?JllllliirS nutican. n. B. MASSEIt, Editor A Proprietsr. si iu iA SATIKDAV, AUUUST glii wi-if " 8. M. rETTtNOILL A CO., No 37 Park Row, New York, mnl 6 Slate Street, lvton, nrr our Bii-ut' fir llio StNmnv AMrmiA tii tlio:f cilic, und nre ttiitliori.ed to tnkr Advrrthn'-ir.t-utp uud Subscription for u nt our lowest rati. J-i?'" The cUiir profit! of llio I.ewiburg I-iulii.s SoKHjts' Aid SiH'icty, lntely were $24 "J. Tlicy proimso to make shirts uml 'tlicr art Ulcs of clotliiim tu lie in rrmlincss. t-S:;'"TllK M'KST MlNlsTKIl JiKVIKW for .Tnly contains a vnrirty of nrtiolps, of more than ordinary intercut. Dr. Duvitlson'n In tr.nhictiivn to the (Mil TetamMit. Doctrines f IVrrojition nnl JiKlpiiiriit, by Sir "Win. Hamilton The Dawn of Animal Life. These iiie only n fmrliwn of its valua'de con tents. 1'iiblUhcil by I.eonanl Scott A- Co., New York. "Waki.ikk Lahii:s. The ladies of the lVrkins street Iiaptist Society, East Somer ville, M;ifH., adojiti'd the followinj: s.iiriteil and warlike resolution on Monday evenintr : 7i' ..'n , If tlicMK.v of hromerville will not nlist to rescue uur country from herexlrcme icril, the womkn will ; and when they pi, will leave their supevHuoiis frannents to those nu n who chuoso ini;lorioiis case at In niic. -- . tin; common I'nion centre, and the great l-i'" The Sclinsgrovc W. speaking of, Wc-t. fascinated and controlled by plausible the treasonable character of tin-lireekiui-idgc commercial arguments, would accept tin paper of that place, savs the editor not Ion- connection under the same baneful . ... " ,...,.' influences so lreuiieiitlv ollered bv the armed ,n.eo was a bitter opponent of the Demo- : tnloM 1(1 ie ,Jmvi! . nw Yo.itcn.linij ratie parly. I he W also says : again-t tlic.-e tyrants and nssasins. "That nearly all the prominent Democrats It is only necessary to state the case to in Selinj:ro e -nili as (iruw Schiiure. admonish the friends of the country against .Ios. jiIi W'enrich. .lames If. Davis, Colonel Simp-on. Dr. Iliitten-tciii. Col. Kver. John and sM-tain the Adininistrat ion in its policy to enij.ii the rebellion I The-c men were all bellling for the iemocratie parly before it became entirely corrupt, at wliicli time, too, t he nmv devoted llreekinfidge partiall of the Tinu was balllinu' against it. We iniiot say what induced him to become a renegade, and would not say that it wa eitln r "thirty cents nr thirty silverlinirs." but the 'eohversion' took place about the I line lie lifetime editor of t h 'I'ii, m. Two i nun: ue iio Know, nanielv. mat tlie iieino- erats of Sclinsgrovc "shelled out" a pretty large sum of money which found its way into (he Tinu. i olliee. and that the editorgot an ol'.iee from iliiehanan. All the true old Jackson Democrats in the free States and some in the Slave Stati-s, sand upon the same pi. i! form with Mr. Shriller, and among them are such men as (icneral (iovernor Todd. Dickinson, Holt. Sianton. Johnson. 'e., iVc. Now will I he editor of the Tinu . dare to say that these nu n are renegades I'ki.nth i:. of the l.oui-ville .Imirmll. ivl'er l ing to a secret orgainz ition of disloyalists Miiieh i- known to exist in some of the northern state.-, thus graphically pictures certain northern papers supposed to be ai lin- under lhcir influence : "We could name several newspapers, v hu h, bevond all ipiestion in our minds, are inducted under its influence and for the flli'lhcl'aniv of its objects. Tim" .".!;'. '- lti i,,,',, I t't fll "li lotlU' liitnii. I'lf (lii tin il-niil-l' till-xifit'l n trih'it i'H tlfl! t'nij Inn ir ,r, i,it,,ir mil njii it (., ,, ,,' In ;i.tii', but they diligently devote themselves to the selection and publication of such in. tiler as they deem calculated to di-pirit the friends of Im I'nion, and to encourage the rebels." flhi- '-hoc' does not 'lit' a certain news p:'per printed in this city, we do not know what a good lit i-. We mention no names, because it is entirely unnecessary to do so in order to make the applieat ion. --l.niii-n.'rr ',...-. There are certain papers in this neighbor hood and ieinily that might wear the shoe w il In 1 1 1 i much Sai ing, Tin-: V..'!,;i i Iriiigi iiiiirdci Vl.l..VNlli.lM.l I't. VTI'OUVI. If our ::tulil eollservut iv es. says an ex had lived at the time of the til's t I hey would have (Hit il into a plat form about as follows : Ki sohe.l. That we to till' pretended piety ait C'lllallv opposed 1 evident liinala i ism ol Ain l ami tlie aiitnoii.eil violence ot the high toned and chivalrous Cain. 'lle-olvetl. That the 'l llras' who tire clamoring for tin hanging of Cain, which would only cxa -pi-rate him, deshv to de-troy the domestic luippincss and peace of the f.iinil v . and have no ol her purpose in x iew. K. snivel, That w e are in fax or of pun ishing bolh parties, and invite all conserva tive men to unite with u- in frowning down I llts whole bllsilles-. "l!e-olv eil. That uobo.lv ha- a richl to pi ivokc in n i-dt T. and if Abel hail exhibiled ic-. I'analici.-ni this one would never have occurred." Z'" 'I'HK I'.M.l Isll I'm The New York Tim, - in an able article exposes the selfishness and the ungenerous attacks of the Kngli.-h I'll ill support ing tin- cause of rebellion anil closes wirh the following reminder, or rather prediction, what I-ailand may expect in another year: 'We have a united people, a people who have, as yet. scarcely felt that they are at war; but a people )..,. that cost what it may in treasure, blond and time, the I'nion never shall be divided. And we would, in conclusion, remind the Timrs and its acolytes that the clay is not far distant when the measures meted to us may be meted to them ilgain. The year ISliii will probably see a slate of all'airi in Kurope like that which followed our war of llilelientlelll'e ' I ii ri. w l.n nn r.-tnl ni in Knglaud," it Used to be said, "lllilil the ltiarlern loaf is at I wo shillings;'' and there is every promise of such a i undilion of atlairs j bclore many months pass over. Are the foreign relations of (ircat Hritaiii so firm thai they cannot be shaken '; Are the Dan iibian l'lineipalitics quiet, Prussia secure on the Itliine. France and itussia still opposed lo each oilier in the F.ast I Where can Eng land look fir an unfailing ally, where lind u sympathizer with her ill her hour of need? Iteflect'.iiii xv ill cniim at hut, and (ireatlhi taia may (hen haveeaiiM. lo regret a neutral ity which succored rebellion, stopped her cotton mills and closed her miirkcts. Throughout tlie world she ha no natural ally but oiirsclvcn ; n..ue from whom she hud a right to expect assistance. Will it not beabiitcr day for her when she dis covers thai till pity, ull sympathy for her has been destroyed in America by her Tiimt, licr stoek-jolibi r.s and her aristocracy " t . W.vii Fckmno in Illinois. The Adju-tant-lieiKial having received a despatch asking permission to recruit a company, .-cut back tho following reply; "Hold nn-' ve aiw overrun with applications the whole. M:,!e i- going into ( amp." Thirty thousand volunteer are now ready on the firt cull and twenty thousand arc already offered on the second call, and he has permission to i.rpt them all for three year- and no d iltin;; nill hi inii..,iry in that f lute. letter llrom Orrnslomil.M From the Philadelphia Pre V vsiii.notox, August II, 1SG2. There i one ilen that must be rooted from the popular tuiml. It is, of course a favorite with the traitors in arms, and with all who eyiiipathizo with them in the loyal Stales. SoiiietimeSi in the hour of despon dency anil d feat, it assumes an ngrecaMe aspect even among certain of the friends of the lioverninent. This idea is. that the Cotton States fdioiild be permitted to occupy an independent position in other words, that is better for all interests that tin-authors of this terrible war should enjoy the bless ings of Slavery in their own section. No theory so niisc'hctious ns this should fr n moment find lodgment in any loyal mind. It. is unnecessary to repent the forcible and familiar reasons against anything like evenn partial recognition of this rebellion. How ever agreealilc it might be to Foreign Pow ers and to the slave oligarchy, such an event would not simply be disgraceful to h Free States, but would be resisted to the dentil by the Holder States. It would leave our friends in the South at the mercy of a re morseless tyranny, would deprive us of the control of the Mississippi, ami would inau gurate an incessant warfare between the section thus recognized and that immediately upon its border. Its ctl'cct upon the free States would be fatal in the extreme. Seces sion would become as fashionable in the North as. in such an event, it would l? tri umphant in the South. Our factions, now simply poverlcss because they are watched ami forbidden, would, by the ineiins ntl'ordcd them through their sympathy and associa ting with the traitors, stir up discontent mining our people, and would finally succeed in the realization of their scheme of internal separation. California would fly off from this most hurtful douma. We see, in the overwhelming reasons against Separation and I tcci ignition, the ov itvv lioliiiinir necessity of conducting this war upon the basis of maintaining tin- t'uioii in its integrity, and of a restoration, by arms, over every foot of the seceded territory, of the authority of the Federal Constitution. Animated by this sentiment, instructed by the experience of the last fifteen months, ii'lmiini-lie.l by the desperation of the rebels, who lirlit witii the hope of securing a lin.ul recognition, and so of humiliating and tlesl ro in- the Federal (ioveinincnt. we must iiuh on the war with iiiiM.iii-ine; eueijry. ami pin neninu us every hope of peace, tliat is Hot founded Upon a conipleteand triumphant re-l it nt tit ii m of tlie I'nion. Tin: Ni:w Hi i nri rs.- 'I'lic follow ii.g sensible advice from another journal, we would commend to the attention of il - intending to enter the nriny : 'Nine-tenlhsof the mortality in the army, as the public now well understand, is can-i d by disease not battle; and of this mortality the Coniuiis-ion assure us that three-fourths may be saved by incorporating the new levy into the existing regiments. This is a matter for recruits to consider well. The opinion lames wiiu me jiniginent m tiio-ewliii have had opportunities for observations but it is now placed among the points which are to be held as demonstrated. The recruit who is can full of life, of health, or of conitorl. will take his place in nti old regiment, rather than mining tlio.-e who are as incxperieueed . as himself. - - - . '!. Cort'iM-iiii il Ili-iiitlier cncr:il. W.VSHIXOTON. August IS, ISO.. ! Colonel Michael Corcoran was, this luorn- ing. coinini ioned by the I'resident a briga dier general, to ilate from July 21st. lisiii I the day on which he was taken prisoner at the battle oflhill Itun. NKW AI)'KIITI.SI)IINTS. r:i;s(t.s '..t.i ; CHANGE of CLIMATE FOR HEALTH, si;i: AHVbti'i isi:.ii:nt uk j VlINJ-Eri-A-TsTID FARMS- Till-: NATIONAL i:.IIIIUTInN ul-' 3:iiIoi'el 111 I siikI 1 niei-i:i ii , HrccdN ol'llorNi'si, j ill beheld n KFVS'fi IN F. I'A It K Ai i 11 1 ( ' I I.t I ' . j HAL FA I II liliulNHS. W I I.I.I AMsTi iliT. I'A On Tiii-duy. Wednc-diiy. Tlilil.-il.iy ninl I'lidav. ' .-Kl'TI'.MIiKH 2. .1. I. mi l ,. Im',2. l'reioiuiit List itml Prize llnmier u lo Kliil.itor from the Ciimida.- and other l!riti-h 1'inv incc-. I P I! i: M I F M S j t'his No. I Thorouuli Ibtd llor-es. Smllion Pieiitiiuii. 'fw.i iliui'trc't bollttrs sjua Speed will l.c coiiri'lerc.l in milking the award i l l.i-s No 2 Tliormigli llicl Mares. ) Preittitiin. Hoe tliutdrcd llolhtrs. Sttnl I S 1 will tie couriered in milking Ihe nwiud ('las.- No Stall ion- lor gi ni ial lire. I. cni andoi cr 1 ir-l premiiini : S n I l , fbt.-.-No 1 Mulli, sou f..r general use. I vear.- mid I ui.der ii First premium s;,u Secntld do j,, I ( ho. No ,'i Stallions of 2 ycajs and under t. First premium " ss::ii J Second ib j Cla- No li- Marcs Willi Foal bv lhcir sides. I I ir-l premium Sicotid do (I:,.. No 7 Ilree.liog Marc. For the bc-i I. ru ling M.uo. I vim and Slu In r list prcuiiiiiu S.'nl 2U !Slu Sccoiel ilo ( las No S. Fillies. 2 years and under I I irsl premium Second do Class Xc. !). Fillief. 1 year nu 1 under 2. I irst premium Second do (Tie- Xo in Colls. 2 year mid under I. Klrl premium Second do 211 SJU III III Cla.- No II Colts (Stallions or lichliiig-,) year nun tunicr Fir.-t premium gjo Second do j(l Class No 12 Mulched Horse, (lidding or Mares) l or me !. span, Hi hand.- uud over. . Fir-t premium Ss',11 I'-'eoim no For Ihe best span of Matched Horse, 11 hand and under lib First premium gij;, Seeoud tin I.. Class Xo 1.1. F aucy Mulched Horse, (lidding or Mure-a First premium j;,o Second do on Siie, actiou and speed will becou-idcrcd iiimukiiig Ihe award Claim No 1 1 lienlleiiicn'it spam of lim ing Horse (liehliugs or Mures.) Find preinuium $lui Sis'olid do 2( Sue, actiou and peed will be considered in making to, an ni i . Clin) No I,'). Family Horse (fielding or Mare ) horthebe! Family llore, four years and over, driv ing, color, site a'ud ucliun will bo considered iu ninkiug the award. First premium Second do y Clai No' IK (.entloiuju'i Hrlvlii Ilorws (Gelding or Mar.-) 4 ) cum and over first premium f'ifi Set'ond do n Urtving. color, me. action and .peed will Lo cou. sidered iu unikinX the award. Claa Nu 17 Saddle Hore. For Ilia best (ieulliuicu a Saddle Horse. hirst premium Second do For the best Lady's Saddle IWo First I'reiiiiuui Second do Class Xo IS Farm and Hrafl llor.e For the bent pair uf Firm or Urafi lloraea. Sill lo t irst pntuiiiiu i Second do io Clau No 19 - Ue.l finglc riiriu or 1'rufi H"r-e Fll 1 remiuin si i'tcoud do (.la..- ' .''i 1'i.iia. rnnir', under 14 hands, driven double Tandem or Tridem. Firt pri'nituin $15 Second do 10 OlaM Xo 21. livrl teem iix in lumd $.'.a Cluiw Xo 22. Beat Tnndotn nr Tridcm Ti-nm ?:'0 STATK 1'ttIZK HAXXEIl. M'ill dp Rwiirdi-d to IhoStntP (A;;Hriilliirl Pncip lo ol tier t Iih n lViin'vlviiniii. wliioh plmll. Iiy itscili r.en, mtpr fur pxhiliilinn tlitlsrifpst nnnibir of vnlu ftble horses a Prip Ilannef wnrih ?2a0. PALE OF HOUSES. n.irri intended for puliHc or privnto pule will tip liibeleil nieiirdin'ly. and (I Jwi'l ion of the frriuuid will tip destrmited for their pxniuUintion and Fte. Tho BiTvioen of aaeHoneer will bo provided, and a time nnmed for public pules. Tho Seeretary will Rivo nniiep of uneh inteniled stile?, if early entry i made ilh him to tlifit eflVct. Sueh horses cannfit be with drawn until llio I'lo'c of llio F.xhibition, exci pi by written iiiitlnirilv of Ihp .Managers. Oul.nu OF 1!.1IUK3. Memliers of tlie fevrriil t'omniiltpes will be reoog. nizi cl by tlie fnllowiuit badge : C'lii Xos 1 A '2. 'J'horougli lired horse, Navy Illiie Itiblion. ('111.- Nti a. Ptidlion. 6 years and over. Green llitibon. ('In-.- No 4 Slullioi: 4 yenrsand under fl. Whito Itibbmi. I'liios Xo .1. Ptnllit.il. 2 yours atid nnder 4, Ctreen and White ltililmn Clii-. No it A 7. Mart's witli the feat and Hreed inir .Mures. Orange ItihtMin. t.liiis No. S i 'J Fillies, Dlnek and Irimge llib- lion. Vhvt tn A 11. Colls, ((reen ntid Wet! ltlblmn. t'lii No 12 A ". Valeh and Fiinvv .Miileh horses. !ted and While lithium. t'ln- No It. licnt's Span of Driving llnrej. I.tL'ht lllne and I'ink liililmn 1'1h- Xo l.V Fninily li'res. lied. White and lilne Hib'inn. Clns No til Oentli'iiiin's Irivin Jur.Je, IJluc find White liil.b.in. ('lass Nti 17 A 20 Saddle Hurses nnd l'unie, lllitek nnd White liilih.in. tins No f SI A lib Farmers' Prauglil Horse. Red Kibbt.n. (las No 21 A 22 Host Team, Fink llibbon. lioard of Maunder. ltoelte. ItAII.IiOAIi AlittANiiI'MF.NTS. Xo fe.'itiire of the H.irse Show i morp deacini; to the milliliter-. nml we tni't aet'eptable lo the public, than the l.u ililits olTercd fur the tran-poi taiioti of hirscs nlitl ruunis lo ainl from the Inhibition. Fennsylviinia Central li. li. llliltKlelpllttl nut) tirie It . li . Philadelphia and lieatlin li It Letmii'ill Valley li. II. CalHvvi-sa )' . It F.tmirn mid Willian-Hirl It. It. Synieiie. Iliiiirliiitiitiin tiiut .New Vork 11. H Hn-t J'eiiii-vlvaiiiii It. It. Shitniekin Valley It. It will carry v i-ilnrs. hurley and jrroi.tn free, r.ne way The Lnekawaiia A l'iiii-luirg. I'bila.. Wihniiigien A llalliiiiere. and ('nmliiirliitiit nlley. njrree tmloas ntluT rmitti. do. There lire oilier road.- lo hear from whii'h will, without Inulir. cone ititn tht caiiie ar raniiellients. Thus tl w ill be een (lint (lie State of l'etiiisylvaitin i thntwii wide open lo the exhibititm. The rn.'ids v ill eulleel fare tin all horse enuiimr lo lite exhihitiiin. and return thrni free, on preseitlttl inn ot I li- I'ertitif.'ite Ihtit tbev hale beeu oil Kxliilillinll. tllld tll'e Ulli'h:illgt-tl illowiielsliip. Ifiiil.V Ol'ller ol' Vl'i-iiiieliieiils. The (fnte will lie t.pi ln.l f..r the ii.lliiissii.il of lite public, from S.J e'vloek A M, miiil -itiidowu each 111 v. TI'l'SIi A Y. SKl'TFM MFlt 21 S o'fl.tt k A M The .linlire will ascinbte nt the I're-idenl s Tent In oranie. ascertain ninl fill vn raiieics. and ri tu ic the limd;- nf Fntiies for the ex hiiiiiitiit. '.i; e Vl-n'V A .M All hnrst s entered f,.r the pn ttii am. eliiliiiiiiiii.i sale. iiiusl be present on i In- rniiitil. Ill o cluck A M At llie si.liii.1 ot the bell, llit) OliAM) I'AVAI.CAbK will ferin on the hull mile track, in which nil horses entered for premium, oxliibitiun t.r ?nlc. arc expect, ed tn be present nnd lake their places, its called by , the 1'hict' .Miii'.-hnl. ! At'terilic prnnd enlvnb tidc. nil liir.-e entered for premium will ii-cuiblc under lite tlte.-s de.-.iiia(iii lhcir eht-s tor inspection l.v Ihe .Indies. Ill o'clock A M Al the Sound otllic bell. Cllts.-.s No. IS nnd I'.i. (I'lirm mid I't .ill ll..r-es.) will :i.u. tile in trout ot the .linlges i,initd lor inspcciioii. nl'ti r whieh Ihey ill retire lo the cil-I part ol the m'oun.ls for the testing of lhcir their clreiiih. and ijtiulilie. i for work. 12) o'eloek V M Hi itncr. 1 he track wilt lie (.pen i for promi-ciioti- dri in. till 2 I1 M. 2 o'clock 1' .M At lite round of the bell. OhiM Noll i Mare with Foal l.v lhcir side.) will iisrcinblc in front of the Judge' stand for exhibition. ! .2: o'eloek I' M At the -..lllld ..f the hcll.Clt.s.. . No" ilirec.lim: Mures.) will u.-. iuble in front of lite .IiiiIl'cs' sttiii.l tor exliiliition. ' .'i o'clock 1 M Trial of speed of the Lt.rse dt -1l- ' lulled by the .bulges. 1 o'clock 1' M At the round ( the bell. (In No .'1 (Stallions of 2 yenr ninl under 4.) will n...-eml,lc in from of lie .buk'i s ',irnd for cxliiliiiion. a o'clock V M 'fiinl ol speed of tlie itoj.Je dei"- ' lltllcd l.V the .lll.lgl s. , ' i:i'Ni:siAV, sr.i'Ti:.Mi:i:i! ::i. ! 0 o'clock A M Al the sound of the bell. CIase 1 No- S. il anil in 1 Fillies nml Coils will ii.-eml.le in j flout ot the .litil res' .iniid ',,r cxliiliiiion. Ul o'eloek A M -'t rial of speed f tu. hoi s.is dc. I siglltlteit by lite .lllilge. Ill o clock A M At the sound of the bell. Class ! .Xo 1:1 (I tillcv Alllle ic, 1 or.-cs. lie , ite-s or Mures 1 1 -scmbic in iv..a ..nu.- .bulges' ,t t tr cxhi- Iiiliotl in; o'clock A M Trial of spec of the horse dc siirnaleli hv the .Indgis. ll;o'ch'..k A M At Ihe sound of 'llio bell. Cln--N'i 1 1 ( oils i.-inllioiis nil.) lidding venr nnd un der 2.1 will ns.-eiiililc in trout of llio .fudge stand lor cxbiliit ion 12 o'eloek M At ihe sound of the b, l. ('Ins No 17 (Saddle lloie.i will assemble in trout of Ihe Judges statu! for exhibition. I2i o'clock I'M liinner. The track w ill he open for proioisccous ihiviog until 2 P M. 2 o . lock P M At the sound ot the hell. Cl.i No I (Si.-iitioii- I veins nn I uii.ler ii.) will n-.-eiolilc in fiont ol the .lo.'e- sltiud ..r cxliiliiiion. 2; o'clock P M Trial of .-peed of the horse dc--igllllle.l bv the .llld-.'i . .1 .. clock P M l the son. ,.f rl,e Lett, (las No 2o tl'oi ie- under I I hands. Ac see lull I will iip-ciii- tile ilifrolll ol' llie .llld'-'es sllllld tor Ohibilioll. ii; ..'clock I' M At the sound of the b. . Cln-s No I., i Family llor-i .) w ill n--. inl.e in tmul ol ihe .1 ictgi'.-'.- .- i tj. I lor exbil.iiiou. I o -lo, k P M -Trial of speed of the Horses ilc.-i-'. natcd ''V the .1 tildes Tltt PSIiAV. SKPTKMPKR Iih. I !' ii clock A M A (1 1! A II CAVA I.f A bK of nil j hor-cs entered for preiniuiii. exhibition or sale, w ill j lake pill, I Ihe hall lllilc track. Ill o'clock A .M 'fli.it of speed of the horse ill sig. I tinted bv lite .1 udifi . in; o'clock A M Al tin-sound of the hell. (Tn No 12 (Matched llor-i-.) will assemble iu front of llie .bulge' stand for exhibition. 11 i' 'clock A M Trial of speed of Ihe horse de signated bv the Judge. Ill oaloek At the sound of hc bell, Class Xo 21 (rt ill bund.) will iisscml.lc in front of the Judges' .-land for exhibition 12 o'clock Trial of speed of the horse de.-ignati d by Ihe Judge. 12J o'clock liinifcr. The truck will be upen for promiscuous driving until 2 o'eloek. 2 o'clock Trial of speed ol the horses de.-ignatcd by Ihe Judge. 25 o'clock At the sound of Ihe bell. Cln.1 Xo .1 (Stallion li year and over.) will us.-olnble iu trout of he Judges' stand for exhibition. ol o'clock Trial sited of the liori designated by llio Judge. 4 o el.M-k At Ihe ..und of the bell, flu Xo 2 (Torougli Dred Mares.) w ill assemble iu front of llie Judge stiiiel for exhibition. 41 o'clock Trial ol speed of the horse d. tignnted by the Judge. l'KIDAY, SFPTKMISKIt 5th. 9 o'clock lirand Fnlreo of Horse by Stule, in eoinpelilioii ..r (he PlilZK BAXXF.H. ' The horses t'roiu each Slate will bo prctccdcd by a banner bear ing il name. II o'clock Trial of need of the horse Joi 'lintel by the Judge. Ill o'clock At Ihe sound of the bell, (In No 1 Thorough Hied Stallion.) w ill ueiublu iu front uf ho Judge' sland lor exhibition. luio'.ilock Alii Ihe sound of the. bell C!as Xo 14 ((ieiillemiiu paiM of liming Horses (will acui ble ill front of tho Judges' siauii for exhibition. 1 1 o'clock Trial uf speed of ihe horses designate. by Ihe Judge ' 1 1 1 o'cl. k Al the sound of Ihe bell. Cla Xo 22 (Tauideius or Trideni.) will arseiulilv iu front of Ihe Judge' sland for exhibition. 12 o'clock Trial of speed of the horses designated by (he Judge. 1 o'clock At the sound of the bell, Class Xo Id ((icntleiucu's Driving Horses,) w ill assemble in front uf Ihu Joddo vczhiiion. 1 i u'clock Triul ol i.eed of the horses designated by the Judge. 3uVloek At the lound of the bell, there will he a triul of peed ol '1 borough lircd Horses dosignuud by the Judge. 4 o'dock At (ha sound of (he bt 11, all horse to Itlioui premium bavu been awarded, will a-.-euil.lc ou Uiehalf uiilo track, at which lime (lie awards will be announced from the Judges' aland, and premium Hag distributed. Tho Chief Marshal request punetuulil v on (ho purl of exhibitors, in having their their horse ready lor exlnbiliou on Ilia signal of Ihe bell, adcnr.ling lo (he advertised programme. Horses not ready lor exhibition as called for by the Chief Marshal, may he rejected from (he list ul competitors far premiums. If authcicnl time has uot beeu giveu iu the pro gruiuuie from Ihu Judges lo exiiuiine any onu class, bclore the calling t.fauolber elass, the tirst uamed clasii will be examined on a vacant part ul Ihu groun l, if so ordered bv the Chief M.ir.-hull I'l! w I', i.otj W. ( hid Mar.hall VV illiaui-piri. Aiijjurl Kv s!.' MAYOKS OP THE Great Cities. We, tha undersiunBd Mayors, heroby er tify that the Druggists, Apothecaries, and Physicians of our aevtrral cttioa have atirnod s dooumont of assurance to us that AYEIVS 8ARSAPAMLLA has been found to b a remedy of (rreat excollsince, and worthy the oonfldonco of tho oommunity. nON. JAMES COOK, Mayor of LOWELL, MASS. HON. ALBIIT BEARD, Mayor of NASHUA, N. H. HON. E. W. nARRINGTON, Mayor of MANCHESTER, N. II. HON. JOHN ABBOTT, Mayor of CONCORD, N. II. HON. A. n. BULLOCK, Mayor of WORCESTER, MASS. HON. NATH'L SILSBEE, Mayor of SALEM, MASS. HON. F. W. LINCOLN, Jr., Mayor of BOSTON, MASS. HON. WM, M. RODMAN, Mayor of PROVIDENCE, R. I. HON. AMOS W. PRENTICE, Mayor of NORWICH, CONN. HON. J. N. HARRIS, Mayor of NEW LONDON, CONN. HON. CHAS. S. RODIER, Mayor of MONTREAL, C. E. HON. D. F. TIEMANN, Mayor of NEW YORK CITY. HON. H. M. KINSTREY, Mayor of HAMILTON, C. W. HON. ADAM WILSON, Mayor of TORONTO, C. W. HON. R. M. BISHOP, Mayor of CINCINNATI, OHIO. HON. I. H. CRAWFORD, Mayor of LOUISVILLE, KY. HON. JQHN SLOAN, Mayor of LYONS, IOWA. HON. JAMES McFEETERS, Mayor of BOWMAN VILLE, C, w HON. JAMES W. NORTn, Mayor of AUGUSTA, ME. HON. HENRY COOPER, Jr., Mayor of HALLOWELL, ME. HON. JAMES S. BEE IT, Mayor of FREDERICTON, N. B. HON. WILLARD NYE, Mayor or NEW BEDFORD, MASS. HON. J. BLAISDELL, ! Mayor of FALL RIVER, MASS. ! HON. W. n. CRANSTON, Mayor of NEWPORT, R. I. HON. FRED STAnL, Mayor of OALENA, ILL. ; HON. JOnN nODGDEN, ! Mayor of DUBUQUE, IOWA. I HON. TnOMAS CRUTCHFIELD, j Mayor of CHATTANOOGA, TENN. ' HON. ROBERT BLAIR, j Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. j HON. R. D. BATJGn, I Mayor of MEMPHIS, TENN. ! HON. GERARD STITn, t Mayor of NEW ORLEANS, LA. , HON. H. D. SCRANTON, i Mayor of ROCHESTER, N. Y. ! HON. DE WITT C. GROVE, ! Mayor or UTICA, N. Y. i HON. GEO. WILSON, ! Mayor of PITTSBURG, PA. HON. C. n. BUHL, Mayor of DETROIT, MICH. HON. nEMAN L. PAGE, Mayor of MILWAUKIE, WIS. HON. W. W. VAUGnN, Mayor of RACINE, WIS. HON. A. FARR, Mayor of KENOSHA, WIS. HON. JOHN C. nAINES, Mayor of CHICAGO, ILL. HON. M. J. A. HEATH, Mayor of SELMA, ALA. HON. A. J. NOBLE, Mayor of MONTGOMERY, ALA. HON. W. S. nOLYBAD, Mayor of COLUMBUS, OA. DON ESPARTERO MANUEL, Mayor of VERA CRUZ. DON PIETRE DE CABALLO, Mayor of MEXICO. DON ESTEPHANIE RODRIGUES, Mayor of HAVANA. DON ANTONIO ECnEVERA, Muyor of LIMA, PERU. DON M. G. MILANGNO, Mayor of VALPARAISO, CHILI. DON MARO SESQUIPEDALIA, Mayor of RIO JANEIRO, BRAZIL. Certify that tho resident Druggists have assured them Ayer's Sarsaparilla la an excellent rorriody, and worthy tho con fidence of the community. For Spring Dttrnsri. Par Purifying the Itlood. For Scrofula or King's Evil. For Tumor, Vic cm, anil Rorrs. For F.ruptlons and Pimples. For Dlotthes, Ulalni, and Until. For St. Anthony's Flrr, Hose, or FTr- For Tetter or Salt Uheutn. alpelas. For Scnlil llead'aud Ringworm. For Caneer and Cancerous Sores. For fore Eyes, Sore Earn, and Humors, For Female Diseases. For Suppression and Irregularity. For Syphilis or Venereal Diseases. For Liver Complaints. For Diseases of the Heart. The Mayors of the chief cities of the Uni ted States, Cunadas, and British Provinces, Chili, Peru, Brazil, Mexico, nnd in fuct al most all the cities on this continent, hava signed this document, to assure their people I what remedies they may use with safety and oonfldonoe. But our space will only admit portion of them. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Ayer's Pills, nnd j Ayer's Ague Cure, I'llEI'AHEO BY Dr. J. C. Ajcr &. Co., LOWELL, MASS., And sold by Drucgtsts crery whers. 1 1 Sold ly 1'riling & ttruut, and It. A I'uhcr, in , Hunhury, j Hr. K U. McCoy, Xorihuinhcrliiiid j J F. (.Wow, and C. Uruau, Miltou 1 J. ('hriir.an, Turlmtville llerh A Co., Mt. Canuel. I H. lcr..(reaiier. Klvbur ! . ieiit, MHhonoy. W eaver A McW ill 111 111,-, rM., . ud I'ealerr Kvtrjaheie 4 I '.' 1662 - ly oo.ooo voi.i vri'.i:itN w.tvri:i TO 4 It I Mil I III' 111:111:1.1. IO ! MA1IK siiinenitmlvr of pcrnum arn iiImi wanted to 1 wenr the IK KITS uud HI' IKS, now lieinn iiiiiiiu fiictured, Iiy the milcriber, of the lnlel ft.vln nnd hevt of material llnv iiijr. a lin ire jlock of inutrriiil. he will iiuiko up to order in the lje;t wrkui.-ti.likt milliner, all kind of (M'ltllriiM'ii'n IIooIm mid Mliot'N, I.ikIIi'n SIMM' Itml Sjinilei-H, lii I li' 11 i SIkm-. V rVr.i At -hort notice, llitvin pcvernl yenr' rxperievr. lie feel confident of oivinj )f"iirriill,v -iilirliclioii to nil who lunyiiivi! him n cull. All work" 111111 he pniil tor licfore leiivhi' Ihe flmp when lx percent will tie dedueted off. ( nil nt h'n .Shop ni nrlv opKidlo Ihe Court I(oiie. in Mnrkci Sipuire. imd iiM-crl-iin hi low tiricc. and examine hi slock hefore pur ,diiiiiu el-ewlierc .mux 1 i.v t:it. Punl nry. Aitu.-t !, ISi'.J. I'm DOCTOK a! t. dew itt, i MKIiIt'AI. (ill AliI ATK of Ihu I niveHlv of Veruioiit. huv ill): pcriiiiiiicnllv locnlcil nt SN'Y 1 1 1: ItT'i V N . Xorlliuiulicrlnnd county. IV. oiler hi profcdonul service to the citizen-'jr. ncrnlly. who limy he niifoiliimite enough to require liudiiulaid ."Miyilorloiwi. Aii'ii.-il 2. Isi'.J. It VAI.I llll.i: I'A IOI VUlt Mill:! ' rPHK ui.'r;!.. 1 o.T.r r..r -nle n Hi.. Ti.icl .rf T.'icd 1 I in l'oinl lownhip. Xoitliuii;hi.lnud coiiiil. l',i , I purt of wh'n.di ii cli'tircd. If dividcd.it uill mnlic . tttoUood ied fiirni?. There nre upon il n t I j sloiic ilwcllin houc. n lo .Iwclliii hoii.c nnd ..! In , 1 out I niilil 111 o;. it m:w llnnk IS-iru. tuo JComl Apple in-. elinr'l. nml oilier Irint trec 'I ticre i n cood ficlit f,,r 11 Snvv-Mill upon il. n -;iv. mill vv hicli did a iroo.l hu.-iuess uio. Inlcly luuiic 1 down upon the pri mi!' Apply oon t!i l.l.lllini-. I .'Ml VP. I pper All':lln l..wi,-lnp (lr ll.i:i.i:s I'l.KASAMS. Suiiiiiirv. l'u .1 111 v l'J. ISI'.J Almlnl! I'litor'K (!. Ttn rri: i hcrcl.y KWvu Hint Idler' of n.lii.ini trillion lint in,, i ,.r.,i,tcA lo the sill... 1 'I . r, on Ihe eiHic,,f .,;. p fmpkirh.-ritt r. In t l.i- .M.-ilioh.iy town-,;,,, Xorihiti.il.erlnii.1 eoiui'y. de. ecusid. All peri.ii iiidcl.lcd nre ri'iin'-l'd lo l:i.'ik" imiiiciliiitc p.iyiiiciii. uud Iho.-c luivim: clniiii lo pre f ent tlieiu duly mitht iiiiciilcd lor s. '' n no nl A A lli:l M . A dm r Trevorton. Aii-11-t lCJ. Ct l.-M ltAI. 11011:1. I'OIC i.i:. I iJiJIIS well known Hold, locilod in Sunhnry. nl the I .i"clioii of the Northern ('i iitrnl wiili ilo-'uiilui- 1 ryn.id Klic llnilr I, i.-ollcrcd nt privn.e lc -, TiTin-f -'Jill will In- hinil'1 i ;i-v. l"r liu.iui in- i t".irni;tii..ii. rit'inirtr lit tlii- nt!icv iJUST RECEIVED!! J. I-I. E 1ST G-EXj j J 1 us jn-l rclunicd from I'hilml. I !iin wi -j - "1 T "" T f "" fi !i - Oru;Itl lO a. W Spring & Summer Goods. I I'or .Tl'iit 'tir. . ('f.itli. C;-.-iu:cre, 'c.lin. ltuliiin ('lote, J.iic'il ' Ciiutin. Lim n (.'heck and t'olioiiude A lr' n-.-iM tnicut 'f (...-!-. ;in-k im-l j j ull Wu.l JirhiiH .-. Mo-uiniiiijiH' (jiioils t lew irii-c-.-. j i ilk lA''lla". luliine-. I. awns, t; inlmiii- in.-l . rrint'. A full line t.f Irih l.iiH-n nml Whit..' J I.-, j j Sh-Mn titirdt-r uu Yauvy Suiiuhit Shawl-, Silk :iuL j Ltici1 Mitnlilhi.-, Ac. 1 lU-U'lv MuJo (lothiiitf, ! A pixxl Borhll lit uf Jlllt.- :U)J i'n j A InrffC (tirtmciit f V'tf uii'I Hi i ' A full toi k of ilrocciic. M..l!ies 11111I SiiLrnr, Hurdware and liuihling Mnteriul. A full Ho.k of Qiietn nnd lil:.--wur A full ft..d; uf l'i-h. Suit, uilfniid W hite I.n.d. A lnrc -tock 1 f New W .ill I'npi r. A urn .-;k of Stone nnd Knrtlu tivvare. And iht-u.-iiiid of nrlii'lcs n..t ciiitmcrulcd l J All the ahove will he -old chenp for t'n-ll or ('i.uiitry I'rodiu'e .1. 11. i;xiii:i. ! i Siiiihiirv. Muv li, 1SCJ. mi .'Mil i:v ii:n. 1 111 I !: Sl'Nlit UV Ai'AliKMY will I j , n-,'t ,1, lln first Mumliif ut '.'. im'i r. IMJ 1 Pupil iii-trur-l 1 .1 iu l.nli-h Cln.-knl nnd Mu;l 1 - j mnlicril hriUK-hc. i 'l lie collide ir dc-i'llcd to prcpnre It.r ildn.i-.-i. n j into College or I., .pt'ility for l u-iii. - A dnily record i- kept of llo ntl'. ti.tni.c.'. e..n '.n. ;. mid recitulioli of inch pupil, nu ;i!rlr;n.t ci' uiii.h i? ciil iiioiithly 10 pur. 111. TKli.VS I I'repiirntory Jiii i.-i. 11. per .p:;u I. r. 1 eo ,, I Kiili-h hi. 11. In -. .. 00 Ma... l'lvi-loll. J .. j 0 ttl l'Klli:v. I i:v i;.,v I'oiioi.k. iM.iind.di i.i.i .i. i.i..n. lion W. 1.. llitt irl S 1' . .It. rt.. 11. I'-,, . S,n: liuiv; l!ev.. A. Ii. i..!c. .1. 1. f'nrcv. I. I', 'li.u-. W .V. l,aivoli, l'.fii nnd lir U . II IvPor. .Mil -11 .IAMt:.S il li'i.M.V. A M . I'l in p. it Suiil.iiry. .Lily V2. Wi GROCERY & rROVISlON" STORE Market Siiin.'e, Suiiliiii'V , S:i. JOHN GOOD, nl'.AI.KH in all kind of(i i:"L't:iai:.-. ic-p..l:ul ly inloriii. tlie cilien of S'liiinuy 1:11 1 i.-uo'. . lli.'.t he Coii-'iunllv kee.4i.n hnnd .1 lui'e .r'luiiut of Ihe l.e-t of llll'kiudc ot Vi U'U't.lilUS, .-i'-!: n Tcih, Sonti. l'licd I'rnit Coflce. Candle. llilud do Siijjar, 'l'oh.icco. IV.'iu. Uice, Sivui, S( ice-. Syrup. foap-', Cii:.-. t i s . -- r I . -. ioluoti. Sail. Sl:.l,!i. H.nlll. MKAT. ris.ll. nut intact .v.'tyil.i.i.f in Ihe (iroccry line. IICiTJOR.3 l' ihe hrt oiiulity at VV'holc-alc nnd lt.-luii. eoli-i-t iiu of Drunity. liin, Wine. I'iii.-hiiriih hi-key. and lolllclic l.i.Uol'ii ixcllerully, to ulncli he invite- lie' pulilic to le.t hefore purclm-ili;' cl.-i vt hi le Call and mc inv flock. No diaiye f.r -li.tiii' JillIN l.i'i'l' Sui.liuiy June 1 1. 1 SC. J I'l.ihKli Ipliia X la if Ualli i:il. I'I'.NNsVl VAMA ll.lt 111 , 1.1 :i 1'. 0 nnd after M lay. May .Vh. IS.'..' llie time Xorthiiiiilierlund Slutioii will he 10. f. dlnu: lit I.r.vv 1: Vri vim Kpre. tl.l'J a .u , Mud, 4. l'J p. .11. l.i: v v 1: i:si w vim I ) o .-.. '.1 Hi p. 111 . Mail. In. ul 11 111. Slcepiui: Cur on N'iht Train. In. II. wn. lad ween VilliitluiNirt and llalliioore. mid on the t'cuo-t Ivimi.i Uuilroud hctwecn ituirinliuri; uud 1'hilad. ll:iii. nn Mail Train in Imth direction a ( AUHnliS Tllltiit (ill via i'eiiii.-vlvaniii Iti.il.'.md. wiihout change In I o. n I'liiladelphin an 1 lan k Hav en. rtAMLI.I. A. liLACK. MavJII, nt3. Sup I Kucleru liivii.m. ii i.m u a vn.ini I und colored llari bv JX(t H. MAHK'Klt. PAIM'U AXI MAU WAUKIHU SK. X'. l: Cor Fifth and Commerce Si , l'laludclj Ida May SI, 112 3.uo.w l.uuibfr ! I.iiiiibt'r J j I'l 1 1 LI 1 SIIAV, Muncy, Lycoming cou.tiy, l'a , IN F'U MS bit liiemUaud tho laddie In iscneritl, that he coiu-lynlly keeou hand ll.uiriU.Miini.de, ! Lath. Joixlti. and all kiud.ot LuiuU-r and building umicnnl which he ill ell al (he Iokv( price March SO InjI liiifiwi-liinl Iu Loiers !' i;oml 'I'ru. IXIIiillT A f.'N invile 11". nii 'ii lo llit ir .'t' ck "I 1 I'riine lirrcrj and IHii- k lf,i 1 bunion x . Juni I-1, I H-d ITtlLLNiJ CHANT AUK IIAl-rV TO AXV'tM'; 1 II AT 1I1LV AI'.K X"W Utt'l.l V1M.1 AN l.MII:i. New Stock of Goods ! ! JIA.SV 01" HHKil f,L nnnucED in trice, l'u'1 houyli ptcvuilins reporte tuny induco tint j Iclicf lint DRY GOODS are adlancin. ret a "ingle vinl to Hint "atirnctivo THE MAB1M0TH, ..;m -.,,,,.:,,,.,.,,,.,. i-1 . ..' . , ' '" ""'P "."''"!-'' " -r !, that . he the repoil 11- il luiiy. yet Ihe pi..p,i, .(,.,. ,,f t, ,t . ,!;-;,( Con'' have the fmiliiit - f.r furtii-lun CHEAPER GOODS ' !i:"f ':.v "' "dl en I'uJi ;- Ic ', nn I cnnuol j.. 0 WE keep EVEurrnixc, AMi AKK l'LTi:i!Ml.M:ii Ju jSELX. CHEAP ER ! 77.i. ci v r,u rnu ;;.!:; ;;.; I u .;. ;. 11 -1 LI Ni A v.KANT Sunhiirv. Muv 17. 1m.. nOW TO PROMOTE DOMESTIC j 1 HAPPINESS. j Said Mi. Smith lo Mr. I'.rown. A ll.cv ucrc tialiiiti liiroCLh t!ic toi.il. v here do von do your .-hop a 11.' ' Tlo.t .ip--- yon i c in. -o in nt and Hue, '1 lial t lo n I -of i: . rcallv mir.o 1 1, p.. itiwly ..I ekinjl I'm i;rc y .or hii-haiid. Mr- I'rotvn--N.. di n i'l"- niil.v. iiit ni, 1 li-i.w u I. - Hot -o li' h n- lull:.'. Aa 1 v. ; yi"i cum al'erd lo l.ny .la-t ie i.'c a- niuili. er more ihan I. An I how. I cania t div itic .-ay- Mi-, llr. vvn lo Mr Smith : ihe 1011- 11 you'll ! c -.!; led will., It i- -1. liuple. el ' oil l.uy on credit. 1 t irca.-'l. I I ei o'm-..iii. v.. 11 l.ny Ira-it. 1 c'neup. while you pay dear. Win in-'er v. ni want a drc or .-haul, A Il r I,, a . or vtlial-ln-t. ea'l At the ' M v u vi "T 11 Sroiti:. 'fla y II cll V II g 1- .-o V . I V lo.t 'iha't v.-u will cen.-e to Wonder AO, II. .vv ni'.ieli rich '. 1 ve were 'My Jni hand, a von truly -ny, I j 1 . . . I ; . t1, 1 y. nr. lo-.ia . .'..id vol I .an buy more. I!. cau.'c ta. 1. did. or ol li fen 1-. to j-.-t a- o,l , two. Al the 1 In ap M v viv ,.-,l Si..;l. So-a-i !'..! vc.l.-Ml.-. Mai;h M i'h Mr- llroivn m w arith- I 1111 tic. v iiii-ll ilid c-.lii iitcc Ti.e lii -1. an I o.ciKd -o hcrevc, She )e.-i, t eeiu.c.1 tu 1 i.tr-aii.'' , The M.vi.iiiTil e'.'-l i'.io' At.d cow . vtloii you chance I.. u.e. 1 ll.T lui-Onll I. Solillt. lip-Hi lh'.- r'ucl. Around Ihe corner colinl-. Hi- t';,,.,. i itl,,, ,i w iih a l-ll.iio. Hi- -I. . ela-ti. all Ihe vi bile A plea-ant tune he r luaiiluile: I. a, lie, if like i ll'. . ; you'd . In your dear i-ptiu-c. vihi.-h you at;,l lie. l'ci i-halicc. nee r .-atv l.clolc. .Iut Mr. loom, , pro.-oriplioii try. An I nil y ii.r li-1 ol I try o.o.l- bey At ti e cheap M VMM. nil Slol'l' A NEW AND USEFUL" ARTICLE. llAi.KV, MOHSt: i JJOYDEN'S 1','ln.t 'if l!.nvliB ( Icillvt-N l-F nji 1- ,-iiui le, i:,oii,'iiru al. I.itriible. and i r.ot I-iubli lo (jet Hill ol t'ldcl The Srll".A.I,jiiliio; Clolhc Wiimrer. i one of the i'rcalc-l illiproi cmenl of the llinclccioh c. l.lui v . 111.1I lias bid V lo he known .111 1 iried. (.. o uito .(.. i d una, The Mi.v'-fcloih -in pic--io- ..ol 'lie , i' -r between two nil '.er roll- io-ii - l .1 wruifiiia or twi-liti'.' wiil auioiiiil to enough in a -hoiiuu. - n, i.av tor a uiaciiine. Ktcryoiic inware. that tl-c tw i-ln..' er iinrfi.. of cbiilie. .-irctchc ul.d b.i.ia.- Il.c libn-. bat .lo l.iuchllie p.vi..i llinn c . i.ly . ihn; 11 lo -pi, r Ihoiouj-hiy soaked, can beviiui.r'. mil. mt l.ickii.i; it in llie li-n.-t. nnd il work hi ea-il.v . dial 11 child twelve ycai.- ..id can opt rule il wohoiil iroiillc. II. .1 j w-it. r tfocf ii"t injure llie roll, and vu...l. n '..,1 ! 1 -in be w.-i.n i ll. ... U.ilii.rf walir ;o p.'i.ve.il lulling, j which cnlll.nl I.e. loi. c bv hand. i 111 Marcbin.-, il i il.ialilalilc. c: ,. '; lly on l..r'e ariielea. riich a- Liul.c' Shu Ac, 11- il leave ihe I march in Iho cli.ihcj pencil ly et en It will Kri.1.1; ihe luiic-t bcd.iiill, or the naallc-t . ckct h ind- kerchief, drier I ii.ll. call po.-ib!y be done by liNlid, i will, out ull.ralioii, iliK.-J Ihan etic.ci.'lh llie lime ! 'J he luachinc u so .iinl'le thai il iJ not liable Iu get ! out of icpl.ir . , . , 'Ihe (.'rent improvement 1.1 Ihu. fvny every other V'rinni.1 Mm-hi.ie yet ip vented, i. it ell-A,ljii. j nx u rainrc.i.eiit, rcuirfi.j; .10 aiicrntion. to wiinj; a handkerchief or ted iruill eoiiM.pici.lly. Ihe n. 0-1 i-. lu.riiut i-c vu.it can odcnilc it 1 'Iho machine ia inado of uo 1. and ? nrrnliired. ' Hint .10 iron can po.-ihly cme m e.Hi'iiet vtith iho j clolhiii. Ihcreliy avoiding all dimirer of ii jury to ihe j clothe, hv iron rum. ' Thin inlhe un-t .uiipleand ellcclivc Cloihc. riiitf- ' tryel iine.itid. 'fi.o.-e p.i.vba-ilii can 1 -e tlulii. iwu vtcckt, and if they are not i rfcelly ratified, re luru llieiu. aud lhcir uioiity will be refundi-l. I AddroM L. h. SXnW. I'hibidclpha. Or II II MASSi:it, Agent lo. X.irthiiuilj.-i land CO I July j. tsoj. i rjlLIlX(i'.S Prepaid! ilue an 1 Sh.-llrv ' Mu cil.ic pii-'c per In itlc mid bin h. '.h-iui C...dul l.bviroi C'ili-mn look and Ibiwuic lor' moMii 11 .1. t'.r rale al the . lice .. Ho- .' ulduil V i iu tie '.ii 1 who wish TO I'tlCCUAfiE Good & HandsouxQ Goods AT VZP.-T LC7 ttlZ'ZU, AM) Ii.VVI; A E!TY iO SS.l.lA 1' ll'.O'l, wu.i. n.i.Ai. t.Ai.1. at Jiii: 0E riJK'K STORK V I' I E. ST. BRIGHT &. SON, SUNBURY, T?A., Who kcp c.-u i.u.ily on hind, and aio n.oniii.ji re. ivin tioiu cw V'. ik nnd rhilHtleiphiii, A CHOlCJb; AND CHEAT fjTOCK OF ALL KINDS Ol; GOOhS nlnj lxl to the vtiinis of every permn Wc hitr-i the iiti.-n: ii.n . I' ihe I'uhlie. nnd r. .-p. el fully . li.-i-1111 1 x:liui"i'.:ioii of our -I ick. li elii' ii.v-iucd'lli!it wo ' are iireonrt. 1 to oiler AMI Splendid Inducements '.u all who d.-ire to pi.rcliafi i.om-t i;,..,..!- at f.i pri.'e.. We do id feel jii'tilb d iu b. a.-tin Ihnt w lll.V C ill- ,..';...,!, ,i, . iilihiui. h WC ...M t.,lc wit. ttuli. lent .111 .-to.-k i .. , M -el.vtcd. :ii. I i-u.bi p.: ny latclli. not to be found id. -where, O11 prc-iiil n--'rtnict T ...mpi i-c.- all ku.d- rOHEIGN AND DOMESTIC JD G CD O ID H X'i'i In.N-i. i.l.e l - AM. !ii.-u;i;Y. II I I K UiH'li- IN VAUItl V, li""I' AMi Sll.il.tf, ilAiS AM' CAl'. ijAKinv m: ami i:i.'.s .vi'.i:. .i;i'ti:i.n:.- ami '.la.-swaki:, l'Al.M'S. dll.S A.M. V.r.MSil!.r I3UUOB Sc CIIEMICALf t'i '.it7.i:.iA'.'A.s' a ,v.;';...'.';"i.iv yuan vv.vy.Vi.'.-' Bar Iron, Steel and Nail, . . Ac. A c i:. Y. UKHiUT SUN.