EfK imbuvfi American. H. B. MASSED, Editor A Proprietor. Nl .-MU ItV, 1A. SATL'HDAY, JCXK 14, 1803. 8. M. PETTENQIIiIj ft CO.. Ne. .17 Park Kow, New York, and 6 Htate Street, Loston, are our agentc for tho HrnBtrnT America in those citica, and arc authoriie.l to tako Advertise ment and l?uUcriptioiiii for w at our lowest rate?. Tho Government lias nccoptcil two new regiments from Maryland for the war, lo go wherever ordered. When these new regi ments arc raised, Maryland will have nearly ten thousand men in the field. t-t?" Col. Kenly, of tho First Maryland Infantry, hns reaehed Bulthnoic. lie has a plight sabre wound on the side of his head. He will soon be able to take the field again. i" Exri-osroN at roTTSviu.r. The Iron and Hardware Store of Mr. George Bright, in Tottsville, was badly damaged on Monday afternoon of last week, by the fxplosiou of a barrel of benzole (or enule coal oil) in the cellar. The back part of the store was entirely demolished, and the con tents of the front store were thrown into a confused mnfs, and much injured. Thirteen persons on the streets adjacent, were injured by flying fragments, but only one seriously. Mr. Bright and his son were inside, in the front part of the store, escaped altogether, not receiving a single scratch. Mr. lirighfs loss is from 10,000 to $15,000. Ho is fully insured against lire, but whether his Policy will cover the loss by this explosion, is a piest'ion ; for the Insurance Companies of late decline to take risks upon property where coal oil is kept. I'lve lor Out. J-fc1"C!ov. Johnson, of Tennessee, does not propose to handle rebels with mittens, for fear of hurting them, lie has issued a pro clamation against the guerilla plunderers Mild nnirderem of Union men, in which he says : "I do hereby proclaim that in every in--tam e in which a Union myn is arrest oi I ;i in I maltreated by the marauding band, aforesaid tlvi' or inre rebels from the most prominent m the immediate neighborhood shall be ore-ted. imprisoned, and otherwise dealt with as the nature of the case may require ; and further, in nil cases in which the pro perty of citizens loyal to the government of the United States is taken or destroyed, full and ample remuneration shall be made to them out of the property of such rebels in the vicinity us have sympathised with, and j'.ivcn aid, comfort, information or encourage ment to the parties committing such ilepre dations." Gov. Johnson also ''forbids all citizens, iimler hivvy penalties, from entertaining, receiving or encouraging such persons so I' liideil together or in anywise connected In n with." BEAUREG AltD'B FLIGHT. Trent i Thovmnd Jhmrttri in tho H'W A Famine Thmttaiullli Troop Sff r tuff. Lovisville, .Tunc 0. General Halleck's headquarters with the Federal forces now occupy Baldwin nnd Gnntown, on the Jack son u ml Bolivar Kailroad, the repairs on which arc progressing rapidly. , The enemy tns-cu Gnntown isisi nigm, retreating southward from Baldwin. It is estimated that he has lost twenty thousand by desertions since he left Corintli, mostly from Kentucky, Tennessee nnd Arkansas regiments. All the regiments lrom tuesc states were guarded by Mississippi ana Alabama troops. It U believed by the country people that Beauregard cannot enter Columbus, Missis sippi, where he proposes to make a stand, with one-half the troops he brought away from Corinth. The whole country cast and north of Baldwin is full of armed soldiers, returning towards Tennessee and Kentucky. General I 'one telegraphs lrom tlic advance that the prisoners he has taken, who at first desired to be exchanged, now want to take the oath of allegiance and abandon the rebellion. The enemy drove nnd carried olf every thing for miles around on 'the route of their retreat. The wealthiest families are desti tute and starving. 'Women and children were on the roads crying for food, the males having been seized and forced into the army. The enemy is also represented as greatly suffering for food, depending alto gether on foraging for his supplies. Artdi'CKN of Urn. .HcOcllaii to hit '1'roopsfcr Head Qr.MiTr.ns of Gi n M'C'm.i.lan p ( Ahmv, luesday Lveimig, June oil. The following address was read to the army this evening, at dress parade, and rcieived with an outburst of vociferous cheering from every regiment. Hi:n-oftiTi:ns or tiif. Ahmt or tut. ) Potomac, Camp near New Bridge, June !.'. j S-ililicr f thr A rm of the t'mcf : I have fulfilled at least a part of my promise to you. You are now face to face with the ltcbcls; who arc held at bay in front of the Capitol. I lie linal anil decisive nattle is at Hand. Unless you belie your past history the result cannot be tor a moment doutittul. It the troops who labored so faithfully and fought so gallantly at Yorktown, and w ho so brave ly won the hard tights at Yilliamburg. AVcst Point, Hanover Court House, and Fair Oaks, now prove worthy of their antecedents, the victory is surely ours. The event of every day prove your superi ority. Wherever we nave met the enemy we lac beaten him. Wherever you have used the bayonet, lie has given way in panic anil disorder. I k of you one last crowning effort. The enemy has staked his all on the issue of the coming battle. Let us meet him and crush him here in the centre of the Ki bclliim. Sob I iers ! I will be with you in this battle, and share the dangers with you. Our confidence in each other is now founded upon the past. Let us strike the blow w hich is to restore peace and union to this distrac ted land. Upon your valor, discipline and mutual confidence the results depends. Gkouce B. McCl.r.M.AN. Major-General Commanding. BESTBUCTIVE FLOODS. The very heavy rain last week, has raised the waters in Pennsylvania, to an almost .mprccedented degree. The Susquehanna. the Helawure, the Lehigh, the Schuylkill, the Juniata, and their tributaries, have all risen so suddenly and to so great a height :u to cause ttjrihlc destruction of property. The losa along the Delaware and Lehigh alone, i-i said ' to be millions of dollar. Can. i!s, bridges, dams nud railroads have been swept away ; towns have been inunda tul ; furnaces, factories and mills have been topped by the rising torrents ; houses have l it u swtpt away, and wor.-t of all, many l:u . liae been lost. The suffering and (Un tie 's caused by the llod will be immense. At Heading, the Schuylkill rose ouThurs 1 i v morning about 17 feet ab ove the ordinary vv.itir level, and within six or eight feet as high a.-, it was in the memorable freshet of .:i ptciiibcr 2d, liviO. Considerable damage was done'. The frei het appears to have been most .U -a ni ons in the Delaware and Li high rivers bit ween East on and Munch Chuck. At K.i: ton, the lower liorikiu of the town bor- .U ling on the two rivers was inundated, the water reached the aicoud stories of the duellings. Tho town of GKndon, t-ituate a mile above Ka .ton, and inhabited by the tuiplouis of the furnace of that name, was wholly inun dated. The tenements, oilier.;, furnaces, Ac, were entirely surrounded by water, which reai lud marly to the second stories oi the houses. All the ironworks in tlic L( liiph valky uie stepped The rise of the water was so rapid as to prevent the escape of many per sons from their houses, and may have been drowned. The damage to the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad is great, and will per haps, take a week to repair, so as to allow the pa-. sage of trains. The Delaware Canal has probably not bicn very greatly damaged, and the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company's works were much leas iniuieM than by the great freshet cf IS 11, though it may require several months to place them in navigable" condition. There is no doubt that many lives Lave been lost. Boats with their crews were twept from their moorings and dashed to pieces, and many tenements with their occu pants were carried away before assistance could be rendered to them. Easton, June 6. Persons from Maueh Chunk, give a feurful account ot the damage above. J he dam at Maueh Chunk, as well as two others, it re swept away, and many houses demolished The railroad bridge is also gone. Canal navigation is stopped for the season and the Lchiuh Valley Bailroad will not be in running order for several weeks between Allentown and Maueh Chunk. The portion li IwiA-u Allentowu u lid huston, on the row York route, is not to much damaged, and w ill Ik; in running order to-morrow (Satur day.! The whole town of Weissport is washed aw ay. There arc but three houses left out ol about three hundred. Many famili wire diowucd. The loi cf life has been terrible. TitvrE with LiBt.KiA. Tho barque Ocean Eagle sailed on Saturday for Liberia and the West t'oatt of Afiica, with a cargo, chielly of provisions, valued at 10,000. Of forty one LilLi of lading, thirty-eight arc for varioii.i ports of Filjeriii. Mercantile tirmi ut Monrovia have orders' filled to tho value ol u,.uc than J.VO0O. Four ..iiar mill.- win ., hipped to M'-'urovu. N Y- I'oa. Wiivnokr Soi.nii:ns at Camp Critrix. The hospitals at Camp Curt in now contain a large number of solders, from which daily discharges arc made, as w ell as others added so that the number is always sullicicnt to keep the surgeons and nurses in attendance actively engaged. None of the cases now in the hospital are very serious orof n character to demand amputation or surgical attend ance, yet nil are in a condition to require the utmost care and kindest nursing to injure their recovery. During a late visit to tlie-c hospitals.wc found the arrangements for the care of the wounded of the most liberal and comprehensive description. The hospitals are constructed entirely with a view to com fort. The internal arrangements r.re founded on the principal that cleanliness is the essen tial influence in the restoration of health, and without it, no ailment, healed or re moved. Every patient occupies a couch provided with every comfort his person is at once secure from exposure and his body with every facility to insure its care and cleanliness. These arrangement sure the result of a strict enforcement of the rules establish ed by Surgeon Wilson, in charge of the hospital, and nre lis much a credit to his .-kill and attention, as they are an honor to the liberality and though! fulness of the au thorities by whom they are provided. Vi.v- iiii:iiiri- Nti.r.M. j BY virtue of certain writs of Vtn. F.rynnrs ati.l Alius Vtn Erpanar, lned out of the Court of Common I'len of Northumberland county. 1'a., ami to mo directed, will be exoped to I'liblic fiile. at tho Court Hon"!, In Punbnry, on Monday, the Iftth dny of June, A. 1). lHti2, at 1 o'clock, 1'. M., tho Mlowinj; described Real ltato, to wit : All tho defendant' intercut in lot number .11, sit ttato in tho borough of Hunbury, Northumberland county, State of renn?ylvanift, bounded and de scribed as follow to wit : North by Rhnmokln street, cat by lot No. 32, nouth by an Alloy, and west by Fawn Ptrcct, containing about 4 of an acre, whereon nro erected a two-jtory frnnie hoti!o and kitchen, (now occupied by Chnrlcf Weaver as a Hotel,) a lnrgc stable nnd other outbuilding?. Alco, all that certain mcfsunRC and tract of land, fitimto In Coal township, county aforesaid, heinjr part of a large tract of land surveyed In tho name ol John Brndy, containing 17S acre?, strict measure, bounded on tho north by land? of Martin (Japs, on the cnt by land late of l'urJy A Pewart, (now Purdy.) on the south by lands surveyed in tho name of Thus. Hamil ton, and on the wet by lands surveyed in tho name of William P. Urady, on which are opened two lurc veins of coal. Also, the undivided half of ft certain tract of land, situato in Coal township, aforesaid, surveyed in the nauie of William P. Urady, containing 4lt) ncrcs, more or less, bounded and described ns fuljows, to wit : On the north bv land of iMnrtin (in.s, east by lands of John Uraily, south by lands of Thomas Hamilton and Kstcr blramer, went by lands ofJI. K. lcrcr?on and John Uoyd, being a valuable tract of coal land. Al.-o, the undivided third part of all that certain tract of land, situate in Conl tmvndiip aforesaid, sur veyed in tho namo of John lioyd. cuitiiiniii. -1 1 1 J acres, bounded and di-scribed an follows to wit : On the north by land ol Thomas Hamilton, (old survey.) on the cat by land of William P. Brady, on the south by lands of JI. K. Lcvcrson and Frederick Kramer, and on the west by lands of Matlnns Zim merman, being a valuable tract ot coal bind. A No. the undivided ninth part of all that certnin tract of land, situate in Coal township aforesaid, surveyed in the namo of Thomas Hamilton, contain ing 4 1 2 acres and allowance, bounded on tho 'north by lands of William P. Urady and John Brady, ent by land of Samuel Clark, couth by lands of John Carson and Ksther Kramer, nnd wist by binds of William P. Brady, on which a coal vciu has been opened. Also, tho undivided hnlfrart of all that certnin tract of liind, ,-ltaate In I.lttla Malmnoy township, cminlv and .State aforesaid, surveyed in the namo of Jos.'ph Lyon, containing SO ucres. hounded and de scribed as billows : On the north by land of John liuiiklebergi r. ea-t by land of Frederick Kecs, south by lands of Frederick' Ihtukh bergor, nnd wett by the Oap. upon which a coal vein is opened. Also, the undivided half port of all thatctrtnin tract of land, situato in Point town-hip, cuuty aforesaid, surveyed in tho name of John Barron, jr., containing 410 acres nnd allowance, bounded on Iho north by bind of T. Hewit, on tho ea-t by lands of William Iti nson nnd Hubert F.rwin. on the south by land of William Brodic, and wit by land? of A' Kin-ing. Also, all that certain tract of land, surveyed in the mine of Bobert F.rnin. situate in Point t.nvn-liip aforesaid, containing 41 at jo-res, bounded on the north by land of William Benson, on the cost by lands of K. Ilraiibum, on the south by 11. Kurts, and on the west by lands of John Barron, jr. Also, nil that certain tract of land surveyed in the nauie ot l.bi nezer Braiiliiun. situate in Point town ship nl'oresaid. containing 4.:t neres, bounded on the north by land of John linvid. east by lands of An drew Kpple. south and west by liobcrt Krwiii. Also, all that certain tract ot lanil, surveyed in the name of Andrew F.pplc, .-iluate in Point' tow n-hip aforesaid, containing 4"u u.-res. bounded on tin north by binds of liavid Jackson, e. t by lands of Jilui Service, south and wisl by l.bcnc.cr Braeliaiu. Also, all that certain tract of bind, surveyed in the nnuic of John Service, situate in Point' town-hip aforesaid, containing 41 I acres, bounded on tiie north by laud id' liavid Jackson, east by land el' J. Thorncroft. south by lands of , uud wet by binds of Andrew F.pple. The lust live tracts of lanil nlnivc described containing valuable dej e.-its of iron ore. Also, the following described Lots or parcels c! ground, situate in the town of Mount Carmcl, Mount Carmel township, Northuniberbind county, Pa., to wit : Lot No. I. marked in the planof said town us Pepot Lot. Block No. S. in said town, situate on tho slumiokin Vnlli v liailroad. Block No. lo in uid town. Lot No. 2. in block No. I'.t. Lot No. 1. in block No. V2. Not No. !. in block No. il .t No. .1. in block No. Lot No 11 in block No. 4.i. Lot No. 2 in block No. l"i. Lot No l.'i in block No 4. Lots Nos. I I and 15 in blo.-k No. li t. Lots Nes 17 and IS in block No. M. Lot No. !!.' in block No. :'i5 Al, the surface right of the following de-.-ribed lots of ground, situate in the town of Hlmmokiii. county ami r-tnle aforesaid, Nos. Sit!, io'7 nl.J i! bill being one of tho Spring Lois. Also, upon the undiv ided sixth part of Hie surface right in and to all those certain lots of ground, sit unto in the town of .S-hatnokin. coTinty and State nlore.-nid. on the John Brady or Hos? tract, and numbered on the plan of said town .'i07. Ht'd. otl'.l. 370. M.t. ;7I, I7j o70, ;t77. .'i7S, ;;7!l, ;S0 HiiJ :sl,. villaining about ouo eighth of an uern each, ami a triangular lot. Poized tak'en in execution and to be t. lit as tho property of WILLI AM L. 1'I.W AHT shcrilTs Office, Sunbury, May ill, 1m'.2 FMLINIJ & ANT ALL HArPY Tti ANNOlNCB THAT THEY ARE NOW HECLlVlScl AN LNlIIiL New Stock Of Goods!! MANY Of WHICH AUK REDUCED IN PRICK, and although riivailing fufvtlf niy ii.JiKC Uk bilitl tliat DRY GOODS arc advancing: yet a liiiftlc vu-it to tlmt alliactivr re.:crl , ' THE MAMMOTH, will convince any candid man or winuan that, be tho report as it may. yit the ropaielors of that in iilu tiou" have the f.icilitiii fir furtii.Liug CIIEAPEit GOODS Willi li Have who buy M.d.tll on Li ng i idiu- d L- t uu.l C.lllll -t f c. .- JUST RECEIVED ! ! I-I. EKTGEL. Has ju.-t nturucd In ui l'hiladi bia with a OF ocr. m: ki:i:v kvluytuim;, AM' AiiL 1'l.TLb.MlNLl' Jn S XX It Xi O H V, A V 1 H TJ1A. t .i .V hn I'L At ;.!. LV hL!E I! JlElxli ALL WHO WISH to runt u Ain Good & Handsome Goods TICKZ LOW TEICEC,, AND 1IAV1, A LA UCi L2 VAIUET Y to m.i.i: neon. win. i li;a-i; c all a i iih. OiNE VttWl STOliK 01' E. Y. TJRICHT SON, BUNBUKV, XA. Wli ) klip coll tlintly on llMl.l, Hlld rciiinr. Iii ui Niw Vnk ml 1'hil aie ijioiiOilv i'b Ipiiia. A CnCMC'E AND CHL'Al' U'lOCK PI' AUi KINDS OF (iOODS Miffl M. L. Onsiilcr, I'nru Stit' t. tl'ut oof tnvlh rf ltt liiimolni ' H Nlil UY. PA , nA in -1 received from Phibuli Ipbli. and nvmil at lo r .-.lore, a huge and -ipb udid a .'oitu.i'iil ol Hie met ta -hbiiiiible and latct style of Uomicts, lliila, Eliakcra.TriiiuiiiiiKs . which she is selling nl the mo-t rensonal'le j-i iiM-s LAM l-',s' MiKSS CAPS to wbi. h be .10. ,1 , Hie iiH i ii i i.-n of the ladiis. and invites nil to rail ai d . i them. lI'MidlY. liLnYl'.-'. MJ'IS. Ct'l.LMiS 1IANH MsliCIIIFFS, CUMI'.S Ac , ml mil ercul olhrr nrli.-lei for ladies w.-.ir to nhi.-li -Im unit,- the linden to call an 1 i.,nniiie I 'i lore purchasing el-ewbere. I lililiKlul lor pa l p-ilromigo hc hope liy K." ping irttncnl, at reasonahle puces, April 1!) 13 .Im I lie bi t a" I he sumo. StinbHry . to ivnl ililie SIMON P. WOLVERTON, .tlloriK-y nail 'oiiii.o1i- sit l.nw. (lllice, iMnikel streel. 2 door-: itr-l i f P. t, n LI. attend promptlov to the collection of claim- 1 V '! nil other erol'.---ional bu-iness iiiirii tcd to hw c;ire in Noriliiin'l.i-i land tind a li -iiiiii:' c -uiiti Ibinbury, My IN'?. I'.-I:il- fvl'l ,lj.:ilM-l h llileniilit. te,-.l. N tifH'l' i l.i i. I.y given tint b-lter--.il' ndiuiiii--' Irstion baviinr t.i-oii .-rant'-d to iho iil--'oritii-r on III.' e-t,i.' ol BliKihetti lliloinan, lale ot Iho bo lough (1 .iin'mrv. Nori!niiut.--Tl-'n 1 coitniv. 1'n . do- c an .1 All p. I on- in. tel. Ii d are .- in-'.'.l lo mak. liumrdh'ti- yt im nt, and 111., e lei mg i-l.iim - to pie -ciil litem l a eculiiiieiit. (iLOlMK II P,I!I.-t A liv.inl 'rntor Cum T. taineiilo. ,'. . ' 'unbiiry 5l;iv :: m'.2 fit Tt lltnl;l( cli' l'-i ol Clinic .11 COWDKN c WILCOX, n:yvii3tit.5i"i"UH.C3 iyv. fllMi; SI no Vi .ne now nui'lc id tlii i ' .it.! i Jjiio id I i e ii it I-i any n:a f in tbi r imlry l:ciyv i ri. lv oi' in lii lo to-ii.-.lly made, iitw.iv.; on ii.m l lialri l-.;t rlny .I.'l'-i'.J iii(e"i Aim )oi I, l'i pe I 'oil ml ry . luwK. m:vspa n:;;. jojj amj oj;x'. MF.XTM. ri" have Hi- fulli'-t ft-- 'ilmciit oft! e no ! u-il'.il 1 kind-or Plain and Hitvum-nlal Type, manii I'iclttri'il l'roiii the nio-t ilurablc luct-il-. titii lii-d wilh Hie irreatc t caic and ii..rur.i. v, -i'.:in in p. ib :t j t: ;i tioatiill. Specimen iV ks mi l iiin.-.U- tund lo 1 op- n mj pliiali-n al'.i. i iilNTlMi ri:i:.:-i'. with their np urtenancc of all the ni r .v.. :i.ai;.r-' W O O 1) T V 1' 11 . ol nil the latc-t styles, .f nil its. Metal Kiirniturc l.nl'or Sa ing iiulc.-i, Ca-u s. Cal'inri.--, Ktirniturc. I'liiiting Ink, nnd eery article 1 lit- PriiAr r' pm-is. T'i i in - iiiiet-.-il. Prompt ntl. n'i. n. 1' A 11 MM!. LIT i Li'. A CO . ('" and CO licckumn streel, Nee. York i imii.i; v Mtn HRWtNfl- MACHINE JO- r. .s IIIIOAI'W AY. MIW olilv t( ,i , tj" l i't t 'l "''.' , vtth S-irir if id.. . Vlli M'vf At, 111 h'rtr . (Mi; .FAMILY SIAV1M1 JMACI1IM.', H INH nilaini'l n will'.slnbli hid nnd llnili ni r; reputation, a., b'-io-: o(" all nii'-hiiic-- yit i.i'r'. lu -e I. Ho inn- brl mlnplrd to Ai l 1m oi of V k ll V Skwiso, and hlllin-: loelnith n :-oi i : hi It.- :itn l.i yood our oii-nli ;t iitil ii-ipldli n rlo i.i:h H'M I' -tlino inonllo- out- eld. -I have l ei n i.lt. rt-l o' .,t. .l..'l.-lfy 10 c01 plv BT Would II. V. i.' ol'.-e tloil w i- have inet-ri,-, d our u .mills, to. it. : I o il.tie-. ,-,i lh-' Irrin tin time (..iih. we hull '": li.i'k'.lt' ei" ot.b r- on ileitiand. In Ibc ehimjT In -uglil alj- nt l.y Ibe wsr. Im nw tbing ba plnyel h mor" imiMittHtit pail llian lb" Sei'ivo Mmhink.1' tViliiont it three t'.tirtle- ct' our -oldier would to-day be clelhrd in anything l itf Military I'" luit.e. ' All ever the bind army el-'-liiin.r he's b.'en the wotk reipiire.l f.f our paiiiotic. women, and nobly have tin y rr pon.b d Not cont."!! to noiko only so many gal lni-nl ; ns tln ir linriib eonl i a.-.'oiopli-li. they len'c ."ill. d the "Sowing Mm-lent-to tin ir aid, and by it have lolled out the --Idi." l'o!' Pant -. an. I Siiii:s. at t r-iti n;ioo bin : i-llieio-olv'-'. Knoiving Hint tin- ivoik co-ild Pot if? ..!!' inne In., n y tin . I? hi h.l. 1 le.bnt I,. ii.-i-wtve. vol. careful lo -eb'-ei tlic tin .-hire i-l nil .-tier -, which Would do the heavy er.iiv rk. nlid wbell done with Moil. I In n to be ii'.'-l ii .In ir l-'A vn. M n iiim. sn i in -elii-'.ing one of Iho 1Tki.x A t.v-vs .1 wimi MAciif'r. wm - l'."HV .MeniNis. ivi;b r.liieh you may :i w I'r. ni Iho finest ri'ti.l-ti,- t the heal i" I el .111. ilhont change ot f, i 1 In .die . ten i 'ti - Ho v Ion e not l-eeti ili-.ii p .in'.-d 'i'lius b.-uln devi l-pi J l!-c :d;tptliitily i-f o ; inaeliine f- r all kind of v. ol k . we ba e in.-ole anol l-i r Mi p in mhiinoe. a'ld t.v f-ovrral nop. r. nil i-eaoe-in our "No. J M i I'll m MeniM.s. have pro-lu- et ' T ii.oeisf: M M'iiim. w iii'-h o i-ontid. ntlv .-la:--- to i.c ibc "i;i;.-r taii.";i v; maciiim. .i ilitrodn-'ul. -i-wing i lie coal -t linen tinea. I with a ir.u..h ea-e a - tin: coiunioii c.-i ton an. I n lien i . .piii .-o may be u e-1 to do i ioi i cry bur -I c.m-t.i ic woi V, ui.ri I ai or 'Jon eotloti - ll.ii-- coiot'iintig in one o-ony . r foini, eierv innlii v r- (uire I m i i'b--r a l-'AMiL i'i; MWU'Ai.'U'lilM: .maciiim: We h.fvc bad our .'I n -bine-- bi fore the pu'-lic Ion , fiioiu-Ii t-i e icl'li-h II, ei r-pitati.-n lorn- ,.i otiii-r- wi. . -i.irtcl Willi III in-.r I'l.ki1- hni e billen i-v the way i.lc . ' end '-.-on Hie pla. i - Ibat Knew til. ri w ill kii .-.v Ho m no m..ie Sup by iep has I'--I'inki i; o l.i" M ' iii.ni: w-.-ii i..s way to j nl.;. ii'i r . it .-ii. -co i-r-lat-li bed nnd lo iieelorin om aim -Ii.dl l e. ; i: ll.i in !iie j .!( been, to 'ill lortlo r iln-ro.:. -inii'lo., and reduce Ibc eo-t of eur m i chine.-' .-lull, in n few days. Mia new price li t for luttln r p.irn- ulai -. .--.i In---. 1 I NKI.i; .V Ll"S sK I.Sii .M Ai lliM: Ci' No :V'S iu .t lwav. New Yei i, - II p Mcirn A.Mi.l. Siinl'-.'-v. l.i Mar.h ?" l-l2 iti.tt mix;. :nb-criber ro.-p..'..if ullv inl'. rti-.- his Id fii.ii l. n I and the I iiMic pencriilly that he l.a:' e ji.n.en.-i I ami: the JiLACKsMITUINil l'-L'slM:.-.-, in the .-hep nttii 'hi-d to 1' Y. P.rigbl .- IVimdry. i.t i i-r.-pnred lo do all kinds of J'la.l. inithing, 'in M be-t tyle and workman hip. All t'lbtvin v.oik v.iil be pr. nipilv att. n li 1 .1. II i'.I.MMLl..MAN A ;. i.t Sutiiiiiry. Ajril Sii, l"-ii2 tf l.;ivL-v Dim:i V lkti-iiilii)' lf.nl -:id. end after X.-ven.l-er I Pa. i;'i in? will run a- f.-ilew-s M iVINti H'L'TU l.civc l.ing- .M 'V, . ti ;o :;u A 1 a P oiiio-ur,' .olnpted to the atleiiii. the w.iht 1 ot II of lilt I'lll-i an examination o our are rc and to ofler tick viry pir.-oti Mll-I 10 .' Ii ( ling iu. We mule Hl.llv 'lull Ulld til.lt WC AN'.) 1 KlLlNii .v t.liANl' ounbury May 17 Lo; Splendid Inducements i4ol!o'Us Is.'iiulelion flAIIIS prep-iratiii-n. tunic front -n- II0W TO TROMOTE HAITIXESS. DOMESTIC to nil Spring & Summer Goods. HoMi.TiiiNfi Ni.w. Mr. ('. V. nun' howi r of Alliutown, wliile recently in :i visit to I.elii";li niiiiiiitiiiii, iliscovert il a small trr. iil'otit three in t in liei"lit. Lctiiiiir ntil riju itti'il. lie ilii"; it cut :iml 1 -r Mii lit i ln'ine nml tiiinspliinii'il it into hi pari Int. win ic it -ei ni.N lo thrive. It httssiiu i-In n inspi rt ol l y ijuiiea iiuinln r of jieople, tiMol' whom iri'inmiii'iil it u eiu iic-ity, im one tvir h;iv lii": su n or liiiiril i !" an yt Imiil; like it. It is ilte;ither unlike the snutlimi eotti-n pl.iiit or our vi ihl euttun. Hi mlani Tiim . WAsin.siiTON !S.vv-Y.liP. 'J'htre tire seventeen hunilrnl men cniratrt'l at the Washington Navy yiml in reiaiiiii"; vism-Ib mil liiauuluttuniio; tviry ikierii'tieu ol onlnaiue. Exroiixs to Kt norn.- 1,11 ri, 1st l u In Is cf e;rain unil IloloJ ham Is of Hour lift New York la-t week lor hiiroe, nearly the whole of wliieh went to Cireat lSrititm. I'or ?l'ii!.' Hear, Cloth. Ciu-.-iimre, Vt.-tin. lluiian Cloth. Ctaiiu. Liuiu Cheek aud Colli nadc Liutu NEW ADYEUTlSEMEiNTS. l'EIiSOXS ir.LY7V.VtV .1 CHANGE of CLIMATE FOR HEALTH, SEE Al)VLiai.i:ILNT OF VINELAND FATLtLG- UUS U.IYIDI)!! rpHK highest ea.li price laid for mixed tr white X and colored K"t; ly JNO. 1 MAliKLK, TAVLU ANI UAH M'AliKHHl.-K, N L' Cor. 1'illliaiid Cuiuniercc il., 1'hiladelpLia May 21, lSi'.2 :imn w l.iKlieV Hear. A lurc a.-.-oitu.ii,t if I'ri.-.' deed. , l-'lack and Fancy .-'ilk.-. Silk 'J i:.-uis, Fancy Hui;i.-, .-'halb y. all Wool l'c!nui., Mo.-aiiibifpic li.suls at low pricis ilk Livellus, Filmus, Luwnt, Cinnhaiiu and 1'rtiits. A full line of liith Linen and V lute (ioods ftell.1 border and Fancy ummir ehawl.-, i-ilk and Lace Mantilla.-, Ac. liindy Male Cb ttitj:, A good as.-orluiiLt e( Hals and A larj;e a.'.irluiiut of LooU and irhoi.', A lull r lock it lirociiiis, Mila.-ie and .-'iip;iir. Hardware and liuilding .Muteriul, A lull dock of Cuccn and iila.urc, A full stick cf Fifb, tlt, Oils acd White Lead. A large clock i t New Wall lipcr, A new s-lock cf .teiic and L'arlhtnw&re, And thou.:and.- of articled Cot enumerated ti" All tho above will be .-old cheap for Cash cr Couulry l'roducc. XTOTICE is hereby iriven that letter of a lininis- i trillion on tho tstato of (ieorffe Merrick, laic of the borough ol Northumberland, deceased, have been granted to thCBUbscrihcr. All personsindebtcil to k'aid estalo are reepiired to inuke paymeut, and Ihoso bavins claiuia will present Ibein for selllc-incut- J. 11. miKSTLKV, Adiutuutrutor. Northumberland, May 31,1802. lliilulelliiu A- I'.rlc ICuilroail. rKN'NSYLVAM A R R 10 , LCSSKB. N and after Monday, May Mb. 1802, tho timo at V noriltumbcrlund btation will be an loiiuws : Leave Wkstw.mid. I Leave Kaktwaiid Fsprc.-, d.l'J a. ui., I Fxprt'iv, t Itl p. ui., Mail, 4,1'J p. ni. Mail, 10,01 a. in. Her plus Car? on Ninlil Trains, both ways, belween Will'i-iin-port and liiillunore, and on the renn-vlvania liailroaa 'elween llurri.-bura and I'hiladeli.hia On Mail Train in both dlreoiinnn CAR HOES TlltUU lill via Pennsylvania Kailroad, without change betwiiu I'Liladolphia and Ixick Haven. bAMCLL A ULACK, May 31, lfo2. hup't Latter n Liv isien. I'.kliilc of i:iizub-lh HiilliH, tlec'd. NOTICE U hereby civen that letters 'I'.Xamenla. ry havinj! been crantnd to tho liiidir-igiuil, on tlio estate of l liialilh Wnlli.-, bile the borough oi Northumberland, Norlhuipbeiluud county, P , de ceased All pcrooub indebted are requeued ta make Itnmidiale payment, and Ihe.-c having cluiius to pie tint them duly uth nticalcd lor M lilioienl Jitv WILLIAM i-lMi'MoN. l tr V lUiun-jxri, I n May 21; Lt J - et 4 J II LNt'LL b'ui.l ury, May 17, In'.; ''lie Ailain'i i:r--t l'uuiiniyf IIVhhtUKU that tliry have coucluded ar VJ ruiioeinillts with tho Norlhcru Ceulral liailroad oinpaiiy to run trains lrom liiitlfJnore Tor lork Ibirn-liiirj;, Oauphin, ll ililn.x. 'I'rcvorb.n, i-aubury Northumberland, f.elMjurr, JSltllou, Aluuey, W il litiDtssirt, and all interuiediato .-tatioiis. connecting at llarri.-burK Willi tho OK FAT WFS'JLUN IX- i'Ul.sri for l'lllcburj;, Ciuciiiuali, bt. Louis and tho West. Also with Howard A Co.'s, FxprisJ at Milten or liauvlllo, Lliniuiibiiri', Wilkesbarro, 1 ill-toll, (so run ton, and intermediate atationa cm tho Catlawissa Lackawanna t liloonisburii li nil road.. At Wit iHiintport, by llowaid e Co. 'a Fxprcs to Jersey blioro and Lock Haven. Also, ty Howard & Co and tlteir C'llneclions, for Canton, 'Troy, Kliaira UiH'heetcr. liuftaln, Niagara, and to all accew-il.le robin in Western New York aud Canada, by which ihev will forward Mcrohandie, nocie, Fauk Noleii. Jewelry, aud Valuable 1'ackages of tvery tieccrip- UOD. Also. Nutcf , Fruits and Bills for Collection. Experienced and clheiint uitBtfeiiKors employed aud every illort will be uiado to render saii-molk-n .IUJ1.1 Jl.Mill a.ii, tupirintcnib nl I'cnn'a 1'ivirion. I'luluiUlphia II A l l.CIILK, Agent tor i-uubury. April S, Ibe2. )LAK (I'aiebnient 1'lifir ) Lf i L. aud 1 Unl I .'l"il,'..vu, lioint., t.Ci ulioiu, turcuioii , P i .! at the cni.e ei thti i.ualury Amuiiau Said Mrs Hniilh tu Mrs. I'rown. Al'iey wen walkinj; ibn.uli I lie tiwn. W'hero do you ilo y.ui,r idioppion ' That drei-s you re in, .-o neul and line, That whin I m'i il, really mine Loi'k' po.-iliely .-hiikini: ' 'I m riirc your hii-batnl. Mrs r.rown Now don t Im aniy. psuit and frown is not -o rich n- mine. And yet you can allord lo buy Just liiic'e as much, or more tbuu 1 Ai.d how, I cannot divine ' i-vs Mrs. rroivn to Mrs. Smith, : j'lio reason you II be rlarlUd tlh, It is -ii .-imple. clear You buy en credit. 1 for each, 1 buy bargains, you buy tru.-li, 1 cheap, while you lay v)iur 'Whene'er yen want a drfsi or .Itawl A Collar, li.s-c. or what in t. cull At the cheap .Mammoth r r.K. They'll sill you ",o,ts so very low Thai y.-u will cea"0 lo wonder so, How much rich oods 1 vc woie 'My liu.-b.ind, a- y. u truly say. Is poorer, far, llu.u youn io-day, And yi t 1 can buy mere, liooaui-'c ea-h dollar of hi.- lew Is, to inc. jut Ho c;iKd as two, At the ilieap M.'MMolH Sirohl. So sali-fie-1 wa.- Mrs. t-'mi;ll With Mis Frown's new iirilh inelic, which did convince The lir.-l. and opened . lurry , the liu.-n t ceased to puiroiiiiC The Mammoth ever .-ince And now, wlu-n you chance to trnit Her hle-bali. 1. Smilli, uhhi the .Hill, Aroiiiid Ibc cori.er coininif. His f .cc i.- lighted willi a .-mile, Jlis .-U p elu.-lic all Iho while A pku. .in! lune he c hHuuiiu.tr Ladies, if liko cfl'evt you'd seo In your dear spou-e. which you iil.1 Li Ferchance, i.ie'r saw belorc, Jusl Jlis. I'.iowu's prwription try. And all v.mr li-l "f Fry (ioods buy At the' cheap M immoui SioiiK .hod. W, .nolo I .it i ::.' n i. lo I plT'.'CJ. 11 e do IKl leil JU ll'.i I 111 lj h iV" the i:is.i i.' . ! , allli. u ,b lie trulb. (but our ..(oik i.. in II a b did, ; 1 at lot a. I in,; I hat v.e . ...' l.oC Wl.ll and embraces ni.iov ii" cities not to be pirjiut a..-ortniint ci'ittpiui. ft-utid eLewhiic ail kind- c i Our 10KE1UN AMI) DUMiSTU: CI o o o .'1'F'N.v 1 . 1." v i J ni iiiviua, Will I L (iui'lv- IN VAUL1 i Ft."!.. AMI . Il"l..; U.M.- AMI CA1. HALF" ALL AM' e,'! LL.V WALL llai l iii'C, .l:ii luuer.v, In haun i,' 'l'oulis At-. HLNHY lill.FLItT, M,:riil Html, Vj-iiwHi the Cuutt JUi.. Hakkisdi nfi. Fa , IVFALKU tn all kinds .f l.uilders and Mamilsc l turers' Hardware, lr"Ii Stiel, CoilChnin, hopes Fuliey Flocks, Ac. LiNscri), FenxiNo. anu MAi uixtiiY Oils Tho Lubricatinir Oils aro adapted lo every variety of Machinery. AImi, at uiauulaclurer.- prices, Wood Woiihiiii Maciiinkkv, vis; I'laLiuii, troth, Meriiciu? and Pawini; Ma- cuiutu, , Maoiiinsj': Toot.i, i vi : riar.ers, Engine and Hand Lathes, Foil Cutlers, o , o., Machine Fcltins.ot Kubbcr aud Leather, coulaiily on hand. t Hetrini: lire Froof Kales, l'lalform K'ules. 1 in l'lule, Miect Iron, l.lock lin and Jnuimcra li.ls t " Purchasers will bud it to Incur inicre.-t to cive us a call. Hnm,-burg, March 79, 1W2. ItltAIIV 1IOI ki:. t Cvruir nf State and Thud tflmn, llAnniaaunu, Fa. rplILS 110FSE, in out.Cueneo of ils conveiiieuee I and near location lo the Capitol, has wade it i deiirablo stonoinff nlacc. not only for thoso haviiii: buMiieu at Iho seal of Outcruuiuit, but for elbus vb-iting llnrrbburg. MarcliJJK, ltStia. I in '18 AN 0 yilOKS can I pun-hand at the 13 Mauintutli Blore of triltng urani. veryeneap, hi we are d.derinim-d not tobn umiersolit ny anyfoily Call ana learn the 1W n pri'-f lor yonraoivw. ISunbury, Jan 13, 1SC1 FK1L1NU A OH ANT WINDOW HIAOl.ci A very lino ana Aheap assorluieiii. juh received by Culioad troiu New Yiuk. at the Mammoth f-tcrv ot Frilling A. Oiant Wi have al.-o l 4 alc a H ruinara A I o i vUebra- tk i J aloil I'i i.uulu.i. Curiam I lA'alc fuub u.v b J'., le'V i.LOCLFlL.i AM) i. LA. .-H ALL. FAfN 'lLo ANF VAUN'L-iiL, the best Jin. i I Cot'ec. i-i rccoiiinien l.-.l l-y pby icint.s a, ;t up.-- I 1 1 ii. r M 1 lil IH'I .s l i: FISAOK f. r O.neral I'd "1 iiy I V- '- in . imi'I all i'.illiou ld-rd-rs 'I'iu u-Miid.' wli, i inne been c. nipi lb .1 bi itbund. n tin: u c I colli, c. n ill u.-c Ihl- Willi, lit ilijal ioli: elbvt- l'1'.J i .n tel.: -lin.- llic . irciiih ol to oui:dsi.i ordinary c dice Fi iic 2 eel. i--. Ki'Ll.i'CK S Ll'.VAlN The pr-"t nil l-.c.d I'-AKlNii FoWI'Lll ki.own. . r making lirflit. sweet ai.J mitii:i 'U.i Fri-nl and Ci.i.c I'i ice !.' cents VAS't-r M'TIT-ntl t.v M II Ki'LLOCK. I licni t CiTtiir vi l'rond nnd lL.ii.ul ctrveti-, rnii.Aini.riiiA, And --old bv nil Fruirfri ta uud Oncers March 1," IN.'.' HAVE YOU A COUOII : Then u-c J AY. NFS F.XrFCTOHANT. Fo r.t idl.iw y.-ur e-il-l to lake its om n course, 'five tiurd of the victim- of consumption owe their iillliclioii" to the fatal mistake of ' wailing for a courtli to get well of it-oil" l'o not fill into this iin.r. but avail yourself ut once of n remedy which thirty year.-' i' I "'I'ii'tico h;u- ib'iiK'ii.-'.r.r.e.l is cirluin to piocute i - ci.ly i-ure. ii ayi: Yivj asthma on i irrnws ! I'I-. ii u-c ,lAYNi: S LXl'IX'l'i 'li AN f . which wi'.l over.-.. inc. the n;. die c.t.lr:ictin el the Viii.l lubes, ii ii.l eau-c tin ni l- i- il.c i-.-c.-ii 'ii-1 r lnn'tir wb. li el theia up. and by nn ea. y and iiec i ; i toiali- u riin.ivc all iliii'. Uiy of l.rc.iMiin . H AYE YtlU FUONCiim.s Tbtnn-eJ VYXi: LNTiX'T' D! ANT. Tlii widj 1-7. -ad di-.-a.o which may ircnerally be di -,-ril.i. 1 a. ii iitllauiM'toti id the line skin which leic.- the in.-i.le I lhewiu-1 tubes ur air ve'-el.'. -) reading tiiii.ie.h viry tart of the lutij;.--. i.-, (liui taken t'i .' n umi.- li' ii. The Fxpcelorni.t fill, lues ll.i- '"!: niati. ii. rlitvn tlio utieiidin:; couli. pain. n..l ilii.iculiy ot l.ff -.il'iiiiii!. nr. I il the case is i.ot ol tcu b r." ?! il. Ui"' . .11 c. it niil v pi - diiee it cure. ilAVF Yi'L' l"X.;L'.M!TTi N ' Hun ti c JAYN'E S FXl'i.C'fiiiiANN T; clean i.: the I unit- from nil irritntiie niaitirs. while at the anir time it heel- and hive-orate-; them. Ut nil liic reinediis which have been i liere.l In the public for Ihi.- dread disease, iv ne have Mood tho te-d of lime or t.iain'.iiii.ed -o oi.ii rs tl n popularity us this ec'o rant. Tlwu-atid- who have l et n i.-ivi-n up l-v lie ir I by-icians u- incurable have been rc-.ri .1 to pel . ct iniilili by i:s u-c, and their ti.iii.ony i-U-t carry tu. -vicii.'U to all who rei 1 it. H V i: YuU 1 LFt'l.I.Y T'.on 110 JAY NES FXFKCT'i'H ANT Fy taking t.ikin ; two . r tlireo lurc doses in the irrlv snit'eei the disease ill ouick llcesil.n, nnd ciiirinc; up w .irmly in Id, iliis repnraii.-n acts "-' a -u I- tu'. or . wciiiic; ue licinc, uu.l .ubduc tlic inlhiinuti- n ;.t the e.ii.-it HA T. "' l.'Il'iOl'iNV: Ci'l lill. Tlunn.e J.WNE'S LXI I.C Ted'. ANT liorc i r..i rcoiedv which so i li". ctur.lly ovf re. -nil.- ilii - .li.-e1 -c .nilic ilxpecioriint. Y h.it paret t can wiiio . i die : u'b'i in-' 'of Inr cliil lrn t.. m Ihi. d. :r.-.- m.: ivi plaint without itoitv; i:!l tu In r ow. r 1 r tin ir n liel ' What medicine so 1 lea-am to the taste, or s.M'irtain to produce iinnie initc I laelii ' lijvc i: u tli.il, liui lit 1! .roC it.- 'l":e CiV 11AYF YOl Chi. IT' Thin u.clAYNi; S l.N I'FCTOl" ANT Cruiinn .rc.-ul..iict toDodiscii-'e more si-.ddcn in i'.-e.tta-'k--. r, in iho nbser.ee of prompt rt lit f. lo ne nurc fatal in us r stilus liu-.u Croup. I'arent-'. theret- re. .-! ruld keep at hand a remedy .-in e nr.. I thmoiioh. riica.; r eiucd y tuny I e f uud in the l.; ccteraur . ul 1 1 1 iry careful lLol'htr will keep u -iipply by hir. JAY NL . 5 EXFFCToliANT. 1 n tundurd mcli'-ii.e. For thirty yei.i- i 1,,-. 1 , m lietorc Itie pui lic. iirul utirint? mi- peinn i c.ir.uive on. rs have liien i.-iuu i n, i.y ml cia-.-i- oi p,,. lo in all quailers oi iiic w.-nn. i iiv-h-imi--. ci. r. iiuin, law vers, merchant., nnd iiicclomics havcixj erieiiccd ri nieUnil eli els. in. I huve luiui-lu-il us ivifh liieir te-liuiot.y, and il may I.. I uud at Ii nri )i in our Minim ic, to be bad gratis of alln .'int-. To their coiiiincmjr cci'liucalcs we would rcti r i lie- d- ul iinr The E.M'Ki Tott.iNT aid nil i'r It. JAYNF A .son fi Family Mli-h inls me -lll; nil Frua'i.'i.- (;eni rally. May Ii, t o. o ni Hap. r'. '' lo lii.l.villc. '.I l.i Arrive i,t Ni l limn:'" rbm I In tat . M"lNii Ni'liTIi l.r-.vc N'orthlllill'i '.laud tMl 1' M Ibtnwlie. : I" 1 1 1 1 - : I . li l.'i i'.l"..i l.nr.r ' c? liii.o.i .i-., . on I.c II'! V Arrive it f.-i-aiiloii. oil I' Ji o in A I'. i -! lliT Train i l b. ;ivi -. Ii'lij'-lott nl A M , I'r Soraiiron to cniiii't with a tr.tn i Ni iv irU., b'.-ti.niin r. b- iii .Lr..n;oi inuiiii .I' l-tin li.'i'n N.w York . at I lj I' M The Ice l. :iai in .'. Pli-oi. bur;. Kail I i-. in-.-. v. iih Co' In I 'waii I .a-!-; a ii .ti.i.'i ant i tiinfi,,,; ion. I at er.uiteii, I. r -c and inlei iiiC iti. ' i: ' "-i 'i. AI llui'iTi i: c t vo c': vtith the IVi.nvi -.1 L.m ! . I . I', r . ii't. l-i ill ea I .-rid wi- i . At N"i Ui unit', i Ph.-I it c nnicK wiib lb" riiibcb I lii.l .', bnc baill..i l and N'.l'llit.u Cin.l.il b.'i. road l'T pi iiil.- ul nd -on'.h .l"!IN I' ILi'l LY ruj t J C i.i. i. ni r.-.I i icke A' i.l ' April a. I " iii..ti:i it o rii. i.. AUI. mnnnTi-mci.t of lit! will known II lei bav in,; been r. ni'ied by Mr .-r O'l I.K .' i!! l ! pr- -ew propriel. i .-t leave lotnlerin tl-. i n' ''. that tlic house H imv l . on: lie vcn ;! Iv t. n-ml.-i reliitcd. i-nd in. r.-vid v.uit it view ... ilic pr.-j ei . n i comfortable C'l.i.iiuo Intii :i id ll'ivo !" nni.v Im.. the f.-iiil'li.-l ti'iiiit v.iih iluir cii-'.i-:u Oiic t w:i' receive due uitcuiioii ':i..l ceiiri. v. s.i, I no . pni e will be rp.-nd thru 'nay eoi.dai.c io .'uaitilniu e li..!. 1 in a rrst-ihvK .,v l-'nrnilii-r, I o'het-- di .-ii to r,-)- ".rn in il.iril bur; ibuinir iiie .'iiiuim r nv isli ' v.i.ll'iul jba s' i I nidii.e. and b t;'c i t.d w II ve:,til.div tu in. ,o i ... i te.blii Lment tij ti v:e derate mi' SO' I I' CnYl.i: Mar. li L'-.i l-i".' .1 i . Il.l'bi; I' .li'b i. T tl'.cl T !(. Spi iii"; nnd Snmntrr lrc.J CTiOTIIING L-'CF VTiTj. 'UK tiii.Ur.-icned hns ju.M r'. eived I'lo bii .e e-orliuci't ot SI'KlNi: A N 1 ' MMl'lt CI." I'iilN'i n i r br.-it d.l to Siinburv ai.d take' pba-un n ml'oi mil. I.i - tro'i..!. and :!ie j-nl-liv senerallv h.-.i I.c i- in.fl'lid to -ul ci.!:.i i;i; i han i-.v ..i; ' iiis .-! -i k l "I tic ' ' lllillerini :c. inula, lined in ' licitlt-i and 1: ti t -li- iinin-ii.i.; .1 l-FESo t'C'ATS l'U"M t.'i to 1 1 1, c.i -iiii.'r. -. r ltn. iiic;-C. at el dilo n-i.: pi m F .N r.i -F!..:n .1.1 Fur. y t'.:. iuittc- i- the l.;'i style--. A L-r?- ii.-vrtir.uit of Flain -rd Fr.ney V . Well mi de Shirt-. Wn-Kn Inri ami Cvfr-hiii. i'AUI'KT I'Aiiri ANU Tl.i NKS. And ai.-" a i.'in.lir if o'.'i'.r nrli' b . .1 ;-i n'b . t. w, tir 1. nt: 1 l.v -s ai.d d i.re pin . ;. i I uy f.-.'i i i -iv aov Vc rrr-o,'- I'.Mi'i'llH M i-' ."'ate P i- i, .n.liiv .-.lll-iV -K lillilu v. i.o CI. (I i'i.'.' 1.1 Veti.il. it. ,:t a . in-. ) r-r C.:.-h Frice liuiu in IVnn-vlwii.ia. The i t' of 1 1 tlic Fad.tin-: "li e l. i a e.t.I l-.-l. rc put '..-. in ' e1 .1, 1 i .)"--i:ra .-emu ir-i u .S.-vlvrp; . ,i:.- Wi-.v t-.;i....iv !i.- '.. '.'.' I" 'J 1 lli.N.. V ill ll.i Vie, nn ly ,i... oil 1..C .11 IIIC Oll'li.-lilL IL Tl. re - lici.l A :l V t lot'llcv bit: I coot ' ii mo ill v r. !v i re " II.K Ii. . r-'.li i lli v . Ni : l n ii 'o.i .Mi MTH! e. On:tit - St' re. .'ill. I I: Ail 1 r. f ..-i.-i: I I ,t i c. ti e pr. n.pt eiti i A til 111. i - .'. tr. rlv o po-iic the C. u i..-'. eo.lictii L.;. Ac 1 lb u-c V. til 1C r. UvE IJ.XDJM. Bav lion, Steel ami lMaiU, ii';a'Z)(.' $jiMj:i 4 ;i;j.iJo.xLi E. Y. BKHJHT Ai SUN. .m-iuv My i t Ii '1'lie St. I.oni-, Cniniit Strict, tftinen Tiii.l ;:.' FuiLAM.t 1IIIA. rilllE undersigned, liavin;; lensid. f, r n t.rm i f years, this popular hon e, h ive the plcx-ure of announcing lo their Fiends imd the traveling coin. miniily Hint il is now open lor Die recepiieii oi (.'tn.-i-The house, since Ihe Iti.-t ol March lii. ban letii entirely renovated nnd retilted iu a superior iniinni r : tlio apartments oro lare. well ventilated and lur- ni.-hed in modern style. It is c.nlrally l.caud. convenient to all tho di pot and .-tcuiubeut btniliii", and in the itiilm'dialu vicinity of the Custom Hoiuc l'o-l Olfuo and the Coin E.v halite Connected wilh tho llolel is a lii.t.iniant I r thj accouiunilalion of thie preferring tlio Ftiroiiau plan Fncea ol liuoins li' iii Tl.rco tu freven Foll.uii nr week aceonliiu: tu location. Foard i'i ill per day. 'F ble d Hole for mciiLaub aud butiuirs ineu troui 1 to J 1' M II LN KY NEIL. JSAA0 L. I'L VOL' April 12, I8o2 ly t'si,hiuKon lluiior, NOHTlU'MI'tliLANF, l'LNN'SYLVANIA, (.V.i.r tiic E.iJlc.) rpllF .-ubsenber liavluK loai-.d iliU WiUkii- wii J Tavern Slaud b.lely kipt by Mr.- C S I n n li picllally Uifoilii Ibc 1 ili lie lie t be io ii f,.tii- . ar.,1 Ii oltll.;; Cat pu n.l i.-. ai.d will be ) tfaridlo Kllaill, 111 a LilillolUL'lt noiLtlel, l.k, lllllniloll. Iiiiii.l.. Ilin.Ui'Iioiil the numy aud a.l wLu ui:.;,' iatieii' hi. i. labiutimeLt A iil 1J, Fi.' .'V.IIJI YANU1I.K IV 'II s ' Fil le SLF. cLi in two Vi ,p ti.rii l.lLll.' Wi 1. 1 if-5 i f the Colli, ill c.'ti.ii'.enti.iie--II F MA -M i! 1'lic l'eiil .iii- iiikI I.vpei'it U(( .l an lm;ilitl. )IT.L1S1I1.1 f.r tl.e benefit ati.l t! i. w irn.i.,; iitid a caution ti loiitiC; n.rn wb.- M.il.rii.ia Nervous Fcl'iltty. rriMiifnre l'ceav Ac ; jtiii at the s.uue tune lin" ii'.eims ei mil Litre, i.y em- who lia.s cured li:i.'-il l Her U mi; I at to (.r.-nt et se tl.loili'b u.idlcal llnpo Itlou uiel lU).cnery -!y oiiclo-inc a po t .-id ...I in-i.-cj ei.iii. v, .-ii ;. a epics me.v U had id 'ho i.u'ii. r. N.ViilAMI I. M AYl'AUt, Lo . Fedl'old kings Cc . N M'.rt. 1A. I-.'! -ly U.tl.L F I FFK! 11 ST rc-( ivt ,J !.. tu New YV.k a lar-rc a- li. . '.; of WALL I'Al'i H. c. n i lii ! . I C.-.K lit vi ri r ash Sim v-tiikkb rieei i.i vt .-iiih. ask vx Tt.n.NS varii.,i in price fioiu lii-t.t.- upw;.r.s. u . . which will l-c .-eld ai ILc b wnt elt pru-t .'. i.t I .'iieiip .- . 1C 1-1 J il LNOLL truiil arv. March i-Ci 1-M i-i)ii, Lird fiii.-e. Lard Od. ii.it, I 1 mi' Sill .hi .1 Fill. J I .lie.. Fuitir. Ac A. WM Mi'l.AMb CI.. . I. ut S rict Wl.-uP FLila.Klil.u March 2:, Im'.'.' -cimv IL.li.? SiKs. -h. ul I'oi a. F. r Sak 1 ill ri ll, 1 lol Ci liictl. ns a, MMilhV. It. sil I i. Ii d lo ii. tli 1 I Ni lilll'.l : tliuinbeiluiid. I idi-li- ti ydir M- nli in t and I. vi uUi in.' Li Hun John M Feed A ti Oi.inll A t o . Hon Wi.i. A I'. it. r. Morton Mc Michael, I F Ke'cballl A Ce 2-y I'MliS'Kil Niw V, John V'. A-btiiiad. A.oit.iyir Law. Mi.Ul ens A Cix. Aii. rri.js at Li., Sunbiirv. Miii .h " ' 1 : I I.iiim 1 s I'Lila b I l.ia ol- M.ill I'iipcr-lOOU ien-. WALL i'Ui.K 'F l.Vl.l-Y J J . Ui ' I : rlllXS A Nil IU11H NS I .r I i.- vi I -l i. i rii to ii. M.ii.u .11,1,1. i iLe -M-v.MM'.'ill cluiir 1 I IHM. o. 1-bASi u-i u. v .Lo L I ' i t - L '