Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 09, 1862, Image 2

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    CTfjc untmri amrriran.
II. V., Editor & Proprietor.
Nr.MM'ItY, !..
S.VHT.nAY, AliUST 9, lHlii.
mm u
1'OR At'MT"H Ul NKUAl. :
Of YilUK CotwiY.
I "U si n i;vm ii;M:i!.u. :
OK l.l .!.l!M: COI N IV.
Hr-e liiiu iel;-,- I'nrly .iiiin;ilioii-.
1 .'K AVMTOH tdiXI.I'AI.:
OK INll'N eol'NTV.
I'i'li sVHVKYiti; ii!:Ni:iiAL:
County Union Nominations.
till. 1. 1 AM liUVSOV ol Millon.
t?uljcct to the I'e-ii.-iuii of ihe t i.t 1 oi the-li.-!rict.
Fo ' Ax llthi;,' .- it. iiori'.n iS, oi'.iM -kmh
For Di.-trirt A'tona n :
ioiia n. t i.r..m: vr, oisiuiimry.
For CoiiHtan(r ;
IMVMIA.M It. K AM; (ilhniioUiu.
For Ai"Vii'f :
o. i. i' VTro, r ituii.
Tiittr i: Comi'aniks rnoM this
(An nty. Wo are pleased to learn thiit this
.ouay will have thrie companies in the
field, one more than it.- r-unta Under tin:
Vfjn'iMtinn of tlic President. Cue of these
companies, numbering 13 men, organized
at Watsontown, passed through tliis place
on Thursday, having split from tlic Milton
company and Hit up for themselves. The
Milton company. vc learn, has now v.nited
with the Northumberland recruit?, about
V!0 in number and others, and is full. The
Sunbury company and the Shamokin will,
or have united, and will be commanded by
('apt. Ih-cdf r, cf Shamokin, and Lieutenants
Jones and Brier, of rinydertowuand Sunbury.
Should another company be raided, for
the war, there will be no necessity for
drafting, so far as this county is concerned.
It is therefore proposed, and we think very
properly, that the proposed bounty of if 30
to each member of the two companies,
should be divided among the four, giving
25 to each. The only objection that could
be urged against the getting up of four
companies is, that Home of the anti-war
ympathiers would escape being drafted.
burt.- TiUyrnjih announces the
The Ilanis-
t'TCst (if O.
Barrett and T. C. MacDowt-ll, publishers,
aud M. Foster and U. J. .Tones editor" of the
Patriot and Union, published at ITanisbuig
The arrest was made by (!en. Vadsworth
V. S. Provost Marshall, and was the parties
were sent to Fort Mcllt.-nry.
Otit. neighbor of the Breckinridge
Ihno'rat thniis indignantly that he pub
lislied the - pc-tches of Yallandigham or Bin
Wood. We give him the benefit of this
denial ami have only to .;ay, that having
pitbli-hcd speeches of the same character
and having but recently endorsed Vallan
digham, wc supposed he had also published
his Mpteeh, as the Breckinridge Press had
cume jiivt'y gem rally. But is it not surpri
sing that one who could endorse Flod.
should be o sen-iiit in r.-g ird to Vallan
digham. J-i? " Nl ioni'.oit I'urdy, of the ''Uncivil.
ridge IVmuerat,"' suggests our appointment
ici car inspector. Now, wc are not ungrate
ful, and promise if we are appointed and our
neighbor should be onh red to Fort McIIer.rv,
we will sei that he is placed in a car from
which e-iape will be impossible.
yLoral affairs.
fj," 1 iio wei.tlur liai becu exceedingly wurm thi."
ni On Jleii'.l.iy iu,d Tiic-iny the mi rourv bud
rett-hed the iiinctii-'
fij-" Court coinuicuci-1 oi, .Muiiiiav luft Ti.e Kn
crow did the first ti.iy , -oiii fur lie ) t.i pu.-e of
atO'ixiir. Court, ntlicr,- tu attend the in'mii Ci nven
li"n and iilj'j thu addrf.--' .( l'r '' --vr Mct'i y. in tLu
l,iii)-i:ss..u Mi Civ Tin' tneriiiig vliuli nai
fci'IJ on I lio S.imro to li.-U-ii l tlic uddres- r.f l'r. .f .
Mtf.y. on Mi.n day cvinin?. mil- miu of ll.e luri -t
nor In Id in tlii.4 i-luce Tin; Tr-It-wir .inke until
iifr uiiij uilit. tLc au lii ute rlii) ihtetit.g Liui lu
go cu.
tir'Ar vn rr.n dn Rintinu of Ho... Hill, i:.. ,
.'ohn Y. ll' lli r and J. V Knipht. liwjr? . were ad
uiitti d U' rra. ti:c in iheevi ral CoiirN of tliis bounty
Wc arc eUae 1 tu Irani lliat Mr HoM.-r. who i.s a
graditkU! trim tLit off. 'e. j a-'cd a ireditnUt i .vuiuii:-
Ijj- riro.WNi.lJ Wc li uri. tliut us. ii of Mr 1. Im
Iv.uch,o!' N'Tthuiiiijcrlaii l, a h. J al.' iit ID y. ai. '.
waadroBiiid on .Sal.iid.iy lart in tin- canal 1.1
I lace, lie wa' li-hiiit; and fi ll li..ui the l,ri ls into
tho Haii-r. Anoliier toy :i with hi.n i.i.t il. i r.ol
tuccccl in .'itaig lain oaf.
Ci' Cai Tl l;l:l. ol... i w l y la!o uc
from "Cuiuji I'ulEvld,' Ti 1,111 -i . thai ,l.nni- Adau
and Auutu- Zimmerman, of M-utt t'uin.t!. in ihi."
Cuunly. hilonj;in to Col. l'w.k. i - l inn ylania
Cavalry llegimcnt, wire onjilurvJ with al oul Un or
Iwehc olhcrc The account tay Jann A.lau.s hiu
among the Hounded, Lut Mill rooAcr
t iTA'Ciprst on Tim PriAMoKtM Hoah Thn
f slra train on Monday afternoon returning from thu
dacp to r-hnmokin, with pnjwngrra ho had Icpii
RtteiidinR Ihc County Convention, met with an acci
dent l.ear Heed's Slation. Thelrain intendej to run
into Ihc switch lit thati)a?a. Thrlm'i.motivo ia.wd
over hut the twitch gnvo way heforc tho tender anil
curt pot on, which wcro thrown down tho hank and
cotii-idornhly injured. The Conductor. Mr. Wm. Tent
of this place who wa. standing on tho t lntform, was
omewhat injured rend eomcof the iassengcr ilightly
if"' Anotlu r Conipany of Volunteer is hoingraitod
in thif lace on the i-econd call. This Coni.any will
l e otcnniii il under the nu'eices rf Mr John M.
lluyi r-i. a'i nt of the Sulihury and Krie rond at this
place as Captain and .lacob Kohrhach as Lieutenant.
Mr. ltohthach was ainong the Ihreo month men.
They are holli llm rijrlit kind of men, and raised
iwmty men the first day
In pursuance of a call for that purpose, a
largo mass meeting was held in the septate,
in front of the Court House, in this place,
en Monday afternoon last. A platform was
t reeted un'dt r the shade trees, handsomely
decorated with Hags, wreaths, and an eagle
of evergreen, over which was the portrait
of Washington, surrounded with wreaths.
On motion of .lohn B. Packer, I'sej., lion.
Ai.iixA.'.ni n JtmiJAX, was (tilled upon to
preside, and on motion of II. B. Masse r. the
following persons were nominated us Vie e
President and Secretaries : Viee Presi
dents, Oen. .T. ('. Horton, Wm. K. Kase,
Samm 1 .lohn. Philip Weiser. lion. Abraham
Shipman. .John 1. C'oiirtid, Hugh MeLtiHgh
lin. Joseph M. Neshit, John Miller. John
MeCormick. .Tame s P. Armstrong, Stephen
Hittenbentle r. m. II. Marshall, Jos. Nicely.
George Conrad, Jacob Seasholt.. ('apt. J. M.
Hull', Benjamin Strickler, John Smith. Sam'l
Moore, Jacob J.eisenring. AVilliam Savidge,
Benjamin Ilelfner, Solomon Miller, Colonel
Tho'iims Snythr, Samuel A. Bergst resser,
Jacob Fcknian, John P.ingeinan and Michael
M. Soper. Secretaries 11. B. Masscr, John
Yiiungman, CleeTge Hill ami Samuel J.
Judge Jordan, before taking his eat,
stated the object of the meeting in a brief
but effective speech, which was well rece ived
and loudly responded to. He urged all
good citizens to lay aside till partizan and
political feeling in this trying hour, and
turn their attention to the salvation and
restoration of our glorious Union, and de
elare'd that if the rebels succeeded in de
stroying this government wc would become
not "only a ruined and unhappy people, but
that our possessions would become worth-
Gen. John K. Clement was then called
upon, and after an eloeiueut aeldrcss offered
the lidlowing resolutions wmcli were utlopi
cd :
WiirnrAS, Southern leader--, not contented with
the immense political JKiwer always yielded to them
in the administration of puhlic affairs ; hut. corrupted
hy an insano ambition, conceived and entertaini'd the
w ild idea of estahlishing a model Kmpireon the basis
and corner stone of shivery; an empire? whirh.with
a pecrli-ss aristocracy I a race of nobles w ith the ne-
irroes for rfs.. was to nhsnrb the entire southern eon
tincnt ; AN" witritKAS, to accomplish this end the
conspirators have originated thu boldest. imt wick
ed, mo-t audacious plot ever attempted apiinst a na
tion, and have actually inaugurated a rebellion for
the destruction of this KepuMie. with thu avowed
purpose of blotting it out of exi-lence. A rebellion
in its inception and surroundings moro slmmeb-'s
than was ever before developed by tnadne.-sj. folly
and ungoverned iloprtiity. Ami whkiikas, The
vast armii s of the traitorn are in the field, ncninst tlic
constituted authorities, and the Stuti s couimitteil to
treu.-oti, fight with the desperation and auliiiosi'y of
savages. Therefor,
lit.vlvtit, That we must nppo-e them with an in
viucible force, and conquer in the liht, bi foro their
wicked hnndJ have torn to pieces tho beautiful tem
ple of freedom aud scatter the fragments, never to be
Jxcnlvrtf. Tiiat this war if conducted f r no other
nurrjosc than to savo this HopuMie. and for this r.ur-
psu it i-: our duty to fight till the end ; lin er pausing
for sue h ill-limed questionings, as, tho amount of
profit" made by unscrupulous army contractors, or the
advancement of officers, or the ultimate fate ot tho
slavo The rebellion mum be crushed at all hazards,
and w hen this is accomplished, wo can give our time,
to investigation. To loose our government ; to sink
our nationality, is to looso everything, to fink hope
iti-elf. therefore all other quc-lions are merged and
lost in the one great all absorbing, issue, lluw ull
we live tho ci untry '
Kisolvi't. 1 hut oar'u n can only ho saved by a
nighty and united ctiort and everything else abi.ii
dotied to the one great duty That that efli.i t ii.e.-t
be made ; this great Republic inu-t be held together,
our llag sustained, our national existi ncc pris. rvod ;
for this we will move straight forward towards tho
mark, sacrificing to this holy purH,so all les.-.-r iue.-.
lions and dilTi renced of itidii iilual opinion. Tosicure
our nntinnality ci -:t much, to maintain ii has already
co-t as dear, it must be saved no matter tit what Cost
We dare not fail in this struggle.
lit oh iit. That to fail now would be to he sunder
ed into fragment ; a prey to an au lacious aristocracy
ou our southern bolder, to irsdi-nt northern Provin
ces ; to the always overbearing power of jiglani , to
the ambition of France ; to tho recuperating utrength
et paiu in Ihc Mexican l.n.pirc : to fail in this strug
gle i- utter hopeless?, ruin.
rVi- Vi i'.', That, soul ami I. idy wo belong to our
country and will be ,-t to her; we will stand
by the udministration, aud by the brave commanders
of our troops, and susluin. by every meam- in our pow er,
all measure that may be nect s.-ary for the main-ti-nar.ce
e.f the government, the pre-i-rvation of the
I'nii.n. ar.d the i'l'iistitutiou of the I'nited folate- as
the Siij ri me law of the lend. Wo e'ordially adopt
the noble senlimentt of Myor 'ii in ral M' Clellan
ott..r,t in bv-rict-nt nd'tree. to l.i bi-uvi :
That tho.-e who are waging war against tho I luted I
.state-are rebels against the best interests of man
kind, and that our National Constitution shall pre-1
vail, and that the I'niou, which can ulono in.-ure in
ternal poaco and external reciuily to each .state,
must and .-hall he preserved, cost what it may in
time, treasure and blood."
J,'tM,'ri. That we have fill humble and abiding
faith in the eiod of Nations, and wo stcailfustly be
lieve that, if we will do our duly, lie will graciously
l.riu;' out be lev, -d country out of he conte-t i lit which
ic has been plunged, puril'n d. and stronger than
ever, and brighter. a light upou a hill to givo light
to the nations
.'i.,e'r(, That dyna ty has followed dyna.-ty
f uipire ha- f(. 11,. wed l.u pile, whose veryr.ame have
p:t.s-. d away and been forgotti n ; that tory and his
tory record wars and contests almost from tho
commencement ol time, wars for corniest and empire,
wars against aggression and to avenge insult, civil
wars, rebollioiii. revolts ; wars for power, and some
have flight to rtabli-h freedom; tut never until
now was it heard that a war was inaugurated for the
avowed, audacious and shameli v purpose of establish
ing sluverv as a basis and a principle, of tl,ogoern-
u, et. for a free enter er-ing, rich, proud and
t .a-M'iil prop!,- to be cimqnen I in such a war.
would bo to h ave them a '.eople wiihutitu nationalitv;
a by-word and atcoin , the and laulen Uck of
tho world.
Ii, .-cli ill. That we recommend and urge the
l'i ui.ty e'oii.iuissii ners to make an appropriation out
of the funds of the County id Teu Thousand IMlars,
j for the purpose of paying a bounty of fifty dollara to
eacii Volunteer into the tuocoti.pauiesreiiuircd from
( ii i s eoiinty, under the latecall l'..r Iroojis
lit ..i.ri . That if the condition of the Treasury
will not warrant the pay met ol such an appropriation
at ihi- time without a loan, then Iho County Com-
, loi-sioiii is are hereby reiucu d to borrow on ihe
' laith of Ihe county, the sum of ten thousand
dollar-, to lie appropriated to Ihc abeve mentioned
! un-e.
ii'i -o'rii. That it i the imperative duty oi every
man if he cunuol volunteer him-elf,4b aid those who
j an recruiting, and c mutually rlclgo ourselves,
j to the each other, to latioreurncstly lnlhe giiod cuuse,
I and especially Ic filling up Ihe old regiments.
. H:.uh , Thai shai p. prompt and vigorous action,
and an nvei whelmiug lon e w ill soonest end this war.
i and Ihirefore it, is n coin mended to tho general
gi ieriiineni in can immediately lor aou UOO addition.
(Vin, il rr.oer.UUM.s Council mil ..n 'Jut-day
veiling last, ou the elated night of meeling diet
Hurgeasri. II. Boyer, iuthechair. Mi-u.birs pre-cut
Hindi. I.reeuough. Hourue. Lmtian, liiight, Uueher ' al trisips, and aUo Ihe formation of reserve corps tu
and Mantt. ! u" aggregate i f ilKi.Ouu men, to be placed under
.... r, , ,. ... , 1 iustruclioii at suitable wiiuts in Ihe resiieetivo rlatcs.
Minute, of last meeting read and approved. when. thev can be removed lo active ervico w hen
(In motion of Mr. Cieeuoiigh Hi son t n, l lwl the , risjuired. This is a meatujc of j.rudenco. policy und
Chief Hurgi"i be reijiii-sied to notify ihe owners et e- oimuiy
i.r-.i-erlv al the north ea.-l comer of .Market Snare, i , ,, , ,
in I in tioiil ol Iheir property, in ..- w ith the ! . rn"r 1 k .w n ldly Called
provi-ioesof the enisling Jlorough I'rlinames. and , 'or, anil ie-oneled Ilia fchort but btirtiug
m ce of their failure so to du, cumo ilia raid ) ave- ; uilil piitriotie sH'ech. He was frequently
mi ni in l.e laid. I checrcel and w us vcrv severe upon the kviu
du moiiou el Mr llotirne Hi n. That a Ta ,i- e ' : .i J
..I , ne uuil ou Ihe dollar be assessed I .r llorou -h , ur- 1 I'UVT-i of -exslo!i ill the North and por
roses for the vear is!.' i miiis among us who are always ready to
"n motion of Mr in-enough. lirvivi.c That c' U-c the Seuith, while liny reserve their
tin nuuitteeou lirave lard, be authorized toiiii- inali (lletlon.s lor w hht the V cull the A lull
ploy I i ler lur.-t or .-ou-u mher tuiablo pi i.-oi f.-r
tl.a term o tivo years, at a tuUi y of :.e) j'vr yiur, to '
cleur oil aud tske care of tlnivo Vard j
n muti-u. ol Mr ,-'r h. Klsoi.viii lhat 'ti o com
ifttti.e on street.-. Ac , are hereby uuthotui-d in direct
t!U- S'leet t 'U. Ull rl.'Ui r.' to till tip the ulreet or eo. j
a. r "t b rt an I IH e kberr , c'n.i1 :) mi to makv H
"c in -
tioiii. tji of the North
Mr. Bound was then tailed for, and for a
tiiiel piitoet Mioko tloqiitntly in biipport ol
the Union and Goveruine nt and the nee-es-
.-it y ol tilling up our companies. J. Wooela
Bio a al. o uiad: a IV-w rrmarkc in regard
t ii ion iivrnllon of ."N'orlhiiiubcr
land County.
The Union Convention of Northumber
land County, to itenninate canelitlates with
out distinrtion of party, assembled nt the
Court House, in Siinlm.i'v, on Monday, August
4th. fit 11 o'clock. A. L and was ore-anized
by the appointment of Jonas Wolf, of
lichiware, as President ; Benjamin Strickler,
ol Jackson, and Bil liard Marshall, ol ior
thutnberland. as Viee Presidents; and Dr.
J. J. John, of Coal, nnd A. J. Hockelcllcr, ol
Sunbury, Secretaries.
The following Delegates presented their
credential and took seats in the Conven
tion :
l.i vi Ge-o. Minim, S. P. Gaston.
Tttrhutcilk Siuii'l Shannon, Daniel Uei
scl. Drhiirrtrc Jonas Wolf, Joseph Nicely, J.
D. Durham.
MiKtrcnyrille A.' J. Gufly, John D. Wat
son. yWii,' Jiihn MeCormick, J. M. Feillmer.
Milton M. Chainberlin, W. lv. Wertman.
Ctili"tiiijiic Samuel McNinch, Wm. S.
P;t W. It. Leighou. Geo. P. Mert.
Xortfiun,lirLtiid II. A. Colt, Bichard
I''pcr Augusts Samuel K. Ilile, William
lAiwcr Auffiii'ii P.lias F.mtrick, P. M.
IM Franklin Colket, O. P. Pattern,
Isaac Martz.
Sunlmry Charles Pleasants, A. J. Bocke-feller.
MiHMuHnTtr. J. C. Hobins, William II. 1
Muench, Franklin Mart., H. A. Bcrt-stresser.
('( Jos. Bird, J. J. John, John Dun-
Mt. Carind Jonas Sline, Daviel lleiser.
Cuiiirron S. Dunkelberger.
. . Isatic Keise-r, Simeon ITattpt.
l.ilth Mthiho S. 11. llotheitnel, Joseph
,1,,,-lx.nW. Striekler, II. B. Hoffman.
Jorditn Michael Kuicrick, G. T. Trout -
1'i ptr Miihtiiey- J. II. Adams, J. S.
Charles Pleasants, ft. P. Gaston, II. A.
Colt, Jos. Bird, John MoConniek, Wm. II.
Muench and Joseph Nicely welt- appointed
a Committee to report resolutions expres
sive of the sense of the Convention.
The Convention adjourned to meet at one
o'clock, P. M.
Convention nu t. and after roll call, pro
ceceled to nominate a candidate for Con
gress. Mr. Chamberlin nominated Wm. C. Law
son, and Mr. Pleasants nominattel Geo. F.
Miller. On the fust ballot,
Mr. Lawson received 41 votes,
Mr. Miller " 5 "
On motion of Mr. Pleasants, the nomina
tion of Wm. C. Lawson, Kso , was matte
On motion of Mr. Chamberlin.
lt'Mlnd, That Mr. l.awson be permitted
to appoint his own Conferees.
The Convention then procetahil to nomi
nate a ctiliillilatt: lor Assembly.
Mr. Chanilierlin nominated II. B. Hoff
man, and Mr. i'e Her nominated John
lv. Clement. On the first ballot
Mr. IloiVman received "-"i vott
Mr. Clement, " 1C "
Whereupon II. B. Hoffman was declared
elttlv notmnateel,
For Commissioner Mr. Plcii.-ai'.fs uouiina-
ted W. II. Leighou; Mr. I!er:;stre ss.r lmmi
nateel B. Ii. Kuif. On the ballot
Mr. Kasc ree-eived .".rt votes,
Mr. Leighou " 111
On motion ijf Mr. Charnbe :Tm.
J.'i.xJiid, That Gen. John Kay ( It mint bi
and he Itercny is unaiiiruou-iy it 'nonateit ley
acclamation, as the Union tauelitlatc for
Distrie t Atternev.
O. P. Putton, of Bitch, was noniiuafed bv
a e-lnmatiaii for Auditor.
The following named gentlemen were n
pointed the L nnm Standing t oiniuittee le
the ensuing year :
S-tnhury Charles Pie a. ants,
l.i irin John Twee d.
TiH-hululU--A. T. I'.isel,
hi tmrttre Joseph Nii-elv, I
.W'lurnu-nli, A. .1. GutVv,
Torli't.!. M. Follmer,
Milt..,; Mum-- Chambe-.-lin.
C!i!i?QHiU;!t Wm. Blain,
"...-.r-Georw P. Matt.
.nrtI,u,nWilit,i l- II. A. Colt.
r -4 iji,i,t Isaac Campbell.
l.-.irir A 'a Klias Kiiieiiek,
i;,,h ,,',iali B. ed.
(o,-John B. Douty.
Sl'Hinoliii Franklin Mart,
A''. Carnal Jonas Stine,
Can, iron Charles If. Hour,
y.i rlv Isaac Ke isi r,
1 itth Miih, i;. II. Botliennel,
Jifk-i B. Utricklcr,
I'il'ir Mahnnny J. S. Snitnkey,
l.mi-ir Malt-na y Abraham Blas.-e r,
Jordan G. T. Troiumiiii.
The Committee on Kesolutions report! d
the following, which were
aelopted, w ith much i nthiisia in. '
AV.ioiW, That we ho!d it to be the duty f id!
loyal men to stand by Ihe Cue n in this hour of us
trial, to unite their hearts and hands in earnest, pa
triotic ttlorts for its maintenance against those who
are in arms.again.-t ; to sin'.aiu Willi di lerioim-d reso.
lution our patriotic l'n -i l.-ut aud his a lniini.-tratioti
in their enirgitic e tl.-rts f. r the prosecution of tbc
war and Ihe preservation of the I'lib-n against mo
urns at home or abroad ; to puni.-h Iraiiois and tn-u-aon
w ith fitting .everay , and to cruh the resent
wicked and cau.-eb ss rebellion, so that no llag of dis.
union shall ever loriiin be raisi d ovir any p -rtioti of
the Republic ; aud lo this end we invite the co-opera-lion
of all who love tluir country, in the endea
vor to rekindle in all the stall such a patriotic tire
a? shall utterly consume all who --irike at Ihc V'uin
of our lather, and sec who sympathize with their
treason or palliate their guilt
ii'coe, lain the radii, bravery and endurance
exhibited by our aimyand navy hale elicited our
admiration and gratitude; that we beheld in the-e
qualities the assurances of some and speedv success
to our arms und a rout aud discouititurc lo tin- rebel.-;
that we urgo the government to aid and strengthen
them by ull the means iu ils power, and caic-lutly lo
provide for tick, wounded and disabled soldiers an 1
their (amnios; to prosecute the war with increased
vigor and energy until tho rebellion is utterly crush-
el, tlio integrity en (lie cm. in in all its t.. i.l. r-restored,
und every rebel reduced to submission, or
driven from the land ; and thai to accompli-h these
end we pledge lo our rulers our faith, our lortuues.
and our liv i s.
Hi o.t-o, That Ihe hour of dange-r is present, and
thai lite loval uu-n of the county, arc called ition to
ri-e in their strength, and tu drive back to duly,
ihe armed horde ol traitors, who have ruthlessly us
saulted this (ioveriimenl and set at di-rianco its. laws.
i.l o.eo, That now is the time when it is expect
ed o the young and able-bodied un-u of the county,
that their brothers in arms, and in ihe held of glory,
shall be aided and assisted by them in crushing out,
now aud forever, tho wicked rebellion, shuking this
liatiou from its centra to circuuiterence.
litxuti-eii, That we have every confidence in tho
honesty and iulegrilv of tho I're.-ideiit of Ihe I mu d
Huto.-, and that his Aillful management ,.f K. deli
cate and perplexing numiions of state, in the present
K-rilouH condition ol the country, increases our cuiiti
deiice in hu wisdom aud judgment.
lit sot t id, That iu prompt action depends the
solution of the question, win thi r our institutions shall
bo preserved, or whether, by inactivity and low
truckling to a Southern oligarchy, wo shull loso
them forever
Hctuhcil, That in Andrew O. Cut tin, Uovernor
of Pennsylvania, we ri-cotrniic a tirm supjicrter of ihe
I'nion, who has labored hard losuslaiu Iho eioveru
mcut and the Constitution of tba I uitod button, and
to crush the llydra-huadcd minuter uf the bouthoru
treasouablo Oligarchy a roltea mulocracy of Iho
winicsi spirit oi boeekeioc.
Rtiulff.1, 'J'hat tho more vigorou policy in con
ducting the war, uiuuguralid by the or den of lieu
l'upe, meets w ith our approbation.
nnwi'in, luul in too Contincation Aot Missed bv
CTmmmin iimn ..i wnmn, mttrmrmmmm
and that until tho war bo ended In the utter exter
mination of treason and complnto subjugation of
traitors. Ihe people of Northumberland County accept
as their motto, Whoever Is not for nil now is against
ns ; and that a half honrted. mipport of the tlovern
ment is hut a shallow pjetext of hypocrisy, and will
receivo as it deserved our acorn and contempt.
Hrrolvrd, That we admiro and endorse Iho nohlo
nentimonl. and patriotic stand taken by such Deino
crala as. Dsnicl r. Dickinson. Joseph llolt. Andrew
Johnson. Uovernor Twld, of Ohio, and Senator Wright,
of Indiana, who in this crisis have igured parly isii
and know no other duty than a determined anil whole)
hearted support of the (lovernment.
lirfiolvt't. The proceedings of this Convention be
published in all the newspapers of the County favor
able to the cnue of the l-nion.
Ull uiutiuu the Convention adjourned, tint ilte.
Siqind by tlic ()jinr.i.
(For the Sunhury American !
l.e I ler IVoiit the Nunlsiiry tiiri.l.
r.nAi ronT, B. C. July 21, 12.
I'Kvn WiLvr r.T : Homo evil disposed persons, or
those who have no regard for the truth, have written
home stories lhat certain members of our eoinpnny,
myself and Captain tlobin included, had been "en
gaged in rioting," i-disobeyed orders.'' --killed a
eiliicn," Ac, and consefiue'ul ly were to bo shot, or
other punishment iiiflicteu according to tho elccidon
ot a coiirl-martial. t-ueh reiKirts are very unplea
sant to us. w ho arc fur away, offering our lives as a
sacrifice for tho honor of our insulted llag, and liavo
means to refuto Iho foul reports until .slantler has
done its work ; while parents and friends are left to
mi uucertuinty. and .wrrr.t jcpls of Iho itjyfflit :t r.i
are eagerly let loofc lo Hurt tno toolings ot tlioscw ho
arc left unprotected by their sons w ho are doing , tr
part in putting down this re-hellion. For the future,
it is the wi.-h of our Company, that the friends nt
lioine will iisten to no more such storiis, and believe
no reports, uuless duly authenticated.
Tin- iSunbiiry boys of tho Ktind belonging to the
111 Pennsvlvaniu Wiluiiteers, were on a visit lo our
company last week. Their s were tho first familiar
laces we luul seen since wo lei I Virginia, aud I tell
vou. if Ihe meeting of old acquaintances make tho
lii-nri liiroti w itn ,piy. you can imngine our toolings,
when we clasped thehandsof old friends fromo home,
and purticularly the feeling of one who had a brother
among the numoer. Ihey were with us p.r two iiays
and anight. The experience of Catnp-lifo was ex
changed, many a sloia nnd joko were given, nnd
u-om my rccoiiocuon iiiesinait Hours oi ine njoruuii;
were on ip before our eyes were closed in sleep. All
ll. ,,.,.- It,.,-,. n c.ulll, tl, iit onrl if t..,-
manifestod at their arrivul. so was an ennui ainonut i genera! opinion in liiehliiolid.
ocrrcL-, V.v., Auguit 4, 18:2.
A poor, dil-epichited lookin?; iaditi
eiiine into Sull'olk this morninp;. direct from
Bichmonel, having received ids discharge
from the Iti-bel service on account' of age
and aie kness, lie has oenn withthcTwcllth
Virginia since his, and was at the
buttle of Malvern Hill. He states that if wc
had followed up their retreating masses, we
could have occupied Richmond that night.
lie aays inn slaughter on tuetr side was
dreadful, our shot aud fhell taking rirect at
every discharge. Gen. Huger Uiel not want
old Magrude r to shove the men on to the at-tae-k,
as lit ha-tr the batteries firing tit them,
ami nothing coultl stop tliein.
The man who stat.-d this to us w as quite
intelligent, niul eliel nid hm-iii inclined to
drag, like, the musses he-re. He has a w ife
anil five children in Norfolk, nnel his great
desire was to get home to see them. He de
plored the war. and was very bitter on the
Southern politicians and the Northern
Abolitionists. He thought that South Car
olina ought to be sunk into the sea.
The rations the Itebel soldiers now receive
per diem, is one-half pound of meat, cis-h-teen
ounces of flour and a little salt. The
men are get ting very tired of this kind of
fare, and he thinks by October next they
will be complete! v starved out. Flesh and
blood, he ays, cannot -tand it much longer,
no matter how patriotic.
lie says that l'e ter-buio' is dead no busi
ntiss whatever, mid very little to eat. Spring
chickens tire .sellini; in the market at this
place at the rate of $2 a pietv. This may
seem incredible, yet it i.- even so. Small
heads of cabbage, the size of your hand, sell
at 'oi-. a piece. Sugar, tea and colfee the re
is none. In l'iehmoiid Ihere is vet some
little lnhini -). I'.verj liouie iu Kiehmond
is a hospital, and many wounded I'eln-1 sol
diers are ihim; elaily. Many of the Bebel
soldiers an- tilllieted with the measles.
lb- seems incline el to Ijelie ve that. Beaure
gard is not in his mint! This set ins to bi
ll isce-r
e-jk:i r.
.1 P -.- nf ?;,0,0f 0 AVife,! ";cMi tla ,'kce
ral jiii.V.'.
Wau DrrABTMENT, WAsni.voToN, V. C, )
August 4, IbVi. j
OnurRED :
First That a draft of 800,000 militia be
immediately called into the service eif the
Unite-d States, to serve for nine months,
unless .soone r discharged. The Secretary of
Wur w ill asigu the quotas to the Sthtes and
rstablish regulations for the draft.-
Second That if any State shall not by
the 10th of August furnish it.s quota iif the
additional "00.000 volunteers authorized by
law, -the dilicieney ot volunteers in that
State wiil also x: made up by special draft
from the militia. The Secretary of War w ill
establish regulations for this purpose.
Third Uemilatrons will be prepared by
the .War Department and presenteel to th
President with the object of Hccuring the
promotion ol ollicers ol the army ami volun
teers for meritorious and elistiimuisheel ser
vices, and of preventing the nomination or
appointment in inu niiiiiurv servicrt oi in
eom)ietent or unwortny olliee es. The regu
lations will als.o jirovido for ridding the,
service of such incompetent persons us now
Ii. lt I commissions,.
By order of the Prtr.MDKNT :
Ldwin M. Stanton,
Secretary of War,
e. l.l j
of grief at Iheir departure. Our fellows promised a
return visit, hut as our passes were being made out,
Iree-i-iviil a letter from Lieut. T. 1). tiiant. leader,
dated from tho '-Arago,-' informing me they weri!
on board of that ver-scl, rt-ndv for their elep..rturc to
1 oi tress Monroe, so thero is "ninny .-hp 'twixt the
up and the lip.' - nnd while thev are oil to share in
the v ictory of Itichuiond. we wiil bide our time and
wait to be in at the subjugation of Charleston.
J nut tmrtioiiot our leeinienl lo wliom was ns-igiii-it
picket dulv, e-n the line nearest the enemy, have re
turned, being relieved by the tit .'ew Hampshire - -
Volunteers. Our fellows report the duties pleasant, I i..i,,. li:,ii,., ;,..ii,
lain tliat Beauregard has euiii- South. The
house where General Johnston was taken is
the ri sidetitt- of a celebrated physician. --The-st
reels, for squti res aiouiol, were kept
clear of chicles. Mhiiv people are inclined
lo believe that General John-don is dead. No
one has seen him or knows anyUiini!' about
him. Appearances; an- ke pt up as though he
Miis vei v ill.
rabmijsion to the will of Him, "who i; ten wise ti
err and too good lo bn vt.kiud ."
.s.tsi 1.rffi Aa a t'ikun ot respn.-t f-v .r
jh Couft Kid members of the Jlur, will r crapi)
on the left arm tiiirty days.
nctoM-ftf, mat tua proconcling" of this meeting b
ignod by Uio ofllcera uid published In all the county
j.-..,.. ,,,, nu, unit a cojiy oi mo lame oe lorwarue-d to
parent j of the dncoasil
.'-II. I'ACKKn, JComiuitleo
v. m. nejcra.rr.LLi;n. )
On motion of H. 15 Mni.r. n
ofthrro, compoand of If, i. Mas.icr, A. A.
Kockriwicr una J. VooH.h Ilrown, win ap
point wl to convry to the fimnlv of clrccaM .l
the prucccdinf.M of thu nuctinjV,
t J. v. J-A rui, Chninnan.
J. oons I.itow.N. JSfcrclHrv.
Shamokin onl
Hi-tit for work fmlinj Aur 2,
Vvr Ittst rej.urt,
l v 'Nine limo Iut vi ar,
Auut 2, imj-j
rnt ('ii-i
I1S.2I7 j
:on Htoam to the pn-at r.r.v ti
oi tho nop; Mfirso h;w Im-u-h
ii.i' it wtiK iiinuri!i to coc the Oeoria yhnrb-hctitfrs
trviiur i' iionthu pickets on voA. rsvWw ih:it nur
Sl-rinliolii ritU'Swcro of a i0nj;( r rmie t tln-ir..
tht-v.-uon ili-euviTnt it. n r..ui'i in1 fpt-n.
l'V tlie way in which thfy jumjH-d lihinl trrs
win ui.-viT our hoy a ri-tunifU tlu-ir hrr.
party wTr ri'liyvcl, two or thr-o Ciui Hiiit rn .- il
tin' rivrr Im hav 10 me fun, tin r l.'l.-:. m1 liking tho
ftpretir.!iip uf mr brijht hurrcN. k'ril'll l - Iravinjr
r rmii nouiine to ni hut to (turn mhwii IJk ti
tht y ha.l h pr'.cliti. nnd tlio pny t'-r tlu ir 1 1 n r 1 c
iiii)iuntrl to h frw rtJ cnttn nv croon ti.
Tim i jrlit of n hulv, inco wo llt Krv W "t i-
eotiictliiir uehifl not (lr'innol of. wIm ii lit.-t iiiht.
four iicautiful of the i'uii. ina'lo tlu ir npi'i-cnm
in niitfti hy sintc ('lVi?Rr- while our r ;:iiii' iit 1
wns n JrcK- jnrniio iho orut r l-r -'ryf Iriit
wrro hut Irilf ol-cypti ; nu how nuM it hf, wlo-n
nich nttnictior.s wi-re on the hft iei'o of critt-t
lino i.-1 rarity. nnJ no inorf MtituhT. nl'ter my
ri lice ln-t niht. that tkc peHrnnce of h la-iy rrea-
I -nrli ii lumre with the tainor wluu tln.t'oij w;l-
llrr ili-'i'tiwre I in l';ili.Vim:i
Cajit tiohiu Iihs ooiniiu'i. hi 'M o-.-iiat .
that uf .In !;; Alvoe'tc. A peiiertil (.'-"irt M:tital
c.n( tif'l to-ihiy nt MraufiTt. an 1 from tin- tinil !i-t.
I think he will have mni:y wrary hour-" t-cf"r ho i.
thr.'iih with hiri tl uti ..
TlKTe titthiiii nw in the fil.lin line. h"rvr r.
I h"pe eru hmg to givn you m-iiii- of tin- xpl"it- of
the -17th. 'J he hoyn of our roropMiiy are all w 11. thi -clitnMt'
f-t-emin to a-rre- nilh tlom nii"'li l t'-'i tlmh
that of Key V--t. Willi re-pt-et- to all in t!.i . !h-;e,
and fiit-nd-pt-iiiTrtllv. i r niHiu,
Vown?, rrattn.allv, II P U"
W A It N 1 1 r s .
1. vr: h'.k .r.v.s.
WAflllMiTON, AtlUStS, lhti'J.
llnlli t lt oNotcts to issiu- a nii-ral
.-l n i '-u.a 1
rr.tcti'ti-! hc -ear ijim.i
oiili-r. t itliin ft fe-w tlav.s, i-iulieuly in his
ii vs 0:1 i-oiiti-i :it!iin tinil tin- I ii.ioyim n!
of sliivrs ot" s jmi liti.l aih ii-es in your
lust isstie-.
Sunn- s(- i:il oiiki's lun c 1-ie-ii iss.t:nl to
tiein-!':;! li ( liliiiu, illiin it fi-w ehivi, in-r-t
rele t 1 11 liitn t-) ii itit a Military Jlotitil,
to :i t.ililt- of (ii ii t-s w liirli tin- iiilialiitiint.s
t.ia rlfuyi- fur :iriii-li - I'miii-ln-il to tin- tinny
I ni'iii ini-ii iu-i- to In- alUnse.l tin-s,.- jnii ts if
tin l-i in-,; in 1 In- iotii li-'. if tln-v ii ft.
n 1 1 : 1 1 - ii- is niiti-il ii to It 1 ii 1 1 u it limit ! "on r
i.i tin-til. Tin- i:-oiert of S. 11 ssi, ni-ts i .'' ti
i-, to l.e- si'V.e-il in ii!i c.-is.-si witliout pavnn lit. j
Some- a: re-slr of iictoiiotis l!i In 1- in tli !";-
t.-vn wi re mailt- to ilav. Ih -1 1 UumI, tin
rtotoiioiM li male: Ki-fi l lit 1 1 1 1 tin- valli-y, con
t ti e-s to i re-ate- almost a, 1 1 1 -. : t 1 1 sensation
anion.!; tile- OM Capitnl pi isi .in r . as ulit- tiiil
..-niioiiir tlio army ollii e-is.
A li-tti i-ftiiiii (iain-it Davis l,.is Inn vr- ln-ii-, lully ronl'inuii"; the- appri-ni-n-siotis
of triiuMi in Kiiittn kv i xpirssiil in
our lttst is. nc. Hi-says the I iiiuti nun tv-trar-1
it as t-crtain tlitit tin- lol'i-l. jii-up.o-.i-atti-mptuit;
nnotlu-r in;iimi !!! ru.-.-i u".
lint on a laiiri r .s-a!i-. win necr tla e gatit .hi
our fme t s nif tlu-ir uaril.
Ohio, I)hm:iiiu Tinil Ki-ntiii ky i.n- to I i
inali' into ti si-parati.- military (Irptirtmi-nt or
ilisiiii-t. in (iim-ral Dtn ll's Drj aruin-t.t.
1 Im (i-iu-ral to i-oiam.itiil it is not rt m ,k .
-tl. luit (irm ial llallu k is in t -! ;,rapli-.r
e-orii spomli ia-i-v. ith tie ne ial l!iu 11 on thv
ellli'll ct.
'I he- sale of l onele inni-il hoi -es. Ac, at tin
( iovi rniiii nt eoiral, on Tinsilay nml istii
elay. was lari;i ly nttcti-li-il. (Im- li.iii.linl
nml thirty, live hoisrs wi-rtt sold, at pr'n-rs
rano-iii if lioni $1 to .11; fourteen nitilrs, at
from if ;! to r'T0 ; ami forty-thru- t-olt-i. :it
from n7 to 10 r.-n-h. 'i'ln-pioe-i t ils of tin-.-all-
umoiinte-il to ovt-r ?v!(M)0.
I'lith-r tin- l'l cently riiat tril law anthori
inn an Assistant Smtreon lori ach
r-;; i mi-iit , a nnii.lie r i f Assistant Stism-ons
wusto-ilav iln!.v lnii'st-n d for tho.-e: from
l'enn ylv.uiia now in tlic lii lil.
WAs-Hlxt;TOX, Allt'llst 5. ISO'i.
The- piiMie atioti anil l in-tilation of rt ports
r-xarlin!i Mint oi!raniation aiiion;; tin
ni roe-s for li feiiri-, if ri-prol-ntnl l.y all e iti.ens. It is' re-pir-lnl :is tin nt
ti nijit .siinil ir to tlio one mailu in Han is-1-111;;'
to txe-itc the while: lahoi ing ponih,tion
lo ele-t-ils id vtoli ne-p fin li as liai- take n
plai t- in some- portions of the: Wi-I. Tht se-rt-poi
trt are- known to hav e no inon- than the
slighte.-t foundation in fat t, and to ho cir-iiilati-el
for politie-al purposos.
It is i-onteiiiphitt-il I y the- (love ITillli lit to
to lu-inji all the: foiee-s now in the Ue-ld from
ull points to tin-, k on lliehniond, or the
main hotly e f the- Krhel army, ami lo si nel
I loops of the new levy to eice-iiy remote
points and plai t s whin- no ln-uvy lihtinjiis
uiitii-ipati el. 'I he theory is, that the- troopn
who have l ei-n f -r stinie- time in the- lleld ure
w e ll elisi ipliiu-'l nnd in-.true-te-el, nnd could
he relied on, while the new regiment will
answer just lis well for forces of nee up.t lion,
when t lii ri' i little onto Hhtin to l clone
and that iu site h posiitiou they will be tic
epiitiiii i llii ioue-y for the. future.
An olliee r of lieneral MeCiellun's Stall',
just urriveil from the James river, Mutes t hut
our army ut that point is not in n eoiielition
to do tinythiuj; ut present, und lhat unle-is
.'11.1. ll null la D.,,'11 iv.iuii'1 mi, 111-1 I'lailllill
....... I.. A ..v;ilo..t r'l. l. .. I
I .Ull din;;.
roltTKKSH Mi'iMtllf. Aui' '1.
I o r. M. 'rin-.lohn 'I'm ker hiinus e.t it
i inp; news. I. list niylit, aU.iil 1 s' o'eloi k. I lie
i lieliels opened tire from the hank opposite
' Harrison's l-iimlintr. and thre w shell and
! si, l'n I shot over th'- tian )ioits-, into lieneral
! Porter's eaniii. Thev lifted their pieces.
whieh were six und twt hi-pnuiuh-is, and
did not. tarry. Ions; ill one aput.
Tin: niirht heinir i lo.idv and very dark.
there was no posi!iiiity t,f ,lise,. , i the
loeatioti. eei pt hy the il l .lit s from the j;uns
A I'ter a hort time em- dalii i ii i pin d ilh
heavy shell and sun eedr-d in yieni in;; them
t omph Uly, hit! not tinlil the' had done eon
sidi itd-le miirliief, in tt-aiii-r topieees.
I 1 '":.'i;r lil'iles.
j ': .!.. lletir;. i.ill:,! d .TM' the l-'iflh Ver
j lilolit, tiiili.tal l',rook.i L'.ii-.'lde. w ho oieS
i me this i.ii'm mat ii u -thinks air loss in
killed t in! wo-nnf-ii will n..t c.eetd It or
"ill. tie pom h-td his head shot away eil-
tirely, and his he.-n lies t trunk I.e. at the
i I. ainiiii, this i. mi-, liiiii-. Our pun-hoats did
not reply, a- the tVi-hin;; of tluir e-.-iiinon
! V-ot 'il le- ve I. veah-1 the (unit hm e.f the
j transports in the liver. Many eif the essels
were- struck ia tin- n.a ts and riyi;in, l-ut
none were si riously elainat'ed.
Tin mail Iioat John 'l uekt-r lis ?! aze.l on
tlu hiiriii-aue- il. es. I . :i 1J pound shot, and
Cajitain Ct!::i!ivy :-:: 'he Ut U spoiled his
nijrht'-; sh i p t Hi dually, a t their "inferiml
shells'' wi le hissin;; and -e leeching; ovi r his
his lioat for upwards eif an hour.
t"r pickets were not ui.tuihed, although
uiauN tiiotiht tie.t liiir- l.: ii ui;'
all. H 1; i t l ii. led i u ell' . . i , -,
'I'ln: whole alVair wa I. old and d,.i-.!.i,i.-atti
nipt to shell our ti-ia .pi.ri-i au.l elo i. hat
mi chief thev -l. I I.
Krvif w ol I lie Oil ln-i
The Oil City Hnjittir has the following
inteicstiii; n purt ot the oil operations tor
i last week
j "Since our last, the tiil litisint s has nwa
j keued somewhat from its Kip Van AVinkles
! like apathy, and is in a Iw-ult lni-r state than
for some time past. Trices me ruling tirm
at "ill a fiO e t ills pe r harrel nt the wells, w ith
an upward teiiiknev. Some- partus an
iiskinir f 1. There is hut a small amount
' olleied, and buyers nt low ligures are ttuiti
! numerous.
Durim; the past week there was rptil
I tliitti-r in Iht: oil market, owini; to the fact
I that a "..Ufiij barrel we ll was '-.struck" on the
Tarr Turin, on Friday hist. It appears that
on Tuesilay last, the Phillips well, the lar
jrest (ii tiie creek, situated on the Tarr
Turin. cominenetTl thiowini; wate-r and sed
meiit. niiid with a limited tpiantity of oil.
iilid linaliy stopped. This was oe-easioned
by the Woodford well, in procc-s of bein
billed, -a tew rods distant from the Phillips
well, and doubtless ou the same crevice-.
The drilling tools of the Woodford well had
a few minute before droppi d a distance of
about two feet, and the workmen ceased
operations for the time. On Friday morn
iiijl the gas conic out of the hole with tre
mendous folic, blowing the drillinj; tool,,
weii;hintr '1)0 pounds, .some- (10 fe et in the
air, and the well commenced llowinj; at the
rate, it i-i estimated by those competent to
judne. ol ".CM d bbl... per day. I In- price ol
oilii uiioti the strikin
well, and oil buyers were in ectacics. Hut
alas; for tin- unity of human hopes, on
Saturday the tubin;; was drawn from the
I'hilliii.s well, and the new well simmeied
down lo 1"i0 barrels per day, the water '
coiiiv. from the Phillips wc" ctfi-e-tually
drowning it out. The Woodford is only
Ik-win; about l,'i(l bbls. ut the present time, j
The proeluccrs have rceeivej'ccl from their
teniixiiarv panic. The Illood T.inn, which!
. .. i.. . i' i . .. I noo I L .... I
pi oijin o. lasi niiuci sunn- i,oow u. im is p, i
day. is now dried up, and is not producing
anything. Many either localities exhibit the
same state of atfairs. About fifty wells are
Is iuj.: put down on the ditferiut farms, and
what the amount of the oil will be that they
will brin ir forth, time alone will show. Tin
r.toek of Crude in the F.astcrn markets i
very light, with limited transactions. The
rulinir prices an: 12 a 11 cents: refined
otioied at s'i u s",t e' . for choice lots. Our
latest Piltsblll-eh tiehiees iplot.: (. lude oil,
ill bulk, at 4 cents bbl. at IJ cents; re
tined unsettled, sales of 100 bbls. at .2
eiii'.s ca h. lioldt-rs an- iiskino 21 a 2.") cents.
About ti.oiii)
l-'ii slt on Saturday last. This s the
bulk of the shipnn tits for two we-i ks out e.f
C.'il Use
ia v.'itiiMin in 1... i ... .i..:i . ....
' '" ""- sei vain-iol millions
ot men. etoll unravelled the maes of
the stars and made their motions tla n. ui
ntr's guide on the trackless ocea-i Wdi-u
uiese men nave clone 111 I heir eli
Dr. Aver docs in medicine.
great discoveries in Science
use in the cure of disease,
occult discoveries of thu
aiaoanie ior ine- u;r oi every einv life Jj ,
medicines for the low prices a! w hirl, n,,.v
an- mho, oi-ing wiuiin tilt: reach of i
man the best wisdom and thebct sk
moilern tunes. J llmineton. I), !..
man." I
- turns tin
Phy-ics b,
makes tin:
i -: 1 1 : i jr. .luly
ide's fa! !u-r,
nam A. N.
It IS I A ii V.
In this place, on Thundav t
Hist, at the residence uf the hi
by liev. A. M. C'rei-diton. l.i.-u!
I!....... ... m: t... .
l.u. 1., up .iliss ISKCI A 1' Hll.lSl!.
The above happy couple pr, nl. d t'.i
printers in this olhce wilii a bottle of win.
and a delicious cake, for w hich tin v wiil
please accept their thanks, while tin v Imp,
that while treaeling the priinrf"-i paths of
dalliance their i-xtieme iilVeciion m.iv -, : r
be as manife-t as iiniv. Mav tin v r. -w-1 in
the th.wery realms of Cupid''- Par-tdise. e. ti
through the nightfall ol ul"-. and mav tl..
ever realize the wei t jo , s uf coniiubia!
telicity ;tud know tiothii,-'- ,',;' -.,,rn ,v
Statement of Noi-tuumbei lnna County Ban:
l.-ili-meiil i.flhc. X..rtl,miil .rl.-a..l l'i,i.:.:v I'm.k i. .
ri-.iiir-.i i .v im. itn ,tii, ,,- i,,. i;,.1;4.
nf thi-i .-. iuiin-ni-Bltli ii'.,ruv(-.l Apil i;
yreW i mid.- in riiiiml.-I,liiii n-,,, .
in vntill.
of this ' "ti-P ml Clii'i-l: nf etlicr INi k -.
en" in. m irnhi r" ui.. utiuT i; ail '
Hill-: li.-nuiitt'il.
71 ::
f' 1'.
1 1
lite: lit-rH..ii..i--.
buo utlii i L'iii.l.
I.l .V 1:1 1.1TI I.:
-'"-.''I I !'
l.'-.i ."l'2 en
1. :; n;
S!'..."'.!! 7.'
!':o Nortlui:,,!.. r
rn .l. i .sc un. s
I In tl.l fi.-t ol II v
amis came .l..wn on the Pond ' '"1 ," ,
i.l I'ln ik---a
Ci'i vTV or N.ii-rnrirrt:t evri
I ('lnr!i-. W. Iv,.. f-.,i, r ,,
lnnd f..nity Hnr.k h.-inp ilnlv
tliut tlie iil ovc --tfiri iin ia i-. ci.ire
Know le.I -e iuM l..-lii.f
Cll.tS W I 1. A 1.1'. r
Fworn nml Siil.icril.t-d In f. re tin-, i
tie.- iith iIhv nt Aicrii.t, A 1 ls,-,j
F .-s. Haas, Xuliiry 1'iillic. I
I'.Win V.l,l:..N s
Sli.-rift's (iflie.s.
Hin.liury. Aiiftust lie2. j
:ne ol' lh- ISuuU of orlhiiiiilie
luiul. tiiu.l ?J:, Istt.
I.onn nii',1 Itill.J dii.'.'(iiiiiti j, . . -.'.;.. '....I
.-tut.. I..,iin. . . . . ; I 7 ; ,
Nortiiiiinlji-rliitkl IttiLk, . ...r;.
Other stfi-kf
U I-Hi II;-. I( lleei-(el-..
Wa l i.i;l.(io, Va , .Uil.s ".nth. 1mi'i2.
i-i i:i v and dfv ft fore 1 w itnc -ed the
souil ' spi ctach- of bl -Hiding desi-iiers.
hi is':oii i f a court m:.i id. of which
l.ii u'enant 'oloiu-1 Willi. oil l.i ieh, of the
Ninetieth K'-L-'iin lit Pena-vlv.mia ohm
ti el's, of yei. i- i il , w i . 1 ' ut . three un iu -bi
rs of t In- Nir:i I i-. ','n. w ho had deserted and
. Wi re retaken. W. iC srllti lio-il to be- bl.lll li d
j mi the u t; hip w illi the hiti-r D. an inch
and a half long, and ten da s t heivatie-r ha e
.-in- half of tin- head sliavcd. forfeit nil their
! pay. and be d-.'itiunicp oat of the -via ice. -i
S. vi il.i other- Wile .ti!.i-ln d f..r sl.aliiig
im.! otlu r liiiiiof olVcini-s. SeMial nu-tiibi -rs
1 of the tv.eljH -ith New lork and Other
j reill.ellts. Wi IC llls.l punished.
The iildlleemcnts held out by the present
j bounty m.. nieiil i the chiif n-i-ou as
' .-ioueil tm-desciiii n. 'i.r line-e are now -,i
! ciosley draw tl that it i -i till ul tor iiupo .si hit it y
for a dt serft r to reach an of tin- cities oi
even country towns, and tin- unfortunates
w ho a! tempt it not only d: grace- tin iiiselves
; and I In ir familh s, but bring n jiroach on the
I ( -cutcheon of a great and getn-rous tiatioii.
i We have now i-.u imnn tise and Will organ
I ied army here, and the coiintry will soon
i ring vilti tin-notes of iov oe r a -'icat and
important icioiy.
A i-- I'i-oiii tlii.
Wc cotuniend the following extract from
the patriolic sjicnh of (io el imr I'ennison.
of Ohio, at it war meeting ul t'levelainl on
the 21th instant, to the attention iif emr
readers. His words tire tiliy spoken und
have the l ing of genuine nut il :
Tl.i-nin .-linn h.u l-i i n a-ked. wliv nl ri-iiiitir.nni.-o '
c iiiiiuoiiii!'! w itli tn-iisiin mid rcli-lliuu ' ei.ij
W lu-ii a inaii i-'iirnruniiscii witli wroni; lio
it urin'lo r. w lu-ti y.-u
the Ci.ek. On Saturday last a lnimlr .-a ,
b'ti-rcl wa 11 was struck on the; Clapp Farm. I
It i., called the Stallion well, and is ou lease j
No. .'i, of the Plumer Tract. Freights to ,
Pittsburgh 10 cents. The stock of oil on ,
hand al this point is ve ry light. J
Tin- following are tlie shipments from tin ,
Tarr Farm to this point tor the week end ;
imr July lHth : j
From ('iccciil Well. S2i! I'M-. '
" Palmer W ell. ". "
" Tnion oil Company, l."s;i -
Di nsinore A Co.. '200 "
' Smith Well, 112 "
:L,i i,i.i.i.
1 ' ,
-s :-
.1 .
.ll.ll It.ll.k-.
I'll. .-it..,-.
H. tin- I i-'
lie id. .v.
t ut trt kix.
t. ! .
) 1
ulll lil:-l i-ul -
y. 1.1 :
; i i:v.
I.'. : .1,1 i .
1; i i .l..-.
I i .l .,.
Ill ..I.
AiiiriiM Isiiiv
ooo.ooet loi i mi.i e:h A 1 1 i
rot iti mi 'im: ici.i:t i.i io :
IIK sunn-iiiin.i..-r ef ri-r-', " n.c it!-., w.a.'.. !
f.irl-id '
Mr. Washington Port.r, of Clinton town
-hip w as found on Wedne sday night hist on
the Hailroad I'.ridge below Mlinc-, Dam.
horribly briti-ed tend mangled, having been
om itakcu and struck by the nine o'clock
train .south, while cro.-ing the bridge. He
lived but it few hours alter the accident.
.li.-'' l.':itii)iiri.
biviMisT is. tilt mil kiinwu African i.v.l"nr. in
a n-c-iit li tter tin- iut-ri"r ef Africa. n-iOHiks
tluil Atiici ic n ci'iiiiin nl nftlie future- It in inix.s
..iblc lu recite itf cui'iil-'ilitii.-i. It it pri'-i-raiiirutly
c-.ttuu country, fur Inn- the plant i; pi-rcnuiiil and
n-iuir bttli' iif llint In-nrt liri-akins l"il m oessary
v'li'rw it in nil exotic ; n-i frutte i-iiduiu' r en 'p.-. and
tin. bi-.-t ((imlitii-a i.ll lvly. Mnvi Ininiini:
i.-i ti e- r-routi-st ilrnwl ack Iviiove n -it ib li iilulis tin
cuuutry K uiucli lliat labor ueC"tui-s dead iu profs-r-t
ton lo ito prcvaU-uce
nr ihe H-io'l.s mid si
la.-tiin.l. I.y tin- iiib-i-riUr. e-t tU- latt.-t .-i v le.- n,
1h--I ol llllltl-riHl li,til, It lillf slOv.k I t ll;!i-. II
In-will ii.iikc iii toordir in tt.i-l.i--. i kn. :...!,!
li-iouu r. all kilidi- uf
'-iii-iim irr.e.t s and l:' e,
I.:ili-M Slio-n mid 4;iilei-i.
'llilll-n"s. lioe. Ai'i-
At liort notice. Having -evi-rfil yt:i: ' i ,j . i,. i
he feels contidont ef jiiv in ui rally sati-ia.-ii,.,:
all who may 'ivi- htm a call
All work nm.-t be paid t.-r Icf.rc Iiavin tin- -1 .
when fix percent will he diductid oil.
' 'all at hi.-!-hup nenrly (.p-.-itc the Court II,,,:
1 iu Murki l s'liiiare. and ascertain hi-I, iv price." in
t-xauiiitc hit Mock Ijcforu i uichti.-iii elsev, lu-i-,-.
I Jedl.N w n, i i;
j Ki.nbiity, Augu-t 0, lt-02. f:u
h.u..-' e.
xt 1 tu l i:
i:i-ii an on i: :
IN puriuiaucc of an e.rdcr ol 1 1.. i ', j
urthuluhe-alultd f'liuiity. mil I
lie sale, nil tin- preli.i.-.--. nil . I I l
l.v. u Al i.l ST, is,;.-. ;! ,,.
ll.ll ! Al t.l .- I , sJ. uii li. i; ,- u:
l-i"1" Tut", pioi-ecdingsof Court will appi ar -r 1 1: At. 1 of I.AM', ,-iinnti. ,u ...-!
. . ,, ,. , i t,, r N-i. tin. tul .i luu'l C'-tiiitv. la., u '.j.iiiu
our next issue. Ihe casCot Judge I urner ,,, l(r,.,,cr Vvtvt ,,,;r U!- i,,iv,:.
Consreui, wa rccoi-niiu lust iiuuinliuiciif tu lli.e
iio have pluogud our country into tho hurrom of
war ; aoid : a lueK-urc of juoiico to tho loyal luon of curat o ol taxation ill lie liglil
tmi l y appruprialin rebel property lo th paymiul
ol Ihe evpi-iiM-caused hy them.
liooliiii. That He villi hereafter kuuw no din.
tiu.-ti"iii aiborti; men. tut that of loyalist aud Irallor
o-l lint lrea. iu rhull turludo u-t al, oo the overt
c.-e t-ut 'hi y mui Ui-ioval .tuluB-.u!
uiuy become critical. '1'hc ltcbcla tiro al
ready on thre e shies of him, and are endeav
oring to get him completely surrounded.
Thu they cannot elo, unless they elrive oil'
tho pun-boats, and these arc now ihc princi
pal elejM udeucc of our army.
'Two Miss Ihibiiisoni and li,s Harriet
Hharpltia, of flloonubuig. have hit their
home, and arc now engaged attending to
to the aick aud wouuded iu the lio.pital at
Fr. .tv'1', V
tunroniiiin with
Vuu lin-iiiiii' trnitnrf I In ers wo will
never cunipr iMiii..-. luit fi tht for acnuury. ll nt e l
t.e We di-.l,il.- the hills of the South and lay
tln-tr ciii. a in a.-he-. raltu-r lluin eoiiipruUii-e. Iur
inriise cheering 1 We have been ii-knl why not l
kind lo our eirin hretltern. They have f-irjr.iltuu
lhat Ihey ever wen- our lrfthrn. mi l we will fur;-.-t
it. If we cau doit in nouth.-r way we will aiiuihil;itn
them. p heer". '1 h-re is no nii l'lle (,'ruuii l W e
mtisl tuiljur'ute or be nilijiifTnted. Wo want peace,
but wheu it cuim-ii wc du nut want ft teuipuriiin
peace, but a peace furevcr. 'J lienid v lerins ou whii h
peaoe cau be had is thereeonitiuu hy tho people ul
every Slate ul I he n crcuiuty and .x uiplete .-upu u-a
ey oi tho Aiuericiui goveniuieul "
This is the right k'nul eif talk. By siii h
policy alone tan we conquer the- rebellion.
There is no middle ground; no ilaee for
eoiniuom.i. One party or Ihe iier must
go nude
rcbt-liioii, und
dow n their arm
No other arrangement can be made which
will eh grade and ruin us
in our
lor assault and i-atleiy on .Misa Mt-a-i causeii
considerable interest. Tin: verdict of the
jury was not guilty, but the Judge wa.-madc
to pay hi- own co.t, or what is considered a
half cony ictioii.
I'rileule ol'Itesr I.
At a meeting of the members of the bar
on the. first Monday of the August 'Term of
the Northumberland County Ceuirts, lo t x
pn .is their he artfelt sorrow at the eleccaso of
Wm. Iviimii; Siott, a me tuber eif the bur
of said eouuty.
On motion' of Judge Jordan, W II. I.I AM
P. LAWSON wa.s called to the chair, and
J. Wood.-. Hrown appointed Secretary.
I'pem taking the chair, the Chairman
f poke iu ft cling terms of the character and
worth of the eh ce asi d.
J - Ine Joldau tApre.-s. el kilns' If in sincere i l-ii' l lirisiian i-n.ii. i o i oi im in
n.ii Iw j
i." l,u..!.- ,
1 .r-i-r.c
.- up K.-.-. -1
.-lai-uf .. ,:'
n ulii.-!: .-,
. liunk b..:
(slave luhVisi coinmeneed the j .1urU(- aud urged the .Inj'e-rtauce of iinit.t
1 liny must compi. r us, or hi, ' hi'm in llla, .,,,., (.
nis, and submit toourcleniency. 0J motion of John ForH r, J. H. P ke r
Z-if I.AiKbr Nt:wt. Chiieial Hookt-r, rf
MeCiellun's army, lunde a biicecsaful reon
lioissanec toward liichmond, and utter
three hours tight tlrovc off the rebels and
took Malvern I till. Gen. Nelson occupied
McMinvillo with 0000 troops unci opened
conimuuicution with Murfice-Jjoro. In
and W m. M. Koi ki Idler wa re app-rntKi a
committee to draft resolution;, expressive
of the fee lings of the Far iu thi., sa 1 di.-jn li
gation of Provide ucc.
John Porter, Esq , C hairman of Commit
tee on resolutions, reported the following
resolutions :
Wucfeis. It bath Icaie l Almighty God, iu tha
order ol Uu Providtucc, lo teuiovo Irom our tui-lol
by tha hand of death, our ctteemcd friend, WIL
LIAM LATTMEK fcCOrf, a member ol tho Nor
thumberland county Far, aud wuiiiti-;. ihe ,1.
battle near Memphis, Jell' Tkomp'-on Wli omwed hac boin Ion,; and lavorably kunwnand highly
I et teemed, for hu goutUunu-ly beaiin-;. and hi.- up
driven buck w Ull great los. rjnt u) diguifitd chrutwu character Ihcnfur,
The 1'acillc bte-amcr tloldcu Gate u
blimtd at tea. Of 2u') pascn-,'e-M, 180 were
lot. A million an 1 a e-tiartcr of trciuurc
was lost.
A linno wrtlei observe! lhat iu Ameri a tLare ia
' ni.-u a jciiix-iey ol int ives. iiiai m'jr are L-rngi-i w
! eO-t,-fv' ljt -''vfry
iVtf.tO.'Cia, lllml IU ULi lUlercouraa BU-l uiu-iu.-fj
relaliooF with tha profeasion, Mr ricott. wai highly
estoetued by every member ot Iho J3ar,ui3oniUi:h that
it may be trulv aaid.hewai without fault
Ktiolit J, That in tba christian life aud character
vt (ku dccejuid, we have an txampla worthy of imi-
UUon, aud hi. early an! pea-iluKleatn. we p..v an rertlt'v to be tint ami C.outnc, in .u
a prepare to K.?C '"' I )n.S'Ull !?.t , H , ' xU ,
i t jo.'i 1. lual whim a aeepiv oupiorr ur irei oiiu- m- i- .e .1 i. . .
Iff aurfrwoi aui too-taer, wa will low ia hua-r'.. t m'n m K"Vf -'V:T"
taiuiu i;ii Acre., and ll'J perelifs, M
acui of which are clem id i.nd iu a p
liveliotl, ubuut .i acres lilea-luvv lnli-l
creeled a triune llvvelliu llnu-e. .-I,
W aull-shed, a W ell id water with ii c! j'ui.i- ,
Orchard w ith eh dee fruit, Ac . tin- IciIhik-o is
tiniljer laud, hate the properly i f l'annl 11,1. :-l
s'ule to ('"minence ;;t 11 u .-l. ck A M . ..f
tin y wheu Ihe teruia aud cuditi'-ns ul r.tle wi!i 1.
uijie known by
Pv urd r uf tj,e f'"iut i
J A" J Ct .M.MINiis. Clk 0 f '
Sunbury. Auuat 0. IsCJ J
lniiiiislrnli- .oli-.
'OTIt'b ic hereby niveti Unit letters f adiuttn
Irutiun hav tn i.e. n er.-im. .1 lu ihe -i.l .-cr,! .-
mi Ihe estate of Israel H liunk li b. r r, hue uf l.i.i
Muhunuy luwudiip, N uriliutub. rland cum ty. i.
eeai-ed All pert. Hi: iinh l.t.d are rcUe.-t. .i w u. ik
liiinn-linte pavmei l. and ih".-t hav ii-f claim to .
?eut them duly authcuii'-.-ited i,.r .-. tilco, ut
A A i!HM, Aim r
Tri-vnrluii, Aujjusi ?. l-w'.J.-iit
MJ.IllAl, lillAl'l .V I i: et the Ini, n-n .
V t,', hiiving pi r in ii 1 1 utlv luciiti d ai rN
I'l-v- . , Northiiuibcrlimd cuinty. I'ii , ull.-i !,
prut. A. uai rweice t- Ihe eiiiMn- ciu rally, wl
muy Im) uiilu, tuuiite eumili In r.-,u.rc medical an
eiivdi-rlewn, Auu-I IsiiJ It
4 i:iic tl. HO 111. Illlt il.i:.
riMII.S well Lnnwn lintel. b-nti- l iu .Sunbury ut th
J jiiiicllou ot thu Noiiheru (nliul wnli lie .-uulu
ry and trta liailrt-a.!.-, i.-i-IUrid at nroiit.- .j',
Terms of rale will be male easy ur luitl.u i
formatiuo, enirmrc al thu- i-lhce
Augutt i, leii
NKI'IIAIOIA tun be cured by th' u .i i
the ' Antl Ivhoiniatii' li.uid," a., will a j eif Khuinn'i..iu, .Niinm- iitlntnr
Gout, StiU'ucs:. of the Joint , and Cnn-p
also discasta of un l'.iupth'n I harai tcr , uc
a Kry -ipela.-, :alt Ivluuiii and Scrofula, ai:
the injurious trlictj of mercury and oth
pe'itono. We vvcu'.d -tatc th it the jm-.'-j-ih
torj can otter wxo tiutluionijls, w hich the