gTt)C gunburg American. h7 B. MASSKR, Editor Proprietor. . SIMM 11, 1M. "SATUKDAY, JUNE 29, 1802. 8. M. PETTENCULL ft CO., Ke. 37 Park Row, New York, and 6 State. 8trevd, Boston, are our agent for tho Sitkhcrt AMEntrAH in those cities, and are authorized to tnke Advertise ments aud Subscription for u at our lowest rates. tr?f" Railroad building ia almost as active this sraaon in this state asit ever was in the palmiest clajs of railway making. W Pome days since General Bunks telo Rniplted to Governor Curtiu, requesting tho Htato of Pennsylvania: to relieve-him of sev eral Jiundred rebel prisoners. Tho authori-tif-s answered that they would take charge if the men, and a company of them arrived at Hairisburg on Saturday week. last. IW General 1. B. Bimey, has been hon orably exonerated of the charge of disobedi tiice of orders, and lias again resumed command of his brigade. J-f?" A new enlistment bill, introduced into Congress by Senator Hale, of New Hampshire, provides that hereafter, on the issuing of a proclamation by the President calling for additional troops, every slave that shall enlist by virtue of this act, shall be immediately and absolutely free, from the laim of all service, except thut which he submits himself to by such enlistment. Inff" Slaveht in Maryland. It is re ported that two hundred able-bodied slaves in Maryland, owned by masters in Anne Arundel county, have laid down their hoes and refuse to be held in bondage any longer. They offer violence to no one, but they refuse to be compelled to work for others without compensation. This spirit is belie ved to be spreading among the whole slave population in the State. Slavery will abolish itself in Maryland saving trouble mid expense. li" A general exchange of prisoners is about to lie made, and it is believed that the. arri'iigrmcnts are partly arranged for that purpose. The north which the south ern people hac been taught to despise, will be represented to the traitor army, on the return of these prisoners, in its true aspects, not alone for its boundless resources, but for the uncoiHiucrahlc devotion with which the people of the north cling to the government of the Union. Thf. Cold AVkatUkh Partly AcrorSTT.D roil. The officers of the packet-ship Iavid Hoadly, which vessel arrived here yesterday from Liverpool, report that they encountered upwards of fifty icebergs during the passage, besides a great deal of floating ice. The ship Panama, also from Liverpool, brings a similar report. The presence of these large masses of ice on our cox-t probably accounts in some measure for the extraordinary back wardness of the season. The nights and morning in Juno are rarely so cold as now: Numerous bergs and fields of ice from the Arctic seas, breaking up and drifting down with the current of the (Julf IStrciiiii, have a tendency to produce such etl'eets. A'. )'. 7W. FroiTiVE Governors. Five rebel Gov crueri are now absent from their posts, wandering up and down tho country in search of employment. Rector of Arkansas, Milton of Florida, Moore of Louisiana, Jackson of Missouri, and Harris of Tennes see. These gubernatorial fugitives were blatant secessionists in the early days of the rebellion, and every man of them promised to ilie in the last ditch. Our armies having frightened them away from their jxmts, they have probably gone to find the ditch. As chivalrous men they mu. t fulfil their prom ises. Spies in M Ci.r.LLAN's Army. The cor respondence of the Chicago Tinns state that on the person of Colonel Washington, rebel, was found a complete and correct lit of the army of the Potomac, including a minute statement of its present organization in corps, divisions and brigades. The name of every division commander and of every brigadier-general was correctly given, with the name and number of every regiment in each brigade, and the approximate strength of each regiiileiTt. More than this, there was abo attached a plan of the country on the ( hickahouiiny near Hichmond, with the position of each division of our armj cor rietly marked on it. That it "hud very leemtly come into the relx Ts possession was kvidcnt from the fact that several of the divisions had moved their posit ions only two days In fore, and their changes of position were carefully noted on the sketch. The completeness and accuracy of the entire doc uim nt proved that it could have emanated from no tyro in military matters, and give ground for the painful suspicion that there is a traitor in the camp who has access to the secret movements of the army. Tnu Loss to the Coal Tbabe. It is estimated that one hundred and fifty thou sand tons per week hus been cut off by the interruption of the Lehigh Canal, the Delaware aud Hudson Canal, the Delaware Lackawanna and Western Railroad and the Schuylkill Canal, making tin aggregate of right hundred and tit'ty thousand tons of coal. The injury to tho Lehigh Canal has shut the Lehigh route to the Wyoming Mines for the season. The Wyoming opera tors will have to seek a market down the Susquehanna. All the Susquehanna Canals below Wilkcsbarre will incrcaoo their ton nage. The Beaver Meadow Road hascnlUt- d in the aid of Mcsrj. Pardee fc Co., in repairs. 1 he Lehigh Navigation w ill not be ia working order fur many months. Thk Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. The construction of the Philadelphia and Eric Kailroad between Lock Haven and the mouth of Hie biiincraiilioning, is going for ward rapidly. It is understood that there is a scarcity of men. The Atlantic and Great Western Railroad ia being pushed forward from the Pennsylvania State line towards Dayton, Ohio. It is a six foot guage road, and is intended to bring trade and travel from the West over the New York aud Erie Koad instead of allowing it to come over the Pennsylvania Central and other trunk lines. The India trade of Boston Is reviving. Fourteen ships from Calcutta will urrivr at that port in July aud Auizuat. Several others are alao loading ut Calcutta, making in all about twenty chips for Boblon suiliug in March mid April. Iu addition to these. (says tho Tratu lh r,) wo ahull probably have ten more 6bis from Manilla, Batuvia and J'cnang. A citien of Sulcin, Maiachviscttss, has just died of smoker's cancer, caused by the ticcssive use oi tooacco. A nw woolen mill it goipg up in Woon jockct, H i. Its cou.itructisn xtui:c9 no teas twtc ruu::ca risi CHIVALRY OLV'KUD NEAV Voltaire relates that, in the grnat battle of Fontenoy, fought in 1745, between the French on one side and tho . .English and their allies on the other,- when tho English Guards had advanced to within fitly paces of the position of the French Guards, the English officers raised their hats in solution, which the French officers r turned in tho same style. Lord Charles liny, who commanded the English Guord9, then advanced to the front and called out : "Gentlemen of the French Guards, fire t" To which Count d'Autcroehe replied: "Gentlemen of the English Guards, we never take the first shot ; do you fire." At the late battle of Fair Oaks, before Richmond, General Richardson, who was thrown forward to the support of Casey's division, says : "Along towards the middle of the day the enemy, preceded by a column of thirty thou sand "of the best troops, with the dashing corps of G. W. Smith and Longstreet at its head, commenced a furious assault upon the most salient point of our whole line, viz., the redoubt and entrenched camp of Casey's division. "A singular circumstance occurred in this battl, which deserves particular mention. The first regiment of the enemy which came into action wore blue clothes like our men, and as they come into action opposite the Eighty-first Pennsylvania regi ment, Col. Milier, they stud : 'Do not fire, we are Owen's men. Owen's regiment is one of Birneys brigade on my left. "Col. Miller had his regiment at an aim, and now recovered arms. The enemy in stantly poured in a deadly volley, by which Miller was killed. The left wing of the Eighty-first poured in their fire, by which that regiment fell in piles. The Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel, Major and Adjutant all fell ; the balance of the regiment fell and broke." Lord Charles Hay and the Count d'Au tcroehe were among the bravest of the bril liant chivalry of their day. G. W. Smith and Longstreet are looked upon as among the jirni.r chvlvr of the southern chivalry of our own. But chivalry is changed. Ahiikst of A Spy at Norfolk. On Wednesday morning a negro in the Norfolk market called the attention of one of our officers to a suspicious character, who was trying to get some one to take a box into the country near the town. He offered to pay three dollars to have it carried out to a certain Dr. Vliit, living about three miles from Norfolk. Lieutenant Imhotf, a Phila delphian, belonging to the First Delaware Regiment, arrested the young man, and took possession of the box. On examination, it was found to contain oranges and lemons, but below them all were found u lot of let ters, addressed to different parties in the South. Lieutenant lnilioff went, out to Dr. White's, and took him in custody. A bag of letters was found in .his possesion, di rected to the Rebel Postmaster-General, also hitters to the Adjutant-General, under Lee, at Richmond. There is no doubt but this man White is a spy, and that he has been regularly in the habit ot lorwardinir all the information lie could obtain to the Rebel headquarter'. Tin yuntiy mini lnul a hikh frmn (Jul. Villi, una haa toPai tli? with nt hI'iiihiuy. It is Norfolk people have no re gard for the onth. They take it with a "mental reservation" and hi ugh up their sleeves lit the smart ne with which they perjure their souls, and hoodwink our Gov ernment. We have an idea that there litis been, for a good length of time, an e.teni c leak or gap in the Union lines around Nor folk, that might os well be closed up. There is too much lieenso allowed Rebel wit and cunning in that special locality, und the sooner the reins are tightened the better for the United States Government. Gl'.NSLKAL Lek's DK.NCE AT WrtlTK HoisE. The Washington JimbUmn of yesterday says of the President's determina tion to use the Rebel General Lee's residence as a hospital for our wounded soldiers : '"The President, when first spoken to, urged some objection to the arrangement, saying that General McClellan had some talk with Colonel Iyceon a previous occasion, and had promised if the occasion offered, to protect his residence against occupation by any United SUttes troops; but when Mr. Lincoln heard how our soldiers were without sin Iter, except such as afforded by negro huts and barns, and subji ctcd to dr.nk impure water, while the room of Colonel Li e's house were empty, and guarded by United States soldiers, he said 'The order must come. If General McClellan has made a promise to Colonel Lee, which he cannot break, trill note brmk it for him? "Mr. Pitirns. editor of the Y tinkers Chrinii, started for White Ilou?e Landing at three . o'clock ye.-terday with the official ordi-rofj Secretary Stanton throwing o-en thee j grounds ami rooms to the numireus oi sick j and wounded, who heretofore have laid in negro huts, in open carsnnd on the ground." NKW ADVIiriTiSEMENTS. CHANGE of CLIMATE FOR HEALTH, SEE ADVLKHSEMENT 01' VINELAND FABMS- Ilic arrat !iitlonul IlorMC I'itir, Will this ycur bo held at KEYSTONE PARK, WILLIAMSPOHT, FA., 1TLSDAY, WEDNESDAY, TillRSDAY AND FRIDAY, September 2, to ith inclusive. Arrangements bavo been made to secure the Guest afsctuhlago of imported blooded aud nativo broed of Horses, that has ever been collected in this country. Tho list of Premiums will bo lurj;c, raugiug tui high at $200. Liberal arrangement have been and will be made with tbo diftcruut Rail Road.. Williamsport, situated in the magnificent Valley of the Susquehanna, aud accc&iblo by Hail from all parte of the. I'uiltd States, is eminently well nuiled tortbis Inhibition Vurtlier particular will be given BUAHD OFM.VNAGLUS I' K Jackman, .1 N Pugg, Col S 1. Hallway, P llirlic, H Drinkor, . II fowdm, Edward Lyon, G E Mason, Win Ccldrr. A L. K.U'P. 1'nw.Unt W I' Lojsn, Chief Marshall. 11 L Xaylor, lrcoaurcr. George M De Pel, r-ecratary .Tuna Jl, IR63 LIFE ELIXIR. rf MIIS invuluable remedy for the preservation and X restoration of health, aud prolongation of human lil'o. was invented at Auktsbure, in 1760. and has ac quired a high renown in most of tho European Suites fur its xiraoramury virtues in many varieties oi Hu man niaiudiea. It ia an efficacious remedy in all diaeaics of the Btomaob, and will effect speedy reliof in all eaaes of Iyspepsia, lsow ol Appcuto, Flatulency, Ill-Temper, Caustivoneet, Hypocondriacibm, Anxiety, Languor, Kestletnui. Jlulancholy, te and for all diseaaea arising from impurities of blood Retail prioe per bottle one dollar. re-The above LLIXIK eaa had at this Office June 21, 1: 31 Adminiatrator olicc NOTICK b hereby given that letters of adininiii trelioa having been granted to the undertincd, on the estate ot Dr. Cbarlea S. Weiaer, lute of Lower Mahanov township, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased, all penout indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and thoae having claims will proovui mew, uuiy aninenucaiea, or betUemcnt I. JI KLHSLLK, AdminLalrator Lower Mahanoy, June 14, 1B02 Ot kaus v.Lmuti rpllf: highest ca-sh price paid fur mixed or white . ua coiorea nags oy JNO P MARKIB, PAPIR AVll KA&.WAKi.H')U. r i IV t:tr; w . .upceice ! , I JI . icu .-js w "Auclitbr's No"Uo'o. ' " The Ifarrrsburg Hank, Tn tbe Court of Common '. . :; vi. . , Pleas , of Northumberland William L. . Dewart. J county., , ', : ' Allan .Vep. Exponas No. 70 April Term 1862. Tho undersigned Auditor appointed- by tho Court of Common Ploai aforesaid, to distribute the money In said Court, raised on tho above alius Writ of Ven ditioni Exponas, according to priority of lien among the parties entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of his said appointment at bis office in the borough of Bunhiiry, I'a., on Monday the 80th day of Juno, A. 1)., 1H02, at U o'clock A. M., at which time and place all interested may attend. S. J. PACKER, Auditor. Sunbury, June 14th, 1W2. dKOCERY&I'ROVISION STORE .tlnrket Nqnnre, ("Sunbury, Pn. JOHN QOOD, DEALER in all kinds of GROCERIES, respectful ly informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he constantly keepson hand a large assortment or the best of all kinds of GROCERIES, such iu Teas, F-nap, Dried Fruit, Coffee, Candles, Canned do. Sugar, Tobacco, Prunes, Rice, Segars, Spices, Syrups, Snaps, Cnnfectionarlei, Molasses, Snlt, Starch, FLOUR, MEAT, FISH, and in fact everything In the Grocery line. LiGTCJORS Of the best quality nt Wholesale and Retail, confut ing of Itrandy, Ui'n, Wines, Pittsburgh Whiskey, and Domestic Liquors generally, to which he Invites the public to test before purchasing elsewhere. Call and see my stuck. No eharges for showing JOHN GOOD. Sunbury, June M, 18C2. lOnsllntr Itntlroml, & VMMER ARRA MGEMENT. CRKAT TRJ.K LINE from tho North and t North-Wost for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Kaston, Ac. Trains leavo Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New York, Reading. Pottevillo, and all Intermediate Stations, at 8 A. M., and 1 41) P. M. New York Exprewleaves Harrisburg at 1 25 A. M., arriving at New York at 8 25 the same morning. Fares from Harrisburg : To New York $5 0(1 ; to Philadelphia $3 25 and 2 TO. Enggago checked through. Returning, leave New York at 6 A. M.. 12 Noon, and 8 P M, (Pittsburgh Express). Leave Philadel phia at 8 A Ms and .') 15 P M. Sleeping cars in the New Y'ork Express Trains, through to nnd from Pittsburgh without change. Passengers by the Cnttnwissa Rail Road leave Port Clinton at 4.45 A. M . for Phila. and all intermediate Stations ; and at 3.0M P. M., fur Philadelphia, New York, and all Whv Points. Trains leave Po'tlsville at 0 A. M.. and 2.15 P. M., for Philadelphia ami New Y'ork ; and at 5. 3(1 P. M., for Auburn and Port Clinton only, connecting for Pine Grove and with the CntUiwissn Rail Road. An accommodation Passenger train leaves Reading at fi A M., and returns from Philadelphia at 5 P. M. i if ' All tho above trains run duily, Sundays ex cepted. A Sundov train leaves Pottevillo at 7.. '10 A.M., mid Philadelphia at 3 15 P. M. t'oiniuutution, .Mileage, Senon, nnd Excursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and from all points. ti. A. NICOLIS, May 17. 1W12.' General Superintendent. IvKliite- of (iVoiKe Merrick, lc'"l. "VTOTICE is hereby given that letters of a.lmini- i trntion on the estate of (ieorgu Merrick, late of the borough of Northumlierlana, deceased, have been granted to thesuliserilrfT. All persons indebted to said elate are required to make payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment. ' J. R. PRIESTLEY. Administrator. Northumberland, May 31, 1Si',2. Ilillulelliiu ,V lio Itnilroad. itnvsyi.vasia . n. co., trssr.r. N and after Monday. May ,"th. ISC?, the lime at rthumberlnnd Station will be as follow : Lkavk Wkstw ahd. ti.l'J a. in., i i . , n ... Li.Avn Eastward. Express, V.IC p. m., .Moil, 10,01 a. in. .HUH, IV p. 1U. Sleeiiine Curs on Niislit Trains, both wars, between Williaiiisfmrt and Baltimore, and on the Pennsylvania liiiilromi hetween lliirri-iinrg and I'hilHileipiua On Mail Train in both directions a CAR GOES Til Ku I Gil via Pennsylvania Railroad, without chuiiee between Philadeh hin and Lock Haven. SAMIEL A. H LACK, May 31, 1PC2. Sup't Eastern Division. i:fiite of r.lUaucth Wiilli, Iecl. kTOTICE is hereby given that letters Testamenta- rv having been granted to the umleniirued. on Ihu estate of Klluibeth Wallis. late tho borough of Northumberland, Northumberland county. Pa., de ceased. All persons indebted arc requested to make immediate payment, and three having claims to pre sent them dulv authenticated for settlement. ltcv WILLIAM MMOXTON. Ki tr V illiaiiifport, Pa. May SI. ISC2 6t JUST RECEIVED ! ! XT. ZETsTQ-IEIL, lias jurt returned frcni Philadelphia with 5FLE1TDID Q 7 C C OK Spring & Summer Goods. For Mt-n' Hrur, l'ii.imere, Vesting, Italian Cloth, Limn Coating, Linen Check and Cotlonade. Cloth, I.adl's ur. A lario assortment of Press (!oods, Klack aud l'uncy Silke, r-ilk Teucs, Fancy lierages, bailey, all Wool Deluues, Mosambiu.uo Goods at low prices bilk Levellas, Delanea, Lawns, (linghama and Prints. A full line of Irish Linen and W bite floods, r-'tella border and Fancy Summer .Shuw Is, Silk aud Luce Mantillas, Ac. Rcaity Made Clothing, A good assortment of Hats, aud Cap", A lurge assortment of lioots aud Shoes, A full stock of Groceries, Molasses and irtigar, Hardware and Building Material, A full Mock of Quoin and Glaxwaro, A full stock of Fish, Salt, Oils and White Lead, A Itrge stock of New Wall Taper, A new Mock of Stone and Earthenware, And thousand: of articles not enumerated. Xj' All the above will be add cheap for Ca-U or Country Produce. J 11 LNOLL. Sunbury, May 17, 1602 AO'i it i; ; The .ldaru'a i:srtM Company, d1 IVE NOTICE tbat Uiev havo concludes! ar V JI rangemcnta with the Northe.-u Ceuual Railroad Company to run trains from Baltimore for York, jiurruuurg, xjaupuw, uaiuax, jrevorum, oummry Northumberland, Lcwieburg, Milton, Muucy, WiP llamsport, ana all intermediate stations, connecting al iinrriDOurs wun mo untAT r.rir.KN KX. i' tor rtttaburg, Cincinnati, St. Louui aud tho West. Also with Howard 4 Co. ' Express at Milton or Danville, Bloonuburi;, Wilkesbarro, Piltston, Bcran- lon, ana intermeaiate stations on tlie Catluwisna Lackawanna A Bloomsburir Railroads. At WU- liauuiport, by Howard A Co. 'a Li press to Jersey oouru sun uki jiavcu. Also, oy jiowaru a: Lo., and thoir connections, for Canton, Troy, Lhuira Kochcstor, Buffalo, Niagara, and to all accvt-siUe Coinui In Western ew York aud Canada, by which ley will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Notts jcwciry, ana vaiuauio j ackacioo ot every dcbcrli' Uion. Aleo, Notes, Drafu aud Bills for Collection. Experienced end efficient meeeengen employed and every effort will be made to rcudcr tathdaction. JOHN BINGHAM, Superintendent Peuu'a Division, Philadelphia R. A. FISCIILB, Agent for bunbury April , 1B63. BLANK (ParJOJieEt Paper,) itefla ud fcitsa '.Izmttcj. bezis. Exe:utinri9. L'.iinasiu. 4a j i t :ilt at il cfioe ci the "t jatuxy Ajueiican " FlULING & GRANT ARE HAPrY 10 ANNOUNCE THAT THLY ARE NOW RECEIVINO AN ENURE New Stock of Goods!! MANY 01" WHICH ARK REDUCED IN PRICE; and although prevailing reports may . indue the belief that DRY GOODS arc advancing, yet a single visit to tbat "attracti resort, , THE MAMMOTH, will Convince any can J id man or woman that, be the report as it may, jet the propjietors of that ' institu tion" have the facilities for furuirhiug CHUAPER goods I which those who buy and sell on Long t'reditr d not, aud cannot powers in: KEEP EVERYTHING, AND ALL DEir.RMINLD 1J SELL CHEATER tiux cm a bi: I'VHcn.iaEv man- II 11EHE. FHILI.NO A OKA.M Sunbury, May 17, 1601 0 PROMOTE HAPPINESS. HOW TO DOMESTIC Said Mrs: S'mitli to Mrs. Frown, As they were walking through tlie town, ' Where do you do your shopping '. That dross you re iu, so neat and hue, That when i see it, really minu Looks positively shocking." "I'm sure your husband, Mrs Rrcwu Now don'l be angry, pout and fro Il ls not so rich as mine, And yet you can allord to buy Just twice as much, or more thau I, And how, 1 cuunot divine." Savs Mrs. Brown to Mrs. Smith : The rcuson vou'll be startled with, It is so simple, clear You buy on credit, 1 fur caeh, 1 buy bargains, you buy tra.-h, I cheap, while you pay dear "Whene'er you want a dress or sbaol, A collar, Lose, or w bat-not, call At the cheap Mammoth Sroiir, They'll sell you goods oo very low That you will cease to wonder so, How much rich goods I ve wore "My husbund, as you truly say. Is poorer, far, than yours to-day, Aud yet I can buy more, Recau.-o cucli dollar of his few Is, to me, jurt as good aa two. At the cheap Mammovu Sroiie." So satisfied was Mrs. Smith With Mrs. Brown's new arith metic, which did convince The first, and opened so her eyes, She hasn't ceased to patrouiio Tbe Mammoth ever since. And now, when you chance to meet Her husband, Smith, upon the street, Around the corner coming, His luce is lighted with a smile, IliF step elastic all Ihe whilo A pleasant tune he's humming. Ladies, if like effect you'd see In your dear spouse, which you and he, Perchance, nee'r saw before, Just Mrs. Brown'a prescription try, And all your list of Dry iieods buy At the cheap Mammoth Stoke. Ilarilitnrr, Maehiarr)', .Wct-hucLiiV Tool, Ac. HLNKY GILBERT, Murlit Strtet, pi'posite the Court Jlcme, llARRIBt'RU, PA., 1LA1.1.R m all kinds of Builders and Manufac 1 1 turera' Hurdware, Iron, Steel, Coil Chain, Ropes, Pulley Blocks, Ac. Lisr.i.D, Bi'Iimnq a.nd Machinfrv Oils The Lubricating Oils are adapted to every variety of Muchincry. Also, at luauuiacturcrs prices, Wood Working .Macuixkry, vij : Plauins, Sath, Morticing and Sawing Ma enines, so. Machinist' Tool, vii Planets, Engine and Hand Lathes, Bolt Cutters c.. Machine Belling, of Rubber and Leather, eoustautly on hand. s Herring a Fire Proof Salej, l'latform bcatrs. Tin Plate. Sheet Iron, Block Tin and frimmera Tools t if Purchasers will fiud it to their interest to give Us a can. Harrisburg, March .J, lboj. 1IKAUV HOl'Ki:. C'unur of Htute and 'find Struts, Uabrisburc, Ta. THIS HOUSE, in consequence of its convenience and near location to thu Capitol, has made ft a duirable stanpiug place, not only for those having business at the scat of lioverumeut, but for others itdiing llurrir-hurg. March 3, Itioi. T)OOTS AND SHOES can be purchased at the 1 1 Mammoth Store of Friliog A Grant, very cheap, as we are dateruuuod not lobe undersold oy anytxxiy t all and learn the list ot prices tor voureeivc. Sunbury, Jan. 12, 1801. FKILf.NU A GRANT WINDOW SHADES. A very Sua and cheap ataorlmeni, JuM received by Railroad from New York, at tbe Mammoth Store ot Friliug A innt we bsve else Icj rale r I'utuam a to centra i ted Patent Prudulusa t urtaiu 1 uturt'o euubury, March 2v ifcoa ALL WHO WISH TO PURCHASE Good & Handsome Goods AT VERT LOVf PRICES, AND HAVi; A 10 si.i.ix r rmi.n, WILL I'LLAbi: CALL AT IIIL ONE P1JICK STORE OF E. V. BRIGHT 8c SON, BUNBUHV, I'A. Vho keep constantly en hsjid, and are in.'iitbly receiving from New York and rbiladelj Inn; A CHOICli AND CHEAT a'i'OCK Of ALL KINDS OF MODS adapted to the wants of tery percou We invite tlie attention of the Pahlic. and respectfully solicit an examination of our clock, feeling assured that w u ar prepared to offer UREATBAKUALXS AMI Spleudid Inducements to all who de-ire to purchase hnitct Cn d at fair prices. We do not feel justified in bousing that we have the taitst stoci, although we can state wil'u truth, that our stock is wellseKcted, and embraces many novelties not to be found el-ewhirc Our present assortment comprises all kinds ol 1'OREIGN AND rOMESTIC DRY G O O ID NOriOi?, GLOVES AND Hi'SlLRY, WHITE GCOI'S IN VARIETY, BOOTS AND SHOES, MAI j AND CAPS, HARDWARE AND Ql EI.NSWARF, GROCERIES AND GLASSWARE. FA1N1S, OILS AND VARNL-HLS D1VUOO Sb CllKMICA COACJIMAKEKS' V SAMMHS' HOUV.S !OE V.VrAti.S. ai Iron, Steel aud Hails, WIXVOW MIAOUS URIXVSTO.XEi:. Ac, Ac, Ac K. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, May 17, le02 !mv t.ooustt Miss M. L. CiiHslor, I'uwn Strrrt, lira rionrt tmtli. ef the Siumoiu: Valtiy 4- ruttsrxlh liailioutl, BUNLUKY, PA., HAS just received from Philadelphia, n 1 oprned at her store, a Inrge and splendid assortment of the mwt fashionable and latent style of Bonnets), Hats, Slmkors, Trimmings &c which she Is si lling at the nnt reawniible prices. LADIlCft' MIKSH CAPS, to which she directs (he attentiou of thu ladies, and invites all to call and eeo them. HOPILKY, GLOVF.S. MIT., CHLLAUS, HANI'- KLKCHIKKS. C0.M1SS. Ac, anil numerous thcr articles for ladies' wenr, to which sho invites inn ladifti to call and cxnmino before piirchnsing rlsewbere. 'J'hnnkful lor past pulronn're. she hopes by keeping the best assortment, at rcusonablc prices, to continue the same. Sunbury, April 19, 1802 ,1m SIMON P. WOLVERTON. AlloriK'v mul 'imifrloi nt l,;tw. Office, Market street. 2 doors west of Depot, AlflLL attend prom pi ley to the collection oMiiims and all oiher professinnnl bu-iness intrusled to his enre in Northnmherland and adjoining eountiin.. fc'unliury, May 3, 102. . INtiito ori:iiznlM-tli IBilrmtin. lvO'l. N' TOTirK U horebv eiven Ibnt Utters of a.lmi'ils" trntion having been crnnted to the sulcriHer on the estate ol Lhr.aheth llilcmnn, iHtc oi tlio bo rouii of .uiil'ury. Northnmhcrlnnd county. Pn.. de eeast d. All persons indeMed are risf,uo-'ted to niski; immediate payment, nnd tha'c having claims to pre sent (hem lor settlement. HWUUiE IIARniSdX. Administrator Cum. Tcsliimrnto, .tc. Sunbury, May 3. It-li2. tit .MiiniiOiflurrrM fSloii' iVnre. COWDEN fi WILCOX, HARBISBUHO, JW. rl Mil. f-tone t nre now made nt Ihif esljiI'M-ltnirnt .1 is c'iuhi to any nimie in thi eouiftrv. livery va. netv of article n-iiiillv made, ulvviivu on Imnd Itiiriii-liury, May 3, xi'.'.. Vlill'si :'v VirU I'j p- I Vmiulry. j,uoK,M:ysr.i':if, jojia.w w.'A.i. MFXTAL r I". loive Hie fi.'l'est s.orm"t.t of the tr.o.-;t useful kinds of Plain and Onitmo'iittd Typo, inntoi. fitctured fioin tlu: loort dur:il'le lii,i.-liel v oh the greatest cure and !iclui:h.-v. securing pciiecl just i ticittion. Sieciinrn lV.,.k.-- and estimate.- f'lfniud ui':n ap plication, nl-:o. printing ri:i.-i:?. vi M) their appurtenances of all the approved iuulerJ W QO I) T Y p i : . "f nil the latest style, of all size". Metal Furniture LMjor-Savir.g Rules, Cases., Furniture, Printing Ink. and every article tho Pi inter require J crins liberal. Prompt nttention. I'ARMKH, Li IT LI'. A C" . "" lift..! Oj lleckuian street. New York. Mjv 3. ISO; m. ii-.Mirni.. 'I 1 1 1 - suli-vriber n -p" llully ini'-rin' hir: old frit nil- ai:U IIic piioiic ginirally tuul lie liat coinmencC'l tho li I. A ( ' K S M II 1 1 1 N i i D I ' 1 N I : ? , fhop nttnehed to ', V. Uright's Fouudrv. and in tlu i-' pre pared to do all kinds of lilucksinithing. in the i:vle and wovkmnnrliip. l.e-l All custom woik wiil be premptlv nltendecl t .1. II klMMKK.MAN, A-. i t .Sunbury . April 2'i. I-SC2. ti" (aollork's Oaiislclion t'olIVc. 11IIS prep'irntiion, tiuoi from the best Java Coib-n. is rci'i.uiniended bv i'bicians as n vune- nor Nl'Tltl'ITOl S ltEVF-I! AG K for General Debil ity, Dvpepsiu, and nil Pillions Disorders. Tl.ou.-nnds who have bocn compelled to abnndon the use of Coftee, will use this without injurious eft'octs. One can contains tho strength of two pounds oi urdliury codec. Price 2t cents. KOLIH'K'S I.EVAIV. The purest and best P. A RING POWDER known, lor nuikin li?ht. -cct and nutritious Bread and Cukes Price 1 j cents. mamt li nnet) i,y M. 11. KOLLOCK, Chen.i t. Corntr of Broad and Ci.cMiiit Streets, rntt a ii:r.rm . And sr.ld 1 v nil T'ru."'iits and Grocers March 1, 1"42. IIAVK YCIT & COUGH ? use JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. Do not allow your cold to bike its own course. Two thirds of tbe victims of consumption owe tl'.i ;r afllieti ns to the Ititul mistake of "wailing lor a cough to get ell of itself." Do not fall into this error, but avail yourself ut once of n renoiiy which thirtj years' experience has demonstrated is ccitiiin to procure a speedy cure. HAVE "0V ASTHMA Oil PHTHISIS. Tln n use JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT, which will overcome Ihe .-puinodic contraction of the wind tube. and c.'iusc them to eject the miu iioiis ,,r mrii.i r whi.di clos them up. snd by an easy nud free i.pcc toratiou reinovc all itihiculty of breadline. HAVE YU llilo.NClllTlS : Then use JAY N E'S EX I'l'i'Ti i ANT. Ti.I- w Id -spread disease which may gener.illv be dor-erilvd us an iullHinution of the line skin which line? tlo- iu.-ide of the Mind tubes or air vessels, spreading ihrough every part of the lungs. i ofu u taken f r c n-iinip-tioii. '1 he Epiv't"runt niUUies this ini;tti.r.. relieves, iho attendinf; couch, pain, and ildli.-ul; v of breathing, ai d if the case is not of too ie.'ig tanrtintr, will certainly produce a cure. HAVE VOL' CONSrarTH'N .' Then use JAYNE S EXPECTt'RANN. 1; cbnu ses the lungs from all irritating matters, while nt the same lime il heels and invigorates them. Of nil the remedies which have been oliered to the p iMic f..r this dread disease, none have stood Hie t' cl ,,t' time ,r uiaimaimd s universal a rspularity as this fAi'icto rant. Thousands who have been given i p by their physiciiuis as iueurablu have been restored to pert ol luitlih by its use. and their testimony inu-t carry cuovictiou to all who read it. HAVE YOU PLEl HLsV ' Then uc JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. Py tnkiiiE taking two or three large doses in Ihe early stage of the disease in muck succc---ion. und eoveiing up Wiiriuly in bed. inis prep:iiMtiuii acts ns a sudorit'.e ..r swi ating medicine, and subdue- the iisllauiiiiieii at the OUisCt. have vol: wiioopi.w.coroii Thenuso JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT, 'll.crois no remedy which so eflcetuully overe, lees ihisdi-'a-e as the Ex)s'ctorunt. What parent eun wiuu-.-s the sufVerings id' her children from this dismissing ei n; pluinl without cbung all in her power for tleir n lief ' What medicine so pleasant to tbe tasle. or so certain to produtc immediate btnilit ' Give it a trial, aud let il prove its efficacy. IIAV YOU CROl P ? Thin use JAYNE S EXPECTORANT. Children hre.-ul iect to no ui-'ease more sudden in its attacks, i r. in I lie ah, nee of pr..iupt relief, none more t'atnl iu its results than Croup. Parents. Ilurel'ore. -honld keep at hand a remedy sure and ihnrouh Such a p'lnedy uiav be found iu the Expeeti ran!, uud every carvfui will keep a -v.i i !y by her JAYNJ: S EXl'ECi.ili NT Is a -tnr.dar.l u edicit:e. Ki r tl irty yefs ; i,).. e-,, let'ore the public. ai;d tlurirg tliis peri' d il- eurativ,' pi.wcri have be, u le.-iilied totv all clashes ,.f io,.c iu ail uiiart'Ts of Ihe world. Phvsieians. clerg uo-n, lawyuis, uicrchai.b:, and nie.-hnnies have expei it-need its remedial effects, and have furnished us wi.ii their te-tiuiouy, and it may Lu found at length iu our Almanac, to bo bad gruiis of nil si'i r,ts To Iheir convincing eertiticaU's we would refer Ihe tb.ui lir.g The E.viKCTOKAxr and all 1'r 1). J.U.K .V SON S Family .Mitnn iMts are - Id by all Druggi Is generally. May 17. 1S02 3 ni '1 lie sal. 1 .!, Cititituut Strtrt. U I uve it Tlu.- l und i'w..'i, Pllll.ADl.LlHIA. 'I A!IE undersigned, having leased, fir a l-rio if vears, Ibis iH'i'iilar Iione. have ine pleasure tl auuoe.iiciug Ui their iiiends and the intvehog coir. uiuuiiy iLal ii L- now o.en l,r tiie ree j ii, i, The house, since the first of March laf. In- n entirely renovated and reti'ted ill a superb I lusn . the apartuiems are large, well ventilated and fur-iii-bed in modern style It is centrally h.oi'.d convenient to all the des't and steiuolsjat In.ioiogs, and in the iininediule vieiuiiv of the Cutoiu llun-i. Post Office aud the Cm Connected willi the Hou l U a Restaurant I, the ae-commislalion of those piei, rriug Ihe E uop. i.u plan. Prices of lUa,ms from ihrec lo e vell per week, aiordimr lo location. lt.uird ! M per day. Table d Hole for uierchanis and buriuesr uiu tieUi 1 to 3 P M. HENRY Nt II.. ISAAC L. DEVi'E. April 12, Ml J MithliiiiBlou llUk-, NORTHUMBERLAND, PEXNSV LV AXU, ( A't.w the Undyr ) rilHE suLvrila-r bavii.g lea-d this well li.ewu X Tavern Stand, lutt-ly keot by Mrs. C. ,S Blown, rei-peclfallv iuiorni" the puMu lha he i roflttliur i.n 1 rej iriug the promises, and will be preart d lo en- tertsin, in a CHiuri riable u'.snner Ins n ftiemU thi.nicuut the connlv. slid all who rt)v I i slrooie bis osinr.ii-ijuient 1 April I J, 101 ,1'M I'll V VkTl,i i ihm: a i,vo WCWINf. MAOHIMIl CO- K LfiOAtiWAY, NKW YORK Vmmptivc Circular, v.itk PmipUi if II ori trill be sent Matl 1-ne 01 It " FAMILY tl'Wi.NO MACHINE, ' H AVINU attaiued a well rsttblishe. and Ciit;-- r.r reputation, as being of all machines yet intn dnced, theoTO'l,el adapted to Al l Kim s oi I'.iii: Wkwinb, and having met with a success in is si,' beyond our greatest anticipation, so much so. tout ! three tnonths our onlers have been alvil M on capacity to supply, we would nov Jitr'n-.n-, tdnt y, have increased onr mnnut'ti '.'luring taei'i'ir j. so thi from Ibis time torth, we .d;;i bo e'isf U i 'i suppl orders on dt-Uiiind. In Hie eiia'iges l-n.ught aliont hy t' tj p . t iiiuilE nnn 1'isye.i n nio'o llrp-;) -ii.t. j, it tli.iij I: t?.wtNo Machink." Vill,,,,,! fi thi.e-foniths i our soldiers would to-day boeloihed In anything bo "Military Costumo." All over Urn land army i.h thing hus been the 'work required of our patriot' women, end noMy bvr lin y responded. Not com" to make only so niony gnrnients as iheir mnd ml accomplish, they have railed the ' dewing Mio hir to their nld, anil by it rulled out the soldi- Coats, Pati ami miiis. al a rale uslonishing lhemelrr. Knowing ll.nt this vork could not continue, many'iil. prudent housewives, w e, careful to select the machine of all others, whic would do the linnvy army work, and when douewi. that, then to be used m th ir Family Macuinf., ai. in selecting one i f the ' Finkm: A Lvm Kkwinu Machine Compamy Iahii.y Macihsi.s," wi:h which you may sew from the finest cam'ortc the heaviest cloth, witlioul chanire of feed, needle, i tension they have not been disappointed Thus having developed tho adaptuhilily of luiii'hine for nil kiud.- nl work, ne have madV anotli. step in ndvnnce, find by several itiiport.iiit cbaii'-i our "No. JH Mi uii m Mai misks," have produced ' TAIt.mtiMi .Maciiivi:." which we confidently claii to bo tho "HICST TAILORINU MACHINl: '! y introdueed, sewing the coarsest limn thread wi;b much easo lis the c-iumon cotton nnd whenrcjuir may be used to du Ihe very tinesl cHtnbric work, wit l.'ihor Ul'tl cotton thus coml'ininL" in one eon-pa form, everv nualitv rifiuired in either a FAMil OR MANI'FACTl MACHINE. We have, lul l our M-ichine before tlie pnblic loi enough to establish Iheir rr.'utitlifn . TWns others who started with Hying colors "hive lullen I the wayside. ;'' and "noon the places that knew tin will luio.w them no more." Htep by step has M FiNkfc A Lvox MuniNr. won iis way to pu''l favor rTlfs .success Is established, and heneetorth oi uitn Kiiaii he. y it has in the past been, to still furih' improve, simplify and reduce the e'. of ear ni chin s. We f-luill, in a lew days, isuo a new pi i libt. For furl Im r pari-nlnrs address. FlNKLL .V 1AON SKWINtl MACUINK Ct) . No. 5:i ' Un ri hviiv. New Yon t )5. Mv.', A.i nl, .Sunbury, Pa. ,:.:rei '"I, ISrt'.'. l.ackutiuaiiii .V Hleoiiisbnif; I'ai voikI, 0Ni aiul at'te Nov. nib, r 2J. 1S0I, Pa.- eto- ram-" will run a: loliow.1 : M'.YJ.Ni! SytTH. Lenve v-r:ml.u S 25 A M 1" SO A' " 12 !; I " kinvxoii, 6;-o " liloont-b.ii, b '.YZ " Rupert, 4u " lomville. 9 1 ! .nicat Northutnh. rli nd, 1 UU MOVIN'J N'iRTI! Leave Noiibutt.bevltiid -I tin V M I'Bii.illo, In Rupert, I' IA " toooin-t.irir, Kingsiou, Arrive tit tYranten, A Pa-stner Train A M., ir S.'rnr.lon. New Yuri.. Retiiriiiu S 00 Leave, 1 4;- I '.' on P. m. to lil-o Jeavee Kiog.t'.n ;.f to connect will, a Irani 1 g. leaves Sernnton ouarir. of train from New York, at l.lj P M. Tiie Lnc'k:iwa:,nn v RiMtusbur Railroai conne with tlie Delaware, l.acki. wanna and Western fl: road at Scranton, for New York mi l inlcimcli points enst . At Rupert it eonncctti with tho Cattawi-ca R.: road, b r p"ini both eie.t und west. At Northunibrrland it conne.ds with the Phils--' phin A Erie Unilroad mid NoitLeru Ciutral Ri read, lor points west and smith. JnllX P. ILSI.EY, !;up t .! C Wnti v (ier.eial Ticket Age,,t. April 5. I;.' ;,im'.,'-ij, I'.i. rVWIK maiuigfineiit of this wll-known Hoiel !, 1 i"C 1'Cer, resi,'u-l by Mevrs. COVI.E A HEP the reseut propri' tors, bep; leave to inform the pn1 thai tl,e house is now heiur thoroughly renovat refitted, and improved, with a view to the proper i. corr.fe riablo i,-'ooiniuo,i:iiiou of those who uu:;, fa Iho evtsblishiio-ut with (heir custom. Guerts , l-fceive iluc ueution and cuiirtcy, tnd no eije will bo spare. I tlmi may conduce to muintaiu hotel in a nrst-cliuw style. families and others desiiing to sojourn in liar burg timing thrt sumruer month-,, will fimi ple-i. boarding and large nr.-l well-vontil.ttcd roouis at esi.abiirlii.itnt. up -n n-.ouei-a!e terms. .-CfTT COVI.E March l".). l.-'-.l J! 1; i HERE 1 spi'in anil Siiminri' Iks' CLOTHING FOR ALL. fplll. utiderjign'd has just roeuivod the lar I t;.-vs,.r;u:ent ot s IlilN'.i ever biv.-.i-- PRING AND SVMMEli Ct ht to S.inburv. find t ikes i lea1 in i.u'i-rpiif g lii-; friends and the public gei.i that l.e ii enabled t.i soil CHEAPER Til AN EVER ' ! His. stock is of tlie hest nu.terisl. mitmitas'tiirf d in lioi.ter: and late-t siyles, and consists of DRESS C O YT.-' ERo.M 5 to $1 1, Ciieriniere car BusiLe--? Coats of di'lerent pric Pants Plain i.nd l'uncy Cus-siiucres of ti.e b. stvles, A large a-soitinent of Plain and Fancy Vesb ll ih-l'.Ic Siiirts, Woolii; Shii's Hi.d Oversh CARPETBAGS AND TRUNKS. Ar. l also a m;n.' '-r of other aniclca of fenibm wi nr. Wepv.n-ur.'e t-i everyone that our CL"TI!I EMPORIUM is unsurnnsj-e.l by any other in Stale fi'i- ipiality. ciu-apntus and durnbiliiy. Ue 'ifely say to liiose who are purchasing Ready M Ciolhing, at rctnil, 'bey can buy Iheir geiods ov at a cheaper Ca.-h Price than any other eaublisbu in PelinytcHl.iii 'lue proof of tie Pudding is eating it. Pi give u.o a cull ts tore piuvlia-ing elsewhere Joseph scu'a eiter, Ag-nt N'-ariy e? p. .site Weaver's 11. t. Suni.'irv. Mar.-li IM. Isi',.'' S1.0I 11.Vl.Ii la, VtK.i-iu y nt Iji , Sunbury, Norihun. laud eoi.itly, Peiinsylvsnis (I'onne -lv Kreeburg, Snyder county 1 Ol'KU'E. Min'ket street, oiio'dinir ea t 'of I'r A Grant'.-: Store, and nearly o po-ne the Court H. All prole -vn-liui Lil.-ines, ColleCUe-l;S, dc , Wl. ccive rui.ij l i.l!t-:.lieu A pill 11. 1 so J Poll SALE. . her. tl.reo ol I be Col B.blc, in Iw'o oluiues' with coiuntentiiries. II li. MASSE 'I'lur 4 otilVvHioii Itiitl l le lie nil IntukUI. 1)1 lii.ISHI.D fur the benef.t and !. a wh and a caiiti,u lo yt-uii u-eu who sut! r .V.rvu.s li -Gilt! y- Promaiurc Di"v. Ac. ; suj ' hi ibe si.n.e lit,.,- Ml. leta of Seli'-Cure l'-.v w bo t.t-. ured himself alVr b.-ing jut to gt-i- i. use tblo'odt lut-dieal ilnlN .ti.toli wud il o i.' Jv enclosing a h l Mud luMresed i-nvi-iep,- - cooii-s luav be bud of the auloor. NA'ltlAMEL MAYF.'.I", E- fedf. rd, Kint- Co : N Mar.'ii 1.'', l-i ly u ! V i:it: Jl ST received from X,-w Y'ork a large a-.-n of WALL PPi:H. consisting of Vr. Hi si and Six rv-iiiiutK Dn i rnrsT ami li h n . , varying in prico frtm liceiit.-- u pw nrds. which wiil l-e sold at the lowe--l caili prici. cheap store ol Suul .ur,-, M- J II l.NOi leli : l:0. lro lltn. Lam ('il, llaius, Side-. Slioulders, Pork. l',r Salt- l. lie sc. l ll. d I Iteai.s. .tc .Ac Xl"l l 1 L.lad. 1) i Smoked li. Duller. el, H'.M barf, I lo l.-.'J I-.ot '.Tf - .'iUl t ' Mat. u IU. II. it. HtsiSI'.It. A" Ce-:le,-.i..,is ai'en-l'.t to in Ote coantits ol iI.uiuIh I iih.u, ii'vil. r, Moniu.u-, Ce-I aud i.y -oioiu hl.l I KI V. I S ll .ii .b.l.u M l'.e,: Liadel.bia, G iiii II A I o . il.oi V, to . prt-r. Morton -Nl'-Miebhel, 1 -h . E hei -lmiu A Co , J Pearl Sinw. John Vl A li Ulead. Alloiliey at La, .Msnl.ew- A t..v Aitwnv at !, ,abl,rv, Mar- h -V l--"'.' j ' j ! tlall l"iir-lt Viwra V V Al l. I Aps'-H ' M"! f v '.. U ;T i I l-S A M' i- VI i I il Il Sr received due-'t I'n.n. ' ibe U M.M'. FH -fi'hl i l 'be Mf.l..i.'. t 1 in"'., v , Mar -I. I 1 i. ' a i.h