Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 05, 1862, Image 3

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" H. D. MA.8SF.R, Editor Propsletor.
f-l lll lt, IV-.
HATI1UAY, Al'KLL 0, 18(J2.
Jjr" Senator HiJukTsoii, from Allmourl,
furors tlio gmducd extinction of slavery, S
consent of tUc Bcrcral States.
fTton. TYHnm n. Polk, of Tcnnossca,
0 brother of o.t-Preeidont Folk, and Uie op
ponent of Gov. Hnn-Li In the late election for
Governor In thnt Btnto, la now in Naslivillo,
itnxioua to Assist Hon. Andrew Jolmson In
Ktnblisblng the national authority.
"Thj Secession eytupathlzera of the'
ortli, delight in making loud protestations
denouncing the confinement of a few renl
and sitspocted traitor in Fort Warren. They
hare nothing to say, however, of such on
nouiieenittiits In the Southern journals as the
following from the Norfolk Day Bool:
"No loss than scventy.scTen citizens of
Loudon county were sent to llichmond on
Thursiliiy Inland confined in prison on the
charge of Mug dinhyal to the South.'1''
ma moors engaged in the late battle at
Winchester is amply shown by the sixd re
cord of their fearful losses. A correspond
ent of the N. Y. Herald, in describing the
battle says :
"The loss on our side was heaviest in the
Eighty-fourth Pennsylvania Regiment. Of
the live companies of three hundred men, in
nil cngaircd, they lost Col. Murray, ns dash
ing ami brave an ofliocr as ever drew a sword ;
one captain, one lieutenant, twenty-three
privates and non-commissioned otlieers killed
and sixty -three wounded."
Opo. M.ii'm, Ticket Agent of the I'hila.
A Kric; Hailroad nt this place, has upward of
one hundred quails, which he has been feed
ing during the winter, and intends to give
them their Lilfrty the present week. This
shows a proper iippreciation of the pretty
1 iird. Milton in w.
Inori Vksnkt.s. The cost of the 3ftitorw
stated at .275,0110. about half the cost of
rHt-eiiis.-iii-... Majtrs like the Congretu.
Iron Vessels are sate against dry rot and the
usual sources of decay in wooden vessels,
and are worth hukIi more when old enoujiW
to break up. Their ri-jinlr. are very light,
and they may be efliciently manned by a
cr;v equal in ftrength to only one-third" or
one-half of one of our fi igntrs, uud would
therein effect a great Saving in our naval ex
penditures. A Stressionit, of rather an amiable turn
f mind, aecostcd a Federal otlicer lately,
and, in u jovial manner, interrogated him as
to how far the Union line extended. "To
the Xorlh Pole," replied Star and Stripes,
"and, wheu I left, there were two regiments
there waiting for arms."
Another : When the Federal army arrived
at Nashville, a lady remarked, with much
acerbity "There goes the Northern circus."
"Yes." exclaimed uu aristocratic nuiic-d.
"and our lufct performance was at Tort Iou
I'laOU." DErAnrntE of IIkkxax row Enoi.aed.
On Saturday, John C. lleenun, left in the
City of M anhinqton. for England, with his
brother James. lie is a much more fonnida
bio man in appearance, as well us in science
now, than he was w lw n he went over to meet
the redoubtable Tom Savers, rlinoc then,
Ueenan lias thickened and solidhcd, wink
his astonishing quickness and activity have
oecn preserved. J I is lonuer antagonist
Bayers, has long been anxious to have him
go over, and there will be a right merrv
meeting between them. Vitku" Spirit of
To C'vkk Pii'tiikuia. A gentleman, who
haa administered tuc following remedy for
dipthcria. ini'orms ns that it has alwavs
proved effectual in affording speedv relief.
Take u common tobacco pipe, place a live
coal, and let the patient draw smoke into
mouth and discharge it through the nostrils.
The remedy is safe and simple, and should
tie tried whenever occasion may require,
JUany vaiuahlo lues may he saved, our in
formant confidently believes, by prompt
treatment as Hnove.
Rev. J. AV. Hedges, on leaving this place
for his new charge in Shrewsbury, York Co.,
this wet k, was the recipient of some partial,
extra tokens of approbation, chiefly it not
wholly through the instrumentality of those
cnrious t nion-loving "jjotitirian who ap
nroved his negative vote, on tho Union reso
lutions before the East Baltimore Conference'
The semi-:seuession organ in Lewisburg and
in. Bunhury will doubtless make much pa
rade of tlii nulling game, (which has gener
ally been know n lu re for some mont lis past ;)
ana we deem it proper to sav, lor the mlor-
ruation of friends abroad, that whatever
may have been their respect for him other-
wiM nine-tenths of the members of the
Lewisburg Methodist Society disapproved
that vote ot their late preacher. J hey are
true and outspoken Unionists, and should
not be classed w ith the handful among them
who are held to be otherwise. Lcuiburg
The New York Tribune, in tin article
commenting upon the great battle and vic
tory near 'Winchester, Va., speaks as follows
if the Pennsylvania troops, w ho decided the
fortunes of that brilliant day:
"Tho liebels renewed the ection on Sun
iay morning, making an effort to turn the
Cnion right by a heavy lire of artillery and
t Uigneu attack on our hit. their can
on, superior in number, Vi'-i to 21.) were ad
mtageously postal; their mtantry were
vered by woods and a high stone wall
je rebel right was driven back half a mile
an infahtrv charge, but gained strong
-uiou, nueuee, uy me oi rueir artillery
regained all they hud lost. A heavy
lonade and fusillade was kept up by both
js tin ij r. .!., without hcuvey loss,
'M the armies were for the most part
reo or lour hundred vards apart, and
ics Btill nearer. At b tho infantry of
oei leu (iciiouciica irum the woods ana
d our right, intending to capture the
? there stat lonexl. l heir first cbttrgi
suceeecteii, nut was repelled by
f grape-shot. A aecoud and still
charge was more easily repulsed
General Tvler, commanding our
oil an advance on the rebel butter
ront. Two charges were succcs
iled with slaughter, but the third
uting the rebel w ho opposed it,
g two guns and four caissons,
'v-fourth Pennsylvania, which
, Colonel Murray and twenty
vcre killed und eighty-three
', one hundred and nine out
who followed it -tandvrd
ied tho fate of the baU
as utterly broken and
centre wavered and
lpt to retrieve the
olx-l right utterly
hicb was pushed
refusing to fire
III Own Mory oi'lllt I rtnlsj.
Tho following rmrmtJve U from Tai-son
Rrownlow' own lipa, and lately dictated by
him whilo lying elek nt Xashvillo, Teuu.
Onr rolgn of terror hns been m violent and
relentless a CTor was experienced in the
civilized Vorld. . ' '
I Trtll not panso to poftk of tho ectrtrnl
election held to carry tho Stnto out, but
will content myself by saving that it was
nevef fairly Toted ont, but forced out at tho
point of tho bayonet, good mon being un
willing to encounter tho insults, threat, and
Injnrie of the Bccesh mob.
.. Tho stresra of Secession fire commenced
pouring through the town of Knoavillc upon
the East Tennessee Railroad a far back as
twelve month ago, 'thousands of armed
troop going towards the Potomac before
Lincoln's proclamation appeared and before
the assault upon Fort Sumter.
My house and office were singled out (is
objects worthy of special ussault and batterv.
The infuriated Southern soldiers, of the
lowest morals imaginable, were encouraged
by the Secession citizens to pull clown the
Hag over my residence and demolish my
ollice. Upon the arrival of every new instal
ment, while awaiting transportation, they
surrounded my house, howling like wolves,
swearing and cursing like troopers, and
blackguarctiug its inmates without rcgaru to
age or sex.
I continued to fight them in every legiti
mate shape until October 2.i, 1801, when
they seized upon my ollice, building, press
type and engine, and used tho edifice for
repairing and preparing guns for their sol
diers. On the 6th of November the election
for President and Vice President of the
Rebel Government, and for members of the
Rebel Congress took place.
The Inion voters relused to go to the
noils and the result of which was that
Davis and Stephens obtained no votes of
any consequence, and their I. 'ongressmen
were elected liy some 71)0 votes trom the
lnrgest districts. Out of 175,000 votes in
the whole State, Davis and Stephens received
about 25,000, and mighty few of these in
East Tennessee the Sheriffs and their dep
uties utterly refusing to open polls.
This exasperated soldiers and eitizeus ot
the Becesh party, and they determined to
hang the leading Unionists. At the same
time the Legislature passed a law ordering
all Union men to give up their lire-arms of
every description, mider a penalty of fine
ami imprisonment. This was followed in
East Tennessee by the burning ot bridges by
Lnion men. I hen came the tug ol war.
On this condition of affairs at the earnest
oiieitation of ny fumiii- and friends, I
retreated into the "Smoky Mountain,," with
a company of ten or twelve Unionists, among
whom was a venerable minister of the Gos
pel, in his 77th year, who had served ns an
officer in two campaigns under General
Jackson in the war of 112, fighting not for
the "Southern Confederacy" but for the
United States of America. This venerable
man of God had committed no other offence
save that of declaring himself for the Fede
ral Government, under whose flag lie had
fought and bled. In these mountains, far
beyond the limits of civilization, wc encamp
ed for days and nights together, subsisting
upon bear meat, wild turkeys, and such
provisions ns we were able to carry with us.
Alter a tune wc returned to the settlements
tvKroiinp hT night and putting up by day at
the houses of lnends. Jieaiui.u n. iCi i
cavalry were out in pursuit of us with
double-barreled shot-guns, with orders to
shoot us down at sight and capture none of
us as prisoners. Wc separated, and some ol
our number were captured. They were
unable to find me, although 1 saw their cav
alry pass my hiding-place in rapid succession
at different times. Finally, failing to cap
ture me, tbe Secretary of War, lieujauiin.
the Jew, instructed Major Geiien.l Critten
den to give me passports and and an escort
out of the "Confederacy," into the United
States lines, on the ground that I was a
dangerous man to the South, und keeping
up the Union sentiment of East Tennessee.
General Crittenden uddressed me a note
saying if I would report myself at his head
quarters within twenty-tour hours, he would
grant me passports and escort. I did co
promptly the next day. and it was agreed
that I should start the next morning, escort
ed by Captain Gillespie's company of cavalry,
into Zollicoffer's lines. But that evening
about sunset, Confederate Attorney Ramsey
had me arrested by the .Marshal on a warrant
for treason, founded on the editorials of my
paper before the State seceded. I was refu
sed a trial and security, though I offered to
enter into a bond for f 100,000 fox my ap
pearance. Consequently 1 was thrown into
the Knoxville jail on the 6th of Pecemlicr,
where I found ono hundred and fifty Union
men, mauy of them the lest citizens of East
lennessce. We had neither table, bench,
chair, nor stool, aud the provisions furnished
were the ollal ol a miserable old hotel, kept
by tho Confederate Marshal. 'W hile there,
they would take out as many as two at a
time and set them on their Collins, in a cart,
and, surrounded by bayonets, carry them to
the gallows and hang them, Secession ladies
of Knoxville going out to witness the frolic.
In one instance, a mnn by the name of llaun
was hung with only an hour's notice. lie
requested that a minister should come and
pray for him. His request was denied with
cursing Hnd bitterness. The jails in the
other counties were many of them filled slso,
and as they .became crowded the prisoners
were sent off in gangs of thirty and forty nt
a time to Tuscaloosa for confinement during
the war. Their money and lire-arms were
taken from them and confiscated in favor of
the jailors.
Alter a confinement of four weeks I was
taken down with typhoid fever. Upon the
physician certifying to the commander that
my condition was critical, I whs removed to
a room in my own residence and a double
guard placed around me to prevent any
intercourse between the Unionists nnil
myself. There I lay eight weeks longer,
badly salivated, and so low as to require
assistance in getting in and out of bed.
Finding myself at length ablo bi travel, I
requested Mr. Benjamin to carry out his
promise. Accordingly cm the 3d of March 1
btartcd for Nashville by rail, with an armed
guanrof Un tticn, under the commaiHl of!
inn lumi mui;i;ra ui my st'iKt ton. I will
not puttsc to narrate H the incidents by the
way. aa I contemplate the liuhlication of all
the facts in a more puriBHiiunt form.
Upon my arrival at Bbelhyviile, flfty-flve
miles 60uth of Nashville, I found the iu bel
army in large ntimlH-ra rapidly rctreatintrand
greatly ahiruied. General llardee, in com
mand of Khelbyvillc, refntiod to let mc pas,
and held me in confinement tea ctuys,
threatening to send nie to Montgomery,
Alabama, and imprison mo tlovre. . : '1'lie
Unioniata of the town and county were bo
numerous and enthusiastic in their demon
strations at my quarters that Hardee said
this brownlow demonstration must stop, or
he would take him in hand. Vhtsn bhown
the flag of trnce and lionjuniin's pasa he
excused himself by saying that he didn't
wish me to inform General liuell of thtir
amount of stores in Shelbjville. Finally,
the army all leaving, except Morgan's 600
cjivaLry, 200 of whom were Texan Hangers,
who swore riolentW that they Intended to
kill me Ix fore I reached the Fwkrul lines, 1
employed several bupcies. stole a march 11111 in
them, and M-ent off at rapid speed on the
KnowliiwTiUo turnpike instead of the usual
rtiau mi iaauvuie.
tn baturday, th 15th. I arriyefl within
the Federal lines, seven miles south of Nash
ville, where Bragsaier General Wood recei
ved my flag or true, sad tth himself,
officers and privotea treated mc with marked
kindliest) and renpecV-eo much t that I was
overpowered and for a moment unable- to
talk. For the first time in twelve- months I
li lt that 1 was in "the land of the free and
the home of the brnve."
From fitv t to last I have put myself tinder
no obligations whatever to the btigus Con
federacy. While In juil they offered to
release me find guarantee my safety if 1 wonld
tako the oath o? allegiance, but 1 indignantly
refused telling them that they had no Gov
ernment ; that it was a big, brutal Southern
nest ; never had been recocgniztd by any
Government on earth and never would 1h,
and that 1 would die of old age in jnil before
I would disgrace myself by taking any such
In conclusion,! have not had timeto speak
in detail of the destruction of Union prop
erty, the robbing of Union houses, thcstealing
of Union horses nnd negroes, and of the
various nnd numerous other enormities
perpetrated by these vandals. Suffice it to
say that if the Federal Government docs
nothing more duriug thjs war, she owes it
to the loyal citizens of .East Tennessee to
redress their wrongs nnd to emancipate them
from the clutches of their oppressors.
I have never doubted that the Govern
ment would crush out this rebellion, but
have felt mortified and dUcouragcd because
the Federal troop have been so slow in
reaching East Tennessee. Where they were
wanted most they have come last. The
Union sculiuient of East Tennessee has never
yet yielded a hair's breadth, and the approach,
of a Federal army would be hailed with as
much enthusiasm and joy as the pious people
of Palestine hailed the announcement that
"this day is bora to you in the city of David
a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord."
1 have escaped from the Philistines, bring
ing my sou with me. to avoid hk being
forced into the Rebel army. My wife and
five little girls remain iu fvnidage. When
they are to be released aud 1 permitted to
returu God only knows.
Y. G. pnowsLow.
TON. On Monday evening Mr. Traiu gave a lec
ture ut Horns Tavern, Keunington, England,
his subject being "llecollectious of Ttatel iu
America, Europe, Aria, Africa and Australia."
At the conclusion, the chairman, in putting
a motion for a vote of thanks to Mr. Train,
pronounced it the best lecture he had ever
listened to. He culled for three cheers for
the lecturer, which were given with great
enthusiasm. Before the uudieiicc 'eparated
Mr. Train was invited to delivci another
lecture ut the same place ut soie future
period, but we did uot understand that the
iuvitution was then auceplcd.
We could not gie a belter epitome of the
lecture than l quoting ihe following from
the Mvi-niug Adttrtinr Mr. 'J iuiii, who
received u very hearty welcome, said he suw
that he was uiiuouiiced to deliver a lecture
but u!l he proposed to do was to give, iu a
conversational way, Hiid just as thej'oceurred
to his memory, sonic of hie reminiscences of
tritw l in America, Europe, Africa, China and
Australia. It had I ecu said that there was
no royul road to knowledgt he, u the
contrary, t-uid that travel wus the royal loud
to knowledge ut least, that viusbis evjuil
euce, asset against all thut could btacu""1-'
in schools.
Mr. Traiu then rapidly JcsciiUd his visits
to the Western C-tntral Highlands ol
Scotlund, Iforlh Wales, and other bcautiiul
districts of Great Britain, took a living tour
iiirough France, and thence to Australia,
just at thutiiito ot'tlit. prohl discoveries. - He
tlrew it graphic und stirring picture of Vic
toria, ut the time, uud contrasted it with the
vtutc of the colony now. hi fourteen months
having madel;000 at Melbourne, he resol
ved to carry out his long cherished scheme
of travel, aud started for Ciiiua, of which he
saw a great deal, uud was much impressed
with the ftcriiug honesty of the Chinese
people, who were not to be coufouuded wiih
the " 'long fcliore" population.
From China he visited the Dutch settle
ments of Butuvia, Java, iVc, then proceeded
to Borneo and Sarawak, where he visited
Rajah Brooke, a man who had treated this
country like a prince, and upheld its honor
like a brave mull without being treated well
in "return. Malacca. Renting uud Hong
Kong were next briefly touched upon. Jupuu
described in glow ing colors. Then at Cal
cutta just before the mutiny Lord Dulhuu
sie coming away, Lord Cunning just arrived.
and Gen. Jlaveknk lUscuuismg umuaWy
with Nana Suhib.
A run to Madias, and a hasty call ut
Ceylon brought the traveler buck to Europe
by way of Aden, Egypt, Pulestine and the
Crimea, at the time when five armies were
around uud within Sebustopol. Mr. Train
jioscsses dramatic and mimetic powers of
the very highest order; and his lecture,
delivered with great fervor, tai nest net und
animation, was received with a running
accompaniment ot laughter uud applause.
1'roiii lo i-1 Kwjol.
Xuw Yoiik, March, 80, Tin: steamer Em
pire City from Port Royal, hu arrived.
The following is from the .Yn &uth
newspaper of the 22d inst :-
Genera) Sherman visited Jacksonville on
tliu l'.ltli iiiht., and was waited on by a com
mittee of citizens, who rcprcscnul the feeling
of all in the town as strongly for the l nion.
Many of the inhabitants had left Jackson
ville with the Rebels, who thre.itwued tore
turn ami hung all that remained.
Bauds of Rebel Regulutors of guerillas
were pillaging und destroying all the pro
perty ofbuspeeted Unionists, under orders
from tho Rebel General Trepicr. At Jack
sonville, the night liefore our troops arrived,
these Regulators burned a large foundry,
several saw-mills, five million feet of land cr,
a large hotel nnd dry poods warehouse, sup
posed to beloug to Unionists, and threatened
to burn the entire town, but the gun-boats
milking .their appcarunco, they postponed
their threats.
The sentiment of Eastern Florida is de
clared to be loyal, and mauy are willing to
take up arms to defend themselves aguinst
Rebel tyranny, und on one occassion, when
the Regulator were reported as coming, the
women even seized arms to protect them
selves. The national troops are treated to every
hospitality the town affords, and the people
state that they tuill with'tho gim-bontu if
tliev leave ; but measures havt been taken to
fully protect them.
After General Bchcnck'a arrival at Cumber
land, one of the first cliciaious, nays a corres
pond! nt ot an unio paper, wus very cnarae-
teristic. A dccubU colonel bad sold his
negro to tho Confederate Government,
taking pay, of course, iu scrip. The negro,
employed in fortifications, managed to escape
to Cumberland, were he Hprcad himself con
siderably, A constable know ing the circtim-
btauce, and wibhuig to turn a penny, bad the
negro thrown into prison as an escaped slave.
General Scenck, hearing the facts, bent for
the parties. "By whut right," he aaked of
the conatablc, "do you hold this man iu
prison !,'
'As a fugitive from service." "Don't vou
know that he escaped trom service of the
rebels t" "Yea; but wo have a Jaw in
Maryland that covers the case, General."
"And 1 have a law upon which it cau be
decided. Col. 1'orter, set that negro at
large, and put tbe constable in bis place."
The astonished enapper-un of trifles was
marched oil to the cell lately occupied by
his proposed victim. After being detained
there precisely the same number of days he
imprisoned the poor darkey, he was act at
Urge, fuUy Impressed with the belief thai
your grlm-vhsagey) General was no tf be
trifled with ; : - , . . .
rKrtn itrr wust, ;
Nkw Ton, March B0.
The TJnltod Ptoton gun boat rTuntsvlllo
arrived from Key Wct this evening, with
date to the 25th inst.
The remainder of Commodore Porter's
mortar fleet had all left Koy West, together
with some of our gim-bonts. New Orleans
was supposed to lie their dostinntlon.
A French man-of-wnr from Vent Cm nt
rTnvnna, had twenty-seven coses of yellow
fever on board.
The health of tho troops at Ecy West was
Tho small-pox hnd broken out in a New
Hampshire regiment at Tortngns.
Two of the crew captured on board the
steamer Magnolia report great preparations
nt New Orlennsto resist tli expected nttnek.
Several gunboats were buikling und martial
law would soon be proclaimed.
There is no truth in the reported enpturo
of 5rr. Yancey. He engngfd passage in the
schoouer Mnilory. which was captured, but
changed his mind nnd va to sail in the
schooner Break O'Day.
itoniiiitnu li-vi or ili.m
NO. lO.
Cuno. March 29. The bombardment of
Island No. 10 was renewed vigorously by
Commodore Footc's fleet yesterday, and the
replies of the Rebels seeiu to indicate that
they have received nnd put in position new
guns f longer rango than those they hither
to used, during the temporary cessation of
active hostilities.
St. Locis. March SO. The rrmy corres
pondent of the J.'e'ullicni, writing under
date of Cairo. March 2!th. says that the
firing, on Friday, nt Island number 10
was quite heavy, the Reoels opened from ft
new battery, mounted, i: is supposed, with
12M-poundcrs. The enemy could be seen
cutting away the trees, aid rapidly pushing
forward other means of (bfeticc.
j. i:i iir.i.i!i ii,
I'roiu Ililh4elhl:i,
T)EsrECTFLLLY Informs the citijens of Suubury
V and vicinity, that he bns opened a room at the
VasiukutuN XIocse, where he offers for sale
A now invention of Spectaoles, for d Want or close
r.Hin iil, ,.1.1 .ilvr. itvel. and tortoise-shell
frames, and a new and aonroved essurluicnt of
perif.Kj.d aud parabola ground Hi"' tl hisses of his
own miiuufacturo. Ho w..i.l,l particularly cull the
attention of the public to his Spectacles for
aud for persons who hove boon operated upou for the
, . r m.,1 in hi. new kind of OIiuum
and Conserve of thesis, yiu.le of tlioUst ttiiit and
u i..cln. ii.vl ii hi.. O'ny be kuo u by Minr
.... j hi 'lilv ooli-bod surface.
'I I... ,.lhiea uie Iu be found in a liijsli Uerfret- iu lus
sl'i?!''"'. .. t .T'The vere best Pratilian
Pebble, eo univ -"' Proved to be far superior to
y other ' aua w u.j
( of every iie and quality. Jelescopes. -Magnifying
and Opera eilii.-ses, with different power-, loe
tlicr with every tajicty of articles In the Optical iwi
uot mentioned.
IVOpticul and other Instruments aud Musses
ciirelully repaired at short notice. He can always
select (jinif to suit the Uiou of the person, as he
sees them, uion the first trial.
Uu will reuiaiu in this place 1CM0 ArntL CoTRT,
and those iu wont of the abovo articles will please
give him a call.
Ho will, if required, go to any respectable house
where his services may bo wanted.
ly-Tbe very best EYE WATER anil tbo best
Hunting Olnxscs always for side.
Suubury. llaroh Ml, ISO-'.
Dtacriptivt Circulars, with Sarnpltt cf Warfo
vill he sent Jljil l'rte.
HAYING attiiinsd a well established and flattering
reputation, aJ being of all machines yet intro
duced, theonchist adapted to Ail Kinds or Fauily
Skwinii, and hiing met with a success iu its salo
beyond our greatest anticipation, so luu-'li so. that for
three uinnths our orders have been ahead of our
capacity to supply, we would now announce that we
have increased our nmuufaeturing facilities, to that
from this time lorth, we shall be enabled to supply
orders on dcuiaud.
In the changes brought about by the war, no one
thing has played a more iinjinrtant part than the
"fcEW INO .MACllINR. "lllloU! 11 llirccM'Uinus Ol
our soldiers would to-dnv be clothed iu anything but
Military Costume. " All over the land army clo
thing bus been the work required of onr patriotic
women, and nobly hnvethoy resKnded. Not content
to make only so iiiuny gnnii'-uts es their hands could
accomplish, they have called the Sewintf .Machine"
to their aid, and by it have rolled out the soldiers'
Coats. Pats and Siiiiits. at a rate as:niliing to
themselves. Knowing that this work could not long
continue, many thoughtful, prudent housewives, weru
careful to select tho machine of all other", which
would do the heavy army woik. aud when done with
that, tin u to be used hs their Fauilv MAChiNK, aud
in selecting one of the
'Tinkle A Evon Sr.nno M.cnisE Company's
Family Machines."
with which you may sew from the finest cinibrle to
the hoaviot'cloth. without change of feed, needle, or
tension theT have not hevn disu jiu!cd.
Thus liHVmg developed tin adaptability of our
machine for all kinds of work, w e have made another
step iu advance, and by scverul iiujiortuiit chimgesin
our "No. SMkiui m Maoiiinks," have produced a
"Taii.ohimi Maciikk." which we conn lentlv claim
to be the "liEbT TAILORING MACHINE" yet
introduced, setting the coarsest linen thread with as
much ease ae I lie common cotton and when required
may be nn-d to do the very finest cauihiic woik, with
liil or i'MO cotton thus combining in uuo cmnpact
form, every quality required in cither a FAMILY
Wc have had our Machines before the public long
enough to euah'.ieli their reputation, liin-us of
others who started with Hying colors "have fallen by
the wavside:" and "s,h,ii ihe places that kuew tbi in
will know ihoin no more." Step by step has tbe
Finklb Lvox Maciiinf won iis way to public
favor ; its succc is ebtiihlihod. and liencelnrth our
aim shall be, as it has iu the past becu. to still further
improve, simplify and reduce the cost of our ma
chines. Vit shail, in a few days, issue a new price
li.t. For further particulais address.
No. 6ilS ltroadwMy. New York,
ft?-II. B. Masseii, Agent, Sunbury, Pa.
March 29, lbtii.
Isitate of Itubrrl 4'. ('uiupbi'll,
'0TICE is hereby given that Ihe widow of said
J deceased has made her selisjtion of persnual pro
perty, under tho Acts of IK'l and lt:'.i. and has Uled
a schedule of the same iu the oftieo of the Clerk of
Uie Orphan' Court of Northuuiberlaud couuty, a hicb
. 1 .. I. I...
will oe prespoteii ior approvui uu 11 cliuiniii iug
Uth day of April. Ml
A31"a, Auunuisiruior.
March li, 1802. 4t, i.ii:k!
JVRT received from New York a larRo asrortruent
of WALL l'Al'EIt, consist ins; of U.MslItMinKD
Taaxa, varying in price from ( cents upwards, all of
wtiioh will be sold at tbe lowest cash prices, at tho
cheap store of J. 11. EN-EL.
buubury, .March 72, 1602.
l'iunoM 'ss-l.
rplIE subscriber offers his service to the eitliens
JL of bunbury and vicinity, in Tuning l'isnos
Order left at the Central Hotel, will he attended to.
bunhury, Jan. Is, 1602 If 0. KIMBALL.
i:-i'Htor, JNolIs'e.
VOTICE is htrebv eiven tliat Letters TetaiDtar
i bavo bceu granted to the undersigned, oa the
estate of Pollatiah Wliiusker, late of Zerbe township,
Northumberland county, Fa., deceased. All perauns
indebted are rcouestcd to make immediata Davsnaut.
and those baviug claims against said eaiate to preaeut
them fur settlement. L0K1NHA LOW,
urb Iwp., March 15, lBo Cxocutrix
1-atute of Ctu-I-Uun H. Ilrova u, Io
VOTICE is hcrtbv riven that the widow of aald
Xl deoe o4 baa mad bar asleotlon of personal pro
pcrtr. under the acts of 1861 and I860, and ha died
a nbedula of the amis In the offioe of tb Clerk of
the Orphan' Court of Northumberland oounty, wbich
will b preaaoted for approeal oa Wdnily, tb
Mar. 1, 1J it
BT virtus of tuDdry writ of Al Vmt Ervomtt,
J'tiuiotu Vin LrpotuH and Levari laeiat,
Innnd ont of tho Court of Common riont of Nor
Ummborlnnd oounty, l'owitylTMiia, to mo dirvolod,
Kill berxposwl to Pnlili bulo, t llio Coort IIoum,
In the Ilorongli of Hnnbury, on Mon DAT, the 7th dar
or April, A. I). 1862, at 1 o'oloek, P. the follow"
lug draaribod Kent Kitate, to wit :
No. 1. A ourliiin lot of ground, limine In the
town of Trevortoti, In Ztrbo township, NorUiumbtr.
Innd county, PcniujlTanln, being lot No. 8, In blook
No. 62, iu Ihe general plun of said town, containing
25 foot in front and 160 fevt In dvplh, whereon U
eroded t two stnrv frame house and kitohen. Beiied,
tiiki'U in execution, and to be sold u Uie proporty of
Oiwrne II. May.
No. 2. Also, at the same tlroo and plaoe, two
rxrlain lota of ground, situate In hhiimokintown,
Northmnljprliind oounty, Ponnn., No. 67 and US,
in block la.'l, cotitnininii in widlh feet cfH-b. and in
deplb 190 font, bounded and dwrlbed ae follows, to
wit. : tin tho West by Harmon Snyder, Knit by
street, Norlh by Commerce etroot, and South by
cJnnbury si root, whoroon are eroded a tnostorj from a
house, stable, and othor outbuilding, tieitod, tnkcu
in oxocution. nnd to be mid as tbe property of liliae
KiFonbart, indorsee of Jacob Weiinor. .
No 3. Also, at the siune time and place, two
certain lota of ground, "ilunle in the town of Trevor
ton. Zerbe township, Northnmbeidam) county, l'a.,
doscribed as follows, to wit : Lots Not. 1 aud 2. In
block No. 123, adjoining Shainekin street on the
North, an alley on ihe south, lot No. 3 on the East,
aud Fifth street on the West, whereon nru erected a
two sioiy frinue house, 9c. Seitcd, taken in execu
tion, Slid to be sold ns the property of lloxriet C.
Griffith nnd William UriOilb.
No. 4. Also, at thes ime time and pluee. a certain
lot of ground, situate in Ihe town of Sbi.luokin. in
the couuty of Northumberland, and State of Penn
sylvania, 'togother with all Ihe privileges and appur
tenances to the mine belonging, ami ucscriova as
follows, iu the plau of snid town, lot No. b. in block
.o. M, together with the uereditnnients ana appur-
lenauces. Seised, taken iu execution, and to be told
as tho Lrocertvot Daniel Jioolev
VA ill HAUIKU.V, tOcrUI.
Sheriffs Office, I
Sunbury. Jlnroii 21, 1802. i
1604. Ai-raiiRouiouts)
of rVcv York Lines,
Prom Philadelphia to iV w Yori and Way Places,
Jrorn W alnut street lYharf and Kensington
Depot, will leave as follows, vit : f ark.
At 6 A. M., via Catndeu and Aiubuy, (C. and
A. Accommodation,) $2 25
Ato A. M., vin Camden and Jersey City, N. J.,
Accouimodation, 8 16
AtViA.M.. via Kensinuton and Jersey City,
(Moruiu Mail.) 3 00
At 12i P. Al.. via Caiudeu and AluUiy, (Ac-
coiniuiidation,) 2 25
At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and
A. Express,) 3 00
At 4 P. Al., via Camden und Jersey City,
(Evening L'xprese,) 3 00
Al 4 P. Al., via Camden and Jersey City,
(Second Class Ticket.) 2 25
At til P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City,
(EycuiugMail.) 00
At !2 P. Al., via Kensington and Jersey City,
(Souii,rn Mail,) 3 00
At i P. M., ri Camden and Amboy, (Accom-
modal ion. Fi eigLt. aud Puasengcr, l irst
Class Ticket, 2 25
Second Clues Ticket, 1 ii)
The 6 J 1'. M. Liue runs daily, (Suudvyi excepted.)
The 12 P. Al., Southern Mail, runs daily.
For W ater Gap, blroudshurg, Scrunion, Wilkes-
uarre, -Montrose, Oreal IJoud, Ac, ut 7-10 A.M.,
from Kensington, via Delaware, Luckawanua and
Western Kuilioad.
fur Almioh Ck.i,v Allentown, Ecthlcboui, Delvi
dcre, Lamon, Lauibertville, Hemiugton, Ac, at 7-lt)
A. 51., Irouj Kensington Depot, and ut it p M.,
lioui W alnut street W half.
(the 7-10 A. M. Line connects with Trains leaving
Eaton for Mauch Chunk, at 3-SJ P. M.)
For Mount Holly, al o A. M., 2 and 4 P. M.
l orl-rcchvld, ut 6 A. M. and 2 P. M.
For Brislol, Tiju..., a, 7.i0atd 0 A. M. and
5. ti-JO aud 12 P. 51. from v,.iu(!tou u, 24
P. M. from W alnut Street W harf. "K ttUU "
For Diiatol and intermediate Stutious, at Hi A.Al.,
from Kensington I'epot.
ior Palmyra, Kivcrton, Delanco, Beverly, Ear
liagton, Fioreuce, itoideutowu, Ac, at IJi. I, 4, &
and 5 P. 51.
steamboat Trenton, for Bordeutown and Interme
diate Stutious. ut 2 P. M., from Walnut at. W harf.
ijr ' For New York, and W ay Lines leaving Ken
sington Depot, take tbe Cars on Fifth street, above
W alnut, half au hour before departure. The Cars
run into the Depot, and on tbe arrival of each Truin,
run from tbe Depot.
Fifty Pounds of Raggago only, allowed eich
passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking
any thing as baggagu but their wearing apparel. AU
baggage over liliy pounds to be paid lor extra. Ttio
Company limit their responsibility tor baggage to
One Dollar per pound, aud will not bo liublu for any
amount oeyuna vivv. except uy special routruc:
WJ1. U. tj-iTZ.MLK, Agent.
March 29,
A lnrsf c AHOi-liu.-ut of
February 12.
Qevtleuks It gives uie much satisfaction to
inform you that iu the severe tire which, on tbe
morning of the 4ih inst.. entirely destroyed all my
lock aud materials, I had one of your Salamander
Eire Proof Safes. After euduriog tin intense red
heat fir seven hours, the Safe was opened, aud the
Rooks and Papers were preserved in au uuiblcmished
condition, i shall ueed another Safe as soon as I get
iu order. Yours, most rcruectfullv,
W. P. DlCKINSON.'Roadtog, Pa.
CuAUUCitssi'KU. Franklin county, Pa., )
August iilsl, 1661. j
Messrs. Evans i. Waious, Philadelphia Oeutle-
ojen : Uu the uinruni ol the 2-d ol August, 1-01,
our Storehouse ut Oiccncnetle was destroved bv fire.
Tlie Sttlauiundcr Safe vie purchased from you some
few years since wus iu tbe above nieulihuid store
house, aud eoutaiued ull our bonks, pnpci. cash. Ac.,
ntncii were preserved in a perieci conditiou, alter
beiug exKcd tou most iutenscheut for sevcraj liours.
l'leai'j tuforui us upou what Uiuis you will sell a,
tuiolher lurger Safe.
Yours truly, OAK3 4 AUSTIN.
Salamander Sales, for Ranks. Stores, Private
Families. Ac Ac. Also, Evans i AVatsou's Patent
Alphabetical Rank Locks aud llauk Vault Doors,
equal toanv maile iu the counti v, aud sold eu us
eiod terms.' E A W. would respcclfullv refer to
fi. . en. .,.!. n.,.,1. .... 1 A-I...V ...!:. i.:. i,..:
oaies uuu ocas now 111 use, 10 tueir enin e aiuisiuc-
ttou. and tuany others ivi 1, ,.t the'r More.
I Mr lu Pruts JliM, lirancu lliuiK, tUeltyville,
l'hiladehihia, Teuni.-ce.
I'KirL'D-TatLk ABaSXAL.Cily llauk of Philadelphia.
Cuudid:itioii H k of l'hilu.
Pottslown Hank, Va.
Com th Hunk of I'hila.
Cbataiioogullank, Teuu.
Pre'ui Loau Asa'on, 4th st.
Hauk of N'orthuiuberluud.
Hank of North u LiberLie,
Paul and Swill, Hankers,
Alalia uiu.
W.O. tjtcrling.Wilkesb'e.
LeauuutK llauk, l'a.
t'outesville Hank, l'a.
StroudsbnrK Hank, l'a.
Jersey rbore Hank, l'a.
Lock liiiveii is. ink, l'a.
I uiuii Hunk, lialtiuioie.
Southwestern of Va.
Fultou Hank, Atlanta, Uu
.Newark Hank, Jicl.
Hunk ol N. C, KalciL'h,
Other relereuces given upon culling al our More,
No. 10 tv fourth street, 1 huadelphiu.
March 29, 1802. ly
UUtlt'H llOl'i:!
II,irri.-liHrg, Pa.
TITE manai;enieut of this well-known Tlotel liav
iug bceu resumed by Messrs. CUVLE Jt li Eltlt,
the preseut proprietors, beg leave to inform the public
that the bousu is now being thorouglily renovated,
relittcd, and improved, with a view to the propel and
Couifortublo acoouiiuodutioii of those who may faor
the eslaulisnuiunt with lueir custom, uuest will
receive due attention and courtesy, aud no expense
will be spared that lu.ny conduce to uiaiuuuu the
hotel iu a lirst-class stylo.
families and olhere desiriii2 to soiouru iu Harris-
burjr during the summer mouths, will Bud pleasant
boarding und large aud wcll-veiitilalod room at our
estauUsuiueUt, upou uiouutate terms.
ctni 1 l-t1 1 1.1.,
March 29, 1S62. J. UU.HEUT HKItll.
I. II.
Allm-y nt Ivv, hi Mil 111, PA
Collection attended to in the counties! of Nor
thumberland, lnion, Snyder, Aloutour, Columbia
aud Lycomiug.
lion. John M. Reed, l'biladclpbia,
A. ul. Oattcll A Co.,
Jlou. Win. A. Porler, "
Morton McMichacl,sq.,
E Keubaui Co., 2h9 Pearl Ptreet, New York.
John W. Asbmead, Attorney at Law, "
Matt Lews t Cox, Attorneys at Law, "
bunbury, March 29, ltM2.
.riA' v cox,
Attornvs nt Ijiw. No. 110 Cor. Fultoa
and Broadway, NEW VOKk. Will earefully
attend to Collection and all other matter Intrusted
to their ear.
May 21, 1368.
IVfUtbUn Iloussr,
rlEBUILT AND RE-lRNlKUEb, Cor. Howard
t and Franklin Street, a few btiuare W of tb
Northern Caatnl Railroad Depot, BALTIMORE.
Taa, (1 ria Iat.
O LKlblKRIKO, Proprietor
July IS, 18 -V
pi - vJurnmtrntmaMrnkfrn
At roa
Fashionable Tailoring Establishment
market Rlrcft, Knnbnry, Tn.
THE lubaorlbor rissi Just rocoivod and opened
large assortment of bl'lUNG AND SI, MM Kit
O00DS, such a
Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Vestings, &c.
of the latest style. In addition to his stork ho is
constantly receiving new supplies from tho city,
keeping a full assortment of the most substantial aud
latest styles of Ooods in Ihe city markets.
Ho is prepared to make to order all kinds of
Oeutlcracn's and Roy's wear, such an
of tbe Tory latest style, and Iu tho most substantial
manner, at short notice.
Auy Ooods uot on hand, will bo furnished from
Philadelphia, by giving two days' notice.
Ij-Call and ciauiiue my stock. No chire;e
made for showing. JACI'ii 0. DECK.
bunbury, March 23, lsi2.
Willi INipci lOOO ris-i-rn,
fVST received direct from tho
I i a MM (VI II TORt' of
Manuf'tcturrr, at
s) A CillA-M.
Bunbury, March 15, 1S62.
TTA Just reoolTed and opened a new aud cheap I
1 1 asaoruaeul oi
Groceries, Ac, Ac,
Which they will tell CITEAP for CASH or COIN- j
TRY PRODUCE. We respectfully invito tho ;
attention of the publio in geueiul to our large stock j
of Ooods.
Owing to onr LARGE and COMMODIOUS ROOM .
our facilities for doinir buniuees are very lurirely I
inorH...l. and with the arrangements vte hive nude
for getting goods eve. , r-w vvevki. from NEW VOhK
and PHILADELPHIA, wo fccrcyutidt.01 .t
able to sell
than cau be purchased almwhero.
Banbury, Marco 15, ISC '
'anti-rheumatic band
I Acute or Inflammatory I Chronic Lumbago, Sciatica, ,
Pleorodyne, 4c. I
Btiffbcss of the JoiuU and Cramps Gouts, Neural- j
gia and all Nervous Affections Erysipelas. Salt I
Kliouin aud Scrofulous Eruptions of the body I
Neutralises the ItnpuriUe ol too
Itlood and Fluids
of the whole svstcui, and eflectuidly couuteructuig
Mercurial and other poisouous uiUucuccs.
1 It is a convenient arrsiiKe BI'.LT, Witaininir
lidy. 1
I Medicated be wot 11 imiuiul ttic
Uuuout the wuist KyUALLY EFFlXilM)
l'AUTS. wheievei the disease may be. It c;ui
worn without injury to the most delicate pets hi
and no elm use 111 the nnper halms ol livuiit is re.
A quned Hentireiv removes "he iliseate Ir.mi ttic r 1
Si system, Willi the falluc.ous use ill such cue, ol 11
f2 powetl'ul Intel lint medicines, which wen'ell aia! rj1 ,
DQ destroy the constitution and Klve temporary ro j, i
lie! only by atupiiynie the system, and ileaileiiiat rn ,
Oils vitality. y this trealineiit. the nit-.euni! 'i -perties
contained in the Hand, hemic of a IiilIiIv M I
Haiomntic and volatile natuiaaiui cuiblei i n-mc, L 1
rendily !.rlied, trou,h the p-rea of lue Uiii. j, j
U come mtodiiect eonuct with th- B: a d e .d gene- rlj
rat e'rcutnioii, without first haviiia to pass llm r.fh
the stoinneh, wnieh wonkl tend not only loUetmet
I'rom their curative nowrrs. lint to lillpail ll'- in-
lerimt o-giiiisnn dernn the diittstion ulso Thai
SVoliltne ttle III1IIIIOUS eneciw, nuuni ,110 iuvii 01
iiitenuil reinedie. sand elfeetimi a aericet cure I
U. purify inn and equalizing the circula 1011 01 111c vua. 1
YJ tiuids mid restoilng the palts uB.ctcd Ml lieulil y il?
ndiiion This Hand is also a most p.iv.rui'
M ' vNTl.Ml-.ltiJL'KlAL AUKM."-Cat..mel L(
ma ire primary cause ol a mre part 01 u,c set ,j
ness, Nearai(tie Pains and Blieumatics. o prevn-PI
tent and will eniiiely reliev the yste fioui its f
oernlctous rlfectB.
M nlerate cases are cored in a 'w days end :
1 j
I ii ' eonstanil) leeeivin unuouiite.i lestiiu hiui
! LT1 w,,h WC "ll'"e ""'r!""" "! 1''' 'ttuJ
: UI their efficacy m usgravatcd ease of I0114 staiKtins;
- I lilt K to o LI A I.L.A Its. Jiaynena.11
r rims- 2 ,
Lx eists. or will n sent by niml Uu reeeip!
gists, or Will He Sent by ni'Ol UKHl reeei.-. 01 w-. o, ,,
, uy ejtircii ever w 111 w, win. .,vw.,
tious fiom the pimcipsi otuc of J f
U. SailTH CU-, 016 rrocrieiors,
491 PnoAnwAT, near Jlrootu street, Ni lonii.
f'&-Treaie. with Certified TixsJuiouals, scut
Aoest Sunbury, Krilius; Urant.
' Oeore Kri::bt,
" Northumberland, It. li. McCoy.
March 13. lStlj.-ly
lawlloi'U'M liujUlion Cwir-.
rpniS preparfiliion, inaJe frorn Uie bst Ja
1 Coffee, is reeoinuieuded bv phy -i.'inns as a supe
rior N I TltlTIOl'S HEVKKAOE for eicne.ul Uebil
Itv, Uvspcpsla, and all Kill lout Lisorders. Tl:oiii.nid
who have been compelled to abandon the use of
Coffee, will uuo this without Injurious cft-cta. One
can contain the strength of two pounds of oidiuiiry
eoflee. Price 26 cents.
1 The purest and best BAKING Pu HE11 known, for
uiaaing 11111, inai-i uu uuu i.ioi in v u..
1 rice li etuU.
mtirrACTrr.KD T
M. II. KOLLOCK. Chemist,
Cursor of Broad and Chesuut tu,i-ta,
pun .loeiruu,
And sold by all T)rugg'-ts and UtuOern.
March 1, 1342.
luls-risallusiatt llolel,
li and 307 Broadway, Corner FiaiUlin tilreet
THIS first clas House the most quiet, homelike
and pleasant Hotel In the city nVr superior
inducement to thos visiting New York for business
or pleasure. It is central iu it location, ami kept on
tho Ei nonrAM Plasi, iu commotion with T-ivum
Baloo.i, where refreshment cau be bad at all hours,
or served In their own rooms. Tho charges are mo
derate, the room and attendance of the first order
baths, and all the modern convenience attached.
March Z), Ibil.
MllUoerr, Straw 'ool, Vo.
YI7E hav the pie sura of informiut; you that we
ara now prepared to offer, at our Old tStand,
No. 101, 105 and 107, Norlh Sueond (Street, above
Arob, l'biladulphia, a well (elected stuck of
la (eery variety, of tb Latest Importations, and of
tbe newitft and most fashionable vtyltv.
Oca brAW Iiei-AKTuiir will oompruia every
variety of Boaiais, 1Jat( and Turn kijius, to be
round in that line, of tb laleM an I must approved
bpeaod style.
bcUoiling aa early esll, I remala
imus, itsjipwruiiy
atarea w, inei ns .
Firtl Prtr.ilim
7f.-innlarturlnf( rnrpoae.
tvttb llsmmsrs, Kellers, Turker, Contsrt, Bind,
Make the vk of Shuttle Stitch Machine of ins saia
Kit'erns, utel at the snme pricesns llmr eeletaated DOt?
This itth only rompnny ibat innlcos both kinds. ther
f re the only one thai can supply all the wants of Uie nub
ile. XV P'irohiisor can 'ike thetr ebnlre of either Stttak
witli tlie ptiviiefre of exchio'Riiic f-r I tie eth.r.
A new siyleni sttiotMe Mnrttom runs fast and quits,
Vest Mskeis Tiolors, Klne Bindris, Ae.
At the lo t Prim of $ 10.
vr n';Y tub nrar ft BAKr.nVS.! NT Ci
Tut Cbeituul Sueel, Plnlxlelplil.
H. 0. Maskeii, Sunbury, Pa., Ageut tor Utt
liecciiiljer HI, I1! ty
Ill.ANK (Parrhmcnt Panorl Deeds and
JM"ilL'ti!is. ltonds. ExiTutions, Summons,
fur sale ut ihe office of the -Sunbury American.'
Inui-aicipsl 'ni-prt,
MANUFACTURED nd f.raalol.y M. Teir'r
Co.; Li drain! t and MelmwcM'sTliiildinir, North
Ei at C(r::cr Second and ltuec stroil. Philadelf.hia.
October 27, l0tt.
MltltNINf,, I IN'i: n.II.Y.( Csceptrd )
e.ieer eittranees oil Tliineeiith and on Culiow.iill streets,)
at MM. A M . e-'iineetiiic nt Humntmr with the Peiintyl
Viinlii R.-nlruiiit 4.15 1. Al. tlani ruiilinir to Plttslnni ;
t!ie Cum! erl oid V'dilcy I,o0 P. ,M., tiain rutiliillK to CIihiii
l.erfh; C.irli.o, Ae., and the Nortliern l?jnlrul Kjiiruad
1,'JO 1'. M., tluui rii'iiine.' lo?tnP'liry, c.
LenveNew Depm. I (.U.NKIt Ol-- IIKOAD AEDCAL
LOWAILL fTltl-.l'.T.-, PIIII.AUKLI'HIA. (Passenger
eiitninecs on Tlinteelilli luicl Ciillowlnll streets.)
Kor HUTTVII.I.K a-ul IIArllilSULIlti, l3,15 P M.,
DAII.Y.cohiicetini; ut II.o i is'jutjr with the .Nurlhei-ii Can
trsl Kailr"nil f-r iilumsiwit. Klmuo.Vc.
K.xprose tint-, fr,.p, New Yoik viaKast in, mnhesi-lose
e-iiuieel inn with Reailiec Mini anil Accnnm.ilal ion trum.
cinuee:i;ir ut ilurtiMi.jir Mtn the Peiinsiv.uiia Central
3.IS A. tn-iii running West.
For KKADi.NU, iu!y ut 4 30 A.M., (SuJoys eat
Kn m Philm.lelohi.1.
To I'limiuxvilic,
M iHernliurf,
Trevrtoii junetioa,
Jersey Mlnre,
l,iek iluvoil,
KH )
G I Philadelphia and Mesdinj
en 1 uud Lebanon Val.ey R. li.
l )
I lit I
1":3 '
Nofthern Ceetml
1 0;i
l-i .
P'7 j tuntui7 sad Erie ft. it
Slip I
till ) '
n luiams.i n ani timlra
TheS A M an.'flisp M. 11-sins CONNTCT DAILY
; AT I'ttBT 't.l.T(i. (Suialara e.ieeiiir.1.) wnh tbe
Nl Alt Alt A FALLS
t:iRe c 'iincett. n.
h llliS 13
T, A.o
Corner of BROAD AND CA t.LOWHILL Street,
W. It. MclLllliN.NEY.Secretsry.
rcbiuar7 52. ll?a.
M'urruuted ouIjiplofclTO.
nil 1 quiil to any KEKUSENK.
,v,,v bey expt'isii-e Oil, wtieu a few cents moia pel
gauou will iu....h vou with a perfect Oil t
ta(le Kir y
No. K'7 Walnut Stiect. riiiladclr.hia.
Fe'.runry IS, 1S02. ly
A !1 Kitchen Grease can he made into good 9oBp, eatuff
Saponifier !
Directions Aoeoinpanyiog Each Boa !
tOAP is ns easily made with it, as making a cup of o-sf-fce.
Maiiilfat-turcd nnlv hv 1 1- Patentees
No. I V? Walnut Street, Phusdelphu.
Tehruary 15, ly
Irs T. ClemoDt. ")
vs. Iu the Conrt of
Will'.iim Mftgcer, John Mas- Commoo Tleaa
eer, Henry IS. Musser, IV- of North8.nbr.
tor li. iliu'ser, Joseph J. V land covoty.
Albrittlit, Jeretniub fc'liiotiel April .lertn.
and I'.liZibetli his wilo. aud JIoJ.
Francis Huthir oud ilary
bis wilo.
Afrt'findur'iiiui (ii:n'y, ..
1'hd Ci)tni:io(.eu!tlt m l'utinsy'vurjla, to tbo
8ber.IT jffuiJ couuty, (J.iukiinu :
W Ira T. Clerneut. n.ake jtui secure xf
prerver.liti li;scla;in, then, we cotnmanj yon
that you finimon, by good and lawful sum
muiierii, Willintn Master, John Master, Ilea'
ry I!. Mavm-r, l'eter II. Masser, Joseph J.
Alliri.M, Jorcmiuh Hhindvl und Klizbith
bis wife, nnil l-'riincia lut'hcr aud Mary hta
wife, late of your county, so lhat they be and
af pear, bcfoio onr J ttilp nt Sotibory at car
CVutty Court r.f Comnion I'lea?, there to be)
held tin- first Monday of April celt, to ehow
wbcrt-forv aherefts, thi-j the said Ira T.
Clement and tbe aforesaid William Maser,
Julio Mns'er, Henry H. Manser, Peter U.
M arer, Joseph J Albright, Jeremiah Shin,
del und I'.linbeth Ms wiO, und Franri Uu.
cher atid M-iry his wtfo, together and nndivi.
deJ, do bolJ all that certain piece cr tract of
Lund, situate 10 tbe town!iip of Coal, Nor"
ttiutnlierlattd county, I'eunsylvatii, contain
iug tweotylive acres, more or less, with tl;s
tieint: a part ot a larger tract
ol um) surveyed upon a warraut prauted to
John Hrudv, litiurileu on tbe Dortlit.y a tract
Ot luiid sui'Voyoa 10 tue uaine 01 i.uuwig uasit,
00 tbe east by another divided part rf tba
cuid truct surveyed in I lie name of Join Bra
dy, now owiied by Wm L Denart, on tta
south by laud gurvoyed in thn come of Sam-
; hp! Clark, and oil I he west by unolber part
I of the sanl John liridy tract, bow owD-d by
' Wot t'anieron and others ; opoo a portion rf
j the surface of bich said twenty-five acres of
: lui. l, certain town lots feed parts of town lots,
adjoiuitij llm tiwn of Shainokin, Northuo.
bcrland comity, and tnurked aDd designated
I in tbe addition to the tjeueral 1'lan of saiJ
: town ol Shumokin, have been laid out, cum'
1 bere.l ai.d designated b follow, vii : "Lota
I Nos. lllfi. 191, )t. '.'I'l, 203. .04, 301.
3d'.. ot):i, 304 aud M-o and part of lota 114.
103, lliu! 'ioS. '-06. 20" aod 300 ;" tba said
plaintill', Ira T Clement, owning one oudivi.
ded fightb part of the said land and the id
deli ndaots oaniop the other cr.dividod seven
eighth theroiif, vi : the said Wj tiau Masse?
the one undivided ciwbt'o ; John Mu.ser, tb
one uudivided eiyltli ; Henry . Masser, tba
one undivided eio;nh j Peter U Masser, the
one undivided eijtlith; Joseph J Albright, the
nil undivided eifc-hth i Jffemiab tSbitidel and
Kltzabeth hia wife, iu right of said hlizabeth,
one undivided eighth ; Francis Bucber and
Mary hi w;frf, in right of said Mary, tbe re
maining one undivided eighth part thereof;
they the said defendants, partition whereof
between tbeiu to be uiade, according to this
lows of Ibis coiiiiuonwea'.lb in such case mud
aud provided, do gainsay, and the same to be
doue, do u-1 permit ui.jubtly and against tba
same. Uws and eu-lom in ttoch esse made
and provided, Ac. And have you then and
there tbe names of those sammoneri ant th'.t
Witness tbe Honorable A. Jordan, Presi
dent of tbe said Court, tbe 25th day of Febt
ruary, A. I. 12
DANlkL BECKLEY, Preth'y.
I certify that the above i a tree eopy of
tbe original writ, (ahd that all parties later
Hd will please take notice.
ShurlfTs Office, Satbur;,
March 1st. lei; I