Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 06, 1862, Image 2

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    n.iij.n j tmmmmamtmnmmmmmm ijg 11
JTIjc unluiri) American.
n. 11. MASHEH, Editor ft Proprietor.
NI All! IV, I A.
ron AiDnx'H i;i-:m-:uai. :
I'P YollK (HI N IV.
Fell Sl'UVKiOll lih'NF.It.VL :
OF 1.1 .KIINK l lll'M'l.
ltrcckiiM-itttc I'll it. V rt'omluiif ions.
I'OIl SVllVKYOll liKNl.UA L :
OK flTl'IU ill:.
County Union Nominations.
" Ci'O'ji'in' :
WI1 I.IA.M '. I. ". !SO. oOEiUon.
Subject to the Decision i.f llii' Cuiifon es of the
For A.h.h!u ;
uv.iix si. lion or.tin i.son
Fvr Dlflr'ni Alt'irif :
lOin I. t'l.l'.llli.Vr, vl Sniiliur).
Fvr Ctniiutixx'toitfv :
IIOMill It. M.tXH, olXliiiiiiokiii.
Fur A H'Jitur .'
O. I. I'A I l , r
Ereckinridgo Ticket.
.i.j. it in:it, n but
Subject to the Deeisioiiof Ihc ConfiTocsof the District.
7'o' Axtriuli'if,
.1. UOON ItlKIU , olHUCoil.
Fur Dintfh't Aftoniri,
fcOI.O.TIorV ti, 1 Siiiiliui y.
For ( 'm )o iV'i'o ;!'',
IASi:S It 1 1. IAD, l' (p. An-usia.
For Coroiur,
t II.HtLI.S .TIA tl'l'I., of Siiubni .
Fur A tutittv,
K. LT'I'M', (il'l.oHcr Aiipusdi,
i-f" I'.mi i v. The exeltlng news from
the seat of war tliiriiif the past week, has
put a stop to till jioiiticnl discussions. Xo
oue feels disposed totntir into the petty
nqtbtl'hles of olliec lilintin politicians tit
this time, perhajis the dail.e-t hunt' of
gloom which lias huny; over us since the
war of tho devolution. It will be time
enough to talk of party and party liKa.sttres.
when we httve crushed out the most wicked
.....f t,-,. ,'..l..,l';.o, ll.n n-.M-t.l
iiiiii iinii lAiiiroi. n.'ai i nv iivim , hi
He who has the heart to urge party
Bnd party machinations, at this time, caiinid
be a true patriot, nnd is not worthy of tin
name of an American citizen.
f'if" The Late Tatti.i:s at Manaisas.
The news from the Army, for the la.-t
week, has been of n most gloonn character.
The Army of Virginia, after fifteen months
of hard service and great loss of life, is now
again near YVnshinjrton, the Martin;.' point.
There fecnis to lie a ireat want of eonfi
d nee in our leadiii'j; Cenerals. The com
plaint against McDowell conies from all
quarters. His own command and other
divisions denounce him in strun;;- lanoitaov.
C!cn. Pope is found iinc.iiinl to the command
of so liirtje an army. The tact is patent,
that the rebel Generals haw, tints far, out
generided and outflanked us. General Mo
t'lellan, a! the rcfjuest of the. Proident. rode
out to meet the Army on its return. His
enthusiastic reception by the troops -hows
that their conlidence in their former com
mander remains unshaken, and the Presi
dent's order, which virtually places, him
again in command of the Army, slefiv, that
he still retains the itontMi-ncc of the Cabi
net. That there has bent a want of uene
ralship nnd management cannot be donie 1.
Wc trust our late disasters will have the
tllcct to open our i w, to the ti tie sttile of
our u;fairs, and that we will benefit by theso
les.-.ons of advtr-ity. .No sol. Iters in the
world eouM do better than our own, and
no f.iuit can be laid to their charge.
Z-i'" Col .M V K.NIiOI.I.MK.NT. The follow
ing is a summary stati ment of the enroll
metit for this county, accordiner to the
reliirns made to the Marshal, J. I.. Y".iis..ii.
Ksij., ty the deimties of the diil'erent bo
li'itnhs and town- hips :
Whole number enrolled, .r,M 2
.lumber in -en iee,
4.. Ill
ditli rent
1-in. St ;
I V.,-ii-
Subject to dr.ll't,
'1 he ijuota for this eoui.ty is
1'i'dact th-e e in io n ice.
Number to ho dr.ifu d.
The number in service
toxxiiihip. is us follows :--P3
; Upper Augusta, U.l ;
iu the
Hush, llii ; Jackson, I
Zcrbe, :ti
ington, 7; Coal, 117; l.htle Mahaiioy, 7;
I'pper Mahanoy, ; Lower Mahaiioy, r,l '
Jackson, 1; Siinbtii-y, 12!l ; Jonhin. II ;
Ciiiueroii, I ; Northunib, riand, 7.",; yt, yw.
cnsxille, o.i; Turbutviile, its ; ( hilis.pia.oie,
Vi; IVint, a.J ; Milton. i:.ti; Turbut. GV
Lewis, 119; Delaware, 1 !'2 ; Mt. ( an,., I. 70.
Binec the. discharge ,,!' the ( ditor.- ,.f
.ho llarrUbui-g l'tt,;,t ,i l ', i,-,,,,,
.mprisoninent, one would have supposed
.li.-y would have exercised more .;; r, im
" :iy ilolhiiigofpiiiiioti 111. The follo-oing.
'10111 lln.-irU-.ili" of Saturday last, deiiou'u-
illg (b licrtll Pope us a huinbl!:;. ). .,,,(
ul.itcd to impress the pu'.Pc v,i.
lee ;d ,
!i it tin ir ri cent ii,.pr;.-oi.
li a.-i i hull v
.lid. 1 r id:
"Wo are afraid we nr. i.-y 1,
to th,
itilti w lien we pn iioiince ( .eneml P
ipe to
. in " o I'l'inioii, 11 .e. o., almost as
xt. an ins. it us J'n-niuiit. Huell.
r.iy, is a.-lc."p, trying to dicam out what
In; xvar's about, t he problem thut troubled
.it.i so at first. I ly,.,es has fallen into tlic
o.ver of Cveloj.s. und in, tend of poking out
is eye, as hi. gn at namesake did, has had
nth his own done for. No t'er.euth jirax
l-at the next ,hox er max In int; u, down a
. xv .'c,- Generals in.-t, ml of, of toad,.
'e can dispense xvith the lipttle-, but the
'C.icralM xv e ir''i,t.
- - -
k u. vurilll II Us u-.suou H J'l'.el -I llititloll re
Is o iint I l.o format ion of Volunteer C, mi Hnin
"Siiiiniitr, ud id' iiet tho !e!uitof buiii alt!
' IxvekP. M to ,n per. on: eniploxed tunc lo lrill.
SiJJoninTA W. Comi.v, F.sq., of Dan
ville, was nominated for President Jmlgc
of Schuylkill county, ly tlic Union conven
Uon. Mr. Comly declined the intended
lionor. Mr. Comly U one of tlio most dis
tinguished lawyers in this wet inn of Penn
sylvania, nnd there is no position in the.
Judiciary of the State that xvould not I'C
Will tilled in his person.
3loral affairs.
I c-- 1'imsT. TIkto xvus n white frost in tin- m iph.
! horh 1 i'n Wednesday inornitip. The weuhir t
Tiu'lfiy mid Wcilncsdiiy wns so cool ns. to I'-.piirc
I tir.'.
E'i I'll M i i sn in Si siu ii v. We ui.dr.-'.-.n 1 i!mt j
l.o ii'iotn for Ihit plaec Ims hem filled hy olouh its '
t und ll'.Ht thereforo there will be no drafting in Sun
bury. i I 7he II 'r.-e l'a;r ut Willii'in'-poi I i fnid to be
well attcrdc'l. coi.-idi rlnu Ihc ftntc of the t'oiaitrv.
I i Z' TE Diii i'iv M uisiiAi.i.suf this t'oiiuly leive
j "ueeeeded. without much ililTi. uliy in tunkin the
iiirollnieiit of pervor.s liiiblo to Military duty. S.-mo
, thi'at.. h:d been mndeiu poine of tholower tow o-ni;
j but. wo pp" uiiM. n iili no inti litinn to enforc e them
! V' Wo olcr o by the li.-t of killed nnd wounded
nt .Miinn-ii'', the nnmo of Jeremiah llimpt. of thi
place, win
wns in oompnny 1), Ilth llepiment. i
ri'iiii-ylvaina oluntcers
yoitnp man.
.Mr Il.iupt wns a worthy
t jf' Danii 1 Kendip. i:(., of .Middlelown, who is
appointed assessor for this Congressional Pi.-triet is n '
nutieof this place. The ipuiiitiiieiit is nn excel
lent one. but it was hardly loir to take both culleclo
nud iism'-soi- from oi.e county.
I lJ liotilit'i'. Several of our eitiz.'i,w(re robbed
i riceiillv nt llani-biip station. lr. J. 1!. Mu.--erwho
whs ou his wny to Washinpton, ns surpeoii. was re-
I.. . .. . , ,
I '"'vea 01 f,uS on Slltui.liiy night. Mr. .lohn Loiscr,
formerly ol this place, on tho sumo train lost nbout
.uu nini nn i i lenient who returned troni Wali-
ington early on Thui sdny ir.orninp, w ns robbed of his
pocket lMk containing tr-.S, at the nme plm c. Wo
tliink the police at llarrisburj; should pay some
litlln attention at that, as itsecuis to be a
favorite re.-ort fir pick pockets.
S ir It.vil.iioAn AeeiiiK.Nr. The Mail train Xorlh,
on Ihe Simbury A Krie road, met w ith an accident on
Monday nfternoon, just above tlio Lew if burg Station.
The recent ruins had undermined a culvert in the
low ninrshy ground, and two passenger ears wero
thrown oil the track into the water. Tho cars w ero
considerably .-nia-hed Some three or four porsons
wero injured, but not oriouy. Oneof the cars con
tnioed about thirty ladici who were obliged to wade
out of tho pond of muddy water Fomcthin more
thnn kneo deep. Tho trnin wn detained fevernl
hours by this untoward accident.
CJL""n,l'iy 1--1 wn nduv that will be remembered
for pencratioiis. All through State; lo ul nnd patri- ;
j ntio citiicns. men. women and children, were en- I
i paged in puking lint and fupplying hospital ft .res j
I for onr lvounded soldier?. In this place mo-t (fear '
j church goii.s people, ns v.ell ns ollie,.s were engaged j
in the work, imd n largo supi'ly of lint nnd Uuolng'.!
I were pot np nnd forwnrded to Washington. In Us-
, ...1 11 i i
, ..,-.' ov.- (in ii",iu iiiiu mo menu'CTa
j in iuii UuiXMe k . '
of urtieles for the wounded und !
Kent ofl' ut OIK'O.
l.'.OOU in cu.-h were
I j- Sri;(.ro.s ami Nntsi:s i-oit Tin: Wui'Mir.n.
t'uSuturduy evming about H o'clock, a di-pn'eh
was received by J. I!, l'aeker, '.-p. ut this place,
n.-kir.g to sen 1 i n to Wa-hingt.m all the tfiieioiit sur
geoii.s who would volunteer b r the purpose of attend
ing to the wounded on the battle Held ut Mana.-.-as.
Jir. ,1. J!. M i-serniid lr. W al lion nt nnecd tendered j
their service- and left in the 111 o'clock train. On !
Sunday a il-tt-l wa rcuvivi J asking f..r nurses, i
. Some twenty or thirty from this place volunteered.
1 and about a do.en were s, lecled. bat a dispatch was '
received before tho, cars lift that night, requeuing S
' tlicin not to eon.c on lis the battle field was in the i
i hands of the enemy, mid our w ounded innoces-ub!e
Surgeons were, however, r: one-ted to cuno on. a"-
cordingly Kev. Mr. o'ibs,,n tlf the l'pisoopnl chureli
' of this pluce. who had studied and practised Surgiry
la lore en!. nog tlio Ministry, tic.-i.mpnnicd by Dr.
A. 1 Dcwitt of Snydertown. b it f,.r Wa.diingt,.n. !
I on ?uii.j;.y evening a -j...-cml train was run ni. l
several w loads of Surgeons and Nurses ja.--i.d
, through
j Ir. V.'al ir. a n tun'.ed i:n M-.iidny Morning '!,,.
wus not able (,, g, t to the battle Held. llw. Mr
liib- n returned the day following fr the same re.i
Ir J.IJ. Muss.T returned n J'lmislay.
Al'IM.XT.S TO Till. CoXIMlssii.M;K j.-, ,jj
I'ltXIfllNo IN NoltrillMWtni.AM) Col .MV.
Pcr.-oiis having cl
for exi mption front
miliiaiy u ,ty. on tmt of ill health, or
other ..t:.-es, will in--i t th.- Cotnnii.-..-ioner at
the following time, and lilaccs
Tlie b'o.oitghs ,.f
in'-nry and N'orthllttibertiind.
l.i.d In- I., wo. -hips , C
i pp. r nml Lower
-la -u-te. v.. I Itu-h at XX caeer s II ,i.-l. in Sonba. v
on -..tin ,: y nnd Monday ll.c iMIi ami s.), of Senteu'i
I bet-, between tho bonis ol ;l A M . and li 1'. M .
'i'i'e of .Milt. .ii. and Ihe lown-hip-- ..f
I li-.iiia.iii" and Turbet. nl the house of .1 M.-iluil,
in Mill. .ii. on Tuo-.lny. il,.- i., day of Septen.ber.
i.-. . . .. on- uoiir- oi ;. a .l . nn.l I) r. .X
I The Itoroiiirhs of M.-bw. n.-i ill,, and Turbutviile I
and Ihe town-hipi of Lewis und 1' al Ihe
I huu.-e ol Henry Itcoler. iu M.-.wei..-i ill, , ou Wed-
! u-day. the 0, ,.iy of s. ptombcr. between the Lours i
! of s A. M.. or,. I ;t 1" M. j
I The 'lown-liips of 1. nken, Coid, .Mount C.iiir. l. i
i eibc. and Cameron, at the tb.u-eof Win. X u.vcr. I
in Shuiii...iniown. on 1 1. uiui v. Sept. Ilth. bttween -
tile hours of SI A. M n- I it I' M I
i The Town-hips of t oper .Xtahallov, Wa.-hili'.'', n I
I Jiek.-on. and l.itlle Mabanoy. at ihe llouse of Win. :
'bi.--. in Washington Township.,,,, Kriilnv. t-ci.t-
I 12. between the hours of lo A. M and ,'. ! M".
J lie lown-i.ipol Jordan and bower Malianov, nt
tlie House of House of blias Wiest. Hiekorvlowii, on
iSa'uidny. September bl, bel.vecu lliv hu'urs of Iu
A M and tl 1'. M.
li.e f How ing eii-i'iilar wa-: liuiidc.l to us by
the t. a. iics.' Helief Association" of this phce. We
ne.-.l Lu.dly .ay that ihc appeal will be heartily 1.1: 1
proiii i!y respuii.ledlo by the patriotic, ladies of this
plu'-e fi.d xicii.ily :
Tu'iiii: i.Abiiisor si Niirity a vicinity
A 1. iirg. iii cull is coming to us from Ihe battle-field
Ihe 1... p.tals. Hul.ilie.i.-of braxe men nre sutler
nip trom Ihe terrible wound- received iu d.-f. net- of
01 11 li'".-'ies and lint h"ii'"S.
SI... II thi- apncl 1. unheeded ' "e ur 'e upon
y.r.l tllel..KCs.y ofuil i lilllicdiale ctfortfor tl.c relief
"I the ix. male. I nnd the dying. W e need linen fr
bi.t. 11.11-.U1 b r buii'iai;cs. cari'iiiug f.r slippers,
b'.an. l b.r iniderelothinp. In addition to tlo-'e nr-ii.-b-.
wear, 's.-nding ni,.,.,. j, , (Vui(.
1 t ami'.t x.,c do s-am-ilnug' Any nrliole, sent tMrs
Ums. -iL-,,-.ini- or .Mrs. W. I,. Ihiv.-h!. si.burv
de l J!v ...
j'.o,,.,,,, ni. 1 n, ii,e pin. e. winroihev uru
, !. xi, ins- y Association.
S.u.haiy. ,s(pt. 4ib, n12.
;L. The following l. tiTrfrom Captain J Buver
lo a lady ill Ibis place .peaks for itself:
I'Aiii" I'onrs'iorni, V., Augn-t. l"ii
I'i xii M.xi.xt-I l,.-r...v ckno,"l..' ibc'ro.
c.-ov -, i. b.'v containing eight bu-hel. of ouious from
mc b-.di.- ol Mini.urv .-.-i.i bv yon. o U,B p f lt. iuipuny t return
our hear-y Honks tor ihe -uioe.-nnd lo y.u
ally l,,r your kind eon-ileralion in petting them "jis
a lory welcome, good ud useful pill, und buinj an
nrl.'d,. n .l g,v, to mldion h gou.rm
li.sKes It doubly Xtcb-oluc.
I haveei.courng.dtheuseof vrg. table, an farm
poicii-able to which lattribuiein a great inensure
ilio liciilih of in) uien, miuS next Ihe ucttllhiiH
ciopanj in ihc ri'gim, nt. mt take this'occu.,ioii lo say, that kind roinem
bra. es ol 1 1 ,, kinds Ire,,, fj-jends from homo, do u.u -li
I .wi.i '1 ligb ii g ihe heart of tho l uion Soldier. And
1 lb. re i u l,uly ,u pood old Sunhury, Unit doei lu(
ilui'k Ui one ei those onions ealcu ly a huubury
...vw.ll.l,, ,bai lM,. lu,jro guuil ,Un u ,,, OM.
ra.-. . o Div.e. b. r h-art must bodaik indeed, and
her lea l without any knowledge of humiui nature
".niog you ir j,,i,r thoughifut eensidera
1 remain, tt-.t rtrecifully y iur obedient
I X" JIi
Ir... 1 I J tl-i--"
'till 1 1 -el n
I. llor Trout tlic Kunlmry (aiinrcl.
liEAi roBT, S. C., Auj l.r, lStS2. Wn.vr.iiT : To-dny. hy order of tlio Presi
dent, our regiment win out in' full dress pnrndo to
honr Ihe orders, rend Hint nro to bo publi-hcd to tho
whole Federal army. Tho nrdcra worn a ctilopy on
Kx-l'rcsldonl Martin Vim Duron lamenting li in death
and praising his many virtues. How unlike his suc
cessor. (Tyler) who died uninourncil and execrated
by twn.thiids of n pront notion, of a print uutoin.
while fur Vnn linreii his country weeps. Hups are nt
hull must nml tlnip' d in mourning, and nil join in
saying, as he placed in his Inst restinp pltioe, "'well
done, thou pood nml faithful rervnnl." T ho order
also, rend? that tho colors of the rcpiuiciitn .-hall he
lint in mourning and Hint officers xvciir crape on tho
left arm for six month.
I ion happy to inform you ll:t llun'or's
brigade of people of color, dilfci t nt in hue from I'n
elo Hum's legiliiimto soldier-, hus lo-i n ili-Vuideil.
nud Ihcir occujiulinn now i that of"lii'i,t.J of wood
imd curriers of w itor." not i xu.-ilv wutor nlonr. tor
tli-Ho in utUhorily lioro linn.' put in the l
lirst. (o timt ttiuro patriots cull drop the tiro I
k niid
w the .msh toili anse nnd improve the look. of
wonderlul city of llcuul'ort ; nnd hndly it needed it
I Theidi n of elothinst the contrn'mnd in the snmc
style with the ri 'jular ami volunteer, did not tnlm
! with the loys tlo-y thinkii'p it waf nn inult. The
colored iiiun 4,nitiy lie pood in his wiiy," bill ho nei
i (her okco;m lio:el"or fitrhl ulonp-id'e of the Vnnkeo
! h .ys for the lr.i i viiiio!, of tiio l.nion. llornee
I I r--! - :md rn-Irll I'liillii'S to tlie contrary, not-
ith.-tiiRdio1'. If tlorin-e wunti a repiinent. of
pro .-lri I'.im ruiM: tin in. nii't then turn tlio mrt ot
n fiii'm-b-r, nnd to Liberia or conio other country,
v lo'i'.' lie eun -;lnire ihe fute id" Walker. for.'?inec his
l.' Vlnj't to bro.v beat Mr. l.uu'oln. HUell Imllld bo his
m l. ainl 1 eun iv-uro it woiiM ple:i."c his yinttrtilnr
fruwh in the army of the South.
Xo'.vy. in liiis nuiiiler, is very seuree. All isiiiet,
bul u -oun as IIu-inoiiil fulls, and the heat a little
ne to our eoinlort. you tnny henr of an nrfvuneeon
eston. ehfive eontinued rumors of exiieete
tiiihts. and ruinor is nil it Amounts to. hut it in well
w e hnve sueh enmp slorieii us they keep the hoys stir
rinp and helps to "drive nnnydull care.'' It i.--very
w ni ni here now while 1 write, the mcreury i
nt lis der. in the shade, 'the I ienrrul has disien'sed
with all drills, and heartily plud tho hovrf nre of it ;
for it ."jives them n deal of unnofcssnry trouble and
labor and allows them tho ii-iiib-e of a cov mill
under Ihe boupbs of the oak, fcimilur to thut of their
1 more fnvored friends at home.
The mails from the north, for us. "nre very irrepular.
i t I'lii'l'nl lv tliroo iioii's uri'ii o bil'..r. unv ..I' it... s;n.i.
I bury boys Kct letters from home. Letters sent to us
' .-houbl never po ly wuv of riiiladclphiu, for if they
'" ,,,"'r0 ''' h.y until n vcs.,;l leave, for Hilton
lle.'id. nnd they nro senrco ; whiln it thoso wniinp.
would mark tlieir letters -via New York.'' wo would
j gel them in a very Miort tune
The members of the company arc nil vcrv w-ell. I
rcinnin. Yours rrnternullv, II. lb W.
W A It X E AV s.
The Whole I'oren if ICotli Armii -.
YVamiinotc.n, Saturday Atltj. I!0.
AVe have positive itifoiination at noon to
day, from the front, tip to lour P. M., of
ycMerday. That is to say, eight. -i n hours
later than the oilieial despatch of General
Pope, published cbewh. re in t Ids ai'tenio. .u's
.S'''. Tl'.i' substance ot' this news is that
throiiLdioi't yc-terd:iy. the buttle was c.m
timted by the unity corps of 1 leintt Inian.
McDowell and Si : I on our side, and a
Kebel force believed t: number from lit'lv to
sixty thousand strong. That is, uoa'ind
the army corps of Jackson, and we presume
a portion of the re-t of's ariev that had
succeeded in making ils v'ay down from
White Plains through Throitglu'ire Gap.
The location of the battle of the day was
in the vicinity of Haymatket: from 'l ley
market off in the direction of Sudlcy Church ;
or, in other words, but a few miies noiih
west of the scene of the novcr-to-bc-forgoUen
battle of Hull Jltm.
Ib.'intelmiin's corps, if we ave correctly
informed, came up with the enemvV rear u't
about 10 A. M..s,.cn miles V,,;, t ', ,nrovi!!e
which ioint he left tit .lav break, lie found
Jackson's command lighting with M..T.iw el!
and Sigel. or both, on the right in the dine
tion of ; the position tiny t.e.k
(by going lionh
from ('
llesVlllel t
exit li. 11
' Ci 'III-
in md the eat
to am
one blare (tap.
'i he railroad, v.i pre
say. litis alreaey been i
happy to be
tMe to
1 ';'h
etc.. ;
put:' up to
I OXC bei.lU
Kits., and supp.'fs.
ported ox ; r il to
hat point. liy mid
t" i 'ii Hell
I ni
lit. We h.U e i v; rv i t
5ini orbb
xv ill i-i l-e pa -,',:i!i
V'i'i rvn to Malta--. is.
XX 1
tl tile
lire ex :n lttiting- A,in'.--:is on the
yesterday, the ' lo.bei . parole. 1
hundred prisoner th.-y had t ike
commcnccM.'!)" of tl:. 'io,.yepie:ii
they are iax ing ... death. TV
that liri-'iicfs, in their present
I -ii!C'.- lb"
for x. I,i -1,
y r-'tilied
! I'l'.it , X'. e.'e
nnd wbelv
but tin elephant on th. ir hands.
lints got rid ot thein
covered all the str i
as well as all the !:
e -.even hiindrt 1
tlcy had taken,
iv I f T.c. h.r's
i Hrigade.
In a later c
Ht.'il. alt';- Pope",
despatch, the editor of thi
adds tin
following note :
'"We have positive informal ion that Pope
came up with and attacked the i n.-mv a.'.ii'n,
a li-xv minute, pn.d nine this lnornint':. Fit
John Porter by that time had probably
arrived on the field from Manas-as. scvcii
mih s o!f only.
Our impre-ssiot'. tin t the liettx i. -t of tic
I'ohting of . st. rday was by MeDow , II and
Sigel in the viiinityof Thoroughf-ire Gap
wa -. perhiips, errom on,, jiid'tint: from the
follow ing depntch ofGeni-ral Pojie.
lll-.AD-m AltTI ns Ft! Ill (- P, villi:, Gr...
venton, near Gainesville, Alio-, tin. 5 A. M.
I iv ' , , -,.
e loilght a terriln: I
.Majol -(..eucral llalleek, ( I, n, Tahiti. ( 'hief
It t if lore c,tei!:ie
Willi me coiuijine.l tones o! the enemy,
which lasted with continuous fury from
daylight until after dark, by which time the
enemy wus driven from the li. ld, which we
now- occupy. Our troops are too much
exhausted xct to j,i,,li matters, buL 1 shall
ilo so in tl,e course ,,i the 1
oriiing, as soon
conn s up from
: ns Fit. John Porter corp.i
The canny is still in our front, but badly
; ii.-. d up.
I ' ''"' lost in i les.- than tiglit tiiou.-..ind
men killed tun I wounded, and from the
I appi aiMiicc of the Ihul, the enemy lost nt
le.i-ttWo to one. lie stood sti ielii on the
I ilefeiistx e. und ixeix i:ault xxas liuide bv
I Olir.-ehcs.
j Our troops behaved .'phudidlv. The
1 battle xxusl'uuglit on the identical ba'llle lit Id
,of Hull Hun, xvhi.h gnatly inereased the
ciuiiii-iiusiii 01 our 111, 11.
The news just tea, in s 11. c from the front
that the inemy i., u iu aling towards the
mountain. 1 go foi v, aid at one: to see.
Wehaxe luiuli: ;,n at captures, but lam
not able it t :1 idta ot their extent.
Jons Poi'K,
Miijor-Geinlal Commanding.
DI'seATf 11 KHOXI (,KS. Xl'ooW I I .- m . six om,
AiTE.xut.vsi r. on m i l. ,;i ...
AV.XMii.Norox, August o'O.
rcctft:iry Chase received this afternoon
through (.en. Pope's inesm-ngcr. tin- folloxv
ing note- from Gen. McDowell, dated
On thk Uavixe kii-j n, at tl.ll MoitviNd,
August IU). Dear Governor Ph use tele
graph Mrs. McDowell that I have ironc
through a second battle of Hull Hun, 011
the- identical Held of la,t vcar, and am
Tho victory is decidedly ours.
Very binc-rcly, lviN MtDowEi.i..
AxoTimu rifiiiT t;i:s. rorr. aoain attacks
Tin; enkmv.
AV'ahhino-co.v, August fiO.
Information lias reached Washington from
private sources, that Genual Pope came up
with nml nttneked tie enemy nyain Hhortly
alter eijjht o'elnek tlis lnorninp;. Fits .lohn
l'orler hail I'lolmlilf by that timo nrrived
on the tiehl from Kntiassns, whitli is only
seven miles distant. The cannonading was
distinctly heard in Vashinglon to-day.
Tin It:mlt r NaUu-ilay.
ltini.Ain: iiixiti. t-eoi'ts at chain nimit r..
Al.SXAMllllA. August ;0.
Tln re has hern heivy tirinp; heard to day
in the direction o( Centre villi", nud the
conteM of Friday wtu uiHloubtedly renewed
this morning.
Teleoiuploc couinuiiii alioil lias been re
established to Mantissas, nnd the curs tin;
running ns far ns Bull Iiun. The btidge
und railroad are being repaired with the
greatest despateh, ntui trains will probably
extend their trips to-morrow. There nre
still a large number .if troops in Alexandria
awaiting transportation to the field of battle.
A Pcnnsplvnnia brigade, comprising the
One hundred and Twenty -third. One hundred
and Thirty-third, One hundred nnd Thirly
fourth and One Inndred and Thirty-sixth
Hegimcnts, under (Jen. Cook, were to march
Thepaticnis who were able to be moved
from the Alexandria hospitals w ere taken to
Washington, to mnke room for the wounded
who are to arrive to-day.
Wasuinoton', August "0.
General Pope's statement that General
lleiiitelinan's corps would move on the
enemy at daybreak is confirmed to-day by
the heavy tiring heard from that vicinity.
Humors of successes of various kinds have
reached here, but they need continuation.
Yesterday Kebul scouts were seen at
l.antilev's, in the vicinity of the Chain
F.very precaution has been taken to pre
vent a surprise in that direction.
The impression prevails that theliehils
have been entrapped, and the results of the
recent matiotivering is looked for with
intense interest.
'I'lio Btcbel-s leiillv l!-i;iVi cl.
fOPi: Itl'.TItKATS TO (T.NTUI.X II. I E- l it XNK-'s hi vision it as ,iom:d iiim himniis
O.N Tin: MAttCH lt.VTTIX E.X
I'ECTEP. Wamuni.ton
The IJebels were heavily r
list ttl.
inforeed x..-
terday, and tittaeke.l Pope's army b-loii the
arrival of Gcncr-ils Franklin ati.I Siitur.i-r.
The attack was boldly nut. ami a ,-evi ie
battle followed. The advantage ,n
whole was on the side of the n. my. and
Pope fell bark to Cvtitrevi'le with h's whole
army, in good order.
lie lias now been joined at I '. nt :'i X i'!e by
t'eutra! Franklin, an 1 Sunnu r wc.-njion the
m.O'r'l to him 1 , St lit:'lt. He oel t,"t,. (lie
islti.-n in the neb
lil .
!v to
i , of
is expect,
t and th
relic w the
Kxi't-o , tv
t' should 1 e tv
d' oui troops.
d to hast, n th
i I
: ! i t . 'i
Itifoiitritiou r
there has been
d hi
U tittv 1,
to day.
Our ainiy is xvill concentrate'
men are i.i good condition and -I'lUii'.xu.xi
ions foi: Tin-. t:i;ei.l"l
xvorNP El).
W - iiINo V.N. A
. an
o.N o
t fd.
in tl
1 1 -i i:
to m:!l, ol the con
hospital xaeati
tin li
U'.il xx ill be :' nt out ol l a .ineg'o
room tor jniiii'tits from tin ion
a. r, art ; '. i.e.:'.
Let X'. i ' II live UliU if. d
Gov. i nn. cut civil..-, ivpeitv
iu compliance with the r.
.n.l a tv
lit. -t of t!
U.- .:i
! )' p.o't ni. nt , ami not
o;.U r, a.-- erroue,,::,!-,-de.-patac!i.
ti r.'poit !
that the dead and W.
Hi cu d r.t'entton.
(.. t.efal Wiid-worth
of all the ha. ks in thi
i'onx at' I as a t rain tit.
WOlUb'.i d lo t Iii- , tiv.
I in
i otex lotis
1 lire
iax in
r, :.e
1 of I
!, ,i,l -
i ity, a
it th. in
iek and
vv sJA's-j'n.t:::.
V vslll.s,. o.. All:;. ;
ail ae. ottnt --, G. n. r.
il. l-o,'.
lis wax
dim.: i.'ti
-Hi ei i d in I n ine
F-. l. :tooi, ,.u-ioi-.i
ted a iiineiii.ii will
In i.n,.
Cent', del :.;. fore. .-,
attained without li all'l
ill-1 the lTo.,t ile-iierat.
.1 l.'.o
Frm. i all that
i ,(
iti t.
-i in-e ui' atix regular r
McDowell, i'oiii,'. . j
were cnoaued. the I'oiu
I lie latter the right, inn
ling about i he I'eiitre.
i'''. I . I lie il
n 'man am
i. r liax ing t
I in- uli,. ;-.
l ite i-tiu, ipa
I b:
ing -eenis to liave l.ecli on I,
Ire. Tl.c left xias thrown up frm
Jllliefioil towards 'I'llol i.uu i.fn,
riiit at itii.l about I 'i nti.-i ii;,
i cliliv on the old Lull IJiiu l al!
from Mantissas.
'Jin- allien v. as comuieceed by
t a:
t ::
' the en. :ti
ill. I.I t XX. I II
gl'. is XX CP"
-t.-.l 1. poll a
lo life floiu
n s'tpported
opellllio Ins bait, it.-s ut.oii our 1
i ci.e and two o'clock. Their
lioiiolv and a.lvantao-eou.-
ri'lge, xx hiie our batteries
iuc open p.ain. .xioicll ,nx 1,1
the batteries at this point. Aft
xere cannonading. I i, neral P.iifoi
r sonn.
I's brioade
ol cavairy, comprising the First Michigan,
Fit-t ViiL'inia. and l'ir.,t Vermoiit, wire
ordered to our extreme left, to i.connoitiv
and guard again.-t any attempt lo turn the
left think, which ntoxtuictit ixas threatened
by the 1 m. my.
Hiding beyond our hft, where the in
fantry were formed close behind oil bal lo
ries which xvtrc play ing xvith great pneision
upon the enemy, xxliih; our troops, were
cheering vociferoudy, tho cavalry reached
a slight eminence and were about to send
out a detai liuienr to explore, xi In n the
enemy w. re seen coining up iu force aloii j
the line of the adi icctil woods. A balt.rv
j xvas observed to xv heel into po.- it.oii und
then Clone
shell, thrown itito tin ir
('aiilstcr and grape.
foliowid bv
lh Us was (ii -eovtred tin: intention of tin
enemy to attempt a flank vnnciii. Long
lines of iiilantiy could pl.iitil-x be teen hur
rying Uli to take ijo-itioii. and s ujii ollu r
xv 1 re broiiu
it up and ou lied upon
our lelt. 1 he cuvii rx folc
I to retire, 11--iit
the 1 loitds
ot lctreut. the
treated behind a low ridge.
ol dust n waling their plan
Hi-tubs continued shelling tlicin, and ano
ther change of position was made. Here a
body of avidly wire observed riding to.
ward- them, and sabres wero drawn lu meet
th (liming foe.
'ihe advancing s.piadron proved to be
friends, the Fourth Now Yolk Cavalry, at
tached to Sigcl's corps. Where they had
come front, a- Sigtl w as 011 the right, was
and is a mystery. They reported Milan's
cavalry lis about making a charge. The
New York cavalry fell in behind Jiuford'g
brigade, tho bugles bounded, und over the
hiil galloped our horsemen to meet the ad
vancing ibe.
As our men approached, the Hibel cavalry
discharged doublo-barrclcd bhot guns, and
then met in full charge. Our men broke
the enemj'u line nud pursued them. The
foo rallied in ..plcndid style, and dashed for
ward again to meet tiio charge. Again
their li.10 wus broken, and our cavalry xv as
preparing to chiu-go again, when tlio Con
federal, s opened tire upon them from batte
ries and xvith musketry, compelling them to
retire. Meanwhile, the left had given wav,
and xx a- on tile retreat, parsiiie; oui cavolry.
A battery which had run hort of nminu
nition was on the point of being captured,
but under the dctermineil resistance of tho
cavalry, was safely brought off. The troop?
Fell back upon Franklin's division, which
had just come up, and were formed in lino
to i'n-vent strangling, nnd anything like ft
panic. Ibid Oeu. Franklin's corpse arrived
two hours earlier tipon the field, the result
of the daj's lighting would have been dif
ferent. The f u t of Stuart's cavalry being n rated
with double barreled shot guns is proved by
n number of the guni being captured, and
si-M-fal of the cavalty having buckshot
wouniR Col. Hrodhead, commanding the
First .Michigan Cavalry, wus captured.
Lieut. Meriialu was wounded and taken
prisoner. Lieut. Morse was killed. Frnuk
lin's Division retired to Ccntfcville, after
preventing confusion, ami giwng the re
treating troops time to rally.
During the fight, a body of the enemy,
concealed in a boely of w oods, annoyed our
forces nuteh by tlieir lillc practice. Mur
tindale's liriLrade charged them and drove
them from the woods, amidst the chvera of
our line.
Uartsuffs brigade made a similar charge,
but with a different result. They penetra
ted the woods, when a deadly tire of grape
and canister was opined upon them from a
ma-ked buttery. At the same time a mur
derous volley of rifle balls came ftum one
side, and a desperate charge of the enemy
from the other. Our men fought bravely.
but were turced to retire.
The enemy remained upon the bultle-ficld
over night. To-day there has been some
skii mishing. Hein'orceinents are going up
to-day, and a battle is anticipated on the
The road from Alexandria, extending to
Ceutrevillc. was densely crowded nil day
with wagon trains, ambulances, hacks nnd
private convex anees. on their xvay to and
from the latter place. The number of
wounded sent to Washington wus compara
tive lv small.
i sco'-i ;i:. in'i;"
'iXn si':i II:i(l ol"
Xv are beginning to get a clear r view of
the battle Held of Saturday.
We copy the folloxxing from the Slur of
1.1-1 I Vellil.o- :
Ltri at battle of Saturday last, on the
si-!c i f ilull K'tn. e.iuld hardly I e
an '-infai.. tnent until peihup- live r. M..
the action :. me e'. P.y six
tin i t.eiuy, who l.i.d niai..i!ed to break
:h 'l'iio!.oe;lii'are (Jti.) in Ihe nl'ter
xxitii the xv h. le of his r. iiitbieemeuts.
I his troops so heavily upon Pope's
t Mi
no. ma
b l't w ino
i ll. .I.ih
under Mel). will, sup oriel by
Porter, a.- to .hive that ha. k half
xvitli -;-,::! o--. TLcre it made a
stand, s
. t ; i 1 -. .le . kino i1(. further ad-
d' t!l ' il.'lay Ittltil Jiigl.t put II stop
ami i
lb Pol
ises that had been
etely xvoin out foi
c w In n the battle
the tOll' I
, eca-ed. lb
wide force upon the east
! bank of I'.'i.', 1i.
I cros-'iig el' that
b' t .Xeell I ctitrel
i j.o-teii his army
: tfi tching down
I s..y. coy. r.iig the
! a i lye mi'..' ; in !
i leontiniiin.r m 1., ,1.1 the
t r. am oti t he direct road
.lie und Manas-as.) nml
on the slope of the ridge
t x Full '.bin. That is to
.-'.ope l' -r a space of about
ngtli and two and a half
.'. Frank tin. with his tine
che.l him by an eariy hour
i the coins' of the day he
ii:e who!-' tinny corps of
I mt
: iii-
' Vc:
on. had r. :
Mat. and i;
s jolted l.y
aeral 'miiiiih i.
1 1
G n. li.
t lining 1.
) ' ; i tie ra
r .h -tr
an., c
ig toe ears con-
cliei I tlaliy breakilig
('. in .Maiia,s Jin.. -lemt'oek.
so that the
.latched t'. nty tlx e
I'. out th.- b of a
t.ou t
en. in'
a i '
man. I'n
re.iorur. w
1 1
, we obtain
.11"! idler nt -i X . i'eloek,
in:; I 'm i- -:
lite I'
t .;
mix is now ina-s,.. i
i'i-ly reinforce
ly and iu lir.e soi
at Ceiitre
!, and the
i!-. They
men are or
tr oo-it ion. as gooii
it.-, can be
I. r.lax
i.t rtx a
ei I 't.
l,r o
lex '
1 1
forme! jn line for battle yi s
:' i l "M '..t't'. o't lock, on the
a r' oivi-i' n, 1 ,,t tl.c rebels
to -b..v tl d:t. A htv iitnn-
f xxounde 1 -oidi'ls Were I net. Jit to
tl'lnti ill'! -lopped to t iii.
x l - re t in y l'a . c ai'-ittdy t.r,
y ye: t. r
d ut the
si x r
il !io,jul il,.
All ( f
w ilh oil',
com el , '.
bl I'll ' of
-!'. Th-
e'lf x u:u,h -1 . ol'ii.i-:, too-tin r
r-. .''!-! ev ryb 'dy with whom r
I. -ax-our r. I'oiter. eiiurtte ail the
it .
a , '!. tetit to I o il. Mellon-.
e 1-l't Long-trc. t in through
lv. :! iu ( erv xmiv ihtriii.-
g:i:i prrpo
I to
:e tu:i'!x
.-'1 hi."
i' lu ttt
aid the ( 1.1 -
a trait"!'.
w ill I 1 in
ope it IM.IV
, .-al did l.f-
.-'..oil. thi-x 1
t ! n 1 thai ll
Oe si
eee:. -h ho
it the gen,
re i., 11 niv
1 , s;
I but th
tain it t. t '1
ii.-i (i, 11. Mr
tlie. it si el
' 1.1 day, 1 nt
1:1 e xv a, s. :
e. ri
pi lll.t .!;,'.!
The 1 :,,
! :d of S.i"
fa., of 1.
!, tics", ing
dead. Of
tiny nn oe
'ids the
tt b
poller thinks a
Gcnei-.l Pope,
d" burling oui
ic U 1. 01 certain,
at Alexandria
r saw thi 111 a,
C'.-ti. of 1 oittlii t
. ue
hoxv CiV (
t. I
di.i.M.n arrived
and our report'
d t'.irxv ar I to the
( ontld. nt now. fr
A't- I
m xx nat xv c can
I learn ol' the strength and condition ..f our
army, that we are fully ready for the ci.clnv.
. hi him do his bet. 'I'h.ivvv ill be. xve hope,
1 nn more retreats, no more blamh ring' of
I general,, nud we trit.-t thai the time so often
, loi-esh.idowed of driving the enemy to the
I xxiill, has i'uliy come.
I The enemy 1. li Hiehmond in high spirits,
j dctei milled to, and fully confident that he
i could, march to Washington and clean out
I the "nest of Yankee.." as he is plea-ed lo
I fail it. Lei him be -cut back howling to
' his lien, but don't let him red there ; pur
1 mi,, him. subdue him, blot him out, unie.-.,
he submits to rightful authority.
VYe h arn from the Sur that Gen. Liwell
I is and that Jackson is badly woun
1 tied. '1 Li, ui iy be so, I tit our reporter, who
, h it yi tirlay iimming, heard nothing of
' tiie kind.
j The Nineteenth Indiana regiment is eom-
I. tlllj Use, I Up. l Ol. .Xtel'i tlltll laliaxid 111
the most and daring manner, shout
ing to his in, 11. remember the old flag and
Indiana." His voice could be heard above
II. c caution. Hi, son, .,nc of the lieutenants,
was mortally xvouuded by a shot throne)
the neck. Major May w as shot in the fore
head and killed outright. It is said that
oui of nearly one thousand, there is but
about two hundred left. The 71,1 und 7th
Illinois, in the .-ame brigade, nut with
dic.tuiul; and the Hrooklyn Four
teenth, whose Colonel was wounded, fought
like demons. They had not forgotten the
old Hull ltiiu tight, but L-houted as thtv
fought, '-remember Hull Hun."
I in port il lit Acmh.
. ,
Gen. Lew ulhice has issued a proehuna- j ,.uK. are about iit.000. The deceajed leaves a
Hon, iiiforniing tho eitimni of CineiniiHti, i wife and tin childred loinourn LIHom.
Covniidoii nnd Newiiort, that an active, I.e., ... , . ,
daring und powerful enemy threatens them, . I"'"?, k,n -W!"'P. e th milt.,
end that th.y ntu-t mie to their defence. , !p,OLOM1ON. Momta and Isthcr
lie orders all lupines to be auspended at Hl,""m'b Setl 3 ytari 0 months, and 23
nine o'clock to-day, and tlio jieople usem- I
ble fur orders. " j In Shamokin, on the 81st ult., SARAH
Paris wes evncualed hit niht. The CATHARINE, child of Benjamin and Fine
troop are falling buck on Cvnthiana. line Hoy, aged 10 month and 11 da.
ion. xwiiiuco wus inguged ull night in
making preparations for the prelection of
the city.
Tnr, "iVAlt I'N VIItUI.M.1.
Uens. licnrncy And Klcvenn Killed.
Jt -try Lout,
Wamiimiton, Hcpt. 2. Generals Kenr
ney nnd btevens were killed in it severe en
gagement which took place last evening,
near Chatitilly, nbout ten miles north ol
Fairfax Court House, between a portion
of General Pope's armv and Jwksoh's
Forces. . . .
Our lo--s xvas hcavx', but the rcl!M were
driven back more than a mile, nnd ouMruon
occupied the biitlle-lield until tlirccXH(
tins morning. w
v j.
Gen. Stevens wns killed with nlniinie
ball, which entered his bruin, (vliilcjic xvas
leading his men into nclioji, bearing Ihe
colors in Ins Iiand, the color-sergeant hav
ing been tlain. His son. nethiL' as assistant
luljuttittt of the brigade commanded, '' 11
lathcr, was xvouiiileil.
Gen. Philip Kearney wns nlso killed last
night. His bodv wus taken possession ol
by the enemy, but afterwards dclivcrxd into
our linei by a Hag ot truce.
I'lii'llicr I'urlicjiliirN.
From the Washington Star.)
Mr. James W. Soniers. of the Indian
Hurcnii, who, xvith others belonging to the
Departments, went up to the nssi.-.tauce of
the xvouuded, returned to this city this morn
ing, lie accompanied the flag of truce sent
out from our lines yesterday morning xvith
nn nbtilance train to the battle-field, and
from him we gather some interesting par
ticulars. A Confederate officers was found in ehargi
of a pang, w ho were engaged in J urxing
the dead. 1 lie modus operandi xvas to run
the noose ol n rope over the heels ol tin
dead man, xx hen txxoor three seizing the
rope, dragging the luuly to a treiieli and
dumped it in. Perhaps one hundred or one
hundred and fifty bodies were cnterred in
each trench.
The Confederate officer superintending
the burial of the dead, estimated our loss
in killeil on Saturday, at not more than 501),
and our xvouuded at about 5,0(10. lie ad
mitted a loss of Confederate killed of only
;!0l), but said their number of xvouuded xxa's
very large. According to nil reports, the I
number of wounded in the battle of Satur- j
dav, was disproportionately large to the ;
number killed. The Con led. rates speak ofl
.i .. i...!.. ..c c... i ft..- .. '
in.: ouiiiu oi .aiiuutty ion iiiooii us line ol
the scvtrcM of tho war.
While on the battle ground our Informant
heard littie cannonading up stream, but
nothing indicating an engagement.
The Coufcdt rate cavalry tire scouring the
country in every direction, and. in the opin
ion of Mr. Soniers, some of the civilian.-xvho
went up to the vicinity of the battle-lield
have been e.ipturcd.
; I'ortci-'H llorliir 1'lccl lit I Jiiinploii
j IIosmIs.
FouTt!rs MoMio:-., Aug. "I.
i All of Porter's mortar tleet and the gun
j boats have come doxx n the James river, mid
I Mx' "w nt aneinir in Hampton I, "ads. ami
. a part ot tile llotilla wlileli lias iieen it!' !n(
river is to imni. diati tv
to the
so says Commodore Wilkes this morning.
The .Norfolk boat xx hieh has heretofore
run regularly between Norfolk and this
i place came over xvith troops, and discharged
them on the st. anuhip Haiti', which is iy-
ing in tlio Koads. She then returned to
t Norfolk without the mails, apparently for
. more troops to dLpone of in the same xxtty.
j There i., exidently liitich .secret excitement
1 among the Federal otliccrs iu 1 1 1 ir- place, and
! the secessionists at Norfolk are rejoicing at
; what they claim to be u defeat in the late
! airy moxvm. nt under Gen. Pope.
A part of the Jame.; lixir o.'tilla has h f;
j tins afternoon and proceed. -d off in the di
rection "f the Potomac.
Slitiiiioblii lll Tl-illll.
Sn.XMohi..-, Augui-H"u, I Sit". 2
Tout f 'rt
H. nt foi week ceding Aug J", 2::. 71 It
Per lu.-i i. purl, 1 b. tb..i Ho
1 11.1x2; 17
!."'. Pl.'l ('2
ToKiruo time lust
I III 1-
1 "i iMimrsi yi-.i: rrtosrvT M-i.'i ivrn, r'-,vp
bor for tin- poo.t of uli." is (he inscription en 01:
the chime e bells piven by pr. ,1. C A x ,-r .x Co
, t.-
the "i'y i t I, '.well. T hai favored place may have
the belts. Put t,, y oui, not nion.,p'.i7o the P, ..-tor's
skill which is made nvuiluhle by ht Cherry I'eeirl
i and I'uthurlic I'ilbs lo all alike not only in this
1 country but in all countries where civilization and j
j c. u.u.crc.- have pone. hile wc admire tlie liberal
i'v ai.-l le-i.c of those gentlemen iu i-neh a d"iu.ti-,e
! tbcil ualh town, we will remind our render- of lb"
hallow-hip iutlii, nee n chime ,, belts sj.n-a l- over Ilo- :
t whole community lhat hears them Tln-v ute few .
I iu this country, and Ih- ir inline, ice is linle known. :
J but ack ll.c twite from Ins home in (iermaoy. Fran . '
1 Knplund. whether the chime on Trinity Cleu-'-li do, s
1 not make ins heart leup into his mouth, ui'd his evea
.-wiiu in ihe recolleciion il l.rinps of t,,. ...I, .im u.e, s
Ibis ehildle.'-'l. his boy aye. and his luauh .od i
j loved to hear ut the e..ft approach of evciiiiit; in hi
I until e land.
! Wc wish ,ur pei.erous towiisinen wlani le.d ha.-'
j blcs-ed with mc ns would consider w li. iher we io,, ;
! e.iniiut add this one meie nilruciion . inaKe our,
I children and ours.'Ivi" b'VC d.arer and .-'reaper and .
I loi.p.r the place we call our heme. - Ma-!i.-oii. I ml '
I The preutesl blessinpof tht-ape if theili-covery of n
perf.-ct cure for ithcuiuatism. lioul. Ncur-ilpiu. und
: nil Nervous AOcc'ioils Slitlues- of the joint- und .
i i rnlups, diseiisca of au liriiption th.'iructer. such ns ;
I S.'i.ii'ulu. Salt Kh.'iun and Kryaiju'lus. nud b.r the ;
j poi.-oiioiis iuthiiucics of mercury nnd similar npeiiH ,
Wc are sati.-fted as lo tho aduptiiliou of Ihe Ami- t
I ltheuiuntie Iiand, to these heretofore incurublc com. !
plaints, from Ihe testimonial proofs oli.-red by Us
proprietors. We therefore take pleas-lire iu eailinp ,
aiiention to the advertisement in another column
liitxitu.XL MeCi.tti i an F.rtini.s i ii .m II a iiiiis. in s
leVM-ivfi General Mcl'lclun hus chunked his base
of operations, and vacated Harrisou s I.audinp, on
the James river. Il is nut ijuile clear xvliat his next
step will be; but thero is a whi.-iKT that he is comihp
North lo l'iiiladelphin. We cannot vouch for the
correctness of this rumor ; but wo will ventuio the
puess (hat it he coniji, hither he w ill tako ubvnnlupe
,, the opportunity to procure himself a new outfit ul
Ihe lliown Stone Clolhir.p Hall of llockhill A X ibson,
N..s. Gill and litli Chestnut direct, abovo Sixth
i a it it ixur.s.
In this place, on the 2Sth till., by Hi v. J.
D. He.irdoii, Mr. Hi'Huaim 15. Lvti.i':, to Miss
Hannah Foy.
Also, an tho Fame day, Mr. Pi Tnt S.
Wn.vbiii. to Miss, Sahai'i J. W'oi.r, all of
Nortnunibcrhtiiil count v.
i i: a -' ii n ,
III this jilacc, on Tucsdav morning last,
Mr. ADAM MI1SSLKU, ayed about 75
At Spranklcs Mills, Jt fli rson county. Pa.,
on the lt of August, ltd:., PHTLIt SLTLL15,
formerly of this county, und brother of Lutic
Seih r of this plnce.
The deceated left thn county when a young man
: and engaged in Ibe lumbering businesa and tuhsc
piently in tho mercantile butim-, by which he
, amiissed eonoidcrablc property. On the night of bu-
death hewu aroused, by the cry of firo in hie Here.
which waa near liu retuuence. no entered tho store
room to (eoure bin book and papers, about w hich
tune a keg ofpowaer exploded, the effect of which
j no ib tint c.ntoa oil aeain, ae a part ol ini remaiuc
, .-,, toa erisn. nr fonnH n.l .mmtr. Tl,
In Khamokin townt.hip, on the let inDt ,
LAY1NA, nil of Jacob E. Mutn.h, Ej'i
ajjed 5 t tn anil 6 meets;.
In Shnmokin township, on thn 1st int
William W. PERSlNtj, Rgci 75 jc.,r3"
months, and 20 days.
6 no
$1 lit 1 2:,
l'ried Apple.
yi To
Dried IVachcs,
t 12
$1 en
S3 00
I")y virtue of sundry writs of Yen. Kxponn i-sucl
) out ol ihe Court of Common I'lens. of Norlhtini
heilnnd county, l'a., and In ino dirccled. will I...
exposed to public sale at the Court Hons... in ti,n
borough of Sunl.urT. on Tuesday, the 2ttd iluv ot
September, A lb, lsf.2. at I o cloi k. 1' M . tiie'b I
lowing described rent estate, to wit :
AH Hint certain trnet of land, situate in t'l. r
Mahunoy township. Nortlniinbi-rlnud u-miiiiv. l'a .
ii.lioining'liinds ot Daniel (feist. Solomon I'linkel-h.-rger
and others on the east,, lohn Mover and Nathan
Hanson the south, John lliehl on the wit n,l li.mi. I
lloweeter ami others on the math, ci.i.n.niiog two
hundred and twenty-s.oen acres, mole o.i 1. -.--.'a'e.ot
ono liundred and fifty acres wle-rn-f mc cbar.u.
where.m are creeled a large two e,,i-v s ,,,,,. ,.j J Lr
house, a bunk barn, wagon lioiif c. : j'-iing liou.-e nod
oilier out-bilildings A e. tiilo n in ex. en' ton .
and to be sold as ihe properly of llcnn Haas.
Al the snino time nnd place, n certain tract e
land, situate in I'pper M.ihai.oy touti-hip. i m
nnd Stnte aforesaid, bounded ami -le-i-rib".l a, -follow
to xvit : on the north by Inline Keefer. on ihe
liy Ilnluel midl'liud l etter, on the we-! by Pel,
Stnrr nr.d on the east by Abraham W
tuining 4a iieres Pit peiehe-- striet m.-a
nre erected nn old log house, lop ha):i,
orchard nnd other fruit Ire. s s.-i
Ifg' .up. cn
a -v w hi r.-'-ii
' "I'ple
1 t.noi iu
execution und to be sold us tho j roJ-.-i-.y . t Ci li a
A I. SO :
At the sumo lime nnd plii--e. -t e.-iUe.-i i- ; 'roen-l
No. iu block No. 7S. situate iu the t..on -a i o
ton. Z.-rtio town-hip. county it-el St;:ti at'oi i -ail.
ndjosning lot No. 2 on the we-t. lot So. ti,,. , a-t
in the same block, mi nllcy on tin- no. th and l'i nn'i!:g
on Shatnokin street cotitciniiig in wep:h l.-.-i an I
in depth 'l.n feet, more or le-s. whereon are.- t-d
none nn-l a half s'ory frnine f f,,- be-,.,
brewery nnd ooher oiitbuil'liia . Seie,i. tek'-ni:,
execution. Bud to he sold a.-, tin- pi"p- liy
, HA 111 W AI.I'Iti'N.
Slieriff's c 'ffice, Sunbury, Sept.. i. ij- r J. I --'
""ns -tolen fiom n freight .-.a- in ,-r .
night of the -l ol S. n-' r.
b. I.
.' in..
'"ken nway
em- pr. v shnw! and one
on. tra'. iiiur b:
prey shnw! and one spun ' Vine
Th" thief is r"iues'ed to s- nd ine th'- Ian --'
I' l.o.V
TXIechnniesbLrg. ;.ic'm-, lun.l
Sri.f. inbcr ",. ti'.L'.
MSI' Ol' l.a'S-tfl'.CiS
CScmiiininjLt' ( lite Siiiitiiir;
Olli e.
I.Al'Ibs I I-
l: lilntuhuil. Xt I.
' ei M..I
til Nil I. MEN'S
K Itaehmr.u.
P Itiiiid, 2
l has .;
Ii J 1.
1' Mart
T M '
Ira I Moos.
J It t'oicv.
-I II li.-w'cl-.
-' r i:--:.'
li '. I'ri' k.
XV I! ...
.1. It , i:
A IlllL'.e k II -O
. M
I" !
k:i.':-;a'' Ai:att hm: im i ::.-
N'lXX IS TIIIiTlMKTei III. I, Vol It A I. I.i .Ms
I N con-, '.uci"
of the s
A 1 11'
I will
: v;.-iri
no e! o j , lit
1 l.voiw:
t Itl
Mxlccn for (l-i
Sect 1-;. mail lV.s;ug-i puid
l lie-'c eiirdes me be.t p,,',,:1 j,. ,1
ncia 1 hey cinbnue all the pun
tho Armv. Wesnicnl. Cabinet. ,lc.
! ut
nil.- .
el in
T. n i
i.V IV.
. I'llii
iiiiails unln.n -I KIT
"li - -i nt on lippli.-i't :n
cipics s.'ul on ree-ii l .
-an l!
m noni. ti: m saci:.
IU'.'1'HS.I.S will be re-.i',,.! !
re -tor.- o I j j-er Aupuslit , :
of b r l! Ml p .X" 1 1 I'll 1 1 ' . in tie b-r i',-
S!. SCHOOL i f -,' lli !t i i
r i'
!.y lie
i iiin
i, . f
i s.ij
I liur.-.lay the 1 10. ol .-M :. n-1.
iM'T. r tb" c:i:uit;.,tion ol t .e.n
iiit.-i'iltiiit for di-ir. '
Itv or.i.r . : the Pour I
I'p A'ipu.-ta "wp.. Aug ei,
b lb
-i:i A. ri ( hcsiml Sircrt.xr;
,l.n: l.r V I i '
.a:. .i. iia:j.i:i ,
F"tn:rrly ..'I W'alnui :
l'iiiladelphin. Aupurl
ll'illoi-'s Aoti.c
V-'TIl F ts hereby pivctl that let', :- ,..- ,,,,nj,.
tration hnvinp been praute.l to i be so!,.,', Ir
on Ihe estate of Albert T io-.voi th. ha.- .. ,-!o,n kin
lown-lup, Northunibcrbind coin iv. ,, cense I .t
pcr.soiiMudcbled nre re.iustrd to' ii::n,,.lii,re
I.". '""' iii"iii Cliuuis to l'.e.el.t i, -in
for seitlcnieut.
ISAAC TirsWidi TH. A hi.
AiiS'i-t oD. l.s,;.2 - il;
Shnmokin tw p
I N l'
I N"r
ur-uiinee of un ordtr f the i M- hi n- i , ,
rthuinbcalnnd Coiinlv. w.ll be ,-, I ,,
lie sale, on the prciniMv. on SAItltl'A. lilb
' I-
Ibll i '1 A I lil sr. IMI2. all Unit c,
or Tit ACT OF l.ANP, Situate iu x u-t.u.pten two
Nortliumherland coiinlv. l'a , a.iio.ninp'" :.,. ;. '..j
John 1'ressler, l'ctcr I', rst,ir and liav i 1 A i -, r. c i
taininp l.'tii Acres and ll'.l p. r.'le-. M ,r,. ,.r , : '
acres of which arc clean. I and in u pood stao- of ,:.
liv.-lion. about 2.i aero ine.i. low land, on wbi h a-.,
creeled a Frame llweUiiip II,, use. Mono punk II ,ru
Wiipou-.-hed, a Well ofwaor with n chain pi, "no an
Orchard wuhehoice fruit. Ac . th,- balun.-e i- ,, 1
limber laud. I.ule the jroperix , f Uaiael Ii U.i li
." ale lo commence at Kl o clock A M
dux . when the teruu ui.d c t. Jiti ns ot .-ale
mude known hy
of s
I'v order of tlie Court
J A J I'l'.MMIViiS. Clk o (
Sunbury, Aupu-i 0. 1SI2
A.I: i
mvi:a's ivvti:at inricoi i.i
fl'Hi: Mibseriher having r,i"'''oa.-cd the Iti.-l i ft r
Northujiiberlnnd eounty. offers for sale I.M'IVi'
I'CAbandTOWKSIIII'KIOHTS This itrooie. i.
an excel lent and durable article nnd so i.i-d.v c. ii.
slructed that a child can put it lopcther I he entire
eel of tho Br,xni, material ulJ all, will ti..i t-icecd
fcix eenis
Ihe Klgbt and machinery for tho uiakin? cc-t!
?1 2i, for an Individual Kipht.
Township Itiphiswill be ..,b nl the mod rtas .nable
ratce Apply ut I'lSlll lt S Uru? Si re or M
July -", lSiJ -. ao Suuburv. I'.
Corner of finite ani Th'.rJ i-.s,
lUhlilsUI liu, Ta.
THIS HOl'Sr, is oonaequence of its Ci.nx emeu
and near location lo lb Capuol, bu tinli. it
desirable .Ion, iug pUce. nokonlv tor Lj'irj
busineoa al ibe Mai Cm rense" h, Ori -.i,.,,
J, tu 'uij Baniffc-jri
.Muca .-. l-t: