gijr Sunburi? amriican. n. B.MAS3ER, Editor A Proprietor. SA.TUUDAY. AUGUST 30, 1HU3. 8. M. PETTENGII1I1 ft CO., Nc. .".7 Purk Kow, New York, and 6 State Htrrrt, Itewtnn, r onr tent for tlie HrxBfRV American in ihoxe citin, and lire? tcutluiriziil to tako Aelvr-rtUo tnetitu Mid Hubscriptionie for lid at our lowent rutcs. f ' 1 aumu ... .M mm m,mt n in. i C'ou.ECTon or nr.TEsrR Taxes. A. K. Fuhnostook, Kq., of ITiiriislmrp, lin lieon itppuiutcd by the fVcretury of the Treasury rs Cullcctur of llio Hevenne Tnxe. to be asxeswd ttniler a recent act of C'onprcw, in this conKfep-siomil di-t rict. J-ff lion. A. K. Mc-Clitrc has voluntccreil to aid Governor Cnrtin in the details and the prepnrutioiiM for the draft, a work of great labor and importance. Jrff liKCltrtTiMi for the old and new rrinient is still brisk in nil the Statt-s, and many of the Governors have inked an ex tension of time to fill up their iuotns by volunteering, thus avoiding the draft, which ! . .1. ., i- . i for some reason or other, meets with dista- : vor among the people, not so much because ; the draft in itself i unpopular, bill because tin: laws governing it are loose and in some ! cases entirely inapplicable. li" General Morgan's poition at f'uin bciland (Sap is threatened in a very serious manner. It is said, however, that he has ample commissary and ordnance, stores, and can hold the Gap against any force until as sistanre arrives, which is already 011 the way, Cumberland Gap is a most important posi tion. mm 1"' The whole United States Debt, in cluding six loans between 1st'.1 and j Si(l. and rrtrti liability up to the middle of July, (mounts to Aii'li.OOO, 000. the annual interest on which is !i,()(IO.l)llll. The whole Na tional Debt of Kiighmd is l,K:'.2J0.000. and the annual interest thereon is x l.iO.rmO. 00(1, With what degree of truth oriuforma tion. can anyone declare that the American is greater than the Knglish Debt, when it is not one seventh of its amount. Our present Debt is not as much as what, it cost I'.ngland between I7?(!aud ITS-.1, in the war of the Involution. 2-if" Tin: rosr.ii: Ci iti;i n( v. seen spi-fimeiis of the new po-tao. -Uehavc currency. They arc very prettily engraved upon paper like thai upon which arc printed the Uni ted Stales treasury notes. The twenty live cent note is printed on bank note paper, mi I is about one-third as large as a dollar bill. The ivntre is eompo-ed of live live cent stamps, with the head of Jefferson upon ( acli. The figures "..V arc upon each cor ner. At the top the word "I'ostage curren cy." The titty cent notes are of the same description, except that the stamp bears the head of Washington, and are printed on liito paper, while the twenty-live cent itanips are upon light straw-colored paper. . - ;- '' Tn v forces of .McCh llan, I'ope and iiiirnside have been united in Virginia. There has been no battle, lint one is expected t very day, as the n bcls are gettiiu; despe rate. The worst light! ng. we think, is over, liclore our large force they will not light but lly. This is the true policy. ;V'"Tiii: Duai-'i. The D. puu United Mates Marshals entered upon their duties last Saturday. The following notice was Jet! at the residence of each man w ho w as enrolled ; "i I ! up Tin: I'm sen Sti is Mausn i . 1 l ui: ini: i:sri.icv i-Tnn i ..i l'i xvi. To . Take notice that you have been enrolled as a eitcn within the of the county of Northumberland in the said coun ty, liable to military service. If yon claim exemption from any caiNe the ilaini will be received and determined hy the Commis sioner to Ik-appointed for that purpose fur t Ids county, at such time ami place s he : hall specify by handbill, to be posted in .said . ll' linv. Cnrtin coiilhli nt ly expects to make arrangements to Allow each district in the Stale a reasonable time to furnish its ipiota of troops in volunteers, and thus obviate the draft entirely. - mm 4 J-C'V hi tin: 21st, (!cn. Johnson's force of about 700, near flaliatiii. Kentucky, was c aptured l y .Morgan with lno. Our forces after lighting for a short time became un manageable and skedaddled, except the (Icncrnl and It others who were captured, but rc!ea-i 1 on parole. Our loss i- about .V! killed ami won:! is Lieutenant Wyiik 1. anioinr the killed i ;oop of the tith I'inn- r""-'- treatment. Disturbing a puld'u la c.,"' cavalry mad- a ; '"'' i ''' li.T;itable busine ss. .,,,,1 smania cavalry. cavalry made a successful raid on .Mana-sas Junction and Hristow station. The railroad guard whs ; ungentli-iuanly and base condui t. N lin overpowe fc-d and our artillery seized and j ye"'" l''M'- ttirued upon the men. After burning four ! "" --- - trains of empty cars, the luauraders fled pursued by General Sturgis. rottl'IONKKR NoT LtAliLE TO DltAFT I'si.kss Nati' The following is a recent lette r from the Secretary of State to the Hiitisli Charge eles Affaires ; JKi'.wn.iKN r oi-" Statk, Wasiusoton, August 20, 1 hH;J. Sir : Having informally undcr-tood from vou tlut British subieits. who hail merely declared their intention to j become citietis of the United States, had I expressed apprehensions that they might ' be drafted into the militia, under the late I requisition of the V11r Department, I have the honor to acquaint you, for their infor- i illation, that none but citizens are liable to-i iniJitia duty iu this country, aud that this ' l)cpartini-nt has never regarcd an alien who may have merely declared his intention to I beeonie a citicn as entitled to passport and I consequently has always w ithheld from per- 1 sous of that character any such certilicate of j citizenship, j have the honor to he, with elicit on.siiiei,inejiit ru t enr uoecicem ter- V jilt. (Signed) Yj. II. SEW AMD To Hon. William Stcart, cic, ic l he War in 'I'ruurkMT,' LornsSILLE, Aug. l3. 1 x- 1 - 1 nr . . . .... Generals Nelson and Wnght and Bnga- (lier Gcnerals Jackson, Maaou and Cluft arrived this morning. Vesterdav, near Gallatin, General R. W. Johnson, of Kentucky with eight hundred men, comprising a part of the Second In.liana, VVyukoop'a JVnnsvlvania and the 1- lit It Kentucky Cavalrv. under Colonel Ilar'L'ai-t.iittac ki . sventoont,,, . i. i i V, "'''' under Morgan, near Gallatin, aud were do. feated, with tt loss of three hundred prisoners including General Johnson. The remainder the hunclred escaped and wen, to nS C olonel McC ookwa not in tho tight. No telegraphic coinmunication aouth of Husacl- iiic has. bceu reei", cil piue r five? o'cloc k on Ihuradav al'icrnoon "'' rrauctLcn!wNOTOt!! CHEH OF THE MUEASED OFFICMB. A grand popular demoiiHtralion in honor of Colonels Corcoran and Willcox took place in Washington on the evening of tun lflth inst. The Sixty ninth regiuicut ttiw order ed up to Washington to take part in the ceremonies, and its soldiers greeted Colonel Corcoran with shout!) of welcome, Iu response to an address by Alfred Ely, of New York, Colonel Corcoran spoke, as follows : COLONEL COHCORAS'H NP1.K.CII. "Mr. Kly, Ollicers and Members of the Sixty-ninth regiment of New Yoik Mate Militia, and fellow -citizens : I return you my nio.t grateful anil heartfelt thaliks'for this cordial greeting, which you have given to me and my fellow-prisoners on our return among you. 1 return you thanks most sin cerely, because 1 know that it is not so much intended for me or for them as it is a mark, if murks were necessary, of your xigmil de votion to the glorious institutions under which we have the blessing to live. Cheers. It would be impossible forme to say asingle word that would add enthusiasm to or among the people at this present moment ; for I see evidence I saw it vesterdav ami to-1,l.v- 1 l"lvc the troops rushing from their states again to the rescue and defence, , dyW( nvwr , ,ldv!mr(. ,-. into Dixies land, those traitors who have hauled dow n our Hag in several states in tl,is l'n". I bond applause. 1 have never ! oeen among who nave uiikpiI lightly i of this matter from the beginning. Mr. Klv knows that when I was in prison with hint j 1 remarked that I wished a million men ! w-nuld be placed in the field at once, belie ; ving that it was the easiest and cheapest - means of crushing the rebellion at once. - Applause. Tin' country has now at last become alive to the importance of the struir- ! gle. They are willing to give a million of men yes, two millions of nu n and every ' mini and every dollar in possession of every mail, to put down this w icked rebellion ami preserve our glorious institutions as they were handed down by our forcfathors.--- ! Vociferous cheering. You here in this part of the country have not seen anv of the honors of war. You know nothing about it. You are not ruled by military despo tism: but we who have travelled, and seen, and conversed with tile people who are suf fering at the hands of tile worst despotism that is know n upon the earth we owe it to 1 tins people to go to their rescue. I have c ome from North Carolina, and 1 can say of iter, stie lias nr thirty thousand troops in the field. One-halfof those men. if they j were free to speak, would speak in favor of returning to the Union. l.oud applause. ) ' lint I will also say that their state pride. I their blind love, perhaps, for state inst itu- j ' tions. will cause them to light well 'in the ranks until we can give them assurance that , we can scud into the interior of North Car- j olina. and into the inte rior of every state, a siitlicicnt number of troops for the Union people to rally around. j (ciici-ul ;iiil li llutllc Vlar .tl uii n tu in. ' A correspondent of the Philadelphia ' ! writes from Culpepper: "Ureal dissatisfaction is expressed by j ' many of the .superior ollicers because a laru'e body of reinforcements were within a dis- i tanc e of three miles of the ground, ami yet I were not ordered up until 'the- battle was ; over, or, as is cuireiitly believed, were order- ; ed forward but failed to come to time. I ! was informed that one General, on his way I from the field, being severely wounded, j offered the-commander of the reinforcements ! to send his stall' with him to the fehl of j battle, praying him at the .same time to I advance and Mipnort our boys, who were i being literally cut to pieces'. The reply , made to the wounded general was, 'General if you are wounded yoii had be tter retire to the rear much and this w hen the blood was streaming down the arms and clothes of the wounded otliecr. It is an admitted fact that had those reinforcements conic up the tide of battle could easily have been turned, and the day won by us. Why they ! did not come: it is not for your correspondent to say." The following remarks of Major -General Hanks to General Geary arc significant. ' General Geary was lyini; on the grass sutl'er ing from his wound, w In n Ge neral Hanks came U) to him and said : General, I grieve i , lor your lni-lortunc as I do lor so many of I our friends, lint I believe no fault can' be j found with us, and sun I urn that from the j beginning of the world no nu n fought better than our troops.'.' j W.ut Mki:tin: at Si:i.i.n-i.i:ci k. The war meeting at Sei ri..rie, on Saturday afternoon last was iiumi-rously attitnlni. Col. Henry ('. Kyer picsieleil. Most cloiuent and brilliant addresses wi re delivered by lion. Franklin Hound, .Major Charles li. Shriiier. ami others. lbiring the delivery of Mr. Shrim r's sj ,-h a disturbane e was ma le- by a s, (1 s.ionist w ho boh lly calleel the speaker a liar. nler. was. however, immediately restored by re moving the ft How and relieving him of li s knife. Had it not been for some of mire it i Zens, he would cwdcnt'v have received (iietats: ii-iieee.s enseieeiii njion incise WHO hae the imprudence let engic'e in sticli I'iiellitlcw of Hie 'Niiiioiiiil lloi'tM- Rarely had a great public enterprise been so highly favored wilh good fortune in its iiieipieney an the next September exhibition of Willianisport. Not ouly have a great number of persona applied for tall iiiii the groundn. but ilistinguished men. whom it is an honor lor any one to kuow, kindly hi itu words of encouragement nnd good cheer, as it' to rc. moyc every obslacle to the success of tho nidation The railroads (hue liberally Go wilh each other iu act of service : The l'ennsvlyania Central It li Philadelphia A Frie K K Philadelphia t Heading l( It Lebanon Valley It It Northern Central It K Cattnwissa It It Limits A Williumsport It I! Syracuse. Uinghami'tou auj X V j; R F.ast l'enusylc unia It it Shamokin Vallc-v It l( Lackananun A illoomsburg II I! North IVniifx iynina K it l'hila , W ilniingtoii A Delaware K II Cumberlamt allev U 11 la-high Valley it. it Central K It , of New Jersey. llelnwaro, Lackawuuna A Western It It . will 1 carry norMrfi ana groomie iree one way, ami will ls,-ue half fare eieursion li- ke ls lo visiters Thus it will 1 l"",tcn "'al Maryland, New lork, New Jersey and 1 tion, aim wouderful will it be. if (ho uiasseoiav nl . ....j...UiHaili,IIH n ,4 111 me VAIOOI' ! uouie. 1111 lucnuuuona are ims.liig Iroin present re"' a"-: many vueriea 01 uoraea uae necu """ from cU of the above Mate). Tbo lollowing 1 si s wihb oi eus uu cm imrcd vuierccl aiid sejou ,clod for Uainiug on ih, gmnd : 1 Tho Arabian tagla, Murgan Lyon, l'an Vaun, Johncjilpiu, ST?? MuCU'U"1 fjj Lawr.-uc., ;LrUI. W'"ll"l,0OT Geo M Pauhin.Jr k I 1,o. Engineer, the laoioue hi all ion r.... .iu 1 ? yJ,oU luor ol. ' ' u-(iiuia, ct .'',- ""r ; mi luiouain.v. 11 "' "I" good auilionty that f JO uou dollar. i have been ouerwT lor him and refiumd Bcaudea theae, are immeroua dueuendanu of the n"c' horn; in thieoouuty. Thorough bred tu j eomiug. Ibeeomparuou of uroeda wiU e ooe ol j theiuructive Icaturoa of the exhibition; their ad- I v",nl,u, 1 ' on of the proUu to (be ebit i I te" ' ul ""',,'d v1'"- ""1 uiuln: t Hi. I nn jjiiriil--. u o in pnWic b,,,, , ! NEW AD ERTISEMEMS. Ti.r.M i:i:itM WA.vri.n i o ( iti sii i in: ! rilHK amei number of fxirHinn nro also wtuitcil to L woar (ho HOOTS lend 81IOKS, now ut-init; niunii fiietureel. by tlie niWcribcr, of the. Intent MyUic nnd boat of iiiietcrinl. llnvitig a Itiro ptoek of niatc-rinl. ho will ninko nfl to order in the best workmnulike manner, all kiiidauf Ciic'iif Irmrn'H Hoc. In nint Slioer-n, LrfMllcV Nlinrnniul ii1o-i-k, ( liillreitH Nli-, iVc, Ac, At elmrt nottet. flavinn (.pi-oral .vents' experience ho foots confident of (riving generally nutiirfactioii to ull ivlio niny give him a phII. All work must be rmiil for before leaving the eii, wlion x pereent will bp dotliictecl olf. Call at Inn Simp nearly nppeiieiln the Court Home, in Market ftpiare, and w-ciTtnin bid low prices and exitmiiic hi slock before Biirchaninit elsewhere. JOHN Punbury, Auiiii"t 9, 1SC2. Cm DOCTOR A. T. DRWITT, VMElJlOAL UHADVATK of the Viiitrfit(r of Yrrmnnt, Iinvinjf porttiniinitly Incntrtl tit HKilT0V, Ntii-lliuinbrrluud county. 1'n., ofirrs jtroft vitmnl st'tviop to 41m- cuiion ni'iionilly, wIki may ho miffn tuiinte rnnuuh to rriiiire ini'iitciil nil. nyilortonn, Auuxt ISt'.J it rilllK HlN Ut'UV Al'AM-MY will bo oprned on J to first JMuUitny nf Srytumhrr, 1 rtlf . 1 n j m In iii-tnicU'il in Knlieh .'lu,icnl mi.J Mallic intitieal bramrhci. Tin emirse id dfitrnfd to rt'turo fur Admiion intu Ctllco;i or to qiiHlity for lui.-inc.. A dnily ri'Oind i- k( of the titti'iidiini'i1. ootid iict. and rei-ituiinii of rto'li n i i 1 , itu iiMtuet of wliich if wiit monthly to ai iiu . TKHMS. I'rt'pnrnlorv I'iviiou. pir fpuirtrr, St im Maii,ivi;i,a,.!'r''''- j; l:i:rn:r.xri s. K.tdov. I'ullin-k. l'liiliidelphin ; Hull. A. .Tin Jim. Hon. V. L. lie wiii l. S. I'. olvi'i'ioii. Kmi , Sun- bury; ltev.-. A. (I. Iiulo. .1. (I. I'nrev. I. T. Tims. I W. C. Lnwsuii. b-M . "ii'l I'r. W. II Miirr. .Milton. I .TAJIKS IS. l(ii.i:V. A Jl.. j rriiu'ip.-il. I Siinbiiry. July 1 2. 1('.2. grocery & Provision store- 1l;irKcl it Siiiiltm-y, JOHN GOOD, nt: W.Y.W iinill kiad of (i 10 K'KIt 1 KS. r.-si,o,-(f,d-Iv inlurtiw the ciiixon of Suntmry mid viciniiy. tbnt be enniiintlv band n lure nutriment of III.- leva of nil 'kin.!- of lil;(l('I;Hli:s. ueb li' TelH. Snip. Illied I'l'llit, ('od'ee, Cnlvili'P, ('mined dn. Siijrar, T'ib: o, Prunes. ltiee. Seiir-. Siiee, Syrui". ('onfilinurit..s, .Mol:i"os. Suit. Stiir-h. ,,e ( Kl.iM'lt. MI'AT. I'lSll. nnd in (net evci -vihins in roeery line. LIQUORS or n. i. (,.,iitv t Vh.,l.-i.le and liet.iil. nll-l-t- d llnimlv. ilin. Wines. I'itisl.nruli Whiskey, nnd Hulnelie l.i(Uur.-' jfeiienilly. lo wltirii be invites tile I'llblie tfi tel before lirebasiu el.-ebere. t'liM nnd see niv stoek. io ebiir' f-tr lnwin. .lnllX (iiioli. ?-t;Jit.urV. .Illlle 1 1. ISn? IMiiIiil-lliiii V ITNNSl l. AVI It i-.iie It. C O.. BSsiili'iiI. I kss:k. ON nnd Xorlh 1 after Jbindiiv. May .lib ls2. (be time ut irlluiuilierl.ind Statieli ill bo lis I'.iUiim- . I.kavk M'cntw Aim. Lfavk IAstw v i: Kxn'ess. (i.l'.i n. m , Kircsw. !i. Hi ji. nr. ; Jlnil. 4.1V i. iu. Moil . a. iu. 1 SleC'l-inj: Curs nil Niht Trains, bulb :iys. between i VilliniiisHrt and itulliiuore. ami uti Ibe Pennsylvania i ltuiliuml between Htirti-i'iir nnd l'liiliidel.liiii. I On Jlnil Train in I - 1 1 din-items it ('Alt (OIKS Til 111 il'li II yin I'cniisvtvnniti Ituilroii-t. cvitbuut ebane between I'liiliideliibju nnd buck llnyen. i SAJIl Kb A. lil.AC'K. : Jlny .".I. Isii2. Siiji't Knstern liic isinii. ! I.iiiiiIx-i- ! I. limber ! 111 1 I.I I SHAY. Jluney. l.yoomiiiK c-.iunty. Pa . j IM'"l!JtS bis trii il ls im. I ibe i ti 1 . 1 i - in ifi nerid. I tbtil be eiin-taitlty keeps on bund liiitii iN. Sbinh-s, , l.iilb. .leisls. im. I nil kinils nt Lumber nnd l.nil.liii- niiiteriiils. cvbieli be will sell nt llie Indent liriec-s. i Jinn h :;o. l.-i'.l liuporf mil 10 LioiTsiif ;ihicI Tea. I ) IlICHT A SON iiniie attentiou to the-ir Stock of' I Prime Croon uml llluck Tea. Sunbury. .lime l.'i, Isill. j v vi.i itg.i: iMiti l oic 11.1:: ' rplIK subs.-fibers ofl'e-r for sale a line Tiacl e.f Lund, j I iu I'oinl township. Northumberland e-oiinty. j'a , part eef win, h is eleare-d. will make twee gineil i,., fnrms. Tlioro are utin it a gnoil stone dwelling house, a log dwelling bouse- and other M M Hank liarli. two good Apple ci clnerds. and other fruit tree-s The-re is a good sight for a Saw-Jlill upon it. a saw. mill which etiel a good business was lately burned I ilown llMin the- premises, j Apply ""on to ciK'ilieiF CeiNKAIi. 1 pper Augusta l..wn-hip. I Or CIIAUI.FS Pl.FASAX'tS. Suiiliury. Pa. ! .Inly 111. IW.2. , I Tin; national ;:xiiniiTKiN or li"Irl-l ltluoal juiil Ainei-Ic;iii Itl-CCtl III' llllI'M'S, Will he held on KKVSTetNl-: 1'AliK AC l(J( TI.TI'- 1 It A I. FAIK I! 'Nl IS. W I Ll.l A JISI'i ilt'I . PA. 1 "li Tuesday. Widne lay. Thuisdiiy ainl I ridnv. j SFl'TFJIIiFK 2.'::. I. and j. ls,,2. " I Premium List and Prize llaiinor open to Fxhibitors from tin-Canada.-and oilie r llriti-h Preo iuces. j r u 1: ji 1 1 ji s . Cla-s No I Thorough I'-red llor-es. Stallion- ! I'l-e iiiiiuu. Twei lluiidred Iiollars SJnil Sie-ed will tie-coiisiilereel in making Ibe award. Cliiv- No 2 - Thoreiiiuh lie-d Jlare-s Pre-iiiiuiii. cine. Hiiiidn-d Jiollars. StUO 1 Spe-e, will by eolisiib-reil ill making lite awnld. (Tiik- Xoo- Siallion for ge ne rat u-e. (j ein s and oyer First ti'emiuiit ' Sloa ' Secilld ebl ' 2.1 I Clin.-Xo 1 -Stnllions fir ge-nc nil u.-c. I years mid j under ti. : First premiiiia .Se-e-oint elo o( ! Cliis Xo .'1 Stallions of 2 yeajs and under f. j First preiiiiuiii " s.;;n ; Second do j ('hiss Xo (1 .Marcs wilh l'uul by Iht ir sides First pri iiiiiim ' la Sccollel do o Class Xo 7 llreeiliiiL- Jlare-s. F'or tho lien breeding Mare, 4 years aud over Firsi prciuium .n Sceonel do Class Xo S. F'irst pri'iniiim Sccoinl do Class XV 0 First premium Si-conel do Cla Xo 10 F'irst premium 20 Still 2u $2n 10 $2:. IU year S2 -Fillies. 2 years and under 4 -Fillies. 1 year and under 2, - Colts '. yearn ami under I Second do LTa! No II. Colts (SlallioiiD or ticldings.l I and under 2, First premium Seceillei Ue in ClaiwNo 12 Jliit.-h.-d Horses, (eie-bliuirs or .Marc-sl For the best -pan, 10 bauds and oer. F'irsl jireiuiuui .,",n Socouei do ou For (ho bout 11 pica of JIate hoJ Jluraea, 1 1 hands and under Hi. First premium j-c, r-e-cond cbl p Clus Nu la Fauey .Matched Hor-ee. (licldings or Mures ) First premium j , ScH-oud dee on Sine, action aud speed will be considered iu making I Cla.No ll-(ienllenion ' spans of Pricing Horses j (lecldiiigs or .Mures.) First prcmuiuiu fui Second do Nio.aeiie.ii and -peed ill be considered iu making Ihcawnrcl ( lass Xo I a Family Horses ttie'lilimrs or Mnr.-s 1 For the host Faiuily Horse, four years ami ove r elriying. color, sue aud actiou w ill bo considered in making inn awarej rirsi premium f.,o Second cbi ly Class No IB . s Priying Horses tiiildingn or Jlaiesl -1 euis anal ovor First premium Second elo J..0 10 Ibriving. color, siio. action aud speed will he con Jldcrcd iu makiuX lhe award Claas No 17. Saddle llorscu For tho best Cjiullcuicu Saddle lloise l"u-l premium $20 1(1 occona oo For the beat Lady's Saddle Hone Firfll premium iocuud do Claw No IS Farm and brail Hiwimw For the best (Heir of Farm or Waft Itofset First premium doooud do $.11 ty J oil iu ( lose No 19 lr:t snarls Farm or llor 1 ir.-l prvonum ? s . e:mi d-s f h.; o rou e Tonic, under 1 1 Ltcdt, driven doullo Tandem or Trldom. First premium ft 5 Second do q Clsw No 21. lieft teem tix in bund c-.a Clan No 22. Beat Tandem or Trldom 't'oinn i n KTATli I'KIZK IIANNKH. Will be KK-nrded to the Ptnte (Airrlcultuml Pocie to other than PrmiM'trania. which sbicll, bv its eiib r.en. enter for exhibition the Inrifcut nnnibctr of vain nble horsea a I'rijo ilnniier worib $2uu. BAI.K OF IKHISKS Ilorsei intended for public or private date will be labeled aceoMlinuly, andaliotliou dftho urouDd will be division ed fur I lieir enniinatinn and ittle. Ibe forvieenof aiietioneer will bo providrd. ami n time named for public aiilea. The Heuretary will ljive notioe of fnieh iutenili'd fjale-n. if early entry it made Willi him to that olleot. Sm h hmw cannot be with drawn until the close of the Kxhibiiiou, cxli pi by written authority of (be Manai;eri. OlllAllt (IF liAJiUKS. Jfen.bor" of (be neveral t'oiniailteet) will be reco.. br (he following badge : Cles'Xin 1 ,t 2 ThuroiiRh Urcd horse n. Nnry Ilhle Ititiboil. ('bi.ii Xo .'b Stullion't, 0 years and over. Cr"en Itiblion. t' I acta No Stnllions I yi'iimund under Ci, White Itiblion. Cln." Xo "1 Stallion. 2 years and under 4. Urcea and White Kibbnn. Class Norn! A 7. JtiircM wilh (ho foal and Itreed ing Jberes. Iirnne Uibbnn. ('las' Nck. fS A Fillicf, Illaek and (Jrauiro lliti boll. ('las-- New in A 1 1. Cits, (irn n nnd lied liiblmn. Clusii Xo 12 A i:t Match and Fancy .Match horse s. Tied and While Kihlion. Class No II (lent " Span of liming Horse?. Light 'lilne nnd l'ink Kibbon. Cla- No 15 Family Horse--, lied. White and Illne Kibbon. t'liis Xo lei. (ieiillc'ineu'ie tiriving llorir. Hluo nml White Itibbon. ClaX.. I" A 211 Saddle IL.rsey and Ponie. IJInek and White Ribbon t'hu N09 ISA 1?. Farmers PramM Horse. lod ItitllK.ll. CIiips No--21 A 22. Host Team. Pink Kibbon. Hoard of .Maunders. Itnsetle--. 11 A 1 1.1 : 1 1 A D a u 1: a x n i : ji 1 : x ts . No feature of the Jhirso Show is more pleasing to the maniigers. and w e trint aeeepniblo to the public, than the faeilitie-s e.lti n d for the lranportutinu of lmres and grooms to anil from the K.xhibiiion. Pennsylvtinia Central It II. l'bitmlelpbia and Frio It. It. l'liiliidclphhi unit lteicdino; It . K. Lebnlloll Valley It H. Cutawissa It. li. Kliinrn mid Williniiisiiort It It Syrneu'e. llinghnintoii ami New York K It Fast I'ennsylyniiin It. It. Sh.iniokiii Valley It. It. will curry viMtors. Imrses and gronnis free, one way. The Laekiiwinia A lllnomsburg. 1'liila.. Wilminglou A liallimoro. and Cnnihcrland Valley, agree to do ua other roods do. There nro other muds to hear from which will, without doubt, come into the unine nr raugements. Thus it w ill be seen that the Stale-of I'eliusylyauiti is ibrown wide ope n In the exhibition. I lie rieuls w ill e-.illii-t lure.- on nil hoise-s coiiiing to the exhibition, and return them free, cm presentation ol llit- ( eititicnte that they have been 011 Inhibition, anil are iniehimgeil iu ownership. Itsiil.v Orilcr o!" ti-i aiieiuc ills. Tin-gates will be-ope- I for I be nlmi-sion of the public, from s; o'clock A JI. until sundown ea. b daw 1 1'FSI) A V. SFI'TFJI I! I'll 21 See eloek A Jl The dlldgc-s will as-euibl,- Pre.-idi-nt's Tent 10 oi g.-itii.i-. nsce-rtnin and enuciis. nnd reei i. the liook.- of Funic- for hibitiou. Vi o el-K k A Jl All hois,, flit, re d fr the nt the till C:l the ex- pre-nn- "I", cvhibilioii or sale, must by nre-i-nt on the ltouiiiI III ei'i lock A JI At Ibe sound of ibe be ll, tlie (JKAXH 1'AVAH'AHi: will form on the hull 'mile truck, in which nil hor--e-e-literi il tor pri lliillin. exhibition or s:ii.. mv e-xpee-t-e.l to be pri senl and take their plmes. a- called by the' t'hie-t Jltirshiil. After the- grand cuhaleiide. all Imrses e nte red tor premium will assi-iiiblc under the Ibcs designating tlie-ir cliiss teir iiis.eciioti by (he .luelges. I I i o'clock A Jl At the- soini-l ol Ibe bell. Classes Nos lSnnd I'.i. (l'nrtii 1111.I IiiMlt Horses.) w ill assem. blc iu hunt ol the .ludges' si 0 ixt for inspection, niter which Hoy will ml ire in the- east part ol the grounds for tie- testing of the ir their strt-iieih. nnd ounliiio lor work. . 1 - j o clock I' JI Pinner. The Inn k will In fer proiniscuoii- .hieing, till 2 P Jl open 20 el.n k 1' .M At the sound of the bell. C luss Xo li (Jlare-s uiih Fun I by their side.) will assemble in e'roiil of tin- Judge ' rtaml for exhibition. 21 o'clock 1 Jl At the sound of the bell. Class NoT d'"'etlilig Jliire -.l will n-sicble- in front e.f lhe Jail-res' stanel for exhibition. oo.-liK-k I' Jl '1 rial of spied of the horH-s Ji si meted by the. lodge-. 4 o'cl.s-k I' Jl At the Koiind of the bell. Class Xo j (Stallions of 2 years and under I.I will assemble in front of the .linlires slrnd for e.vhibition. a o .-lock P Jl Trial of sped of the horses desig-nate-d by the Judge's. WKHXLSKAY. SKI'TKJIIiKIt .Id. 0 o'clock A JI At the sound of the bell. Cl.uv.e-s X..s S. it nnd in (Fillies and Colts.) will assemble in front nt the Judges' stand for exhibition. ti) o clock A Jl Trial of spied of the de--signated by the Judges. liiu clo.:k A Jl At the sound of the bell. Class Xo i:t (Fancy Jlalehod Horses. lii-Minga or Mures.) will assemble in front of the Judges,' stand for e xhi bition. to) o'clock A Jt-Tiiul ol'sj 1 ,,f tb,. horses do- signiltcll by the Judges. 11 o'clock A M At th o sound e.f the bell. Class Xo 1 1 ( oils (Stallions and till. lings I year and un-d.-r 2.) will assemble iu front uf the Judges' stand for exhibition. 12 ..'chick JI At the sound e.f the bell. Class No IT (Saddle Horses.) will a-s.-mble iu front of tho Judges' tor exhibition. I -i o'clock I' JI Dinner . The track will be oiien for pti.iniseeoii- elrieing until 2 P Jl. 2 o'clock P JI At the Annul of tho hell. Class Xo I (Stallions 1 years ai.d mi. I. r (! ) will na.-e mblo in flout of the III Il'.s slaild for exhibition 2 o cl.K k 1' JI Trial of spied of the home de-signale-il by the Judge. .') e. clock 1" Jl At the sound of the bell. Class Xo 20 (Ponies under 1 1 hands, Ac. see bill.) will assemble- in front of the Judge stand lor exhibition. ."i o'clock P Jf Al lhe seuinj e.f the- lu ll. Class No j (Family Horses.) will assemble iu trout ut the Judges s stand for exhibition. 4 o'clock 1' JI Trial ol -peed of the Horse d.-sig-nated by the- Judge's. " TUrUSHAY. Sl.'PTKJIIIFIt 1th. 9 o'clock A Jl A (i H A N il C A V A LC A fill e.f all horses ente red for premium, exhibition or sale, w ill take place on tb.- half mile track III o clock A JI Trial of speed of the horses di nali-il by the Judges slg. III) o'clock A Jl At the sound of the bell. (Ta-s Xo 12 (Maleheel Horses.) will assemble iu front of the- Judges' stand for exhihiliuli. 11 r 'check A JI Trial of speed of the horses de signated by ihcJci.lges Hi o'cliK-k At the s.nm.l f the bell. Class No 21 ('! in hand I will ussnuble iu front of the Judge,' stand for exhibit ion 12 o' Trial of -peed of the horsed designated by lhe Juelges. 1-1 o clock Pinne r. The- track will be opcu f-T promiscuous din ing until 2 o'clock. 2 o'clock Trial of speed ol tho horses designated by tile Judges. 2J o'clock Al the oun l of tho be ll. Class Xu .1 (Stallions (i years and o or.) w ill assjueblc iu front of the Judges' stand for exhihition. ;ii o'cliak Trial speed of lhe horses designated by till' Judges. 4 o chick At the sound of the be ll, (Ta-s Xo 2 (Toruiigh lire d .Mures.) will assemble in front ol the Judges stand for exhibition. 41 u cluck i riiclol speed of the horses designated by the Judges FlflDAV. SI.l'TF.MI!KIi ith. 9 o'clock (rand Fiitree of Horses bv Stales, in competition lor the 1'ltlZF. li.VNXKU. 'The horse from each Slate will be proceeded by a banne r beur ing its iiaine. 'J o'cloik-Trial of speed of the horses d. -iirnatcd by the Judges. Iu o'clock Al tho sound of lhe bell. CLi.s X.e 1 Thorough lireel Stallions.) will assemble iu front of the Judges' stand lor exhibition. llljo jUk-k Ath the sound of the In II. i 'lass Xo 1 1 (ejeiiileiiicm spans ul liming Horses) will usscm blc in front of the Judges' slann for exhibition. 11 o 'check Trial of speed ot lhe horses disignated by the Judge. IM o.'cleeck At the sound of the boll. Clasa Xo 22 (Tamdciusur Tri.le ) will assemble iu front of lhe Judge.' stand for exhibition 12 o'cb-k Trial of speed of the horse dosignatcel by tho Judges. 1 o'clock At the sound of the hell. Class No 1(5 (liciillemi n Pricing lle.rses.) will assemble iu trout of the JihI.Io s otvliiiiiin. 1 J u cI.K-k Trial of speed of the horse designate, by the Jiulgc. .So clock At the- sound of the la-ll, there will be a tried of speed of Thorough lired Home designated by the Judge. 4 o'clock At the anuud of the hell, all horses to whoui premium have been awarded, will asaemblo on the hall mile track, al which lime the awards will be announced from Ihu Judge.' stand, aud lireuiiuiu Bags distributed The Chief Marshal roiUes' piuicliialil y on the part of exhibitor, in haing their their horse ready lor exhibition uu tho signal uf the bell, according to the advertised programme. Horse- not ready fur exhibition aa oiled for by lhe Chief .Marshal, may be re-jeciod from the lut oi coin pel iters for premium. If sunmicnl time ha nut been givco iu the pro gramme from tho Judge lo examine, any one cfasa, w l.ire tlie calling ol another class, tho first named cleua will ho examined on a . ai-nut pie't. ot the l-rouud. if o . lured bv Mee Chief Miifbull W I I.eMi I hie f M II I, .11 W iltianr-poii Augn t lei. I s.e.2 AYEirS Arc ciirinff the Sick lo an extent never before known of any .'iloilirlno. INVALIDS. READ ASD JU2CE FOR Y0CESKLVE3 Jt'f.Ffl MAI'fsI. Ktfj., Ur p known iM-rfumtT, o, lioftiniit wrrfi. P(iiliplihi(t, w h(nw tliuire iroiJucii ri ft 1111111 nt nliiKjit every toilf !, tn t "I m hnijy ! wy of your Cuimnifc Pilii, tl.nt I have tnuinl iIipiii a hrtipr l.utuly mrilit iiie, t"f ruuuiKin vf, ihnn ntiy othe-r itliin my knt.n vvr. .lany of my friend Iihvp renlircfl tt.nrkt tl rVi.ffiU lioin IhMii.'finrl itu inctdf witli nip in !! iev itm tli.'it Um-j (ox(iitriiorliiiary vhtur for ilriviriu our tli-nifri nnd Miring hie i k. Tin y not milv pft'cciiml, hut tr ntnt tn r tnkrn itmlifirw which inii-t mnkp tin-in 11l111d Uy the public when tliey are known.' Thf VPiteriilile Cli.ntrell.-r VAKIH..W w nten from Itnl- 1 1 more. iftn April, j.d i " J. i Arm Hir : I lmv t.ikpti vtmr PilNwiili ! (treat henrfit. r.r the listlp-np-"., ;u.;iftir, i..-. of Mpwin ! and Miltottn henffm he, whirh linn v( 1nt vrarn overiiiktn I me in the norinc. A lew tUmv uf vottr I'iiN ftirnl tne. I ! Iimva ii.eil your Cherry lVrt.irr.1 many enr iti mv tnnnl v i for f-onirliM nnd cidttn with nnfnilitiu inedtrnipo whit h rurr : and I teel it -, ulpnire fo roiiniieiid )oii for lhe triMtd you Imve. done and Hre tit tine'' J(M!N r. IIKATTV, Ks.,Ser. dfllie Pei.n. lUilt.Mti m. a : " Trt. ?. K. Of rr, Philmhlifhia, Trr. K.X u Pir: I take. lennre in atldinp i frimiot. to ti t effirary of your iiieiljriitpai, having dt ri.fd vrrv tnutri.-i hfiirltt from the ue of hoih iimr Porlontl mitH';iil-nriic PilU. I am iirvr w itht nt (hi m in m tHiinly, mr -hall ever con.-ent to be, hile my mentis w ill procure llipin.' The widrly renowned 8. t. b'l'KVK.NS, M. ., of Went Wfirth, . II., write : Having u-ed your ("aim htm Ttita in my prurtn e, I fertily from excd-rifnri' thnt Ihey ure mi in nliVihle iirci tive. In rnvew of fHsiudcrci-i, funrtioiip ol the liver, can-int lieadnrhe, iiidiL'esiMn, costucm n, and the gn at vnn-iv id' disenst's that follow, (ip are n furer n-inedy than any rther. In all rnvn where n (nirnntive rrtnefly Ik j-ciiuirtd, t mnfiilently recommend thee Piiln to the mlltr, ai eiierior to any other I have rvir found. The aie mre in their operatiiui, and tertertly ,ile qunlnit m whih make them ati invHlunhle attii lt- for mihlir it-e. I h.ive for many earn known your L'hrrrti rreimnl -a tlie heit Cnuph iiiediriue in the world ; nnd thee PilN are in no wite interior hi that itttnnrul'le pieparattcii for lhe treat inetil (if (JieaKif." " .1rfnn, .Ifr., Mr. ?., )K&. " Dn. J. V. Arta T)nar Str. I have heen ii'llirtt d fit tn my Inrth with erroful in it! wnM form, and now, alter twenty yrnrs' trial, and nti utitold of nniount ot -iitrermi, have been rniuptptely rured in a tt-w week" hy o;ir Pill.-. With whut Ireling ol r-oiciii I write rati only he ituasined w hen you realize w hat I have mitrered,aml'how long. " Never until now have I I iron free frin this loathsome disease in ulinpe. At times it ntiaiked m eu, nnd luade me almost hhrnl, hiilrH the uiu-htlnral'le pam ; at othern it frith tl in thex alp t-l mi head, and dp-tro d mv hair, nml haK kept me partl nil mv iI'mn; Mniinnit'a it came nut in my lace, ami kept it lor iiiom'Ii- a raw " About nine weekU' I roiuuicnt f 'i t.-ktnc oiir l a lhartic Pill-, and now am entire!', tree from the i ciiiplainf. My eyes are wll, my r-km ih inir. and mv hair hat com iiienced n healihy primthj nil oi w iiiLh' makes mv feol aireauy a new pcrttou. I Hoping thi ttniemetit may he the means of n i,r ing 1 infonuaiion thai Mm II d to other-, I am, w uh e;iy ' tcntiiiienl ol iniiiude, )our.r., I MAItIA KICKKIt."' ! I have known the ahove named Maria linker in in her clnldlnKxl, and her bT.-itPineut f -tru ilv true. ANHKKW J. MI.S1.UVK, Overseer ctf lhe PoitMiioiith .Mamiiiiruiring t,'o." CarT. JOKI. Plt A'I 'I', of the thtp Million, w riles Iu iii lloMon, ','oth April, le.'il: " Vour Pills have rtired me ("mm a ImIioii attack wl h h aroee troin deratmettient of the .u r, w Inch ItI I r ou.e ery riou. I liad lailcd o anv relief lv n PMati-iait. and lioiu even remedy I could in ; hut a ww tUe of your Pills haw completely re-tore-i" me to health. I have jiiven them it my ihildren lor worm-, w ith the l .-t et" I'pcts. 'I'ltny were promptly cured.' I iei-oiumii.1ed h.phi to a friend In c-tivene-N w hi h had trouhied him t-r nmnthfl ; he n.M me in a tew (tain liiry had cnn d Intti. Vou mak the btt inttli' it,e in ll.e woiid ; mitt I am (n-e Iu say mi.' Rend thin from the rii-tincui-heil r of the Soj renin j Court, wlm-e brilliant al.thtie haio tua.le huti well known, not only in Um. hut the neighboring .tati'". " X,,r Orlrann, 5fA .fr7, l?M. 41 Rir : t have great fli-faciii.n in arurmg j mi thai my-eli and lamily have been w ri mut )i i enctiti d' I- nmr medicines. M w ite u n cured, tw o i rars hh p, of ri ,-e- . vere anil dani:t r(.im miiij:Ii, hi omr t'nitiiir I'i t h'I., 1 and Fim-t then has enjoied petiert health. Mi chtl'lrn ; have several time been rim-d lioui tittackx ol Hie Inriii euza and ( roup hi it. It m nn imaluable it-inedi fi thoe complaiiils. Vein l unitnu Pui.s have entirety rured me Irum a d)pepia and enes, winch han grown upon me for H-mo ears, indeed, this cure is I much more important, in tn the tact thai I had tailed t 1 get relief fit mi lhe he-l Phi -irians w Im h tin- ectn u of lhe country atlordf, and I'inm anv o lhe numerous reme dies I had taken. Yon f.eeiu to u, Doctor, a provi:ential hle-.-.inn tn our lamilv, and vou may well su).m we are lml un iiiindful of il. Your, icipcctttilh , I I.KAVI'lT THAXTHR." j u Smat Cftimbrr, ("Hn, .1in' 5A, InM. " Ijr. j. C. Aver Honored .ir : I made n Uk r miph trial of lhe Cathiihu Ph i , le't nt b n ur ayent. and have been rtired by ihetn ol the duMitful Khetimin-m tiii(lr which he found' me Miltcrnt". 'Hie riri d-e r -lievpd me, and a le'v unhsefjuent doets baie ej. tart ly removed lhe (ittuase. I feel in he tier healih now than a'r (Vouie yra he lore, w Inch I airrttmte eutirel to the efl'eria ol your CihaU(. I'iu.1. Your w ilh grea'i repp( t. um h n. mk'I'i'.m r.'1 The above are all from perui w ho are puMii )y know n where tnev reside, and who would not make ihn.-e ite Uienta w ithout a thurouch coiiviriion tiim they were true. Prepared by DR. J. C. AYEH & CO., Practical end Analytical Chemiata, Lowell, Man. Sulci by l'rilir.jj A (Irani, iin.l It A. n-h.r. unburv. lr. li. It. .Mc-Ci,v. N,,rt!uinil,.r!:iii.l. J. 1'. C'ti.l..w, ftnl (,'. ltrown. Aiiltuii J. ('liriMiiiin. I'url.iitviitc-. lle r'll A Cel.. Mt t'iiiiiii- S. Ilc-rytre-iefi-r, Klylmri W'ii'.ct. .Miilmiipy. W'e-uvcT i Mr Willutiui, Piixiiii, Aii'l lie-icle-ra KvcTywlu-rc. Aui;.:-l 2. 152 ly UUST RECEIVED!! J. IKE. EISTGEIL. lln jue-t rciiirncel fr.ini riiil.i.Ui.t.i:i itli or Spring & Summer Goods. Cl.itli. l'ic.-.-tiiii'rc-. Yc-tiiif;, Itnlii.ii CI li 1.. Coiltilli, I.ille-ll t'lle-e-k llll.t e' IjKlie-s' t iii-, A large' e.f lire-- e;,...,i-. Mia. k m. 1 Funi-y Hilk, .Silk Tisi-ue-s, 1'hik v li. ri.- -. Sliail. y, , 1(11 Wex.1 lle.liilie-!, Me-Hnibiiliee H.khU lit J -1 i I Mlk l.e-vullies, Ilc-luili'. I.iltttll. tili'l ' l'riiit.-. A full line cf lriuli Lini-ii nt..l i;....-. , Ste-tlu unel CHiie-y Suiuiiji r Sluice Is. r-'ilk mi l Lac-e MuntiUtc-', Ac ' Hinely C tciliing, ( A geio.l uiesortine-nt cf Hat;- unel Ciij..'. I A nr ' iv-eirtiiu nt i f ltoi.t.- m..l Mi. . i I A full tlK k uf (lioe'e-rii!.. .M..lii-e t and u0' ir. Harelcvurc- tctnl lluil.lin Matt-rial, ! A full !eH'k e.f Que. en Hil l C i !n- e, : ' A full -luek of l'ili. Suit. Oil-i iin.l Wl.iu- I., i t. I A liiriie-Iik k e.f New M ull rni, r, ! A new Hluc-k eif Stune unci Knril.i iiccaie-. ' And tliuiHiiu.l.-- of arti.'lc-ti n-.t 'ff All the lUc will be- le f- r Cii-li , i , 1'i.niitry ! .1 11 1 : I I- Suubury, May 17, KC2. . Ill llti II Il I'll tor' - I !(-, "VT OTIC K i hc-rvbv givc-B that li-llc-r e.f Hilniii,i .1 UlttiejQ liiiv iuif Im-i-ii trulltc--ei tee (be- e-ul-M-rilee'r. on the ictKtc-of Israel II. Iiniikli'be rK(, lute' ct Lull. MMboiioy towiirUip, Murtl.uuibc-rtttiicl r..unty. etc-. CC-ltcll. All l.c-rOU luele-l.c-el arc rt-epK-flc-el (,, lllllkcl iiiiiiic-ctialn myiiic-nt, ami tlnu-e- having claini to .rc cut tlu-iu duly autlicuiticatc-d Icr u tilcini-iii. A. A. IUXM, A.lm r. TrevoHon, Augcut !, Itt02 tit i iiYiiiu. roit ni.i:. rplll.-l well knowu Hotel. Ic-ated In Sniil.eiry. at the I juije-liuii of tlio Norlhc ru Central teiili ll.v Kiiiil-u- rv al.. I. rue liailroa l. Ke-lfe re J at ( l ie ate ale- ' 1 i-rli. .f ale ill be (( eary It tinier in- l-.i matii.ti ci.ettiiie al ll.t vll-e-c- Aeiiie I '- 1.-0.' FU1LING ifc (..RANT AUK HATPV TO ANNttl'.Ne I". THAT TI1LV Ar.K Xe''v Iil.( I.IVINH AN i:.vili;i; New Stock of Goods!! j i MANY or WHICH Al;i: j REDUCED IN PRICE!,; i ' nn. I altliuiili .rrviiiiin r"i-'-rt inn.i- ie. li.. . I.'.-leii-f tlmt DRY GOODS i i HI" uil ;ili.ii,-, v.I n miiIi- cint t.) tlilt ,itv : j r.'vit. I ! THE M AXtIMOTH,! unj,,,,,,,!.! ,. ,.,:,. r.-.i! ie i: in.-. v. y.-t Hip j-r-jiiiot, n of tl,.,t i,ulu tion" linvei the- fiicililie-s dr furni-liiii i I I I CHEAPER GOODS icliiil, t!...f !, Ijuv nml mi ,. i.,.,,s c.,,tt n-., nil 1 i-H!ili..t -..ur.j in; ki;el iiverytuing, ami ai;i: m;ti:i;mim:ii to SULL CHEAPER 77.1.V I'.t.Y 1SJ-: '",' 7.l.s,.7j KISIC WiiEU: I T.ILlNe) X OH A.N T fMii.luirv. M.j v 17. 1.-0 J -o HOY TO PROMOTE DOMESTIC HAPPINESS. Mi Smith t Mr;. liiown. A- ihcy wore wlkiiij through iht1 I. wn. " When' do yon do ntir hi.-i..ii: ' Tim I ir'--i you're in. u nrut nnl Jit.t, 'J lmt wIk n I !"mi ii. rcttlly mino laook-- "'-iiivi-ly ?hK.-kiiir. ' ; 'Tiii suro your liii-'huinl. Mrc limivn Now oh I t o nnvy. H.ut tnui iivw - ! - it-. i .- ri -It it mini1. And yd y.-u c-.-ui ntl.ird to Ju-t iwi- i1 ii inn -h. nr ir.eiro 'linn I, And how. 1 l- m tt in 'I (iiint- ' Say- .Mi. llrou to M r.' Smi.'h : 'l!io n'jt.-on ymi il in- .-t.n lit a with, It i so M.njdo. idojir Vou t.'.iv ii loi'.if. I r fit - h . 1 liny ii.iiiiiii-;. you 1-uy irn. ii, I idifiij.. whiii- you -Hy dtnr l ti.-t '. r you wn'it a dri r -huwl. A fe'lliii' I-..-', or whut-i.ot. citll At llu- i li' i ( M. i mi. i ii Snt.'K. Tli v 11 c -U you ' -id.!.- -t verv low iiiit w ill (.( t i w-'inl.-r I tow mikd, livll -.'om.Ii c '! IniO.-iii.l. ti- yi'ti tni' -;iy . 1- j nr. t.r. (i.un your- lo 'by. And yrt ran lu! timro. !-f;niM- cii. li .ioll;.r i f hi- (vw i-. to tnr. jii-t n- '.''Mill h twn. At llu k'.tf:;. M wim .ui M.-iti: " - -'i'i.-!''-1 wii Mr- Smith S ith Me- I r iwii - new itriili- li.oll.-. l. U -ihl l il..-c 1 lo hi-i. iihd (oncd h r c v -. Mif )i.i-ti t fra.-od to J.;i t n iliie llii' M Ml Mull! rt v itici". And llt w, win u yni i-luiiu'c t.i li( .-f H i hii-hiuul. iti it h. upon ii,o -tit,f. Ai uin-l lite i tinii-i i IL- i.u c i- h-rliicd w :;ti i H, - -f-. rlii-ln a.l ih.- while A J U'.i-alit t li IK In. - lltiliiliiiii I. u-l I-.-, il like ctlc.-t .-u l et In your dear sn.iu-c. which y.nt and he, l'i " h iU' T. lift- r .-aw In le u'. .1 ti-t Mi - I'.i 'iw it" i -.1 i.i i.a trv. And nil y Mr li-! ot 1'ry I In;;, At tiu. hoit M.iMMtiiii S. i 'ii k A NEW AND USEFUL ARTICLE. HALEY', HOltSK & BOY'PtN'a ,t Sill-tel j.ll ili 4 I... Ins ', ilii-.i- :! l..l...llli.;:l.!.' Jill 1 :- l..t l.ul ;, (. ft .1:1 -.1 11; l.-r Tl.e Self A.IjM-tiii' W 1 iiijj.-r. . : (,. i.i . .it. l .'llte-i.t t : lie- I'ilie ti-. Mill .. 1 : r it 1 v 11 1,. 1 ! I e.hlv l.i bf 11 Mi. t l.-ie.l. t.i e-i.iu" into . n 1 i.i : n-e-. '1 tie- -.:. ii.i: i.t'.-i 'ib- -. , b- leeiili tee-i nil. tier roll-, tec I -I i 1 . LT " lit lilin-Ul.t to cl 111 1 r. .-i.iir tin- cent. ill'tiliil e.f CMU.i,., ,. ..niij 111 a uu.. . t J...C li.r a c.iji'-' Ii . lie i'. '.ill .'I!.' i.- M.Ci.l. It. ,i t:,-. i,e i-lii, . r ,w 1. ..I'..'.i.ili-. .-:rc telle , 1.1. .1 I.u nl.- tl,. 1.1.1.,: I ,n u,,". ' I- .1. Iill.e I.e. - - I!:. Ill -I I' e'li I V . I tl Ut It I..".. -I ll.ri ! il.. 11 uglily -iiiki-it. 1 mi tie- ec 1 uiiir. nti.. nt i.i-jihint: ; il ill llie- ll'l.-l '.I. I il M...1.J 'o .' l-il . lll.'.t M l llll.l I I IM. lee- Ji el- oil i I, II n).. rut i. l vcilli. i.t ;i ,,, , Wlile l el ., - 1" I ll.jllle Ilio tvy III. I e.,..iii-i, jf (, i'..h I .' le 1 1.. ..ill ..I ln.lilli;; ,-. .ite 1 !. tru ..; tuii.l. 1 v. I.i. Ii i i. urn t I., .t .I,.- by I ,i, I i lii.-taiil.iii.- il i- in. ..I1..1I.I. . i -i . i. I , . ii i.i.-... I ' til ti, !. -. -u. li ..- I.toli... ,-kirt'. Ac, u- it l.-tie . tin- .-tin'. -ti in tin' . l'.lb.'S (ii-i lertlv e en. Il ciitl ceiiu lhe' l:ir,'e.-l b. J ii!lti. or till- -ll.iille .! . l;.. l:;,i, t. l..-rrllli t elliel tt.:ill cull . - 1 1 -1 be- btie' b, lu.ii.l. e iile.'lil lllii li.lioli. iu !'- limn e.iie-t il Ii ILeiitiie- '1 be- iii.i. tiili. ,.--o illi'.Je.- 'beet it I- lei.t iliit.1.' tot.. em! .f i'. .nir i be jr. i .H ell.i nl ill t I.i-- i . 1 y -. riy ,, tl,.-! ' W'rilitiili Miii'bilie el ili e-liti el. i?. i. - lt-..l(u l- in Hi Tiiituvniclit. re'.llil'ili.' no telle l.-'t i"li. te. ve i u,.r h bun. Ik. 'ii In. f ..r I.. .1 ii ull i'e.l,ie,U,-ijlly ll.e Un-l it' ll"l'niit i-.-r li1 e.Hl e..i.'.lte il 'I be l.iu.'bil.c i- mii-l.- i. f cc Ki-1 iui.t set brrieii.-,-.l. tlmt no ire. n c an e..ii..' in cmii. t e.itli ll.r eb. tbti. iln-re'l y Hc.-iiliii nil il.u.. r e.l ii.jeiiy to tl,. el.. ih. .. bv in.n ni'. 'i to.- i.t lie ui..-t .-iiui'leiiiul i H'i e-'ic e ('b.tlii 'iii.. I c-ryet inveiiti'il. 'Ib'.-es .iire'iin,iii eicn u..e it. en. j tHel Ueckd. Hllcl if tllcy Nru let .e-l 1,-ctly -etivu j. ,.. tura tl.elll. till. I lln-ir lllolie-y eitl lie- r. lulleleii I A.blr,- 1,. I) .SllV, 1-biluelell.l,:,. er II. II. M AS.-KK, Ajjeiu lor .VoitliuuibeilunJ e-o I Jellv ll-o. 1 Ol'AI l'i f elll. 'e. IXej .S l'i. .iere.,l Cluo nn-J Sle. II. '. M,i- . I rl. e :.e r but I lit uli-l bl urb. e e-ul. ! t . l.llMI- ol ( tltl-HVl. l( Hli-I Itemilie f,.t : I , l ining -i -, .. -i.ic lit lb. elli.-v jl llu- -i.i. bin-; I : l..-. I-. tin ' j ALL WHO WICK TO MHCHASI-: ! Good & Handsome Goods Al -rzT.r Lev- r?k:c;zc. A i mavi: A 1. n O J J VA RIKTV i m i,i i i non, u il l. fj ( i.i. at Tin; OF u, BRIGHT &. SON BUNI3U11V, FA . , U'Jli. k.-.'l. l-..l.t.1!ltly 0)1 llHod, Htl.l are m'-jVhl, re.-ce.i;iuy fruni Nej-.v York and I'liiluJc lUia. A CHOICE AKD CHEAP &TOJi' Of ALL KINDS OK (;)0i a'lu7tod t.i !hr witn? rf cvry ff-ryon '; um- the titti'iitioii n' tin- PuM.i., Htid n-fj it' t fully an t'.vjiniiiiMtioii uf nur it.'-.k, iV-olin u-urt i thnt . GREAT KAIU-AliVr AND Splendid Inducements .'. all Im d. -iu- 10 .iir.-ilii-.- li. lti ! Il i. a: 1 l.rie-e.J. V.'v Jo ne.t feel ju-lifieel ill l.o-1-tin- lillC C til'' .'. j.'i - Slnti. lelth.'l..'1! WC t,ui r'ute- eej treiih. tl.nt mir fle.. k is .11 e lirteil. tiii-1 cinl ri-. 1.1:111 y leu i ltie m.l to be foun t e-l.e.e lie-re f-r.-i-i-ut 11 .- 'in:.- ut i-oinpri.-e- nil kii. t- of FOREIGN AND DOLIESIIC DRY GOOD NeiTIciN'.-J, liLijVI.S AM, I1...-1 l.l'.y. v. nn i-; 1,.. ui..- is v. U'.i.r-' mi ,-ii..i. 11 i- ami i'.;-. ii!UiV.Ki: AND l.L.N.-tk.llti;, v..'; a i.KI i AMi ULAWAI;,:. I'UM- :U.-f AMi VAll.M-lii OUUCK-i cSc CIIEM3CAI. e ' ' te ji' ...: A ;. ,-" , ; ; Bar Iron, Steel auJ Kails, U7'.ll :ll.ll'f:.S A CUl 1S1j. .1.' i' i:. v. uiuviirr Hi-Ill- V . I. I