glt)c 5 unburg America... H, O. MABBER, Idjtof VPropletor. MMU IIV, I A. SA iTKDAY, APRIL 13, 1863. fcTli will le ccu by aiul Bilvcrticrniit in our columns this week, that inirolil friend Joseph Vnukirk, ha taken the" Hotel in Korthuml'orlaiid, lately occ titm-d by C. S. Drown. Mr. Yankirk, will no doubt, make a good lun-Dord ns ho u an obliging and encr gitio i??S(.-rnnlon hu rweutlt lost two valua ble youtiir men In the artuy, In the death of ('upturn Jo. J. Ituury and Ma). Kingsbury Tencc to their allies. J-SfThc Harrisliury Telegraph thu irfi-ni to the labor of the Iter. Mr. Moon. of the Methodist Church of that place: "Ilov. Moon- anmivr the luen who n a'cc it duty whili preaehinif tlic gospel always to uphold hi country, and to blend hi hea venly fnith and national loyalty in that brau tifuruniou of which they are so susceptible." As Mr. M.ore was in favor of coercing the rebels he will not be presented a silver pitcher for his unliable disposition towards tr.iitors. Tm: la tic Hev. John L. LknrarT. The Chaplain of the ill-fated loop-of-war Cumberland, which .was sunk in the Duval engagement in Hampton Roads, on Saturday the 8th nit., was formerly a citizen of Wil-liamspoi-t, and the son of the late Rev. Henry Lcsilnirt. if"H.THi:ii Cooi.. The first three local items of the iMmoerat lust week were taken from our puper, and in the fourth the editor finds fault that we did not furnish more to utoal from. s-WMi-srs. l.Yilly ami Humid each pre M'i;ti d petitions in the Senate iu favor of restricting the IMaw.tre and Hudson Cunal Company, nti.i other corporations with refer ence to mining privilege. Mr. Keilly. also introduced a bill to prohi bit corporations from mining, buving and eelling coal in Luzerne county. J-'e find the following traitorous par agraph in the last .Selin'rove Tim. As th Brcckiiii i'lge editor of that semi-rebrl fheet is the political friend and ally of the editor of the liivckinridire "Hible" of this place, e shou'd like to know the opinion of the latter on this f'lbject. We would sug gest, however, that it would not be prudent to call the soldiers ' fools." "A (ii KSTios A.NKtl-uuBO. Wc have fro inenily been asked how long we supposed the war would lat ? We will for ouee an fwer that, in our opinion, it iiill hint just as long as J here arc fouls enough to tight and fools enough to pay." Si:ci:ssi(x Gamk 1! ahukh.- The following named cities and towns have been taken from the enemy since the commencement of the present year: l.lirabeth city. N. C., Kdentown, N. (.'. Winton, N. C. Rowling tin-en, ICy.. l'aintvilli-, ICy., Nashville. Tenn., Cohunbi-i. Term., .' Clarkesvilh-, Tenn., Hover, Tenn.. IV.-ctteviilc. Ark., Rentonville, Ark., Martinsburg, Va., Leitown. V., J.ovettsville, Va., Smitlili.ld. Va., Jlolivar, Va t'harlestown. Va., Harper's Ferrv, Va., Rig lietlul, Va., J'ari.s, Tenn., Jluttonsville, Va., .Springfield. Mo.. Ka.stpori, Miss., Cojiinilius, Ky., I.eesburg, Va.. SatQinah, Tenn., Rrmiswiek. tJ.-i., 1'ernuH'lini, Fla,, San Augustine. Fla., .bii-V:on ille. Fin., M.inassas, Va., 0 cnlreille, Va.. St. Mans, Ca., lVrryville, tin., Winchester, Va., Oji-oriian, Va., Windsor, Va., New Madrid, Mo., )' li'it Ph-asant, Mo., Hickman. Ky., Newborn, N. ('. Beaufort. N. C. Morchead city, N. C r lorence, Ala.. Cedar Kev, Flu., The f.illo-.ving rebel forts and fortifications have a'.so been ctijituroi stnci- the first of Junuary : Fort Johnson, Va., Columbus fortifications. Fort Beauregard. Va Ky.. Fort Kvani-, Va.. Rowling (ireen do.. K. Pig's Point Bnttery, Va. Mill Spring do. Ky. Shipping Point Battery, J?oanoke Ishuid Va., Batteries. Cockpit Point Batteries, Liiabetii citv do., Va., N. C. . " Fort Clinch. Fla., Fortifications at St. Fort Henry, Tenn., Simons, Ga., Fort Rom lm, Tenn., Fortifications at Man Fort St. Mark, Fla., assas, Fort Warn-ii, Fla., Batteries ut Auia Cr'k, 1'ort Mai on, N. C, Va., Beside.-, a number of forts oa the Neuse river. The Federal reverses have been in Mexico alone, where the confederates have occupied three or four evacuated military posts und towns. Coai. Tkaiu:. The quantity sent by Rail road this week is lU.Slii U.j by Canal S3,. 517 04 tons for the week Ot) tons against ." 1 ,yH7 for the cone-spending week last year. All the regions show an increase in the supply this week over thr corresponding week hwt year, except the Shaniokin, which ! ;!...,.. i' i i ...... ...n t II ,tll.- II.. i' III. It IM .l lllll- 1 II7IIF t 1 1 the North Ont nil Railroad. We under.-tand however, that an increased quantity from that region is sent over the Mine Hill exten sion and takes this route to market. Jfi- Pkki:t l'lCKr.n. An old irciithiiian named Moser, of New Uerlin, to which place tc moved from lieikn county ahout a year ince, arrived at this place on Wednesday eniiii; on i!k cam minus of his pocket- ok, ivhjehontitined between four and Ce .ndred dnllai-A. He hud the money when I paid his ticket at the depot at ilurmlHirg, ! wiien he arrived nt Seliiwgrove it was J e. lo wanted to use the money to make .'incut on the farm lie recently purchased ' een Middlelmr and C'eulrcillo, I irure i'ot. - . -. v 1'iwt-otlicc has been established at 1 Milton, I m.iii county, und John m appointed Postmantc. Thisotrice aiipplicd with a daily mail. MHto- tiioi can l-pi-rmanently cured by '111' "A.STI-KllKfMATIC llANP." Ne-jralgia and Nervous Atfict- of the Joints and Cramps, It Kheum, ami Scroflu, uml other poisonous Influences nu-lutl. Inprootof which, stiiniuiitiU of cures lire "'re lake much plcasuro by referlng yon to the ''cr column, ('Hii.nitr.N, will lie vl vijor, by the HiiTrns. 1U.1 'tbiinti. j FBocssDXNqa or. conors. ; .. , WAsnmaroR, 'March, $ 7. HotxB Tub Taxation or Coal. Air. Noble (Ohio) offered an amendment taxinff anthracite coal twenty-five cent per ton, ana bituminous half cent per bushel. Messrs. Campbell, Lehman and Writrbt opposed the amendment, showing the Injus tice of imposing such a tax. Mr. Wright said that in bit district coal waa delivered to the pits, worth, on an avo raire. one dollar per ton.' If tho amendment prevailed, the tax would be one-fourth the value of tho article. It wa further stated that tho cost of coal would bo increas ed to this extent to all consumers ; while the coal of the British Province,- under the Reciprocity Treaty, would have an advan tage over our own. Mr. K. A. Conkling (N. Y.,1 showed from the Census statistics that at the amount sta ted In the amendment nearly, $3,0110,000 would be raised. Mr. Noble advocated his amendments. . Other gentlemen debated the mutter. Mr. Cox (Ohio) proposed to amend the amendment, so as to lax anthracite fifteen ccnta per toil and bituminous eight cents per bushel. Pennsylvania has had so few favors from the Federal Government, so few per sons in olHcv, and no stealing from the public crib, that he was willing to reduce the tax equal to her circumstances. Having all the burdens she should have some of the benefits of Government. Mr. Kelley (Pn.,) admitted as to Pennsyl vania there had been too much stealing, but he thought the distinguished gentleman from Ohio had nevertheless applauded all the acts of "J. B." Mr. Cox. The gentleman is entirely mis taken. 1 wus under a cloud under his ad misistration. Mr. Kcllcy (Pa.) But that cloud had. a silver lining, as other clouds have had. He theu opposed the amendment, arguing that England's is in her coal, which rendered her the mistress ot the world. She has done sua much as the Rebels iu bringing the present condition oi atluirs upon us. He. did not want her to derive any advantage by our taxing our own coal. Mr. Cox.a amendment, Kving anthracite 15 cents per ton, and hitumthotis one-eighth cent, per bushel, wus agreed to- yeas CI. nays 54. v FHO.U U AHIIlJTOV. AVAsnisciTox, April 7,i8C2. The Committee on the Conduct Vf the War have been taking testimony as to'tKliiT. nities and outrages pemetrati'd upol our wounded on the battle-field at Bull KunAnd upon the dead at aubsequent periods. V the testimony is full aad reliable, and o. firms all that has been published. Seven surireons who were taken nrisoners. CuntaiiV ... . . l Itickett and others, have sworn to acts corn - V lliitteif bv the Rebels on our wounded sol- diers, that would disgrace a nation of sa vages. The malignant hute and fiendish depravity displayed are almost incredible. Several Hlione Island olticers and others testified to the treatment of our dead skulls made into drinking cups, bones made into drum sticks, rings, &c, were produced. Al derman Schale, of Brooklyn, has been four days trying to rescue the remains of his son who was killed on the memorable Sunday, and who had been buried bv the comrades. But the body had been due ui and the bones taken away. In many instances the bodies had been pried out of the shallow graves by the Rebels, and the buttons, clothe bones, all taken away us trophies. Testimony has been taken from people residing near. there which shows that the atrocities were mostly committed bv the Louisiana Timers and Col. liarslow's (ieoria 1 ne"iuieni. i ue lesmnonv is oeinn prepared for a report to Congress on this subject uh l will he ready for publication iu a week or ten davs. oiavcry is praciicany anousneci in t nuce ( county, Maryland. The slaves are running away in large nuinl.ers ; scarcely a plantation that has not sufl'ered. The un- grateful wretches are unwilling to remain in j the homes where they have been raised and I cared for unless they are treated as though they had a right to the earnings of their own j labor. Gangs of from five to fifty can be seen daily wending their way towards Wash- ingtoti, and wandering over Maryland seek-! Uvr einployineut where they can be paid for their work. Their owners say it is becoming ; useless to go after them when they leave, us they will iiot remain when brought back, ; but" refuse to work, and on the first opportu- ! uity snowing itsell are oil again. 1 Hose wlio , ..... 11 A I... .1...:- 1 I n-inaiii are well t rented by their masters, nnd lire no duul't as well oir as though they left. WAeUixoTo?.', April 7, Midnight. . A dt-ttpntch from Geni'-r:il Halh-ck Mat en thnt Generiil Sturiris j;oit.s tt Kunsaj, and (ien. C'raitr to the I'uliun Terrilory. General Iluil's ad-t nced guard" has reach ed (.ien. Oniut'c Gen. Ilalleck will gpoedily take tlie field in persou lion. Andrew Johnson, the Militari Gov- cruor of Ten nefee, report a tliatarn'sts of ' -..i ' : . , ; ., i " ; prttiuuii-ni persona cnpugc'i in me , rebillioli huve been made and that the Union canse is working well. . i 1 1 .. . .... i. k.ii,iirfAit ... ponition of the t-nenip. Jackson in near New Market and Johnston is at Cordons j villi'. A refupee who came in to-day report that i - ,1 l l-..: :.. ii..i.- l .... ... ( u mutia.imi uuiuii mi-it til lutcKiniiam couuiy had taken to the mountain at Elk Hun, on the Blue RidKe, with the determination to resit, with uniw, their impressment by the licbelH. Tlii atutemcnt in believed. Jack-! son threatena to subdue them by force, ' which they arc determined to resist. I jne loicea in ironi oi iteiieral j-remont i are retreating mountains,. N toward tho Shtnandouh P. Barks, Major-General. A Quaker Heroine. Just before the rebels evacuated the vil lage of Waterford, near Leesburg, they open ly avowed they would bum it to the ground as it was nothing more than a "cursed Qua ker settlement." A uoble hearted Quaker woman, whose husband had been chased from his home by the rebels some months BE !S Bcnm f 1W f ? it " ' !r-" i Waterford to lirevent the tlin nlj ne.l r.mtl,,- ! , K:,D,'v iLwiT r9C ,'UVk'Cn,,U'd: H It " 1 X lljt X I thv norse, men," sne aula, lie ai-clinerl again. "Then I will steal t hy horse," she said, "and go myself." Khe forthwith directed a ser vant to take the horse to a neighboring wood to which the owner made no resistance.- Another servant took her side-saddle to the horse, when the heroine appeared, and, mounting the auitnal, rode off iu open day right through the pickets, who did not stop her, strange to say. When she got to Geary's camp she met her husband, and being brought into the presence of the Colonel, she made known the object of her mission, which was quickly complied with, and she rode back to Waterford at tho head of a detachment, which got into the village just in time to see the rebel force leaving tha opposite end of tho too as fast as their heels could carry them. And thus this pretty little village waa eaved from conflagration by the nsolute con duct of this Quaker lady. FrwuixAL. Mrs. Slocum. widow of tome time in .Shaniokin, left for Providence, K. I., last Wednesday for the purpose, of attending the funeral of her husbund, whose remain laTe lcen recovered .iin-e tbe evacuation f l Mannaasas by the rel."tl,.,-,s,'jo' RM-ir. "B4aU of Unionist. will ever I know of -one whose sad fat prove a bitter recollection in my mind. Ho was or iNortucin liirth, but had long been an adopted citizen of the South, and was to all intents and proposes a Southerner, but not a Secessionist, llo took no part in political matters, and never discussed such questions, but confined his attention exclusively to the management of his own affair. For some time Ire escaped annoyance. Then ho was waited upon by a vigilance committee, Who demanded of him a large sum for the use of the Confederacy. Knowing resistance to be useless, he puid the amount. A second demand was made and responded to. Then a friend of his was persuaded to enter the Southern nriny. He induced his friend to resign his commission, and aided him in paying for a substitute. His influence in tins matter was suspected, and he watched. was rrt i , . ... . iiiniuiin nis servants it soon iiiim !-... .-, . . z. known t at he had nn American flag in his OX? : i "1'cwfts'!tQflK! ,Z1 XI i WM.U,rown ,into pro. but soon after released .as no .charge could be made out aga.nst Inm. A short time later StLuH TM,cn luiniu, enioneu ins name in tlic Coutede-i rate army, and marched him to Virginia just in time to meet the advancing Federal for- S ZjfifX" 8k "V,"h. Jn I f . i . "V, B"1 iwn,ch wcc"" Ija,t' be aeeompl shed and placed ii the hospital Rut ,u. there, with powder u.ul ball and river pu il oaU were many indications ot a further advance There nothing which fill, a Rebel with so by the L n.on lorces it was thought prudent much honor hs gunboats. TI.ev world o keep him beyon.l the possibility f cap- rather meet "Old Niek." horns nn.fa!l, than ture ; since, as his attachment to the Union meet our gunbonts. Rut this is no! s; un-'e was suspected it was most likely that he j perhaps, when we re-ol!e. t their near rda- viould give mlonnation of value to Us d- tionship to that sable indn fenders; and a farther removal being incon- Some time since, I stood alone. .,U,U veuient he was mercilessly murdered ! This j 7000 Rebel soldiers, and I said. is. mv addn -s I have from one who was in the Confederate to them :-"It is von of the f-'o,,th that are camp m the time. The name of the mur- to blame. The North have not ! e t , ' V dered mar. appears on the list of those who j this nr on us; it is vou who have done it fuea ot tiieir wounds, who are stled the i victims of the Northern invaders Does not such cruelty cry for vengeance jiiia Inquirer. -Phihithl- The Sumter st Qibralter. The Rebel vteamer Sumter has been King at Gibralter almost as long as the Army of the Potomac, was on its all-quiet post. "Un like the famous army, however, it has itot been improving from 'its long inaction. She is penned in by time United states vessels, and probably will never come outnguin un der tne flag oft he so called Confederate States. The Rebel craft cannot escape km did the Xifhrill from Southamton. ' There the Tut orrom was compelled to wait for twenty-four hours after the sailing of the Xnthi ilh before she could pive chase. : This is the law in re gard to beJIigervnt vessels in a neutral port. The Sumter now lies in a British port, but the United States vessels lie at Aliresims in ti : i. .... - 1""""" waiers Of course, no interdict of V,,! Spanish authorities can prevent them Vom sailintr as soon us tliL- sntv ....... ! . . :, . tn unlirli k... . . I i.... . .v. Hutu. i ; nur can i ne isruisu Uionties complain it' thev give chase ll instant to the Hehel vessel. -nSIiop Speech Iroui ltruMiilo-w. A nitnitteo of the Ohio I'ia'ature waited n panon Urowulow. in Cincinnati, on Monty HJt, aud invited him to visit the State ChjxoI In reply, he tmule the follow ing tifliriA:. rn rij.Ms ... I f,,., nM Ul r. .i)u, ro the doclm.nt r,..l i,y the honorable 1 Secretary, am ai0 to ajjr,.sjl of th ! uentletuan &, thl. General Assemhlv who ! has ft:,! 1 aiitli.,i.i-A 41. a gcntleinan ef the honoruMc Secretarv to say, mat l snui,P ,.rn,i on,i i the ( apital ns)u. K, of . ill,.l;,.ral As. senibly; hut Unuot Mv whe j K!mi, ,, able to accept kill(1 i"u vitat i,.M- t wnnl inmu me 'Vhinalions nnd refute the sayings ot a ceij,, K,..S ,.,,. Df ,;,. wnoni, u l.oh ao ot know 01lvtllin,r tnorp about him than rp j,p inevitably und ' irretrievably lost Kj coming dav. j My mind has variously" exercised ! while 1 have been lorp, "This is not ' society of younn,, an(j jlOV!) j.nt aj society old men ; m wno flro trup' ,Q t)ll, ! backbone loyal, faity, patriotic nu n who 1 p'd s they arc, wouly riown w.;tn ,ttK,.f ' )"' " lif almost worn,"t llmjer t)le 1 etiirl- ! rient protection of the pj Government ever ' established on God's 1'tiful earth Thev i are honest men--none o,))ur nu,an " pitifu'l swindling. God-forsakel rs,Ctliv ii, niH,, g"'s, who naic uea e streiiLrlh ;od ot,-)fi.l linn, ..-It!, .ii. ' k- Vilill endowed them with to en. Hvor to overturn his must sucred institution ur Government. ,-,. .. t.i iiiiiunt. I I am no ciuididatu lor iiopu . t no olliec, although I did tA n ti't -u-ainat ! Ialmtn Hurrm. (l.auKhter.) tied lor nn office, and as r.i, MorCmlj so: don't wunt one; hut I am dt.-ral. and I i i.... u . - l .1. -i :i:... "'"- mill inia i uu iuvvt-. ntl'l t lie utilllll , ie cner- : no H to iui. iimvii in-usou loij out I Mi inuiur, nun, in ii ier wonts 1447) in tak-o iuvi nf ita. li' eent Goveriiment is the risrht kinct11".? ... ... . .11 CiOV- i - i-4 1 210 iO ili . ' :ti eminent, urn tstin not entirely o, L , us it ia hardly in eumea-t enoupli ' , btirpcndouh work it is now occupied . vut T L. .1 1...I! .1. . . .i r. , und our backiug, tliis Goveruinent wifL, put down the most dinbnlical treason hiiH ever been seen in any part of the w.i I have fought many battii s relio-u' , ... i... . .... - . eT. 15 i uuics, political nut Ilea, mm every ot kind of buttles and 1 have encountered t, 1 devil, Tom Walker and the Southern Col I fedcrac.y, iui:htcr and applause.) and it laJ gone hiird with one to be called ejter, airjl pointed at no long, aa a traitor, by all tl- miserable, aneakinp, cowardly rascals win nave loni and rent tlnu ulonou Union aoai-tJ My father wag a volunteer in hi comitr1 6 army, and my uncle lived and dud in the service of hw country, and thank God tLeir graves are still in possession of the Federals. My mother's relative also ailed their blood at their country's call, at Norfolk, and yet I i am called a traitor, and by such men as j compose lite Southern Confederacy. Mr. Lgglcston alluded to thccruNhing out of my paper. Yea, gentlemen, the nflice from which came the last i-hi-cta. in defence I of the Union ever published in Knoxville AWn Tthe" -A. f .mpliahod t'nicf and . wu cicaneii out una converted into a work- arms runa- All my auibitinn now is to iro -"'lier ..nice; oncoioW to7pread aVoud 'o- o th Lnfon, and one nore to take from a drawer in my own house the flag which so long waved defiantly in the breeze, and which these hell-hound were longing, and yet not daring, to b ar down and trample in the dust. I would never have taken down that flag but for the females in my own-house, who besought and entreated me to do so, list the house should be torn down about their ears. Ono day a crowd surrounded my Iiouro and threatened to tear down my flag; but I warned tbXm that they would have to do it in the faco of six loaded muskets, which would boused by men who would never flinch from their duty. They took aober second thought, and marched away, but presently about fifteen came back acuta, drunker than ever, led by a young officer, who was dcbired to tear the d u thine of a flag down. In the meanwhile I bad left my house and gone to the office, leaving my wua in charge. She came forward, ami expressed her intention of shooting the first man who attempted to haul duw u the flag. The officer was slightly scared, sod said : "Madsni, you won't ihoot, ill you ?" ' Vmi hud hetlcr trtths f prrimfnl,'' isid ,.l e. shouted the crowd, "she 81m Instantly drew from hnr linrt-rl mil) of Colt's revolvers and cocking it. levelled it st the olb'ccr's head. ".Never mind lur, she's only a woman," cried the mob. "lly God, look at her eye," said the offiii-r," us he made a low bow, scraped the ground and toddled Cff. followed by the whole crowd Tho gentlemen addressed ine, expressing his regret that my paper is slopped and rnv otllce is closed, and 1 reply to him that ail my ambition is to go liack to Knoxville and resurrect my old paper. To go back with new presses and new type, and with a soul renewed, and revived by a baptism in the gloriousliberty of the Northern Status. And I a'so want to go hack thi-rn, and repnv a dobt of gratitude Iowu to about one hundred and fifty of tho most unmitigated scoundrels that can be found on the face of the earili To liberate a people oppressed and defrauded i u .i.. . :. ... . me mum incline coiiciuracv ever eonsuni- fc,l. nefrr.uded ami duped l- the So, then, Confederacy bonds. Ronds having on one Hide a full-length portrait of Jeff. DaVis, and picture of a henn,oM on the ther. I,e .rin.' ont hem there worels : promi-. t , , 1" six ,""n,b tor.lectan.tim. of,.ea,e bltwl.n' the Southern Cnnfeder IIPV SI 111 1 1 list f "ti I f i I j states of North An.ei icu, M. They have fixed a time that uevr can and r "will CO The only treaty of "'e Southern riihts when tl IITl V II1 ins inf'i itlirj. ilium. jim ii oi ortnern en croachments wheu there were none, and you have rushed into a war of the most wicked kind without the shadow of a reuson." But. gentlemen of ( hio, I ,lo not and cannot exonerate the Ninth; and I snv iu brief to you that if, fifty year ago. we had taken one hundred Southern tire-eaters and one hundred Northern Abolitionists, and hanged them up, and buried tliem in a com mon ditch, and sent their souls to hell, we should have had none of this war. (Im mense applause.) I tun speaking too lonir. (Cries of "No no 1" "Co on -Don't allow that talk !") But in looking around on this assembly, I notice that Time has written his murk uiimistakably.on .the countenances of a large proportion of this audience. Mnnv are growing grey; 1 nni gi-tting old mxseli'. and i know not how soon the span of our existence may Ih: shortened, und' the spirit take its fliirht to renl Ills Ot ..ti vtii.t ti... I or .,.;..,.,. i," I ll ... i.i'i-iiir. i- I....,..,. .11 .1.... . . .. .. " o, inen io see io it mat we i:r prc- pared for this change, wherever and v, hell- on ii in.-i eonie, iituj inav i-o. m iiis lnlnute mercy lilees ami la-ep us .-,11. The reverend gentleman llun sat down umid loup; mid continued elm is, :n, IV nu-ctiiitr adjourned. ADVERTISEMENTS. rsTT.SO.Y.s- W.iXTlXti .1 I CHANGE of CLIMATE FOR HEALTH, K1-.I-. AIM KiniSirMENT i'F VINELAND FAKMS- Titi:isi isi:itH sm.v.s. A MKT of th Vnoested I.amN by Williuiii E. Irivin '1'n-nsniir rli?i-l fur wile of .,rll.,,.. b-.-riuua rouni, iiii-cahly Io an Act of tho (ii-m ral I Aimiuhly of ihw Cuinirmnweiilih of I'l iuvlvanin, ! )..ved the llih day of Mur.-li. Il.i. and llo "mi.).Ii -: nicnt thi-retu, vuliiled uu Act liins-iiiij: I'.n- nio le of ; selling Lineled landj for turn nnd o;ln r i .nrrcs. will he eXio.d tc- juiblio Side, at :hc Conn lion,,., hi j the Koromh of f-'iiuUirv, on the second .Vomlnv iu Juno, 1SiJ2. heiDg the 'Jill day of the ni.-mli. ui In j u'cloek. A. M., I bp !ollnriii ilin-r:l -I Tn.c t of ; Lund for an carafe of Tnv.s. uue mi l the cu-s a:. ; cruiun en each tract reapis-iivelv. to wil : If nor . wld on tha day above nieniiouid, Io be u lji uiueil Iron, day to Acra. Warrantee'! Xame.t. .l.-.i'j Due. llt'itrr.T Antie, 1 houiua Adams, I; Junirs Jrukiiif, Coal, frti 12 jtouvrt Adams, 'riditiek Aulra, 7 hoiuas V oait-r, John Jfiikins, K. Amis, K. Adi-mr. Kichard .Saltaar, Xichard .Manning 1 ittard Hod Jiiiiu-d liiiii-r, 7'houius Grit-r, Ihouiaa Poster. Ml. Carmrd, 501 IS Itob't t'hauiil.iiu, 1 lio. Chuuiplaiu, I YY. Slmisou, ( M-,. ( irnit-I. 450 ."l(i J.l. Sli'pll'-USOII. f J .uu s Coitrarta, i leaaq Ni-(f, J John X. Unity, 7.rht, linotf .M. Il.'u),-, .lohu Uoyd. Coal, l' llroaiou, John ltrady. Thomas lliiliiigloo, 5It. Carnn-I, lluh'h It, lias, Chii.iuii Uorar - Kaiiiia-I(llali6ii, Cameron, Bfitj iiiiin Ht-iir-.oii. .haun.kin, Alrx.uidrr liartlalu, 1'oilit, Johu llarrtui, Jr., " Johu lirady, Coal, Johu liradv, " V. I'. Hra'lv, " Waller lirajy, Liiwpr Aajrit-ta. , liatij won llcttcrion, Chihisiuii'iui'. Khtui-rt-r Itritiihain, I'oiiil, Jiur loock, Mi. Caiiiit-I, Tho. llauuif;.-iidii.-r, " Williuiii Adanm, Con!, I. . UokIiiu, -' 1 lioiau. " T. Adams A otht-rs, " II. ury Anlea. ' Johnltrady, Coal, Kiuihi-r I'U-avvr, Mt. Caruid, (! 71 21 ti :i'.i Mi 20 Is I l.'l td i J'J U5 22 tli II ns 2 75 1 .... 2 4S 1(14 IK .!.'. 110 Ins 15 Go 1 52 1 M InS 'Jtl 100 104 11,01 45 251 IT, ,1 V u. "x 19? I a'JO l.t bit It'U 4 .'III 2t '' ! '. 'tei -' !" 6 57 3 IU 22 HI 1 IJ 4S 22 21 22 21 .".4 1.1 Ufa M lit 14 I '2 n t 10 Mi 4 'I 82 ; in 5 02 1 71 3 li-J 2 h.i 4 51 : 10 7 ;:7 7 o7 " 51 12i 31 I 119 70 I 7j 50 70 ' 5 72 I II I'll 44 01 ' 27 30 ; 51 53 vl 58 6 65 45 13 11 S7 I Sirj 45 " Coal, ohn Cowden, Z.-rhr, , Canipluin, Ml. Carim-1, 45 147 917 :3 .113 S9 ' 201 250 50 SO 1.10 loo 159 1S1 it as p., II 64 ft., 120 50 450 .100 115 90 260 170 269 105 327 2ua 20 m 3A 259 120 207, mo 100 300 100 1091 300 129 200 300 S30 250 100 4J6 2ltt 100 !M 193 221 r 413 vou ou 11 nn Imp. Co., Coal, Vrick Kramer, list i )err, Cameron, Join., , LukeV1 1 l'l,cr Msl"""'y. Johu lr' ty IN . .. Inter I tkellel iVry DuV,,,, j,i)liut i llrmtt A.,.i. :p,.,, K.,ubo,K.KclymiDteiir v in. ioloiiioir .. .. William Jebard.l . , W illiam a,Vn "". Andrew rAncr, .'! Vt iuuin m, u William or y'jjoyd ., Marrick 8p part, Valaulioa Bd.i V. Thomas Grauty,..!,-. T homos U ro u lya meroi 2 29 ' 0 VI Kotwrt uray, m, ThootuUraut, Areb. Uarduer, 151 V) i)'J 12 i li K2 IS S.) i C I 1 01 4 50 WiUiam P. Gardot JacksJ Arenioaia uurauervL,, William P. Uurtlucl . Archibald Uarduer, jjsn 1 U9 uv, 3 70 n llliaui I . lruner, William llurriaou, Con, Alexander Humor, Kba.Lt. it i t..i. xt'"' Yi II tfMuiep uuuirii civi.v -uiOV in,..i- ii-ii ii r ' 7 IH) Si '.; 101 " " ' Lower A Benwrd Uublv, trti4 llenrvjliasalrieh. ' Caal, Jsmer Hspbura, " I . "Go on. go on ! daren't shoot I" Jsenb llnilrr, Znlio, J"hn C. H.-rlmnu, l.'nmfron, Jernrlsli .Im-knon, Mount t'srmel, " M K'.brrl Irwin, f ft-r Mnbsnov, jHmrs Jnrdnn, t.u Aueu'tii, liiilw-rl Irwin, Point, Mieliii. I Kroll, Onnl, StlTliS, John Kiilil. l.inio MhIhik. Ahnilmin KinttiuK, Point, K-ki-l King, ii ' Abijtnil I.nkirs, Coul, I'rniili Lnki-im, Itirhiiril l.nkn, ltkleinl l.dkc, lti ilnr.1 t-iko, Jn.-kiion, Itieliiird l.nk, Liltle Mnlianor, ,lriepli l.vim, Ki-hnrd t'kf, I'oiiil, Itkhnnl t.nkf. Cliiliunque, Kiitmirl .M'lrn.nj, Mminl Csnnvl, 1'iitrr Mnury, Zi-tljo, '. 'J. 51nr:iii, Mury Mvers, J'.lin Miller, " Xiiin 1. Mnrtuipr, fnint, f'.-tnr Merlin. ' tVIMInni II. .Mnrslii.1, Coal, t. It. M'lf.irr, .'nii.ii! Ni.Jiimn'. l',.nt, I ones N'ritli nr'iit. riiiliiiiiuiinif. SO :i7 t 40 70 70 A 66 3 HS 6 49 7N ;:i M 72 i ,12 20 J" :l "l-t 2I;. 207 nisi ."(10 sn 200 121 HI lilt i 1 !'.' 110 :o i-eft io t-n 211 211 111 Hi li'S H9 ' 200 . Sup 127 2.11 21 !j 2.".t tun 2.:n to:: 171 Lis li.7 ;:eo 171 117 12 '.'7 1--7 2n;ii lti7i i-i- jtn.-l l7i 2(,.1 l.'il 2a2 til :'.i i ; 21 s lot in f.ii .-mi; lie fl 4 CO 91 5 10 3 211 1 fi.-l 3 1 61 4 II 20 Kl 62 4 7 7 H 7 5 ioi 6 lirnre Prince, prhi-, Jvtir 1'i-iry. srtth Ui-ns, Coal, S irnli Rmih, Mount Tiirnic!, I'Miii. l lli-vs. Coal, I'lionina Rms. Jr.. " TIiomii! UiiHiun. Muunt Curmvl. M'.ry KiMti-n, .l-.ljii H'.', i Clinrl' fl it'iiii, 1'anii.l Hi es, " Tliimius Ki-i s, Jactisnn, TI i"inii!i Hi't-h. J.icle Mjih.mtiv, l'eier Si'.ieuinn. Zi-rho, lVilltum ilin-m, Ml. Cnni.el, Alirnliiiiii Si:otl. ' l.tikn iSniilli. C onriot), AhiKiiil .Sii'iili. " I 'lin Smith. I.'pi.rr MmIiiiih'J , .Mr. -ill on ..((, f-haiiK hin, I'sniel ,uiiii, l.itde M;ilmnr.v, lii-orce Si hnll. Mount Cnrnirl, I'hnni. V. ,t p. H. 1; ( 0., (.'ml, Julin Titw(irJli, .-ll-.lji rl THssnrt. Jii'h Tyiii.n. John Tiiflwiiilh, Shninnkin, linbi.-rt Tnir-jiirl. t'lmrlrslj. Tiieki-1, .tukin. 5 CI 21 M K I i 6 o2 IS -It M 62 1(9 2.1 4 09 4 01 l.t b'.l 2 Sji 1 V) si;. iolm 1 i!.-,., Col, 5 Ch.irloHi. Tiiekel. Lillte Mahanov, .1 l.-ivlnr. .Mount Cunnil. 16 SI John n h-le. Coal. 12.1 02 Villiiini Wilron. Zcrhn. M 07 Win. W. Wilson A L. Licwurt, Coul. 4 (i'J .Incob Wciki-I. Coal. 2 lloni v Vov hinier. Z. the, t,a Mnllhew Ziiiiineriimii. Coul, 110 4.s le.nie ei.'l. r. crl.e. '.j :j Wll. 1.IA.M J-. IKWrV TTMar.-r. Ire.-isi.rer'i Otti,-e, .unhmy. March 21, lMi2. .1. u i:i it 7i, , OPTICIAN I OCULIST, rem I'hlliKl Ipliln, I)K.Sl'laTri"I.I.Y infoniip tho citizens of Punhurv k and vu uiily. that he leu op.-ii.d a room at the W isiiis.iT...v Km. ai;. ,( r- he i fl. rs for s il- fPl-X'T.H'f.HS OF i:HUY YAlilETY, FIZi: AM) tjCAUTY .' ! ' A new invt.ti.iii f f'oecta.-!.-. rr ii.tnior close rea.lini:. we, p.'.d. silv.-r. su-.l. and tortoise-holi Iraniiv, und a n. and anpruee.l ii.-s..r-inei I ot l.cnl.icnl and puriiliota Kr 1 (; (,.,,., ,. his nmi.lirielUM. lie Would l !i.. ul.irlv cull Ihe alt. iiiioii ul ilie (nililic !o his .S., 1 NEAIl KillTi:i 1-Kltx.lNS. ni. l f,,r .,T'i.iis who have been 0 rated iijioii f,.r tl," e.itarnt-i of ihc eye. ou t l. his ew kind of (ilimm-s .iiel r,.iisorvrsi.r the -t-rli? . in:ide ofil,,, beet flint and iiine ; lit . Good Ulnars imiv be known bv their -diupe.evo-t centre. fiiii.iuhI hiulilt d -I'lrfu i.-. 1 he qu-iliiiiii are to be f ..uud ill ii hi''h de -ree iu Lis i;li'.-s.--. F lli.o.i.v Tvt tim :-T1,o vciy lust llrazilian I i l.lile. o miiver illy ,r,ned to be Mip. ri.T io any other jjl.iss. A No. .Mi,:r. s-n,i. Sj.y and (.luirjo. (ihiNU-s of every size and ijeiility, Ti I 8C..ies. Miii.j-1- ini! and 'lo rn (Il i.--s. will, ditrerent )ioncrv. 1.?, tlier wiili every variety of mticlei in tlm diitical lhie not nicniioned. --lilK-al and olhor TiistrnniPiilK ami m.c,.0 1 can fully rcmirt-d ut thort notice. He c in slnuvs clecl (iliLst -K to suit Ihe wim of i!u- perjon, as tie sees (h. iu, u,i.iii the firs- triul. He w ill reiuiiiii in Ibis ph-ee Ai nu. Coi rt. and those iu want of the above urlicles will Llease jsive him a cull. lie wiil, il nspiircl. o to imv risinctablc house when- liis s.-i ii-, .- miiv be :iiei-d'. fir-Ihe very he.-t l-.YK V. A'iJJR and ll.e best Ililli.llm 1.1 alniiyn t'.r sale. Minl...iy. l.irc!i 2: lSi'2. SEWING MACHINE CO-, 5:!S IIUHAHWAY, NEW ViiKK. Ihjeriftire. Circiil.iri. irili of mil It .'.'ut M,nl Free. - FAMILY HKVtINU MACKIVK. II AY INM aliiiiiii-d a im-II :i al.ii..i.-,l nnd null irti iriuiuiiiip, a i.i-injr i, all liiat v -l iti.'f... t dii.-i-1, ih-..iitl..: ad.iinid t.i All Kin us oi- K.imii v . Sen i-iii. and having in. t with a ikm in iN juln i lii-yond our n-an si anticij.uli.iii. so much mi. lhal h r I thi.-t- months our t-nii-n l a.o ht-tn alit-ud nl' our , o.i,a.-i.y to rul.ply. i- Hould unn aiinoiincp lhnt wo h. nt- in. -ri iint-d our niiinur-i. ninny I'.u-iliiiiv. no Hiat rr.'iu Ihi-. linn. I.irlh, hv fin,!! hu vn.,1,1,,1 to Mit-J-lv it.ii.t mi itrr.iar.d. i In thv i-liain.-.-- brmuhl i l.niit l.v ihe i.r. r.o n:n IliilH Un invid u in. r.- ii,i,rt'.iit part limit Ih,. '"'' 's M k-iun-k." Vlili ii. il.ict -l'..urihi t.f i. nt -..l.iii tv w.,uld t.i-dny ! .-luihcl in anv.hinn hut , Military I'.-luni.-.'' All nvtr Iho liind 'arntv clo- h.i In-t'ii Un- wink iii)iiiri-d ot our p.- iri itio ii. and nohl y hai litt y n.ii li d. . ..ntont I" tiu-ki- only wi m.iiiy 'nniitit in iht ir hi.n.U could i iici-..iiij.ii-li. liny h.iv palled thi- "Si wins Mm-him ' ' to tin ii- aid. n n. I in il have r..lltd out tho s .l.lii r-' I'oAis. I'.ints and SmitT. at a rat" a.":r.iiiliin lo tht-msilvi. Kiiuwinx llml this w.,ik could not Umg c.iiilii.iii-. inimy thoiiKhtt'iil. prud. ni hoii-i wii ,.s. iuro ean-Itll to el.-ct Hit; linn till, e o all inherit, tvlii. li '' ''le Iteaty army work, ami when . I. me with tlnil. then to he iHed a.i iht ir I-'.imili M it nisi' . aud in itrlt-ctiua; nueofiho -KlNkLE A I.VilH SlllING M.4CII1VB flUd'AM U Iamii.v .M a in inks,' ' with whi. h you m ay t w fr, m the lim . ' c.-m-.l ri'e t,, iho beai it-ill ninth, withmit i:liai'Kt of f.-. 1, not .lie. or ltiii,.n-lliev have not been di.-u ,inte.l. Thus haviutf di-iilop.d Iho ailaptn'oiiitv ,f our machine fur all kiu.h of uik, we hint- iiiad'.-aimtht r Klep in advan.te. and l y several important ehnn-t iu our - Nn. :i Mkiiii s nisi s." b.tin pt,. Iu id a r.Ml.ol:lU .YIai iikk.' hii h e .--.l "i l.-n'lv el ,iui lo l.e tho -P.l:sT TAII.Ol'.lNi; MAI IlINf:'' vet iiitroiiui-uil, m-win! the linen w ilh"ini imieh ease iu the common c.' uml uhi n r. . ,.ir,..i , may he us-l to do Ihe very fm.-.-l eaml.rie work, with i ''"'or 200 cotton lints uouihiniiiR in one ; f.irin, enry tiunlitv required in tiih'-r a FWlfl.Y ,'IK MAXIK.XCTI'UINM MACHINi:. i W" h"ve u,,r Mnl'iueii before tho public ..i,e i en. in i'l. I., tli..:.- ...........! i. j ........... i.p.tiu.i.iii. j.ozeim ui , allien who stitrled with Byinu c..lun - !! fnlb n l v Ihe wayside ;" and "soou" the places that knew ii,,.'n will km. tv iIii-iii nn more." .Step by step ban itie 1INKI.F. A l.vos'iiiMK won i: way to puhiiu faior; i-s sn is iu,U;.lud, and heiicel.nih nur , aim shall be, aa ii h.iu in the piU.t bci-u, instill luriht r . improve, simplify and redu.-n tho cost of nur m.-t- inuiv. to Mian. 111 a lew Uava. wua a 11,11 ui-. p... i-....i .1 ...1 i 1 further pnrtii-ular addre l.K 4 HON SKWINU MACI tlNhl.K a I.OX SKWIXU MACHIXi: (V). -,-if i. . -s l.routlway. N. w iork. IV B.-Msssita, A'ent, funluiy, la. March 2'J, IM12. i:i-i u I oi-'m .i-i. VOTICK is hereby itiven that Letters Tetimrnlnrv x havo bueu trraulcd tu Uw uiidersicHti.l, on the e?tate nf Pi-llniinh Wbitaker, Into of Z. rbe lnwut-hiii Xorihumla-rland county, Pa., doceaaod. All p,rKi,s liiHal.i.i.1 ure requested to make immediate payment ami lie ne haviiiK clnims suinsl said eoiate to pres. ut 1.0K1.D I.ilW Zerbe twp., March li, 18ii2. Kxtwutrix llalateorChrlalliin K. llroMli, lie -;UM'tl. VTICI: is hereby pivrn that iho widow of tai l ll deccaiwd has made hor selection nf perKtnal pro perty, under tha sets of ISM aud 159, and hn filed a schedule nf ihe snnie in Ihe nffico of Iho Clerk nf the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, which will be prewnted for approval on WclneHav, tbo 9th day of April. 1802. M ATI I. DA UKOWN, Ilstale or Uobcrt V. 4'ampiM-II. IlevcuM!. VOTICE Is hereby given that tho widow of (aid l dcottaaed has made hrr (ulealion of personal pro perty, under tbe Acta of 151 and 1859, and has filed a schedule of the lain la she otTice of tbe Clork cf the Orphans' Court of Northumberland countv, which will he presented for approval on M cdlusduy, Iho 9th day of April, 12. AMOS VAHTIXE, Adiuiuis!ral-T. Much 15, 1S62. U lAIi:ilt JVST reccivetl from New York a lr aiwortinent of WALL I'A I'M, evBfimiug nf OsrUi stiuru axd KtiTY-TRKta IiirrcacxT r-rrmi." no Par u rns, virying in price from cents upwards, all uf hli-b will be sold si th Invert tub prir, at the fheep Hor ef J . VS'il I., fiinhtirr, .Mir'h Ifi It CO NO Kl)3 2"3 .'C0 04 SM 160 00 I Arronxrininls l04. . nf nrU l.lnro. THE CA.MDKX AM AMIIOV AND run. uy. . PIMA AND 1 RKXTON K. K. Oi.'H 1J.V1X Fron Vhhidr'.rhi i In Xi tr Ynri amt J', Jrom Wat in 1 1 trtrt Wharf ami Ktuxini;tvn Ihiot, mill lew at follwi, l-i ; i aui. At C A. M i Ciimleu uil Anibov. IC. nn l A A i .. . ... - AI i n. lUUiinunoilHllini,) J io ' At 0 A. 61., via Csiuurn iuii Jersey City, N. J., i Vi i AeoiniiixlHti.jii, 6t3 22 ; At l' A. M., vis Kresitifiun sinl J-rmr Citv. 4.-I I (Mcrning Mail.) 4 35 I At 12 F. St., vis Csindi-u aud AiuW, Ao 8 W ! eoiniiiudntiun,) 44 At 2 1. ,M., via Co ml on and Amlsjr, (C. and 5 5!i A. K.xnn .) 1 4S ! At 4 1'. M., vis Cnniden UiJ Jmi Cl:v, 3 10 I tl-.veniiig Kxprna,) 1 l ; At 4 1'. M., tin Cnnidtn ul JorsiT City. 20 7 j (Hccond Mass Ticki-l.) J HI OS j At 0 1'. M., via KvusinirUiu aud Jern y lilv IS M (Kvenine Alail.) $2 26 I Zi S 00 1 26 1 00 i 04 SI 24 3 00 S 00 10 ; at 12 I . .M., via ki-minz'uu iiud Jrrni r Ci:r. (Viutliprii Mail,) til. M., via Caindi-n uml Amliov, (Accum- iniKlaliuii, l-'ruight aud I'uMi-nlccr, Urtl t'law 'J'iukel, Second I'lum Ticket, ii. . . . - ... 2 25 1 .'') 2rt I V i ffl i 01 01 j fill : 00 04 i 21 70 j 00 I 01 ! 7:i ! Oo ! 50 I y; s w 'V.'- runp dl'"y- (Sun0vfXep!i., 12 T. ,M.. Kuutlu-rn Mail, ruiiduili. Fur Watnr linp, fiiroii.l..uru. Sor.iim.n, Vilk.i barre, Monlnwo, ijrc-al lloiid, Ac, a! 7-lt) A. M , (Vom KmniiiKtoii, ia IjcIuhht.-, l,u..i,auua uiid' n ostcrn Uailrond. 'ur Mauuh Chunk. Allrnlovin, llvtliltitn, Ueli acre. Kiulou, Lainhortviili-, 1'U u.inmun, Ac, al 7-10 A. M., Iiuni Ki-U5-iiton IhinA, and ui 21 P. il., Il'-in W iilnut sirmt hurl'. (Jhu 7-lu A. M. l.iui- conm-evs vriih Trains Uavinx Lhsiuu li.r Miiuch Chunk, nt :i.:!6 1'. M.) Kit -Muuut Holly, nt (I A. M.. u im,l 1 p. M l or Kn-.-holil, m t; A. M. no. I 2 P. M. MAY LINKS. For Hri!ol. Trvnl'm. Ac. Ml7-IUnml 11 A. M and ri (! 'hi .....I i i Ii II i- i- i,' m , , "' vmjsiiiKi..u, and ul 2 , - . .... ,.i,, ii nii.ut i 'jit ,1111111. Kor Hii-lol imd iutHruivdiiile .-stations, nt 111 A.M.. V j fiom KciMini;:iiu l(ciot. J.',! Kor Palmyra, Kit prion. Dfl.i ! liiig'im. I'loionoi., lioid.-niuwii, llieo. lievrrlv, Ih:r- ! l.t ( 1 J f. urn m i . .i . Tn nlon. for ltnnlnonn and inn-rno- ' ! diiito .stuiiiins. nl 2 I'. M.. I'min Walunt m. M I.hi I . . i .if' Kor Nik Voik. ami v l.iiu-s pain( K.-n-HiiKlon Jicfot, tiikc the Cats Jn Kilib slrwl, U "alnut. hull nu hour before departure, i iio ( run into tin- D. j ot. and un the un ival of each Tn.iu. run rn.m the liijiot. l'ifty Pounds of ISniTRapn rnly. allowed .-.ich I'll'" V's "tiieits urn j.roiiiniieu ironi tiikiiis 72 I ,f;,"lM l'ai!'lMlii-ir.iii)(fp:ull All ..i.s"i nS r. i iiwcngcu lire prohibited from liikin onirnire over lil.y pound to be jnid -rrii. Tl i i.uuipany niiul iiuir r.-sonsilnlitv for bni;(;iire lo "lie Hollar per pound, mid will not be liable forunv auiouut beyond $10'". i-Aeupi bv pe eimtruct ,, , W.M. Jl. liATZ.MKK, Arf-ut. Mur-h 2;i. lsr,2. t -"i.f flaa BftK VM & . sihfi.s : fVAVsl X WiTinva I oil i VI i CiliEAT llltK AT ItKADIXO. PA. Fibru.iry 12. lsr,j. lji:xTi.r.MF.N It jivn me much sutiifsctiou to i inform you iu ihe aevere lire nhi.h. on il. uiorninx of the .., ins-... entireiv desiroi ed ull u,v ito. k anj material. 1 had one of youi ,-s.ilaniaudi'r Hio 1'iwf f-alei. After endiniii" nn intense i-,l heat for j.jv.'ii hours. Ihe t-alo waa opened, and (he Uook red Papers were preset v-d in uieblemi-h. I Condition. 1 -hi.l! need another Safe a y.on as I jet iu older. Vour-. most n -jircifiille. W. 1'. l'H'hJ.NSi,N.'l!lM.iinS, ! Villi: AT CKLI X CA rll.i:. CliAwneiisLi no. i mobiin ...mi.t in. , .tiit'ii-t .:i.i. i ( i M. vrs. Kiaxs .1 atsiin. I'hibidelphi.t (l.-iiib men: "n the inoniiti of the 2.' I of Aiin.i. lvil, our t,.ri-hoii.-i- at (.iicci e.i-tU- wn. d. -.rovr l bv tire! 'lite Salamander Sale we putcl.ti-. d fiou'i yo r.,niie lew Vents izicctms in the Itbtve ntelltiiltl. il '. . re house, and contained all our Ue.ks. papers. cah. Ac. ..nit il men: prepriveil 111 a lieil.s't 0.1:1 111.11 nti,.P be in expo.'r.l ton no ft intei .. Iieat fur several hurr. I lean-inform us t.p.m whttt ternii auoiher lat ir. r .Sil'. u will fll us lours truly, ubtiiiiiinlir uYi! Knniilics. A.-.. ,Ve. Alphiil.elieal ll.tlil: eotnil to any inade "A Ks ,t Ai-.-rrv. Ibtnkf. Hi. iris. I'rivatv f..r Abu, Kiniis ,i M .n.iin'. I'atmi l.o.ksiinl LI ink Vault ltnois. in Ihe eoiin'rv. and Mid on r.s ijood terms. A- tV uld re-peclfiilly refer In her imrties. bavin" their lh.i folluuinz ltanks nnd sales and Loi-ks now lit use, to their entin a oi-fic. lion, and many oih-TH given nt their Store. I mteii States Mint, Vir.tucli Hank, ."h-.-Ihyviila Philadelphia. Ti nue-sce. I M rciiSrATUs AitstN AL.Cii v Hank of I'hilndelt hta. C'lililbrliia. C(ii.!i.nt:i.n li k of l'hila. Com'th lhmk of l'h:ia. CliutaiH.t.j'a Punk, Tenn. Pre:in l.otm Av'oii. 4th St. lhiliU nf .V.,rtl:un.ljtrl...d. Hunk of Nor-h'n l'i.iladtlphl.t. Pttnl und.Si! litiiikon. Alaliatna. .Sierli:inAVilki-r.h't' l.e i-lmrj; littiik. I'a. PnltiioK-n H it k. Pa. I'oatisi ille liiink. 1'a. Stroutl'hur bank. l'n. J.-rM-y .-horv l!:iuii, 1'a. l.'.ik Hjvin Havk. Pa. I't.ii.ii Hunk. tlul' "i.nthwf.iii in II ink of a. I'lili. ii bant, Ath.uia. Uu .Newark li n k. Del. li nl'N. C. lt:ileij;h. I'.iior reirt-nt- ll'.-ll Utmll en in at 111 Hlline at nur N.. Ill J. r.iiiilt. Mr.... I I.T.II...1.. Ij.hi.i. Mateli 2l(. 1 -,. lv m:iti:'s 11011:1 Jjrrin'ntr,; l'n. rpilK rnanaemeiitof thi-1 lintel l inc tm.-n n suiiiej l y Mcti-. t'U l.K A II Hit It. ll.e pres. nt proprietor!. Ic? Iravt? toinfnriu ,he tmlui, that the biiil-i.' i liotv beili Ih Ti.uzhlv rein.valeil. reiitted. and iuii roved, ilii 11 view 1.1 the r i.nd cinfortiilile aiM Miiiini hiti.m r.f ihi.-t- wl.n inn-, l.n,.,- un- i-r-uti. iirtiniei. 1 w::ti iheir eu.-tniii. ni-eiiti due ullt liliiin uml t rle.-v. and il will hit spared thnt luav voiiduex In lueiii' iiii lite hotel in a lii-nt-c-l.vs-s .-tyli'.' Pnuiiliis aud others' di-iriiiL-1 . j ..urn i H:;r:i-. hiiii during the Miiiiin.-i lu. niln.. wiil find pltaan; Imitrdii.? 111. 1 lur-;.- ni d w i-ll-i .-ntilnictl roou." at oji eslahlihiuvnl, upon moderate tern..!. .'-(('IT I'.iYI.i: ..,I"!':IJ:IV,:' J.iiii.Pi'p r 1 n:f: it. 11. 11. lloi-IM-v ill l.a, ."IMti KY, PA . I '! I ,--' i..ii-- tittin lcil to iu the c . until, ,.f ...r. lliuiiiherhind. I ui. n, .''t.yiler, Montour. Coiuiul-i.i and l.ivoloiiv. It ItKKItl'Nfr. II..11. John M. Kiel. Philadelphia. A. It. Ihillell A (11.. II .11. Win. . Pnrl.r. M 1rl1.11 Mc.Mii-ha. 1. K-i.. " K. Kfteliain .1 Co., 2-i I'ei.rl S re.-t, New Ye.k. John W. Ashiii. nl. A ' l.-i n. y al . M:ttlhes A I'ox. Att.nuin.t'ai Law. " r'uuhurv. Marth 2'(. I-Mli'.' .Vlilliiioi', MO'iiv 4a'otxl Xv. Ar'" li"'" Ihe ple-tsure of infm mint; ym 11 iw pit pin, -I tti oiler, al mil' Hi 'hit Wi lt .-"taiel. N.. Hi... Ill faiid lu,. Vr h .-.-.ii..l itri-.-l. ai. ie Anli, Philadelphia, a well ji le.-ted -iio.k of .MIl.MNi:ilY AN1 t1'KAW (iOtiKS, in every variety, of the Latest 1 u.'r:atit.iis, and of the newt-nt and lnt..-t fnhioliltlile Oi 11 ttTMAW lnil 4IITM kt wifl coirprfen t i ery 1 variety ,f Posm.ts. IUis ni.ii T11111 mi i, 1.. h. tVund in that line, of the laiivti una mm. ii;.pi..iel .liapi ami styl 1. , ! oliciliiij; an tiirly cull. I rt main Yoiu. Konwifullv. '. 29, IV..'. Iiw II.'WAHP 41Io-Lm Oiiinlt-lcuii iii--. T THIS T. li-nniiiull. l. :ii!e fr. ui the b.s: Java l.'-.tlei-, is rectiLiiiii. ud.-tl l.y r..i -i..n as a ftiti. ii-ii Nl. 1 lil 1 1'll.S l;l. KiiAtil-; f.,r (i. lieti.l ity. Iiy,peiwi;t, ami all liisord-n.. Ihonsinds who 1j.iv w been compelled to abulldou the Lit- of oolite, mill uo Ibis without il juriou nfivo's. t'ne n.lll C"Ut:lilt ill t- S'rellib of two pound of oiduno-v colli.'ii. I'liitc 2 i c ut. KOl.I.tiCK'S LEVA IN. Th purest and best PAKlXii P-n PI.R known. .r urikint; li'lit, sneet and nulinious 111 end and Ci.kts Price I3ceu;a. Mavi-p.ifTrr.rti v M II. KOLLOl K. Chtiri. Corner of Proud and Chcsnul MtrceU. i4 l lllt.illl'LI III t, And koM by all IiiugirisH aud liroct rs, -March I, 1S02. .ti vn iii:ie a- nt, lll-l-t N 111 I.HAV. Nn. Ii'nl I'.ir. l'.ili.iu and Uruudway, XtW YOltK, Will .-iirefnlly attrnd lo CoPiyftioi-f nnd all oilier mutli is ii t; i.t.4 to Ihnir care. Miy21, IS58. l'roiiKIIn lltiiiNi-, DKIilll.T A Nil KtrTHNIfMlt:i, C. Howard ami Pruiikliu Street, a few iSoiitrce Wi-t lUtruCeutral liailroad llcpol, IIALTIMO. f (no .NoitUiru Ceutral liailroad llcpol. IIALTIMOltl' i if Ititus, il i tu lur i. i.tistxr.iNii July 16, JS5J.-rf Proprietiir. lusruInt-U 4'urc-i, MANIFACTIHED aid for sale by M. l'.iper A Co ; Leibraodt and McDowell's UuildiiiK. Nmlh Last eorot r rVeood aud Kaoe streets, Philadel bia. (K-iOIirl (irAKANTI.i l. Ootobvr 27, ISoO. IMuaum '1'wNrd. ri'HK inhecriber rfftrs his servleee to Iheriilirri nf tSuuhury and vieinity, In Timing I'luu.. fir lcr, left if the Oniral llnlel. Mill l.e m r.n.,-. hunl.iiry. Inn 1 1, 1 vl? if It K I M IIAI.1.. I i I OR0VER & BAKtR 3 (' I'tfmrim 8E.VINU MACllfNES nn i amii.v rsi: ami liinnri4tiirlnjr IMirposMHi. Wild ltnni,T, Ktllfrs, Ta.-lrt, C, ulna, llinjfra, PRICES FROM HQ UPWARDS iEr?n-ELnra : & BAKE?. KWINO MAullINl: (JU.MPANV, , Miik ih. Ik !liBtilv Mitch Maehinn . f n.a asm K Ioto. an. at Ihe im priri-taa iiinr -rlrlTainl Diilf. i.K l." KMI1TUII MM IIIVKs . This isthe onli- Com ny .hut makes te ih koe. i,er. j ! Hit .a,!)- oi. i hat ma ni i ) nn tin of tit. pnS. 1 IT" P-"v!i...r, ( It- l!,e!r ehMre of rillier I lttltt e ptivilee ..I t HehiltiroKf. Ttlie.itSet. 'e;tl--.I J,hottle.Mi.el,j,.e run. fnM an.l .i.iet. S t , nt Make. a lail itu, Uh.s-Bienna, fte. -It thi Lo r prUf if. $4(1. i cf- m y mi: ui:tr - VSOVKH k hAKt:R-,! xt r. j 7.10 Chnlani Mrart, rh lsil. li Ma . Ik n Masssr, cunbury. Pa., Afoul tor tU .YIi-i,ufcturr. . ' Liacntitxr SI, l?R ly TnE LATEST STYLE 0? ; SriUNG AM) SUMMI'R GAKMENTS, Al'.E COS-fiTAXTLY jl.M'li AT THIt . Fashionatle Tailorinj Establishincnt or . JACOB O. BECK, Marlcol filreet, Kunburv, fa. rpilK rubs-riber lias jus'. r- oeiTed nnd openM a ; 1 birj?c tu-siirlmirtit of tSPltlXU AXIi rtLMMtK OOOIliS, such us CLOTHS,- ; or i:vi:ky I'KscitirTiojr axu (ii .vi.iiy Plain and Fancy Cassimeren. Vestings, Ac. oi me inivat ttyli. In addition to his itock ho it contautly receivii.g new "npplirj tioiu lha city, keepiiie ii full assortment of the most (ubv.Hiilial aili latest styles of liotiU in the cilv marltea. lie is prep ire I to un:kc to order all kinds cf Oelitletneu 5 and Bjy's wear, sucli as I'KKSS Ci.iATS, i'K"CK COATS. r.USINK.i-1 CUA'l'.S, VKtjT.S, I'A.NTALOOXi-3, Ae Ac, of the very lalut atylo, and iu U,e most u'us'.aiiU.l luannt r. at ibort notice. Any "oods not on Lund, will be furuishod from riiiludelphia, by giving livo days' notice. ii' Call and exaiuiue my stock. No ch"rji maun lor siiowu.. JACUK 0. CLl K. Sunbtiry, March 25, 1S02. AVnll I'lipcr lOOO P1h--n, OF WAI.I. PArtll t'K EVEHY I'KblKArLU .STYLUS AXP PATTEIIXS. Tt':-T received tHre,-: from tha Macufaclurer, at j too .vi.v.Yi.uijiii Mttitf. rr FIllLIXti A tin AXT. .Sunbtirv. Jfarch I.'., Is;. MEW GOODS Tin: nnsT of thi: s has on. FKILIM) (.iUAXT. AT TH1.1H MAMMOTH STORE Ii AVK jits; re-eite.l sni upoucj a net otd cliaan a-rforiiuei:-. of Minis am) mi:dicl!:s, DP."Y GOODS C occrier, Ac, Ac. ; V. iiich Ihey will ll CHEAP for 0 .lt or N , I KY I'U'ij il I I). Wi- r.-a;.ttfully iniilu tha . aid-ution of the publi-2 iu geiuml u our lare stock ! of I.I .. -.1.-. ; I'wii,.' I,, our l.Al'.'U: and COMMi'MfH.'S P.''M ! t-ur fii-ilitieff f,T 'Ion:,-: liit-incf.-. are icry largely I iu -i-Hti-d. and wiib Ihe nrrfiniretni-nta we have niiel 1 I -r j.-iiiiir few wcikj from NI.W Y11K ' i.:i.l I llli.AltJ..I.l-111'A. we feel ,-.,i.fidcnt of kiz , ahlu to : II am. KiNiw t'i' liuoiis . tLnu c.iii be purchtu-'cd tirewtiere. V7 KEZ? LVZRYTHINO nauxa X UUAN'T. RHEUMATICS! DR. LELASD'3 A N 1 1- II K r M A T T C 11 A N I I'i:p.mani:.nti.y ci ity.s RHBUMATISSS! IN AM. ILS YAIUCff-1'iiIi.M.--. Acult or Intlaiitiuaiory ; Chrome, l.iiinlmeo, Sciatica. Pl.'iirodi ne. A c. I tin. .IomiIs an I Crj,.i;-4 il.n'.ti. Vet r'- t;!-t 1111. 1 all .N.-rnnis Arteen..i. L- iipeiij. ;t Hitiiiin an. I .erntiiti.ti-- llriiptioini of the Ni utr..li1-r' the 1 . 1 j .11 1 il , . t, ,it lh.t idool and l-'lJuls . f 1 lit- H hole ntclii, nnd , lle.-tilrtlly CoUlltllaciil. M-T-.-urial and other iiioniiit itillueucta. ' is a ei-nvr'.iei.t Mt.-iinirrt Ifl.l.T. ctntainiura 1 ll'-ilii atro i:nii.i. niiu, l.. I. w-.l'i 111 1. iiiul tlir U nit 1 hi, A l.'l. v F f ' U" ivaisl r.l( I. .1 1.I.S I'F K Kl' I'l 6 i r.iit i f, v W..111 witti n ej noeli-i P.l li'lf. ivtn-ii'Vei i ne tl - seiinc may lie. ll can Or N i pcifr.ii, Cl noui ii.jnit v. in,; most iietn-ata nie-t llen'ittv ti in -ves 'lie U'htimc llein the M ...z. iii inc ii.' iiri udi ll, I villi! ik rr- . sysieiu. witii lint lull ice 'us us ut sui-h caws, ol tj j ij'.wniiii mt. mii ii lufiiieuit's, wtiicU weasra at u ' ' iie.ifny it,t ei.iisli;u!i..l anil give tt-intt-ir-irv re I. if only h, Hlj-lltu ll.e ill, lout ilraletinll M 0i'. U'.ilif. . 1 llns liniliiieiil. lint ua tJieinal in. perlirs coiilauirtl in Hie Hitiid, U iiij. ot anilittKI i ai ninilie iiiul v -lit'lle nntini a.ul .;i,,le nf l.r-iia lLi P lennu atd itiieit, ihroiikh tlie por-s .1 ll.e JT L c .in..- lilt..,'. net e intnct Willi lli III., it a...! c.. ,ii. M ., wiilniiit litsl leu ine In pas -.St. auti "T . 1 tne , ... . y v. lull tne s'.-.iii i. wi.leli len.l ii-l o..K .i .l.-ir ie( f1 ui tlirir cjiH'.ive iow ers, lint M nut'.tir ll.e i... it rii.e '1.11,11s a. i cermie tn iiisesi) ii a.... . f nut r -n liiter.,:it rriiimtie, sioul i iVceliuj; a U rn'UMiijr Hurt ttjj.ilij k ) tl'luU Hiiii rrft'-(ii ll r ii ,i Tr.t ft .i ains: me euenlali ii .il 11,,- b ,ial Ine fans id -eii.l t.i a Inn'! - AN I I MIAit. l lttAI. At.K.N l'."-Cul ni.l lie - 1 H inM.rji,, I'nii, i,.i,i tHi..iniuiit,-s. s t t,Vi. H ' iL l-ii' ...I '.vi.. cilm y imrve llic I ttui it. ut ll N rlf-els 2 j tpl M .L rate tie are . .rtil in a few .IV s anil we M Hit - "iiin lilt .e-ftvin,! ... unieil t. Slllll ltiitl vw lo Whi.-h Invite i. .retioli il nur . .f w iirr.-4u ii nucK two im.i.Ans. mum f onu- ir WlU In- iitt (. lift 1 1 Ujnttl rr.(. V. d a in iti uit juiiivipti "iiife t( G. SMITH & C0-. Sole Froprietcn. J.'l l', near llrooiu street, New Youi. ft'" Troatien, with CertiOtd Tesiin.nuii.U', .t APArTi:H TO SOLPrLKfi. -f?ui',-j'y, Krilinx itllrnt, " liKorim Urifc-ht, Nnr'liuiuberlait.l, II. I). MeCiv lw2 -ly AoEtn. March . lotrruatiouiil lloii-l, 65 and 367 Jl ruutuiy, Corner i',uut!in Street SEW Yl'llK. T Itll IS first olnas House the nicxl quiet, fcomrlit I ""'I le;'ut Ilultl la the t-iiy ofli-rs' supnior liiduct uienis in those vWiiitg New Yt.rk for Usimn or pleasure. II I. ntral iu ii. i,n, ,d kepi o iho Lt uui rA Pi.a, In cum-otlon iiUTiVit a s MLOti-, where refreiliiucnu run he ha.l al all honre, or served iu their own rootqr. Th ehsres are iu drie, the uml ailtndanee nf Ihe Bret t.rd.r ba hs, ami all the uicderu e.L.uitcvs aMaebed. Mareh 2'J, ltiJ2. 1)1 ANK (Psrebmrd I'aper.l I'reds and btai k I'eeds i, fua 1 J.M.irittag'w. rtoittlr, l.euiijio, rumitms,, t.-r i ils at the eltioe el ik .ctjrbbry Aat.rieia