.iwni.'sji. Wasuunuton, Sept. 3, 1802, General Kenrncy, v hihs making a rrcoti noissancc nh ne, last night, wnn fired nl from a rvine, nnd instantly killed. The ball struck in the hip, and passed luto the nbdo lnen. His body was sent into our lines to day, under ft llug of ti'ucc, by (kuiernl Lee, nnd arrived here this evening in charge of Major Hi nicy. It will be embalmed, nnd sent to his home. Army olliecr here think this the greatest loss" wc have sustained during the war, nnd freely acknowledge that we had no abler general in the service, (ien. McClcllan wept bitterly ut the sight of his (lend body here, to-night. Hy the direction of the President, nil the clerks nnd employees of the. civil depart ments, nnd nil the employees on the public buildings in Washington, will lie immedi ately organized into companies, under the direction of Major General YViulsworth, nnd will be tinned and supplied with ammuni tion for the defence of the city. A long train of cars, containing wounded men from the recent battle-field near Hull Hun, arrived in Alexandria this afternoon. ISesides this mode of conveyances, over three thousand vehicles, of every desription, ply constantly between Centreville and Wash ington. A train of ears, having on board oOO or fiflO soldiers, who were wounded in Satur day's tight, came down this morning from Fairfax. They represent, among others the 21th Ohio, (tt'h Regulars, iloth Xew York, and a number of other regiments. A guard also came down having in charge seven rebel prisoners. Hy direction of the President. Major Gen eral McClcllan will have command of the fortifications of Washington, and of the troops for the defence of the capital" Hy order of the Secretary of War. V.. 1). TOW.NSl.XI), Assistant Adjutant General. The body of Colonel Fletcher Webster, it is understood, is being embalmed fir trans mission to the Last. From a pally who left Hiehinond on Fri day, wc learn that "."iO Federal prisoners were laken to Hiehinond on Wediie.-dnv last. It was reported in Hiehinond that at the cavalry raid on Catlett's Station, o.UUtl.dllM worth of Federal properly was captured: also. Pope's entire wardrobe, and that of his stall", and his paymaster with Sr.O.fl'JO. Ainontr the killed I'nion oflicers in the battle of Saturday last, was Lieut Melvcnie, of 1'. S. Entrinccis, a tic Ranald I lew of John Slide, of Louisiana. General Hanks, in the execution of the order to that end, burned yesterday one hun dred ane forty-seven railroad cars and five !oeomotie,3. The w hole'of General Pope's army train has been retired well to the rear. On tin; dav bclore yesterday the rccon- I st ruction of was colonic t the Hull Hun railroad bridge j (111 the niirlit the re- I I bels burned it a";ain. . . . .. i J !: Win in J ienl ii cKy . Ian isvii.i.K, September 1. Leximrton. Kentucky, was cvn'-unti d thi.s ..c. , 'c.,ii:.w 1.....1- aiLeioo,.u. 0,0 ...... j. s ,.,v .... j vinmim. vu uco sioies weie aiinatvc to Louisville. ! At 7 o'clock to-night the Lexington i operator dosed the ollice. saxing that Kirby . Smith had appeared in I ho suburbs and j demanded the MilTelld. r of ll.c c ily, wliich j was compliccl with by the citizens. There isconsiil.rid.h' excitement cxi-tiug here, and c.tensio preparations are making . for defence. ' j Concral la w. Walla, e has a -smaed com- mand of the troop-, here. j A number of regiment.-, nro arriving and : rn :'':! h .f tie s.a.t of w ar. l ll'lil linn ol' !. ir.n:!;!it on r..UlKI'.s MoMloK, August I'.O. City Point is entirely demolished by the I'nion gun-boats. For some time past the Kchcls have been firing into the transports passing up and down the .lames river. Commodore Wilkes sent the Hebels word that if il was not discontinued destroy their rendezvous at City Th ur-. lay hist the Hebels broug City Point eight camion and bun. 'red rilhmeii, and opened 1'i.ioii f.otilla. w hieii at the lime was near i and abreast of that point . w!iereiiioii our ; giu. boats opened lire upon them, and demob : i-ie .l every building in the place, and dis- . i.ersed the Hebel force. I 'I'Ik' in 'lYnm-fxc-. Mpxti'iiis, August 110. A meeting of guerrillas was surrounded 1 steiday, and eighteen captured by our aojis. A train of car:, from Grenada w a-capiured I on Thursday, and I b rnando .ci upii d by the I'nited States troops. The Hebels are -aid to be at Cold Waier. only four miles distant. General illipi.pie, with nine thou-.uid Hebels. is I'c ported to be moving tliloilgl. Grand .1 unci ion. ! I'l'f.iiiini nl see. - -1 1 .li i t say that Hra.g's Hebi'l l'o:'i es hac gone !o W'r-t' in Virginia, and will soon reach ihe Ka.ianha river, ai'd from thepee march I t lino. Cure-, f.s -ay that, :iltack'(.l tin Am :-t I'l. ?ileiii.liis ii'Ii Colonel Wood on the '.''illi. 'e thousand online; ther.i IMiel alter a snort ciiLraocnn nt Killed. The Kebel lo.-s i fb.r loss was one not stated. I.nlt'i 'I'lic !! i.il l-.psit li. Gkm'.iiai. Ok wis Hi.au ci aiiti.iis. Auj.'., ol, 1St2. --To Major fleiural llalleck, Ocm: ral in C'hief General : The following de spatch i.s rtecivfl from Jlolivur, Ten nessee : "Colond Iltif;, in rouimand of the Twen tieth and Twenty ninth Ohio Infantry, and some cavalry, vaa attacked by about itHMI K. bels yesterday. Our troops behavi d well. driving back the enemy, whose loss was ovt r one hundred. Our loss only twenty live nieu killed and wounded, Colonel Iliif-'ii bcinir one of the number. (Signed) . S. Oilvnt, JIajor Gem ral Conimaiidiuj;. liioilicr Arrival ol" Surgeon-. VA: 1I1.NOK1S, Scptcmbi r 1. Dr. Pancoait, ol" .b Ih is.on Coll. oe, has arrived with another d( tai hineiit of siiie;con.s from Philadelphia. Profc-sor Howditch nd Dr. Gay, accompanied by u number of sur geons lroni New Fnglaud, came on the train to-night. The New JintilaiidtTa have fifteen thousand dollars with tlieni, Liioiisa.iii ciciii.is ((on ii.eiit. i T, , . . ... A thousand o..iy.ns reached Va,hi,.o,on '; to-day for the purpose of oll'eiinK tin ir J ' ,llul ,k'1"1 ls tSIo,'' Ecrviccs to tho Oovcrnment. A portion of;1'1;,' , .,-.,,,, ,em i i . .... i 0(!i( ral "I- le ! fie! C a them only have been accepted. A rank Rcccsrionist win trealrd to a ride on the sharp edge of a rail, the of her evening in Wilkesbarre. Uo was taken to his mother's house but the old lady refused to receive him, as ihe euid ho was a traitor and not worthy to enter her house. She told the boys to take him down South and give him to Jeff. Davis, She has two boo iu the service of the United Srtates, and justly regards this fellow a disgrace to the family. We cannot hear of any but Democrats having been arrested by the Secretary. Jlafriaburg Patriot and I'nion. Breckinridgen? we (suppose you mean, when you Uae the word Democrats in this connection. We think the fact to which you advert, Rpeaks well for the loyalty of all other clarjcj rf men iu the yorth. - .'o '(.' J-yr Adventure of a Ucbcl Cmlw !. nit; BTonT or rkkdappi.k randehh. Corri""pnuji'uoo of the Evouing I'ot. Niagara Valt.b, August 23, 1803.-Tliere have been several brief accounts of the suc cessful pnsngo across the Canada frontier of Gcorgre N. Sanders, Hebel emissary to Eu rope, but the following statement, gathered from those who personally witnessed the adventures in its various stage?, gives the fullest details. RAXnEISS AT Tni: BRIDGE. A few days ngo a man dressed in well worn working clothes presented himself to the United Stales Provost Marshal on the I'nited States side of the Suspension Hridge. lie wore n pair of very short trousers of striped Kentucky jean, nnd a seedy coat of the same material. A course, not over clean shirt, nnd a jagged straw hat completed the costume. The man had no collar or cravat, nnd his fare was apparently greatly tanned, by exposure to the weather. lie wanted to go over the river, he said, but had no pass and did not know that any would be needed. Ho stated that he was an Englishman from Cornwall, mid a miner by trade, lie had been working for some time in Pennsylvania, bill had lately receiv ed a letter from his brother, a farmer, near London, Canada West, stating that he was short of help, and urging his miner relatives to come on to his assi.ta:ice, at least till the harvest time was over. The miner held his tools in one hand, and in the other carried an old carpet bag of the black glazed style in common use. The gla zing in many places was come off, and the outside was moreover spotted and soiled with dirt. 'flu.1 carpet bug was more valuable than the famous one of .lohn I'-rown ; for it con tained the papers, di spatches and money of the Hebel cmbsary Sanders. The Marshal pondered awhile, but the poor miner gave such a consistent story, nnd seemed so disappointed at his unexpected trouble in crossing, that the official's heart was melted, and he gave him the required pass. The toll man of the Suspension Hridge then deiuamied a quarter of a dollar toll. "Two shillings," said the miner, ''why 1 can't give it. I've only got one shilling." This plea of poverty completely disarmed whatever shadow of suspicion may have existed in after the retrard to the iioor workman : roper degree of hesitation the fellow" v. a., allowed to pass over at half price. Thanking the toll keepe r lor his liberality the miner walked on wearily across the bridge. As he neared the Canada side his step became lighter-just as Chri-iaiji (par don the comparison ) felt when the burden dropped off his back. A decided burden had dropped off of (bofje X. Sand its' mind he was sate in Canada Arriving at the Canada side of the bridge. the niiiier, w ith his tools and carpct-hau .lumpei! into the I litu.ii House omi.ibusand was quickly driven to that famous hojel. He went to the desk and registered on the book the initials S. X. .;.-Hi- own iuitinb VIVCCSO ineclen; i.ioi;eii aniic -tioliliy worlwnu luan a moment, and then coldly said :--"We can't pjve you a room here, sir."' "Hut I must ha K a room,'' said Sanders. ".None to spare to-night." replied the clerk. The miner thrust his hands in his pockei and drew forth a great roll of "green backs." 'Here." said lie to the clerk, "take these as security. Put them in xmir safe; but give me a room at once." I f course money has its elici t in Clifton 1 louse ab evervu here e!,e. Mill the clerk hesitated. "Is there any plaei about, he where I can get a rcpectihle siut of clothese ;v ed the miner, dropping his Cornish di ask- idet. l'here w as no jilace nce.r.T than Ihe Hridge a mile distant. So die miner again insisted oil having the room, and as it was obvious that "things were not as they seem." he was shown to a suitable' apartment. A few minutes afterwards a guest strolled hi! should ( out on the piazza, where cx-lb.ycrnor More I'oint. t in j head, of Kentucky, was sitting. "Hy the lit down to i way. Covcrnor." said he. ''what a singular about two ! old fellow that was in the otlice. Me tire on I he: i n gistered his name on the book only iu initials." "Good ti...) ! in initials !" eiicd Morehead. starting up. "In 's come, then ;" and rushing j ini-t the a-lonishcd guest, he demaiiih d to j be shown to the room of the mwcrioii.-. ; S. N.G. other Seces-ionists abo liastened thilher. Sanders was pzo ic led wit h a suit id' clothes) at once, the clerks and sonants alt. red their j deportment to Mie ipwiidair. miner, and tne guest-, had a rare pi.ee ol' uoip to talk about. Sanders l ylhi- time half way acro-s the oe a an. and whatever is thought of j him or bis cans... it is generally acknowl- eil;;.'d that his jouvney tV. ni Hii hinond to Canada is one of t he ii!. -t" '-peeiniens of HYbe st ralegy" tl:.- war ha.s produced. It: 'hows that our b. ..-!.. a, le is so -ti-mgent thai i a K "b: 1 emissary prd' rs a long land journey iu nisguisc to a'.ie.r.iiting to break it. j Of course. Hi., adventure has been the! tii ill t..). ic oi and liiinei.s v. ill 1.: in the Niagara hotel "I'oi i h be i( w. d with a verv Mi in hi II' I u-PICK ill ill lilt lieioillicjl'llcl.1. 1 f the n. ion lliiib'e. AV. V. Y. liiK'i't it-M lift v I'm ':ilain linni n ol' I lie ICaiu Arl.ii nsan, mid eii. Vim tfiini, The Cairo eiii'r.ispundcut of the Chicaoo : Times, wrilinj; under date of the Hth inst., stales that alter the ram Arkan-as had siic , ccssfully run the blockade of the National I vessels and arrived oil' Vickslniro, she wus j boarded by General Van Doin, who nji- proaclieil her commander, Captain Ilrown, and Ihe follow ino- conve rsation wits had: j General "Captain Ilrow n, allow me to , coiiejratulate you on your success in reachino' ! Us." j Captain Ilrown -"Thank you. General; il was a desperate un.lerlakiiio;, but 1 knew ! what m v vessel was made of." Gi ncral "I hardly expected that you would come through tlieni without making lliein mole conscious of your superiority.--It seems to me you iniget have sunk or dis abh d half dozen of them. IViiy, illicit r hiaven, didn't you try it on f'' Captain Ilrown "General Van Doin, I have accomplished w hat mi naval ollicer in t he Conleih rate t-ervice would have dared attempt, nnd what, uo one conversant with naval waiiarc would have supposed possible Pare aeliievement ol u'cttiiii' tins vessi 1 enoiio'h lor one ptain, that's all very well ; you've done well, but mip;ht have done bcttnr. Get up tteam anain, and run up and try them a turn. When you have isunk six or eight of their turtles" you can come back and let the people cheer you." Captain Ilrown .Sir, I know what I have done ; nor do 1 propose to risk the reputa tion I've won by cucounleriii'' that fleet again, especially now that they have all got steam up unci are prepared to meet me. I bhall not risk my laurels by renewing the content to-day." General l,I can bee no reason why you &hould not go out again. They'll hardly eypect you now, and if they do, yon know your Teboel if a match for them. ' You Lear my orders to r;o." Captain Ilrown "Gcucral VanUurn, this boat is without a commander ; 1 bhall for ward uiy resignation to Kichuiond immedi ately. In the meantime, pleate consider the in jourrr;?riiou. Yo'i are at ltham 1 "i .nl hr out under tr cfninunlfr " can find here to take her out, or ou may take her out yourself." The General turned nwny, chagrined nnd mortified. Captain Brown" also left the bout almost immediately, and. although urgently, requested to wsthdraw his resignation, ob stinately refused to do so. Lieut. Stevens w as left in command, nnd it was under his direction that the second mid hint chapter in her career was enacted. Tin: Coai. Ti! ii The quantity sent I y Railroad this week is, (53,10J 00 "bv Camd 35,003 IS -for the week, H tons Against (i3,(Witl for the corresponding week last year. M intra' Journal, N E W A DYE I IT I S EM ENTS. UttO.OOO VOI.O I I'l'ltS tV.t.VI I.E to t itoii Tin: nut! i.i.ioa i fllTin sniiif muiilier of pcrsim nro litno wnntml to 1 wenrtho HOOT.S uiiU lloK.S, iiuw bciun iniinii fni lurH, hy tlio mcl..-c;riliiT. of the lutcst slylcs flinl best of tniiteriiil. Ilavini; it lnrj;c stoek of limtciml, ho w ill uniko up to older ill tlic bet tvorkbiauliko Milliner, nil kind of -lll'IIM-tM I.OOjX lltMa Slllll'H, I.:idi';" Mmm'm nml -:iilcri, lii!Ii- n'.i Mans, Ac, ,V, At d'.nrt uotic". Ihivinr hvorid yenr' rxjiciicaioc ho feel eoiiti'h'iit ofpvim; m'neiully siuittucliun to all wtio limy irivo him n cull. All v. en k must he (uiM tor before louvii! the slu.ji vhellsix tereellt vill 1)0(1, 'ihleUal nil. rait ut hi (Shop neiirly op.nite tlio Court Iloil'e, in Miirket Snnnro. nml nsca'rttiin hi low prices unci oxaiaino hirf btock before purcliiiiiiir elsewhere. JOHN W1LVKR. Pnnhnry, Auptiet !, 1('i2 fun lK)CT()irAT7l)Erri VMKMC'Al. UUAIiVATi: of tlio I'aivcrsily of Vermont. Ian any jjerniiuiently loealed nt ,SN' liKKT'iWN, Noriliiiinberliiiid eou'iity, l'u.. off, -ru hi prol'es-ionnl cervicu to the eilizelis lreneriilly, who inny be unfortunate cnomrh to r, iiiire medical uid. (-'nyderluwii. August 2. Isi',2. it ni Mil rev i AJi:ta. nIIK MMIl ltY ACAIib.MV will le opened on .1 the Jirxl jInn nf ,vi plrmhrr. lSliJ. t'uiiili imlructed in tailiftli L'ltisdicul and Malhe mill nail bl idiehes. The course is designed to repure for ndmisjion into t'ollee tr U quality for bu-ine-s. A daily record is kepi of the iiltctalancp. conduct, and rcadiaiionH vl each pupil, an abslruct of which is sent monthly to parent". IKIt.MS. Preparatctry I'hi.-ion. -er (quarter. . . . .. . I l-'nirl isti tiranclictf, ft 00 5 on 7 OH Cla,Mcal 1:i:it:ui:n(T.s. Kx-iiov. 1'ollock. Philadelphia ; Hon. A. Jordan, lion. W. b. Jicwairt. S. P. Wolver'.oli. l-i.-ci . Sun l.urv; Hevs. A. i. Hole. .1. (i. I'ari v. T. T 'I'itiH. VV.'f. bavs..n, i:.s.i . and r. '. If. Nlarr. Milton. J A.MKS 1! KUMiY. A M . Principal . Siiiil.ury. .Inly 12. Ist"2. GEOCERV & niOVISION STOKE" .llnrkcl Sti:ti'4', SiiiiIhii v, JOIIlsT GOOD, D'i KAl.Klt in all kinds of G KOCIdtll-JS. re-) tl'ul- lv iiilorui. Ihe ciii7ciis ol .sui lairv mid icmny. Iliat lie colistantlv keeps. .n hand a lalire assortment of tlio best of all kinds of c iUnCLKIKS. such as Teas, Sen.. bried Fmit. Colic. Sic;al Mice. CallttrJ, Canned do. Tobacco, Prunes. Seirars, Spice. Snaps, t'c.nl'.-ctiuiairies. Salt. Starch. tTSll. nnd iu fact eciy tl.in in Mo KM 11 'It the tiro; MK AT. I V line. Of the bc-t quality at Wholesale and Itetail. eolisM in! of Pon.ily. Hin. Wine-'. Piil.-I.uiiili Whiskey, and Jioni'-.s'.ie I.i.pioi'.s generally, lo which be inv itcs the public to test before purcloLiinc; el-cwhcre. Call and see mv stock. No cliar.s' fr phowint; Ji'll.N liooU. Sunbiiry. .Tunc 1 1, lsc',2. .iiiiilx r ! I.iiiiilx i- ! I'll 1 1.1 P SU A V . Money, bycotniifi; county. Pa , I.M'nltMS Lis f i lend.- and the public in peioa'al. that he consluntly koe j on hand P.oanK Shit'b's. bath. .loi.-!s. and all kinds of buleber and l.llildin materials, whi.-h he will s.-!l at the lewtst prices. March oil. ls.il . Important to l.titvi-M id' (.'imkI Ti a. 1) It II I Iff A Si I.N" invilc ata-ntioli to their Slock of I'iiinc lil'c.n and llla. k Tin. SlllltUil'V. .1 line la. Is.'.l . vti.i iifi.t: i'tun s it sti.i:: T rpili: subscribers oiler f.r fide a lino Tried of Land. n Point lown-hip. .V'.rtliuliib.a land county. Pa , ', ol wl.ii'h is cleared. Il diid. -d.il will liliik" ; pa: two g.""i ozcl tm in.-. Hi. ao are upon it a iro..ii slonc dwelling' bouse, a loir .In ellniir bouse and olbcr : oiiil.uildinir- a m w Paiik barn. lo ooed Aj. pie H ebards. and other tiaiit'lrecs ( 'I'h. re i- a -rood .-ijil.i tor a Sau -Mili np-.n it. n savv inill which .lid 11 (.'nod business (,iW li.Uly turned 1 down upon the prclni-cs I Applv soon to (. l.'i Uiii K t i N P. A H. I'pper Aususia t iwnsiiip or I HAKl.IvS t'l.liASA.N J-.s. Si.i.buiv. Pa. j July It'. si'..'. j tl:: l it iiri', .18:n !:iin-r. , .Ic'i-Imiii' I Tm.I, V-. : lIPNItY (iU.l.KI.T. j M.. 1,1 .s,',,f. Opiiusitr tin Cvurt House, i llxnuisia iu.. Pa . I IvKAI.KK in all kinds ef lluilder.s, nnd M.-iuu'ie-- 7 turn.- Hardware. Iron. Mi .1. l..al( haul, Popes, Pulley Plucks, AC. l.iNseni., lit iiMsci ami M u iiiseia Ou.s. 'Ibc biibiicatiii nib arc ailapn d to every variety of Machinery. AI-. at uianufacliircrs prices. Wool. Won mm; M(Iiim:hv, ii : Planin S.i-!i. M..riicinir and Sain .Mic I clinics, Ac. j Ma. IllN'Isls' 'i'ool.s, ; i.'. - 1'hincl's. Ll.u'iue and 11 and I. alius. I'.olL Cutt. r.-. I " Ac. Ac. I f....1.ir..- 11. tiini'.iti Uiil.b.-ruiid Leather, constantlv I ull liaiel. II rrnijr l ire Tiool sales. I'latloini .'icie'. iin a .'-lecct Iron. l'lockTin and friiiiitiers' 'fools I'b.l I l'lirchusci's will find it to then inlcret to give a call llarrislairi;. March "'.. '2. SIMON P. WOLVERTON, Allnriiey nml niilor sil I.I1H. Ulliee. Market street. 2 door-' wc-t of l'.'I'ot, axjrsr33XTJ?ir, fa.. w Till ,.t I .. ..).... I., tl... ,.,.ll. ,-lM,n .,I',.1h;.i.. . . ... . mill nil other i tti.-iou;il In Illll llsiCCt IU his .N'oi lliiiinln'iiunU 11 ad luljoiain ci-uutn- unhu iv SOl.OliOA MlllCU. llol llcv ill I.II '. Siinhury. Noithiin.hcr lalid coitntv. 1't lin-yivaiiia. i l''oianei'lv K red. in Snvder coiintv.l A ori'It'l:. M.ll'ket sll'.'et. (lie door (11.-1. el' 1'riliiit: V (irant s ."slore. and nearly oi posite the t'oitrt Hon-e. All jaolcssioiial linsiness. cwllectiuus. Ac , will ru c.i(e jironiiil allelifiull. April 12. Is.'..'. lieatliiiK' ttnilroavl. i fi'mmkk ahham;i:mk.t. ("1UKAT TUl'N'K LINK from (he Norlh mil J( Norlh-Wcsl for l'hila.lelpliia. New York, Kind- in,.'. I'oltsvillc. Lebanon. All. ailuw n. LY-ton, Ac. Trains Icuvo llalli.-hliri for I'lnlailelphia. Ncw i York, Heading. I'otisv illu. and all lnlerincdiaic . .Staiions, at s A M., and I I'l I'. M. New York Lxprcrtleavci, tinrrishiiig ut 1 2A A. M . I ttrrivini; nl New Voik at S tlic hjinii' niornin. 1 arcs Iroin llni n.-hiUL' : in Ai'iv lurK jihi; io Philadelphia id l'j und i2 70. liagaoo checked tlirouli. liciiiinin. leave New York at 8 A. M.. 1 N..ou. mi l 8 I' M, (I'ittsbnrjrli Kxprrv). Leave I'liiludel pleia ut S A M and 11 1j 1' M. tle(aiinK eai'K in the Ne York Lxprcs TrauiH, throuifli Io and from l'idshuritli wiilioul chanire. Puss. ni;ers hy the I'mIIhiu-h Hail I'.oad leave I'ort rtiiituii ut 4.-15 A. M.. lor 1'l.ilu and all intcriiiediaie SiHlioiis ; nnd at 3 ml 1'. M., fur Philadelphia, New- ; York, und nil Wav Point. i 'i'ruiiu Icttve l'ottsville at 9 A. M., nrnl 2 I.'. P. St., f.r Philadelphia mid New York ; nnd al fi HO 1'. M , for Anburu und l'orl Clinton only, c. iine ling lor I Pino Grove and with tiie tultawissa Hull Jloml. An ueeonuuodaliou Paas.'iiier triiin leaved Li uJiiiL' ut (1 A. M., uud rcturnv frmii i'liiladeiphiu ut ii V. M. All tho above truiun ruu duily, iSundays ex cepted. A i-unday train leavei Tottsvillo at 7. 3D A.M., and Philadelphia at .3.14 1'. it. Couiaiutuiiou, MUcaire, e:eus.in, and Kxcnrsiou Tickou, ut reduced rutos to and from all points. ti. A. MCOL1S, May 17, (leuciul bupuiiulcudeut. .llaiiuliirliirerM !' Klwuc M ure. COWDEN it WILCOX, , IIAKRISBUKQ, PA. M MIL' blon Waie now made ut lliii eataliluhinent I i, ivjiiul to aji.v mad io Ihi" conntry Kvnyva tie'T ef ailiele usually made ilwai en hand Hanabury. My .', lei! 1 TIER'S CAT1IA11TIG TILLS OPKUATK bjr Oicir powerful inHuenep nn fli intornnl viscera to purity tlio blood unci slinm- j Into it into liealt'nv notion. They removes tlio obstmctioan of the aionineli, bowels, liver, nnd oilier J ortrnns of the body, nnd, by rostorint? llicir irrciiilnr i action to honlth, correct, wherever they exist, Mich ! dcrnriRcmerits nn urn t lie first causes nf disease. An extensive trial of their virtues, by Professors, j Physicians, nnd Patients, has shown cures of dan , grrous diseases almost beyond belief, were they not , Biibstaiitiated by persons of such exalted position rind character ns to forbid the suspicion of untruth. '. Their certificates nro published in my American ! Almanac, which the Agents below named are pleased to furnish free to nil inrpiirinty. i Annexed wo iiivo Himlimis for tin ir use in the complaints which they have been found to eurp. ! l'oa Costivkness. Take one or two Pills, or such quantity as to gently move the bowels, t'os tivenoss is frequently the ntrernvntintr ennsp of Pii.f.s, and the euro of one ( (nnilaint is llio euro of both. No person can feel well while unifcr a costivo habit of body. Hence it should be, ar, it can be, promptly relieved. . Foil hvsi'FPsiA. which is sometimes the cnue of Cusliirnexs, anil always uncomfortable, take mild doses from one In four -to stimulate the stomach ! aryi livor into healthy action. They will do it, and ; the hearthurn , bodybwn, nnd soulmm of dyspepsia ; will rapidly disappear. When it lias gone, don't fort?et what cured you. For a Fovt Stomach, or Storbid Innetion of Ihe Boweh, which produces general depression of the ( spirits and bad iieallli, take from four to eiiilit Pills ; at first, and smaller doses afterwards, until activity i and strength is restored to the system. I FouJiKiivorsNEss, Sun Uv.viiAcHr. Xacspa, ' Pain in Me Stomach, Ihtck, or Sith1, take fioni four to eight pills on going to bed. If thev do not oper ate sufficiently, take more the next day until they do. These complaints will be swept oiit from the system. Don't wear these nnd their kindred dis- i orders because your stomach is foul. j For ScuprrLA, Kuysipei.as, oini nil TKwttei ' of the Skin, take the Pills freely and frequently, to ! keep the bowels open. The eruptions will genrr- I ally soon begin to diminish and disappear. Many dreadful ulcers and sores have fieen healed up by : the purging and purifying effect of these Pills, anil sonic disgusting diseases which seemed to saturate the whole system have completely yielded to their ; influence, leaving tiie suilerer in perfect health. : l'tttients! your duty to society forbids that you : should parade yourself around the world cove rc d ' with pimple-', blotches, ulcers, sores, and all or any , of the unclean diseases of the nkin, because your , system wants cleansing, ! To l'ciiirv 'i 1 1 E liLiion, they nro the best medi cine ever discovered. 'I'htf should be taken fiecly and frequently, and the impurities which .sow tl.o seeds of incurable diseases will tie swept out of the M'stcm like chuff bet'.. re the wind, liy this property they do as much good in preventing eicka. : as by the' remarkable cures which they lire making every where. Liven CoMri.AtvT, JAfNntcp, and oil JWir.m AJf'trtions arise from some dcraiiLvmpiit either torpidity, congestion, or obstructions of the T.'ver. Torpidity nnd congestion vitiate the bile and render it unfit for digestion. This is disastrous to the health, and the constitution is frequently unch r mincd bv no other cause. Indigestion is the symp tom. Obstruction of the duct which rr.ipties the bile into the stomach causes the bile to overflow into the blood. This produces Jaundice, with a long and dangerous train of evil. Costivcness, or alternately costiveness nnd diarrhoea, prevails. F'evcrish symptoms, languor, low spirits, wc arincss, restlessness, nnd melancholy, with sometimes in ability to sleep, and sometimes great drowsiness; sometimes there is severe pain in the side ; the skin and the white of the eyes become a prccuish ve'.low ; the Rtomnch acid; the bowels sore to tiie toiuii; the whole system irritable, w ith a tendenev to fever, wliich may "turn to bilious feer, bilious colic, bilious diarrhera, dysentery, 'c. A medium dose of three or four Pills' taken lit night, followed by two or three in the morning, and repeated a few dio s,will remove the cause of all these troubles. It is wicked to sutler such pains when J'ou can cure them for ii cents. it li kcm atism, Govt, and all Irfiamhiat-n vers arc rapidly cured by the puritving cii'crts of these Pills upon the blood and the stimulus which thev ntl'ord to the vital prineipl" of Life, i'or the -e mid' all kindred complaints they should be taken in liiild doses, to move the bowels genl'.y, t.ut lYcc '.c. Asa Dinnkii Piu this is both r."r. e a a a..! Useful. No Pill can be made more ple.t -.a 1 to !-.. and certainly none has been made l.u.re ea'e.ia 1 '." the purpose for which a dinnrr pill is ci... '. .l rnKiviti:n ltv IIt. J. V. AVr.lI A CO,, "Practical and Analytical Chemist a, LOWELL, MASS., AM) SOLD ny Sold by l'riling A brunt, an 1 K. A. l"i hu in Sunbury, IT. 11 I! McCoy. Xortlniiiibcrb.il 1 ' J. F. t'a-low, and (.:. brown. .Milieu J. Cliri-itiim, Tuibutvill.' , Ib'i-li A Co . Mt Carii.el. S. i;.r'.-!i."-cr. J-ilysbur ! Wic-t. MiihuiM.v. W.avcr A MoWilliiUi.-. Paviu. s, i And Iicalcrs liverywlnrc August 2. isi'.2. 1y JUST RECEIVER ! ! H.ui jut rclurucd from I'Lib..!. b lea a !S? EITSID m "V J w lO IT Spring & Summer Goods. I'or .VSriifc" tl t'lulll. ('llSillHre. W'slin. It'i!;: t'oatini.'. Linen Check at..! ( A lnrt1 lissurtnit-nt i't (i.i-. I.ii1 k ;u. 1 Fancy ilk, Silk Tiuc-1, I'tnu'V I'm-i h ii! y ' ull Wuol lK'Iiiiii'.J. Mn-auiljiiiiie tiH-1- u Ki-.v i r!..- - I.;,,. I , ... I'M I .e,,.i..s. .,,....,, ........ Prints. A full line of Irinh Linen and Wkiteii.. ' ! tstella ln.rder and Fancy tfumaicr ."shaK b. r-i ik ti: Luce Mantilla--:. Ao I lUudy Made I'lolLiu, A jtjLH.d a?aortiuent of Hat.- and a;.s. A lartje assortment of licots an 1 -l. ...s. A full stock of Groceries. Mola'-,- ai..i - a.ir. Hurdwure nnd Building M .tiri.,1 A full stock of Queen i.i. 1 til..- ..ie. A full ttock of I"i.b, Salt, Oils iul Wla.s 1.. :,.l. A large stock of New Wall Paper. A ne :tock of intone nnd Ja.r:!o.i.,;,re. And thoeiaaude of articfee not . lamie ra:. d y All the uboe will Le sold cheap f r fa !. Cuuutrv Produce J. II l .1.1. Puubury. May 17, lsii!. Atliuiulhlrutor'M ollce. "VTOTK'K U hereby uiven tbut letter' of le l:i.ii. U Xy triumu uaviiiKbeen Krauted to tuc ut .'lihcr, on the eetute of Isruel II. Iuukleberi;er: late nt l.it.lc Muiionoy towuhip, Northumberland county, de ceased. All pertona indebted are rciiest.-'l to make iuimediato puymerit, aud thoe having cl.tiiu to pie dci.t them duly authenticated tor scolcn.ent. A. A. 11K1M, Adm'r. Trevortoii, Augiut2, 1602 61 ci: i'iiAi, norm. i'on sti i frills well kuown Hotel, locuted iu Siu.l airy, at the J jciuctiou of the Northern (Vutral Willi the j'iiiiI u ry and trie Itnilri add, in oifvred at jirival" file - Teima of ale will be made easy l ul luiiber in fni in uiirn. cnnuii al tin4 fl.t. ' f.iiinulkn. enqiina al tin' ritlLING & GRANT Al'.l; HAI'PY 10 ANXOTM'E i n T 'ITIt'Y ! Ahi; NOW LLcLniNU AX "Mll' Nev Stock of Gooch!! MANY Ol W1TKH Al;i; lir.DUCEB IN PRICD i t 'Ttsf tt i; Y C 0 it U X 1 ll h U'lcit.T, Xf'l Jl J'.'J'J V c.t thi'.t THE & AM HOT If, w ill C"i; i.icc ai y candid loan or w 'mini time be II. r.'pirt ;h it may, yet the proluiolors of Dial ii .;itu tioi. ' have the I':ii.ililii:j f.r furnislaez CT-ZT2FITl GOODS iit:h !huu nl.o l.'iiv anij uci, f:r..l Cfinr.-.f p-. I.b-i;? rrt.tlita m: KKKP EVERYTHING, AM' A lib bLi'LUMLVKti 10 S 13 Z It CHBA? ES3. th a .v c.y in: rrnrinsisD i:i.s!-: i:'t;i:.;-:. ii'.a.ix i a hk:-i r 1;. 1- -I0W TO PROMOTE HAPPINESS. DOMESTIC i t Mr- :i 11. i w n. "!. liie t.. '-. !r . I le.' .1)1) ' Aic, .. .. .. v- M.-- i I'":. -. Il ... ..a :! I . .il . 1 l" 1 , .1. ..!'. h 1 or ' 1 , :: it 1 '.'I'V I. : e, il . '.'t v. a I to 1.. .. ed- r And v. i 1 :,!: .' !' ja-t ... .!..:!. M 1 v . - M loci' . 1 a- two :1. M ivl.i. h .1 'J ne -a. I 'i:. A-.l . :a,.t i.) .a. . . .ca-cd I pair. M i a e la n v an 1. I 11:. c.T' i- ll.'hlc .a ci. a-' ih up. Ibr hi., ' A r, ib- f: Hi- M - I bad'. In v 1M p el..-! . - n: . ii h'... lo'n,'.'. I. iitan.! a .1 o ., : I t.c ...i 11 1 i- 'o. Al. l :i.l i-r !i-t ..f :c.'.e Ma 111 V lb ... (io I 1. L I.r.W AND USEFUL AltTICLS. 1I..I..:".V, TJUltSil A IJOVfcL'N'ti '(',' '' Vcli-Ai.liis.4iui: IokJu-s. l' i-Iiil; i- b al 1...1 Lint! ..ut ..: i'l ah, . ol 11, !::! Hi r l. : lie i.J ;.! .'lilt (:,a 1 to I p:. 1 I Le iii,-: .. t.. t si 1 .1 .'Io ' III..! 1.1. ail. ic pre-., s II. an -a c , .-' "hi v soak.'.l.c.n le in e IC I. ....! , lll.'l 11 (( .'I'K- ... . :.l- obi c..u..U'rsle ll I l'... . .. .a i.aaie il... r.,. v. i e.l .' a: i 1 I oi.l. (' inioi led, .no l.v l.i.i. I hi. ! n. it is iio.e. ee.: . . . ... li l.j L::-i..'- .Siill't.-'. .1. ih do. In 4 p, . l" t v - : 1 at i'. ii,-.. li. a ih oil.-,, j,. . s 1.1 lul. ; V l.i 'i I 1,1' i ;u u. . ' ilai.i , US il lews,,.. 1: m l . i tu.s : j ck. I l.aii.i .1. i.e l. h .1.1. . IJ'il li.c 1 e ... !ih I ' tl n j .-..i.l, 1.-. Iloin ; ii ,il. pi. II o.,hiL- ( I.U I i . . a i r. i ne e.c.t ii.n loiciiici.t in ties, eiiry iveiy el.ir , Yfrliiifii.tf .Mu.-I.iiie j.t i.i.ia.lc I. i-. it, s.-li A lii.. i- , (Ull i'tir nit a. u i a: i.ai. io ( i , i . u i:m: Ikcl'.'lilcl'ol' lie, I .plltl colisecj.n Ii ,l. li.. t..o n.j.l i(;- , it, .'Mill scl v.,,.t ( an ci'-li' le II i l.c i.a'cl.iiic i.- in., !o vf i,,., 1. ui.d so i.rnii!. li. tlnil no ii .ii can .os.il. I c aco in coiil...! Willi tht-el-.thn. lli. rel.y ii(..idii.(; aH dai'tf. r ol injury to !!. cloto -s by iron nisi. 'i Ieo L- l lie ti-.'.l .init'U'Hi.d efl'ccl '.I e t'lo'.l.. i, Y l il y tryct iiocl.Ual. ibo-e (jaoouii .; cu ..si- it.. . i tvio i. eckr, und if llicy arc ii, i . i 1 'ic :i '.l.i i-- tlilll 111, I.e. and tie il ineoey Kill b ' r. fii!,.Ied. Ad Ire.-s L. 1.. .JM.'U'. p,ihl..l,ba. Or K It MAS.-1'.H. Aft! l..i . t.i.ua.'. -a u..d c July 9. Is..'.;'. f.bl S(i ci I'r-pKied f'.ue icat s'1 In , iv il-ire. price per Louie an i i t i b ':.'. colu '. r.lial Klixu '.f btu'a and Hci..h.. ! ..ai.vin,.' ,fiiitc. for M at the ctt . f -M !.' M.'e 1 11.1 :vi. , fl.riXi. WHO WISH 0 rrncBAK (ood l '5 i i L clGoiiio Goods 1- . J, . W ti j s- b I, iwl u ijayi: A TO , J.i. 1' nu. I'l.i am, cw.i. at 'in;: (mE rjilCK STOKE Of II. "Sr. EXUGHT & SON t.o keep ..n-anMv on Lan 1, and arc month! receiving from New- Vork fuid Philodol.hiu, A CHOICE AND CHEAP aTOCK 0I-' ALL KINDS OF GOODS .il:it( 1 tt tin-wni! I'vcry porv n ' tin? till, nt: ;f ifi' l'tiMi. Hr. i i t - n.ctfuily 'ijieil 'in u.-ufn-i t:;ut w urc prt'jiftrc J U ufjvr GREAT BARGAINS Splcndid Intiucenienia I Lola id 01 . 1- at lair Cat v.e 'Vc I . 1.. i 1 : b mat ell.1.. 11 u FOREION AV.D LOMESTIC 3D GOODS i'l '.v.-. c U'.'Mil.e Y. V, ill . I S V.WULTi', L"ijli AMi .sUi.il.-- i; :-: ami i apj 11 A III. A i.i. A.Ni vitCLNsWUlt. I "i i.b.l's A s(j cILAs.sW A.'-.E. PAiS'l-' OIL AM. VAlfSIs'Uri, ci: iJCAi..; ci' V.V'.'.t.-.i iar Iiuu, Steel ulJ i.'aild, .'I I h. V. liKlGHT .:'.:;.