TF.H.ns Or TTIE "IMEWCWt." Two mi.LAKa per annum, to be paid half-yearly in advsace. - Ao dlsoontluuad until all at- reara;oe aro paid. to clcm : Threw copies lo one address, . $ 5 CO Kcven do d 10 00 Utieon do 20 00 Five Pnllars, hi advano. will pay fof tare years' subscription to Uia Amtrumn. Clab subscriptions mutt la invariably paid is ad tnnee, and lent to one addreaa. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their news papers from the office to which they are directed , they are responsible until they have fettled the bills and oldcrca them discontinued ' Postmasters will plea act an our Agents, and frink loiters containing subscription money They are permitted to do this under the l'oet Office Law. smbury .v"Tuf "t mt nTV iiiar'-t NJjticr AMERICAN PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY II. B. MASSER, SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. NEW SERIES, VOL. 15, NO. 23. SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 30, 1802 TtHNS V ADTKHTlalmu. One squars of 1 2 linea, 3 time, Jl 00 Uvary subsequent Insertion, y.S One square, J months, J fi Mi months, 4 00 One yeir. g oj business Cards of 5 linen, per annum, 8 00 Merchants and others advertising by the year, with tho privilege of inserting different ad vertising weekly, p 00 Dntine notice, inserted In the Lm at C'M'mv or V iVZ and I'eatlu, I1VK CENTS I'lU l.l.Nh Tor mu.'b insertion. ( j?'" Larger Advertisements as pet agreement J O It PniNTINO. We harr connected with our establishment '.l I tele ted JOH OFFICE, which will enable ua lo OLD SERIES, VOL. 22, NO. -19. in"'" ,yK T Crittenden I'Kllndolphla Cora inerclal Collefte, X. K. Corner of lh and Cheetnut sts., Philadelphia HIS INSTITUTION, which wa established in ly in the tam your of its existence, number nmong ltd graduates, hun dreds of the most awiBewful Merchants and Kusiness Jli u of oureountry. The obj.t of tho Institution la sololy. Jo afford vonng men facilities for thorough preparalioa tor bminess. The branch! taught are, Hook-Keepinfr, as appli eiblo to the various department of trade ; Penman ship, both plain and ornamental j Commercial Law, Mathematics, Navigation, Civil hnpmeering, inir, Phonography, and Modern Languages. Draw- I1IC.III.V iWPOIlTA.Vr I'.VK! M C. GEARHAKT Has RrTi nsm with a Nrw Stock or Confci-tionarle, Fruit and Toys. IT seems as if a new age, a new life waa opening upon us, nnimatinK every heart to nobler deeds and higher aims ! Art, Literature and Science will plow anew, and seek to dcvelupe aublimcr beautiei and rrandcr ooreeption. The buiineaa world, too, must feed the new influence and every part he quickened and strengthen, tynu T11E NTUW YORK EVENING POST. A Daily Eemi-wcckly and Weekly Newspaper. .o Conipromlxe or Kympiitliy Illi 'l'niitui'N. , , . Fvr th I'u inn and tin War. noreaaed vitality, winch shall urpe I V('0r , exi,te,K-c It ha- alway. been a lea, ,Xn .journal of the city. takinK part in -..II tho diaenar W,T 'VCT.d!iTm f .1 . T.' LVv.n all ofthedav.andutterinRi.i sentiments with can Vh.TAri fearlea-nf-ss and ImlepU . Freedom, now clarflt and desirous of rtolnp hie fhnr townrds "Tho -i- , i rrrnfet PvnnTH 01 Lnn aep. mio iuuwmuvi ni'iim untl iiAiwI whatever houra are mont convenient. CatnloRiies are isdned annually after the ldth of April, containing name, of the students for the year, mid full particulars of terms, Ac, and may be ob tained nt any time by artdrcssins the Principal. In extensive accommodations, wide-spread rcpnta tion. and the lengthy experience of the Principal, tlu Institution ofiers facilities superior to any other in the country, for young men wishing; to prepare for tmsinee. anil to obtain Ht the same time a diploma. whi.?h will prove a recommendation for them to any Mercantile llonse. C'if' Crittenden's Series of Treatise on Bonk Keeping, now more widely circulated than any oth- r work on 'lie gii!i'-ct. are for sale at the Cnllejre S IlOliUKS CHI ri'L.Nl'EN, Attorney at Law I I'eliniary S, IS02. ly THE LATEST STYLE OF srilLXG AND SUMMER GARMENTS. AUK CONSTANTLY MAI'K AT THK Fashionable Tailoring Establishment or JACOB O. BECK, MurL l Stre-t;tinlosry, IPliK sulcriler ba iut reeeiviil and or9111'1 I lafuu n..rtiuent of ifPRIXH AND r-'f.M.MKR t.OODP. wh aa CLOTHS, ( V KVKHY DK.SCRIPTIOX AND QCA1.ITY. riain and Fancy Cassimeres.Vestings. &c. ot tho lutes! stylo. In addition to his stock he is oiidMutlv re.;'eivin new supplies from the city. Ii" p:n a full niwirtinciit of the most suhstantiul and latest xlvli" oftloodsin the city market". IIh is' prepared to make to order all kinds of lieutteiiieii's and Hoy's wear, such ai DKEifi COATS. FROf'K COAT.". Hl'SINKSS COATS, VIWTrf, PANTALOONS. Ac. Ac, of t!ie very latent atyle, and in the most suliatantiat nitiuer, ut siiort notice. Any tl nuls not mi hand, will be furnished from rhll.i'deipliiii, bv i;ivin! two days' notice. -'-Call and eiuininc mv "tock. No ehartfea m i.le f r showiui;. JACOB O. UKl'K. Mmbary, March 29, 1S02. As Improv.ul for and lhi'iO. Cv K. KKTl 1IA.M A CO., 2S'J rear! St.. New York. ili: only Freecer constructed on scientific prin- cip'.e with a revolvini can fpritij tlade .-raper J lie one Hasten tne trm-jingoi mv vrram thei.:hi r removes it ns lint ? fr.nen. ft'ie mo; rnpM in t'rwiing. with the lio fjuiinttty i f e. , Tl.i n''t ecoiiomicnlincost, ar it if the most simpir aii'l dr.ral'le in structun-. For 'all' iti all the principal cities and t' war in the C..i"v Kech Freerer accompanied with a beok of recipes cud f ill directions. TRICKS. the citv of Philadelphia with the lurRest and choicest atock of Confectionariee, Kruit bd1 Toya, that ha ever been brought to this section of country. He if also manufacturing all kinds of Confectionaries, Ac , to fill up orders, w holesale or retail, at short notice Anions; his slock of CON KKCT10.VAR1 LS may be found : Onrn Tir. ps. all kindesortil. l.ov Drops, Mint Drops, red and 'vhite. Jelly I'akes, Kruit Drois, Stick Candies, of llaciil?. Itoek Candy, Almond Candy 1IU. IT rriinr". Pier, Itaisens, Siileof all kin Js l.KMf'V 6YRI 1' bv the sinnle or doteu A Krench .eeretr. Burned Almondi Cream V hite, 11 Lemon, " Rose. " Vanilla, Common Secret! Liijuorice, Unnsniu" Dates. Currants dried. of a superior 'piality superior iiualilv of Tobacco and Se-ars, and a variety i r.enine Post. e I- I. . I- !l,' -t....l. 1 lnl.r l.lvH This well-known journal is now in the sixty-first vear of its existence. It has always been a leadinK ssions candor. penitence t reettom now ami Porever. has been ami will continue to he its motto. The Principle! by which it is guided are : A Strict Cooatmciion of the Constitution. Economy in Government. No Political Jobbery, Honest Men for oifiee. The 3upireion of the Slave PoU i r, . Free Soil and Free Speech, aiid the prosecution of the war ntrainst treason until the lust rebel har laid down his arms. lJut the Evening Post, while it is fearless in the expression of itj opinions, nims chietly nt beinir a good newspaper It will contain full accounts ot nil the interesting occurrences of the tiny, embracing 1st. A Complete llntory ut the War. j 2J Political Documents. Reports of Meetings, rpeechea and Proceedings of Legislative llodies. j ill. Hie Latest Markets. Coiiiuiercial Intelligence ' Kopnrts and Lists of Prices. I lib Eiroitan Ni s. Advices by tho foreign ' steamers, letters from our own nts. and I extract from l.ugli.-h and translut ions from contiui n j tal journals MU. Miellniicous Heading. Poetry, I'iKik Reviews : Tales. Anecdoli-s iind Gossip. In short, it is the design of the editor! to make the CHOICE POETRV. ;o, jiv iiov. Miii:s(r. ( ll.LN VO'. IllTV Thc following linea were written as a responso to thoso pnblistied rn fltls fmpT'r of 10th Inst., headed "Molhnr. Can I lo? " beinga rcpiest from a young man employed in New York to his mother in Lyme, Conn., for permission to join the National Army Go, my boy, and Heaven bless you ! I have read each precious lino . Of your heart 's responsive thrubbingi to a Higher Call them mine. Ood hath spoken you have heard Him and though tears these eyes bedim. Your affection for your mother shall tint mar your love for Him. Could I bid yon stay from fondness, when the ever- ruling II nlul rest ; while there ttiey licurJ tbu ulnrnt bull in Raleigh rinp;. AfAVr remaining un hour nr two in the wotiils, excctiiio; every moment ,tn le tliscovereil, they struck the ro:il itntl traveled tibotit twenty mile through mud ntid water. On the l'.illowiu; Sundity thoy r.nneciik'il tliemselven in tho wood ul'onl ix mill' front this rond, and while in the woods it netrro liny l)iiHt!l them lv a pulli leadintf ! to a jihinlution whii;li the fugitives hud nut discovered. They struck the road that niiiht and steered liy the Noitli star. They had ! not traveled more than two hours when they I heard horse tramps in their rear; tiiey eon I eciiled themselves tdoti the fence, eoverin; their faces and hands until the horsemen : rode I iv. After paMiot them, the fnullivt: i hnn. lav supposed thev were returmnit trom mectiui:. lint thev were horsemen from Ra- Maiksyour path to duly clearly for the safety of leijjh in pursuit of them. jo'iriaim: Altci' Irtivelins twentv mile?., thev repaired No ! tis yours to be a patriot, and 'tis mine to prove as true ; ' tin, my boy, where duty culls you. un 1 my heart shall follow you ! lio iu faith, mi I feel protection in n Tower Supreme, Divine ; Should n bullet pierce your body, it will nlso enter mine. Do 1 think of this in sorrow ? Does my love sad tear renew ? Do I trenililc at the prospect ' No. my sou ; no more tlmn you. Dear to me is every pathway where your precious feet have trod ; Rut I give you fondly, freely, to mv country and mv ii"' t to a wood on the road, fnrtv-tive miles from Ritlciirh. in Ash county. They remained there undiscovered t luniihiint the day. The third niht their escape they eatni' out of the woods a little L'-fore (lurk, hh they suirered for want of water. They had imt traveled more than half a mile when the sound of horses' tramps in the rear were heard. They hurried into the woods ti";ain, ; and as the horsemen rode liy. twenty-tive in ; number, accompanied Ly the Sheriff of Wake county, the fugitives overheard the following conversation : You and' I shall never falter iii tho work wc have to I m; " "", horsemen remarked "The nig- of f'onfectionaries. ruit. Toys. Ac, all 01 w hich is offered eheup at wholesale and retail Vir Remember the name and place Jl 1 M C OKA H II ART. Market street, 3 doors west of K. Y. Rri(;ht A .-'en ! rtore rtanbiiry. April 11. IhCI.- ly MMI1 H prsesK-n of this sii:ah rtllF subscribers havin' tak' . . wf , J I IirSl Class I'l.lJI .nil,!., nr ireiBir.i to receive grain of all kinds, and to do custom woik at the shortest notice. (Htomer will have their prists ground immediately upon their being left at the Mill As it is the intention of the firm to slock the Mill, a large supply of grain will be constantly kept on hand, and Hour by the ipianlity can always be obtained. The grcutosi care will he taken to turn out a superior quality of flour, for which the mill is admirably adapted." Strict attention will be paid to the wants of customers, and the patronage of the public irenerallv is rospectlullv reouestcil i Sunburv, June 2o Ualg EVANS MOIKIAN A CO. AlMOI'f incut i A WATSONS I B0 H: SALAMANDER SAFES. ORK.VT HKi; AT READING, PA February 12, 1S02. Oi vn I:mi v It cives me nmch s-itistactien to inform von that in the severe lire which, on the I THL LI ST NEWSPAPERS IN Till". COUNTRY ; No t-aiiis ot labor and no expense in mom y will be j spared to accomtili.-h this end. j As the Daily Evening Post circulates more large. ' ly. perhaps, than any other city journal among iner- j chnnf, capitalists, bunkers, brokers, lawyers, maun- , 1'iicturet and business men generally, it has always j been a ruos-t eligible advertising medium, lint since ' the war its circulation low enormously increued. ' wLi. h fuel otforr additional indu-'einents tn thoe who V Lt'H 1 tit IK lil'SINESS MADE KNOWN 1 The Seini-M eekly Evi ning Post, puldi-lied regu larly m Tuesday-' and Fridays, contains all the read- ; iug itiattcr of the Daily Evening Post, and the latest new?, by telegraphs and liiails, up to the hour of pub- ! licatioii. ' 'I he Weekly Evening Post, published every Thurs day, is edited w ith ospociid rel'-rence to the wants of country render., and beside, all the articles of gene- ( ral interest published in the Daily Evening Post, j contains a complete digest of the news of the day. and an Agricultural Column, devoted to the inteaesi and ihstru-Miou of farmers. It contains tiny long ' column? of reading matter every week, making it. AN ADMiRAFLE FAMILY PAPER (io do: rfly boy. where duty all follow you calls you, and mv heart I shall prny for you how often with the waking hour or morn, Through the labors of my household, and when night is coiningon. If u mother's prayers can keep you uiid the dangers you incur, tioj w ill surely bring you buck again to happiness ' and her. I will never doubt the goodness that has kept you until now. That has kept the evil from your heart, the shadow from your brow : m And I know that it shalr keep you in the path you must pursue; Go, toy boy, w here duty calls you, and my heart shall follow you "mifle C. Three C. (MI.Kle C I omix : I'.ut v rvrsivc n. st. .pv. one vear. in advance nil Zj no mnrninc of the tth hist . intirelv destroyed all my stiK-k mid materials. I had one ,.f your Salamander t iro Proof Safes. After enduring an iiitonsi red heat for seven hours, the Sale was opene.l. and the Rooks and Papers, were preserved in un utnhlcuiislicd ! condition I shall need another Safe at nouu tus I get in order. Yours most respectfully. i W P. DIi'KlSN'N. lleadiig. Pa rillE AT OR KEN CASTLE ( H4MHI iisi't nc. Franklin county, Pa , 3 .pmrts. 4 rpiHrts, (i i,u;ir:s. h ,tuarts. 14 .(nans, Jo on:irt. Applv to H ,'.h l.'i'-' I; M VS.'-UH 1 1 (to 4 on ! 00 6 on 8 no t: no Sunbury, Ta on his paper CI Attorneys at Law, Sunbury, Pa .l"l!DAN RufKElEI-LER and Hi.()lo H la'YEH. respectful' v annuuaea that they hnv- riter.-'l into copnrinorsnip mine j.rn':ie-e their pi'' A. and will continue to aueii.l to all .i. ss i ntruded to their charge, in me coiinoesi i f NcrthuiribeiiHud, Union, Snyder and Montour, ! r-ciU'tlv. biiilil'ullv and carctully Special atten ten. will I " Hiv-'n to the Cfl.LECTONS (r ! CLAIMS C m -.lit irt ions cm be hud iu the dl.R- j U A V ..n.-,.,.'i. ! (ili..e -Market (.tieet. epposilo Weavcr'a Hotel :.-ui.ioir;. . x em unr . August .'list. IWtl. I Messrs. Evans. A Watsov. Philudelphia- (lentle men: On the morning of the iL'd of August, 1WJI, our Storehouse at UreenciLstlo was destroyed by fire The Salamnnder Safe we purchaaed from you aomi j few years tince waa in tho bImjvq lncntilined store. ' notlSC. lino COIIWIineu ail our mwmr, inern. wu, o-i- wliich were preserved in haitii! exposed to a moat intense heat for several hours j Please inform us npou w hat ternia you w ill aell us i another larger Hate. Yours truly. OAKS A AUSTIN I Salamander Sufca, for Ranks, Stores, Private Families, Ac , Ac Also. Evans A Wataou'a PaU'nt I Alnhiibeiical Rank IjK-k. and Rank Vault lioors. eijual to any made in tho country, and sold on ur good ternis.' E .t W. would respectfully refer to i ! Om following Ranks and other pnrlies. having their ! Safes and Locks now in use, to their enure satisl'uc- j . lion, and many others given at their Store. . Umtkii Statfs Mivr, llrnnch Rank, Shell. ville, 1 Philadillihia. Tennessee. ! Umti.pSt.itl-s AnsrvAt .r'ity Rank of Philadelphia Sic. I I-le.' . rW!r .ml. --ni.,.r. having opened In Thomp""0'a 1 I tri -k I' uilding. Mill, llanvilie. a large . si.. I complete s.oclt of ! i-.ii.r.; ;n and ivmesTIc liquors. i c oner, sing the best brands "f Lnuuiie.-. (iin. 'Hd i live. S.,.. h and Iri-h Whisk, v. Port, r-herry. Ma . dcira Chiinpagne all I other lues, ot an grajos. ot which will I" sold Whulesale. at th" lowest rit prices. Tavern - keeper, bv buying of us. ran av a; leasl I li i. i 'u'.it P. i-s- :i.- d' .iiroiis of purchasing bipiorr f r F A M I I. Y C E . ni'ty re'v upon bi'ng furnishcl wilh a jure rind unadulterated article. Reing determined to establish a reputation for s-llmg cheap, he respectfully aolicite the patronage ot'ihe r;il li All order tiremntiy aoenueo io As-. Consolidation R k of I'nila om'lh Rank of I'hila. I 'liataurHiga Rank. Teun Pre'm Loan As'., 1th ft Hank of Ndrtbumberlaud l ank of North n Lib'Tiies, I'biladelphia. Paul ainlSwlf', Rankers. Alabama. W It Sterling W ilkesb'r l.ewisl.urc Rank, Pa. Other references given upon calliuE at our Store, o. io,-. I ourtu Mrvei, i uuaueipiiu March -"0. 1 KG : - ly (California ; Poltstown Rank. Pa. ! Cuatesvillc Hank, Pa Stroudibnrg Lank, Pa j Jersey hore Rank, ra Lork'llaven Hank. Pa. I Union Rank. Baltimore Suithwesteru Rank of Yu. ; Utiltou Hank. Atliinla.iia . Newark li.mli , Del I Hunk of N. C , Raleigh pies, in adviiice, !py, per month, i . Sl il-W I.KKI.V l VI VIMl l os'T l every Tuesday and Friday. Single Copy one yenr. in ndviiufo, Sl t0 Two Copie. " en l ie C..pic, " 1J (M( Tell Copies. l!p UO w i.i ki i; rsfvr. I oT. Is Piiblislol every 'Ihnrsday. r'iii.ii ("opv. one vear. in advunce, 00 Thre- C. pi'es '" i IHt five '. l.-s ... Ml Ten C.pi.s. .... mi Twenty ('..pies. 'M 00 Any larger at the ru'cj.f .--i i-r yei.r Subseriptioiw- limy coiiim n.'c at any tiine. Pay always in ad an"e." Any pers.ui seudimr us twenty or more sutswribers wiil be entitled to an extra copy fyr hi. services; ur lor ten subscribers he'nill rceie a copy six n.omhs. When a cl.ib of sub-cribers hn. I,.en forwarded. addition- may be luudc to it on the same terms. It is not necessary that the mem bers of a club should receive their papers al the Each subscriber's uaiiie is printed rgymcti arc supplied at ti e follow- nor rates Daily, per annum ff 00 Semi-weekly, per annum 2 ml W eekly, per annum 1 0 Money' may 1 forwarded at 'Ur risk. Specimen copies a ill be sent free to all i.l.o de-arc it. W M. C. Lit Y ANT A CO.. Oitick or Tin: Evkmnu Post. 41 Nassau Street, corner Liberty. New York. Juiie 2, S'.2 Ilnrdtt lire, HiichiiK-ry, .Ie liJui- ''vols. As'. Ill N MY (ill.Ll'HT. Maritt 'rraf, tf-f Vtntit llvufi II tntttsui f: Pa., hllALUt in all kinds of lluilders and Manufac turers' Hardware, lroii, Steel. Coil Chain, Ropes, j Pulley Blocks. Ac LiNsi.i:ii, I'.i iiMXK vnp M vriMM.nv "U.S. ' The LwUioating nils are adapted to every variety of Machinery. Also, at i.nii.ui.u'turi rs prices, Wl.oll WollKIMI Mv.iiimiiv. u:'. Sa-Ii. Morticing and Sawirg Mu- If my Ik.w w ere less a hero, less the man in thought and deed, I had less to give li y country in her trying hour of ned ; And I fewln pride in knowing that tos. rve ihi.-C 'ur c diine. Prom the he.'irlh-stone goes n- bravir henrt than that w hich -'ue- from mine. I have loved y ui from the hour my '.ip-' fust pressed your brow . E er tenderly, but never ipiite as tenderly as now All 1 h.ivc i.i His who gave it, w li.itso'er'he bids me do ; lie. my boy. where duty culls ycu. and my heart .-hall f'.liow you ' I shall miss you through the spring-time, wiu n the ori-hurd is in bUiom, While the smiling face uf Nature bathes its. beauty iu perfume ; When 'he birds are sweetly singing by the door nn 1 on (be w ir;r. I sh.ili think of you v. ho ..!.'...;" !-"'e 1 to pni!c rind hear tiicin ping. Long w ill seem the waning hour" through the drow sy summer day. With l iy b .y espomd to Jangcr. on a soil . t. away. Rut my spirit shall not murmur, though a tear bedim my view ; lio, my i.oy. where duty calls you, and my heart eli.tll follow vou ' ger saw them in the woods on Sunday, they . i... '.... ..i i . ..11...1: ... 1,.,.. j lltllUIH in: o. ( .mean, illlUHUI ei ini; w.jj j the fugitives had ireviously noticed in the : woods. ! Hiding to a fork of two roads, about thirl V yards from their place of concealment, the ' horsemen met a negro, and the following ' j conversation ensued : j j "Have you seen four men passing here i ! Four Yankee prisoners have escaped from j Knh igh f I am (he Sheriff of Wake county ; mid in pursuit of them." The negro replied , I he had not. The above conversation was i distinctly overheard. This was the third; 1 night. The fourth night they issued from j ! the woods again, a little before dusk, in : ; quest of food, as they had notning to eat for i forty eight hours. After traveling until .midnight, they broke into a house where ' sweet potatoes were Mowed, and curried out ami furt(.r Mated siliout a huMicI ol tliem. Alter traveling all 1 night they again look to the. woods for con- (l alment, about twelve miles bclmv Kocky Mount tin the following morning it. was ' determined that one ot the party should go ! out and reconnoitre for the purpose of gct ; ting the potatoes (linked. ! One of the parly volunteered to go, and ! proceeded to u house about two miles from the place of concealment. As ho entered, l the following conversation took place : I "Good morning, madam." I The woman addressed replied : j "Good morning ; you talk very mm h like u Yankee.'.' "W b t maki; you tliiak lluil :" '1 have had three hus'iands," she replied; had better give it tip Ho replied, they would be compelled to giv! it up very soon. Ho went off, leaving thenl rejoicing over the tiding. After two days traveling, he nrri ved ut the foot of tho lt'lue Ridge; he cross ed the Xorth Toe river and arrived nt the house of n rebel on the Iron Mountain road. Tho annn st fy hovt caHle-drivina; was repeated to tbU nmo. nnd he rxpresseilgri nt solicitude for-thc welfare of .Mr. Uormley, stating if he got to Kast TcnnesstH- he w ould la- made to take the oath of allegiance to the Federal Government, and if he refused they would probtibv hang htm, iV.c. After some further conversation in this strain with the Rebel sympathizer, he pro ceeded then to the , junction of the North and South Toe rivers, crossed there, and alter two days' traveling, he arrived in Kast Ten nessee. He was treated wilh great kindness by the Loyalists in Kast Tennessee, and was advised to remain there, and not to attempt to cross tho Cumberland Mountain, which was then in possession of the. Rebels. After remaining in hast lennessee, the Union troops took possession of the Cumberland Mountains, when Mr. Uormloy, in Company with two guides and twenty-seven Tennes secans, crossed the Mountain, over a very rough country, traveling day and night for six days, and without meeting with a soli tary human being for a distance of one. hun dred and fifty-five miles, the party making n very circuitous route. lie arrived nt the Cumberlaud Gap, nnd there was f urnished with transport ion to Philadelphia. At Cumberland Gap, which place our in formant, left last Sunday week, he found 13- j OHO troops, commanded by General Morgan I Of this number, there are six Tennessee reg- intents. The troops at Cumberland Gap are ' represented by Mr. G. as looking remarka I bly well, and in tine spirits. After reeruit ' iag for a few days, Mr. G. intends to join his ' regiment. i While Mr. G. was in East Tennessee, the Rebel leaders were enforcing the conserip i lion in Xorth Carolina. They brought five hundred conscripts through Carter county l Tennessee, and placed them on a line of rail . way. One half of them were Union men : and had their hands securely tied behind Mhem. Many of them publicly expressed their Union sentiments, and swore they would not fight for the Rebel Government, that it an opportunity ever presented itself they would make their escape and join the ranks of the Union ar-mv. Vim w ill come and sec your mother, come and kUs. her us you say. Prom her lips receive the blessing that (hall cheer you on your way ; Prom her foud embrace go forward to resist your country's foe. With the comforting as-urulice that your mother bade you go. Ilea n prelect, and bless, and keep you; holy an- gi is guar.i your way, lllooily Kcveiitfe ol'llie ('ii-ruNs-isuiN. Some days since we republished a state ment from the English papers of the recent defeat of u Russian army by the Circassians, ( but the whole story was not told. A corres ! pondent of the Lccant ILnihl, writing under j date of June 28, says that the whole, number of Russian captives (three thousand.) were murdered in cold blood by the Circassians. ! We copy ; 4. T 1 .1 . ' . ........ ..I tl...., .-... .. ,...L-.,., ... 1 .. ... ..H I.M.'tlt.l LllOb V I I ...fc.S.Tl.m 1 IV. LW1 .tn 'i i.irt . iuim,,,j;ii. o-vi 1,111 , , . , . - j exactly like him." , ? "'l,0,rf.. ,A '?ut " .? Uussmn ! v.r ,;J(..i..,, i. , ,.i:i . General hvdokimoft proceeded with a strong : "but what do vou think of these Yankees , i"h,mn tJ w,lrls valiey inhal ed by the , who are lnvadin our country." ,,VSU, S,,.al,s" "d Abaseh tribes with a The w. .man replied:- " j view to d.yas ate the whole. On being I i i.. :.,,..' i,..x :. ,i... : api'rtseii ot the cnemvs approacli, the , 4 ',l, lllli.llll nil- lll.ll iv, it I III 1111,1111, 'II ., .l . ! of the Yankees to come down here and kill l":,lt .'":' 1 Pl'lt;n promptly tuoved off i nil tl. ,v,,.i, on,l r.l,il.le..n .,,,1 ,., i,.t.. Wltl lllrir l',llliU "d Otll.T 1110 VCIll lies llltO 'the slaves; but I do not bcli'eve it. I respect . '"ountains, and called on the other ( ' ,,,.. ....... 1 I trilics to rally to their assistance. This mini ni'.iv iiiou nil ir-i-i i-sii in isi s. . , ,., , , , , I , . ' ajipeal was speedily responded to, and in a I The fugitive then told the woman of his ' ,.,,,. nf days such a force had assembled mutation, stating that there were three others tVoin nil sides, as was thought sufficient not in the woods. She told him to go after ,,u.ri iy to make a stand against, but to at- To your mother ever faithful, to your country ever t)i(,m in,, ,, ;n ,, ,.,,, ,, shall follow you ' do, my l.y. where duty calls you. and my heart ! all ill her power for them. Arriving al th house th ' notatoes I Alter remaining mere an day. sue toiii ute ' party she would put them on n path leading ' through the woods that would bring them lout on the Raleigh road. After traveling about ten miles, they came to a road that i forked off in an easterly direction. At this ; point the party lici-amc embarrassed and j concluded to remain until the following , mornine:. The duty then devolved on Mr. AIISCHLLANHOITS. i a i r.nivvr or - i:s'.tii'.i I io oi.iii:ic. I'ltou oit'i'ii cuioi.n Intirintiuij J ktti it. John Gni'mlcv, of the late Colonel IJ.iitt r's aek the Russians. This was ncrnrdiniilv . ilcciih.'d on. and :ls the Porti-fMs nt' llomki.ti. wiinian went to work cooking the , s . iH'i.'hl.orhood was the chief source of and had a good meal prepared. !,lani-er.i loniintitinu' us it did the whole iilain m assault upon it was lirst resolved on. Accordingly, on the night of the 2'Jd instant, a strong force, voinpos'-d of contingents from the Ubiks, Shtipsus and Alai:hs, pro ceedi.'d under cover of the darkness to the fort, and by a rapid simultaneous escalade on all Miles, made a good footing within the walls. Whilst u party of these assailants engaged tiic surprised gair.son, the ot Iters The Adiim's. i:ll'('st (ominui, IYE NOTICE that Ho v have rnn-bided al I mi : Danville. June 10. 1-m'iO ,ii::;i miah hall Kav your l'ruil, BY (eing Mason's' Patent Sheet Metal Perew Top l'r. serve .lur liw.Y.i y .4 teat urr:i:T metal KCKEW Till" Ml that is necessary being to screw the Cap down tirs'ii the Rubber liuakut, which U placed outside up.n the .-houllorof the Jar. fof an inch distant from the ton : prevent tho possibility of tha flavor ot i.. 1 ..n,i.. in r..inlM.'t wilhthe ine irwii uciug ii.jui-is . - . Rubber. . , ,. . . Persons desiring those Jars can be supplied by leaving their orders with 11. B. MASSLR, Agent. l-unbury, June U, ltitb M uxMMiitou IIoiitc4 N0RT1UMPERLANI, PENNSYLVANIA, Near the UriJgt ri'MIE (uh'ribcr having loased thi well known ! Tern Htund, lately kept by Mm. C. ri. Brown, respecifally informs the public thai be ir refitting and rcp'uring tuo pniuise, and will bo prepared to on tertain, in a comfortable manner, hit numerous frieuds Uiroughout the county, and all who rany eslronne his establishiiicnl. ...... .. F April I'.', 13. JiWPH VANKIRK. I'l-anUIlii IIouhc, I)ERl'I'.T ANP REFl RNISIIEP, Cor Howard 1 1 and I ranklin rstn-ot, a few Njuarea Weat of tha Northern Central Railroad Dcfot, BALTIMORE tV TtBHa, 1 1 ft" l'-v LEIsENRINO, rrprictor July 1, 1MI tr '1'IiC Ut. IrfMlisJ, Ckrstymt Street, tftu-en Third and Fourth, PulLAPCLl'MU. I1IIE nndersignod, having lead. lor a term ol years, this puuulur nousc, num i" announcing to their trionrti aua iu (rim " ii,, ;i i.,, ,.r,n r..r i lie rocention ol tawln The houso, since 11m erst of March (ant, ha boon eatiruty roTmyaiod aad rc&ud iu aiiuporior inauuer; the aparlnicni are large, won vouiiii'i Dished in modern flvU It ia cenlrnlly located, convenient U all (ho depot and atuwinboa landinga, and in the Unmodiata viciuity of tha Cuslom ilousa, I'oat Oflioe and the Corn Exchangu. Connoctod with tho Hotel ia a Roataurant for tha accommodation of thoae preferring the European plan Price of Rooms frou Throa to hovan DmIIwi tier waek. according to location. R.anl St Wierday. labia d'llota 6r matchanU and bujiuoiia uwu from J to J HENRY MIL. ItAACL IX VOL r;;:.t.v I-. iv T rangements with the Northern Central Uuilroad ' ompunv lo run irunis irom naioiuore lot iuik, Harrisbiinr Pauphin. Halifax Trevortou Hunbury, Northiimb.ii land. Iwisburg. Milton. Muucv, Wil liainsporl. and ail intermediate stations, connecting at Hirrirbirg with the i.REAT W 1..STERN EX PRES for Pittsburg, Cincinnuti, Ft. Louis aud tha West Also wilh Howard 4 Co ' Express at Milton or Iianvillo, Rloomsbiirg. Wilknsbarre. Piltston, Uoran ton, aud intermediate stations on the Cattawissa. Lackawanna A Rlonnvharg Railroads Al Wil liomsport. by Howard A Co ' Eaprces to Jersey Khure and Lock Haven Also, by Howard A Co., and their couoectious, lor Cunton, Troy, ElmiraV RochcsUir. Luttulo, Niagara, and lo all accessible point in Western New York aud Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Kpocie, Bank Solas, Jcwolry, and Valuable Package of every descrip tion. Also, NobM, Draft and Bills for Collection Experienced and efficient nicsoengers emrloved, and every effort will be made to render satisfaction J(J!1. iii.miuaji, Superintendent Pcnn'a Ilivision, Philadelphia R A I'LSCHER, Agent fur riuubury. April 5, 1H63 Wiar! Wart Vtir ! CO MF. TROM THE NORTH. COME FROM THE fiOl'TH, COME 1'ROM THE EAST, COME FROM THE WFST- Bave the country and build youraelvea homes, for now li the tune to get your Lumber cneap. l ea, LUMBER' LUMBER' 1 LUMBER?!' can be purchased at low rate at the STEAM tAW- M ll.t, ot IRA T CLEM EXT, SU.BUir, FA, Kuch aa Panel Lumber, Frame Lumber, Boards. Si ding, Khinglea from to fS per thousand, Plutoring Lull, Paling, Rooting Lath, Ac, Ac All bill-ordered, for any kind of Lumber, will be furnished at the shortest notice IHA T CLEMENT fcunbury, March 9, lSt'd NATRONA COAL OIL! Vurruntcl .Xon-tKiptosiiic, and equal tn any KKROeENP. Whr buy upliwiv Oil, when a tew eenlf nKn pel gallua will f'iiiush yoa Willi perfect Oil f Mixta nut) by FA. SALT MANlr'ACTl'RING CUMTANY. Nn. 12 Walnut rlraal. Philadeirlua Felffuary f.,ltiJ -ly 6AP0NIFIER! 8AP0NIFIERM THE FAMILY bOAP MAKER , A II Kitchen Graaie eaa banudauiio good 9r, iun.( Bapoaiaeri Piractiona Accomfanyinf Fach Boa ' OAP is aa easily mad with it. aa making a cop ef cof la. Manufactured only by Ihr Patantnta. fX. BALT MA.NUPACTl'RlNli COMPANY'. Nn. IWT Waluut MiHt, Pailadalphia. Pehsaary 16, less ly i.iues, A Ma liiMsrs" 'foot s, , - I'larcrs. Engine and llnn.l Lai lie-. Lull Cutters Ac . .te . ' Machine Helling, ot Rubber mid Leather, cniirtuiitly ! on hand I Herring's l ire Proof Safes. PMIorm Se-iles. Tin I Plate. Sheet Iron. IU. kTin and Trimmers' Tools. ) r' Purchasers w ill liud il to thir iulerc-t to give : 11 1 a cull. I Jlarrisburg. March ;".). IV.J. j Itetuliii ICiiilroad. . SUMMER A UHA.XflEME.XT. ClREAl' TRl'NK LINE from Uio North and y North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing. Potlsiillo, Lebanon, Alleut.iwn, Easion, Ac. Trains lenvo liarrisburg for Philmlrlphia, New Y'ork, Reading. Poltsville, and all Lilcmicdiato Stations, at 8 A. M., and I 40 P. M. Now York Express leaves liarrisburg at 1 2i A. M . arriving at New York at H ii.'i the same morning. Faxes from liarrisburg : Tn New York i U0 ; lo Philadelphia fa and J 70. Baggage checked through. Returning, leave New Yolk ut 6 A. M . 12 N'non. and 8 P M, (Pittsburgh Express). Lcavo Philadel phia at K A Ma ami JIjI'.M bleeping cars in tho New York Express Trains, through to and from Pittsburgh w ithout change. Paasengers by the CatlawissM Rail Road leave Port Clinton at 1.45 A. M , for Phila. and all intermediate Statioua; and at K.nt) P. M , fur Philadelphia, New York, and all Wav Points. Truius leave Pottcvillu at ! A. M., and 2 15 P. M , for Philadelphia and New York ; and at S.M P. M , for Auburn aud Port Clinton only, connecting tor Pine Grove and with tho Caltuwiseu lluil Road. An acconiiniHlatioii Passenger train leuvea Reading at 6 A M , aud returns troiu 1'lula.Ielpbia at V. .M. I'j?' All the above trains ruu daily, Sunday ex cepted. A Sunday train leave at 7 30 A.M., and Philadelphia at 3.16 P. M. Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Excursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and from all points. ii. A. NICOLIS, May 17, IsO.'. (ier.eral tiuicriiitondent SIMON P. WOLVERTON. .tltorns'j unci 4'ouusrlor lit Office, Market street, 2 doors west uf Dcjiot, BUNBUBYi FA. WILL attend prouiptlcy tn the collection of claims and all other profinsional busineM intrusted to his care in Northumberland aud adjoining counties, r'unbury, Muy 3, lb61. Attorney nt Ijiw, Sunbury, Norlhumbcr land county, Pennsylvania. (Formorly Freoburg, Snyder oounty A OFFICE, Market street, ono door east nf Friling 4 Grant's iloro, and nearly opposite the Court House. All profcasioual busiucse, collections, Ac , will re ceive prompt attoutiun April li, inns (itlii.uni.i H. giinuit, who was captured at ! fiormley to go out. in search of some person I olH.u-.l the galei to their fellows outside, Hampton J..!v l.'th, 18CI,has just returned i n'Uh"1 thl' ,V,r'?1 l'" t,M" 'U.a '"rU'r,us 1 '''"V1 ?A1 hl' , 1 . . ',,,,, . ' he met a slave who told Imn to take tne tn-l riuurter is seldom or never the fashion on to the city alter a captivity in Kclieldom of : fl)lk(.(i rUll. ,.itil,.r ; thU u.,r r1U. wai now ivi.n i-igl.t i lie lanipol t el. baker s p.irtv ))Pn(.0l1( (i .,intr this road Iiegimn.t at iiainidon was siiyrnunded Ly fownrds lto'cky Mount, and. after tnivclin:: Iteiu ls who Lad taken the oath of I tlliout right miles, came to the residence of to llie raited States, hut they conveyed ! ' phinter who required them to . ,. , ' , ... .' udentilv themselves. He said t tniormaiion to loi'Kiown mat i n ion troop: TJLANK (rarebment Papal.) Peeds and Hsok I J-MTiasife, xkiois, x-i fir kis at lis c: it tka Lfjcutieaf, F ubbuads, Ac L jOOury AtDWICsa Mauuluetui't rw otNioucVurr. COWDEN it WILCOX IIARRISBUBQ, ffUE gtona Wars Bow made at this ectablubment X i eual to any mada in this country Fvery va riety of article usually ma It, alaavs tu band ll.rrtsbury, Muy 3, lbe.' were in the liahit of coining over to Hamp ton ; and while our inf.umaiit and some others were in that locality, they were unex pectedly surrounded and taken to Yorktown. They were kept in Yorktown ft ur days, ami from thence erc removed to Kichmond. At Kiehmond our informant had an interview with Jeff. IVivis ; lie was routined iu the Tobacco House on Main street, while walk ing around lie was approached on one occa sion I iy Davis. The following conversation ensued : Jkkp. Hams How long have you been drilling ( Answer About three months. Davib What ure you fighting for ? Anewer The I'nion, Constitution, nnd Knfiirceinent of the laws, to put down Hcliel- Iton in all sections ot the country. D.vvik Are you not fighting for the old stars and stripe more tliun the Constitu tion AnswerNo, Sir, I urn lighting for the Union and Constitution, with the stars and stripes. li.wts Sir, if you will join the. Confede rate army I will guaraulee you an ofUec, and have you released this evening. Mr.'o. I prefer to be a prisoner in your jail. .Mr. Davis then said that the Xorth could never subjugate the South ; and w ith that lie departed. IXivU made the same proposition lo another prisoner, to which a similar reply Wiui giveu. -Mr. (i. whs fchortly afterwards removed toKaUigh, N. C, in company with aome forty other prisoners, thusc. being, tit that time (July 17th, 18(11), tho only pri soner held by tho llebel. At lluleigh, for four day these- men wer treated w ith con sideration, tho ladic furnishing provisions, &c. Provision gradually dwindled down at llaleigh until, iu the mouth of Noverula r, two scanty meal a day were all that wero received. Thev often remained, in Haleigh, for twenty four hour without a morsel of anvtlitnir to cat. .Mr. U. was couitneu at Ka'lclgh in a huiall room, nnd kept in close confinement fir nearly bevcu month, when four of the men endeavored to make their nuMOsi. I- .. m . , . , J . 1 1 1 Alter fCAlinp a fence tney iravcievi ai i halt an 1 that four Yankee prisoners had escaped from Haleigh and the Sheriff had passed along that road yesterday, informing the residents to stop till travelers. After a sil nee of n few mo ments, tho party informed htm that if he had enoinrh men to take them to proceed to the Hussi.ins ; the whole, numbering, it is said, three thousand nn n, were butchered on the spot, and the morning broke on not a liCing Muscovite within the blood-stained w.iHs. "The fruit.-, of tliis sufficiently savage vic tory were the capture of large stores of arms and ammunition, including several valuable field pieces and mountain how it .en. The large guns were all spiked, and alter the ' place had been stripped of everything worth The planter made no reply to this, and the . carrying oil, it w as set lire to ami (lenioiislieil. iTieil on llie luitiKS Ol tne I ar river, in me iiieaniiuu-, inu i.nn-j imo nn u .n-u. I'bc t herol.ceei I'.nllatloK lor tho I'fiion. A letter from Rev. J. Bultrkk Jonc., mis sionary to the Cherokee nation, to the editor of ihe New York t'xavxH"r, etates that the. Cherokee have set aside their treaty, rnado in Aug'it last wi'.h the Confederate's, ou tho groom I t'M it tras i;jcorted from them under tlireat of exu.luii'.ii.)i t)y C.Rl tr.'Ktr, which was ratilied hy the National Coamiil nnd it popular convention, tliey wer obli gated to furnish a regiment of 1,200 mounted men for the rebel service. They hid raised the regiment, accordingly, all but about fiily Union men. Hut since that time several In dian regiments have been organised, to the number of which the Cherokres have princi pally contributed Mr Jones writes : "Vhen we were at the Cow Skin Prairie, the port hern extremity of the Cherokee Na tion, we sent out messengers to the people, and to Drew's regiment, atid asked the men to come and enlist in the Union army. Three dnyR only had elapsed, when four hundred Cherokee) had entered flur linen. Three hundred of them were immediately organized, under Captains Toostoo, Tyger and Snella, into companies, nnd entered the United States service thus tilling up the Second Indian regiment. "Acnin" on the :ld o July, Lieutenant- l olonel Downing catnc into our camp at. Wolf Creek with two hundred and ten men rendy to enlist. They came in with a white flag Hying and arms inverted. They also brought wilh them eight sccces sionists as prisoners of w ar. One of them, Clement Vann, is a very prominent man. "In a few days more, Captains Christie and James Vann enms in with four hundrdd more men to enlist. Colonel Wcct then detached Major William A. Phillips, of tins First Indian regiment, to organize a Third Indian regiment. Iiciral Cherokee kopt con stantly coming, and in three days the rcgi mcnt was full, with all the companies up lo the maximum number. Major Phillipn was elected Colonel, Rev. Lewis Downig, a full Cherokee. Lieutenant-Colonel and Cap tain Foreman, of the Kansas Tenth, Major. Uesides four companies of Cherokee in the Second Indian regiment and the entire Third Indian, there are about five hundred Cherokee ready to enlist, and fight for the. Union and the deliverance of their country. It is thought that another entire regiment, of Cherokee will be organized in a few days. On the side of the rebels there are scarcely five hundred Cherokee in the service, and a majonity of them are half-breeds." I'nion I'npcrx vs, Sy nipnthlzlng Inpcrs. Wc have now before us three newspapers, published in the cities of Nashville, Tennes see Newbern, North Carolina, and Norfolk, Virginia, and called, respectively, the Nash ville Union, the New bern Progress, and the Norfolk Union. They tire printed in commu nities filled wilh the Secession element, and which may at uny time revert to the control of the traitors. Theireditors hold their live in their hnnds, and write with the consious ncss that their lives may be forfeited in the event of the defeat nf the national cause, and yet, in the midst of perils like these, perils present and perils productive, these, fearless journalists not. only dcr.oitnc ces sion in the bitterest and most defiant manner, but sustain the Government with zeal, ability, and entire confidence in the Executive. We read in the columns of their intrepid news papers no complaints of the Administration, no attempts to falsify the position of the llcpublicans, amino expressions of sympathy with the enemies of the Kepuble. On tho contrary, some of the most indignant invec tives against the sympathizers with treason in the Free and the IJorder States regularly appear in their editorials. Now, let our readers take up any three of the Breckin ridge or so-called Democratic papers in Pcnn sylvania, and they will behold a contrast well calculated to excite their indignation und prejudices and falsehoods of the grossest character constitute the staple of their con tent. One opposes the draft, another de clares that this is tin abolition war, another, the Republicans arc responsible for it, whih nearly all concur in the most insidious efforts to excite riots, between tne negroes nnd the laboring classes of our great cities The, editors of these papers lire living peacefully and happily under our benigi t!overnmi.nt. Many of them have acquirt c a competency under its protection. Thev sec this Cuivernment involved in a life-ami death struggle, and yet they occupy them selves in trying to divide the people, t fetter the Federal Administration, to dis courage reuniting, aud to force a dUhonora ble peace. A contrast like this should go t. the heart of every true American, and shouli rouse our whole people against the men win see their country bleeding nt every pore and leel no pity tor her and no tuitred lor he party liur A lew minutes atlcrwiiMF tne planter was seen galloping towards (he village of Rockv Mount, and in less than one hour there was a continual yell throughout the woods. The party then moved to nn adjoining wood.;, where they could be more securely con sealed. While proceeded there they were diseov ercd by a horseman, w ho gave a yell, and in less than fifteen minute they w ere sur rounded by about. l.'iO horsemen, who informed them they had been awaiting their arrival on the bridge, which had been guar ded all the previous night. They w ere then conveyed back to their old iiiinrter. at Haleigh. heavily shackled, after having trav eled a distance of over eighty miles, w alking at night and remaining concealed during t lie ilav. I lie party were Kepi in miucmc for one month and iii close confinement, and w ere then taken to Salisbury, N. C. On February 2d, about dude, Mr. (Jorm'.ey made hi escape from Salisbury by passing the utiard lines unnoticed, scaled the fences of the. prison, about twelve feet high, and proceeded to the depot of the Haleigh and Charlotteville Hailroud Company, lie ln iiuired what time the cars would leave. He was told they would lint leave until nine o'clock the following morning. He slept near the prison that night. The next morn ing ho took passage iu the car for Morgan ton, passing himself off as a ral tic driver, stating that he had to meet the contractor in Eut Tennessee, and from there drive the cattle to tho coast of North Carolina for the use uf the ConfetlerHle troops. After arri vincr at Morflranton, Mr. Oonnley ttruck tl; . road leading to the Hluo Ridge Mntuin. Coming along tho road, the lH.',pl0 were very eager for new . Knowing I thi, Mr. Uortnlcy determined to uiannfactinX. 30mo of an agreeable character to them. u0 inform ed them that tha Yankee met ha1,! mui'o it npiearunc4 in Pamlico Souuil jit We (meaning the KclieltO, had hurut'twoof their best vessel and drowned six hundred of their men, without the loss ol fH ,nul, (,n our enemies. Vhihnh '..'n'' 1W. r.vdokiuiotf had lucklcIy moved had been surrounded, and nil the outlets from it closed by strong bodies of the other mountaineers, aiid the surrender or destruction of the whole detachment was regarded (by the Circas sians) u certain when the bearer of th'u new s left the scene of action." ; ... . ... An IiK'ideiit. A n.uuan front Iil.lianu, hcurinir. (iisf her son. her ; only sun. a noble youth, was fvouiidi'd in one of the battles before Hichuioud. hastened toseek him. She , ohuincd passes, but searched in vaiofoi him through all Ihe hospitals iu the m uin-uU. lb-r endeavors ' cls.ewbore were all espialiy iruitiess. Having looaci . through our own hospitals to no purpose, alone in a . strange city, friendless almost heart-broken Willi ' motherly anxiety and (trief, she hears, while in one ol the w ards, that a new boat load uf wounded w as in ; the harbor. An uncontrollable couviclion possesses her that her son is anions (hum. rUie becomes almost i distracted with iinpatiot to fly to him : nnd would J nl wait until neat day when llie noun lei were t be I lauded One of our noble up town ladim, who devole themselves Ui the sick and wounded, happened to bo . pnsenl.and could not rusisi her distreas. Shu linully I persuaded an officer to procure about, aud ut ou.'c tf wi;b the mother th the steamer, 'i'he very first , wouudi d uiau looked upon wus her owu sou He sprung lu her with the excl imaiion. "ih, inotln-r. 1 , knew you would come." ft was lo her a terrible shock, lor she saw tuat the seal of death was us.n hiiu. j lie aaJ niuriallv wounded llironh the inn-, and TlIK F VHIIWKI I. WOKUS OF DoCCil.A. - In the hist address of this distinguish!-, statesman, nnd popular leader of the Dc:n. cracy, the following emphatic testimony i borne against the leaders of this rebellion : "The election of Mr. Lincoln is a tint pretext. The present Secession movement ; tin- result of an enormous conspiracy forme more than a year since formed by letuUi in the Southern Confederacy more tha twelve mon'.hs ago. They vise the slavei (jueslion as a means to aid the aeeonipli-1 mcnt of their cud. They desired the elect ic of a Northern candidate, by a sectional vot iu order to show that the two section CB not live together. When the history of t two yeiirs from the I.vcon'pfoU tnusti. down to the Presidential vuctiou. shall written, it will be she vn that the schi t was deliberately ando to I rcik up ll Union. Thty desin ;t a orthi rn Republican to elected bv purely Northern vote, und th assign tin f.ct as a reason why the scctio cannot )',V. together. If the Disunion cam date ' j the Into Presidential contest h caiV.ed the united South, the scheme w. '.I- N'ortheni candidate succi .s'ull. to sie diml that ni-hl iu his in.uhcr's arms. The lady who the Capitol last spring, and bv united Sou hlinlennit.siher li iuher.anxiuustoknew h..rla'. , (iU(1 .(j,.;.,, Nrtll hold il'. Their schel yd ouar ,. u. - o,. ' ne , .,1J1i,- I :,i ,ie , b leat of Ihe Pisuiil eandidiite in evifal of the Southern Stat lav sr.. I found the mother alone with r.r ilmul IsiT. almost beside herwlf with grief. ' lua wun,,.,j hud boi n taken off Ihu ship, the ufli-, HMa cr w bad gone on shore, and Ihcru was n .uanly lo care for Cue , bereaved wommi whom no'llt. ilieK, Xiiut heartless ' dosertion is a lasl'". ,hame to the vwe'l. whose ', uaine we t-j ui eAre to discbsw. The lady soon , ,'ju arrajigcuienta for having dio dihIv decently comned, and UkiK tba nioiuor ui nor owu uomo. ion . American txpreas Company, to Uioir honor, on being , auquainled with tha faoU, olunuered lo convey tha budy to Indiana frea of charge, and Iho two n.ilev anri thru wtnt inlo the nootU to 'the IUIludc. 1 hey ald I ,lt Yanktti "Hut this is no time tor u detail ot c.ui The conspiracy is now known; unuii lia been raised, war is levied to accomplish There are only two sides to Ihe rpiestii Every man must be for tic United Status, against it. There can be no neutrals in tl this war; wii'v "''''''s'"''''"''"''" "' ! '' after cheer. mother with be, sired expense left fo, home, lie- Every loyal mall will H i, uu-iwsm ,..or fura leaving alia waa induced to aay soniuibiog re. a, ntimeiit ot the gallant I', tnnr a spooling her family history, and, singularly enuuith, I fJ M0 ,irU iii thii irtti; only fiUniutt it appeared that herself and her UuieUcU were . , An, ttlB ,n;in wl,o lnnitaU lSj,f I 'ZZZtie in l,i.aUMPrt to tin. Gove. Ull ISUIVn SWl iuukuwu khu-miu iiiwiv.. - l " . . . Tub lutal number of reh-l prisonm In .i tha nrasent tuna is tutv tbouaand in au s-iirecaU whi.'b vastly ncee-ls tha uuuibfl nieb ucll by lac MUinern auiuoniirj mi nt iii putting dowu this n U llion. in: our hands jke one or the other position he must hundred, a Htrtf r H tniitvf. Iu U the ramiticattc ibcielvur t(flir tWii 1(lit anj Biust reach.