Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 23, 1862, Image 2

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Cfjc unlumj amrriran.
II. B. MAB8EH, Editor A Proprietor.
( Mil ItV, I'A.
fUTntlAY, Al iU'!ST Sh IHiW.
miMiMiniiiiLiii -i n
i n Kl in: onivviio:.
KOI! Afl'IToll (,V.M:H.I. :
rir yoiik (ih ntv.
l oll ft liVl.Yi'It (Ib'N'Klt.W. :
ok i.i twMV. '
! i.iiritf-e I'lirl.v ,Vinliuiliiii.
i on m mti'R iii:M:ii.t. . j
HI' t MuN I'oI'VlV. I
Ion ,rit i:uk (;i.M.r.l. ; j
in' I'dTsin no. j
County Union Nominations.
For ( 'oittji't :
flibject to tlio lcebi"ii nf Hit Conferee el" the
For .l.wmW.y '
lli:ltl It. IHU'l tl W (il'.liu
For l!trirl Attorm ;i :
.iii i . i.i.ta i. oi siinimi j.
Fur Ciintititiin v :
ItO'MI It. U AM:. of'SlinnioKiii.
Fur Aiiiiit")' :
. i t' i i 'i'i). i:nii.
Oi ii Ar.MV ('ii!'( i:. Our
rciidcut's w iil find in our nnny coiTcspnn-il'-m
tliis week, a number nf 5 nti rt-.-t i n lt
Klti i fit m olViecrs mill soldiers in the army
tii.iii tiiij I :. and vicinity. Namely, out'
from l'a(tain .lohn 11'iut-. ilaloil at 1'iii'ts
moiiili. One IVoiii Lieutenant I. K. Ditnklc
lunrcr. 1 larri-im's Landing. One from
Wm. Thurston, of l.mvcr Aiiirustn. ut I'ul
1U')imt Court House, and an extract from
lohn C. Millir. ut Drunk's Station, Ya. The
intclliiruicc in tin; American anny is tlie
wonder of the F.uriiean world. Tlierc are
few companies who lin c not men in their
ranks capable of writing for the Press.
" W.U! Al'I'tilNTVl.TS 1(11! Till: CoVNTY.
- V. c h arn that John I.. AVatson. Ksi., of
I'obr.vuio. lias been appointed Deputy Mar
shall : .lohn Yoiinpnan. Ksq.. of Snn'oitry.
I ' i"iii:i--ii.tii r : and Dr. Joseph I'riestly. of
Northumberland, Surgeon; for the purpose
of earn i;iu' into effect the laws in regard to
dialling men fur the army, to fill up the
quota required l'V the late call of the l'lc-i-
At Col. llofl'iniin, the ciindidiiti; for As
sembly, is u comparalivc stranger In eonio.
wctioiui of the county, it piiMinh the fol
lowing liricf sketch of his chniiiotcr, sent to
us hv n friend. Col. Hoffman, it will 1c
."ecu. was not ''bom with n silver spoon in
his ii. i. nth." Whatever he is, mid whatever
he professes, has liecn acquired ty hard toil
mill hiiiif-t iiidiisfry, his only inheritance
lieint; Mint which he, in common willi every
other poor and industrious hoy can thiim,
namely, the right of working out his own
foitiflie in this free nnd glorious country.
That such a hum can he trusted in this
gn at crisis, by our farmer, mechanics,
laborers and others, needs no comment.
Col. Hoffman does not claim his election on
the grounds of his lieing a Democrat or n
lh publican, luil on the high ground that
his country is superior to party. That he
will he opposed hy the lheckinridgc gang,
who have partitioned all the officers among
themselves, is certain :
Col. II. P.. Hoffman, the I'nion candidate
fur A'-enil'ly. is a native of l.ykens Valley,
Dauphin countv. where, hv his own energy
1 and industry, he became one of the ablest
I mid most iioiiuhir school teachers ill the
limit v. and his inanv friends there will he
glad to hear that his'nicrit have not been
overlooked in this, his adopted county.
lie has been .lustier of the Peace. Captain
!im! Maiitr o f volunteers, and while Hon.
.lames Pollock was liovernor. he was up
pointed hy him one of his Aids, with the
rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
Some lillecn year au'o he came to this
count v and worked in Mr. l"ineriehs Woo
len Factory. Soon after he worked lor Ira
T. Clement and Major Mart, willi pick and
shovel, on the I reunion liailroad. in: re
sides now in .lacksoti township.
Mr. It. takes h deep interest in the wel
fare of the young and rising generation, in
cst:ililishniLT Sunday schools, literary and
lel.ating societies, and is always ready t(
Hive a helping liami to young men. lie 1
'ood scholar and well read, mi honest am
upright man. highly -termed for his course
in private lite, tuiu generous unci n
Mr. Hoffman has never been a raiud party
man. In lt ne is pttlcctiy wining in eon
cede' to the South all tin ir lust rights, m
in favor of using all iustiliahh: means m
crushing out this unholv, wicked ami inex
disable rebellion. To nceomiilish this he is
in favor ot usim; tin; slaves ol rebels and
traitors to perform the menial services w hich
are now performed hv our gallant soldiers,
and thus add to the comfort mid ellieiem
of our volunteers.
If Mr. II. should he elected to the T.cgi
lature, for which he has been nominate
without anv effort on his part, he will mak
oik' of the most intelligent, able and i in r
tretic lneliibers. His whole power and in
thlcneewill be n.-ed for the L'ood of the
w hole people, w hile the soldier, the wivi
and children of soldiers will have no warnu
abler, or better defi nder in that bodv, th.ui
Col. II. P.. Hoffman.
II, , (:;,. Aul'. U. lsti-I.
Ttin profit ion nf llnr.-i !i to he hi-'.il nt
Williaiiisirl, tsrptnubcr next, will ljrin togi-tticr
lThiiw the (hu rt cnllection of hnrscs over eci-n in
tliin country. Ifersi-s from vnriooi! Plntrs nro tiring
cntirct. Ni'W York, New .IiTi-oy, Miirylnml n well
iu rcnnnylvriuin will be well roircsi'iiteil hy Ihorontili
l.reil, sn well M fust hurw. The StHlliun laiRineer
enco owned ly ,1. M. IlotlK of Virgin'm nnd eonfii'
cnteJ hy the nliel, nflerwnnlii reenrlnreit hy tlio
'nion Army, Iihs been entered. It m clnti il Hint
fZIUIOH luive been offered f .rhim nnd refused, llif
time on record three mile lienln 15.12. Deo. M.
l'litehin. jr., known us one of limited horse? in tln
coim'ry will be on the pround. l)"tli l.nitineer find
l'uleliin nro entered ns J lmroiih bred hliillion?.
Jliit-tcr Itotlol'llir .iflliiinilMTlauil
CoiltllV 'I'i'ITN.
Tim.MAS It. JONI-H. CitHin.
Joseril llKFltKii, 1-7 ittcwiitt.
AnHIII'.W X. Ihliei'. 21 J.irllli ll'llil .
linv'nl M. Ncfhit, Vnli : Strgiitiit.
wen M. Fowler, F' .N't'i""'
Lett B. Weilel, 2d
Willinui H. lleek, .Id
boreiiTo P. Hubins. lib '
(littri;o V. Arnold, !. I'vimntl.
I ' 1 1 irut in Foulke, 21
John I.. Cooler, ud "
,l..lin lblbourn, 4ih "
Hiiiimel llower, Mil
I. M. Km kefi Her, fall "
lohn A. J'.iuher, 7lli "
Sil.'i." It. Snyder, flli "
I jimis K. Forrester, Fil'i r
Kiniber I. Furrow, Vhimhh r.
Conrnd Ycnger, ll'fff"i c.
J'tiriiti i.
Oi ii Ni.K.iiiiou of the P.reekinridgi
Ik wertit, is very anxious to apologize am
deft nil Yallandigham. yet denied indignant
ly that he published his speeches. Don't
I'd ashamed, neighbor, to recognize vour
friends, because their principles are becoin
ing odious !
ri'f" If oi k neighbor had been at nil
anxiou - to get the proci'i'ilings of the war
meeting he could have done as we did. and
as the tittzrlte did. Neither we or Mr
Youngimm lu ted as Secretary to the meet
ing. v"Tin: Hreekinr'nlge Democracy hold
their primary eleelioii o i Saturday (to-day)
ut 10 o'clock. The return Judges will meet
at the Court llmi-o on the Monday follow
ing. The Dougl.fc or Fnioii Democrats have
ulreadv made their ticket.
&oral affairs.
J" TllllKK Lot liMO'l 1 l'.s lil llNT. Tlie
engine-house at the Cattawis.-a Kail lioad
Depot at Milton, was desliMyed by lire on
Monday night, together with three locomo
tives. The loss is about s:)(l,0fl0
Auehnmly Jesse M., Koppcnheller Jeremhih
llii-ln ss Milton, Ki iser .Im oh.
lleek r.dwnrd h., Knslmer Dimiel .M ,
ISnnilKirt lleiijuinin F , K ul j. IMer,
liltiir John (I. l.yon Jinnes V.,
lliltentiender Cyrus (1 , hnviin (leorv'e V ,
Iiird Sylviuum A . hi;!nire Williiuii,
Ilmilmi r John II., Marin Vmidine.
Conrnd .lost'.h, Mi dler t lmrl. II ,
Ciuii.bel1 F.i riiih, Muni. Ueor't..
Culit Chnrles, Henry W.,
Fill Hiram, Mowcry Jiieob.
Fiuisen.lohn, Myers SylvesP r,
Fly Wesley, lilierd.trf Pliv.r 1' .
Hiirne.fl Jnhn, Omuiiii Aleiipo.
Fverel John, Peil'er Funul S ,
Hrilnuin John 11 , I'liee llnny K ,
Kekiiinii il'ihn J)., Fueli S.uniiel.
Kverl William, li.v.l .b ,.'e J..
Frwin (iettrgo 1' . Heid Samuel,
1'nrley (ieerjje, Heed S. rveliis.
Fi.-her lVter. Sniili Jehu.
Fox John. Sinilli l iaiR'is M .
iood William, Swank Saimo l.
lieimer Jneob F., Slnrner Lmnlis,
Hoover lllins. Sioi.l;;e V.'illi.'iin.
Hi.iip John K., S.'ii.-liolU t'hiirles P ,
Hunt .Tames. Hhiniinn John I. .
lloey fainiul J . Sliii-niuii Saul.
Huns Adam S . sliqi Henry II..
Hani.-.bunts, S:alitbf!i llelaall I' .
Hoover Frai.eis, S:raus. r .losinh,
lli tiauin Jnhn. Sari is l.-aiu'.
Hammer Frederick. S rait 'linrlt s A ,
Johnson I'houi.i.s F . W illet Iai..
Khee Solomon. Weiie.t r lleorire ' ,
Kn!. Ahralnun. Weiili l'ttt r.
Kill). Mos'.'S, We'.hi r aano I,
Kineaid Jinne.-'. Vta'er Snloii.on,
Kopiienheller Tol.ia--. Veaper William.
Koppenln fi'i r Joel. Voi uiii Aih uijah.
(For the Punbury Amerlcnn.
l.cllrr from Ilie .Auaiif.lii ItiiiiKorx.
CAN stj vtt (losi'nnT Nat Y,ni, )
Aut;u.l HUh, 1802. )
Hr in : It Wn wilh feelinirs of the prentent.
jtlensure Unit I rend in the Inst l.nun ol your ji.erof
i lie rmirtMiie tioinpa in old Sunlniry. II Is cheering
to Iho t'niitn Army In hour of llin feeling Inlely
mnniri'.'letl in the Aorlh. We feel nf if our country
wiir ffi'ttinx in enriieft. fin if our (loTernnienl a iih
Iliejruiiiinir to move in Ihn riu'ht direction nit if help
w us eoniiiin iiml Hie old (lap ml'p.
My Hod, what n hill there would be idiotiM our
I flair tall ! The holc enrlli would prow tlark. iiml
llial lla wonlil heeomo the w nnlmp sheet ol pein-o
mid liberty fur llmnsand yeiir. Will our people
uphold il The I'hrislian pravn for it. Ihn loverf of
pence nnd liberty throughout tlio world prays lor it,
the ilon iilroildeii of other bind" pray lor il, Ihenenry
wanderer in seiiieh of n happy homo prays for it,
while our tittr nfitit raise their contiilinp looks to
w ard ours, nnd say. ''Father?, won't yon keep that
llnis f" Ah, the rlpht chord is louihed. and the sweet,
mellow tones ol' childhood ii answered by Iho manly
voices of six hundred thousand bruvc sunt of the
North coming lo its rescue while the whole t'nion
army beliees the pood old Half Is safe, nnd Iho
tuixioiirt look, nnd Iho ncrvouit bend of the ltebel
says he In lieves it. Proud "Id Fnlaud belii vcs it, i
nnd nil that the world wanted lo know wai whether
the North kiw in earnest. The 'orth has Fpoken,
und Miysshe lit. Ureal Ood, wo feel onco more llint j
our country is sate.
When lVnl down I did not mean In write in this ,
ftlrtiili. but Ihe whole iirsny is urousid by the plea- ;
sins earnestness of the North. 1 he feelini lu re is
too cunt apious for mo lo nii it, nud 1 hid apt to
write out my feelings, if Iwiite nl all. Ihc An- i
pnsln Itanit-rs ore still riplit side up with care, with
the cxi'i'piion of one member. J-'niiinucI lioi.-hall. ho
was iicenli'iitally ilrowneil m l'arnuise preen, f ui
8 mile find n half from camp, tin the HUh in.-t.. beini;
tiic tirt nieinber we hnve lost sinco the orani.nlion
ot t he company. Fniniiuel was ii brave buy nnd n
pond soldier beloved by nil his companions. He
waft tollowed to the prave by a rcpnlar military
escort, aceoinpanicil by h numerous train of oHieers
Htul private. Jlis renmiiM rest, nud arc marked in
tlio Maine l eiuetery, luur I'orU-inoulh, u most
beautiful sjiot.
We have now the most henlthy coinpany ill the
re-riinent. which 1 altiilmte in pnrt to n elninpe of
camp, and partly to usini; more vepetnble food. I
reeciwd orders on Iho eveiiinp i f the llh insl. to
proceed iiiiineiliiilely lo iuiirters near lio.-port Navy
l aril wilh a ilelachmi'iil of two companies to sup
port Hie llh I'. S. Ualtery. A nliiiL'ly, befoiu
tattoo on .Wonilav. your iiumitie serviun lounu nnu
s' lf in coinuiand of a caini ut tlio nbove nainetl
It It-It very warm foru.3, enminp out ol the cool,
-hndy cituip." near the Maine llo-pital. into the open
lield. Wc located the camp directly on tiic bank of
the l it t-r, on a dry sandy soil, pot pood water at .-ix
fei t. nnd allhou1:!! tlie mercury stood hot one hun
dred for seMTid days, the almost constant sail water
breeze makes it coiupar.ttivt-ly plea-ant. and more
t, hule-onic than the camp we moved from.
We pet plenty of nil kinds of ? except
or.loi.s. loony of Ibi-se slioiilti be n.-i'd. al.d another
arti"le whieli the soldier.-' friend would do well to
proide for them, is pepper. We do not pel this
I lYoin th uuitissary. and freiiietitly cannot i.-t it
at all. Lei ne take this occasion to warn our frit'
at home apaiust sen. linp lis rit h cake, or pastry of
I any kind. Tin: rules of the sen ice forbid il. We
j have ordirs In evatnine every box reciv cl. and
lhrov oul all iinwholer-onie slull' like that. Noileier
is nion: pleii.-aiit than to he kinlly reuienibiTt il in
this way hy our ftieuds. but 1 wuuld tliank llieui t
ri an mbi r Iho above.
I All istpiiit in this nciphliorh I. so pi:i that
I'ort-liontlh i een more tjilii't than .-ulll'iiry.
'J'heie is a mat' rial change beitiL' ni.'i'lc in the Army
of llie I'oiomiic. of w liieh y-m will hear in rroi d lime.
I With the respects of the Aupii.-lu Kunpiis lii all
Ho ir lrlell.fs. I relliaill
I',.-l ecll'ullv your. J o
W A U N I) AV S.
ItOI 4-ii:.
Itcpulne ol I lie ItelieU.
Ihnlnicli.'n of the Hitm Arltinmt
lentrucllon of Iho Itiun ".lrkan
Wamiusoton, August 19-i-Tho Dcpnrt
ii. out is in tlin l'eeriitt nf viiluinniollH de
. 1 c . ( . 1 I IS I
ppmcucs iieiu iitiiiiuni ruiiujiii, uinoii
xvhieh nre the following :
Fl.( Siur "Hmitfouk," Baton Honpe,
rVllgust 7, 1H02. iMr It h one ot the Imp
i.nio RTAAT I it on
Oirf.r,i! Ordtr vf the. (fcfrttary of W'ur
IlJolice to Yvluntctrt und Bounty.
llA-Riusnvno, Aug. 14.
Tlio f jllowini; order has iusit been rereived
pict moiiientB of my life thut 1 nm rnnbled j ,y the Governor :
to inform the Department of the destruction i ,.,; ,..; . ft ., ,
of the ram Arlrwt. not. because 1 held the. I 'f-f, ',T',n,'1ttf,1,r ,,1C 1,,h ,1"
iron-elftdin terror, but berause the 'f 1 ' 11 b"' hiuI -jdrnnrc .y h1.II
I. On the 14th i-t Isent; ; . ,1P' , !
up to F.a on Ifouge wit h pro-' ' . . .... , 1
' . liietit- now in the liebl. anil vn nt, unrj in
Nkw Yoiik, August 1$. The steamer
Xoilh Slur anil l'oanoke have nrriveil from j
New Orleans, w ith date to the 10th instant
They bring the particulars of the defeat of community i
the "rebels: at linton lloiizc. and the destine- the Teimessi
. ; . . . i . . t . i : r i. - t ......... I t1.n
lion oi nie ram .whnnsus. isnni ur iiiiiuiuiuiei i uati nnu on- khh- ' eo ,. r,.,. ,.. ...
A letter from Hat on l!ouge sav. that i boats stationed tit that place. On the night , , ..i,...n..i.fc,
'..(, Volunteer to till up Iho new
regiments now organizing w ill be received,
nnd paid the bounty und adviiiiced puy,
until the Slid day of t'hi.s tiiotilh ; nud if not
l''"' The fi'llowiu;
from John C. Miller,
bury Kami in the
Drunk-' Station. Va..
X are extracts ol a letter
a member of the Sun
ITith Hegimeut. dated
AttiriM 1. Wi- are
f-i'.f-Tin: eounli v is suffering fur want
of rain. The effects of the drought is be
ginning to tell on vegetation.
-t:r" Tin-: Northumberland County Tigers
left here on Saturday week last, and are al
ready cir-olled in the FJlst regiment IVnna.
Volunteers. Col. Allabaeh, of Lancaster.
l-i-" It" Hiiil.n v. Soine villians broke into
the grocery and pro ivi-ion store of William
lloovi r antl the .-hoe stole of William II.
Miller, m ar the depot on Friday night last.
Mr. Miller lost about si:IU worth of .-hoi
boots ami Mr. Hoover about the same
amount in-egar- and oilier articles. F.lVnrts
out these miscreants.
1-iT' Wm. J. Koiiinson of Dauphin Coun
ty, has been nominated for Congress by the
I'nion Convention of that County. Col.
I". K. Unas, was his principal comiictior. i m''-' "lilkinK lh"
'I'he noiiiination in the district now stands ''"Tw Lmii 'Hie Commissioners of
ns follows : Dauphin Win. J. Robinson. Nor- Cnioii County, have made on iimni( ot'
thmnbcrland Wm. C. Lawson. Union fieo. i '"'' nulU n i,. ,l,l!ni: to be paid as boun
ties to oliinteet's. ana as a support tor their
F. Miller, Juniatta ami Snvder ,1. J. Fatter- i
lif Wc have always considered the
prat lice of walking over railroad bridges a
vcry dangerous, (inly a few weeks ago a
man was killed while w alking acro-s Muiu y
Dam bridge, wholly through his own cuic-
lt.SMlcs we believe. If
wniild take us as advisers they would not
allow the continuance of thi- objectionable
I'li The following is u i:-t of:
l:v kilbsl. wiiiaclt d
mid niissinp of I'onipauy K . In in .-'hamokin. .Jtltli
l'elilis I v jj Ii ia Kipiluelil. in I 111' bile b.itile at I'
Molllllaill on the '.Mil of Allpll-t. l.-iij In our la-t liiat the two blothers W llliani Mid Alexan
der l alilw ell were both killed. Wc nre plt.i edlo
For the Sunbtiry Auier'u iiu )
l.cller li-oiti .tlel lcllaii'M Army.
IIAIIIIISON'S 1.AM11VH. Allpllst '.till. lStil'.
Mil. ElUToii : The Army of Ihc I'olomiie isapain i
nssuininp the oll'eiisivc. A part of 1'erler's Morlar
Fleet is now here. The , limn liiver is checkered
wilh floating butteries, a larpe i umber of which are
continually in line of latilt u little a1., vc our ! ft
winp. ready to pivc a bcouiinp reet ptiou to tin
iron elud rebel punboat Mt No. 2. and lo r ,
various satellite. .-In old they aitfiupt a ridon fir
sl.ippimr- tsoiiie of our forces haw OL-eupied the.
Smthcm bank of Jaine lli i r ever siin-c tin y (the
rebels) shelled us I'r. lu (hat point, which happened
ul I o'clock. A. M., Aupiisi 1st. Ntstci lay two
ndditioiial l.alteriec. one biipade of inl.intry and ,
some cavalry, cooped over lo reinf rce ihe troop
thai had already cooped. Thi force, tillliuiipli t ul
oil lioni the main anny. i- p. rfci-lly .-. IV. a tiny arc .
protected by pnnlioals! the terror of Ihe p h i- I Hi
Ihc eveniini of Ihe Iih in.-t.. lien. Hooker ' lii' i-i"ii
left camp and luiiielied in the dire-'lioii of Ab.lvt rn
Hill, distance , I mill . They were ac.-olnpahie I by
Ihc fnli and litli 1 S. tui-l th Viii:y1vbia and tih
IlitliMis eavalrv. Failviu Ihe inorniiip of the.'ah
allll llo'V eiicolinierc'l O'.e ei.einy, wnill i.euson n ui...
liolillisoll .- Iialt"! les opeln .1 oil llielll. Illitl III le-s in.tll i
three hour.- toi. illy roiited tin i.i. took one cannon I
and one hundred pi i.-i m r.-. Iroop held the
proiind till llie Cchinsi. In Ihe tneanlimc liny were ,
reinforced by S'dpcw ii k and Abereroinbie' bi-
visions, when il Wu asi'i-rtiiineil that (lie ri bel- were i
coming down Charles City road in stmup lorce, ei
dcnilv w ith the i i it , ul ii.u of ciiituiLr oil our f..ree at
M-ihirn Hill. Thi eonip.-llcd them to fall lack .1
i mile to the junction of t'liaile City roinl. where
they now lie in line of bailie, in .-tnnip lorce. Thus
the piKi.l intention of the rebel wt re frii-traled.
I Sh.mid Ihev be aitai kul ln-rc in . erw helminp
force, tin y can easily fall baek. in our lint , or
should ill turn Ihe rebel be deleale.l, our n.halltapi: '
could lie followed up with prent di-paa li. I!e.-ui. 1
I ti.t t , it will certain!' detain n Inrpe rebel fii'.e.
hire, nnd thereby enable Ivpe lo carry on hi
otlensiee operalioiis limre .-iiece-tully In the alley.
My star of hope tor the itsioraiiou of ihe I nion
shine- 1. 1. ''hoc Mil inofiicnl. neither uae 1 1.,.-
' obliged til omit tl'.c th tail-of the operalion.
t .
i of the army as wc have no room, and a they
have been already puhli-hcd ;
I oOn the Tdi myself nnd part of,thc I'.aiid to. k n
j trip in n sail boat lo Itcauibrt to sec the .-'iiibiiry
j b..s in the ITih I't'liiisyh anin Ke'iuelit . Mere we
. inel ('apt. .1. P. S. lookiup hide and hearty.
I also l.leut. II. Oyster. Harry Ji. Wharton. -erpe!iiit
Win Iteli'lriik. wiih a ho! of others to innneroi! to
ineiitiuu, innoiip the rest and b:al 1 it liiuulels n
! larpt: as ever, bul a pood .-oldier. 'e wu tli-liphtel
' to lueet our old SulliiurV boys, all of thelll lookil'p
hide and hearty, nnd u little of Ihe Key West sun
burnt color, dipt, (iobin i Ihe sumo a nt home
very kind ami pood lo hi men. The -17th l't nil n.
liiViuieht i Weil oll.ccred and i- a liiodel Pi :.'iineiit.
e L'ol on board the I.i". Steam-hip ".llao. '
1 July 1Mb. al'ler n tine voyape w c arrived off Fortres
Monitieon the eveninp of the 0llth. nnd steamed our
way up Cheapeakc jtay mid entered Ihe Potomac
ltiver and arrived at A.'niiiu Creek ml the .ah. On
Ihe Call w c pol on tiie car-and ealne lo ihi sl.ilion.
live mile Irotn .eitii:t Creek.
' 'I hi seeiion tif X'irpinia bein n hot bed of .-r. ',.--.
ion ii i not sale for a man to p i.nv tii.-tau 'c from t
camp without beillp Well alined. 'iin- part of ir- j
' pinia look much like Pcniisvlvaui.'i. lin- i.iud lu inp
rolli:;- hiilv w il'i .-piii.js i4 poo.1 water Fruit of ;
all kinds. I.ul there i- no l'.-nn--v Ivani.i lariner.- tn-re. '
We seldom set! anythiiipeyine into c. imp bul ;i ivirl. '
lht f. rii'.ei here use n wapoiis. They have '
the laud pretty well iiuno-d out. raisin,; noiniep l.ul
. eeru and tobacco.'' . ,1 C. .1. 1
(1'or tin: Suuhmy
I.eller Ci'oin 'iil5 ji r E ta 1 1 lc-licli! . ,
Xr.Ai: Ci i.i'i:eri:i:, A up II. l-o.'. j
Hrin Sir -One ot 111. bloodies) but lie w- s f-u.d.t j
on Siiliir.lav the t.nh inst.. since the war eoiiinii n -ed. j
'Ihe lime was short, but the ileteriiiiiintioii with
w hieh our men I'ou'-'ht on thai niemoralile d..y will I
lonp be remeinht-rc'l. show in Ihe a lor of t he . tne.
lican soldier. The men toiiilit wiih ile-peraiioii. '
cliilihinp inu-kel. and in uuoi' ii.-i.-nici s han.l to t
baud eoiilliel. io n llai.k's crp- n.-taiii'-I the
biuul of the ba'tle. liohlit-LMhe i:r.iii.'l uinil t -'.h .. d
bvltetl. Melliiwel's corps. , l-on I eilil n' -l..ei in
the nihl. the rebels canio up wi:h nitilh-iv al.d 1
c alre. openinp n tlelrucli e lire into otn rank.-.
tiell. .MelloWell ordelt tl up I.VO hatlelie-. who'll ,
Nims' Hatterv thrice repulsed the foe. nnd
did them great damage, lireckiiiridge lost
his right tirin by a eaniion ball.
The fight took place on the edge of the
town. Ocneral WiHianm being unwilling to
expose the hclptcs women and chihlren.
We ruptured a large number of prisoners!,
lneliiiling Captain Itlunt, tten. lirecKiii
ridge's aid.
Ninis' men nre entitled to imperishable !
glory. The lo-s of the enemy must have
been severe, as our lin n charged and re
charged upon them. We have tuki n three
Another iiecount -t.vs : I he rebel I roups
were yuriou-ly r-tiinateil at from n.tlini to
Ui.nntl men,' under (onerals Lovell ami
lirci kinridge. The combat was obstinate.
Our lo-s is J."iii killed, including a large pro
portion of ollieers.
The rebel lo-s. according to the pri-nners'
account, was immense. Among tlie killed
Win (icii. Lovell.
The ram Arkansas was just above linton
Itoiigc, but dared not take part in the com
bat. Later accounts -ay that the Arkansas
was nground above l.aton I'iuiu'i', when the
F. ex nnd ot iu-r giniluuits Went toller lUl
-et her on lire, V, lieu she blew lip.
. The transport steamer Lewis Whileman
ran into the gunboat (Miehln. ."ill mile" above
New Orleans, on Ihc night of the 111 li. and
Ihe tr ill-port was sunk. It had the body of
(tin. Williams on board, with an escort con
sist ing of si x of hi- body guard, also 2 of j
ours and :l rebel wounded. The body of
lien. Williams wa- recovered, audits' wound
ed .-oldier.- ami nf llie both guard was
I The 1 1 flit ial report of Colonel CabiH. com-
manding the post after the death of Cen.
I Williams, states that the rebel force was
' about P 11 I'eoiim ct-.
! Afh-r a light of four hours of great sevcri-
ty the enemy were repulsed.
! Duriiiii the battle our forces were obliged
to retire about a iiinrter of a mile from their
: orioiiinl position, and the enemy were able
temporarily to occupy the camps of the '.'1st
, Indiana. ?th Vermont, and Mtli Maine regi
I itieiits. and to destroy much of the baggage
and camp eipiipao-e,
! They were, however. t!rii n out : but mil'
: ntllllbel's being much e-elieil by siekllc-s
, and tlie niell oil the field being much ex
, haitsted by fati'pue and licit, it wa not
. deemed I'Xpl diellt lo pur-lle thelll.
i The enemy ha.-retiretl several miles and
are -!iil retiring. It is possible thai tin y
' mav it t'eie n infiiieeiiicnts, ami I am di--
i po-ing of my troops in lite strongest po-i- '
: tious, (en- furee cngagetl luinibered le--,
than .'..ion : the enemy had at lea-t .l.ttno !
twelve or lii'teell field pieces, and -time caV- I
airy. i
The run Arkansas tipprnached with the
intciiiion of engaging our gtinboats. Intt -he
groiindeil when at a tli-tanee of six miles.
and to-day Hith) v.a engaged by the F.--r
and de-t rn ed.
liriuadier (ietiera! Clark and Lieut, erger
delivered them-elves lo us as prisoner.-.of
will'- I have 7(1 wounded prisoners and
i about ::) others captured.
I!fi ckinr'nlge. on the tit li . asked jierniss.
sioli in writing to bury his dcinl. ami Col.
' ( '.-thill replied, "I lur men are engaged in the
j work, which w ill soon be aec.uiipli-heil."
j l'.l-seugefs from Hatoti liouge stales that
our loss was ii) kiiled and '.'hi wounded.
I Hen. Williams had thi hor-t s shot under
him. lb- was killed w liih- rail ing the '.'lt
! Indiana, w ho ha I j i-t ln-t a lield piece.
The gun wa- retaken, but (ten. Williams fell
jiiei'i ed by several bitiit t-.
The wounded an' iiiii'ed among the reg
iments about a- folloiv ;
'.'1st si : '.'it't Maine 7 : Ith
Wisconsin. Hi; iith Mh hg.oi. '.'."i : 'iih Ver-
luolll. I.'. : 'io'.h t--ae'li'.-e! ' s. l'J ; 7t!lCol
lieetieUt. '.'.
I'.els is O.-iiera! Allen, of
i- lain Sally oiindi'tl.
ou ing Haines of sniiie of
pa pi r- :
7ih crinont.
.'Ill Ma-.-achu-f It :.
ot the .iih. she returned with inhumation
that the enemy had made ti combined attack I
on Hatoil liou'ge by the ram and two gun- i
boats the Webb 'and Music and railing j
for assistance. At daylight the Hartford ;
was under weigh for tliis place, with orders
for the other vessels to follow llie as fast ns
they got ready. I arrived here to-day ut IS
M., in company wilh Ihe l.rotiklin, West field
union. aacKson and rcini!i.
1 had sent the Cayugn tip befofeme, ngrcc
tibly to a reipiest of (icnenil Hiith r. in nm
si ipu m e of the guerrillas firing into come of
the tiaiisporls. On my arrival, I was in
former) by Commander W. I). l'ortcr. that
yesterday morning, at 2 o'clock, the enemy's
lori es limit i' (ten. IJrcckinritlge, nttin ked
(o ncral Williams, drove in his pickets, etc.
Ocneral Williams having had ample warn
ing, all was prepared for him. The light
was continued with great energy on both
sides until til o'clock, A. M., by which time
the cneinv hail been driven back two or
three miles. Hut, unfortunately, thegtillant
Ocneral Williams, while heeling on
completed by that tune the incomplete regi
ments will be coiisiilithtted. and .npc I'lluou-
ollieers mustered out.
Tliinl. Volunteers to fill up the old regi
ments w ill be received and paid I fir fi.nmty
ami advance pay until the fur! day of
Fourth. 'I'he draft for '.iiill.llUO militi.
called for by the Fresitlent. w ill be made on
Monday, the 1-t day of September, between
the hours of H ami tl o'clock A.M.. and I
.and i o'clock 1. M..and continued from day
t:i dav, between the sain hours, until coin
Fifth. If the old regiments shouhl not be
tilled up by volunteers before the iir-t dav
of September, a icciul draft will be ordered
for the deficiency.
Sijlh. The exigencies of the service
. . reoiiire that ollieers now in the licit I should
Ills 1 .
men, rccc
iiiiitis, vviiue t iii i jiiio mi ins - . . , . . . ,
, ... i ,, .i i .i I remain with their commands and in. olln er
d a Mime bull through the . ,, ,. , , . ., , ,
H now in the heh in the regit ar or vo bin eer
,i"ii - i , , i r- . service will, under anv circum-timci
Williams had inlormed Lieut. ,.:,,. . ,
, . . ., , . .i t c iiei u t'ti it. aeeepi a new conn a nil.
( otniuanditig Kausom, the evening betore. : ,, , ,. .,' ,, .
ci.:... i ....... i , ii ,. Hv order ol Ihe Fro-ldt lit :
oi inn loans, iiini 1 1 i titsiei i null Ili'F 10 llie 11
gun until he notilit'd him
A mong 1 lie n
Mi-si-!ppi, w lin u :
We gh an the f..l
the kiileii iVi i,i the
Colollei Unbelts.
Caplain Keil . .
Wor.'.nt.n. I.i. ill. Col
ana : Lieut. Howe. ...uli
( ieuera! lit, I lor h.i- i
aiMloiineing. in e!. . ueiit
ol'liell. i iliallls. lie:
nlatt ry onler to the t mm
fill cm:, igcini tit vv it Ii tin
siy-: "The t"ioi:, !i
ki'led. wo.iiidtd ami I
publie bridges provided expressly for tin
accommodation of pedestrians.
..i :. : I... P..l...u:.j. l.r.a. t It .li.l f...t
railroad compai.ii s I f" ' '1"'' Al. xau.h r is ,-liil liviup. but rcporlt d m ip ' ',.;,. , . ,j, in ... ....j.. , ,'1;.,t, ,it.
llie Woiinileil 1 no paitauuy oi nils reuui-ni is ' i,i..'liitiou'l .aiuioiilii we wtre tuiinieotn reu. we
ev. rvwht reeointneiiil. d. ' " 1 ""'"'' I no dis.tsin.ii ,1,-f, al Our nrmy -how. , I
example o; en nuance ui.pai aie.,en in oi.-u it.
lire Hpaili opcral nip on no- oinii-
pn.iitc Jcrciuian ,,vc w lib an alio icy and ehccrtiiliir that wouitl
Cur!'.!.-. 1,1-ivntc Allrt.l Til-worth. have done hoimr lo h spartan iniini.
Ihe lieat here 1- inlelise. ,u-ll icul oea-i arc
ufl'crinu much. Tin Bit-, too. arc very Irmihlt-oiiie
' c. limit Is ami
1 than a ihoii-:
j have capture
, i ais-nlis, I wo
h 1 le-t I II -l l.lelllemml OCliaili r V aniwell. , .. .,
practi. e. In almost every ease there are i Thir.l Seepeimt .liunes II. JIaw. i.riwilc Jcremlnh ' :-,-,. with an ut
I i.hlw.ll
H" Jii'.f inn iso. ( apt. Charles .1.
ra r, i ( oiinectiou w ilh others, is enili avor
ing to raise another coinpany of nhintet is.
In order to awaken our fellow citizens of
tlie lower end to a proper sense of the im
portance of aiding in this work, and fur
uishing men to till up ihc ranks, meetings
were, held in Jackson and Lower Mahanov
townships, .were addre ed in the j
Fngli-h and (itrnian languages by Meis.
Hill, Malifk and Hrunt r. of thi- plan , and ;
Mr. H illinan, of .Tacksoii. We legit I lo
learn that they nut wiih lag little s'ltn--. i
At a Hinting in Jack-on town-hip on Tin - j
day hist, out of several hundred young men '
presetit, v c learn only one offered to enli-i ;
We fear our friends in that portion of the .
county have imbibed very crroiieoii.s im
pressions in regard to the w ar and its ob
jects, or the importance of earnest i tl'orts in
tliis great and try ing contc-t, in putting
dow n the vile.-t combination of traitors that
ccr disgraced Christendom. If the rebels ,
fdiO'.lId enter IVnnsyh auia and strip the
grani.lics and barns, and lay waste the pro
perty nf our fanners, their eyes would, per
haps, be opened to tin' in, i.i'tmu c of i n
ro'ling thcjnsclvci in il. !'. nt e W' their i-otin
!'-'" Tiik An. s-i i Moatiii v. The At
lantic has the follow ing table of contents:
David (intuit, by the author nf "Lite ill the
Iron Mills"; Ccrebrbal Dynamics, by Isaac
liny, M ll. supciiiilt luhiiit of Ihe Jiiltler
Hffpllid. J'rovidence. I!. 1 : A New Sculptor
by Mi Julia Ward Howe ; l'!avs;.n, h,y
Acting-; Oil' Shore; Life in the Open A ir. by
the I'll e T'l.rodarv Winthrop; Jblle Clubs,
by II. W. S. elcvt hilid; Two Siiinmi'is. by
Mrs. Kliabeth Akers; Mr.Axtell; .Methods
i f Study in Natural History, by Louis Agns
siz; (iabiH'l'i Defuil, by' Tlioinas Wi nt
worth Hiii:iiisoii : Ik thi I, by A. J. 11. Du-
Voiiuded. Second Lieutenant Al
b. th lep- , Orderly S-rpeaht I'lill S. bilper. sholll- '
ler ; Corpi ral Win r-hock. arm iiiidb-p; Corporal '
.laeoh W. Vounp. nnu; private Trunklm rter.
loth lep-, hand lilnl nhdolilell : private M'illinin
bird, nnu ; privale .John Coder, b-p ; 'livutc Fat
Iionnvan, bp; priv ate Julia liillinpir. bp; private I
John Kiiipe. slioiihlir ; J rivale John Xeil'ei ..-liphily
privuie i.twts lain, ihipii ; privale win t . liotn, l.eticriliMii when e hrst
thiph ; vrivnte Win. C. Tluirp. hIkIouicii ; i rivitte ! repiiuint tlup well for th
.Mathia- Vo.-kllki, h.
Mi.-.-inp. I'rivale Jiiuies A. ,-l.ipj--. private John
.Mi K.llii'c. private Fiiuiel private John Ciiu
niicrhiuii. privuto Joseph I'ollls. private Churle
I lottery, priv ale Havid .lone, priv uic John Medii
io'.i ptivate Ihivid M. .i.yih r pr'nate laiotli sh.ida.
ml .Major I. iiiln r It Vt ilniaii
The Htr horsi . have i.o r. -t from early iu,.rniiip nil
dink. They kick, dropdown and jump up apain
all day loop. The exi iieiueiit nml apony keeps
tin in in eolitinunl per-piiiilion, and ciiiisisi lliclu In
lose flesh rapidly, alihoiipl. Ihey have pluity of mils,
corn and hay.
We l av e lc-- .-ii km -- in camp im than wc had
I IX weeks llpo. the most ib-tl tn'tiv f tlecase fill! lile-
vailinp i.- typhoid fever The water now is nint h
aluc here. Ileal IV every
Ives, soine of thelll Hie
I 'i he procecdinps of Ctnirt wire r.ot net-bid
a we txpt-cied They were not. however, of much
inlere-i. except (he ti iul t fJudpe Turner, which i t.
filed a preat ileal of inteit-t on lli'eouul of the etrol'.p
parlii'li and anli-war feelings whit h the Judpe bad
enlertliii.ed and eXpris-cd. Mi.- I,izy Stead, Ihc
yminp won. an whoiu llie J.idpc ns.-inillcd, testified iu
.-uh-lance. that on Ihe morniup of the Ith of July,
while in .ludpc Turin r's Iou-e with her ci-lcr. lalk
inp with wi'h Mr. Turner, ihe Judpe counnenced
iihoiil Ihe war mul llie nipper, nnd told her that if it
hud fioi I n for ln r falher. and oile r Mick F.cpuh-
li. an-, there Would littve been llo war. She replied
thai lur fat In r I. ad noihiiip to du wilh brinpinp on
the war, and that it wc not Hit lilmiitiou war lie
then Miid nil Ihe lb pul lit i.u women, who talked
olmnt the w;.r. ouphl lo Intve u big biuk nipper run
i.'n ; i.roui.d wiihlht in. Thi-mude bt-r Hnpry. Mic I
sai I -he did not want Ihc (Tipper lo Conic here. The
.t lid j- tin n l ihl her to .hut up find ordered lur out
of i he house. Mic said she was going as wm tt tlio
pot lur I unci lb Ihtn tot k lioldofhcr arm, ehuvetl
lo r iipaiii-t the door jam, and pu.-lu d tier out, and
ilnn kicked her four times, ller iter telilied
1 mm h Ihe sumo Judpe Turin I ' duuphti-H tislilicd
' that that lin y mw lio kicking, and beard Uuthing
I ulivitt the hu k nipper, but (ho Jutlge'a litllo noli,
i with Uiy friiukue, ulthuugh Ihey tried to mop
; him, aid Unit hi fa I her did any oiiieIhinp uliout
buck nippt ri Judpo Jordan' ebnrge wui clear and
impartial, and uiulur It and the testimony, wo thought
11 ft el dei n, whieli lu.s. 1 I ImiK . luorelhali uiivlliinp
el-e. iniprovtd the iiniiary condition of the army
'J he soldier have pb-lity of wholesome food, a lair
portion of nearly all kinds of e-etitble-. The i, k
and wounded are furni-htd Willi ice. wholesome
food, nurses', tlltd the best of me li'':d Itltelaltllice,
xv hii l. i- the preate-l p roof of dcvolioli that 11 prate
fill pen). lo can bestow Much liolmr to those who-e
cr,,-!-:- lo reliiTe the h k, wounded nnd utierinp
Patriot, i- uictUitt'd.
f.vt-ry kind net tioin the ci:icr t-f the North '
toward ihe iek and wounded is duly epprec iated .
by the s,,. tier in the anny. lltil whether lhe have (
discovered any credit iu .-howinp iln-ir liberalil.v in ,
! oil, -rinp bi.tiuiy u. recruit lillinp ihc new levy. I
know not, but in my o inion it wa the preaiest mi- J
' lake llie.V e illhl po--iblv h ive lllllde b 11 thill Vol-
uiitarily joined Ihe iiiui.y, ami have already en- i
. iliind the liard-hiip of a ciuiipaipn in an uneoiienutl ,
clinic, do not now wi-h to .stand aloir.'-ido ofrciruiln
, Unit were coaxtd. ,-iipare-l and bribed into the!
, service, 'i'ln: men thai lir-t joined llie uriny deerve i
no Isiuniy, iul tiny have tailv done (In ir duty nnd
t no inure- much le.-.s Uioe that come ul Iho eleventh
; hour. The rebel raised their new levie by con
) ts.-ripl, with which they ititeiid to break up Iho
. (ioveriiint-ut. Hut the ItoviTiiuieiit inul be more
I leiiieul lii raise the lot u Willi which il i ttt&uvu
ilelt. i he rebel intve laitpht u how to raise an
tp lite pr.illl.d tii-li.l.le. Our
hell-I. vd a powerful i l! t.1 i n tl.i-ln caitsaip th,-ni
lobealll hasty retreat, lettvinp their dead oil l'o
fell. I eoliutt'd iwcnty hole. Ptvinp w here lie
bath rv wa i::iioi)ed and u ininih-T id ini-n, auion-st
ll.t ui two otlicer. tlnepiovt-d to bo Ihe A.lji.ianl ! nuiulirre!' prisoner
: 1 . I.. -,,,i' II.. ' ,1 tv I....1 ! . . I
his head torn 1'roin Ihc tiody. -liow inp Ihe di sti uc i ,
ne-tifoiii lire i lur lo.- w ii revere, noi lc.- ihaii
ir.null. Auioli'-t Ihi-se nre inany valuahle ollict-rs
lien'litary was woundeil in the anil. lien. Aupur
wasscverciy woiiudcd. l'ol. Knipc of th" I'hh I'a
hepimeiit. wa tlainierouely wounded whilst leadinp
hi repinieni lo clcirpe on a baiicry.
Here i where out men sutlered a heavy os. turn
inp the futtiiius of thetiay. 'J'he liith Pemcytvauia.
.'uli Conn. . and 2SiliX. V.. were ordered In' charpe
on ihe buttery and take il if ios-ible The rebel
J ntantrv wa conceiiled in wood, oar men not seeinp
llo-lil. lliouphl Ihc lialler could be tukeli wilh but
liltle lo- o life. Ihe order was piven lo fix bayonet
and charge, on the stari. d ; but ihey were mistaken,
ihev were utmost siirroiiiiiled wiih llirec times their
hulnhcr. it wa plainly to be ccll that depcr.tlioll
w a.-the order ol the d.ty. Our luell ti ll iu onres.
' the runic of inu-kelry and the roar of unillery at
thi criiiial iiiotin'iit. wa ileat'eiiiii. 'the pilihil
1 cries ol Ihe Wounded could plainly he lit aid. 'the
: Itiree repiinenls above named hs. necoi.Ia.p lo whet
1 can b'aill. one half Their number. The n-bcllos
; was lull a heavy a ours, nceor-licp to the number
of grave ien. M in-lt r wa killed and n any more
of iheT clVi.'-ry. We have taktn a number of pri
' 'I In-y all agree in tin s'lileno-nl llial lie v
' .lie ) rlv clad and led. and feel tUj.j.., lo bo pri-
s.iiier. 'l hey b-t'l inanv of iheir dead on the field,
'. reolie-linp lis to blirV 1 llelll. Wtliell i beillp dolC.
wiiiiuiieii were stripped ol Iheir cloth.
;h. -Ji-t I li
u'hu-i lis.
tied a ui in iul oi'di-r
lanouaue. the death
o.-ii i-sia-d a i oiiot.iI-ip-
mi l in ir slit t i --
enemy, in v. hich he
-I ihr o I ri:: i'iii i-iri-oiier-.
and inai.v
lield ollieers.
in! Uilled and '
I I hi't " pit i t- i
.-ta!,il- ol conn'
He' has
!' artillery, six
, ami a laivc
1 ill IJt.llge - t hat tin
the g'linbuat l!--ex and lilt
was a fair -tand-uo light.
Our dead ai
ing whenever Ihev could tied tin lit
'I'he most powerful iirmy we Intve in the field is
eoiici iiiratinp here. Not It than lou.niiii irooji
are elo.-c heic, and more are eoiuiup cv cry day. no
elm could believe ho c'liciciil ihc ariu.v of i.-piuai
i hecoinitip. ami the strciipih it has acciiiiiinulalcd.
.sinco (Jen. Pope hus been iu comiuiiicl only u few
vttch iigo. it wa a si-tillered reiiiuaul. and now one
of ihc tionpei iiriuie iu the I nion, which will bo
pul in moli,,ii in u few tla lu drive old Stonewall
outoflhe Valley, and be hurb d dow n uiii Kieh
liioud, i'ii-, iTafinp with .Mtd ietlan. putlinp an end
to the dt sipn of llinse who urestriv ing to deiroy our
libertieaiid insiili our Hag.
lien. Sn pil i here, a In in r man nt vt r lived, ho
; A l-.ter it,,
' light between
: ram A rkan-as
j Captain I'oi1i r lay atthnc hitinln d ard-'
, distance, pouring a -olid niic-int h into the ;
j Arkansas till a I reach wa- made, when an
incendiary -hell wa- exploded in the In each j
setting her on lire. The rebel crew h l't her, :
ami sin- soon exploded. '
Lieutenant II. N'. Colbir. n. nf the 1st Ver j
j tnont Mattery , was drowned mar Cai rolton. ,
i while bathing, on the liilt. I
j The flint ml of Central William- took i
place al New (Means, on the m!i, and was
j wry impressive. The body wa- brought i
: North in the Nonh Star.
The North Si. ir p.; ed the lb cm ljuccn j
and St. Mary's, bound up the Mi--is-ippi. i
! (It is mo-t likely that the Central Lovell I
j reported killed is Col nit 1 Lovell. and not j
I Major (ulli Tal Man-fivhl Lovell, who is ,
j uutlerstooil to be at li'iohmoiid. The report
j thai Mieckinriiloe has lo-i an nnu is doubt- j
. less incoriit t, as he In his despatch, rot cutlv ;
piildi.-hctl say- nothing at allot any injury
to himself. J
ind w hen he dill I
so ourgiin -boas Kineoand Kathudin opened j
with line elli ct, throwing their shells
directly in the midst of the enemy, produc
ing; great dismay and conl'iisiim uniting them
Lieutenant I!.in-oin had an officer on the !
State lloil'e. which overlooketl the ;eiaceiit j
counti'v. and could direct the lire of everv ;
shtll. ' '
As soon n- the cneinv was repiil-ed. Coin
inandcr I'orter went tip the "t renin after the j
rain Arkansas, which was Iving about five
miles above, a j t iiiri-nt ly alraid to take lur
share in the innlliet, according to the pr
eouceilctl j.lnn. As he came within gun
shot he opened on her, and probably soon
disabled .some of lu r machinery or .-detring
apparatus, for. -he became nnmaiitigeble, con
tinuing however, to lire lur gutis at the
I'.s-e.x. Commander I'orter says lie took
advantage of her pro-eiiting a weak .front
toward him. and loaded a gun wilh iueendi
ai'v -hell-.
j Al'ier hi-tir-t ili-ehtirg'e of thi, projeelilr.
I a gu-h of lire came out of lu r side, and from
i that moment it wa- i llseov en d that -he wa
! on lire, which lie cont iiiued hi- exertions to
; prevent from being extinguish! d. They
hacked her n-hore nnd made a line fa-l.
! whith .-nun burnt, ami -he swung oil' into
' tin- rivt r. where she continued to burn until
: -he blew up. with a treiii' iidoii- t xplo-'mn,
I t litis ending the can er ol' the la t iron clad
i of the Mt -is-ippi.
I Tin-re wire many per-on- on the banks of
; the river w i r in ing tlie ti'dil. in which the
aiilieipateil a triumph l'"r Sei e-inn. but on
; the return of the L ex let :: .-mil wa- to be
1 sen.
j I will leave a sullieient force of gunboats
I here to support tin army, and will return
' to-nioirow to New Orleans, and depart im
mediately lor Ship l-lalitl Willi tl Itgnl lieint
that 1 have left no bugbear to torment the
communilies of the Mis-i-..ippi in my absence.
Very n pectlullv. nur obedient servant.
t Signed i D. S. I' vim vni r. I
Flair dliecr CoiuM W. C. lihu hading '
Sipiailron. '
I llmi. (iilicoN W'i:i.l.l.s. Seen buy id" the
Navy, W ashington, D. C. ' i
! The following is the rein I :n count of the I
, Arkaiisa . as -ubinitte.l to the Seen tary of
the Navy, by Admiral Farragut :
! Suii-"II i:ri'oiio." Ni:w Onii.xss.
I Aug. 10. Si ic :- Since forwarding he
! reports of Lieiits. Fairfax, Itan.-oiu ami I!oe.
j we have picked up a number of pii iiin rs
from tiic lam Arkansas, all of whom I have
catechised very do fly. Tiny agree very
, well ii pel ting In r exit from the Yazoo, and
i her p:s-iug the liools. They al.-o agree as
. In the number killed and wounded on each
of the-e occasion-, making in all eighteen
' killed atitl a large number of wounded. At
Yichhtug they plated the deck w ith iron
and fortified her wilh cotton in-ide. She
then caine down iu cmiou'ind of Lieutenant
II. 1 . S'.t veil- Mrown having taken sick at
Vit'k burg wiih the intention of making a
combined attack wilh licmral I heck mi idge
upon M.itoti Koiige; but lu r port engine
broke down ; tin y repaired her in the course
d' llie day. and xv t ill out to lin el llie Ms-ox.
The next morning t le v -aw lu r coming
i .... i . . t , . ': I
no. oui uic siai ooaru citoiiie gave urn aim i
'. ., . " '
iiicy ran m i a-notf, sue ot ing perieciiv i
iinmantigeable. 'Ihev ,-av that when the;
gun boat- weic -tin coining up and lh
l.s-e cniiimini t tiring the cal.t
ram nil tire and told (lit r. u p. run
'I'hey al-o state that the gun boats 'Webb
and Mu-ie were ..cut tor to tow her up the
river, bul they did not in riv c, and neither
of them had been -i i n.
Sccretai V of War.
f 'h ii lohi'fii 'i it.
i'niHuliiij t
Foim;i s-
I hit Ham
the entire army wa- m
ports were riti for
Mo.Vlioi'.. Aug. !?.
oil's Mar. v-stcrd
l ing. :
I When
: morn ing
I ne trans
Monroe; nothing wa-hl't behind except a
; small lot of damaged hay und two canal
I boats, ime of which, u-ed a- a w harf-boa' .
j was worthless, the other sunk in -hoal w ater
' with a small cargo of hay. both these barge
j were tired bei'ore we left.
i I think I can -ali-lv av this wa
I tiniount of our lo-s. The evacuation
been, as far a- I cm learn was entirelv s
re-sful, coiiducleii without ha-te. and "ei
ing all the store-,
The army wa- crossing the Cliichalinmin'.
yesterday by mean of a pontoon bridge ol
Jin mi feet in length, formed of upwards oi
1011 poutoou boats.
This splendid bridge was cnn-trui-tei! b
thi' I'nt.'ineer Corp-, uinlei the t'liit t tioti ol
Captain . I. C. Dllalle. 'Ihe nppi'ont lies toi:
were proti i ted by two gun boats.
i lit: I K.VNsl'oll ls s u t.
I!t pi r-onal observation, this nmrniiig. 1
Iiml that with a li w exceptions, our entile
tleet of Iran-ports ha arrived here. that i
ma;, say t he cut in- tleet i -afe. The en di1
for this i-. in a great im a-ure. due loth,
abilities and untiring imlu-tn of Cuptaii;
C. ('.. Saw telle. A-sistaiil ( uarte; im: ti :,
w ho had entire charge of thi- niaiter.
For inorc than a week pa-t we have I i it
! moving baggage "tipplie-. -ick nn n. and iii
j fact cvetylhing ami cvervbody which inigh;
I ha I ( proved inipei liinen Is at I he la-t nioiiii nt .
The rear of the army may be attacked
i the inarch, but once across the ( 'h:. !;.ih'i:;:l
ny all will be safe. F.y noon ve-fer lav a!,
will be safe. My noon i-!ioday ::H tie
reserve artillery, and (ie.i. I'nrter'- ( to,,-
d'Annec had cro ed. and the otic r- wc
I rapid! follow ing.
' sti: xi i . it si m,.
I The steamer Hugh Jen Is in-., port ,.
-link here last night. Hie lie. it: -lea:
I water, and can ta-ir. b" rai-ed.
. -r- ICiilllf in tr I n ii ii-..
Mi vii nis. August 1 ,
Ihp'nt' ";iiiii While l!i er -ay thai 1 .1 h
Hove'- Division hail a light mi M nnlit
near I larendon. Arkansas.
The I'nitetl State- fi il'et - 1 i 'llsist i-d ol' ';
rigiiiniits of infantry, mi l the ihe lh 1 i
forces nf eight regiiiietil - of i. italic and
part ol It n. Iliiuliiian'- lirigade.
The baltle raged lien ely for -'im lin,
with th -t rtti'l ive ellict on both -.ide-. I :
rcsnllcd in the defeat of the K. bel- and th
' capture of. -even hundred pri-oin rv
No further partii-ulni- have mi be.
i received.
I The grt an
1 perleel core
i all Ni IVolls
i I 'ram
I hb'--ing ot lii agi
for IdieillliHtl-lll. ti
ill lectili' Stitflies
li-'ea-,-s of an Oiipt ion
i- ihi-di verv o
ut Neuralgia, a
! of the joint a
elmriieter. -ii.-h
fula.s.-ill Kheiiui and l!rv-ipela-. .'Hid for lir
intbiiiii-it .- of i.ii-roiiry and -itoilar iiireii!-'iti-tod
a to the a.lel of the Ann-
Ilheiliii-itic Hand, to llie-e In relolore inenral,!. c-.-!!-plailil-.
Ir.-ln the le-t i ni'iritn 1 proot- otlt red b" i -lironriohir
W e Iheri-lore lake l-lea-ure ill callin
aill set the ! "Itentioii in the adveiliseineiit in atioiher i-olimiii
I'Miitvi. in i in i tion or im:
I'li.S M.PsoM II I K. I. 1.
Admiral Farragut. also under
lows or
- Ihc St crctarv of
army, and if we don't profit by ii, il i our own fault. will light ihe traitors on Ihe advance nud whip l In in
if the Northern people till havo uioucv to spare, let
lht iu pcr.d il iu biiyinp Inch tor Iho iiiaiiutd, in
inakiup cuuifortiiLIu tlio widowii w!ioo liuL,autl
have been iieritict-d. und ill feedinp. chuliiup aid
t-dueatini; lhoc that have been luetic fatherle ill
thi unholy war. that in lime to eoine Ihev muy
If-itrii to fully appreciate Ihe virtue and patriotism of
their paternal i,un ui who have volunlaiily alied
Iln-ir bltsiil for tliclr count rv-
N'ow then, the next trouble, would ho to raiso Iho
men lo t.ll nn our decimated rank. To utddevo thi
i-ii, I. would l-roiosc conscription in prefereuco even
lo tlrafiinp. hhuuld thu got . ruuienl pivo mo Iho
power to ruUo eouseriiitii iu Northumberland and
V nion counties, I would bo willing to mako my. elf
reiNinibto to ruUe one tluiuaud tu twenty dav. and
they should Le a oonglonieration of Lincoln, liroek.
inridpo, liouglu, n, I holsyinnalhui r. Wo thould
havo a birpu sprinkliug of rebel ny input It iicr from
(hv north in tlio Liuon aimy to do our uie.uial work,
and when it euiuu lo righting, 1 don't think wo
idioiild bo ooiuiidered luoro iuhuuiau by foiuiup theiu
an acipiittul aliuont impossible. The verdict, how
panne 1 III' JloITOI'S OI rs,ni jnunillgii, nv I ever, wa a couipioiuise one, uamciy, not gumy, on , nnu me hum giiiiii tueir oonaeiejiiiuua acruplu,
John Wei - The Life of Birds, Thomas i each punv to pay hi own cud-nr in other wordi iho ! than t ho rebel are iu lorcinp Ihu uuiny I niou lueu
7. , ,, . , ,-. , , , , , . .,, i inio Ihoir raiikii 1 thull uow cbe, it in w miulera-
.i cut worth Higfe'inson ; A complaint ol Jury dccid. sl that though iho .ludgo wu not guilty ; bly bul tUhl , ,,,. li y ,, , ,,, comfr, bv
r ntnii.t, nv I lie autnor ui .'il t1, u . c
( f 1 ;i,'r r. ri y.
Til'u.g (o law. U wa u-'l inuorool a;cr'liii to .trolling along ih river bunk, to get a friendly puB
I.i ;nv i c.ijL' It f I.i: cc c r ....- tn: 1 !: I1
ou Ihc retreat. It ha been rumortsl iueauiii that l.ei:
llurnridi wa m.irehiup hero. Jlo i in Ihe iieiph
boi hood tit t-'redcric k-hiirp. I aui afrnid thai if ho
lueelold .lack, he w ill pivo hiui uch a whij'pinp
that he will net er reiiii u to pivu u anolhcr chance.
Wereitd In ihe daily paper of Ihe rapid proprt
in centlliipus'i uit It. (ill up Iho old repiuu-iil. and
oouiptinieii which wc ao utuch need at Iho present
(iiuo. ilu( 1 feel norry (o Kay, Unit kj few arrive.
lo not put it oil too loop. 'I'he harveat w ill soon bo
pa-t. the timuier endcil and oar country not aaved
We hud 1 ill men when wo came lo Washington,
only a liltlu more Ihnu a year apu and now we havu
only 73 who reir( lor duty, n vou ettu aeo how it
i poea, and iho call in so uipt-nt to fill up Iho old repi-
luent. iho men in tin tiepurinieiil aru henliliy,
eouideriup Iho inconvenience and itece.irieii we aro
deprived of. Wo havo no teiitu, noihiup bul vhulters
and when it raiiti pi t all wet. Thu aoldicra oxpn-tfi
a desire lo may until tbu war ii over, with but lew
1 will mention for tha benefit of tliona who havo
friend in lllh I'i-iiii Iviinia Itepiment, that but
few were killed or wounded ; a Ihey did nut got on
Iho field uutil the hard.-! of the bailie wa over. 1
Ltdicva Ihul uo one waa hurl froiu Suubuiy K vicioiiy.
I uiol close. Uu.i.kU'P vou 1' r sindieg lut the Ar-
1.1 A ' )'. '1
(a.oidoi Ni'nxricon oit i 11
'I lie Itei'i-iif 1'lri'iluii.
(Iririrlnlmiiiij I'nion "i'i','.
FotiTiii:sH Mo.xitot:, August is.- - Kvening.
The Netibcrn (. C.) I'loirm.-, in speaking
of the election which Was held ill that Stati
on the 7th, says-:
"The final result of the i lcc'.ioii has been
rcciivctl, indicating the defeat of ,101111011,
the Secession cadidate for (inventor by the
unparalleled majority of 40,1100.
"The flail titling come to hand, ju-t as
we go to jircss, of the complete overthrow
of Stfession in every department of this
"The I'nion Opposition party have elected
nearly every member in both brain he of
the Li gislut uic by still greater niojorities.
"Every candidate who advocated n con
tinuance ol the war nnd separation from
thu Inion has been defeated in every in
htame, "li has been a fair anil sniuire issue, staid
ly of a political nature, with uo kideor local
U.s'.ic ol iiny kind.
'Governor Stanly regard, this vote ns an
j h "' ; :!'.. i :.!: it: five "f'.he I !:! 'i "
August lliih.thti.-
thc Nan : --
Si it : I I eg nl lo imforiii (he Department
that at the town nf Dniiil. I -tun ille, on the
Mi i ippi. tiny have pursued a uniform
prat lit e of tiring upon our steamer-, pa-sing
up and down the rivir. 1 si ut a message lo
the inhabitants, that if they did not dis
continue this practice, I would destroy their
tow n. The last time I passed up to Baton
ltiiugc, to Ihc .support id' the army, I an
i holed about si. miles above Don..ldsoin ille,
ami heard lliein lire upon the vessels mining
up ; lii'-t upon the ,,, V,'.. inium am) next
upon the liiooklyn. In lh
made a mistake, and il
returned that tin v inn awav.
The next night they tired again, upon the
St. Charles; 1 therefore ordered them to
skiiiI Iheir women ami children out of the
town, as 1 certainly intended lo destroy it
oil in way down the river, and 1 fulfilled
my promise to a Certain extent. 1 burned
tlown'the hotels and wharf building"; also
the dwelling house ami other building ol a
Mr. l'hillip Samly, who is said lo be a dipt,
of guerrijh.a. lie tired upon our men, bul
l hey brought him oil'. We also brought off
..nine ten or Uvi hr of hU negroes, ami cattle
ami sheep from his pl.i. c.
CoUiiiiaiider Wainwrihl dud on ihc lOlh,
after all illness i.f two weeks.
! Mt I i. c i.i n I! i.i in i rin.M II hum., .
i I, am. tv, , I!, ncral M ( 'b l.ui lei. eliang. d hi- i.a-..
Iot ofierillions. und vacitled llarii.-in's handing, on
Ihe iliinit-s river II is not ipiile clear whal hi lo vt
si. pwill he: bul (here i- a whisper licit he i- cmihg
North to I'liilailelphia. We cai I toiieli for ihe
' .' irrce I n t'..- of ihi rumcr : tail we will venture tee
j p..-s that il he com. i hither he will take ubi ao'.'ige
ol the i,im I unity to prisnn- hini-elf a new oullil al
j. j on- nrown.-ione i loininp Hall ol liocKhill A W n- o.
.So iiil l and I'.u.'i I 'he. I mil
et. ul.
l'loiir. r, no Kpp-. i
W heat. JI I.i n I '.'.. Putter. 0
li''. I"..' Tallow. J
: t'om, f,J j l.ard. 'o
Oat.-. P.,rk.
i lillekwheal, !'U j H:te, n. I I
latter ease they
was -o ouicklv
oicrii 'oi ic r
IV pnr'.ifipc an "pier of nr.hiin.-" (Vu-t
N"rrluinil'ciil.iiDi t'l-mity. will hv v-t i-, j,ut.
Iu Milr. n tin ri'iiiifif . .AllKDA. TIIK . i!i
liAY V A I ii( T. ull tlmt i-i'itaiii int-u;'-.
-r Til i'T F I.AXI. itun'i- in Wtt-liinv:..n tu;
J N.Tllnnnln rUui'l ftiimtv, I'm , ii'ljoimnir l.-nnir I
I ,l..liii hrfl'T, IViiT Fi r.-I.r Mii'l I'MVhl Ku -lt-r. cni.
' l;iiimi' 1 - A r'. im1 1 1 V r-U-. Men' r !
) it. ri- t'l hi- It ltn i fl uii'l in u ih -Intt 't ciil
i iti ti'ii. tilMint 2, Kerr- liiotnlow IiiikI. on Hhi h nr
! cn-i'.t'il a l'rtiiii l'wt llin "iit'. .iitin ll:nii lt un
I W :i,f'Ui; . u v ii witter ...til H rhilitl 'll!ilp. :n
-Mcliiinl cl I'lici; unit, Ac . tin hnliiiu' i- ; JfMul Lute tin- ,i' if l'.niu'l llilt',
J infill- in (vmmi ii' ill in ti cluck A M . t-f .-m.
j day. whi-u tin ti-ryi.- unl C4iilili Q-i -'t tuAr w:tl v
iunW kiii'W n 'V
Tf,LI S Mil. I.. A.lm r
J. A J I I M.MINii.s. cik
istinbiiry, Augu-i ti, lsti'i
(' ('
liiiorliinl Ordir li'imi (n it, Wnol.
lI.i!iiisiti no, Au'iiat IS. -The following
iiii.oi lant order waa iasiietl yesterday :
llKMi-grnnTtMH th Ahmv Coiti'K,
JjAbKI-lirKo, Pa , August 17, lti'J.
fcl'U lAt. OlIOKK.
Herearier no minor, .eino otherwise rjuali
lied, will bit rejected by the rxaminht sur
geon or recruiliiio; olliccr, when he can i.row
by his own uftiduvit und that of one, of his
ollieers, or any other competent witness,
that he has received the verbal consent of
llin parents, cjuurdian, or mantel, to enter
into the acrviee of the Uuiled Mates. If he
leu uoue Biich, his ow n testimony, under
oath, will sulhce. JOHN L. W OOL,
Major (icuerul romm.ittinr;.
To the A'liut.iut fiiucral of the I'bitt ct
l'r ruiivlani.i.
; rpll V. ulw'ribcr ha.iap puiihii.-ti Ihe lti-ht tr
j Nortliuinbcrliind coiiut.v tillers Im -nlc 1 M'l I
M'Al. and Ti'WN.-IIII' HH.IIT.s Thi ,-,.,., iv
an excellent and durailo article und ea.-il.v con.
Mrucled that a child ran pul u logeilu r flu eniiru
I rnM of ihc liruuiu, und all. wiil nm tint i
i six cent
The Right and machinery for the waking, '
j $1 '.'j. for an hull vidual Kighl
Township liigbl will be. Id at the tiui-l rea.-otial !u
i rate. Apply ai H.-HKK S Itrug . or in
j 'JIlti.MA.s Mci.tiH .
I July 24, 15(52 Sam ,-ui.l.u. y . I'n
iiitAiiv iiiusi:.
! Cfi.rr (." Stutc and Third Mrict'.
llAKItlSbl'llll. I'A ,
pi!!? Ilol'i-K. iu eon..ciucnco of it coiivt nh net.
! I und near localiou lo Ihe Capitol, ha mu le ii j
di.irul'le nluppiup plac. lint ouly for tho-e huviup
biiiint.. til iLe fllt ot foivernnii'iil but j r oihir.-.
1 1 i 1 1. C lltirri.btirp
I Mur h ..' 1- J