WIT AND HUMOR. Dr. vp to Tin-, I.aw.Sow jt'aN n"" 11 man without ft fVmil.v or rclulivis lived in a county of Arkansas;, and Miim-twec. of un estate." worth live t luniKi'id eloilars. lie went k New Orleans an.i wn absent four years wi 1 oui being heard tVm. The Vrohntc .Mnloe graded administration on his cnt a.1 voun.l it up and discharged tin- adminis- Tin1 iviin returned had been t" ) v. hen in t lie court the follow ing iv 1 pluo" : .1 M.,;i If your Honor please. I want 1 1.- returned to mo, in you mo 1 nm IV. n.v (.: id. ! -.1 know- that i-'. a man --that ,, i , c ami in court, but ii a court. 1 know a dead, for the vecords of the conri mid auainst their verity tln rc car. In vou hi S'l n, a- i-nticnt so shy Lord Coke, and ; many other hooks 1 never tviiil. Ilea l Man lint 1 want my properl. it'.' IV diiferoncc to mo bethel youi 1 ! ei 'Vt. I am n'.'ve. ami have not I'i'i! i ae.il ! trans me el l..vv. nr.'.s ii ved my propel :y. tnid , iihout my consent b v'o.irt -If you intiin.'MC ; court lie. tl.!s (ori-i to neprivr again -i tiie iiiat the fee ::; 1 Dead Mm Setv.l Court SherilV, ta .11:11, ' 1 aiilie thi- ntioil out. Ocn. Nolson Mado to Mink Tii A eone::'nv,iiV.-i.t of the Tv.inton, , Ohio, having .'(,, '.' ', relate-! the fo'lou in ( eeu;-'.-( il ut I .111111 due 1 1 1 ill : The cnuii iruar-l al'U-r i.ila are iuslrei -ted to a'i.nv ii.ilic to in or m.: wiiiioat ill"; a e, muter-i.xn. and to retain as jiri-Hop.er.- tiio.-e v.lio coir.'.' tVoia the or.t.-ii le !', tin" line: wi'.hoiit it. ti'-n. Nel.-on caim.' to (-ne of the :ruaril.; one evuiiiiur, .iu.-t al'ler ilie 1 ; i.iiter-l'.ra had heen given out and held 1 Homethiii Iiko the toilowing coii.-i r.-at.i.u : (Uiai-l V-lhi't ! AYho comes tin re .' tJciU'fal -I am Gen. kelson, Loiiim.iiulin this army. (Uiai'd-I don't care n d 11; mark linie, niarih. Corporal of the guard, No. 1, (((le.kiii liis iieee.) Cien. uaiinniencinjr to mark time slowly.) You d n fool, I'll have vou punished like hell. timid I don't care a d 11 : if ief'lelhm was here without the Cf.uiitcrsijrn, hei-hould mark time till the corporal comes. Quick time, iiiareh. t,ien. (Swi-arirnj and swtatin. - Let me rest. Ciiiard yi IV,- this time the news had spread like wild lire through the camp that one of the I guards had Cen. Nelson out at post No. 1. marking time, and half of the reiriment was collected on that i-idc enjoyinjt the joke hugely. 'J'he corpoial was very slow in fdiiiiiii;'. and ( very time Nelson would -lack-ea p' i-.l. Xu; guard would ceck his ymi and t niiinianii mark time. By llie time of the arrival of the corporal, tin- iM-iiciv.l's rage had so far sul-idcd that l.e too iieg.iu to see tile humorous, .-'klu of the joke. Damim; rin:ir, li.ui ,isi ie it-- 1 i o'liil ry las "W York d.i:iiig llie 1 s off. Two un-o-es vi-ited Nihlo's in 111! let season. AY hen .-amer-elad nymjilis on the stage, tliev rc-ttv. "Oil. Annie i" "'Well. Marv C .11 .'liori sliiiti (I, gos le their appearance aine restless and lidi laiiiu'd one fnt' rmr. ": ain't nice I don't like it." "llush.'' ! "I don't cere, it ain,t, nice, and I wonder I in; hrou:.iit u- to siuh a place." 'Hush, j Mary, ihe i'ollis laugii at you." After one or i -vo tiiiigs and u piroiRtte, the lilusliing Mi -s slid: "Oil, Annie, let's, go it nin't ! .- '.', in. I 1 d.'ii'i fm!..jfa!''tV' "J)o - '. 'nry, n-iiei-a tiie -i.-ter, v. a t' 1 - was s -..r e . :h, in h '.t wo.-e en : deli nn'm.ii ion, "it's tiie lirst time 1 ev a Ihcalre, e.nd I sllppo-o.. it will I.eth -e ';: -j ;...y t ,' -'- ' V'. i tl.ij o-v n v ill i r va 1 ';.":' '"( "'I'lu m: was a man in the land of l'z, and his name v.ns .Toll, who feared Cod, and es chewed all evil." This meant, hoys,'" said the master, that he eschewed evil' as I do toiiaec'i : he won ii.I have nothing todowilh it." With this t lenr and forcible illustration of the word "eschew,' he proceeded, and a number at verses were read and coinim nted on in a similarly clear intelligent manner. A few days afterwards the school committee called to make an examination and report progress. The master culled the boys up ami began to put tin 111 through the exam ination. "Who was the man who lived in IV. .'" he asked, ".lob." "Was he a g.iod man ?" "Yes." "What did he tlo f'' v"Ue (hewed tobacco when nobody else would hu f anything to do with it." was the buy's answer. ':ui'gi;m What's Ihe matte-' with you Would l'e-Lempt Weak bai k, sir - i rv Weak baek. S. Weak knees, you mean. AV. Yes, sir, weak knees viry weal; kr.i 0;, can't march. S. Ye?, I'll give you a certificate -(writes :) "I' poll honor I hereby certify that the. bearer. . is weak in the knees, a givM cm.ud w'.ii shrinks from defending iiis country. Hope he will 1 e put in the from n.uks where he, can't run away. , Mirgcon," ie. V.'. 1 Handing the surgeon a ijiiarbr. 1 thar-k you. fir. I knew I was entitled to .1 ft it ilieu' e. 'Ihis rebellion, o wicked and men-trous, must be put down. I 111 v hea'T good to sic ti.e eiit igy ( i.ient in ordering a draft. I Here rea Is the ta rtilieate all' ilai'tford Times. Il.i-. llnUe "tliel'rcs- f.iiul-' - Cosi-m-.-ive Evidi:n( k. - Si-vei'al yi ;.i s ago, and soon after the "anti-license law" eame into lnree in thetlri'en Mountain Stat", a traveler stopped nt a ho'.i I nnd asked tor a glass of brandy. Don't keep ii.' said the landlord ; for bidden by the law to .-oil lii.ui.r ot' any kind. "The dei.ee you arc." iv:-toiv I i'u -:i,;i,;-i t in( ivelulod-ly. Such iti the fact," rejilii d the ho f . tin hi. Use don't keep it." "Then bring your ow u buttle. aid th,- traveler, with decision .- vou nei dn'i on tend !j nie Hint yon k-p th.it t jir on wut'lr.' Th' 1iim.Iir.l 1:mIj:1o'.I h- :.: Lis jiiivali- IfolUc. if Miur in :v- ti!- I It A a ni i' '-i:nti.i.m vnwIii .'il)g hoW foll.n i.M-li to M lay-, one dn halleugol lilch on a load nf hav l. i W as a. w a i irk in lii I::. l.n. . la-: as 1. .s !-.-. .le. to . ..ui-1 -icd it. The ( llal!i-li"e vva- : toy-wagon driven round and ll ili liceel. For soine time tin- ol i-Jiii d, llie tiia! coin limit lu 1.1 os. own cii'ililal ly, callin-f out- "Mori hav ! nine hay Thieker and fu-ter it ruiiic.--fb' eld mail was in ailj covered, vt'.ll bo ' it i r. in;j out - -More hay! more hav!"' ; Uiie.th. si rug;; ling to Keep on the top of j he disordered und ill arranged heap, it M-. -,ai til- t to lull, thui to slide, and ut h.st oll'i t wt i.t I'm m the wagon, the old man with! t. "What are yi.u doing down here ;" I ried tie- 1m s. "I tame down for hay," I nswiivd the old iii-iu, stoutly. - - - .'.X .ib.-cu' v. He i - 1 1 1 ii.- a.lvt itis-ed for: T.:i...- r a!.-, i-ie.. will rain all. Think of! '.:! 1 1 j I' 1 -i i . lour rts, vour liti-bnl.- - j b::.i.'u. .ni u ri; : a'l n.eiy vet be well. Ai any J ate. ( in lose, the key i.t llie cupboard wlnic j lie pin U." . i - - - ' 1 um w i. id t he peep, bill MUO"l iias i r. vield rul r . f owi.ri'iil people "ii".i!!me.tor HAVE YOU A COUGH? Then u'C JAYNS'H EXPECTORANT To rot allow vour cold t(i tukn If own forte Two Herds of the victiUi.- i.f ciimiiuiit'on owe their affliction to II. i. I.iliil 11 ijl .tr i,r wnllinff Inr n COllirll to E'-t well ef itdf. ' lHi nut full Into thii error, but avail vours.lf lit once of ft remedy which thirty yours experience hns demonstrated is cerUiin to procure n ppce'dv aire. "havi-you asthma on fhtiitst.- Then me JAYXK'M EXPECTORANT, which will overcome Iho s nsinuilio eiintriictiiin of Iho wind tutus, iiii-l ciiiim' them to eject t lie mucinmsnr inntlcr w liieh clogs tin "I up. mid kv n easy and free expec furatiou remove nil difficulty of bronlhing. have you mioxniiTis' Then n..IAYXKSKXPKCTOR AST. Thiswidr-fi.rc.-nl disease which limy goiicriilly he described ns i.' Ii.n .iii.iitiiui of Hie finu'rkin which lines the Inside of lln-wind tubes nr nlr vessels, siircnding through j cv erv pi'fi "i (lie lung-1. ip noon iiiae-n -i -iiuiii i lion" 'J'he Expectorant subdues this infln milt i -n, ! K .ii vc- the attending couch, pain, find ilifliculty of ' l.rcclhiier. rn.l if the ease is not of too lung standing, will cirlninly produce a cure. ; have vor consumption ' Tic -n ttc JAYM-: . l-'XPl-XTQllAXX. II clenn. sos I lii- lungs fioni nil in-itntir.g nintlors. while nt the f.'ic.e torn- it In el' mid lnvi.'orntcs llicni. m tin rne -.lie-' v l.i.-li h.'ivc been' oll'cicd to llie nulilic fur litii- drcii'l dir-etiie. nunc have stood the test of time or nii'.iniiiini"l so universal n popularity ns this Kypecto iiint. 'J T-ous.'ind.s wholiiivi! been i:ivt-n up by their I l' c-;, i- n- 11s iicur:ibe Ivivc bci n re-tort d t f-crf- ct l"iil'ii t-y I'-- 1,-'-. unit their tesiiniuuy must cairy i juviclit'll to nil who tend it. II A VK Yor IM-KlTiTPY Tien usclAYXK4.-! KX l'Kt'T T AXT. Pytnliin? t:il;ii'. tw.i or three lnrjrc doses in the early slnjxe of the (ii-en.-c in oiiick siiccc.-siou. nnd covcrini; up wnrnily in bed. inis prcinriitien nets 11s 11 sml'iritic or swo ilii-h' niL-.h- ine. nnd futdncs llie inli.aanlicii nt the Otlt.-Ct. iiavi: yoi; wmn ri vn-t'on.n. Thin use JAYXK'S KXPKf'TOU ANT. There is j no n iin-!y whiihso 1 llectu.-illy i.vcn-.-Tni ll-ibsc.-i-e 1 lis llie I.xpeclornnt. Wh.-it purcnt cr.n w iiiu.-s lli'j 1 sulli rinirs ef li'-r liildren t'l "Pi thi.- il;-i!-'-..ilifT cnin- pl.iint wiihoiit (li-in nil in ln-r piwcr hn their i relief tVh-it iiu-,!iciiie so ;.'cns'M I" t tie t-istc. it ccrli'in to M-oiluc' unim il'.nte to il tit ' lin e 1111 ti ii.I. nnd let il prove its etiicaey. IIAVi; YOf CUotT ' Then ii-o,1 AYXK'r: KXPKCTOJ1AXT. t'lildren lire sul'j'-ct to no (li.-oitse. more sudden in its nt:ick er. in the nlei nee ef pi-oiu't relief, none nn'tc fitnl in its rc-ul!s thnn Crimp. 1'iirciits. therefore, shmibl keei nt hnnd n r' li.eily sure iin-1 thnroiiih. Such n i-emedy limy be luutid in the l-.pcctoriint. and every ciucl'ul inollier will keep it supply by her. .lAYXK'S KXriXTOHAXT Is n ftnndiinl medicine. For thirty yciirs il hns been before the public, nnd ilurin; this peiiod its curative p invcrs luive been t'-stiticd toby nil elnsscs of people in nil qunrters of iho world. I'hysieinns. elcruyincn. lnw yer---. no rcliniits, nnd liieehniiies linve exp.ei ii r.ci-d its- I't'incdiitl i-!l(-ets. und hnvc fnriii.-hed us with their le-iliuHiny, nnd it limy be f"iind nt length in our AliiKinie . to be hnd prnlis of nil njjents. To their com incini; eertificntcri we would refer the (bnibtinjr. The i:xi KeTo 11 A NT nnd nil lr. 1). .lAYXK V SON'S Tamh.y Mi:intINts lire sold by nil Uniists grnenillv Mnv 17. lt'2. 111. i:i:eeu- 11011:1,, Uan-ishir-, Pi. ri"tlli: mniittcnicnt of this well-known Hotel hnv l in)! been lesiiiiu'd by .Mew. C'oYLK A HKliH. Iho present proprietors. hc! lenve to inform the public thnt the hou-v i- luav bi'in, llcirnulily vernivMcil. rt-tilted. nnd iiaprovcl. with n view to the pri-jier nnd ciiiiiforfiible ne.ii'iuuinil.itii'irVf llmsu who mi.y fatnr the t sinlilisliniciit with their custom, (iuccis will receive due nlUntii.n nnd courtesy, nnd no c.-.pe.ise wii! lie spnred thnt mny enduce to iiiaintniii o hotel in 11 fnst-cf.is- style. rnuiiiiei nnd others de-irin:r to sej urn in Ibin-is bunt during the nimnier nii'Ulhs. will find ldoHs.-ini boarding nnd lingo nnd w cll-vciif ilalctt n-nuis id eur c-lilbli.-hllie-llt, uji'jll ll.idel-.-lte Icims. sCUTT COY1.K Mnich 2'.'. ls'i'.2. .1 t I I.PKIl f IlKUIt. JAMES B A It B E 11 ' S WIIOT.KsU.F, AND rtl'TATI, CLOCK US TABL1SIIMENT, S. Comer Second anil Chestnut sis , rMUtdclitltia. A GF.XCY fur the PATI'.XT KQf AI.l'lNG THIRTY iV. DAY (T.tK'.KS, n vety (Icsinil.le urliclc lor Cliurcll cs, Iliilelf, Uiiuks, Cniuilini! Ih'iines, P.-irtiirs. c. Alm..,Miimifiielnrerol' i- IXK liOI.D I'M.NS. I'.l c'-:s ri'isurcil nnd warriinteil. C!..c), Tlic.u-.u fr.i n! cV'T il.-sf-ri; 'i 'll 1 ''!. ' 1 i.-.i, .tavimri- I'.',' I-MI- 3v 'I in; t zstvTi." l'i'TON S NKWt'nMi-.i;. 1'roinkii.r. r pill.-5 lld'.ITib i.-:ei ntc 1. cirivenicr.t by 1'n wnn r 1 I'nrs t i nil pnrt.. ed' il.e city, i.n.l in tveiy pai ticntur iiilnpled to the cciefirls laid wnnts ef the bu-incss public. I if' Teiins, il all per day September 21. lsill ly "i l(il'"K Sew Vii k c I'oiuxkry . book. yi:wsrAi'j:i jouasd ouxa. X'EXTA L nar w ."E5""."5ai: UM- hnvc the fullest nsxii-lincnt of Ihe most use ful kindc of Plain und Ornamental Type, muuii-fiictiire-d from the mosl duraidc metnls. fini.-hed with the lircntcst cure and aceurnt-y . securing perfect justi ticitii'ii. Spi cimen Hooks mid estimates furnished up-.-Ti np plie.itioii. ul.e. PKixTixi; i ki:ssi:s, with their npj urtennnees of nil the ;i proved innki rs W O O Ii T Y p i; . of nil Ihe Inte-t styles, of nil sizes. .Meinl ITiruiiure b'ibiii--Sa iii itules. fuses, t'liluncts. I-'urni I lire. 1'iiiiiiii Ink. i-nd e i-ry urticle t ho Printer rc-juirc... Xcin.s liberal l'la-irpt noenfiiiii. i .i:mi-.ii. i.rni.i: a n . f'.'i and lij ljickuinu street. New Yelk. .Mnv .'!. Im'iJ. BaiUoli4ii Collrr. f T 1( r s 'rejirMiion, inaile from Iho h-$ .lava 1 t'efh-e. i veciHiinH'iidtd hv liVficiau' a. a u'e nor N I TlUllul S UFA LUaV. K 'for (ieiieial debil ity. lty;'ip-iii. nnd all l!illi-u.- i m1 t-. T l.ou.-fiiii) who hiue 1c t n coiit.tdli-d to nliandoii the u.-e t coftcr. willu-'f: this without injuriou. fVec:. One cm enntjuiii; die .-trrith td' two j oun-U of ordinary colic c. l'rice 2' cim.-. KOLLOCK S LKVA FN", The -nc : and he.-t BAKINtl VOW Mili ki...w ' r iiiakinj' lii.t. ucct and hutritiou.- iJicud i.ud Cake I'l lCC I jemti. W MAM I U II'l'Kli Ii V M il. KoLU'lK, I Inn.U, l'"t:nr uf LroMil ::nd Che.-: ut r: recti-, 1 lui Arri.rin v, aid -old I v nil Prnggi.-is and iO" .Malch 1.' IM'J. Out! SA1.K. eh.ap. lln. . I its of the. . Ltlde'. iii two volumes, with cmiiim ntarie-s ii ii. .mas.-i;u. I In- iil-h.ion-s uml i:-rit'ii'' il' mi liMiiliil. 1J)l LLIi-llKli fur ll.u beuetit und us n warning and n eauliun tu young mm who sutler fn ui .irvuns lii-lilily. Preiiialiirc Peeay. Ac. ; supplying ut the tame time the means of fc-clf-Curc. I'.y one ul.u has cured hiin-e-lf alter being put to great i-x-pi l..-e tliruiigli mctlicnl iiupu-it ion and ipiackery 1:, t i.i-l'-ing a (.".-t-j.aid uddre stcd en e-iupe, single c.'l ie.- n.av be had ut ihe author, .VAlllAMi:!, .MAV1-AI11, I - . i.'cdtuid. Kii.-- Co.. -. Y. .il.ii -h I '-. IS.-.2 - ly A I. Is I A I li K " " I I'r1'!' etved I'imii .New York a large aivsui-unent I nf 'ALL PAPhlt, fuiisUlingil t ll .M'Itt 1) ! ami tWi.vi v-uiKi:-: lMi-Fi:ii:iT Stvi.fi. and Fi-j iii:v'. vtfrvin-' in riii- e front tl ccnti urwaiHs. all of. V. hi h will be oh, ut tin- hnv'-t cn.-h I rices, nt the r l.eap torc of itii:bi,iv. Mm J If II L.M.'tL. . h iv.j ! "l lll IMIIIIS, laid. I.ar.l Oil. . n.okcl Li-, f. ilutt' r, Cheese. Iiried Fruit. IJeims, Ac . Ac. .-i i c -. .-l.i,:,i- I'oi I: WM Mi ll. A Ml. I l.esiail Slr.-e-t Wharf, Philadelphia. r.-li -'. II. tl !. II. Iiu-lli V ill I.al, M .NHIHY, PA i c, 'uliectiul.s utl'-li lcil tu in the Cl'ttnties nf ,,r. tliiiiebi i-luud. t oiun. M.yd-r, Montour, Columbia and Lycoiutiiir n ri t iicsi es. Hon .lohn M Heed. Philadelphia, A li liutivll A Co , lion W in A Poller. ' ' .Morton .Mc.Michael, , ' il Keli haiu i Co , 2V P carl r-lrt-c-t, Xcn Iiurk .lulin W. Ashuiiaid, A:tnrney ut Law-, Malil.cws A Cox, Atloiucysut Law, " uuhui-y, .lli.lch J'.l, 1.-0 )"0 r:.- AND CHOI'S can be piirchait-d tit Ihe Maiun.olh tui c of FriliujJ 4 Orunt. very cheap, a- we arc djienniui-d not tube undersold by anybody. Call and learn th.- lid of price.; fur vouisch i. f-oiibtny, Jun 1- l". FI1IL1.VH & tilt AXT. f (M'.iW t'lltl A v-ry lino auj cheap 1 as-.. i in,, nl. ju.-t r.ceivnl by Pail road fiuin Xciv ok. ul the jllauuiiolh Store e'i' Friling It (rriiul V e have al-o fm .ilo . Puuuin Co V cilol.ru led I'n'.ri I'eo Mum Canaiu 1 i.tiurt-s ?.i:-.i...rv y.u-h .'.'. !; '.' "Tjistt uo aiaui to the sroT." INSTANT UKULkI STOP YOUR COUGH ! PURIFY YOUR RBAT11! STRENGTHEN YOUR VOICE! s r a lFi no's 'in ico r ori:Tio Aim GOO) FOR C'l.KROYMKN, GOOD FOR I-ECTl'RERS, good for rrr.i.ic sfkakkks, GOOO FOR SINGKK. GOOD FOR CONS! .MI'I'lYKS. ttintletncn Curry SpaNHiip.'si 'i'liroul tt'wirv'tioH. I.njies nrc deliliU'd witli Spiildlin st 'I'll if 'on feet Ion. Children Cry for Spit til !' 'I'IiimiiiI 4'oiilci'lioiiw. They relieve a Couirli iiiet.-uitly. They clear the Throat. They pive slrcnuth nnd volume to Ihe voice. They impart n dclicime nrotim tu the breath. They nre delightful to the taste. They nrc mndc of simple herbs mid i iuuiM haiin liny one. I ml vise every one w ho has Couch or n Ilu.-ky Voice or n Pad Prt -nth. or any dilTicuPy of the Thion to (it-l n package of my Throat t'onfi' tioiis ; they w ill relieve you instnnlly. nnd ymi will ni;rcc with 1110 ta..l ''jhiy Hnij-'lil t" llicsiiit." You will find thein very ue-cful nnd plcn-ant v.l.ib- traveling or nttcmlini; public nieelinn for milling your Coiih or nllayii,! your thirst. If you try one pnekne 1 nm safe in .living that you w ill ever nficnuirds eolisidt r tin in iedi-pensible. You w ill find thciu at the I'rticsists iiml licnlers in Mcdioiaes. Prictf 25 Cents. My sipinture won ench piieukiic. All otiiers are ciiunlerfeil. A Piiukii)!!) w ill be sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of Thirty Cents. Address. IIKXKY C SPAI.MNli, No. -IS Ctdar ctreet. New York. For sale ut It. A Kisher's Driij? Store. Suiibury, Pa. -0- CURE SfervousHeadache V.y ihv u.-c of tin if Till.- llie iit-riudic atinckf-ftf.N't'r vmi.- or tSii-k llcjiitih'lic in : y ln preventt'ti ; anil if liilit-n ut the ('"tiiiiH iH i'iiH'iii of un iittuck immr-diiitt relief lVom imin mid .ickm-t" will lti' nhlfiinvd. Tiicy Hcldrmi fitil in removing the Xhusou mtd IL'itdache lo winch ft uitili'-- nrc co fuljcct. Thry act g' lillv jou the l-mvcl.j, iciiiuiu tiVClH.'f?. For Li I entry uu n. Stud- nt-'. I licuie Vcnmlr. nn h!1 jiiT.-'oii cl .-ictlciitjiry liuhits. liicy an valu-iUc id ii L;ix:itivc. im ro 1115 tin; u jtctitc. Kmn:; I'mc Hnd viur lo the div'cjithe orir:inH. r.nil re.-t. iin the ii:itu r;tl cl'if-lit-itv jin-l strciiL'ih of the whole system. The rill'lIALU' IMLLS rc the re-nlt uf loii in vcti;:Moit nnd en re fully eMidueled 'Xn-r iiiit-nty. hiivi-ii; i'crn 11 v utility yemti, ilnrin which time ii,- . h.-.'-e j it .Kfi :n r tit .i n vn.'t ttittoiiii! of . U: :-V 1 -lin'.-l ':T' ' i l!t 1 ! C.id HC ! I V 1' t her U"i 1 1: Jlt- la ;l.c va ,'vi-r.s .--y-t r friii a dcranf-d -t:.tc ot tiie hionwuh. 'J he avc uitm-'y vep tjihle in their eoiKjuwiMon, i.i.d niity hctaUi'i. i.I .tii time. v.i;h 'erf'ct s.ift ty, without in:ik'ii t'.'iy clnn-.'e of dit t. luid the iitm-nce .f rny di-wreeHUu ta?ie readers it ta.-y to udmii.U irr tlitui to children. T!o c- nuinc luii l.ve .ltiJiturey of Jlcury f-aldii on each Jo.. riold hy I'riiKi?- nnd it 1 1 i her Iteuleri in Me cine-. A jlox will he .--cut hy in;ul jn j-ured on ret-'iiid of the Trice, 25 Cents. All order.- .-liould le adtlres- d to iiEisrari-r c spalding, IS Ctdiir fJreet, New York. Fur . :ile at FJMiFK'S Jtrti Store, Smilmry, I'u IVom the 'xnnii:,t r. Nnrtolk, Va. Ci'l'haro Till- aceoiii'di.di the ohj. i for which tliey weic uiude. 'u; Cure Headache in ail ii for in. From th Ienincrat. rt, Chmd. Minn i y u arc a- he. s nil to r have h. t-n tn.nhlrd i hox iC nhalic l'il.i v i'll the head so that vou inav ha c I hem in cac ul an att ii-k. JY'-ln ilu- l-'t . Li ui I le.'in CI at Th iriiiiHii.-c deiiiui. I for Cei'heli J'llls i.- rapidly UKiea-ili Fri-in lb Mr. l-l aiding v lln.i lie. Ilavclipui't. Iowa. uld li-d connect his name with an mticlc tic did not km w t I1 s-css real niciit. From the Advertiser. The testimony in tln ir f.. l c j otal'li .jlairti is. I'r'ni lince. It f. vor is strong, from f n- i'r in she J.:, rilic Pi'i.- are- on, li I. - of all kinds tnlvil.g tiie pilli Frui.i tl.e Ki.nnuha Star. 'u. arc sure that person si.fi'iriug with the hcuj n ho try il.eni. y. ill t:i- k to llieiu. :1c From the Adcr:i.-er. Pruvidence. H I. The Cephalic Pills arc Miid to be- a remurkiibl v itle-clivc n inidy lor the headache, and one of th'u ry best for thnl very freipi.nt cuinplaiut which has i-ve-r been di-i end A flNMl.i: LiiTTI.i: H' v., ECONOMY! V O. - T-5 -.e -e a VA Save the Pieces ! -"iC snpnlil tiiV I'ri -ptired fiiliif! "ipiihling'ii lrea ' ilue! ri:ililinu,w I'l'i'iiai-eil l.lue AVILL SAYK TKX TIMKS ITS COST A-NMAI.LV. A liceldents w ill hliji-cl;. Iiiniilies. il U very desirable e.mv eiiient wayior rejiairin even In will regulated lo have some che-up und Furniture, Toys, Crock- ir . am. HI'AI.IiINU s l'LLPAIIKll (.I.I L Meet? all such emergencies, and no huiireholj cun afford to without it. It is always ready und up In the nii-Ain,; point ' I KFFI LIX KYFP.Y Ilnl.-K -' A Uriub ui''M.in-aniis each L'uttlc. 1'HK'K 25 t'KNTS. 0 Address J1FXKY C. IsPALMXil, No. 48 Cedar Street, New York. For falc ut K. A. FltfHKK'S Urug SsUirc, Puubujy Xuilhuuil-iilunJ county, Pa. CAPTION! As eerlatn unprincipled persona are attempting to palm uf on the uiu.- i-ctiiig i-'iihlu; imitations ol my l'HFl'AI!L! liLlli, t would caution all persons to cxnieipe l il'.ro purchutlng- and aeo llmt Iho full liau.o spAl.lil.Nii s l llFT'AK-:!i nl.l K, ioo Ihe oul.ido wruppar ; all othtrt arc t-wiiiiiliug couitir-tiin-May ;; tus - Jr CUHt A ev V wr w m OB0VEB & BAKER'S Fir ft rrf.miutn SEWING MACHINES Ppa FAMILY t'tK AND tIanuJarlurlitB; lurpocn. With Iletnmera, Fellcri, Tuiktm, Cordcrr, Hindeil, 40 PRICES FROM $40 UPWARDS & BAKER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, Mnk the tielc nr Shotltf Ftiteli Mnchinw of th! arn rnttrnm, nuri ttt Ihe item pricnai their celebrated JJt-U.'-II.K LOCKSTITCH MACHINl-:. Thin lathe only Cumpnny thnt mnkeR tsith kinds, there, fore the only one thai can Btipply utl llie wanla of the pub lic. rr" P'trehaMm can tnke their choice of either Htitc Willi ttie ptivllt-Ke nf exchiuifiiiig for the other. A new ntylenf Slutttle Machine num fall aiitl quil-t, fol Vt-Hl rdiikeu Tail"!, 8heie UindeiR, &c. -It the lMir Price of $10. Li- CCY TUB ItKST fit cnovr.n bakku'S, i m o. 7311 Chtntimt f Ireel, I'hilailelplna. E H 11. Massi:ii. Suubury, Pa.. Agent tor tho Manufacturer. December 21, IW11 ty 4 I.M It A I. IIO I I.I.. KuiiIiii3 . ,'illiiiiiibf'i'laiil Co., I'll. rpiIIH lnrc and commodious Hotel. now tnannptl 1 by JAMES YANDYKK, is siliintc nt the Ituil road 1'cpot. Xerth Kast corner of Market (square, Siinhury. Pa., nnd at the tertniniiKof the ruinbury A Krie and Nor I hern Central Kailroads, and Isonenfor the ncc'iiuiuodutioii of Trnvclcri) mid tho public in general. The proprietor will pive hi? exclusive attention to the comfort and convenience of Ilia guests, and is determined to limko this establishment rank uihoiik the hist in the Mute. His table w ill be supplied with the host the market can produce, having the advantnc;c of daily column nicntioii by cars direct from P.altiiiiure, and alsufroui Ihose briii(iii produce from the surrounding country. His bur w ill be Fitpplii d w ith the rurest liquors the market can produce. Careful and obliin servants always in attendance. New nnd commodious stabling has jut been lidded to the premises. A share of Ihe local and traveling community is most respectfully solicited. ' Sunbuiy, January lit, 1801. S. Z. G0TTWALS, FLOUR & PP.OB'JCJE COMMISSION MERCHANT JVm. 812 S'vitifj Garden Street Pkiltvlrfjthia 1 KSTKC TFI'LLY m-licita contirnmfiiti nf all kindp i of i-tmi.iry prtHtuor. rxtin fiiiiuly Flout. Are. Ifciiitt Ineiitrd hi the very eentre ol tmnufKi, und lun uij; a very fxtfintive llelnil 'i'radt it rider )mb own iinin-iliatf mipcrvmioii, h hiiif mimle faeililiea for otntaiiuii-j; tlip very ineliect iiitirket trirt-R lor ever) tiling he it-lls Pminlifr '21, I?U1 - -ly i niii.r, v i,vt SE"W"INO- MACHINE CO-, :(:w HUUADWAV. NFAV YKK. ' Iccrfj:ti rc Circular with Vw'( of IFt 1 trill ( scut Mail Fnr. I (Hil - FAMILY r-FAYINU MAC H INF." II AY1NU attaiiie.l a well eftahlished and tl itierln-; reputation, h. heini; of all machine yet intio I i(tice,i. ti.t'onr h-t inian-:eM to a 1. 1. kinis or t A m n, t I Skw ino, and haying met w ith a Fiicee-; ess in il-- side idi S". ih.-il ..r lievonl our irreatc-'t antieit'filioii. -o miu' three months our ortieiM hay hern ahetut ot our j capacity to supply, we wnu'd now itiuiMttiiee that wc 1 have hit-reaped our maiiufiK'turinj; tacililifi. po that 1 from thin time toith, we fhall he enahled tu supply j orders on dt'tnaiid. In the chant's hroujrht nhnut hy tiie war. no on tiling ha flayed n tnore important part thiln the 1 ,Sf:wifi Ma( iiixk." V.'ithoitt it throc-h.iirtliM ff j our foldiers ynmM to-day he clothed in anythin; hut j Military Costume, AM over the land army elo i thin hafi heen the work required of our patriotic j women, and nnhly have they re-ponded. Not content tu make only 10 many jai nient an their hand- could j accomplish. th-y have called the "Sewing Mnehine'' to tin ir aid. and hy it hayo rolled out the !oldiei-' Chat. Fants and SmitTS. at a rale u'toni-hing to theii!elveH. Knowing that thin work Could led iunj continue, many thoughtful, prudent houewive.. were careful to Helect tho machine of all other, which would du the heavy army work, and when done with that, then to ho u-d a their Fmii.v .Mackim:. and i in selecting one uf tlu ; ' 1'iNKi.K A Iaus Si'.winc MYi'Htxr CoMiWT's I Family Machinks,' v.ilh whii'h you may tw from the finest camhrn to the ht-aviet't cloth, without chatii nf feed, neidle, or tc:i-ion tin v have not heen disappointed . Thus; ha villi? developed the udaptahility of our machine for all kind uf work, we have madeniiother ftep in udyauce. and hy several iinKrtant chunjiesin our "No. 'A Mt.i'H m Matiiinks," have prodnv-'d a Taii.okinu Maciikk.'' w hich we confidently claim to he the HK!5T TA 1 L 1I I Xti MACiUNfc ' yet introdueetl, tewin the coarsest linen thread with hh much eaie a.- the common cotton ami when required may he ud to Uo tho very line,-! camhric work, with l."() or df(Ki cotton t h comhiniritf in tme compact form, every quality required in either a FAMILY 0 It MANl'FAt TlMlINti MACIUXK. We have had our Machines hefore the puhlic lon-r enough to rstuhti-di their re)ittation. jio.er.H of other- who Flarted with living colon- ' have fallen by the way.-dde : ' and "ihpu the place- that knew them will know them no more." .Slip by tep has the Fi.nki.r X Lyos MAt iti.NK won Uf way to public favor; its fuecet-.-- i- established, and hencelorth our aim -diall be. nf it bin in the Jul-I been, to "(ill further inirove, simplify anil reduce the cost of our ma chine!. We -hall, in a few days, issue a m vv price list. For further particular Hildres-, FIXKLK 1 LYON SKWINO MACIUXK CO.. No. i.'iS Hroudway. Xew York. irJH. IV Mvpskk, At't, Sunbury, Fa. March ISGJ. I.iK-Uiiw miiia A Itlooiii.lmi- ICiiil. rwnil. OS and after Xuven.ber '. Trains will nm as liilluws : lsi'l. Pa-inger MiAi-VC. tml'lil. ',; M ItL'l r Leiivo r-'craulon. i.L'.j A. M. " king-tun. iV.'tu llluomsburg. H.'U Unpen. S III l'anville. '.I I a Arrive ul Norihuiiibeiland, In. UU MoVlXfi XOKTII. Leave Norlliuiul.erland. 4 'id P. M Ib.nville, ilU ltil.irt. ;i l.'i ,-, P,i ftlri III ..III A 1 li P " LliKinisburg. l .'.7 " Kingslnn, H.Ihi Leave Arrive at Scnuiion, Dun P.M. I i. 'i 1' M :i in A Passenger Train iilsu leav Kingston at 'III A .11 . l..r cruiiti ii, to connect with a train lor lleltiriiing, li'tives Scraniuu i,n arrival New" Yolk of train from New l urk, at J li P. M. The l.ackawauiia A I'-loouisburg Ituilruad connects with (he Delaware. Lackawanna and Western Rail mud at Scriialon, fur .New York and intcriucetiuto Ioints oust. At Kupert it coiinecis with the Cattaw issu liuil road, fur points both east and went. At Northumberland it connects with the Pbiladel. phia A. Frie Kailrond and Xoillu-rii Central Ituil road, for points weft and south. John p. ilislfy, i-up i. .1 C W'ki.i.s. tienerul Ticket Agent. AprH.1, Mii. i IsstCJ. tiriiiu' iiimI Skiniiiiit-r lICi. CLOTHING FOR, ALL. rpIIE uiiilersigni'd has just received the largest 1 assortment of JSPKlXiJ AXU riLJlMtlt CLO. TillXtt eve-r brought to Huiibury. and takes pleasure in informing his frie nds und the public generally. I hut he is eiiable-d to sell CHEAPKK THAN K LH ! ! His stock U of the best material, manufacture, 1 iu the neatest and late-si styles, and coiisi.-ts of WtKfsrl COATS ITtOM $5 to jsu. Cubsiiucrc or llusinms Coals of dirlcrent prices P.l.vrs Plain and Fancy Cassiuieres of the latest stylos, A lurge a-s,,rini, nt of Plain and Fancy Yesls. Well made Shirts. Woolen Shirts and Over-hiils. CAItl'KT llAdt AXU TltVNKr, And also a number of other articles of gentlemens wi-ar. We aiinniince to everyone that our CI.OTIIIXU FMI'Oltll M is unsurpassed I'V any other in Ihe Slain for quality, cheapness ami diirutiilily . We can safely fay lolhuse who are purehuiug It cad v .Made Clothing, al retail. Iliey t'au buy Ihcir gisals of uie at a uhe aper Cash Price ileuu any other ejilili..hnienl in Peuiisylvania. The riiruul' of the Pudding is eating il. PUae give mo a call liefnre purchasing else-where. JOSKPll SCIIWEIT.LH, Agent, Nearly opimsito Weaver's lloli-l. Sunbury, March 2H, lrtoj. Inlfriiiillumil llii-, 65 aiut 307 llroaduvif, Corner Prnnilin Strut, NKW YOKK MUILS first class House the most uivt, homelike X aud plcasunt llotel iu Ihu eitT otters superior inducements to those visiting Now York lor business or pleasure. It is central iu its locution, and kept ou the Li Kui riN Pi a, in oonuoclioo wiUi Iayuiii'i rvALooy, where refresh mouls cao Le had at all houis, or survtxl iu thuir own rooms. Ilie charge, are mo dirato, tiia ror.ms aud ai tendance of the first order taihs, aud all the modem coim-uu'Das auaclicd March Ijni.V Entirely Vegetable. No Alcoholic Prepa ration. t)R, IIOOFLA1V D CELEBRATED GEP.lAlTBITTEP.S, . Prepared by DH.C. JACKSON A CO., NuUdelphit. V ill effectually cure LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAVN- DICE, Chronic Nervous Debility, Diwap of the Kid l.eyn, and ill dipeaflcd ariting tnun adiHortlcred Liver or tStomnch. Such ni Constipation, lnwnrd IMch, Fulnew or Blop to the llend, Acidity of the Htonicli, Nansni. llenrU-urn, UiBunl I'm Food, Fulnesn or Weight in llie utoiimch, Sour hructntuma fuikin( or Fluttering at the Fit of the ftomaeh, HwimmttiR of the Head. Hurried nnd DifTicutt Hrenthiae, Phittchtift "t the Heart, Chnkia or SufT'catinn ncnmtiimH when in n lying potitiuf, l)iuin'am of Vinem. Dots fif webi hefore thr Higlit, Fever and Dull Pntn in the ide Itnek, ChrKt. Limtv, Ac, Sudden Flusto-sof Hent lturning in lite Flenh. Conniant Iiniigiuingii of evil, and great l)epicsioTm of Cpirits and will positively prevent Ycll-'W Fever, UilliouR Fever, Ao. The priwliietor in calliii!? the nttrntion of the public to tint preparation, docs so with a feeling of the utmost cnu fidfMfP in iti virUu-H nnd adnjitntion to the diseases for Which it is rernmm-'ndeil. It Is net new nnd untried article, hut one that has stood the test of a twelve yeins' trial before the American peo- nte. and its reoutntioii nnd sale are unrivalled by nnv smii- lur preparntlims extant. The tenimony in its favr given hy the mont ptomiiipat and well known Physicians and i individuals in all pints of the country Is iminene, and n I careful perusal ol the Atmanuf, ptdtliRhed nnnii:itly by the . proprietors, and to he he had gratis nf rmy of their Agents, cannot but satisfy the mopt skeptical that this remedy is , realty deserving ilie great celi britv it hns obtained. UKAU TIIK KVlDKNCK. Rcadwhrtt the eminent tilass Mnnufaetiirrr, .JOHN M I W 1 11 TALL, says of the KAIAMIC COHDIAI. Or, C. M. jMeksoa ltecppctcl Friend: Having for a long tune been acquainted with the virtue of thy Jfcilsiimic Cordial in Coutrh", Colds, luHainninfion of the Lungs, Vr, I thus freely Irear teRtim aiy to its etiicaey. For sevend venrs 1 hnvenever heen without it m my lunuiv. ii niso gives me i!-nsure to state thnt I have used it with entire h U re t hi i in thp t refitment of Hovvel Coninlaiit's Thy fi leudlv trul v. .IdUN M Will TALI Fifth Mo. 17, tr.S. Ituce slieet, abiv 4th, Philad a. These niedieinn at f'tr sal by all rryppetable DrugpistH and dealers in medicines in th dated St-ites, fanadaB, liritich Providences nnd Went Indie, nt Ti cents per hot thr. II- sure nnd pet the g-'iiuine. with the signature of C. M. .bicksiMi on the wrapper of each hotile ; nil ot hern nre counterfeit. Principal Office and .Miitinfact'Ty. W6 Arch street, Pluladt-tphifi, Pa. September 14, IM.I ly RHEUMATICS! DR. LELAKD'S I A X T I II II E U M A T 1 C H A N D ; l'i:it.IA.NK.TI.Y I I ItKS ' RHEUMATISM! in a i.l rr.s vahm'1'.s rmtMi- i At'iitr it liitliiiiiiimtiiry ; (liri'riii I.uinbagu. Scintion, rii-iiroilynr. Ac. j StilTni'S. e.l ilu' ,lei'mtii uriil Onnii'.-'tt'iiili'. Ni-urnl- pin uml Hit Ni-rvou! All'.-i-tii'ii! lirvHipi'ln. tall ' Klii-uln ami .li'fiili'HS .riitiiili. uf tin' Ijmly '. Ni'iiiriilii- tin lini'iiritii' ut ih.i lilui'd itii.l l-'ltiiel-i : uf thi' w liuU-iv-it'-iii. in 1. 1 rftivtuully cuuiiti-iuctiii ; &K-rcurinl Hiul otln-r miseiin'ii ii.tluriK-i-.-i. j f It is a convenient arrioipe IILL". eonfouiiie a "tiding a L lie loik . t i ALL r . Mediciited t'oitiiiouud. to ! wn is around tin Ul uhout the waist t-xH ALLY KF F IH'TI Vi h J Ct , I Ah i"?, wueievei uie. nieitKC may nr. it ran Worn without liijntv to the ui"Nt de.o nti pT!i"U, ik 1 no chance in Hit proper liahits ot Jiving in re- ipjueil llenlirelv trtiioves 'lit dlneat e 1 r nn tiie f"j VBo'lli. wmi ine itiiMH i'uis iie, in mien i .ii"'-. H it -we-tfiil inteinat int-iticuies, whieh wen ken ni.ii tentroy the eountitiitiou ami give temporary re I iu-t'iiiiiy !' (.lujiiryiu.' Ihe sy.tt'iti, nnd iti-iiileiiinc w o. v-ilithlv IU ItiiK II i,iiliiii-iil . Ilu llli-illi-mil nru- hi. J pe'llu-s euiitaiiitil in the Hanil. Iieiuu of a Inulity pr Hnr.iiniilie nml vtalite iiiiIiiil- ,-iiul eaimliln ul l'eiii lL .-...1,1.. ..l..-..rl....l ,l.....,t. .1,.. ..r... .,i il,L,.. ' . imiiic nit" iliift-t f-uiiliii-l wn Ii tl,- HI. ..-il ami .riie- m . r;il cTi-iilJitiun. wittioiil tirnl liiivnij; lu puss tliiuuli J the sOiium-ti. wiih-li WinlM tend n-it only tuiielrai-l p t fr.iiu tlu-ir ciualive puwi-rs, liul In iiiiinir tin- in. - Ifriial 'gain mi oe-ranp'- Tin- niai-RU'iil aa.n 1 an nvuiJinc llie li joi i"ii- elTrc's, fiiiulleti the remilt uf intiiriial rt-liii-itie, Hand itli-ftiiig a lierleet cure .y l pui it yum nnit t'iiializun; the cir'-lllallull ul llie Vila I L rj ilinils and rrgliirui) llie carls nil-. t-li-d tua lieiiltliy iP r e.imliliun Tins Hand is alsu a tn st iuwerlnir W''AT1 . . i8 the I MKittM HIAL A(;K.'1.,'-L'al..niel I,.- y intt tf'e primiirv eailPe ol u larctr part ot the v ness, fiiral!ic Finns mat H.ieninatieH. f prev.i lent and will entiu-Iy relieve the ytem ftoin its l-l Q W fi":,: rnieious envcts. 'derutt' cac-s are cured in a tew davi and w , are coiitiiaiitlj rr ivinq io.d iioliil titiihi'nia!if- M to whl' ll we invite iii-e.ierf ion at our oil'i-'e--. t in-t r riV.'i"'y m apv'iaynteil caschoi lantttug St PltlCi: TWO HAI.I.AHS Maybe lia.loi Drug gluts, ur wilt lie seirt liy mail oieun receipt ol , tious iruui Ihe uriiicii'al ulfe-e nf "1 G SMITH & CO- Sole Proprietors, 101 Itiiii.viiw AV. near llpK.in slrcet. YoIik tV Treatise, wiih Certilii-d Tcstiniui.ini free. AliAPTI'H T'l ."iM.IUFItS AorvTS fc'ui'i'riry. Friling ,t (iruiit, ' (i.-urge llrigbt. " .S'ullhllliibelbilid. It It. .Mct'uv. sent March . 1NI2 - lv ti 1 1 i ii i.e) s OX. 10" Cor. Fulton Will careful! v I lliirill'VN sit I. M. N". and Kruinlwcv. N l.W Vi li K alti-nil tn Cullrctiuiis and to tbe-ir cure. Muv 21 . ls.'is. ull other naiitcrs iutrusteel TO AM, HtVI S'A litis. New Settlement of Vineland .1 IlliMKDY Fun JIAl: TIM lis. A Hare ui)s,iiuiiitv in the lii .-t Market, and most lieligliilul ami He Itiifiil Climate in the Fni-'ti. t'ulv Thiitv Mib-fi iSoiitli of Fliilinlel ihia, on a Jl.iilroail ; b. ii. it ri-'h, heay noil. iukI highly ! rouitivc uhcut luitti ; amoti'-t tho h"1 in the I (iaiden State of N v w .1 er- v . 1 It ct.nrii-fr ot 'JU.tftMl acre.-: of Coop la1L i'L'-l into FarIn of ditleit iit .i.i to -iiiil tho juircha-er S ftomJii a. rc-)iinl npwartl.- timt is sobl ut the rate of j iV to Jn per aere fT tiie tai iu lnii.l. payable ne i fourth ca.-b. an-l tin- bulaiice by u;irt.i-y- arly iiis-tnl-: ineiil-. With IchI iiU-it -t, vsilbin tl.e til In of lour ! vcai;. ! TIIL St'll. t-. in treat j'lirt. i lli h t'lav Loam, i-uitablc for Ubc.'it, Gran.- aii'l Fotatot mIj-o a i-anlv loam, suitable fort'orn. -Svvei bacco. all kinds uf vi-getahles and rent croi.s. and th line-st varieliesef fruit . such us i rapes. Peaches, Pi ars. Apricots, Xectariius, Pla-'khe-rries. Melons, uii-luiher fruits, best mlllpled to the Pliiliolelphia and Xe-W York loarketes. Iu respect to the soil und sropiOhere can be no mistake, us vi.-ilors can examine both, and nunc are expected tu buy before so doing, and finding these statements correct under these' vircumsuinces. unle-Hi the-s' stuteiue-nts were corre'et, there weiulet he no use in their be-ing iimdc. Il is considered Tin: Ur.sT Flint Sun. in the I mux. See Itcportsof Silun Kobinson. Fso,., of the New York Tribune, and the well-known agriculturist, William Parry, ol Ciunuiniuson, New Jersey, which will be furnished iiuniirers.l TIIK MAKKKT. By looking over Ihe map the reader will perceive lha( it snjoys the best murkeet in the rriinn, und has direct communication with New York and Philadel phia twice a day, being only thirty-t wo miles from the latter. Produce in this market brings double (he frice that it docs in location? distant Iroiu the cities, n this lue alien it can be put into market the same morning it is gathered, and for what Ihe farmer sells he gets the highest price ; whilst, groceries and olhe-r articles he purchases, he gets at (he lowest price. In (lie W est, what he sells brings him a pittance, but fur what he buys he pays two prices. Iu locating here the settler Las many other advantages. He is w ilhiti a few hours, bv railroad, of all the great cities of New Fngland and the Mieldlc Sta(cs. He is near his old friends and association. He ha school for his chil dren, divine service, and all the advantage of civil izulion, and he i.- near u large city. THE CI. I MACK Is delightful ; Ihe winters being salubrious and open, whilst the summers arc no warmer than in the North. The lia'uliou is U)S'U the line ol latitude with northern Virgiuia. Persons wanting a iliunge uf climate for heulth, would be much lu in fitted iu im-land. The mild ness of Ihe climate and its brae-in g inline nee. makcii it exce-llenl lor all pulmonary att'e-ctiutis, elvspcpsia, or general debility Visitors will notice a differe nce iu a few days. Chills and fevers arc unkuuwu Cli.NYKXItXCIfj- AT HAM. Paulding mute-rial is plenty. Fi.-h and Oysters are plcntilul and cheap. Visitors must expect, however, tu sec a ucw plaoe. WHY THE PltOPKHTY HAS NOT HEEN (SET TLED HEFVltE. This question the reader naturally arks It u he cause it has been held iu large tracts by families! not deposed to se ll, and being without railroad facilities they had few inducements The railroad has just bocn 0scue4 through the properly this Mason, lor the first time. Visiton are shown over the land in a aarriage, free of expense, and afforded time and opportunity for thorough iuvecligauou Thosewhooom with a view to softie, should bring money to secure their purcha ses, as locations are out held upoj refvusai The safent thing iu hud liiuos, where people hav heen thrown out of employment or bu.-iuc.-. mi little meant- or i-mall income, u ut . i art ihrmel ir at t.o- ibty can buy i puce of Uudst fmU price nnrl mn more than nukf wim in ImtitoTlng It. knl whe n it in drmo it in ofirtnin IndfirM-ndrnoo and na kon A few tcree in fruit tri will inenre a (Kim for U.blo livinjf. The laod ie put down to hurel timi! pricee, and all lmprorimeuU ean bemadeataoboap r rate than any other time. The whole tract, with nix mile front on the Hail rood, in being laid oat with fine and epaciotu avrnnea, with a town in the centre Are aero lot in the town eell at from ilbO to 200 ; two and a half acre lot, at HMO to f 120 to $ 200 i two and a half acre lot.., at from tfsm to $120, and town lote f0 feet front by 150 feet deep, at $100 pavnble one half CRsh and the balnnce within a var. It is only npon frm of twenty acrre ut more that four vcare' time L Rircn. To Mnnnfavturorii. the town allordi a fine openine of the NAnf mannfncturinir businew, and other arti - , clr. beitiR near Philadelphia, and the surrounding ; country bun a large population, which affords a good timrket. This aeHlcment, in the course of sevrral year", will be one of the most b.iautiful places in the country, and most npreenbte fur a residence. It is intended to mnke a Vine and Fruit jrrowinn country, as this culture is tlm most profitable und the Dem neittpTea 10 market, j-.very acvanmKe huh con- . venience for settlers will be introduced, and will insure the prosperity of the plnce. Tho hard times throughout the country will be an advantage to the ' settlement, as it compi-b people to resort to agricul- ture fur a living. I Large numbers of people are pnrelinsing. and peo I pie whodonirc the bent location Rhoulel viriit the place : at once. I Imjirnved land is also fir sale, i TiMnr.n. Land can be bought with or without timber. The timber at market valuntmn. The title is inilisnutable. Warrantee Deeds itlvrn. clear of all incumbrance, when the money is paid. I 1'iiariliug conveniences at bund. J Letters promptly answered, and Iteport of Holnn j Rnhiiisun nnd Win. Parry, sent togeiher with the Ii illami Ititra. I Itonto to tho land : Leiivo Walnut street wharf, Philadelphia, at 0 o'clock, A. M., and 4 P. M., (unless there should be a clmnge of hour.) fur Vim-1-iinl. on the (tlasnlioro' nnd Millville Kailrond. ' W ben vou leave tho cars at Yinclimd station, just , iitK-neil. inquire lur I I'HAUl.r.S K. LAKPIP. ru-tninster, J Founder uf the Colony, j Vivrt.ANn, P. 0., Cumberland county, N. J. P. fv There i? a clmnge of cars nt ttlasiibiero'. Also beniiri- uf sharpers on the cars from New York nr.. I Philadelphia to iiieland, inquiring your busi ness, desliuiLliun. Ac. Kreiint or Kolon Kubinsok. nr mi" Nr.n Yum: Timifsr, fl'ON thr Visr.LASu Sktti.i-.mi-.nt. E ir Tim following is au extract from the repurt of ."uliii Hnbinsnn. F.sq., published in the ew rk Trtnriie. in reference to Viueland. All person; cun read this repirt with interest : Ailrniitiipes of I'armins; near hnmrVinriaml llemitri.1 liyotl 3T,trlifui, lit irrtut h'rrtility The (tittc of l'trtilittj Amount of Crvs Produced Prirlicul Kridnue. It is certainly one of the most extensive f.-riile trnets. in an alinust level position, and suitnhle con iliiiun fur rleasnnt furming llmt we know uf this side i t the western prairie". W e fmind some ol the oldest farms apparently just as proniBiuy prneineiive as when first cleared ut forest titty or a hundred year" ago. The geologist would "unii discover the cnue of this I'l.ntinue.l f.ulilily. The whole country i a murine deposit, nnd till through the mil we found evidences of calcareous substances, generally in the form of indurated calcareous marl, showing many distinct forms ot ancient shells, of the tei tinjy fm niatiMi ; nnd Ibis marly substance is scattered all through the soil, in a -crv comminuted form, and in the exact condi tion mn--t ensily assimilated by such plants us the fanner desires tncultiwite. Marl, in nil its forms, has been used to fcrtiliie cro" in Kiiglund. troin the time i: was occupied hy the Huiiiaus ; nnd in Fiance and Uerniiiny a marl lad is coiinli-d un as a valiiiilile bed nf nuinure. that can be dug und curled and sprend over the field, llow much more valuable, then, it must be, when fuiind already mixed through the soil, where new particles w ill be turned up and exposed, and transfonncd to the owner's use every time he stirs the earth. Having tln-ii satisfied our munis id llie cause, the-y j wju' ! ., ''l'l mil he- twited Willi wuii'ler nt seeing iii'iuiiir.'ifiie dice of fertility in a soil which in other silua- . lions, having the same general cnariicieiistics or n; ! least appearances, is entirely iiiireiniinerative. except us it.- piuduciivcui'ss is promoted by artiliciul fertili ' zntton. I A few words about the finality and value of this laud fur culliviiiiuii, of winch we have fume strong I priMtt ' it... Our first visit was hi illmm I h il.-oii, hrnnklin wia-liip. liloucester county, who purcuii'eei some ' eig ht miles north of .Millville. alHiut three years ago. the inirpose of I'.suililisliing a steuin null, to work M I uo tlic tiiubcr into lumber, to fetnl oil by Un new railroa'L af well iti the firewod Hni daL tor which he built a bran- h track u mile and a halt lung. Ite ; also fiii-ni-lied sixteen miles nf Ihe road with tie's, and j has en doubt made Ihe mill profitable, though his main uljeet was lu npt n a farm, hav ing I ecouie c n viuceil that the soil was valuable fur cultivation. In I lb',- he has ii"( been dirtijipointe'd. ns s ane of his j crois prov e, rnr nisiance. uisr ye-ar, incsecnnei oni .a . .-,,,. i. in s 'till, liiisl,,.luf THiOilues onuneouire. wortl ttni bushelsof i-ottitoes oiionoiicre. worth lid cents a Onsliel in llie lu ni. l l.ls year, s-ven acre's, without manure, produced .'!."!' bushels of oats. In one field, ihe firsl crop was potatoes, planted among the runts, aud yielded 7."' bushels The pitatneswere ; dug and wheat sown, and yielded IU bushels; and! the stubble turned under and sown lo buckwheat, j which yielded Xli bushels ; and then the ground was , sown to clover and timothy, w hich gave a? u first ,-rnp ; Z' tons p-r acre. . The t'criilitcrs applied to tlu-se crops were, fust, aslus from clearings ; se-cond, pounds of snper- j phufphale of lime; third, '.'nil paind" Pi-ruviaa: guanu ; then an tnisliels uf slaked lime bus bi-e-n J spiead upon the cluver since- it wus mowed, und liirned in fur wheat. I .Mr. W ilsnii's greiwilg cro)-. and the wheat stubble , ( the prt-sen: se-usoii. nil indicute hit land us pre'duc- . live us any part of the Slate. 1 At Mary Harrow s. an old style .terwy woman : fanner, several mile s south of Mr. Wilson's, we were ! so particularly struck with the line- appe'urunce of u . fn-ld of corn, that woKtopped to iu'iiire uf the hired I man huw it was prnditce-,1. We fnund Ihat the land laid been llie year but one before ill wiie-al. sown w ith cluv er. und this cut mie season, and last spring plow e d J once, witli one "kk.ii out nag. una pi.-uaeu wiiu cum. "'es. but you manured hih. we .-uj'pose ?" wo said inle-rrugatiM'ly. und gut this reply : "Waal, you se-e. we cnuldn't adune' that ; cause we hadn'l bill furiy uiie-busre- luuds nltogeiber. for L'-'i acres, and we wanted the most on't for Ihe sirii'-k.'1 The truck coiisiste-d uf beet, carrots, cabbage, cu cumbers', in. Ions. Ac. und a very productiv e patch uf Lima bi-aiis, gmwn for marketing. So we were sati-lie-d that the suil was not infertile, t veu unaided by clover, which hud fed Ihecurn. because the "truck patch" hud nut been eluvereel. and hud been in cub livatie'll lullg enenlgll to eblilerate all signs of Ihe forest . Our in xl visit was lo the farm of Andri w- Sharp, five miles north of Millville, from half tu a mile east uf the railrn-id. and iusl tihoiit in the centre of Vine- dark and rich ! land. Mr Sha.ip cniniueuced work la-re in lleceni I i'ututues, To- I ber. IhoS. upnn -,70 acres. In h'ss than three veais. he has gut i'-'.i ucreseleare-d and in crups this se-io-uu, all vve-li ernclosed and dividisl iuiorevenil fields, with cedar ruil nr pule fence ; has buili a two story dwell ing, aboiil .'Ul by 111 feel, and a smaller huuse fur farm latsn ers, and a stable un I granary and suruo oilie r oul-buildings. Consiili'rablc part of llie land wascleared fur the pluw ut r'.l an acre, and on some of it the first erup was buckwheat, limi-d with all bushels in powder pe-r acre. This crop may be put iu July lib. Iei'2iltb,und yields n lo 30 bushels peracrc, harvestod in Novem ber ; when tho land being sowed wilh 1.K) lbs. ot Peruvian guano and seode-,1 wilh rye, yielded 12 to 15 busheels peer aeTc. and JIO worlh of straw. The rye stubble turned, aficr knis-king off a large growth of oak sprouts, and dressed again wilh guano and seeded to wheat, guve 15 or 10 bushels. The crup which he was threshitig whilu we wore there prouiisod more, uf a very plump giaiu, and the slruw is very heavy. We weul over tho stubble und found thu clover and timothy, from .sued sowtxl lust soring, on thu wheat, without harrowing, looking as well as wo ever saw it upou auy old cultivated farm, aud with a little work doue in the winter to clear oil' some roots and rotten stumps, und sotting slakes to mark permanent ones, he will be able lo cut (he crop the next year with a mow ing machine, and wc w ill guarantee two tons pe-r Here, ii' he will give the overplus if it overruns the estimate. Part of the laud was planted wiih potatoes fur a fust crop, which yielde d 120 bushels pej-acre It was then liuicd with 50 bushuls per aero, and seeded with whe at and clovir, yielding an average of over 15 bu.-.hels per acre, und the clover now looks beauti ful. Other portions have been planted with corn as a lirst crop, w hieh yielded U bu.-hcls of yellow llint corn, and the second crop 40 bushels, aud Ihe lliitd clop, treated lo loO lbs of guano, wc are sure no one would estimate below 10 buedioL per ucre. IThe reade r will reeedbs't that tho write-r is now speaking of land perleelly new, and which cun scarcely be considered in loot! arable condition hp Iu other cases, the ooru crop ol last year was fol lowed w ith oafs this season, uot yet threshed, but will average probably -10 to 50 bushels. Sweet pota toes, beans, melons, ami, in taut, all garden vegetables, as well as young poach and other fruit I rocs planted this year, show very plainly thai this long-neglucled tract of laud should remain so uo luuger, and there is now a strong probability that it will not ; lor. uudor tho au. (lice of Ur. Laudis, it will be divided into small lota, with roads located lo accommodate all the surv eyors are now busy at this work aud ull purchasers will be required lo build ooat, comfortable nouses, aud either fonce, which would be preferable, by which means a good population will be secure d, who will establish churches, schools, stores, mills, mechanio shorn and homo homos of American farmer, surrounded by gurUons, orchards, told and coinfurls of civiliiad Ufa If any on, from any derangement of bustuew, is desirous of changing his pursuits, or who is from any uus desirous to find sew location and aheap bom in the country, and who may road and bolivv what we have truly slated, he will do well to go and see for hiuuvlf, what rosy be Mte.li within a two hint:' rideouiof phiMdphu ei'LN FOEIMXiS I etruary I, 1K' - Jy A0RICULTDRAL. Top-DrtERHiNo Mr.ADowsi in ScMMnR.--The Illinois Farmer recommends fHrmiTS in that acction to top-drcs their meadows im mediately after the hay is removed. This keeps the hot sun from injuring the roots of the timothy grass, and increases the growth of the aftermath. The crop of grass is 'let ter the next season, than if the manure is put on in April. In fact, the editor savs, "it is more than double the value of that put on in April with us." The extra value is in the shade afforded. Some of the best farmers of Chester county never rake up the scattered hav left upon the mowed fields when hauling oITthc new-made hay, for this very reason : saying tLnt the protection af forded by it to the espoaed roots is worth three times the value of thu Lav. Cirman Until Ttlc. Thn Best VjneKtir in 24 Hours. The following from the Scientific A -int rimn, which is no doubt just OKstnted.'is coinmunl ed to the attention of all families who desire good vinegar. The directions here given place its manufacture within the cany reach of all, for the process is as wiinpli- as ft can be. The whole phlosophy of the maniitactiiie of vinegar is included in the word oxidation, the alcohol contained in cider, heir or wine, combining with the oxygen of the atmos phere; becomes ascetic acid, which in a diluted state i.s vinegar. The method.; usully puttied in the domes tic manufacture of this urticle r.re. to sav the least ot them, ctiseepitLic nf improvement. The conversion of rider into ,rood vinegar, by exposure to tho air in casks, requires weeks and even months to accomplish : because, only a small sui l'nce is exposed at. otic time to the oxy.liinr; action of the atmosphere. liy exposing a larger nirfaee of the li.(iie,r to the atmosphere, owdati'iti takes place with con cspondiiio rapidity, and the process may be complete in t w nt, -four tu forty eight hours. The method of nri-.,ni'li-.liiiit; this rapid aci tiiiciition. which h.is long Urn known to scientific men and manufacturers, mnv be pursued without ditlicnlty in private houses, as follows : Take n cli-nn flour barrel, and bore auger hob s all around the sides, mi, I in the bottom : si t it o t r a fiat tub nr open cask, und li 1 1 it liht with ben-h -slinvim'.s I whirh have l,i en soukid in vim-par. tin this barrel, w hich is nm -n. lay I o t().( strips ol wood, mitl resting on these, a pail tilled v.ith cider, b.-er or the like. J'rociiri twelve or t'flerii lenifth-i id" eottnii wickimr. about thirty inches long ; which, after oil ping in the lhir.id. arrange rotiiid t'.ic siili -s of tin' pail at regular intervals, so that one end uf ench w ill be hmiging in the eider ami the other hanging down nut ide. and below tile bottom of flu- pail, fiv menu-, of these wick.s ihe pail will nuliniiiy be emp tied of its contents, vihieh. t rirl; ! ii.tr ou r the shavings, will . eypo-ed 1,1 the air. absorb oxygen, and finally be received in the tub beneath, liy returning the iiii'or into the pail above, and sulli'iing this trick ling prnie-s to be uprated two if three times, a splendid vinegar will be obtained. The whole secret of the process lies in the mechanical increase of -itiriVc accomplishi 1 by the shavings. j Ci.ovKii Hay koii Cows. --The . Ii. I'm--; iiir states that .Mr. John Day. of Ibixfon', i Mass.. who cuts lnrj'C tjunulities of clove-, ! feeds it out principally to his milch iovv, I and he linds liiat when the clover isc!iati- -! e 1 and lie feeds timothy and red top. "tuei: j ty cows immediately shrink twocaiisol'iuillv i n r i ay '." Ki;;-.i'ino t'KAi-K--. -'i he London (iard encrs' Cluoniele states that Mr 'I'hoinson, of Oalkeith, adopted tin- follow ni!; method i f kecpini; grapes, with gee.n "net e?s : In cut ling the "rapes he left the hum hit' atlaehid I to the- branches that Lore them , -'i-il-'iuiied the points ot tho branches when lin y had been I'etarhed from the parent stem, find ran them a couple of iiiihes into i.iang. 1 wniv.i-1 roots. They were laid on tin self of the fruit room, and the uiape- .allowed to hang over the shell', w her,- they could Lo cut as reiiiired. Tin v kept peri'.vtly plump until they nil wire consume...!. Tn noTiioY iIoi-i Kins. Ii i, ji, r hap- not p-nerally known thai black ppi r Utnt red) is a poi.-on for many itisers. 'i'lu following simple niixtun- is Mid lo be tin be-t di-tioyer of the c.iluu oii house tlv extant : Take eijiial pri.porti. i;.- i-f tine black pepper, fresh gi'numl. and si.'"'.ir. .say etiouoh of each lo nan' n tin cent piece ; nioi-d n and mix well with a spoonful nt" milk (a little cream i- better;) kiep Hint iii your room mid it will keep down ihe fie-. ne tnlvantaire over nther poi- uis is, that it injures not hint; el.-e; and another, that the flies seek the tiir. and never die in the hoil.-e - the window s being op, n. w.sis s nmmMmmmammUKWKammKw m 11 1 w-eaaw-awe-j I'wtt'j. .--SIII'i'-"l'l,s Hs'jt. ol lew' link l.iiic.. Till". CAMbEX AXU AMI'.'iY AMI I'll I LA I'll. PHIA AND TKFXT'iX it li CO s LINKS From I'hit'liielphttl to Xtir Yt-ii ,.o." II', Pint; -. fr-nn M'atiiiit street W'mrj ,i.,t Kt ,t ntuj'.n j V, int. will leave n fiH.itc. it z r.nil At 0 A M , via Camden and Ainboy. o' an-1, j A A mmudatitin.) ' r?J j AltiA M.. viu Cuiuilen and Jersey City. X . .1 . I Acfommo'lulint. -j ' Ai !'i A M . via Kensington und .l,-r.-- y City. I (Morning Mail.l ;-; 00 At 12 P. M . via Cumd"ii aud An.'-.y , c i com mod ut ion.) ' '.'.' ; At 'J P. M , via I'amden und Atnbov. o an I City. Ciiv, A Express.) AI I i'. -M , via t.amdi:ti aud Jcr.-e-y (Evening Express.) on Al -I P. M , via Caiuden and Jerve-v lend t lass fi.-kei,) At tii P M . via Kensington and Jersey City, (Evening Mail,) At 12 P M , via Kensington and Jersey Ciiv. (Southern .Mail,) At. 5 P. M., via Camden and Ambny, ( Accum- modution, Freight, and Pu.sengir, First Class Ticket, Second Clus Ticket, ml I The P M Line runs daily. (Sundays ex The 12 P. M , Southern Mail, ruus daily. epttj I For Wator liup, Slroudsbing, Summon, V ilkee hurre, Montrose, Great Pend, ie., at 7-n A M , fmm Keusinglon, via Delaware, Lackiiwunna aud W estern Knilroad. For Maucb Chunk. Allentown, Hethlehem, llelvi dere, Eustcu, Lambcrlville, Hi-uiingluii, Ac , at 7-ltl AM, from kcusintou Dupnt, and at 'ii V M , from Walnut street Wharf (The 7-10 A M Line connects with Trains leaving Easton for Maucli Chunk, at .'i-.')5 P. M ) l or .Mount Holly, at 0 A M , 2 and 4 P For Freehold, at 0 A M and 2 I'. M. WAY LINES Fur Iiristol, Trenton, Ac , at 7-10 and !)J M A M sod o, o- iii and I- I. .M from Kensington P M from Walnut Street barf. aud at L1) For Iiristol and intermediate SUiiuiis, ut 111 AM , freim Keusinglon lepot. Fur Paluiyru, Kiverlon, Delanco, Pevcrlv. Itur liugtD, Florence. Bordcutown, Ac, at l'Ji, 1, I 5 and 6i P M Steamboat Trenton, f ir Hurdclilown and iiiteriur diulc Stations, at 21 P. M , from Walnut si. W harf Ijf l'r New York, and Way Lines leaving ken binglon lc-ot, tuko the Cars ou 1 iiih sin et. ub,-o Wulnut, lull' an hour boforo departure The Cars run into the Hepot, and on the arrival of inch Train, run from 'be Lcpot. Fifty Pounds of Bajrufe only, ullowe'd each paase-ugur Passengurs are probiliited fmm taking auything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All '"git"?" over fifty pounds to b paid fr extra. Tho Company limit thoir responsibility lur baggage to Ouu liollur per pound, and will nut bo liablo for any amount beyemd IIIH', exct-pt by special contraol. WM. H OATZMElt, Agent March 20, ISC? Ul..t'l4M.niTlll.4. riUE subscriber respeetlully informs his old friends I and the public gcucrully that he baa commenced Ui BLACKSMITUIXO BUSINESS, in the ihop attached to K. Y. Fright's Foundry, and is prepared Ul do all kinds ol blauksmithiug, in lb best style and workmanship. All custom work will b prm ntlv altendcd to J, H tIMMV KM A V, Agent tunbur, April 2?, I ':''.' it