H. D. MASBER. Bdltor Proprietor. SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1802. j-r-BoYnE Phf.mium Uriah A. Hoy ,1m, K., of Boston, Mass., lias deposited with (lie Franklin Institute llie sum of one thousand dollar, to be awarded as a premi um to "any resident of North America, who slmll determine by experiment whether nil rays of light, and other physical rays, are, or (ire not transmitted with the same Telocity." The memoir which may obtain tho premium, Khali become the property of the Franklin Institute and shall bo published ns it may direct. Any unsuccessful memoir will be returned to the author ut his request. J-ff'Wc neglected to notice, last week, the advertisement of 8. P. YVolvliiton, Esq., Mho has opened n. Law office in this place. YVc wed not commend Mr. Wolveiton, to those 'who know him, as a gentleman if ability find excellent (barncler. J-iT Hottmm.E AeriDf.NT.-Mr. Jonathan Hull, of Muney township, 71 years of age, rame to a horrible death at the Saw Mill of Holers & Bro., in FlunkcU creek township, on the 30th ult. He attempted to remove a slab from a circular saw, nnd the end coming in eontact with it he was drawn or thrown upon the saw, and one of his legs and both nrmi wcro cut oft" leforc he could be removed from his perilous situation. He lived about three hours after the accident. tThe Atlantic Monthly, the May number is a superior one. The opening prayer is a curious aud highly original one, by Rev. J. Trcadwcll Waldeil, entitled '-Man under Seak-n Orders." The first part of a spirited story by Miss Prescott, called the South Breaker," is given; und Professor Gassiz continues his "Method of study in Natural History." One of the best things in this number is a poem by the late General Lander, "Under the Snow," full of pathos and lieauty. One of the prose artirles, ' The Statesmanship of ltichelieu.'- is among the best. J-tf" Stay Law Unconvtiti nos.vi.. Judge "Woodward, of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, decided the stay law passed in May, 1H61, unconstitutional, mainly for the reason that it makes the right of a judg ment creditor to have execution against his debtor dependent on the agreement of a majority of the creditors whose demands exceed "two thirds of the debtor's entire indebtedness, and imposes no limit to the stay which the majority of the creditors may agree to. No discretion is left to the court, and the creditors as aforesaid may extend the stay indefinitely. ;T The lTarrishurg Tehgraph says : j Since Pierce Piiitler has prosecuted General j Cameron for damage alleged to have been incurred while Butler was under arrest as an aider of and sympathizer with rebellion, it is fair to presume that the renegade Sehnable, now in the rebel army, will also institute such a suite, if he does not receive his reward of a halter before the struggle is over. Sehnable had been arrested by General Cameron's order, but was released on taking the oath of allegiance. Selmable has more CJiirage, even while he adds perjury to his treachery, than such creatures as Butler. He not only pro lessen sympathy for the rebels, but takes up arms in their defence. While he is a great blaek-guard, libertine, sot aud social scoundrel, Selmable is a man of talent and courage. In this he excels most of those dough-facea who secretly sympathize with the rebellion he now risks his ueek to sustain. Severity ok tub Vi.nteh in Ohuoo.n. Loss of Lifk. The latest papers from Ore gon are to the 22d of February, and contain melancholy accounts of suffering by the severe weather. W'c give a synopsis : Great distress prevailed at Walla Walla on account of the severity of the weather. A number of stores and saloons were closed, the proprietors being unable to procure wood to warm them. Wood was selling at $.10 per cord, flour !?;I4 jur barrel, aud laard was $ 13 per week. For four weeks the mercury ranged from frezing point to twenty-nine degrees below zero. One half of the stock that was driveu from the Wallumet valley last season had perished. A numlier 1 of persons had becu frozen to death. At the Warm Springs Reservation, out of three huudred head of cattle belonging to the L'i.vernment, one half had died. The Indians had lost all their lior.sca. All along the road between the Dalles aud Walla Walla provisions had been exhausted, except beef. Seven men lost their lives between those places by the severity of the weather. Iu the vicinity of Puget Sound stock had sulfered severely. Iu Southern Oregon larjrc numbers of horses and cattle have died. A WoMtx Aitoisted Majou. Governor Yates has paid a rather unusual but merited uouipKweot to Mrs. Heynolds, wife of Lieut, lieynolds of Company A, 17th Illinois, aud . resideut of this city, Mrs. Reynolds has accompanied LlT husband through the greater najt of the campaign through which the 17th has passed, sharing with him the dangers and privations of a soldier's life. She was present at the battle of Pittsburg Landing, and like a ministering angel, attended to tho wants ot as many of the wounded aud dying soldiers as she could, thus winning the gratitude and esteem of the brave fellows by whom the was sur rounded. Governor Yates hearing of her heroic and praiseworthy conduct, presented her with a commission as Major iu the army, the docu ment conferring the well-meriu-d honor being made out with all due formality, and liavliiir attached the ureat seal ot the Mate Probably no lady in America will ever again have such a distinguished military honor conferred upon her. Mrs. Heynolds is now in this city, and leaves to join her regiment Jn a day or two. i'evria J ranteript. - PeXKYlJr,Andy Johnson has quietly uotilied the directors of the Htute Bank of Tennessee, who handed over the assets of the institution to the rebel leaders, that they will be held individually resijoaoible for every cent of interest the Statu had iu it. They are very sorrow ful, (or ninj' tf them nave great jkmscsmous. . r Fl'IlTHEH Seaucji fok Hik Jo.ii Fkak lin. An LnRhbhuian, Mr. Parker Hnow, will soon arrive iu New York, on his way to the north in search ot traces ot bir Jolin Franklin and his party. The sister of one i.f the lost ollicers and her fiieudj fund, i f the iiKan.. fr the uprditiou. TIII2 CAITUSIJ or TOUT iTIAl'O ..''. fitrretl,i- of the Fort after Ten Ifovri l!m biribiitiit A Brief Hitorj rf V Licrrt tnrntDetailt of the Eagaganrnt Opera' fiwt of the Natal mlsEfftet of the Jiumtxtntment The Flag rf True. Bkavfoht, N. C, April 27, 1802. On Wednesday, the 21th inst., all was completed and ready for the action to com mence. On that day Geu. Burnside arrived from Newbent on the steamer .ilicc iViVr, having in tow two barges, the shrapnel aud Urrnade, fitted up as floating batteries, and aimed with two thirty-pound parrot guns; and tho Shrapnel had in addition a twelve pounder steel rilled Wiard gun. These an chored about three miles below the fort. That afternoon a flag of truce was sent out with a final demand from Gen. Burnside for the surrender of the fort, which was the next morning refused. Everything was now in condition for the commencement of the ac tion, but it was finally concluded not to open lire until the next morning. At ten minutes la-fori: 0 A. M., the bombardment opened with the discharge of a shot from Morris' battery, and from this time until twenty minutes past four, tho roar of artillery was almost inressaut. '1 hi! fire from all the batteries was very aetiveand vigorous. Thctight-ineh mortars got a good range on the fort early in the day, and planted shells in and around it. almost without cessation. The ten inch mortars at first fired over the fort, many of their shells falling beyond it nnd into the water. The Parrot guns also failed at first to get a good range, and overshot tho fort. This was, however, corrected, Lieutenants Andrews Wait, of the Signal Corps, who were station ed at Beaufort, signaling to the batteries the fact that they were firing over. After all three of the batteries had got the range, the ell'eet of the firing was tenitic. Three and four shells would be bursting at the name time withiu the fort and upon the parapet, and the projectiles from the Parrot guns hustling with tremendous force against tho walls, and striking w ithin, crashing through all obstacles, and burying themselves withiu the opposite walls. The naval vessels were not idle during the time. In the morning, notwithstanding a still' breeze was blowing, the gun-boats Day light, Com. Lock wood, the flag-ship of the squadron, the State of Georgia, Chippewa und the Geinsbok (barque) bore up gallantly towards the fort, and as they came within range delivered a most effective and galling fire. Fifty shots were fired from the Day light, when a sixty-four pound ball from a thirty-two pounder rilie 1 gun in the fort struck her starboard quarter, passing through 1 I.V . l..Ut. VIII' ' If 111! .13 IIIVIII, RUM captaiu's state room, and finally lodged in the skin of the ship. A splinter from an iron railing in the engine room broke the left arm of Engineer Kugene .T. Wade. This was the only accident on board the gun boats, as the increasing wind soon after (at about eleven o'clock) forced them to discon tinue firing and retire out of range, and they did not afterwards take part in the fiuht. A portion of the rigging of the Geinsbok was also shot away, and a ball passed through the flag of the State of Georgia. During the forenoon the firing from the tort was vigorous ana wen sustained, iter guns were well manned and worked, and from the energy with which our fire was re turned, it was expected a more protracted resistance would be mace. During the time the batteries and the gun-li: a!s were all playing upon the Fort, and it was returning the lire ot both, the roar of the cannon and the explosion of the shells was teirilic, and tho building in Beaufort ami Moorhend City were shaken to their foundations. From both these places the view of the engage ment was magnificient. andcrowdsof people were congregated on the streets frouting the harbor, upon the wharves, and in the balco nies, and upon the tops of the house, watch ing with intense interest, every shot was fired, and speculating anxiously upon the length of time which the fort imiUl holdout no one anticipating a possibility, in the end, of its successful resisting the attack. At one time a lJ2-pound shell, from one of the gun-boats, came clear over the fort and lauded upon a murshy island, within less than a half mile of Beaufort, causing u great stampede of the lookers -on upon the wharves they thinking the next shot might prove too near for their comfort or safety. This was the only one, however, which came near the tow n, ami they soou resumed their places. The effect of every shot from the land bat teries could be plainly seen, and the dis charges from the different batteries easily distinguished. Sometiims the three would tire so nearly to get her as to make the dis charges almost simultaneous. Soon alter the bombardment commenced, it was evident that the guns of the fort were King disabled and dismounted. Before noon the BcUls were driven from what was called the water battery, on the terrace outside the walls, and could only work their barbette guns. By noon the tire had materially slackened, and it was evident that the men were becoming exhausted and their gunsc unmanageable. At the same time no one supposed that they would surrender until alter, at least, another day's work At twelve o'clock their firing liceanie slower and slower, and at times intervals of from ten to thirty minutes would intervene between the discharges from the fort. One eight-inch mortar battery continued to fire rapidly, the ten-inch less rapidly, and the Parrot" battery Mill more slowly. The shot and shell could be seen crashing and explod ing within and around the Fort, dismount ing the guns, tearing up the earth in and about it, and with tho evident ell'eet upon the walls, which began to show signs of hard usage. At twenty minutes past tour o Cock, a flag of truce was displayed upon the bat tlements, the firing upon both Mdes ceased, the bombardment waB over, find Fort Macon won. During tho t.v 450 shot and shell were fired fro.u Morris' battery, about UOO shells fl'om Flagler's buttery, and 458 from l'rou- ty s battery. Polity a liattery was not much damaged, as, being out of the range of the other batieries and effectually protected by a sand lull, the Kebels soon louncl that they could effect little by firing upon it, and devoted themselves principally to the other two. Within the walls of the fort all w as bustle and confusion. The prisoners being released on parole and allowed to remove their private property, were engaged in packing up and prcpanng lor ineir departure, mom of them seeiud highly pleased that the affair was over and that they now could re turn to their homos. Nearly all seemed per fectly satisfied with the experience of war which they had, ana expressed tueir ueter niination, for the future, to keep out of such scrapes. Some of the officers, however, appeared to feel tueir deleat Keenly; ana said at some, future time they hoped to re trieve the disaster which had befallen them. All mingled freely with our soldiers, and seem anxious to learn personally what kind of mcu these Yandkces were. "They were not a very intellectual-looking crowd. A good many were, mere laiys. some of them quite young. Mr. Greeu, the bund muster of the fourth llhode Island (Uncle Joe., as he is familiarly styled), who is irobably the best bugler player in the country, was there and played the "Star Spangled Ban ner" in the fort, They seemed astonished to hear such music. The tremendous eaunonadc of Friday has told with great effect on the fort. Fifteen, of the guns were disabled aud dismounted. The walls are badly scarred up. Ili Mep leading low n into the interior tf the fort brokm, ami the grguud plowed up i. all direetioiis. TIi.th wa.i no pbicu in the fort which was safe from our lire. One man whom I saw in the hospital, with his leg cut off, said it wns shot away whiln he was sit ting in one of tho casemates. Oncol" the projectiles from one of the Parrot guns crowed tlm fort, cut off the upper part of two bars of railroad iron which stood against the wall, where it remains. The Kebels loss was six killed, one mor tally wounded (since dead), and eighteen others wounded, many of them severely. The effect of the fire within the fort ia de scribed as terrific. In tho afternoon it was impossible to obtain details of men to re lieve the guns, nnd thero was nothing left for them butfo hoist tho white flag nnd give up the fight. The fort mounted forty-eight guns, of all calibres, of which six were 82-pound carro natles. They used tip, on tho day of the bombardment, between eight thousand and nine thousand pounds of yowder and dis charged two hundred and' fifty 82-pound shells, two hundred 10-inch shells, one hun dred fifty 8-inch shells, four rilled shells, one hundred and and fifty 24 pound shells, and eight hundred solid shot. Twenty thousand pounds of powder, one hundred and filly 10-inch shells, two hundred and fifty n2-pound skills, and one hundred and fifty 8-inch shells, besides a quantity of solid shot, remained and were delivered up with the fort. The following is a ropy of tho article of the agreement for the surrender of the fort, and also of Gen. Bumside's congratulatory address to Gen. Parke's Division : TKltMS OK F-ritRl:M)KIl. The following are the terms of capitula tion agreed upon in the surrender to the forces of the United States, of Fort Macon, Bogue Banks, North Carolina : Article 1. The fort, armament nnd gar rison to be surrendered to the United States. Article 2. The officers and nu n of the garrison to be released on parole of honor not to t:ike uparins against she United Stales of America until properly exchanged; and return to their homes, taking with them all their private effects, such as clothing, bed ding, books. iVo. (Signed) M. J. Wiiitk, Colonel C. S. A., Com. Fort Macon. .1. G. Pakkk, Brigadier-General of Volunteers Com. Third Division Department of N. C. Samvki. Lockwoop. Commander U. S. A. and senior officer. Fort Maemi, April 26, 1S02. 1'rom Fortress Monroe. Fortkesb Mo.nkok, April ''. A flag of truce ti-d;v returned with the schooner Mississippi, which brouirht down from Norfolk, yesterday afternoon, the seven teen wounded prisoner taken at the battle of South Mills, the location of the engage ment on the Saturday pn vioiwly reported. The Union troops consisted of parts of five regiments : The Tw cnty-flrst Massachusetts, Fifty-first Pennsylvania. Ninth New York, Eighty-ninth New NurX, and Sixth New llainp-hiiv, under the command of General Reno, numbering fiOO or liOO men. They landed below Elizabeth City, and marched up to the Canal without oj po-itinn. The object of the movement was to break up Un locks. The ell'ra:;eineiit took place during the afternoon, and the Rebels were driven from the field. Late iu the evening it w,i known that the Rebels were receiving leinl'orceir.e'.its, and General Reno retired ilurinir the niht. No transportation having been provided for the wounded, they were left in a company hospital, and Assistant Surgeon Warner, of the Twenty-first Massachusetts, was detailed to remain with them. Several others, only slightly wounded, left with the troops, among them Colonel Hawkins, wounded in the breast or shoulder. The wounded men, on their urrival here, were taken to the General Hospital and properly cared for. They complain that, while iu the hands, of the Rebels, they did not have enough to eat, but were otherwise properly taken care of. Uetree.t of BeaurCB.irJ, Ciiicaoo, May 2. The Mi-ii;i1ih Anr's, of the 2'Jth, h;n tlu following iU spnti.il ; CiiniM'ii, Ajiril CS. Gftier.il ni'ii:ivi't;;iril is moving hir-,'c Lodirs of his troojM suiithwiinl. Soiiii' jju Ly mil anil oiners nluot. A lew Imve jnne west. It is geiHTiilly mulerstood that he is evacua tinr, though he declines answering itu-stioiis and Kays that President Davis understands his movement. 1'urdy was eviienated last night, and has hinee lieen li'.nn -d. L eiy Imilding is said to have Leen deslreyed. The 1'niim tiniis are moving in that liireetinn. Our outjuists had a .skirmish with their advance this morning e.'iitiiring sixty prisoners, including nine enniiiiissioned ullieers. Ca:k), May '2. The .Memphis Artjut. of Saturday, eonlnim a ile.-patrh from Corinth, stilting that di spatches hud just hccii reeei ved there that Gen. ISiiekmir and Colonel Hogcr llansotn are to be cxi hiinirrd for tren. Prentiss and ('apt. Mi .Michael. Chief ol General Miutli s stad. Another Victory in Kew Mexico. Kansas City, May 3. j The Santa 1: innil has ariived. Another Ijattle litis taken phiee liclwccn (Sen. Candy undtheTe.vaiisat I'arillo, on the ltio (irande, wheiv the 'i'exiuis had fortilied themselves. The enemy were defeated. Our loss was twenty-live killed and wounded. The reUl loss has not liCC-n ascertained. (Seneirti ( aiilv with u portion of his com mand, had made u detour and got In-low the f-neuiy, while Major J'uul was in the rear. The whole of the einuny's command will proliably he taken, as their only alternative is to surrender or flee to the" mountains, where the Indians await them. The rumor that Win. Preston, of Louisville, late Minister to Spain, was killed at Miiloh, is not believed. The emancipation tpicstiun is now being pretty freely discussed ou the stiur.p iu Missouri. NEW AI)VKliTJSEMENTS. PFIISOXS M'.lSTIXt; A CHANGE of CLIMATE FOR HEALTH, rKK AM EIll I.-EMENT HE VINELAND FAEM8- .lmlnIli-atoi- Police. "VTOTICE is hereby given thut letleia of Adiuinis. i. tratinn buying been fronted to the undersiirned on the eklato of Frederick Cabin, Into of Jackson township, N'orlbuuiberland county, Pennsylvania, deceaaed, all persons indebted lire rcf nested to uiuke immediate )uiyuicut, and Ihuae bavins claims to present them for nettle inont. JACOB CAULK, AduiinL-lralor. Punbury, April 19, lMl2.-8i Till Ml. IOuIh, Chestnut !trnt. Ixlu-nil 'VhlrU and J'outtli, PlllLAOl l l lll.l. f IMIE uudersi(tui-d, havinir loused, for a term of I yearn, Ibis impolar hoiisu, have the pleasure of aunouiiriu(; lo their friends aud Ihe traveling com munity thai it i now open for Ihe reception of gnceU. Tlie house, riuco the tirsl of March last, bus been entirely renovated and mailed in a auiierior manner ; the apartment are large, well ventilated aud fur nished ill modern civic. It is centrally located, convenient to all the depot and Meamhoat landings, and iu the immediate vicinity of the Custom liotuo, pout Ottk-e aud the Corn Exchange. Connected with tho liutul M a Kutaurant for tho accommodation of those preferring Ihe European plan. Prices ol Kootui from Three to beven lollar ner week, accord ina- to location. Hoard 1 M per day. Table d 'Hole fur merchant ana biuuu-M mtu from I to 3 P. M 1IENHY NEIL. ISAAC L ii.Vui; April 1:', lx.2 - ly "THEY 03 KIQH1 INSTANT r.ELln?! FTC Pl'MFY YOt'R lUli. STHEN0THEN YOUR s p a lITi n V . . 4 THROAT C'OIT.t'TIO. ARE ' v GOOD FOH CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOH LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOH CONSUMPTIVES. Gentlemen Carry Spalding' Tliront ConlVrtlon. Ladles lire d lighted wild MpoldlnK'M Tliront 'on feet Ion. Children Cry for Mliillln! Tliront t'onft-rtioiirt. They relieve Cough instantly. Theycloar the Thnt. They give strength mid rolumo to the Voice. They impart a delieluns nmmn to the breath. They are delightful to Ilia Wuito. Thoy are mndoof timplu lierba and cannot harm anyone. . I advise every ono lio lias a Cough or o Iltitky Voiie or a Had Breath, or nny difficulty of the Throat to get n package of my Throat Confections ; they wil relieve you iiiftnntly. and you will agioo villi me that "they go right to the spot." Yon will lind lliem very useful and pleasant while traveling or attending piililio meeting.- for stilling your Cough or nllnying your thirst. If you try one paekngo Iain safu in saying that Tou will ever afterwards consider them indiKpcnfiiblc. You will find theui at the Druggie! aud Ikalcrii in Medicine. Price 25 Cents. My signature is ou each pneakuge. All otliers uro counterfeit. A Package vt ill be suit by mail, prepaid, on receipt of Thirty Cents. Address, HEXKY C. KPAt.DINO, No. ts Cedar street, New York. A. H.-hcr's Drug Store, SunLury, l'a -0 cr cure KervousHGadache CURE lly th uc of these Pills the periodic attacks of Ner vous or Hick Headache may be prevented; and if taken at thu commencement of an attack immediate relief from pnin and siiltncsefl will be obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and Jlcad.'ichc to which females are so subject. Ther act guilty upon the bowels, removing Cos livi. ,.... l or Literary men. Students IVlicuIr Females, and ! fill n.'rvnn nf Moili.nturr lt,il.it lli.,, ut... -itiilil.. u. 1 a l.aMitive. improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natu ral elasticity and strength of the wLole system. The CKl'llAI.IC VlLl.fi ale the result of long in vctigation and carefully conducted experiments, having been in use many years, during which time, they have prevented and relieved a vast nui.miil of pain and suiTering from lk'mhn-lic, wheliicr originat ing ill the nervous system or fnon a dcriuiged Hate of the vtomnch. The arc entirely vegetable in their cinpnsiliou, and may betaken at t',11 times with perfert safety, wi:boutn'nk,g fny change or diet, nnd the absence ut flnj ut"ngrccoblc luntc. renders it racy to uduiiui- ,tr meui 10 ciuiiircn. I'.EWABE OK Clll'N'TERKEITS '. Tile Kcnuinc have Eve iguu!urc3 of Henry C. puldin on each Uox. Sold by DrugL-tj aud all other Dmiliii iu Medi cines. A liox will be sent by mail prepared on receipt ef thu Price, 25 Cents. All orders should be adilri'iid to HENRY C. SPALDING, 4.S ledar Mreet, New York. I'or sale nt l-'ISIIEK'S I'nig Htore, Sunbury, Pa 1'roiii the Exnniiner. Norfolk, Va. Cephalic PilU nccoiuplinh (he ubject for which they were iiiaje. vii: Cure JleadacUo iu all lis foruie. l'roin the Dcuiucrut. St. Cloud, Minn. If you are, or have been troubled with the head ache, send lor ii box (Cephalic Pill,) no that you may have lliem in case of un attack. From the St. Loui lietuoerat. The iinineii.se demand for C'ejdialic Pills is rapidly iuciei.iiiLr. l'niiu the liuzcUc, liivnnHirl, Iowa. Mr. Spalding would not connect bin name with an article lie did not know to pown-fs, real luciit. 1 rom tho Advertiser. Proyiden.e, R. I. 1 In: liwtiiuony in their finer is strong, fiom the most ryspeclablu quarters'. l'roin tho Haily News, Newport, II. I. Cephalic Pills arc taking the place of all kinds From the Kanawha Star, Va. We are Fure that persons sufi'eriii with the head ache, who try Ihrui, will lick to thein. Fr -iu the AdvertiMT, Providence, K. I. The Cephalic Pills are i-aid lo be a remarkably effective remedy for the headache, and one of the, very best for that very friniuent complaint which bu ever U-en discovered. 0 A SINGLE IIOTTLK OP ' 3, y ECONOMY! c .1.. n- i V Npnldinu'H !! mich1 4lue! rwpnltliuK'ai VrepureU 4alur ! Nalliu I'repiireil alu! WILL SAVE TEN TIMES ITS COST ANN TALLY. As necidenU will happen, evcu iu well regulated fauiilii-4, it u very desirable to have muie cheap aiul eoiiveiiieut way lor repairing Furniture, Toys, Crock ery, 4u. SPALDING'S PKEPAHED UI.l'E MceU all nich emergencies, aud no household can a fluid to without il. Il i alwa.va ready aud up to Ihe micking point. I SFFII. IX EVEIIY Ilol SE." A llrusb accuinmnics each Dottle. J'HICE 25 CENT8. Addreaa HENRY C HPALDINU, No. Cedar Street, New York. For Mile at It. A. FISIIEH'S Drug Store, Sunbury Northumberland county, Pa. CAUTION! Ai certain unprincipled pcrnon are altcniptiug to palm off on the unsuspecting public initiation of my PHEPAHED ill.l K, I would caution all persons lo examine before piirchaslnK. and see that tho full name SPAI.bl.NO'S PKt'l'AKED (.Ll E, is on Ihe outeide wrupK-r ; all other are ewindliug counter fiits Slay 3. isoi j IVr S'tlo at K i 1 c- V N Ilnrdvi arc, .MncliUicrr. SlwlmnlcV Tool l; AC HF.N'KY CJUlKUT, X,,rit Stern, Orrk the Vjur: Itnusc, lUnnioncki, Pa., D1 AI.l.ll in all kinds of builders nnd Manufac turers' llardwnre, Iron, tcel, Coil Chain, Hopes, Pulley lilocks, 0. LiNsr.r.n, Bcntusa AM M.riiiNr.r.t Oim. Tho l.nbricnlini Oils ro "Wtcd to every variety of Machinery. Also, t uianlucturers price.!, Woon Wohkiio Wmsr.nv, Vil" -rianing, Pash, Mortlcig aud Sawing .Ma chines, . 'riulsTs' Viol ", vii: I'laneiu, ' yl Hrd.athes, Ilolt Cutters, Machine Celling, i. IA.Rtl-er, constantly on hand. Herring's Kiro Proof Sai A, if,,rin Sc ties, Tin Plato, Sheet Iron, llloek Tin ao ', r tuners' Tools. t y Purchasers will llud it lo '"'temt to give um n call. Uurrisburg, March 29, 1M2. MITH'lil The A!:im't I' v pres. Company, GIVE NOTICK that they have conclude. ar rangements with the Northern Central Itailroad Company to run trains from Unltiinore for York, Harii-dnirg, Paiiphiii, Halifax, Trcvorlon, Sunbury, .Northumberland. Li nislnirg. Millon. Muney. Wil liainsjiorl. and all intermeifiate statinns. connecting at lUrrinborg with the CHEAT WhSTKHN EX PRESS for Pittsburg, Cim iiinuli, St. l.uuii and the Veil. Also with Howard Ji Co. 'a Express ut Milton or Danville, Hloonifihnrg. Wilkcsbarre, Piitston. Scran ton, and intermediate stations on the Cattawiyn, l.ackawaimn A lHootnsburg HailroaiU. At Wil lianisport, by llownrd A Co. 'a Express to .Jersey Shoro and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Co.. and their connections, for Canton. Troy, Elmira, Hochcsfcr. Jluflalo. Niagura, and to all accessible jioints in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise. Specie. Hank Notes. Jewelry, aud Valuable Packag e of every descrip tion. Also, Notes. IiruPs and Hills for Collection. Experienced and eflictent messengers employed, and every ettort wilt be made to render s'itil'io:t'b)i. .lnllX HINtiH.V.M, Supcrintendeiil IVnn'a Division. Phils loh.hia. It. A. EISCI1EK, Agei.t for S'lnburv. April i. jsf.2. BU I'Klir PASSU .lt m kme:uii:i : I KNOX, Itox ISS, B'illsitmrgli, K'enn'ti. Seert Litx of ltrat'Ume.e. Tor f j wc will furnish UlU pl.mts each i f the following kinds: Triompho de (Imd, Trollope'ri Victoria, Burr's New Pine, Jenny bind and Wili.ti's Albany. For 10 we will fitrni'h 1 00 plants each of the following choice kinds: Trionipbc de (land, Trol lopc's Victoria. Vioomtesse llericail de Tinny Fill more, Downer's Frolilie, llurr's New Pine, Jennv hind, Cuttirs Seedling, M'Avuy'j upc:iur ant Wilson' Albany. Trinmyhr de fi.iuii. For depcriptien of this supeib an I unrividli- t Strawberry. ec our circular. YV'e dl fnini.-h hA variety ai d the Wilon's Albany, the two leading Kinds, at the following raits : Triovtj'he tie Gaud Ml cents per dozen, S2pcrli0: i.CiW f T f 15 ; 0.000 I'orSri: L'u.tiuu for ?IOtl. For the fliw lot, live per cent, will be charged for boxi aud pachin;.-. 'Witnoit's AN'tivy. ri cents per An., $1 per 100 ; ".000 for -li. l.urge ipiiuititiim at the suae rate. For tfliin we will lurni-li III.OOO Triomphe de lian I and IIUiliil Wilsoii's Albany. Five per cent rill also be charged ibr Ihb lot, fir boxes and packing. I'lnts by Mml. Wo will send to any ot office ttddrcs- iu the country, tswl paid, and carefully put up so as to carry safely, one hundred good plant! of any aricty found in our catalogue at the prices there annexed. For instance. It") ilson . Albany for S i. loo Tr d lope s Victoria I it), loo 1 rioni he de Hand. 2, Ac. No orders tilled for plants by niall fur le than one dollar's worth, of i.oy one kind, and when lc.-s lhau li-U .uc ouKri'l; it tni'.t l: ut .', tiozi:i ""r li-t ,;.',( -l l '-. Ilrliiekles I'riuiire and I'l-itueonia. $1 pu-r doien, S.'i iter Inn, .f3tl per l.ooU. f,.tiv, iUver s, Larirn Fruited Moulhly. luicilt's liiant, Hudson Hiver Antivcp, Ited iintttcrp, Yellow Antwerp, Allen's lla;dy. 7,") eiuts per down, S-l per lull, S-i per 1.IMUI. ilnproiid Anieiiean lilack Cap, l ccnly pi t di.zen, s:i per lun, S?; jier 1 nun. iVnt J.ISts ol K'l)'' ener. For $10 wc w ill fci-ni.-h Liu Li im -kle"e Uraiijre, the finest lluvored lti.-pbcrry, in well im one it the larjse.st, niot beautiful and productive : Hhi l'ranco uia. a very lnr;rc red berry, i.f sood tlnvur, nltiiiclne and eiiorinoUily pruduclive ; lutl Iuiprovid A:ucri'-uu lilack Cap, much larger, uiove juicy, Letter ll.ivoicd, with fewer seed ni.,l every way su-rlor lo llic coiuuiou lilack Cai. Tho plant i. entirely hir.ly and produi tivc, ai.d il.e fi uil ii uiuch su.iiit al.tr iu the uuirkct. The almve kinds include the three colors, red, orange and black, an 1 fiiiui.-h a pb is.iiil v.uieiy in lluvor. We regard Ihciu lid the btt for uiuateurs, und lie must proli'.able for uuirkct euLurc. Jil.,r.(hrri,'. 1 New Itnchelle, ?l per il.n-.eii, ?i per InO. fJ.'i per t .tlUII. ;il(l per S.llllli ; l)orche-ter, "j cent- per dozen. If I per inn. tf'Jj per l.UUli ; Ne-,vn:au' Tlionile, ill ci'iiis per dozen, sS.'t per Intl. J-'U per I.lliui. We will send ItHI each of ihe aliove three kiinis for flu. Each ptickafrc of Strawberry met lilackberry p hints will contain printed insirucions I'or cultivation. For priced of tinjits, Cltri'lills, i lonsth rrttt Uiit'htnb, ApnrrtLrH i. e.. ace our circular, which will be sent to all applicant cnciouue; stumps. i ;r' Wo have opened at No. 2H Kilth Street, a StKH STOIIK ASO IloHTII'l" LTl'lt A I. Ulll-oT. where all artielen beloniii; to r-uch au i'.ublihnicul cuu be had. of the best quality. April l"Jih, ltilij. I.iwkavi iinua A. llio'.nstnirn Kall rouil. 0 aud after November i'5, iSij Pasi c ur;er Trains will run an lollowa : MOV1NU SdlTU. I'rtlnht iV l'a v.vMt'er. 1 :tll A. M. Vasae'luer. i 2: A. M. O.oO k:;2 s. pi ! li I.eavo Scranten, - Kiii(rslou, " EllKIUlsbul liiipert, ' Uunville, 1J 1 j P . M Arrive ut Noi lhuiubcrlund, It) tin MOVINU NOHTH Leave N'orthumberland lanville, ltuperl. liloomsbur, ' Kingston. Arrive at Serautou, 4. to V M fi 4.1 H oil Leave, 1 t.'i I1 M. Si.iKI P. M. 8.IM leave Kingston at 8 In A Pussenirer Train A. M , Ibr S-raiilon ulso to eoniii-ct with a train fm New Yoik. Ketumiii leaves S.-reuton on arrival of Irain from New York, at 4 l.'i P. M '1'he Las-kawanna A ItliHuusbur Uailroad connects with the Iielaware, Lackawanna and Western Uail road ul Scrtuiloti, for New York and intermediate points east. At Rupert it connects with the Cuttawi-su Kail road. I'or points both cast and west. At Northumberland It connects with the Philadel phia A Eriu Itailroad aud Northern Centra! Kail road, for point west and soiiih. JOHN P. ILSLEY, r'up't J. 0. Wkll, (ieuerul Ticket Agent. April 5. issij. lMS'i. tiH-luy; tliitl Mhiuiimt l"l-i. CLOTHING FOH ALL. fllllE uiidersiued lias jed receivr-l Ihe largest assortment of M'HINii X1 I'MMEIl CH TlllNli ever brou(thl to Hiuibuiy. and takes pleasure in informiiiK bU Iiiends aud Ihe public generally, that he it enabled lo sell CHEAPER THAN EY1 It ' ' His stork is of Ihe best material, uiauufaetiiri d in the neatest and latent atyles, and consi.'s of DKEAS COATS FIUEM atll, Cassiinere or Burinwa Coats of dim rent prices Pam Plain end Fuuuy Ciuiiuere of the latest Kytn, A large mmortment of Plain aud Fancy Yeis, Well made Shirts, Woolen tshirta and Ovcrshlrtii, CARPET BAOS AND THI NKS, And also a uuiubcr of other articles of gentlemen.' wear. Wo.niu.unoe to everyone that our CL'YTil lN'ii EM 11 1 1; 1 1 M is unsurpassed by any ulher in the tiiete fur ualily. cheapness und durubilily. We can uil'elv say to those w ho are purchasing Iteady Made I lolbiuu," at retail, they can buy their goods of me at a cheaper Cash Price thau any utltcr eatubli.-huieul lo Pennsylvania. Tho proof of the Pudding is eating it. Plca.-e cive lue a call bcliiro purchasing elsewhere. JOSEPH SCHWEIT.EH, Aitenf, Nearly opposite IN caver ' HuU I. Euiibury, March 2t, lbti2. NOI.O.flO.I .Yltl.K'li, Attorney ut I Jv, Sunbury, Northumber land county, Pennsylvania. (Formerly Freeburg, Snyder county .) OFFICE, Market ttreet, uce'door east of Friling t Graut's Store, and nearly opposite llie Court House. All Tocs-loul bo.iucss, collixtiuu-, Ac , will re I'cive proui)it aileuliuii. April 12, iMiJ IWW'i. AiTiinf.-.erurntH 1 ('?. ot ,li' ru IJiira. . THE CAMDEN AND AMHOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND THEN TON It. H. CO S LINES. front Viil.Tteipfiittto Nile Yuri unit H7y t'tten, from Walnut street W'liuij unit Hi i.sini;tun Depot, mil leave a follow, t it : FAiifv At A. M., via Camden and Anilmy, (C. and A. Accommodation ) ?2 2"p At (1 A. M ., via Camden amidol scy City, N J , Accommodation. 2 2.r At 0! A. M , via Kensington aud Jcroy Ci'y, (Morning Mail.) .'I I'D At I-') P. M , via Camden and Ambf.y, (Ac commodation.) 2 2-, At 2 P. M., via Camden nnd Amboy, (C and A. Express.) no At 4 P. M., via Camden av.d Joi ey City, (Evening Express,) 3 I'O At 4 P. M , via (...in. ten and dcr-cy City, (Second Class Ti.-kct,) " ' 2 2'j At (li P. M., via Keiisiugion and Jtisej City, (KveniiigJIiiil.) 3 00 At 12 P. St., via Kensingtou and Jersey City, (Southern Mail.) 3 l0 At 6 P. M.,viu Camden and Amboy, (Aoccm- nioflation, Freight aud Passenger, Fiist tCJ'"i' C1" Ticket, 1 ill The 6 K Line rur d iilv. (Sundnvvrxcep'.ed.) The 12 P. M., fs, 4,horn M.,i. run- daily lor Witter tiap, Strou.lsburg. Scrnnton, Wilkcs barre. M.mt.w, lire..,, j;,.,,,!, A0.t llt ;.ki A.M., tnim Kensiegt m, via Npelnr.itrc, Laelcawumn and n estern Uailroad. N For Mauch Chunk. AllcnX,wn. H.-,lcliem, lietvi dcre. Enslon, Lninbcrlville. KVtiingloii 4c , nt T-lll A. M.. lVoin Krmingloii Depot," ttud mi 2 1'. M., from Wntnut street hurl". x ('i he 7-10 A. M. Line connects wi:h Traioxlcaving Eailon for .Maiicb Chunk, at .'t-iij P. M.I For Mount llollv. at ti A M . 2 and 1 P. M l or 1 reehold, ai 0' A. M. ai d 2 P. .'! WAY LINES. For Hriftol, Trentna, Ac, nt7-li'ai.d 'Ji A. M and ti-"iU and 12 P. M. from Kensington, ond ut 2i P. M. from Walnut Stri ct Wharf For Hristol and intermediate Stations, ut II ' A M.. fl-oui Kensington DcMit. For Palmyra, Hin rtvn. In 1 uko, Heverlj , liur lington. l'loieuc-', llordint uwn, Ac , nt 12:". J. 1. : and nj P. M. Stcatnbi.at Trrntoo. f.T HordeT.t.iwn and intt rroe diate Stations, at 2; P. M., I ..in W ..Ini.t ft WIimi". t it For New Yoik, and Way Lines leaving Ken singion Dejsii, t!;ke the Cais on Filth 'tieet nlHire AValnut, half an hour before d'-jiartore. 'i'be t'urj run into the Depot, and ou tbe lutival of each li..in. run from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Hnggee onlv. allowed each passenger. Passengers are prohibited fn.in taking anyiuing as naggage nut Uieir vearingapp:irel. All b urgage over lif.y ponnds to be paid for extra The Company limit their rosi. nihility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will no': be liable 1 or any Hiuount beyond s-lou. except bv special contract. VM. II. UaTZMLR, Agnit. March 2(1. infij. A I, u ; A HHorttru nt ol' EVAN'S A WATSON" 'S SALAMANDER 3AFES. ' OHEAT FILE AT HEADING, PA. February 12, 1-0J. "rsn rxrv It gives me much satisfuclion to ilif.irui you that in the set ere lire which, ou the morning of the 4th ins;., entirely destroyed all lin stock and materials I had one of your Salaniandi r Fire Proof Safes. Af;er enduring an itit-nse red i heat for i-evon Inmw. the Sap- iv:i.s ion-lied, and the Hooks and Papers were pres.-rved in an embU niithcd condition. 1 shall need another Sate ae sxiu a 1 get in orl'.T. Vouis. most re.-peotl'uUv, W. P. UKKIXSilN'.'Keiidiii.;. l'a 1THK AT liUl.I.N' CASTLE. CllAMlirnsBinii. Frnnklin rounlr, Pa., I AuRu-t :-Hst. ism' I Mesr Evans A Watsov Phiiiulelpbia lienili-. men: On the morniuir of the 221 of Aiiu-t. Isiil, our Sti-rchoase at llreencastle was destroyed bv lire, p, . . .i. i ... c ..... . i ... i . I i uc , .iiaiumi'ier ,-nuc w' purciui-si'ii iioiu ton -ooic lew e;ir lllioowas 10 lue hooiit imi-iiiiiiiii.i More- lions"', and contained all our books, paper, ea-b. Ac which were preserved iu a perfect condition, ut'o-r beine; exposed lo a tm.st intense beat for scver:-.l hours Please inioim us uihjii v. but terms vou w ill .-ell us i auoiher laipjer Safe. I ours truly, i'.i-..s .i.-ii. Sabimander Stil'cs, for loinks. Stores, Private Families. Ac , Ac. Also. Evans & Wa'-on'- I'nteiit Alphabetical Hank Locks and liank Vault Iioors, eiii;il to any inude in the country, and sold on us good terms. K tV V . would respect folly reter to tho tollowina lbinks and other parties, inoiiiK their Sates and Locks nun in u-c, to their entire sat-. -taction, and many others (riven nt He ir Store. I'mti-.u Stvi ks .MiM', liriinch Hank, Sliclbyville, Plii!tui'.-!pM.i. Tciiui-icee. I'm rtn Status AnsrsAi.A'itv Uankof l'liibvL-lpbin. 'ilil'orniM CuiiiHlnLilii:n ii k tit' !rtila. rotti.rv.-n UnuV. Vi. t'oatt 'villc Utnk. 'n. irutiil-UnrK Dunk. I'm. Jersey Mitff H:mk, l'a. hm-k lluvt-n Hitittt. Ih I'mon It riii k . JtulUni'irtv Smthwt' irrn H:mk i Viu Kultim liaisk. Atl:intn, Kin Newark K.u.k, 1A. ',.iu th Itai.k tl I'liila. l'!n;till!'i;i 1'nnk, 'ii'llH. Ti-e'iii Loan A, un, 4:h Jtt Hank nl' Noi i!iaii'ln-t land. Hank of North n Libei'iie.--, l-iiilMhifl.ia. Pant mi'i Siviit, Hankors. Alabiimti. W.ii. Sifrlin.Wilke.o'c. Loi?biir' liititk, l'a. Hunk ..i'N. II., Kulei'h. Oihtr referencea (;iveu upon cuilini: nt our Stoi1.' No. Ill S. Fourth Street , Philadelphia. March 2V, liti2. ly in: 1:1., Jlurrhbur", ' rpHE m.maj;enicntof this well-known Hotel bnv 1. inj- been resumed by Messrs. CdVLK A- IIEIiH, the present proprietors, htx leave to inform tiie piibiie that the boiiso is now beini; thorou;bly renovated, refitted, and improved, with a view to lac proper and comt'ortable ncoonniiodiitiiai ot' those who ma 1'ivor the establishment with their custom, li.iesu will receive due attention and courte.-y, and no evpensc will be spared thai may conduce to maintain Ibc hotel in u tirst-elass style. Families and others' desiring to .'.uirn in Harris Imrir durini; the summer inoiiths. will lind pleasant boaedin: antl lary't- and well-ventilated rooms :it our esltiblisliuieiit, uiam mo-U-rate terms. Sl'OlT rfiYLE March 2V. 1.2. J . lili.llEHT HEItH Hc'iki.b: &, i.xif SEWING MACHINE CO-, ,'i.itt LKOADWAY, NEW YlUlK. l.-.ci lutl re Cimiari, ici'h .S ! e ll'e;e, ill be suit Mail Vrre. r, OFll FAMILY SLW'lNd MAC1IIM II AVI Ml allained a well est ib!ilo-d and fliltei .Mini; reimtation, lis U-in ol .-.11 iiuH'h'nef- yrt intiu- lo.-cl. the one best uiMe l lo A t.l. KiMis nr imii.v Skwinii. and having met with u sacct-ss-ia its sale beyond o.ir crentest antii ipn!ioi. so up. eh o. tlut tor tbi-ee months our order- have Ut-n ahcml of our .apucitv to supply, we wool, I nov.- ani.oiiio-e that we have iucreased -.or iiiiii-ui'.tt toriii:4 i:., iiiiit . so ibat from Ibis llluo loith, we -bull be rliablti. to supply orders on di u.and. lu Ihe ch:ui;es bu iiil.: st out Ly ti e war no one tbii.n lias played a u .re in .i lent pari fan the -Skmimi M.iiiiim: " Witl-oui il tin . :..urtbs of eur soldiers would to-.lny l.c cb.ihed in n.yil.uv but -Military Costume." All ou r the l.nul uri. v elo- Ibinjr has been Ihe wora re pure. I o our note women, and noblvhacthcv resin. n. I .it content to make mlv so many ir iruiv'jis as tlieir bauds cool i Hccoiin.lish. ihev have c.ilied the "Sewinir Mm-bin to their aid. anil bv it have rolled out the ..l.ii Coats. P.Nis ami Shihts, at a rate astoni-binc to themselves. Enoiviiiir tliat this work could t t lonij .were continue, many thoughM'til. prudent boiiiewives. were careful lo soled Ihe machine of all nth. is. which would do the heavy army wtuk. and wlo u done v.itb thai, then to be u-ed as their 1 amii v M.t. iim and in selecting one ol" the Fiskii: A l.o rwlNli Mn m( Cihi-av? F.V1H.V M Al'HISKS," with which you may ew fn.in tlie finest toi.'i.l.ri to Ihe bciiviost'cbitli, nilboul clianjie of Iced, needle, or tension tliev hate not been disappointed. I l'hus liaviill? develoi-d the adaptability of ...ir i machine for all kiiid'ut work, we have made another ; step iu a'dan-e. ai d bv several iinpoitKiit changes ill ' our -No. .1 Mi mix Maiiiim s. ban- produced a i -Tvii.ohim; Mai iiki:.'' which we conli.b mlv claim ; to be Ihe -HK.-T TAII.i'lUNii .MACHINE" yet ' intrisluced, sewniK the imned lint -n thread with il- much ease as tho couiiiioii cuttou and when required may be used to do the very liuet e-mibric work. wi:h lull or 2iHi eolton thus conihiuinjr in out n.pa.i form, everv uualitv rctpiiied in eitlo r a I'A.MIl.l : Olt MAM'F.U TlTUMi M ACH 1 X f!. . We have bad our Machines before the public l .iij: ' enough to establish their reputation. l'oen ol , others wboslurti-d with tlyiiijr colors "hare (alien by t the wayside ;" aud "mkiu Ihe places that knew theai j will kiiow them ia mure." Step by step has ihe j FiNkl.K A LvoN MviMIM- won lis w ay to public . favor; ils success is established, and hcncctortli ui aim shiill be, us it has in Ihe p:i-t been, to still fui tbci improve, simplify and reduce the cost of our ma chines. We shull, iuafewda vs. i-s,ie a new pi ice list. For furtht r imrtii-ulars address. I INKLE A EVitN htWIMI M M llISE Co., j ' No. i.'ls Proadwav , New oil. t'ii'U IE M.usEH, Ao'cut, tunbu'ry, l'a j March L9, 1862. WlikltinK'luu IIoiisn', N'OllTH ( M11FK LA NO, PEN N SYL A N" I A . ( Ytijr thi HriJjfr.) rpilE mhsoribcr havius letund Ibis well knowu L Tavern (Und, lately kept by Mr. C. S. llion, respecll'allv informs the publie that he isrebitinir and retairiiij( tlje .reinnea, aud w ill be prepared lo eu teitain, in a comfortable manner, bin numerous frieuds tliniunboot the county, aud all who may palronite hit esiabli-bment. April li, IbUi .Htstrir YANK IKK. I "ill CALE, vbeap, three eopin of ibe Cultao 1 bible, in t j iuIuuks, wilh itiiniiieulHiies. II V MIVII1 & KAKtll'S Frcnittm M A CHIN V, Felt FAMILY I'SI-. AND 1 : imi (it r I ii rlii Iii i Xih -s. With Iltiiitncls, Fttlrra, Tiiekeis, C, ntcis, Uilolns, It-i TRICES FROM $49 UP WAR! 3 GP.CTSP. & BAKE?. SEYLN( MALI! INK COMTANV, .Make the L'icV or Slmltte tlleli At ift.nns ol n sen patlcrns, atiit lit the same t" ices ss tl.eir rclfliiateU V'J"- id.i-: l. tut sn rcii .maciiim'.m. This is the only Company that makes b-.ili Lints, t,e;. fort: the only one ll.al do kapl'ly nil tlia wauls of tlie u tic. tV PmicIi urn can take their choice of either tVi'ch W ll li the f-nvllec ol" cxelnliipini! lor t!ie eltiel. A new sl leol SloitMu Mn.-lomi inns Ci..l aetl .1.1, 1 1, i r Vi si Mukcis Tmlois, Shoe Himlns, ftc. At thi- Lo r V.V .;' tJiO tv itcv Tin: nisr . t,it(l I'.lt A IUKt K').S M 'o. Jl I liestioil Miect, I'h'l eli '; lue u H. U. M.isiia, Sunbury, l's., Ag.ut t -r t. .M.iitiifscluicr. Drcrinliel si, ln ty Viill I'npcr lo;x Blor-. IT WALL PAPFIl OK i: EHY I'ESIK " R YI.F.-1 AND PATTEHSj. , "''- " JI'S I' received direct from the Mumifie ' the mammoth stoke of M,r- Fltll.INtl At( . J-iulaiy, March li. 162. ' ' . NEW"' fiOflDS I Tin: nnsr of tiii. s:j.:asov iiuisKXi & ;kam AT TtiiiK MAMMOTH ST0HE dyrtnif ill of DRUGS A5f mi:dicixi:s,. ID JEl GOODS lrof rint Ac, A-., WhieU thev will re'l CHEAP fr CASH or i'"t'V TltY PEODCCE. We ri 'hecttullv ilivile tho aUenlioii el Cue public io general to-our large sio:k of Umi-U. 'ivin to our LALt.l. and COMMOldnr? Itotiy; our lai'ilit;e for ib.iLff b-.i,;ines ure very bir;t-Iv. increised. and wi-ih t.ie urrunjri inenis-we have rna-lo for (reitiiiir cooil c.terv few weeks, from NEW ( KK iml PillLAl'LLl'lllA. we letl.-.i.f.J.r.t ol Uiuf able lo sell AIL KIS!J tsV i.'.'lS CHE APE II than ':.m be ir li -:iJ e!..cnlicre. v" ZEEP EVERYTniNO UlILINti oi' .v:-1 i.ub.i.-f . M'in:i ij. 1-02 RHEUMATICS! dh. lelakD's A N T I II II E U M A T 1 C i A K D PEHMAX1.NTLY CERE.-? R H E U M A T I G I.N ALL I I S AltlUl'SlUHM.-:' Acute t r InPniiinu.tory ; C'h.'oni..', Lt.iiubage, critic Pleuia-ly ne, me. t-'J.Zf t-f tb.c Jcints iiinl Cramp: ico.-. N'r-.:r.! iriii aud all Nervous Affections Fry.-ipel!u. i ll'ieuoi and Scrofulous Eruptions ol' ti bolv Neulr .liies tin- In. puri'.it of tlm Wood mi l I'luu of the w li-ite sy-tt iu. and i-flectually conii r.ic:.u Mercurial ami u'.b.r (nc-unous inUutucet'. It iu a r.:ivrairnt nrr.nitre KKLT, rfi.rrfil:- i,rrfil: p L 1 Mi- itl. i.Nii All. . ihcnlril Couiwu!i(1. to le v'i it iOnii'it1 ttt- .... ii ........ ii !-lll'Al I Vl.-I'll'l'il.i 1'AUTS whctevfi tuc diriw may If. It en Ir TJ rt'ttn Willi ut injury I" tlif inom tit'iif.ife j ltj-h t nuL uu ctr.iuu'e in i!if pn ptr li-tl-m . livii'c ir j M am (pill eel It ruuretv l'lH'tVi;S he UiSfiue iri-tli 1 1: c rj ystlciit. with tin1 fulltHMius UFe in me!: caf. ! i j m" ' W" I 1 II 1 Illll-llliU IIICllfIlla, V.IIU-II WUIM II -111. licfttioy l!tC ftiiistitiiu-'ii mul nivc Ifinp.nMiy re 0iin vaality. lly llu trentinriit. Hit; nii'dicmtrt pr-i- J peril m ii ictamctt in tin liuiiil, liciiijj ol hmh!T M H.in:H'il'i' Hiiu v o.t : nt ii.'i-uic nun cup 1.11c 11 i ?niv u r.:iililv :iliH..rlitd. llirot.fh the t)"l'i-1 of 1 fie tKin. mm M L , ral e-l ic into ilirt-ft c int net with tin Htoni mi:l jt--nr- m c'H'ul;iti"ii. M:thjut firt li'ivni:; t i J.?r tiiii'uuU iruin tlit-ir eiirativc p-.-aVcM, wit o nr.icir ii: ir - Irniii: oc:ins ;nt ji-ijui-' the uirrHtt in tiftxi I :n avtMtlnta the nu-ii i"L,n t iirr!, tuoiieu tne :ui; t it 1. 1 T CM R mieriMl rriLPilir, s uiJ i If' ". t i'i? u ericit cjic I L- puntyintt und i-piati7int llic c.n ulnttoiu'1 nu- v t vi..: L ull I V I? erl'.l J uuitl nnd rii'rinp the paitB nnt'teilt"H heiiiii JQ A.NTI-M KKCr K I A I. AiVT.' r'..ni I 1114 II' .rini:rv o.ui.c of a l;trpe ati rf the and . j M ii'-'HB, Nftintlric l'.nts mul Khruniiitic. ai 1 leva 11 M iUfiitt i-utt H iir cnrtii hi h (r:v oays.a .! wr M ia!- Ul . . hrt roiiftt'iutly itv-Mvii.t ut.i1''ubiftl tt stun mul M to winch we invito mpcMoii m our oil.' " tf LJ tl.t. u ctiic.iey in nfruvutt-U cukeiul long tdiiUni(j t ' j IMtlCK TWO D.VXXARict. MyU hnJontntff- M j trists, or will scut hy ni.nt i.'ii n-':e.(.t nt' t?. -t j ly cxi'retieveryw h with alt ht'-cauiy ns:i ac- Ui 0. SMITH & CO , Sole Propriftors. Il'l P.itoAi.w . near Pr ioni sireet, Ni w f Tri ati.-e. with Crtiib-J in.ii.ia! AHP1EI TO .-il.IHl.K-J Ai lMS Saiibnrv, Friliii'.' i tlnuil, S. lirorjce N-ihunibiili.iitl, 1;.'. lv Ilritd,i. 1( L M-jCuv March rajk. 4 f lt luieli-n.-r . 1 tin Invalid. JV ULLIIEI) for Ibe benetlt ar.d r a wnrr.:i and a caution to voiinir men who .f.rVr ttoiu I Nervous liebility, Premature Decay, Ac. , aupplyik ! iit llie Mime tune tlie inei.ns of i'.elfCure Jly one win. has cm cd bimsell alier beiiiij put lo irreat i-x-pense tbroiili iiitidical iuiposiiion and iiuackery lly en. losing a Nisi-paui uiidree'scd envelope, sinIu copies iu..v be bad of ihe amber. NATHANIEL MAYTAlK. 1 -sj . lb-Itotd, hi:ie- Co , V Y. .V-.r-h 15. lsiV2 lj IV A I.I. : il t It SI' r.c-nel from New YorV larce n.'sc-rtne.,! ol WALL PAPEK, coutisliint of Use IU ai.kl l ami Sivu iiin: i: liiumiM p'iviki. avii I'll ' ii.un, varyiii in .'iice iVciu 6 cents upwards, all .-I i which will I f sol I at fee tet eiish prices, at the ; ehis slo'i . f J. li ENl-F.l. Irv iniuna. r;.m... hides. Sboulderr Pork, lor .-al tvL l.ard Oil ,un.ki d llcef, Hut tor, WM ri., ,.s,- lirini Fruf. Pt-'IIIS. Ac, A0. MhLANH. Pbilaltlpbi.. by t losinil flri 1 1 ' hint March 29, -'2 3mw m i i ii i t H lloriie.k, lit I.km. No anil Lioudwuy, NEW VnltK o, fiiii Cor. I'oltou Will ear. fully attend to Collection and all other unltei.s tntrus'.itl to theii csre May 21, W.S w 'IMmW SIMIiFS -4 very fine ami elm asH-iiuent. io.-t received bv Kailroad from Nev. ... .1... n ki. J l':i:.. - . . I,... .1 iiiv i'inuiuit.,11 ri.Tr vi i riiiotr tintii.- We have ai.ii loj aale r1. !. Puiuaia Co ' celebia ted Pateut Peiiilul.im Curtain 1 ixtures. Hunbiiry, March 2". lSi'.J ii.iirii-rn,'"" Vllornoy til Ijiv, flJii.l HY, PA Collections Hittii.lt d to in fltecuuulits ot Not tlioioberlaiitt, Fnion, tsnydt-r, Muutour, Coitiuibia aiid Lycoiuiux HI i r.M.vi a llou Johu M. Heed, Philadelphia, A. li. Hattell A to., " ' llou. 'Wm. A. Porti-r. " M.irlou McMivhael, E-si , ' E. Kelcham A Co., mJ Pearl flni-t. New Utl John W. Ashiuead. A Horn, v al Law, Malttiews A Cox. A'tormvs at Laa. hul.bllie, Mart b 1' ij or.oviiR First y K W I N (5 P