H. B. MA83EB, Editor A Fropriotor. SATURDAY, J US 12 7, 1803. 8. M. PETTENOILli A CO., Jt"j. 37 Prii Row, Hew York, and 6 Statu Strict, Rosten, ri our ftffcnbi for the Rnuttnr Amkwcai In those ellkt, and are mthnrltcd to take Advertise mcnU tnd Subscription! for u at onr lowoxt rt. . ;T Hon. Tbog. A. Scott, Assistant Se cretary of "WW, lias been rc-clectcfl Vice President of tho Pennsylvania Rail Road Company. Ho loaves the War Department to attend exclusively to Lin Rail Road duties. E-iF" The Repass Rand, of Williamsporf, was in Banks' column at the time of its late disaster, nnd it is said lost most of their instruments. JT General Ranks lias received the ofliciul thnuks of the President and Secretary of AVar for his masterly retreat to the To tomac. ZW General Dix has gone to Fortress Monroe to take command there, vice General Wool who takes command in Baltimore. This change was prolmMy mutually desired. J-if" A general order has 1een issued in Missouri by which all guerillas and maura Uers caught in arms and engaged in their unlawful warfare will I shot down on the ppot, nnd any one aiding the outlaws or failing to assist the military authorities of the State in detecting and bringing them to punishment, wjll In; treated as aiders and abettors of the rebellion. Ia"7"JiKF Davis and his Cabinet, it is said, arc opposed to going back to Mont gomery, Ala., the first capital of the bojius Confederacy, when they arc driven from Riehiuoml, because the Alabama river, on which it is situated, is navigable for gun boats. 1-tJ" Hon. Wm. H. Aioihtbong is an nounced in the Weit Branch lbilUtin as a candidate for Congress in the Lycoming district. He is among the ablest men in the .State, and would distinguish himself in Congress. Beauregard has spoken from Shiloh; his official report has at last come to hand. His tlli irt is to show his defeat in the light of a victory, but he makes a bad job of it. Among his heaviest losses he admits that the Commander-in-Chief. General A. Sidney Johnston, the Hon. George M. Johnston (icTxl Provi.-ional Governor of Kentucky.) Brig.-Gen. Gladden, and Brig.-Gou. Hind man, were killed or died from wounds ; Major-General Cheatham, Brig.-Gen. Clark, Lrig.-Gen. Johnston and Brig.-Gen. Bowen were wounded ; 17:13 men were killed on the field, WJ12 were wounded, and 033 are miss ingtotal loss, lOOii'.t. 6-i7" I.MfoitTAxr to the Coal Tn.rn. Tht! Committee on Finance, of the Senate, have agreed that the House bill shall be amended so as to fix the tax on all coals at three and a halt cents a ton. This is a reduction of eleven and a half cents a ton on nniiii'ut ite, thus relieving it of a very mate rial burden. Senatifr Cowan, of Pennsylva nia, who is a member of this committee, worked very zealously and ably to bring al 'out. this result. It is believed that, the House, will concur in the modification of the Senate. J-i-" The Mahouoy and Broad Mountain Railroad has been completed to Ashland. The liTst car of coal was shipped over it on Thursday, the 20th nit., consigned to the I'11-.ideiit of the Reading Railroad Com pany. if Tho Mayor of New Orleans, who fi ared ''a high-spirited people would not bear the presence of our Union soldiers,'1 sent the freedom of the city to the officers of a French frigate lying in the river, and invited theni to its hospitalities. Governor- General Butler sent word to the Mavor that any manifestations of the kind intended will t ome from the United States authorities, ami not from '.lie municipal officers of a raptured city. "The Freedom of a captured city by the captives would," he says, "merit letters patent for its novelty, were there not doubt of its iiii fnlntss as an invention, nnd the tender of hospitalities by a government to which police duties and sanguinary regula tions only are entrusted, is simply an invita tion to the calaboose or the hospital." The rclicl authorities have been looking for relief from the yellow fever and leea neglecting the streets to iuvitc it, but Butler made them go to work and clean tho, city thor oughly, both for their own benefit and that of tho Union visitors. It will be a good thing for New Orleans if Butler should be installed there for a few months. The National Hotel Poisoninu Tue Mvhtkhy Solved. It (teems to be pretty well established now that the poisoning affair which occurred at the National Hotel nt Washington, was a part of the rebel eon- piracy. The object was to destroy Janich Buchanan, who was stopping at that house before the inauguration, so as to make the traitor Breckinridge President, in order to rarry out their plans successfully. This Buchanan kucw, for he was informed of it, Jind placed on his guard. Tho etfect was, that the miserable old imbecile, threw hiin pelf into the hands of the conspirators, and when implored to exert the power of the Government against tho rebels, by a friend, he confessed that ho dare not do it, lieeausc his lifu wai in danger. But few persons can realise the hellish character of the rebel conspiracy. Another Old Rk.voli tionart Soldif.r i .one. med, ou Friday, May 30, 18ti2, ut the resilience of his trm Ks.lnmr.n Pil.i Jefferson township, Dauphin county, IV, own., i .ii, m me uuvaticod ugc oi one nun (tied aiui tinlee war ll ! inl. rr...l in the cemetery at Bowerman church, hi the township aforesaid. It was stated from the pulpit that he never was known to make u to of glasses either to read or write, and that until within two weeks n( .l-nth i,.. wai) :.ti!l uble to r ad. He was a German bv I . U 4 1 I . ('mil, .ftiui-iiiuij 1'tiiu, uuu 1'ir many ytaru pa it lias rc-Kicii in Dauphin eouutv. JJirriJmr-j J'rLyrtijii. ritcnf cii:i:n.ii. iiai.i.i.ck'n a it nr. COHI NT H B V ACU A T ED. Adrnnre or I he Army, Our Flag Waving Over Corinth I The Ecaettation Officially Confrmnl. Wai DEfEnTMEXT, May UO. A despatch just received fully corroborates the former message, that Corinth is evacuated by the rebels and occupied by our troops. Prison ers day that the enemy left last night for Okolona, Mississippi, a point sixty-seven miles south of Corinth, on the Mobile nnd Ohio railroad. THE PARTICULARS. General Halleck'b Headquarters, ) May 80, 1803. During nearly all last night the moving of cars and the suppressed sound of steam whistles betokened that some movement was going on in the enemy's camp ; but, this not being any extraordinary occurrence, it was not considered worthy of more than passing notice. About five o'clock this morning, several explosions were distinctly heard. Immedi ately afterwarwnrds skirmishers were thrown out, nnd a general advance of tho United States army commenced, when it was found that the enemy had left his western strong hold and fled. A very large amount of railroad iron was left untouched. There being oino twelve or fifteen tracks of railroad running from tho depot to the entrenchments, with side tracks and switches, the enemy was enabled to move off with great rapidity. From all information that can be gleaned from the prisoners taken, it is thought that, the evacuation was commenced at sundown, last night, the enemy retreating in three directions east, west, nnd south. Beauregard stated to the citizens of Co rinth, last night that he intended to throw himself on both our flanks. At this hour, Corinth is held by our army as an outpost. Our cavalry nrc seeking for the enemy. The force sent from General Pope's com mand came upon, and dispersed, the enemy, eight miles below Corinth, on the Mobile and Ohio Bailroadt while in the act of burn ing the bridge at that point. Forty prison ers were captured. The enemy's rear guard destroyed the railroad depot at Corinth and a church, and intended to destroy the entire village, but the inhabitants saved Fome filly of the houses. A few bales of cotton were con sumed. They also broke open many of the stores nnd burned the contents. A large force of United States cavalry, under Colonel F.lliott, was sent out on Wed nesday morning by a circuitous route to destroy abridge on the Mobile ami Ohio Railroad south of Corinth. Though the expedition has not yet returned, wo learn from the prisoners that it was known in Corinth last night that a large bridge had torn destroyed, forty miles south, by a body of our cavalry. They uUo state that one of the twenty pounder Parrot t shells, tired from General Pope's column, exploded in their camps, killing eighty men ami u hundred horses and that a thirty-pounder Parrot t shell thrown into Corinth as an experiment, by General Pope, destroyed a locomotive ; nil killed its engineer. It is thought, among military men that the destruction of the biidge south of Corinth, the uncomfortable proximity of our falling shell, anil the possibility of a Federal snivels on the Mississippi, were the causes of the evacuation. The enemy's works were certainly of very great strength and capable of a stout resist ance. , Waii Department, Washington, May 30. The following despatches were received this afternoon : Nkau Com nth, May U0. To the Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, H'cntary if War: Gen. Pope's heavy batteries opened upon the enemy "s entrenchments yesterday, about 10 o'clock A. M., and soon drove the rebels from their advanced battery. Major-Gcncral V. T. Sherman established another heavy battery yesterday afternoon within one thousand yards of their works, and pkirmishiug parties advanced at day break this morning. Three of our divisions arc already in the enemy's advanced works, about thrcc-iiuar-ters of a mile of Corinth, which is now in flames. The enemy has faljn back to the Mobile railroad. II. W. HALLECK, Major-Grnrral. (second despatch. Near Cohintii, May 110. To the Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, b'taitary of War: Three strong reeonnoitering columns advanced this morning, on the right, centre, and left, to feel the enemy and unmask his batteries. The enemy very hotly conte to 1 his ground at each point, but was driven back with considerable loss. The column on the left encountered the strongest opposi tioil. Our loss was twenty-live killed and wounded. The enemy left thirty di ad on the tield. Our losses at other points are not yet ascertained. Some five or six officers ami a number of privates were captured. Tlit' lighting will probably be renewed to morrow morning at daybreak. I he' whole country is so thieklv wooded, that we are compelled to feel our way. Jl. VY. HALLECK, Major Central. rito'i k.. uAi.i.i. i4."s nnv. PURSUIT OK THK REBELS. Washington, June 2. The following despatch was received at the War Department this morning : Hkadqvaiiteiis of the Dkfartmest of tuu MitiKisBirri, Camf near Corinth, June l. ihii-j. To Hun. K. .V. Stanton, Scent.iry of War : The following dispatch has been neeived from General l'ope to Major General Hal leek : It gives mc pleasure to renort tho bril- laint success of the expeditionscntout outhc zbui last., untter tol. Elliott, in command of the rxcond Cavalry. After forced marches day and night, through a very tliilicult coun try, he linally nuccectlcd in reaching the Mobile and Ohio railroad at Booncville ut S o'clock a. m. ou the UOth. He destroyed the track in manv ulaees both south and north of the town, blew up one culvert, destroyed the switch and track, uurncu mc tit pot ana locomotives inula train of twenty-six cars loaded w ith supplies of every kind, destroyed 10,000 stands of small arms, three pieces of artillery and a great rpiautity of clothing and animation, ana paroiicu two thousand prisoners, which he could not keep w ith his cavalry. The enemy had heard of his movements, and had a train of box cars and flat ears w ith flying artillery and five thousand infantry moving up nnd down the road to prevent him from catching it. The whole road was lined with rebel pickets. Col. Elliott's command subsided upon meat alone, rn. li as they could End in tho country through which they passed, for sev eral days. for daring and dispatch this expedition hits been distinguished in the highcstdcgree, and entitles CoT. Elliott and his command to high distinction. Itsrcaulu will becmbnr-ru.-:-iug to the enemy, aud contribute greatly to thnr lo. j ami dtinoralialmu. jjc rcporu tnt roacu lull ol ttnaii i rtic of the retreating enemy scattering in all di rection. JOHN 1'01'K, Mnj. Gen l II. W. HALLECK, Major General Commanding. second dispatch. IIalleck's Headquarters, May 31. Our cavalry found all tho tents of the enemy standing, took hundreds of barrels of beef, seven thousand stand of arms in a largo en campment on the Mobile and Ohio railroad, said to have belonged to Price nnd Van 1 orn's forces, and deserted them on Thurs day night. The rebels nrc being brought in in sauads of forty to fifty. Our cavalry found the rebels on several roads in strong force with artillery, support ed by infantry. The rebels commeirced moving their sick last night. Beauregard and Bragg were at Corinth on Tuesday afternoon. third dispatch. June 1. The residents here say that the rebel guard burned the Cypress creek rail road bridge by a misapprehension, causing the destruction of seven locomotives, perhaps as many trains laden with commissary nnd quartermaster stores. This' accounts for the smoke seen by the signal corps from the tree top. Col. Elliott has returned with his cavalry command, nnd has been congratulated by Gen. Pope for the brilliant success of his ex pedition. Besitles destroying the railroad and a large amount of stores and arms, he captured thirty mounted prisoners and six hundred infantry, with little loss. He found 2,500 sick and wounded rebels at Bonneville. Refugees from Memphis re port that all the ncwspcprs have removed from there to Grenada, Mississippi. Somebody asked Gen. Cass, the other day, in Detroit "General, what may we do to save the Union ?" "Anything." "May we abolish slavery ' "Abolish anything on the surface of the earth to save the nation." NEW ADVERTISJENTS. PKUfiOXS WAXTIXG A CHANGE of CLIMATE FOR HEALTH, SEE ADVERTISEMENT OP VINELAND FARMS- rilllK lushest cash price find fur mixed or white JL and colored Rags by .1X0. D. MARKER. PAPER AXI HAG WAREHOUSE, X. 1". Cor. Fiflli nnd Commerce St., Philadelphia May 21, 1S02. "mo.w i:lnlc of oorR- HerrieK, loc"l. "VTOTICE is hereby given that letters of minimi" X trutiim on tho estate of George Merrick. Into of tho Wough of Northumberland, deceased, have lu'fii grunted to the subscriber. All persons indebted to said citato nro required to ninko payment, nnd those buying claims will pre-onl limn for settle mint. J. It. rHIKSTl.KY. Administrator. Northumberland, May 31, IMS. lliiliHlollii:t X- I'.i-ie IC:iili-nl. Pennsylvania ii. n. to., i.i:ssi:i:. o X nnd nflcr Monday. Mnv 51b, lsfi. the tinio Hi Xorthumborliiud Slatinii ill bo iix ('.'Hints : Ln.wn Westwai. Exprew. 0,19 n. in., Mail, 4,19 p. in. I.ravr Env.nn. Exprw. 0. Iti p. in., Mail, 10.01 a. m. Plopping Curs on NigM Trains, both ways, between Willianisport and Iinliimnro, and on the Pennsylvania ltailroml between llarrisbiirg and l'bilaili l'l!ia. hi Mail Traill in both direction a CAll (iOKS TUKOl'liH via rennsylvania Railroad, without change between I'kihidvlpliiii mid Lik Haven. tfAMFKL A. IILAI'K, May 31, 1802. tiup't Eastern iti.iU. r.Mlato of i:iix:ilM'IIi WuIIis, 1m U. "VflTIOK is hereby Kivrn that letter Teplainonta. L ry hnving born grunted to tho undersiciird. on the e-ttnto of Elizabeth Watliit. lato tho borough of Xorthuniberland, Northumberland county, I'a . tie eoawd. All porsonii indebted are requested to make lmmeitinT pnyment. ami tnoso having clnitu to pre sent them duly authenticated for ftilrmrnt. Hut. WILLIAM ftlMoNTti.V. Kx (r. Villiain?port, l'a. May 21, 1SC2 fit JUST RECEIVED ! ! J. I-I. ENGEL hir jii-t returned from I'kilndetphia wiih a SPLE1TDID STOCK OF Spring & Summer Goods. I'or yien-S Wear. Clolh, ('ai,."iniere, Vesting, Italian t'blh, Limn Outing. Linen Check and Cottouudi'. I.ul-, M'-:ir. A largo u.-M-rlnient of I'n.-'J CociU', Mack nnd l'lincy trilkc, t'ilk Tiwuc.", Taney E ragt., halley, all Wool lMune, Moxnmbicuo tioml.i ut low prices .silk Lt'vcllas, l'eliinifl, Lawns, Gingham and 1'riulf. A full line of lri.-h Lintu and While Uikk1.. Siella border and Kuucy Summer rhawhi, bilk and Luce Manlilhu, Ac. Heady Made Clothing, A good af:ortmt ut of Hutu and Cap", A lurgo a-'frtuicut of Itootn and .-hi.', A full ttock of tirocrrie?, Mola.-."C( and ugsr, lfardwuro and Building Material, A full clock cf Cuccn a ad Glastware, A full flock cf rirh, Halt, Oild and White Lead, A large stock of New Wall Taper, A new stock of tone and Earthtnware, Aud thoufauds of article! sot tuumcrated. (2 All the above will be Fold cheap for Cab or Country I'roJnce. J. II. ENOEL. Kunbury, May 17, 18C2. The AiIuim'm i:r-M Coinpiiny, GIVE NOTICE that Ihey have coneluded or ' rangeineubj wilb tlio Norlbern Central Kailroad Company to run trains from Kaltiinnre for York, llarrirburg, Dauphin, llalifux, Trevorton, Suubury, Northumberland, Lewivburg, Milton, Money, Wil liamiisrt, and all intermediate alalionii, eounccting at llarri.burg with tho U It EAT WESTERN EX I'KESd for l'lUdburg, Ciuciuuutl, Hi. Louis and the West. Also with Howard & Co ' E.xprew at Miltoa or Pamillo, ltloomsburg, Wilkebbarre, l'ltlnton, tkran ton, and intermediulo utittiona on the CaUawix, I.aukawuiyu A Eloomburg Railroads. At Wil linujeiKirt, by Howard ft Co. 'a Express to Jcreev bhore and Lock Haven. Alan, by Howard A Co., and their connection, for Canton. Trov. Elinira. Kocneiter. tiullalo, Magara, ana to all acceseiblo poinia in ceicrn riow KorK and lauada, by wtiicu iney win lorwaru Meronandi.e, rpecio, Jiuuk Ikotna, Jewelry, aud Valuable IV'kacs of every descrip tion. Also, Notei, Draftf and Rills for Colleetion. Experienced and efficient meisengers employed, .wl ......vntr..., u ill 1... n,H.in A i .. . ..! Supertntendrnl Trnu's Uivirion, rhiladeii hia. R A i 1st J1L11, Aaint for buulury . Afril i, IeCS 11AN"K (rarchuitnt f'upvr.i Iiced? and Hunk J t Mc.ngagt. . BHiOr, Lice ul ion. , hummnm., 40 (or mlc t tin cttctJ o thv ' vuubury Aonritao ' FRILING & GRANT are iiArrr to annoincb that tiiey ARE SOW RECEIVING AS ENTIRE New Stock of Good3 1 ! MANY OF WHICH ARE REDUCED IN TRICE, and although prevailing reporUi nmy induco tha bclicr (ba( DRY GOODS nro advancing, yul a (ingle viiit to that "attiaclivo resort, THE MAMMOTH, will convince any candid man or woman that, be the report iu it may, yet the prepjiclor; of that ' in.ilitu lion" have the facilities for furnicbing CHEAPER GOODS which Iho.o who buy 'and tell en l.ti:g l rcdil.i d not, and cannot poHt.w. IVK KEEP in'EllYTlUNC,, AMI ARE ltTLR.MlM:i ID SELL CHEATER I'll A A' VAN Mi rVUVUAlil) lilli WUEUU. 1 ElLINti A GRANT fcuubury. May 17. 18o2 0 HOW TO mOMOTE DOMESTIC HAPPINESS. Pai'l Mrs Smith to .Mw Erown, As Ihey were walking through the town, lure do you tto your shopping That dreM you re in, so mat and hue, That when 1 "'c it, really mine Look iieh-ilivcly hocking.' 'I'm Mire your husband, Mrv. Rrown -Now- iloii't bo angry, )out and lVowu i not so rich u- mine, And yet you can nllurd to buy Ju-t ittie'e as imieh. or more than I, And bow, 1 cannot divine." Hay Mr. Erown to Mrs. Smith : J he reaton you'll be -larl led with, It in n simple, clear You buy on credil, I lorcii.-h, I buy bargain-1, you buy trah, I cheap, while you pay dear. 'Whene'er you want a drew or Miawl. A collar, liofe, or what-not. call At the cheap .Mammoth Stork, They'll netl you gtsvh to cry low That you will ceai to wonder , How much rich goods I've wore 'My husband, ap you truly say. Is iiooier, far, than yours to-day, And yet 1 can Luy more, J'.ecau.-e each dollar of bis few Is, to me, ju;t as good as two, At the cheap Mammoth Stoke " Sowttiidied wan Mrs. Suiilli Willi Mrs. Brown' new arith metic, which did cotivint-o The first, and opened so her eye?, She bii-n't cea.-ed to palrcuizo The Mammoth ever .-ince. And now, when you chance to meet Her husband. Smith, upon the rirett, Around tho corner coining, Hi face is lighted with a i-inilo, His step eliu-lic all Iho w hile A pleasant tunc he's huniuiin Ladies, if liko efl'ect yotrdseo In your dear irpouse, which you and be, l'erohanrc, nee'r aw belorc. Jut Mrs. Erowu's prescription try. And all your list of llry Gootls buy At tho cheap .Mammoth Sn nr.. llurdM lire, .Im-liincrj , .''let U:t '1'ooK, Ac, HENRY C.ILI1ERT, Narlit Slrtct, Ofycsitc the Court lloust, IlAnRisBCitn, I'a., DEALER in all kind of Euilders and Manufac turer' Hardware, Iron, Steel, Coil Chain, Ropes l'ulley Elocks, 4 c. EiNsrcn, Eitniso avd MACiitNrnv On s. Tho Lubricating Oil ore adapted to every variety ol Macuiuery. Aisu, at u.auulacturerd.pricts, Wood Woukino Macuinlhv, vit i-rl'laning, Sab, Morticing and Sawing Ma chink, Ac. MAtniKusT.s' Tools, vi : rianers, Engine and Hand Lathes; Roll Cutterf Ac., Ac, Ma:hiue Gelling, ol Rubber nd Leather, eoostaully on hand. Herring' Fira Proof Fnfcs, riatfonn Scales, Tin I'late, Sheet Iron, lilock 1m and Iritnuicrv lei is if I'urcbaoer will find it U their iulorct to give us a can. HarrLiburg, March 29, lt02. iuctiv hoi Corner of Stale etui Third Stri, H.inmsiiciiu, I'a. THIS HOl'SE, In consequence of its eonvenitnee and near locution to Iho Capitol, but mado it a desirable stopping place, not only for tboso having buMueea at tho neat of Uoveruiueut, but for others visiting ilHm.-l'urg. March W, lbtij. T)00Ti AXU SHOES can bo purchased at ihc A J Jtiammoia Mora Ol f riling A urant, very cbeiip, as w a axe aaioriumca not to be umicrsou Ly auy boily t.au anu tearn me iioi prices lor yotiraoives. Sunbtiry, Jan. 13, IMl .t Hn.lNG J. GRANT WINDOW SHAIiEU -A very fn.o and e cap a.-orlnif nl, jo--l received by Kailroad fr ool New York, at the Mammoth tiurc of Ernie ; 1 Gruiit W e aave ai.-o loj sale b TulCbtn A to d ctltui tad l altnl iVnuuluio Lurtaiu 1 iaiuxc.-t-uutury. Jlaich 20, iM'i LL WHO WISH TO rt'Kt'lIAbK Good & Handsome Goods AT AM) HAVE A i( M:u;t i' l-ico.ii. WILL rJ.KAKK C ALL AT T1IC OiNE i'KICK STOliE Dl' E. V. BRIGHT & SON, ' GUJNrrsun v, :pyy., Who keep ci'ii.tunlty on baud, mid aio nitnlbly .receiving Iroui .iw iuik and 1'biladelpbiii, A CUOICK AND CHEAT STOCK OF Mill KINDS OF (J()()),s adapted to Ihe want i of evtry per.'on Wo invi! the atler.tieii of Iho l'liMn-, and rospecll'nlly solicit an e:uni:m(i. n el our -lock, feeling a-uied that vis are p.. j nrc I to o rr GREAT JSARKAIXS AM) Splendid Iudiuemcnls to all who de-ire te pureliriFo hone, t tiootit at fair prices. We do not feel ju-lilied in bulling that we have the ,!:;nt .t":t, allhough no can state with truth, that cur stock i well selected, aud embraces many novelties not to 'bo found eIrewLeie Our pre-.u-ut a. -or!mtut ccntprtts all kind.- of 1'OKEIGN AND DOMESTIC . DK Y O O O r 3 , NOTIONS, GL0VL.-? ANO H"SM KY, W1II1E tiOOI'J IN VARIETY, EOolS A.M Slloj,?. HAEj A.M CAI'i HAlrWAhl. AM' (JlEl.NhiH ARE, GROULR1E3 AND GLASSWARE, I'AINl?, OILS AND V.RN1.;1IES, CUACJlMAiilika V SAVVLLUb GuODX i-uui-: rjxvixcs. Bar Iron, Steel and Nail;, WINVUW altAVJiH J liliJNitHTUNliS, Ac , ic , Atl II. Y. BRIGHT iV t)0N. cuntitry, May 1, Lsi IM'.W IMIl.l OKltV 4aOOIM!! Miss M. L. Gtiflsler, 1'uci F.'i,rt, two foort .voiitfi r' ;,. FfuiinpZiH Xnl'.r.y ci l'otlfiil.r liaiticiJ, SI NM RY, r. , UA ,in.-l received from rbilvlel'bia. an I opened al her etoro. n l.irso and polrndid voitim-iit of the mos! fashionuble and lateal style td' Bonnets, llata, Shakers, TrimtniiiRn Akc which she U aellin at the mot reasonable pii,-e.. LADIES' DRESS CAES, to which she directs the alleutien of the ladies, and invites all to call mid see tliein. HOSIERY, GLOVES. M IT'S, COLLAR'', HAND- KEliCiliEl'S, CO.MI',rf, Ac, nnd numerous other articles for ladies- wear, to which she inches tho bulled to call and examine lielore purchasing elsewhere. T hnnkf ul lor past patronage, she hopes by keeping Iho best assortment, at reasonable prices, to continue Ihe samp. Smibiiry, April 1'J, l.'.fi2. "m SIMON T. WOLVERTON, llloi-nov nnd 'mii'lor stl I.atv. Onicc, Market street. 2 doors we-t of Dejt, STJUKUarlY, 3? A. WILL attend promplley to tho collection ofclnims nnd nil other profes-innnl biisint-ts intrusted to his enrc in Nnrlhunihevlniid and adjoining couiitic SunHtiry. May It, 1srt2 l'.!!ll l'I;ii;0)rlli f lilriiuni. sl--"l. VTOTICE is hereby piven Ihnt letters or adminis i tralion having been grunted to the suhsi-riber en the dale of l.liul eth llileui in. lale ol llio lo rongh of Sunbtiry, Northumberland county, I'n , de ceased. All persons Indebted lire requested to make immediate payment, nnd thoeo having claims to pro sent them for i Itkiuciit. GEORGE HARRISON. Admlnijtrnlor Cum. Tcsiamento, Ac. Sunbtiry, May X, 1Ki)2. tl .l:iinii':iolir'i-( oTSIono 1Vir'. COWDEN & WILCOX, IIABRISBUBO, lyv. TMIIE Stone Ware now n'ado nt this e?l,it lidiment I. ii; eiu-il In any made in I hi-country. J't ery va lielv ot nrlicle n-ur.llv made, nlnrtya on h;m 1 llnrii-t-ury. May S.'ltJrtJ. Uliite'a Aew lorli ''.'P-' I'oiituli-y. hook, jS'k wmw n:u, j'vhaxd vux'a m:xrAr. 1 fE hnvo tho fullest it'sortment of the niot nrcful kinds of I'biin and Ornamcjital Tyj'e, maim. lactured from the no rt durable ineNil--. li-ii hed with I he greatest care nnd accuracy, seem :ng perfect justi- li'-Mii'lll. Specimen Rooks an I estimatcf furn!!ic 1 upon Ap plication, iiLo. hunting rnEssi:?, with their r.ppurlennnces of nil tho approved m:.Ucrs WOOD T Y T E . of all ihe late-t style.;, of nil A?.. Metal Iruri,it'ire laitior Stvinn liuli s, Ca."i --, Cabinets'. Furniture, I'riniing Ink. and every nrlicle tho l'rintcr reunites. Terms liberal, l'lvmpt nllentioii. FAIiME.U, LITTLE CO., T. ! nnd Oi Ecckimm street, New Yut It May 1S,V2. i:i. ksvei i ii rpill' . ul"eril.er re:- e.-;tully in I-'ri it- bis eld fiicnds L and Ihe public genci-iiiy tiiut i.c huo eomiuonucd tlio ELACKSMITHINU III SINES.'. in the hoiajaii:!,-hid to 1.'. Y. I'right's l-'o-.in.lrv. and is pn-p-ircd to i,i nil kinds ,,f Llack-iiiithing, in th be-t siyle and vvoi Klii-m-liiji. Ail cii-Uni neik ill ho j rompih- nllen.l' d .v J. II. ZIMMERMAN. A.-nH Siir.i.iiry. Aprd Z l-i'2 if liolIot-K's D.linltlioil ColIVc. rillllS preir:itiion. r-'ade from tho hc.-t Java I Coll'ee. is r Mtinieivl'-d Iv physicians ns n 'upr- rn.r -M I Ii 1 11"! s lil.V l.liAi.l. tor General IM.:I- ity, Dy.-pet-ia. and all llillii.u- Dis-iders. Thims.-tn-ls ttho have hem ctiipelled to aV';md"n tho uroof e-.tlee, v.illu-o this wilhi.ut injuri-rs ellect.--. One c;m cont.-nns tne strentu ft two p-iURls ol troiiKiiy C'. lico. 1'i ico ceni.- . KOI.LOCk S leva in. T!.e p-.tr- '. Til best ISA KING ItiWDEU known f..r making l-;:h: -weet and nnlritiou:: !-re.,.l and take i'rice 1 j cents. M.wrptrTiTrp PV M. 11. KOLLOCk, Chemist, Corner of Urond and Chesnut Strce'.., riiii.Mi:i.riu , And sold by all Druggi.-ts aud Grocer?. March 1. 1W.2. HAVE YOU A COUGH Then use J A YNE'S EXl'ECTOKANT. Ho r.ot allow vonr cold to take its ow n course. I'w-o thirds of Iho iclitns ol" consninplion owe their nltlictions I Ihe falsi intltike of "Minting for a cough to get well of itself." Do not fill into this trrur. I.'-' mail Yourself ut once of n renn lv iihi h M: .',. ' years evperiei.ee hua dciuoliitralcd is ccrlain t',- cucurc a cuiy cure. HAVE YOU ASTHMA Oil FilTlil.-IS. Then nrc JAYNE'S EXl'lXTOI! ANT. which will overconio the i-i a inodic contractu u of the wind lubes, and eau.-o then, lo eject Ihe mucinm-' or maitir which clogs thcni up. nnd by an eiuy and free t-xpec-lotatioii remove all difficulty r.f brc-ilhirg HAVE YlUi HRONC1I1TES '. TheniFe ,1 AYNE'S EX 1'ECTOR ANT Thi- wile spread disea. c which may generally be tb ,-ril e l a.' an inlbiiualiou of tho lino skin whi -Ii lines Ihc iti-ide of Iho wind tnbe-oruir viv..-els. riTeadiug thnuitrh every part of the lungs, is olien taken tor coii'iiiup t'oii. The Expectorant fiil'dniv this n:iUti i:i;i. n r-.lit-.-es tl.e a'.tii:.Iiu;- cough, pain, and di!luliy of I'rea'.hiiig. nnd if Hie ca-e i- net cf too longstnudiug will certainly produce a cure. HAVE YOU CONSUMPTION Then use JAYNE S EXriX'TORANN. It clean ses Ihe lungs from all irritating mailers, while nt the same time it heels and invigorates llicm. of all tho n nit dies which have been titer d to the public for Ibis dn;ad di-.citse. liutie have stood tho lest of lime or maintained so universal a popularity thi; Evpecto rmit. Thousands who luuo been given up l-y tbeir i l. -i'-ians as incurable h.n c bci n re Tc-red lo crii ct health by its use, and lln-ir letlim. i.y u t ca:ry cuovictiou lo all who read it. 11 AVE YOU ri.I'.l'RISY ? Then iise.lAYNE'S EXl'ECTOR ANT . I'y iakm.-r tsking two or three large ib se.i in the early siege of Iho disease in iiuick tiicocj-iun. mil cverin-j up warmly in bed. inis preparation net1 a-- a .-udoniic or swcutiiig medicine, aud .ubdiie. tl.e ii'.llau.alivD at the out.-'et. HAVE YOU Wlbif'TINii -COVG1I. Thenii-c J AYNE'S EXEECTOR ANT. There i no remedy which st ctiectuallytn crcon-.es lhis,li--ea-e as Ihc Fxpe.'toiau!. Wh it parent can w i.e.-the Miflerings of her children fi -ni thh di.-tre--ii:g font plaint without doing "nil in h.r power 1, r Iheir relief What medicine so h au nt lo ihe is to. or .-o cei-ttiiu to j rodiiee imu'.cl.ate ber.ebt ' ijivc i. r. trial, and let it prove us tul -acy. HAVE YOU Ui'.U' ' Then tfe .1 AYNE'S EXFECTolt ANT. Childrfn are subject to no disease more sudden in its alia -k'-. or. in ihe rdneiiee of prompt relief, none more fatal in its result.-- u..m Croup. I'art-nts. tln-n fore. -I.eiild keep at h.iml a remedy sure ri d tlxrough. Sic h it remedy may be found in the Expectoratit, ui.d every earefui mother will keep a supply by ber. J AYNE'S EXl'ECTwRANT. Is a standard medicine. For thirty yei.rs ii m' been beforn Ihe public, and during ibis porn d i's curative powers have beet tf'lticd to by nil eln.-s' ' f pcoplo n all quarters of iLe world l'hysi.'iars. cleravnien, lawyets, merchants, end mc'iai! i -s have epi rienced its remedial edects, and have fnrni lied us wiih iheir testimony, and it may bo found ut length in eur Almanac, to ho bad gratis of all ngcLi -. To their convincing certificates we would refer Ihe d"'i'' imr. Tlio Exi'EOToit ast 1'i.d all Dr. D I W-NE A Son S Family Mi:i'it iM;s i.rc sdd ty i.li lr.igis:j gellerilllv. May 17. Km'.2.-3 m. 'l'lic Ml. I.ouit, Chestnut Street, htvicn TVti.'f a:td l'urth, rMLAPFtLI 11 1 A . riTHE nnderslgnetL having lea ed. for a term of Years, rs, this pnpulnr h'-use. have the plcauro of leg to their friends and the trattling c m- amioiinc n.unily that il is now open , r Iho leot pti- n el gru -Is. The house, tincc the lirsl t f March a t. has U cn entiiely renova.cd ard refitted iu a supiuor manner; iho iu aitiui nt mo large, will ventilated mil tor ni bed in modern etvle. It is centrally located, ennvcuient to all the i I t nnd eamlioal landings, and jn Iho hnmedi.ito vicinity of tho Custom llou e, l'o t Office and the Corn E.t'-h iisge. Connected with the Hotel is n Restaurant f, r the accommodation of ll.o o prcfening tho European plan, l'ricea of Uiiims li-oiu Threu lo Stcn Dollars per week, according to loc -lion. Eoard SI 50 per day. Table d Hotc for liurcUants aud businirs uuu Iroui I lo T M HENRY NEIL. ISAAC L. DEV0E. April 13, 1W2 ly Wnwiiiitgtoii IIwuho, XORTUV MELT! LAND, TENNSYLYANIA, (,ar the ) riMIE Fubscriher lmving Ica.-td this well krawn X Tavern Stand, lately kept by Mrs C. S Frown, reptvlully inforii.e the public thai he i- refilling and repairing the pruniM.;-, and will Ik; reparnl lo in Itrtain, iu a cr iiiioti.iblt; nianotr. Lis uuiutreus ttituds li,rou;;boul lilt, ccuu.y. luid all who u,ay ralr. Me hi.- t. tnhli.hllii.llt April l.',lci J K-LVU VANKIEK. uewino jvr vcttttntt; go-, f..8 DROADWAY, NEW VOIib.: Direr rfttvc ('i-nitir, wit'i .Vw v-y..'t.t nf M'. , ', vi it Ic si ut Mr 1 1 l'tr OIK "FAMILY SEWIN.l MACHINE," 1 1 AVI Ml n'lai ied s wdl e-:iMi-hrd and llatterirg I I npiiiniion, a i-oing oi an nia -iuurs yet intio liie'-d. Ihe one be ;t ad'irled to Ail. Kivnp or Favii v SrwiNn, and having met with a stieec:' in it 'i N, beye.iil f,lir pieatest anticipation, so much so. (list h'f tin ' n montl, ; onr orilers have lieru xnots r.f Mir Hpieiiv- to "ni,t,lv. wn wellltl now tine -t'l-ee lh' wn have Incren-ed onr maiint'aeiuiiog lt..iliii.s. s.i that, from this lime lorth, we shall be runhlid to sit p,y orders on demand. Ill the ehnniris ''roio-ht about Lv Hie war. no nun thing has pbved a m-.te imrorl'aet tsrt Ihni tho Se.vtmn Mai-niK." VMllieiil ,i three fourths ot onr i-ldieis itouhl le dav be i-loihe.l in anything but ' Military t'ls'ttinte.1' All ever the land "armv eio thing has been the woi c reLtiiied of our pat-iiotn: women, nun neoiy n.ive inry responoe'i. rs.tt eontri-i to make only so many gartneni" it- tin ir hands could acrnmplivh, they have culled the "Sowing Ma,-h ne ' to Iheir nid, and by it. have rolled rut the tvhpeis Coats. 1'anth and Siiikts, at a rale t-.oi him in themselves Ivnntttii't tle.t thj tvotk cent J rn l,,n,; centiinie. ninny thongh'lul, prti.b-nt hoon tvive. weio careful to sei.'-cl tho iiiaehin" of all othet'. whi. h would do tho heavy nrmy woik, nnd when d t owi'lt that, Ihen lu bo u cd as iheir I- AMII.V M.i ium , and in -.electing one of tho 'Fi.nki.u & LtoN Srwi'.c M.vi-ntNX Co.vrANV'.; F.in.r M.irnixvs," with which y..n mfy ew Irom the fine. 1 cMiil -ic li the henvie t cloth, without charge of l -ed, luetic, i tension llu-v Inive not. been disar pointed. 1 litis haviti developed tho ndaptabilily of eur machine for all kinds of work, wo have minic another fctt p In advance, and by several imiKirl mkI clnnice.- in onr ' No. II Me.nii'M M Aointrs." hnve produeel V oTvtt.oniNO MArnui:." whit-ti e-e eonr.teTitlv-clnitn to be tho oji;sX 'i'.MLoUlNG M.MTIINr." yet inirodu 1, sewing Ihe ciir-el linen li.resd with i,.i much eao in ttie eoiniiK-ii e.ition an 1 io n rcpiired may !ic, lo do t'oe very line-i c tnil tic w.trk. lib 1"'0 or 200 cotton thu oonihininc; in one ennipio.t form, everv ounlitv rrriuired in either it FAMILY Oil MANI KALTI il'.INtl MACHINE. We have had onr M.tol.io bel'oio the pub!! Inng enoin.-h to ejli!lli-h th-ir reput-itien. lV'.v- t' others who tvaiicd with Itying e-oloi-i-' hiive lall.n by the wayside ;" mid ' soon the places thit knew them will know them no more.'' Step by slip hn.; the I'lNKi.i: A L"N JIai iiim: won its' way to public f.'vor; its sin.e- i.s ,. tiihlished. nnd hcneeJorih en aim shall be, its. it ha.- in the past been, tn -still furth'T improve, sinii lify and reduce tho co t of our nu chines. Wc hajl. in a lew days, issue a new- tic list. For fiiriher piriictilars m!dre.--s, FINE I.E A LY"N SEWING M ACHINE C . No. .'i;!H Preadwav. New V'-lk i'-J' Ii Marsur, Agent. Suhbu'rv. l'a. AlHrch I'.'. ISo2 I.:i K:i tv ainitt Jk. Eiooiitsbui g ICjtI v:nl. 0 N nivl nf;rr November " , It i'! , r, - enr;et Train-: will run as follows : MOVING toL'Til A :.--.S(-je-- -a .'. 2 . A M C ."il S .".2 J'.t.on-t Hi ,;n a 12 1.. I' Leave S.'rnr.t. ti, " King-ton, " Idoeinhur " Elipett. ' I'miville. Arrive nt Nortliumhi f VI '.' I '. land. It) ml moving lor-, c N'" lui inhci land Oai.Milo, ' Rupert, " I l 'i ni-l'iir;-, ' Kiii'.'-i-n. Arrive at Scranlon. NoRHI -t .-'il r M a HI r t: f. :j S OH l,eiv. I la P V ; fi) r M ;t in leave' icin-lon at 9 '.'" A i'.t: either Tr'iin A. M . .,r S-.Tiinton nl to connect unit a tram t-.-r .i'lt l or l.etuniiog of trnin trotn New e-i U leaves Seranioti on at rival at i i; r m Tile LaeK awiinna A 1'loom -buig I! -'ih-n-ni t'..nne-1.. with the Delaware, LaekawnMi-t and We tern bail i"-id nt S.-i-aiii'.'ii, tor New Viul, and interiuediate points ea. t. At Jlnper it connects wi'h the Cattawi .ai U i:i r--ad t--r points both e-et nr.dwe.:. At .NC-ihun'tierhm-l it c 'ni'C'-! with the rhil-ol.-: phia A Urio Eaittoad nnd Noilhciu Central Hut" iva-l, for joint- wet j;nd s-ufli John iv ii.si.ey. t-iip't .1 t". Wrt.i.a. General Ticket AM.t April a. l-s.2 n,-rrt:.,-rr, r.: nHE wnnrnnri-.t of this Well known Hot. I bat 1. ing been resinned by M'rrs. Coy LEA II I. bit. Hie pn "cut proprii tor.', b-'g li.ivc to inform the public that the hou-o i-- n--tv being IlK.rouhly renovate, 1. refitted, and improve 1. with a view to the proper and comfortable act, inua datioti of tho c w ho may isvoi the eitabliduuent with their eu.-tom. Gtie-ts will receivetlueiiilentii.il and courtesy, and noexpen -will bo spared that may conduce to maintain the betel mi n l';r -t-clfKs si vie. Families and others" de-iiing t-i rejourn in Ilarr. . bnrg dining tho summer inonihs. uill hnd pleasimt b ardiug and l.-ir-e nnd well-vcnlil itcd room.; al our ist'tbli. Itiiicnt. np'-n moderato term--. Sl't IT Ci 'Yl.i: March 2.1. li'.2 J. GII.1il-.lt V II ERR lO'JJ. fi jnx Siiiiiiix-r !;;. CLOTHING FOR jiS-TC. rpllE nndel . b-ne-l hr- i'lt receive I th- l-.rge. ' I a -ov'iaet.t of SEEING AND SUMMIT; 'L' 1 III N'i i i-v, r l.i-oii h to Siniburv. and takes ph a-ioo in inforniiu? biJ ti lends ami I he public jo-nctalh that he iscnal-Kd lo -.-11 CHEAPER T HAN EVER ' ! Hi.- "t'-ck i-oi I he I. r t matt rial, nisnulaeitireil i.i ti.e lluatc-t and lale.-t styles, nial collJi. ts of 1'EESS COATS FROM $5uC14, t'tti-iniere t-r Eu-ine -: Conts ef different pnc' Pams Plain snd Fancy Cas imere' of the l.ttt. styles .- large r. : rtinent i f Plain and Pi ncy Ve. t.-. Well made Shirts. Wooltn Shirts rod I'm I n: CARPET TAGS AND THI NKS. And al-'o 'i r.uiiilcr cf otl-.cr arti-.dei of genii. i--.en. wctr We nmnnrcc to everv -tie that r'ir Ct.OTHIN' I'.MPliRH'M i- m. ni a -.d by !'iiv .,ih.r in tl-c Stare tor rpiali' y . ci,.-1 j iows and duiahili y .- can ef- ly Miy lo iti ..-e w in, arc p.irclt '-n: Itteoty Ai.i ic t'l-'il in. a: retail, a. y can bjy tlic c -.o' l., il ine at a .-iie.iper Cn-I. 1': i,.'e iiiati any other i -ta'-li linn .:' in Pennsylvania. Tito proof of ihc Pudding if. easing it. l ie.. . give i.ic a call b.-f. re purcba-in . I-. at In to Jl'.-l.i il .-'CUVi:iT7J:K. Agent. Nearly .pp.--. iie W-.ict .- 11 oel Sunt airy Mar -h:".' I.-V.2' ' Slll.tltlDV l tl It It. Vlloi-iicv :l l.iv, Stinl my, Noiihunle: bil.,1 county. I', ni. , Ivaiit:'. (Ft-rniei-lv Fit b. ir;. Suv.ter ' 'in'v ) OI'FIt i', Maikct .-iie, :. ene'tloor en-: i'l l-'riling A GrMil's Store, and m arly t-pc-ite tl.e Ceiri Hon t All i .ft -ionnl bu im -s, coilit'tit I.'. Ac , will re ct ivo proii-.;--t aKen'i.ai April 12, 1 ;o2. 1011 SALE, ehta-. three Copic- i f tl.it Cottage f Eiblc, ill two voliuia s, with coiuii'.entsrios. 11 11. M A.-SI'.R 'l'lic I'oiilV'Hoiuiis nnil M i icii - l : lut;ilil. 1UELISili:D fi r the benefit nnd r." nwnriui. -. and a .oonii-n to y.'-ang men who -ul'- r In-ni Nervous Debility, Premature Dc-ay Ac. ; supplying nt tho stiine tune the means of Self-Cure. Ey et.o who bss cureil hiai-eif nfier b--ing put to great ex- 1-ensc thr, u-li nieilieal iutpe-itit it nnd qu.iekevy ly cia.-l..?;,!-; a jost paid n b'.ic.-.-cd envticje. -ii .tle copits may t-C had ol 'he autl.er. NATHAN 1 1.1. M AYFAIR. E-i . Etdford. Kings Co . N Y March la. l.2-ly WALL IMI'i: It! Jl'.-T received from New Yolk a lar-.-e a.-MTtment of WALL I'Al'l 11. coi.-i-Iing 1 1 Onr Hi soul i. ami Sivrv -.nnrt". DirKt.m:T sivi.il. Asn I'll 1 ttiiss. vi ryitLg in pii--e Irom C cttit upwards, ml ; which will be told ul tho lowcal ca ll ri"es, at li.t. cheap store of J. 11 ENGUL Sunl in v, March 22 1s02. I'rot Iin. Lard. Lard Oil, si i, ued Etcr, llutler. II mi.', Sides, .-hoiih'.er-', Pork. For Sale by Chrf.'o. Dtied Frui: Ecen--, Ac , Ac. WM Mill. AMI. Che -lint Street Wharf. I'htladclt-hla March 2-J, lsi'.2. 3mw ii. it. ji tsr.ic. VIIiiiikv lit I.HW, sl.MHI.Y I'l Collcciioi's ntieiided lo m ihe counties of -V-r Ihnmht iland, I nior., ii.yder U ut.mr. l eluiub.i au l Lycoming. r.ui'i itrxt i i. II -n Join M Held, Plulndelpl.iu, A. tt. ti.iiiell A Co.. lbn Win A. D rur. Morton MeMiehavl, 1' . ' E Keiehiini A C" , " 'J Pi'i-rl S'ml, New Yelk I. hn W. Adoin ad. A'lonn y ui Law, Matthew! A Cox Aitormys at Law. S anbury. Mutch 2.', t'-jj Wall I'wiier - iWO " -, OF WALL r.M'LU f-F EVERY DEslii.M-I E ?1YI IS AND JAlll i-.N.: II T rt c, i , d -la . ,- fr, ni flit M.Uii.Ku Init r Il,t M VM.M'M 11 i' l, lit I till 1M. .r r.'t ; uniurv M,.i.fc Ic K' 2