ftfjc unimvc American. H. B. MABSETt, Editor ft Proprietor. Nl lll HI, l'A. SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1802. ' C-5F" Lieutenant R. C. Winslow died very suddenly, at Lock Haven, on Saturdny la9t BRcil about 41 years. He was Fust Lieute nant in Kauc's Bucktnil Riflemen. f Fire. A brick bouse in the lower part of Lock Haven, occupied by the family of Major C. A. Lyman, of McCall's division, burnt to the ground on Friday last. The Rev. Dr. Geo. W. Bcthunr, an eminent and well known divine of the Reformed Dutch Church, In Philadelphia and New York, died recently in Europe, whither he had gone on account of ill health. l-if Over nine thousand shells were thrown by the fleet in tho bombardment of the forts below New Orleans. Most of them were thirteen inch shells, which cost, with their filling twenty dollars each or one hundred and eighty thousand dollars for shells alone. fay New Cob'ntekfeits. 10'a on the Bank of Phfrnixville altered from 1'?. They are just issued. 10's of Corn Exchange Bank, Philadelphia, and of Allegheny Bunk ultcrcd from l's. -. . gT" A Judicial Election takes place in Kentucky this mouth. An order from Oin. llallcck requires that all candidates who arc secessionists or rebel sympathizers shall be arrested. Several persons have been depri ved of "their liberty" under this order ulrcady. Wont the Breckinridgors be down on Uallcck for a violation of the Constitu tion. t-SThc people of Norfolk manifest a sort of sullen indifference towards the Union soldiers, and repeated attempts havo been made to assassinate the latter. Col. Brown, of tho Twentieth Indiana Regiment, has mysteriously disappeared, and it is supposed that he has been foully dealt with. The Harrisburg Tchjro h says : The Brcckinridgers arc ns full of venom as copper headed enakes. They arc ready to persecute every Democrat who evinces higher regard for his country than for his party, while no man is regarded as ft Demo crat who refuses to damn abolitionism and extol slavery; or who neglects a single opportunity to rrive aid and comfort to the rebel slave drivers". " lg Pennsylvania has less regiments in the field than New York, and yet Pennsyl vania has more men in the service of the country. This is accounted for V y the fact that the New York regiments are all below the maximum number of those frein this State, and thus, with less men than Pennsyl vania it requires more money to pay the New York troops, for this reason : New York, with more rcgiuieuts, has more regi mental and brigade officers to pay. gr Dkatu ok General W. H. Keim.- Gcueral Kcira was a native of the city ol Reading. For many years he commanded the Fifth division of Pennsylvania Volun teers, and held the rank of Major General. $y General Beauregard has issued orders that he would treat any person or corporation as disloyal to the rebel confederacy who would refuse to accept Confederate notes at par, or who in any degree endeavored to discredit the operations ot the rebel govern ment. A large amount of sickness is preva lent among the soldiers in Richmond. The expedition to New -Mexico is about to start. It will consist of the First, Second, and Seventh Kansas, aud the Twelfth and Thirteenth Wisconsin regiments, the whole to be under command of General R. B. Mitchell. General Pope's army has aiiain ad- vauccd. aud is now within three miles of the rebel entrenchments at Corinth. De serters continue to report that great diss.it isfaction is everywhere expressed in Beaurc gard's army, and that the enlisted men from the Border States sec no reason why they should tight for the independence of the Cotton Slates. J-j" Dog Snow. Ifcirmini'd great dog rIiovS-, in New York, has been quite success ful. The $1000 premium was awarded to Frauds Butler, Esq., for his great Siberian Bloodhound. Thirteen different kinds of dogs were exhibited. Mr. Butler received premiums for eight of the different varieties, live first and three second premiums. Zif We have received from the Tutent Office a package of Cotton Seed, adapted to the climate of the Middle States, for distri bution. It should be planted the same time as corn ; mark it in rows five feet apart ; put five seed in a hill, the hills one foot apart in the row ; cover lightly with a hoe ; when the plants aro four inches high, thin out to one stalk iu a hill, and cultivate the same as corn. THE PEACH JJOKElt, - The directions of your correspondent in ' recard to the destruction of the "Peach Borer," although quite explicit, would hard ly lie practicable in a large orchard. In taking the "lxrer" from our peach trees, wc first movo the dirt immediately around the body of the tree to the depth of to or three inches, then with a sharp and pointed knife remove all appearances of "clue" from the bark ; we then cut out all the dead parts of the bark, toiiowing lac incision made Py the "borer" until you una rum' when he is num. warily disposed of by cutting into two parts. Thus we proceed over a large orchard. Now is the time to remove this enemy of the peach tree. The dirt bhould be replaced afc this season ; but should be removed again iu the fall, that the "borer" in his infantile state may have the full benefit of the frosts of the winter. These operations will destroy a great many of them. OtrnumCoun- Til. Kf When the "boreru" arc not easily re moved, we have effectually destroyed them with boiliug water poured arouud the body of the tree. "Ou Bk.umh" i the tignilicaut but some what dibu.ipectlul title lautowiu upon Utn. Jj" ilkck by hutrooj-.-. TriE Naval Operations at New Or leans. The more we learn of the operations ofourflrct at New Orleans, the greater is our admiration of the skill, indomitable perseverance, enthusiastic zeal, and undaunt ed bravery, which whs displayed by our gal lant Navy, for it now appears thattheeutire work of the capture was performed by the Navy the army only being able tolsndand occupy nfter the gallant tars had caused the seeesh flag to disappear, and the "old flag" to be displayed in the forts and city. We think that Congrcsscould not go amiss in creating a higher grade than is now pro vided for in the Navy, and we have no doubt the loyal people of the whole country would with one voice proclaim that the gallant chivalrous and skilful conduct displayed by Commodores Foote, Dupont Farragut and Porter, entitle them to. the highest rauk which would thus be created. A correspondent of the New York Herald says : "At five o'clock the French war steamer Milan Came up the river. He congratulated us, to use his own words : 'On our pleasant yet perilous passage up to tho great city.' Said the commander, "It is the greatest achievement of the nge and in history." In this connection, we would present the following brief sketch of the naval hero of New Orleans, which we copy from the Louis ville Journal ! "Flag Officer David Farragut, now in com mand of our fleet at New Orleans, is n native of that city, and about sixty years of age. In childhood he was adopted by the late Commodore David Porter, receiving his bap tismal name, and is thus tho brother adop tive of Capt. J. D. Porter, of the Essex, in our flotilla, and Lieut. Porter, in command of the mortar fleet at the mouth of the Mis sissippi. Though only twelve years of age, he was on the Essex at Valparaiso in 1S14, in that most gallant naval fight, and was specially commended to the Department for his brave deportment. An anecdote told of him, though trilling, indicates character. Alter tlifvtfurreiKler, a pig which he claimed was carried off by a midshipman of the Bri tish frigate Phebe. Young Farragut appeal ed to the British Captain for restitution, aud received for reply that ho could do nothing about it, but that he might go and whip the middy. "Is that all I" said the lad, acting on the leave given, instantly whipped the aggressor and carried off his pig. "He has been almost constantly in active service. During the, years 1821-22-'23-'2-l, he was employed in cruising after pirates in the Caribbean seas, and distinguished him self by most efficient service and gallantry. He was lor some time in command ol the Brooklyu at the Vera Cruz station, at the time of t lie admission of Mr. McLean to Mex ico. He was twice married in Norfolk, Vir ginia, ami is the owner of a large property iu that rebel city. But before the outbreak, rind to avoid entanglement, he removed Ins family from Norfolk to a cottage on the Hud son, whence he was called to active duty in putting down the rebellion. He is a wort accomplished officer, versed in every point of his profession, and most energetic iu all naval duties. He speaks with fluency five or six modern languages, and sailor as he is, is a gentleman of hue scholarly taste and ac quirements. Gen. Ileintzlrman, who did such splendid .lighting at Williamsburg, is said to be a native of Jlauheim, Lancaster county, 1 i .in 1 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rEIWOXS WANTING A CHANGE of CLIMATE FOR HEALTH, SEE AbVEKTISt.Mi.ST OF VINELAND FARM6- Slir,-IIS Hi.ILm ' llY virtue of a certain rturict writ of Vol. Ex.. 13 issued out of tho Court of Common Plena of Northumberland county. Pa., and to Ino directed, will Ic exposed to Public Sale, at tho Court House, in Sunbury, on Thursday, the itu day of June, A. D. 1802, at 1 o'clock 1. M., tho following described Real Estate, to wit : All tho defendant's mtcrcFt in lot No. 31, situate in tho borough of Sunbrtry, Northumberland county, and State of Pennsylvania, and bounded and de scribed as follow;, to wit : North by Shiiuiokin street, cast by lot number ii. foulh by an alloy, und weft by Fawn Direct, containing about j of an acre, whereon aro erected -a two-story frame house aud kitchen, (now occupied by Ckurlcs W erner ad u Hotel,) a lame stablo, and other oulbuildincs. Also, the surface right to tho following described lot of ground, laid out uon tho John Bru.ly tract of lnnd, und situato iu the town of Shauioktn, county aforesaid, and marked in the plan of said town with tho number 31 A, containing about one-eighth of au acre. Also, all that certain mCrsnngc and tract of land. situate iu Coal township, county of Northumberland aforesaid, being part of a largo tract of laud surveyed in tho nauio of John liruily, containing 175 acres, strict measure, hounded ou tho north by lamb) of Martin I. at, on too cart by land luto ot 1'urdy and Ilowart, (now Purdy,) on the south by lands surveyed in the mtino of Thomas Hamilton, and on tho west by land surveyed in tho nnmo of William 1'. Brady, ou wuicu aro opcncn iwo largo veins ox coal. Alco, the undivided half of a certain tract of land. ttituato iu t'uul township uiorcsuid, surveyed in tho name ot Vk illiaui 1'. iirsdy, containing 444 j acres, bounded and described as follow?, to wit : On tho north by land of Martin Haw, cast by lands of John urauy, .-ouiu by i:ini4i ol inouius Hamilton and r.ftlier Krauier, west by lands ol 41. t. l.evermu and Johu lioyd, being a valuable tract of coal land. Alro, tuo unuivKieu Ultra part ot all that certain tract of laud, situate in Coal township aforesaid, sur veyed in the name of John lioyd. containing 4141 acres, bounded and described a follows, to wit: On the north by land of Thomas Hamilton, (dd survey.) on tuo east by laud ot V, uiiaui v. lirudy, on the south by lauds of M. h. Leverson aud Frederick Kramer, and on the wc;t by lunds of Mnthius Zim merman, being a valuable tract of coal land. Also, the undivided tiiulb part of all that certain tract of land, situate in Coal townshiii aforesaid, sur veyed in tho name of Thomas Hamilton, containing 412 acres and allowance, bounded on tho north by lauds of llliiuu 1'. Uraily and John lirady, east by land of Samuel Clark, south by lands of John Car.-ni and Esther Kramer, und west'by lands of William 1'. Brady, on which a coal vein has been opened. Ai.-o, tuo unuiviueu nail part ot all mat certain tract of lund, situato in Licllo Mahanoy township, couuty und State aforesaid, surveyed iu tho name of Joseph Lyon, containing bO acres, bounded and de scribed as follows : Ou the north by land of John lhinklcbcrger, east by land of Frederick Rees, soulh by lands of Frederick Uunkleliergcr, and wcl by the liai, uiion whii'h acoal vein is opened. Also, the undivided half urt of all that certain tract of land, situato in Point township, couiilv aforesaid, surveyed in tho name of Johu liarrnu, jr., contuinini; 410 acres and allowance bounded on tho norm ny lana or 1. Jlewit, on tue cast by lands of ii aiiiuu m-uHii aim ivuovri .rwiu, ou inc soutu uy land of William lirodic. aud west by lunds of A. Kerning. Also, all that certain tract of land, surveved in tho name of Robert Erwiu, situate iu l'oint township aiorcsaiu, couiaiuiii 41.11 acres, bounded on tno north by lund of William Benson, on the cast by lands oE. Branham, on the south by 11. Kurti, and on the west by lands of John Burron. ir. Alco, all that certain tract of land, surveyed iu llio name of Ebenezer Branham, situato in l'oiut town- ship aforesaid, containing 4:t0 acres, bounded on the norm uy lanu 01 jonn uavid, cast by lands of Andrew t.pplo, toutn and west by lioucrt trmn. Also, Bll in"' certain tract ol land, surveyed in tho name 01 Auurew r.ppic, situate in 1 oiui towusui aforesaid, containing 430 acres, bounded on the nort uy landi or Liavid Jackson, cast by lands ot John bervice, south and west bv Ebencier Branham. nuo, an mat certain tract 01 laud surveyed In I he uaiuv ui joun corvice, situate In I oinl iwu?mi aforesaid, containing 424 acres, bounded on the norll by lund of David Juokaon, cut by land of J. Thoru croft, south by lunds of , and wcot by luuds of -l'l'i. iuo tact nve tracts 01 laud auove described containing valuable rlmo.il at irK ore. nimi, mn .u luuuwiug described low or parcels 01 ground, situate in the town of Mount Carmel, in the towuchip of Mount Carmel, county and State afore said, to will Lot number 1, marked in the plan of am town as uepot Ixit block number 5 in said town, situate on the Shamokin Valley Railroad block number 10 iu said town. Soiled, taken in csecutioa, and to be told u the prujHif-ijr ui n u. u iwmri. c bAylu WALDR0N, Sheriff. Sheriff a Office, I Bunbury, May 1J, 1861. J I'etitre ''rMike Iload. VN Election for officers to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at In houMi of Josenh Van. kirk, iu the borough of Northumberland, ou Monday the second day of June, next, btlwwu the Lomotil IU o Clock, A . ?l- and .1 o rlwk Y M. J R I'lULslXLY, J'u.idiut May 3, IjC.V-U ALL WHO WISH TO PURCHASE Good & Handsome Goods AT TEB.7 LOV7" PRICES, AND HAVE A L.ABQE VARIETY to ki:lixt 1'ICO.M, WILL PLEASE CALL AT THE ONE P1UCE STOKE OF E. Y. BRIGHT & SON, Who keep Constantly on hand, and arc monthly receiving from New York and Philadelphia, A CHOICE AND CHEAP BTOCK OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS udaptcd to the wants of every person. Wo invite tho atteution of the Public, aud respectfully solicit an examination of our suxk, feeling a.urcd that we are prepared to offer GREAT BARGAINS AND Splendid Inducements to all who desire to purchase honost (loed at fair prices. W e do not feel justified iu boasting that we have the largest sfnti, ulthough we can state with truth, that our stock is well selected, and embraces many novelties not to be found elsewhere. Our priv-cut assortment comprises all kiuds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DBY O O O H 3 notions, u loves and hosiery, WHITE tlOOlU IN VARIETY, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CATS, HARDWARE AND (Jl'EENSWARE, GROCERIES AND lilASSWARK, TAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, 3DHXJCJS S CHEMICALS, VUACUMAKEKS' SADDLERS' UOUDS, SUUli FINDINGS. Uar Iron, Steel and Nails, WIN VOW SHADES o GRINDSTONES 4c V. Y. lmiUllT & SON. t:iu.Liuy. May J 1, lhul FRILING & GRANT ARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEY It ABB NOW RECEIVINU AN ENTIRE New Stock of Goods ! ! MANY OF WHICH ARE 1 REDUCED IN PRICE, auj although prevailing- reports, may iuduco tho ' . -belief that DRY GOODS are advancing, yt a flh.glu vLit to that 'nttrflctive tcfort, THE MAMMOTH, ill convince any caudid limn or woman thai, bo the report as it may, yet the propjictors of that -iin?iitu-tion" have the facilities for furnishing CI-3IE3?J31l GOODS huh those uho buy and evil cu Long Credits do ii.t, aii l Cannot po.-s.ss. VE KEEP EVERYTHING, AND AUK DETERMINED TO SELL CHEAPER THAN CAN EE TVIiCUASED EI.i-E- miEHE. FRILINU A tlRANT. Suulury, Muy 17, ISO J. -0- H0W TO PROMOTE DOMESTIC HAPPINESS. Said Mrs. Smith to Mrs. Brown, As they wero walking through the town, ' W here do ypu do your shopping '. That dress you're in, so nent and hue, That when I sec it, really miuu Looks positively shocking." "I'm sure your husband, Mrs. Brown Now don't be uugry, pout uud frowu Is uot so rich us mine, And yet you cantlbrd to buy Juct twice as much, or more ihun 1, Aud how, I cannot divine." Snvs Mis. Brown to Mrs. Smith : ' ihe reason you'll bo startled with, It is so simple, clear You buy on credit, I for cash, I buy bargains, you buy lrun, I cheap, while you pay dear. ' Whene'er you want a dress or shawl, A collar, hose, or what-not, call At Ihe cheap Mammoth Stiiiie, They'll sell you goods o very low That you will cease to wonder so, lKw much rich goods I've wore 'My husband, ns you truly sny, Is ixiorer, far, than yours to-day, And yet I can buy more, Ht-causc each dollar of his few Is, to me, just as good 11s two, At the cheap Mammotu Sioiib." So satisGed was Mrs. Smith With Mrs. Brown's new arith metic, which did conviuce The first, and upoucd so her eyes. She hadn't ceased to patronize The Manuotu ever since. And now, when you chance to meet Her husbund, Smith, upon the street, Around the corner coming. His face is lighted with 11 smile, His step elastic all Ihe while A pleasant tunc he s humming Ladies, if liko effect you'd see lu your dear spouse, which you and he, Perchance, uec'r saw before, Just Mrs Brown's proscription try, And all your list of Dry t-oods buy At tho cheap Masix'TII StoIik. Statement of Northumberland Couuty ll.tuk, May 7. lHea. ASSEFS. Specie funds iu Philadelphia aud specie in vault, Notes and Checks of other Banks, Due from Brokers aud other Bauks, Bills Discounted, Slrt,ft.'.S it o.llIM till 5.027 "li ?l4,flo3 104 014 All l'J,-Ul, WO H'i, so UABILimiJ. Circulation, Due Dojiotiturs, . , , Duo other Banks, ' "- ?12S.1'JI 3d CoP!TY Of NoBTHL'MMFHLAND, p I Charles W. Pealo, Cashier ot tho JNorthutubcr land CuuntT Bauk bcinii duly awoni der?e and that tho above statemeut is correct to tho best of u.y knowleilgo and beuel. iii.ia. it. j L.uK.t va.-nicr. Sworn and Futacribcd before me. 1 this 7lh day of May, A D. Itfl. r. a: iiaa?, notary j-uonc. j iKlilor'M Notice, llocrgo K. Reed, In the Cum vs. . John ShafTner, Anthony K. Ruber, Thomas Bauuigardncr, Thoaiaa E. Franklin, Christopher linger, Jacob Rcirt, Jacob liausoman, William E. Evans, Charles Uoiuitsh and Maria C. Hcinilsb his wife, late Maria C. Heed. John Lane Reed, who has for mon Pleas 0 N orthumbir land couuty No. April Term Iboi his iruardian Eliuibalb Reed, Robert I Order to sell P. Black and John C. 8. Kilos. J Ac. The undcrsigued appointed by the said Court, auditor to dUuibutu tho urohae tuouey raised ale of the nremisaa to tho eeveral dofeudaula or. those ulaiiuuig froni them According to their aevcral inl..r.l and urouoriioul. hcrabv civoa Dotico to all the dulondauta auove named aud all others interested that be will attend fur said purpow.at bis omoe uobuiy, ou 1 liday the day of June neat ' uJLoil'ji.' JJILL, Auditor SupWy. May Id. CJ. HAVE YOU A couan ? I Then use JAYNE'8 EXPECTORANT Do not allow your cold to take it own course. Two thirds of Iheviotimsof consumption owe Iheir aftlictiona to the fatal mistake of "waiting for a cough to gi-t Well of itself." Do not fall into this error, but avail yourself at once of a romodv which t iirt nun' experience has demonstrated is certain to procure a HAVE YOU ASTHMA OR PHTHISIS. Then use JAYNE'3 EXPECTORANT, which will overcome the spnsinodio contraction of tho wind tunes, and causo tutm to eject tue nincuous or matter which clogs them tip. and by an easy and free expec toration remove all difficulty of breathing. HAVE YOU BRONCHITIS! Then use JAVNE EXPECTORANT. Thiswidc- prond disenso which may cenerallv ho described at an inllamntion of the line skin which linos the iniido tho wind tubes or air vcse!u, nwadina throuch every part of the liuig, is often taken tor consump tion. The Expectorant subdues this itiHnmntion, relieves the attending cough, pain, and diltk-ullv of breathing, and if tho cuso is not of too longstanding, will certainly produce n cure. HAVE YOU COXSCMPTtON ? Then use JAYNE S EXPECT0UAXN. It clean ses the lungs from nil irritating matters, while nt tho saiuo time it heel" aud invigorate Ihcui. Ol nil tho remedies which hnvu been ollered to the puldic for this dread disease, none have stood Jiie test of 1 i mo or maintained so uutvcrsul a popularity as this Expecto rant. Thousands who huvu been given up by their hv.-icians ns incurable hnve been restored to perfect icalth by lis uc. and their testimony must curry cuoviolion to all who read it. HAVE YOU rLEtltlSY? Then uscIAYXE'S EXPECTORANT. Pv takina taking two or three large dn?es. iu the early stae of tho disenso ill quick succession, and covering up wnrnilv ir. bed, tuts preparalinn nets n a sudorific nr sweating medicine, and .-ubducs the inllnmatiou nt (ho outset. HAVE you WHoonxa-couuii. Then use .TAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. There is no remedy which so efl'eetiiRlly overcunes (Ills di-"cn.sc ns tho Expectornnt. What parent cm witners the Fiifl'erings of her chihlrcu from llii.-di - trers'in ciiii- aim without doin" nil in her power l"r tloip relief ? What medicine so pleasant to the tnt, "r certain to produce immediate beln lit '. Hive it .1 trial, and let it prove its efficacy.- HAVE YOU CROUP . Then use JAYNE-! EXPECTORANT. ChiMr.n nrc subject to no di sea so mTe sudden in Ps nttio-k'. or, in the absence of prompt relief, none iurc fatal its results limn lrup. I'nreuis, tlierclore, HumiI.i keep at hand n remedy sure and tlinrnugh huh a remedy mnv be found iu the Expectorant, an 1 every curelul moilier will keep a supply by her. JAYNEri EXPECTORANT, it standard medicine. For thirty yenrs it has been fore Ihe public, mid durim: this period its cura'ive iHjwcrs have been testified titbv all etnsses nf penple u nil uuarters 01 tno wori-i. i iiy-icians. etcrgvinen, lawyers, uiereliauts, mid mechanics have experienced its remedial etl'ect?, and have furnished us with their sliinony, and it may bo fund ut lenuth in our Ahnnnac, to bo had gratis of nil arrcnts. To tlo ir onviiiciug certitieuies wc would rclor tuo duuli ing itie l..ri:cTiHANT and all l'r. 1. .IA.1. ,V SON'S Family Mepicinkx arc sold by till Druggists generally .May ii, lii. 4 m. C.tlTMI.V. LL persons nro hereby caulmned against pur. ba sing two S. hod Orders, issued by tho School oard of the t poor Augusta School District, now 111 the hands of Michuel A. hecfer ; one iu favor of I'nniel W. l'arnbart for thirty-five dollars, aud one in favor of Joseph Savidge tor twenty dollars, nil of which have been settled with tho said Michael A Keel'er and bail, by the School Lourd of said School District. II. J. IlILAXD, PrciiJcut. Wm. Iti:i:n, Feereti.ry. Upper Augusta twp., May IP, 'CI. It !ttilo 1 lie IIiiiiK 1" .Aorllnimlx r, land, lla.v 11, lwU'J. ASSETS. Loans and Bills discounted, sxt:;'-.i si 11.71:1 ; 5.0711 no A. mm tut H..V.5 2S P.'I,7H 01 rate Loan. Northumberland Bunk Stock, Other Stocks, .... lveal lvtnto, Due other Banks, Notes and Clicks of other Biu.ks, Specie iu Vault, lfi.177 0.1 ;:n,'."J3 73 $431, 10b &7 LIABILITIES. Notes in circulation, Due other Bunks, ... f2!'! .5.'!ll M Commonwealth, Depositors, SIH7.W1 7ti juft nnd true I ctrtify the above statement to to the best of Uiy knowledge and 1 1 li j. li. rtiii.MLt.1 Sworn and sul scrilad before mc. 1 C. F. LiTn.K.J. P. Cu.-I.ii r. 'l'be Si. I.ouis, Chestnut Ftrut, Ittn-cni Third unj 1'uitrth, PUILAPKI.riUA. THE undersigned, having leased, for a term rf .1.: . . 1. ... .. U I... . I f ears, mi tonnar lionet, un.vuiu ukuo ... nuuouuciiig to their ineuiis aim mc traveling com munity that it is now open lor the reception ol gne-ts. Jlie house, sinco the lnt ol -March last, uas neen entirely renovated and refitted in a superior manner ; the apartments nre huge, well ventilated an. I lui nishi'J in modern stylo. It is centrally located, convenient to all Ihe depot and stcuiiil oat landings, and in the immediate vicinity of the Cu.-ti.ui House, P0.-I Office nnd tho Corn Exchange. Connected with tho Hotel is u ltestaiirant for the accommodation of those preferring the European plan. Prices of Rooms from ihrcc to Seven Dollais per week, according to location. Board SI ill per day. Tabic d'H.itc for merchants and bu.-iucas men from 1 to 3 P. M. HENRY NETTi. ISAAC L. DEVOE. April 12, 1 ' T.2 1 y Hardware, .llaehiiiery, .llft liauiis. Tools, Vf. HENRY tilLBERT, Mariit Street, Ojyiotftc the Court Jli:se, U inuisDi iic, Pa., I vEALl.Il in all kiioL- of Builders and M'lnufac 1 turers' Hardware, Iron, Slccl, Coil Cl.uiu, Ropes, Pulley Blocks, Ac. LiNSL'LD, BriiNisa asu MAcuiNLiiV Oils. The Lubricating Oils are adapted to every vaiicty of Mucuiuery. Also, ut uitiuulucturcir price. , Wool) W'oIlKINC M.ll'lllNKIIY, vii : Plauiug, Sa.-h, Morticing and Sawing Ma- climes, Ac. Machinlstk' Tools, vii : Planers, Engine and Hand Lathes, P. .It Cutter: , Ac, Ac., Muchine Belting, of R ul.ber uud Leather, t -o. nut ly tin hand. Herrinir s l ire Proof Safes, 1 latlorm Nviles. Tin Plate, rdicot Iron, Block Tin and iriiumers' Tools. 1 urelrwers will Und it to their interest t. gi ns a call. Harri.-burir, March 20, ls.2. w'rii'i: ! 't'Xfi .'iaui'M l'..resii t'oinpuny, I I VE NOTICE (hat they have concliid.-.l VK rimetnenls wilh the Northern Central itailroiid 'oinpsmv to run tn.ins from Baltimore for lorK Harri-barg, Daui biu, Halifax. Trovorton. Sunbury Norttiumborlanil, Liewisi.urg, million, .Muuey. tin Hiinwport. nnd all intcrmc'liite stations, .'oimoctiu : at llarrisburg with the tIREAT W1.ST1.K EX- PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and the Wist. Also with Howard A Co 's Express at Milton or Danville, Blooiusl.urg, Wilkesbnrre, Pittston, Se-ran-ton. aud intermediate stations 011 the C.ittawlsa Lackawanna A lllooinsburg i(nilro.uls. At 11- liauoport, by Howard ft Co 's Express to Jersey Shore nnd Lock Haven Also, by Howard A Co., and their connection, for Canton, Troy, Elmira, Rochester. Butbilo. Niairurn, and to nil ucc ssil.Ie i-uiuta In Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bunk Notes, Jewelrj, and Valuable Packages of every de.-crip- Also. Notes. Drat- and Bills for Collection Experienced and etScient inrssoiigers euiplryid, and every ctlilt w ill be made 10 ren.t.'r s:.iisia,:tion JOHN Bl N(i II M, Suporintendotit Pemi'a Division. Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Atfcut Jur Sunbury April 4, 1F62. Mall 1ii per IOUO IMeeeM, OF WALL PAPER OF EVERY DESIRABLE STYLES AND PATTERNS. T UST received direct from the Manufacturer, at fl tho MAMMOTH STORE of " FRILING ft tlRANT. Sunbury, Inrch IS, 12 Vahiuuton House, NORTHUMBEHLANDv, PENNSYLVANIA, (Near the Jiridre ) riHIE subscriber having leased this well known X Tavern Stand, lately kept by Mrs. C. S. Bruwu, rteclfally iuforms the public that he is refilling aud repairing tho premise, and w ill be pr. pared to tu tertttin, in oomforlublc mauuer, his numerous friends throughout the couuty, and all who may patronise uis estaniunmeui. April 1J, lr2. JOSEril VANKIRK 11TINP0W SHADES -A very Hue and stsortment, just received by Hailroad Irota Ne York, a; the Mammoth Store ef Frilina A Grai:l -We hive also foj sale S S. Putnam 4 I 0 I Cvlotn ted ralent Pendulum ( urtain I aturto uubury. March 2v, ltij jVIiss M. L. OusBler, 1'uwH f?!rre-t, two u'oort snit:U of the Skamittn VittUg ir Trittsiil'e Rtiilro.iil, SUNCURY, TA., HAS just received from Philadelphia, an.) opined at her stoic, a lariro and snlen.lid assortment if the most fashionable aud latest style ef Bcnnets, XIats, Shakers. Trimniings.&c which she is selling at ikcjno.-l reasonable prices. LADIES' DRESS CAPS, to !iich sho lireets tho attention of the ladies, and Invites all to call and see them. hosiery, gloves, mits, collars, hand kerchiefs, COMES, Ac , nnd numerous other articles for ladies' wear, to which she invites tho Indies to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful lor past patronage, she hopes by keeping Ihe best assortment, nt reasonable, prkes, lu continue the same. . Suiiljiiry, April 19, 182 .tin, Almiiiisi-iior Wale. VI TILL be expo-od to Public Sale, ou SAT I MM Y, V the 314 day ol May, lbo2, at 10 o'clock, AM, nt the lalo nidi'iico of Elizabeth llilcmau. ol the Koroiigh ol Sunliury,.dcc'd., numerous trlicbs of lloiischoiil rttriiiluro. t Also : At the Washington House, In IJ10 Borough of Sunbury, on Thursday the 8lh day of May iust.,at 10 o'clock A.M., FIVE SHARES OF RANK f-TOCK, of the Bnuh of Nir:hanibrrltlTtd. Inlethe property of said deceased. Terms and conditions will lc Uia-to known ou the day of side by UL'oRUK lIAPilirsoN, Nny 3, 1S02. 4t Adiu r Com. Test., Ac. SIMON P. WOLVEUTON. Afloriiey mid Counselor :il l.uvv. Office, Market -Ire.-t l doors we. I of Depot, WILL nttend prouipllov to lh'' collection of claims nnd nil other profosslonul business intntti .1 to his cure in Northumberland and adjoining Counties. Sunbury, May 3, ISti-. I'.-tale ol l.lixalx-lh II ilriii.iii. det 'd. NOTICE is linel.y gilon Unit b.-ltoisof ndmiiiis trillion ha ioi 1 1 en granted to the . ul Til., r, on the e-latc of Elirabeth Hib mini, late of Ihe bo rough of Siinl'iiry. Nor'tnnnlwrlan 1 cuiity, i'a , do-ei'ii-ed. All iui.-.ns indebted are rctie.-to.l lo mak.: iuitnc.li.itc p ivinont, and these ha iug claim.-: to re. r. Hi theiu l 'l ecltb'lllelit uivuhii: n.Mtitts'irj. A linini.-t it r Cum TrstauRiito, Ac Sunbury, May 3, lsti2. et .Mauiiliii'liii-ersi of Stone XVare. COWDEN & WILCOX, rjlllE Stone Ware now made at tl.i r--'abliinueiit .1. is equal to any uuele in this "..un'ry l-'eiyva-rioty of in tide Usually inndc, always on hand Jlarri-bury. May ;!. ISi.2. White! iev I01U I j pe 1'oumtrv. i;ook, Nfiwsi'Arvfi, job and orna mental T Y r E "'E have the fullest assortment ef the most useful kinds of Plain and Ornamental Type, maim factum! from the iu"st dural lc metals, finisln .l with the greatest wire aud accuracy, sociuing perfect justi licntion. ; Specimen B.vks uud estimate? f.trn:-he! upon up plication, ulso. PltlNTlXO PRESSES, with their Appurtenances of nil thcnppn ved makers. W O 0 Ii TYPE, of nil the late.-t styles, of nil sires. Met il Fnrnituro Lal.or-Saving Rules, Cnses, Cabinets, Furniture, Printiug Ink, and every article the Printer requires. Terms iibcral. Prompt atten'ion. FARMER, LITTLE A CO., fi3 and b i Beckmun street, New Yolk. May 3, 18ti2. iti..i us; 11 mxj. ri'ilE subscriber re pecilully itil'orins his old friend! J uud the public g'.nerally'that lie hus. coiiuuenccd the BLACKS.MITHINU BUSINESS, in the shop attached to K. Y. Bright -s Foundry, nnd is prepared to du nil kinds of Blucksiuithing, "in tho be-t style and uoikiuansiiip. All cu-stom work will be prompllv attended to. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Agent. Sunbury, April 2, l!w2.U .diiiiiiIlrator .olie. "VTOTICE is hereby given that letters of Adn.inis .i (ration having biin granted to the undersigned 011 tho estate of Frederick Cable, lute of Jackson township, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, .teeeasivt. nil persons indented arc renuesicu to maKO immediate pnymcnt, and those having chdms to j resent them for settlement. j.iia'ij 1.-UJL.E., .Liir.iiiii.iruiur. Sunbury, April PJ, 1S02. Ot liolloehsi BsaiilTin t'oliee. rilIIS prepnrntiion. made from the best Java I Cotic.v is recomjiieniled bv pliv-iciuns as a stipe rior N L'TRITKH S VKV Kit AtiK for lieneral Debil ity, Dvspetwia, and nil Billious Disorders, lhousauds who have been compelled to abandon the uc of cuitco, will use this willioul injuriiHis citccis. I'no can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary cellcc. 1 ucc JJ Celils. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIX The purest mid best BAKIXll POWDER known, tor making liirlit. sweet una uutritious Ulead una lakes Price 1 j cents. MANI'I'ACTI'RKD BY M. II. Ki'LLOCK, Cheiiii-t, Corner of Broad and Chicnut Street , ill 1 1. r 1: 1. 1 11 1 A , And sold by nil Druggists and Grocers. .March I, inc.1. SIMCI.X; l SI .'11 I II 4'MiIS. J. II. Engcl, of Sunbury, Ta.. 1 I AS inst arrived with splendid STOCK O'c' I 1 SPRING AN I) SUMMER GOODS, from Pliilu dolphin, to which he re: pcctfiilly invites his friends mid the public to call and inspect, ho will sp uv no time iu showiui. them. Among his tlock of ocdc will be found fine Blue aud Black FRENCH CLOTH, Fine Bt-iek and Fancy Cassimrres, Tweed0. Salim-iis .leans, Black Italian Ch-th. Cii.-liiiurclte. Coltonade, Linens, Linen Drill. Linen Check, and lano.y est- lues, also u large a.-i-ortnient ol licinly .Made I LO lIH.Mi tor ineu and boy, cnenp. FOR LADIES' W I'A It : Black nnd Funcv Dns Silks, very cheap Silk Ti.-'iic, Bereges, Chilli nnd t'lnili li.ilnv.. B ro ;c Delaiues, liorege Robes, rigured Trillion I. and virielv ot other Dress lioods, tsprini' and Mimuier Shawls. Mantillas. Paras.,!.-, a good a -sortiuont White ti.oils-, loilars, f-lievs, Iri h I.tnen, M.nt Iroiits, Mar.-eillis. hrillumt.-', Ac. A general ass, rt ui nt ol dome-tie Dry G...ls. Al. o a luii-'e stock ot ll.its and Cat Boot- A Mines, Hardware, Oiuinswart and ilta-swiire, iroctiii Cedarwnri i.uio and l.irllo i'.ware. Dm .-s and Paints. Sal'. Fi li. Chec.-c. Ham. Oil, T'-.r. Ac. N. B W dl and Window 1 .rpr. Floor and T.blc Oil Cloth and C ;rp-ts. All the d-ve will be s i I for f'l.-b, or Ci uniiy iroducc taken 111 e"iriiiL'i. 1 i i- J H I..N01.L Sunbury May P.I. 1m.ii If 'l'he t'oii' -i-ii ami rii iiie il an lnvalitS. I t'l.Ll.--lli:D for tho ben. fitai.d a- 1: wan.i I. and u cnutiou to voting men who .-uinrtroiu Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, Ac. ; .-ui-plvin at the same time the means ot Sett-Cure. By one who has cured liiiir. il alter buin put to great ex pense through medical iuiisiuou and ouackery -liy euclosing a jM.-t-ii-i ud.lisocd cuvoU'pe, s'n.1 copies may be had of the uuihor, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, F-- . Bedford, Kings Co., N. Y. March li, W2.-1" . W A 1,1. IMPIIKI JUST received from New York a lar.rc assortment of WALL PAPER, ooii.-L-iing of u. lliMuitii ASB SlXTY-TllRKB DlKI'KP EST SlVLKI. A NU PAT tkiins. vnrvinc in prico from C cent upwards, all o. which will bo sold at tho lowest ca- ii priees. i.t the clioap store of J. JI LX'iEL Suiibury, March 22, lS;-2. Iroiioii, Lard, Lard Oil, Smoked Reef, Butter, Hams, Sides, Shoulders, Pork, For Sale by Chei.ie, Dried Fruit Bcuus, Ac. Ac. M"LAXD, il ChcsuutSircet Wharf, Philadelphia. March 2'.), 102 3mw M.VTTIIIs"V!i ,t I ttol-llt'VH HI Ijiw. No. 1WI Cor Full. and Broadway, NEW YOl'.K Will carefully attend to Collections and all other matters intru.-.ud to their rare May 2I.JKM. II. II. MASSI.IC. ltoruey ut Uiw, SINBURY, PA Collcoliuiis attended lo in the couuiies 1 f N thuuilwrlaud, Union, Snyder, Moutour, Coluuibia aud i.ycomiug. HLI'Kllt.Nl'LS. Hon. John M Reed, Philadelphia, A U. tattcll 4 Co , Hon. Wm A Porter, " Morton McMicbad, Fi , " L Ktlchsm t Co , 29 Pearl Street Jr.hn W. Abmead. .Attorttry at Law, Mstlhtws A Cox, Atmroeys at Ltw, cucbj.y, MaiL 1'j lifui New Yoik A l.nrs(c AsMwrlinenl ol" EVANS A WATSONS BALAMANDEK BAPE8. GREAT FIRE AT REAPING, TA. February 12, lot'.i. Okjctlkmex It gives mc much satisfaction to inform you that iu the severe fire which, on tho morning of the 4'h inst , ontirely destroyed all my stock and materials, 1 hail one of your hslninand. r Fire Proof rtalea. After enduring an intense red liout Tor seven hours, Ihe Sato was opemd, oid tha Hooks nnd Papers were preserved in an uublcmi-hid condition. 1 shall need another Safe as toon 1 get iu enter. Yours, uowt respect fully, W. P. DICKINSON, RoaHing, P. 'l'lRE AT GREEN CASTLE. s CuA.MPLtiHknne), Fraidvlin county, Pa , ) Angu.-t olst, IWll. I 'Messrs EvASS A Watson. Philadelphia Oentle bien: On the morning of tlio of Aupist, Ifcc.l. our Storehintso at Oreeucastlo whs destroyed by fire Tiie Salamander Sato wc purchased from you soma few years since was in the above moutihucd stoic liou -o, nnd eoiitaitii'd nil our books, papers, enrh, Ac , whiL-h wero preserved in n perfect condition, after h.'iu-( expo.sed loamost iuteuso heat for several lionrs. Please inform us upon what terms you will sell us another larger Safe. Yours truly, 0AK3 A AUSTIN Salamander Sales, fur Banks, Stores, Trivalo Families, Ac, Ac. Also, Kvaus A Wati-011's Pateut Al.iabelical Bank Locks und Bank Vault I'ooi.-, e.fual lo any made in tho couutry, and sold 011 ma pood term V. i. W. would re.-wtfully ref-r to II1.1 follow in lMiiks and other parties, having their Safes aud Locks now in use, to their entire- satnf.ic tioti, and many others given at their tilorc. I Nii K.ii Statks Mist, Brnnch Bank, Shelbyvillc, Phila.b ll bin . Tonnosoe. Umtko States AiiSKNAi. City Bank of Philadelphia Cnliioinia Coiisolid ition B'k of l'lula. Coin'lh Bank of Pliilu Cbulaiioof-a Bank, Tenti. Pre in Loan Ass 'on. -till si R ink of Northumberland Hank of Norlh'n Liberties. Philadelphia. Pottstown l;at.k. Pa. Co:iteo ille loink.l'a. Slroud-I.iirg 11. ink, P.i. .leisoy .'-hole Bark, Pa. Lfick II ieii Rank, Pa. Union i;ank, Uatiijiioro iiihw. r-'orti It 11. u ot a Paul and Switt, B.iuLirs. Ab'.b-unn. W.ll Sterling. Wiik-vb'.. Lewisburg Jiank, i'a. Fulton Bank. Atlanta (in Newark P ink, D. I .ink of N. ' , Rah i. Otln-r rel rLiici s givou upon calling nt our Store, A", lo.'". fourth drucl, 1 luladolj Uia I, LSu2.-ly M ir.h : iii:ici:s iioriiL, llirif:urg, Vti. HIE management of this well-known Hotel hav ing boon resumed by Messrs. CLE A lILlill, the pre ont propriotors, b.-g b-ave to int'orui the public Unit the hiw is now la-iitg thoroughly r:uovated. reti'.led. and iiuproe.l with a view to thn proper aud uifortalilo iicivuinio.latioii of thnr-o who may layer the 0 t.ilili-him nt with tlo ir custom. OueEhi wiil receive due intention nnd courtesy, nnd no e.peno will be spared that may conduce to maintain tho hotel in a first-oliisi style. families and others desiring to sojourn iu llarris-- ur2 during the -umuicr months, will find pleasant boarding nnd large and well-ventilated rooms at our taiilisliiuiut, upon moderate terms. SCOTT CHYLE, March 2t. 1'.2. J . II 1LB1.RT II EUR . nui.i: Ac i,vt SEWING 3vnAaiiiisrE CO-, i3M BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Thterijitire Circulars, tn'h Samples of .1 orv. will K' cr:t Mail Free. OUK ' FAMILY SEWING MACHINE," AVING atlaln-'d a well established und flattorirg reputation, as 1 eing of nil machines yet intro II duced, Iheonebest adapted to All Kinds op Family Si:w i.Nti, and having met with n success iu its shIo beyond our greatest anticipation, so much no, that lor three months our orders havo been ahead of our capacity to supply, wc would now announce that wc have increased our mmiuii'.oiuring lueiimos, ro mat from this time forth, wc shall bo enabled to supply orders on demand. In the changes broucht about by tho war, no one thing has ployed a more imisirlant part than tho 'Skwino M.uiiink." Without it three-fourths of our soldier? would to-dny be clothed iu anything but .Ylilitnrv t'ostume. ' All over the land army clo thing has been the Work required of our patriotic women, und nobly have they responded. Nut content to make only so inuny garments as their hnnd? could accomplish, they have culled tho "Sewing Machine-' lo their aid, and by it havo rolled out the soldiers' Coats, Pants and SniiiTst, at a ruts astonishing to themselves. Knowing that this work could uot long continue, many thoughtful, prudent housewives, were careful to select tho machine of all others, which "would do tho heavy army work, and when done with that, then to be used as tlicir r amily .macuim, m.d in selecting one of the Fi.nkle ft Lyo! Sewinq Mai'Hine Company . Family Machines," with which you rony sew from the finest cambric to the heaviest cloth, without change of feed, needle, or tension they have uot been disappointed. ri-i 1 ! .1 1 1 .. 1... ...u:i .... -r . JI1US lulling iie,eio..tt :uu uuiiuiyiiiiy ui our machine f..rall kinds of work, we have niadeuuoth- r top in advance, and by several importuut chiingestii our ''.No. .Mi'.PifM mai'iiincm." nave produced a .11 oiii.vii MAriiicr.," which wc contidently claim lo bo the 'BEST TAILORING MACHINE-' yet introduced, sewing thu coursest linen thread with as mucii ease 11s tho common cotton and when required may be used to uo tno very uncst eamorlo worn, witu I. ai or 2011 cotton inns comuining in one mmuaet form, enrv nualuv reiimred in either u t AMILY OU MANUFACTURING MACHINE. W'c hnve had our Machines before (he public h ug enough to cstnnnsn tnoir rcpuintioii. i"or.ns 01 tlicrs who started with Hying colors "have fallen by the waysido ;' uud "soiai tho p-luces that knew them will know Ihun 1.0 more." Sup by step h:w- tho Finkle ft Lvu. Machine won its way to public favor : its success is established, and hencelorth our aim shall be, ns it has' iu tho past been, to still further improve, simplify and reduce tho cu.-t of our lua limes, no shall, 111 s i.w days, issue a new prico list. For further particulars address, FINKLE ft LYON SEWING MACHINE to, No. ioS Broadway, New York -II B. M-tf-'Lit, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. March 2'J, 102 I. a haw aima. . Ilhioiushiir ICaiN nutd, after November 2r, Iel, Tx-'cugcr w ill run as follow.-: ON und Trains MOVING SOUTH. Fr.irht Leave S.raulou, Kingston, jlooni.,bui Rupert, . 2f. A. 0 .ill J li III M A !.' 1.'. I Danville. Arrive ul Kurthuml.orl.in i, 10 tin MOVING NORTH ave Nerthtimbi rlaud " 1'anville, 1 oil i 10 6 1j P SI. " Rupert, Bl.H. nibiirr, Kingston, Arrive at cranlon, A P is-senger Train ul A. M , for Scrantoii, to New York. Roturniu, S ou Live U.on P. -M. 1 v- r M ? to j leans Kingston at f .-o eonneet t.itli a truiu lor I. ayes Si rantou ou arrival of train from New Yi k, t 4 IS P. M flic Laekawannn A Llooiiisborc. Railioad coi.nect.- -w i.h iho il' lawaro, L.tcnJ.-wneim and Vi eslern Lull- :..! at S-rant 11, f . r Niw York nt l interuicdiuU.- p. nits oa;t At k 11 port it ooiinoots witu tno cattawi sa nii- ro.ol, t.ir-pointc btitli ea.-t and we.-t. t Nonhumbt rh n 1 il .'onnects withtho PLilndil ilii.iAKrie Railr nid und Northern Central Kail road, for i.iuU wi.-t and s nth. JOHN P. ILSLEY, fup't. J. C. Wki.i.s, G.Leral Tiv.ket Agent. AprM, 1V.2. lJVi. Sjn-io" :iiiI Summer lo4. CLOTHING iron. ALL. tpllE undersigned b' just received Ihe larks' 1 a.-sorliiient of SPRING AND SI MMi.lt CLO THING ever brought to Sunt nry, nnd takes pb-asiiro iu informing bis frieads uud the public generally, that he is Olial l.xl to sell CHEAPER THAN EVER!" Hi- stock is of the best material, manufactured in the neatest unit latest styles, and consist ,of DUESS CATS FROM 5 to I4, Ca,sini. re or Busiuess Coats of different prices. Pants Plain and Fancy Cas.luicres of the lutert styles, A largo assortment of Plrin and Fancy Vests, Weil mudo Shirts, Woolen Shirts and OvcrshixU, CARPET BAGS AND TRUNKS, Aud also a number of other articles of geutlemcns' wear. W'c announce to every ouc that our CLOTHING E.MPulUUM is utisurpu.-scd by any other iu tho State for quality, cheapness and durability. Wc can safely say lo tlioo who uro purcha-ing Ready Mudo Clotl.iuu. at r.Uail, they can buy their goods of ino at a "lo uKvr CJj l iicc ihuu any other t'Stubitsbiawit in I'eunsytvaniu- . The proof ul' tho PuJ.h'n is eating it. Plcaaa give niv a calMt'ie parehurinj els-.-,vhcre. JOSEPH SCHWtlTZEh. Agent, Nearly opposite Weaver ' llwtcl Sui.h.iry, March 2U. Ai12. "SOI.OUO.V -91.tl.li li, . Vltoruey at I an, Sunbury, Northumber land couuty. Pennsylvania. tFonuciiy Frecburg, Snydor emauty ) OFFICE, Moikct .root, one door earn ul Vriltug ft Graul's Store, and nearly opposite Uic Court Hhihhi. All profu-su iml baj-incst-, oollecuohs, Ac , wd re ceive prompt atteution. Ajiril 12, m2 l(ViR JAM', rln.1-, Ihrt coiiej cf th CtHUjo L:0li u mo voluULk, with vomi leutarics. 11. i. -VA..LK